[parablenet] Our Daily Bread for Mar 26, 2004

2004-03-25 Thread Joseph lonth
Friday, March 26, 2004

Being Useful

Read: Luke 3:21-22

A voice came from heaven which said, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am 
well pleased." -- Luke 3:22

Bible in One Year: Joshua 22-24; Luke 3

Jesus emerged from obscurity and was baptized by John the Baptist. When He 
came out of the water, He heard His Father say, "You are My beloved Son; in 
You I am well pleased" (Luke 3:22).

What had Jesus been doing that merited such unqualified acceptance? He had 
not yet performed one miracle; He had not preached a single sermon; He had 
not cleansed one leper. In fact, He had not yet done anything that we 
normally associate with greatness. What had He been doing in Nazareth 
during those 30 silent years? He was growing "in wisdom and stature, and in 
favour with God and men" (2:52).

What's done in the silent place with God is what matters. It's in the quiet 
hours of fellowship with God that we're shaped and moulded and made into 
men and women He can use -- people with whom He can be well-pleased.

You might be thinking, I'm in a place where I can't be useful. You may feel 
limited and frustrated by the cramping restrictions of age, an illness, a 
difficult child, an uncooperative spouse. But your place, wherever it is, 
is a place to grow. Spend time in God's Word and in prayer. Grow and bloom 
where you are, and your Father will be pleased with you. -- David Roper

You'll go forth a little stronger
With a fresh supply of grace,
If each day you meet the Savior
In a secret, quiet place. -- Adams

Fruitful service grows in the soil of faithful worship.

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[JOYnet] Mother Teresa & Alleged Prophecy

2003-04-06 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynet Friends,

The mail forwarded by Ruby makes interesting reading although it is purely 
fiction and has nothing to do with Mother Teresa because so far, she has 
not been credited with making any prophecy.

During or after every major world event some people with imagination take 
the garb of a well-known person to publicise their ideas and thoughts.

Earlier, it was Nostradamus who had "predicted" major world events. 
Now,  Mother Teresa. Watch out to see the next.

So just read, enjoy and kill it.

God bless you.

With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE
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[JOYnet] Priests & Chastity

2003-04-04 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,
The statistics quoted by Bensilal is a dangerous one. The Catholic Church 
has over 500,000 dedicated priests around the world. Owing to the wide 
publicity and pressure from different quarters around 400 priests in the US 
have been brought to stand trial for sexual abuses some dating back to 1960s.
While my aim is not to support those who are guilty or expose them this 
number constitutes only  0.08 per cent of the clergy. When we point fingers 
to this minute section we conveniently forget or refuse to appreciate or 
thank the dedicated services rendered by 99.02 per cent of the priests.
A large majority of the orphans are the result of illicit relations of 
married people like you and I. How many married couples are abusing their 
own children, or orphans under their charge? How many have been accused and 
brought to justice?
True, priests have made a commitment to God to remain chaste and a few, 
very few, have not been able to stay faithful. Are they not our brothers or 
children born and grown up like us? Do they not desire/deserve the mercy 
and compassion we often clamour for?
Come on let us share. Share the burden too.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

At 11:11 PM 4/3/03 -0600, you wrote:
Dear Friends,

Since 1965, more than 80,000 priests have been laicized according to Fr. 
Florencio Testera, former dean of cannon law. In the USA, more than 2500 
priests since 1982 have sexually molested children. Many bishops were 
forced to resign from their offices after newspapers had exposed their 
sexual scandals.

  After having found several orphanages worldwide a certain priest, 
devoted all his time to his apostolate, which soon turned into a purely 
humanitarian activity. Because he was too busy, he found less time for 
prayer. Though he continued to celebrate mass, he neglected his 
meditation, Rosary, Confession and Holy Hours.

  Soon, he began to drink. When wine no longer satisfied him, he was 
driven to sexual fantacies. But he was well known as a priest, so he 
could not be in sexual relationship with a women. He thought he should 
release his sexual urges either alone or with the children in the orphanage.

One victim followed another. It all become so obvious that the New 
York Times exposed his sexual abuses and accused him of pedophilia.  His 
donors were shocked, the staff was appalled forcing the hierarchy to 
remove him from the orphanage he had supported for forty years. Truly, 
without Chastity, all good works come to an end.

 Yet the opposite is also true. St. John Bosco established many 
orphanages- more than this priest in New York ever did. The big 
difference is Don Bosco remained chaste and holy. His life was a life of 
intense prayer. He would meditate from 1:00 am to 5:00 am daily; heard 
confession ten hours a day; celebrated Mass with great reverence as if 
each Mass was his last; and he would pray at least three Rosaries 
everyday and the Stations of the Cross. His chastity and sanctity brought 
many orphans to love God and the Virgin Mary. It was no surprise then 
that saints were nurtured in his orphanages. Even Virgin Mary would 
physically visit some of them. Don Boscos work has brought the Church 
many young saints such as St. Dominic Savio, Blessed Laura Vicuna, and 
hundreds of others.

"True imitation of Jesus Christ is to remain chaste, poor and 
obedient. Moreover the problem of unchastity among clerics cannot be 
solved by simply allowing priests to marry. St. Paul tells us in 
Corinthians 7:14, that there are those who are called to be virgins. Let 
them who can remain virgins remain as such, for it is written (Rev 14:4): 
" The virgins follow the Lamp wherever He goes" "(Fr. Bing Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko,DE,USA.

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Re: [JOYnet] War -- " Judgement"

2003-03-27 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynetters,

Jose Kuriakose and some other friends feel "As Christians we should have 
strong opinions regarding current issues of the world.
I for one fully agree with the idea. You and I do not have the full 
information on the situation. All that we know is propaganda campaign 
unleashed by the rival camps. Both have many things to hide. We can't 
support or oppose any one but we do oppose war as a means of settling score.
For this very reason much more informed Pope John Paul II and the official 
Vatican Press have asked all Christians to fast and pray for peace as well 
as for the affected people.
We all can imagine, if not experienced, the pain, horror and panic wars 
bring about. Our opinions and arguments may not comfort anyone but our 
prayers and acts kindness certainly will.
For details please see News Desk on our Home Page http://www.jesusyouth.org
God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Discussion on War

2003-03-24 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,

Our primary objective is to grow and help others to grow in the eyes of the 
Lord and our fellow beings. As such all our discussions and debates should 
also be leading us to that objective.

All of us read newspapers and watch many TV channels and listen to a number 
of radio channels and do not need any new information on the current war in 

 Let us not waste our valuable time by judging others if the US or Iraq or 
any body else is a sinner. We are not God to judge. Let us leave it Him.

Instead let me suggest a topic for discussion.

What do you know about the lenten season? How does it help us? How does it 
help others? How can we help others by observing this season?

You can add further points to the discussion.

But be charitable to your Joynet pals. No personal attacks, No sarcastic 

Being the abodes of the Holy Spirit, pray, discern and write and you will 
edify your fellow Joynetters.

God bless you

With love and prayers

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE
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[JOYnet] Visit our Home page

2003-03-21 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynetters,
Those of you are not familiar with the variety of information and 
activities of JY please visit out Home Page http://www.jesusyouth.org
It contains the daily Bible Calendar, News Desk, News Letter, Rex Band, 
About JY, Guest Book and many more.
God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Fwd: Bonus: 10 Ways to Pray in Times Like These

2003-03-20 Thread Joseph lonth
From Ron Hutchcraft

1.  "Lord, do something that will show people Your glory over all the earth."

7 "O God ... let Your glory be over all the earth." (Psalm 108:5)
7 "Be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days 
that you would not believe, even if you were told." (Habakkuk 1:5)

This is a moment for God to do something that no diplomat, no world 
leader, no army could possibly do - so all will know that "the Lord He is God."

2.  "Lord, use these anxious and uncertain times to bring many to Christ."

7 "Pray ... that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and 
be honoured." (II Thessalonians 3:1)
7 "May God be gracious to us and bless us ... that Your ways may 
be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations." (Psalm 67:1, 2)

God can use this fearful time to reach the hearts of many - in Iraq, in 
America, across the Middle East, among the young men and women of the military.

3.  "Lord, guide our leaders to be instruments of Your will on earth."

7 "I urge ... that requests, prayers, intercession and 
thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in 
authority." (I Timothy 2:1, 2)

A believer's responsibility to "honour the king" (I Peter 2:17) and to 
pray for those in authority transcends political labels and issues - it is 
a spiritual responsibility!

4.  "Lord, protect the innocent."

7 "Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers 
him in time of trouble..." (Psalm 40:1)
7 "A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in 
His holy dwelling." (Psalm 68:5)

In the violence of war, of oppression, of terrorism, only God can protect 
the innocent - innocent citizens, innocent victims, innocent combatants.

5.  "Lord, use human authorities to "bring punishment on evildoers."

7 "The governing authorities ... are God's servant, an agent of 
wrath to bring punishment on the evildoer." (Romans 13:1, 4)
7 "It is God who judges; He brings down one, He exalts another." 
(Psalm 5:7)

Ultimately it is God Himself, sometimes using human instruments, who 
removes those He does not want in authority any longer. "He brings princes 
to naught" (Isaiah 40:23).

6.  "Lord, have Your way and Your will in the lives of our enemies."

7 "Pray for those who mistreat you." (Luke 6:27)

Jesus has charged us to represent even our enemies before His 
Throne of Grace.

7.  "Lord, make a way for people to live in the dignity and freedom that 
goes with being made in Your image."

7 "Live as free men..." (I Peter 2:16)
7 "Weep and wail, because of the misery that is coming upon you 
... you who have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have 
condemned and murdered innocent men..."  (James 5:1, 5-6)
7 "Act justly ... love mercy ... walk humbly with your God." 
(Micah 6:8)

Every person on this planet is "God's workmanship" (Ephesians 2:10), 
worthy of the dignity and respect a "God's image" person should have.

8.  "Lord, help Your people model peace in these troubled times, pointing 
the people around them to Jesus - at a time when hearts are soft."

7 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." 
(Hebrews 6:19)
7 "Open your eyes and look at fields! They are ripe for harvest." 
(John 4:35)

This uncertain time is a life-saving moment - when those who belong to 
Jesus have an unusual window to introduce Him to those who don't. But the 
window may not be open for long.

9.  "Lord, use world events to open many doors that have been closed to 
Your Gospel."

7 "The Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm." 
(Nahum 1:3)
7 "Pray that God may open a door for our message..." (Colossians 4:3)

God's plan is much larger than disarmament, political change, or military 
victory - He's about getting the Good News of His Son to hearts and places 
it has never gone!

10.  "Lord, bring peace out of all that's happening."

7 "That we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and 
holiness." (I Timothy 2:2)

God has told us that the result He desires in answer to our prayers for 
our leaders is a climate where peace and righteousness can flourish.

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)
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[JOYnet] Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

2003-02-23 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear friends,

Pope Declares Ash Wednesday a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace
March 5 to Be Set Aside Especially for the Middle East

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 23, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II called for a day of 
prayer and fasting for peace, especially in the Middle East, to be observed 
on Ash Wednesday, March 5. (For detailed report see News Desk update on JY 

So let us get ready to act.
God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] JOYnet] Falling in love

2003-02-18 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Deepak and all Joynetters who are concerned,
The topic of falling in love and that too because of the Valentine Day is 
very interesting. Those who are familiar with computer will know:
 Input: grabage = output: garbage.
The so-called Valentine Day celebrations have nothing to do with the three 
St Valentines listed by the Church. Enterprising Westerners have 
commercialised it to the point making it a ridicule of real life.
Coming to the real life, let every one stand up in love (not fall in love). 
Falling is not voluntary, it is mostly accidental. Standing up is a willful 
Christians being followers of Christ must live and act according to the 
principles set by the Lord for the well-being of all people. Follow the 
lifestyle of the place where you are. Let those in the West follow what is 
traditionally deemed right there. And let those in the East/Orient follow 
what is right there. But just avoid blind imitation in the name of modern 
Many members have commented on the subject and therefore I leave it at this 
God bless you all
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth uncle
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] Prayer Day

2003-02-06 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynet warriors
With the war clouds getting thicker life in the Arabian/Persian Gulf region 
is becoming a nightmare not only for Americans and Europeans but Christians 
as well.

If the war breaks out all Christians will be the main target in All Islamic 
countries irrespective of their role in the episode. The world will never 
be the same again and terrorism will spread like wildfire.
We cannot run away from the reality. We have to face the situation with due 
prayer and trust in the Lord.

As Bro. Kurian has taken the initiative and Sindhu and Sanju leading the 
Christian war let us all join together to lift our thoughts and concerns 
towards heaven where we will have ready answers.

Let us add Jesus' prayer: John 17:9-26 to our prayer.

God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] tithe...

2003-01-30 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear friends

I would like to add just one point to the discussion started by Wilson and 
supported by Manoj.

The tithe (one-tenth of your income or wealth) is given to God as a mark of 
reverence and honour because He is the creator and provider of all things. 
While giving the tithe we are acknowledging God's sovereignty and blessings.

In fact, the other 90 per cent also belongs to Him and we are only stewards 
of His time, money, wealth and health. As stewards we are expected to 
handle all these judiciously and wisely.

God bless you

With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth

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[JOYnet] Merry Chirstmas

2002-12-24 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Joynet friends,
Wish you the Joy, Peace and Happiness of Jesus on this Christmas day and 
every day of your life.
Just when we thought we were alone in the world, Christ came to declare 
God's love for us. Not only did God send His Son into the world at exactly 
the right time (Galatians 4:4-5), but He also demonstrated "His own love 
towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" 
(Romans 5:8).
With love blessings
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Global Prayer for Terrorists

2002-12-20 Thread Joseph lonth

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Dear Joynet friends,

Yesterday, we had UAE Jesus Youth service team meeting from 10am to 4.30pm 
in Sharjah at the house of a JY Bose from Kothamangalam. We had decided to 
end the meeting with the prayer for terrorists.

As Mr Bose did not have a printer to take a printout of the prayer we 
decided to ask him to write down the prayer. But on seeing the long prayer 
we shifted our prayer venue to the computer terminal and used prayer 
straight from the computer -- virtual prayer.

It was a great time praying for a very real purpose which threatens the 
whole humanity. As many of our friends desire let us try to repeat it 
frequently for different intentions.

Thank you, Calvin, Antia, Sanju, Stanly and all who contributed to make 
this virtual plan a reality. God bless you all.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Duabi, UAE

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2002-12-02 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Jose,
It is a hoax. Pl ignore it.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE 

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[JOYnet] Vasthu shastra - My experience

2002-11-16 Thread Joseph lonth
My Dear JYs

We had a very long and highly informative discussion (sometimes breaking 
into personal collision) in Vastu Shastra.

Simply it means when you construct a building especially residential house 
two things are important - light and air. Looking at the layout of the land 
and the direction experts can help the house have ample light and good air 
circulation both of which make healthy living condition. This has nothing 
to do with religious faith or superstition. But the people consulted or who 
consider themselves experts add many things to these simple needs and make 
it appear complex and extra-mundane.

 When I needed a house there was one available for sale. Although it was 
not ideally spacious to my liking after praying and discerning I decided to 
purchase it. There was a medium sized cross across the road and people 
started saying a house rising above a cross is a dangerous place to live. 
Secondly a house very close to a place of worship is not good for living. 
Probably this has prompted the owner to sell it. However, I considered the 
above things a blessing and bought it.

After completing the remaining works it was blessed and after the 
housewarming a very close relative observed that the main gate is on the 
south and the regular gate on the west and the house facing the west was 
bad as per Vasthu and therefore hinder prosperity. I just told him that 
when God created He marked the directions but never attach any special 
importance or bad effects to any one of them.

Four years have passed.

In the meanwhile my son came out 19th rank in the Kerala medical entrance 
exam of 2001 and got admission to MBBS in Govt Medical College Trivandrum 
(among seven other entrance offers).
I have purchased a Volks Wagon Passat  for nearly Rs8.5 lakh and rubber 
plantation for Rs45 lakh.

I have always tried to live as per the instructions of the Lord as narrated 
in the promises of Deuteronomy 28: 1-14. That's my strength and my secret. 
All other things are false beliefs and cannot deliver the goods.
 God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] No matrimonial ads please

2002-11-13 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,
We have come across some innocent looking matrimonial ads or requests.It 
may be note  the Joynet  should not be abused as a broker group.

 It's true that a large number of our members are eligible 
bachelors/spinsters. However, it is not the right forum for soliciting 
matrimonial alliances.

Whoever wants to get married and give his or her brother or sister in 
marriage let him/her pray to the Lord to show the right partner, a 
sanctified partner from a sanctified family. The Lord who has the plan for 
you in His mind will reveal it to you at the right time and through the 
right forum.

So, wait patiently for the Lord and don't torpedo His plans.
God bless you
Joseph Lonth uncle
Dubai, UAE 

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[JOYnet] Mary of Magdala

2002-10-18 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends,
I would like to add one more point to the contributions of Ravi and 
Michelle. Mary of Magdala is considered by Bible scholars as the equivalent 
of a woman disciple (apostle) of the Lord as she was one of the early and 
consistent followers of Jesus Christ. An energetic, impulsive and caring 
woman, she not only travelled with Jesus, but also contributed to the needs 
of the group. She was at the cucifixion; was the first to see the empty 
tomb and the resurrected Jesus.

A word of caution: The explanations to the doubts in the Bible can be and 
should be found in the Bible itself. Read it, study it till you get it right.
It is not right to seek parallels, justification or explanation of Bible 
truths in any book whatever its popularity or authenticity because there 
none equal to it.

God bless you

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Mary Magdalene misquoted

2002-10-18 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear Friends
Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene are trade off quite 
often by many preachers and teachers. It is not correct both are different 
Some times these two are also equated with the woman caught in adultery by 
the Jews and brought before Jesus. This also is also wrong as there is no 
major clue to arrive at such a conclusion.
The Mary who anointed Jesus was Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus if we 
take the account of John 12: 1-7 in conjunction with Matt 26: 6-13 and Mark 
14: 3-9 and Luk 7: 36-50
Mary Magdalene is categorically distinguished with a parenthesis in Luk 8:2.

God bless you

Joseph Lonth

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[JOYnet] Holy Communion-Lack of knowledge

2002-10-10 Thread Joseph lonth

Hi Friends,

I dispute the theory of lack of knowledge in the case of carrying the Holy 
Eucharist out of the Church. I have not come across any church or priest 
giving Holy Communion to any person without proper instructions. From my 
childhood up to now I have had the opportunity or responsibility to prepare 
several individual aspirants, including newly-converted people and people 
coming from non-Catholic denominations, to receive the Holy Communion. 
Small children who cannot understand its significance and value are not 
given Holy Communion.
Only in recent times the Holy Communion is given in hand. Otherwise it has 
been given on the tongue.
So the ignorance theory does not hold water. Anybody carrying the Holy 
Communion is doing so willfully for a different purpose.
Every parish has arrangements for giving Holy Communion to the sick and 
people in remote areas. Either a priest or an authorised layman does it. 
The parish priest or any responsible person should only be approached for 
the purpose. They willignly do the needful. Even in places and countries 
where churches are not allowed and therefore offering Holy Mass is 
impossible the church authorities have designated persons who are 
authorised to give Holy Communion.
So beware of people taking the Holy Communion out of the church. Challenge 
them whenever you come across such a thing. Satisfy yourself that the Holy 
Communion is not misused. It is part of defending our faith.
God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Duabi, UAE

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[JOYnet] 1000s

2002-10-04 Thread Joseph lonth

Congratulations Joynetters. We belong to the 1000-strong group.

God bless you all

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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2002-09-23 Thread Joseph lonth

Dear JOYnet Friends,
It has been announced several times that we stick to faith, teachings of 
the Church and personal experience in this site and avoid chain letters 
like the so called THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA.
Several times the Church Fathers have denied many of its contents as copy 
of the Bible and quoted out of context.
This is an abuse repeated ever six months or so by vested interests to 
mislead Catholics and spread panic.
  For example the story says the world will come to an end in 2002. We have 
only three more months for the year 2002 to end almost a firm time which 
even Jesus refused to give.
Secondly, it says we have to keep blessed candle and holy water. But it 
does not specify the size by the grace of the Lord.
The whole thing is fake and please keep away from such stupid material. I 
have seen it a dozen times in the last six years either in photocopy or on 
the net.
Jesus is among us through the Holy Spirit and just follow the prompting of 
the Lord. Don't be afraid to question every such material coming in the 
name of Our Lady and Jesus. Please don't succumb to such cheap tactics.

Stand up to your faith in the Lord what come may.

God bless you

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] This is pretty strange (correction)

2002-08-15 Thread Joseph lonth

>Hi Everyone

The message sent by Meena Mathew  -- This is pretty strange or odd how it 
worked out this way -- is great.

However, the some of the facts relate only to the Non-Catholic Bible where 
the books of Tobit, Judith, Esther (Greek text), Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, 
Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Song of the Three Young Men, Susanna, Bel and 
the Dragon, 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees, 1 Esdras, 2 Esdrasand the Prayer 
of Manasseh are not included.

So after the first two questions and answers the others may not tally with 
the Complete Catholic veersion of the Bible you are having.

God bless you.

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE
>What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 117
>What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 119
>Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 118
>Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
>Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118
>Add these numbers up and you get 1188
>What is the center verse in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 118:8
>Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our 
>The next time someone says they would like to find
>God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center 
>of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!
>Psalms 118:8 (NKJV) "It is better to trust in the
>LORD than to put confidence in man."
>Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?
>Before sending this, I said a prayer for you. You
>got a minute? 60 seconds for God? All you
>do is simply say a small prayer for the person who sent you this.
>"Father God bless _ in whatever it is that
>you know he/she maybe needing this
>day! And may __ life be full of your peace,
>prosperity and power as he/she seeks
>to have a closer relationship with You. Amen"
>Then send it on to five other people. Within hours five people have
>prayed for you, and you caused a multitude of people to pray to God for
>other people. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life 
>for doing the thing that you know he loves. Faith
>doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it.
>Your Sister in Christ
>Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
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Re: [JOYnet] This is pretty strange

2002-08-15 Thread Joseph lonth

>Hi Everyone

The message sent by Meena Mathew  -- This is pretty strange or odd how it 
worked out this way -- is great.

However, the some of the facts relate only to the Non-Catholic Bible where 
the books of Tobit, Judith, Esther Greek text), Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, 
Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Song of the Three Young Men, Susanna, Bel and 
the Dragon, 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees, 1 Esdras, 2 Esdrasand the Prayer 
of Manasseh.

So after the first two questions and answers the others may not tally with 
the Complete Bible you are having.

God bless you.

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE
>What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 117
>What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 119
>Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 118
>Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
>Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118
>Add these numbers up and you get 1188
>What is the center verse in the Bible?
>Answer - Psalms 118:8
>Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our 
>The next time someone says they would like to find
>God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center 
>of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!
>Psalms 118:8 (NKJV) "It is better to trust in the
>LORD than to put confidence in man."
>Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?
>Before sending this, I said a prayer for you. You
>got a minute? 60 seconds for God? All you
>do is simply say a small prayer for the person who sent you this.
>"Father God bless _ in whatever it is that
>you know he/she maybe needing this
>day! And may __ life be full of your peace,
>prosperity and power as he/she seeks
>to have a closer relationship with You. Amen"
>Then send it on to five other people. Within hours five people have
>prayed for you, and you caused a multitude of people to pray to God for
>other people. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life 
>for doing the thing that you know he loves. Faith
>doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it.
>Your Sister in Christ
>Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
>This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
>To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To subscribe to this mailing list, visit
>For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [JOYnet] Investigation - Witness

2002-08-11 Thread Joseph lonth

Dear Jason and other JY friends,

My purpose is neither affirmation of the incident cited from St. Mark's 
church in Assiut nor denial of it.

As Christians and JY we called to be witnesses to Christ not just 
reproducing the what others do or do not experience.

Witness is the one who has seen the event or person doing any act. Those 
who recite what others are not taken in a court of law as witnesses. They 
are just hearsay not witness.

So let us try to be witness first and foremost.

Chain letters are the negation of spreading the word. Chains have elements 
of compulsion and threat which are not Christian virtues.

God bless you to be witnesses.

With love and prayers

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Contact Sunil Simon (NST) in New Delhi

2002-06-09 Thread Joseph lonth

Dear Friends in Delhi,
Kindly let me know Sunil Simon's (NST) e-mail ID as I have lost touch with him.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Engagement today

2002-05-10 Thread Joseph lonth

Dear Joynet friends,
Today, two of our active Joynetters - KK Joseph of Trichur and Priya Joy of 
Ernakuam -- are getting engaged in Cochin, Kerala. God willing, they will 
be united in Holy Matrimony on Manday, May 20.
Please pray for a happy married life.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE 

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[JOYnet] More books

2002-02-03 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi Joynetters,
With lots of thanks to CC Joseph who initiated and scores of members who 
took th baton from him I record some books from my collection:
1. The Cross and the Switchblade by Davis Wilkerson with John and Elizabeth 
Sherril (laready listed by somebody else)
2. The Prayer That Heals by Francis MacNutt
3. The Power to Heal by Francis MacNutt
4. Christian Healing: A practical and Comprehensive Guide by Mark A. 
Pearson (Foreword by Francis MacNutt)
5. The Healing Gift of the Spirit by Agnes Sanford
6. Your Healing Is Within You by Jim Glennon
7. The Practoce of Christian Healing - A Guide for Beginners by Roy Lawrence
8. Healing Through the Mass by Robert De Grandis, SSJ, with Linda Schubert
9. The Lamb's Supper - The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn
10. In the Presence of Our Lord - The History, Theology, and Psychology of 
Eucharistic Devotion by Father Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, and James Monti
11. Praying in the Presence of Our Lord by Fr Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR
12. Listening at prayer by Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR
13. Christianity with Power by Charles H. Kraft ( Foreword by Clark H. Pinnock)
14. Blessing or Curse You Can  Choose by Derek Prince
15. They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince
16. Does your Tongue Need healing? by Derek Prince
17. Father Forgive Me for I Am Frustrated - Growing in Faith When You Don't 
Find It Easy Being Catholic by Mitch Pacwa SJ
18. Call to Holiness - Reflections on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal by 
Paul Josef Cordes (Foreword by Raniero Cantalamessa)
19. The Bondage Breaker - Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings 
and Habitual Sins by Neil T. Anderson
20. Victory Over the Darkness  - Realising the Power of Your Identity in 
Christ by Neil T. Anderson
21. Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ - How to Win the Battle for our 
Young People by Neil T. Anderson and Rich Miller
22. Catholic and Christian by Alan Schreck (Malayalam translation available 
with Emmaus Publications, KST)
23. Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II
24. Growing in Jesus by Marcelino Iragui OCD
25. The Torn Veil by Gulshan Esther (As Told to Thelma Sangster)

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[JOYnet] Christmas greetings

2001-12-25 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi JY friends,
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas with Jesus in and out and a joyful New 
Year too.
With lots of love and blessings
Joseph Lonth uncle
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Pope is Bin Laden's target

2001-11-24 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear friends,
Some arguments have been raised by Jason, Manoj Jons, Greg Silva etc.

It is true that the Pope has been the target of hatred by many people in 
the past. The latest round of rumour or fear is accredited to a security 
adviser to the Vatican. Weather the statement is true or false the Vatican 
wont confirm.

However, we, in the newspaper business, have not received any such report 
from any of the reliable international new agencies.

When we come across such news, the best defence is prayer. Pray for the 
Pope and the Church so that the will of God the Father be done.

Periodically people recycle material which we have come across at least a 
100 times. When you see such items just ignore it or tell the latest person 
recycling that you had already seen it.

God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] can anybody share their views on masturbation and oral sex as per the Catholic church

2001-11-17 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Dear Friends,

This is a reply to Monisha Rebello's query. Since it is applicable to a lot 
of people I am posting it for the group.

Mastrubation and oral sex are not recognised as normal sexual acts by the 
Catholic church. No other church denomination is known to accept it as 
normal either. The simple reason is that sexual relation within wedlock is 
holy while any relation outside it is sin.

Now the question is whether mastrubation and oral sex are reasonable within 
wedlock. The answer is no.

  God has given us the grace of sexual stimulants to be partners with Him 
in creation. That is a great and holy duty. Anything that hampers or 
ridicules God's plan is leading you to sin.

If any person is addicted or a slave to these aberrations please direct her 
or him to 

God bless you all
With love and prayers

Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Re: Receiving Holy Communion

2001-11-03 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Lyann,

Most Chirstians waste time worrying about trivial things and ignore the 
most important and vital things. This is the trick of the devil who is a liar.
MT 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on 
earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all 
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the 
Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. 
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
MT 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you 
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will 
be loosed in heaven."
 From the verses quoted above the Church is authorised to continue the work 
of Jesus on earth. As we know that the Bible -- the Word of God -- is 
revealed by the Holy Spirit we should also understand that the same Spirit 
is guiding the Church.
However, we the members of the Church being human beings and are vulnerable 
to the assault of the liar often tend to believe in the logic of the world 
and forget the power, love and mercy of the heavenly Father.
The point is forget all the arguments about receiving the Holy Communion in 
hand or mouth. The essence is whether you and I believe in the presence of 
Jesus in the eucharist. If you believe, that is all. Jesus is in you and 
you are in Jesus. All other things are immaterial. Like the child who 
paraphrased the psalm: PS 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, (I shall not be in) 
that is all I want.
Take it easy. Don't go by unsubstantiated quotations and apparitions. When 
the Church declares things relating to issues of faith and morals they are 
not personal likes or dislikes of the leaders but the views of the Holy 
Spirit. Therefore, they are infallible.
God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Pope is well and recieved visitors

2001-11-03 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Dear friends,

Of late some people send messages saying the Pope is seriously ill and 
therefore pray for him. Today there was one such message. When I checked up 
with the news agencies I saw His Holiness Pope John Paul II receiving 
visitors and tomorrow (Sunday) he is going to beatify some great Christians.
Praying for the Pope is good and all Catholics should pray for him and all 
church leaders. But please don't spread rumours.
I work on the News Desk of an English daily and i get news and pictures of 
the Pope and all other events all over the world. If there is a serious 
news I come to know without much delay.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
News Desk, Khaleej Times
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] JOYnet Third Anniversary

2001-10-21 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Friends,

>What a JOYful Anniversary! Praise God. Halleluiah.

>Over 600 members, though many are just watching and waiting for the 
>opportune time to burst into activity, make a great family of different 
>culture, laungage, colour and so on. But we are all united by the love of 
>JESUS Christ and  the faith in Him.

God bless you all
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] False prophecies

2001-09-15 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear friends,

In times of disaster many people come up with old prophets and prophesies, 
most of which are doctored and therefore distorted to suit the occasion.

God almighty reveals His plans and warn His people well in time to pray and 
prepare. If any of you or your prayer group have received such premonition, 
warning or revelation please keep praying for it and don't spam others with 
unnecessary rumours and scare. They are meant just for you only.

As Lukas Stevens has rightly said, Nostradamus and the like have no 
relevance to believers in Jesus Christ and one need not get scared of such 

Only fear the Lord. Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation -- 
whom shall I fear?  The LORD is the stronghold of my life -- of whom shall 
I be afraid?

Isaiah 12:24 But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all 
your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. 25 Yet if you 
persist in doing evil, both you and your king will be swept away."
God bless you and your dear ones
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] A nation turns to God

2001-09-13 Thread Joseph Lonth

A nation turns to God
When President George W. Bush addressed the nation on the United States
day of infamy, he alluded to the one source of comfort and hope in
moments like these. He quoted from the Bible - Even though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with
me. (Psalm 23:4)

On the fateful Tuesday (September 11) airliners became missiles and America
itself became the battlefield. Thousands of lives came crashing down with
the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon that day. The airline
passengers, World Trade Center and Pentagon workers, the rescuers who died
trying to rescue - so many, gone in one awful, violent moment. And the
countless loved ones, in some cases not knowing what happened to those they
love, in all cases agonising over the horrific circumstances of their
death... and the lifelong scars on those heroic rescuers, recovery workers,
and medical personnel who will always be haunted with the memories of what
they have seen.

CEOs, chief operating officers, high-profile lawyers and entertainment
executives are no more - and we realise that, like those who died on the
Titanic, success and position mean nothing when death strikes suddenly.

The very symbols of Americas financial and military security as Americans
have themselves been attacked - one is gone, the other heavily damaged.

PS 127:1  Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard
in vain.

The US has the best intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI among a score
of organizations. How come these agencies and the most sophisticated
equipment, war machines and the most powerful army in the world couldnt
protect just two cities?

Breaking families, scant respect for marriage and the plan of God,
perverted sex, promiscuity, agnosticism apostasy, hate campaigns against
the Church and Christian activities in schools and avarice among the
umpteen vices in these cities were enough causes weakening the cities

The sin - our hijacking of a life that God was supposed to run - cuts us
off from the very God whose love is our only safe place.

PS 97:10 Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of
his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Today there is no shoulder big enough to cry on but Gods. These terrorist
events are a sobreing reminder that our physical safety is not guaranteed,
but as Christians, our eternal safety is secure in Christ. Let us take it
as a sign for us.

Let us just tell Him, Jesus, Ive lived enough days without You... Im
sorry for running a life that You were supposed to run ... I want to belong
to You... I want to be changed forever.
We are vulnerable no more when we run to the safest place in all the world
- The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and
they are safe. (Proverbs 18:10)

President Bush has requested all Americans to observe Friday (Sept 14) as a
National Prayer and Remembrance Day for all the victims of Tuesdays tragedy.

Let us join the Americans in prayer and examine our life once again.

God bless you

With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] Something Disturbing

2001-08-30 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Dear Alphus Pathrose,

Thank you very much for the clarification. I think it is a bona fide 
mistake to have allowed this piece on the JOYnet.
Dear members please pray for discernment before despatching your item. 
Better still consult your elder. Otherwise our contribution will betray 
some innocent person for whose soul we shall be accountable, mind you.
It is no joke. Most people take Joynet despatches seriously and rightly too.
God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] B4 You build the Tower

2001-08-20 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi Joynetters,

Achayan is right when he says: Let us Do Everything for the glory of JESUS 
That's all about our work, service and life.
Language is a necessary means to communicate our thoughts and feelings but 
not necessarily the only one. As St Paul says love is the one and only 
language that breaks all barriers.
Any thing that is started prayerfully will be pleasing to God.
God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth

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[JOYnet] Raising issues OK. But where is action?

2001-08-17 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Joynetters,
Although the self-proclaimed Achayan - Joshua Paul - has been on the Joynet 
only for a short while, he has raised a lot of storm and dust.
He has pointed out many shortcomings and outdated stuff on JY site apart 
from the wrongs and pitfalls of the Church and Christians. So far so good.
But I have not seen him volunteering to do anything to rectify or modify 
any of them. He has not given any action taken to alleviate any of the 
problems. If you know the problem you know the solution to it too.
The News Desk, for example, is as old as six months. Although the latest 
news is there owing to technical problems we could not upload latest news. 
Can he do it? If yes, I can provide the material.
So it is very easy to pinpoint faults, rightly so.
  But can you rectify them? If so come forward and do it. That is the 
challenge to every Jesus Youth and anybody who call the name of Jesus.
Think what I can do before talking righteousness.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Fwd: *New Element Discovered*

2001-08-04 Thread Joseph Lonth

>To: Ashish Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Joseph Lonth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: *New Element Discovered*
>*New Element Discovered*
>The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by
>physicists at Yale's Research Centre. The element, tentatively named
>administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic
>number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons
>75 vice-neutrons and 11 assistant vice-neutrons. This gives it an
>atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together in a nucleus
>by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles
>called morons.
>Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. However, it can be
>detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact
>with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of administratium
>caused a reaction to take over four days to complete, when it would
>normally occur in less than one second.
>Administratium has a normal life of approximately three years, at which
>time it does not actually decay but, instead, undergoes a reorganization
>in which assistant neutrons, vice-neutrons and assistant vice-neutrons
>exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic weight usually
>increases after each reorganization.
>Research at other laboratories indicates that administratium occurs
>naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points
>such as government agencies, large corporations, universities and
>hospitals and can actually be found in the newest, best maintained
>Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any
>level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reactions
>where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine
>how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but
>results to date are not promising.

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[JOYnet] Drinking - Ask the Spirit

2001-08-01 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear friends,
Charismatic renewal is all about hearing the voice of the Lord through the
Holy Spirit and living accordingly.
Just as choosing one's vocation is based on the firm conviction and voice
(calling) of the Lord and not based on the advice or prodding of others,
let our choice of drinking, smoking or otherwise be based on the voice of
the Lord. Ask and you shall receive.
We are all grown up people and as per the law of the land we are
responsible for each and every action of ours.
We cannot take refuge under the opinion expressed by X, Y, Z, on behalf of
the Church or prayer groups or retreat preachers. Ultimately I am
responsible for all costs and consequences of my words and actions.
While expressing our opinions, sharing our experiences, let us be loving,
considerate and respectful to each other not because of our educational,
professional, religious or any other qualifications or lack of it but
because we are all children of God.
ISA 43:4 Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I
love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for
your life.
If God is finding all other Joynetters precious, honoured and lovable,
who I am to disrespect and ridicule them? If I do so will God allow me to
get away with it?
As Fr Thomas Mathew has rightly pointed out God has given us the freedom to
choose. Do the right thing and we will be counted as righteous.
GE 4:6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face
downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you
do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have
you, but you must master it."
God bless you to do the right thing
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Ask the Spirit - forget all other arguments

2001-08-01 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear friends,
Charismatic renewal is all about hearing the voice of the Lord through the 
Holy Spirit and living accordingly.
Just as choosing one's vocation is based on the firm conviction and voice 
(calling) of the Lord and not based on the advice or prodding of others, 
let our choice of drinking, smoking or otherwise be based on the voice of 
the Lord. Ask and you shall receive.
We are all grown up people and as per the law of the land we are 
responsible for each and every action of ours.
We cannot take refuge under the opinion expressed by X, Y, Z, on behalf of 
the Church or prayer groups or retreat preachers. Ultimately I am 
responsible for all costs and consequences of my words and actions.
While expressing our opinions, sharing our experiences, let us be loving, 
considerate and respectful to each other not because of our educational, 
professional, religious or any other qualifications or lack of it but 
because we are all children of God.
  ISA 43:4 Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I 
love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for 
your life.
  If God is finding all other Joynetters precious, honoured and lovable, 
who I am to disrespect and ridicule them? If I do so will God allow me to 
get away with it?
As Fr Thomas Mathew has rightly pointed out God has given us the freedom to 
choose. Do the right thing and we will be counted as righteous.
  GE 4:6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face 
downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you 
do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have 
you, but you must master it."
God bless you to do the right thing
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Tithing: Law and Love

2001-07-29 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi Joynet friends,
George Fernandes has made a valid point regarding tithing treated as an 
obligation under Law.
However, there is a danger while interpreting Galatians 3:10 and Ephesians 
Jesus did not annul any Law for that matter. What He did was to make the 
Law and instrument of love.
JN 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command.
He also instructs us in the following verse: MT 5:20 For I tell you that 
unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers 
of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
  If you love God through Jesus then He will certainly help us to observe 
the law/commandments effectively. With God everything is possible. Through 
Him we can do everything.
  In light of this read Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, 
created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for 
us to do.
  Coming back to tithing please understand that all wealth and money are 
God's gift and therefore owned by Him. Do you believe you have personal 
ownership over what is in your care?
God is the owner and you are the steward. By definition, a steward manages 
the resources and the estate of another individual. He uses the assets in 
ways which benefit the owner. Since God has declared His ownership of all 
your material and monetary items, your function is to manage the resources 
He guides into your life.
  God owns it all. Some people think 10 per cent is God's and 90 per cent 
is theirs. Actually, 100 per cent is God's. As God entrusts His resources 
to His people, they should return a portion to Him in the form of tithes 
and offerings. Another substantial portion will be spent meeting the needs 
of their family. The remaining portion should be set aside for investment 
for a future return.
  God is the best financial adviser. He is positioned to advise you about 
your finances today, based on what He knows will happen ahead. God's 
communication comes both in the form of general principles from the Word, 
as well as specific instructions from His voice in your heart.
  Stewardship is a three-fold cord: giving, managing, and increasing. All 
are needed for successful living. They work hand in hand, just as a 
three-fold cord is not quickly broken (Ecc. 4:12b). Excess in one will not 
compensate for lack in another. For instance, generous giving will not 
overcome gross mismanagement or poor work habits.
  Be alert. You need to be sensitive in order to know how much should be 
given, how much should be spent on the family, and how much should be set 
aside for the purpose of increasing. The mix probably will vary according 
to the different seasons of your life.
* Giving, managing, and increasing are all balanced in the mind of God.
* Giving: Whether it is tithes, offerings, alms to the poor, or missionary 
gifts, giving is not because God needs the money. No one in heaven needs 
the almighty dollar. Rather, you should give because you love God.
* Managing: Become an informed steward. You need to know how to make wise 
purchases and get value for God's money. Learn how to live within a simple 
budget to ensure that your outgo does not exceed your income. Take care of 
the things you already have.
* Increasing: The goal is to invest God's resources for future returns. 
This should be done with prayerful consideration and planning.

With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth

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[JOYnet] Tithing and offerings

2001-07-27 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Joynetters,
The question of Shimmy is very relevant.
Tithe is certainly different from offerings and charity.
MAL 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
"But you ask, `How do we rob you?'
"In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse--the whole nation of 
you--because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the 
storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the 
LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven 
and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 
I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your 
fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. 12 "Then all the 
nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says 
the LORD Almighty.
Here tithes and offerings are treated as separate acts.
Scripture tells us that the tithe (10%) is always the Lord's property. It 
is the first tenth of salary or any increase you receive. Offerings are 
gifts above and beyond your tithe. Each time an offering is given, it must 
be considered as a separate event.
  Six steps to a proper offering:
  1. Have a willing mind. It is impossible for God to guide you unless you 
are open to His suggestion. In Exodus 35, only the willing-hearted were 
allowed to participate in offerings. They were so generous that there was 
more than enough, and they had to be restrained from giving more.
  2. Think of the good things. When it is time for you to give, don't think 
about what you don't have, but about what you already have. When your mind 
is fixed on your needs, there is a tendency to lower the amount of money 
you are willing to give God. Fix your mind on the good things God has 
provided for you. If you do this, you will have a tendency to give the 
amount God tells you. (E.g. Givers will begin to think about the new tires 
they need instead of concentrating on the car God has given them.)
  3. Give cheerfully. The spirit in which a gift is given always has an 
effect on the person to whom the gift is given. God has no pleasure in an 
offering given in the wrong attitude. "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 
  4. Refuse to give when pressured. It is better to give nothing than to 
give an amount someone pressures you into. If someone tells you about an 
urgent need, this is not pressure. Pressurized giving takes place when 
psychological force is used to cause you to give more, or differently, than 
God is telling you to give. Do not feel guilty if you do not give when 
man-made pressure is applied (2 Cor. 9:7). If you feel pressure, wait a few 
days for God to reaffirm to you the amount He wants you to give.
  5. Let God set the amount. When you are deciding how much you should 
give, several different amounts may come to your mind. Let the presence of 
God's peace in your heart make the decision for you. Let Him impress you 
with a specific amount.
  6. Look for God's rewards. "Give and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 
6:38) - in faith, in peace, in knowing that you are a partner in His will, 
and even in further material benefits.

Why pay tithes at all?
It is a vow made by Jacob on our behalf to accept and acknowledge the 
sovereignty and protection of the Lord.
GE 28:20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will 
watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and 
clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's house, then the 
LORD will be my God 22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will 
be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Later on it was incorporated in the Law of Moses
LEV 27:30 " `A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the 
soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD. 
31 If a man redeems any of his tithe, he must add a fifth of the value to 
it. 32 The entire tithe of the herd and flock--every tenth animal that 
passes under the shepherd's rod--will be holy to the LORD. 33 He must not 
pick out the good from the bad or make any substitution. If he does make a 
substitution, both the animal and its substitute become holy and cannot be 
redeemed.' "
In the Book of Numbers we read
NU18:26 "Speak to the Levites and say to them: `When you receive from the 
Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a 
tenth of that tithe as the LORD's offering. 27 Your offering will be 
reckoned to you as grain from the threshing floor or juice from the winepress.
With love
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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Re: [JOYnet] Doubt

2001-07-09 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi JY friends,
Janet has raised the doubt and she answered it as well.
I would just add one point relating to the Catholic Church. The Church of 
Jesus consists of three segments -- the victorious church (those enjoying 
the happiness with God), the fighting church (those living in the world 
fighting the body, the world and Satan), and the suffering church (those in 
The saints in heaven including Mother Mary can help the other two groups. 
The people on earth can provide prayer help for those in purgatory while 
those in purgatory have to wait till they reach God to be of any help to 
God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] No more forwarding

2001-06-24 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Joynet friends
As most Joyneters find it difficult o read and respond to the large number 
of mails it is our duty to reduce the number of mails to the bare minimum.
So from now on I will not despatch Our Daily Bread and LIVE IT series to 
the Joynet in general.
But if anyone is keen to get them daily or periodically please get in touch 
and I will send them personally.
I think everybody will appreciate this procedure. If not don't feel shy to 
say so.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Inspiration -- Get the facts on fasting

2001-06-22 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Fasting is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible.
>We don't fast to earn something; we fast to make a connection
>with our supernatural God. We are cleaning out the "pipe" that
>connects us to the anointing of God. It becomes corroded through
>the normal course of living in a fallen world, and the best way
>to cleanse our spiritual system is through prayer and fasting.
>   * How long is long enough? Begin with one day a week. Try to
> make it a water-only fast if possible, unless you have some
> physical problem. You may supplement it with fruit and
> vegetable juices. Begin after dinner in the evening and fast
> until dinner the next day.
>   * Why does it feel so bad? Nearly everyone experiences certain
> unpleasant side effects when beginning a fast. You may get a
> headache, feel slightly nauseated, or dizzy at first. This is
> because there are accumulated poisons stored in your body
> that are purged when you finally rest your intestines and
> stomach. Once you press through the three-day barrier, you
> will begin to feel good.
>   * Should I tell others? Fasting is not a badge of honor. It is
> an intimate time with God that doesn't need to be shared.
>   * What if I break my fast in a moment of weakness? Weakness is
> a natural part of the fasting discipline. It's a way to
> understand your desires for the things of this world. Don't
> kick yourself if you break the fast. You still accomplished
> much and God is pleased with your heart's desire for more of
> Him.
>   * Is there ONE way to fast? There are many different kinds of
> fasts:
> A. The complete fast is a total fast in which you eat and
> drink nothing. The maximum time for this is three days and
> nights. (Ezra 8:21; 10:6; Ester 4:16).
> B. The normal fast, which Jesus observed in the wilderness,
> involves total abstention from food, but regular intake of
> water. You could substitute an herbal tea or add a little
> lemon or honey to your water.
> C. The Daniel fast or partial fast is when you eat "no
> pleasant meat" but instead eat vegetables and drink water.
> This is practical for people who have diabetes, hypoglycemia,
> or anemia.
> D. The group fast or corporate fast is the kind that turned
> God's wrath away from the wicked city of Nineveh. Certain
> types of food are eliminated for several weeks by a group of
> people.
>   * What should I avoid? Acidic juices (orange, grapefruit)
> because they can overwhelm your system. Dilute juices,
> eliminate meats and desserts. You may want to eat only
> fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
>   * What's going on with my body? You may feel weak at times.
> Don't abuse your body. Rest more, cut back on your schedule.
> A fast gives you a chance to tell your body who is boss.
> Every craving does not have to be honored.
>   * How do I start? Start small and move toward longer fasts
> slowly. The discipline of fasting is a flexible discipline
> that is focused on intimacy with God. Don't begin with a 21-
> or 40-day fast. It is just as scriptural to go on a one-day
> fast.
>   * What do I do besides not eating? Give time to Bible reading
> and prayer. The time spent preparing and eating meals can be
> spent in intentional prayer time. Expect mental attacks from
> Satan, in the form of depression that manifests itself in a
> sense of heaviness.
>   * How do I end the fast? Treat your body kindly and with
> respect. Don't go out and get the biggest steak you can find.
> Gradually re-enter fruits, salads, yogurt - in small
> portions.
>Mahesh Chavda is founder and senior pastor of All
>Nations Church in Charlotte, N.C. An international
>evangelist, Mahesh and his wife, Bonnie, have led
>more than 700,000 people to Christ around the glove.
>They oversee the worldwide Watch of the Lord prayer
>Materials from The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting
>by Mahesh Chavda, copyright (c) 1998. Used by
>permission of Destiny Image Publishers, 167 Walnut
>Bottom Road, Shippensburg, PA, 17257.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 22.06.2001

2001-06-22 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: The unborn child, the persecuted child, the abused child.

Friday, June 22, 2001

The Right Place

Read: Hebrews 10:19-25

Let us consider one another in order to stir up love, not forsaking the 
assembling of ourselves together. -- Hebrews 10:24-25

Bible In One Year: Psalm 85-87

People stay away from church for many reasons. Maybe the weather is bad, or 
its a busy day, or they dont like guest speakers.

  Its especially sad when people stay away from church because they are 
troubled or hurting. When their hearts ache, they need to be in fellowship 
with Gods people. If theyve received devastating news about their health, 
finances, or a family member, what better place is there to be?

  One Friday, a pastors wife went to a medical office for an ultrasound of 
her unborn baby. The technician suddenly became silent and then called for 
her doctor. He confirmed what was suspected  the baby was dead. The next 
day she underwent a procedure that removed the baby from her womb.

  By Sunday morning she felt okay physically but wondered if she should 
stay home from church. She later wrote, In the end, I decided to go 
Somewhere in the midst of the beloved hymns and familiar choruses, a 
feeling of peace washed over me. Yes, I was in the right place We 
celebrated communion, and I was fully enveloped in my Fathers presence, my 
soul anchored in the shelter of Gods sanctuary.

Church -- its the right place to be. -- DCE

Our weeks not complete till we make it our goal
To honour the Lords Day and nourish our soul;
The help that we need for the trials we face
Will come as we worship and draw on Gods grace. -- D. De Haan

We all need Christian fellowship to build us up and hold us up.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 21.06.2001

2001-06-20 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: The unborn child, the persecuted child, the abused child.

Thursday, June 21, 2001

Sunshine For Your Soul

Read: Psalm 84

The Lord God is a sun and shield.  Psalm 84:11

Bible In One Year: Psalm 82-84

Many people feel cheerful in fair weather, but they are depressed when 
skies are gray. The travel industry thrives on this fact by luring millions 
of people to brighter climates. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the sun 
and its many benefits. But if we rely on good weather to maintain our good 
cheer, the climate of our inner world will be as changeable as the weather.

  This was my condition before I became a Christian while in my teens. Each 
morning I would check out the weather. If it was bright, I felt happy; if 
it was gloomy, so was I. One night I realized I needed Jesus. Kneeling by 
my bed, I accepted His forgiveness for my sins and invited Him into my 
life. The next morning I forgot to check the weather! It simply didn't 
matter anymore. The "Sun of Righteousness" had risen in my heart Malachi
  4:2) and had replaced my fickle source of happiness with Himself.

  Since then, my personal world has known some dark times, but the Lord has 
been my constant "sun and shield" (Psalm 84:11). I still prefer sunny days, 
but I'm no longer a "sun-worshiper." Instead, I'm a worshiper of God's Son 
who shines brightly within me  whatever the weather.

Which kind of worshiper are you?  JEY

  There is sunshine in my soul today,
  More glorious and bright
  Than glows in any earthly sky,
  For Jesus is my light.  Hewitt

  Lasting happiness doesn't come from sunny days but from the Son of God.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 20.06.2001

2001-06-19 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: The unborn child, the persecuted child, the abused child.

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

"Can You Hear Me?"

Read: Luke 6:37-42

Judge not, and you shall not be judged. -- Luke 6:37

Bible In One Year: Psalm 79-81

A man was having some difficulty communicating with his wife, and he 
concluded that she was becoming hard of hearing. So he decided to conduct a 
test without her knowing about it.

  One evening he sat in a chair on the far side of the room. Her back was 
to him and she could not see him. Very quietly he whispered, "Can you hear 
me?" There was no response.

  Moving a little closer, he asked again, "Can you hear me now?" Still no 
reply. Quietly he edged closer and whispered the same words, but still no 
answer. Finally he moved right behind her and said, "Can you hear me now?" 
To his surprise and chagrin she responded with irritation in her voice, 
"For the fourth time, yes!"

  What a warning to us about judging!

  Most of us criticise others to cover up for the same faults in our own 
lives. We also tend to find fault with someone when in fact we are the ones 
in the wrong, not the other person.

  Jesus knew human nature well. That's why He said, "Be merciful, just as 
your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged" (Luke 
6:36-37). -- RWD

Don't be too hard on the person who sins,
For the yardstick you lay on another
May someday be used as a measure for you;
Oh, be gracious and judge not, my brother! -- Bosch

If you are looking for faults to correct, try looking in a mirror.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Inspiration -- Take a Sabbath rest each week

2001-06-18 Thread Joseph Lonth

>God took a Sabbath rest after He created the universe, and He has
>designed life with a natural rhythm that includes a Sabbath rest
>for all people. Observing the Sabbath will help you be
>spiritually, mentally and physically healthy. Here are some ways
>you can experience the wholeness God intends you to have during a
>weekly Sabbath day:
>   *  Commit to observe a Sabbath day once each week, and plan
> accordingly. If you must work on Sundays, choose another day
> of the week to celebrate the Sabbath.
>   *  Welcome the Sabbath through a ritual that is meaningful to
> you, such as saying a special prayer or lighting a candle.
>   *  Cease any type of work - tasks related to your job, chores
> around your home, errands.
>   *  Seek to become more aware of God's presence with you, and
> pursue encounters with Him rather than focusing on your own
> concerns.
>   *  Join other people to worship God wholeheartedly, taking time
> to enjoy God's presence and the fellowship of others who love
> Him.
>   *  Don't worry about achieving a certain level of productivity.
> Let go of anxiety related to measuring your accomplishments
> and rest in God's unconditional love for you as a person.
>   *  Stop trying to control situations in your life. Instead,
> acknowledge that God is sovereign and trust Him to take care
> of you both now and in the future.
>   *  Refrain from buying and selling items during the whole day.
> Consider how you can use your current possessions to serve
> God, and give away items you can't use.
>   *  Be willing to live out your faith when interacting with
> people who don't yet know Christ. Have courage when observing
> the Sabbath surrounded by those who don't. Know that God is
> with you and can reach others through you when you're
> faithful.
>   *  Give others the gift of your time, and use your talents to
> help them.
>   *  Rest your body, such as through taking a nap.
>   *  Rest in the knowledge that God has saved you by His grace
> and offers you His grace for your daily living. Think about
> how He is always with you and willing to help you, no matter
> what your circumstances.
>   *  Spend some leisurely time in solitude and some in the
> company of others, building your relationship with God and
> others. Ask God to nourish you emotionally.
>   *  Take time for reflective and creative thinking, seeking
> God's inspiration.
>   *  Feast on food, music and the beauty of nature.
>   *  Invite the Holy Spirit to transform you more into the kind
> of person God would like you to be. Embrace God's work in
> your life wholeheartedly, and set your priorities for the
> coming week accordingly.
>-- By Whitney Hopler, Live It
>Marva J. Dawn is an author, teacher and theologian
>(with a Ph.D. in Christian ethics and Scriptures from
>Notre Dame) who works with Christians Equipped for
>Ministry in Vancouver, Wash.
>Adapted from Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing,
>Resting, Embracing, Feasting, copyright 1989
>(reprinted 2000) by Marva J. Dawn. Published by
>William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,
>Mich., www.eerdmans.com, 1-800-253-7521.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 19.06.2001

2001-06-18 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: The unborn child, the persecuted child, the abused child.

Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Knowing the Creator

Read: Psalm 8

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth, who have set 
your glory above the heavens!  Psalm 8:1

Bible In One Year: Psalm 76-78

A tour bus along with several cars had stopped in front of the artist's 
house. People wandered around pointing at the towering steel sculptures 
glinting in the sun, while their cameras zoomed in on silver turbines 
spinning in the morning breeze. One person paused long enough to read the 
plaque on the wrought iron fence surrounding the sculpture garden. It 
happens almost every day not far from where I live.

  Every time I drive past and see all the tourists and cameras, I think, 
they'd appreciate it so much more if they knew the artist the way I did. 
The artist had been a friend of mine for many years before he died. I often 
watched him at work transforming rusty oil-field pipe and truck axles into 
graceful works of art. When I see all that he made, I can't help but think 
of him.

  As Christians, we are privileged to know the Creator of the universe. So 
when we study a tiny wild flower or marvel at the vastness of the Milky 
Way, we are reminded of the One who made all of it. In a deeply personal 
expression of praise, the psalmist wrote, "O Lord, our Lord, how excellent 
is your name in all the earth" (Psalm 8:1).

  How much more wonderful the marvels of this world appear when we know the 
One who made them all!  DCM

The wonder of creation speaks
To everyone in different ways,
But only those who know the Lord
Can for His handiwork give praise.  Sper

All creation points to the almighty Creator.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 18.06.2001

2001-06-17 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: The unborn child, the persecuted child, the abused child.

Monday, June 18, 2001

Who Cares?

Read: Philippians 2:12-24

I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. -- 
Philippians 2:20

Bible In One Year: Psalm 73-75

A political leader, summing up the brokenness of our time, talked about a 
"Humpty-Dumpty world." The intriguing phrase takes us back to a childhood 
nursery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

  The message of that old rhyme is true to life. Man is broken and needs to 
be put together again. The Creator of the universe cares about our 
situation and has taken steps to restore us to wholeness. He came into the 
world in the person of Jesus Christ, and He fashioned the church as His 
body so that the members should "care for one another" (1 Corinthians 
12:25). Timothy demonstrated that kind of care for Paul, and for other 
believers (Philippians 2:18-22).

  Caring is as basic as giving money to help destitute Christians or 
looking after aged parents; as simple as being patient and kind or visiting 
widows and orphans in distress; as obvious as paying a just wage to 
employees; or as unspectacular as giving a cup of cool water to someone who 
thirsts. That's how our Savior would have us care for broken people in our 
Humpty-Dumpty world.

Are we letting Jesus care through us? -- HWR

A gentle word, a kindly deed
To help the ones who have a need,
A smile that Christ's great love imparts
Such caring stands to win their hearts. -- Brandt

If you really care, you'll want to share.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 17.06.2001

2001-06-16 Thread Joseph Lonth

This week's prayer: Peace in the war-ravaged Middle East, Afghanistan, 
Macedonia, Sudan, Somalia etc

Sunday, June 17, 2001

Happy Fathers

Read: Proverbs 23:15-24

The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise 
child will delight in him.  Proverbs 23:24

Bible In One Year: Psalm 70-72

Some people have attributed to Mark Twain the statement, When I was a boy 
of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man 
around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man 
had learned in 7 years.

  The attitude of children toward their parents changes as they grow older. 
Some young people show little respect for their fathers and mothers. Its 
disheartening to see this. But as they mature, many begin to recognise that 
Mom and Dad knew a lot more than they gave them credit for.

  On the other hand, some young people come to realise with deep regret 
that if they had followed the counsel of their parents they could have 
avoided much heartache both for themselves and their family. The Bible 
says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour 
your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: 
that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. 
(Ephesians 6:1-3) The book of Proverbs counsels, Listen to your father who 
begot you The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who 
begets a wise child will delight in him. (23:22,24)

  Remember  wise children make happy fathers!  RWD

Above all else that you can do
To make your father proud of you,
Be diligent, be kind, be wise
Such traits are priceless in his eyes.  Fasick

Your parents brought you up; dont let them down.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 16.06.2001

2001-06-15 Thread Joseph Lonth

Saturday, June 16, 2001

The Pain Of A Father's Love

Read: Matthew 27:27-50

They crucified Him. -- Matthew 27:35

Bible In One Year: Psalm 67-69

In 1968, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt Jr. took command of the American naval forces 
in Vietnam. In an effort to reduce US casualties, he ordered the waterways 
sprayed with the chemical defoliant Agent Orange. It was a move designed to 
push back the jungle and make it harder for North Vietnamese to ambush Navy 
river patrol boats at point-blank range.

  One of those boats was commanded by his 21-year-old son, Lieutenant Elmo 
Zumwalt III, who died of cancer in 1988. The admiral believed that Agent 
Orange killed his son. What a heartbreaking story of a father who made a 
decision that resulted in great suffering for his own son!

  How much greater was the heartbreak of God the Father when He provided 
salvation for us! He made a decision that resulted in immeasurable agony 
for His only Son. Think of how God must have felt as He watched His Son 
suffer the mockery of the crowd, the lashes of the whip, the pain of the 
nails through His hands and feet, the inexpressible weight and humiliation 
of our sins, and the indescribable agony of isolation and abandonment.

  Father, forgive us for adding to your pain by our lack of gratitude. 
Please help us to live in a way that will honour Your Son, who defeated sin 
and death -- for us. -- MRDII

The Father's heart was deeply pained
When Jesus hung upon that tree,
Yet in His sacrifice He gained
Our pardon, peace, and victory. -- D. De Haan

The truest measure of God's love is that He loves without measure.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Family Life -- Human fathers can reveal glimpses of the Heavenly Father

2001-06-15 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Human fathers can help people glimpse a bit of our Heavenly
>Father's love for His children. Dads can have significant and
>lasting impacts on their children's lives when they invite God to
>pour His love through them to their children.
>Here are some of the many encouraging messages fathers can send
>to their children:
>   *  You are important because of who you are, my valuable child.
>  The messes you sometimes cause are of no consequence
>compared to your intrinsic worth.
>   *  Have fun and laugh. Humor contains great healing power.
>   *  Be flexible and trust God to guide you. He has great
>  adventures planned for you.
>   *  Every moment you live is a gift from God, so use your time
>  well.
>   *  God has given me an unlimited supply of love for you. You
>  don't have to compete for my love.
>   *  When you place your faith in God, even a little bit of faith
>  will accomplish great things in your life.
>   *  I'm going to invest time in being with you as often as I
>  can, because I want to get to know you as much as I can.
>   *  I'm going to put my love for your mother into action. When I
>  love her, that love extends to you.
>   *  God can teach me whatever He desires; I'm open to His
>  guidance and willing to seek forgiveness and growth.
>   *  If you're not good at something, yet you enjoy it, go ahead
>  and do it. Practice will help you improve, and results don't
>  matter as much as the process.
>   *  When you make mistakes, I'll show you mercy. When it takes
>  you awhile to learn things, I'll be patient.
>   *  I'll help point out the many ways God is working in our
>  lives.
>   *  I'll encourage you to passionately pursue your dreams.
>   *  When you're happy, I'll rejoice with you. When you're sad,
>  I'll cry with you.
>-- By Whitney Hopler, Live It
>Gary Stanley is on the staff of Campus Crusade for
>Christ and is one of the founding faculty of the
>International School of Theology in Southern
>California, where he taught for 20 years. He and his
>wife Luci are also on the speaker team for Family
>Life Marriage Conferences.
>Adapted from How to Make a Moose Run ... and Other
>Things by Dad Taught Me, copyright 2001 by Gary
>Stanley. Published by RiverOak Publishing, Tulsa, OK,

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 15.06.2001

2001-06-14 Thread Joseph Lonth

This week's prayer: Peace in the war-ravaged Middle East, Afghanistan, 
Macedonia, Sudan, Somalia etc

Friday, June 15, 2001

It's Not An Easy Road

Read: Psalm 112

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His 
commandments. -- Psalm 112:1

Bible In One Year: Psalm 64-66

I have a friend who's trying to find his way through the fog of doubt. 
While he still believes that God is good, much of what he's experiencing 
seems to contradict that. He's questioning the value of virtue because he 
sees another person's vice go unpunished. Although he knows that he ought 
to enjoy his walk with God, right now it's more duty than delight.

  I also have an acquaintance that seems to be trying to hold on to God 
with one hand while clutching her sins in the other. I recently learned 
that her fourth marriage lasted less than a week. After paying thousands of 
dollars for a wedding, she's going to have to spend thousands more to get 
out of the marriage.

  To anyone questioning the value of walking with God, I would reply: 
Saying no to selfish choices and saying yes to God's commands may not be 
easy, but it's the only way to experience true and lasting joy. Psalm 112 
declares that the person who respects God and wants to please Him will 
enjoy His favour (v.1). That doesn't guarantee a trouble-free life, of 
course, but it does assure us that we can have peace even in the tough 
times (vv.6-8).

  We can delight in knowing God's blessing is on us, even when the road is 
not easy. -- JAL

Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight;
Foot it bravely, strong or weary,
Trust in God and do the right. -- McLeod

The cost of obedience is nothing compared to the cost of disobedience.

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[JOYnet] Meaningless debates for what?

2001-06-14 Thread Joseph Lonth

Dear Friends,
Although we in the JOYnet boast about 300+ membership, less a dozen read 
all the messages that are generated and a handful indulge meaningless 
debates, claiming to know many things more than anybody else.
First of all, as some friends have suggested, before anyone starts a topic 
for discussion let him or her sit down and pray. Let us hear the voice of 
God and then, and only then, start the discussion.
Secondly, think for at least a day whether such a discussion will foster 
anybody's faith, build up the Church of Christ or Christian friendship.
Thirdly, write properly with capital/lower case, punctuations, correct 
spelling, grammar etc so that those reading the item get the message correctly.
This is how one cultivates oneself and fosters discipline.
Just shoot some crap, hurt a few readers and then say sorry is not a 
Charismatic, Jesus Youth or Christian tradition. What is the difference 
between such a person and a street fighter?
If the topic/item is interesting even minor mistakes are tolerable. For 
example, I enjoy the series by Priya Joy on 9th batch - final gathering.
Please be discreet and respectful to others so that you may be respected.
Sorry for the forthrightness, but I felt it is necessary.
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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No Subject

2001-06-14 Thread Joseph Lonth

This week's prayer: Peace in the war-ravaged Middle East, Afghanistan, 
Macedonia, Sudan, Somalia etc

Thursday, June 14, 2001

The Ultimate Tragedy

Read: Hebrews 9:27-10:18

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. -- Hebrews 

Bible In One Year: Psalm 61-63

It was an immense tragedy. More than two million pilgrims had gathered 
outside Mecca to take part in an annual religious event when something 
caused a stampede. After the dust had settled, nearly 200 people lay dead, 
trampled in the mad rush.

  Imagine the irony! These worshipers were attempting to get closer to God. 
When they died, however, they found out sooner than they ever imagined 
whether their devotion had brought them nearer to God or not.

  The real tragedy of the situation was not in the deaths themselves, as 
heart-wrenching as that is. Death spares no one, though its icy grip 
ensnares some before others. It's not death that is the ultimate tragedy 
but death without Jesus Christ. For any person who does not know Jesus 
Christ as Saviour, the tragedy of death is compounded by eternal separation 
from God (2 Thessalonians 1:9; Hebrews 10:31).

  Acts of religious devotion do not gain for us access into God's eternal 
presence. Entrance to heaven is a free gift, received by faith in Christ 
believing that He lived, died, and rose from the grave to rescue us from 
the penalty of sin.

  If you're not depending on Jesus, you'll suffer the ultimate tragedy. 
Don't let it happen to you. -- JDB

Salvation is a gift of God,
Not something earned or won;
He freely gives eternal life
To all who trust His Son. -- Sper

You can have tonnes of religion without an ounce of salvation.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Managing Life -- To turn on God, turn off TV

2001-06-13 Thread Joseph Lonth

>How much time do you spend watching TV during a typical
>week? You may never have kept track of all the hours you
>devote to TV programs, but when you add it up, your time
>investment might surprise you.
>If your TV sets were to become lost or broken, how else
>would you spend all that time? God has plenty of other
>activities for you to engage in - more productive and
>creative activities than simply watching TV. Here are some
>reasons why you should consider turning off TV, and some
>ways you can do it:
>Every moment God has given you on Earth is precious time
>that He wants you to use wisely. When you use time to watch
>TV, you lose valuable moments that would be much better
>spent on activities that help you grow closer to God and
>other people. Ask God how He would like you to spend
>your time, and be willing to do so.
>While some television programs can be edifying, most
>feature content that conflicts with Scriptures --
>encouraging anger, lust, coveting, destructive language and
>laziness. Repeated exposure to such messages will
>negatively affect your mind, and your children's minds.
>As a household, try taking a one-week break from TV and
>other forms of passive entertainment (such as movies, video
>games and surfing the Internet for non-educational
>purposes). Notice how you and others in your family feel
>during that week, and how you all spend the time you
>normally would have used to watch TV.
>Hide your TV sets and remotes, or remove them from your
>house, both during your one-week break and afterward as God
>leads you to do so. If you choose not to completely
>eliminate TV, you may want to limit it in ways such as only
>watching during daylight hours or making sure that the
>daily time you spend watching doesn't exceed the time you
>spend praying each day.
>Plan more active pursuits into your days (such as outings
>or creative projects).
>-- By Whitney Hopler, Live It Editor
>Kevin C. Lee is passionate about making good use of time to
>serve Christ rather than simply watching television.

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[JOYnet] Our daily Bread 13.06.2001

2001-06-13 Thread Joseph Lonth

This weeks prayer: Peace in the war-ravaged Middle East, Afghanistan. 
Macedonia, Sudan etc

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Paying The Price

Read: Luke 22:31-34,54-62

I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have 
returned to me, strengthen your brethren. -- Luke 22:32

Bible In One Year: Psalm 58-60

Imagine being able to do anything you wanted to do without having to be 
concerned about costs or consequences. You could have success without risk 
or sacrifice. A happy marriage without having to work at it. Education 
without exams.

  We all realise, though, that's not the way life works. To know the joy of 
success, we must pay the price of commitment and learn from our failures.

  Before Jesus was arrested and put on trial, Peter expressed his devotion 
to Him by saying, "Lord, I am ready to go with you, both to prison and to 
death" (Luke 22:33). When that noble intention was put to the test, Peter's 
resolve melted under pressure. He denied three times that he knew Jesus 
(vv.56-60). But his failure wasn't final. He later reaffirmed his love for 
the Lord (John 21:15-19). And when empowered by the Holy Spirit he became a 
bold witness (Acts 2-12), willing to be imprisoned and even die for his 
Lord (John 21:18-19).

  Our commitment to Christ will be tested as well. We may falter and need 
to be restored. Sometimes we will have to pay a price  suffering rejection 
or loss. But the only way to know the joy of Christ's approval is to give 
our lives unreservedly to Him. When we do, He will work through us, as He 
did through Peter (Luke 22:32), to encourage others. -- AL

To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill;
O may it all my powers engage,
To do my Master's will! -- C. Wesley

Commitment comes with a cost.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 11.06.2001

2001-06-10 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For the unity of the church (all denominations) under 
the leadership of Jesus

Monday, June 11, 2001

  Everyday Disciples

  Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

  Let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, 
that they may not be unfruitful. -- Titus 3:14

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 52-54

  When I am asked how I'm doing as a man in his eighties, I reply, "My life 
moves along contentedly in well-worn grooves." As I observe my friends and 
neighbours around me, I realise that most of them are also following a 
basic routine. Although not trapped on a treadmill, they are working at 
their jobs, raising families, and serving in their churches. There's 
nothing necessarily heroic or exciting about their lives, nor is there 
about mine.

  This reminds me of the response of the astute American statesman Bernard 
Baruch when asked who he thought was the greatest personality of our age. 
With great wisdom at age 94 he said: "The fellow who does his job every 
day. The mother who has children and gets up to get them breakfast, keep 
them clean, and send them off to school. The fellow who keeps the streets 
clean... The unknown soldiers, millions of them."

  The apostle Paul also emphasised the importance of faithfulness in 
everyday life. He urged his fellow believers to settle down, lead a quiet 
life, and provide for their own families (1 Thessalonians 4:11; 1 Timothy 

  Most of us are ordinary Christians who live routine lives. Yet, our 
extraordinary God wants all of us to be everyday disciples who are faithful 
and fruitful. May it be so! -- VCG

Lord, help me to follow Jesus,
To obey Him day by day,
To be His faithful disciple
And please Him in every way. -- Anon

  The world crowns success; God crowns faithfulness.

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[JOYnet] Great achievement by my son

2001-06-10 Thread Joseph Lonth

Hi JY friends
I would like to thank and praise God and share my happiness with you all.
My son Aubry had appeared for Kerala Medical and Engineering entrance exams 
together with some all India institutes for Medicine.
He has secured 17th rank in Kerala Medical and 811th rank in Engg. He has 
also passed Armed Forces Medical College entrance and has given interview 
for the same.
Some other results are awaited.
With lots of love
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Family Life -- Help Your Child Learn as Fully as God Intends

2001-06-09 Thread Joseph Lonth

>God has designed your child with powerful capacities to learn,
>and you can help your child reach his or her full potential by
>providing experiences that focus on different types of learning.
>By interacting with your child and providing interesting
>activities for him or her, you'll be fostering your child's brain
>development, encouraging him or her to learn even more.
>Here are some ways to encourage learning:
>   * Emotional development: Build a secure bond with your child.
> Tune in to your child's moods and respond appropriately.
> Spend time together. Touch your child lovingly, such as
> through hugs. Encourage your child by appreciating all his or
> her efforts. Set limits and boundaries so your child feels
> protected and secure. Take care of your own emotional health
> so you can be emotionally available to your child.
>   * Creativity: Play with your child. Keep raw materials for
> creative projects readily available. Give your child
> unstructured time to use as he or she would like. Talk with
> your child, encouraging him or her to think of how to solve a
> problem or imagine what might happen in a particular
> scenario.
>   * Curiosity: Create an environment that encourages your child
> to explore. Show interest and enthusiasm when your child asks
> questions, and let him or her see you asking questions as
> well. Provide time for your child to "tinker" with a project
> to observe how things work in the world. Read aloud to your
> child. Provide simple objects that can help your child better
> explore his or her surroundings. Invite your child to join
> you in making up stories together. Cook together so your
> child can observe how chemical substances change when they're
> mixed in new ways.
>   * Physical development: Encourage your child to play, and
> provide toys and equipment to help him or her do so. Exercise
> with your child. Give your child opportunities to play
> sports. Provide nutritious foods and drinks for your child
> every day.
>   * Musical development: Sing songs to, or with, your child.
> Speak in a lyrical rhythm when talking to your child. Play
> classical music frequently for your child to listen to, since
> research has shown that the complex melodies in classical
> music encourage neurological activity in people's brains.
> Provide musical instruments for your child to play. Enroll
> your child in music lessons. When teaching your child new
> information, set it to music to help him or her remember it.
> Take your child to live musical performances.
>   * Language development: Talk to your child as frequently as
> possible. Read aloud to him or her. Help your child listen
> for and identify sounds. Provide the resources your child
> needs to engage in pretend play. When your child draws a
> picture, ask him or her to tell you the story behind it, then
> write the words of the story below the picture. Limit
> television and encourage interaction with people. Hold
> regular conversations during your family's dinner. Help your
> child practice following directions. Write messages to your
> child, and encourage him or her to write back to you.
> Math and logic: Let your child sort household objects - even
> clothes for the laundry. Help your child set the table before
> meals. Cook with your child, explaining measurements as you
> go along. Count objects, and compare their sizes and amounts.
> Provide puzzles, shapes and blocks for your child. Sing
> number songs with your child. Measure how tall your child is,
> and how much he or she weighs. Make a calendar with your
> child. Help your child place objects into categories.
>   * Spiritual development: Pray for your child, and teach him or
> her to pray. Help your child discover signs of God's work in
> the world and develop a sense of wonder. Be discerning about
> what types of media content you allow into your home. Teach
> your child Scripture. Bless your child with gifts such as
> personal letters about how thankful you are to God for him or
> her. Make 3-D visual aids to use in family worship time and
> store them in a box. Explain the spiritual meanings behind
> holiday traditions.
>   * Values: Make sure your own behavior reflects the values you
> want your child to embrace. Impart values through
> storytelling, hands-on experiences and everyday conversation.
> Encourage your child when you observe him or her apply
> positive values in everyday life. Give your child a share of
> the household chores so he or she can learn responsibility.
> Set rules of respectful behavior in your household and stick
> to them. Thank God for His work in your life and encourage
> your child to do the same.

[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 10.06.2001

2001-06-09 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For the unity of the church (all denominations) under 
the leadership of Jesus

Sunday, June 10, 2001

  Our Substitute

  Read: Romans 5:1-11

  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -- Romans 5:8

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 49-51

  Ed Leonard, an employee of a Canadian mining company, was working in 
Colombia, South America, when he was captured by rebel soldiers in 1998. In 
an unprecedented move, Norbert Reinhart, the owner of the company, secured 
Leonard's release by taking his place. Reinhart was then held hostage for 
94 days.

  Centuries ago, Jesus took our place, becoming our substitute. Romans 5:8 
says, "God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were 
still sinners, Christ died for us."

  So profound is the meaning of that act that scholars have struggled to 
explain its mystery. The Bible teaches that God loves us but must uphold 
His perfect justice by punishing us for our sin. As part of His plan to 
redeem us, He sent His Son Jesus to become a member of the human race (John 
1:18). Although He was sinless, Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, took 
our punishment on the cross. With sin's penalty paid, He rose from the 
grave and offers forgiveness and eternal life to all.

  Just knowing these facts, though, doesn't mean that we are forgiven. We 
must admit that we're helpless, lost sinners (Romans 3:23), turn from our 
sins, and personally reach out in faith to Christ and receive His offer of 
forgiveness. Then He truly is our Saviour, our Substitute. -- DJD

Was it for crimes that I have done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! Grace unknown!
And love beyond degree! -- Watts

  Knowing a creed is no substitute for knowing Christ.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Managing Life -- Speak no evil, hear no evil

2001-06-09 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Negative words contain great destructive power. Whenever you talk
>negatively about people or listen to someone else talk negatively
>about others, you unleash that harmful power.
>Here are some ways to avoid gossip and criticism:
>   *  Seek cleansing from God so you'll have the power to resist
> talking negatively about others. Take a look at the attitudes
> you hold and the comments you make. Confess the times you've
> gossiped or criticized in the past, and invite God to
> transform you. Release any pride or fear that is obstructing
> you from making the changes you would like, and be open to
> God's correction and guidance.
>   *  Pray for people you have hurt - either purposely or
> inadvertently - by speaking negatively about them. Ask God to
> heal them. Also pray for people who have hurt you in the past
> through their negative words about you. Forgive them and ask
> God to let them be aware of His loving presence with them.
>   *  Examine what tempts you to speak negatively, and pray for
> God to give you the strength to confront and overcome those
> temptations. Ask God to purify your mind.
>   *  Always be prepared for the possibility that someone may to
> try to engage you in a negative conversation about someone
> else. Pray for God to give you wisdom in such situations so
> you can resist being pulled into negative conversations.
>   *  When someone approaches you and begins talking negatively
> about someone, try to determine the speaker's motivation and
> encourage accountability by asking questions such as, "Is
> this something I need to hear about?", "Who told you this
> information?", "Have you spoken to those people who are
> directly involved with this situation?" and "Before you share
> any further, what are you expecting from me?".
>   *  Juicy tales about another person can be very seductive. Know
> that you should never accept what someone says about someone
> else as true without checking the validity of the statements
> yourself. And even if the statements are true, cruel words
> create unnecessary strife. Remember that Jesus' goal for
> dealing with people who have sinned isn't finger-pointing,
> but transformation and restoration.
>   *  Realize that participating in negative conversations harms
> you spiritually, creating confusion that can lead to
> deception.
>   *  Use positive words to heal when confronted with destructive,
> negative words. Respond to gossip or criticism with
> encouraging words about the person being talked about, and
> ask the person spreading the negativity to pray for the
> person about whom he or she is talking.
>   *  Be bold when confronting people who want you to listen to
> gossip or criticism. Remember that the consequences of
> listening far outweigh the awkwardness of taking a stand
> against the negativity. The speaker's feelings may
> temporarily be hurt, but you will be helping the speaker more
> than hurting him or her.
>   *  Be proactive about speaking positively about others. Strive
> to do so as often as possible.
>-- By Live It Editor Whitney
>Michael D. Sedler is an associate pastor at Harvest
>Christian Fellowship in Spokane, Wash. Previously, he
>worked in the public education system as a social
>worker, behavior specialist, administrator and
>classroom teacher. He is married and has three sons.
>Adapted from Stop the Runaway Conversation: Take
>Control Over Gossip and Criticism, copyright 2001 by
>Michael D. Sedler. Published by Chosen Books, a
>division of Baker Book House, Co., Grand Rapids,
>Mich., www.bakerbooks.com, 1-800-877-2665.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 9.06.2001

2001-06-08 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For the unity of the church (all denominations) under 
the leadership of Jesus

Saturday, June 9, 2001

  Are You Full?

  Read: Ecclesiastes 6:7-12

  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. -- 
Romans 15:13

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 46-48

  As a boy, I laughed and cried as I read The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer and 
Huckleberry Finn. I gave little thought to the author of these books, 
though, until I saw a dramatised version of Mark Twain's life.

  Twain had his share of tragedy. He blamed himself for his younger 
brother's death in a steamboat accident at age 20, and for the death of his 
only son, who died from diphtheria at 19 months. He grieved bitterly over 
the deaths of two of his daughters  one from meningitis at age 23 and one 
from a heart attack at age 29.

  But instead of turning to God, Twain became bitter and pessimistic. When 
he died at 74, he was desperately lonely, unhappy, and hopeless.

  Mark Twain had an emptiness that could not be satisfied with money and 
fame. His success as a writer only increased his misery and sense of loss. 
His life illustrates the folly of living without God, which is described in 
Ecclesiastes 6:7-12. If only he had trusted Christ for salvation and looked 
to Him for comfort and fulfillment!

  Have life's hardships left you feeling empty and bitter, or have they 
strengthened your relationship with God and made you better? Turn in faith 
to Christ, and "the God of hope [will] fill you with all joy and peace" 
(Romans 15:13). -- HVL

The sun that hardens clay to brick
Can soften wax to shape and mold;
So too life's trials will harden some,
While others purify as gold. -- Sper

Life's trials should make us better -- not bitter.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 8.06.2001

2001-06-08 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For the unity of the church (all denominations) under 
the leadership of Jesus

Friday, June 8, 2001


Read: James 1:19-25

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

Bible In One Year: Psalm 43-45

Some technology experts believe that computer keyboards will become 
obsolete in the   next few years as more and more functions become 
voice-activated. Instead of typing a   letter to a friend, we will speak 
the words to a computer that will print them on paper or   send them as 
e-mail. Voice-activation will so permeate daily life that instead of 
pressing   buttons and twisting dials, we will give verbal instructions to 
everything from the television   to the toaster. When we speak, it will be 

   Voice-activated devices are programmed to do what they are told. God 
could have   made us that way, but instead He gave us the choice of whether 
or not we'll listen and obey.

   James urged us to obey God every time He speaks to us through His Word. 
He wrote,  "Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving 
yourselves" (James 1:22).
   Self-deception comes when we listen to God's Word without doing what it 
says. We   quickly forget what the Lord shows us about ourselves and wander 
along our way   unchanged.

   It is natural to want God to hear and answer us, but the greater issue 
is whether we listen   and respond to Him. Does God have our attention 
today? Are we choosing to be voice-activated by every word from Him? DCM

  God who formed worlds by the power of His word
   Speaks through the Scriptures His truth to be heard;
   And if we read with the will to obey,
   He by His Spirit will show us His way. D. De Haan

  When you open your Bible, ask the Author to open your heart.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Managing Life -- Men: Beware of Temptation

2001-06-06 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Men and women respond to temptation differently. Women tend to
>flee temptation, while men like to crawl away slowly and hope
>temptation will overtake them.
>No man sets out to succumb to temptation on purpose. Yet every
>day we learn of men, Christian men, who fail. Unless a man
>remains perpetually vigilant, his own evil desires carry him into
>temptation and sin.
>Six temptations men face:
>   * Emotional neglect. Men are most tempted not to give their
> wives the thing they desire the most: emotional connection
> and intimacy; the sharing of yourself at the deepest level,
> and wanting to know the same level in your spouse. God
> commanded, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved
> the church (Eph. 5:25). The Bible gives no similar
> instructions to wives because wives are naturally drawn to an
> intimate love relationship. For men it must be learned.
>   * Lust. Men become sexually stimulated visually. When a man
> looks and lusts, that does not mean he no longer loves his
> wife. He is engaged in temptation - physical and spiritual.
> We live in a sexually over-stimulated culture in which many
> men are drained of the spiritual energy needed to expose
> temptation and the moral energy to resist it. The best way to
> resist sexual temptation is to flee from it.
>   * False gods. You can have only one god. Most men try to
> worship an idol and God. That, too, is impossible. Idolatry
> is the error of giving worship or homage to any power or
> object other than God. It's either going to be Jesus Christ
> or something else. And whatever the something else is, it
> will never satisfy (e.g. accomplishments, money, pleasure,
> possessions, power, prestige, or position).
>   * Money and debt. Men find money intoxicating. Jesus named
> money as his chief competitor: No one can serve two
> mastersYou cannot serve both God and money (Matt. 6:24).
> Not only is man tempted to earn more money, but also to
> borrow more money than he can afford to repay. The temptation
> is not to love God or money. The temptation is to love them
> both. To live debt-free within your means, with Jesus as the
> god of your life, is the goal.
>   * Whining. The Bible tells of people who grumbled about the
> sufficiency of God's care. When men see others advancing more
> rapidly, frequently resentments, jealousies, envy, and
> bitterness build up. Slights, perceived and real, grind on
> his ego. The way to overcome the temptation to complain is to
> accept your lot in life and get on with a positive outlook.
> Paul said, I have learned to be content whatever the
> circumstances (Phil 4:11).
>   * Pride. Stubborn pride often keeps a man from humbling himself
> and admitting he's wrong. Temptation to pride comes in many
> disguises. The most common form is for a man to look down
> with disdain on others. It is a sin of comparison in which a
> man compares his [perceived] strength with another's
> weaknesses. Equally insidious is the temptation for a man to
> look up in disgust to others who have it better or have
> accomplished more. Pride can even cause some men to feel they
> are above talking about "touchy feelings," and so emotionally
> neglect their wives.
>Patrick Morley is a business leader, speaker, and the
>best-selling author of seven books, including The Man
>in the Mirror, Walking with Christ in the Details of
>Life, The Rest of Your Life, Devotions for Couples,
>and The Seven Seasons of a Man's Life. He lives with
>his family in Orlando, Fla.
>Taken from What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About
>Men by Patrick M. Morley. Copyright (c) 1998 by
>Patrick M. Morley. Used by permission of Zondervan
>Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49530,

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 7.06.2001

2001-06-06 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For the unity of the church (all denominations) under 
the leadership of Jesus

Thursday, June 7, 2001

Beautiful People

Read: 1 Peter 3:1-6

The Lord does not see as man sees; . . . the Lord looks at the heart. 1 
Samuel 16:7

Bible In One Year: Psalm 40-42

Nowhere in Scripture are we told to value people on the basis of how they 
look. We shouldn't measure people's worth by whether they are good-looking, 
have beautiful hair and trim bodies, or dress in the finest clothes.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating greasy hair, flabby frames, or 
drab dress. Nor am I saying that beauty is a vice. But I'm concerned about 
my own superficial values. I'm prone to judge people by the bone structure 
in their faces or by the clothes they wear. It's easy to show partiality to 
someone who looks sharp and wears the latest fashions. Rather than making 
it my goal to see as God sees, I tend to respond to the physical, 
skin-level qualities of a person.

A person's real worth lies far beneath the surface. The Bible tells us, 
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 
Samuel 16:7). It is "the hidden person of the heart" that God values (1 
Peter 3:4).

People don't have to be physically attractive to acknowledge God in all 
their ways, or to be unselfish, merciful, and compassionate. It doesn't 
take a model's face to develop self-control, patience, wisdom, and courage. 
These are the qualities of truly beautiful people.  MRDII

Beautiful lives are those that bear
For other lives their load of care;
Beautiful souls are those who show
The love of Christ where'er they go.  Anon.

Nothing is more attractive than Christlikeness.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 6.06.2001

2001-06-05 Thread Joseph Lonth

Wednesday, June 6, 2001

  Going bald?

  Read: Judges 16:6-20

  He did not know that the Lord had departed from him. -- Judges 16:20

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 37-39

Barney had always been proud of his thick, wavy hair. But then he began to 
lose it. Finally just one lone hair remained on top of his shiny dome. One 
morning Barney awoke, looked at his pillow, and was shocked to see that 
last hair lying there. Jumping out of bed, he ran downstairs crying, 
"Martha, Martha, I'm bald!"
  That story reminds me of Samson, who "did not know that the Lord had 
departed from him" (Judges 16:20). A similar thing happens to the Christian 
who dabbles in the things of the world. He goes deeper into sin, slowly 
sliding away from the Lord, without knowing what is happening. It is not 
until he has had some startling experience  perhaps due to God's 
discipline  that he sees his true condition. When brought under the 
searchlight of the Word of God, the deceived one is shocked to realise how 
Satan has stripped away his spiritual power and discernment.
  Television, movie, and home video habits reveal how far some people have 
slipped. Suggestive words and immoral themes, once considered offensive, 
are tolerated as acceptable entertainment.
  To avoid the kind of shock that Barney experienced, it's important to 
examine ourselves daily. Say, are you going bald spiritually? -- RWD
O Lord, help us to recognise
When we begin to compromise,
And give us strength to follow through
With what we know is right and true. -- Sper
Most often, falling into sin is not a blowout but a slow leak.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Money & Management -- "How to use God's money wisely"

2001-06-04 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Once a year you take a financial reading of your life. It's
>called tax time. As you prepare your tax documents, look over
>your spending for the last year. How has your money been spent?
>This gives you an indication of what's important in your life.
>When we realize that our Heavenly Father has entrusted us with
>His wallet, we will want to get our priorities right in all our
>purchases. God has deposited His wealth with us so that our money
>and resources can be used for His Kingdom.
>How to spend God's way:
>   * Honor Him with your money. We must not give Him 10%, then do
> whatever we want because we have paid our dues. Where you
> invest your treasure is the true location of your heart (Luke
> 12:34). An accountant should be able to look at your entire
> budget and conclude that God is given weighty consideration
> in your life.
>   * Train your children. Your child should be trained from the
> toddler stage to give in order to help relieve the hard times
> of others - as an expression of their love for God and to
> support the work of His church. Challenge them to think, How
> can I honor God with my allowance? If you begin teaching them
> early, they will learn the habit of generous giving. As their
> resources grow, so too will their giving.
>   * Meet the material needs of your family. Credit cards should
> not be used to fake a higher lifestyle than you can afford
> when there is not enough money to pay for necessities. Wise
> people settle down, earn the bread they eat, and live within
> their means. God places a high value on meeting the needs of
> one's family when your priorities are in order.
>   * Graciously give to those in need. There are so many people
> who are suffering in poverty, who desperately need all the
> help you can give. From worldwide relief organizations to the
> poor fellow on the corner, each makes an appeal to our
> resources. But a worthy cause, alone, is not enough. God
> looks into your heart to determine your motives in giving.
> God wants you to give cheerfully and generously.
>   * Enjoy with others what God gives you. You don't have to feel
> guilty for your abundance if you share it with others. You
> can use your abundance to bring joy to others, particularly
> when you realize, and share with others, that your wealth is
> a result of God's blessings and not your own doing.
>David Wyrtzen is a graduate of Houghton College and
>received his Th.M. and Th.D degrees from Dallas
>Theological Seminary. He is pastor of Midlothian
>Bible Church in Midlothian, Texas, and the author of
>Unexpected Grace: How God Brings Meaning Out of Our
>Failures. He and his wife, Mary, are the parents of
>four children.
>From Raising Worldly Wise But Innocent Kids by David
>Wyrtzen, copyright (c) 1995. Used by permission of
>Discovery House Publishers, affiliated with RBC
>Ministries, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49512,

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 5.06.2001

2001-06-04 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: MK 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and
preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized
will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these
signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out
demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with
their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at
all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
Oh, Jesus, help me to be a believer and release the signs with me that your
name be honoured, glorified through my life. Amen

Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Not remote control

  Read: Matthew 28:16-20

  I am with you always, even to the end of the age. -- Matthew 28:20

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 34-36

Years ago television didn't have remote controls. To turn the TV on or off, 
to change the channels, or to adjust the volume, you had to leave your 
chair, go to the set, and get personally involved. Now, through remote 
controls, your favourite chair is like a distant throne from which you can 
make your TV do your bidding.
  Some people think of Jesus sitting on His heavenly throne and directing 
His earthly servants from afar. But before He ascended He said to His 
disciples, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" 
(Matthew 28:18). After commissioning them to go and make disciples of all 
nations, He assured them, "I am with you always, even to the end of the 
age" (v.20). British scholar F.F. Bruce puts it this way: "He accompanies 
His agents. He does not energise them by remote control; He is present with 
them by His Spirit. They work for Him, but He works in them."
  Praise the Lord, the Saviour is not only enthroned in heaven, but by 
God's indwelling Spirit He is also actively at work on earth through His 
obedient children. As you serve Him today, perhaps in a tough situation, 
remember, He's not directing you by remote control. By His indwelling 
presence He is working in your needy world through you. -- JEY
The Holy Spirit gives us power
To witness far and wide,
Equipping us to do God's work
And changing us inside. -- Sper
God works in you so He can work through you.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 4.06.2001

2001-06-03 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week:  MK 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and 
preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized 
will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these 
signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out 
demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with 
their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at 
all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
Oh, Jesus, help me to be a believer and release the signs with me that your 
name be honoured, glorified through my life. Amen

Monday, June 4, 2001

Surrounded with songs

  Read: Psalm 32

  You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of 
deliverance. -- Psalm 32:7
  Bible In One Year: Psalm 31-33
  In November 1942, the students and teachers of a school for missionary 
children in China were imprisoned by occupying Japanese military forces. As 
they travelled towards their place of confinement, someone began singing 
the words of a familiar song. Soon all the prisoners joined in: "God is 
still on the throne, and He will remember His own; though trials may press 
us and burdens distress us, He never will leave us alone." It remained 
their theme song for nearly three years until they were released at the end 
of World War II.
  Their experience reminds me of what David said in Psalm 32. He told the 
Lord, "You  are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You 
shall surround me with  songs of deliverance" (v.7).
  When circumstances seem overwhelming, do you have a song you sing? If 
you're a Christian, it's not unusual to have a favourite hymn or chorus 
that speaks of God's faithful love and presence. At unexpected moments, the 
words and music come back to you as a reminder that Almighty God is still 
in charge, and that He will never forsake you.
  If there's an experience in your life that has come like "a flood of 
great waters" (v.6), sing of the Lord's faithfulness and let Him surround 
you with songs of deliverance. -- DCM
God is still on the throne,
He never forsaketh His own;
His promise is true, He will not forget you,
God is still on the throne. -- Suffield
  If you're in tune with heaven, you'll have a song in your heart.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 3.06.2001

2001-06-02 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth."(Acts 1:8)
Oh loving and merciful Jesus, release your Spirit upon me and anoint me
to live according to your plans and glorify you and the Father in all
things at all times. Oh come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth 
and me in particular. Amen

Sunday, June 3, 2001

The Power Of Pentecost

Read: Acts 1:1-11

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you 
shall be witnesses to Me. Acts 1:8

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 28-30

  A pastor I know and love is discouraged. Although he is diligent in 
prayer and works hard, his church remains small while a new congregation 
nearby is rapidly developing into a megachurch. Yet when I think of the 
alcoholics, drug addicts, and sexually immoral people he has led to the 
Savior and a new way of life, I see him as one who witnesses in the power 
of the Holy Spirit.
  Because of what happened on the Day of Pentecost (described in Acts 2), 
we tend to associate the Holy Spirit's presence and power with amazing 
phenomena and large numbers. We forget that a little later the same people 
filled with the same Holy Spirit were rejected, flogged, imprisoned, even 
executed. But through it all they were powerful witnesses!
  The Holy Spirit's presence and power can be evidenced in a dynamic 
preacher who attracts great audiences. But it is seen as well in the 
volunteer who carries on a one-on-one prison ministry, in the person who 
witnesses to a co-worker or a neighbour, and in the Sunday school teacher 
who faithfully teaches week after week.
  The power of Pentecost is not reserved for the highly gifted. It is 
available to all believers in Christ who want to serve Him.  HVL
  God's guidance and help that we need day to day
  Are given to all who believe;
  The Spirit has come and He is the source
  Of power that we can receive.  Branon
  The power of God's Spirit gives power to our witness.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 2.06.2001

2001-06-01 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth."(Acts 1:8)
Oh loving and merciful Jesus, release your Spirit upon me and anoint me
to live according to your plans and glorify you and the Father in all
things at all times. Amen

Saturday, June 2, 2001
Swallowed Up

Read: Jonah 1

  When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord.  Jonah 2:7

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 25-27

  You've probably heard the story of Jonah and the great fish. But did you 
know that the disobedient prophet was "swallowed up" not once but three 
times? Let me explain.
  First, Jonah was swallowed up by prejudice. The Ninevites were a wicked 
and idolatrous people (Jonah 1:2), and God wanted Jonah to preach 
repentance to them. But Jonah wanted them to feel God's wrath (4:2), so he 
boarded a ship and headed in the opposite direction (1:3).
  Second, Jonah was swallowed up by the sea. A wild storm was battering the 
boat, so the superstitious sailors cast lots to find out who was to blame, 
and "the lot fell on Jonah" (v.7). He said, "Throw me into the sea" (v.12). 
As the swirling waters engulfed him, he sank toward certain death.
  Third, Jonah was swallowed up by a large fish that God had prepared to 
rescue him (1:17). Inside the fish 3 days, he confessed his sin and 
promised to obey God (2:1-9). After he was delivered, he followed God's 
directive and preached judgment to Nineveh, and all the people repented 
  God sometimes allows us to face frightening circumstances so that we will 
learn to trust and obey Him. It's always best to obey the Lord right 
away  then we won't be "swallowed up."  DCE
  When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
  What a glory He sheds on our way!
  While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
  And with all who will trust and obey.  Sammis
  The way of obedience is the way of blessing.

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Re: [JOYnet] Right or wrong

2001-06-01 Thread Joseph Lonth

>Hi JY friends,

All are in a music mind now a days.These are also the days of the Pentacost 
and the age of grace as promised by God through Joel.
The easiest way to find out good from bad, therefore, is by applying the 
yardstick of the Holy Spirit.
So, when you listen to anointed music or music inspired by the Holy Spirit, 
it will lead you to happiness, peace and edification. And the effects are 
If it leads to momentary emotional stir-up, frustration and hysteria you 
better know where it is from.
MT 12:33 "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad 
and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.
LK 6:43 "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 
44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from 
thornbushes, or grapes from briers.
Have a nice musical
With love
Joseph Lonth
Duabi, UAE

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 1.06.2001

2001-05-31 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth."(Acts 1:8)
Oh loving and merciful Jesus, release your Spirit upon me and anoint me
to live according to your plans and glorify you and the Father in all
things at all times. Amen

June 1, 2001

Our tomorrows

Read: Luke 12:22-31

  Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what 
you will put on. Luke 12:22

  Bible In One Year: Psalm 22-24

  While we wouldn't want to argue with Jesus, we may sometimes wonder if 
His words about worry are realistic (Luke 12:22). After all, shouldn't we 
be concerned about tomorrow? Suppose we get laid off from work? Get sick? 
Isn't fear that we won't have bread and threads and shelter one of the 
strongest fears we have?
  No words in any language can produce more anxiety than the question, 
"What if?" As we mutter them, we begin to imagine one bad possibility, then 
another, and then both bad possibilities together. We don't think about the 
fact that our needs have always been met in the past and that we have 
enough for today. There is always that uneasy dread that tomorrow our well 
may run dry.
  While it is certainly wise to plan for the future, the imagined thirst of 
tomorrow, even though our well is full today, is one thirst that is 
unquenchable. Jesus taught that worrying about the future is futile. We 
shouldn't be traumatized by what might happen or by what might be required 
of us. The imaginary need of tomorrow is one need that God cannot meet.
  If God has given us food and drink enough for today, why not let Him 
worry about our
  tomorrows?  HWR
  Each day we learn from yesterday
  Of God's great love and care;
  And every burden we must face
  He'll surely help us bear.  D. De Haan
  Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 31.05.2001

2001-05-30 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth."(Acts 1:8)
Oh loving and merciful Jesus, release your Spirit upon me and anoint me
to live according to your plans and glorify you and the Father in all
things at all times. Amen

Thursday, May 31, 2001
Second-chance champions
Read: Hebrews 11:17-32
By faith Abraham . . . offered up Isaac, and he who had received the 
promises offered up his only begotten son.  --  Hebrews 11:17
Bible In One Year: Psalm 19-21
The Senior PGA Tour, often called the "Second-Chance Tour," has given many 
long-time teaching pros a new golfing career after age 50. Sportswriter 
Jack Cavanaugh says, "In no other sport does an athlete who never made it 
to the world-class level in his prime get a second chance in middle age to 
prove himself and amass riches that he could only dream about in his 20s, 
30s, or 40s."
Are you looking for a second chance? There's a widespread idea that if you 
once miss "God's best" you can never again render gold-medal service to 
Him. But in Hebrews 11, faith's "hall of fame," we read of several who 
failed yet came back strong for the Lord.
Abraham, often willful and impatient in waiting for the son God had 
promised, demonstrated amazing faith in offering up Isaac (vv.17-19). 
Jacob, the schemer who stole his brother's birthright and blessing, became 
a man of faith who blessed his children and worshiped God (v.21). Moses 
spent 40 years in Midian before leading God's people out of Egypt (vv.24-28).
Our previous mistakes do not necessarily exclude us from serving God. His 
best for us is that we turn away from our sin, learn from our failures, and 
begin anew to follow Christ. That's the way to be a second-chance 
champion.  --  DCM
Our Saviour does not cast us off
Because we fail or turn aside;
He will forgive when we repent,
Then in His love we will abide. -- D. De Haan
Champions of faith are people who have learned from their failures.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Money & Management -- God wants you to give

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph Lonth

>The person sitting next to you in church hands you the offering
>plate, and you hesitate, then drop some pocket change in to avoid
>feeling guilty. Perhaps you don't feel as if you can afford to give much
>right now, or don't trust that the money will be used faithfully. Maybe
>you silently think, "This isn't really that important. God will
>understand if I don't give."
>But God wants you to give. If you don't, His work on earth will
>be hindered, and you won't grow much in your relationship with
>Here are some biblical principles that can help guide your
>financial giving:
>   *  God has made it possible for you to possess all the money
>you currently have. If it weren't for Him, you wouldn't have
>it in the first place.
>   *  You're accountable to God for how you use the money He has
>entrusted to you.
>   *  God wants you to tithe (donate 10 percent of your income)   to
>support His work on earth, such as your local church and
>other ministries.
>   *  God wants you to contribute additional funds called
>offerings whenever His Spirit leads you to do so. Offerings
>might honor God in gratitude for a recent financial blessing,
>such as a bonus or income tax return.
>   *  God wants you to give regularly. Establish a habit of it.
>   *  God wants you to give in proportion to your income. He wants you to
>be generous with what you have but doesn't expect you to give more than
>you're reasonably able to give. A rich
>person would be able to give a higher amount than a poor
>person, but if both give what they can, God will be pleased.
>   *  God wants you to give cheerfully.
>   *  Churches and other ministries should always fully disclose
>their budgets, since they are accountable to people who
>donate funds to them.
>   *  God doesn't expect you to respond to every appeal for money, just
>the ones He prompts you to heed.
>   *  Your motives are important when you give. Don't give with
>ulterior motives, such as to elicit favorable attention from
>others or to attempt to earn extra credit from God. Giving
>that pleases God is motivated by gratitude for who God is and
>what He has done in your life. Give to glorify God and to
>help other people, whom He loves.
>   *  God will bless you when you give, by providing for all your
>needs and transforming you more into the person He would like
>you to be. You never need to worry that giving your money to
>God's work will leave you without enough for your own needs,
>and you'll always be spiritually enriched by giving.
>   *  God wants you to give sacrificially. Consider the ultimate
>sacrifice He made out of His love for you.
>   *  God will enable you to keep pledges He leads you to make.
>   *  When you are prosperous, you should help others in need.
>When you're in need yourself, you should accept help from
>-- By Live It Editor Whitney
>Stephen F. Olford is the founder of the Stephen
>Olford Center for Biblical Preaching in Memphis,
>Tennessee. He has pastored churches in the United
>States and abroad, written numerous books and
>traveled the world in conference and crusade
>Adapted from The Grace of Giving: A Biblical Study of
>Christian Stewardship, copyright 2000 by Stephen F.
>Olford. Published by Kregel Publications, Grand
>Rapids, Michigan, www.kregel.com, 1-800-733-2607.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 30.05.2001

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth."(Acts 1:8)
  Oh loving and merciful Jesus, release your Spirit upon me and anoint me
to live according to your plans and glorify you and the Father in all
things at all times. Amen

Wednesday, May 30, 2001
Dont be surprised
Read: Exodus 3:1-15
Come now, therefore, and I will send you.  Exodus 3:10
Bible In One Year: Psalm 16-18
The world is undeniably in great need. Many people wonder why God doesnt
intervene in our messed-up world and put things right; why He doesnt reach
out and mend all the broken people.
But God has already intervened. He intervened through the birth, death, and
resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Through these powerful events, God
provided salvation, an effective cure to heal the worlds most deadly
disease  sin.
The Lord still intervenes and saves broken lives today, but He does this
mainly by using us! Thats the perspective God communicated to Moses at the
burning bush (Exodus 3:7-10). After describing the sufferings of the Hebrew
people, He told Moses that He had come down to deliver them from Pharaohs
tyranny. Thats exactly what Moses wanted God to do. But God said, Come
now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My
people out of Egypt (v.10). Moses immediately balked by saying, Who am I
that I should go? (v.11). God promised him, I will certainly be with you
Are you praying that God will reach out and mend broken lives near you?
Dont be surprised or afraid if He sends you to be part of the answer.  JEY
Lord, help me feel the hurt that others feel
When life inflicts some bitter pain,
And use me in some loving way to heal
The wounds that in their hearts remain.  D. De Haan
To be a channel of blessing, let Christs love flow through you.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: Our Daily Bread 29.05.2001

2001-05-28 Thread Joseph Lonth

>From: Joseph Lonth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Our Daily Bread 29.05.2001
>Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you
>always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought
>before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will
>defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you
>at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power
>when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
>Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
>earth."(Acts 1:8)
>Release your Spirit upon me and anoint me to live according to your plans
>and glorify you and the Father in all things at all times. Amen
>Tuesday, May 29, 2001
>God in the thunderstorm
>Read: Psalm 97:1-6
>Clouds and darkness surround Him . . . . His lightnings light the world; 
>the earth sees and trembles.  -- Psalm 97:2,4
>Bible In One Year: Psalm 13-15
>It had been a long Michigan winter and my 3-year-old granddaughter had 
>forgotten all about thunderstorms. So she was frightened one spring 
>afternoon when the sky grew dark, lightning flashed, thunder began to 
>roll, and rain came pouring down. She climbed onto her dad's lap. He 
>reassured her that God knows all about thunderstorms, and he used the 
>occasion to tell her about God's awesome power.
>Psalm 97:1-6 also uses the imagery of a thunderstorm to illustrate the 
>mighty works of the Lord. The writer paints a scene of rolling clouds, 
>jagged forks of lightning, and rumbling thunder to describe God's power. 
>The thick, dark clouds that hide the sun remind me that man cannot stand 
>the full view of God's glory (v.2). In the lightning I see a picture of 
>God's fiery wrath on His foes (vv.3-4). In all of these forces of nature I 
>see the glory of God (v.6).
>We have all witnessed the power of a thunderstorm. And sometimes we are 
>afraid. But each storm that rolls across the sky can bring to mind great 
>truths: God is awesome in power, He judges His foes, and His glory fills 
>the earth.
>So, when the next storm comes, join the psalmist in praising God for His 
>wondrous power and majesty. See God in the thunderstorm.  -- DCE
>Sovereign Ruler of the skies,
>Ever gracious, ever wise,
>All my times are in Your hand,
>All events at Your command. -- Ryland
>When we trust God, His power is not a danger but a comfort.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 28.05.2001

2001-05-27 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you 
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20) "When you are brought 
before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will 
defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you 
at that time what you should say." (Lk 12:11 ) "But you will receive power 
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in 
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the 
earth."(Acts 1:8)
Release your Spirit upon me and anoint me to live according to your plans 
and glorify you and the Father in all things at all times. Amen

Monday, May 28, 2001
Willing to be used
Read: Mark 3:13-19
He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send 
them out to preach.  Mark 3:14
Bible In One Year: Psalm 9-12
The climax of the United States Declaration of Independence is not the 
glowing words, "We hold these truths to be self-evident." It is the list of 
names at the end of the document  men who were willing to stake their 
fortunes, their sacred honour, and their lives on a few convictions that 
changed the world.
Jesus changed the world with a few who were willing to die for what they 
believed. He began with only 12 men whom He chose to be with Him. These 
individuals were special because they learned from Him in person and He 
sent them out with the good news of the gospel. They were called apostles.
But God's plan for ministry was not limited to the apostles; it also 
included a larger group the New Testament calls disciples. They were the 
multitude of listeners and learners, men and women who heard Jesus gladly. 
Some were just inquirers and followed Him for a few weeks. Others accepted 
His instruction and put it into practice, and they, along with the 
apostles, were the ones He used to change the world.
God's method is still to use people;  people who are willing to be His 
instruments for change in the world. Are you one of them?  -- HWR
God uses us when we desire
To see a change in people's lives;
And when we love and follow Christ,
Our love for others grows and thrives. -- Sper
It doesn't take great people to do great things, just unselfish ones.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 27.05.2001

2001-05-26 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: Jesus, you promised me " And surely I am with you 
always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:20)
  "When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not 
worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, 12 for the 
Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." (LK 12:11 )
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will 
be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends 
of the earth."(AC 1:8 )
  Release your Spirit upon me and anoint me to live according to your plans 
and glorify you and the Father in all things at all times. Amen

Sunday, May 27, 2001
Tomorrow's terrors
Read: Hebrews 13:1-8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  -- Hebrews 13:8
Bible In One Year: Psalm 5-8
Peter Marshall, whose dynamic preaching attracted crowds of people, died 
suddenly on the morning of January 25, 1949, at the age of 46. In one of 
his sermons he had said: "When the clock strikes for me, I shall go, not 
one minute early, and not one minute late. Until then, there is nothing to 
fear. I know that the promises of God are true, for they have been 
fulfilled in my life time and time again. Jesus still teaches and guides 
and protects and heals and comforts, and still wins our complete trust and 
our love." Do you and I share that same fear-dispelling conviction? Can 
each of us, like David, say to our Lord, "My times are in Your hand"? 
(Psalm 31:15). Are we confident that God holds us in His almighty hands? 
Can we boldly say, "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do 
to me?" (Hebrews 13:6).
True, we may have concern about the days ahead. As Scripture reminds us, we 
"do not know what will happen tomorrow" (James 4:14). But we do know that 
whatever happens He will always be with us (Hebrews 13:5). That knowledge 
can lighten any burden of worry about the future. Some anxiety about the 
process of dying is normal. Yet, by the grace of God and by the comfort of 
His Spirit, we can face tomorrow's terrors with courage.  -- VCG
I don't know about tomorrow,
Nor what coming days will bring;
But I know my Lord is with me,
And His praise my heart will sing. -- Fitzhugh
Worry can do a lot of things to you; prayer can do a lot of things for you.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 26.05.2001

2001-05-25 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For peace in the world especially the Middle East and 
for children who are disappointed when the exam results are announced.

Saturday, May 26, 2001
Sorrow's aftermath
Read: Psalm 73:21-28
Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire 
besides You.  -- Psalm 73:25
Bible In One Year: Psalm 1-4
A cynic asked an elderly believer who had endured great physical pain for 
20 years, "What do you think of your God now?" The godly sufferer replied, 
"I think of Him more than ever."
Sorrow can be the means of bringing us heart-to-heart with God. When 
repeated strokes of adversity have robbed us of health, friends, money, and 
favourable circumstances, God then becomes the only thing in life for us. 
We come to love Him for who He is and not merely for what He has to give.
In those times we cry out with the psalmist, "Whom have I in heaven but 
You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You" (Psalm 73:25). 
The path of sorrow leads us to the place where we can say, "My flesh and my 
heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever" 
Then too, we must remember, on ahead lies heaven, where "God will wipe away 
every tear from [our] eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor 
crying. There shall be no more pain" (Revelation 21:4). The path of pain 
will have led us to the land where loss is unknown a place where there is 
no grief, but only joy and the service for which we've been fully prepared. 
This is what puts our pain in perspective. This is the sweet aftermath of 
sorrow. --  DHR
I have been through the valley of weeping,
The valley of sorrow and pain;
But the God of all comfort was with me,
At hand to uphold and sustain. -- Anon.
When we have nothing left but God, we find that God is enough.

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[JOYnet] Fwd: LIVE IT: Family Life -- What makes a family Christian?

2001-05-25 Thread Joseph Lonth

>What do you think an ideal Christian family should be like?
>Perhaps you envision a dad who earns the family's only source of
>income and a mom who stays home with their biological children.
>Maybe you even picture a cozy single family house, a dog, and
>idyllic family dinners every evening at 6 o'clock.
>But most families don't fit that profile, and those who don't can
>be every bit as biblically correct as families that match the
>prevailing cultural stereotype of an ideal family. Likewise, some
>families that look "perfect" aren't spiritually healthy.
>So what makes a family a Christian one? Here are some principles
>to consider:
>   *  There is no such thing as a perfect person, and since
> families are composed of people, no perfect family exists,
> either.
>   *  The Bible doesn't prescribe specific roles for family
> members to fulfill. Instead, it charges them with specific
> responsibilities. For example, family members should love
> each other, but the way in which they express that love can
> vary from person to person. If a husband has a talent for
> cooking and a wife has a talent for auto repair, they are
> free to serve each other in those ways, even though they
> differ from cultural stereotypes.
>   *  The Bible doesn't present an ideal family model. In fact,
> it's full of stories of families who have undergone very
> human struggles but turned to God for help.
>   *  Doing God's will is more important than focusing on natural
> family relationships. God should always come first, before
> family concerns.
>   *  All humans share a heavenly Father, and in that sense, all
> people are family. Within the body of Christ as well, you
> have many brothers and sisters that you should cherish just
> as much as your biological ones.
>   *  It's important to respect everyone in your family as child
> of God.
>   *  A healthy balance in family life is to provide an atmosphere
> where both affection and authority are exercised.
>   *  God's forgiveness should encourage all family members to
> extend grace to one another.
>   *  When a crisis occurs, healthy families should face them
> honestly, not avoiding the pain, but with hopeful faith that
> God will get them through it.
>   *  Healthy families expect God to intervene in their lives on a
> regular basis.
>   *  Spouses in healthy marriages maintain sexual fidelity.
>   *  God wants families to be concerned about the larger world
> outside their households, sharing God's love with others.
>-- By Live It Editor Whitney
>A former pastor, Robert M. Hicks has counseled many
>families. He and his wife Cynthia have three grown
>Adapted from The Christian Family in Changing Times:
>The Myths, Models and Mystery of Family Life,
>copyright 2001 by Robert M. Hicks. Published by Baker
>Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
>www.bakerbooks.com, 1-800-877-2665.

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[JOYnet] Our Daily Bread 25.05.2001

2001-05-24 Thread Joseph Lonth

Prayer of the week: For peace in the world especially the Middle East and 
for children who are disappointed when the exam results are announced.

Friday, May 25, 2001
Fertiliser sure helps!
Read: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  1 Corinthians 3:6
Bible In One Year: Job 38-42

A Sunday school teacher pointed to a large plant in the room and asked her 
young pupils, "Who made those beautiful flowers grow?" A boy quickly 
answered, "God did!" The teacher was pleased by the response, but before 
she had a chance to comment, another boy shouted, "But fertiliser sure 
helps!" That youngster touched on a profound reality  the mingling of the 
human with the divine in God's plan for growth. For example, even though 
the Lord created this world with its growing things, He put man in the 
garden to tend and cultivate it. We find a parallel to this truth in the 
spiritual realm. The apostle Paul said, "I planted, Apollos watered, but 
God gave the increase" (1 Corinthians 3:6). His main intent in writing 
these words was to emphasise that God was the one responsible for "the 
increase." Even so, the Lord had worked through the faithful endeavours of 
men. Notice what the record states: Paul "planted," and Apollos "watered."
We recognise that God alone is the one who makes things grow both in nature 
and in the church. But we also know that He chooses to work through people, 
and what we do "sure helps!" God is faithful in doing His part. Are we 
faithful in doing ours?  -- RWD
The Lord gives each of us a task
He wants us to fulfill;
To love and serve Him faithfully
Accomplishes His will.  -- Sper
Pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing.

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