[JOYnet] Please pray.

2002-03-26 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear Joynet brothers and sisters,

   This is to appreciate and thank all joynetters for making this a very
powerful ministry in nourishing my spiritual needs. The thoughts we share, the
spiritual encounters and experiences are all enriching others faith too. And
through each mail forwarded we are proclaiming His kingdom and becoming
preachers of the gospel in the cyber sense.

This mail comes to you all with a prayer intention. Please pray for me as
I am going to take a more responsible assignment in my professional life.
Please pray that Gods will be done in my life and that I will be able to do
great things for His glory and Kingdom.

Thank you and God Bless Joynet!

Love n prayers

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[JOYnet] Please pray

2002-04-29 Thread Sanju Joseph

Please pray for my uncle Rajan(Mothers Brother) who passed away in Malaysia
this morning. Please pray that His soul will rest in peace of the Lord. Please
pray for the family all our near and dear ones. Please pray for the funeral
service also.

Love and Prayers


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[JOYnet] The World Cup Final - The Brazilian Samba with Jesus..

2002-07-03 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear friends,

The last world cup finals between Brazil and Germany was a delightful
treat to watch. Not bcos Brazil won it; but bcos they dedicated their victory
to Jesus.

Last Sunday all of us friends met at a place to pray. And after that a
group of friends met together at a house for the football match. Since all of
us were christians and catholics we cried out in loud praise when we saw a
player praying or making the sign of the cross(Ronaldinho).  All of us were
thrilled to see Brazil win the world cup and then were delighted to see them
all Pray together and exalting the name of Jesus. What a poweful way of
EVANGELIZATION before millions of eyes over the TV   As some one rightly
told our lives might be the only Gospel the world will read...

Towards this I am forwarding a mail which I received who also thought in
similar lines ...(like most of us).

Take good care and God Bless You!!!

Love in Christ

- Original Message -
From: Jose Baby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: [Fwd: [indianchristianyouth] 100% JESUS]


- Message from Unknown on Unknown -

Dear friends,

It was the eve of the FIFA World Cup. After our family prayer, my husband
(Benji) and I were discussing about the BIG GAME to be played between
BRAZIL and GERMANY the next day. We were discussing that millions all over
the world would be watching this great event and how GREAT it would be if
only someone shares a short gospel. We went ahead discussing that would we
do any such thing if we get a chance. Forget about the football stadium but
in our respective work place or college???

I personally am not too much into sports but my husband being an ardent
sportsman made me watch some of these matches and together we were enjoying
the finals eagerly wanting Brazil to win but at the same time not wanting
our dear neighbors to loose. Yes, Brazil did take the World Cup for the
fifth time but what surprised and made us spell bound was the way the
Brazilian team members reacted to their victory. We saw that immediately
after the match, 3 of them knelt in the middle of the ground and prayed.
One stood in a corner with his hands stretched out wide and prayed. Much
more, the entire team knelt down holding hands forming a chain and were
PRAYING. Not just that, one had put on a t-shirt which said JESUS LOVES U,
another I BELONG TO JESUS, yet another one had written on his t-shirt 100%

WOW! what a witness. At times we need not have to speak out the word of God
but God gives us the wisdom to be a testimony to others, if we are in HIM.
YES, the Brazilians did the same, witnessed to the whole world...millions
all over the globe would have seen it. We cannot separate our faith in
JESUS from our daily life if we have a constant relationship with him,
although at times are overrun by a feeling of shyness which may stop us
from expressing ourselves.

The match is repeatedly shown in the TV and every time we see, we are so
much moved and just can't stop glorifying God, praise these Brazilian
Christian witness and question ourselves. Couple of weeks back we saw in
the CNN news broadcast, how large number of Brazilians are converting to
Pentecostals and Evangelicals. Well what I mean to say is not the
denomination what is important but the BORN AGAIN experience by  giving
ones life to JESUS and accepting HIM alone as their personal savior.

Today the German team received a very warm welcome in their country, let's
see Brazils tomorrowand continue to pray LET YOUR (CHRIST'S) KINGDOM
ourselves. Let's try to be 100% JESUS. AMEN AMEN AMEN


Jessy Benjamin

Rte du Chatelet 2
CH 1700 Fribourg
Phone: 00 41 264222610 (T/F)
Mobile: 00 41 786746055 (Benji)
Mobile: 00 41 763780050 (Jessy)

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[JOYnet] Importance of claiming the precious blood of Jesus.

2002-09-19 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear friends in the joynet,

   I just framed a mail to my 1st cousin in Msia - about the importance of
claiming the precious blood of Jesus - he is new to the renewal movement. At
the end of which; I thought I will share a portion of the same with my
brothers and sisters in the Joynet..God bless the Joynet.

Love in Christ

Sanju Joseph

Daren, I would like to share some thoughts on the power of the precious blood
of Jesus and the reason why we need to bring each one of us and our families
under the influence of the precious blood. When Jesus died in the cross that
painful death; He became the lamb that was slained for our sins and His Body
and Blood became a sacrifice for our sins. If you look at the old testament
from the time of Moses; you will find that there was always a sacrificial
lamb, ram or pigeon (all innocent animals and birds in themselves) as a burnt
offering to the Lord and the blood of these used to be sprinkled over the
altar and the person for the forgiveness of their sins. If Jesus had not died
that painful death for us in the cross there would have been no hope for us.
And he gives a small hint to us as to what would have happened if he did not
chose to die when he says - "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father,
and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels.."; it would
have been a complete destruction of the entire mankind.  He also had a greater
plan - to destroy the devils kingdom and his plans for Gods Children. St. Paul
says in Colossians 2:15 that he made a public debacle of the Satan and his
rulers after His death in the Cross. Thats why we say in our Apostles Creed -
" He descended into Hell; On the third day He rose again from the death." So
if you are wondering what happened to Jesus after His death on the Cross - he
went straight to Hell caught hold of Lucifer the head of the evil and made him
a public debacle. He also saved many lost souls from hell. If anyone knows
what happened through the cross and what is in the power of the precious blood
better - it is no one else than satan himself. Thats why he flees when an
exorcist( a priest / religious person) says with a cross in his hands -
"Behold the Cross; Flee Band of enemies."  Where the blood of Jesus Christ is
claimed ; no evil can stay there. And it is only with the precious blood that
we can equip ourselves for the battle in our mental and physical realms. I
have a huge list of mental and physical states / areas which I bind and claim
victory every day morning with the precious blood of Jesus. The list can be -
fear, pride, worries, anxieties, doubts, confusion, inferiority complex,
superiority complex, unforgiveness, forgetfulness, jealousy, envy,
selfishness, self-righteousness, judging mentality, criticising mentality,
hurt feelings, sexual thoughts, my family, my office, my talks, others
tongues, my thoughts, others thoughts, my finance, vehicle etc.  The days when
I failed to do this I have got hit from some areas and I become suddenly low .
If there are any sins associated with us or any member of our family; it
becomes all the more important to claim the precious blood over our entire
family tree. And if there are any inter-generational sins associated with our
family we need to claim the precious blood over our ancestors. But to make
this a really powerful exercise - we need to become more and more close and
intimate to Jesus as a person; and we need to be anointed and moved by the
Holy Spirit. Now the Holy Spirit has got a very special place to play here. He
is one person in the trinity who is the most cleanest. And where there is sin;
Holy Spirit  will just not stay.Thats why King David in His Psalms says to the
Lord in Ps 51- "Lord please do not take your Holy Spirit away from me". King
David was losing the battles after his sin. One way to keep ourselves clean so
that the Holy Spirit will always stay with us is by cleaning ourselves - our
body, mind and soul with the precious blood of Jesus. Once this is done - we
have every right to claim the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit - that of
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and
self-control. And we will receive them as we are cleansed by the precious
blood of Jesus..And we will realise that all that has been bogging down is
suddenly replaced by a renewed confidence and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

Now as to how to go about claiming the precious blood of Jesus. You can start
with a short prayer session where you praise and thank Jesus for being the God
of your life. Say - "Praise you Jesus, Thank You Jesus, I love you Jesus, Be
the lord of my life, I praise you heavenly father, I praise you Holy
Spirit..." Pray an Our Father, Make a short prayer to Mother Mary (say the
Memorare with a decade of the Rosary), Make the prayer to St. Michael the Arch
Angel if you know it...Start claiming the precious blood of Jesus by saying -
"Jesus, I

[JOYnet] Ragging in Campus - Will Jesus like it ?

2002-09-24 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

 I would like to draw your attention to a rather hushed up issue
of Ragging in campuses. Two days ago after attending mass in a catholic
institution  I saw some juniors being escorted by their seniors with branches
in their head. I immediately felt the sting of humiliation, hurt and
frustration that they would be experiencing as seen from their eyes. Some
people say that Ragging builds character and helps the student know their
seniors well. I really do not know how far this is true except for some
institutions where strict penalty is imposed on seniors who exceed their
limits. But most of the stories that I have heard are horror stories of
torture, humiliation and teasing all in the name of ragging. Is this really
necessary and is this Christian ? Bcos most of the guys involved in ragging
has told that it is their way of retaliating to their juniors of what they
went through. Lets take some time to meditate on this. To me personally, it
looks like an evil menace which stems from a deep sense of unforgiveness, hurt
feelings, revenging attitude, etc. And if we look at the traits it defenitely
does not seem to evolve from the spirit of God but the spirit of the evil one.
Lets take some time to cover all the campuses in this country and the world
with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. And lets also pray for a
healing on all those who were subjected to wrong treatment as part of ragging.
That the Lord will heal all their wounds by the power of His precious blood.

Love in Christ

Sanju Joseph

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[JOYnet] Mel Gibson to direct a movie on Christ

2002-09-25 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear brothers and sisters of the Joynet,

Good to see that Mel Gibson(my favourite actor/director)  is doing something
good(and holy :-) ). Invite you to  put some prayers for the crew of the film
"Passion" so that it will become a major hit!! Hope the message of Christ, His
passion and His Cross will shine and stand out through this movie. Pray that
the God's Holy Spirit will work through this movie. God Bless Us!

In Christ
Sanju Joseph

Hollywood star Mel Gibson is set to direct a movie about Christ's last 12
hours, played out entirely in
the ancient tongues of Latin and Aramaic, US media reported.

Gibson, a devout Catholic who has titled the film Passion,said filming in the
ancient languages would
lend the movie greater authenticity.

"For me that's more real and hopefully I'll be able to transcend language
barriers with filmic storytelling,"
Gibson told ABC News, which reported the story on it website.

"No one wants to touch something in two dead languages. They think I'm insane
-- maybe I am," the
Australian actor joked.

Shooting will take place at the Cinecitta studios just outside Rome and
cave-riddled Matera in southern

"It's very visual and it's about something that has affected civilisation in
every possible way you can
imagine," the 46-year old actor said of the age-old Christ story.

Gibson has starred in the blockbuster Lethal Weapon series, Braveheart and
more recently, the hit flick
Signs. (AP)

To know More about it :



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Re: [JOYnet] Ragging in Campus - Will Jesus like it ?

2002-09-26 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

 Delighted to get your response on this subject. There is a lot of
meaning to the word sincerity and love when it comes to relationships
because as Christians all of us are challenged to benchmark ourself with the
highest degree of sincerity and love -
that of our Lord Jesus hanging in the Cross; dying for our sins. Sometimes,
the Lord does point back to those times in my life which were the heights of
insincerity in my relationship with Jesus. It is also a time to pray for all
those people who goes through similar phases of problems in their lives. I
should have enjoyed ragging my juniors during my campus years; and it is
true that most of them are my best friends now. But as I look back I realise
I was putting two faces before my Lord
who commanded me - "Do things to others; the same way as you expect them to
do to you."

 The word is very clear that we cannot take two stands in our
relationship with Jesus and to others :

   "I know what you have done; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. How
I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are lukewarm,
neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation

 We need to also realise that there are many youth like us out there who
might not take ragging in the right sense. Fred will be court martialled by
some of them for his ending remark :-))

"If ragging brings unity and love, then rag them like how Jesus ragged
his disciples. Let the Seniors give a dinner party to the freshers, and let
the seniors wash their feet and kiss it. You will gain the Love of the
entire campus as Jesus gained the love of
Gods Children."

Thanks and God bless you


- Original Message -
From: "Frederic Fernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Ragging in Campus - Will Jesus like it ?

> Dear Friends in Christ,
> Praise the Lord!
> May I change the Subject to "Ragging in Campus - Do you like it?"
(Because, Jesus is supposed to be living in us and we in HIM).
> Christian Life is called "The Way" because, Christ is "The Only Way". We
are called to be Children of the Living God, which means, we are called to
be Christs, being united with him in body and spirit through the Holy
> Just one thought will give us the answer to this discussion. "If Jesus
Christ was to study in a modern day college / Institution, Will he be
involved in ragging trying to prove his seniority or whatever?"
> Throughout the Gospels, do we find any instance where Jesus is laughing at
someone or teasing someone OR making someone a laughing stock? He was busy
with the Father's work from his early ages as we all know.
> ---
> Gal 5: 16-26
> Therefore I say to you: walk according to the Spirit and do not give way
to the desires of the flesh! For the desires of the flesh war against the
spirit, and the desires of the spirit are opposed to the flesh. Both are in
conflict with each other, so that you cannot do everything you would like.
But let the Spirit lead you: this has nothing to do with submitting to the
> You well know what comes from the flesh: immorality, impurity and
shamelessness, idol worship and magic, hatred, jealosy and violence, anger,
ambition, division, factions, and ency, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I
again say to you what I have already said: those who do these things shall
not inherit the kingdom of God.
> But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy and peace, patience,
understanding of others, kindness and fidelity, gentleness and self-control.
For such things there is no Law or punishment. Those who belong to Christ
have crucified the flesh with its vices and desires.
> If we live by the Spirit, let us live in a spiritual way. Let us not be
conceited; let there be no rivalry or envy of one another.
> ---
> If ragging brings unity and love, then rag them like how Jesus ragged his
disciples. Let the Seniors give a dinner party to the freshers, and let the
seniors wash their feet and kiss it. You will gain the Love of the entire
campus as Jesus gained the love of Gods Children.
> As mentioned by Sanju Joseph, let us pray that the Spirit of the Living
God may work through us wherever we are.
> With Love and prayers,
> Fred / Bangalore.
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[JOYnet] St. Theresa of Child Jesus.

2002-09-30 Thread Sanju Joseph

Today is the feast of St. Theresa of Child Jesus - the wonder working saint.
Please take some time off to make this short novena to Her. God bless you


O glorious Saint Theresa, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel
mankind, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. So powerful are you in
obtaining every need of body and soul, our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a
Prodigy of Miracle. The Greatest Saint of Modern Times. Now I fervently
beseech you to answer my petition on (mention here) and to carry out your
promises of spending Heaven doing good upon earth  of letting fall from heaven
a Shower of Roses. Henceforth, dear Little Flower, I will fulfill your plea to
be made known everywhere and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus
through you.

St. Theresa, The Little Flower, please pick me a Rose from the heavenly garden
and send it to me with a message of love. Ask God to grant me the favor I thee
implore and tell him I will love him each day more and more. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

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[JOYnet] Tune your ears to the Lord..A prayer Request

2002-10-04 Thread Sanju Joseph

Dear brothers and sisters of the Joynet,

 Lord often speaks to us in whispers and through visions.. But we need to
be tuned to Him so that we will not miss out those subtle but important
messages. This mail comes to you with a special prayer request for my brother
and friend Rev Satish Babu.
Please keep him, his ministry and family  in your prayers.The past one week
whenever I was praying; I was seeing a gas cylinder and I was not able to
discern it (and ignored it also). Now I know Why ! Be tuned to God - He is
always talking to us!!  And be very very serious about what He says!
  I am attaching a testimony/portion of the mail from Babu Chettan (as I
call him) of how the good Lord keeps his children safe from all dangers. He is
a being used by Lord for His kingdom : to preach the Good News to people of
different walks of life in North India - like the Rajputs of Rajasthan,
Muslims and many Hindus... As you read this mail please take some time off to
put some pray for Him and His family.He is strongly into the area of
deliverance ministry -- which means he needs more prayer support. So pls do
pray for Him.

Love in Jesus and Mother Mary

Sanju Joseph

From: "Rev S Babu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Sanju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fw: car burning

Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 13:16:43 +0530

What happened, on Sunday, 29th Sept, after our Ajmer church worshiping, I
wanted to go to Riyan badi. On Saturday, our  staff and children from Riyan
Badi  joined together at Ajmer, and we had a happy time on the Sunday worship,
with all children and our staff plus our believers. Evening at 6 pm we all
were moving out towards Riyan, two staff and three children were with me in
our Gypsy, which is given me one person for our training programme. The Gypsy
is old vinatage and 1984 model fitted with LPG connection. Thew Gypsy was
driven by me . At about 7.15pm, Gypsy reached one km before to Riyan,
suddenly, Gypsy got fired and I dont know what happend, I stopped the vechile
and by the Grace of God, I managed to pullout all pasengers from the gypsy and
atlast I removed LPG cylinder from the vehicle. During that time, the vehicle
got completely fired and could have happened anything, but He gave me the
caurage to do the thing in a right way and by His grace only, we all escaped
from the fire (Isa 43:2) The place where Gypsy got fire, was in the
wilderness, no water or sand available, and road was full of dark. I got a
little burned on my left hand when I snatched my Bible from the gyspy and now
it is ok.

Yes, God miraculously helped us out from the burning Gypsy, and not even one
scratches happend to anyone. But the vehicle was totally burned out(See the
picture) all books and other metrials were burned out. No problems, but we are

Why such things happended in my life? Becoz God wanted to show His mighty hand
and have a great purpose behind it. I know our God is going to use me in a
mighty way. I am sure, he will give me another good vehicle for His Vineyard.
No matter what happend today, but tommorrow He will give me a right and good
path to way towards the harvest.

Anyway, as a human being I depressed and shocked very much because I have
never witnessed such accident. Suppose it had heppended in the midst of any
city, and nobody will get chance to escapethen what ???

Yes God is great all the times!

When we are facing such testing, never loose our heart. Now I am perfectly OK,
by this testimony, yesterday I had a great meeting in Kundan Nagar and six
people got saved and they accepted Jesus as their personal saviour. Praise the

So dont worry, when we  face such testing. Trust in the Lord and He will
sustain us from the all the cirumstances and situations.

With luv and regards

In His Warfare

Babu chettan

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[JOYnet] St. Mary Magdalene.

2002-10-18 Thread Sanju Joseph
f torments in

Turn to my good that ready access that you once had and still have to the
spring of mercy.

Draw me to him dear St. Mary Magdalene where I may wash away my sins; bring me
to him who can slake my thirst; pour over me those waters that will make my
dry places fresh. You will not find it hard to gain all you desire from so
loving and so kind a Lord, who is alive and reigns and is your friend.

For who can tell, beloved and blest of God, with what kind familiarity and
familiar kindness he himself replied on your behalf to the calumnies of those
who were against you? How he defended you, when the proud Pharisee was
indignant, how he excused you, when your sister complained, how highly he
praised your deed, when Judas begrudged it.

And, more than all this, what can I say, how can I find words to tell, about
the burning love with which you sought him, weeping at the sepulchre, and wept
for him in your seeking?

 Hear me, for your love, and for the dear merits of your beloved Mary, and
your blessed Mother, the greater Mary.

Redeemer, my good Jesus, do not despise the prayers of one who has sinned
against you but strengthen the efforts of a weakling that loves you. O Lord
Jesus Christ; who delivered St. Mary Magdalene from the evil spirit that
tormented her; come now and deliver us and all our near and dear ones from the
attacks of the devil by the intercession of Mother Mary and St. Mary

Shake my heart out of its indolence, Lord, and in the ardour of your love
bring me to the everlasting sight of your glory where with the Father and the
Holy Spirit you live and reign, God, for ever.  We put these petitions through
St. May Magdalene our patron saint. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.

 Bye for Now!

In the love of Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Mary Magdalene
Sanju Joseph

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Re: Re [JOYnet] St. Mary Magdalene.

2002-10-18 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Lyann,

 We are not very sure whether it is St. Mary Magdalene. The bible does
not tell that the woman referred to as a "sinner" in (Luke 7 : 36-50) is St.
Mary Magdalene. But we assume that she is St. Mary Magdalene bcos of the
close proximity of her reference along with other women in Luke 8 :2 . Be
very sure that the Mary referred to in Luke 8 :2 is indeed St. Mary
Magdalene as the same is said in Mark 16 : 9 . Please correct me if I am
wrong on this.

In the love of Jesus


- Original Message -
From: "lyann dandge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 5:23 PM
Subject: Re [JOYnet] St. Mary Magdalene.

> Dearest friend,
> Please Clarify re this :
> > It is believed that St.Mary Magdalene was the sinner referred to in
> >(LUKE
> >7:36-50) who anointed Jesus' feet at the banquet of Simon, the Pharisee.
> >see Jesus appreciating her act of faith and forgiving her sins.
> Is it true that Mary Magdalene is the same person who is referred in thisw
> above passage, becuase one brother who comes to our parish told me that
> mary is different and that mary magdalene are different. Please Clarify.
> Love in christ Lyann
> >From: "Sanju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Sanju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [JOYnet] St. Mary Magdalene.
> >Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:44:54 +0530
> >
> >Dear brothers and sisters of the the JoyNet,
> >
> > Saints are special people from whom we can draw a lot of inspiration
> >in
> >our Christian Walk. They are people according to St. Paul who .."First
> >themselves to the Lord; and then by God's will they gave themselves to us
> >as
> >well" 2 Cori 8 : 5. I would like to share my thoughts on the life of this
> >beautiful saint - St. Mary Magdalene who appears so many times in the
> >as
> >a person so intimate in serving Jesus. She is without doubt a powerful
> >intercessor for us to Jesus.
> >
> > It is believed that St.Mary Magdalene was the sinner referred to in
> >(LUKE
> >7:36-50) who anointed Jesus' feet at the banquet of Simon, the Pharisee.
> >see Jesus appreciating her act of faith and forgiving her sins.
> >
> >The gospel also suggests that St. Mary Magdalene used to help Jesus
> >his
> >ministry financially as is revealed in (MRK 15:41, 16:1; LUK 8:3). God
> >Mary Magdalene and many other women to support Jesus and his disciples
> >financially. (MAT 27:55; MAR 15:41).
> >
> >The gospel also speaks about Her being delivered from demonic
> >possession.
> >She was one person who was desperately in need of divine intervention and
> >we
> >see that she attains it through Jesus Christ the great Deliverer. MARK
> >says that seven demons had been driven out of her by Jesus.
> >
> >St. Mary Magdalene after her encounter with Christ and His saving
> >was
> >steadfast in her faithfulness in following Him even under severe
> >persecution
> >till the foot of the Cross with His Mother.(MATHEW 27:55; MARK 15:40;
> >23:49; JOHN 19:25).
> >
> >We also see St. Mary Magdalene keen to anoint Jesus at the time of
> >entombment after his death. The bible says that she purchased the spices
> >for
> >the anointing of Jesus body at the tomb. (MARK16:1)
> >
> > St. Mary Magdalene reveals her deep commitment to Lord Jesus in John
> >20 :
> >11 when we see her crying bitterly at the Lords tomb and when she
> >to
> >the Angels seated in the tomb - " They have taken "my Lord" away ..." We
> >also
> >see St. Mary Magdalene sprinting to the disciples to inform them about
> >empty tomb. Because of her great love and faith she gets the rare
> >oppurtunity
> >to speak and listen to the voice of the Angels of God. The angel said to
> >the
> >women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who
> >was
> >crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see
> >place where he lay.'"
> >MATH 28:5,6
> >
> >   And finally we see Jesus Himself rewarding her commitment, by
> >first to her; after His resurrection and calling her " Mary " and she
> >responding as "Rabboni" - a word full of love and faithfulness.
> >
> >   St. Mary Magdalene is one of my favourite woman in the New Testament;
> >after
> >Mother Mary

[JOYnet] You ask for 150 and the Lord provides 300 !!

2002-10-18 Thread Sanju Joseph
My dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

   I would like to share an experience where I(and my family) could
truly experience the power of Jehovah Jireh - Our Mighty ProviderMy elder
brother had recently moved into Kochi to head the customer relations for an
MNC bank there. As you might be knowing it was raining buckets in Kerala
during the past week. The inaugural ceremony and the proceedings were
scheduled to happen on the 16th. All through out the 13 - 15th it was raining
unceasingly in Kochi. I knew this well bcos I was also there to spend my pooja
holidays. There was severe pressure on my brother to get the business crowd of
Kochi for the opening ceremony. The rain was playing "spoil-sport" on all the
days of efforts that had gone for the ceremony. All the top brass of the bank
had flown down from Mumbai/Chennai to Kochi. My brother was requesting me and
my parents to agree with him in prayer that the skies will become clear and to
lead at least 150 people to the Hotel Taj where the ceremony was being held.
Secretly; I was praying to God - "Lord! The skies, the earth , the stars
belong to you. Just hold this rain in your palms for a day  and BRING 200
people to the Venue." And the Lord did a perfect job. Not only did He stop the
rain - He brought 300 people of the elite business crowd and the hotel ran out
of food... My brother asked for 150, I asked for 200 and God provided 300 !!
What an awesome God we Serve !!! Many people might have prayed for the rains
to stop - but for me personally it is a positive stroke of faith and I wanted
to testify the same. Hallelujah!!!

  My dear brothers and sisters I can say from my experience that the
most powerful prayer warriors in the world are right there in your house - as
a parent , a brother, a wife or an aunt. So if you are in dire need of prayers
- ask one of them or all of them to pray for you ! You will get the best
prayer support you can ask for in the world. And if there is a weak link in
your family who is not very much in prayer.. Put a word to him/her also to
pray for you; no matter how that person reacts; and then ask the Heavenly
Father to answer the prayer to increase the faith of that person. You will get
a miracle!! And had the person prayed for you or not - He/She is going to be
stunned when you give a praise and thanks report . !

Ur brother in  Christ


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[JOYnet] Jesus - name above all names.

2002-10-24 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

 I would like to share an experience which I had yesterday night
by which I was convinced of the power that we have inherited in the Name of
Lord Jesus Christ. Yesterday after finishing my work early I was heading home
when I felt the spirit of the Lord asking me to turn my bike and go for the
evening mass at Infant Jesus Church here in Bangalore. So I reached a bit
early to the church at 7 pm when the Holy mass actually starts at 7.30 pm. I
had a very beautiful time before the blessed sacrament as I was sitting
straight across the Lord; and an empty church is the best retreat centre in
the world for me. I was sitting on the centre and the church has got seats on
the left and right side.  By 7.25 pm the church got almost full except for a
few seats in the front row. I saw a woman well-dressed, good looking and in
her fourties walking in through the left side. She was a bit confused and I
prayed God to direct her to the first row which was vacant. Now by the time
she was about to sit and settle down I felt the Lord asking me to look at her
intently. I could sense that there was something wrong here bcos even after
sitting down she was disturbed and was looking around. And then she looked at
me with a burning scorn in her eyes and I could sense that this was the wrong
guy. My little experience with the people who are in deliverance ministries
have taught me that eyes of an afflicted person speaks volumes on whether
there is any evil spirit involved with that person. With all the power I have
accumulated over the past 25 mts of prayer in that church I said - " u spirit
of darkness I command u to leave in the name of Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth." And I called upon all my dear people - Mother Mary, St. Michael,
St. Gabriel and all the heavenly armies. To my great joy; the next thing I
found was the same person jumping up from the seat in an instinct and leaving
the church the same way she came; but this time at a brisker pace :-) And what
an anointed eucharistic celebration it was last night which made it one of the
most memorable days of my life.

   Be convinced of the name and power we have inherited in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ to which all powers, dominations and sects are humbly
submissive. And plead to the Holy Spirit to direct and discern your steps and
do not hesitate to claim the name of Lord Jesus Christ to break down the
enemy. God bless us.

In the love of Jesus and Mother Mary

Sanju Joseph

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Re: [JOYnet] Is JOYnet helping you??????

2002-10-28 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

  This is to acknowledge and thank the Lord for the Joynet. Cos this
is defenitely helping my spiritual walk with the Lord. Thanks to my dear
friend Giju (George) who towed me in when I was in Chennai. I guess I was a
silent joynetter for a long time (3 years). Maybe God wanted it like that.
As the word says - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven.(Ecc 3). Defenitely; over the past 3 years or so,
this wonderful network has been nourishing my soul and I am thankful to God
and each one of you for that. My colleagues used to pull me then saying -
"Sanju gets more mails than the Group Head." Bcos sometimes the inbox used
to pile up when there is a heated discussion. After coming to Blore; it came
out more than once while praying with my spiritual elder that I need to
start giving(spiritually). I was wondering as to how I will do that - till I
realized that everyday is a miracle to be shared in the Joynet.

  A belated Happy Birthday to the Joynet and God bless this network
abundantly. Surprised that we had not taken any birthday resolutions :-)

   1. Can we introduce atleast 5 of our friends/colleagues to the Joynet
as a birthday gift ?
   2. Can we make it a point that we share about Gods love to the net
atleast once a week/2 weeks?
   3. Can we dedicate a decade(a bead) of the Rosary for the Joynet or
the Joynetters?

I guess there can be many more additions.

One assured way to gain spiritual blessings is bu giving the same
cos He loves a cheerful giver.
"You should each give what you have decided in your heart to give.
You shouldn't give because you are forced to. God loves a cheerful
giver. And God is able to shower all kinds of blessings on you." 2
Corinthians 9:7-8

Bye for now. God bless us...

In Jesus + Mother Mary



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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-11-04 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Joynet,

   Just back after Diwali holdiays... This mail comes to you all with a
prayer request. I am shifting to a new house this week. There are so many
things to be done at short notice. Please pray that God will guide all things
according to His plan. And that I will have a great time with the Lord in the
new house.

Wish you all a Happy Diwali !!

In Jesus


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Re: [JOYnet] Query : God or Parents ??

2002-11-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
Lord stressed upon the importance of parents ages ago when he framed the 10
commandments at Mount Sinai. And he gave it as the 4th commandment

"Honour your father and your mother so that you will live a long time in the
land that the Lord your God is going to give you".

It is worthy to note that this commandment has superceded (in the order)
over the other commandments like - "You must not murder anyone.", "You must
not steal" etc.

God acknowledges and teaches us to honour our parents bcos they have the
power to really bless their children and make them prosperous... But at the
same time he made no mistakes while defining His relationship with mankind.
For the same reason He made his intentions very clear thru the first
commandment - " You must not have any other Gods except me." He went ahead
to say that He is a jealous God and we should not worship any other idols
(man made Gods).

Any relationship that exceeds our love to God naturally becomes an idol in
our life and therefore tends to breach the first commandment. Bcos He is a
jealous God. We can apply this law to any relationship - towards children,
towards wife, towards fiancee, towards money and so on.

And it was this jealousy of God that put Abraham to test when Sara bore a
son for him, Isaac at their old age. Imagine what would have happened if
Abraham had succumbed to the innocent questions of Isaac and decided that
his only child is greater for him than his God. And we see that God kept
quiet till the knife was pulled out to kill Isaac. Once God made sure that
Abraham's relationship with God is greater than even to his only son - He
decided to bless Abraham(like the stars in the sky, sand in the sea shore
etc. etc. etc...)

I had seen some of my friends (who were strong people in prayer) break down
after marriage just bcos the priorities changed.

So it is God first and parents next..
God first and children next..
God first and spouse next..
God first and job next..
God first and money next..
etc. etc.

Else , you are asking for trouble.

Love in Christ

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[JOYnet] God in my journey home and back

2002-11-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
I had gone home(Trivandrum) for my Diwali holidays.. I was travelling by bus
both sides. On my journey home, there was a catholic nun in the bus.. I love
catholic priests and nuns for the simple fact that they gave their life to
serve God and His people. But this sister was special. I noticed that she was
a very graceful person and she was praying the rosary right from the moment
she stepped in and settled down in the bus. She was sitting in the
front(single) seat  with a big rosary in her hand. It was really heartening to
note that many young people in the bus also acknowledged her presence. An
youngster offered her to pack her luggage on the top. Another person offered
her the front single seat and he decided to take a rear seat. I also saw
another person offering to stretch the seat out for her if that makes her
comfortable. When the bus stopped for a break I went forward and offered her
my biscuits - she gave a gentle squeeze on my hands and said - "Thank you
son". It sure made my trip.. I felt then that this is going to be one of the
safest bus I had ever travelled cos here is a child of God right in front of
the bus praying the rosary..And it was indeed a very safe journey.

My return journey started with a miracle from God. I was supposed to travel in
the last seat in the bus. I made a short prayer before leaving my house asking
Lord to do a miracle by giving me a front seat. I was stunned when the driver
offered me the boarding pass with seat no.9 a good single seat on the left
side(as I was craving for). I asked him to check whether it was the last seat
to avoid any possible embarassments later, but the front seat was confirmed. I
was able to pray a few rosaries from the time I got into the bus. The Lord was
directing me to make some special prayers of protection at times. I would like
to relate one incident - As the bus was nearing Alleppey a person overtook the
bus in a scooter and stopped it right in front of the bus. He brought the
entire NH47 to a stand still. He was abusing the driver and trying to force
open the drivers door. The second driver and the cleaner stepped out and
pacified him . It seems that person was drunk. After sometime the bus again
stopped at another traffic junction and again he stopped his scooter and came
to the driver and he was again showering abuses. It was evident that he was
just showing off his might as being a native of that land - with the drivers
speaking in Tamil . I was angry at his arrogance and my first instinct was to
get out of the bus and give him a decent bash. But then as St. Paul has said -
Our weapons are divine and they are more powerful. So I decided to pray for
him. I made a binding prayer up on this angry young man. And our merciful God
who trapped the wheels of the chariots of the Egyptians in the sea knew where
to strike. He spared the angry young man but he did not spare his scooter..
When the traffic cleared I saw the young man jumping and kicking the scooter
but the scooter was stubbron not to start  :-) :-) The last thing I saw of him
was he pushing his scooter to a side to save himself from the swelling traffic
behind him.  I was literally jumping inside the bus at this sight. After some
distance the bus stopped for taking more passengers and this person could have
easily caused a commotion then .. had his scooter relented. Our God is truly


Sanju Joseph

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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
At times, I hit the bed and it is after a few minutes I realise that I am not
sleeping.. Now if I do not sleep properly 2 things can happen - I will be very
tired at the office the next day, I will not be able to attend the early
morning mass. So I make a prayer to the Lord - " Lord I bind all
thoughts/blocks affecting my sleep which is not from you I bind it now with
the blood of Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of Lord Jesus Christ." I drop
into a sound sleep.. I also ask for the grace to wake up in the morning and
bind all laziness/blocks in reaching the Church in time for the mass ...  A
small exercise but a very effective one too...

I personally feel anything that does not glorifies God and His Kingdom is
against God. And I would rather stay away from it...Besides we are dealing
with the most cunning and wretched creature of the world the devil.. And he
has some smart but failed plans to destroy/weaken the faithful.

Here is what the catholic church teaches about the same. (Source : Catechism
of the Catholic Church - I carry this book with me whenever I speak to my dear
brothers in the Protestant Church on my faith:-):-) And yes I have quite a lot
of em :-) ).

May be the list would have contained Reiki, Vastu etc. etc. had the same be
popular in Rome at the time this book was written.

2116. "All forms of DIVINATION are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or
demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil'
the future.[Cf. Deut 18:10 ; Jer 29:8 .] Consulting horoscopes, astrology,
palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance,
and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history,
and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate
hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe
to God alone."

2117. "All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult
powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power
over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are
gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to
be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when
they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also
reprehensible. Spiritism often implies DIVINATION or magical practices; the
Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called
traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the
exploitation of another's credulity. "

2138. "Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true
God. It is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of DIVINATION
and magic. "

More details:


Love and prayers


Dear Joynetters,
Let me share few of my experiances.You don't need to accept
vasthushastra in
toto.But certain things in vasthu sastra are scientific and based on
facts-like magnetic field and sunlight.Last year i heard a talk by
scholar IG of Police Mr Alexander Jacob where he specified the
direction in
which you should sleep,How to study and which direction to face.Thease
all based on Facts and statistics.I myself had very troubled sleep for
years.But when i changed the direction i am getting good sleep now.Mr
Alexander Jacob who is a Bible scholar, and one who gives classes in
alover the state gives the importance of the direction.So you cannot
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why not we
some of the Good aspects in it.
With Love in Jesus


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Re: [JOYnet] Vastu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
Sometimes I hit the bed and it is after a few minutes I realise that I am not 
sleeping.. Now if I do not sleep properly 2 things can happen - I will be very tired 
at the office the next day, I will not be able to attend the early morning mass. So I 
make a prayer to the Lord - " Lord I bind all thoughts/blocks affecting my sleep which 
is not from you I bind it now with the blood of Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of 
Lord Jesus Christ." I drop into a sound sleep.. I also ask for the grace to wake up in 
the morning and bind all laziness/blocks in reaching the Church in time for the mass 
...  A small exercise but a very effective one too...
I personally feel anything that does not glorifies God and His Kingdom is against God. 
And I would rather stay away from it...Besides we are dealing with the most cunning 
and wretched creature of the world the devil.. And he has some smart plans to destroy 
the faithful.
Here is what the catholic church teaches about the same. (Source : Catechism of the 
Catholic Church - I carry this book with me whenever I speak to my dear brothers in 
the Protestant Church :-):-) And I have quite a lot of em :-) ). 
May be the list would have contained Reiki, Vastu etc. etc. had the same be popular in 
Rome at the time this book was written.
2116. "All forms of DIVINATION are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, 
conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future.[Cf. 
Deut 18:10 ; Jer 29:8 .] Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, 
interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to 
mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, 
other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the 
honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone."

2117. "All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, 
so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even 
if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the 
virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by 
the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of 
demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies DIVINATION or 
magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to 
so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or 
the exploitation of another's credulity. "

2138. "Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true God. It 
is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of DIVINATION and magic. "

More details:


Love and prayers

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[JOYnet] Love the overriding factor - 1 Corinthians 13

2002-11-15 Thread Sanju Joseph
My dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

St. Paul says - We might be blessed with all spiritual gifts but if we do not 
have love then everything is in vain. I think we need to take this as a thumbrule in 
our journey through the Joynet. Love needs to be the overriding  factor that binds us 
all together. Discord and disunity are the seeds of the evil one and we need to be 
aware of it and bind it even before it grips us.. I pray that no weapon formed against 
us shall stand and all plans for God's children will be foiled in Jesus mighty name. 
It is good that we run once thru what St. Paul warned us in 1 Corinthians 13 as it can 
really leads to greater heights of spirituality. God bless us abundantly...

  If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a 
resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom 
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but 
have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my 
body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. 

  4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not 
proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no 
record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It 
always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where 
there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 
9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the 
imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a 
child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 
12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now 
I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13And now these 
three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 

 God fill our hearts with Your love!!!


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[JOYnet] Thanks for your prayers.

2002-11-15 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear brothers and sisters in the Joynet,

This is to thank and praise God for the beautiful new house he Has provided 
me. I had shifted to the new house and I had asked the Joynet to pray for this.. 
Thanks to dr. jomon for reminding me about this. Sometimes I am so ungrateful to 
acknowledge His blessings. Thanks for your prayers..

 There was a dog which was troubling me whenever I moved in and out of the 
house. After putting some prayers he is not to be seen now a days... Praise the Lord !

Thanks again ...Love


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[JOYnet] Science and the Kingdom of God !

2002-11-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Joynet Brothers and Sisters,   When I saw this discussion regarding the 
relevance of science; 3 people's picture came into my mind -  1.  The first person is 
an uncle who used to be a good friend of my dad. Since my parents work in ISRO (Indian 
Space Research Organisation) I had the honor to see some of the best brains and 
technocrats in the world at work rather closely. One day, on my way back from college 
I saw this Uncle chasing some butterflies with a bunch of grass in his hands all over 
the road. This uncle was a division head of a critical division. Later my Dad 
explained that this particular person had developed some mental problems due to the 
intense research and development.  2.  The second person I had met during one of the 
Microsoft .Net platform launch 2 years back. He was the self proclaimed - "Microsoft 
Technology Evangelist". I do not remember even a word that he said. He was a beefy(and 
beery :-) ) character just trying to popularize the product with!
 some weird technical jargon. 3. The third person is again some one related to 
software development. I did not see this person but my brother attended his talk which 
was on a particular Data Mining technology. He was explaining things in a crystal 
clear way and went deep in to the areas where needed and when prompted. It seems he 
summed up his session like this. "Now I would like to speak a few things on the 
greatest inspiration of my life my Lord Jesus Christ". My brother was saying that he 
held the audience in pin-drop silence for the last 5 mts of his talk ie. when he 
explained how his relationship with the Lord guides his work and his career. There 
was a time when I believed that degrees and doctorates and the no. of research papers 
that you make - guages ones wisdom; until I made Wisdom Chapter  9 a part of my life.  
  I see the first person( and also the second person) I referred to as those who 
fall under the category of 1 Corinthians 1:18-21  For God !
says, "I will destroy all human plans of salvation no matter how wise they seem to be, 
and ignore the best ideas of men, even the most brilliant of them. So what about these 
wise men, these scholars, these brilliant debaters of this world's great affairs? God 
has made them all look foolish and shown their wisdom to be useless nonsense. For God 
in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance, 
and then he stepped in and saved all those who believed his message, which the world 
calls foolish and silly."   The third person is the 
one I can relate to those of whom Job mentioned when he said that the fear of the Lord 
is the beginning wisdom and to depart and refrain from evil is to understand wisdom.   
 Somedays I walk into a hotel / cafeteria and hear the voice of one of my brothers 
in software development shouting at the height of his voice on some "bleeding edge 
technology". I just hoped that he took a bre!
ak and looked up and repeat as Solomon did - "Indeed, though one be perfect among the 
sons of men, if Wisdom, who comes from you, be not with him, he shall be held in no 
esteem."  My opinion is that all elements of science comes from God and He is 
the giver  of all wisdom and understanding. To question and change the laws and 
equilibrium of nature with the same wisdom will invite the wrath of God..  LoveSanju
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Re: [JOYnet] Criticism

2002-11-22 Thread Sanju Joseph
Yes, I strongly feel that we should not criticise the
clergy as they are chosen people of God. My dad used
to advise me right from my childhood days never to get
into an argument with a priest / nun cos we have no
right on them. And if they shed a tear; God will hold
us accountable for it. 

The following thought is something which I often
contemplate on and I am happy that this brother had
also seconded it.

> Have we ever tried to look into the life of our
> priest where some leave in
> utter lonliness and despair but still strugle to
> keep their commitment to
> the church. Have we seen old priest harrowing there
> time with no one to
> share with. Inspite of all this they struggle to
> keep their commitment to
> christ and church.

Love in Jesus


 --- Vimal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello all,
> I aggry with Ms : Mary Jacobs. It is our call to
> reform church but that
> reformation does not come by criticising the church
> or giving head to
> untoward  critisism. Most of us expect high
> standards from our priest and
> ofcourse we must do so. But we always undermine the
> fact they are also human
> beings like us. What have they got that we haven't ?
> What they  lack that we
> have ? We all have equal reward in the glory of
> christ. remeber the fable of
> the farmer who employed workers at differen times of
> the day and gave them
> all the same reward.( I can't imagine sharing the
> same reward as that of
> st:paul when i'm there, this always baffles me:) ).
> Let's not undermine the fact that they are humans
> when we critisice them nor
> attribute them with super human credentials. When i
> think of fathers the
> first thing that always comes to mind is the
> sacrifice that they have made
> for the church and for the chirst in disowning a
> life long companionship.
> Have we ever tried to look into the life of our
> priest where some leave in
> utter lonliness and despair but still strugle to
> keep their commitment to
> the church. Have we seen old priest harrowing there
> time with no one to
> share with. Inspite of all this they struggle to
> keep their commitment to
> christ and church.
> And when at times they fail or seems to fail we all
> pound on them to tear
> them apart. How cruel it for us to do that. And who
> is the one who shout at
> them. The very people who enjoy all the pleasures of
> life and still in their
> greediness look out for 'greener pastures' (sorry i
> don't want to sound
> accusing). Just tink of each one of us who are
> raised and are in the family
> but still find difficult keep our holiness and
> commitment to GOD.
>  How greater must be their struggles in comparison
> with us.
> Each time we laity open our mouth to critisice the
> clergy remeber that they
> ar not likes but facing stonger struggles and are
> attacked more powerfully
> by satan 'coz he know when he gets a priest  he can
> take along with him a
> whole parish.
> So it becomes our duty to pray for them more and
> more rather than standing
> back and criticising them.
> Remember they give birth to jesus every day in holy
> mass
> Remember when they say ur sins are forgiven our sins
> are forgiven
> And Remember this is what they are called for and
> these things happen not
> 'coz of the standard of their life but by the
> anoinment from God.
> WARNING ! (I really mean this)
> Thing twice before criticising a preist the anointed
> of the mos holy ONE, ur
> r confronting god.
> This is not directed towards any individual but just
> expressing my anguish
> on this matter.
> Let's all pray that god gives us more wisdom to
> appreciate priesthood and
> love our priests.
> God bless u all
> vimal
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mary Jacobs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!
> Hi Friends,
> Forgive me but I don't think we should pay much
> attention to articles such
> as these.  While it may be true that this has
> happened, it does us no good
> (nor the church for that matter) to read & dwell on
> these types of matters.
> By doing that, we are only feeding into the media's
> gross invitation to mock
> the Catholic church.  Perhaps this priest did make a
> mistake but who are we
> to judge.  This whole incident is not relevant to
> our spiritual growth or to
> our faith and morale as Catholics in any way.  I'm
> sure the powers that be
> in Rome fuelled by the wisdom of the Holy Father
> will resolve this issue and
> we need not think, worry or talk about it.
> I mean no offense to anyone but please in the
> future, let's really think
> about what we're posting. If it's not to anyone's
> benefit or advantage (in
> terms of spiritual growth) then perhaps we should
> think twice before we send
> it to everyone, especially with a title such as
> this.  Thanks for listening
> and God bless,..-Mary (Calgary, Canada

[JOYnet] Prayer vs Terrorism...

2002-11-25 Thread Sanju Joseph
An amazing story you'll want to share with others

>From the Presidential Prayer Team:

Always looking for inspiring stories to demonstrate
the power of prayer, The Presidential Prayer Team
shares this amazing story in the news today. Please
pass it on to inspire others.

50 Christian truckers got together to pray that
somehow the sniper terrorizing the Washington, DC area
would be caught. Ron Lantz would be retiring as a
driver in a few days and didn't even live in the area,
but he felt sure that God would answer their prayers.
In fact, he told the othersthere that God was going to
use him to catch the sniper . A few days later he
was listening to the radio as he was driving again
through the region and felt compelled to pull off the
highway to a rest stop. It was just a couple of miles
from where the prayer meeting had taken place. As he
pulled in, he was shocked to see a car similar to what
was being described on the radio right there before
his eyes. Carefully trying to read the license plate,
a chill went up his back as the numbers matched.
He quickly called 911 and remained there for what he
said were the longest 15 minutes of his life until the
police arrived. He even pulled his truck across the
exit, there would now be no escape for these elusive
murderers. The rest is now history-the snipers were
taken into custody without incident. Ron's testimony
is being beamed around the world today. It shows the
power of prayer. And in a class act, showing his true
character, when asked what he would do with the award
money, he said the half million dollars would simply
be given to the victims' families. The snipers killed
10 and wounded 3 around our nation's capital over the
past three weeks, leaving the entire region in a state
of terror. Yet out of the great darkness has also come
a great beam of light as the world has heard a clear
testimony of the power of prayer. The Presidential
Prayer Team is pleased to honor trucker Ron Lantz as
today's American Inspiration, and we strongly
encourage you to share his uplifting story of prayer
with your friends and colleagues.

"Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life
from fear of the
enemy." - Psalms 64:1

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[JOYnet] Healing in the Family Tree.

2002-11-26 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis ,

I found an excellent article on the Healing needed
in one's family tree(Inter Generational Healing). I
think it is a "Must read". You might as well be that
"one member of a family may be the instrument of God
in the salvation of all others in the family tree " as
mentioned in this article.


As we gather with our families this Christmas it's a
good time to purge. All of us need to pray certain
things away from or out of our families and God
listens powerfully on the birthday of His Son. Thus,
Christmas is a unique opportunity to dispense of
family demons. 

Perhaps this is meant literally. It's a controversial
realm but there are a growing number of priests
ministering what is known as "generational" or
"family" healing. One of them is Father Robert
DeGrandis, a St. Joseph priest who has written more
than 25 books and has conducted healing in more than
30 countries (at least by the last count we saw).
"There has been a growing recognition of inheritance
that goes far beyond physical characteristics, to
include the psychological make-up as well," he writes.
"How often do we hear about anger or stubbornness
running in a family? But if I am always angry, my
father was always angry, and my grandfather was always
angry, it had to start somewhere. Anger, somewhere in
its source, is unlove that never was healed."  

In other words, just as there are physical and
behavioral tendencies that we inherit, so are there
tendencies in the spiritual realm. We all know what
was inherited from Adam and Eve, and we're all
familiar with that part of Scripture that discusses
(Exodus 34:7) "sins of the father."  

Spirituality is passed down the generations in a way
we can't see and yet in a way that according to Father
DeGrandis and another priest, Father John H. Hampsch
of Los Angeles, can have profound effects -- even
causing illness. There are sins. There are hurts.
"Old, unresolved and unforgiven hurts appear to be
'inherited,' or genetically encoded into the system
and acted out in future generations," says Father
DeGrandis in a book called Intergenerational Healing.
"There are unresolved hurts so strong that they get
into the bloodline and keep coming up to be resolved
in future generations." 

There is unforgiveness. When something has happened in
the past that has not been forgiven, this can haunt a
family until it is forgiven. Strange as it may sound,
we may need to offer up Masses for ancestors we don't
even know and in our prayers -- in our hearts --
forgive them. When a family strives to live together
in unselfish love and to worship God together (as at
Christmas), its members will know contentment and
harmony, notes Father Hampsch -- but if they're
negligent, "they will experience God's judgment
negatively by the presence of domestic strife,
jealousy, infidelity, suspicion, unhappiness, marital
discord, broken marriages, suspicion, arguments,
recalcitrance in children, arguments, addictions,
in-law conflicts."  

They claim there are even curses. "Just as the Lord's
Spirit can touch people and set them free physical and
psychologically, the evil spirit can also bind people
at the time of the curse and into future generations,"
says Father DeGrandis -- who we caught up with
recently and who is still actively ministering around
the world. 

There is often murder in a family's background, notes
the priest, and also a great problem is occultism.
When an ancestor dabbled with fortune-telling,
mediumship, clairvoyance, and of course witchcraft,
these spirits, like genes, are passed down the
generations. This substantiates the sacrament of
Baptism, for as soon as a child is born, it needs to
be delivered from anything demonic and dedicated to
Christ. Priests in this realm often suggest placing a
chart of the family tree on the altar during a special
Mass for the family. It takes persistent prayer, and
we have to go to God for answers. "Only the Holy
Spirit, Who searches the minds and hearts and discerns
our deepest needs (Romans 8:27), can know what is
ready to be healed," writes Father DeGrandis, whose
books are among our most popular.  

Often, those searching for a reason why something is
plaguing their family will be surprised at how the
Spirit shows them something in their ancestry (often
occultism) of which they were not familiar. In this
way, says Father DeGrandis, those who are
strong-willed are delivered of the need to control and
those who still have an abused child within them are
healed and those who say no to the darkness of what
they have inherited begin to find health, whether
physically or emotionally.  

If one part suffers, every part suffers. 

Go to Confession. Attend frequent Mass. Offer the
Rosary. Intercede for the Lord to forgive the sins of
ancestors. "We are talking about 'blessing all that is
within us' (Psalm 103:1) through forgiveness," says
Father DeGrandis, "and thus hopefully changing the
pattern of future generations."  

Even one member of a family may

[JOYnet] Wake up call from God !

2002-11-28 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

   Would like to share a small experience which
happened last Saturday. We meet every Saturday Night
for the Saturday Night Vigil at the Renewal Retreat
Center here in Bangalore. Last Saturday night I was
asked to give a talk and this happened at very short
notice. Saturday I came to office, went back home by
afternoon so that I can prepare for the talk. I had my
afternoon grub in between (hogged rather !) and then
proceeded towards home. On reaching home sleep took
precedence and I suddenly fell flat on my bed.Exactly
after 2 hours came the wake up call from God !! :-)
The TV in my room went on by itself and was beaming
the India - W. Indies one dayer. The Volume of the TV
was good enough to wake me up.. It is still a Mystery
for me as to how that TV went on. The remote was quite
far away...And I went thru all the features in the TV
to see if there is any auto on facility .. Nothing. So
I guess it is God. Cos I slept exactly at 2 PM and
woke up at 4 PM. With that 2 hrs of sleep I was able
to prepare for the talk (on Repentance and Salvation)
fresh. In another 3 hours from then I was ready with
enough points. And praise God it went on accoring to
His plan. No sleep can spoil Gods plan ... The best
part was yet to come on Monday when I met the person
who was supposed to give the talk that night. Can you
guess what the topic he was about to speak ... 

   Everyday is a miracle to be shared!! Count the
blessings not the thorns; a good way to defeat the
enemy. Praise the Lord !


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Re: [JOYnet] AIDS Day and Safe Sex ?

2002-12-02 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Abby,

I agree with Abby.. There can be no shortcuts in
the walk with the Lord. It is either with Him or with
the devil. It was a good sharing.

In Christ


 --- abbyabraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Clear Day
> Dear JYs,
> Today seems to tell us that AIDS is the largest
> epidemic that is catching up
> with the youth and the seniors . Why is the media 
> harping only on 'safe sex'
> and not writing on the 'true sex'? Aren't  the
> people still thinking that we
> can fool God by the so called 'safe sex' ? I don't
> think God ever thought of
> the so called 'safe sex' when He crated the whole
> idea of sex at all !! The
> fight against AIDS is all useless unless people
> become holy and lead an
> upright life. Isn't it?
> It is  time that  the people treat their body as  a
> living temple of  God's
> Grace. Halleluiah !!
> Bonded in His Love - abbyabraham
> [demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type
> image/jpeg which had a name of Clear Day Bkgrd.JPG]

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[JOYnet] Give praise and thanks for the failures.

2002-12-04 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  Habakkuk 3 : 17 is a wonderful bible verse which
challenges us to live in Praise and Thanks even in the
midst of overwhelming problems !!
 "Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit
be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may
fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock
may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in
the stalls; Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy
in the God of my salvation."

 The prophet had so beautifully put across his
dedication and blind faithfulness to the Lord; that
even in times of utmost adversity in this verse. The
lives of many people had testified the power of praise
and thanksgiving when their fig tree does not blossom
or when their vineyard does not bear fruit. The
promise is that "All things happens work together for
good" for those who are able to look up and say a
Praise the Lord at their failures..

 I experienced the power of this grace today. I am
working on a product which uses an extensive  plethora
of reports. Three weeks before I had to take a crucial
decision for the team on the kind of reporting tool to
be used. After weighing the pros and cons I narrowed
down on 2 components. Out of these 2 components  I
prayed ( :-) : -) ) and decided on one component. Now
as the work got almost over yesterday evening we found
that there was literally no printing support for this
component . Strangely all the printing support was
removed from their website and the support documents
on printing which I had seen for myself before I
started working on it disappeared. The entire team was
looking at me as to what is the next decision to be
made. I could feel the sting of humiliation - if I ask
them to roll it back it is like a waste of so much of
effort and mandays. I advised them to do a
feasaability study on another product. Meanwhile I
went back to my seat and said - "God u cannot go
wrong. I had asked you about this." . I decided not to
worry too much about this but made a conscious
decision to Praise and Thank God for His Kindness and
for this failure and humiliation. I did this
throughout night. Morning I came to office with an
open mind thinking that I will start work with a new
reporting tool. But this was just not happening. And
the team leader told me that there is some problem
with the installed version. Meanwhile I got 2 mails
from a newsgroup to whom I had posted my problem which
inspired me to think in a new direction. With in
minutes I had a solution for the problem and I
conveyed this to one of the team members. Now on the
printing of reports I got the right direction and with
in a few minutes we had the entire problem solved.
Praise the Lord !! The team leader was remarking what
came like a Mountain went like a stream...

God is the Best of ALL Architects !! Now I am
looking for another failure so that I can praise Him
for that.. Blessings will follow then!



"Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God
of my salvation"

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Re: [JOYnet] Gospel-Truth or Lie?

2002-12-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
This was a good sharing. I think the key to the
concern of teaching the truth to the non believers is
also touched on this :

Here the Holy Spirit helped
> the listeners to identify Jesus as the Saviour
> because they heard the Truth  (unless they r really
> hardened :-) and invite Him into their lives.

It is worhty to note that even the Apostles who lived
and heard Jesus had this passing phase where they had
to wait upon the Lord in fear and anxiety(of
persecution and disagreement) after Jesus
Resurrection. But things changed when the Holy Spirit
came upon them in the Upper Room. We see the thirst to
share the Good News of Lord Jesus Christ so strong in
St. Peter that he  gives a spirited(Holy spirit
filled) talk which converted 3000 people to believers
of Lord Jesus Christ with just that one talk. Any
evangelization work driven by human intellect and not
driven by the Holy Spirit is bound to fail. We see
some christian churches(other than the catholic
church) steadily growing around the world simply bcos
they go by the directions given by the Holy Spirit. Of
course - constant intercession, our own way of life,
fasting, sacraments, seeking the will of God in
anything and everything are some of the many keys to
spread the Gospel effectively.

Prayerful Regards

 --- Cuckoo Susan James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Dear JOYnetters,
> Just writing some thoughts on a matter close to our
> heartsmy experience, that's all...
> After coming to the Renewal I've often struggled
> with the meaning of GOSPEL. Good news... But what is
> so good abt. it that people are even willing to give
> up their life for it? How does one 'share the
> gospel'? What is a 'missionary'? How do we
> 'witness'? 
> These questions matter s much in our Jesus Youth
> lifestyle!!
> The other day cos of power cut many of the
> hostelites were sitting under the emergency light...
> studying hard for the internals. I was reading the
> Bible. One of the girls became curious and asked me
> what I was reading. "What is it, Cuckoo? " I looked
> at her eager face and looked back into my Bible...
> and gulped. The Book of Romans... about God's just
> decree and the salvation offered through belief in
> Jesus Christ and His resurrection.
>  "How do I explain it, O Lord?" 
> Sometimes I've encounterd protests, not because the
> message itself was wrong but because the way i said
> it was not 'reasonable'. 
> "Everyone has their own personal beliefs, this is
> yours...your experience counts only in your life,
> not in mine. You have no right to claim it is the
> truth...because truth is relative. It's just the way
> you look at it. AND the more you hear something the
> more you place your trust in it, and the more it
> appears as the truth to you. How else can you
> account for the folllowers of Matha Amrathanthamai
> and Sai Baba. It's just the feelings of devotion.
> That's all."
> Phew! 
> "Jesus", I asked, " How does one share the gospel?"
> Ok. Now I know many will offer the easy answer ...
> through the power of the Holy Spirit. AND that His
> power shines in our weakness ( lack of knowledge of
> the gospel). 
> But is that true? Will sharing ONLY our testimony
> always make any difference? Nay...we all know that
> from experience. Followers of other faiths can also
> share their testimonies. I felt peace, i felt
> this...this happened, that happened ( i saw the
> other day some devotees doing that...their faith is
> also very, very sincere). Anyway,not people who are
> not that unhappy abt. life. Intelligent people need
> to KNOW the truth. 
> So, we need to share about what really happened in
> history ... the whole story of the Bible, which will
> finally point to Christ as the Saviour. From  "In
> the Beginning ... to ...Come, Lord Jesus"! We need
> to believe that God exists, that nature AND science
> too reveals His presence, that He'd promised a
> Saviour through His prophets and in the fullness of
> time that SON came and died for our sins, that we
> are sinners (hard) and that we needed a Saviour
> outside of ourselves. 
> I say this because the other day I saw someone
> powerfully explaining the gospel  this way and
> drawing people towards the message of Jesus. How can
> one resist the truth? Here the Holy Spirit helped
> the listeners to identify Jesus as the Saviour
> because they heard the Truth  (unless they r really
> hardened :-) and invite Him into their lives.
> How many Jesus Youth know enough to explain these
> things? We are stuck with our testimony and do not
> respond most of the time to the need of our
> non-Christian friends to know the TRUTH.
> Let's take it as a challenge to learn these truths
> better (revealed in bible, history science), so that
> when there is a need we can explain it to our eager
> friends who want to know if the Gospel is the Truth
> or a lie.
> Love in Jesus,
> Cuckoo/ Mysore/ Karnataka
> Catch all the cricket action. Download Yah

Re: Re: [JOYnet] Gospel-Truth or Lie?

2002-12-06 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  I was no way trying to underline the importance
of the catholic church when I posted this piece. My
sincere apologies if I had confused you with my
thought. I try my best to be a devout catholic and
keep my catholic sacraments close to my heart. It is a
delight for me to receive Jesus atleast twice a day
through the Holy Communion. 

  But at the same time I have personally
experienced the power of the spirit of unity while
praying with my brothers and sisters in other
Christian denomination. Three years before when I was
in Chennai we used to meet during our lunch breaks in
a CSI church near my office. There were 2 catholics(I
being one of them) , 2 protestants from the Jesus
Calls ministry and a CSI girl. And I can personally
testify the power of God in those prayer meetings. Two
of these protestant boys fasted and bought the tickets
for the Rex Band programme(which is hardcore catholic
in nature , Praise God for that) sponsored and brought
their Hindu friends to this programme.

 We see the best example of this lack of spirit of
unity between catholics and protestants in Northern
Ireland where neighbours kill each other just bcos
he/she is a catholic / protestant. The devil is surely
winning when the passion for your church turns into
animosity and judging towards another church. Just
imagine yourself in a VHP or Bajrang Dal stronghold in
North India  proclaiming the Word of God.. They will
hit you not bcos you are a Catholic or a Protestant
but bcos you are speaking the Good News of Lord Jesus

I personally think we should appreciate and
thank God for the catholic church and the immense
power that we had inherited through its sacraments but
at the same time we should look for the good things in
other Christian denominations.

In Jesus 

Sanju Joseph

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[JOYnet] Please pray for the Gujarat Polls.

2002-12-08 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

  The assembly elections for Gujarat is to be held
on December 12 2002. Lets all go in faith to the Lord
and plead for Gods intervention in Gujarat. That all
the evil forces of division and hatred will be
defeated by His Angels of peace. Do take some time off
to pray for the elections in Gujarat.

Prayerful Regards
Sanju Joseph

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Re: [JOYnet] calmail (Gift for Baby JESUS)/ Praying for Terrorism.

2002-12-15 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sisters in Christ,

Just back after a very short holiday.. What a
great idea Calvin has put forward for us ? I would
like to share some of my experiences and thoughts on
this topic(of terrorism) as I feel it is the Holy
Spirit working here to pray for our terrorist
brothers.. I was getting a strong feeling over this
thought over the past one week but cancelled it from
my mind.. May be some other time till I got this mail.

I would like to share one experience to all of you
which happened a few years back when I was in Chennai.
This was on an Aug 14th night the same year as that of
the Coimbatore blasts; the day before the Independence
Day of that year. There was a maddening schedule at
the office and I had to complete some work so badly.
So I drove home by around 8 pm and decided to come
back to office at 10.30 pm and work for another few
hours. My brother warned me to cancel this second trip
as there was heavy police checking that year. But I
decided to go.. My office is a pretty big place and I
was surprised to see that I was the only one left in
that floor. So I started working on my system under
that sole tube light and suddenly I remembered the
news that there was a severe threat of militant attack
in Srinagar and the entire Kashmir valley. I felt a
fear creeping into me from nowhere. This fear turned
into a sense of compassion and love for all the
Kashmiri people. And I immediately pulled out my chair
and there in my cubicle I made one of the best prayers
of my life.. I prayed for all the terrorists trying to
plant those bombs; that their hearts be melted and
that the evils plan will be defeated. I remember I was
weeping as I was praying. Maybe, a few things should
have run behind my mind then. One of them is that I
used to have a cubicle mate; a Kashmiri who used to
consider me as His own brother. He was delighted to
know that I am a Christian the first day he joined ;
and he told me that I am His cousin by religion. He
had also told me how his family used to be affected by
all the militant activities , his house being in the
heart of Srinagar. His brother was slapped at during
one of the raids; his father at the verge of receiving
a bullet during one of the encounters etc. I was able
to convince Him that taking other people's life; no
matter how greater the cause was nothing short of
MURDER. And he with all his love for me was able to
accept it. I am sure many people would have prayed for
a violence free Independence Day(including our Mother
Mary herself) that year. The next day there was not
even one bullet that was fired. But yes I felt the
prayer which the Lord pompted me to make that night
had its own strength.

History testifies people like Hitler,
Mussolini , the leaders of the Khmer Rouge who behaved
almost like senseless animals when dealing with Human
Beings. The kind of things they had done seems so evil
and inhumane. Terrorism is a new form of this such
evil and is nothing but a new ploy of satan. It can
take several forms and the worst of which can be
religious terrorism and fundamantelism. The evil has
caught one of the most sensitive issues to foment
trouble among Gods people - religion. Remember his
plan is only to steal, to plunder to destroy. What can
we do about this ?  First and foremost is to be aware
of the evils plans. And then counter his plans with
powerful prayers. Cos the ONE WHO is within us is more
powerful that the one who is in the world. I would
like to narrate an incident which a very powerful
preacher narrated in the TV recently when he was
speaking about terrorism. It happened in the
Philippines where the christian population is as high
as 95%. And from no where a terrorist group came up
which was the threatening the peace of this otherwise
peaceful island. It seems he and a team of 40 people
all powerful people in the deliverance and healing
ministries fasted and prayed continuously for 30 days.
And the whole island was delivered of that terrorist
group. So the need of the hour is prayer. We need to
realise the actual enemy here. It is not the people or
a civilization it is the evil.

 Yes, we need to pray for our terrorist
brothers that they will be delivered from all evil and
led to His peace.

Love In Christ




 --- Calvin Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear
brothers and sisters in Christ,
>  I have a suggestion regarding the
> christmas gift for Baby
> JESUS. Shall we fix a date and fast & pray on that
> particular day for the
> conversion of all the terrorists in this world? They
> all are our
> brothers. We have to save them from the evil hands.
> We have to pray for
> them. They won't be knowing what they are doing
> against GOD. According to
> them they are doing all this for GOD. So, let us all
> dedicate all our
> prayers on a particular day for them. If we all pray
> together on the same
> day it will be very beautiful. Please pray for this
> event and respond

Re: [JOYnet] The New Joynet Core Team !

2002-12-17 Thread Sanju Joseph
God bless the new Joynet core team...!! May God bless
them and anoint them powerfully so that the entire
group may be led to new levels of spirituality and
fellowship in Christ.

Prayerful Regards


> Greetings from Kuwait !
> I am so happy to announce the new core team members
> of our JOYNET !Their main responsibility will be to
> animate/co-ordinate all the activities of JOYNET and
> build this as a powerful ministry of Jesus Youth.
> 1. Joseph Lonth (Dubai)
> 2. Kurien Nillikunnel (USA)
> 3. Priya Joseph (Kochi, India)
> 4. Josun Jose (Abudabi)
> 5. Suresh Kumar (Colombo)
> 6. Annie John (Kochi, India)
> 7. Lovely (USA)
> 8. Ravi Vaz (Bombay)
> 9. Mathews KG (Abudabi)
> 10. Abraham(Fujirah)
> 11. Anitha D'souza (Kuwait)
> 12. Manoj Jons Davis (Kochi, India)
> 13. Bejoy (USA),
> 14. Giju George (Chennai, India - Administrator)
> 15. Mathew Joseph (Bangalore, India- Co-ordinator)
> Pastors of out Jesus Youth International team -
> Fr.Sebastian Arikat and Fr.Thomas Tharayil will
> continue as the pastors of JOYNET. All the
> International Team members will be Ex-officio
> members of Joynet core team.They are 
> Sindhu S  (USA)
> Saby (Dubai) 
> Biju Davies (Toronto,Canada)
> C.C.Joseph (Trichy, India)
> Andrew Mendez (Singapore)
> Anu Joseph (U.K)  
> Dr. Manoj (USA)
> chackochan Njavally (Kanjirappally, India)  
> Dr.Edward Edezhath  (Kochi(?),India)
> Manoj Sunny (Kochi, India)
> I am so happy that we have the new team when joynet
> is on our own platform. On behalf of the team I
> sinceary thank all who were supporting joynet
> activities in the last years..Hope they will
> continue their contributions..Let us pray for the
> new team..
> In Union with Jesus and Mary,
> ,
> Manoj Sunny, 
> Co-ordinator, Jesus Youth International Team
> -
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[JOYnet] God in Our Dreams..

2002-12-17 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

   God talks to us at every moment of our life..
Day and night is the same for Him. The bible testifies
how the Lord revealed his plans for many people
through dreams. Some of the best dreams related to the
Bible I would like to remember is that of St. Joseph
getting the direction of the Lord through an Angel in
his dreams. The first dream was regarding a matter
which was troubling this humble and righteous person
regarding his wife and our Mother Mary.  Lord settles
all his troubles with a dream -  "Joseph, son of
David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that
which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she
will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus,
for He will save his people from their sins." He goes
by this dream and we see St. Joseph in his own small
way becoming part of a major mission from heaven to
save the world. We also see St. Joseph becoming  a
protector of Infant Jesus when the Lord directs him
again in a dream."an angel of The Lord appeared to
Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and
His mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I
tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child,
to destroy Him." And he rose and took the child and
His mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and
remained there until the death of Herod. This was to
fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, "Out
of Egypt have I called My son."  Amazed at the
quieteness, obedience and humility of St. Joseph in
executing God's plan .. directed thru dreams.

  Sometimes God can speak to us in the dreams we
see. Ofcourse many of them needs proper discernment
and Holy Spirit is the guide here. I would like to
share an incident which happened last Friday. I go for
morning mass and often spend time after the mass in
the church. I reached my bike to leave and I found
that my front tyre was flat. I knew it was a puncture.
My heart sank a little bcos I had to reach the office
a little early that day. But then I immediately
remembered that I had infact seen my front tyre
getting punctured in that previous nights dream. And
it was the front tyre. My first thought was to go to a
nearest junction. But at morning 7.45 there will be no
tyre shops open anywhere. I asked the Holy Spirit to
guide me to the right place. Then I remembered that in
the dream the bike was in my home town :-) and I was
near a check post. :-) Then I felt the Holy Spirit
asking me to drive the bike with the meagre air left
to Madivala Check Post (All my Blore pals will know
this). On reaching Madivala Check Post I was directed
to a tyre shop. And I saw a person running towards me
with a 180 degree smile in his face. I knew
immediately that this is a child of God. I just peeped
into the tyre shop and saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus
winking at me. And also a calendar of the Renewal
Retreat Center Bangalore. The puncture was a huge cut
in the tube; but this chettan decided to fix it up for
me. All the bikers will know that a small cut in the
tube is like a lottery for tyre repairers as the only
solution u get from them is to replace the tube. Now
the best part is that this chettan started sharing his
problems to me - how he came close to God and how the
Lord used to call him by name during some of the
worship sessions at the RRC. I got the bike fixed in
no time. And I gave the best I could and went back
with a great sense of contentment. Even that chettan
was thrilled to hear my dream. 

So check your dreams.. He might be talking :-)


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Re: [JOYnet] Time fixed for the prayer

2002-12-17 Thread Sanju Joseph
This is a great step. 

It is a good step to get the prayer timings
synchronised around the world to pack the maximum
punch.:-)Imagine nearly 1000 people praying for a
cause; it is sure going to be very very powerful.

So can we call December 20, 2002 as the Anti Terrorism
Day of the Joynet ? 

Love n prayers


 --- Calvin Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear
Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST
>  The date for fasting and prayer has been
> confirmed as
> 20th(coming Friday). There
> were 3 main intentions put forward by our friends.
> All of them are
> equally important. But, since many had the opinion
> of praying for a
> single intention at this time and similar prayers
> can
> be carried out in the future, we can confirm the
> single main intention as
> prayer for terrorist
> brothers. Moverover, it was backed by the fact that
> the thought occured
> to Sanju a week back. I too had a similar thought a
> week back and like
> Sanju I also neglected it. But after
> last Sunday's HOLY MASS, the thought struck me
> again, as I swithced on my
> pc.    Regarding the time for
> the global prayer, no
> one suggested the time. So, I prayed
> and fixed the time as 6:00pm IST on 20th. The
> approximate timings for
> other regions of the
> world are as follows:- G.M.T 12:30pm, UAE 4:30pm,
> Chicago 6:30am, 
> colombo 6:30pm,
> Johannesburg 2:30pm, Kuala Lampur 8:30pm, Kuwait
> 3:30pm, Ottawa 7:30 am,
> Singapore 8:30pm, Auckland 1:30 am(saturday,DST
> maybe considered). The
> rest of the regions can get their respective timings
> from the link
> I request the JY core team members to handle the
> drafting of the prayer
> for this
> event. Please, document the 10-mins prayer, as early
> as possible. If we
> all get it ready
> by wednesday evening, we can distribute it to our
> other JY friends who do
> not have access
> to Joynet. Thus, we can get more friends in our
> prayer circle at that
> particular time. We can also give them the time for
> prayer. Expecting an
> early response from the JY core team. With love and
> prayers,
> your brother in CHRIST, 
> Calvin Johnson

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2002-12-19 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

This is a great initiative from Eddy Chettan. Pls
realize the potential of this prayer. It is very very
powerful. Would like to share you a vision I saw today
morning. I was seeing a group of small children tying
up a rogue and hitting him. I thought it was a very
violent thing to happen and prayed for all the
children. Later today morning after the mass the Lord
gave an explanation that the children I saw were all
of us in the Joynet and the Rogue you know who it is
... So charge up your prayers .. The Lord of All
Battles is by our side. The children of God..


 --- "Edward A. Edezhath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Calvin and friends,
> Today's prayer is a great initiative. Praise God!
> I will be with a youth group at Thoppumpady for
> their Christmas Celebration.
> I think my message is at about 6pm the time fixed
> for common prayer. This
> means a couple of hundreds will join with you all.
> So let us meet together
> in prayer.
> Eddy/ Cochin/ India
> - Original Message -
> From: "Calvin Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:16 PM
> > Dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST,
> >
> > Sorry for the delay. Aucklanders have already
> started their Dec 20
> > fasting and prayers.
> >
> > We all need to skip atleast a single meal. Fasting
> the whole day will be
> > great.
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[JOYnet] A powerful prayer of Healing in the Family Tree.

2002-12-20 Thread Sanju Joseph

Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html

Dear All,

   I had posted an article on Inter Generational
Healing / Healing in the Family tree. IN continuation,
here is a very powerful prayer that covers all
branches/needs in your family tree. The best thing you
can do for your family and relatives by making this
prayer everyday. 


Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in
great need of your help; I have physical health needs,
emotional needs, spiritual needs, and interpersonal
needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own
failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly
beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to
forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have
left their effects on me in the form of unwanted
tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body,
mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone,
especially living or dead members of my family tree,
who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any
way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present
sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine
Son, Jesus, and in the power of his Holy Spirit, I ask
you, Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree
from the influence of the evil one. Free all living
and dead members of my family tree, including those in
adoptive relationships, and those in extended family
relationships, from every contaminating form of
bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly
Father, and by the shed blood of your precious Son,
Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and to
all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every
negative effect transmitted through all past
generations, and prevent such negative effects in
future generations of my family tree.

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head
of each person in my family tree, and between each
generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of
Jesus purify the bloodlines in my family lineage. Set
your protective angels to encamp around us, and permit
Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing, to
administer your divine healing power to all of us,
even in areas of genetic disability. Give special
power to our family members' guardian angels to heal,
protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our
needs. Let your healing power be released at this very
moment, and let it continue as long as your
sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a
holy bonding in family love. And let there be an
ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy
Spirit, to your Son, Jesus. Let the family of the Holy
Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm,
loving presence, so that our family may recognize and
manifest that love in all our relationships. All of
our unknown needs we include with this petition that
we pray in Jesus' precious Name. Amen.

St. Joseph, Patron of family life, pray for us.

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[JOYnet] A message from Santa Baby..

2002-12-22 Thread Sanju Joseph
Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
Dear Bros and Sis,

  This is to wish each one of you a Very Happy X'mas
and a Holy Spirit filled New Year!!  Bye for now and C
u all next year.

   Know what our good old Santa (Claus)  had passed on
a message to be conveyed to you. Look like he is
impressed with us  :-)))

Prayers and Good wishes,

Sanju, Blore.


Dear Joynet Rubies,

It was a pleasure to know from Infant Jesus
that there is a new e-Community truly witnessing the
Kingdom of God. I was longing to meet you all in
person; but I am sorry I could not make it due to some
technical reasons. However, it is still a pleasure to
convey this message through a virtual medium. During
my journey I saw a lot of poor people begging for food
at the Railway Stations, by the road sides and street
corners. I felt so so sad to see that most of them
were innocent children like our own Infant Jesus in
the Manger. I also heard from the train that there was
a Rail Accident, which killed many people somewhere in
India. I had a very narrow escape from a group of
brothers who call themselves true Hindus and they
tried burning my beard thinking that I was trying to
convert Hindus to Christians. I also had a tough time
to save myself from a bunch of bullets shot at me by
some of Lords children who call themselves terrorists.
They seemed to be stubborn to get a piece of land /
revenge some killings when the entire world belongs to
the Children of God. I also met some people who
celebrate XÂ’mas everyday by welcoming the Lord into
their lives by simple means of praying and fasting. 
It was a delight to visit the Missionaries of Charity
and many other places where people see Infant Jesus in
a leprous patient, in the sufferings of an AIDS
patient and also in Cancer centers. Infant Jesus asked
me to convey that these people have their castles
already prepared by the Lord and waiting for them in
heaven. I also met some missionaries who will just not
stop till they have made known the name of Jesus
Christ to the entire world. And Jesus had given me a
promise that many of such missionaries will be from
this very Joynet. I have to quickly cross over to
China where some of the children are waiting for their
XÂ’mas gifts. I have to be very careful there as I
heard Christians and people of God are tortured and
persecuted there. There are many cute Infants who are
killed even before they smell the air of XÂ’mas and see
those beautiful XÂ’mas trees and gifts. They too have
sent their little little gifts of prayer to every one
of you. They are the little angels in heaven whom the
Lord loves very much. Hope to meet you all next time. 
God loves Joynet very much and he loves each one of
you and has promised to bless you. Wish you a very
Merry XÂ’mas and may the Joy of XÂ’mas flow through the
Joynet throughout year 2003.



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Re: [JOYnet] Pain of expatriates

2003-01-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear brothers/sisters,

  It is so sad to read these stories. Some of the
cases sound very inhumane. Just imagine one of our
brother / sister being subjected to the same
treatment. May God heal all their wounds and may His
precious blood cover the nations. 


Blore, India.

 --- Smiju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi
> Smitha was sharing this stories:  A patient was
> admitted in her ward, it was 
> a suicide attempt. He is recovering and he said his
> story, he came from 
> India by an agency which appointed him in this gulf
> area (for certain 
> reasons I am not mentioning the country and the
> patients details). Like all 
> other expatriates he also had dreams... dreams about
> his future, and when he 
> arrived to his fortune land he thought his dream is
> fulfilled. He was 
> working in a rural area as a shepherd. Where his
> salary is Rs. 3500/- 
> (S72.00). But soon he realised he came there just to
> die. For months he was 
> not paid. Daily he got a piece of bread and a cup of
> water, sometimes his 
> boss forgot to give food. His life was harder than a
> slave. He begged to his 
> boss for salary. His cry, nobody to hear. The hot
> desert wind wiped out his 
> tears. At last he took the knife for a simple deed.
> Just to cut his throat. He is now recovering soon.
> Pray for him.
> This is the story of a 20 years old Asian girl who
> is admitted to ICU. She 
> was working as a servant. She was raped by her
> boss's son and when she 
> resisted she was hit by an iron rod on her back
> head. After the surgery she 
> is recovering, but partially she is paralyzed. It
> will take at least one 
> year for recovery.
> This is another story of a young nurse. She came to
> Arabian Gulf to earn 
> some money and to help her parents. She was well
> educated and was efficient. 
> One day by her mistake a patient died. She was
> arrested. They cut her both 
> hands and sent her back to India. She was from
> Kerala. She was admitted in 
> Delhi. Previous week she was discharged and was
> traveling to Kerala. On the 
> way she jumped out from the train and dead.
> Please pray for all people who are suffering all
> over the world.
> with prayers
> Smiju Joseph, auh
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[JOYnet] Every word we utter matters...

2003-01-07 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

 Have we ever checked whether whatever we speak is
exactly what the Lord wants us to speak ? Often our
words contradict what the Lord expects us to covey in
our dialogue with others. In prayer circles, this
often comes as part of a conversation pitying someone
and ends up in a full-blown criticism of the same
person. Every word that we utter needs to reflect the
spirit of the Lord. Job puts a beautiful question in
(Job 26 : 4) "With whose help have you uttered words,
and whose spirit has come forth from you?" . We see
St. Paul also putting across this point in 1 Cor 2 :
13-14 - "And we speak of these things in words not
taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit,
interpreting spiritual things to those who are
spiritual.  Those who are unspiritual do not receive
the gifts of God's Spirit, for they are foolishness to
them, and they are unable to understand them because
they are spiritually discerned. " . Destructive
criticism about a person comes from the enemy and we
need to be always tuned to get the directions from the
Lord through the Holy Spirit.  Well these points are
not mine and I gathered it from an anointed talk from
a person in the God channel :-) And it meant a lot for

 Yesterday evening when I was still at the office
I realised that I forgot my wallet. My first thought
was that I had lost it. Then I felt that it might be
at the house and I felt I should just go and check it;
and it was indeed there. But then just as I was
preparing to leave home; I realized, the fact that I
was not carrying my wallet did not dawn on me
throughout the day. I felt that there was something
the Lord wanted to speak to me. So I sat down and
prayed in my house for sometime . I then turned on the
TV and I got the above message. I am very careful now
a days not to judge others. But this was an additional
inspiration. Through out the X'mas season I was really
having a gala time with lots of music and other
entertainment that I compromised so much on my prayer
time. I might have missed out many things that the
Lord would have conveyed during this time just bcos I
was not tuned to the Lord in the Holy Spirit. And this
message meant a lot to me and inspired me to listen to
Him more carefully and speak only those things which
the Lord wants me to speak. Praise the Lord.

Blore,  India.

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[JOYnet] Ten Tips for Practical Evangelization

2003-01-08 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear All,

 I came across this piece and I felt it was a good

guide towards evangelizing where and as you are. There
can be many more points. But this list looks good and
almost complete for me.

Blore, India.

Ten Tips for Practical Evangelization

About 25 years ago, a new word entered our Catholic
vocabulary: evangelization. ItÂ’s a word frequently
used but not often understood. As we prepare for the
2000th anniversary of JesusÂ’ birth, Pope John Paul II
has challenged us to become good evangelizers. So itÂ’s
high time we all understood what evangelization is.

The trouble is, evangelization doesnÂ’t lend itself to
a quick and easy definition. So IÂ’ve decided to list
10 practical ways you can evangelize, things you can
do - at work or at home - to spread the Good News of

Tip #1: Be a Show Off

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to be a “show
off” in the usual sense of that term. I am suggesting
that a powerful way to spread the good news is to
demonstrate it in daily life. If your faith really
affects how you speak and act in private and in
public, people will take notice. A faith lived is a
powerful, attractive faith!

Tip #2: Help Someone in Need

Why do we admire Mother Teresa? Because she takes
Jesus at His word. She sees Jesus in the poorest of
the poor. When we put our faith into action by serving
those in need, our faith comes alive and has the power
to attract others. So if you want to evangelize, reach
out to the sick, the homebound, the troubled, the
homeless, the hungry, the imprisoned. Evangelizers
donÂ’t just write checks. When possible, they engage in
“hands on” service of the poor. When others see this,
they will start taking the faith more seriously.

Tip #3: Pray

Prayer is the “engine” that drives evangelization.
Without prayer, we always fail in our attempts to
spread the Gospel. Just think about it. Before Jesus
preached, or worked a miracle, or died on the Cross,
He prayed. So should we. Prayer is something we can
all do - any place, any time. ItÂ’s something we can do
for ourselves and others. Make no mistake. Almost
everyone -- even the most hardened unbeliever -
appreciates your prayers in time of need!

Tip #4: Respect Other People

Unfortunately, common courtesy isnÂ’t too common today.
As followers of Jesus, we need to be more than
courteous. We need to have a deep respect for the
God-given dignity of each human being. Not everyone is
asked to write a treatise about human dignity. But we
are all called to show respect and concern for each
person - those we like and those we donÂ’t. Needless to
say, weÂ’re not effective evangelizers when we imagine
weÂ’re better than everyone else or when we disrespect
someone because of race, sex or economic status. When
we show that we respect others - by how we treat them
-- then we stand a much better chance of opening their
minds and hearts to the Gospel.

Tip #5: Evangelization Begins at Home

You’ve heard the old saying, “Charity beings at home.”
So does evangelization. Husbands and wives should help
each other take their faith seriously and grow in it.
Parents are the first to help their children open
their minds and hearts to Jesus by teaching them how
to pray and giving them their first religion lessons.
How important for parents to practice their faith -
especially by participating in Mass each Sunday. How
important for parents to make sure their children
really learn what the Catholic faith is all about. A
strong, loving and truly Catholic home also has a good
impact on the extended family.

Tip #6: Start With Your Friends

When evangelization moves beyond the family circle,
you might start getting uncomfortable. After all, no
one wants to be thought of as a “religious fanatic.”
So start with your friends. We all have friends who
are “unchurched” or “barely churched.” This year, try
to convince just one of them to consider or reconsider
the faith. Build on that trust and love you already
have with that person. Ask the Lord to provide just
the right opportunity to speak to your friend about
the faith.

Tip #7: Share Your Faith Story

Wait a minute, you might be saying! My faith story?
ThatÂ’s right! The Lord has touched the hearts of every
believer with His truth and love. So take a minute and
think of the ways God has touched your life. And then
write down some of the highlights so that when youÂ’re
talking to family or friends about the faith, youÂ’ll
be able to speak personally. DonÂ’t underestimate the
power of personal testimony. People will think more
seriously about the faith when you are willing to tell
them what it has meant in your own life.

Tip #8: Include God in Your Everyday Vocabulary

ItÂ’s not against the law to speak about God. No one
can order you to leave your faith at home when you go
to work in the morning. Be conscious of GodÂ’s presence
in your everyday life -- in decisions great and small.
And donÂ’t be afraid to mention casually how God works
in your life. Doing so helps us raise peopleÂ’s
awareness tha

[JOYnet] Faith in adversities.

2003-01-11 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sisters,

An essential ingredient for making our faith to become
complete is adversity and overwhelming problems. In
other words faith tested in the furnace of
adversities; becomes a powerful shield for us
shielding us from the fiery arrows shot towards us by
the evil one. We need to ask ourselves will I raise up
for God no matter what the situation and the
circumstance that challenges me. Let me share a true
incident narrated by my brother and friend who works
in the North India among hardcore Hindus and Muslims
in Ajmer. This incident came in when we were
discussing about the religious persecution in North
India. I am sharing this to you bcos this had really
boosted my faith and put a serious question - will I
proclaim Jesus when my head is on the Guillotine ? I
am praying God for this grace. Once we get the answer
rightly we will become like those poor suicide bombers
who has been so convinced(by the devil) about their
cause to give their life. One main difference however
in our case will be that we will give our life for the
Kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul  teaches that
"death is gain" because it brings us into Christ's
presence and unites us with Christ. "For to me to live
is Christ, and to die is gain." ( Phil 1 : 21).
There was this person called Sunil Dutt; who could not
sleep for 8 years.Someone suggested him to try boozing
so as to get proper sleep. So in another one year he
became a total alchoholic and a drug addict. It was at
this time he was directed by someone to the church in
which my friend works. It seems by the first day of
prayer itself there was a major deliverance
from that person and he could sleep peacefully from
9.30 pm to morning 6.30 ; the first time in 9 years .
He wakes up the next day and goes to the gate of the
church and loudly proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord
and Savior.From that day on Sunil, his wife and
children decided to follow Jesus; except for his
mother. Now the person belonged to an orthodox Hindu
family from Uttar Pradesh and his mother brings the
entire family to his house bcos he had become as
"Eesai" (Christian). The million dollar question was
put before him - "Be with Christ or Out of the Family
?". He boldly says that He belongs to Jesus Christ. So
the entire family writes him off. Now after a few
months the mother appears back filled with "love and
compassion" and offers him some money and gets back to
her house. On a right oppurtunity the mother consulted
someone who is into heavy black magic and gave the son
the food tainted with it.  So Sunil falls terribly ill
and he was dying in the bed for 3 days. Meanwhile my
preacher friend was in Udaipur all these 3 days. And
afer 3 days he returns to know that Sunil is dying. So
he takes his motor bike and prepares to leave for his
house. Another phone call comes saying that - "You do
not have to come . Sunil has passed away". Now from
his bike this pastor makes a powerful prayer to God at
the end of which He gets a reply from the Holy Spirit.
"Do not worry . Just proceed and do as I direct". Now;
there was an RSS Office right opposite to Sunils
place. And there was a plot to beat up anyone coming
as part of his church and hold him responsible for his
death. So the preacher reaches there; he walks in and
sees Sunil lying on the bed and a Bible placed on his
chest. His wife and children were crying seeing him.
He looks around and saw the old woman(the mother of
Sunil) sitting on a corner. He yelled at her in Hindi
- "Dhokri, Khade Ho Jao".(Old woman stand up). Do you
want your sons life or your mad traditions ". The Lord
used that moment as a powerful testimony of His Power.
So he went ahead and gave a 5 minute speech on the
power of Jesus and about the blindness of Hindu
traditions. And then he told them - Now you will see
the power of Lord Jesus Christ in whom I believe."
This story was narrated at my elder brothers apartment
and the whole place shook up at this preachers
yelling. So I am sure it would have been audible well
enough for the RSS workers who were demanding the
blood of another "Eesai " . He said - " Sunil ; in the
name of Jesus Christ I command you to stand up and
follow me". He jumped up from his bed and came to him.
Bewildered ?? Yes I was also shaken by this. He went
with him on his bike to the church through the crowd
and had his food there. It seems there were 2 sons of
a Rajput woman who is part of the church who attends
the same RSS Shakha. When they discontinued the shakha
after coming to the Lord. It seems the leader of that
RSS center told them - " Do as the preacher says." He
ended the story saying that it is only through
persecution that the church will grow. Please take
some time off to pray for all our Christian brothers
and sisters working in hostile terrains. It is only
when we come out of our soft cushions and face the
harsh world that our faith will remain justified.
Sorry long mail..

In Christ
Blore, India.


Re: [JOYnet] Luck, fate do they exist??

2003-01-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
For a Christian - Luck and fate has already been taken

If it is for Material needs : " God shall supply all
my needs according to His riches in Glory ". I am
already lucky cos I serve a billion times billionaire

I am destined for eternal life with my Father in
Heaven cos I am the righteousness of Christ purchased
by His own son's body and blood. So thats my fate. 

If I gain a ticket to heaven I heard I can drive a
Rolls Royce or even fly an F-16 jet:-) I should be
very very lucky there. Just got to make it !


--- Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Hello Joynetters,
> There was this one question that came to my mind
> which I would like to share
> with u all and request your comments on the same.
> Should a Christian believe in Luck, fate?? Does
> Luck, fate really at play in
> human life??
> Awaiting your replies.
> Love & Prayers
> Jennifer
> The way of obedience is the way of blessing.
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Re: [JOYnet] Joynet Prayer Day: a suggestion

2003-01-13 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

 One good thing about praying together is that all
of us will become more and more united in the Spirit
of God. This prayer initiative is yet another step
towards it. Would like to mention that our prayer for
all our terrorists brothers did go well with the Lord
and there are subtle but powerful changes happening.
The longest insurgency problem in India is regarding
the Naga homeland in the North East. If you have taken
notice ; the NSCN leaders are in New Delhi now for
talks with L K Advani(the Home Minister) and they are
looking for peace. Well, I believe in faith that it is
bcos of our prayers. Amen. 

Just some suggestions regarding the Joynet prayer
days(these are personal views) :

1. Can our Prayer days be once in a month or once in 2
months ? This is bcos most of us already have fasting
commitments once or twice a week.

2. Can the prayer initiatives also be driven by the
Events in the world or our country ? So that depending
on the need of the hour all of us can unite and pray.

3. It would also be good that we do not limit the
prayer to a single day. It will be great if the same
prayer is repeated over a period of one week. Bcos
some of the problems are so big that it requires an
on-going prayer support(say terrorism/wars). However
let this not be the thumbrule as all of us will not be
able to unite in prayer for the entire week at the
same time.

Love and Prayers

Sanju Joseph.

 --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hi All,
> I would like to suggest another Jesus Youth
> prayer day on Friday the
> 24th of January, 2003. The timing and duration could
> be the same as
> before, namely 15 minutes at 7:30 AM, EST (Eastern
> Standard Time, i.e.
> NY time).
> Intention: Unification of the three Malankara
> Churches.
> As we know,  we celebrate next week as the
> Christian Unity Week. All
> the three Malankara Churches have the apostolic
> tradition from St.
> Thomas the Apostle and have the same liturgical
> format. His Excellency,
> Isaac Mar Cleemis had a great article in the
> Christian publication
> "Sunday Shalom" in which he suggested a workable
> formula for the
> unification of these three Malankara Churches. I
> believe that if we fast
> and pray with great faith, this long cherished dream
> of many saintly
> people could be obtained from our Lord.
> I suggest that when we fast, we should fast our
> addictions and not
> just food alone. It is a very difficult thing to do.
>  For example, for
> some, to abstain from TV on the Super Bowl day would
> be harder than
> abstaining from food for a whole week.
> Please respond with your comments.
> Thank You,
> Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
> Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA.
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> mailing list.
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> To subscribe to the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list

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Re: [JOYnet] Little more enthusiasm, little more zeal......

2003-01-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
The greatest inspiration for me to talk about Jesus is
bcos of what He did for me. Personally if you have
tasted the love of Jesus and His saving grace I think
that will instill enough power in us to share the same
to others.



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[JOYnet] Initial retreat experience - Do we have it still ?

2003-01-23 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 Do you remember the first retreat that you made ?
The point when you made that vital decision to stick
to the Lord and forego all the worldly connections
which you dreaded to lose. It should have been an
amazing experience isn't it ? A decision which would
spark off  a new renewal experience in the Holy Spirit
and new friendships and fellowship. I still vividly
remember my first retreat. It was a wonderful retreat
experience which I share with youngsters. It was a
really good retreat ; but I never made it. This was 10
years back when every commandment given thru Moses was
twisted and turned in my favour. So my loving brother
decided that younger brother needed a break. So a deal
was struck that I attend a closed initial retreat for
college students and that he will accompany me in the
day time and in the nights he will retreat home
joining me the next morning. I was counting stars from
the word "Go". I found the music pathetically bad. I
found the preaching even worse. Bcos my senses and
spirit were tuned to the world. No comparison to all
the heavy metal stuff which I used to hear then. "For
the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit
against the flesh; and these are contrary to one
other, that you may not do the things that you desire"
(Galatians 5:17). That night I went to sleep chewing
my pillow. I remember there were too many mosquitoes
too. The morning there was a session before the
breakfast. My brother did not turn up. "What a
terrible way to cheat ?". I decided no matter how big
the walls I am gonna jump out of this place. So after
the bfast I walked into my room; took my bag and
walked out of the front gate, not forgetting to wish a
Nun passing by . I reached home and woke up my brother
who was still sleeping (his eyes popped out ). I told
him "They felt I am a saint; so no need for a
retreat". After 3 years I was sensible enough to
understand that all the self build forts were getting
destroyed one after the other just bcos I got rid of
one person who needs to keep guard - God himself. So I
attended another retreat out of my own free will;
sitting in the front row. And that was my first
retreat. I testified that Jesus is going to be the
Lord of my life and till date I hold to that testimony
by His grace. I went back home and burnt around 40
heavy metal music albums and started listening gospel
music as a first step. Many other steps continued.

Are you still enjoying the same company with Jesus
bubbling with enthusiasm and interest as your first
encounter ? If not then we have at some point stopped
exploring this Almighty God and His greatness. We need
to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal new dimensions of the
Lord that we are serving through the Word of God. We
need to really live and sleep with the Word of God and
each time we will get new revelations of the God that
we are serving. This in turn will sustain and catalyze
our enthusiasm in the God we serve. Spiritual decay is
dangerous; even more dangerous is a sense of being
spiritually mature and all-knowing. Lets all discover
new dimensions of this awesome God whom we serve. 

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the man of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work."  2 Timothy

It will be good if all of us can share our first
encounter with Jesus.

In Prayers


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[JOYnet] Fornication is a grave sin.

2003-01-23 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear All,

Sharing my line of thought in the discussion regarding
having sex outside (before) marriage .

The best trick that the devil uses to trick Gods
children is to make some sins (especially related to
sex) look very normal. By advocating fornication ; he
is attacking one of the greatest institutions of the
church - Marriage. "For this reason a man will leave
his father and mother and be united to his wife, and
they will become one flesh" (Genesis  2:24) The world
has chose to destroy this beautiful act of Creation by
having unnatural sex. A person having a relationship
with another person enters into this "one flesh"
bondage. He will not be released from this bondage
even after marriage and this bondage normally results
in breaking the marriage itself. The question arises -
"What if I marry the same person ?". It is sin again
as you have committed sexual immorality outside the
chords of marriage. 

"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that
you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you
should learn to control his body in a way that is holy
and honorable, not in passionate lust like the
heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter
no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of
him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we
have already told you and warned you. For God did not
call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.
Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not
reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." (1
Thessalonians 4:3-8)

Some more points from the Catechism of the Catholic
Church :

2353. "Fornication is carnal union between an
unmarried man and an unmarried woman. It is gravely
contrary to the dignity of persons and of human
sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of
spouses and the generation and education of children.
Moreover, it is a grave scandal when there is
corruption of the young. "

1755. "A morally good act requires the goodness of the
object, of the end, and of the circumstances together.
An evil end corrupts the action, even if the object is
good in itself (such as praying and fasting 'in order
to be seen by men'). 
The object of the choice can by itself vitiate an act
in its entirety. There are some concrete acts - such
as fornication - that it is always wrong to choose,
because choosing them entails a disorder of the will,
that is, a moral evil."

2396. "Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are
masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual

1852. "There are a great many kinds of sins. Scripture
provides several lists of them. The Letter to the
Galatians contrasts the works of the flesh with the
fruit of the Spirit: 'Now the works of the flesh are
plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness,
idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger,
selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness,
carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you
before, that those who do such things shall not
inherit the Kingdom of God.'[Gal 5:19-21 ; CE Rom
1:28-32 ; 1 Cor 9-10 ; EPh 5:3-5; Col 3:5-8 ; 1 Tim
9-10 ; 2 Tim 2-5 .]"

1853. "Sins can be distinguished according to their
objects, as can every human act; or according to the
virtues they oppose, by excess or defect; or according
to the commandments they violate. They can also be
classed according to whether they concern God,
neighbor, or oneself; they can be divided into
spiritual and carnal sins, or again as sins in
thought, word, deed, or omission. The root of sin is
in the heart of man, in his free will, according to
the teaching of the Lord: 'For out of the heart come
evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft,
false witness, slander. These are what defile a
man.'[Mt 15:19-20 .] But in the heart also resides
charity, the source of the good and pure works, which
sin wounds"

2534. "The tenth commandment unfolds and completes the
ninth, which is concerned with concupiscence of the
flesh. It forbids coveting the goods of another, as
the root of theft, robbery, and fraud, which the
seventh commandment forbids. 'Lust of the eyes' leads
to the violence and injustice forbidden by the fifth
commandment.[Cf. 1Jn 2:16 ; Mic 2:2 .] Avarice, like
fornication, originates in the idolatry prohibited by
the first three prescriptions of the Law.[Cf. Wis
14:12 .] The tenth commandment concerns the intentions
of the heart; with the ninth, it summarizes all the
precepts of the Law."

In Jesus and Mother Mary

Sanju  Joseph

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[JOYnet] Spiritual Radar and Ballistic Missile Programme.

2003-01-29 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 I often get excited about the strategic missile
shield programme of the US and wonder when India will
have one against the Ghauris of our brothers in
Pakistan. The idea is to detect, intercept and destroy
any Inter Continental Ballistic Missile heading
towards American soil. So many billions seems to have
been invested in this programme. This seems to be a
continuation to the Star Wars programme by President
Ronald Raegan. Let us see the major components of this
programme. (1) Obviously there is a hostile missile
possibly tipped with neuclear warheads. (2) To detect
a hostile missile you need to have a   very powerful
radar system which can discern and detect the incoming
ICBM. A failure in this system can prove very costly;
cos you might as well hit an American Airlines
jetliner on the pretext of hitting the enemy missile.
(3) An interceptor missile - which will be a SAM
(Surface to Air Missile) which will be stealth and
powerful enough to destroy the enemy missile in the
sky itself  at very short notice ! 

 Lets come to the bible. We can see this defence
system at work thousands of years ago - even before
Christ Jesus.  We see how prophet Elishah detects the
movements in the Syrian army camp from miles away and
give necessary directions to the Israel army. "One of
his servants said, No, my lord, O king; but Elisha,
the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel
the words that you speak in your bedroom. " 2 Kings 6
: 12. Let us now try to redefine this defence system
in the spiritual realm. The hostile missile is
whatever comes from the enemy of Gods children, the
devil. He has got a variety of warheads- chemical,
biological , neuclear but in most cases he attacks the
mental realm first - lust filled thoughts, pride,
doubt, fear, worries, anxieties, doubts, confusion,
superiority complex, inferiority complex, hatred,
division etc. etc. The radar system is the discernment
given to us by the power of the Holy Spirt . Identify
the attack from the enemy immediately. Remember the
attack is often stealth and fast; so be equally quick
in realizing the incoming missile. Propel your
interceptor missiles - the prayer, the authority given
to us in the name of Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth(Luke 10 :19), the Blood of Jesus Christ, the
Holy Wounds of Lord Jesus Christ etc. etc. All these
have enough fire power in it to destroy the enemy.
Bros and Sis, we need to have this system on and ready
everytime (reading /sending Joynet mails is also no
exception). It might take time but once this system is
installed the enemy can never rob Gods children of the
peace and happiness that He has promised. 

Prayerful Regards

Sanju Joseph


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[JOYnet] Please pray.

2003-01-30 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  May I request your prayer support for my
cousin(Mom's elder sisters son) Abby Lawrence who is
getting married today on Jan 31st 2003 to Pam in
Malaysia. Pam is of Portugese origin. Please pray that
God may bless them with a happy married life. 

In Christ


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Re: [JOYnet] St. Blase (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

St. Blase is a very powerful intercessor to God
for all suffering from sore throats or throat
infections. So all joynetters having a throat problem
do not forget to call up on his intercession on his
feast day. God bless us! St. Blase pray for us!

In Christ

Sanju Joseph


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Re: [JOYnet] Tithing - whom should I give ?

2003-02-04 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

   I agree with Wilson that there are a lot of
really poor people out there who needs our help. We
need to identify such families, orphanages,
evangelical groups who are really starving for funds.

   Would like to also add the point that the money
we squeeze out for the Lord out of acute shortage is
more valued than what we give from our abundance.
Remember how Jesus complimented the two copper coins
donated by the widow. I remember when I was going
through a really hard time a priest asked for some
help for a poor woman to build her house. I requested
for some more time. I asked the Lord for direction and
the Lord asked me to give an amount. After a few
months I went to meet Fr. Varkey at Koluthuvayal
Retreat Center and there a sister while praying told 
"Sanju, Jesus liked the way you helped the woman for
her house." 

   Another point I would like to add is that we
need to forget what we gave for the Lord. We should
not keep account for the money we had given, as it is
the Lord who keeps account. Each time we give we can
offer that giving with an intention for the conversion
of a soul, to overcome a particular sin in our life ,
for the souls in purgatory etc. All these are points
which will be considered after our death on the day of

   Help given for real poor people with the
intention of one's family cleansing is more powerful
than the masses offered for the departed souls in
purgatory and also for the entire family tree healing
and deliverance. Lord values the way you help feeding
/ clothing the slum children and He appreciates this.

   Another area of giving is our own spiritual
gifts. Why should God bless us with Spiritual gifts ?
It is to be used for building His Kingdom.

Ephesians (4 : 10 - 14)The one who descended is also
the one who ascended far above all the heavens, that
he might fill all things. And he gave some as
apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists,
others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones
for the work of ministry, for building up the body of
Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and
knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the
extent of the full stature of Christ, so that we may
no longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along
by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery,
from their cunning in the interests of deceitful

   So everytime you share something to the Joynet; you
are tithing your spiritual gifts. And the promise is
that you will receive back 100 fold.

Prayers & Blessings


 --- Wilson Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Friends in Christ,
> 2 months before Fr. Sebastian Vechookaroottu visited
> Singapore. He is the
> director of Penuel and Emmanuel Ashrams (Home for
> abandoned mental patience
> and drug addicts) in Thampalakkadu. Some of them
> asked him the same question
> Berly asked. "Whom should I give?". Hope you can
> also find something from
> his answer.
> Every place in Kerala have at least one orphanage or
> charity organization.
> Just locate one or two near your home town and help
> them. If every one help
> like this all these organization in Kerala will not
> have financial problem.
> Currently what happens is all the money is going to
> some very famous
> evangelization centers and they are becoming rich
> while most others
> suffering for their daily bread. So, give a fixed
> portion of your share for
> your hometown and the rest for others
> Praise the Lord
> Wilson Thomas
> Singapore
> - Original Message -
> From: "Berly Earnest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:50 PM
> Subject: [JOYnet] Tithing - whom should I give ?
> > Dear Enthusiastic Netters,
> >
> > I too would like to add few more things on
> tithing.
> >  In our prayer group - there is one chettan who
> has
> > been supporting us with his tithing since past few
> > months(more than a year). What I learnt from him
> was
> > that over the past so many years..he was giving
> his
> > tithe..
> > Most of the time he used to put it in the box
> placed
> > outside the church,Rest he used to wait for people
> to
> > come and ask him(very rarely).
> >  Once when there was money short for one of our
> > programs ,I happenend to ask him for some support
> and
> > he gave cheerfully. Now he does give regularly a
> part
> > of his tithing to our JY activities here.
> >
> >  I am sure there are many around us ,who knows and
> > does give tithe. But where exactly money has to be
> > given ?? It'll be nice if many more can comment on
> > this. Can we arrive at a norm (ofcourse finally
> ,its
> > upto each individual to do what one feels right)
> or
> > few guidelines/hints which will be helpful for us
> to
> > decide where to give the tithing.
> >
> > regards and prayers
> > Berly Earnest/cochin/India

> ===
> > This mail is g

[JOYnet] Prayer for World Peace.

2003-02-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
I just finished a prayer for World peace. Please see
if the same can be used for the Joynet Prayer Day.
Ofcourse, you(the Core team) can edit it before
putting it in the site. Let us start the Count Down.
Heavens should be rejoicing for our prayer initiatives
to bring peace to this world.

Love and prayers


Lord and heavenly Father we offer this beautiful world
you had given for us. The world you loved so much that
you gave your only Son . The world you created so
beautifully and carefully so that we may live in
harmony and peace. We your children cry out to you
Heavenly Father, for protection of this beautiful
world with its diverse race, religions and ethnic
backgrounds. Save this world Heavenly Father from all
catastrophic devastation fought by human beings
against one another. O Lord of every continent, every
nation and every life on earth we call on Your most
Holy Name to redeem the whole creation with Your
Mighty Hand. Send your peace angels led by St. Michael
the Arch Angel to all the strife torn areas in this
world. Demonstrate your power by bringing healing and
peace where hate , pride and arrogance divide your
people; where bitter threats are hurled between world
leaders and where your children take to terrorism and
wars to solve mutual problems.  Lord we bring to you
every world leaders, every organisation striving for
peace and for war; and claim the precious blood of
your son Lord Jesus Christ over them. Let the stubborn
minds melt and let the stiff legs bend down before
Your Majesty. Change their minds , Change their
attitudes and Change their intentions Lord. We bind,
defuse and send to the foot of the Cross in Calvary
every weapon formed by the devil against your children
and this world. We come against all chemical,
neuclear, biological and other lethal weapons formed
by wicked minds; in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. We bind all proud thoughts and actions by
world leaders and people by the wounds of Lord Jesus
Christ. Restore in our hearts the vision of peace, joy
and unity in the world. We cry out Victory in the name
of Jesus Christ ; the name to which all powers,
principalities and dominions in heaven, earth and hell
are humbly submissive.

We all unite together with every soul and saint in
heaven as we pray and dedicate this world and each one
of us to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary. Accept,
O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the sufferings
of all individual human beings, laden with the
sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the power
of the Holy Spirit conquer all sin: individual sin and
the "sin of the world," sin in all its manifestations.
Let there be revealed once more in the history of the
world the infinite saving power of the redemption: the
power of merciful love. May it put a stop to evil. May
it transform consciences. May your Immaculate Heart
reveal for all the light of hope and peace. 

We dedicate all continents into your most holy hands
and bring especially the threat of another war in the
Middle East region. We pray for a root-cause healing
of all the problems there. And May Christians,
Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and every religion, race and
creed in this world cry out "Holy, Holy" in one voice
to you the El Shadai, the Adonai. 

We invoke the army of all heavenly Angels, Arch Angels
and Saints to powerfully intervene, intercede and to
protect this world from the darts of the evil one. 

St. Michael the Arch Angel defend this world and pray
for us.
Sts. Paul and Peter defend this world and pray for us.
St. George defend this world and pray for us.
All the Angels and Saints bring peace to the World.

Jesus Son of David Have Mercy On Us (3 times)

Our Father, Hail Mary , Glory Be.

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Prayer for World Peace - Reworked

2003-02-06 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 There was a suggestion from Abraham Joseph to
include a theme which our Pope John Paul II spoke of
in his address for the Celebration of the World Day of
Peace 1 Jan 2002. It speaks about "NO PEACE WITHOUT
included the same point in the prayer now. We will be
bringing this prayer at the Saturday Night Vigil at
Renewal Retreat Center here in Bangalore. So we will
have nearly 100 youngsters supporting us that night.
Besides, the same will be posted to the Night Vigil
E-group. Please network and garner maximum support for
the prayer initiative as this is indeed a "Clear And
Present Danger". Do not hesitate to forward this
prayer to all the people in your Address Book and ask
them to do the same.

Love and Prayers

So here it goes again.

Prayer for World Peace

In the Name of the Father and Of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit Amen.

Lord and heavenly Father we offer into your Holy
Hands this beautiful world you had created for us. The
world you loved so much, that you gave your only Son
our Lord Jesus Christ so that "every human" will be
saved. The world you created so beautifully and
carefully so that we may live in harmony and peace. We
your children cry out to you Heavenly Father, for
peace and protection in this beautiful world with its
diverse race, religions and ethnic backgrounds. Save
this world Heavenly Father from all catastrophic
devastation fought by human beings against one
another. O Lord of every continent, every nation and
every life on earth we call on Your most Holy Name to
redeem the whole creation with Your Mighty Hand. Send
your legions of  peace angels led by St. Michael the
Arch Angel to all the strife torn areas in this world.
Demonstrate your power by bringing healing and peace,
where hate , pride and arrogance divide your people;
where bitter threats are hurled between world leaders
and where your children take to terrorism and wars to
solve mutual problems.  Lord we bring to you every
world leader, every organisation striving for peace
and for war; and claim the precious blood of your son
Lord Jesus Christ over them. Let the stubborn minds
melt and let the stiff legs bend down before Your
Majesty. Change their minds , Change their attitudes
and Change their intentions Lord. We bind, defuse and
send to the foot of the Cross in Calvary every weapon
formed by the devil against your children and this
world. We come against all chemical, neuclear,
biological and other lethal weapons formed by wicked
minds; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We
bind all proud thoughts and actions by world leaders
and people by the wounds of Lord Jesus Christ. Restore
in our hearts the vision of peace, joy and unity in
the world. We cry out "Victory in the name of Jesus
Christ" ; the name to which all powers, principalities
and dominions in heaven, earth and hell are humbly

We dedicate all continents into your most holy
hands. We bring in a special way the threat of another
war in the Middle East region. We pray for a
root-cause healing of all the problems there. May all
resentment and revenge be replaced by  Love and
Forgiveness . May Human Justice be replaced by Divine
Justice through Forgiveness. Bless the nations with
the grace of Forgiveness, so as to heal and rebuild
troubled human relations from their foundations. And
May Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and every
religion, race and creed in this world cry out "Holy,
Holy" in one voice to you the El Shadai, the Adonai. 

 We all unite together with every soul and saint
in heaven as we pray and dedicate this world and each
one of us to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary.
Accept, O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the
sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with
the sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the
power of the Holy Spirit conquer all sin: individual
sin and the "sin of the world," sin in all its
manifestations. Let there be revealed once more in the
history of the world the infinite saving power of the
redemption: the power of merciful love. May it put a
stop to evil. May it transform consciences. May your
Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope and

We invoke the army of all heavenly Angels, Arch
Angels and Saints to powerfully intervene, intercede
and to protect this world from the darts of the evil

St. Michael the Arch Angel defend this world and
pray for us. 
Sts. Paul and Peter defend this world and pray for
St. George defend this world and pray for us.
All the Angels and Saints bring peace to the

Jesus Son of David Have Mercy On Us (3 times)

Our Father, Hail Mary , Glory Be.

This mail is

[JOYnet] JOYNet is praying for World Peace From Today.. Lets Join Hands.

2003-02-06 Thread Sanju Joseph
Final Version of the Joynet Prayer for Peace.

Prayer for World Peace

In the Name of the Father and Of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit Amen.

Lord and heavenly Father we offer into your Holy
Hands this beautiful world you had created for us. The
world you loved so much, that you gave your only Son
our Lord Jesus Christ so that "every human" will be
saved. The world you created so beautifully and
carefully, so that we may live in harmony and peace.
We your children cry out to you Heavenly Father, for
peace and protection in this beautiful world with its
diverse race, religions and ethnic backgrounds. Save
this world Heavenly Father from all catastrophic
devastation fought by human beings against one
another. O Lord of every continent, every nation and
every life on earth we call on Your most Holy Name to
redeem the whole creation with Your Mighty Hand. Send
your legions of  peace angels led by St. Michael the
Arch Angel to all the strife torn areas in this world.
Demonstrate your power by bringing healing and
peace, where hate , pride and arrogance divide your
people; where bitter threats are hurled between world
leaders and where your children take to terrorism and
wars to solve mutual problems.  Lord we bring to you
every world leader, every organisation striving for
peace and for war; and claim the precious blood of
your son Lord Jesus Christ over them. Let the stubborn
minds melt and let the stiff legs bend down before
Your Majesty. Change their minds , Change their
attitudes and Change their intentions Lord. We
bind, defuse and send to the foot of the Cross in
Calvary every weapon formed by the devil against your
children and this world. We come against all chemical,
neuclear, biological and other lethal weapons formed
by wicked minds; in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. We bind all proud thoughts and actions by
world leaders and people by the wounds of Lord Jesus
Christ.Restore in our hearts the vision of peace, joy
and unity in the world. We cry out "Victory in the
name of Jesus Christ" ; the name to which all powers,
principalities and dominions in heaven, earth and hell
are humbly submissive.

We dedicate all continents into your most holy
hands. We bring in a special way the threat of another
war in the Middle East region. We specially bring to 
you Iraq, the USA, Israel and all other countries in
the Gulf Region. We bring the leaders and decision
makers in these countries - military and political
before you; and pray for a renewal of their minds 
by the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for a
root-cause healing of all the problems in this region.
May all resentment and revenge be replaced by  Love
and Forgiveness . May Human Justice be replaced by
Divine Justice through Forgiveness. Bless the nations
with the grace of Forgiveness, so as to heal and
rebuild troubled human relations from their
foundations. And May every Religion, Race and Creed in
this world cry out "Holy, Holy" in one voice to you
the El Shadai, the Adonai.

 We all unite together with every soul and saint
in heaven as we pray and dedicate this world and each
one of us to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary.
Accept, O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the
sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with
the sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the
power of the Holy Spirit conquer all sin: individual
sin and the "sin of the world," sin in all its
manifestations. Let there be revealed once more in the
history of the world the infinite saving power of the
redemption: the power of merciful love. May it put a
stop to evil. May it transform consciences. May your
Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope and

We invoke the army of all heavenly Angels, Arch
Angels and Saints to powerfully intervene, intercede
and to protect this world from the darts of the evil
one. We offer our request for peace in this world
through every Mass and Eucharistic worship done all
across the world today.

St. Michael the Arch Angel defend this world and
pray for us.

Sts. Paul and Peter defend this world and pray for

St. George defend this world and pray for us.

All the Angels and Saints bring Peace and Good
News to the World.

Jesus Son of David Have Mercy On Us (3 times)

Our Father, Hail Mary , Glory Be.

John 17:9-26 

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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[JOYnet] Please pray for the missionaries.

2003-02-09 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

A few weeks ago I had mailed you all about a Church
pastor (Babu Chettan) who works in North India among
Hindus and Muslims. I seek your prayer support for him
and his ministry. As their life is under serious
threat from the Shiv Sainiks. It seems the whole
township in which he works is full of sorcerers. And
people in large numbers are getting delivered from
this evil therefore bringing financial loss to the
sorcerers. One of the evangelist Sunil who was
delivered from this evil, and now working incessantly
against this evil has come under their attack. The
sorcerers have influenced and joined hands with the
Shiv Sainiks to attack the evangelists and preachers.
They have threatened to kill them. Please take some
time to pray for Babu chettan and his ministry there.
Also for the people who are instigating trouble that
they will know God and accept Jesus as their only God
and Saviour. The names are - Shyam Baba, Bhawani Singh
Rathore, Ravi and Chetan Singh (whose sister had an
evil  afflication was healed by the Lord and both
husband and wife are believers now) .  Since this was
an urgent prayer request; I thought I will plead your
prayers right away  - as we all know we are praying
for World Peace now.I think we need to pray for all
the missionaries and the religious working in tough
and hostile conditions to spread the Kingdom of God,
as part of one of our Joynet Prayer Days. Many of our
JY brethren also work in these conditions in the North
and the North East part of India.They all need our

In prayers

Sanju Joseph


This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Old Priest = Wisdom Unlimited.

2003-02-10 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

Even before coming into the renewal; I used to
maintain a fairly good relation with old priests and
nuns. Maybe bcos I was very close to my grandmother
and never got to meet my grandpas. And one thing I
used to do after the conversation is to kneel down and
ask them to pray a blessing over me. And when they
pray I make a silent prayer to myself - "Lord I claim
the power of all the masses said by this father so
that I will receive your mercy and blessings." Going
by this rule - Old priest means more masses which in
turn means more blessings :-))).   Often this happens;
after my confession after the priest absolves the sin
(in a rich Latin language). I know a lot of such old
priests most of them Jesuits bcos we(Dad, brother and
myself) were always closely attached to the Jesuit
institutions. Let me share my experiences however with
3 priests - old and rich in spirituality.

First, is a Jesuit priest from Mangalore - retired
Department Head of Literature, St Josephs College
Trichy. I woke him up in the middle of the night
during one of my tough days and begged for confession.
A relation which went on from strength to strength for
the past 4 years. This man was a real source of
knowledge on any given subject. Often we meet up and
talk for an hour atleast once in 2 weeks. He was the
person who was to a large extent responsible in
helping me to appreciate the value of the Catholic
Church - its powerful and time tested doctrines. He
sniffed somehow that me and my brother was inclined
towards the renewal movement; of which he was not so
much impressed. He forced both of us to get the book
on "Catechism of the Catholic Church". A decision we
will never regret. Each time he used to ask me in rich
Oxford accent - "Did you get that black book ? " and
while discussing the Gospel passages - "Know your
gospel; Boy!". He was not gifted with rich gifts and
charisms of the Holy Spirit but defenitely he was
blessed with the wisdom, understanding and most of all
HUMILITY from the Holy Spirit.

Second is an old parish priest. I used to visit him
once in a while, again for confession. I would like to
remember one of those days when after the confession I
requested him to pray over me. He laid the Holy
Vestment (the holy cloth which runs over their
shoulders)on my head and placed a crucifix over it.
And he made a powerful prayer over me. I felt some
birds flying off my head as he was praying :-) And
then he blessed me with Holy Water. It was an amazing
and powerful experience.

The third is Fr. C J Varkey whom some of you might be
knowing as the persons behind Nirmala Retreat Center
at Koluthuvayal, Calicut. He is God's gift for me and
also for many people. A visit to his house was almost
as though I went into a land of spiritual warfare. A
man powerful with the gifts and charisms of the Holy
Spirit. All throughout the praying over, he was
drawing crosses in my forehead. At the end of which I
was healed of a long problem of throat ailment. I was
able to learn many things from this humble priest and
most of all the protection one will receive by the
prayers to Mother Mary. I also realised the power of
all those old(and sometimes forgotten ?) catholic
prayers to St. Michael, St. George, Guardian Angel,
"Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary" so as  to
defeat the enemy.

Let us always remember that a priest in the
Eucharistic Celebration through the sacrament of Holy
Orders represents Christ Himself who is present to his
Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock,
high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of

Let us also understand that they are also Human beings
attacked by sin and who needs our constant prayers and

"This presence of Christ in the minister is not to be
understood as if the latter were preserved from all
human weaknesses, the spirit of domination, error,
even sin. The power of the Holy Spirit does not
guarantee all acts of ministers in the same way. While
this guarantee extends to the sacraments, so that even
the minister's sin cannot impede the fruit of grace,
in many other acts the minister leaves human traces
that are not always signs of fidelity to the Gospel
and consequently can harm the apostolic fruitfulness
of the Church. " (Catechism of the Catholic Church).


Sanju Joseph

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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Power of Joynet Prayers !! Re: [JOYnet] Please pray for the missionaries.

2003-02-10 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 Lets all realize the power of our prayers. A
snippet of the mail I got from babu chettan now.


Please pray pray pray pray pray pray that
something will happen here, as my wish is that these
people will propagate the gospel, where, they are
making hindrence to reach the gospel. Two person of
that group already tasted the healing and deliverance
from the Lord, during a prayer meeting held in their
area. Their names are Chetan Singh and Bhawani

 Late News
 Praise the Lord, when I was starting to send this
mail, a phone call came from one of beleiver Mr Laxmi
Narayan that, Bhawani Shankar and other five people
were arrested by the policce for some criminal case as
they were involved somewhere in last week. Praise the
Lord. Lord is working.
 Plase do continue to pray for us and our
ministry, as my prayer is that all will come to the
Lord very soon.


Thanks for your prayers . Pls continue to pray.

Love and prayers


 --- Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Bros and Sis,
> A few weeks ago I had mailed you all about a Church
> pastor (Babu Chettan) who works in North India among
> Hindus and Muslims. I seek your prayer support for
> him
> and his ministry. As their life is under serious
> threat from the Shiv Sainiks. It seems the whole
> township in which he works is full of sorcerers. And
> people in large numbers are getting delivered from
> this evil therefore bringing financial loss to the
> sorcerers. One of the evangelist Sunil who was
> delivered from this evil, and now working
> incessantly
> against this evil has come under their attack. The
> sorcerers have influenced and joined hands with the
> Shiv Sainiks to attack the evangelists and
> preachers.
> They have threatened to kill them. Please take some
> time to pray for Babu chettan and his ministry
> there.
> Also for the people who are instigating trouble that
> they will know God and accept Jesus as their only
> God
> and Saviour. The names are - Shyam Baba, Bhawani
> Singh
> Rathore, Ravi and Chetan Singh (whose sister had an
> evil  afflication was healed by the Lord and both
> husband and wife are believers now) .  Since this
> was
> an urgent prayer request; I thought I will plead
> your
> prayers right away  - as we all know we are praying
> for World Peace now.I think we need to pray for all
> the missionaries and the religious working in tough
> and hostile conditions to spread the Kingdom of God,
> as part of one of our Joynet Prayer Days. Many of
> our
> JY brethren also work in these conditions in the
> North
> and the North East part of India.They all need our
> prayers. 
> In prayers
> Sanju Joseph
> Bangalore.

> This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth
> mailing list.
> For more info on the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
> To unsubscribe from the list send a mail to
> To subscribe to the list visit
> http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet/join
> In case of any issue related to the mailing list

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[JOYnet] Re: [Joynet] Falling in love before mariage is wrong

2003-02-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  I think it is perfectly fine to fall in love
before marriage. I would not have been mailing this
piece if that theory was wrong :-) Cos my Dad and Mom
knew each other before they got wed-locked. Praise the

   But if this so called LOVE :-) turns into LUST
:-( then you are asking for trouble. As lust comes
from the evil one and can lead you to the sin of

   No relationship should surpass our relationship
with God; as they become idols in our life. Our God is
a Jealous God who will not tolerate any relationship
that surpasses our relationship with Him. St. Paul
speaks about this - " I am Jealous for you, JUST AS
GOD IS; you are like a pure virgin whom I have
promised you in marriage to one man only, Christ
Himself" 2 Cor 11 : 2

  We will be directly violating the First
Commandment if the priority given to a person exceeds
the priority given to God. 

   A word of caution however. There is only one
commandment which has a blessing associated with it
among the ten commandments "You do this and you will
get this". It is highly recommended and sensible not
to lose out on this blessing in the process. "Honor
your father and mother as the Lord has commanded you.
Then you will live a long time, and things will go
well for you in the land that the Lord your God is
going to give you". Fourth Commandment!! 

I think we had a discussion on similar lines before.

Prayerful Regards

Sanju Joseph

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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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Re: [JOYnet] Is poverty a curse???????????

2003-02-24 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  God do allow sufferings in our life so as to
build our character, so that His children will be
tempered and made strong in faith; in the furnace of
adversity. God can use our sufferings and penance for
the redemption of many souls in our own family and
people around us. Sufferings builds Humility within
us, it gives us Perseverance and Endurance and also
helps to Glorify His name among other unbelievers. It
is sad but true that some TV evangelizers cross all
boundaries to classify these Christian sufferings and
financial problems under the category of evils

   Factors like Unforgiveness, Disobedience to the
Word of God, Lack of repentance can all keep
prosperity away from Gods Children. But at the same
time; it will be an erroneous decision if we are going
to trash completely the theory that Satan can affect
our Prosperity and Good Health. Devil can steal
prosperity from the Children of God. Do you have a
doubt on this ? Lets go to the vision of Daniel in
chapter 10 . We see how the Angel of God who was
supposed to bring Daniel - peace, assurance, strength
and the message of God was blocked by the angel of
Persia for 21 days. The angel continues to say that
St. Michael the Arch Angel (Our good old and strong
Maiky) comes to his rescue and fights the kings of
persia. The angel goes on to say that on his return he
has got to fight again the prince of persia again and
also the prince of Greece. And that "No one supports
me against all these except Michael, your prince". Let
us be aware of this factor also.

In Christ 


 --- John Bala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi JY,
>   Its sad to hear alot of new generation
> preachers
> on radio and televition preach and say poverty is a
> curse,and just last week one of such preachers
> repeated this same comment on tv and ive been
> thinking
> since then and so i decided to check for the
> dictionary defination and this is how the Oxford
> mini
> reference dictionary defines poverty (state of being
> poor,scarcity,lack;inferiority).Its sad still to
> know
> that many fellow catholics are buying that idea as a
> brother catholic made this same comment last week
> and
> so i want your comments on this.Thanks
> __
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[JOYnet] Break down before the Lord

2003-03-05 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sisters in Christ,

  As we are entering the lenten season; I would
like to share a few thoughts that crossed my mind on
the need for breaking our self before the Lord. There
might be phases in our life when we are going through
overwhelming problems -broken relationships, dire
financial situations, a long jobless situation, a very
poor marital life etc. Do we take these problems in a
positive manner knowing the fact that the Lord
permitted it so that you will be a better person
purified by this problem ? Or are we looking at these
problems with an IRON HEART thinking that come what
may I will endure this with a SUPER-MAN attitude and
by our own merits ? If this is the case it is time for

   Today being Ash Wednesday; let us also look
into the relevance of  ash in this breaking down
process. We see many characters in the Bible specially
in the Old testament finding favour with the Lord
immediately when they went to the Lord with a sober
heart especially after they have sinned.
Interestingly, Ash(and Sack Cloth) was always part of
their repentance and breaking down process and was a
symbol of humility and unconditional surrender to God.
We see how King David after his sin and condemnation
went to the Lord fasting wearing sack cloth and
covering himself with Ash. We also see Job breaking
his self by running into His presence also the same
way. We also see Joshua breaking down before the Lord
when the Israeli army faces defeat from their enemies.

   Some points worthy to note and common in all
the cases are :

1.  The breaking down was also associated with a
pleading for mercy and TRUE REPENTANCE from their

( Bcos King David's repentance was so great; we got
one of the best books in the Bible called the PSALMS

2.  God acted immediately and changed His plans each
and everytime someone went on their knees and cried. 
( The Lord said to Joshua , "Stand up! Why are you
down on your face ?".) 

3.  A new strength and confidence dawns into the
person who opens up all his weakness completely to the
(Job's fortune is restored twice after He endured
Lords test; An angel comes to strengthen Jesus at the
garden of Gethsamene after His painful time of prayer;
Joshua goes ahead winning all the battles he fought -
kingdoms were falling before him one after the other
etc. etc. )
Even now, declares the Lord; "Return to Me with
all your heart, with fasting and weeping and
mourning." Rend your heart and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and
compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love,
and He relents from sending calamity." Joel 2 : 12-13.

 No; we are not serving a God who loves to see
tears. But the Bible testifies so many people who
cried out bitterly to the Lord and found favour in His
presence. It is necessary to transfer our problems
into tears so as to get a complete inner healing and
God expects this from us for a wholesome healing and

A true breaking down process is guided by the Holy
Spirit and makes us more closer to God. This process
is sublime and is contrary to self condemnation and
self pitying which comes from the evil one. And so we
see how St. Peter after denying Jesus 3 times wept
bitterly and goes on to become the Captain of the
Church. And Judas weeps bitterly and finds his way to
the tree. 

 Also breaking down before the Lord helps the Holy
Spirit to heal so many Inner wounds we carry even with
out us knowing it.

  So dear Joynet bros and sis this is the time and
this is the hour for us - " Come, let us return to the
Lord. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has
wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us
after two days; on the third day He will raise us up,
that we may live before Him. So let us know, let us
press on to know the Lord." Hosea 6 : 1-3

Have a Blessed Lent Time!

Love and Prayers

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Re: [JOYnet] Testimony - The power of Rosary

2003-03-06 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

Got to write something when it is about Mama Mary.
So here are some of my experiences. I think my
relationship with Mother Mary has grown from strength
to strength over the years by the grace of God. And
now I run unto her as a powerful intercessor and a
protector from the wiles of the enemy. Thanks to the
wonderful directions given to all of us by Her during
the powerful apparitions happening at Medjugorje and
many other parts of the world.
 Right from my school days by Gods grace I used to
be among the scoring students. But never ever in my
entire years of  education had I got the 1st rank ie
to top a class or a batch ; except for once. That was
when I was in my 7th standard. I used to have a strong
bonding with Our Lady right from my childhood thanks
to my Grandmother. One night after my prayers I went
to bed and was just about to sleep when i saw a bright
white light and I knew it was Our Lady. Those were
times when Charismatic renewal - visions and gifts was
never heard of. She told me - "Ninakku Rank Kittum".
(You will get a rank). No first , second or third but
just "a rank". I immediately woke up and felt a little
angry with Our Lady thinking that she addressed me as
"Ninakku" cos I love to be called as "Mon" (Son/Sonny)
if it is some one very close to my heart :-). When the
exam results came for the first time in my life; and
never again I got my First Rank.

 Also during school days I used to bike to my
school. I was hit and thrown up by a high speed
Yamaha. During my aerodynamic flight thru the sky I
called - "Our Lady". I landed on a soft patch and had
no major injuries. I remember how the entire school
including the Princy came running to me. A sort of 
(limbing) hero I was ! Thanks to Our Lady!!

 Even during my hey days at college. I ensured
that I made my prayer to Our Lady before I hit the bed
after a real tough days work :-):-):-)

  I started realizing the power of Our Lady and
her powerful protection when I started praying the
Memorare ("Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary").
After going deep into catholic renewal ministries I
came to know from ministers and people of God the
power of the Rosary in breaking the enemy. A very
intimate friend of mine was sharing his experience
where the preacher with him was praying for a woman
possed with an evil spirit. He was there supporting
the preacher. The preacher took out the Rosary and
when the woman saw the Rosary she started trembling
with fear and produced some awkward sounds. When the
rosary was brought near her she started saying - "mary
matha .. mary matha ". And when the rosary touched her
body it was as though hot fire pieces was put over her
body. The entire deliverance happened using the Rosary
and powerful praises to Lord Jesus Christ.

  Another experience I would like to share,
happened a few weeks before. When I was in the church
after the morning mass; a big black bee came and
started revolving round my head in big circles. The
other time this happened was when I came back after
giving a session on Spiritual warfare at Infant Jesus.
I was praying with the Rosary in my hand then. I felt
Our Lady saying - "Use my Rosary as a whip". No I did
not try hitting the bee with my Rosary :-) But I just
said in a very soft voice ; might look crazy as well -
" You come near me ; I will hit you with the Rosary".
And there goes the bee out of the Chruch. yaho!

  So many eperiences with Mother Mary!!!Praise
God! My prayer is that if there is just one person
standing on earth faithful to Our Lady let it be me. I
am sure that situation will never arise; cos She is so
proactive and busy now a days; drawing people to his
son our Lord Jesus Christ. Truly "Blessed among all
women" . I know some youth who pray 20 rosaries daily
I sure envy them. Ave Maria!

Love n Prayers

 --- Tina Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
> Just like Prejomy, I too had a wonderful experience
> yesterday. As you must
> know, there was a private bus strike and I am the
> last person you'd find on
> a KSRTC bus, simply because whenever I get into one
> I always end up in the
> wrong place.
> But since I had to attend class ( being journalism
> students mean that you've
> got to reach the institute no matter what, and once
> I was forced to walk the
> entire 3 kilometers), I was forced to get up from my
> warm bed and leave. At
> the bus stop I waited for 5 minutes, then 10
> minutes, and still no bus. My
> first thoughts were about my principal who would
> scold me if I arrived after
> him.
> Then I remembered how people had told me to pray to
> Mother Mary when in
> trouble. My cousin had told me recently about the
> relevance of praying to
> our Mother, and I remembered all that. In those few
> seconds, I recalled too,
> the time when, at a conference my uncle had suddenly
> disappeared. I
> remembering his words, had begun saying Hail Marys,
> when lo and behold.. he
> was there in front of me, l

[JOYnet] Way of the Cross - A Beautiful Catholic Devotion.

2003-03-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  The Way of the Cross is a beautiful devotion
given to us by the Catholic Church . During this lent
season; as we are steadfastly observing our fasting
and other prayers I urge you dear brothers and sisters
to include the Way of the Cross as part of your
prayers. It is powerful,assuring and gives one a new
hope of Resurrection and Strength. Last 2 weeks
was so tight and hectic for me with the design of a
new project. And above all this; I felt a pain
somewhere bcos of some people and situations. I was
struggling with this pain when the Holy Spirit put
into my mind something which one of my cousin advised
me years before. He was saying - " When you
have overwhelming problems around you, do not struggle
with it. Discern whether the Lord wants you to take up
that cross and follow him. If so ask for more strength
from the Lord to carry the cross and then you will
your cross very light". And then I started the Way of
the Cross(in Prayer). Oh Boy! That made a real change
in my life and I was smiling at my problems in
victory. There was no let up in problems ! But God
gave me the strength to carry the cross! And also to
snub at it by comparing the triviality of the same
with the passion of our Lord as described in the
stations of the Way of the Cross!

The Way of the Cross taught me to
experience the pain that Jesus went thru station by
station - the terrible wounds inflicted by the
soldiers, the thorns that tore his flesh, the weight
of the cross over his shoulders, the insulting
language of the soldiers, the way he fell down
bleeding his knees, the crucifixion.. Huge sufferings
which I had to undergo; but thankfully transferred to
His own Son by God ! I try to be among those women and
kind people who were following Jesus in the way to
Calvary along with Mother Mary

The second point is that it taught me a lot.
Lord Jesus was quiet, resolved and humbly agreeing to
Gods will.  He knew that there was Resurrection. He
forgives those who who hurts him. He does not forgets
His mother even when under tremendous sufferings and
dedicated her to the care of His trusted disciple. And
it taught me more about His boundless love...

Looking for rewards from heaven ... ? A regular
devotion to the Way of the Cross is an assured way.
Here are some of the promises the Lord Himself gave
to Brother Estanislao (1903-1927) regarding the Way of

1. I'll grant everything that's asked of Me with
Faith, when making The Way of The Cross.
2. I promise Eternal Life to those who pray from time
to time, The Way of The Cross.
3. I'll follow them everywhere in life and I'll help
them, especially at the hour of death.
4. Even if they have more sins than blades of grass in
the fields, and grains of sand in the sea, all of them
will be erased by The Way of The Cross. (Note: This
promise doesn't eliminate the obligation to confess
mortal sins, and this, before we can receive Holy
5. Those who pray The Way of The Cross often, will
have a special glory in Heaven.
6. I'll deliver them from Purgatory, indeed if they go
there at all, the first Tuesday or Friday after their
7. I'll bless them at each Way of The Cross, and My
blessing will follow them everywhere on earth and,
after their death, in Heaven for all eternity.
8. At the hour of death I won't permit the devil to
tempt them; I'll lift all power from him in order that
they'll repose tranquilly in My Arms.
9. If they pray it with true love, I'll make of each
one of them a living Ciborium in which it will please
Me to pour My grace.
10. I'll fix My Eyes on those who pray The Way of The
Cross often; My hands will always be open to protect
11. As I am nailed to the Cross, so also will I always
be with those who honour Me in making The Way of The
Cross frequently.
12. They'll never be able to separate themselves from
Me, for I'll give them the grace never again to commit
a mortal sin.
13. At the hour of death I'll console them with My
Presence and we'll go together to Heaven. Death will
be sweet to all those who have honoured Me
during their lives by praying The Way of The Cross.
14. My Soul will be a protective shield for them, and
will always help them, whenever they have recourse.

So Joynet; lets Join Jesus by making the Way of the
Cross a part of our daily prayers... May God bless and
make this Lent a special one. And do keep
me in you prayers.

Love and Prayers

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[JOYnet] Way of the Cross - A Beautiful Catholic Devotion.

2003-03-20 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  The Way of the Cross is a beautiful devotion
given to us by the Catholic Church . During this lent
season; as we are steadfastly observing our fasting
and other prayers I urge you dear brothers and sisters
to include the Way of the Cross as part of your
prayers. It is powerful,assuring and gives one a new
hope of Resurrection and Strength. Last 2 weeks
was so tight and hectic for me with the design of a
new project. And above all this; I felt a pain
somewhere bcos of some people and situations. I was
struggling with this pain when the Holy Spirit put
into my mind something which one of my cousin advised
me years before. He was saying - " When you
have overwhelming problems around you, do not struggle
with it. Discern whether the Lord wants you to take up
that cross and follow him. If so ask for more strength
from the Lord to carry the cross and then you will
your cross very light". And then I started the Way of
the Cross(in Prayer). Oh Boy! That made a real change
in my life and I was smiling at my problems in
victory. There was no let up in problems ! But God
gave me the strength to carry the cross! And also to
snub at it by comparing the triviality of the same
with the passion of our Lord as described in the
stations of the Way of the Cross!

The Way of the Cross taught me to
experience the pain that Jesus went thru station by
station - the terrible wounds inflicted by the
soldiers, the thorns that tore his flesh, the weight
of the cross over his shoulders, the insulting
language of the soldiers, the way he fell down
bleeding his knees, the crucifixion.. Huge sufferings
which I had to undergo; but thankfully transferred to
His own Son by God ! I try to be among those women and
kind people who were following Jesus in the way to
Calvary along with Mother Mary

The second point is that it taught me a lot.
Lord Jesus was quiet, resolved and humbly agreeing to
Gods will.  He knew that there was Resurrection. He
forgives those who who hurts him. He does not forgets
His mother even when under tremendous sufferings and
dedicated her to the care of His trusted disciple. And
it taught me more about His boundless love...

Looking for rewards from heaven ... ? A regular
devotion to the Way of the Cross is an assured way.
Here are some of the promises the Lord Himself gave
to Brother Estanislao (1903-1927) regarding the Way of

1. I'll grant everything that's asked of Me with
Faith, when making The Way of The Cross.
2. I promise Eternal Life to those who pray from time
to time, The Way of The Cross.
3. I'll follow them everywhere in life and I'll help
them, especially at the hour of death.
4. Even if they have more sins than blades of grass in
the fields, and grains of sand in the sea, all of them
will be erased by The Way of The Cross. (Note: This
promise doesn't eliminate the obligation to confess
mortal sins, and this, before we can receive Holy
5. Those who pray The Way of The Cross often, will
have a special glory in Heaven.
6. I'll deliver them from Purgatory, indeed if they go
there at all, the first Tuesday or Friday after their
7. I'll bless them at each Way of The Cross, and My
blessing will follow them everywhere on earth and,
after their death, in Heaven for all eternity.
8. At the hour of death I won't permit the devil to
tempt them; I'll lift all power from him in order that
they'll repose tranquilly in My Arms.
9. If they pray it with true love, I'll make of each
one of them a living Ciborium in which it will please
Me to pour My grace.
10. I'll fix My Eyes on those who pray The Way of The
Cross often; My hands will always be open to protect
11. As I am nailed to the Cross, so also will I always
be with those who honour Me in making The Way of The
Cross frequently.
12. They'll never be able to separate themselves from
Me, for I'll give them the grace never again to commit
a mortal sin.
13. At the hour of death I'll console them with My
Presence and we'll go together to Heaven. Death will
be sweet to all those who have honoured Me
during their lives by praying The Way of The Cross.
14. My Soul will be a protective shield for them, and
will always help them, whenever they have recourse.

So Joynet; lets Join Jesus by making the Way of the
Cross a part of our daily prayers... May God bless and
make this Lent a special one. And do keep
me in you prayers.

Love and Prayers

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[JOYnet] 1000 Joynetters = 1000 St. Paul's.

2003-03-25 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

 Yesterday night we had the Core team meeting of
the Saturday Night Vigil Core. I would like to share
with all of you, something which was shared by one of
the members.

He had attended a session by a famous preacher
from the Protestant Church. He was a powerful preacher
who works in North India. I was amazed at this
person's drive and zeal to spread the Kingdom of God.
He was saying - 

"I will send my eldest son to the Gentiles to preach
the Kingdom of God in North India. They will persecute
him and kill him and I will praise the Lord"

"Then I will send my second son to preach the Kingdom
of God. They will kill him too and I will praise the

" I will send my third son and he will also meet with
the same fate."

He points his fingers to the audience and says, 

Boom!! It hits you when it is your son, right...? I
guess not for this man.. Who knows about the Banqouet
prepared for him and his son in Heaven!

Isn't it delightful to know that there are still
people out there who lives what St. Paul said in
Romans 8 : 35 - 37

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall
trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or
nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For
your sake we face death all day long; we are
considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all
these things we are more than conquerors through him
who loved us. "

Will not this equation look great ??

1000 Joynetters = 1000 St. Paul's ;

Love and Prayers

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