[jQuery] Re: What is wrong with this code?

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
No problem karl I like being quoted ;-)

But, the jkwick doesn't actually use the technique he needs. Instead it uses
a boolean called running to determine if an animation is running or not
and if it is running, then it doesn't trigger another animation until that
has finished. Actually it is just a hack to get around the issue of not
being able to stop animations in the middle.

That said, Eridius, if all you need is to stop the animation midway, you
have to take a look at the interface Fx plugin. Just the way mootools has
moo.fx as a module, you get interesting FX features with interface plugin's
FX. One such thing is surprise, surprise a way to easily stop
animations. Take a look here... http://interface.eyecon.ro/docs/animate

Eridius, come on, it is not a lot of code... the whole jkwick plugin(which
is packaged for reuse) is just approximately 1K leaving the comments out.


On 8/13/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Aug 13, 2007, at 8:40 PM, Joel Birch wrote:

 On 8/14/07, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/14/07, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That help quite a bit but still not the effect i am looking for.  I
   know this
   is ironic but i am looking for the effect on this home page on the
   hand side:
   The thing that that effect has and this one does not is the is stops
   effect once the mouse leaves if i move over a link real fast and then
   it.  in my code it perform the full effect even if my mouse is over it
   away.  is there a way to stop the effect from fully complete if the
   mouse is
   move in and then out real fast?
  Would you like to take this one Karl ;)

 Seriously though, I think you will find that jQuery can not currently stop
 animations mid-way through. If it begins, it will animate fully and then
 remember to do the closing animation if you moused out in the meantime. I
 think the ability to stop animations mid-way is planned for a future release
 of jQuery.

 In the meantime I highly recommend looking at Brian Cherne's hoverIntent
 plugin as it will definitely help cut down on triggering unwanted animations
 for menus like this.

 haha, very funny, Joel. :-)

 I hope Ganeshji Marwaha doesn't mind my pasting a previous email of his
 that answers the same question:

 1. There is a plugin called hover 
 The primary purpose of this plugin is to stop these kind of actions on
 unintentional hovers.
 So, you can allow the user to move the mouse over ur link, and when it is
 clear that the users intention is to actually use the link, the hover event
 is fired. This can solve your problem although, this might not be what you
 are looking for.

 2. You can unbind the mouseover event when the animation starts and in the
 animation end callback you can bind the handler again. Same can be done for
 mouse out as well. This way if the user mouseovers the link, the unbind
 event happens and the animation starts. During this time if the user hovers
 over it again and again, your handler wont be called because you have
 unbound it already. Once the animation is done, attach the handler again.

 And you can see an implementation of suggestion #2 in Ganeshji's
 jQuerified version of another Mootools accordion thingie:


 Just have a look at the source js. That should get you going in the right

 This questions has been asked a lot lately. Anyone up for adding it to the
 frequently asked questions list? :)

 Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: using load cross site

2007-08-14 Thread Hector Santos

But Michael, please excuse my ignorance. I'm curious. I have to ask
because I still do not see this JSONP XSS loophole.

Isn't this flickr example you showed below is selft containing with
the same site I/O? Where is the cross-site logic?

Do you have a link to some official or 'proposal' or draft
specification on JSONP?


On Aug 13, 7:35 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, you can load *scripts* cross-site with no problem.

 It's true, a server-side proxy is the only way to do a cross-site Ajax
 download. But if the information is available in any kind of executable
 JavaScript format, you can use a script tag or a dynamic script element to
 download it.

 That's what the JSONP (JSON with callback) format is all about - wrap a JSON
 object inside a callback function whose name is given in the request URL.
 Here's an example:

 back=fotofeed jsoncallback=fotofeed

 That URL returns:

   title: Everyone's photos,
   link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/;,
   // more stuff here, including an array of photo links and info


 If you create either a script tag or a dynamic script element with that URL
 in the src, it will call your fotofeed function (or any function you name
 in the jsoncallback= URL parameter) and pass it the JSON data.

 It doesn't have to be JSON data, of course - the script tag can execute any
 JavaScript code (which can be good or bad - obviously you need to trust the
 data provider). JSONP is just a common convention for downloading JSON data

 If you want to make sure that no rogue JavaScript code is executed, or if
 the data isn't available in JSONP or a similar executable script format,
 then you do need to Ajax and a server-side proxy.



 From: Matt Stith

 The only way around is to use a server-side script as a proxy, as loading
 scripts cross-site is a security risk, which is why browsers block that out.

 From: Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

 I am working on a website for the BBB and need to load a document cross
 site, I am getting a permission denied message when doing so. Is there a
 way around that?

[jQuery] Re: Checking for popup blocker when using click()

2007-08-14 Thread SeViR

Geoff escribió:

My aim is not to disable the pop up blocker, just to check if it is
present and show an error or notification to the user. Its not a pop
up, its opening an external website in a new window / tab.


Popup blockers treats any window.open as popup in some cases:

If the popup is not open with a user interaction ($(a).click is a 
valid example).
In this cases, if you open a new window in load or ready method, the 

blocker detects a popup and blocks.

But we have a simple method for to detect a popup block and notice the user:

var mywindow = window.open();
if (!mywindow){
   alert(A popup blocker has been detected, please click the link for 
to open the new window.);

   return false;

On Aug 13, 7:44 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] Re: Tabs - missing close button

2007-08-14 Thread Klaus Hartl

Mitchell Waite wrote:
I love your tabs plugin and I am really using it in a beautiful way. I 
was wondering – today’s tabs in Firefox and IE7 come with close buttons 
in the upper right corner. Would it be possible to modify the css and 
graphics so that we could use close buttons? I would like to be able to 
add the graphic and then a behavior that would remove the tab.


removing tabs isn't currently supported, I'm sorry. This will be added 
to Tabs 3, i.e. the jQuery UI tabs widget.


[jQuery] Re: Scrolling a div area without scrolling the page?

2007-08-14 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

Hi kelvin, that feature sounds excellent! 

If you are interested in seeing it live, I've used your jscrollpane with
custom styles here:

http://www.thor.be/creation.php?id=3  (bottom left menu is a scrollTo


An ultimate use would be to have all anchor links automatically have the
scrollTo functionality

Another nice addition would be to have the setInterval value as an option (i
personnaly tweaked it to much less than what you have per default, for a
much more responsive scroller.

Thanks a lot for this awesome plugin!


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kelvin Luck
Sent: mardi 14 août 2007 9:49
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Scrolling a div area without scrolling the page?


You can do this if you are using my jScrollPane and it's scrollTo method:


I'm just about to make an improvement which will allow you to pass in a
jQuery selector for the object you want to scroll to as well as a pixel
position - keep an eye on the following ticket to know when it's been added:


Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

 I don't know if jquery will be able to address this but I thought I 
 would try anyway.
 Is there a way to scroll a div area (which has an overflow:auto) to an 
 anchor point within the div without scrolling the page (i.e., the page 
 should remain stationary)?  In other words, is there a way to use 
 jquery to animate the div when an anchor tag is clicked?
 I've coded a basic html example at
 You'll see the page scroll when you click on a letter at the top of 
 the div.
 Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance,

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[jQuery] Re: function to return value from ajax

2007-08-14 Thread SeViR

James Dempster escribió:

Is it possible to make a function that returns a value from an ajax
request. I want the javascript execution to stop until the function
returns it's value. Inside the function it makes it's ajax request
then returns a value based on the data returned. Currently I only see
that a callback function is called.


You can return HTML or JSON, I prefer JSON:
your server response:
{stat: ERROR, msg:Problem with the database.}

$.post(url, {data}, function(json){
   data = eval((+json+));

   if(data.stat == ERROR){

This function wait the server response, and run the code when the
data is back.

Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] Re: using getJSON() with IE vs FF

2007-08-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


However, under IE, I am seeing the same JSON result over and over
again. Sounds like a IE caching behavior.

It is a caching issue. See this thread for lots of different solutions:


The 2 most popular are either to add the current browser time in
milliseconds to the request or to prevent caching by pushing the correct
headers via your server script.


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin update

2007-08-14 Thread Karl Swedberg
I'd love this, Mike. It would be really nice to have a common theme  
for plugin documentation and demos. Not only would it remove the need  
for me to reinvent the wheel, but it would also lend my plugins  
instant credibility because they'll be presented so similarly to  
yours. :D

Karl Swedberg

On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:49 PM, Joel Birch wrote:

On 8/14/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To Joel's point, I made a template for my docs a while back.  If
anyone is interested in getting a copy of it then I'll clean it up,
zip it up, and post it.


Definitely! No rush at the moment but it would be awesome if you  
could do that at your leisure. Thanks.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: using load cross site

2007-08-14 Thread Pops

 Here an perfect example.  Add this to any web site:

 script type='text/javascript' src=http://beta.winserver.com/public/
  alert(mike);  /// Say hello to my little Friend!

Sorry, that should be:

 script type='text/javascript'
src=http://beta.winserver.com/public/js/mike.data; /
 alert(mike);  /// Say hello to my little Friend!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.0.2 conflicts with 1.1.2 ??

2007-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi george cheers for the help

upon loading the page i have:

$ is not defined
[Break on this error] $(document).ready(function(){

and then opening and closing a thickbox i get

TB_remove is not defined

then everything else is cained... the calendars and other javascript

[jQuery] How do I select (use) a link in the html I appended?

2007-08-14 Thread nounou

Hi there,

First post here.and uh well, I'm very busy making a site with
jquery and all, and maybe this  is just a simple question and I'm
to .. to see it, but PLEASE, can someone help me with the next: :-

I have something like this:

$('#panel').append('tabletrtddiv id=link1Link 1/div/
tdtddiv id=link2Link 2/div/td/tr/table');


But this doesn't work.
When I open the panel, and the html is appended to it, the link
doesn't work.
How can I select it? What am I doing wrong here?

Hope someone will come with a nice answer ;-)


[jQuery] Strange error when using Ajax to send form!

2007-08-14 Thread firstlor


I have a big problem using jquery and ajax. I have the following code:
http://pastebin.com/m2ab384c1 !
I submit a form and an ajax request is sent. if the site the request
is sent to outputs '-1|X', than it's an error with X as error msg, if
it's 1, it was successfull!
Now I tried to enter validation code wrong and I get the error, that
it was wrong ... the form isn't hidden so I can try again! When trying
again and again with wrong code, I get always this error msg (so far,
that's how it should be) ...

If than I enter the right code, the alert(msg) is executed, I get
'1' (so I think it should go into the else-block and display msg of
success), 'ASDx' is also alerted, but than 'ASD1', 'ASD2' and 'ASD3'
are not alerted (I dunno why ... even if no block of if-else is being
executed, it should alert 'ASD3' ...), and I get the 3 alerts from the
'error' handler ... the third parameter says: Type Error: e.style has
no property ...

I don't understand this.
Can you help me? Thanks!

p.s.: I have jquery and jquery form plugin!

[jQuery] created an $.interval function for polling, but it needs some cleanup I think

2007-08-14 Thread Steve Wicklund

I wanted to be able to do polling using a function like this:

$.interval(seconds, callbackFunction);

The interval function will perform the callbackFunction every x
seconds, unless the previous call is still executing (inspired from
Prototype's PeriodicalExecuter)
I have written one that works, but as I have still a bit green with
javascript I know it can be improved.
Here is what I've got:

 *  interval
 *  by Steven Wicklund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *  A setInterval wrapper for jQuery
 *  So this works for 1 timer interval, but the currentlyExecuting
singleton will likely cause issues
 *  if there is more than one interval per page...
jQuery.extend( {
interval:function(frequency, fn) {
this.currentlyExecuting = false;
setInterval(function() {$.onTimerEvent(fn);}, frequency * 1000);
 * onTimerEvent courtesy Prototype PeriodicalExecuter()
 * (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * (MIT license see:  http://prototype.conio.net/)
onTimerEvent: function(callback) {
if (!this.currentlyExecuting) {
  try {
this.currentlyExecuting = true;
  } finally {
this.currentlyExecuting = false;

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin update

2007-08-14 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 I haven't tried to duplicate the KenBurnsEffect, but you can set up
 your own custom transitions.  What exactly do you mean by dynamic?

Each time an image is used, I give it new initial and final size and  
position, so that it never does the same.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Checking for popup blocker when using click()

2007-08-14 Thread Geoff

I'm very interested in your second example with the $
(a.external).click... how would you do a similar thing when
submitting a form? I'm actually calling click() on a input

Thanks :)


On Aug 14, 7:09 am, SeViR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoff escribió: My aim is not to disable the pop up blocker, just to check 
 if it is
  present and show an error or notification to the user. Its not a pop
  up, its opening an external website in a new window / tab.


 Popup blockers treats any window.open as popup in some cases:

 If the popup is not open with a user interaction ($(a).click is a
 valid example).
 In this cases, if you open a new window in load or ready method, the
 blocker detects a popup and blocks.

 But we have a simple method for to detect a popup block and notice the user:

 var mywindow = window.open();
 if (!mywindow){
 alert(A popup blocker has been detected, please click the link for
 to open the new window.);}

 return false;

  On Aug 13, 7:44 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Best Regards,
  José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

  SeViR CW · Computer Design

  Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] Submit form via Ajax

2007-08-14 Thread Maggi

Hey guys!

I just wanted to check if someone knows how to implement TinyMCE into
a Ajax Form Submit script?  It looks like TinyMCE ( the WYSIWYG
editor ) writes the data in it's iframe into the hidden textarea but
it does not do so until after the code below has finished:

$('#new_textfield').submit(function() {
var inputs = [];
$(':input', this).each(function() {
inputs.push(this.name + '=' + 
return false;

So when I click Submit the first time, it just displays the textarea
as empty, but the second time I click Submit it displays the text.

Can anyone turn me into the right direction?


[jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC and jQuery Suggest

2007-08-14 Thread Andy Matthews

I haven't seen that one, but the autosuggest by Dan Switzer is great.



-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Duncan
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 8:19 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] AjaxCFC and jQuery Suggest


I am new to jquery and have discovered some of the many cool things it can
do so easily. We are long time users of ajaxCFC from Rob Gonda, and I am in
the process of moving code from DWR to jQuery.

We currently use a Suggest class with DWR ajaxCFC that can be seen here

I am looking to convert this over to jQuery and found the
http://www.vulgarisoip.com/ suggest for jQuery. Has anyone used this with
ajaxCFC yet? If so, do you have an example?

Does anyone have a Suggest example that already works with JQuery ajaxCFC?

Thanks in advance!

Duncan I Loxton

[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Blair Mitchelmore

am I to take it that there is not a webpage with examples?

for anyone who was around to see my earlier plugin releases, you
should know that I am notorious for forgetting to post both my demo
page url and the url for the javascript source. right now, my account
is being moderated I believe, so it takes some time for responses to
filter through. Anyways, the very minimalist demo can be found at:
http://jquery.offput.ca/every and the code is available at
http://jquery.offput.ca/js/jquery.every.js I will also soon be adding
it to the plugin repository on jquery.com

Maybe stopClock? stopTimer? Stop is just a bit too generic, IMO.

Yeah, when I wrote it long ago in the mists of time, there had been
very little discussion of stopping animations so I used stop. Now that
animation control is more readily available I may rename it soon.
(Though I think the next step in improving how plugins interoperate is
allowing multiple plugins to operate under the same name by having the
plugin provide some sort of argument test to determine if the provided
arguments are valid and then using that plugin on a case by case

Later this week, I think I'll modify the plugin method names but for
now (as you'll see from the source) it's quite easy for you to do this
on your own for now.


On Aug 13, 6:09 pm, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So I actually wrote this plugin almost six months ago, but a few weeks
 ago I fleshed it out for use at work. The main external change was a
 change in the order of the arguments to simplify the code. And the
 main internal change was moving the structure of the timer tracking
 code to more closely mimic jQuery's internal event module. There
 wasn't anything wrong with the way it was written before, but this
 way, the code will appear more friendly for people trying to hack it
 in the future who are already familiar with hacking jQuery.

 Anyways, the main point of this code is concise definitions of
 interval-ed events. For a practical example:

 $(input).keypress(function() {
 $(this).stop(autocomplete).once(250,autocomplete,function() {
 // provide a list of values to autocomplete with


 For another practical, though slightly more trivial, example:

 $('p.clock').every(1000, function() {
 this.innerHTML = // The time right now.


 The example will do something after someone has typed something but
 only if no keys have been pressed for 250 milliseconds. This allows
 for dynamic type searching without complicated timing and clearing of
 timeouts in your code. The second example is a simple clock. The
 implementation may vary, but the principle is the same. One additional
 feature is the concept of labels. Labels allow you to define certain
 events to be in a certain namespace which can be more finely
 controlled. In this way, the above autocomplete example could operate
 on the same element while another timer sequence is occuring and
 because they have different labels, they could be stopped and
 controlled independent of each other without any complicated global
 variable nonsense.

 The level of control of stopping events employs labels. Calling $
 (this).stop() cancels any and all interval and timeout events attached
 to that element. $(this).stop('label') will stop any and all events
 with the label 'label' and $(this).stop('label',fn) will only stop a
 certain event if it is of that label name and calls the provided
 function. This allows for both broad and fine-grained event control.

 So, as per usual, I've left the documentation fairly sparse and this
 post will probably have to suffice until I stop being lazy.

 The functions I've added to jQuery are once, every, and stop.

 once takes three arguments: timeout, label, and function. label is
 optional and will become a string representation of the timeout if not
 specified. It will be called once in timeout milliseconds.

 every takes four arguments: timeout, label, function, and times. label
 is again options and defaults to the timeout value. times is also
 optional and becomes unbounded if unspecified. times is used to limit
 the number of times an event occurs.

 stop takes two arguments: label, and function. Both are optional and
 if neither is provided, all events on that DOM element are stopped. If
 the label is provided without a function all events with that label
 are stopped. Conversely, if a function is provided but no label, all
 the events calling that function, regardless of label, are stopped.
 Finally, if both are provided, they are both used to filter down to
 stop that event.

 The few times I've used these methods, my timer based methods have
 become invariably more readable and more compact. Enjoy, if you must.


[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 14, 3:34 pm, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Though I think the next step in improving how plugins interoperate is
 allowing multiple plugins to operate under the same name by having the
 plugin provide some sort of argument test to determine if the provided
 arguments are valid and then using that plugin on a case by case

i think namespaces would be a better idea, e.g.:


i don't know if that type of thing is possible using the current jQ
code. That sounds like a good question for the list.

[jQuery] Re: scollovers animation

2007-08-14 Thread Blair Mitchelmore

 In fact, display: inline-block is already supported by Mozilla if you use the 
 vendor prefix: display: -moz-inline-block

From my little experience with -moz-inline-block I've found it to be
buggy at best, mostly because the reflow algorithm's employed by gecko
needed to be changed at a fundamental level to support that kind of
behaviour. In fact, MDC http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/
Mozilla_CSS_Extensions#display even admits this:

Mozilla also accepts -moz-* values for certain CSS2 and CSS2.1 values of the 
display property that it does not yet support correctly (or at all):
 * -moz-inline-block

And as I said, firefox 3 has a huge improvement to their reflow which
will allow for non-buggy inline-block.

 I just made the experience that scripting on top of an invalid DOM causes 
 more problems than trying to be compliant

I know the troubles of invalid DOM, and in this instance I agree that
there should be no reason to add a fieldset into a hyperlink element
(beyond that it works), but there are instances where an invalid
DOM has real practical advantages. The two I can think of right now
are nested forms and style tags inside noscript tags. The first allows
for a full form to be posted en masse through the parent form but also
allows posting of the child forms to independent urls which handle the
smaller forms more directly (and save time and bandwidth by not
posting unnecessary form fields). (Nested forms are also necessary if
working in ASP.NET and avoiding the postback system for one reason or
another). The second is a simple and elegant way of hiding things you
wanted to be shown for javascript behaviour, or vice versa.

Anyways, enough standards ranting.


On Aug 14, 9:18 am, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Blair Mitchelmore wrote:
  If inline-block worked cross-browser, we wouldn't have the floating
  hell we have today. inline-block is not supported by firefox, and
  won't be until firefox 3 is released.

  And I'm not defending non-standard html (even though sometimes, the
  standards are overly restrictive for no real reason) but I was trying
  to duplicate an already existing behaviour and the only way to do it
  was with non-standard html. But my real point was that javascript
  generated html has no real incentive to be valid as it never gets
  tested by validators and it works.


 I just made the experience that scripting on top of an invalid DOM
 causes more problems than trying to be compliant, no matter how the HTML
 is generated.

 If it's compliant you'll have at least some reliability otherwise not at

 I also just wanted to improve what you provided instead of rambling
 about it. I apologize.

 In fact, display: inline-block is already supported by Mozilla if you
 use the vendor prefix: display: -moz-inline-block

 A script could use that like:

 $(...).css({ display: 'inline-block', display: '-moz-inline-block' })

 Browsers other than Mozilla should ignore the second unknown value and
 apply the first declaration, whereas Mozilla will apply the second one.


[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Blair Mitchelmore

Maybe it's just my jealousy of pattern matching and multi-methods that
makes me want that particular solution. I definitely think that jQuery
is getting big enough that some form of plugin hierarchy would be
nice. (Though I'm perhaps a tad too modest to want a namespace for
myself. perhaps $(...).timer.start() ?)

I recall from last summer there was some discussion of namespacing of
plugins and john didn't seem to think it would be a huge technological
hurdle but it didn't really go anywhere. Personally, I think that
direct namespacing like that removes some of the brevity and
simplicity of jQuery. Though perhaps an importing system could be


jQuery(...).stop(); // stops timer events not animations

But this is all a discussion better suited for the dev list.


On Aug 14, 9:52 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 14, 3:34 pm, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  (Though I think the next step in improving how plugins interoperate is
  allowing multiple plugins to operate under the same name by having the
  plugin provide some sort of argument test to determine if the provided
  arguments are valid and then using that plugin on a case by case

 i think namespaces would be a better idea, e.g.:


 i don't know if that type of thing is possible using the current jQ
 code. That sounds like a good question for the list.

[jQuery] Re: using getJSON() with IE vs FF

2007-08-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 14, 12:41 pm, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JSON: div id=JsonDump/div

 script type='text/javascript'
 $(document).ready(function() {
   var url = /code/jSystemMonitor.wcx;
   var secs = 5000;
   $(#JsonDump).ajaxComplete(function(request, settings){
   var res = $.getJSON(url);
   setInterval( function() { var res = $.getJSON(url); }, secs);

An unrelated problem: you are adding LI elements directly to a DIV.
According to an earlier post on this list, LI elements are illegal
outside of a UL or OL element. You may want to change:

 JSON: div id=JsonDump/div


 JSON: ul id=JsonDump/ul

[jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor (missing?) feature

2007-08-14 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
hi Brandon!
wow!  can you fastly elaborate how does this.hash gets to the anchor name ?
thanks a lot!


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: mardi 14 août 2007 15:01
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor (missing?)

Hey Alexandre, I know you didn't ask for that code to be cleaned up but I
just felt like shortening it a little.

$('#submenu li a')
.bind('click', function() {
var $panel = $('#rightContent'); 
$panel[0].scrollTo( $(this.hash).offset().top - $panel.offset().top
return false;

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Alexandre Plennevaux HYPERLINK

By the way, if anyone interested i found my solution like this:

$('#submenu li a').bind('click', function(){
var targetPos = $(this).attr('href').substr(1);
var $panel = $('#rightContent'); 
var paneltop = parseInt($panel.offset().top);
targetPos = $('#'+targetPos).offset().top;
$('#rightContent')[0].scrollTo(parseInt(targetPos -
return false;

With each anchor having its id same as its name value: a id=downloads

This is using the dimensions.js plugin 

-Original Message-
mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.comjquery-en@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of
Kelvin Luck
Sent: mardi 14 août 2007 9:45
To: HYPERLINK mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.comjquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor (missing?)


I think this is a nice idea for an addition to the jScrollPane. I've added
it as an issue on the plugin's support page:


I'll try and implement it ASAP, it's not complex to do,


Kelvin :)

Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

 i have 3 anchor links (allowing to jump to a specific chapter in a 
 text) and i was wondering if there is a simple way to make the page
 slide down instead of jump to the target anchor.
 i find kelvin's jscrollpane allows to do it. question: can it take an
 element as parameter or does it need an Int? 

 something like:

 $('#anchorLink').bind('click', function(){

 i tried that and a few other ways but that i could not make it roll. 
 Maybe a nice add on feature?

 thanks all, have a great week !


 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.15/949 - Date:
 12/08/2007 11:03

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.483 / Base de données virus: 269.11.17/951 - Date: 13/08/2007

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.483 / Base de données virus: 269.11.17/951 - Date: 13/08/2007

[jQuery] How pass more variables in Star Rating System (AJAX Question)

2007-08-14 Thread Mario Moura
Hi Folks

I saw that Star Rating System pass only the vote.

How can I add more variables? Something like this:

  user: $('#user').attr('name'),
  currenttime : $('#currenttime').attr(name),


Mário Moura

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Cool. Thanks for sharing with the list. Minifying and gzip compression is my
preferred solution. Using JSMin it gets down to about 36k and using
mod_deflate it goes down to about 11k.

However, the most interesting thing I read out of that article was that that
claim, 40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and
about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache.

If that is true ... so much for that age old but it gets cached argument.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey folks,

 Today I came across this article via DZone:


 The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier. Its level of
 compaction is higher than the Dojo compressor, and it is as safe as
 JSMin. Tests on the YUI library have shown savings of about 18%
 compared to JSMin and 10% compared to the Dojo compressor (these
 respectively become 10% and 5% after HTTP compression)

 I've given it a test run on my own code, and it really seems to work,
 version 1.4 of jMaps was 12.6k, and this compressor took it down to
 4.6k minified, that's a 58% reduction in code, while producing no
 errors, something I have never truly been able to get with packer.

 jQuery minified with this (1.1.3) goes down to 31.5kb - not as small
 as the packed version, but still an impressive reduction in size.

 Tane Piper

 This email is: [ x ] blogable [ ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: Making An Intergrated Plugin

2007-08-14 Thread Bernd Matzner

 Inside the plugin method this is already a jQuery object, thus you

 And you usually shouldn't forget to maintain chainability by returning
 the object:

Thanks for reminding, I keep forgetting about these basic jQuery
principles - after all, that's what jQuery is about...

Grüße in die Sredzkistraße,

[jQuery] Re: is this possible in jQ: plugin namespaces?

2007-08-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 14, 4:05 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 I believe it is possible, M. Alsup does just that in is cycle 

That *almost* does what i'm looking for, but not quite. In that case,
a single plugin uses child objects to hold the transitions. That is,
in effect, a namespace in and of itself. But what i'm looking for is:


Such that all of Malsup's plugins could be placed under the 'malsup'

My initial attempts to do this in jQ have failed so far, e.g.:

if( ! 'myns' in jQuery.fn ) {
  jQuery.fn.myns = {};
jQuery.fn.myns.myPlugin = function(...){...};


[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Jonathan Sharp
I'm going to throw my suggestion in:



P.S. I approved your account so there shouldn't be a delay anymore.

On 8/14/07, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe it's just my jealousy of pattern matching and multi-methods that
 makes me want that particular solution. I definitely think that jQuery
 is getting big enough that some form of plugin hierarchy would be
 nice. (Though I'm perhaps a tad too modest to want a namespace for
 myself. perhaps $(...).timer.start() ?)

 I recall from last summer there was some discussion of namespacing of
 plugins and john didn't seem to think it would be a huge technological
 hurdle but it didn't really go anywhere. Personally, I think that
 direct namespacing like that removes some of the brevity and
 simplicity of jQuery. Though perhaps an importing system could be


 jQuery(...).stop(); // stops timer events not animations

 But this is all a discussion better suited for the dev list.


 On Aug 14, 9:52 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Aug 14, 3:34 pm, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   (Though I think the next step in improving how plugins interoperate is
   allowing multiple plugins to operate under the same name by having the
   plugin provide some sort of argument test to determine if the provided
   arguments are valid and then using that plugin on a case by case
  i think namespaces would be a better idea, e.g.:
  i don't know if that type of thing is possible using the current jQ
  code. That sounds like a good question for the list.

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Klaus Hartl

Brandon Aaron wrote:
However, the most interesting thing I read out of that article was that 
that claim, 40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience 
and about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache.

If that is true ... so much for that age old but it gets cached argument.

They did research, read here:


[jQuery] [NEWS] Brandon Aaron on Ajaxian

2007-08-14 Thread Rey Bango

jQuery team member Brandon Aaron made the front page of Ajaxian. His 
bgiframe plugin, which helps to resolve the very common z-index issue in 
IE 6, got some very well deserved kudos. Great job Aaron!



[jQuery] Re: dimensions plugin, animated scrollLeft(x)

2007-08-14 Thread emi polak
I'll have to wait then :p
Thank you Brandon and all jQuery team.

On 8/14/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This functionality is slated for jQuery 1.2:

 Brandon Aaron

 On 8/14/07, emi polak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using Dimensions for a carousel type of scroller. Two buttons (prev
  + next) controls the offset of the content inside a div (with overflow set
  to hidden). The offest is set with Dimension's scrollLeft(px).
  Is there a way to animate the motion of the content inside the div
  container, rather than just jump by the number of pixels set within
  And would be there another aproach to make this work  (cross browser)
  without Dimensions by using animate() ?
  Thank you!

[jQuery] Re: function to return value from ajax

2007-08-14 Thread James Dempster

worked it out guys, silly me it's loading data synchronously instead
of asynchronously. Done by doing...

function test() {
  var html = $.ajax({
   url: some.php,
   async: false // -- heres the key !
  return html;

:-) thanks all

On Aug 14, 1:54 pm, James Dempster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for something that will wait inside the function until it
 has the data to return, so not the callback type system that currently
 Something that will mimic this type of stuff will do too.

 function test() {
   $.ajax stuff here
   return data; // return data from the ajax request


 var bler = test();

 On Aug 14, 12:08 pm, SeViR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  James Dempster escribió: Is it possible to make a function that returns a 
  value from an ajax
   request. I want the javascript execution to stop until the function
   returns it's value. Inside the function it makes it's ajax request
   then returns a value based on the data returned. Currently I only see
   that a callback function is called.

  You can return HTML or JSON, I prefer JSON:
  your server response:
  {stat: ERROR, msg:Problem with the database.}

  $.post(url, {data}, function(json){
  data = eval((+json+));

  if(data.stat == ERROR){


  This function wait the server response, and run the code when the
  data is back.

  Best Regards,
   José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

   SeViR CW · Computer Design

   Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor (missing?) feature

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Actually I'll let DevGuru describe it. :)


Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hi Brandon!

 wow!  can you fastly elaborate how does this.hash gets to the anchor name

 thanks a lot!


 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Brandon Aaron
 *Sent:* mardi 14 août 2007 15:01
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor
 (missing?) feature

 Hey Alexandre, I know you didn't ask for that code to be cleaned up but I
 just felt like shortening it a little.

 $('#submenu li a')
 .bind('click', function() {
 var $panel = $('#rightContent');
 $panel[0].scrollTo( $(this.hash).offset().top -
 $panel.offset().top );
 return false;

 Brandon Aaron

 On 8/14/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  By the way, if anyone interested i found my solution like this:
  $('#submenu li a').bind('click', function(){
  var targetPos = $(this).attr('href').substr(1);
  var $panel = $('#rightContent');
  var paneltop = parseInt($panel.offset().top);
  targetPos = $('#'+targetPos).offset().top;
  $('#rightContent')[0].scrollTo(parseInt(targetPos -
  return false;
  With each anchor having its id same as its name value: a id=downloads
  This is using the dimensions.js plugin
  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery-en@googlegroups.com ] On
  Behalf Of Kelvin Luck
  Sent: mardi 14 août 2007 9:45
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Kelvin Luck's jscrollpane scrollTo anchor
  (missing?) feature
  I think this is a nice idea for an addition to the jScrollPane. I've
  added it as an issue on the plugin's support page:
  I'll try and implement it ASAP, it's not complex to do,
  Kelvin :)
  Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:
   i have 3 anchor links (allowing to jump to a specific chapter in a
   text) and i was wondering if there is a simple way to make the page
   slide down instead of jump to the target anchor.
   i find kelvin's jscrollpane allows to do it. question: can it take an
   element as parameter or does it need an Int?
   something like:
   $('#anchorLink').bind('click', function(){
   i tried that and a few other ways but that i could not make it roll.
   Maybe a nice add on feature?
   thanks all, have a great week !
   Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
   Analyse effectuée par AVG.
   Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.15/949 - Date:
   12/08/2007 11:03
  Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
  Analyse effectuée par AVG.
  Version: 7.5.483 / Base de données virus: 269.11.17/951 - Date:
  13/08/2007 10:15

 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.483 / Base de données virus: 269.11.17/951 - Date: 13/08/2007

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Brandon Aaron on Ajaxian

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Totally cool! My first appearance on Ajaxian. :)   Now everyone go vote 5
stars! ... unless I guess you don't like the plugin... but that would be
silly :p

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jQuery team member Brandon Aaron made the front page of Ajaxian. His
 bgiframe plugin, which helps to resolve the very common z-index issue in
 IE 6, got some very well deserved kudos. Great job Aaron!



[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Lipka
Where are the links?
You just have the path?

You can get an href value with the attr() function.
$(a).attr(href) will return the value inside an a href parameter.

You can also get the next link with the next function
$(1).click( function() {
} );

This might not be what you are looking for.  Maybe post a sample page to
help us understand?


On 8/14/07, b0bd0gz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a list of links and what I want is when someone clicks a button for
 it to display the href value of the next anchor tag in the list, in an
 alert box, after the anchor tag with the class selected.

 here's what the list looks like.

 ul class=thumbs
 li full_img/dh0215co4.jpg first /li
 li full_img/34220_1605__364lo.jpg second /li
 li full_img/122120_7132__239lo.jpg third /li

 So when the person clicks the person it will display an alert box with the
 href value, in this case, will be full_img/34220_1605__364lo.jpg.

 I hope that makes some sort of sense, if not I'll try and explain again.
 Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Brandon Aaron on Ajaxian

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Thanks! :)

On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wow congrats brandon... my votes are in :-) , and i really do like the
 plugin, and almost all plugins u write. you rock.


 On 8/14/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Totally cool! My first appearance on Ajaxian. :)   Now everyone go vote
  5 stars! ... unless I guess you don't like the plugin... but that would be
  silly :p
  Brandon Aaron
  On 8/14/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   jQuery team member Brandon Aaron made the front page of Ajaxian. His
   bgiframe plugin, which helps to resolve the very common z-index issue
   IE 6, got some very well deserved kudos. Great job Aaron!

[jQuery] Re: $.post() and CI inquiry

2007-08-14 Thread Scott Trudeau
* CI = CodeIgniter, I presume


I'm not sure I understand your question, but when you call:


It should load the HTML returned by index.php/meduser/check_pending_users
into whatever element has the id pendingUsers ... CI doesn't need to know
about the target DIV.  It just needs to return some HTML.

If you need to do something differently depending on the result of
check_pending_users, that becomes a little more complex.


On 8/13/07, Steve Finkelstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a simple javascript file being loaded externally that has the
 following code:

 -- snip --

 $(document).ready(function() {

 function() {
 $('#pendingUsers a').click(function() {
 $.post('index.php/meduser/pull_user_information', {id:

 setInterval(function() {
 }, 30);

 // initially hide the main content div until a pending user is clicked.


 -- snip --

 My issue here is I'm not sure how with CI to associate the $.post() with
 the div I want to populate the data back from the server with in a view. My
 view contains a div id=main/div area where the results should be
 posted back.

 My controller looks like this:

 function pull_user_information()
 $id = $this-input-post('id');
 $data['query'] = $this-db_users-query('select * from tbl_signups
 where ID=$id'

 $this-load-view('default/meduser_useraccordny_view', $data);

 I'm trying to populate the rel of the anchor tag into $id and using that
 to query the database.

 I can then pass that into the meduser_useraccordny_view, however I'm still
 not entirely sure how to populate the particular div.

 Any assistance would be appreciated!

Scott Trudeau
scott.trudeau AT gmail DOT com
AIM: sodthestreets

[jQuery] Issue with .ajax incrementally submitting.

2007-08-14 Thread deepreel

Folks, I'm fiddling with jquery for the first time and have an issue:

var dnsData=smode=clearnodehn=+hn+oldip=+ip+entry=+entry;
url: UpdateEntry,
type: POST,
dataType: html,
data: dnsData,
success: function(msg){

alert(DNS Update Succeeded);

error: function(msg){
Error in DNS Update. No changes applied.
Please manually check  UDNS for \n+hn+ set to;


The preceeding code technically works but if I get an error from the
UpdateEntry servlet it throws the alert, however the next time I
trigger the same ajax call (without reloading the page) I get 2 error
alerts, then 3 then 4 ever incrementing. JS debugging seems to
indicate that the

// Handle the global AJAX counter
2058 if ( s.global  ! --jQuery.active )
2059 jQuery.event.trigger( ajaxStop );

jquery global counter is getting increased on each call so that it
essentially counts down with each error function call until the point
where ajaxStop is triggered.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. Any guidance would be
appreciated. Note I have not done any .ajaxSetup else where in the
page the above is the entirety of my .ajax call.

Cheers folks.

P.S. thanks for the great tool.

[jQuery] jqUploader + uploadScript path to a subdomain

2007-08-14 Thread Roland Brecht

Hi there,

I use the jqUploader Script for uploading images and videos and it
works very well. But now, I have to upload the data to a subdomain.

jqUploader has the option to enter a different path for the upload

In the http://www.domain.com/jquery.jqUploader.js; you will find:

src: 'http://upload.domain.com/jqUploader.swf',
uploadScript: 'http://upload.domain.com/upload.php',

The file uploading part works. After uploading the file is located on
the upload.domain.com server.

BUT I can get no callback to display the submit button.

I still added System.security.allowDomain(*); to the jqUploader.swf,
but it doesnt work at all.

Any Ideas?

all the best

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Safari Crashes

2007-08-14 Thread Ken

I know you, and the other developers, are probably very busy with life
and everything, but I was curious if there was any word on the new
version of jQuery. I am highly interested in fixes for this Safari
problem. :)

Also, thank you to John and everybody else for all of the hard work
and genius being put into jQuery.

- Ken

On Aug 7, 8:53 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This bug was found just after the release - a ticket was
 opened on it and a new version was provided to those that were
 effected. The fix will be included in the upcoming 1.1.4 release
 (which should be coming out today or tomorrow).


[jQuery] Re: How pass more variables in Star Rating System (AJAX Question)

2007-08-14 Thread Mario Moura
Ok Its done.

I just create a Jquery ajax .

But I still have a problem. Always!

Will be friendly if I can show in Star System the user vote (using star)

after received the answer from my server

case 1: $($('#rate1').children().eq(1)).addClass(star on) 

Ok Now I can show to my user him vote.

But When the mouser cross over the start rate system, change the class again
to star and I lose my preformat visibility.

Ideas how can I fix this?



2007/8/14, Mario Moura [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Folks

 I saw that Star Rating System pass only the vote.

 How can I add more variables? Something like this:

   user: $('#user').attr('name'),
   currenttime : $('#currenttime').attr(name),


 Mário Moura

Mário Alberto Chaves Moura

[jQuery] Re: using getJSON() with IE vs FF

2007-08-14 Thread Pops

Your are right.   I pulled the ajaxComplete() append example from the
docs and it had a $(#msg') for the container.  I already had the div
from another ajax container example so I just change the name.  Thanks
for the 3rd evil eye. :-)


On Aug 14, 10:11 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 14, 12:41 pm, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  JSON: div id=JsonDump/div

  script type='text/javascript'
  $(document).ready(function() {
var url = /code/jSystemMonitor.wcx;
var secs = 5000;
$(#JsonDump).ajaxComplete(function(request, settings){
var res = $.getJSON(url);
setInterval( function() { var res = $.getJSON(url); }, secs);

 An unrelated problem: you are adding LI elements directly to a DIV.
 According to an earlier post on this list, LI elements are illegal
 outside of a UL or OL element. You may want to change:

  JSON: div id=JsonDump/div


  JSON: ul id=JsonDump/ul

[jQuery] fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Hi all,

I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
look at it http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

The original mootools version is

Tell me what you guys think. As always, based on feedback, we can consider
packaging it as a plugin or not...

Thanks in advance for the great feedback as always,

[jQuery] Re: Strange error when using Ajax to send form!

2007-08-14 Thread Mike Alsup

This line is your problem:


this is the window object in your success callback.  Try changing
that line to:


ASD1 should not alert since it is in the wrong branch of the conditional.
ASD2 and ASD3 do not alert because an exception was thrown.


On 8/13/07, firstlor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have a big problem using jquery and ajax. I have the following code:
 http://pastebin.com/m2ab384c1 !
 I submit a form and an ajax request is sent. if the site the request
 is sent to outputs '-1|X', than it's an error with X as error msg, if
 it's 1, it was successfull!
 Now I tried to enter validation code wrong and I get the error, that
 it was wrong ... the form isn't hidden so I can try again! When trying
 again and again with wrong code, I get always this error msg (so far,
 that's how it should be) ...

 If than I enter the right code, the alert(msg) is executed, I get
 '1' (so I think it should go into the else-block and display msg of
 success), 'ASDx' is also alerted, but than 'ASD1', 'ASD2' and 'ASD3'
 are not alerted (I dunno why ... even if no block of if-else is being
 executed, it should alert 'ASD3' ...), and I get the 3 alerts from the
 'error' handler ... the third parameter says: Type Error: e.style has
 no property ...

 I don't understand this.
 Can you help me? Thanks!

 p.s.: I have jquery and jquery form plugin!

[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread b0bd0gz

Sorry about that list it should look like this

 ul class=thumbs
   li full_img/dh0215co4.jpg first link /li
   li full_img/34220_1605__364lo.jpg second link /li
   li full_img/122120_7132__239lo.jpg third link /li

html of the button
# next 

What I want is when you click the next button is for an alert box to display
the href value of the link that comes after the link with the class
selected, which in the list above would be the href value of second

Hope that makes a bit more sense.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Nice work. This type of work needs to go in a demo section on the jQuery

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
 look at it http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

 The original mootools version is

 Tell me what you guys think. As always, based on feedback, we can consider
 packaging it as a plugin or not...

 Thanks in advance for the great feedback as always,

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Weaver, Scott

Very nice!  

I think the bouncing is on purpose and is probably using easing or
something similar to achieve the effect.  

As for !important, this allows the specific css property value to take
precedence over the same property that might be overriding it.  For
example, say I have this define in my external stylesheet.

p {font-weight: bold;}

but then in the html, I have this:

p style=font-weight:normalHello/p

The obvious outcome is that the text in the p tag will be normal weight
since the style at the tag level takes precedence over the style defined
in the stylesheet.

However, if my style sheet looked like this:

p {font-weight: bold !important;}

The text in the p tag would be bold as the !important property in the
style sheet trumps the one defined at the tag level.


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Behalf Of Stephan Beal
 Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 11:44 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think
 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can
  look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
 you tried it without the bounce?
 And a CSS question for you:
 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
 does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread Alex Ezell

Looks like Nabble is eating the HTML when you post from there.


On 8/14/07, b0bd0gz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry about that list it should look like this

  ul class=thumbs
li full_img/dh0215co4.jpg first link /li
li full_img/34220_1605__364lo.jpg second link /li
li full_img/122120_7132__239lo.jpg third link /li

 html of the button
 # next

 What I want is when you click the next button is for an alert box to display
 the href value of the link that comes after the link with the class
 selected, which in the list above would be the href value of second

 Hope that makes a bit more sense.
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Mike Alsup

Nice work, Ganeshji!  Very cool.


 I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
 look at it

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I went to a short talk by Steve Souders, the Chief Performance Yahoo. 

He has done a bunch of investigation on performance at Yahoo and has come up
with his 13 rules for better performance. And has written a book about it.


His research showed that $40 - %60 clean cache number. Really puts a
different light on relying on cache to shorten page load. 

Makes me happy for 20k limits on things


Note: Even he admits that the rules are more of a guideline and that they
need to be implemented when it makes sense, not all the time, every time.



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:18 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor


Cool. Thanks for sharing with the list. Minifying and gzip compression is my
preferred solution. Using JSMin it gets down to about 36k and using
mod_deflate it goes down to about 11k. 

However, the most interesting thing I read out of that article was that that
claim, 40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and
about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache. 

If that is true ... so much for that age old but it gets cached argument.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Tane Piper  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey folks,

Today I came across this article via DZone: 


The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier. Its level of 
compaction is higher than the Dojo compressor, and it is as safe as
JSMin. Tests on the YUI library have shown savings of about 18%
compared to JSMin and 10% compared to the Dojo compressor (these
respectively become 10% and 5% after HTTP compression) 

I've given it a test run on my own code, and it really seems to work,
version 1.4 of jMaps was 12.6k, and this compressor took it down to
4.6k minified, that's a 58% reduction in code, while producing no 
errors, something I have never truly been able to get with packer.

jQuery minified with this (1.1.3) goes down to 31.5kb - not as small
as the packed version, but still an impressive reduction in size.

Tane Piper

This email is: [ x ] blogable [ ] ask first [ ] private


[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Lipka
Maybe post the example online somewhere.
Strange though, I can write a link a href=/blah.htmfoo/a


On 8/14/07, Alex Ezell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Looks like Nabble is eating the HTML when you post from there.


 On 8/14/07, b0bd0gz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry about that list it should look like this
   ul class=thumbs
 li full_img/dh0215co4.jpg first link /li
 li full_img/34220_1605__364lo.jpg second link /li
 li full_img/122120_7132__239lo.jpg third link /li
  html of the button
  # next
  What I want is when you click the next button is for an alert box to
  the href value of the link that comes after the link with the class
  selected, which in the list above would be the href value of second
  Hope that makes a bit more sense.
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Andy Matthews
I LOVE this menu.
My only comment is that there's a delay on mouseover in your version versus
the mootols version. It's slight, but it makes the menu feel unresponsive or
laggy. If you can fix that then it would be perfect.
Freaking great job man!


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ganeshji Marwaha
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:32 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

Hi all,
I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
look at it http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
The original mootools version is
Tell me what you guys think. As always, based on feedback, we can consider
packaging it as a plugin or not...
Thanks in advance for the great feedback as always,

[jQuery] Re: function to return value from ajax

2007-08-14 Thread Michael Geary

Are you *sure* you want to do this?

It locks up the browser completely - and all other browser windows in many
browsers - until the ajax call returns.

If it's just a matter of coding convenience, balance that against the
inconvenience it will cause your visitors if the site is slow to respond.

Or is there another design reason why you need the synchronous call?


 From: James Dempster
 worked it out guys, silly me it's loading data synchronously 
 instead of asynchronously. Done by doing...
 function test() {
   var html = $.ajax({
url: some.php,
async: false // -- heres the key !
   return html;
 :-) thanks all
  I'm looking for something that will wait inside the 
  function until it has the data to return, so not the
  callback type system that currently exists.
  Something that will mimic this type of stuff will do too.
  function test() {
$.ajax stuff here
return data; // return data from the ajax request
  var bler = test();

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Rick Faircloth
 This type of work needs to go in a demo section on the jQuery site!


Yes. along with documentation, code, and demos of the Alsup variety.




From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 12:00 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think


Nice work. This type of work needs to go in a demo section on the jQuery

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Hi all,


I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
look at it http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html


The original mootools version is


Tell me what you guys think. As always, based on feedback, we can consider
packaging it as a plugin or not...


Thanks in advance for the great feedback as always,



[jQuery] Re: how to use $(html) to create element in another frame?

2007-08-14 Thread Jay W

Awesome! :) This is exactly what I needed. It works perfectly in IE
and Safari.
5-Stars to your post. Thank you so MUCH!

On Aug 13, 11:43 am, Jeffrey Kretz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The basic problem here is that IE has security restrictions about moving
 elements between frames.  You can't create an element in one frame and add
 it to another.

 For example, this code will always fail in IE:

 var doc = $('#testframe')[0].contentWindow.document;


 Because it is creating the element in the default context, which is the
 parent document, and then adding it to the iframe's document, which is in a
 completely different context.

 However, this came up in 1.1.2 and a fix was added to the clean method
 (the method that creates new html elements) which will use the context of
 the supplied element to create the new element.  This was released in 1.1.3.
 So the following code WILL work in IE:

 var doc = $('#testframe')[0].contentWindow.document;


 Because it is using the iframe document as the context to create the new
 element in, so no security violation.



 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Matt Stith
 Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:21 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: how to use $(html) to create element in another frame?

 Hmm.. try:


[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Aug 14, 3:45 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Today I came across this article via DZone:


 The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier.

  FWIW, I still think, ESC http://www.saltstorm.net/depo/esc/ is

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread b0bd0gz

Here's a link to the html

http://b0bd0gz.adsl24.co.uk/html.txt html link 

hopefully this will work.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Aug 14, 8:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
 look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

   I think, the hoverintent is slowing down the speed. Sometimes it
lags the pointer; sometimes it is wrongly positioned.

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Unfortunately, that's Windows only (blrgh).  At least with this being
Java and using Rhino it's cross-platform.

On 8/14/07, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 3:45 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Today I came across this article via DZone:
  The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier.

   FWIW, I still think, ESC http://www.saltstorm.net/depo/esc/ is

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
 Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

Tane Piper

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

 Today I came across this article via DZone:


 The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier.

  FWIW, I still think, ESC http://www.saltstorm.net/depo/esc/ is

The problem with any RegExp based solution is that there are certain cases
(depending on how much compression is going on) where the application will

The idea behind compression tools that use Rhino is they actually have the
ability to parse the JS and really understand how the variables work--which
allows for things such as more accurate variable replacement.


[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 14, 7:02 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The idea behind compression tools that use Rhino is they actually have the
 ability to parse the JS and really understand how the variables work--which
 allows for things such as more accurate variable replacement.

While YUImin uses Rhino, it may be interesting to note that the .jar
file has Rhino built in, so you don't need to set your CLASSPATH or
write a wrapper script to launch it. This makes it an ideal candidate
for inclusion in the jQuery tree, IMO.

i just finished updating all of my plugin pages to include YUImin'd
copies and they are, without exception, smaller than the MIN'd and
PACK'd versions. e.g.


This has just become my packer of choice.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for work,
and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks guys...

Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why i
have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
commented them out. ;-)

Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first effect
because that is the same as
what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to
compare and comment.

@Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing

@Mike - Thanks

@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
for jquery 1.2

@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when this
little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
documentation. Take a look at my
jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u
will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your

Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth making
this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take
  look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
 you tried it without the bounce?

 And a CSS question for you:

 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
 does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Stephan u got it man... u r the man who named my plugin...
Lava Lamp it is :-)


On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take
  look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
 you tried it without the bounce?

 And a CSS question for you:

 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
 does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Lipka
Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?

I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
right-side of the button showed up.
One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as part
of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.

Nice work!


On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
 work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks

 Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

 @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why i
 have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
 chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
 used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
 the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
 to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
 commented them out. ;-)

 Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
 target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
 cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first effect
 because that is the same as
 what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to 
 compare and comment.

 @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing

 @Mike - Thanks

 @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
 delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
 then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
 way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
 will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
 another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
 This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
 that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
 interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
 for jquery 1.2

 @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when this
 little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
 documentation. Take a look at my 
 jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u will 
 know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

 @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your

 Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth making
 this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


 On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can
  take a
   look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
  Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
  lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
  Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
  back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
  happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
  you tried it without the bounce?
  And a CSS question for you:
  i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
  does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: Do we have something like Mootools:Kwick on jQuery?

2007-08-14 Thread Jean

I´m waiting for the final release =D
only have to work around this delay in FF

On 8/11/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am working on something like that... it is not a completed version, but
 works enough to get the point across.
 I will be making it into a full featured plugin sometime this week.

 Here is the link to it...

 Hoep that helps.


 On 8/11/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hola Ricardo,
  Check the mailing archives as there was a whole series of discussions
  about accordians.
  ricardoe wrote:
   Hi everyone, regards from México. (Sorry for my english, is not very
   I've been developing a website for my little companie
   ( www.tuukuls.com.mx) but my comrades saw the mootools page and they
   are fascinated by the kwick accordion.
   I love jQuery, so, do we have something like that?
   Regards :D


[]´s Jean

   Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Absolutly, that worried me at first about rhino, but It's great to see
its already included.  If anyone can work out how to included this in
eclipse as a runnable program to compress the code, please share it -
I tried myself, but I'm not familiar with its environment variables

On 14/08/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 7:02 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The idea behind compression tools that use Rhino is they actually have the
  ability to parse the JS and really understand how the variables
  allows for things such as more accurate variable replacement.

 While YUImin uses Rhino, it may be interesting to note that the .jar
 file has Rhino built in, so you don't need to set your CLASSPATH or
 write a wrapper script to launch it. This makes it an ideal candidate
 for inclusion in the jQuery tree, IMO.

 i just finished updating all of my plugin pages to include YUImin'd
 copies and they are, without exception, smaller than the MIN'd and
 PACK'd versions. e.g.


 This has just become my packer of choice.

Tane Piper

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Lipka
Ahh, ok.
$(a.next).click( function() {
   $(ul.thumbs a.selected

I think this could be more succinct, but it works.


On 8/14/07, b0bd0gz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's a link to the html

 http://b0bd0gz.adsl24.co.uk/html.txt html link

 hopefully this will work.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Brian Cherne
You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
more quickly. Maybe something more like:

   sensitivity: 2,
   interval: 50,
   over: function(){ move(this); },
   out: noop


On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
 Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?

 I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
 right-side of the button showed up.
 One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as part
 of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.

 Nice work!


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
  work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks
  Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
  @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why
  i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
  chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
  used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
  the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
  to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
  commented them out. ;-)
  Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
  target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
  cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first effect
  because that is the same as
  what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to 
  compare and comment.
  @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
  @Mike - Thanks
  @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
  delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
  then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
  way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
  will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
  another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
  This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
  that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
  interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
  for jquery 1.2
  @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when
  this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
  documentation. Take a look at my 
  jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u will 
  know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
  @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your
  Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
  making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
  On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can
   take a
look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
   Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
   lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
   Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
   back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
   happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
   you tried it without the bounce?
   And a CSS question for you:
   i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
   does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: Do we have something like Mootools:Kwick on jQuery?

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Thanks Brian... The code looks pretty self-documenting though... I will keep
you posted when we have a real plugin..


On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nice work! A few months ago I played around with something similar. Feel
 free to steal anything that might be useful... as I don't know when I'll
 make the time to play with this again.  My apologies for it being



 On 8/11/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on something like that... it is not a completed version,
  but works enough to get the point across.
  I will be making it into a full featured plugin sometime this week.
  Here is the link to it...
  Hoep that helps.
  On 8/11/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hola Ricardo,
   Check the mailing archives as there was a whole series of discussions
   about accordians.
   ricardoe wrote:
Hi everyone, regards from México. (Sorry for my english, is not very
I've been developing a website for my little companie
( www.tuukuls.com.mx) but my comrades saw the mootools page and they
are fascinated by the kwick accordion.
I love jQuery, so, do we have something like that?
Regards :D

[jQuery] Re: Do we have something like Mootools:Kwick on jQuery?

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Jean, Thank you for ur patience... i will get to this definitely by this
weekend... But my hands are tied before that... Thanks for understanding.


On 8/14/07, Jean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I´m waiting for the final release =D
 only have to work around this delay in FF

 On 8/11/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am working on something like that... it is not a completed version,
  works enough to get the point across.
  I will be making it into a full featured plugin sometime this week.
  Here is the link to it...
  Hoep that helps.
  On 8/11/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hola Ricardo,
   Check the mailing archives as there was a whole series of discussions
   about accordians.
   ricardoe wrote:
Hi everyone, regards from México. (Sorry for my english, is not very
I've been developing a website for my little companie
( www.tuukuls.com.mx) but my comrades saw the mootools page and they
are fascinated by the kwick accordion.
I love jQuery, so, do we have something like that?
Regards :D


 []´s Jean

Ethereal Agency

[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Blair Mitchelmore

everyTime, et. al. seems to be short yet distinct. I've also been
thinking of adding an option to skip the function call if the previous
call hasn't completed yet (inspired by the $.interval method recently
posted to the list) so a new release with that feature and the changed
method names might come out later this week.

And thanks for the mod approval. I guess I shouldn't have changed the
e-mail address I was using on the mailing list.


On Aug 14, 10:26 am, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm going to throw my suggestion in:



 P.S. I approved your account so there shouldn't be a delay anymore.

 On 8/14/07, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe it's just my jealousy of pattern matching and multi-methods that
  makes me want that particular solution. I definitely think that jQuery
  is getting big enough that some form of plugin hierarchy would be
  nice. (Though I'm perhaps a tad too modest to want a namespace for
  myself. perhaps $(...).timer.start() ?)

  I recall from last summer there was some discussion of namespacing of
  plugins and john didn't seem to think it would be a huge technological
  hurdle but it didn't really go anywhere. Personally, I think that
  direct namespacing like that removes some of the brevity and
  simplicity of jQuery. Though perhaps an importing system could be


  jQuery(...).stop(); // stops timer events not animations

  But this is all a discussion better suited for the dev list.


  On Aug 14, 9:52 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Aug 14, 3:34 pm, Blair Mitchelmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Though I think the next step in improving how plugins interoperate is
allowing multiple plugins to operate under the same name by having the
plugin provide some sort of argument test to determine if the provided
arguments are valid and then using that plugin on a case by case

   i think namespaces would be a better idea, e.g.:


   i don't know if that type of thing is possible using the current jQ
   code. That sounds like a good question for the list.

[jQuery] How do I bind this into the DOM?

2007-08-14 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

This is a rather complicated issue, for a novice at least.

I have HTML that gets injected into the DOM, and this is after a completely
separate HTML gets injected via .load() into a separate div.

So essentially, when you load the page, a div gets populated with .load(),
and when you click a link from that populated data, more HTML gets injected
via the following code:

function() {
 $('#pendingUsers a').click(function() {
 $.post('index.php/meduser/pull_user_information', {id:
 function(data) {

I'm looking to bind .click() to an element within $('#main').html(data);,
over to input type=button id=button name=accept value=Accept

Would anyone be kind enough to give me hints as to how I can access my
button via a click action in this setup?

Thank you kindly for all of your assistance!

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Matt Penner
 This is great but I have to also comment on the delay.  It does feel a
little unresponsive.  If I click on a menu item before the slider has time
to get there (which is quite easy to do) it tends to flash and act a little

I'm using FF 2.0 on WinXP

Good job!
*Matt Penner*

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Andy Matthews
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:19 AM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

I LOVE this menu.

My only comment is that there's a delay on mouseover in your version versus
the mootols version. It's slight, but it makes the menu feel unresponsive or
laggy. If you can fix that then it would be perfect.

Freaking great job man!


*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Ganeshji Marwaha
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:32 AM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

Hi all,

I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a
look at it http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

The original mootools version is

Tell me what you guys think. As always, based on feedback, we can consider
packaging it as a plugin or not...

Thanks in advance for the great feedback as always,


[jQuery] Everyday information

2007-08-14 Thread poncjusz

I need advice how could i implement small function which shows
information changing every day (depend on current date), ex. name-day

thanks in advance

[jQuery] event handlers lost when adding and removing links dynamically

2007-08-14 Thread Hung

I am just started using jQuery to simplify my JavaScript programming
but I am running into this problem where my event handlers are not
binding properly to my event handler when I am creating these links
dynamically using jquery.  I am sure this is a common problem but I
just need to be pushed to the right direction to fix this.  Could
someone lend a hand, please?

Below is a simple example what I'm trying to do.  When the page loads,
there is a link called Foo and will say hi when clicked.  There's
another link below it that adds more Foo links BUT those newly added
Foo links will no longer say hi anymore when you click on them.  How
do I make them say hi again?  I tried rebinding it but it doesn't

body id=body
  lt;a class=foo href=#Foolt;/agt;
  lt;a id=addLink href=#gt;Add Linklt;/agt;

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#addLink').click(function() {
var html = lt;a class='foo' href='#'gt;Foolt;/agt;;

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.foo').click(function() {

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Thanks Glen... I am not hardcoding the easing effects. That is an option for
the user.

About the button being 2 different images. Yes, i understand, that it isn't
very professional that way. They are the images of the original author
though and i don't have too much expertise creating images... any help from
an expert like u  will be sincerely appreciated. But, don't get me wrong...
i know u r busy too... So, if you can't do it i will understand, and will
try to roll out my own pretty soon...


On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
 Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?

 I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
 right-side of the button showed up.
 One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as part
 of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.

 Nice work!


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
  work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks
  Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
  @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why
  i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
  chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
  used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
  the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
  to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
  commented them out. ;-)
  Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
  target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
  cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first effect
  because that is the same as
  what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to 
  compare and comment.
  @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
  @Mike - Thanks
  @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
  delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
  then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
  way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
  will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
  another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
  This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
  that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
  interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
  for jquery 1.2
  @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when
  this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
  documentation. Take a look at my 
  jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u will 
  know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
  @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your
  Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
  making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
  On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can
   take a
look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
   Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
   lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
   Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
   back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when it
   happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
   you tried it without the bounce?
   And a CSS question for you:
   i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them. What
   does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Problem with selectors in Internet Exploter

2007-08-14 Thread David Garcia Ortega

Hi JQueriers,

   I have a problem with JQuery selectors in Internet Exploter (I'm
using IE7). What I have in DOM is:

div id=item
   input type=checkbox value=4 name=tutorial1/
   a href=#
 img alt=no publicado src=img/noeye.png/
 pTitulo Tutorial 4: Contenido Tutorial 4/p

Then, when the user clicks the link inside the item div, the
following happens:

$('#content a').click( function (event)
var iID_tutorial = $
(event.currentTarget).parent().find([EMAIL PROTECTED]).val();

In iID_tutorial I get the value of the checkbox next to the link the
user clicks.

In Firefox that selector works properly and I get 4 (according to the
DOM it this example),

But it IE7 it doesn't work and I get a wonderful  null.

Any ideas to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Issue with .ajax incrementally submitting.

2007-08-14 Thread deepreel

Correction the ajax isn't actually submitting multiple times but the
function in the error function (when I test  an error use case) get
called incrementally more times with each event.

On Aug 14, 10:40 am, deepreel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Folks, I'm fiddling with jquery for the first time and have an issue:

 var dnsData=smode=clearnodehn=+hn+oldip=+ip+entry=+entry;
 url: UpdateEntry,
 type: POST,
 dataType: html,
 data: dnsData,

 alert(DNS Update Succeeded);

 error: function(msg){
 alert(Critical Error in DNS Update. No changes applied.
 Please manually check  UDNS for \n+hn+ set to;


 The preceeding code technically works but if I get an error from the
 UpdateEntry servlet it throws the alert, however the next time I
 trigger the same ajax call (without reloading the page) I get 2 error
 alerts, then 3 then 4 ever incrementing. JS debugging seems to
 indicate that the

 // Handle the global AJAX counter
 2058 if ( s.global  ! --jQuery.active )
 2059 jQuery.event.trigger( ajaxStop );

 jquery global counter is getting increased on each call so that it
 essentially counts down with each error function call until the point
 where ajaxStop is triggered.

 I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. Any guidance would be
 appreciated. Note I have not done any .ajaxSetup else where in the
 page the above is the entirety of my .ajax call.

 Cheers folks.

 P.S. thanks for the great tool.

[jQuery] Re: event handlers lost when adding and removing links dynamically

2007-08-14 Thread seedy

You have two options
You can wrap your event binding all in its own function, and then call that
function again each time new elements are added

Or there is also a plugin designed to handle this for you 

hstang2833 wrote:
 I am just started using jQuery to simplify my JavaScript programming but I
 am running into this problem where my event handlers are not binding
 properly to my event handler when I am creating these links dynamically
 using jquery.  I am sure this is a common problem but I just need to be
 pushed to the right direction to fix this.  Could someone lend a hand,
 Below is a simple example what I'm trying to do.  When the page loads,
 there is a link called Foo and will say hi when clicked.  There's
 another link below it that adds more Foo links BUT those newly added Foo
 links will no longer say hi anymore when you click on them.  How do I
 make them say hi again?  I tried rebinding it but it doesn't work.
 body id=body
# Foo 
# Add Link 
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#addLink').click(function() {
 var html =  # Foo ;
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('.foo').click(function() {

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the unresponsiveness


On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
 more quickly. Maybe something more like:

sensitivity: 2,
interval: 50,
over: function(){ move(this); },
out: noop


 On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
  Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
  I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
  right-side of the button showed up.
  One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as
  part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
  Nice work!
  On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
   work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks
   Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
   @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is,
   why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools
   author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason.
   Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images.
   So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is 
   and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks,
   so i just commented them out. ;-)
   Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of
   the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it
   looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first 
   because that is the same as
   what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to 
   compare and comment.
   @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
   @Mike - Thanks
   @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing
   the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use
   hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse
   all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then
   back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu 
   after another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu
   items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I
   will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i
   wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop
   animations for jquery 1.2
   @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when
   this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
   documentation. Take a look at my 
   jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u 
   will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
   @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address
   your concern.
   Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
   making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
   On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You
can take a
 look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html
Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then
back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when
happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
you tried it without the bounce?
And a CSS question for you:
i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them.
does that mean in CSS?

[jQuery] Re: Problem with animation on mouseover/mouseout!

2007-08-14 Thread Nazgulled

Anyone? :'(

On Aug 13, 5:21 pm, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I used the stop() method just before the animate() one and it works
 (in both events) , sort of, like I want... Let's say the animations
 are 5000ms, both mouse over and mouse out. I move the mouse over and
 let the animation go for 2500ms and then move the mouse out. The mouse
 over animation will be stoped and the mouse out animation will start
 from that point. However, there's a problem. I stoped the animation at
 2500ms, so, only half of the animation was done. This means that the
 mouse out animation will only have half way to animate from that point
 and this half animation will take 5000ms instead of 2500. Get the

 I tried to calculate the time necessary for each animation with lots
 of ifs and such, but it doesn't work correctly... Maybe I'm
 overanalyzing it, can anyone help me out?

 On Aug 12, 6:22 am, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I understand exactly what u are after. They key to the solution is interface
  animation's stop() method. I guess it will take some work to get this done,
  and i sincerely can't squeeze in enough time to ponder around for a
  solution. So, i would leave this for other jquery experts here, or request
  you to try along the lines of the stop() method.


  On 8/11/07, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The hoverintent plugin won't help, because the hover event will only
   take place after a while when the user hovers the mouse and I can't
   have that, I need the event to be fired just when the mouse is over,
   so that plugin is out.

   And I though you already knew that I'm using animate() method from
   interface... I just don't have a clue on how to make this animation
   work as I want it. I don't need to stop the animation I just need to
   prevent it from running. I mean, all I want is a nice and correct
   animation, without any loops and no matter how many times I move the
   mouse over and out, the last animation must be the one corresponding
   the mouse's last movement.

   Please someone help me out, I have no Idea to achieve this animation
   in a coherent fashion.

   On Aug 12, 12:17 am, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, the demo that is posted was just a way to approach that problem...

As i mentioned already, you can use the hoverIntent plugin to approach
   it as

If you are fine to use interface plugin, then you can use interface's
animate() method, coz, that allows you to stop animation in between...

Hope that helps.


On 8/11/07, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anyone help me with this?

 On Aug 10, 8:06 pm, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It doesn't really work as expected. Let's say you increase the time
  takes to do the animation (it's easier to see the problem). You move
  the mouse over, then out and then back over, all this while the
  mouse over animation is being executed. You'll notice that the
  mouse out animation will be executed when the mouse over
  finishes. I mean, yes, I moved hte mouse over and out a few times,
  the last movement was mouse over while the first animation ov
  over was being executed, and I don't think that the mouse out
  animation should have been executed in this case. Also, sometimes
  functions stay unbinded for some reason and for them to work again,
  page refresh is needed...

  On Aug 10, 7:25 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have put together a demo.


   Have fun, and lemme know if this works for u.


   On 8/10/07, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I understood what you said, but I just can't find a way
code it... Coud you provide me with a simple example on how to
Let's say I have the following code:

$(a#testlink).mouseover(function() {
   $(div#testbox).animate({ color: '#00' }, 1000);

$(a#testlink).mouseout(function() {
   $(div#testbox).animate({ color: '#ff' }, 1000);

How would you do it?

On Aug 9, 9:31 am, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 there are several ways you can solve this problem... Let me
guide u
 through a couple

 1. There is a plugin called hover
 The primary purpose of this plugin is to stop these kind of
 actions on
 unintentional hovers.
 So, you can allow the user to move the mouse over ur link, and
 when it
 clear that the users intention is to actually use the link,
 is fired. This can solve 

[jQuery] Re: function to return value from ajax

2007-08-14 Thread James Dempster
This is what my plan is

I can't think of any other way of doing it. Doing it synchronously ensures
that the value has been retrieved from the server before access.


On 8/14/07, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you *sure* you want to do this?

 It locks up the browser completely - and all other browser windows in many
 browsers - until the ajax call returns.

 If it's just a matter of coding convenience, balance that against the
 inconvenience it will cause your visitors if the site is slow to respond.

 Or is there another design reason why you need the synchronous call?


  From: James Dempster
  worked it out guys, silly me it's loading data synchronously
  instead of asynchronously. Done by doing...
  function test() {
var html = $.ajax({
 url: some.php,
 async: false // -- heres the key !
return html;
  :-) thanks all
   I'm looking for something that will wait inside the
   function until it has the data to return, so not the
   callback type system that currently exists.
   Something that will mimic this type of stuff will do too.
   function test() {
 $.ajax stuff here
 return data; // return data from the ajax request
   var bler = test();


[jQuery] Re: Everyday information

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
That is a pretty broad question and I believe a proper solution would be on
the back-end side of things.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, poncjusz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need advice how could i implement small function which shows
 information changing every day (depend on current date), ex. name-day

 thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: next anchor tag in list

2007-08-14 Thread b0bd0gz

Awesome, that works perfectly, Thanks for the help.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Tane Piper

Oh man - I saw this effect a couple of months ago and loved it, but as
you said the author had made a bit of a hash of it with all those gifs
and importants, and my jQuery wasn't that hot so I never reversed
engineered it.

Thank you so much for bringing this plugin to jQuery!  I might even go
back to the origional design idea I had that used it for one of our
upcoming sites.

P.s I love the name Lava Lamp :)

On 14/08/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the unresponsiveness


 On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
  more quickly. Maybe something more like:
 sensitivity: 2,
 interval: 50,
 over: function(){ move(this); },
 out: noop
  On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
   Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
   I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
   right-side of the button showed up.
   One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as
   part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
   Nice work!
   On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for
work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise...
Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is,
why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some
Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the
So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is
and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those
so i just commented them out. ;-)
Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of
the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and
looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first
because that is the same as
what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to
 compare and comment.
@Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
@Mike - Thanks
@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing
the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly
hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your
all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and
back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one
 menu item
after another although your intent was not to hover over the interim
items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
 library. I
will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i
wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to
animations for jquery 1.2
@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when
this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
documentation. Take a look at my
 jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u will
 know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address
your concern.
Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You
 can take a
  look at ithttp://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jfancymenu/test/test.html

 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe lava
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and then

 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item. Have
 you tried it without the bounce?

 And a CSS question for you:

 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them.
 does that mean in CSS?


Tane Piper

This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Glen Lipka
Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
This will make it load the bubble all at once.

I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker.


On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the unresponsiveness


 On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
  more quickly. Maybe something more like:
 sensitivity: 2,
 interval: 50,
 over: function(){ move(this); },
 out: noop
  On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
   Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
   I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
   right-side of the button showed up.
   One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as
   part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
   Nice work!
   On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting
for work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... 
Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is,
why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original 
author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some 
Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the 
So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is 
and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those 
so i just commented them out. ;-)
Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of
the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it
looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first 
because that is the same as
what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples to 
compare and comment.
@Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
@Mike - Thanks
@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing
the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use
hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your 
all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and 
back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu 
after another although your intent was not to hover over the interim 
items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation 
library. I
will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i
wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to 
animations for jquery 1.2
@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation
when this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye 
documentation. Take a look at my 
jCarouselLitehttp://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.phpand u 
will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address
your concern.
Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth
making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You
 can take a
  look at

 Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe
 lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

 Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and
 back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting - when
 happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item.
 you tried it without the bounce?

 And a CSS question for you:

 i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them.
 does that mean in CSS?


[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 14, 7:37 pm, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Absolutly, that worried me at first about rhino, but It's great to see
 its already included.  If anyone can work out how to included this in
 eclipse as a runnable program to compress the code, please share it -
 I tried myself, but I'm not familiar with its environment variables

Not for Eclipse, but here are my GNU Make rules to PACK/MIN/YUIMin my


# Common rules for JavaScript dirs.
whnet.makefile.js := $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$

whnet.jspack.php := $(toc2.top_srcdir)/computing/javascript/packer.php
whnet.exec.jspack := $(whnet.bins.php) $(whnet.jspack.php)
whnet.exec.jsmin := $(toc2.top_srcdir)/computing/javascript/jsmin
$(whnet.exec.jsmin): $(whnet.exec.jsmin).c
@gcc -o $@ $(whnet.exec.jsmin).c

$(if $(whnet.bins.java),,$(eval error java binary not found in PATH))
whnet.exec.jsyuimin := $(whnet.bins.java) -jar $(toc2.top_srcdir)/

# $(whnet.rules.js.eval.jspack)
# Usage: $(eval $(call whnet.rules.js.eval.jspack,SOURCE_FILE))
# Strips the .js extension from SOURCE_FILE and creates rules for
# SOURCE_FILE.pack.js and SOURCE_FILE.min.js
define whnet.rules.js.eval.jspack
  ## PACK rules:
  $(1): $(toc2.files.makefile) $(whnet.makefile.js)
  $(1).pack.js := $$(patsubst %.js,%.pack.js,$(1))
  $$($(1).pack.js): $(1)
@echo -n PACKing $(1): ; $$(whnet.exec.jspack)  $(1)  $$@
@stat --printf %s ==  $(1); stat --printf %s\n $$@
  jspack: $$($(1).pack.js)
  package.clean_files += $$($(1).pack.js)

  ## MIN rules:
  $(1).min.js := $$(patsubst %.js,%.min.js,$(1))
  $$($(1).min.js): $(1) $(whnet.exec.jsmin)
@echo -n MINing $(1): ; $$(whnet.exec.jsmin)  $(1)  $$@
@stat --printf %s ==  $(1); stat --printf %s\n $$@
  jspack: $$($(1).min.js)
  package.clean_files += $$($(1).min.js)

  ## YUIMIN rules:
  $(1).yuimin.js := $$(patsubst %.js,%.yuimin.js,$(1))
  $$($(1).yuimin.js): $(1) $(whnet.exec.jsyuimin)
@echo -n YUI-MINing $(1): ; $$(whnet.exec.jsyuimin) -o $$@ $(1) /
@stat --printf %s ==  $(1); stat --printf %s\n $$@
  jspack: $$($(1).yuimin.js)
  package.clean_files += $$($(1).yuimin.js)

whnet.rules.js.call.jspack = $(eval $(call whnet.rules.js.eval.jspack,

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Brandon Aaron
Nice ... gotta love collaboration! One thing I'd like to see if the extra li
element added at runtime so it is not there if javascript isn't enabled.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
 This will make it load the bubble all at once.

 I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker.


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the
  unresponsiveness problem...
  On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it
   react more quickly. Maybe something more like:
  sensitivity: 2,
  interval: 50,
  over: function(){ move(this); },
  out: noop
   On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
right-side of the button showed up.
One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body
as part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
Nice work!
On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting
 for work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... 

 Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

 @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question
 is, why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
 mootools author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for 
 reason. Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions 
 of the
 images. So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i 
 figured it is
 cleaner and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need 
 hacks, so i just commented them out. ;-)

 Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out
 of the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, 
 and it
 looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first 
 because that is the same as
 what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples 
 to compare and comment.

 @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing

 @Mike - Thanks

 @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably
 causing the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i 
 use hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move 
 mouse all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu 
 item and
 then back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over 
 one menu
 item after another although your intent was not to hover over the 
 menu items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
 library. I will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2comes 
 out, i wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a
 method to stop animations for jquery 1.2

 @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation
 when this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an 
 eye for
 documentation. Take a look at my 
 u will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

 @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should
 address your concern.

 Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is
 worth making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


 On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery.
  You can take a
   look at
  Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe
  lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?
  Is it intentional that the bubble slides past its target, and
  back (a single bounce effect)? That's a bit disconcerting -
  when it
  happens i think, oh, no, it's moving to the wrong menu item.
  you tried it without the bounce?
  And a CSS question for you:
  i notice several commented-out blocks with !important in them.
  does that mean in CSS?


[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
Thanks Glen i will incorporate the sprites tonight...

In the meantime, i tried using interface fx library for stopping animations
which should effectively make it perform exactly as the mootools version.
have a look at it and lemme know if the delay problem is gone...


But, ofcourse, this means that u need the interface fx plugin. But, it is a
start... I will experiment with Glens sprites and more optimized hoverIntent
tonight... Lets see what comes out of it...

Brandon: Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, i am planning to add the background
using javascript in the final version... Just wanted the js a bit clean when
i am experimenting with the animation issues and work arounds...

P.S. Glen: You da man


On 8/14/07, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nice ... gotta love collaboration! One thing I'd like to see if the extra
 li element added at runtime so it is not there if javascript isn't enabled.

 Brandon Aaron

 On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
  This will make it load the bubble all at once.
  I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker.
  On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the
   unresponsiveness problem...
   On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it
react more quickly. Maybe something more like:
   sensitivity: 2,
   interval: 50,
   over: function(){ move(this); },
   out: noop
On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
 Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?

 I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
 right-side of the button showed up.
 One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body
 as part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.

 Nice work!


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before
  starting for work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant
  surprise... Thanks guys...
  Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
  @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question
  is, why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
  mootools author chose to use images as menu items instead of text 
  for some
  reason. Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions 
  of the
  images. So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i 
  figured it is
  cleaner and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt 
  need those
  hacks, so i just commented them out. ;-)
  Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move
  out of the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing 
  effects, and
  it looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my 
  effect because that is the same as
  what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples 
  to compare and comment.
  @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
  @Mike - Thanks
  @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably
  causing the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i 
  use hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move 
  mouse all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu 
  item and
  then back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over 
  one menu
  item after another although your intent was not to hover over the 
  menu items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
  library. I will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 
  1.2comes out, i wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has 
  promised a
  method to stop animations for jquery 1.2
  @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation
  when this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an 
  eye for
  documentation. Take a look at my 
   u will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
  @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should
  address your concern.
  Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is
  worth making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...
  On 8/14/07, 

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Brian Cherne
The responsiveness is a little better but still not great. For some
reason the visual treatment of this menu begs for responsiveness. I'm
certainly looking forward to jQuery 1.2 when hoverIntent can go back on the
shelf as more of a special utility and less of a hack. If someone can come
up with a better (near term) alternative I'd love to see it.

There was a horizontal menu thread from April that had something similar:


And another jQuery implementation of this rounded box idea:


On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
 This will make it load the bubble all at once.

 I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker.


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the
  unresponsiveness problem...
  On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it
   react more quickly. Maybe something more like:
  sensitivity: 2,
  interval: 50,
  over: function(){ move(this); },
  out: noop
   On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?
I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
right-side of the button showed up.
One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body
as part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.
Nice work!
On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting
 for work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... 

 Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

 @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question
 is, why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
 mootools author chose to use images as menu items instead of text for 
 reason. Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions 
 of the
 images. So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i 
 figured it is
 cleaner and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt need 
 hacks, so i just commented them out. ;-)

 Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out
 of the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, 
 and it
 looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first 
 because that is the same as
 what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples 
 to compare and comment.

 @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing

 @Mike - Thanks

 @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably
 causing the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i 
 use hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move 
 mouse all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu 
 item and
 then back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over 
 one menu
 item after another although your intent was not to hover over the 
 menu items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
 library. I will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2comes 
 out, i wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a
 method to stop animations for jquery 1.2

 @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation
 when this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an 
 eye for
 documentation. Take a look at my 
 u will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

 @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should
 address your concern.

 Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is
 worth making this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


 On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery.
  You can take a
   look at
  Slick, Ganishji :). My first thought is lava lamp, so maybe
  lamp menu would be a suitable plugin name?

[jQuery] Re: App similar to Google Homepages

2007-08-14 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

A bit dated, but maybe kind of what you are looking for:


-- Felix
My Blog: http://www.thinkingphp.org
My Business: http://www.fg-webdesign.de

Andy Matthews wrote:

in the process of writing an app that will offer information to our
clients. The interface is open at this point, but I'm looking at the
possibility of a display type similar to Google Homepages. It would be
"module" based in that there would be multiple boxes containing various
bits of information, and the user would be able to move these boxes
around in a grid based system.
  Can anyone
offer some input as to where I should start looking for this sort of
thing? I'm sure that there are drag and drop plugins already, but I'm
not sure of what all I would need.
Andy Matthews
ColdFusion Developer
  Office: 877.707.5467 x747
Direct: 615.627.9747
Fax: 615.467.6249

[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Andy Matthews
It's better now that Ganeshji added in the interface plugin.
Loads better now. In fact, I'd say that it's perfect.


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brian Cherne
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:28 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

The responsiveness is a little better but still not great. For some
reason the visual treatment of this menu begs for responsiveness. I'm
certainly looking forward to jQuery 1.2 when hoverIntent can go back on the
shelf as more of a special utility and less of a hack. If someone can come
up with a better (near term) alternative I'd love to see it. 

There was a horizontal menu thread from April that had something similar:


And another jQuery implementation of this rounded box idea: 


On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
This will make it load the bubble all at once.

I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker. 


On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: 

Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the unresponsiveness


On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it react
more quickly. Maybe something more like: 

   sensitivity: 2,
   interval: 50,
   over: function(){ move(this); },
   out: noop


On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options? 

I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
right-side of the button showed up. 
One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body as part
of the same image.  That way it would load all at once. 

Nice work!


On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before starting for work,
and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant surprise... Thanks guys... 

Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...

@Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question is, why i
have commented that out, then, it is because, the original mootools author
chose to use images as menu items instead of text for some reason. Since he
used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions of the images. So, he had
the !important hacks in place. But, since i figured it is cleaner and easier
to use text rather than images there, i didnt need those hacks, so i just
commented them out. ;-) 

Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move out of the
target sometimes... I experimented with other easing effects, and it looks
cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my first effect
because that is the same as what mootools version uses and that will give
you apples and apples to compare and comment. 

@Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing

@Mike - Thanks

@Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably causing the
delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i directly use hover,
then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move your mouse all the
way across from the first menu item to the last menu item and then back, you
will notice a long animation that slowly passes over one menu item after
another although your intent was not to hover over the interim menu items.
This can at present be solved with interface's animation library. I will try
that next. The good news is, once jquery 1.2 comes out, i wont need
interface plugin as well, coz John has promised a method to stop animations
for jquery 1.2

@Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation when this
little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an eye for
documentation. Take a look at my jCarouselLite
http://gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/index.php  and u will know what i
am mean ;-)   jus kidding...

@Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that should address your

Thanks again guys... Based on the reponse it seems that it is worth making
this into a real plugin... I will start doing that...


On 8/14/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On Aug 14, 5:31 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have ported this fancy menu over from mootools to jquery. You can take a

 look at 

[jQuery] Re: App similar to Google Homepages

2007-08-14 Thread Andy Matthews
That's EXACTLY what I'm looking for, thank you!!


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Felix Geisendörfer
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:32 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: App similar to Google Homepages

A bit dated, but maybe kind of what you are looking for:


-- Felix

My Blog: http://www.thinkingphp.org
My Business: http://www.fg-webdesign.de 

Andy Matthews wrote: 

Hey all...
I'm in the process of writing an app that will offer information to our
clients. The interface is open at this point, but I'm looking at the
possibility of a display type similar to Google Homepages. It would be
module based in that there would be multiple boxes containing various bits
of information, and the user would be able to move these boxes around in a
grid based system.
Can anyone offer some input as to where I should start looking for this sort
of thing? I'm sure that there are drag and drop plugins already, but I'm not
sure of what all I would need.

Andy Matthews
Senior ColdFusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249
www.dealerskins.com http://www.dealerskins.com/ 


[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

In the meantime, i tried using interface fx library for stopping animations
which should effectively make it perform exactly as the mootools version.
have a look at it and lemme know if the delay problem is gone...


If we ever needed an example, I think is the perfect example to show off why
you need to be able to stop an animation in its current state.

Also, you I think you only need the ifx.js from the Interface project--you
do need to include the whole thing. The ifx.js is only 8k mined.


[jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

2007-08-14 Thread Brian Cherne
The interface plugin is certainly a better alternative in this situation.
Very nice!


On 8/14/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's better now that Ganeshji added in the interface plugin.

 Loads better now. In fact, I'd say that it's perfect.

 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Brian Cherne
 *Sent:* Tuesday, August 14, 2007 2:28 PM
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: fancy menu - tell me what you guys think

 The responsiveness is a little better but still not great. For some
 reason the visual treatment of this menu begs for responsiveness. I'm
 certainly looking forward to jQuery 1.2 when hoverIntent can go back on
 the shelf as more of a special utility and less of a hack. If someone can
 come up with a better (near term) alternative I'd love to see it.

 There was a horizontal menu thread from April that had something similar:

 And another jQuery implementation of this rounded box idea:


 On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I made the sprite for you with css.
  This will make it load the bubble all at once.
  I also added in the change from Brian to make it trigger quicker.
  On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sure, i will try that... I sincerely hope that solves the
   unresponsiveness problem...
   On 8/14/07, Brian Cherne  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You may be able to tweak hoverIntent's default settings to make it
react more quickly. Maybe something more like:
   sensitivity: 2,
   interval: 50,
   over: function(){ move(this); },
   out: noop
On 8/14/07, Glen Lipka  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a great effect and will make a great plugin.  I love it.
 Are you hard-coding the easing or allowing options?

 I saw a little bit of strangeness in the first load, when only the
 right-side of the button showed up.
 One suggestion.  Use a button sprite to have the caps and the body
 as part of the same image.  That way it would load all at once.

 Nice work!


 On 8/14/07, Ganeshji Marwaha  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wow, u guys overwhelm me ;-). I sent this message before
  starting for work, and when i reach my desk i have such a pleasant
  surprise... Thanks guys...
  Now, lemme answer some of your concerns...
  @Stephan - I am sure u know what !important is. If your question
  is, why i have commented that out, then, it is because, the original
  mootools author chose to use images as menu items instead of text 
  for some
  reason. Since he used images, he had to hack IE 6 with gif versions 
  of the
  images. So, he had the !important hacks in place. But, since i 
  figured it is
  cleaner and easier to use text rather than images there, i didnt 
  need those
  hacks, so i just commented them out. ;-)
  Also, the backout easing effect is causing the bubble to move
  out of the target sometimes... I experimented with other easing 
  effects, and
  it looks cool for most of them. I chose to display backout as my 
  effect because that is the same as
  what mootools version uses and that will give you apples and apples 
  to compare and comment.
  @Brandon - Thanks a ton... blushing
  @Mike - Thanks
  @Andy - I am using the hoverIntent plugin, that is probably
  causing the delay, but as of now i dont have a choice because, if i 
  use hover, then the effect will be spoilt. For example, if you move 
  mouse all the way across from the first menu item to the last menu 
  item and
  then back, you will notice a long animation that slowly passes over 
  one menu
  item after another although your intent was not to hover over the 
  menu items. This can at present be solved with interface's animation
  library. I will try that next. The good news is, once jquery 
  1.2comes out, i wont need interface plugin as well, coz John has 
  promised a
  method to stop animations for jquery 1.2
  @Rick - Yes, you are right... You will find lot of documentation
  when this little thing progresses into a  plugin. I really have an 
  eye for
  documentation. Take a look at my 
   u will know what i am mean ;-)   jus kidding...
  @Rajesh - See comments for @Andy above. I guess that 

[jQuery] Re: new Plugin every: jQuery-oriented setTimeout and setInterval

2007-08-14 Thread Bernd Matzner

Hi Blair,

great plugin idea - that will be really useful to have - what is it
that the solutions that might be helpful to one specific project
always come out at precisely the right time? ;-)

I second Jonathan's naming suggestions.

Also love the WTFPL...


[jQuery] Trouble with tablesorter in IE

2007-08-14 Thread jarrod

I've got the tablesorter plugin working great in Firefox. However, it has no
effect in IE. The table behaves as if it's just a static table. The column
header background images do not appear and clicking col heads does nothing.

I verified that the page is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

I set up tablesorter like this...

$(document).ready(function() { 
cssHeader: 'header', 
cssAsc: 'headerSortUp', 
cssDesc: 'headerSortDown',  

The HTML looks like this...

table class=displaytagtable id=entry
  thEntered time/th
  thLogged in user/th
tr class=odd
  td class=center
  td class=center
  td class=center
  tdTransfer Highway Road Signs checklist from user joe to user
tr class=even
  td class=center
  td class=center
  td class=center
  tdTransfer Train computer system checklist from user joe to user

Any suggestion why it works in Firefox 2 but not IE 6?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with selectors in Internet Exploter

2007-08-14 Thread George

Yep, try using this instead of event.currentTarget so your code
will go something like...

  $('#content A').click( function (event)
   var iID_tutorial = $

this is always available in jQuery's event handlers to refer to the
element in question. I also used the shorter :checkbox selector.

You could also try $(this).siblings(INPUT:checkbox).val() to be even

Hope this does the trick for ya,


On Aug 14, 5:54 pm, David Garcia Ortega [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi JQueriers,

I have a problem with JQuery selectors in Internet Exploter (I'm
 using IE7). What I have in DOM is:

 div id=item
input type=checkbox value=4 name=tutorial1/
a href=#
  img alt=no publicado src=img/noeye.png/
  pTitulo Tutorial 4: Contenido Tutorial 4/p

 Then, when the user clicks the link inside the item div, the
 following happens:

 $('#content a').click( function (event)
 var iID_tutorial = $
 (event.currentTarget).parent().find([EMAIL PROTECTED]).val();

 In iID_tutorial I get the value of the checkbox next to the link the
 user clicks.

 In Firefox that selector works properly and I get 4 (according to the
 DOM it this example),

 But it IE7 it doesn't work and I get a wonderful  null.

 Any ideas to solve this problem?

 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: How do I select (use) a link in the html I appended?

2007-08-14 Thread nounou

Thx! :-D

On Aug 14, 3:17 pm, Benjamin Sterling





 $('#panel').append('tabletrtddiv id=link1Link
 1/div/tdtddiv id=link2Link 2/div/td/tr/table');

 On 8/14/07, nounou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi there,

  First post here.and uh well, I'm very busy making a site with
  jquery and all, and maybe this  is just a simple question and I'm
  to .. to see it, but PLEASE, can someone help me with the next: :-

  I have something like this:

  $('#panel').append('tabletrtddiv id=link1Link 1/div/
  tdtddiv id=link2Link 2/div/td/tr/table');


  But this doesn't work.
  When I open the panel, and the html is appended to it, the link
  doesn't work.
  How can I select it? What am I doing wrong here?

  Hope someone will come with a nice answer ;-)


 Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] resetting an event

2007-08-14 Thread insmac


Let's say I have an ordinary hover action triggered by mouse. It fires
an event when the curson is over the particular div an its position is
steady for a specific amount of time - and the other one when it
detects mouse move. But the action can't be repeated unless I go with
the cursor out of a div that is sensitive to this actions.

The question is, is there any way to reset an event, tell the script
I'm out that div when I'm actually not?


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