[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: spriebsch

2009-04-16 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Working on phpruntests (refactored run-tests) with Zoe Slattery, and 
co-mentoring GSOC student Georg Gradwohl.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespaces and \t, \r, \n, \0 etc.

2008-10-28 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Johannes,

Johannes Schlüter schrieb:
 to me it does not seem to make sense to use tabs or linefeeds (or
 whatever other strange escaped characters) in namespace'd names. So I'd
 suggest generating a fatal error when somebody uses them.
 \n is no newline (yes \n is, \n not ...) - no need for such a strange

My suggestion is to try to avoid people running into trouble with
something like:

namespace the\namespace\class;

$classname = the\namespace\class;
new $classname;

I'd prefer the new statement to fail with an error like you can't have
newlines in a classname instead of not finding $classname.



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[PHP-DEV] Namespaces and \t, \r, \n, \0 etc.

2008-10-27 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi list,

to me it does not seem to make sense to use tabs or linefeeds (or
whatever other strange escaped characters) in namespace'd names. So I'd
suggest generating a fatal error when somebody uses them.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

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 Sitz/Registered Office: Wolfratshausen
 Geschäftsführer/Executive: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch
 GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Inconsistencies in 5.3

2008-08-04 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Hannes Magnusson schrieb:

I don't think anyone but him likes multiple namespaces per file. I do
remember a PhD thesis sized mail from him explaining why multiple
namespaces per file was needed though (can hardly believe anyone read
the whole thing..).

In some deployment processes, multiple PHP files are merged together 
into one file. Symfony, for example, does this, at least optionally.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace problem?

2008-07-17 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Hi Stas,

Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
It may be true in some cases, but in general PHP allows to do tons of 
stuff that is not useful, or at least does not seem to be useful. But I 
don't think it's productive to spend time on disallowing such things - 
same time could be spent developing real features :)

I think it may be more productive to disallow it now, instead of 
bogusifying bug reports and dealing with confused users later. My 2ct.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace problem?

2008-07-16 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Alexey Zakhlestin schrieb:

namespace foo;

Not OK:
use Foo:Bar as Something;

Then that is a showstopper that effectively does not allow to use braces 
around a namespace, so I'd boldly suggest either fixing the curly braces 
notation to allow use statements or disallow curly braces around 
namespaces, because as it is, it doesn't really seem useful.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Namespace problem?

2008-07-16 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:


around a namespace, so I'd boldly suggest either fixing the curly 
braces notation to allow use statements or disallow curly braces around 

Use statements should be at the top, as the influence whole file scope.

I know, but namespace must be the first statement in a script, so I 
can't put use _before_ the namespace.

namespaces, because as it is, it doesn't really seem useful.

What doesn't seem useful? What exactly you are trying to do?

Trying to use curly braces around my namespace for readability. But I 
can't put a use statement _into_ these namespaces, neither can I put the 
 use _before_ the namespace.

That means: I cannot use namespaces with curly braces combined with a 
use statement. This makes the curly braces pretty pointless.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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[PHP-DEV] Namespace problem?

2008-07-15 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi list,

I was playing around with namespaces and stumbled across this:


  namespace Foo;

  use Foo::Bar as Something;

  class Bar { }


works fine, whereas


  namespace Foo;
use Foo::Bar as Something;

class Bar { }


yields: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_USE
in /home/steve/namespaces/code/with_braces.php on line 6



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

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 Sitz/Registered Office: Wolfratshausen
 Geschäftsführer/Executive:  Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch
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Re: [PHP-DEV] How bad would it be to say/enforce that namespacing can only apply to classes and not normal functions?

2008-06-26 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Hey all,

honestly, it is not my intention to raise a new flamewar, but aren't 
most of these ambiguity problems we talk about due to the fact that :: 
is used as the namespace separator?



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-02-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Sam Barrow schrieb:
 If anyone has any objections to a scalar type hint please raise a
 valid point.

Chris Stockton schrieb:

This library would probably have ~300(String) + ~110(Int)
~40(Resource) ~30(Bool) ~10(Float) = 500 less function calls, and much
cleaner code if there was type hinting.

I may be short-sighted here, but does type adding hinting not just push 
the problem to the library user? In strictly typed languages the 
compiler enforces type consistency, in PHP any type inconsistency yields 
a runtime error, thus forcing the library user to explicitly type cast, 
wrap every library call into a try-catch statement or use a runtime 
error handler (which in turn can throw an exception, taking us back to 

From an overall perspective on the PHP code, I would rather have the 
type checks _once_ inside the functions/methods, instead of multiple 
times on every call.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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2008-01-15 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Richard Lynch schrieb:

If a web service really doesn't care whether it is responding to GET
or POST or even forged COOKIES to product its output, why would it not
just use REQUEST?

It's not as if it's any harder to forge GET vs. POST vs. COOKIE data,

You can easily have sombeody inadvertedly send a malicious GET request 
just by embedding an image link into a page.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Sam Barrow schrieb:

Well these errors can be handled like any other, as long as they don't
issue a fatal.

That's exactly my point. You need to handle them. So in pidgin PHP that 
could look something like

function foo(int $foo) {}


catch (WhateverException $e)
  since $bar cannot be converted to int, do_whatever

Is that really betten than writing

if (!is_int($bar)) do_whatever


function foo($foo)
  if (!is_int($foo)) do_whatever

My point is: aside from the academic purity of more strictness, what 
is the real benefit in this scenario? Any defensive coder will always 
write explicit type checks to prevent runtime errors.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Sam Barrow schrieb:

Keep in mind that your do_whatever would actually be a trigger error
with an error message including the name of the function and parameter

I did not make the point of my code clear enough. do_whatever is not the 
code that triggers the error, but the code that handles the error.

My point is that I think people will start checking parameters before 
they call a function to avoid a fatal error. This is more code and 
uglier, because you'll have to repeat it for every function call, 
instead of once in the function body.

Even if they put an explicit typecast into a function call, like
foo((int) $something) error handling code would have to be provided in 
case the cast was not possible.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Robert Cummings schrieb:

The onus should be on consumers of my API to use it properly, not on me
to jump through hoops to make sure they gave me the correct data at
every step of the way. I stopped holding hands in grade 3 or so.

Still you force any defensive coder to repeat explicit type checks and 
type casts all over whenever one of your API functions is called.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch
I'm a little afraid that introducing type hints will have us end up with 
code like this (to stick with a previous example):


function foo(int $a) {}

foo((int) '5');


So, just to make sure, add Java-ish typecasts everywhere. I'm not sure 
if that solves the problem (error handling still required when the cast 
is not possible), but maybe someone could comment on the performance 
implications of adding explicit typecasts in every function call?



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Pierre schrieb:

When a method or function uses the strict typing, it is on purpose. It
is documented (self documented and hopefully using normal docs). There
is no need of error handling, it is an usage error and should raise a
E_{whatever}, be happy, it will not be fatal as it is now in all these
OO strictness (with or without good reasons :).

Sorry, but I don't understand you. Why is there no need of error 
handling? Clearly, it's a runtime error, which I either have to handle 
or I have my program crash at some nonsense value. Wouldn't exactly 
make me happy ;-)



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Pierre schrieb:
 I don't see the point to make a application working when you pass to
 it the wrong data, it is a bad usage. That was the moto for the

So how are you going to deal with the bad usage then? Isn't the 
problem that this bad usage is discovered at runtime, vs at compile 
time like in Java? If you don't deal with these errors, you effectively 
crash your application.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] type hinting

2008-01-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Pierre schrieb:

That what happens now with the numerous fatal errors. That's not the
case with an E_RECOVERABLE error. PHP has no compiler and all errors
will be see at runtime, even fatals like missing classes, functions,
methods, wrong interfaces or bad usages of set/getters.

Sorry, not true. PHP does compile first and E_STRICT errors show up at 
compile time, which you can observe running a php -l lint check on a 
file E_STRICT errors and an appropriate error reporting level. But 
that's not really to the point, I know.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] spl_autoload vs __autoload

2007-12-28 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Andrew Mason schrieb:
 Hi guys,
 Can anyone shed some light on the advantages of the spl_autoload over
 the standard __autoload ? is there any ?

You can only register one __autoload() function, whereas spl_autoload()
allows for a hierarchy of handlers. This allows for libraries to
register their own autoload handler, for example.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Tainted Mode Decision

2007-11-19 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hey David,

David Zülke schrieb:
 bother us, at least they have been warned). But some implicit guessing
 magic that, once again, means people are gonna switch their brains off -
 please not.

Frankly, I don't care about people that switch their brains off. If one
doesn't care about security, or doesn't understand the related problems,
they'll always be able to write crappy code, no matter what.

I'd love to see a taint mode in PHP because it would help me make stuff
I use and work on (at least) a little more secure - without a lot of effort.



 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch

 http://www.e-novative.de - GnuPG Key: 0x7DB67F7F

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Question about Namespace patch

2007-07-25 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
 SELECT class FROM LibB WHERE class.name NOT LIKE 'Date%' AND
 class.version  3.14 OR class.approved='Manager'
 Maybe we should use PDO to support these? ;)

For performance reasons, I would rather suggest using native database
APIs instead of PDO. When do you think you can have the patch ready?


Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-12 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Richard Lynch schrieb:
 And for those of us who never use autoload OR SPL, could you please
 not force SPL into core?
From a regular PHP developer's perspective, SPL is part of the core
(read: it is guaranteed that it is always there). The manual says so,
and it has been said in most, if not all SPL-related presentations.

So people have started using SPL, iterators, autoload, or the
pre-defined exceptions. You might not use it personally, but I bet that
sooner or later components and libraries you use will pick up on it, if
they haven't already.

AFAIK, PDO offers iterator-based access. Does PDO work without SPL?

IMHO, you have to set a standard set of PHP features that everybody can
rely on. By still allowing stuff to be disabled, you start adding more
incertainty to the whole thing. If it can be disabled, somebody will
disable it one day, get into trouble, file a bug report, and be told
you need to always enable SPL. Isn't that a waste of time, energy and

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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[PHP-DEV] Re: SPL as non-disablable extension (Was: Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal)

2007-07-10 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Derick Rethans schrieb:
 That's what we're doing... however, I don't mind the force SPL to be 
 compiled into PHP bit. I think we should do that.
Since the manual says This extension is available and compiled by
default in PHP 5., so a lot of developers (me included) rely on SPL
funtionality nowadays, so not compiling it into PHP in a certain
installation is a recipe for diaster that should be avoided.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-09 Thread Stefan Priebsch

 Note that multiple files in namespace won't allow autoloading.
 Can you please explain why that is so?
 Now autoloading maps class name into file name, however if you have several
 classes in one file, only one of them may be autoloaded(). The same with

Did you confuse multiple files in namespace and multiple namespaces
in a file in your original post? If yes, I'm with you, otherwise:
Wasn't the original idea of your namespace implementation to simplify
those long PEARified class names, kind of, by substituting a namespace
for that name prefix? So I can write an autoloader that maps a
namespace+class name to a file name.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-09 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
   function super_common_function_every_namespace_in_my_project_uses(){

   namespace A::B {
 That's what I would like to avoid. Because if you need namespaces, then
 you want to segment your naming space. If you in the same time pollute
 the global space with non-namespaced function names, the whole namespace
 business is kind of meaningless. Or you want your library not polluting
 global space, or you don't.

Will there be an exception [as in: special case, not as in: new
Exception()] for an __autoload function?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-09 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
 Will there be an exception [as in: special case, not as in: new
 Exception()] for an __autoload function?
 __autoload is actually not that great an idea, as it appears now.
 spl_autoload_register works much better for complicated libraries.

I know, and I use spl_autoload_register. But then I would blatantly
suggest to remove __autoload() in PHP6 and force SPL to be compiled into

Kind regards,

Stefan Priebsch

 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-07-09 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Andrei Zmievski schrieb:
 As we see now, yes they will be in PHP 6.


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-08 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Rasmus Lerdorf schrieb:
 Stefan Priebsch wrote:
Hi Rasmus,

 Or you may get it by conditionally including the file that defines it.
 Note that the opcodes are still cached, it just means that the executor
 has a bit more work to do on each request.

Thanks for clarifying this. Has anybody actually created a benchmark
that allows to compare conditional/unconditional include with and
without opcode cache? I'm working on some PHP benchmarks like this, and
would really appreciate any pointer to existing work in this area.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-08 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Dmitry,

I am merging together your various posts:

 Note that multiple files in namespace won't allow autoloading.
Can you please explain why that is so?

 function namespace_name($name) {
  return __NAMESPACE__ . :: . $name;
Thanks for posting this - I am not sure wether this would do the trick
in my case, though, since would need to calculate a fully-qualified name
from *outside* the current namespace. BUT:

 Putting multiple namespaces in one file is really unusual case.
 It may be implemented, but I don't like to do it, because it may give
 more mess then advantage.
Right. As I said before, I'd like to have this if it is not difficult to
do. Given the recent discussion with Rasmus about caching I think that y
original idea of glueing together files to improve performance will go
down the drain anyway. Bottom line: I'm with you.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-08 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
 Why wouldn't it play well with caching?
My statement refered to a statment Rasmus had made somewhere else a
while ago (conditional includes not playing well with caches) that got
me confused. See Rasmus' clarifications in this thread.

 I don't think one binary approach makes sense for PHP. PHP application
 is usually composed of many files, some of them are library files not
 used at all, some are rarely used, etc. Also, this approach does not
 allow to change individual files without having all the system lose
 performance significantly.
I wouldn't want to make it a new standard, but I'd say there could be a
use for it. You could deploy a PHP application like a statically linked
binary without external dependencies. That means, for example, no
problems when wrong versions of external libraries are loaded because
of an unexpected include path etc. Also, it is easier to ensure the
application's integrity, because users cannot easily change or swap out
a single file.

I was asking myself wether loading one large file - possibly from a
cache - might be a lot faster than loading n files. This of course
depends on how expensive disk access is compared to how large your
binary gets. That's why I was planning to benchmark it.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Dmitry,

Allowing only one namespace per file is a clean concept which I like
very much. I have a use case for putting multiple namespaces into one
file, though.

OOP-PHP applications are usually one class per file with conditional
loading. This does not play well with caching. I am working on gluing
together all files of a project into one large source file on deployment
(a phing task will do this) so it can be opcode cached as one large
application binary. I will then compare the performance of both
apporaches, but I have a feeling that the single binary approach will
be faster. As APC will be part of PHP6, I think this approach could
improve general performance of PHP applications and easw deployment.

Allowing only one namespace per file will obviously kill this approach.
So if there is there a chance of allowing a namespace in braces, it
would be great if you could make this possible.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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2007-07-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Vesselin Kenashkov schrieb:
 announcement for EOL on the php.net) the php4 users to upgrade directly to
 php6. This way the php6 adoption could be much faster than php5 one.
 So please give your opinions on this.

I'd say this is not a good idea because PHP6 will/should/hopefully does
introduce some backwards compatibility breaks (like removed php.ini
options). So migrating from PHP4 to PHP5 first seems a better way to go,
at least for troublesome code.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Sebastian Bergmann schrieb:
  Why not expand namespaces during these step? The resulting file would
  then have either only one namespace or no namespace at all.

A good idea, but (much) more work of course, since it requires parsing
and rewriting every file. And I am not sure, if this really works out
when it comes to dynamically creating class and function names.

Is there a chance to add a PHP function that returns a fully qualified
name for a given name (thus letting the engine do the expansion, which
would ensure that correct rules are used)?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Ramus,

Rasmus Lerdorf schrieb:
 Note that what you are saving by combining the files into one is just a
 single stat syscall per file.  And that can be alleviated by setting
 apc.stat=0 in your config.  That of course means you need to restart
 your server or flush your cache whenever you want to update the files.
 In apc.stat=0 mode you gain nothing by merging all the files.

Hmmm, in earlier posts of yours (BTW, there was quite some confusion
about those, I believe) you mentioned that/how cache-unfriendly
conditional includes (i.e. autoload) were. Are we talking about new APC
development here or did I misread your earlier comments on caching?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-07-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch
IMHO backporting a lot of features to PHP4 is a major reasons for the
slow PHP5 adoption. Basically, it seems that everybody who is not using
OOP feels that PHP4 is fine for them.

I'd say committing to backporting stuff from PHP6 to PHP5 will yield a
similar situation: very slow or no PHP6 adoption.

BTW, can't the unicode switch be done at compile time? So one can
compile PHP6 Unicode and PHP6 non-Unicode. Then if there is a clever way
of running both engines in parallel, there should be no performance
impact inside the non-unicode engine. Since there is both versions of
the engine (that can maybe even selected by a certain statement in the
main PHP file of the application), unicode and non-unicode users are
happy. And there is only one version of PHP in the market, to conquer it

There must be a reason to upgrade to a new PHP version (usually
features, maybe performance increase etc.). But there also must be no
reason not to upgrade. But you all know this, it has been said before.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-07-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Pierre schrieb:
 Namespace is one _very_ important reason. If we need a marketing

I agree. But AFAIK namespaces were not supposed to be in PHP6, at least
not in PHP 6.0. Is there an official position on wether namespaces will
be in PHP 6.0?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-07-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Johannes Schlüter schrieb:
 http://www.php.net/~derick/meeting-notes.html#name-spaces repalce MArcus
 with Dmitry in the Conclusion and check the other thread.

While we edit the document, can we also drop that *if* printed in italics?


Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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2007-07-06 Thread Stefan Priebsch

 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-05 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Dmitry,

thanks for your clarifications. I like your concept very much, as a PHP
user, however, I am a little concerned about some ambiguities your
concept introduces. I feel this might be a source of error for many
programmers, especially less experienced ones.

 In any case you won't use classes and namespaces with the same full names.

IMHO this should be a fatal error, at least a warning (something like
potential ambiguity between funtion foo() in namespace a and abstract
method foo() in class a. Otherwise adding to an existing program could
inadvertedly alter its behaviour.

 Right. You can have namespace UTF8 and function strlen() in it.

This kind of overriding would make an interesting feature! However, if
a programmer creates - by coincidence - a method with the name of an
built-in PHP function, he alters the program's behaviour; from another
point of view, this is something that should be forbidden, as I think it
could be a source of hard-to-find errors.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-05 Thread Stefan Priebsch
David Coallier schrieb:
 I would probably be in favor of throwing a notice or a warning when
 someone modifies a built-in function (or even throw an exception) and
 that way as soon as you do such thing you would know right away that
 you modified something and you would know where the modification
 happened which would make things much easier for people developing and
 debugging applications.

The problem is that this kind of overloading makes a nice feature as
well. This is runied by throwing an exception, and cautious developers
will at least get nervous when they see a notice.

I could imagine that by adding something like overrides foo() or
overloads foo() to a function/method declaration the developer could
make clear that he willingly overrides a built-in function, and if this
is missing, an exception is being thrown. This may be a little over the
top, however.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Simple Namespace Proposal

2007-07-04 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Dmitry,

it would be great to have namespaces in PHP6, as these always
longer-getting classnames are somewhat annoying.

I don't want to start a discussion about the separator (I think there
was one before), but:

  6) Calls to qualified functions are resolved at run-time. Call to
  A::B::foo() first tries to call function foo() from namespace
A::B, then
  it tries to find class A::B (__autoload() it if necessary) and call its
  static function foo()

If I am not mislead this ambiguity is due to the fact that :: is the
namespace separator? If, so I'd rather suggest changing the separator,
because one could alter the program's behaviour by adding a function
foo() to a namespace thus making PHP call this function instead of the
method. Besides, a lot of less experiences programmers would not be sure
when which function/method is actually called.

  All class and function names inside are automatically prefixed with
  namespace name. Inside namespace, local name always takes precedence
  global name. It is possible to use the same namespace in several PHP
  The namespace declaration statement must be the very first statement in

I take it that when I include or conditionally include, the included
file has its own namespace, if one is declared in that file. What if I
do not declare a namespace in an include file? Does this file inherit
the current namespace or are the contents added to the global namespace?

  point of definition down to the end of file. It is recommended
however to
  place imports at the beginning of the file. Import statements have
  only on file where they are written.

Could this result in name conflicts when including files that have their
own import statements?

  4) calls to unqualified functions that are not defined in current
  are resolved in run-time. The call to function foo() inside namespace
  first tries to find and call function from current namespace
A::B::foo() and
  if it doesn't exist PHP tries to call internal function foo(). Note that
  using foo() in namespace you can call only internal PHP functions,
  using ::foo() you are able to call any function from global namespace.

Does this mean that a programmer could override an internal PHP
function, possibly accidentally?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of unicode.semantics in PHP 6?

2007-06-20 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi list,

IMHO PHP6 might need more new features to attract developers to migrate
their code / write new code for PHP6. Unicode support is great for those
who need it, but is likely to cause work for those that just have to
live with it. Nobody likes to so extra work, and it's hard to get
managers to pay for refactoring and updating software without
visible/measurable benefit. Especially if the new version it going to be
slower, it's tough to push it through.

Namespaces in PHP 6.0 might be a very interesting feature for many
developers. Currently, it seems that unicode will be main thing, which
might result in lots of developers not care about it and just wait for
namespaces or another feature they need in 6.1 (or whenever).

Regarding the BC break: maybe breaking BC can be cleverly used as a
marketing statement. We have cleaned up PHP, to get rid of some sins of
the past. If users do not upgrade because there is just one or two
small issues that require them to put work in their existing code, then
why keep BC?

Those who are planning to upgrade to PHP6 will always have to put in
some work into their code, or at least test it on PHP6.

Those who stick with older versions do not really care wether the new
version breaks BC just a little or really a lot - they are not going
to touch their existing code anyway and stick with older PHP versions.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Feature(let) idea

2007-06-19 Thread Stefan Priebsch

Andi Gutmans schrieb:
 I got a feature idea from Apache. Apache will automatically translate
 mod_rewrite.so in LoadModule to mod_rewrite.dll on Windows. It'd be nice
 if we added the same to PHP so you wouldn't need to maintain two
 php.ini's between UNIX  Windows machines. It's a pretty easy patch but
 I wanted to run it by people here before working on a patch.

I like this idea, but the directory layout is usually rather different
between Windows and Unix, so there will probably still be differences in
the php.ini regarding to include_path and extension_dir.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Feature(let) idea

2007-06-19 Thread Stefan Priebsch

 The idea is to use the same set of extension=foo directives for all
 platforms (nearly all). It is relatively obvious that extension_dir
 will differ.
 I like this idea and will ease our life, a litte :)

I got that, and I like simplification. It would just not really make
php.ini files portable between Windows and Unix.

I could even think of some other feature(let)s that might help us move
into that direction:

- define a unified path separator for include_path (the system-dependend
ones could still be accepted, thus keeping BC)
- accept paths in php.ini with forward slashes on all systems (I think
Apache also does -even requires- it that way)
- for system-dependent settings like SMTP, have SMTP.Windows and
SMTP.Unix settings that can override the general SMTP setting (this
idea certainly needs some more thought)
- also make zend_extension and zend_extension_ts guess wether dll or
so is to be loaded

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PHP4] Logging native PHP function calls

2007-06-13 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Hi Markus,

 The thing is: I need to know specific information of the mysql operations:
 1) host,user,pass of connects/pconnects (and which type of connect),
 count of connects this very request already had
 2) sql statement on query, execution time, count of how many statements
 this very request already had

You can configure xdebug to create a trace log showing the parameters
passed to the called functions. This could be a basis for what you need.

 Additional to that I need information like:
 * server ip (multiple servers)
 * remote ip
 * http host (zillions of vhosts)
 * uri
 * user agent string

A quick and maybe dirty idea that comes to my mind is to add a function
call in your application that has these parameter (easy to gather from
$_SERVER etc.) so they show up in the trace logs. Then it's a matter of
processing a gazillion lines of trace log to get out the information you
need, but at least it should be there.

 in the past, profiling things, but I don't see this possible in
 production environment running and getting out the the information I need.

Trace logging in a production environment *absolutely* kills your
performance, so if you have to dedicated test environment, hmmm.

But would you actually create a patched PHP and deploy this in your
production environment. Then I personally would rather opt for running
an xdebug-based trace Sunday morning at 4 am.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Question about bug #41262

2007-05-11 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Carsten Wiedmann schrieb:
 So, why depends the return value in this one case on the local
 filesystem and without any info in the documentation?

I always use something str_replace('\\', '/', $aFilename) before I work
with filenames, and normally have no cross-plattform issues with that. I
also do it after using realpath(), for example.

I know this is not really to the point, but it might just help you work
around the problem.

Kind regards


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
phar is a good way of deploying PHP code, as PEAR proves. As a cautious
developer however, I am reluctant to using optional features that might
not be available on my client's installation. And for regular users of
PHP-based software, installing a PECL extension is not an option. If I
cannot be sure that phar works on my client's system, I cannot use it to
deploy software.

Uploading a phar file, then pointing your browser to it and running a
PHP-based self-extracting installer similar to the Windows installers we
know would make installing PHP software way more end-user-compatible.

IMHO phar should be part of the PHP code, so that developers can rely on
it as a means of PHP software deployment that certainly works on all
systems, rather than another option.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
 Unless your clients immediately upgrade to php 5.3 this is the case
 anyway for some time (probably measured in years).

Sure. But since PHP4 support is discontinued by the end of this year,
people will have to upgrade to 5.x (or 6) anyway. That would put phar
support in the broad field maybe by mid-year 2008.

 for installer). However, running live app from inside phar is entirely
 different thing.

I fully agree to that. I (currently) see phar as a means of deploying
PHP code. But when people start running PHP apps from a phar, I am sure
that soon some caching mechanism will appear that would just extract
the files from the phar to the file system for quicker access - which
again would make phar a great tool for deploying PHP code.

And, if APC becomes more wide-spread in the future, I guess it does not
really matter wether the code is read from filesystem of phar for the
first time, since subsequently the pre-compiled code would be read from
the cache anyway. Thus, I see no serious performance impact even if you
run software from phar, at least when using a bytecode cache.

 That's exactly what I am saying - that in my opinion such format is not
 the best thing PHP software developers could (or should) rely on in many
 scenarios. Putting something in PHP source is a form of endorsement, and
 I think it should be carefully considered if it's ready for all
 scenarios before we do that.

Then, for installation, what other format would you suggest?

I think one advantage of phar is that it is backed by PEAR tools that
one can expect every PHP developer to have on his system. It would be a
good time now to provide some kind of de-facto-standard for deployment
of PHP code, and phar is the best candidate I know for this.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Lester Caine schrieb:
 And given the problem getting hosts to ADD PECL extensions, you expect
 that they will allow a third party application to install things on
 their locked down machines. I think the first problem is how does it
 integrate with hosting environments and will those hosts allow it to run?

Hmmm ... isn't the essence of PHP webspace to be able to put PHP
scripts/applications there to run them? phar could make the installation
of PHP scripts and applications easier as compared to uploading an
archive, unzipping it, possibly fixing access rights manually.

Any yes, they will allow it to run because it's no different from
allowing PHP scripts to run. As a matter of fact, .phar cannot do
anything that .php cannot do, but it's just one file which makes it way
easier to handler for end-users.

Kind regards


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
 All power to them, but why should they use phar as runtime format?

Maybe we could agree on using phar as a means of deploying PHP code, as
I pointed out earlier? Otherwise it seems, as Greg has pointed out, that
PEAR as it is will become pretty useless with the release of PHP6.

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Starting 5.3

2007-05-07 Thread Stefan Priebsch
Gregory Beaver schrieb:
 Correction: the *installation* process for PEAR will have to be reverted
 to the way it worked in PHP 4.  PEAR is unaffected by these changes.

Which, from the end user's viewpoint, makes PEAR useless because they
cannot install PEAR in the first place. That's what I meant.

 There are other changes that affect PEAR, which is why we are moving all
 packages to PHP 5+ currently.

Could you please elaborate on that a little more?

Kind regards,


 e-novative - We make IT work for you.

 e-novative GmbH - HR: Amtsgericht München HRB 139407
 Sitz: Wolfratshausen - GF: Dipl. Inform. Stefan Priebsch


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