[jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

2007-07-21 Thread Jon Ege Ronnenberg

When you load the script, has nothing to do with the dom. The script can
modify/alter the dom but the loading sequence is a completely new story. If
you use the jQuery ready() method, your script will be processed right after
the dom is loaded and before the images are loaded, which is what you want
if you want to alter the dom, but don't care about images being shown when
you do it.
The scripts you want to put in after the body is script that are not run
before the user interacts. That does not include behaviors, because you want
them to work as soon the user e.g. clicks an element (and he/she can do that
as soon as the page render).
IMHO you're better of gzipping your files (and of course minimize them) and
don't put more library (i.e. scripts) than you need.

On 7/17/07, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   My understanding is we put script tags in the head so as to not
   clutter up the body DOM. I don't think it has anything to do with
   ready(), and I'm pretty sure ready() doesn't require
   script tags to be in the head...

  Yes, but if you put the scripts at the end of the body you don't need
  to use ready(), e.g. that is literally the same as using ready()...

 So why don't we just always put script tags at the end of the body?
 What's the disadvantage of that?

One disadvantage is that it can lead to sloppy display behavior when the
page loads.

The browser will never start rendering a page while the HEAD is loading.
once it starts loading the BODY, the browser is free to render a partial
page any time it feels like it. In practice, this doesn't usually happen
unless something causes the page loading to stall. In particular, if there
is a script tag that loads an external script, the browser is very likely
render the page using whatever it has available at that point.

You can see this in action on any typical newspaper site such as
www.mercurynews.com. Any time you navigate to a new page, stuff jumps
all over the place while the page loads. This is caused by the script tags
that are sprinkled willy-nilly throughout the page.

A script tag at the very end of the body is less likely to trigger this
behavior, but it could still happen if the script modifies DOM elements
earlier in the page. The browser reaches the script tag, and while it
for the external script to load it decides to render what it has so far.
Then the script loads and modifies the page, so things jump around when


[jQuery] Re: Using slideToggle with multiple divs

2007-07-21 Thread Olaf Bosch

dan schrieb:

Hello, I wish to use slidetoggle with multiple divs. I have
implemented it using only one div however I want all of the divs to
operate independently.

You have trouble with CLASS and ID, try this:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('a#comment-toggle').click(function() {
return false;


div class=story
  div class=storytitle
  div class=storybg
blah blah blah
  div class=storybottom
a href=# id=comment-toggle name=comment-togglecomment/a
  div id=commentbox
comment form

Is better to use ID, is faster. You have not more as one comment form 
pro page ;)

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: Animate bug under IE6?

2007-07-21 Thread Klaus Hartl

Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:


Hey all -- I'm new to the list (but not so new to jQuery), and was
hoping I could get some assistance regarding what appears to be a bug
in the .animate function when running under IE6.  Inside a .click
function assigned to a specific anchor tag, I call .animate using
jQuery  It works in Firefox and Safari, but IE6 reports a
runtime error.  When I switch to jQuery 1.1.2, it works (mostly).  The
first animate sequence doesn't slide, but merely re-draws when the
final frame is done, but all subsequent animations work fine.

Perhaps this is due to my standalone IE6 (from evolt), as I've seen it
have other weird problems with JS, too.  I'm running IE7 installed,

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I've posted a demo of the issue at the following location (sans a few

What happens if you change the doctype from strict to transitional? My
experience with using a strict XHTML declaration almost always causes me
trouble in IE6.


It does not necessarily have some to do with Strict or Transitional if 
IE runs in Quirks Mode or in Standards Mode, especially if the Doctype 
is XHTML. It depends on how the Doctype declaration looks like (does it 
have a system identifier or not?)

More information:

By the way, in the demo an HTML Doctype is used but tags are closed as 

meta name=language content=en /


[jQuery] Re: Dynamically set function settings?

2007-07-21 Thread Michael Geary

 From: juliandormon
 Is it possible to write javascript dynamically so new 
 functions are created with the new parameters once the user 
 makes a change? These functions need to be added to the head 
 of my page because they get called after other functions. In 
 other words, the new functions interact with the javascript 
 that's already on the page. I guess they could be written 
 elsewhere dynamically within a main function and I simply 
 call this remote function and thereby any sub  functions that 
 have been written to it. Is this possible?

JavaScript is a dynamic language. A *very* dynamic language. You can do
anything, any time.

JavaScript functions do not reside in the head nor the body of the document.
All global functions are actually properties of the window object. Where or
when you define them has no effect on that.

Consider this piece of code:

myfunction = function() { alert( 'hi!' ); };

You could execute that code in a script tag in the head, in a script tag in
the body, in a script that you load dynamically, or in a script that you
*create on the fly*. It will do the same thing regardless.

How about this one:

eval( myfunction = function() { alert( 'hi!' ); }; );

That does exactly the same thing, but now you're using a string that you
could have generated any way you like.

If there is other code in the page that calls myfunction(), and you later
redefine myfunction, that existing code will start using your new function.

One exception: Suppose a piece of code does this, or something like it:

var savemyfunction = myfunction;

And then that code calls savemyfunction(). Code like that will not pick up
your new function definition, because it has already saved a reference to
the previous myfunction.

I didn't look at your specific question about innerFade, I'm just addressing
the general question of defining functions dynamically.


[jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

2007-07-21 Thread Gilles (Webunity)

Well i have to think about that, but i might do some releasing of
code. The advantage i have, is that it runs on my own servers, so i
get to choose the owner ;)

On 21 jul, 09:14, Jon Ege Ronnenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When you load the script, has nothing to do with the dom. The script can
 modify/alter the dom but the loading sequence is a completely new story. If
 you use the jQuery ready() method, your script will be processed right after
 the dom is loaded and before the images are loaded, which is what you want
 if you want to alter the dom, but don't care about images being shown when
 you do it.
 The scripts you want to put in after the body is script that are not run
 before the user interacts. That does not include behaviors, because you want
 them to work as soon the user e.g. clicks an element (and he/she can do that
 as soon as the page render).
 IMHO you're better of gzipping your files (and of course minimize them) and
 don't put more library (i.e. scripts) than you need.

 On 7/17/07, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My understanding is we put script tags in the head so as to not
 clutter up the body DOM. I don't think it has anything to do with
 ready(), and I'm pretty sure ready() doesn't require
 script tags to be in the head...

Yes, but if you put the scripts at the end of the body you don't need
to use ready(), e.g. that is literally the same as using ready()...

   So why don't we just always put script tags at the end of the body?
   What's the disadvantage of that?

  One disadvantage is that it can lead to sloppy display behavior when the
  page loads.

  The browser will never start rendering a page while the HEAD is loading.
  once it starts loading the BODY, the browser is free to render a partial
  page any time it feels like it. In practice, this doesn't usually happen
  unless something causes the page loading to stall. In particular, if there
  is a script tag that loads an external script, the browser is very likely
  render the page using whatever it has available at that point.

  You can see this in action on any typical newspaper site such as
 www.mercurynews.com. Any time you navigate to a new page, stuff jumps
  all over the place while the page loads. This is caused by the script tags
  that are sprinkled willy-nilly throughout the page.

  A script tag at the very end of the body is less likely to trigger this
  behavior, but it could still happen if the script modifies DOM elements
  earlier in the page. The browser reaches the script tag, and while it
  for the external script to load it decides to render what it has so far.
  Then the script loads and modifies the page, so things jump around when


[jQuery] Re: Server Time of the day Clock functions

2007-07-21 Thread tzmedia

Thanks Andy... I thought after the post that I should of added it
would be something similar to using Kelvin's StyleSwitcher to load the
CSS page styles, but only load those according to the server clock.
The page background or header background even may be the only thing
that needs to change, and that usually loads last anyways.
Just some ideas, but can Jquery retrieve the server time, or could it
only get the client/browser time?

On Jul 20, 4:18 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That would probably be best done on the server side. When the page loads,
 check the time and provide an alternate CSS file.

 Unless of course you'd like the page to change after it has already loaded.
 Then yes, jQuery could be used to do that.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 4:04 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Server Time of the day Clock functions

 Can jquery be used to load a different site design (skin if you like)
 according to the hosting server clock time.
 The inspiration for the idea is:http://www.taprootcreative.com/
 Which loads different site backgrounds and background sounds.
 Not quite sure how they have their version working.
 Too see both versions whether than waiting until the time changes via the
 Tallahassee, Florida server clock, check 
 Click on anything after Feb 27, 2007 both versions are archived.

 Of course I always think jquery can do about anything, this is a sort of
 time travel right... ;)

[jQuery] IE 7/6 frozen with massive use of jquery plugins

2007-07-21 Thread oscar esp

I have intermittent error, basically IE is frozen. I can not reproduce
seems that I doesn't follow a pattern.

I have developed an application with asp and I use a lot of jquery in
order to do Ajax call to load scripts and pages.

The structure of the application is:

I have a main page with two divs:

a) Menu div.

b) Content div.

When  I load the main page I load all the java files that I will need
using ajax.
I use a lot of plugins superfish, validation, form, IFrame, block...etc.

When user chose a menu option:

-   Block the page with waiting message.
-   Clean content div (using empty method).
-   Call using ajax to the option page (ex: newCustomer).
o   In the success: I assign the data of the result of the ajax
call to the content div.
o   If the loaded page has some dynamics divs then I use again
an ajax call to load that dynamic links.

I don't know why the system froze.

Maybe is because I load all the javascript in the main window and it
is too much?
Maybe javascript has any expiration?
Maybe is because I jquery can not control all the events (remember
that I only load jquery one time) and I use a lot of forms with
validations (plugin validation) and ajax calls?
Could be related with the cpu? My pc is quite powerful , and It seems
(seems...) that happens more often with I less powerful pcs...

I am I little bit desperate because I don't' know who begin to
investigate the problem.

Any help?

[jQuery] DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread James

I've recently been brought into a DNN project where I'm trying to
enlighten my co-woker(s) with the goodness which is jQuery. I'm having
a problem getting the two to play nicely, together, though. I've
tested both DNN and the jQuery code separately, and they work like a
champ. I can also get them both to work successfully together in an
individual module, but any other module that I call the jQuery from
will fail with an Object expected; to be expected since it can't
reach that script including.

So, my next thought was to use Page Header Tags to include the
jQuery script(s) at the top of the page before any of the modules even
have a chance to try and grab custody. However, it appears to only
crash the entire DNN Page with an Operation aborted message with no
other details.

Any information I can relay to help figure this out, I will. Sadly, do
to the classification of the network I'm working on, I'm unable to
copy the code over. If it would be helpful for me to make a mock-up
of my work, to display here, let me know.

Thanks, in advance, for any and all help!

James McCabe
james [dot] mccabe [at] lostwhispers [dot] com

[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread James

Hmm, I left off a small portion that might help figure this one out.

When I place the remote script include text (script src=some/where/
else/jquery.js/script) in the Page Header Tags, I can use basic
jQuery across the modules. However, the problem comes when I try and
add more than one jQuery script (plugins, etc.). Like I said, I have
no problem when I put the jQuery and the plugin script in the same
module, but once I try and make them cross-module by putting them in
the header or just putting the extra remote script call in the desired
module, I get the Operation Aborted failure.

Sorry for forgetting to include this in the original message. It has
been a long night at the office.

Thanks, again!

James McCabe
james [dot] mccabe [at] lostwhispers [dot] com

[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi James,

Did you check that it is not a namespace issue? Also, which plugins do you
intend to use? Not all jquery plugins were created equals in quality... 


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of James
Sent: samedi 21 juillet 2007 11:05
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

Hmm, I left off a small portion that might help figure this one out.

When I place the remote script include text (script src=some/where/
else/jquery.js/script) in the Page Header Tags, I can use basic
jQuery across the modules. However, the problem comes when I try and add
more than one jQuery script (plugins, etc.). Like I said, I have no problem
when I put the jQuery and the plugin script in the same module, but once I
try and make them cross-module by putting them in the header or just
putting the extra remote script call in the desired module, I get the
Operation Aborted failure.

Sorry for forgetting to include this in the original message. It has been a
long night at the office.

Thanks, again!

James McCabe
james [dot] mccabe [at] lostwhispers [dot] com

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.10.11/909 - Date: 20/07/2007

[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread James


In this case, the only plugin I'm attempting to include is the Jorn
Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin; of course, in addition to the actual
jQuery ( script itself.

On Jul 21, 5:03 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi James,

 Did you check that it is not a namespace issue? Also, which plugins do you
 intend to use? Not all jquery plugins were created equals in quality...


[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread Armand Datema

Mm i never had issues with dnn and js

I just add my script in the default.aspx page myself that works most of the time

also the page header tags option is not very usuable, you cannot add
to many scripts more than a few lines and it gets saved truncated so
you have missng code and none closed tags

I do the call for the scripts ( plugins and jquery ) in the main
default.aspx ( make sure to do it as

http://www.mydnnportal.com/js/jquery.js( dont use /js/jquery.js )
- if youa re deep in a friendly url like


it cannot find the js file because there is no

as for the direct calls to actually call plugin with the desired
parameters the can be inserted in he top of your skin ascx files

% ascx
script here

I also use the snapsis dnn css module with template possibility's
together with dnn. So if I use that he has a specal option that allow
you to put all scripts ins special tags and than the skinobject itself
takes care of the register.clientsidescript for you to make sure it
gets injected in the head

I have been using it in over 100 portals so far an never an issue

ps: for the pure jquery people, im answering this mail with tems of
jquery asp.net and dotnetnuke

aka Nokiko on dnn forum

On 7/21/07, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


In this case, the only plugin I'm attempting to include is the Jorn
Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin; of course, in addition to the actual
jQuery ( script itself.

On Jul 21, 5:03 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi James,

 Did you check that it is not a namespace issue? Also, which plugins do you
 intend to use? Not all jquery plugins were created equals in quality...


Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: Should be real easy but not for me

2007-07-21 Thread Rob Desbois

Hi Mitch,

I'm afraid it is a silly one!

function advmode() (



You've used a parenthesis ( instead of brace { for opening the function
body. Change that and it works as expected :-)

Glen, SlideInRight and similar functions are from Interface elements for


On 7/20/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im a little confused.  SlideInRight and SlideOutRight arent jQuery
Are these from a plugin you made?

Best thing is to post a simple proof-of-concept page.  then we can help
you debug it.


On 7/19/07, Goofy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why wont this work. Its so simple. I just want to call a fuction using
 the onclick event. I want it to move a div called Panel.

 I set up the function

 function advmode() (

 Then inside a table cell with an image for a button I have this simple

 a href=#Javascript; onclick=advmode()img
 Search Button Wide_No.png width=250 height=25 /

 I must be missing something really basic because this does not come
 close to working. But this does\

 a href=#Javascript; id=PanelButtonOpen2img
 Advanced Search Button Wide.png width=250 height=25 /

 $('#PanelButtonOpen2').click(function() {

 Thanks for any aid I am feeling very silly tonight.


Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread James

Thank you, Armand, for your swift response. I will look into these
recommendations and see what I can't make work.

On Jul 21, 4:43 am, Armand Datema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mm i never had issues with dnn and js

 I just add my script in the default.aspx page myself that works most of the 

 also the page header tags option is not very usuable, you cannot add
 to many scripts more than a few lines and it gets saved truncated so
 you have missng code and none closed tags

 I do the call for the scripts ( plugins and jquery ) in the main
 default.aspx ( make sure to do it as

 http://www.mydnnportal.com/js/jquery.js   ( dont use /js/jquery.js )
 - if youa re deep in a friendly url like


 it cannot find the js file because there is 

 as for the direct calls to actually call plugin with the desired
 parameters the can be inserted in he top of your skin ascx files

 % ascx
 script here

 I also use the snapsis dnn css module with template possibility's
 together with dnn. So if I use that he has a specal option that allow
 you to put all scripts ins special tags and than the skinobject itself
 takes care of the register.clientsidescript for you to make sure it
 gets injected in the head

 I have been using it in over 100 portals so far an never an issue

 ps: for the pure jquery people, im answering this mail with tems of
 jquery asp.net and dotnetnuke

 aka Nokiko on dnn forum

 On 7/21/07, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  In this case, the only plugin I'm attempting to include is the Jorn
  Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin; of course, in addition to the actual
  jQuery ( script itself.

  On Jul 21, 5:03 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Hi James,

   Did you check that it is not a namespace issue? Also, which plugins do you
   intend to use? Not all jquery plugins were created equals in quality...


 Armand Datema
 CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: DNN and jQuery Conflict

2007-07-21 Thread Armand Datema

A good testing way is also to go the the dnn page and save the file as
html ( html only )

then copy over that html file to your dnn root and add the jquery
scripts and calls.

If you can get the desired effects there then its a dnn issue and those can be

truncated header tag strings
cant find js files ( use the full http://mydnn.com/js/jquery.js )
garbage html output ( dont expect jquery to work when admin or host
are logged in ) - this is because of the extra script and html


On 7/21/07, Armand Datema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mm i never had issues with dnn and js

I just add my script in the default.aspx page myself that works most of the time

also the page header tags option is not very usuable, you cannot add
to many scripts more than a few lines and it gets saved truncated so
you have missng code and none closed tags

I do the call for the scripts ( plugins and jquery ) in the main
default.aspx ( make sure to do it as

http://www.mydnnportal.com/js/jquery.js( dont use /js/jquery.js )
- if youa re deep in a friendly url like


it cannot find the js file because there is no

as for the direct calls to actually call plugin with the desired
parameters the can be inserted in he top of your skin ascx files

% ascx
script here

I also use the snapsis dnn css module with template possibility's
together with dnn. So if I use that he has a specal option that allow
you to put all scripts ins special tags and than the skinobject itself
takes care of the register.clientsidescript for you to make sure it
gets injected in the head

I have been using it in over 100 portals so far an never an issue

ps: for the pure jquery people, im answering this mail with tems of
jquery asp.net and dotnetnuke

aka Nokiko on dnn forum

On 7/21/07, James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 In this case, the only plugin I'm attempting to include is the Jorn
 Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin; of course, in addition to the actual
 jQuery ( script itself.

 On Jul 21, 5:03 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi James,
  Did you check that it is not a namespace issue? Also, which plugins do you
  intend to use? Not all jquery plugins were created equals in quality...

Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft

Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: Loading Javascript Dynamically (in other words, as needed)

2007-07-21 Thread Rob Desbois

Try this:

if (typeof myFunction === undefined) {

   $.getScript(myFunction.js, function() {
  alert('script loaded');


On 7/20/07, Chrisss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I was wondering if jQuery can be used to load javascript dynamically,
on an as-needed basis. Here is the problem I have:

I want to load a page with as little javascript as possible. When
someone clicks on an item that requires some javascript functionality,
I want it to load a javascript function from an external file and then
execute it.

While there is some simple javascript I've found that can do this kind
of thing by appending the script to the DOM, it can't do things in
order. For instance, I want to load the function, and then execute it.
To do so, the javascript has to have some way to check if the funciton
exists. I don't like the idea of doing a time-out loop, so I was
wondering if jQuery has something built in for this kind of thing.

Thank you!

Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: HoverAccordion

2007-07-21 Thread eferraiuolo

Cool, this could be very useful! I've noticed Apple's menu that
behaves this way lately, glad to see someone implement it, and it
appears to be a good usable implementation.


On Jun 26, 7:34 am, Bernd Matzner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm really excited: My first try at building a jQuery plugin!

 This is another accordion, but in this case, it's designed to open up
 by just moving your mouse over an item, just like on 

 Can be used together with the excellent hoverIntent plugin to avoid
 accidentally opening an item.



 for instructions and examples.

 Looking forward to your comments,


[jQuery] Re: Error in IE 5.5 / jQuery - 'nodeName' is Null

2007-07-21 Thread bjb

The error seems when assigning an event to a class:

$('.myclass).click(function() {return false;});   - error (only) in IE5.5 /
jQuery // works with IE7 etc
$('#myid).click(function()  {return false;});   - works with IE5.5 /

myclass and myid in html:

li #  s1.gif Kleine Schriften /li

best regards

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: IE 7/6 frozen with massive use of jquery plugins

2007-07-21 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

I m no specialist of such issue but you could first check if its memory 
Just browse your website and see if the memory is continuously 
rising.(In the task-manager)

oscar esp wrote:

I have intermittent error, basically IE is frozen. I can not reproduce
seems that I doesn't follow a pattern.

I have developed an application with asp and I use a lot of jquery in
order to do Ajax call to load scripts and pages.

The structure of the application is:

I have a main page with two divs:

a) Menu div.

b) Content div.

When  I load the main page I load all the java files that I will need
using ajax.
I use a lot of plugins superfish, validation, form, IFrame, block...etc.

When user chose a menu option:

-   Block the page with waiting message.
-   Clean content div (using empty method).
-   Call using ajax to the option page (ex: newCustomer).
o   In the success: I assign the data of the result of the ajax
call to the content div.
o   If the loaded page has some dynamics divs then I use again
an ajax call to load that dynamic links.

I don't know why the system froze.

Maybe is because I load all the javascript in the main window and it
is too much?
Maybe javascript has any expiration?
Maybe is because I jquery can not control all the events (remember
that I only load jquery one time) and I use a lot of forms with
validations (plugin validation) and ajax calls?
Could be related with the cpu? My pc is quite powerful , and It seems
(seems...) that happens more often with I less powerful pcs...

I am I little bit desperate because I don't' know who begin to
investigate the problem.

Any help?


[jQuery] Re: Error in IE 5.5 / jQuery - 'nodeName' is Null

2007-07-21 Thread bjb

I changed 
$('.myclass).click(function() {return false;});  
$('a.myclass).click(function() {return false;});  

now it works


bjb wrote:
 The error seems when assigning an event to a class:
 $('.myclass).click(function() {return false;});   - error (only) in IE5.5
 / jQuery // works with IE7 etc
 $('#myid).click(function()  {return false;});   - works with IE5.5 /
 myclass and myid in html:
 li #  s1.gif Kleine Schriften /li
 best regards

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] How to get a ref to the event handler registered via the bind() function?

2007-07-21 Thread Alan

In short, it seems that the event handler function registered via the
bind() method is not available through the element's onXXX attributes.
For example:

$('#myEle').bind('click', function(){
  // do something

but the myEle.onclick attribute is still undefined after the above
bind() call. The handler is registered into the $events hash, I
believe, but I couldn't figure out how to get the reference to it.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

[jQuery] ie6pnghack plugin weirdness

2007-07-21 Thread Kush mann

Hi guys,
I have a weird situation

(1) uzhana.com - uses ie6pnghack plugin
(2) sensorynetworks.com - uses same methodology without implementing jquery

(1) always waits till all images are fully loaded before showing the
actual page
(2) starts loading the page immediately and then apply png hack

Problem is using (1) getting really annoying, 'cause page doesn't show
anything till all images are fully loaded (especially painful for people
on dial-up)

Sharing your thoughts would be appreciated
Thanks heaps,
--Kush mann

[jQuery] Re: Loading Javascript Dynamically (in other words, as needed)

2007-07-21 Thread Jarod

Hi, Chrisss,

Maybe $.getScript is what you looking for.

say, there is a hello.js with content:

when you invoke $.getScript(hello.js) , scripts in hello.js will be
eval and execute. for more details about $.getScript you can checkout
the api doc

On Jul 21, 12:57 am, Chrisss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering if jQuery can be used to load javascript dynamically,
 on an as-needed basis. Here is the problem I have:

 I want to load a page with as little javascript as possible. When
 someone clicks on an item that requires some javascript functionality,
 I want it to load a javascript function from an external file and then
 execute it.

 While there is some simple javascript I've found that can do this kind
 of thing by appending the script to the DOM, it can't do things in
 order. For instance, I want to load the function, and then execute it.
 To do so, the javascript has to have some way to check if the funciton
 exists. I don't like the idea of doing a time-out loop, so I was
 wondering if jQuery has something built in for this kind of thing.

 Thank you!

[jQuery] ie6pnghack plugin weirdness

2007-07-21 Thread Kush mann

Hi guys,
I have a weird situation

(1) uzhana.com - uses ie6pnghack plugin http://khurshid.com/jquery/iepnghack/
(2) sensorynetworks.com - uses same methodology without implementing jquery

(1) always waits till all images are fully loaded before showing the
actual page
(2) starts loading the page immediately and then apply png hack

Problem is using (1) getting really annoying, 'cause page doesn't show
anything till all images are fully loaded (especially painful for people
on dial-up)

Sharing your thoughts would be appreciated
Thanks heaps,
--Kush mann

[jQuery] Re: jQuery jEditable

2007-07-21 Thread Aureole

Right thanks...

...I though I'd ask here anyway, just in case anyone could help.

[jQuery] load record and show form, two responses from clicking one link

2007-07-21 Thread Hugh Hayes

I have to thank you all for things like 15 days of jquery and the sites with 
the tutorials, I've been able to add some great things to my pages lately.  
Apologies if this question is stupid.

I have a form.  There's a table on the page that displays the records.  Each 
record has an edit button.  Hit the edit button, the record gets loaded and 
the form is displayed - in Firefox 2.0+, not in earlier versions or any 
versions of Internet Explorer.

Here's the code:
script type=text/javascript;
$('a#slick-show').click(function() {
a href='admin.php?id={$row['id']}action=edit' class='bold' 

I've been looking at bind?  I tried:

$('a#slick-show').bind(click, function() {
$('div#the_form').show('slow') );

but no luck - it breaks it in Firefox and I get an error message missing ; 
before statement

Any thoughts very much appreciated.

Take care.


[jQuery] Re: Click to call a fuction?

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite
I'm going to build a page with just the basic code for responding to the
click then add the libraries and see if that makes things fail. I'll post a
message about. My comments are below and I appreciate your taking the time
to explain this to me.


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Scott Sauyet
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 1:07 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to call a fuction?



Mitchell Waite wrote:

 How generous of you to go into this detail and give me so many options.

 Sadly I tried all of these techniques and none of them worked.


Could you post a sample page somewhere where these fail?  This is pretty 

basic JQuery.  I'm wondering if there is some interference with another 

library.  Have you looked at them in Firebug?


One more possibility:  Is your code inside a $(document).ready() block? 

  If not, and if it's running in the head of the document, then JQuery 

doesn't have any DOM elements to work with.


 script type=text/javascript src=/path/to/jquery.js/script

 script type=text/javascript

 $(document).ready(function() {

 alert(DOM loaded.  JQuery will now work);

 // put your code here




 I need to read more about selectors.


 It may also be my project has too many bells and whistles that it's not a

 true test of your ideas.


Only if one of those bells is not working well with JQuery.  It happens, 

especially if other code is using the $() function.




 Essentially, you need some way with CSS (or possibly XPath) selectors to 

 distinguish the elements that need your new behavior.  Create a selector 

 for those elements and create a JQuery object from them using the $() 

 function.  Then it's easy to send a behavior to the click method of this 

 JQuery object.



 I have read this 10 times and I am still not sure what you are saying. 


Concise, elegant, and completely unreadable, huh?  My wife says that all 

the time!  :-)


And I bet she is a great at getting to explain it to mere mortals.


One more try:  You have a number of elements to which you want to attach
certain behavior.  The core of JQuery has to do with how you select 

those elements.  JQuery will accept a description of the set of elements you
want (a selector) and walk through the document object model (DOM)
creating a single object that wraps up all matching elements.  


This concept of walking is something that I am not familiar with. In fact
I have to say that I am not well versed in the DOM and I think that is
lowering my ability to get the big picture, so that is part of my work
ahead. I certainly get the essence of your point, which is the ability to
take a collection of css and HTML and manipulate it as a single element with
JQuery and all its tools. Is there a place I can learn all about the DOM
that is not super technical?


This lets you work with these elements in many ways as though they were a
single element.


When you run this:


 $(#myDiv img.myClass).click(someFunction)


what you are doing is creating a CSS-based selector, #myDiv img.myClass,
which can be thought of as all the images whose classes include 'myClass'
and are contained in the element with the id 'myDiv'. 


So you mean: if you have something like an HTML table with 6 img
src=href.. statements in it, and you give each of these a class=myClase
then every one of those images will be considered by jQuery to be the ID of
their main container DIV, which is #myDiv here. So you are able to perform
some cool manipulation of all those imgs. Is that close?


You are wrapping those in a single JQuery object by calling the $()
function with that selector.  Then, you are calling the method click on
that object, passing in the function as a parameter.  Behind the scenes,
JQuery is binding that function to the click event of each matching element.


I think I get this.


The variety and the brevity of selectors you can apply is one of the
hallmarks of JQuery.  But for your purposes, simple selectors, such as 

img.myClass would probably be enough.


Does that make any more sense?  Or am I just confusing the issue?


It helps a TON Scott.


I read the Selectors docs. Pretty useless to me. The entire subject is
confused by the inclusion of xpath and no real world example. I could not
make any thing of its contents.


   -- Scott


[jQuery] Re: jQuery for Dummies

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite
Thanks for the clarification Karl, I think I see the audience your book is
intended for. I am not a true programmer in the sense I do it every day, so
while I have coauthored and published lots of language books I do not
consider myself very high above dummy status.


BTW I love your blog at http://www.learningjquery.com/


Lots of cool stuff.




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:33 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery for Dummies


Hi Mitch, 


While we don't get into the history of JavaScript/ECMAScript or explain what
a CSS class is, for example, I can assure you that the book doesn't assume a
whole lot of knowledge. 

The first chapter deals with some really, really basic stuff, like:

- what jQuery does

- why jQuery works well

- how to download the jquery.js file

- how and where to include jquery.js and your custom script file in the
head of your HTML document

- how to add a class to an element on page load


You'll also see elementary tips like this:

After the stylesheet is referenced, the JavaScript files are included. It
is important  that the script tag for the jQuery library be placed before
the tag for our custom scripts; otherwise, the jQuery framework will not be
available when our code attempts to reference it.


So, there may not be much fluff, but we tried really hard to explain even
the simplest of concepts so that people making a shift from design to
development or from some other programming language to JavaScript would feel


Besides, from what I see on your web site, you are very far from being a


If you have any questions along the way, I'd be happy to try to answer them,
as I'm sure would many others on this list.






Karl Swedberg





On Jul 19, 2007, at 3:28 PM, Mitchell Waite wrote:


Thanks to everyone for recommending the book, I ordered it right away.


However, I get the impression from this comment in the five minute review

this is not a for Dummies book


 Glancing at the Table of Contents - I'm happy to note there are no basic

introductory 'HTML/Javascript' chapters (no fluff!) you dive right into a

simple jQuery script where you manipulate some CSS.


I was hoping there would be a basic intro to the things most people familiar

with JavaScript take for granted. 




 Initially you start at the basics - jQuery syntax, selectors, events and

using effects.


I would like to see several pages of different ways to activate a jQuery, as

I have seen at least a dozen,. For example as dumb as this sounds it took me

a while to figure out you can call anything in jQuery, using a

onclick=foo(). But I have not been able to get several jQuery functions to

work this way either. 


I am not familiar with all the events like attaching and focus and

things like chaining are new to me.


Again, I'm talking a real dummy here :) Though I am proud of what I have

been able to do:




Check the effects on the Text and Small Icon views and click the

Sorting-First, Last to see it puff.


The big challenge in this simulation was getting the effects to wait a fixed

time before firing, so as to simulate a real trip to the server.






-Original Message-

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Behalf Of Rey Bango

Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:28 AM

To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com

Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery for Dummies



Hi Mitchell,


Welcome to jQuery my man. Here's a great option for you. jQuery team 

member Karl Swedberg and Jonathan Chaffer have authored a book called


Learning jQuery : Better Interaction Design and Web Development with 

Simple JavaScript Techniques


You can find it here: http://www.packtpub.com/jQuery/book/mid/100407j4kh3d


I would highly recommend you pick it up and in addition, jump over to 

the following sites:





They were invaluable to me during my initial road to understanding the 



I hope this helps.





Mitchell Waite wrote:

I'm trying to learn jQuery from the tutorials at the web site. They are


good but assume a pretty good knowledge of javascript and calling and


functions in ways that bewilder me.


Is there any kind of Idiot's Guide to using jQuery?


If not does anyone want to co-author one with me?


Mitch Waite









BrightLight Development, LLC.

954-775- (o)

954-600-2726 (c)






[jQuery] [Interface] ScrollTo

2007-07-21 Thread debussy007


I am using the ScrollTo function of interface but I can notice that it is
not very fluid scrolling...

I use it to scroll my header on all the pages except the main page.
So I have put it in the jQuery(document).ready   function,
so that when the user clicks on the page, it automatically scroll header and
go on content.

If anyone has any tips to improve the scrolling, let me know! Thank you !
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete.js not runs on PHP Version 5.0.2

2007-07-21 Thread Stephan Beal

On Jul 21, 3:26 pm, navi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 I found that autocomplete runs only on PHP 5.2 and higher version, Any
 solution in this regard.

Unfortunately, the author of autocomplete fails to document which PHP
version it needs.

The solution, i'm afraid, is to upgrade. For more information, see:


In short: any PHP version under 5.2 won't be supported much longer by
many leading PHP applications/frameworks.

[jQuery] Re: Click to call a fuction?

2007-07-21 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Jul 21, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Mitchell Waite wrote:
This concept of walking is something that I am not familiar with.  
In fact I have to say that I am not well versed in the DOM and I  
think that is lowering my ability to get the big picture, so that  
is part of my work ahead. I certainly get the essence of your  
point, which is the ability to take a collection of css and HTML  
and manipulate it as a single element with JQuery and all its  
tools. Is there a place I can learn all about the DOM that is not  
super technical?

Hi Mitchell,

Here is a little snippet from the book (Learning jQuery) that might  
help explain the DOM concept a bit:


One of the most powerful aspects of jQuery is its ability to make DOM  
traversal easy. The Document Object Model is a family-tree structure  
of sorts. HTML, as well as other markup languages, uses this model to  
describe the relationships of things on a page. When we refer to  
these relationships, we use the same terminology that we use when  
referring to family relationships: parents, children, and so on. A  
simple example can help us understand how the family tree metaphor  
applies to a document:

titlethe title/title
pThis is a paragraph./p
pThis is another paragraph./p
pThis is yet another paragraph./p

Here, html is the ancestor of all the other elements; or, in other  
words, all the other elements are descendants of html. The head  
and body elements are children of html. Therefore, in addition to  
being the ancestor of head and body, html is also their parent.  
The p elements are children (and descendants) of div, descendants  
of body and html, and siblings of each other.


When Scott refers to walking the DOM, he's talking about accessing  
elements in your HTML by moving up from child to parent or down  
from parent to child or across from sibling to sibling.

Does that make sense?

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite

Its Mitch again learning about clicks and events:)

I set up this test page


Mouseover the nest image and it displays a message about the event.

Click on the nest and fades to 50% opacity.

Notice how the bottom gets clipped?

I can't figure this out. Two other questions.

1. Is this the right or best way to do this?
2. Is there a way to specify the hiding of the message without having to
repeat the same statement for every time you want to hide it?

Thanks for helping the dummy


[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

The height of the div id=nest is 208px, but the image inside it is 260px;
Line 40.
Make them both 260 and it should stop clipping.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Its Mitch again learning about clicks and events:)

I set up this test page


Mouseover the nest image and it displays a message about the event.

Click on the nest and fades to 50% opacity.

Notice how the bottom gets clipped?

I can't figure this out. Two other questions.

1. Is this the right or best way to do this?
2. Is there a way to specify the hiding of the message without having to
repeat the same statement for every time you want to hide it?

Thanks for helping the dummy


[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

I didnt quite understand what you are saying for the follow up questions.
1. best way to do what?
2. Which statement is getting repeated that you dont want to?


On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The height of the div id=nest is 208px, but the image inside it is 260px;
Line 40.
Make them both 260 and it should stop clipping.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its Mitch again learning about clicks and events:)

 I set up this test page


 Mouseover the nest image and it displays a message about the event.

 Click on the nest and fades to 50% opacity.

 Notice how the bottom gets clipped?

 I can't figure this out. Two other questions.

 1. Is this the right or best way to do this?
 2. Is there a way to specify the hiding of the message without having to

 repeat the same statement for every time you want to hide it?

 Thanks for helping the dummy


[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

Ok, sorry, Im dense today and clicking send too quickly. :(

Yes, there is a better way.
Ill whip up a demo. brb


On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I didnt quite understand what you are saying for the follow up questions.
1. best way to do what?
2. Which statement is getting repeated that you dont want to?


On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The height of the div id=nest is 208px, but the image inside it is
 260px;  Line 40.
 Make them both 260 and it should stop clipping.


 On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its Mitch again learning about clicks and events:)
  I set up this test page
  Mouseover the nest image and it displays a message about the event.
  Click on the nest and fades to 50% opacity.
  Notice how the bottom gets clipped?
  I can't figure this out. Two other questions.
  1. Is this the right or best way to do this?
  2. Is there a way to specify the hiding of the message without having
  repeat the same statement for every time you want to hide it?
  Thanks for helping the dummy

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

Ok, sorry for the 4 emails.
A better way:

Also, here is a way to get fancy pants with it.
Uses Brandon's behavior plugin.  My first use of it.


On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, sorry, Im dense today and clicking send too quickly. :(

Yes, there is a better way.
Ill whip up a demo. brb


On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didnt quite understand what you are saying for the follow up
 1. best way to do what?
 2. Which statement is getting repeated that you dont want to?


 On 7/21/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The height of the div id=nest is 208px, but the image inside it is
  260px;  Line 40.
  Make them both 260 and it should stop clipping.
  On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its Mitch again learning about clicks and events:)
   I set up this test page
   Mouseover the nest image and it displays a message about the event.
   Click on the nest and fades to 50% opacity.
   Notice how the bottom gets clipped?
   I can't figure this out. Two other questions.
   1. Is this the right or best way to do this?
   2. Is there a way to specify the hiding of the message without
   having to
   repeat the same statement for every time you want to hide it?
   Thanks for helping the dummy

[jQuery] [NEWS] AjaxRain.com Continues to Grow

2007-07-21 Thread Rey Bango

I've mentioned AjaxRain (http://www.ajaxrain.com/) on numerous occasions 
and for good reasons. They have by far, the most comprehensive 
collection of Ajax/DOM/JS components around and its constantly being 
updated. Apart from that, they're a jQuery-powered site with a developer 
that loves jQuery and is always posting the latest jQuery plugins on there.

They're now up to 418 plugins and demos so be sure to check them out:



[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

$(this) is the anchor link the user clicked on.
What is nice about jquery is the whole concept of $(this).  Once you know
what the user moused over or clicked on or dragged or whatever, you have a
place to start in your code.

For instance, let's say you had a table with ten rows.  and this code:



That means you would be binding a click event to EVERY row, and use one
single click function to mean, Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up
to the TR and give it a new css class called Foo.  It's incredibly
powerful.  One of my first jQuery examples used the same thing but with a
mouseover instead of a click.  That let me highlight the background of the
row the user was one.  My goodness, I was so happy to be gone with
onmouseover and onmouseout of every single TR.

This line: $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);

Basically what it means is that I want to end up with one of the following:
$(#console a.click).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.over).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.out).fadeIn(1000);

But rather than make 3 lines.  I used a flexible feature of jQuery which is
using variables in the middle of the statement.
I ended the part in quotes after the a-dot, and then used + type.  Type is
just a made up word.  I could have said eventType or Foo.
If you notice all the lines that call this had the type in the
parenthethes.  showLink(over).
So it's kind of like a fancy CSS rule builder using a variable.  I consider
it an advanced technique (FOR ME).  I am not a programmer.

The tutorials are a great place to start.  I would do all the basic examples
first.  You will be surprised how much foundation
they give you.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is  LOT going on in your excellent examples, lots for me to ponder.

For the first example it appears that first you make single container
called #console which you use to display what I think are links (a).  Then
you set its display to none so its invisible.











  $('#console a').click(function(){




Here I believe you attaching four mouse events to the #nest div, and
calling the showlink function with a parameter that displays the name of the
event. This so much simpler then my approach where I hide and showed DIVs
that contained static messages. However my actual goal is not to display
messages but to reveal more graphics but how would you have known that? So I
will next post what my actual goal is in a new demo. Still I love this

  $('#console a').click(function(){



I think this cool piece of code says that any link in the div #console
should fadeout slowly if it receives a click. *I don't know what (this)
means however.*

function showLink(type) {

$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5);

  $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);


I think this function does a double duty which I did not know you could
do. First

$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5);

fades the #nest image to 50%. However unlike my example yours fades on any
mouseover, mine just did it on a click event.  That's because all you events
call the same routine. I would like to distinguish the Mouseover from the

Then I think this piece of code, which again is a lot for a beginner

  $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);

Takes any link that has been clicked and somehow comes up with a string
like mouse over, but god only knows how it works.

Thanks for all the emails, I'll take as many as  you can deliver.

I'm going to wait till I grok this before moving to the fancy smanchy one.


*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Glen Lipka
*Sent:* Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:43 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

Ok, sorry for the 4 emails.
A better way:

Also, here is a way to get fancy pants with it.
Uses Brandon's behavior plugin.  My first use of it.


On 7/21/07, *Glen Lipka* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, sorry, Im dense today and clicking send too quickly. :(

Yes, there is a better way.
Ill whip up a demo. brb


On 7/21/07, *Glen Lipka* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I didnt quite understand what you are saying for the follow up questions.
1. best way to do what?
2. Which statement is getting repeated that you dont want to?


On 7/21/07, *Glen Lipka* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The height of the div id=nest is 208px, but the image inside it is 260px;
Line 40.
Make them both 260 and it should stop clipping.



[jQuery] Re: Dynamically set function settings?

2007-07-21 Thread juliandormon

HI Michael,
Thank you so much for the very informative answer. I believe it will serve
me well in the future.
I guess what I was driving at, was rewriting a function in the head of my
page. But I see now that I can simply call dynamically generated functions
from the head - so there is no need to rewrite the functions that reside

Michael Geary wrote:
 From: juliandormon
 Is it possible to write javascript dynamically so new 
 functions are created with the new parameters once the user 
 makes a change? These functions need to be added to the head 
 of my page because they get called after other functions. In 
 other words, the new functions interact with the javascript 
 that's already on the page. I guess they could be written 
 elsewhere dynamically within a main function and I simply 
 call this remote function and thereby any sub  functions that 
 have been written to it. Is this possible?
 JavaScript is a dynamic language. A *very* dynamic language. You can do
 anything, any time.
 JavaScript functions do not reside in the head nor the body of the
 All global functions are actually properties of the window object. Where
 when you define them has no effect on that.
 Consider this piece of code:
 myfunction = function() { alert( 'hi!' ); };
 You could execute that code in a script tag in the head, in a script tag
 the body, in a script that you load dynamically, or in a script that you
 *create on the fly*. It will do the same thing regardless.
 How about this one:
 eval( myfunction = function() { alert( 'hi!' ); }; );
 That does exactly the same thing, but now you're using a string that you
 could have generated any way you like.
 If there is other code in the page that calls myfunction(), and you later
 redefine myfunction, that existing code will start using your new
 One exception: Suppose a piece of code does this, or something like it:
 var savemyfunction = myfunction;
 And then that code calls savemyfunction(). Code like that will not pick up
 your new function definition, because it has already saved a reference to
 the previous myfunction.
 I didn't look at your specific question about innerFade, I'm just
 the general question of defining functions dynamically.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: superfish delay not working

2007-07-21 Thread cpsengine

Thanks for the response, Joel. Your first post was posted half an hour
after mine, but for some reason showed up before it.

Your explanation of the CSS behavior was very helpful. I was able to
adjust the CSS with some trial and error until I got my menu to work,
and the CSS version working with JS disabled.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: fr.jquery.com/planet

2007-07-21 Thread Jay Salvat

I'm glad to hear about this news.
Can't subscribe to the Rss Feed.

Richard D. Worth a écrit :
 There's a new jQuery planet[1], and it speaks French:


 We've got two french jQuery blogs syndicated so far:
   Gastero Prod

 Note: fr.jquery.com (without the /planet) is a work in progress. For now it
 just redirects to jquery.com. Stay tuned.

 - Richard

 [1] http://www.nabble.com/-ANNOUNCE--planet.jquery.com-tf4070087s15494.html

[jQuery] Re: jQuery jEditable

2007-07-21 Thread Aureole

Thanks for your reply...I read those links but I'm new to all this
coding stuff. I sent you an Email anyway.

On Jul 21, 4:21 pm, Richard D Shank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, never insert input into a database with filter it first.  It
 makes you vulnerable for an attack.  You can read this article to get a
 better understanding.  http://shiflett.org/articles/input-filtering

 Second, it looks like you are wanting to update the data in the database
 (you are passing an id in).  If this is the case, you will want to use
 UPDATE instead of INSERT.  If you go tohttp://dev.mysql.comyou can
 search to find how to use the UPDATE syntax.

 If you are still stuck after search it out, email me off the list and
 I'll try to help you through it.


 Aureole wrote:
  I'm using the jEditable plugin which can be found here:


  The examples files for saving to a database use Pear DB and SQL Lite
  or something...

  I've been trying to get it to work with MYSQL but so far I've had no

  Here is the code I have for save.php


  require_once 'dbConnection.php';
  function getLastID() {
  $id = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query(SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(), $this-


  return $id[0];
  $query=INSERT INTO edits(id, token, value)
  VALUES('$_POST[id]', '%s', '$_POST[value]');
  if(!mysql_db_query($dbname,$query,$link_id)) die(mysql_error());
  $result = mysql_query($query);
  print $_POST['value'];


  I really have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to PHP/MYSQL...

  Can anyone help me get it working?

[jQuery] Re: What am I missing from this plugin?

2007-07-21 Thread barophobia

On 7/18/07, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to var the generate_to variable in the click handler. Currently
 it's a global variable, which makes the second instance overwrite the first
 instance. Change:

 generate_to = $(this).attr('for');


 var generate_to = $(this).attr('for');

Thanks. This works perfectly.

 Also, I think I'd change the plug-in a bit. IMO, I would make more sense to
 use like:

 $(#button).generate_password(#passwordField, iLength);

 That way you can attach the behavior to any element. Also, by using a
 selector for the field to update, you could update multiple fields with the
 same value (in those cases where you had both a password and confirm
 password fields.)

I think I understand but how do I handle the #passwordField part
within the plugin?


[jQuery] Jquery doesn't work with mod_rewrite ?

2007-07-21 Thread Nico


I've already post this message in another lists wihch was not the
right one.


First of all, I'd like to say that the JQuery lib is the best I've
ever used ! But I've a tiny problem with my script.
I'm rewriting URLs with the mod_rewrite and when I try to run
JavaScript scripts powered by JQuery, it doesn't work if it's a
rewritten URL and I can't fix that.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance,

I've tried to use absolute and relative path in my src attribute in
my script element but none of them fixed my problem. Jquery.js is
correctly loaded but I can't run any of the functions.


[jQuery] interface plugin not working with jquery

2007-07-21 Thread brianwilkins

I had the following jquery script in my web page and it worked fine
with jquery 1.1.2. After an upgrade to jquery, the Bounce
effect causes errors according to Firebug. The error is
jQuery.easing[e.easing] is not a function

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this or if there is a workaround.

  $('div#step1container').SlideOutLeft(1000, function(){
  $('#visualNav').append('div id=stepThumbimg src=images/
create_step1_animation.jpg height=100% width=100% //
  return false;

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite
I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.


That's fine, I can look silly.


I'd love to see your table example so I can hammer this home. Seeing the
code would help me understand how this gets turned into a colored


because this statement


Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up to the TR and give it a new css
class called Foo.


Just brought up more questions.


What does climb up mean?

How does assigning a class to a certain row make it change color?

Do you mean the class has a css statement in it for background-color:
#FF for example?



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 5:22 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


$(this) is the anchor link the user clicked on.
What is nice about jquery is the whole concept of $(this).  Once you know
what the user moused over or clicked on or dragged or whatever, you have a
place to start in your code. 

For instance, let's say you had a table with ten rows.  and this code:




That means you would be binding a click event to EVERY row, and use one
single click function to mean, Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up
to the TR and give it a new css class called Foo.  It's incredibly powerful.
One of my first jQuery examples used the same thing but with a mouseover
instead of a click.  That let me highlight the background of the row the
user was one.  My goodness, I was so happy to be gone with onmouseover and
onmouseout of every single TR. 

This line: $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);

Basically what it means is that I want to end up with one of the following:
$(#console a.click).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.over).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.out).fadeIn(1000);

But rather than make 3 lines.  I used a flexible feature of jQuery which is
using variables in the middle of the statement. 
I ended the part in quotes after the a-dot, and then used + type.  Type is
just a made up word.  I could have said eventType or Foo.
If you notice all the lines that call this had the type in the parenthethes.
showLink( over).
So it's kind of like a fancy CSS rule builder using a variable.  I consider
it an advanced technique (FOR ME).  I am not a programmer.

The tutorials are a great place to start.  I would do all the basic examples
first.  You will be surprised how much foundation 
they give you.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is  LOT going on in your excellent examples, lots for me to ponder.


For the first example it appears that first you make single container called
#console which you use to display what I think are links (a).  Then you set
its display to none so its invisible.
















  $('#console a').click(function(){






Here I believe you attaching four mouse events to the #nest div, and calling
the showlink function with a parameter that displays the name of the event.
This so much simpler then my approach where I hide and showed DIVs that
contained static messages. However my actual goal is not to display messages
but to reveal more graphics but how would you have known that? So I will
next post what my actual goal is in a new demo. Still I love this method.


  $('#console a').click(function(){




I think this cool piece of code says that any link in the div #console
should fadeout slowly if it receives a click. I don't know what (this) means


function showLink(type) {

$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5);

  $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);



I think this function does a double duty which I did not know you could do.


$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5); 


fades the #nest image to 50%. However unlike my example yours fades on any
mouseover, mine just did it on a click event.  That's because all you events
call the same routine. I would like to distinguish the Mouseover from the


Then I think this piece of code, which again is a lot for a beginner


  $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);


Takes any link that has been clicked and somehow comes up with a string like
mouse over, but god only knows how it works.


Thanks for all the emails, I'll take as many as  you can deliver.


I'm going to wait till I grok this before moving to the fancy smanchy one.





From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:
mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:43 PM

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

here is a demo of the table

You should think about your html like a giant tree.  The html tag is the
trunk, then the body tag is a branch, and then the table tag is a branch
off that, and so on and so on, down through each nested item.  Climbing up
means towards the trunk of the tree.  Siblings are branches right next to

A great tool, which is sounds like you may not have it Firebug for Firefox
and IE Dev Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
They are MUST HAVE tools for any web developer.  They are absolutely
essential.  Google for them and you will see.

Ooops, kids need to be brought to the park.  Gotta run.  :)


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.

That's fine, I can look silly.

I'd love to see your table example so I can hammer this home. Seeing the
code would help me understand how this gets turned into a colored

because this statement

Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up to the TR and give it a new
css class called Foo.

Just brought up more questions.

What does climb up mean?

How does assigning a class to a certain row make it change color?

Do you mean the class has a css statement in it for background-color:
#FF for example?


*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Glen Lipka
*Sent:* Saturday, July 21, 2007 5:22 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

$(this) is the anchor link the user clicked on.
What is nice about jquery is the whole concept of $(this).  Once you know
what the user moused over or clicked on or dragged or whatever, you have a
place to start in your code.

For instance, let's say you had a table with ten rows.  and this code:




That means you would be binding a click event to EVERY row, and use one
single click function to mean, Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up
to the TR and give it a new css class called Foo.  It's incredibly
powerful.  One of my first jQuery examples used the same thing but with a
mouseover instead of a click.  That let me highlight the background of the
row the user was one.  My goodness, I was so happy to be gone with
onmouseover and onmouseout of every single TR.

This line: $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);

Basically what it means is that I want to end up with one of the
$(#console a.click).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.over).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.out).fadeIn(1000);

But rather than make 3 lines.  I used a flexible feature of jQuery which
is using variables in the middle of the statement.
I ended the part in quotes after the a-dot, and then used + type.  Type
is just a made up word.  I could have said eventType or Foo.
If you notice all the lines that call this had the type in the
parenthethes.  showLink( *over*).
So it's kind of like a fancy CSS rule builder using a variable.  I
consider it an advanced technique (FOR ME).  I am not a programmer.

The tutorials are a great place to start.  I would do all the basic
examples first.  You will be surprised how much foundation
they give you.


On 7/21/07, *Mitchell Waite* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is  LOT going on in your excellent examples, lots for me to ponder.

For the first example it appears that first you make single container
called #console which you use to display what I think are links (a).  Then
you set its display to none so its invisible.











  $('#console a').click(function(){




Here I believe you attaching four mouse events to the #nest div, and
calling the showlink function with a parameter that displays the name of the
event. This so much simpler then my approach where I hide and showed DIVs
that contained static messages. However my actual goal is not to display
messages but to reveal more graphics but how would you have known that? So I
will next post what my actual goal is in a new demo. Still I love this

  $('#console a').click(function(){



I think this cool piece of code says that any link in the div #console
should fadeout slowly if it receives a click. *I don't know what (this)
means however.*

function showLink(type) {

$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5);

  $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);


I think this function does a double duty which I did not know you could
do. First

$(#nest).fadeTo(1000, .5);

fades the #nest image to 50%. However unlike my example yours fades on any

[jQuery] Re: Jquery doesn't work with mod_rewrite ?

2007-07-21 Thread John Resig

What's your rewrite rule? I rewrite the URLs for the jquery.js files
on jquery.com and never had any problems.


On 7/21/07, Nico [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've already post this message in another lists wihch was not the
right one.


First of all, I'd like to say that the JQuery lib is the best I've
ever used ! But I've a tiny problem with my script.
I'm rewriting URLs with the mod_rewrite and when I try to run
JavaScript scripts powered by JQuery, it doesn't work if it's a
rewritten URL and I can't fix that.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance,

I've tried to use absolute and relative path in my src attribute in
my script element but none of them fixed my problem. Jquery.js is
correctly loaded but I can't run any of the functions.


[jQuery] Re: interface plugin not working with jquery

2007-07-21 Thread John Resig

Brian -

This has already been fixed (in jQuery) and it's in SVN. It'll be in
jQuery 1.1.4, which should be coming out soon.


On 7/21/07, brianwilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had the following jquery script in my web page and it worked fine
with jquery 1.1.2. After an upgrade to jquery, the Bounce
effect causes errors according to Firebug. The error is
jQuery.easing[e.easing] is not a function

Not sure if anyone else has noticed this or if there is a workaround.

  $('div#step1container').SlideOutLeft(1000, function(){
  $('#visualNav').append('div id=stepThumbimg src=images/
create_step1_animation.jpg height=100% width=100% //
  return false;

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: fr.jquery.com/planet

2007-07-21 Thread Richard D. Worth

I am able to at:


Let me know if you're still having problems.

- Richard

On 7/21/07, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm glad to hear about this news.
Can't subscribe to the Rss Feed.

Richard D. Worth a écrit :
 There's a new jQuery planet[1], and it speaks French:


 We've got two french jQuery blogs syndicated so far:
   Gastero Prod

 Note: fr.jquery.com (without the /planet) is a work in progress. For now
 just redirects to jquery.com. Stay tuned.

 - Richard


[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Brandon Aaron

On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.

You won't find anyone laughing at you here. Learning is what this community
is all about! You are asking some very good questions. I know I'm enjoying
the dialog and Glen is doing a excellent job of answering your questions.

The 'this' keyword can be pretty confusing at first because the object it
represents changes depending on where you are using it. Actually Michael
Geary had a very nice post to the list explaining the 'this' keyword a while
back. Here is the post:

Glen is correct in advising you to think about the html like a tree ... a
DOM tree. jQuery takes a lot of the pain out of navigating around this tree
with its selectors and DOM traversal methods. VisualjQuery.com organizes
these methods very nicely. Go to http://visualjquery.com/ and then click on
'DOM' then 'Traversal'. Then you will see a listing of jQuery methods that
help you navigate through the tree and pick which branches you want to work

Once you have the elements you want to work with there are lots of methods
that allow you to do things such as set attributes, animate and much more.
Even better jQuery has loads of plugins that deal with more specialized

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite


I have both those tools but I have only used them sparingly, to see outlines
or find stuff. But now I will make better use of them.


I believe I got it now with that table, thanks so much, hope I can make it
up to you.


I  bought two books today that look like they have everything I need:
Peachpit's Visual Quickstart guides on HTML, XHTML  CSS, and another on
CSS, DHTML  AJAX.. I don t quite get the diff between  X and D, but the
XHTML book did not cover the DOM at all but the DHTML had a whole chapter on
it. It s a lot of reading J


Those kids are always wanting something and now you have me to deal with too




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:33 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


here is a demo of the table

You should think about your html like a giant tree.  The html tag is the
trunk, then the body tag is a branch, and then the table tag is a branch
off that, and so on and so on, down through each nested item.  Climbing up
means towards the trunk of the tree.  Siblings are branches right next to

A great tool, which is sounds like you may not have it Firebug for Firefox
and IE Dev Toolbar for Internet Explorer. 
They are MUST HAVE tools for any web developer.  They are absolutely
essential.  Google for them and you will see.

Ooops, kids need to be brought to the park.  Gotta run.  :)


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.


That's fine, I can look silly.


I'd love to see your table example so I can hammer this home. Seeing the
code would help me understand how this gets turned into a colored


because this statement


Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up to the TR and give it a new css
class called Foo.


Just brought up more questions.


What does climb up mean?

How does assigning a class to a certain row make it change color?

Do you mean the class has a css statement in it for background-color:
#FF for example?



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:
mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 5:22 PM

To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


$(this) is the anchor link the user clicked on.
What is nice about jquery is the whole concept of $(this).  Once you know
what the user moused over or clicked on or dragged or whatever, you have a
place to start in your code. 

For instance, let's say you had a table with ten rows.  and this code:




That means you would be binding a click event to EVERY row, and use one
single click function to mean, Whatever row the user clicked on...climb up
to the TR and give it a new css class called Foo.  It's incredibly powerful.
One of my first jQuery examples used the same thing but with a mouseover
instead of a click.  That let me highlight the background of the row the
user was one.  My goodness, I was so happy to be gone with onmouseover and
onmouseout of every single TR. 

This line: $(#console a. + type).fadeIn(1000);

Basically what it means is that I want to end up with one of the following:
$(#console a.click).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.over).fadeIn(1000);
$(#console a.out).fadeIn(1000);

But rather than make 3 lines.  I used a flexible feature of jQuery which is
using variables in the middle of the statement. 
I ended the part in quotes after the a-dot, and then used + type.  Type is
just a made up word.  I could have said eventType or Foo.
If you notice all the lines that call this had the type in the parenthethes.
showLink( over).
So it's kind of like a fancy CSS rule builder using a variable.  I consider
it an advanced technique (FOR ME).  I am not a programmer.

The tutorials are a great place to start.  I would do all the basic examples
first.  You will be surprised how much foundation 
they give you.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is  LOT going on in your excellent examples, lots for me to ponder.


For the first example it appears that first you make single container called
#console which you use to display what I think are links (a).  Then you set
its display to none so its invisible.
















  $('#console a').click(function(){






Here I believe you attaching four mouse events to the #nest div, and calling
the showlink function with a parameter that displays 

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite
Hey that's great you are enjoying this. And I am IN LOVE with the jQuery
plugins, because of the fact that even if you don't know how they work, they
are super easy to use. Man I have been trying kinds of cool stuff, tooltips,
interface elements, rounded corners, it's like being a candy store. I can
hardly imagine what will happen when I really understand this stuff J


Glen has been fabulous and really thoughtful. Maybe this is karmic kickback
for all those computer books I put my soul into? 


Thanks for the post from michael I am sure it's the most lucid writing on
the planet.


I think the tree analogy is sinking in but I have always thought it wasn't
the best metaphor. 


How many trees have you seen with just one branch? 


And whose trunk starts in the sky and grows down?


Even the parent/sibling thing leaves me hanging. Maybe I will stumble on
something that works better in my visual cortex, if not it's a tree that is
really lopsided from this one giant branch that everything else branches
from. The GOD branch. To me a raindrop meandering down a wet window is
easier to visualize.


I swear to DOM I will get it one day!



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 8:37 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.

You won't find anyone laughing at you here. Learning is what this community
is all about! You are asking some very good questions. I know I'm enjoying
the dialog and Glen is doing a excellent job of answering your questions. 

The 'this' keyword can be pretty confusing at first because the object it
represents changes depending on where you are using it. Actually Michael
Geary had a very nice post to the list explaining the 'this' keyword a while
back. Here is the post:

Glen is correct in advising you to think about the html like a tree ... a
DOM tree. jQuery takes a lot of the pain out of navigating around this tree
with its selectors and DOM traversal methods. VisualjQuery.com organizes
these methods very nicely. Go to http://visualjquery.com/ and then click on
'DOM' then 'Traversal'. Then you will see a listing of jQuery methods that
help you navigate through the tree and pick which branches you want to work

Once you have the elements you want to work with there are lots of methods
that allow you to do things such as set attributes, animate and much more.
Even better jQuery has loads of plugins that deal with more specialized

Brandon Aaron



[jQuery] Click to Call a Function: The Movie

2007-07-21 Thread Mitchell Waite
Glen (and others):


This looks better on a big screen but do I have this right?






PS How do I keep my email address from getting displayed on my messages?


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Glen Lipka
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:33 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2


here is a demo of the table

You should think about your html like a giant tree.  The html tag is the
trunk, then the body tag is a branch, and then the table tag is a branch
off that, and so on and so on, down through each nested item.  Climbing up
means towards the trunk of the tree.  Siblings are branches right next to

A great tool, which is sounds like you may not have it Firebug for Firefox
and IE Dev Toolbar for Internet Explorer. 
They are MUST HAVE tools for any web developer.  They are absolutely
essential.  Google for them and you will see.

Ooops, kids need to be brought to the park.  Gotta run.  :)



[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

Try this book.  It's the first jQuery book.

Actually, I dont love the tree metaphor either.  Rather think of it like the
Windows File Structure.  the C drive is the root HTML tag.  And each
folder is nested inside another one.  Siblings are folders in the same
parent folder.  This is actually how I envision it, not really like an Oak

jQuery has saved me so much time and energy.  It has also MADE money for the
companies I work for.
Helping out other people on the list is just a one way of paying back.

I also donate to the jQuery project.  Consider a small donation on
jQuery.com if you feel jQuery has improved your own bottom line.  it keeps
the wheels in motion.

Im glad I could help.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey that's great you are enjoying this. And I am IN LOVE with the jQuery
plugins, because of the fact that even if you don't know how they work, they
are super easy to use. Man I have been trying kinds of cool stuff, tooltips,
interface elements, rounded corners, it's like being a candy store. I can
hardly imagine what will happen when I really understand this stuff J

Glen has been fabulous and really thoughtful. Maybe this is karmic
kickback for all those computer books I put my soul into?

Thanks for the post from michael I am sure it's the most lucid writing on
the planet.

I think the tree analogy is sinking in but I have always thought it wasn't
the best metaphor.

How many trees have you seen with just one branch?

And whose trunk starts in the sky and grows down?

Even the parent/sibling thing leaves me hanging. Maybe I will stumble on
something that works better in my visual cortex, if not it's a tree that is
really lopsided from this one giant branch that everything else branches
from. The GOD branch. To me a raindrop meandering down a wet window is
easier to visualize.

I swear to DOM I will get it one day!

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Brandon Aaron
*Sent:* Saturday, July 21, 2007 8:37 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

On 7/21/07, *Mitchell Waite* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe I am getting it. I bet all the luckers are rolling on the floor
with laughter at my naivety.

 You won't find anyone laughing at you here. Learning is what this
community is all about! You are asking some very good questions. I know I'm
enjoying the dialog and Glen is doing a excellent job of answering your

The 'this' keyword can be pretty confusing at first because the object it
represents changes depending on where you are using it. Actually Michael
Geary had a very nice post to the list explaining the 'this' keyword a while
back. Here is the post:

Glen is correct in advising you to think about the html like a tree ... a
DOM tree. jQuery takes a lot of the pain out of navigating around this tree
with its selectors and DOM traversal methods. VisualjQuery.com organizes
these methods very nicely. Go to http://visualjquery.com/ and then click
on 'DOM' then 'Traversal'. Then you will see a listing of jQuery methods
that help you navigate through the tree and pick which branches you want to
work with.

Once you have the elements you want to work with there are lots of methods
that allow you to do things such as set attributes, animate and much more.
Even better jQuery has loads of plugins that deal with more specialized

Brandon Aaron

[jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function: The Movie

2007-07-21 Thread Glen Lipka

:)  This is really funny.  I have never seen anything like this.
Yes, I think it's accurate.

One note:  In general, try to keep the subject like the same and just click
reply.  In Gmail, that keeps the thread together.  Otherwise, it looks like
three threads.  Makes it easier for people to skip a topic if they want.


On 7/21/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Glen (and others):

This looks better on a big screen but do I have this right?



PS How do I keep my email address from getting displayed on my messages?

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Glen Lipka
*Sent:* Saturday, July 21, 2007 7:33 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Click to Call a Function Part 2

here is a demo of the table

You should think about your html like a giant tree.  The html tag is the
trunk, then the body tag is a branch, and then the table tag is a branch
off that, and so on and so on, down through each nested item.  Climbing up
means towards the trunk of the tree.  Siblings are branches right next to

A great tool, which is sounds like you may not have it Firebug for Firefox
and IE Dev Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
They are MUST HAVE tools for any web developer.  They are absolutely
essential.  Google for them and you will see.

Ooops, kids need to be brought to the park.  Gotta run.  :)
