Re: [Ilugc] Yum installation problem

2014-11-14 Thread Vikas Tara
On 14/11/14 09:15, Sundar Raj wrote:
> Dear all
>   whenever i try to install any package using Yum in centos 6.2 32bit os
> .i am getting an error.for example when i try to install bind..i am getting
> this error.
> Public key for bind-9.7.3-8.p3.el6.i686.rpm not installed
That should never happen - unless you have repos installed but keys missing.

In your repo config do you have a gpgkey entry?

If so - is there a key file at that path?
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Re: [Ilugc] [Support] Migrating from Windows Server 2003 to Ubuntu/Linux Server

2014-11-17 Thread Vikas Tara
On 17/11/14 06:56, Balachander T wrote:
> Dear all,
> I work for an NGO based in the Nilgiris, Keystone Foundation. We have a
> small LAN in our office where we use Windows Server 2003 for managing
> users, rights and sharing files. The Windows Server assigns IP to all
> the users. We have a separate ClearOS firewall for internet protection.
> As we have a mix of clients (Windows 7, XP, OSX, Linux, Android) we find
> that the Server OS needs updating. Being a long time FOSS user on the
> desktop, I am interested in switching over to a GNU/Linux server.
> However I have no experience with servers. I have googled a bit and
> installed Ubuntu server 14.04, but I am not able to find time to do the
> required trial and error.
> Can you please suggest how we could go about doing the migration? Do you
> know any group/person that can set this up and provide support to us?
> Looking forward to your inputs.
We offer help and support with windows to linux migration:

I am personally really interested in the work you are doing, 
particularly around livelihood
and environmental governance (I have set up a small community farm in 
the UK).

Considering the good work you are doing, we would be prepared to offer 
you help and support
from certified engineers free of cost.

Let me know if this is of interest?
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Re: [Ilugc] [Support] Migrating from Windows Server 2003 to Ubuntu/Linux Server

2014-11-17 Thread Vikas Tara
On 17/11/14 11:58, Vivek Kumar wrote:
> Hi vikas
> Do not use the mailing list any commercial activities.
Is it commercial if it's free?
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Re: [Ilugc] MHRD notice on use of FOSS for ICT education in schools

2014-11-17 Thread Vikas Tara
On 17/11/14 13:53, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> Ministry of Human Resource Development, India released a notice on use
> of FOSS for ICT education in schools.
> Read it here and spread.
That's really noteworthy.

Now just need to find time to start an email campaign contacting said 
educational institutions to help them implement..
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Re: [Ilugc] [Commercial] Is there any company in chennai to provide support for desktops?

2014-11-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/11/14 11:49, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> Is there any organization that gives commercial support for GNU/Linux 
> desktops?
> Like installing GNU/Linux on desktops, configuring printers/scanners,
> network login, backup, etc.
> They need to give phone support for any emergency and in person/on
> spot support too.
> Thanks.
We do all of this except for the on site element.

If anyone on the list wants to consider working with us perhaps we can 
satisfy the enquiry?



Founder - Hamara Linux

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[Ilugc] Linux Malware Scanner?

2014-11-20 Thread Vikas Tara
But we don't need one for linux, right?

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Linux Malware Scanner?

2014-11-20 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/11/14 10:59, Balachandran Sivakumar wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> But we don't need one for linux, right?
> Not really. We do need it because there are more and more people
> using GNU/Linux resulting in more targetted attacks. And, I see a dangerous
> trend of people adding their normal login to sudoers with ALL privileges.
> So, when novice to moderate users are involved, it is useful to have such
> tools. Thanks
Yeah, agree - sorry, my question above was an attempt at sarcasm ;)

I think we all need protection from the malware that detekt is offering 
to provide.

Especially considering that even reading Linux Journal probably gets you 
on a watch list,nsa230.html

Being on this mailing list probably gets you on a watch list too...

I'll post my findings after scanning my own systems :)
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Re: [Ilugc] Linux Malware Scanner?

2014-11-20 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/11/14 14:02, Manokaran K wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Especially considering that even reading Linux Journal probably gets you
>> on a watch list
> >From the above link:
> "Among the NSA's targets is the Tor network funded primarily by the US
> government to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states."
> And  in another thread a few weeks back I was trying to be funny when
> I said the Tor servers FB uses to anonymize its users would be owned
> by the NSA :-)
Yeah - your right, also the direct Tor decryption exploits are also now 
quickly becoming apparent.

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Re: [Ilugc] Linux Malware Scanner?

2014-11-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/11/14 12:05, Vikas Tara wrote:
> I'll post my findings after scanning my own systems :)
Well, I discovered today that it's only available for Windows.

I wonder if that means anything..?
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Re: [Ilugc] Call for speakers -December Month Meet

2014-11-25 Thread Vikas Tara

On 25/11/14 11:52, Gowtham Raam wrote:
> Hi All,
> We can have our monthly meet on Decmeber 13(Saturday), You can share your
> Experience,  Knowledge,  Passion, Suggestions, Projects, Ideas,
> Contribution  related to Linux and open source free software or
> Community. Reply here if you are interested in giving a talk.

Would still like to interact with you guys if you can manage a pc / 
webcam / mic and speaker

I have a hosted webrtc server that can be used.

Might help others to give remote sessions to your group in the future?



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] A Certificate-Authority to Provide Free SSL certificates for Entire Web

2014-11-25 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/11/14 10:58, Manivel Rajendran wrote:
> FYI,
What's the point? To convince people that ssl somehow keeps them safe 
and is not full
of weaknesses?

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Re: [Ilugc] REG: ILUG-C

2014-11-27 Thread Vikas Tara
On 27/11/14 05:37, kavin raj wrote:
> I don't know why you people have the name of Indian Linux user group ?
> Do you supporting Linux really ?
> If some needs to know the basic information of Linux , will  he be able to
> get information from your site?
> Even Linux is free of cost but why people are not using even after GUI of
> some Linux version?
> So I think  failure success rate.
> ___
Flame on!

> If some needs to know the basic information of Linux , will  he be able to
> get information from your site?
I think they will be able to ask questions here and get answers from 
some pretty decent / knowledgeable folk who give their time completely 
for free.

I think you will find they're are actually lot's of people using it. It 
might even be on your phone right now.

I do agree though that adoption could be greater and Linux (rather than 
android) has not yet hit the consumer mainstream.


Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] REG: ILUG-C

2014-11-27 Thread Vikas Tara
> while morons use proprietary clients

Why do we not allow morons to use linux?

I think we should start a new project on github to increase the adoption 
of linux among morons.


Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] REG: ILUG-C

2014-11-27 Thread Vikas Tara
On 27/11/14 15:46, Rajagopal Swaminathan wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>>> while morons use proprietary clients
>> Why do we not allow morons to use linux?
> I can't speak for morons :) . Do you agree?
> They should be Category 5 or 6 morons.
> and don't ever insult cretin PHB-s by calling them morons. you will be
> dealing with a debug level 10 verbosity dump ;) ,
Brilliant, I just fell of my chair :)

Let's have more geek humour on the list!
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Re: [Ilugc] [OT] Thinking on a Hacker Space in Chennai

2014-12-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 18/12/14 19:17, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> Please share your inputs on this.
Great idea - one of the biggest challenges for anyone stepping out into 
the business world is dealing with your overheads.

Having the benefit of a cheap / low commitment work space might be of 
great benefit to start ups / people with ideas.

Hacker spaces elsewhere tend to be quite connected with the DIY 
electronics / make space - so I hope you would consider that

I would be happy to contribute something.


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Re: [Ilugc] Community Workspace Chennai

2015-01-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/01/15 14:09, viswaprasath wrote:
> Dear Contributors,
> Do we have any common workspace  in Chennai like at
> bangalore where we can spend our time  in contributing to Open source
> projects.
> Like contribution in Translation of Firefox OS related projects.
> Developing apps to open source.
> Thank you
See this thread from December:

A very good idea if there are enough people to get it going.
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Re: [Ilugc] Gnu/Linux Distro Cd's availability in India

2015-01-20 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/01/15 08:41, satyaakam goswami wrote:
> Hi all,
>I have a request for Gnu/Linux Distro cd's from Kanpur in Uttar
> Pradesh , first i thought of downloading , burning then courier it . Then i
> recall there were people who were doing this already and it will save lots
> of time for me . If you know of any such such service providers please
> reply.
We will send free CD's to people if they need them
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[Ilugc] Hamara Linux Conference

2015-01-27 Thread Vikas Tara

We're having our first hamara linux conference next month.

We do have a (small) budget to cover travel expenses.

Would really appreciate any help people on the list can give in 
spreading the word!



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] voluntary projects for learning/honing skills

2015-02-02 Thread Vikas Tara
On 02/02/15 18:47, Balu manyam wrote:
> hi folks -- is there a site which has live projects which are useful to
> society ...on which we can work and contribute 
> one good thing with such a thing is we can  contribute to the good of
> society at the same time learn new IT skills ourselves
> thoughts?
We're always looking for volunteers at and quite 
happy to share knowledge.

Check us out and see if you like what we are doing?

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Re: [Ilugc] voluntary projects for learning/honing skills

2015-02-03 Thread Vikas Tara
On 03/02/15 04:58, satyaakam goswami wrote:
>> Check us out and see if you like what we are doing?
> ​On a tangential note but yeah its all connected ​ between Redhat and
> Ubuntu there was a chance to do  business , Centos has that opportunity but
> they as a community thought was  not a good idea to pursue . So what if
> Hamara can pull it as an ecosystem or platform.
> Vik what we have is ample power of Youth and skill what they lack is the
> direction , certainly hacking Hamara could be one path  , industry needs
>   skilled manpower now . One big opportunity which i emphasize every one is
> get skills the jobs will follow. So with Hamara if you can give them both i
> think it will create a good talent pool .
Yeah, agreed.

Being involved in the IT industry in India for quite a few years now led 
me to a similar conclusion. We
see so many young people with lofty aspirations but with few willing to 
guide them and share knowledge.

I have seen first hand a quite protectionist attitude from senior IT 
people when dealing with juniors.

You will see that we are touching a number of subjects with the hamara 
project - reaching youth at the school
stage is one of our priorities - I think that's where the training 
should start.

My ten year old successfully built his own PC and installed hamara on it 
recently. He is now coding web pages in html.

There is no age, race, gender or any other barrier in hamara!

I concur that Industry needs skilled man power but also that people need 
control over their technology and so spreading
the knowledge far and wide is very important to us.

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Re: [Ilugc] voluntary projects for learning/honing skills

2015-02-05 Thread Vikas Tara
On 05/02/15 06:16, Balu manyam wrote:
> thanks for inputs --
> have checked hamara web page - need to get more clarity on it - will try
> installing the distro
Drop into irc if you want to talk to any other devs

Channel - #hamara

Server -

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Re: [Ilugc] Fwd: [doubts] Offline Hybrid application for android

2015-02-05 Thread Vikas Tara
On 05/02/15 12:34, ykarthik reddy wrote:
> Hi,
> I already had an web Application which is running in php and mysql.
> My aim is to convert this web-app to android  Hybrid application(offline
> access) like web view.
> If there is any resource for my requirement, please suggest me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Karthik
> __
Check out apache cordova

That will help you create a webview application.

You could store your data locally on your device using sqlite and then 
insert it to mysql later if you want to sync between mobile and web.

Personally I would use something like to 
achieve that.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [Ilugc] Monitor each Computer downloading data - Any open source software ?

2015-02-06 Thread Vikas Tara
On 06/02/15 10:43, Siva prabu wrote:
> Dear friends,
>   I my company 10 employees working with 10 computers. I have been
> using Airtel Broadband and BSNL. There is no server client network.
> Internet cable directly connects to 8-port switch and from there goes to
> each computer and WIFI for two laptops and 3 mobile devices.
> Last month I have been seeing rapid decrease in data.
> I would like to know How I can monitor each of my employees computer ?
> How can I view each of their systems downloading rates daily?
> How can I able to control it?
> Without any external Device like routers, Is there any Open source or Free
> Software's available to monitor each Computer?
>   System:
> Sorry guys (Windows operating System - Windows-XP,7,8)
> Please guide me.
You would need a machine on your network running linux and a squid proxy.

Each windows machine can be configured to use that proxy.

See here for how to monitor bandwidth usage with squid
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Re: [Ilugc] Fwd: [doubts] Offline Hybrid application for android

2015-02-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/02/15 12:00, ykarthik reddy wrote:
> Hi vikas,
> Sry for the late reply.
> I looked at your suggestion,T=thats the one which suits me. Thanku so much
> for ur suggestion
No problem, good luck!

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Web application security audit

2015-03-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/03/15 04:08, Manokaran K wrote:
> They work good for the application with no login or with HTTP
> >authentication.
> >But, our web applications have custom login form.

You shouldn’t have problems with either webscarab or w3af, both of these 
AFAIK support
you executing logins over http.

webscarab or any http proxy will grab the relevant information for you - 
you can then manipulate those values in order
to pen test your application.

The proprietary tools make this step a bit more point and click, but 
essentially do the same thing.



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Web application security audit

2015-03-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/03/15 15:01, Vikas Tara wrote:
> On 16/03/15 04:08, Manokaran K wrote:
>> They work good for the application with no login or with HTTP
>>> authentication.
>>> But, our web applications have custom login form.
> You shouldn’t have problems with either webscarab or w3af, both of these
> AFAIK support
> you executing logins over http.
> webscarab or any http proxy will grab the relevant information for you -
> you can then manipulate those values in order
> to pen test your application.
> The proprietary tools make this step a bit more point and click, but
> essentially do the same thing.
Although this looks interesting and suggested it can perform dynamic scans

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] How to recover Windows from Ubuntu

2015-04-02 Thread Vikas Tara
On 02/04/15 14:24, ASHOK KUMAR wrote:
> Hi to all,
> ​today i successfully  installed the ubuntu 14.10 in my desktop,
> unfortunately it formatted my existing OS(windows), i should recover the
> some files from that existing OS​. kindly need your assistance to recover
> the files from windows.
First thing - stop using the machine. If they're is any data left on the 
disk from your windows system, then using the machine might overwrite it.

Secondly use a live CD and TestDisk:

You may be able to do this with the Ubuntu 14.10 installer - but booting 
into "Try Ubuntu Without Installing" mode.

Good luck!
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Re: [Ilugc] would like to removel all old windows files

2015-04-09 Thread Vikas Tara
On 09/04/15 11:49, Ajeesh Kannan wrote:
> Hi,
> We can find the Windows partition from Linux machines. Formate will not be
> a good option to remove the files as there are lots recovery tools to
> retrieve the old windows files from the HDD, even if you have formatted the
> disk. Microsoft is now doing door knocking and ask for the genuine license.
> Seems they need some more fund for this financial year. They have some
> tools to track the cracked license.
> So before formation we need to remove all existing windows files before
> formatting the HDD.
> I am trying to use the following commands to delete the files on my HDD.
> scrub -p dod -f /dev/sdb1
> and
> shred -n 100 -vz /dev/sdb1
> But this commands will take more time to complete the task.
Shred will help you - but they will see that you have done this.

Basically the MS audit police will say that you reinstalled all of your 
systems at a certain
date, after they informed you that your we're required to carry out a 
software audit.

It's a bit like cleaning up the scene of a crime after being told you 
are a suspect..
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Re: [Ilugc] Ubuntu vs. CentOS vs. Fedora for my new server ?

2015-04-13 Thread Vikas Tara
On 13/04/15 05:51, K.C. Ramakrishna wrote:
> Hi all,
> Important: This can easily become a flame war - request all to please avoid 
> making this personal and keep this limited to the distros instead of the 
> distro users. (Hate the sin not the sinner.) :-)
> Am setting up a new public server. This will have our default website as well 
> as all tools to help our developers develop from across the globe.Will host 
> website, proj mgmt (redmine), subversion, jenkins, Selenium automated test, 
> build tools etc.
> This will be either on digitalocean or AWS.
> I have not been a linux admin for about 3-4 yrs now and have not really kept 
> up to date on the developments.
> At that time I was managing Fedora/CentOS and I am comfortable with its 
> internals. Very comfortable with rpm, service and init processes, file system 
> layout etc.
> At that time Ubuntu was fast catching up as a great alternative to 
> Fedora/CentOS on the serverbut did not follow it after 2010.
> I did use Ubuntu exclusive as my default desktop OS for almost 6-7 yrs but 
> never really had to use command line there and hence I am familiar with (but 
> not an expert) with 'Ubuntu' specific stuff like upstart and the placement of 
> config files in filesystem etc. Ubuntu on Desktop was a dream - it just 
> worked with all the hardware without me having to compile any drivers.
> I want to manage this server with minimal compiles but want latest versions 
> of tools and libraries (RoR, php, Java).
> My current "old" server is CentOS 5 which I initially booted up in 2008. I 
> really need to upgrade :-)
> For my new server, which would you recommend between Ubuntu, Fedora and 
> CentOS ?
> Please do not make this a flame war. I know they are great distros - I am 
> trying to see if it is worth learning Ubuntu server side stuff or go with 
> Fedora/CentOS where I am already comfortable.
> Thanks,kc
I think it depends on your usecase.

CentOS - very solid workhorse. I find it especially good for enterprise 
deployments where things do not need to be changed very often. Support 
for enterprise setups, san storage, multi pathing is good - probably due 
to Redhat's exposure in those markets.

Ubuntu - personally I would only run LTS in a production environment. If 
you need to host applications that require newer packages, Ubuntu is 
sometimes preferable. I find it easier when hosting certain 
applications, particularly ruby based applications.

Fedora - Ran it on servers for while after Redhat first brought out 
Fedora Core 1. I found the constant upgrade path a pain and moved away 
from it for server use - but carried on for a long time afterwards using 
it as a desktop OS. I only moved after starting work on hamara linux!



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Dangers in copy/paste from websites to shell

2015-05-07 Thread Vikas Tara
On 07/05/15 02:37, Manokaran K wrote:
> >From now on, I'm going to either inspect the html or paste it to my editor
> before I paste it in my shell!
Cool idea for a firefox plugin!

Oh, hang on..
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Re: [Ilugc] CHIP - $9 ARM Computer

2015-05-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 12/05/15 08:04, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> Yup its a open source hardware. Hope its really free(dom)
Not really - it uses an Allwinner chip
>>> CHIP - ARM based Single-board Computer , coming with a 1GHz
>>> processor(Allwinner R8), 512MB RAM, 4GB storage, 802.11B/G/N WiFi and
>>> Bluetooth 4.0.
Have to applaud a 9$ computer - but I hear they are charging 20$ for 
postage - so I guess that makes it a 29$ computer?

On the bright side - looks like ultra cheap computers for everyone are 
coming very soon!

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] openldap and Microsoft active directory

2015-05-15 Thread Vikas Tara
On 15/05/15 07:24, Balu manyam wrote:
> Namaste all -- Has anyone worked on openldap with Microsoft AD ? I am
> searching for a way where Microsoft AD will forward the requests to
> openldap for specific domain ?
> Ideas?
> ___
> ILUGC Mailing List:
> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
Have you thought about using Samba 4 AD controllers instead of openldap?

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] OS doubt

2015-07-01 Thread Vikas Tara
On 01/07/15 08:07, viswaprasath wrote:
> Dear Contributors,
> I had doubt, OS like deepin and Elementary say they are based on Ubuntu.
> Will all the features and software working on Ubuntu properly work on the
> above mentioned both.
One fairly important issue you will find is that ubuntu ppa's won't work 
using apt-add-repository

It's easy to workaround however. I had a similar issue with using ubuntu 
ppa's in hamara linux:

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Are Indian FOSS communities closed-source ?

2015-07-08 Thread Vikas Tara
On 08/07/15 17:18, shirish wrote:
> at bottom :-
> On 07/08/2015 09:11 PM, రహ్మానుద్దీన్ షేక్ wrote:
>> I dont exactly buy into this argument.
>> 2015-07-08 20:41 GMT+05:30 pavithran :
>>> I was reading this post from a friend Shirish agarwall from pune who
>>> is a member of debian community and a key participant in community
>>> events in pune and also an organiser for many debian events across the
>>> country.
>>> Here are some points about community problems
>>> a. Factionalism
>>> b. Cabalism (or simply Cabals)
>>> As have been part of both parts do understand that both factions and
>>> cabals start with good intentions but sometimes later warp beyond
>>> recognition.
>>> Next he goes on to say
>>> c. No communication, Mis-communication
>>> d. Fragmented content with contradictory messages.
>>> The above two I have also seen time and again as a ‘feature’ of the
>>> Indian FOSS community at large where most communities in India don’t
>>> really communicate to other FOSS communities or world at large or are
>>> pretty bad at things.
>>> its quite interesting and is relevant to ILUGC also !
>>> PS : As of now I am just posting this to ILUGC as I believe this
>>> community is one of the few strong ones left in India.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pavithran
>>> --
>>> pavithran sakamuri
>>> ___
>>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> Hi all,
> Could you elaborate a bit rather than just saying you don't buy into the
> argument. I will be able to give at least 1 example of each which are
> public, there are many more for sure.
> But would like to hear what you have to say/share before saying anything
> else.
I find foss communities in India very similar to those that I have 
interacted with in other countries.

I also find some differences across generations - with younger / newer 
communities being more liberal / open and less
fixated around rules.

I think you can see something similar in licensing. The vast majority of 
FOSS projects used to be GPL, things are much
more liberal these days.

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Re: [Ilugc] Are Indian FOSS communities closed-source ?

2015-07-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/07/15 10:25, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
>   They do not happen by
> sprinkling magic pixie dust in air
Shame that, I really love that magic pixie dust, it's amazing.
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Re: [Ilugc] Are Indian FOSS communities closed-source ?

2015-07-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/07/15 15:00, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> I had real bad experience with ChennaiRb, the ruby community for Chennai. I
> wrote a book which had a cover of a beautiful woman, and like the Talibans
> people were up in arms against me for that.
Man, that's harsh - but it seems quite widespread in India. People have 
forgotten the more ancient history which celebrates both the male and 
female form.
> I fought back, that irritated
> them and they found a silly reason to chuck me out. I have created my own
> group Chennai Ruy programmers as alternative where it has no rules, but
> none knows about it.
> Ii find Ilugc far far better than those groups (thanks to good admins like
> Shrinivasan T
After interacting with a few Indian Lug's I have to concur - this one is 
particularly well moderated, there seem some really decent people here.
>   but Indian groups are for propaganda, power and mob mobilization
> than about real technology.
I have noticed that there does seem to be a bit of a mob / power 
mentality in some groups - but I guess it's up to people to challenge 
that or just let the lugs fail. There seem to be quite a few failed / 
dormant groups too!

Personally, I will keep posting to try to "do something about it" with 
whatever time I manage to spare!

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Are Indian FOSS communities closed-source ?

2015-07-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/07/15 02:36, satyaakam goswami wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 2:04 AM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> On 10/07/15 10:25, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
>>>They do not happen by
>>> sprinkling magic pixie dust in air
>> Shame that, I really love that magic pixie dust, it's amazing.
> ​i read all the threads and kept my reply for the weekend ;-) since i find
> some value in the arguments at the same time do not agree with OP's
> sweeping statements about communities at large.
>   Sinking feelings and dejections are part of community living .This happens
> more when you try to do something and you do not have buy in from
> collective on  your ideas  as an individual .The way i deal with it is
> "Just do it" i mean if i feel there is something to be done if i can do it
> i just do it do not try to take permissions consents etc others will
> follow if they like the idea  or the idea will die its own natural death if
> people did not like it.
> if there are somethings which involves some resources then i go back to the
> group and ask and wait for sometime for traction . This is the stage we
> find more people joining you and then go ahead and try to do with whatever
> resources we have .
> I still do understand where the discontent is coming from , i am living
> happily in communities after communities for past 23+ years in India .
> Today i will be going to two meetups with large numbers
> some of them i curate some of them i be just  part of it as spectator and
> give support.
> Communities have a life and ways of there own ,This is one reason i love it
>   as a  collective . I still feel the discontent is coming from somewhere
> for the system .i for one  cannot be judging people unless i meet that
> person in person  and talk about specifics otherwise i think this thread
> has no more value and is never going to end on the mailing list .
much more reasoned and valid than my rather churlish response, sorry - I 
just couldn't resist :)
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Bold missing in PDF from Firefox

2015-07-22 Thread Vikas Tara
On 22/07/15 16:16, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> Can anyone test this and share your thoughts.
Same here in hamara linux.

The print preview shows it in bold - but the resulting pdf doesn't seem 
bold anymore.

Founder - Hamara Linux

ILUGC Mailing List:
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Re: [Ilugc] BOSS is back ?? Seems like Yes !

2015-09-15 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/09/15 01:07, Siji Sunny wrote:
> Hello All,
> It seems like, Govt. India is planning to come back with BOSS-Linux. With
> reference to few online reference link, CDAC is planning to release a new
> version in this month with lot of changes.
"A highly improved and secured version of BOSS"

Anyone seen the list of fixes?
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Reg: Mitutoyo CMM Quality Software to run in linux

2015-10-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/10/15 14:03, Ashok Kumar wrote:
> Dear all
> We using Mitutoyo CMM Quality software running in Windows XP ...We plan to
> run the software using linux Fedora..can anyone please support us to run
> this Software on Fedora OS,Either in person or online supportThanks in
> advance
You could try running it under wine (

This article might help you set it up:

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] KaanalNet Project Contribution

2015-10-15 Thread Vikas Tara
On 15/10/15 05:58, S Suresh wrote:
> Dear All,
> KaanalNet is a opensource SDN Testbed project.
> This project is released officially last month and getting
> attractions from different SDN group members around the world.
> Now, I need to integrate and test with different SDN Controllers (such
> as OpenDayLight, Ryu, POX) and document the steps in Wiki.
> The preliminary reference is below (this page requires updation, but
> still can be referred).
> One university student(Northeastern University) approached me to do
> his university shortterm project in kaanalNet with SDN Controller.
> This is good start.
> So, I am circulating this mail, to get more participants from our
> indian collage students  to contribute in  Development / QA/
> Integration & Testing/ Documentation etc in this project.
> Interested people can mail me (
> Dear Members,
> Can you share this message to other similar groups to reach more students.
> Thanks
> suresh.
> __
Would you like us to package it for hamara linux?

If so, please raise it on our mailing list or bugzilla
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] KaanalNet Project Contribution

2015-10-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/10/15 05:04, S Suresh wrote:
> its
> tightly coupled with ubuntu
At the moment, so are we - do you have it packaged for ubuntu?
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] KaanalNet Project Contribution

2015-10-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/10/15 11:08, S Suresh wrote:
> Hi Arun,
>>> I dont have immediate plans to support on other distributions.. its
>>> tightly coupled with ubuntu
>> Hopefully your packages are compatible with it's dependent library
>> versions in the latest 2 LTS versions (12.04/14.04).
> Its a NodeJS package. It is expected to run on all linux flavors.
> But Ubuntu LXC template is used in this project for VMs creations and
> ubuntu system files are edited by code. this is the limitation.
This is why I was talking about (deb) packaging - being able to install 
it from apt would help potential users.

Founder - Hamara Linux

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] KaanalNet Project Contribution

2015-10-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/10/15 11:34, S Suresh wrote:
> Hi Vikas,
>>> Its a NodeJS package. It is expected to run on all linux flavors.
>>> But Ubuntu LXC template is used in this project for VMs creations and
>>> ubuntu system files are edited by code. this is the limitation.
>> This is why I was talking about (deb) packaging - being able to install
>> it from apt would help potential users.
> I understand packaging gives easy way of installation, But i dont have
> time currently to do this.
> The below guide gives the required installation steps and i feel this
> is sufficient now.
I guess I am not making myself very clear :)

I am saying that we will package it, if you raise that request on our 
bug tracker.

If we package it, then there will be a package that can be pushed 
upstream to debian and ubuntu (if someone want to do that).

We have taken a similar approach to the diaspora installer - we're keen 
to support Indian Open Source projects in this way.
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Regarding: Server Malicious hit issue

2015-11-04 Thread Vikas Tara
On 04/11/15 11:59, Marikkannan Rajagopal wrote:
> Dear All.,
>   I am facing the issue on live server and the live server is in
> "CENTOS",some malicious hit is going out of my server through the port
> number 53 and even though I ran too many too like rkhunter,etc. But I
> didn't found the malicious file or output from my server itself.
>   And the host name is consider as malicious is "",and
> it doesn't have any valid ipaddress.,and result of this my cloud provider
> DNS blocked my server ip.
>  Can I block the port number 53 in my server itself (both
> outgoing/incoming ).,and I didn't use the port number 53 for my application.
>  I can see the output only through "tcpdump on the specfic port
> 53"
>  11:46:37.568099 IP >
> 14465+ A? (29)
> 11:46:40.707735 IP > 1919+ A?
> (45)
> 11:46:45.712962 IP > 1919+ A?
> (45)
> 11:46:48.718333 IP > 15764+ A?
> (29)
>  But I didn't get any results on my netstat and isof.,
>  Kindly share difference between tcpdump and netstat
> Through Iptables we have block the port number 53 ? Is it
> possible on OS level ?
> Blocking of port 53 make any issue on server because I am using
> port 22,25,80 and 443.
> What actually the port 53 do in default server's.
Looks like a DNS request. If you block outgoing port 53 you will likely 
not be able to resolve DNS.

Did your provider tell you in detail why they blocked your access to 
their DNS?

You could try running suricata on your host to see if it tells you more 
about suspicious network activity.



Founder - Hamara Linux

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Question about. Fedora

2015-11-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 12/11/15 04:30, DEEPAK wrote:
> Hi,
> Just install KODI Media Center
> 1 ) Connect your PC to the Internet. Open the terminal and type the below
> commands
> dnf install
> -y
> and
> dnf install kodi -y
Or if you want something more similar to the built in player you could 
try vlc - it's also in the rpmfusion repo.
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] opensource monitoring tool

2015-12-07 Thread Vikas Tara
On 04/12/15 19:35, Ajeesh Kannan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for an Opensource monitoring tool with the following facility.
> 1. White Labeled dash board for each company [ for each company they need a
> separate dash board and logins, users of one organization cannot see others
> servers.]
Use nagios or zabbix as your central tool and then create individual 
dashboards with something like

This way you centralise monitoring but give customers they're own view.
> 2. Have a report (pdf/jpg/etc) generating facility.
Store the grafnar data and use a reporting engine (BIRT, jasper reports) 
against it
Hope this helps, if you make loads of money from your new business, 
contribute some to ILUGC :)


Founder - Hamara Linux

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Learning on backup systems

2015-12-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/12/15 19:34, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> 5. Setup intrusion detection systems for critical servers. I thought it was
> boring and not an essential one. But understood the importance of them.
But probably not on any of those critical servers themselves. If you 
have a switch on your network with a sniffer port - I would connect to that.

Also, operate a DMZ. Use firewalls on everything (so perimeter firewall 
as well as fire walling between your hosts). If someone it going to 
comprimise you, then
compromising further hosts should be made as difficult as possible.

I recommend Suricata + Snorby as a good way to do the IDS bit.

Oh and once all your hardening and security set up is done, challenge 
someone to pen test it.

I'll do it if you want :)

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

[Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-10 Thread Vikas Tara
Hi ilugc,

I am planning a trip down to Chennai to talk to people about hamara
linux and
the hamara project generally.

Hamara Linux is a new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
the perspective of language, design, usability and access.

We are promoting design that users feel accustomed to, a way to reach a
larger audience and also stem cultural hegemony. We target intel as well
as ARM, to make access to the platform easier/cheaper. Native language
support - you will be able to find us using a search engine without
knowing how to read English.

I will be in Chennai on Monday 22nd September and would really welcome
the opportunity to meet with like minded open source / linux enthusiasts.


Vikas Tara

Founder - Hamara Linux

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/09/14 17:38, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Hi ilugc,
>> I am planning a trip down to Chennai to talk to people about hamara
>> linux and
>> the hamara project generally.
>> Hamara Linux is a new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
>> the perspective of language, design, usability and access.
>> We are promoting design that users feel accustomed to, a way to reach a
>> larger audience and also stem cultural hegemony. We target intel as well
>> as ARM, to make access to the platform easier/cheaper. Native language
>> support - you will be able to find us using a search engine without
>> knowing how to read English.
>> I will be in Chennai on Monday 22nd September and would really welcome
>> the opportunity to meet with like minded open source / linux enthusiasts.
>> Regards
>> Vikas Tara
>> --
>> Founder - Hamara Linux
>> ___
>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> That's great, but won't it be another fragmentation? For example Boss linux
> is practically used no where in India. It was funded by the Indian
> government, but did not get traction. But ofcourse gobverment is highly
> beuracratic and no real technicial would like to work under it.
> Why not develop packages for popular distros that will add our languages in
> user friendly manner, or urge people to participate in translation
> projects? Or tell people to improve linuxes power efficiency as India is
> really deficit in electricity.
> The best think would be a distro that lets us configure what ever we want,
> I think did it, but I don't know its status now.
> But any way as the OS is getting stabilized, the only battle that's being
> fought in linux-for-normal-people world is the UI battle and Ubuntu is
> winning it all the time. If one says android, I would like to install
> Ubuntu touch on their tablet/phone. But I feel this will be a great student
> project to learn this OS. Your college will be proud of you.
This is why we want to come and talk to people.

If the existing distros do not cover the needs of ordinary people, then
this is not fragmentation.

For example, if your not literate in english, you have very little hope
of ever finding linux and to a certain
extent, you might be scared off from using a computer altogether.

Also, another example, we are working furiosly towards an arm build
running to run on the cubie board which brings low cost, low power
hardware with the possibility of running 100% solar - and all
technologies that can be accessed by the man on the street.

We looked very closely and gnewsense and trisquel, both very valuable
projects, they helped us to craft a good base for building the distro - and
I think if you ask them - that's what they intended.

I hope you checked out the screenshots at for an
example of UI.

btw - I am bit old for college, I graduated in 1994, my first linux was
redhat 6.2 ;)

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-10 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/09/14 17:57, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> On 10/09/14 17:38, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>>>> Hi ilugc,
>>>> I am planning a trip down to Chennai to talk to people about hamara
>>>> linux and
>>>> the hamara project generally.
>>>> Hamara Linux is a new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
>>>> the perspective of language, design, usability and access.
>>>> We are promoting design that users feel accustomed to, a way to reach a
>>>> larger audience and also stem cultural hegemony. We target intel as well
>>>> as ARM, to make access to the platform easier/cheaper. Native language
>>>> support - you will be able to find us using a search engine without
>>>> knowing how to read English.
>>>> I will be in Chennai on Monday 22nd September and would really welcome
>>>> the opportunity to meet with like minded open source / linux
>> enthusiasts.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Vikas Tara
>>>> --
>>>> Founder - Hamara Linux
>>>> ___
>>>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>>>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
>>> That's great, but won't it be another fragmentation? For example Boss
>> linux
>>> is practically used no where in India. It was funded by the Indian
>>> government, but did not get traction. But ofcourse gobverment is highly
>>> beuracratic and no real technicial would like to work under it.
>>> Why not develop packages for popular distros that will add our languages
>> in
>>> user friendly manner, or urge people to participate in translation
>>> projects? Or tell people to improve linuxes power efficiency as India is
>>> really deficit in electricity.
>>> The best think would be a distro that lets us configure what ever we
>> want,
>>> I think did it, but I don't know its status
>> now.
>>> But any way as the OS is getting stabilized, the only battle that's being
>>> fought in linux-for-normal-people world is the UI battle and Ubuntu is
>>> winning it all the time. If one says android, I would like to install
>>> Ubuntu touch on their tablet/phone. But I feel this will be a great
>> student
>>> project to learn this OS. Your college will be proud of you.
>> This is why we want to come and talk to people.
>> If the existing distros do not cover the needs of ordinary people, then
>> this is not fragmentation.
>> For example, if your not literate in english, you have very little hope
>> of ever finding linux and to a certain
>> extent, you might be scared off from using a computer altogether.
>> Also, another example, we are working furiosly towards an arm build
>> running to run on the cubie board which brings low cost, low power
>> hardware with the possibility of running 100% solar - and all
>> technologies that can be accessed by the man on the street.
>> We looked very closely and gnewsense and trisquel, both very valuable
>> projects, they helped us to craft a good base for building the distro - and
>> I think if you ask them - that's what they intended.
>> I hope you checked out the screenshots at for an
>> example of UI.
>> btw - I am bit old for college, I graduated in 1994, my first linux was
>> redhat 6.2 ;)
>> ___
>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> Oh, so this is serious. I am not sure about the business side.
Yeah, hopefully. A business model around support, hosting, cloud 
provision - where fellow linux geeks can get paid
to do what they like doing.
>   Any way all
> the best. Hope this will nurture lot of linux geeks in India.
Thanks, I hope so too!

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 10/09/14 23:23, கணேஷ் குமார் wrote:
> Dear *Founder - Hamara Linux*
> Welcome.
> Having something is better than nothing.
> Started a good job.
> ---
> I have few things I'd like to get clarified from Founder.
> 1) first what is hamara?
> 2) when you say 'stem cultural hegemony' - what do you mean?
> If you want to make the technology to reach one who dont know english
> what will replace english.
> *cultural hegemony - described as the  domination of a culturally diverse
> society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society.*
> *Do you think cultural hegemony will give you some solution for
> all culturally diverse people?*
> what will happen to the rest of the diverse culture?
> what is the ruling class culture here?
> ---
> you said
> - "hamara" Linux is the name.
> - developed in perspective of language.
> - to create stem cultural hegemony
> - without english.
> what cultural hegemony you are about to bring in?
> what should we assume from the name?
> *when you think of  *"new distribution tailored to the Indian market from the
> perspective of language" *what came in you mind* is '*HAMARA*'.
> when you "put हिंदी [Beta]
> and
> leave others".
> when you said "without english" (*not with your native language *).
> *how it will become linux focusing indian market and language perspective*?
> perhaps you are right  since you didn't mention in which way the
> perspective will be.
> I'm wondering what 'stem cultural hegemony' you are providing by 'hamara'?
> *Do you think representing a diverse society only by majority is healthy
> way? *
> May be its Ye Hai Hamara!  for you!
> ---
> Me:
> *Am sorry if the person behind Founder *feels it odd/discouraging .
> *But I have convey how it feels when you are represented by something you
> are not.*
> I took cultural hegemony literally to explain.
> I'm not sure you are funded to manage all language perspective - if not why
> you pretending.
> I'll be accepting you gladly if you can answer these without 'cultural
> hegemony'.
> At least you made a move to have something.
> All the best for that as long us it meets us as us.
> *Am not against anything. I'm only defending what I have.*
> Don't take it as discouraging  but
> Thank you.
Thanks for the reply, I guess my choice of words may not have been best, 
I'm sorry if that's the case.

When I said "stem cultural hegemony", I mean to prevent or limit it.

So, of course hamara should be "namma" in TN, or "saada" in Punjab.

We only have one tamil speaker in our team at the moment, so I am 
traveling to meet people there.

If we are to reach a wide audience, then there is little point replacing 
one language with another. English and western
culture is arguably dominant, probably followed by Hindi / Northern 
Indian culture - within the project we have the ability
to be much more ethnically diverse but still in the spirit of being 

I hope you will come and meet with us on the 24th, I am just waiting for 
confirmation of the venue.

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 02:44, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:53 AM, கணேஷ் குமார் 
> wrote:
>> Dear *Founder - Hamara Linux*
>> Welcome.
>> Having something is better than nothing.
>> Started a good job.
>> ---
>> I have few things I'd like to get clarified from Founder.
>> 1) first what is hamara?
>> 2) when you say 'stem cultural hegemony' - what do you mean?
>> If you want to make the technology to reach one who dont know english
>> what will replace english.
>> *cultural hegemony - described as the  domination of a culturally diverse
>> society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society.*
>> *Do you think cultural hegemony will give you some solution for
>> all culturally diverse people?*
>> what will happen to the rest of the diverse culture?
>> what is the ruling class culture here?
>> ---
>> you said
>> - "hamara" Linux is the name.
>> - developed in perspective of language.
>> - to create stem cultural hegemony
>> - without english.
>> what cultural hegemony you are about to bring in?
>> what should we assume from the name?
>> *when you think of  *"new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
>> the
>> perspective of language" *what came in you mind* is '*HAMARA*'.
>> when you "put हिंदी [Beta]
>> <
>> and
>> leave others".
>> when you said "without english" (*not with your native language *).
>> *how it will become linux focusing indian market and language perspective*?
>> perhaps you are right  since you didn't mention in which way the
>> perspective will be.
>> I'm wondering what 'stem cultural hegemony' you are providing by 'hamara'?
>> *Do you think representing a diverse society only by majority is healthy
>> way? *
>> May be its Ye Hai Hamara!  for you!
>> ---
>> Me:
>> *Am sorry if the person behind Founder *feels it odd/discouraging .
>> *But I have convey how it feels when you are represented by something you
>> are not.*
>> I took cultural hegemony literally to explain.
>> I'm not sure you are funded to manage all language perspective - if not why
>> you pretending.
>> I'll be accepting you gladly if you can answer these without 'cultural
>> hegemony'.
>> At least you made a move to have something.
>> All the best for that as long us it meets us as us.
>> *Am not against anything. I'm only defending what I have.*
>> Don't take it as discouraging  but
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> Heartly!
>> INDIA..
>> *(¨`•.•´¨)* Always
>> *`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) Keep*
>> *(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´* *Smiling!*
>> *`•.¸.•´*   *:)*
>> ___
>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> +1 , we Tamils should make our own Namma Linux, rather than support a
> distro that benefits just people speaking Hindi. And northerners should
> leave their thought that entire India will accept Hindi as national
> language and rat as national animal as they are more in number.
> I should have said it before as I had the same thought, but did not just
> not to start a flame.
> வாழ்க தமிழ்!
Do it! raise a bug for anything that you find missing:

If you want to change the name, raise an issue for that too.

Your mistaking me for someone who knows hindi!

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 08:12, Vikas Tara wrote:
> I hope you will come and meet with us on the 24th, I am just waiting for 
> confirmation of the venue.
Sorry - I mean 22nd September :)
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 14:16, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Vivek Kumar  wrote:
>> all of you waste the time create the linux Distro. if you have passion then
>> you create different type of software. then you can help open source.
Yes - we do that too.

I have personally been contributing to open source projects since 1998.
>> not copy and paste
I don't think you can really call distro building "copy and paste"
ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 15:16, sibi kanagaraj wrote:
> Please find the reply inline .
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:53 AM, கணேஷ் குமார் 
> wrote:
>> Dear *Founder - Hamar
>> *Do you think cultural hegemony will give you some solution for
>> all culturally diverse people?*
>> what will happen to the rest of the diverse culture?
>> what is the ruling class culture here?
> On a lighter vein : Not sure even if Gramsci would have gone so deep into
> Cultural Hegemony :)
And probably a bad choice of words by me in the first place!
>> ---
>> you said
>> - "hamara" Linux is the name.
>> - developed in perspective of language.
>> - to create stem cultural hegemony
>> - without english.
> May be he could/should  have worded it differently like -"native language/
> mother tongue"
good point - will make sure the upcoming FAQ says so
> The core of the initial mail writer's argument was a space for him to talk
> with people .Sadly ,  no one was even ready to discuss on it .
> Lets not pounce on some one who comes with a budding idea and tear it
> apart  . At the best , arrange a place for meeting . Allow him to address
> people and give out his views . If anybody has issues , please raise it
> there . Generally , there are 2 kinds of issues - People with hidden agenda
> and people who make genuine mistakes . Lets not confuse one for the other .
Thanks for the words, am really keen to just meet and discuss the
project more than anything else.

It's a new initiative, there really is no set agenda yet, I think some
really valuable suggestions have already come out
of this thread and passionate people can draw it in directions that they
see fit.

So, I'm still hoping some of you guys will come and meet up and my
flight to chennai won't be wasted :)

ILUGC Mailing List:
ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:

Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 15:54, pavithran wrote:
> Anyways I personally think lets have another kid on the block who
> might actually involve community instead of going on their own basing
> on some main distro like our famous public funded distribution has
> done.
Currently we have taken a similar route to trisquel / gnewsense.

Whilst depending on ubuntu source code for many packages, and compiling
some from source,
it does give us the advantage of moving across from ubuntu upstream slowly.

> The entire spirit of Free software was to encourage as many outcomes
> as possible. Community always went on  "If I dont like it I will fork
> it " and if it got some traction it also served as a good example. We
> have LibreOffice.

I did do some work in Libre around that time
> Coming to the main point of having a distro , though I welcomed you I
> am only afraid about the efforts you are going to put up. please do
> read up on many distro stories and how they couldn't survive .
> Changelogs of different releases and their base system. Also the
> relation between upstream distributions brings hell lot of stories to
> learn.
True, I am concerned about that too.

But having watched distros come and go since the late 1990's and still
not touch the mainstream
populations of most countries, there is certainly room for more.

> could help as an example.
> Also have a look at Dedbian Pureblend  
> Try to achieve close to pure blend you can be assured of the quality
> and huge support from Debian.
Good point.

The current release is based on Ubuntu upstream, but it's likely that a
developer community might take it more toward debian.

Thanks for the input - if your around in Chennai, I hope you will come
meet us.

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Re: [Ilugc] Portable Linux Auditing

2014-09-11 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 11:37, Suresh Kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> Can any body please help me in getting more information about "PLAC", and
> how it will work. After google also not getting the more information.
> Please suggest on this tool.
I was last used in 2001, so seems like the project is dead.

What do you need to do?

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Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 11/09/14 19:49, ARUN PALANIAPPAN wrote:
> Hi,
> 2014-09-10 21:50 GMT+05:30 Vikas Tara :
>> I am planning a trip down to Chennai to talk to people about hamara
>> linux and the hamara project generally.
> The Name "Hamara" is derived from Hindi... Right???
Yes - but you can raise a bug for that and have it changed for your region.
> Can I assume that this is another form of Hindi Imposition over entire
> India?
No, read my previous post. We are currently working on translations.

Personally, I do not read or write hindi, but I don't have a like or 
dislike for any language in particular.
> Hamara Linux is a new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
>> the perspective of language, design, usability and access.
> Perspective of Language --- What are all the languages you  promote?
> I donot see any other language than Hindi on your screens..
> Do you mean that Hindi is the only language being used in India?
> When you do not show up any other language in your website, how can I
> assume that it is tailored for my language?
Time is the issue, and we only have one tamil speaker in the team, hence 
we are trying to meet with people.

Would you raise a bug and supply a translation for the website.
> We are promoting design that users feel accustomed to, a way to reach a
>> larger audience and also stem cultural hegemony. We target intel as well
>> as ARM, to make access to the platform easier/cheaper.
> And the cultural hegemony means use of Hindi everywhere instead of
> English.. Am I right?
No, your wrong.
>> Native language support - you will be able to find us using a search
>> engine without
>> knowing how to read English.
>   Can people who know only Tulu be able to usethe search engine?
> Or do they NEED to KNOW Hindi or other language?
Once it's translated into tulu, it will be indexed and so someone 
speaking that language will be able to use it.

That's sort of the point.
> Indians have many native languages ... Hindi is just one among them!!
> Please stop all means of Hindi Imposition.
> I welcome distirbutions that support our own native language not that one
> which assumes some alien language as my native one as well as recommends me
> to use that!!
Great - I think you want to join in and help then?

If your in Chennai on 22nd, come meet us?

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Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 12/09/14 04:04, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 7:51 AM, arun prakash 
> wrote:
>> Arun.
>> Enough of talking about imposition and stopping moving fwd. if you don't
>> like it plz don't choose it. You have ur rights to but stop pushing ur idea
>> to others. If you love ur lang plz promote it don't do vice-versa.
>> Nandri.
>> -Arun PrakashILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> That's exactly what we are saying. Stop pushing the Hindi linguistic ideas
> on us.
I don't think you read my reply?
> That too using a server in the heart of our capital
I'm pretty sure it's in England
>   and to say that
> we must contribute to a distro that's named after a language that once and
> till now trying to oppress our culture is truly unethical.
Sorry, I cannot have been clear enough in my post.  You can raise a bug 
for changing the name to your own language.

You can do the same for a translation.
> If this distro is so pure, why not go to Japanese, French or German LUG's
> and tell them to contribute to this distro?
Interestingly, my German and Spanish colleagues think this is a really 
good initiative.

More info is coming to the website shortly, but we though meeting some 
of you guys in Chennai was a more human approach..

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Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 12/09/14 09:27, Arun Venkataswamy wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Hi ilugc,
>> Hamara Linux is a new distribution tailored to the Indian market from
>> the perspective of language, design, usability and access.
>> We are promoting design that users feel accustomed to, a way to reach a
>> larger audience and also stem cultural hegemony. We target intel as well
>> as ARM, to make access to the platform easier/cheaper. Native language
>> support - you will be able to find us using a search engine without
>> knowing how to read English.
> Guys, All the best.
> I am sure you guys are pretty smart and capable by looking at the way you
> handled this heated thread :)
Thanks, and no worries, I really don't mind answering peoples questions
> Don't know why this thread was hijacked into a Hindi imposition argument! I
> did not get any of those vibes from visiting the site...
And none are intended :)
> From a suggestion view point, I have a request.
> For the first time, I have to think about parental controls as my 8 year
> old daughter has started to use the home computer regularly. I am really
> worried about inadvertent exposure to unwanted content.  A 'built in', by
> default 'on' parental control with opt in for adult content would be great
> as a fundamental part of the desktop. Certainly a feature any Indian
> talking any language would be appreciative of!
I am in a similar position. I have two children who are using computers
at home, so I implemented
on my home network.

Would you mind raising an issue for this feature on our bug tracker? I
would be happy to spend some time packaging it for hamara.

> BTW on a lighter note, I do not understand Hindi and was a victim of
> mindless Hindi imposition as a 3rd language (English and Tamil being the
> 1st and 2nd) in school. Believe it or not, I can read and write Hindi but
> cannot understand or talk any of it!
I really understand. I grew up with Punjabi at home and English, Latin,
French and German imposed by the school!

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Re: [Ilugc] Visiting Chennai

2014-09-12 Thread Vikas Tara
On 12/09/14 08:51, Manokaran K wrote:
> No endeavour can be futile!
> Ignore the bile and go for it, Hamara Team :-)
> And those fearing cultural domination: just don't use Hamara Linux. If
> you feel the power of its culture will sway weak minded masses, start
> your own distro and fight it with the power of your own culture.
Or use our base and help us to make it yours too?

Isn't this what Linus intended when he released his first kernel? "Here
you go, do what you want with it"

It's exactly what Mark Shuttleworth did when he searched the Debian
mailing lists
to form the Ubuntu core team. Whatever you feel about that approach,
they did make debian's core easier for the average person
to use and they got us all thinking about user experience.

Thanks Mano for you positive perspective.

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Re: [Ilugc] Assange did a AMA on Reddit

2014-09-16 Thread Vikas Tara
On 16/09/14 06:42, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 7:50 AM, Prasanna Venkadesh 
> wrote:
>> Julian Assange, who is well known for releasing US Cables worldwide did an
>> AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit yesterday.
>> There are lot of interesting questions regarding "Mass Surveillance and
>> threat to the Open Internet".
>> Interested people, can check the feed here.
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Prasanna Venkadesh.
>> ___
>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
> Thanks. All should be educated about Big Brother internet. This will be the
> first step to get digital freedom.
> ___
I hope Julian wins his appeal and gets freed from his incarceration at
the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

Founder - Hamara Linux

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[Ilugc] Clever software, probably in the wrong hands

2014-09-17 Thread Vikas Tara
Nice piece of work, I just don't really trust the owner..

But as we know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction :)

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Clever software, probably in the wrong hands

2014-09-17 Thread Vikas Tara
On 17/09/14 10:28, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Nice piece of work, I just don't really trust the owner..
>> But as we know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction :)
> It is interesting, indeed. However, without additional context it
> would be difficult to appreciate the topical relevance.
Developing this type of system in private, without the populations eyes
on the code is contrary
to most open source enthusiasts core values. Sorry for omitting this
statement, I sort
of imagined it was obvious.

I must stop making assumptions :)
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[Ilugc] Fwd: Re: [FSFTN] Meeting in Chennai + Date and Location

2014-09-18 Thread Vikas Tara

On 17/09/14 16:35, Deepak Chandrababu wrote:
> Hello friends,
> We have had several threads and interesting discussions around this
> meeting in Chennai. I think its time to put faces to these emails.
> As agreed, lets meet on the 22nd of September, next Monday at 6 pm. I
> think Amethyst in Whites, Road, Royapettah will be a nice place.
> Hopefully its central enough for everyone.
> I will be there at 6 pm. My Indian contact number is 0091 97910 330 42
> Travelling all the way from UK and I really hope everyone makes an
> effort. I think it will be a very useful discussion. If you want to
> ask anything specific, do feel free to mail me separately.
> A small request - If its possible to drop me a line to confirm you are
> participating it will be useful. It's a coffee shop and I will just
> make sure that we have enough desks and chairs arranged for us.
> Coffee is on me :-)
> Look forward to seeing you all.
Am also flying out today and visiting lugs around India. Looking forward
to meeting some of you guys in Chennai, hope you can make it!

Vik Tara

Founder - Hamara Linux

Mailinglist mailing list

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Re: [Ilugc] Meeting with HamaraLinux Team

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/09/14 07:03, Rameshkumar K wrote:
> I wish to invite hamara Linux team to our campus. is it possible to me..
> Please anybody help me to do...
We are in Chennai for one day, but if you tell me the location we can
try to visit you?


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Re: [Ilugc] Meeting with HamaraLinux Team

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/09/14 05:58, Vivek Kumar wrote:
> this is distribution  debian base or redhat base
Currently our upstream is Ubuntu, with some packages being compiled

It's likely we will keep moving towards a mixture of debian / hamara as
we grow the community.


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Re: [Ilugc] Meeting with HamaraLinux Team

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/09/14 10:52, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> Hello Vivek,
> I am quiet sure that its debian, derived from Ubuntu. See one of the images
> they have used
Your making quite an assumption there. Actually the artwork for hamara
is produced by Sam Sayer of DeType.

DeType is named after his grandfathers legacy as designer of, arguably,
some of the most iconic cars in history:

> doesn't it look like very similar to ubuntu  ;)
Hmm, personally I think it just shows togetherness.

We do however work with the people at Ubuntu, particularly around cloud
>  Plus these people thoght
> India as as a farming country as you can see this image
> .
Again that's a big assumption. You should really come and meet us, I
think you could benefit from the discussion. It seems like we have got off
on the wrong foot?

I have to confess though, I do have a farm in India and also really love
growing my own food along with my wife and kids, but that's in no way
related to the hamara logo.



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Meeting with HamaraLinux Team

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/09/14 05:38, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> HamaraLinux is a new distribution focusing on
> server,desktop,electronic devices with localization support.
> Commercial support also available.
> Its makers team is coming from UK to visit the Chennai GNU/Linux
> community for interacting and getting more inputs for its further
> growth.
> All are welcome.
> contact - Deepak - 97910 330 42
>  Deepak Chandrababu 
> Vikas Tara 
> Venue : Amethyst, Whites, Road, Royapettah, chennai
> Date : Sep 22, monday 6.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Thanks Shrinivasan.

Have just arrived in India, feels good to be back.

Looking forward to meeting some of you guys.


Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] [[Freedom of Speech]] Answer to NSA Surveillance

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 18/09/14 18:06, sahil साहिल wrote:
> Middle-School Dropout Codes Clever Chat Program That Foils NSA Spying
> I am preety much happy to see that some good folks are working out there
> for our privacy and freedom of speech.
Keep an eye on this one too, built on the bittorrent protocol
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Re: [Ilugc] [[Freedom of Speech]] Answer to NSA Surveillance

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/09/14 12:33, L. Guruprasad wrote:
> On Friday 19 September 2014 04:25 PM, Vikas Tara wrote:
>> On 18/09/14 18:06, sahil साहिल wrote:
>>> Middle-School Dropout Codes Clever Chat Program That Foils NSA Spying
>>> I am preety much happy to see that some good folks are working out there
>>> for our privacy and freedom of speech.
>> Keep an eye on this one too, built on the bittorrent protocol
> Security by obscurity can never be a solution to security/privacy
> problems. Each of the above software can claim that they do this and
> that and how it provides the user security and privacy, but when it is
> not FOSS, it is dead on arrival with just the illusion of security and
> privacy, since no one will be able to verify their claims.
Good point, on first read I assumed Bleep was opensource, but it does
not appear to be so.

A quick search on bleep+opensource shows people asking the same question
or proposing that
they open the code.

If they don't open the code then I would suggest (and hope) their
success might well be limited in the current climate
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Re: [Ilugc] opensource firewall

2014-10-02 Thread Vikas Tara
On 02/10/14 03:15, RK RK wrote:
> I experienced pfsense as a good solution with addons for different needs,
> such as bandwidth management, authentication, proxy etc.

We use it widely in production environments around the world - feature
rich and easy to use UI
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Re: [Ilugc] Call for speakers -October Month Meet

2014-10-03 Thread Vikas Tara
On 03/10/14 16:06, Gowtham Raam wrote:
> Hi All,
> We can have our monthly meet on October 11, You can share your 
> Experience,  Knowledge,  Passion, Suggestions, Projects, Ideas, 
> Contribution  related to Linux and open source free software. Reply here 
> if you are interested in giving a talk.
> Provide with the following details.
> Topic
> Description
> Links
> Duration
> About Yourself
Can you take a speaker via webrtc?

Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Call for speakers -October Month Meet

2014-10-03 Thread Vikas Tara
On 03/10/14 18:03, Thyagarajan தியாகராஜன் wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 10:27 PM, Arun S  wrote:
>> what about web-session first to start the process?
>>> Can you take a speaker via webrtc?
> This is a labor consuming task, IMO, we lack volunteer support(like setting
> up the gadgets and  connectivity) for the same..
I have the webrtc platform - just depends if you guys can arrange the 
hardware your side.

Would require a webcam and echo cancelling mic / speaker.
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Re: [Ilugc] Data usage monitor - GUI

2014-10-10 Thread Vikas Tara
I think your referring to traffic shaping

Which pfsense does quite well

On 10/10/14 12:14, Saravanakumar Karunanithi wrote:
> I am also looking for similar tools like this,
> What we need is, to control the internet bandwidth in the office, for ex,
> If some downloads exceeds "N" bytes, limit their speed, and also, If
> something important, then I need to prioritize the bandwith consumption for
> a person.
> Thanks in advance.
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Arun Khan  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:45 PM, Dheepak G  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Do we have any GUI tools to monitor data consumption for Ubuntu 14.04?
>> The question is ambiguous.   Do you mean storage (like in files),
>> network b/w consumption, or download/upload data consumption?
>> -- Arun Khan
>> ___
>> ILUGC Mailing List:
>> ILUGC Mailing List Guidelines:
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Re: [Ilugc] nice to see some changes

2014-10-14 Thread Vikas Tara
Wow, that's the longest thread I have seen on this mailing list
since I joined it.
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Re: [Ilugc] nice to see some changes

2014-10-14 Thread Vikas Tara
On 14/10/14 09:47, Manokaran K wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Wow, that's the longest thread I have seen on this mailing list
>> since I joined it.
>> ___
> Alas, its true there are more meta than tech discussions on ILUGC the
> last few years :-)
Well, I hope to be making quite a few posts in the coming weeks, so I
hope to
help with that..
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Re: [Ilugc] nice to see some changes

2014-10-14 Thread Vikas Tara
On 14/10/14 10:32, Arun Venkataswamy wrote:
> I believe the quality and quantity of information available at
> stackoverflow and serverfault has made many a forums less relevant for
> technical discussions. I guess the best use of LUGs today is evangelism,
> networking and hand holding of newbies. Unfortunate to know that the
> general feeling is that ILUGC has become newbie unfriendly for whatever
> reasons.
But IMO the idea of the lug is to foster a community of open source /
linux enthusiasts in a particular
geographical area - rather than to just be a knowledge base.

Take the recent introduction of linux to a school that has been
discussed on this list. That's immensely positive work.

There is so much more work like this that can be done and I'm sure the
people on this list have the skills to do it.

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[Ilugc] hamara linux beta releases

2014-10-17 Thread Vikas Tara

I thought I would drop a quick line to the list to let you guys know
about our beta releases going out today.

We're pleased to have reached beta for the main hamara i386 and x86_64

We're also releasing hamara-sugam beta - aimed at older intel hardware

and hamara arm core - currently we're shipping images for the cubietruck.

Would really appreciate any help anyone can give.

Feeback, testing, contribution, anything you want. We could really do
with a Tamil expert if anyone is willing?



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] hamara linux beta releases

2014-10-17 Thread Vikas Tara

>> We're also releasing hamara-sugam beta - aimed at older intel hardware
>> and hamara arm core - currently we're shipping images for the cubietruck.
>> Would really appreciate any help anyone can give.
> I am UP for the noble cause. I have Core2Duo and Pentium4 Systems.
> Update me if I could be a useful asset for you.
Thanks for the offer - testing sugam on your p4 would be a great help.
Would you mind connecting
with us on the forum or our mailing list?

See here:
>> Feeback, testing, contribution, anything you want. We could really do
>> with a Tamil expert if anyone is willing?
> I can accommodate you in Punjabi.
Thanks again for the offer - much appreciated!

We have an install guide that needs translation.
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Re: [Ilugc] Releasing my first version of ERP

2014-10-20 Thread Vikas Tara
On 19/10/14 11:36, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> Hello People,
Love the Monty Python :)
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[Ilugc] Hamara Linux | Privacy Package

2014-10-20 Thread Vikas Tara

I would really appreciate any input you people might be able to give to
this discussion.

We are looking for suggestions for a privacy package that would be either
- easy to install
- installed by default.

The discussion is here:

So far the suggestions (from me) are:

> - A desktop IDS
> Suricata with a nice gnome3 frontend app and maps integration
> Incorporate a graphical network monitor like
> - Antivirus
> Is it needed / not needed?
> Play safe and say it's needed?
> - Rootkit Hunter
> - Replace empathy with pidgin and include pidgin otr
> - Email encryption
> - TextSecure
> Currently a secure sms protocol for android by
> but looks like a broswer extension is available
> - Application Firewall
> AppArmour



Founder - Hamara Linux

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Re: [Ilugc] Hamara Linux | Privacy Package

2014-10-20 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/10/14 16:38, PrasannaKumar Muralidharan wrote:
> I think adding permission for packages like android will be a first step.
> All package in repo can initially be enabled by default.
You mean showing what permissions/things the package has access to?

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Re: [Ilugc] Bharat Operating Systems Solutions | Current usage and state

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 20/10/14 21:05, YOGESHWAR DAN CHARAN wrote:
> Hi there ,
> I recently got to know about Indian version of GNU/Linux BOSS
It's not the only one.

There is also that I am actively involved in developing.

Some answers to common questions here:

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Re: [Ilugc] [[Doubt]] Technical aspects on Flipkart BigBillionDay sale

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 21/10/14 06:24, sahil साहिल wrote:
> Now, can you guys explain me how was that possible? Does it mean that they
> put their web code on 4500 servers? Is it really possible?
AWS + Chef Scripting for autoscaling
Redhat Openshift
Ubuntu Juju

Any of these cloud technologies actually make it pretty easy to achieve
a time limited 4500 web servers with storage, load balancing, database
layer etc.

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Re: [Ilugc] Hamara Linux | Privacy Package

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 21/10/14 06:24, PrasannaKumar Muralidharan wrote:
>> You mean showing what permissions/things the package has access to?
> Showing the permission and allowing access to resources that is requested.
> For example an email client need not have access to camera.
OK - I understand.

Some work on apparmour with a profile for a desktop user and a gui might
do the trick.

Thanks for the input!
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Re: [Ilugc] [[Doubt]] Technical aspects on Flipkart BigBillionDay sale

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 21/10/14 12:21, Shrayas rajagopal wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> AWS + Chef Scripting for autoscaling
>> Redhat Openshift
>> Ubuntu Juju
>> Any of these cloud technologies actually make it pretty easy to achieve
>> a time limited 4500 web servers with storage, load balancing, database
>> layer etc.
> ​Personally i've always wondered if *4500* new servers are actually
> required? Reddit added i think about 15 servers to handle Obama's AMA and
> the entire SO runs off 45 servers. Quite puzzled since a long time.​
I suppose if you use autoscaling then they will only be used if they are
actually required.

Perhaps they mean 4500 small instances?

I concur though - maybe mentioning "4500 servers" is just really good
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Re: [Ilugc] [[Doubt]] Technical aspects on Flipkart BigBillionDay sale

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 21/10/14 12:38, Shrayas rajagopal wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> Perhaps they mean 4500 small instances?
> ​Doesn't it make more sense to use lesser no. but bigger boxes?
It does to me, but if your using cloud provisioning then you need to
work with the size of boxes that
they give you at a given price point?

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Re: [Ilugc] [[Doubt]] Technical aspects on Flipkart BigBillionDay sale

2014-10-21 Thread Vikas Tara
On 21/10/14 13:42, Lakshmi Narasimhan .R wrote:
> Hi,
> Just thought of sharing some information which i know about such
> deployments.
> Normally this kind of huge deployments would have multiple layers of server
> for specific function
> 1) DNS server - holding details of lots of web load-balancer
> 2) Load Balancer - Static/dynamic details of lots of web server to load
> balance the connection
> 3) Web server - Will mostly contain few static pages/dynamic part of the
> web code
> 4) CDN - Holds most of the static contents and media files
> 5) Cache server cluster - Most important part of storage to reduce load on
> DB servers by taking up all the reads.
> 6) Database servers - Typically handles only writes (saves the information
> to retrieve in case of failure of cache nodes) and to serve reads that are
> not available in cache cluster.
> 7) Application servers - They mostly hold the scripts that run as scheduled
> jobs to cleanup carts, provide refund if stock not available, etc.
> Flipkart is using the combination of cloud servers and real servers to
> handle various loads and for better reliability and scalability.
> They would also have dynamic scaling of new cloud instances to handle surge
> in traffic.
> They also ensure they have sufficient extra instance running all the time
> to handle the load until new servers scaled boots up and fetches the
> details and get ready to process requests.
Really well put and much better than my previous brief comment!

See the amazing technical solutions we can produce to satisfy
erm, shopping. Now if only
we could do that for say Universal Healthcare or Education

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Re: [Ilugc] Hamara Linux | Privacy Package

2014-10-22 Thread Vikas Tara
On 22/10/14 05:29, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> So here is Boss Linux version 2.

It's nothing like Boss Linux

>  Wonder where they get the money run these
> things?
I can answer that.

Currently I pay the bills.
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Re: [Ilugc] Hamara Linux | Privacy Package

2014-10-22 Thread Vikas Tara
On 22/10/14 02:47, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> On Oct 22, 2014 6:57 AM, "kavin raj"  wrote:
>> Just before three months I had used Ubuntu, but I can't able to continue,
> I
>> can't able to install Photoshop is my first reason,
I use photoshop on linux, it installs quite easily / well?
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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 05:17, Shrayas rajagopal wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Shakthi Kannan 
> wrote:
>> We at least know they are fixed, unlike proprietary systems.
> ​+1. Very important point, this.
If my house is made of wood, it doesn't help me to point to my neighbors
that's made of straw. The wolf as we know, blows both of those houses down.

FOSS chest beating doesn't help the scenario.

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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 05:18, Karthikeyan A K wrote:
> Who know how many shell shock Microsoft hides? And how many of it is known
> by NSA?
Who cares? I don't use Microsoft so it's not my concern.

I use Linux, that's my concern.

It's naive to believe that FOSS is somehow magically safe because many
eyes can see the code.

Only if many eyes bother to look at the code, will they find the holes.

How difficult do you think it is for certain agencies to pay /exert
infulence on contributors to write in security holes?

In my view, these recent finds are the tip of the iceberg.

Either you accept that "all your machines are belong to us", whichever
OS you
are using, or you start auditing code.

I have a polish friend who is an OpenBSD contributor, he often makes
smug comments at me about the
fact that I run the Linux kernel on my machines. He often says "they're
are some funny things in there".

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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 08:14, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> Heartbleed and Shellshock have had a large impact across the board for
> a lot of sites. I cannot deny that these two alone have cast a shadow
> over these security assumptions in open source.
Exactly, assumptions like that are really bad for us if we want secure
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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 10:28, Ganesh Ranganathan wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
>> FOSS chest beating doesn't help the scenario.
> ​It's not chest thumping at all. Bugs are found in all software - whether
> free or proprietary. To write bug free code is not possible at all, what is
> important is to make sure bugs are addressed promptly.
The original poster said "at least we know when they are fixed". I'm
pretty sure MS and Apple write release notes with their
security fixes.
> ​But Open Source software is far more transparent in handling the security
> issues and the patches are issued within days of a vulnerability being
> discovered.
Agreed, this is for sure the no. 1 advantage we should all be pointing to.

The speed at which we we're able to patch against shell shock is worthy
of credit.

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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 11:00, Shakthi Kannan wrote:
> Hi,
> --- On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
> | I'm
> | pretty sure MS and Apple write release notes with their
> | security fixes.
> \--
> Seriously?
ok, so they write crap release notes.

I point you to my earlier analogy of the straw/wooden house.
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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 11:03, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Karthikeyan A K <> wrote:
>> Who know how many shell shock Microsoft hides? And how many of it is known
>> by NSA?
> I'm of the opinion that FOSS is certainly better. Your statement about
> MS does not give me added comfort with FOSS. I'm bothered about the
> vulnerabilities and impact in the absolute sense in FOSS.
> I've used FOSS for a long time and have managed a webfarm for 4 years
> in the 90s. I've always marvelled at the fact that Linux machines were
> simply rock solid, not hacked and a low overhead management platform
> while MS machines were insecure and a nightmare. I've never before
> encountered a serious vulnerability in Linux as Heartbleed/ shellshock
> that shook the foundation of the platform stack used for web
> applications itself.
> I referred to ESR's thoughts/works like CatB as I believe in them
> strongly (so much that I travelled to meet him for a chat at his
> residence in Wayne PA in the 90s). Those premises failed in these
> cases badly. Both SSL and Bash have been around for a long time, used
> by many and were considered robust components. It was after a long
> while that the enterprise segment believed in FOSS and adopted such
> robust pieces.
> That confidence has been pummelled by these incidents. The painstaking
> gains made by FOSS in enterprise adoption would get eroded, whether we
> like it or not. The sniggers will be back.
> I posted this originally as I was concerned when I saw the statistics
> quoted. This is what the commercial enterprise software vendors will
> grab and use against FOSS. Luckily, most of them used SSL/TLS and so
> cannot blow their own trumpets.
> We will need to wait and watch how the scenario unfolds and affects FOSS.
Again, you place a very reasoned opinion. Much respect.

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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 11:23, Shakthi Kannan wrote:
> Hi,
> --- On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Vikas Tara  wrote:
> | ok, so they write crap release notes.
> |
> | I point you to my earlier analogy of the straw/wooden house.
> \--
> You are missing the point.
> What F/OSS claims is that the source code is available for anyone to
> try out. Even if there are bugs, people can find it and fix it, and
> anyone can *verify* the same.
> Sadly, this isn't the case with proprietary systems.
OK - see what you mean. I concur, which is why I guess, I am actively
involved in building FOSS systems.

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Re: [Ilugc] Bad publicity on FOSS security

2014-10-23 Thread Vikas Tara
On 23/10/14 11:36, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Shakthi Kannan  wrote:
>> What F/OSS claims is that the source code is available for anyone to
>> try out. Even if there are bugs, people can find it and fix it, and
>> anyone can *verify* the same.
> Yes. This is the premise that also alludes that FOSS would mature
> faster to being vulnerability free than a closed source product. The
> caveat is that that must be a popular and often used software.
> SSL and Bash satisfy both these criteria but still had serious
> vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities leads me to think that a hybrid
> model would possibly work better.
> a) Develop fast, release fast and mature fast as proposed by ESR for
> non-foundation software.
> b) A more focussed QA by a dedicated team like what Theo practices for
> OpenBSD for core platform components which also means feature
> inclusion will be slow but measured.
I have been thinking along very similar lines - but my approach so far has
been around creating a FOSS QA project that looks at other projects

I know google are doing something in this vain, but I am not sure they
are particularly
independent when it comes to government agencies.

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