2002-07-23 Thread divine_luv

Dear JYs
I have been following some of the mails on Suicide and I wish to share my views as 
I remember the time when my aunt (mom's sister) had committed suicide when I was very 
small. I didnt know then what Suicide was. I remember when I asked around why a person 
commits suicide I was given to understand that 'suicide' was another form of 'being a 
coward', a person unable to stand up to the challenges of life. For me the word 
'coward' was very strong. Because no one likes being called a 'coward' or a 'darpok'.
It was only later as I grew up did I realise what actually facing life and it 
challenges meant. That how easy it was to think of suicide when things didnt go ur way 
as Welchy had mentioned in her mail.
For me I guess Committing a sin is like betraying Jesus. And we do read in the gospels 
there were two Apostles who betrayed Jesus. Both were aware that what they did was 
wrong. One repented and the other committed Suicide. The one who repented became a 
great apostle and the other we know his fate when he committed suicide. There is still 
hope in repentance and I guess if we commit suicide we lose out on this this hope. 
Now I have read the other mails and I do agree that in light of some facts we should 
share it with our spiritual fathers. I also do agree that we should not misinterpret 
the Holy Scripture. 
However I totally disagree that this should prevent us from sharing any such topics 
out here. It may deter some. But on the flip side we can gain valuable knowledge and 
experience from those whose faith are strong in Christ and have gone through such 
experience as Father Thomas has mentioned. I remember my brother telling me how useful 
the discussion of "taking prasad" which was shared out here was. On quoting 
scriptures. I do personally disagree with the fact that we should not quote them at 
all. How would we know what we are quoting is in the wrong context if we dont quote 
them at all. And I do see that we have so many wonderful Word ministers here that 
should we falter they are there to correct us. Right Ravi :)

in prayers, 


"Bonny Thomas" wrote:

I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his its time to close this chapter 
as this is getting out of focusmoreover i would repeat as Baiju advised that we 
should get advise before we come to conclusions on topics like this and putting it 
over joynet.

regards, bonny
-Original Message-
From: Baiju.T.F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 July 2002 08:23
Subject: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

I have been privileged to go through most of the mails posted on Joynet about
suicide. I have a strong feeling, now that, the time has come to put an end to
that particular. The reason being, the subject has gone out of our hands as I
could see mis-interpretation of the Sacred Scripture.

God has a particular reason for writing all those words in the Holy Bible and
if we are trying to give our own explanations, we are trying to conquer the
wisdom and intelligence of God the Father, which is quite impossible. By human
mis-interpretations we are also sending wrong signals to certain class of
people who are very much vulnerable to what they read in Joynet.

Our dear friend Ravi has already written about it.

Forgive me if I am questioning your liberty to write your comments on joynet.
At the same time, I have a suggestions to make; before we put our comments
with Scripture quotes on highly explosive subjects like suicide, murder, rape,
abortion, homosexuality, etc. on Joynet let us seek the advice of our
Spiritual Fathers as we are not sure in what context the readers will take as
they will not be that much Spirit filled as the authors.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten our wisdom & understanding,

With Love & Prayers,


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2002-07-23 Thread Bonny Thomas

I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his its time to close this chapter 
as this is getting out of focusmoreover i would repeat as Baiju advised that we 
should get advise before we come to conclusions on topics like this and putting it 
over joynet.

regards, bonny
-Original Message-
From: Baiju.T.F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 July 2002 08:23
Subject: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

I have been privileged to go through most of the mails posted on Joynet about
suicide. I have a strong feeling, now that, the time has come to put an end to
that particular. The reason being, the subject has gone out of our hands as I
could see mis-interpretation of the Sacred Scripture.

God has a particular reason for writing all those words in the Holy Bible and
if we are trying to give our own explanations, we are trying to conquer the
wisdom and intelligence of God the Father, which is quite impossible. By human
mis-interpretations we are also sending wrong signals to certain class of
people who are very much vulnerable to what they read in Joynet.

Our dear friend Ravi has already written about it.

Forgive me if I am questioning your liberty to write your comments on joynet.
At the same time, I have a suggestions to make; before we put our comments
with Scripture quotes on highly explosive subjects like suicide, murder, rape,
abortion, homosexuality, etc. on Joynet let us seek the advice of our
Spiritual Fathers as we are not sure in what context the readers will take as
they will not be that much Spirit filled as the authors.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten our wisdom & understanding,

With Love & Prayers,


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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide closely linked Unpleasant Sufferings

2002-07-22 Thread dexon john netto

Dear friends..,

Somehow I was reluctent to use the word 'suicide'.

Simply b`cos it is a 'revenge' of hopeless against God.

But 'Life is the reward of hopefull from God...

Jesus welcomes all towards Him so the "All may have Life"

Not simple life but "Life in its fullness"

As Welchy said,once I thought about that...,

but now I realise by His grace the value of sufferings

Nothing can make me now to think about that 'phase'that

I `ve to quit from this Abundant Life,But I wish to Die really...

So that I can be with my Lord always ...Its my real Joy to be in Heaven

(Free from all sufferings and enter the Eternal rest)

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.

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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-17 Thread seena John

Dear Friends,

The following verse indicates that Our Lord went to the imprisoned
spirits who lived before Jesus came to earth, so that, by the word
preached to them, they too might have the chance to live. Just think, how
could God be impartial, and let only those souls after Christ cameto
earth, be saved  ? The people who lived before Christ came on earth did
not know him or that belief in Christ  was salvation itself. So Our good
God, who is impartail, went up to the imprisoned spirts after the work of
salvation was done, so that they too would have a chance to know the
saving grace. And so that during judgement, no one could say that they
did not know Christ, and so be judged as per their belief or unbelief.
1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 ..stated that God preaches to those who are already
dead so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as
spirits. In short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.

In Christ,seena

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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-17 Thread seena John
 ask for forgiveness... 2. Suicide is a question that must be
left to God to judge. Medical scientists tell us that the brain lives for
perhaps four or five minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of
praying in that time. However, only God will judge anyone anyway. We can
'settle the question' for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is
presumptious to attempt to condemn OR excuse anyone else. God alone knows
their heart. 3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one. Some
time ago I was called to the psyco ward at a local hospital. A young man
had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever given his
life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had to take
his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days later
his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told me
that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide. Sometime later he died in an automobile accident. urs in faith
Jason Mumbai  If you
don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard. -
Original Message - From: Alfred Samji To: Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002
6:44 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments) >
Hi friends, > Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all
know that suicide > is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another
person of course is > condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is
whether praying for a > dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation
of that person. In Matt > 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where
sins will be forgiven. He > talks of two worlds where sins will be
forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and > 'the world to come'. > > [M't:12:32:
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall > be
forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> > This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person,
where > sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'. > > We also have
proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to > 4:6 and
tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the >
'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the
gospel to > them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live
according to God in > the spirit'. > > [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath
once suffered for sins, the just for the > unjust, that he might bring us
to God, being put to death in the flesh, but > quickened by the
Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the > spirits in
prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the > longsuffering
of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a > preparing,
wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. > 1Pe:4:6: For for
this cause was the gospel preached also > to them that are dead, that
they might be judged according to men in the > flesh, but live according
to God in the spirit.] > > This again depicts a world where God preaches
to those who are already dead > so that they might live in obedience to
God in their lives as spirits. In > short they are given another chance
to be in God's fold. > We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those
people spoken of here were. > > In the context of the Rich man who came
to Jesus we see Jesus first telling > of how difficult it is for the rich
to enter the kingdom and later goes on > to say 'With men this is
impossible; but with God all things are possible.' > (M't:19:23 to 26).
Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love. He > is full of
mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He loves us > that He
sacrificed His only Son on the cross to save us, to make us part of > His
family. > > Our loving Father will not turn down an appeal for mercy by
one of His own > children for another. Praise the Lord. > > > > Regards
in Christ, > > Samji / Dubai
 If you don't want the
fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard. - Original Message
- From: Jason Herbert To: Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 9:40 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query > Dear JYs > > We have recently read
the 2 Part mails of Father Thomas on whether Sucide is > a Sin or not. It
was really a wonderful sharing. I had recently been for a > Retreat.
There the Priest had mentioned that a Person committing Suicide is > as
good as Handing over ur Soul to the Satan. > > My Question is :
Considering that a person commits Suicid

Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

2002-07-17 Thread JASON:)

Dear Alfred Samji and Dear JYs

Reading Alfred's mail to my query was really inspiring. However I find some
of these points relatively new to me. Maybe cause I have never come across
any teaching on them. Take for example Alfred quoting 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6
stated that God preaches to those who are already dead so that they might
live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In short they are given
another chance to be in God's fold. This is really new to me. Also quoting
Mt:12:32 There is a reference to a World to Come. Now I do know that some
denom like the Jehovahs really quote this part fluently. So what is this
Comin World that Jesus Speaks about.

Now when I had queried about Suicide in another list, these are some of the
replies I got.

1. Suicide is murder and since your dead when you commit the sin you can't
ask for forgiveness...

2. Suicide is a question that must be left to God to judge.  Medical
scientists tell us that the brain lives for perhaps four or five
minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of praying in that time.
However, only God will judge anyone anyway.  We can 'settle the question'
for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is presumptious to attempt to
condemn OR excuse anyone else.  God alone knows their heart.

3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one.  Some time ago I was
called to the psyco ward at a local hospital.
A young man had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever
given his life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had
to take his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days
later his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told
me that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide.  Sometime later he died in an automobile accident.

urs in faith


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

> Hi friends,
> Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that
> is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is
> condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a
> dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt
> 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He
> talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and
> 'the world to come'.
>   [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
> be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where
> sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.
> We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to
> 4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the
> 'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel
> them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in
> the spirit'.
>   [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the
> unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
> quickened by the Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the
> spirits in prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
> longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a
> preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
> 1Pe:4:6: For for this cause was the gospel preached
> to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the
> flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.]
> This again depicts a world where God preaches to those who are already
> so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In
> short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.
> We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those people spoken of here
> In the context of the Rich man who came to Jesus we see Jesus first
> of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom and later goes on
> to say 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are
> (M't:19:23 to 26). Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love.
> is full of mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He l

Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-17 Thread JASON:)

Dear Alfred Samji and Dear JYs

Reading Alfred's mail to my query was really inspiring. However I find some
of these points relatively new to me. Maybe cause I have never come across
any teaching on them. Take for example Alfred quoting 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6
stated that God preaches to those who are already dead so that they might
live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In short they are given
another chance to be in God's fold. This is really new to me. Also quoting
Mt:12:32 There is a reference to a World to Come. Now I do know that some
denom like the Jehovahs really quote this part fluently. So what is this
Comin World that Jesus Speaks about.

Now when I had queried about Suicide in another list, these are some of the
replies I got.

1. Suicide is murder and since your dead when you commit the sin you can't
ask for forgiveness...

2. Suicide is a question that must be left to God to judge.  Medical
scientists tell us that the brain lives for perhaps four or five
minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of praying in that time.
However, only God will judge anyone anyway.  We can 'settle the question'
for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is presumptious to attempt to
condemn OR excuse anyone else.  God alone knows their heart.

3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one.  Some time ago I was
called to the psyco ward at a local hospital.
A young man had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever
given his life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had
to take his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days
later his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told
me that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide.  Sometime later he died in an automobile accident.

urs in faith


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

> Hi friends,
> Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that
> is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is
> condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a
> dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt
> 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He
> talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and
> 'the world to come'.
>   [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
> be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where
> sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.
> We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to
> 4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the
> 'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel
> them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in
> the spirit'.
>   [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the
> unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
> quickened by the Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the
> spirits in prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the
> longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a
> preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
> 1Pe:4:6: For for this cause was the gospel preached
> to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the
> flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.]
> This again depicts a world where God preaches to those who are already
> so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In
> short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.
> We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those people spoken of here
> In the context of the Rich man who came to Jesus we see Jesus first
> of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom and later goes on
> to say 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are
> (M't:19:23 to 26). Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love.
> is full of mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He l

Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query

2002-07-17 Thread Ravi Vaz

 Hi Joynetters,
Again i would like to state that let us be cautious when we quote scripture..
Let us not quote for quoting sake.. and let us not quote with out understanding the 
meaning and context of the text.. Since it leads to confusion and fear among those who 
read ur mails..
Suicide is a sin against God because God has given us the stewardship of this body and 
our lives and not the ownership of it. It is Mortal Sin.
Sin is commited against  God and God is the final authority to decide whether he has 
to forgive or not forgive..Let us not try to limit or quantify the mercy of God.
The Passage from 1Peter 3:18-4:6 has a specific context. It is meant as an exhortation 
to Christians especially those who are persecuted  to keep the faith and remember that 
christ has triumphed over death and that in baptism they have been cleansed from sin 
just as during the flood it is shown that the earth was cleansed of all sinful people..
With God all things are possible..Let us assume the fact that god shows them his mercy 
in a way we dont know.. 
So let us keep Suicide victims in our prayers.. So that they may keep usin their 
prayers at out time of death..
Love and Prayers
 "JASON:)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear Alfred Samji and Dear JYs

Reading Alfred's mail to my query was really inspiring. However I find some
of these points relatively new to me. Maybe cause I have never come across
any teaching on them. Take for example Alfred quoting 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6
stated that God preaches to those who are already dead so that they might
live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In short they are given
another chance to be in God's fold. This is really new to me. Also quoting
Mt:12:32 There is a reference to a World to Come. Now I do know that some
denom like the Jehovahs really quote this part fluently. So what is this
Comin World that Jesus Speaks about.

Now when I had queried about Suicide in another list, these are some of the
replies I got.

1. Suicide is murder and since your dead when you commit the sin you can't
ask for forgiveness...

2. Suicide is a question that must be left to God to judge. Medical
scientists tell us that the brain lives for perhaps four or five
minutes after the body dies; you can do a LOT of praying in that time.
However, only God will judge anyone anyway. We can 'settle the question'
for ourselves by believing in Jesus, but it is presumptious to attempt to
condemn OR excuse anyone else. God alone knows their heart.

3. The question ask about suicide is a very good one. Some time ago I was
called to the psyco ward at a local hospital.
A young man had attempted to take his own life.I ask him if he had ever
given his life to God, and he said he had.I told him that he would have had
to take his life back from God's hands in order to destroy it. A few days
later his mother came to see me at the church. She thanked me, and She told
me that because of what I had said to her son, he would never again attempt
suicide. Sometime later he died in an automobile accident.

urs in faith


If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
- Original Message -
From: Alfred Samji 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

> Hi friends,
> Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that
> is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is
> condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a
> dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt
> 12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He
> talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and
> 'the world to come'.
> [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it
> be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall
> be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]
> This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where
> sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.
> We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to
> 4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the
> 'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the
> days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel
> them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in
> the spirit'.
> [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the
> unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
> quickened by the Spirit:19: By which

Fwd: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

2002-07-15 Thread Alfred Samji

Hi friends,
Just wanted to put up my comments on this subject. We all know that suicide 
is a sin. Killing whether it be of self or of another person of course is 
condemned in the 10 commandments. The point now is whether praying for a 
dead sinner makes any difference to the salvation of that person. In Matt 
12:32 Jesus Himself tells of an afterlife where sins will be forgiven. He 
talks of two worlds where sins will be forgiven i.e. 'in this world' and 
'the world to come'.

  [M't:12:32: And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall 
be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not 
be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.]

This clearly depicts of another world after the death of a person, where 
sins can be forgiven i.e 'the world to come'.

We also have proof in 1 Peter 3:18 to 4:6 where Peter from 3:18 goes on to 
4:6 and tells of how Christ after being killed on the cross visited the 
'spirits in prison' i.e the spirits of those who were disobedient in the 
days of Noah. It is said that Christ went to them and preached the gospel to 
them so that in their life as spirits they might 'live according to God in 
the spirit'.

  [1Pe:3:18: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the 
unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but 
quickened by the Spirit:19: By which also he went and preached unto the 
spirits in prison;20: Which sometime were disobedient, when once the 
longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a 
preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
1Pe:4:6: For for this cause was the gospel preached also 
to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the 
flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.]

This again depicts a world where God preaches to those who are already dead 
so that they might live in obedience to God in their lives as spirits. In 
short they are given another chance to be in God's fold.
We read in Genesis of how big the sins of those people spoken of here were.

In the context of the Rich man who came to Jesus we see Jesus first telling 
of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom and later goes on 
to say 'With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.' 
(M't:19:23 to 26). Our God is a loving God. His likeness is that of love. He 
is full of mercy and compassion and it is solely because that He loves us 
that He sacrificed His only Son on the cross to save us, to make us part of 
His family.

Our loving Father will not turn down an appeal for mercy by one of His own 
children for another. Praise the Lord.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

>From: "Paul M Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Paul M Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)
>Date: 11 Jul 2002 05:35:36 -
>Hi Jennifer, Jason & JY's,
>Interesting discussion !
>What if a person disobeys the very first law (i.e. prays to an idol) and 
>dies with his faith in the idol. Is there forgiveness still ?
>Concerning this, there is this interesting chapter in the Bible: Maccabees 
>Chapter 12: v32-50.
>In short, Judas offered prayers and sacrifices (like 12000 drachmas of 
>silver to Jerusalem) for the sins of the dead.
>and verse 49 says: It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for 
>the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.
>Praise be to our Merciful God,
>Paul Mathew.
>On Mon, 08 Jul 2002 Jennifer wrote :
>>Hi Jason & JY's,
>>A very good question I must say.
>>I was just pondering over this question after the death of one of my 
>>last week.  Since I was praying for his soul...and I wondered 
>>whether my
>>prayers wud really help him???
>>And as I pondered over this question, a thought came to meour God 
>>is an
>>awesome God.He is very loving and forgiving.  When we as human 
>>we pray for the souls & feel that all souls shud be much 
>>will God the Creator must be wanting that all Souls shud be saved.  We 
>>know what happens when a person faces death.I believe that in a 
>>of time before the person breathes his last... God, most merciful 
>>gives the
>>soul yet another chance to repent...and if the soul in those brief
>>moments does repent ..will he still deserve hell Nothe 
>>will defintely be saved.  And if the soul is in purgatory, then our 
>>prayers will

Re: Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

2002-07-10 Thread Paul M Mathew

Hi Jennifer, Jason & JY's,
Interesting discussion !
What if a person disobeys the very first law (i.e. prays to an 
idol) and dies with his faith in the idol. Is there forgiveness 
still ?
Concerning this, there is this interesting chapter in the Bible: 
Maccabees Chapter 12: v32-50.

In short, Judas offered prayers and sacrifices (like 12000 
drachmas of silver to Jerusalem) for the sins of the dead.
and verse 49 says: It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to 
pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.

Praise be to our Merciful God,
Paul Mathew.

On Mon, 08 Jul 2002 Jennifer wrote :
>Hi Jason & JY's,
>A very good question I must say.
>I was just pondering over this question after the death of one of 
>my parishioner
>last week.  Since I was praying for his soul...and I 
>wondered whether my
>prayers wud really help him???
>And as I pondered over this question, a thought came to 
>meour God is an
>awesome God.He is very loving and forgiving.  When we as 
>human beings,
>we pray for the souls & feel that all souls shud be 
> much more
>will God the Creator must be wanting that all Souls shud be 
>saved.  We don't
>know what happens when a person faces death.I believe 
>that in a fraction
>of time before the person breathes his last... God, most 
>merciful gives the
>soul yet another chance to repent...and if the soul in 
>those brief
>moments does repent ..will he still deserve hell 
>Nothe soul
>will defintely be saved.  And if the soul is in purgatory, then 
>our prayers will
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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide : A Query (My comments)

2002-07-08 Thread Jennifer

Hi Jason & JY's,

A very good question I must say.

I was just pondering over this question after the death of one of my parishioner
last week.  Since I was praying for his soul...and I wondered whether my
prayers wud really help him???

And as I pondered over this question, a thought came to meour God is an
awesome God.He is very loving and forgiving.  When we as human beings,
we pray for the souls & feel that all souls shud be much more
will God the Creator must be wanting that all Souls shud be saved.  We don't
know what happens when a person faces death.I believe that in a fraction
of time before the person breathes his last... God, most merciful gives the
soul yet another chance to repent...and if the soul in those brief
moments does repent ..will he still deserve hell Nothe soul
will defintely be saved.  And if the soul is in purgatory, then our prayers will
help the soul to receive Heavenly glory & so I feel that we should believe in
the merciful Love of God which can never be comprehended by our human minds and
keep praying for people who have died after commmitting suicide.

Love & Prayers
Jennifer. Fernandes

Jason Herbert wrote:

> Dear JYs
> We have recently read the 2 Part mails of Father Thomas on whether Sucide is
> a Sin or not. It was really a wonderful sharing. I had recently been for a
> Retreat. There the Priest had mentioned that a Person committing Suicide is
> as good as Handing over ur Soul to the Satan.
> My Question is : Considering that a person commits Suicide and knowing that
> his Soul is as good as lost. Is then fruitful then praying for his Soul or
> would it be waste to do so
> Please note i am not saying that it is waste to pray for any1. But
> considering in this case of suicide or like euthanasia whatever the case may
> be would it be fruitful then to pray for that soul.
> I would really love ur views on this.
> urs in faith
> Jason
> Mumbai
> _
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RE: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

2002-06-08 Thread Jose Kuriakose

Dear friends,
Dexon and Anitha commented very well. Jesus is the real answer for the
problem. Let us think what we can do

1)  Is it possible Jesus Youth to organize all Kerala campaign
against Suicides?
2)  We have lot of computer professionals. Is it good for think
about a web site-- fighting against suicides: Through the site we can
give counseling, advises etc, We can catch our Thomas Achan also.. Our
dear Pope recently said: use the possibilities of the internet
  Eddy chettan, Joseph uncle, Mathew, CC, Chackochan chettan please come
forward with your valuable comments.

Another point is Prayer Cell. Considering the family problems lack of
communication and sharing is a main factor. Few months back I read in
Sunday Shalom.   Fr.George Panackal (Divine Retreat Center) commented
about family prayer cell. Due to some kind of mispractices KCBC had
stopped the prayer cells in the initial stage. Instead of giving proper
guidance and control we gave up the beautiful Christian practice. It was
our big mistake. Are we ready to realize and re start the family prayer
cells? (We have family units in some parishes. It is entirely different
from family prayer cells) I came Bahrain in 1995. Since that time
onwards I am actively involved in our prayer group. In addition, Last 2
year I am a member of a prayer cell including 6 families. I am
experiencing the differences very well. Through the prayer cell we know
each other as a family member (more than a family member). Sharing the
problems. encouraging each other. praying together. eating togeher..
Rejoicing in the Lord abundantly.
   Through the prayer cells we will grow deep in the Christian
fellowship and definitely it will attract other communities. Let us pray
for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in the faith and love so that we
may be like early Christians.

Prayers & love

Jose Kuraikose-- Bahrain   

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jose Kuriakose
Sent: 04 June 2002 22:28
Subject: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

Suicide is a fashion?  Or a Solution?

Dear friends last 25 days I was just observing suicide cases reported on
one of the malayalam daily news paper. As per that newspaper 126 cases
reported. Within 25 days 126 persons suicides .The main reasons I found
out from the cases are family problems, financial crisis. . etc etc

I don't want to analysis the route reasons. Many of us know its impacts
on our society.
Share your thoughts about this social evil. How we can fight against
this sin?  What are the steps we can take? Is it possible Jesus Youth
can take any vital steps? Pray over this topic and share your opinions
in order to minimize the suicide ratio.

Send your thoughts. It is our responsibility to react with current
challenges of the society

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose -- Bahrain

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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

2002-06-07 Thread anitha dsouza

Dear friends,

Suicide, whether a fashion or not is definetely a way
of the cowards.

I remember once a patient(around16 year old boy) i
came across in mangalore It was the case mof tablet
consumption.  He had swallowed around 50 tablets(He
did not know the names of those tablets)
After the initial first aid, and a good stomach wash
when he finally began improving, I  took it u[pon my
self to rehabilitate him back to health-health,
physical, emotional and spiritual.

One day after much prayer, when i approached this
person and listened to the story of his broken
heart(which was indeed broken by a girl), I asked him
to plac his trust and faith in Jesus, because Jesus
has said in the bible"... Well before i could
continue, he , just in one breadth, told me various
verses from the bible(along with chapter and verse
number) where it speaks about the infinite love of
God. And finally he added, "whats the use of all those
words sister, they are good for preaching, but they
dont solve our problems"  (I learnt later that he was
a guitarist in one of the reputed retreat centres and
of course had spent his life hearing the word of God)
Here, was indeed a young teenager who knew the bible
word to word byheart but perhaps those soothing words
of the bible, had only reached his mind and never his

Well, psycologists and psychiatrists may adequately
provide the explanation that suicide  is a result of
decreased dopamine in the brain which leads to
increased depression.  
But, the only cause of suicide, that i have ever known
is " suicide is a result of decreased jesus in the
heart which eventually leads to inferiorituy
complexes, depressions and lack of ability to cope.
 The best 2 examples for this in the Bible are the
story of Peter and of Judas Ischariot.
The one with Jesus in his heart (PETER) after having
betrayed Jesus, seeked his forgiveness and became the
rock on which the entire church was built; but the one
without Jesus(Judas) in his heart commited suicide by
hanging himself , overcome with shame and guilt, after
having betrayed Jesus.

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Re: [JOYnet] Suicide is a fashion?

2002-06-05 Thread dexon john netto

Hi friends..,

Why people tends to do suicide.?

They did for simple to complex reasons

In my life also I thought about this onceit was due to the peaceless

situation in my family due to financial crisis...

Desperite due to hundreds of reasons...they tend to do so

Jesus is only answer as I found in Him an answer for everything in my

He would go for many solutions and never raise his eyes to

the CreatorAs the psalmist says My help comes from the

Lord who created heaven and earth..

But I saw people who trust God also desperite...

and also see them rise again.B`cos God is their help...

"Hope never dissappoint us"

Reading this mail by hundreds of joynetters itself

is a prayer smashed to heavenLord Altogether we pray

for our brethrens who `ve desperite in this world now...

show them the way of light and hope so that they find this earth

a beutifull place to live.Amen

Thanks Jose for raising them in prayer

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.(S`pore)

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