[jQuery] jCarousel: Anyway to get round the need for unordered lists?

2007-10-04 Thread fambizzari

Hi all,

Is there anyway to get round the need to include the carousel content
in an unordered list.

We'd like to use the carousel to offer customer testimonials, but you
can't include a blockquote in a list item.


[jQuery] ifModified

2007-10-04 Thread SventB


I have a question for this attribute in an ajax request.
I'ld like to test this attribute, but all Ajax responses I get every 2
seconds contains the content from file test.js - but I haven't changed this
file, so the response should be empty, shouldn't it??

That's my code:

function getAll() {
  type: POST,
  url: test.js,
  ifModified: true,
  success: function(msg){
setTimeout('getAll()', 2000);

By the way: this code only works with jquery, but not with 1.1.4 or
1.2.1. That's strange, isn't it?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: IE6 - Operation Aborted - Any Ideas?

2007-10-04 Thread kennydee

Big problems because at some times, this is js code we don't own that
triggers this error (Ad server etc ...) and jquery seems to be the
trigerrer of that !
Don't know how to bypass that.

When our code is guilty, add a $(document).ready over make it works,
but when this is not our code ... ?

[jQuery] Re: My Superfish disappears for no reason

2007-10-04 Thread Joel Birch

On 10/4/07, Giuliano Marcangelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have just checked the menu .but now this behaviour is not
 occuring...menu works 100% correctly

Great, thanks for looking into that for us Giuliano, I really appreciate it.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: My Superfish disappears for no reason

2007-10-04 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve
Thanks guys
I solved the issue just before leaving yesterday at 18 o'clock (15 hours
ago) and could not check your answers at home in the meaning time. My issue
was due to a duplicate call to the menu.
Still thanks a lot Joel for pointing me to the error in the params I use.

BTW, I have 2 piece of code I'm using in association with superfish. One is
working well, but I could never got the second one running correctly. I
would like to know if it is of any interested or if I should keep that for

The first one highlights the item currently selected. I works pretty well,
and could be improved to handle types sort of url.

$('.nav li a').each(function(){
href = $(this).attr('href').split('/');
href =
$(this).attr('href').replace('http://'+document.location.hostname, '');
path = document.location.pathname;
if (path.charAt(path.length-1) == '/') path = path+'index.html';
if (href == path){

$(this).addClass('selected'); /

The second tries to reset the width of the submenu to the width of the
parent item. Issue is that at some point jQuery cant get the width of li
elements. So here I just have what seemed to be working yesterday.

  $width = $(this).width();
$ulwidth = $(this).width();
if ($ulwidth  $width){

If I add the following inside of the second each, it will fail and
$liwidth will be always 0

  $liwidth = $(this).width();


On 10/4/07, Giuliano Marcangelo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Have just checked the menu .but now this behaviour is not
 occuring...menu works 100% correctly

 On 03/10/2007, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Giuliano: That's an interesting point of data to have, so thanks for
  Olivier: although I couldn't replicate the problem you described, I
  did notice that the code to initialise Superfish is wrong. You have
  $(.nav).superfish({animation : {
  Whereas it should be this, (assuming I have interpreted your intention
  animation : {opacity:show,height:show},
  And commented:
  animation : {opacity:show,height:show}, /*
  equivalent to first
  parameter of .animate() */
  delay:100, /* this is the mouseout delay before submenu
  closes */
  speed:fast /* this is the animation speed - equivalent
  to the
  second parameter of .animate() */
  Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with binding mouseout to only parent div

2007-10-04 Thread Wizzud

Some ideas...

Firstly, if you return false from any event handler it will prevent default
action and, more importantly, event bubbling. For example, if you had
element Aelement B.../element B/elment A and you put mouseouts on
both A and B, if the mouseout on B did NOT return false (or take some other
measure to prevent bubbling/propagation) then the mouseout on A would also
be triggered.
So you probably need to add a 'return false;' to the end of your expandmenu

Secondly, your script ...

.children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

...does the following:
- selects #menu [$()]
- changes the selection to #menuholder [parent()]
- applies 'expandmenu' mouseout to #menuholder [mouseout()]
- changes the selection to #menu [children()]
- adds #menuholder to the selection [andSelf()]
- applies 'return false' mouseout to #menu and #menuholder [mouseout()]

resulting in 2 mouseouts on #menuholder ('expandmenu' and 'return false')
and one on #menu ('return false').
I'm not sure that that is what you intended?
You might want to try just applying the mouseout to #menuholder...


...assuming that expandmenu now returns false?

(completely untested BTW!)

Brandon-52 wrote:
 I've got a menu that does the basic   links and shows a sub menu of
 divs with nested ulli's and other text dynamically with css and
 javascript. I'm migrating it over to jquery, and have it all working
 perfectly except for one thing. I am trying to get the menu to jump
 back to the tab that corresponds to the current page upon mouseout of
 the menu's parent div.
 My code is basically this:
 div id=menuholder
   div id=menu
   div id=toptabs
   div id=tabcontentcontainer
   div id=menustuff...
   div id=menustuff...
   div id=menustuff...
 Each toptabs a is binded (bound?) with a mouseover to show a
 corresponding menu div. All that works fine.
 What I'm not getting though, and am completely stumped about, is
 stopping the mouseout event from triggering on the child div's and a's
 underneath the menu div. I've got it kind of working to stop all
 children and self, and just do mouseout on the parent div, which would
 be the menuholder div, but it doesn't fire all of the time, if at
 all... it sometimes works if i mouse over the edge very slowly.
 Here's my code... maybe someone can shed some light on either stopping
 the child mouseover binding or triggering the mouseout on the parent
 (var currenttab is defined in the head by php)
 scriptvar currenttab = '$tabtitle';/script
   .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});
   $(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
   var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
   $(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel); });
 function expandmenu(tabid){
   $(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: IE6 - Operation Aborted - Any Ideas?

2007-10-04 Thread Wizzud

On a quick visual inspection, on suggestion is to make sure nothing
(jQuery-wise) is being called before the document is ready. You have the
following inline script...

script type=text/javascript

...and should probably wrap it in the ready function...

script type=text/javascript

This *may* solve your problem.

G[N]Urpreet Singh wrote:
 A strange thing is happening on a project that I am working on. The page
 some JQuery code like a slide down form, an accordion (which I have coded
 hand) and some other stuff.
 Once every few times the page is loaded in IE6, it just fails. It says
 Operation Aborted and fails. Could anyone point me to why this is
 happening. And this did not happen at all while the site was on my local
 machine, it started when I put it up on a test server for client review.
 Here is a link : http://www.codesutra.net/visionasia/
 Will really appreciate some help.
 Gurpreet Singh

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-04 Thread Wizzud

Bruce, you need to include the css required for lightbox to work -

Bruce MacKay wrote:
 I'm having difficulty getting this plugin to work - a test page is here:
 I'm sure I've followed the example, but obviously 
 I'm missing something.  When I click on a 
 thumbnail, the lightbox is appended to the end 
 of my page, never on top of it.
 Any illumination of my error would be appreciated.
On Sep 23, 10:46 pm, Leandro Vieira Pinho
jQuerylightBoxpluginis a powerful and simple way to show images in
 the same page. It´s inspired and based in thelightbox2 from
 Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)
 But, it use the simplicity and flexibility ofjQueryto select the
 elements we are. You don´t need to alter your HTML code, select
 elements how you want.
 portuguese yet, I´ll translate into English asap).
 Bye, and all comments and suggestions will be apreciated.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: My Superfish disappears for no reason

2007-10-04 Thread Joel Birch

On 10/4/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The first one highlights the item currently selected. I works pretty well,
 and could be improved to handle types sort of url.

 $('.nav li a').each(function(){
 href = $(this).attr('href').split('/');
 href =
 path = document.location.pathname;
 if (path.charAt(path.length-1) == '/') path = path+' index.html';
 if (href == path){

 $(this).addClass('selected'); /

Olivier, good to here your menu is working now.

Regarding your new code, I think your first idea is interesting and
could have some use in certain circumstances. Personally, my
preference would be to always try to have the nav path applied
server-side whilst generating the mark-up so that the indicator is
there when JS is unavailable. When that is not possible your idea is
good alternative. I noticed various ways to improve your code and was
inspired by the challenge so I created a plugin out of it for you to
use. It's called applyNavPath. I did change what elements the
'current' class gets applied to though in order to suit the Superfish
philosophy. The class is added to all parent li elements of the anchor
with the current url in its href attribute, in addition to the anchor
itself. This provides more control over the styling and means that the
resulting HTML will be compatible with Superfish's pathClass option.
If you only want to style the one final anchor, simply use a.current {
/* style it */ } rather than .current {} which would style the li
elements too.

Also, there is an optional object you can pass into the plugin
allowing you to change the name of the class you want to use and also
what file suffix to add to the string 'index'.

The plugin code:

$.fn.applyNavPath = function(o){
o = $.extend({
currentClass : 'current',
suffix : 'html'
}, o || {});

var urlWithFile = function(url) {
return (url.charAt(url.length-1) == '/') ? 
url+'index.'+o.suffix : url;

$('a',this).each(function() {
var $$ = $(this),
href = 
path = urlWithFile(document.location.pathname);
if (href == path) {


return this;

With this written as a plugin it is chainable and you could initialise
Superfish like this, for example:


Or with more options, and also using the optional pathClass feature of

currentClass : 'selected',
suffix : 'php'
animation : {opacity:'show',height:'show'},
delay : 1200,
pathClass : 'selected'

I hope this comes in handy Olivier, and credit for the tricky stuff
goes to you, of course. I just made it work as a plugin.

I didn't have time to look at your second idea. Maybe I'll have a look
when I get chance.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Bind event that should be executed first

2007-10-04 Thread Fabien Meghazi

 After much googling, I found this, which states that the firing order of
 multiple event handlers bound to the same event is arbitrary:

Mhh I see.

But all event binded functions to a form submit via jquery are stored
somewhere right ?
If I could get those functions, then unbind the submit event and
rebind it with my stuff first then calling previous bindings
functions, it would do what I want.

Do you think it is possible ?

Do you bind submit buttons onclick or form's onsubmit for validation ?

Fabien Meghazi

Website: http://www.amigrave.com

[jQuery] Re: My Superfish disappears for no reason

2007-10-04 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve
I'm very impressed Joel.

I'll need some time to study it more. Its a great thing for me to learn to
write better jQuery and js code.
I guess that the following lines :
   $.fn.applyNavPath = function(o){
   o = $.extend({

have something to do with getting the jQuery object, extending it, all this
in a namespaced way.
That is a vocabulary  coding practice that I do not master, but I'm getting
Thanks a lot. really.


On 10/4/07, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/4/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The first one highlights the item currently selected. I works pretty
  and could be improved to handle types sort of url.
  $('.nav li a').each(function(){
  href = $(this).attr('href').split('/');
  href =
  path = document.location.pathname;
  if (path.charAt(path.length-1) == '/') path = path+' index.html
  if (href == path){
  $(this).addClass('selected'); /

 Olivier, good to here your menu is working now.

 Regarding your new code, I think your first idea is interesting and
 could have some use in certain circumstances. Personally, my
 preference would be to always try to have the nav path applied
 server-side whilst generating the mark-up so that the indicator is
 there when JS is unavailable. When that is not possible your idea is
 good alternative. I noticed various ways to improve your code and was
 inspired by the challenge so I created a plugin out of it for you to
 use. It's called applyNavPath. I did change what elements the
 'current' class gets applied to though in order to suit the Superfish
 philosophy. The class is added to all parent li elements of the anchor
 with the current url in its href attribute, in addition to the anchor
 itself. This provides more control over the styling and means that the
 resulting HTML will be compatible with Superfish's pathClass option.
 If you only want to style the one final anchor, simply use a.current {
 /* style it */ } rather than .current {} which would style the li
 elements too.

 Also, there is an optional object you can pass into the plugin
 allowing you to change the name of the class you want to use and also
 what file suffix to add to the string 'index'.

 The plugin code:

 $.fn.applyNavPath = function(o){
 o = $.extend({
 currentClass : 'current',
 suffix : 'html'
 }, o || {});

 var urlWithFile = function(url) {
 return (url.charAt(url.length-1) == '/') ?
 url+'index.'+o.suffix : url;

 $('a',this).each(function() {
 var $$ = $(this),
 href =
 path = urlWithFile(
 if (href == path) {

 return this;

 With this written as a plugin it is chainable and you could initialise
 Superfish like this, for example:


 Or with more options, and also using the optional pathClass feature of

 currentClass : 'selected',
 suffix : 'php'
 animation : {opacity:'show',height:'show'},
 delay : 1200,
 pathClass : 'selected'

 I hope this comes in handy Olivier, and credit for the tricky stuff
 goes to you, of course. I just made it work as a plugin.

 I didn't have time to look at your second idea. Maybe I'll have a look
 when I get chance.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: More on Rounded Corners

2007-10-04 Thread Mike Alsup

 I know we've been discussing rounded corners a lot, but I just found a
 recent solution for anti-aliased rounded corners using jQuery. These
 guys do a pretty good job: 

 Hope it's helpful,


Thanks for posting this, Matt.  And thanks to Mike Jolley for writing
it!  Well done.


[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-04 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.

It´s just a release for bug fixes.

Get it: http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/

On Oct 4, 9:01 am, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah Bruhce, how Wizzud have said, you need to include the

 You have just included a style to the aparence of the images in your

 On Oct 4, 12:28 am, Bruce MacKay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm having difficulty getting this plugin to work - a test page is 

  I'm sure I've followed the example, but obviously
  I'm missing something.  When I click on a
  thumbnail, the lightbox is appended to the end
  of my page, never on top of it.

  Any illumination of my error would be appreciated.


  On Sep 23, 10:46 pm, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  jQuerylightBoxpluginis a powerful and simple way to show images in
   the same page. It´s inspired and based in thelightbox2 from Lokesh
   Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)

   But, it use the simplicity and flexibility ofjQueryto select the
   elements we are. You don´t need to alter your HTML code, select 
   elements how you want.

   portuguese yet, I´ll translate into English asap).

   Bye, and all comments and suggestions will be apreciated.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-04 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

Yeah Bruhce, how Wizzud have said, you need to include the

You have just included a style to the aparence of the images in your

On Oct 4, 12:28 am, Bruce MacKay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having difficulty getting this plugin to work - a test page is 

 I'm sure I've followed the example, but obviously
 I'm missing something.  When I click on a
 thumbnail, the lightbox is appended to the end
 of my page, never on top of it.

 Any illumination of my error would be appreciated.


 On Sep 23, 10:46 pm, Leandro Vieira Pinho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 jQuerylightBoxpluginis a powerful and simple way to show images in
  the same page. It´s inspired and based in thelightbox2 from Lokesh
  Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)

  But, it use the simplicity and flexibility ofjQueryto select the
  elements we are. You don´t need to alter your HTML code, select the
  elements how you want.

  portuguese yet, I´ll translate into English asap).

  Bye, and all comments and suggestions will be apreciated.

[jQuery] Re: the jquery logo

2007-10-04 Thread Sam Collett

jQuery Button Contest Winners:

Also, the post announcing the competition has logos in the comments.
jQuery Button Contest:

On 4 Oct, 07:38, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also, check through the blog on http://jquery.com/blog - there is an
 old thread from last year where people submitted their own jQuery
 logo's for use of websites.  Although there was a winner, you are free
 to choose whichever one you want to use.

 On 04/10/2007, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Whoops, bad link. Here it is:

 Tane Piper
 Blog -http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk
 AJAX Pastebin -http://pastemonkey.org

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Sam Collett

It's good that they are using it quite a bit. There are some site that
use it, but only $(document).ready to call a function that manipulates
the DOM the old fashioned way.

On 4 Oct, 08:23, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow! Very awesome :-)

 It looks like they're getting a pretty good coverage of features, too.
 (DOM Manipulation, animations, events, etc.)


 On 10/4/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Looks like nbc.com is heavily into the jQuery love now, using on
  their site. Looks like they're using Interface and Mike Alsup's Media
  plugin, and Klaus Hartl's cookie plugin. Also, pulling in some data with
  $.ajax, doing some accordion stuff, etc.. They could be using the

  This line appears in
 http://www.nbc.com/assets/js/global/nbc.com.jsright after
  all of the jQuery code:

  // Legacy crap -

   Pretty funny.

  Here's another file you might want to poke around in:


  Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: My Superfish disappears for no reason

2007-10-04 Thread Joel Birch

On 10/4/07, Olivier Percebois-Garve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll need some time to study it more. Its a great thing for me to learn to
 write better jQuery and js code.

You're welcome Olivier. It's my bedtime now, but tomorrow I might get
time to put some comments through the code to explain some of the
thinking behind it all.

Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Oct 4, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Sam Collett wrote:

It's good that they are using it quite a bit. There are some site that
use it, but only $(document).ready to call a function that manipulates
the DOM the old fashioned way.

Yeah, it makes me feel sorry for those people for all the time and  
energy they're wasting.

I wonder, Why do I feel like a proud papa every time I see jQuery in  
the wild? It's silly -- I haven't contributed a single line of code  
and yet I had a big grin on my face looking through the .js files on  
that site. I can only imagine how John feels. Must be a rush.

Karl Swedberg

On Oct 4, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Sam Collett wrote:

It's good that they are using it quite a bit. There are some site that
use it, but only $(document).ready to call a function that manipulates
the DOM the old fashioned way.

On 4 Oct, 08:23, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow! Very awesome :-)

It looks like they're getting a pretty good coverage of features,  

(DOM Manipulation, animations, events, etc.)


On 10/4/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looks like nbc.com is heavily into the jQuery love now, using on
their site. Looks like they're using Interface and Mike Alsup's  
plugin, and Klaus Hartl's cookie plugin. Also, pulling in some  
data with

$.ajax, doing some accordion stuff, etc.. They could be using the

This line appears in
http://www.nbc.com/assets/js/global/nbc.com.jsright after
all of the jQuery code:

// Legacy crap -

 Pretty funny.

Here's another file you might want to poke around in:


Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Jake McGraw

A function err'd on my visit, looks like an uncaught exception, when I
went to check it out, I found this comment:

// This is a hack for now. The zip-city map for the lookup service
// most likely doesn't match the zip-city in the WX XML file. We
// we're going to lookup the id in the lookup servcie for the city name so we
// have some consistancy.

Two issues: First, why they even have comments in production js is
mind boggling. Second, if you're going to take the time to add
comments to your code and let the whole world see them, why not run
over them with a quick check for spelling (servcie  consistancy) or
grammar (we're != were).

- jake

On 10/4/07, Sam Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's good that they are using it quite a bit. There are some site that
 use it, but only $(document).ready to call a function that manipulates
 the DOM the old fashioned way.

 On 4 Oct, 08:23, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wow! Very awesome :-)
  It looks like they're getting a pretty good coverage of features, too.
  (DOM Manipulation, animations, events, etc.)
  On 10/4/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Looks like nbc.com is heavily into the jQuery love now, using on
   their site. Looks like they're using Interface and Mike Alsup's Media
   plugin, and Klaus Hartl's cookie plugin. Also, pulling in some data with
   $.ajax, doing some accordion stuff, etc.. They could be using the
   This line appears in
  http://www.nbc.com/assets/js/global/nbc.com.jsright after
   all of the jQuery code:
   // Legacy crap -
Pretty funny.
   Here's another file you might want to poke around in:
   Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: ajaxCFC and CF8

2007-10-04 Thread Christopher Jordan
O... wrappers around the jQuery UI components sounds cool. Gotta keep us
posted about that one! :o)


On 10/3/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 CF8 provides quite a number of options in terms of prebuilt Ajax
 controls but I tend to refer to them as intro widgets. They don't
 provide the level of functionality available in jQuery or many other
 libs and do not adhere to any form of progressive enhancement. Also, few
 users want to use Spry for their development and CF8, out of the box,
 already includes an outdated and non-upgradeable version of YUI.

 AjaxCFC most certainly remains relevant as it provides a very easy
 interface for making Ajax calls to your CF templates and leveraging
 native CF data types. In addition, since jQuery is included in AjaxCFC,
 you now have the capability to leverage the wealth of jQuery plugins
 available. And since it's open source, you can upgrade things as needed
 instead of having to wait until Adobe patches the libs.

 Rob and I will be working on updating AjaxCFC to jQuery v1.2.1 soon and
 possibly creating wrappers around jQuery UI components.


 Brook Davies wrote:
  Can Rob or Rey shed some light on this? Is ajaxCFC still relevant with
  the  release of CF8?


[jQuery] Re: Packed version of BlockUI?

2007-10-04 Thread Andy Matthews

Sadly I've already gotten BlockUI to do what I wanted. Packed it's at 7k. So
for the time being I'll keep what I've got, but move to jqModal for future

Thanks for invalidating a half day's work Steve!


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steve Brownlee
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:33 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Packed version of BlockUI?

Andy, check out jqModal


On Oct 3, 10:01 am, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm in need of a simple page overlay, which I'll be using to display 
 help messages. I found BlockUI, but it's 15k. Is there a packed 
 version of it, or a simpler version that just allows for a page overlay?


 Andy Matthews
 Senior ColdFusion Developer

 Office:  877.707.5467 x747
 Direct:  615.627.9747
 Fax:  615.467.6249
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.dealerskins.co


[jQuery] Re: jQuery newsgroups? (nntp)

2007-10-04 Thread MichaelEvangelista

perfect, thanks!

On Oct 3, 10:34 am, RealET [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * MichaelEvangelista tapuscrivait, le 03/10/2007 17:44: Is there an NNTP 
 jQuery group out there somewhere?
  Are there any other forums or discussion groups other than this one,
  with equal or higher traffic?

  I find rapid-fire user groups to be the best possible asset for my way
  of deciphering new stuff... and I'm soaking up jQuery as fast as time
  will allow!

 news.gmane.org: gmane.comp.lang.javascript.jquery


[jQuery] ANNOUCE: Easing Plugin Updated

2007-10-04 Thread george.gsgd

Made some changes to the easing plugin, it now contains all of the
Penner equations and has name changes for the easing types. I've done
a compatibility plugin to ease the transition, but felt keeping the
names consistent with the original equations was the way to go.


It also now properly doesn't overwrite the standard equations...



[jQuery] html select in pop up

2007-10-04 Thread Sharique

I want to display html slect list in pop-up in small frame like in
yelp.com (on near text box click on Neighborhood ).


[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Jake McGraw

On 10/4/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder, Why do I feel like a proud papa every time I see jQuery in the
 wild? It's silly -- I haven't contributed a single line of code and yet I
 had a big grin on my face looking through the .js files on that site. I can
 only imagine how John feels. Must be a rush.

It's always fun being on the winning team :-)

- jake

 Karl Swedberg

 On Oct 4, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Sam Collett wrote:

 It's good that they are using it quite a bit. There are some site that
 use it, but only $(document).ready to call a function that manipulates
 the DOM the old fashioned way.

 On 4 Oct, 08:23, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow! Very awesome :-)

 It looks like they're getting a pretty good coverage of features, too.
 (DOM Manipulation, animations, events, etc.)


 On 10/4/07, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Looks like nbc.com is heavily into the jQuery love now, using on
 their site. Looks like they're using Interface and Mike Alsup's Media
 plugin, and Klaus Hartl's cookie plugin. Also, pulling in some data with
 $.ajax, doing some accordion stuff, etc.. They could be using the

 This line appears in
 http://www.nbc.com/assets/js/global/nbc.com.jsright after
 all of the jQuery code:

 // Legacy crap -

  Pretty funny.

 Here's another file you might want to poke around in:


 Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: jQuery newsgroups? (nntp)

2007-10-04 Thread MichaelEvangelista

Thanks Richard -
I've actually already been to, and gotten help from jqueryhelp.com.
Chrys is a clever cookie indeed.

On Oct 3, 10:51 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This group can be accessed via nntp through gmane:

 It's also web-browsable at (each has rss and/or atom feeds):

 Also, there is a fairly new support forum/discussion board:

 - Richard

 On 10/3/07, MichaelEvangelista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there an NNTP jQuery group out there somewhere?
  Are there any other forums or discussion groups other than this one,
  with equal or higher traffic?

  I find rapid-fire user groups to be the best possible asset for my way
  of deciphering new stuff... and I'm soaking up jQuery as fast as time
  will allow!

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-04 Thread Bruce MacKay

Oh, was that bit important ;-)

Thanks Leandro/Wizzud, I feel a bout of the wood 
for the trees cliche coming on.


At 08:01 a.m. 4/10/2007, you wrote:

Yeah Bruhce, how Wizzud have said, you need to include the

You have just included a style to the aparence of the images in your

On Oct 4, 12:28 am, Bruce MacKay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having difficulty getting this plugin to 
work - a test page is here:http://www.thomasbaine.com/gallery.asp

 I'm sure I've followed the example, but obviously
 I'm missing something.  When I click on a
 thumbnail, the lightbox is appended to the end
 of my page, never on top of it.

 Any illumination of my error would be appreciated.


 On Sep 23, 10:46 pm, Leandro Vieira 


 jQuerylightBoxpluginis a powerful and simple way to show images in
  the same page. It´s inspired and 
based in thelightbox2 from Lokesh

  Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)

  But, it use the simplicity and flexibility ofjQueryto select the
  elements we are. You don´t need to 
alter your HTML code, select the

  elements how you want.

  portuguese yet, I´ll translate into English asap).

  Bye, and all comments and suggestions will be apreciated.

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUCE: jQuery lightBox plugin

2007-10-04 Thread Olaf Bosch

Leandro Vieira Pinho schrieb:

The jQuery lightBox plugin 0.2 version are available.

It´s just a release for bug fixes.

Great!!! Thank you for submit, I use this now.

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] jQ SqueezeBox - Expand All?

2007-10-04 Thread will


I thought I'd ask before digging and (poorly) hacking through the
source - is there a way to get Jörn's Squeezebox plugin to 'expand
all' with a single toggle?  Sorta like the treeview on his API
browser.  We're using it for a folded FAQ page but want users to be
able to expand all and use on page searching.

Thank you,

[jQuery] Re: How to hide a div without a click function

2007-10-04 Thread somnamblst

I'm not sure, here is how I did it with scriptaculous

  function startTimeline() {
new Effect.SlideDown('slidebar', { duration: 3.0, afterFinish:
function() {new Effect.SlideUp('slidebar', { delay: 7.5, duration:

On Oct 3, 7:21 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a pause plugin.  Does that do the 


 On 10/3/07, somnamblst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I currently have this

  $(document).ready(function() {
  function initSlideboxes()


  I would like after a certain duration of several seconds to have the
  slidebar div hide. I know how to do this in scriptaculous but I have
  abandoned my scriptaculous solution for jquery.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Presidential Websites

2007-10-04 Thread Rick Pasotto

On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 06:11:29PM -0700, Glen Lipka wrote:
 I just did a quick review of all the presidential candidate websites.
 Apparently NO ONE is interested in the jQuery vote.
 tsk tsk.  Everyone knows that the site with jQuery usually wins the
 Check this review a while back:
 Apparently Obama used jQuery and then switched away?

http://phillies2008.org/ uses jquery.

Our children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only
 hope for their present and their future. -- Zig Zigler
Rick Pasotto[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.niof.net

[jQuery] Superfish Menu Problems - white space

2007-10-04 Thread Ryura

I'm new to Suckerfish (and thus superfish) dropdown menus. I think
I've got them figured out for the most part, but there's still one
problem that bugs me.
When you hover over Our Ministries, parts of that image disappear
and just leave blank space. How can I make it so there is no white
space between our ministries and Bus Ministry, but also so it doesn't


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread sgrover

Looks good.  I'll be taking another look at it later for a complex app I 

One request though - any way to edit the contents of the grid?  I'm 
looking for something that will switch to a textbox or drop down when 
that cell receives focus, and trigger callbacks so a database can be 
updated.  I'm dreading having to write this myself, but have yet to see 
something like that.


reconstrukt wrote:
 Hey all,
 I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
 plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)
 Features in this release:
 - resizable columns
 - paging toolbar
 - sorting (server-side)
 - row  column styling
 The goal here is to give jQuery a robust, native datagrid that's up to
 snuff with those found in the EXT or YUI libraries.
 Check it out here: http://www.reconstrukt.com/ingrid/
 Thanks much

[jQuery] Using the reset function

2007-10-04 Thread doctorb


Can someone give me an example of how to use the reset function?
I've been trying to use it, but everytime i use it I get a stack over
flow.  Probably because I'm trying to use carousel.reset() in my
initLoadcallback function so that I can insert new pictures into the


[jQuery] Re: They dress as jQuery users for Halloween

2007-10-04 Thread sgrover

Devo Hats?  Did John and company listen to to much Working in the 
Coal Mine when coding jQuery??? :)


Michael Geary wrote:

[jQuery] Re: the jquery logo

2007-10-04 Thread Tzury

I loved that one.

[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Plugin 1.1

2007-10-04 Thread Flesler

Congratz, the example works fine now, in IE.

On Oct 3, 3:02 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I managed to get this fixed last night and put a new version up.  I'll
 be updating the jquery plugins page tonight.


 On Oct 2, 6:40 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It appears something I've done had totally borked this plugin for IE.
  I'll figure it out real quick and get a new version out.

  On Oct 2, 2:26 pm, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Your plugin is great, I checked it out some time ago... you know, the
   example fails in IE (6, windows). When I focus an input or type in it,
   an error pops saying 'res' is not defined.

   On 2 oct, 15:06, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just released version 1.1 of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery. I
have more features in the pipeline to add to 1.2, but I wanted to get
a few fixes out the door before doing so. The only thing new this time
is an unmask method.

In addition to code changes, I've made a few more enhancements. I've
added a packed version for those who want the smallest possible
footprint. I've also given the project page a face lift to make things
easier to find.

Below is a list of changes this time:

* NEW FEATURE: unmask() method to remove masking for a previously
masked input.
* Safari cursor position fix.
* Cursor position behavior change: Cursor goes to the end of the
input on a completed input. Cursor goes to the first placeholder
position on a blank input.
* Fixed improper escaping of certain mask characters.
* Code refactoring to reduce size and complexity.

Please check it out 

Thank You
digitalbush.com- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: the jquery logo

2007-10-04 Thread sgrover

I think that would be fair use.  Afterall, you are not using the logo 
for some other purpose, and you are recognizing jQuery with the logo and 
link.  I don't see how that would be any different than me putting an 
IBM or Microsoft logo into my blog entries with links back to their site.

I'm obviously not the final say on this, but I *think* John and company 
would agree this is in the spirit of jQuery

My thoughts, not yours...


digitalus media wrote:
 i have developed a cms that relies heavily on jquery.  i am putting a
 page on my site to give the appropriate credit, and want to add the
 logo to the page which i will link to the jquery site.  you can see
 this on my testing server at :http://dev.digitalusmedia.net/technology/
 I did not see anything about this on the site and want to make sure
 its ok to use this graphic.

[jQuery] calling all jQuery Safari wizards!

2007-10-04 Thread bytte

I have made a very basic slideshow, with help from this list, that
looks for images in a database, then displays them. Here's the link:
http://www.sum.be/project/item.php?item=14ID=39〈=1 (navigate
through the pics by using the small arrows to the right of the

It works ok in all tested browsers (ff mac/win, ie, opera mac/win),
yet not on safari (mac+win).

As you'll see there's a problem with the fadeIn/fadeOut resulting in a
blank space where the picture should reside.

Here's the code I use to make the old picture fadeOut and the new one

function showNewPic(json,lang) {
 var img = new Image();
 img.onload = function(){
  $('.projectpic').fadeOut(fast,function() {
   $('.projectpic').attr({ src: ../layout/images/
uploads/+json.picture, id: jq_ +json.item_ID+ _ +json.menu_een_ID
+ _ +json.menu_twee_ID+ _ +lang+ _ +json.ID, alt:
json.alt }).fadeIn(fast);
 img.src = ../layout/images/uploads/+json.picture;


Any idea why it fails in Safari? The Safari Javascript console gives
me no errors whatsoever.
(sorry for the double post - topic was here already a week ago, but
i'm desperate)

[jQuery] Re: Question to experts on jQuery.

2007-10-04 Thread BAlex

I regret, but anything from offered does not work as it is necessary
in Firefox and Safari.

[jQuery] Re: How to hide a div without a click function

2007-10-04 Thread somnamblst

Like this?

 $(document).ready(function() {
 function initSlideboxes()
  setTimeout( function() {
  alert( 'timer!' );
   }, 1000 );
.slideUp('slow', function() {
  $('#slidebartrigger').click(function(){$('#slidebar').toggle(); });

On Oct 3, 7:21 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a pause plugin.  Does that do the 


 On 10/3/07, somnamblst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I currently have this

  $(document).ready(function() {
  function initSlideboxes()


  I would like after a certain duration of several seconds to have the
  slidebar div hide. I know how to do this in scriptaculous but I have
  abandoned my scriptaculous solution for jquery.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Advanced li mapulation, new style of navigation for jquery

2007-10-04 Thread Lukey B

Hi All,

As per this previous post I made


I have cracked on and started to develop a drill down style menu:

I have also uploaded a cut down version of what I am trying to do at
this link:


Essentially what I am trying to do is as follows:

1. Adding items to the parent menu

When a user clicks on a menu item from the bottom menu, it should add
it to the top menu and bold it.

That all works fine.

In addition to this I would like to be able to disable the
clickability of the menu item if it is the last item in the menu. If
subsequent items are added below it then the menu item should become

Below is the funciton I have started on

function addMarketToParent(id, name, root_level) {

  // remove all the MENU_BOLD classes from all the li links in the
parent nav and activate all the onClicks
  $(#parentmenu  ul  li  a ).removeClass(menu_bold);

  // append the market to the parent nav
  $(#parentmenu  ul).append(
lia href='#' id='market + id + ' onClick='return
removeMarketFromParent(\ + id + \);'  + name + /li

  // disable onClick and add MENU_BOLD class
  $(#market + id ).addClass(menu_bold);


2.  Removing items from the parent menu

When a user clicks an item from the parent menu it should remove it
from the menu.

That all works fine.

What I would like to be able to do it is, if a user clicks on a menu
item that is further up the tree, then it should remove the item as
well as recurse down the list and remove all those items as well.

Below is the funciton I have started on

function removeMarketFromParent(id){
  // now remove the menus and recursively remove any below this
  $(#market + id).remove();


I look forward to your responses.

Kind regards,

Luke Byrne

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread matthew knight

Thanks Marco,

Also cheers for reporting the bug with the page toolbar textbox - this
is now fixed.  Download the latest here: 


On Oct 3, 8:00 pm, Web Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Very very very nice grid plugin. Your ajax for server side content and
 pagination is really awesome.

 Marco Antonio

 2007/10/3, reconstrukt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hey all,

  I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
  plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)

  Features in this release:

  - resizable columns
  - paging toolbar
  - sorting (server-side)
  - row  column styling

  The goal here is to give jQuery a robust, native datagrid that's up to
  snuff with those found in the EXT or YUI libraries.

  Check it out here:http://www.reconstrukt.com/ingrid/

  Thanks much

[jQuery] Re: How to hide a div without a click function

2007-10-04 Thread motob

You could also try using setTimeout() like so:

}, 2000);

This will activate the #slidebar toggle after 2000 milliseconds even
is the user is trying to interact with the #slidebar which may not be
what you want. I'm not sure what the slide bar is being used for but
if you wanted a more robust closing solution then you may want to make
use of timers to detect when the user is not using, or interacting
with #slidebar.

The following bit of code will detect when the user's mouse is no
longer interacting with #slidebar and close it after 2000

}, function(){
closetimer = window.setTimeout(function(){
}, 2000);

If the mouse cursor moves off of #slidebar then a timer is created
that will fire the $('#slidebar').hide() function after 2000
milliseconds. If the cursor moves back over the #slidebar (hovers)
then the timer is cleared and #slidebar will not close. This code
isn't tested so you might need to tweak it a bit. I am using something
similar on my project and it works great.

On Oct 3, 7:21 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a pause plugin.  Does that do the 


 On 10/3/07, somnamblst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I currently have this

  $(document).ready(function() {
  function initSlideboxes()


  I would like after a certain duration of several seconds to have the
  slidebar div hide. I know how to do this in scriptaculous but I have
  abandoned my scriptaculous solution for jquery.

[jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC

2007-10-04 Thread Brook Davies
Thanks for the feecback Jack. I am using the success() method and within
that method I want to call a method on the current object. The reason is
because I have spawned multiple objects and they all fetch data via ajaxCFC
and I want the correct object to handle the result. 


I could save a reference in the global scope, but that would mean I could
only have one ajax call at a time. I just wish I could pass an object
through to the callback handler so that reference would be available in
success(). I guess I could pass a string reference to the class object to
the server and have it returned an evaluated - but there must be a better
way, no?




size=2 width=100% align=center tabindex=-1 

From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jack Killpatrick
Sent: October 3, 2007 6:19 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC


Hmm, maybe create a global var to hold a ref to the scope?

var currentObj;

and in getData:

currentObj = this;
ajax call

and in dataResult:

currentObj.someProperty = data.yadda;
currentObj = null;


In case you don't know, the ajaxCFC also has a success callback:

url: some.cfc,
method: 'doIt',
data: { yadda:'ya' },
success: function(data){
do some stuff;

I'm assuming you're calling the dataResult() function via the success
attribute, but just in case, FYI. It doesn't really change the approach to
knowing scope thing, though, AFAIK. If you try putting this inside the
anonymous function, it still won't know the calling object.

- Jack

Brook Davies wrote: 

Hello Jack,


Well  I want to get the scope of the calling object that the function
resides in. I have multiple instances of this object:


someObj = {


getData: function(){

//cfAjax request starts here




dataResult: function(data){

// handle result from cfAjax here





a = new someObj()

b = new someObj()


// call getData on 'a' instance



This is where I want the cfAjax callback to be within the scope of the 'a'
object or at least somehow get a reference to 'a'. How do I do that?






[jQuery] jScrollpane - Occasionaly runs in IE? (init/load problem)

2007-10-04 Thread Brett

Hey all, LOVING jScrollpane at the moment, here is a page I'm working


The right area with the grey box is a scrollpane which will have a
bunch of different things in it. If you view it in firefox, you'll see
that the grey scroll bar comes up, works great :)

However, on Internet explorer 6, the jScrollpane does not load... I
get an error about an exception being not handled.
But, the really, really hard to diagnose part? if I reload the page,
or occasionaly when I view it, the page will load, jScrollbars

Ther are other scrollers under neath too, which I was using to get it
at least appear with a default scrollbar. That works, Now I was just
wondering what kind of problem would cause this. Is there some kind of
loading order I should respect or do differently?

The javascript code itself at the moment is nothing special - its just
an adapted example code:

[jQuery] ContextMenu visibility at window edges problem

2007-10-04 Thread Juanita

There is an ennoying point with the current ContextMenu plugin. When a
menu pops out near a window borders, it is only  partially visible.
What is the correct javascript bouding test to apply to reposition the
element correctly ?
I thought maybe there is a jquery plugin for this kind of element
boxing ?


[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread John Resig

 Maybe we can get John on Jay Leno...

That would be the most boring late night interview, ever. :-P


[jQuery] Re: Thickbox and Innerfade plugins issue in IE6

2007-10-04 Thread Fiona

Is anyone able to help? I still haven't been able to find a solution
to this yet.


[jQuery] Re: Catfish Advert Plugin

2007-10-04 Thread wick

That bottom padding makes it so all the normal page content appears
above the catfish advert - in other words you can scroll to the bottom
of the normal page  the content at the very end isn't covered up by
the ad - the padding goes behind the catfish ad.

On Oct 3, 3:42 am, Kia Niskavaara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this line really necessary:

 $('html').css('padding', '0 0 ' + this.settings.height + 'px 0');

 It seems as if it changes the padding of the whole page.

 I also wonder what happens if the user doesn't support cookies. I think the 
 best solution would be
 not to display the ad at all.

 sozzi wrote:
  Hmm seems the demos etc don't work. The only place I could find it
  with a short search was here:


  And I'm not exactly sure if that is the last version.

  On Oct 2, 6:12 am, Kia Niskavaara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm unable to download the Catfish Advert Plugin 
  does anyone have the source?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread Saidur

Hi matt,
It's awesome. Well when i download ingrid and run it,then it shows the
remote.php file is missing.I saw in the code there is a line  url:
'remote.php'. So it may be missing in the download file.

Also i have a qustion. Suppose i have a grid shows the price . I want
to highlted price which are greater than 1000. Then how can i do it in
your grid. Can you explain me ?

Saidur Rahman

reconstrukt wrote:
 Hey all,

 I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
 plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)

 Features in this release:

 - resizable columns
 - paging toolbar
 - sorting (server-side)
 - row  column styling

 The goal here is to give jQuery a robust, native datagrid that's up to
 snuff with those found in the EXT or YUI libraries.

 Check it out here: http://www.reconstrukt.com/ingrid/

 Thanks much

[jQuery] Re: Question to experts on jQuery.

2007-10-04 Thread Flesler

Your initial code should work, I realized that it wasn't working at
the beggining because it wasn't in the DOM.
So this, should work:

  var width = $(this).width(),
  height= $(this).height();
  alert(width + ' '+ height);

On Oct 3, 6:37 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just do it the old-fashioned way...

 var objImage = new Image();
 objImage.onload = function(){
 var imgDim = { width : objImage.width, height : objImage.height };
 // .. carry on processing...
 objImage.src = 'myPicture.jpg';

 BAlex wrote:

  Is JavaScript:

  var img = new Image();
  img.src = 1.jpg;
  var width = img.width;
  var height = img.height;

  It is necessary for preliminary loading image and, the main thing, for
  preliminary definition width and height.

  How same to represent on jQuery?

  In advance thanks,

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.- 
 Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Add Table row

2007-10-04 Thread camilo_u

Thanks a lot!!! I will test this and I'll let you know how it's going!


On Oct 2, 6:52 am, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, this is possible. I'm doing the same type of thing on my app.
 You'll want to utilize the .clone() function.

 You could do something like this:

 var clonedRow = $(table tr :last).clone(); //this will grab the last
 table row.

 $(#formField, clonedRow).attr(id, newID); //use the selectors to
 manipulate any element in the clonedRow object.

 $(table).append(clonedRow); //add the row back to the table

 On Oct 1, 6:22 pm,camilo_u[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I would like to use jQuery to add a row with form fields of a table to
  the end of the table, the idea is to duplicate the previous one it
  with all of the form fields (drop downs, input fields, hidden fields,
  etc.) changing the input ID of each input, clearing the input values
  and adding a Delete button at the end of the row to allow the user,

  Pretty much like Add new Row button that basically will add a new
  empty row following some sort of template changing the input IDs,
  clearing the values, and adding a Delete This row link at the end.

  Is this possible with jQuery? how can i do it?

  Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread Guy Fraser

reconstrukt wrote:
 Hey all,

 I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
 plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)

She's one sexy grid! Can she be applied to existing static tables within 
a web page, to make them sexy?


[jQuery] EXTjs and Jquery

2007-10-04 Thread Brook Davies


You mention that you use extJS and jQuery. How do they work together and how
is this a beneficial relationship? I drool when I see the ext demos.


How do the two technologies play together?



[jQuery] Re: ajaxCFC and CF8

2007-10-04 Thread Brook Davies

Thanks Rey! 

I didn't so much mean about using the built in ajax components, but more
along the lines of all the work ajaxCFC does converting to json and such.
Isn't some of that functionality build into CF8 now?


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: October 3, 2007 5:52 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ajaxCFC and CF8


CF8 provides quite a number of options in terms of prebuilt Ajax 
controls but I tend to refer to them as intro widgets. They don't 
provide the level of functionality available in jQuery or many other 
libs and do not adhere to any form of progressive enhancement. Also, few 
users want to use Spry for their development and CF8, out of the box, 
already includes an outdated and non-upgradeable version of YUI.

AjaxCFC most certainly remains relevant as it provides a very easy 
interface for making Ajax calls to your CF templates and leveraging 
native CF data types. In addition, since jQuery is included in AjaxCFC, 
you now have the capability to leverage the wealth of jQuery plugins 
available. And since it's open source, you can upgrade things as needed 
instead of having to wait until Adobe patches the libs.

Rob and I will be working on updating AjaxCFC to jQuery v1.2.1 soon and 
possibly creating wrappers around jQuery UI components.


Brook Davies wrote:
 Can Rob or Rey shed some light on this? Is ajaxCFC still relevant with 
 the  release of CF8?

[jQuery] Re: calling all jQuery Safari wizards!

2007-10-04 Thread John Beppu
You might want to get on irc and ask on #webkit on irc.freenode.net .

On 10/4/07, bytte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It works ok in all tested browsers (ff mac/win, ie, opera mac/win),
 yet not on safari (mac+win).

 Any idea why it fails in Safari? The Safari Javascript console gives
 me no errors whatsoever.
 (sorry for the double post - topic was here already a week ago, but
 i'm desperate)

[jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC

2007-10-04 Thread Christopher Jordan
Email Rob Gonda and see what he says about all this. He's the ultimate
source on ajaxCFC anyway. If you get an answer to this, it'd be cool to hear
about it.


On 10/4/07, Brook Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks for the feecback Jack. I am using the success() method and within
 that method I want to call a method on the current object. The reason is
 because I have spawned multiple objects and they all fetch data via ajaxCFC
 and I want the correct object to handle the result.

 I could save a reference in the global scope, but that would mean I could
 only have one ajax call at a time. I just wish I could pass an object
 through to the callback handler so that reference would be available in
 success(). I guess I could pass a string reference to the class object to
 the server and have it returned an evaluated – but there must be a better
 way, no?


 size=2 width=100% align=center tabindex=-1

 *From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
 Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick
 *Sent:* October 3, 2007 6:19 PM
 *To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC

 Hmm, maybe create a global var to hold a ref to the scope?

 var currentObj;

 and in getData:

 currentObj = this;
 ajax call

 and in dataResult:

 currentObj.someProperty = data.yadda;
 currentObj = null;


 In case you don't know, the ajaxCFC also has a success callback:

 url: some.cfc,
 method: 'doIt',
 data: { yadda:'ya' },
 success: function(data){
 do some stuff;

 I'm assuming you're calling the dataResult() function via the success
 attribute, but just in case, FYI. It doesn't really change the approach to
 knowing scope thing, though, AFAIK. If you try putting this inside the
 anonymous function, it still won't know the calling object.

 - Jack

 Brook Davies wrote:

 Hello Jack,

 Well  I want to get the scope of the calling object that the function
 resides in. I have multiple instances of this object:

 someObj = {

 getData: function(){

 //cfAjax request starts here



 dataResult: function(data){

 // handle result from cfAjax here



 a = new someObj()

 b = new someObj()

 // call getData on 'a' instance


 This is where I want the cfAjax callback to be within the scope of the 'a'
 object or at least somehow get a reference to 'a'. How do I do that?



[jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC

2007-10-04 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Not sure if this will work, but maybe try passing it as a 2nd arg in the 
success call:

var _this = this;
success: function(data, _this){

- Jack

Brook Davies wrote:

Thanks for the feecback Jack. I am using the success() method and 
within that method I want to call a method on the current object. The 
reason is because I have spawned multiple objects and they all fetch 
data via ajaxCFC and I want the correct object to handle the result.


I could save a reference in the global scope, but that would mean I 
could only have one ajax call at a time. I just wish I could pass an 
object through to the callback handler so that reference would be 
available in success(). I guess I could pass a string reference to the 
class object to the server and have it returned an evaluated -- but 
there must be a better way, no?



size=2 width=100% align=center tabindex=-1

*From:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Jack Killpatrick

*Sent:* October 3, 2007 6:19 PM
*To:* jquery-en@googlegroups.com
*Subject:* [jQuery] Re: AjaxCFC


Hmm, maybe create a global var to hold a ref to the scope?

var currentObj;

and in getData:

currentObj = this;
ajax call

and in dataResult:

currentObj.someProperty = data.yadda;
currentObj = null;


In case you don't know, the ajaxCFC also has a success callback:

url: some.cfc,
method: 'doIt',
data: { yadda:'ya' },
success: function(data){
do some stuff;

I'm assuming you're calling the dataResult() function via the success 
attribute, but just in case, FYI. It doesn't really change the 
approach to knowing scope thing, though, AFAIK. If you try putting 
this inside the anonymous function, it still won't know the calling 

- Jack

Brook Davies wrote:

Hello Jack,


Well  I want to get the scope of the calling object that the function 
resides in. I have multiple instances of this object:


someObj = {


getData: function(){


//cfAjax request starts here





dataResult: function(data){

// handle result from cfAjax here





a = new someObj()

b = new someObj()


// call getData on 'a' instance



This is where I want the cfAjax callback to be within the scope of the 
'a' object or at least somehow get a reference to 'a'. How do I do that?






[jQuery] Re: Masked Input Plugin 1.1

2007-10-04 Thread Josh Bush

For those that care, the problem ended up being a result of my using
$.each() over a string.  Apparently IE won't let you use [] to access
an individual character from a string.  The solution for me was to
call .split on the string as I passed it into $.each() so that it
looks like this $.each(myString.split(''),function(i,c){/*code


On Oct 4, 12:01 am, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Congratz, the example works fine now, in IE.

 On Oct 3, 3:02 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I managed to get this fixed last night and put a new version up.  I'll
  be updating the jquery plugins page tonight.


  On Oct 2, 6:40 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It appears something I've done had totally borked this plugin for IE.
   I'll figure it out real quick and get a new version out.

   On Oct 2, 2:26 pm, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your plugin is great, I checked it out some time ago... you know, the
example fails in IE (6, windows). When I focus an input or type in it,
an error pops saying 'res' is not defined.

On 2 oct, 15:06, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just released version 1.1 of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery. I
 have more features in the pipeline to add to 1.2, but I wanted to get
 a few fixes out the door before doing so. The only thing new this time
 is an unmask method.

 In addition to code changes, I've made a few more enhancements. I've
 added a packed version for those who want the smallest possible
 footprint. I've also given the project page a face lift to make things
 easier to find.

 Below is a list of changes this time:

 * NEW FEATURE: unmask() method to remove masking for a previously
 masked input.
 * Safari cursor position fix.
 * Cursor position behavior change: Cursor goes to the end of the
 input on a completed input. Cursor goes to the first placeholder
 position on a blank input.
 * Fixed improper escaping of certain mask characters.
 * Code refactoring to reduce size and complexity.

 Please check it out 

 Thank You
 digitalbush.com- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Obscure ie6 error when appending iframe

2007-10-04 Thread Josh Nathanson

Hey all,

When trying to create an iframe on the fly and append it into the dom, I'm 
getting an error in IE6: Expected ':' (that's a colon).  Works fine in FF 
of course.  The basic code:

var i = $(iframe src=' + el.id + ' name='panelframe' 


When I comment out the append part, it works fine, so it's not a problem 
creating the iframe node, just appending it.  Anyone have a clue?  Googling 
didn't turn up much.  I'm afraid it might be a security concern, but after 
getting the error in IE6, it goes ahead and loads the page into the iframe 
and appends to the div anyway.

-- Josh 

[jQuery] Re: Speed issues when using jQuery on webapp

2007-10-04 Thread Robert Wagner

2007/9/13, Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 My opinion.. Live Query is a great plugin, but it's not the fastest
 way to do that (although it is the safest, easiest, cleaniest). All
 the work I made on tables, I solved it using event delegation. Instead
 of binding, unbinding, rebinding, bind once to the container (the
 table or the tbody) and solve it from there. I made a plugin for that
 (jQuery.Intercept) if you are interested. jQuery.Bubble can be useful
 as well...

hi ariel,
i tried your plugin. it seems a good strategy to fight slowlyness... i
didn't get the 4th parameter to work. as i understand it, i should be
able to narrow the context of the listener.

ex: i want to listen to all clicks on a elements that are *within
the navigation div*

$.listen(#navi a, 'click', function(e){

works for the whole document

same to this one..

$.listen(a, 'click', function(e){
}, document.getElementById(navi));

the same goes to #navi or $(#navi)...
what am i doning wrong?



 On 13 sep, 09:20, Phillip B Oldham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We've been using jQuery (1.2 since its release) with a webapp we're
  building, and it's all been plain-sailing, until now.
  We've got a table which uses livegrid to load in new rows. 2 out of
  the 4 columns contain elements which have events bound using livequery
  (so any new rows also get bound). When we get to more than say 20
  rows, the app sees serious degredation in speed on FF (untested
  elsewhere), rendering it pretty-much unusable.
  Has anyone else come across similar issues? Are there any common fixes
  for this sort of problem?

[jQuery] Re: jScrollpane - Occasionaly runs in IE? (init/load problem)

2007-10-04 Thread Kelvin Luck


Glad you like jScrollPane. I can only take a very quick look at this at 
the moment but I'm wondering if it's something to do with this bit of 
your JS:

window.onload = function(){

I think I remember having issues where using this old school syntax 
for assigning onload handlers caused jQuery to bomb in IE. Try replacing 
it with:

$(function() {

Or even move the striping code up into the ready block you already have...

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

Brett wrote:

Hey all, LOVING jScrollpane at the moment, here is a page I'm working


The right area with the grey box is a scrollpane which will have a
bunch of different things in it. If you view it in firefox, you'll see
that the grey scroll bar comes up, works great :)

However, on Internet explorer 6, the jScrollpane does not load... I
get an error about an exception being not handled.
But, the really, really hard to diagnose part? if I reload the page,
or occasionaly when I view it, the page will load, jScrollbars

Ther are other scrollers under neath too, which I was using to get it
at least appear with a default scrollbar. That works, Now I was just
wondering what kind of problem would cause this. Is there some kind of
loading order I should respect or do differently?

The javascript code itself at the moment is nothing special - its just
an adapted example code:

[jQuery] Re: EXTjs and Jquery

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Blades
I find that they play very well together. I use the jquery adapter built to
bridge jquery and ExtJs, but it isn't a necessity, ExtJS has it's own DOM
selector methods. I just find the JQuery syntax very easy, and it's handling
of DOM manipulation very robust. I use ExtJS primarily for it's beautiful
components, in much the same way that many use JQuery plugins, and because
the documentation is very thorough, making it easy to implement. I'm also a
ColdFusion programmer, so I can quickly prototype applications using cf
syntax, utilizing the new 'Ajax Widgets' built into CF, and then finalize
more robust applications with ExtJS maintaining the same look and feel. The
built in widgets are using ExtJS v1.1 under the hood, so I know I can
quickly recreate mirroring display before adding in advanced functionality,
or write custom scripting with the ExtJS API to extend the js that
ColdFusion creates.

On 10/4/07, Brook Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 You mention that you use extJS and jQuery. How do they work together and
 how is this a beneficial relationship? I drool when I see the ext demos…

 How do the two technologies play together?


Steve Cutter Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
The Past is a Memory
The Future a Dream
But Today is a Gift
That's why they call it
The Present

[jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

2007-10-04 Thread Guillermo Movia

Hi, thanks for your answer. We tried this, but when a lot of news are
too slow.  We wish to know if maybe there's another solution.


2007/10/3, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 AFAIK you have to recall the function, or you can use the jquery live plugin

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Guillermo Movia
 Sent: mercredi 3 octobre 2007 19:46
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] jscrollpane plugin problem

 Hi, Kevin. We are using your plugin for a ul with news. Each new show by
 default the title and an abstract with a button to display the invisible
 part. This ul has a scroll pane. But, when the invisible part of one new is
 show and then the ul increase it height, the scroll pane doesn't change it
 height, and the new text overflow the ul, but below it.

 Is there a simple way to inform the scrollpane to refresh the height of the
 content inside it? or we have to recreate it?

 Thanks in advance

 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.13.39/1045 - Date: 2/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread Sharique

Really nice work.
Did it works will asp.net as well?

On Oct 4, 3:15 am, reconstrukt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
 plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)

 Features in this release:

 - resizable columns
 - paging toolbar
 - sorting (server-side)
 - row  column styling

 The goal here is to give jQuery a robust, native datagrid that's up to
 snuff with those found in the EXT or YUI libraries.

 Check it out here:http://www.reconstrukt.com/ingrid/

 Thanks much

[jQuery] Re: Question about jScrollPane - full body scroll

2007-10-04 Thread Kelvin Luck


This line:

$('body.jScrollPaneContainer').css({'height': $w.height() + 'px', 
'width': $w.width() + 'px'});

translates to:

Set the height and width of the element with a class of 
jScrollPaneContainer directly inside the body (e.g. not nested any 
deeper) to the height and width of the window.

The body bit makes sure that any other scrollPane's on your page 
which are nested deeper don't also get their height and width changed.

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

simplybrianp wrote:
 In looking at the code for the full body scroll. I can not seem to
 understand one part of it. I am actually doing a couple of scroll
 panes in a page, that resize based on the window size, and am using
 the full body scroll as an example. I can not figure out what is going
 on in the line with the *** in front of it. Does anyone know what this
 is doing? Or how I would us it on a named div?
   // this initialises the demo scollpanes on the 
   $('#pane1, #pane2').jScrollPane();
   var isResizing;
   // and the body scrollpane
   var setContainerHeight = function()
   // IE triggers the onResize event 
 internally when you do the
 stuff in this function
   // so make sure we don't enter an 
 infinite loop and crash the
   if (!isResizing) {
   isResizing = true;
   $w = $(window);
   $c = $('#container');
   var p = 
 (parseInt($c.css('paddingLeft')) || 0) +
 (parseInt($c.css('paddingRight')) || 0);
 ***$('body.jScrollPaneContainer').css({'height': $w.height() +
 'px', 'width': $w.width() + 'px'});
 ($w.height()-p) + 'px', 'width': ($w.width() -
 p) + 'px', 'overflow':'auto'});
   isResizing = false;
   $(window).bind('resize', setContainerHeight);
   // it seems like you need to call this twice to 
 get consistantly
 correct results cross browser...

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
jQuery (English) group.
To post to this group, send email to jquery-en@googlegroups.com
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[jQuery] Re: Obscure ie6 error when appending iframe

2007-10-04 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Did you try appending without the src attribute, just to make sure the page
being loaded is not the issue?

On 10/4/07, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,

 When trying to create an iframe on the fly and append it into the dom, I'm
 getting an error in IE6: Expected ':' (that's a colon).  Works fine in
 of course.  The basic code:

 var i = $(iframe src=' + el.id + ' name='panelframe'

 When I comment out the append part, it works fine, so it's not a problem
 creating the iframe node, just appending it.  Anyone have a
 clue?  Googling
 didn't turn up much.  I'm afraid it might be a security concern, but after
 getting the error in IE6, it goes ahead and loads the page into the iframe
 and appends to the div anyway.

 -- Josh

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] [NEWS] Cool sitemap code

2007-10-04 Thread Rey Bango

So his majesty, Brandon Aaron, demanded that I post this on the list and 
as Brandon is a intimidating at times, of course I had to follow orders! ;)

This cool CSS Sitemap uses jQuery and CSS to produce a very neat looking 



[jQuery] Validation madness

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Blades
I'm using the validator plugin, and I have some code like this:

var errContainer = $('#CSForm div.error');
errorContainer: errContainer,
errorLabelContainer: $(ol,errContainer),
rules: {
First_Name: required,
Last_Name: required,
EMail: {
required: true,
email: true
Make: required,
Model: required
messages: {
First_Name: Please enter your First Name,
Last_Name: Please enter your Last Name,
EMail: Please enter a valid email address,
Make: Please select a make,
Model: Please select a model
wrapper: 'li',
submitHandler: rewriteMakeOption

function rewriteMakeOption(form){
// some other stuff

Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I put some console logging into
place, only to see that the form was submitted 222 times before it was
stopped by Firefox (it killed IE completely). Anybody?
Steve Cutter Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
The Past is a Memory
The Future a Dream
But Today is a Gift
That's why they call it
The Present

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Cool sitemap code

2007-10-04 Thread Andy Matthews

What?!? It doesn't build the sitemap list FOR you? Screw that!

Just kidding. That's a NICE little bit of code. VERY sweet. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rey Bango
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:20 PM
To: jQuery Discussion
Subject: [jQuery] [NEWS] Cool sitemap code

So his majesty, Brandon Aaron, demanded that I post this on the list and as
Brandon is a intimidating at times, of course I had to follow orders! ;)

This cool CSS Sitemap uses jQuery and CSS to produce a very neat looking



[jQuery] Re: Validation madness

2007-10-04 Thread Josh Nathanson
Steve, odd that I was just helping another poster named Fabien with this 
yesterday.  Here's the way:

$(#myform).submit(function() {

// do your extra form stuff here

var v = $(this).validate(validateOptionsHere);

if (v.form())   // runs form validation and returns true if 
 this.submit(); // form will be submitted
alert('Error on form validation!')
return false;

- Original Message - 
  From: Steve Blades 
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:14 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Validation madness

  ahhh, so the submit handler will run...when? I have some things I need to 
do with some of these fields prior to the actual form submission.

  On 10/4/07, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steve, you have an infinite loop, because your submitHandler is 
re-submitting the form, which then calls the validate handler, which then runs 
submitHandler and so on.  

The validation plugin will automatically submit the form if no errors are 
found, so you don't need to have a separate submitHandler function to submit 
the form.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
  From: Steve Blades 
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:59 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Validation madness

  I'm using the validator plugin, and I have some code like this:

  var errContainer = $('#CSForm div.error');
  errorContainer: errContainer,
  errorLabelContainer: $(ol,errContainer), 
  rules: {
  First_Name: required,
  Last_Name: required,
  EMail: {
  required: true,
  email: true
  Make: required,
  Model: required
  messages: {
  First_Name: Please enter your First Name,
  Last_Name: Please enter your Last Name, 
  EMail: Please enter a valid email address,
  Make: Please select a make,
  Model: Please select a model
  wrapper: 'li', 
  submitHandler: rewriteMakeOption


  function rewriteMakeOption(form){
  // some other stuff

  Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I put some console logging 
into place, only to see that the form was submitted 222 times before it was 
stopped by Firefox (it killed IE completely). Anybody? 
  Steve Cutter Blades
  Adobe Certified Professional
  Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
  The Past is a Memory
  The Future a Dream
  But Today is a Gift
  That's why they call it
  The Present 

  Steve Cutter Blades
  Adobe Certified Professional
  Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
  The Past is a Memory
  The Future a Dream
  But Today is a Gift
  That's why they call it
  The Present 

[jQuery] Re: Cool sitemap code

2007-10-04 Thread Ty

Thanks Rey bippety-BeatBox-Bang-O
hey the Site map could contain links to the actual pages, could it
Just curious, I'm thinking that's pretty much the point of a site map,
one-click access to all things in the site.

On Oct 4, 3:20 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So his majesty, Brandon Aaron, demanded that I post this on the list and
 as Brandon is a intimidating at times, of course I had to follow orders! ;)

 This cool CSS Sitemap uses jQuery and CSS to produce a very neat looking



[jQuery] Re: Cool sitemap code

2007-10-04 Thread Andy Matthews

It's just a set of UL and LI tags. I'm sure you could put any code you like
in there. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ty
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 2:33 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Cool sitemap code

Thanks Rey bippety-BeatBox-Bang-O
hey the Site map could contain links to the actual pages, could it not?
Just curious, I'm thinking that's pretty much the point of a site map,
one-click access to all things in the site.

On Oct 4, 3:20 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So his majesty, Brandon Aaron, demanded that I post this on the list 
 and as Brandon is a intimidating at times, of course I had to follow 
 orders! ;)

 This cool CSS Sitemap uses jQuery and CSS to produce a very neat 
 looking sitemap.



[jQuery] Re: Release: jQuery treeview plugin 1.3

2007-10-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Guy Fraser schrieb:
If you could match the feature set of the nlstree [1] it would be really 

[1] http://www.addobject.com/products/javascript/tree/nlstree.php
If you need keyboard navigation, async loading and dd and similar stuff 
you need to either wait for the UI tree component or take a look at 
Ext's tree components. I don't plan to extend this plugin in them 
mentioned direction: I want to keep it leightweight, providing 
unobtrusive navigation enhancements.

Nonetheless, let me know if you have any specific feature requests. They 
are welcome!

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: JQuery AJAX with .NET - Limitations

2007-10-04 Thread seedy

I am not sure what you are trying to do in case 1.  In case 2, the cause is
because iis doesn't serve ascx files.  Browse to
http:://website/wucPeopleList.ascx.  What you see if the same thing jquery
sees when you try to post to it.  

It is my understanding you can continue to use AJAXpro on the serverside,
and use jquery to make the requests.

anandp wrote:
 I've been trying to use jquery AJAX with .NET and noticed the following
 NOTE: I don't have the below problems if I use AjaxPro, just wanted to do
 the same with JQuery. Is this is possible, or should I just stick with
 1) Cannot return a Datatable to the callback function 
 public System.Data.DataTable GetTestCaseById(int Id)
objTestCase.TestCaseCode = Id;
return objTestCase.GetTestCaseById(objTestCase).Tables[0];
   var ResDataTable=Bubya.TestCase.GetTestCaseById(Id).value;
 2) Cannot post to a user control
  $(document).ready(function() { 
  $.post( wucPeopleList.ascx, 
 {   call_type: 'UpdateAccessRights',
  user_code: UserCode

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Bind event that should be executed first

2007-10-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Fabien Meghazi schrieb:

Do you bind submit buttons onclick or form's onsubmit for validation ?
The submit event. You can submit a form by pressing enter without any 
submit button.

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

2007-10-04 Thread Kelvin Luck

It shouldn't be too slow to call jScrollPane on your div after everytime 
you add content to it. Is this what you tried?

I just did a quick bit of playing around with making the scroll pane 
automatically update itself and got it working in Firefox thanks to the 
DOMNodeInserted event but couldn't find an alternative in IE. I have an 
idea for a workaround but no time to work on it until the weekend...


Kelvin :)

Guillermo Movia wrote:

Hi, thanks for your answer. We tried this, but when a lot of news are
too slow.  We wish to know if maybe there's another solution.


2007/10/3, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

AFAIK you have to recall the function, or you can use the jquery live plugin

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Guillermo Movia
Sent: mercredi 3 octobre 2007 19:46
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] jscrollpane plugin problem

Hi, Kevin. We are using your plugin for a ul with news. Each new show by
default the title and an abstract with a button to display the invisible
part. This ul has a scroll pane. But, when the invisible part of one new is
show and then the ul increase it height, the scroll pane doesn't change it
height, and the new text overflow the ul, but below it.

Is there a simple way to inform the scrollpane to refresh the height of the
content inside it? or we have to recreate it?

Thanks in advance

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.13.39/1045 - Date: 2/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Dang, I really like the mouseover menu they have on their landing
page. Is that just simple CSS?

On 10/4/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe we can get John on Jay Leno...

 That would be the most boring late night interview, ever. :-P


[jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

2007-10-04 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

isn't the jquery live plugin exactly meant to do that? I have it work here
along with jscrollpane and it works perfectly. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kelvin Luck
Sent: jeudi 4 octobre 2007 21:21
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

It shouldn't be too slow to call jScrollPane on your div after everytime you
add content to it. Is this what you tried?

I just did a quick bit of playing around with making the scroll pane
automatically update itself and got it working in Firefox thanks to the
DOMNodeInserted event but couldn't find an alternative in IE. I have an idea
for a workaround but no time to work on it until the weekend...


Kelvin :)

Guillermo Movia wrote:
 Hi, thanks for your answer. We tried this, but when a lot of news are 
 too slow.  We wish to know if maybe there's another solution.
 2007/10/3, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 AFAIK you have to recall the function, or you can use the jquery live 

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On Behalf Of Guillermo Movia
 Sent: mercredi 3 octobre 2007 19:46
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] jscrollpane plugin problem

 Hi, Kevin. We are using your plugin for a ul with news. Each new show 
 by default the title and an abstract with a button to display the 
 invisible part. This ul has a scroll pane. But, when the invisible 
 part of one new is show and then the ul increase it height, the 
 scroll pane doesn't change it height, and the new text overflow the ul,
but below it.

 Is there a simple way to inform the scrollpane to refresh the height 
 of the content inside it? or we have to recreate it?

 Thanks in advance

 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.13.39/1045 - Date: 

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.14.0/1048 - Date: 3/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: Validation madness

2007-10-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Josh Nathanson schrieb:
Steve, odd that I was just helping another poster named Fabien with 
this yesterday.  Here's the way:
$(#myform).submit(function() {

// do your extra form stuff here
var v = $(this).validate(validateOptionsHere);

if (v.form())   // runs form validation and returns true 
if successful

 this.submit(); // form will be submitted
alert('Error on form validation!')
return false;
The ugly part: The event handlers from the validation plugin are now 
added each time the form is submitted, not an ideal solution.
So far I assumed that anyone using the submitHandler callback would 
submit the form via ajax. Obviously that isn't true. I'll try to find a 
better solution for that.

-- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: jQ SqueezeBox - Expand All?

2007-10-04 Thread will

$('.stuff dl').Squeezebox();
$(a.expandall).click( function() {
$('.stuff dl dd').slideDown(fast);
$('.stuff dl dt').addClass(selected);
return false;

worked just fine.

Thanks for reading,

will wrote:

 I thought I'd ask before digging and (poorly) hacking through the
 source - is there a way to get Jörn's Squeezebox plugin to 'expand
 all' with a single toggle?  Sorta like the treeview on his API
 browser.  We're using it for a folded FAQ page but want users to be
 able to expand all and use on page searching.

 Thank you,

[jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

2007-10-04 Thread Kelvin Luck

Maybe! I haven't used jQuery live yet so I couldn't say. Do you have an 
example of it working like this?


Kelvin :)

Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:

isn't the jquery live plugin exactly meant to do that? I have it work here
along with jscrollpane and it works perfectly. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Kelvin Luck
Sent: jeudi 4 octobre 2007 21:21
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jscrollpane plugin problem

It shouldn't be too slow to call jScrollPane on your div after everytime you
add content to it. Is this what you tried?

I just did a quick bit of playing around with making the scroll pane
automatically update itself and got it working in Firefox thanks to the
DOMNodeInserted event but couldn't find an alternative in IE. I have an idea
for a workaround but no time to work on it until the weekend...


Kelvin :)

Guillermo Movia wrote:
Hi, thanks for your answer. We tried this, but when a lot of news are 
too slow.  We wish to know if maybe there's another solution.


2007/10/3, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
AFAIK you have to recall the function, or you can use the jquery live 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Guillermo Movia

Sent: mercredi 3 octobre 2007 19:46
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] jscrollpane plugin problem

Hi, Kevin. We are using your plugin for a ul with news. Each new show 
by default the title and an abstract with a button to display the 
invisible part. This ul has a scroll pane. But, when the invisible 
part of one new is show and then the ul increase it height, the 
scroll pane doesn't change it height, and the new text overflow the ul,

but below it.
Is there a simple way to inform the scrollpane to refresh the height 
of the content inside it? or we have to recreate it?

Thanks in advance

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.13.39/1045 - Date: 


Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.488 / Base de données virus: 269.14.0/1048 - Date: 3/10/2007

[jQuery] Re: Flash and jQuery

2007-10-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
your flash would need to be wmode=transparent

and you'd need to call a javascript function from within flash that in turn
calls the grey box function

since jquery applies the onclick event to all anchors with a class of
greybox you'll need simluar code inside you function that you call from


- S

On 04/10/2007, njsuperfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can Flash communicate with jQuery? I would like to use flash to
 interact with jQuery like opening up a dialogbox using the greybox.js
 plugin. How would I go about doing that any ideas?

 The code is activated by the class=greybox

[jQuery] JQuery AJAX with .NET - Limitations

2007-10-04 Thread AndyP

I noticed the following problem in using jquery AJAX with .NET:

NOTE: I don't have the below problems if I use AjaxPro, just wanted to
the same with JQuery. Is this is possible, or should I just stick with

1) Cannot return a Datatable to the callback function

public System.Data.DataTable GetTestCaseById(int Id)
   objTestCase.TestCaseCode = Id;

var ResDataTable=Bubya.TestCase.GetTestCaseById(Id).value;

2) Cannot post to a user control

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $.post( wucPeopleList.ascx,
{   call_type: 'UpdateAccessRights',
 user_code: UserCode

[jQuery] Scope and Visibility from Callback

2007-10-04 Thread NeilM

I want to create a 'closed' object (sorry, not sure what the right
term is), e.g.

var myObj = {
  foo : function() {
  // How can I call the bar() method from here?  What I would
  // really like to be able to do is call...
  // this.bar();
  // But this doesn't work.
  // The only way I can resolve it is by calling...
  // myObj.bar();
  // Which doesn't make this class very flexible
  bar : function(){

As indicated above, I want to be able to call another method in the
object from within the contained jQuery event handler and I can't find
an elegant/flexible way of doing this by referencing the object

Any advice would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: live query

2007-10-04 Thread bluejam

hi all
it ok I managed to do it another way using  .find

[jQuery] jqMultiselect extended

2007-10-04 Thread ayryq

Some more modifications to the handy jqMultiSelects plugin by
rob.desbois (http://code.google.com/p/jqmultiselects/)
An additional optional parameter to define the mode as one of
'move' (the default, old behavior), 'copy', or 'remove'
Created to allow duplication in the destination select box.
An additional function moveSelect to move options up and down in a
select box. Pass two paramters: id of select box, and either 'up' or
'down'. This function handles multiple selects, moving the selected
options up or down in formation
Finally, the tiny 'reverse' function which is necessary for the 'move
down' function - comment out if you already have it.
It works for me; feedback welcome.


In use:

jQuery.fn.multiSelect = function(to, button, thecallback, mode) {
var mode = mode || 'move';
return this.each(function() {
var id = this.id;
jQuery(this).dblclick(function() { moveOptions(id, to, mode); 

if (typeof button != undefined)
jQuery(#+button).click(function() { moveOptions(id, 
mode); });

function moveOptions(from, to, mode) {
var dest = jQuery(#+to)[0];
jQuery(#+from+ option:selected).each(function() {
switch(mode) {
case 'move': //default
case 'copy':
case 'remove':
if (thecallback) thecallback();

   function callback(){

//comment this function out if you've defined it elsewhere.
jQuery.fn.reverse = function() {
  return this.pushStack(this.get().reverse(), arguments);


//target should be a select list, mode should be one of 'up' or
jQuery.fn.moveSelect = function(target, mode) {
var mode = mode || 'down';
return this.each(function() {
jQuery(this).click(function(){moveit(target, mode);});
function moveit(id, direction){
switch(direction) {
case 'up':
if(jQuery(#+id)[0].selectedIndex != 0){
case 'down':

if(jQuery(#+id)[0].options[jQuery(#+id)[0].length-1].selected !
= true){

[jQuery] Re: jshArea - JavaScript Hacking Area

2007-10-04 Thread jshArea


[jQuery] Re: Problem with binding mouseout to only parent div

2007-10-04 Thread Brandon


The problem is I didn't want to spend another day or two rewriting my
whole menu system and css files while trying to figure out another
menu plugin. Mine is working just fine and has been tested and has
worked in all browsers for over a year, i just wanted to convert the
js to jquery to cut down on my script file sizes. I did take a closer
look at your plugin though, and it does pretty much the same thing as
mine does, except your use of SetTimeout is exactly what I needed. I
integrated that idea into my existing code and viola, it works like a

So now my complete menu script this:

$(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
$(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel);
menu_over(); }).mouseout(menu_out);

var menu_timer = null;
function menu_over(){ clearTimeout(menu_timer); }
function menu_out(){ clearTimeout(menu_timer);
menu_timer=setTimeout(function(){ expandmenu(currenttab); },800); }
function expandmenu(tabid){
$(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid
$(#+tabid+ div).each(function() {
{ return false; });

Thanks for your help!

On Oct 4, 12:31 am, Joel Birch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Brandon,

 Sorry for repeating a solution you have already looked at, but I want
 to make sure you have seen the relevant part of the Superfish docs.
 The only example that demonstrates the functionality of the current
 submenu path (breadcrumb path?) being restored when the menu has
 finished being hovered over is hidden away 

 Please note that Superfish takes care of this, and more, for you and
 you can customise the CSS to make it look almost any way you want. The
 menu does not even have to be of the all horizontal kind to make use
 of the path restoring function. If you are adding a current class to
 each li on the way to the current page's menu item, simply pass that
 class in via the options object, like so:

 pathclass : 'current',
 /* other optional parameters here, such as... */
 delay : 1000,
 animation : {opacity : 'show'}


 If you do go this route I suggest you starting with one of the
 existing Superfish demo CSS files and altering from there to achieve
 the look you want, because the CSS is an important part of how the
 menu works and allows for graceful degradation without JS available.

 Later on today I will be adding a link on the main Superfish page to a
 fully commented version of the CSS file for the main example which I
 hope will provide a further aid to people wanting to dive in deeper
 and fully understand how the menu works.

 Again, sorry if you have already seen this solution and decided
 against it, in which case this post was useless to you.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with binding mouseout to only parent div

2007-10-04 Thread Brandon

Thanks Wizzud... i scratched that whole jumping up and down within the
parents and children thing... it was overkill in the first place.
Thanks for your help though!

On Oct 4, 4:08 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some ideas...

 Firstly, if you return false from any event handler it will prevent default
 action and, more importantly, event bubbling. For example, if you had
 element Aelement B.../element B/elment A and you put mouseouts on
 both A and B, if the mouseout on B did NOT return false (or take some other
 measure to prevent bubbling/propagation) then the mouseout on A would also
 be triggered.
 So you probably need to add a 'return false;' to the end of your expandmenu

 Secondly, your script ...

 .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

 ...does the following:
 - selects #menu [$()]
 - changes the selection to #menuholder [parent()]
 - applies 'expandmenu' mouseout to #menuholder [mouseout()]
 - changes the selection to #menu [children()]
 - adds #menuholder to the selection [andSelf()]
 - applies 'return false' mouseout to #menu and #menuholder [mouseout()]

 resulting in 2 mouseouts on #menuholder ('expandmenu' and 'return false')
 and one on #menu ('return false').
 I'm not sure that that is what you intended?
 You might want to try just applying the mouseout to #menuholder...


 ...assuming that expandmenu now returns false?

 (completely untested BTW!)

 Brandon-52 wrote:

  I've got a menu that does the basic   links and shows a sub menu of
  divs with nested ulli's and other text dynamically with css and
  javascript. I'm migrating it over to jquery, and have it all working
  perfectly except for one thing. I am trying to get the menu to jump
  back to the tab that corresponds to the current page upon mouseout of
  the menu's parent div.

  My code is basically this:

  div id=menuholder
 div id=menu
 div id=toptabs
 div id=tabcontentcontainer
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...

  Each toptabs a is binded (bound?) with a mouseover to show a
  corresponding menu div. All that works fine.

  What I'm not getting though, and am completely stumped about, is
  stopping the mouseout event from triggering on the child div's and a's
  underneath the menu div. I've got it kind of working to stop all
  children and self, and just do mouseout on the parent div, which would
  be the menuholder div, but it doesn't fire all of the time, if at
  all... it sometimes works if i mouse over the edge very slowly.

  Here's my code... maybe someone can shed some light on either stopping
  the child mouseover binding or triggering the mouseout on the parent

  (var currenttab is defined in the head by php)
  scriptvar currenttab = '$tabtitle';/script


 .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

 $(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
 var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
 $(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel); });

  function expandmenu(tabid){
 $(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] firebug error: $ is not defined

2007-10-04 Thread crybaby

I just got the Learning jQuery book from amazon delivered yesterday.
I am trying out the first chapter.  When add the alice.js on the html
file and open it into the browser, I get this error in firebug:

$ is no defined

my alice.js file has the following content:

$(document).ready(function() {

any suggestions to fix it and emphasize is not working as claimed by
the book (no boxes..etc)?

[jQuery] Re: EXTjs and Jquery

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Brownlee


Yes, and it's a match made in heaven because jQuery is, in my opinion,
unmatched at DOM traversing, event handling and element manipulation.
Ext, as you notice when you're drooling, is by far the best framework
for making things pretty.

As for working together, as long as you download the adapter, it's a
completely transparent relationship with no hoops to jump through or
obscure tricks you have to learn.  Also, if you're not familiar with
jQuery, or don't want to learn two frameworks at once, there is no
need since Ext has it's own DOM methods.

The current application I'm developing is going to blow the users
away.  I find myself very impressed on how Ext makes it easy to
implement widgets, and also how great it looks.

On Oct 4, 11:07 am, Brook Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You mention that you use extJS and jQuery. How do they work together and how
 is this a beneficial relationship? I drool when I see the ext demos.

 How do the two technologies play together?


[jQuery] noob: input field focus help

2007-10-04 Thread crybaby

I tried the following code, and I don't get the cursor to blink in
input text field.  Any idea why is that?

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
   script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript
$('[EMAIL PROTECTED]text]')[0].focus();

a href=http://jquery.com/;jQuery/a
  input type=text class=text id=dummy1 name=dummy1 value=

[jQuery] Re: How to hide a div without a click function

2007-10-04 Thread somnamblst

Thanks Glen,

I have the following

$(document).ready(function() {

function initSlideboxes()


}, 7000);

$('#slidebartrigger').click(function(){$('#slidebar').toggle(); });



And I don't seem to be encountering the problem I had with
scriptaculous. The slideDown  slideUp occur without user initiated
click events

With scriptaculous if the user used the slidebar trigger to close
before the setTimeout event occured my div would pop back open

In addition jquery does not flicker with Flash content like
scriptaculous does if the slide is too fast  jquery doesn't need the
Flash activex control IE workaround.

The real issue that killed my scriptaculous widget was that it didn't
work at all in IE when being served via a 3rd party javascript
include. That jquery worked under these conditions has me ecstatic!

On Oct 4, 7:37 am, motob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You could also try using setTimeout() like so:


 }, 2000);

 This will activate the #slidebar toggle after 2000 milliseconds even
 is the user is trying to interact with the #slidebar which may not be
 what you want. I'm not sure what the slide bar is being used for but
 if you wanted a more robust closing solution then you may want to make
 use of timers to detect when the user is not using, or interacting
 with #slidebar.

 The following bit of code will detect when the user's mouse is no
 longer interacting with #slidebar and close it after 2000

 }, function(){
 closetimer = window.setTimeout(function(){
 }, 2000);


 If the mouse cursor moves off of #slidebar then a timer is created
 that will fire the $('#slidebar').hide() function after 2000
 milliseconds. If the cursor moves back over the #slidebar (hovers)
 then the timer is cleared and #slidebar will not close. This code
 isn't tested so you might need to tweak it a bit. I am using something
 similar on my project and it works great.

 On Oct 3, 7:21 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is a pause plugin.  Does that do the 


  On 10/3/07, somnamblst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I currently have this

   $(document).ready(function() {
   function initSlideboxes()


   I would like after a certain duration of several seconds to have the
   slidebar div hide. I know how to do this in scriptaculous but I have
   abandoned my scriptaculous solution for jquery.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] jQuery 1.2.1 and Interface/ui Sortable Bug?

2007-10-04 Thread Brandon!

I have noticed a bug with jQuery 1.2.1 and any type of sortable
extension (I have tested with both Interface and UI) where once you do
the initial sort, jQuery will throw a bunch of errors every second in
an infinite loop.  I can reproduce their error easily on Firefox 2
with not only my script (which was working with 1.1.2, but also
jQuery's site.  It seems to only affect the Sortable class from what
I've seen so far too.

I wanted to know if anyone else has seen or can recreate this bug
before I submit it for tracking.

To see this bug follow these steps:
- Start Firefox 2 (tested on with all addons disabled)
- Navigate to any jQuery sortable script (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/
- Interact with the sortable (drag any element in any direction)
- Watch the error messages tally up (if you have Firebug, you will see
the error counter keep going and going and going...)

[jQuery] Re: Problem with binding mouseout to only parent div

2007-10-04 Thread Brandon

I don't know what's up with these groups but none of my replies are
getting posted...

I took a look at your code and your use of the timeout function was
exactly what I needed. Thank you.

Thanks for pointing out my mess between parent and children. I
scratched that whole thing.

If you guys are interested, here's my menu code:

$(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
$(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel);
menu_over(); }).mouseout(menu_out);

var menu_timer = null;
function menu_over(){ clearTimeout(menu_timer); }
function menu_out(){ clearTimeout(menu_timer);
menu_timer=setTimeout(function(){ expandmenu(currenttab); },1000); }
function expandmenu(tabid){
$(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid
$(#+tabid+ div).each(function() {
{ return false; });

On Oct 4, 4:08 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some ideas...

 Firstly, if you return false from any event handler it will prevent default
 action and, more importantly, event bubbling. For example, if you had
 element Aelement B.../element B/elment A and you put mouseouts on
 both A and B, if the mouseout on B did NOT return false (or take some other
 measure to prevent bubbling/propagation) then the mouseout on A would also
 be triggered.
 So you probably need to add a 'return false;' to the end of your expandmenu

 Secondly, your script ...

 .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

 ...does the following:
 - selects #menu [$()]
 - changes the selection to #menuholder [parent()]
 - applies 'expandmenu' mouseout to #menuholder [mouseout()]
 - changes the selection to #menu [children()]
 - adds #menuholder to the selection [andSelf()]
 - applies 'return false' mouseout to #menu and #menuholder [mouseout()]

 resulting in 2 mouseouts on #menuholder ('expandmenu' and 'return false')
 and one on #menu ('return false').
 I'm not sure that that is what you intended?
 You might want to try just applying the mouseout to #menuholder...


 ...assuming that expandmenu now returns false?

 (completely untested BTW!)

 Brandon-52 wrote:

  I've got a menu that does the basic   links and shows a sub menu of
  divs with nested ulli's and other text dynamically with css and
  javascript. I'm migrating it over to jquery, and have it all working
  perfectly except for one thing. I am trying to get the menu to jump
  back to the tab that corresponds to the current page upon mouseout of
  the menu's parent div.

  My code is basically this:

  div id=menuholder
 div id=menu
 div id=toptabs
 div id=tabcontentcontainer
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...
 div id=menustuff...

  Each toptabs a is binded (bound?) with a mouseover to show a
  corresponding menu div. All that works fine.

  What I'm not getting though, and am completely stumped about, is
  stopping the mouseout event from triggering on the child div's and a's
  underneath the menu div. I've got it kind of working to stop all
  children and self, and just do mouseout on the parent div, which would
  be the menuholder div, but it doesn't fire all of the time, if at
  all... it sometimes works if i mouse over the edge very slowly.

  Here's my code... maybe someone can shed some light on either stopping
  the child mouseover binding or triggering the mouseout on the parent

  (var currenttab is defined in the head by php)
  scriptvar currenttab = '$tabtitle';/script


 .children().andSelf().mouseout(function(e){return false;});

 $(#toptabs  a).each(function() {
 var rel = $(this).attr(rel);
 $(this).mouseover(function(){ expandmenu(rel); });

  function expandmenu(tabid){
 $(#toptabs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'+tabid

 View this message in 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Datagrid Plugin v.7

2007-10-04 Thread matthew knight


Yes, it'll work with .NET (just create an aspx page that spits out a
table as per the instrux), and set the 'url' param accordingly in the
options. Remember, ingrid's just making an ajax call to some more
HTML.  Something like this will work:

function() {
url: 'myPage.aspx',
height: 350


Think you found a little easter egg - that 'remote.html' shouldn't be
in the actual plugin, it should be set as part of the setup
Regardless, I should include a sample remote.html file in the
download.  I'll send around an update when these changes are in.


Yes, you can use ingrid to style inline tables if you want.  In the
options, you'll want to set paging:false, sorting:false


Yep, good call, i'm working on it.  The goal here is to have a
datagrid in the jQ UI toolbax that's up to snuff with the likes of EXT
and YUI.  We've got some traction on that front, a couple people have
offered to help.  Let me know if you're in.


Cheers all,

On Oct 4, 2:33 pm, Sharique [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Really nice work.
 Did it works will asp.net as well?

 On Oct 4, 3:15 am, reconstrukt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey all,

  I just released Just finished the initial release of my datagrid
  plugin.  I named her Ingrid. :)

  Features in this release:

  - resizable columns
  - paging toolbar
  - sorting (server-side)
  - row  column styling

  The goal here is to give jQuery a robust, native datagrid that's up to
  snuff with those found in the EXT or YUI libraries.

  Check it out here:http://www.reconstrukt.com/ingrid/

  Thanks much

[jQuery] Re: Snippet of calculation between two date/time

2007-10-04 Thread sgrover

I have a plugin available on my site that is meant for working with 
dates.  http://grover.open2space.com/node/157.

The docs are a little rough, and there have been a couple minor reported 
issues.  But otherwise the date manipulation code works good.  I 
wouldn't use the popup calendar that's in there - there are much better 
options out there now.  But I haven't yet seen the date manipulation 
stuff anywhere else (other than non-jq libraries like Matt Kruse's)

Ignoring that, what are you trying to do with your dates?  Add/subtract 
them?  In that case dates are stored as integers.  So convert the dates 
to their integer with the .getTime() method, then do your calculations.

var x = CurrentDate.getTime() - MyBirthDate().getTime();
var days = x / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
// that's 1000 milliseconds in a second,
// 60 seconds in a minute
// 60 minutes in an hour
// 24 hours in a day.
// Adjust this math to get the value you want.
alert(I've been alive for  + days +  days!);

Or using my plugin you can do something like this:

var d = $(#mytextboxID).dateDiff(unit, date);

the variable d would then be the number units between the two dates 
(assuming the referenced textbox holds a date)



Estevão Lucas wrote:
 I know that I'm on jQuery's discussion list, but I'm tired of search
 for this.
 What i would like to know is if someone have a snippet of calculation
 between two complete dates (year,month,day,hour,minutes and seconds)

[jQuery] $(#id).get() vs getElementByID()

2007-10-04 Thread Mark Lacas


This works when calling an external javascript library:

var doodad = document.getElementById(plasma);
Drag.init( doodad );

And this doesn't:

var doodad = $(#plasma).get();
Drag.init( doodad );

They both return [object HTMLDivElement]

Am I missing something?


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