[jQuery] Not able to jqGrid and jquery lightbox plugin in a single page

2009-04-16 Thread Devesh


I am not able to use jqGrid and jquery lightbox plugin in a single
page. Its shows an error i.e. Lightbox was not able to find it's
javascript script tag necessary for auto-inclusion. What does it
mean ?

Can someone help me ?

Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Creating custom attributes in html

2009-04-16 Thread Kean

I see a lot of string concatenations. Use this instead.

var str=[];

for(var i=0; i200; i++)
  str.push('table id=a_'+ i + '/table');


Also, from a performance standpoint, it's much faster to use W3c DOM
methods to create nodes than using the innerHTML method to create
nodes in newer js engines like v8.
You might want to consider a browser detection to do the correct

On Apr 14, 10:56 am, seasoup seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was wondering what jquery developers opinion of adding custom
 attributes to html tags is, and what your basis is for these
 opinions?  Why is it a good idea, or why is it a bad idea?  What I
 mean is this:

 div href= myType=foocontent/div

 where 'myType' isn't in any specifications.  I've run into developers
 who think this is a good idea, and those who think this is a bad idea
 and I'd like to get a better sense of both sides of the argument.
 Personally, I use them all of the time.  They are a great way to
 preserve information for use with .live() in jQuery, among other
 things, and since I append a long string to the DOM instead of
 creating lots of little DOM nodes, I generally cannot use .data() to
 save information on the individual nodes.

 Example of a usage:

 div name=foo myType=barclick/div
 $('div[name=foo]').live('click', function () {


 Example of why I cannot use .data():

 var htmlString = 'table';
 for (var a = 0; a  100; a++) {
     htmlString += 'trtd name=clickme nodeId=filter'+ a

 htmlString += '/table';
 $('td[name=clickme]').live('click', function() {


 To debate the merits of using this kind of append, please go 

 What I'm looking for instead is a discussion of using custom
 attributes in html.

 Josh Powell

[jQuery] Re: Form validation plugin

2009-04-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

The current validation plugin works fine with both 1.2.6 and 1.3.2.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:48 AM, koolkat merrill.ma...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have been using the form validation plugin with jquery 1.2.6. I
 would like to use the new jquery version 1.3.2 but was wondering if
 there is a replacement validation  plugin  for this version or if it
 could be made to work.

 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: Help with cross-site form validation?

2009-04-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Writing a custom remote method requires much more then that. Please
take a look at the source of the default remote - either try to
replicate that, or better yet, try to use it as is. It passes through
any parameters to $.ajax:

remote: {
  url: ...,
  typo: post,
  // other $.ajax options


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Trevor Rosen trevor.ro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I need to do validation on an email address via AJAX, and it has to
 happen cross-domain.  I can get this to work fine using just jQuery's
 $.ajax method, but not when I try to turn it into a validator plugin
 method.  As a validator method, it does the XHR call fine, and I see
 the results I expect in the console, but it seems to flag everything
 as invalid.

 The method is here:  http://pastie.org/447779

 I think I'm just bad at writing custom validation methods, b/c as I
 said up top this works fine as a regular jQuery function.

 Notice that I'm using the success callback to cheat a little -- my
 server-side code throws back a status code of 200 and a piece of JSON
 containing a string of either success or failure, and then the
 valid/invalid logic is in the success callback.  I had to do this b/c
 the success callback is apparently the only one you get when doing a
 JSONP dataType.

 I'd love to use the great features inherent in the validator plugin
 for this if I could.  Does anyone know how this can be done?

 many thanks!


[jQuery] Re: question about dealing with JSON callback

2009-04-16 Thread dhtml

On Apr 15, 7:33 pm, sneaks deroacheee...@gmail.com wrote:
 for anyone having similar problem heres how i resolved it:

         function getProductInfo(product_id) {
                         /wp/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, {
                                 action: getProductInfo,
                                 'cookie': encodeURIComponent(document.cookie),
                                 'product_id': product_id
                         },function(json) {
                                 var obj=eval('('+json+')');
                                 jQuery.each(obj, function(i, val) {

Posting up relative paths to your PHP file does not help debug the

 the key is you need string brackets around the string json for the

Javascript has no such thing String Brackets.

 good luck

Both guesswork and luck should be required to debug your problem from
this perspective.

But the problem is not that involved. Your dataType is is JSON not

The example jquery code you provided expects your document to have an
element with ID for each property name in the JSON response. You
should have provided a complete example.



[jQuery] Re: question about dealing with JSON callback

2009-04-16 Thread mkmanning

Just an FYI, but there's no 'object side' of the json in your example.
It just an object, consisting of name-value pairs. While you can leave
quotes off of the names, they are strings which, according to the RFC,
should be quoted. Doing so will not cause problems, and will save you
from potentially running into a situation where your name conflicts
with one of the excessive number of reserved words.

On Apr 15, 7:05 pm, sneaks deroacheee...@gmail.com wrote:
 the way i see it, there are quotes on the object side of the json
 where there should be no quotes...

[jQuery] how to select elements inside jQuery objects

2009-04-16 Thread hybris77

i've tried to do the following on a grand scale the last few days,
please help

my suggestion to select a classname inside a object containing the

$(  mol_elements .mol_row ).append( td+ molname +/td);

I was then suggested the following, but that selects BOTH class and
element, right?

$( .mol_row, mol_elements ).append( td+ molname +/td);

how to select the classname inside the object then?


[jQuery] show the number of insert record php jquery

2009-04-16 Thread bharani kumar
All can u tell , how to show the record inserting count at the time of
insert process ,


உங்கள் நண்பன்
பரணி  குமார்



[jQuery] Re: show the number of insert record php jquery

2009-04-16 Thread hybris77

is it the autoincrement value that you are after?

php.net says - mysql_insert_id


On 16 Apr, 10:52, bharani kumar bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com wrote:
 All can u tell , how to show the record inserting count at the time of
 insert process ,


 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்


 POST YOUR OPINIONhttp://bharanikumariyerphp.site88.net/bharanikumar/

[jQuery] [tablesorter] sortEnd never trigerred for sortDisabled columns

2009-04-16 Thread Simon GAUDILLET


using tablesorter 2.0.3, when you click on the header of a column that has
been disabled with the headers options the sortStart event is triggered
but not the sortEnd. If you show a message on sortStart and hide it in
sortEnd, the message is not hidden.
Is it normal behaviour (as no sorting append)? should sortEnd be
triggered? should sortStart not be triggered in this case?

For the moment I added the following lines after line 581 :
} else {
   // trigger sortend


[jQuery] Re: Creating custom attributes in html

2009-04-16 Thread Josh Powell

@all - So far, the only reasons I've heard not to add custom
attributes are 1) Dogma, 2) May cause quirks mode.  In my mind, the
benefits gained by using custom attributes: less code, simplicity, and
clarity, far outweigh these two reasons not to do it.

@Jack K - Thanks for the links :).   I will consider adding 'data-' to
future custom attributes.  But, I actually don't really care if my
html code is a valid document.  Being a valid document has no
practical meaning, all browsers render it just fine regardless of if
it is valid or not.

@RobG -
I was being careless with my use of the words 'attribute' and
'properties', but did you really need to correct me 4 times, and then
correct my use of override to overload twice?  I guess you did.

The class attribute might not have the words 'presentation' and
'style' in the W3C definition, but if you tell me that the class
attribute is not meant primarily for styling DOM elements, I'm just
going to ignore everything else you say as you are just being

 So you've already got the data in an object, now you added it as
 custom HTML attributes, then suck it back out again using attr().  Can
 you see the silliness inherent in the system?

Actually, I think it is less silly then appending an id onto the end
of the attribute id and then parsing it to obtain the id of the object
I'm looking for, and then creating a custom object with get/set
methods to retrieve the appropriate object to get its properties.

 Why not make the media object a bit smarter than just an array, say with set 
 and get methods?
Because that is unnecessary code.  It's code I do not need to write if
I just add custom attributes.

@Kean -
To sum up:
  - string concatenation is plenty fast 99% of the time and a lot more
  - W3C DOM Node creation is much slower then inserting via innerHTML,
especially as you add more nodes.  It doesn't matter how fast the
nodes are created, it will always be slower to create, adjust, and
insert 10,000 nodes then one string.

[jQuery] jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread spstieng

Hi, I'm trying to use jQuery.post() function to retrieve som data. But
i get no ouput.

My PHP file looks like this:


  //Get store data, and ouput it as JSON.
  function getStoreInformation($storeID)
$sl = new storeLocator();
$result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$arr[] = $row;
$storeData = json_encode($arr);
echo $storeData;  //Output JSON data

This is my javascript which is located in /js/myscripts.js

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {
jQuery.post(../functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation },
   alert(data.name); // To test if I get any output
   //$('#store_name').val(data.name);   // I could do this to
populate my form
  //$(#store_data_form).populate(data, {debug:1})  //But I
probably will use jQuery Populate plugin instead
}, json);

If this is working, I should be able to get an alert message, right?

[jQuery] Receiving Error - But functionality remains! - Strange!

2009-04-16 Thread Dayjo


I'm receiving the following error:
Error: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

However all the functionality of the script continues to work, I need
to get rid of the error as it looks pretty bad on client's sites and
want to make sure the script isnt doing anything funny.

The basic set up is a number of Select boxes, When selecting an option
in the select boxes, I loop through a JSON stock array to see if the
item is in stock and to then enable / disable the relevant options in
the other selects based on the stock record.

The error (as far as I can see) appears on this line:
 $(#option + nextid +  option).filter(function(){

but it seems to work fine.

The following script is on the change event of the selects:

// Get the next Select's id
  var thisorder = $(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$
  var next = $(this);

  if( $(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$(this).attr
('rel').indexOf('|')) == (parseInt(thisorder) + 1)) {
 next = $(this);

  if ($(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$(this).attr
('rel').indexOf('|'))  thisorder){
('selected', 'selected').parent('select');

  var nextid = $(next).attr('id').replace

  // If not chosen the [Choose] option..

// Disable all the items in the next select apart
from [choose/none]

// Check each of the stock records
for(i=0; idata.stock.count; i++){

 // For each of the selects get the option
id and item id

var optionid = $(this).attr
var itemid = $(this).children

curritemid = data.stock[i].items

if(curritemid != itemid){
qty = 0;
stockitem = 0;
return false;
stockitem = data.stock[i].items
qty = data.stock[i].qty;

if (stockitem!==0) {
 // Enable the item based on the
current stock record, and the next selects id
$(#option + nextid + 




[jQuery] Re: show the number of insert record php jquery

2009-04-16 Thread bharani kumar
Hi harbris ,
I want something like  , user want to know till how records inserted ,

like in the page view , we have to show till 10 records inserted , after
some time till 15 records inserted , like that progress process am looking

உங்கள் நண்பன்
பரணி  குமார்



[jQuery] JQuery.isReady property

2009-04-16 Thread blasto333

JQuery.isReady is NOT documented, but I have a valid use case for it
and was wondering if there is a documented way of doing the same

I have a case where some code could be loaded as the page loads, but I
don't have a particular function to fire until the document isReady.

The same code could also be loaded in a context after the page loads
(Injected into the dom)

if (JQuery.isReady)
//Call function explicitly
 //Call function on document.ready()

[jQuery] Re: Selecting radio buttons within different RadioGroups via a click

2009-04-16 Thread madrid440-goo...@yahoo.co.uk

OK - I have the solution so I figured I'd post it to help anyone else
looking for the same solution.  If you can make it cleaner/better,
please post!





On Apr 15, 7:31 pm, madrid440-goo...@yahoo.co.uk madrid440-
goo...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 I should have added some clearer HTML.  I've added tables to break it
 up a bit:

 input type=submit name=button1 id=button1 value=Selection1 /
 input type=submit name=button2 id=button2 value=Selection2 /

 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=0
 id=RadioGroup1_0 /0/label
 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=1
 id=RadioGroup1_1 /1/label
 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=2
 id=RadioGroup1_2 /2/label/td

 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=0
 id=RadioGroup2_0 /0/label
 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=1
 id=RadioGroup2_1 /1/label
 labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=2
 id=RadioGroup2_2 /2/label

 On Apr 15, 2:08 am, madrid440-goo...@yahoo.co.uk madrid440-

 goo...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
  I'm getting lost in selectors...

  I am trying to achieve the following:
  A button click needs to select certainradiobuttons within different
 radiogroups. e.g RadioGroup1_0 and RadioGroup2_1

  A click on another button resets theradiobuttons to blank, and then
  selects differentradiobuttons within thoseradiogroups. e.g.
  RadioGroup1_1 and RadioGroup2_2

  input type=submit name=button1 id=button1 value=Selection1 /
  input type=submit name=button2 id=button2 value=Selection2 /

  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=0
  id=RadioGroup1_0 /0/label
  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=1
  id=RadioGroup1_1 /1/label
  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup1 value=2
  id=RadioGroup1_2 /2/label

  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=0
  id=RadioGroup2_0 /0/label
  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=1
  id=RadioGroup2_1 /1/label
  labelinput type=radio name=RadioGroup2 value=2
  id=RadioGroup2_2 /2/label

[jQuery] Re: how to select elements inside jQuery objects

2009-04-16 Thread Josch

I don't really understand what you want to do...
Do you want to select a DOM-Object like
form class=example
Then, the selector would be $(form.example).


On 16 Apr., 10:47, hybris77 dist...@yahoo.com wrote:
 i've tried to do the following on a grand scale the last few days,
 please help

 my suggestion to select a classname inside a object containing the

 $(  mol_elements .mol_row ).append( td+ molname +/td);

 I was then suggested the following, but that selects BOTH class and
 element, right?

 $( .mol_row, mol_elements ).append( td+ molname +/td);

 how to select the classname inside the object then?


[jQuery] Re: Data() method, just changing value of one hash element

2009-04-16 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Dhana sldh...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using the jQuery Data method to store data for dynamically
 created elements.  Everything works fine until I try to update the
 value of an attribute.
 This is how I first create the element.

 $j.data(item, 'attributes', {
Name: name,
UOM: uom,
WarehouseKey: orderItem.WarehouseKey,
OriginalPrice: orderItem.OriginalPrice,
ReqDate: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.ReqDate),
WarehouseItemKey: orderItem.WarehouseItemKey,
AvailableQty: orderItem.AvailableQty,
BOQty: orderItem.BOQty,
Notes: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.Notes),
Cost: orderItem.Cost,
GP: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.GP),
Description: dsOrder.cleanupResults

 At a later point based on a user's interaction, the required date,
 note, and warehouse key gets updated.

 This is the first way I tried updating it, it doesn't store the value.
 $j(item, 'attributes.ReqDate', $j('#section_item #requiredDate').attr

This doesn't work because the text after the dot (.) is the namespace of the
data attribute.

 Then I tried it like this
 $j.data(item, 'attributes', {
'WarehouseKey': $j('#%=ItemWarehouseList.ClientId

 This overwrited all the other data stored in 'attributes'.  Only
 WarehouseKey is then saved.

 Is there a way to change just one value without affecting the rest of
 the data?

Grab the hash, modify the value, then put it back:

var attr = $j.data(item, 'attributes');
attr.WarehouseKey = $j('#%=ItemWarehouseList.ClientId%').val();
$j.data(item, 'attributes', attr);

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Josch

Do you get an empty alert or nothing?

On 16 Apr., 12:13, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to use jQuery.post() function to retrieve som data. But
 i get no ouput.

 My PHP file looks like this:


   //Get store data, and ouput it as JSON.
   function getStoreInformation($storeID)
     $sl = new storeLocator();
     $result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);

     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $arr[] = $row;
     $storeData = json_encode($arr);
     echo $storeData;  //Output JSON data

 This is my javascript which is located in /js/myscripts.js

 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
   jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {
     jQuery.post(../functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation },
        alert(data.name); // To test if I get any output
        //$('#store_name').val(data.name);   // I could do this to
 populate my form
       //$(#store_data_form).populate(data, {debug:1})  //But I
 probably will use jQuery Populate plugin instead
     }, json);


 If this is working, I should be able to get an alert message, right?

[jQuery] Re: show the number of insert record php jquery

2009-04-16 Thread hybris77

not sure what you are after, is it a paging function?

or plainly displaying the latest inserts?

On 16 Apr, 11:21, bharani kumar bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi harbris ,
 I want something like  , user want to know till how records inserted ,

 like in the page view , we have to show till 10 records inserted , after
 some time till 15 records inserted , like that progress process am looking

 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்


 POST YOUR OPINIONhttp://bharanikumariyerphp.site88.net/bharanikumar/

[jQuery] Re: how to select elements inside jQuery objects

2009-04-16 Thread Leonardo K
Try this:

$(mol_elements).filter(.mol_row).append( td+ molname +/td);

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 09:08, Josch jluelsd...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I don't really understand what you want to do...
 Do you want to select a DOM-Object like
 form class=example
 Then, the selector would be $(form.example).


 On 16 Apr., 10:47, hybris77 dist...@yahoo.com wrote:
  i've tried to do the following on a grand scale the last few days,
  please help
  my suggestion to select a classname inside a object containing the
  $(  mol_elements .mol_row ).append( td+ molname +/td);
  I was then suggested the following, but that selects BOTH class and
  element, right?
  $( .mol_row, mol_elements ).append( td+ molname +/td);
  how to select the classname inside the object then?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread spstieng

No, I don't get alert. That means it's failing silently.

I've tested the functions.php (by running it) and it ouputs the data
in JSON format.
So retrieveing and echo'ing the data works fine.

It's the jQuery that I got wrong.

1. How do I call a specific funtion within functions.php? I got a bad
feeling that  func: getStoreInformation is just an input parameter
and has nothing to do with calling the function getSToreInformation().
2. I need to pass the storeID. I get this with the folloing line: var
storeID = this.cells[0].innerHTML;.
I guess I should pass it as parameter:   jQuery.post(../
functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation, sID: storeID  }
But I don't think I can use  sID: storeID .


On 16 Apr, 14:13, Josch jluelsd...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Do you get an empty alert or nothing?

 On 16 Apr., 12:13, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I'm trying to use jQuery.post() function to retrieve som data. But
  i get no ouput.

  My PHP file looks like this:


    //Get store data, and ouput it as JSON.
    function getStoreInformation($storeID)
      $sl = new storeLocator();
      $result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);

      while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
          $arr[] = $row;
      $storeData = json_encode($arr);
      echo $storeData;  //Output JSON data

  This is my javascript which is located in /js/myscripts.js

  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {
      jQuery.post(../functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation },
         alert(data.name); // To test if I get any output
         //$('#store_name').val(data.name);   // I could do this to
  populate my form
        //$(#store_data_form).populate(data, {debug:1})  //But I
  probably will use jQuery Populate plugin instead
      }, json);


  If this is working, I should be able to get an alert message, right?

[jQuery] Re: Creating custom attributes in html

2009-04-16 Thread RobG

On Apr 16, 7:53 pm, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 @all - So far, the only reasons I've heard not to add custom
 attributes are 1) Dogma,

Dogma: a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof


You were given good reasons.  If they aren't sufficient for you, fine,
but don't dismiss them out of hand.

 2) May cause quirks mode.

And are not necessarily consistent across browsers.

  In my mind, the
 benefits gained by using custom attributes: less code, simplicity, and
 clarity, far outweigh these two reasons not to do it.

Fine, all bets are off.

 @RobG -
 I was being careless with my use of the words 'attribute' and
 'properties', but did you really need to correct me 4 times, and then
 correct my use of override to overload twice?  I guess you did.

It's pretty common to confuse the two - in a technical group, accuracy
of terminology matters.  You didn't appear to know what an expando was
initially, I think you know what it is now.

 The class attribute might not have the words 'presentation' and
 'style' in the W3C definition, but if you tell me that the class
 attribute is not meant primarily for styling DOM elements, I'm just
 going to ignore everything else you say as you are just being

You asked for comment, you got it.

I presented proof that it is not meant *only* for presentation. If
that's all you want to use it for, fine, but your inference that it
should be reserved just for presentation is not substantiated by the
W3C HTML specification.

Your assertion in the OP that ...I append a long string to the DOM
instead of
creating lots of little DOM nodes... is not necessarily true.  You
don't need to make any additional DOM nodes or objects, or even
additional native objects.  You make the same number of elements and
use the data in the object that already holds it.

Seems to me that is less effort and leaves the data where it belongs
from an architectural perspective.

  So you've already got the data in an object, now you added it as
  custom HTML attributes, then suck it back out again using attr().  Can
  you see the silliness inherent in the system?

 Actually, I think it is less silly then appending an id onto the end
 of the attribute id and then parsing it to obtain the id of the object
 I'm looking for, and then creating a custom object with get/set
 methods to retrieve the appropriate object to get its properties.

That's not what I suggested.  I said to leave the data in the object
and use the ID as a key to get it.  All you need to do is add an ID
that is the same as the key, there is no need to put any data into
custom attributes or expandos.  There is quite a bit of synergy
between document property names and DOM element IDs.

  Why not make the media object a bit smarter than just an array, say with 
  set and get methods?

 Because that is unnecessary code.  It's code I do not need to write if
 I just add custom attributes.

You can either write custom code to get the attributes (as you've
done) or you can write a single getter to get property values from an
object (perhaps a one line function).  I'd say it's pretty even as far
as coding effort is concerned, the object approach has the benefit of
not being constrained by the vagaries of adding custom properties and
trying to read them.

 To sum up:
   - string concatenation is plenty fast 99% of the time and a lot more
   - W3C DOM Node creation is much slower then inserting via innerHTML,
 especially as you add more nodes.  It doesn't matter how fast the
 nodes are created, it will always be slower to create, adjust, and
 insert 10,000 nodes then one string.

Not necessarily so - in Safari 4 on MAC OS, DOM is faster than
innerHTML.  A 1GHz G4 iBook (a great test platform for web
applications) can insert 10,000 spans in 15ms using DOM, or 25ms using
innerHTML.  The same code and machine with Firefox was: innerHTML
200ms, DOM 300ms.  An iPhone did innerHTML 249, DOM 463, so it isn't
as clear cut as you think.  Are you really adding 10,000 elements to a

Besides, how you generate the DOM is a different issue to how you
store your data on the client.


[jQuery] Re: Selector questions

2009-04-16 Thread Dragon-Fly999

Thanks, Karl.  Your suggestions work fine.  I just started using
JQuery and found the selectors very powerful.  I was wondering if the
selectors that you suggested can be less dependent on the number of
divs in that section of the HTML.

Instead of using $(this).parent().parent().find(':checkbox'), is
there a way to select using the following rule:
Go up the hierarchy (regardless of how many parents there are) until
the first a is found, then give me a list of all the checkboxes that
are the descendants of the div right after the a.

Similarly, instead of using $(this).parent().parent().prev(), is
there a way to select using the following rule:
Go up the hierarchy (regardless of how many parents there are) and
return the first a.

The reason that I asked these questions is because I can see myself
adding more div's in that section of the HTML.

On Apr 15, 10:31 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 On Apr 15, 2009, at 6:24 PM, Dragon-Fly999 wrote:

  Hi, I have a couple of questions about selectors.  I have the
  following HTML:


  Some a elements and input elements here.

  a id=info-1-headingInformation Type 1/a
 input class=cat id=first type=checkbox/label
 input class=cat id=mid type=checkbox/label
 input class=info1-cat id=last type=checkbox/label

  More a elements and input elements here.


  Question 1:
  In the click handler of the first checkbox, I would like to get the
  first, middle, and last checkboxes (but not the other checkboxes on
  the page). What selector should I use?

 There are a number of options, but this will do the trick:


  Question 2:
  In the click handler of the first checkbox, I would like to get the
  first a element that it finds traversing up the hierarchy (i.e. the
  a with id=info-1-heading).  What selector should I use?

  Thank you.


 or combined:


 and a bit more readable:



 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] how can I delete all elements: children and parent

2009-04-16 Thread dziobacz

I have:

span id='57'

bla bla bla br/
a href='#'  something1 /abr/
a href='#' onclick='clickk(57); return false;' DELETE /a


How can I delete span element with id=57 and also everything inside ?

[jQuery] Re: Selector questions

2009-04-16 Thread Leonardo K
Maybe is easier if you put a class (wrapper) in your div that wrap all other
divs, and then you could use:




On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 09:26, Dragon-Fly999 dragon-fly...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Thanks, Karl.  Your suggestions work fine.  I just started using
 JQuery and found the selectors very powerful.  I was wondering if the
 selectors that you suggested can be less dependent on the number of
 divs in that section of the HTML.

 Instead of using $(this).parent().parent().find(':checkbox'), is
 there a way to select using the following rule:
 Go up the hierarchy (regardless of how many parents there are) until
 the first a is found, then give me a list of all the checkboxes that
 are the descendants of the div right after the a.

 Similarly, instead of using $(this).parent().parent().prev(), is
 there a way to select using the following rule:
 Go up the hierarchy (regardless of how many parents there are) and
 return the first a.

 The reason that I asked these questions is because I can see myself
 adding more div's in that section of the HTML.

 On Apr 15, 10:31 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
  On Apr 15, 2009, at 6:24 PM, Dragon-Fly999 wrote:
   Hi, I have a couple of questions about selectors.  I have the
   following HTML:
   Some a elements and input elements here.
   a id=info-1-headingInformation Type 1/a
  input class=cat id=first type=checkbox/label
  input class=cat id=mid type=checkbox/label
  input class=info1-cat id=last type=checkbox/label
   More a elements and input elements here.
   Question 1:
   In the click handler of the first checkbox, I would like to get the
   first, middle, and last checkboxes (but not the other checkboxes on
   the page). What selector should I use?
  There are a number of options, but this will do the trick:
   Question 2:
   In the click handler of the first checkbox, I would like to get the
   first a element that it finds traversing up the hierarchy (i.e. the
   a with id=info-1-heading).  What selector should I use?
   Thank you.
  or combined:
  and a bit more readable:
  Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Josch

1. Some questions :-)
The click-Handler works?
The post is triggered?

2. You can't call a function just with func: getStoreInformation.
You could use your func: getStoreInformation on Javascript,
but then you have to do something like

$func = $_POST['func'];
$storeID = $_POST['sID'];
call_user_func ($func, $storeID); // Not sure about the syntax here,
but something like that

..because func is just another parameter for PHP.

3. Yes, you can use sID: storeID

Greets, Josch

On 16 Apr., 14:21, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:
 No, I don't get alert. That means it's failing silently.

 I've tested the functions.php (by running it) and it ouputs the data
 in JSON format.
 So retrieveing and echo'ing the data works fine.

 It's the jQuery that I got wrong.

 1. How do I call a specific funtion within functions.php? I got a bad
 feeling that  func: getStoreInformation is just an input parameter
 and has nothing to do with calling the function getSToreInformation().
 2. I need to pass the storeID. I get this with the folloing line: var
 storeID = this.cells[0].innerHTML;.
 I guess I should pass it as parameter:   jQuery.post(../
 functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation, sID: storeID  }
 But I don't think I can use  sID: storeID .


 On 16 Apr, 14:13, Josch jluelsd...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Do you get an empty alert or nothing?

  On 16 Apr., 12:13, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:

   Hi, I'm trying to use jQuery.post() function to retrieve som data. But
   i get no ouput.

   My PHP file looks like this:


     //Get store data, and ouput it as JSON.
     function getStoreInformation($storeID)
       $sl = new storeLocator();
       $result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);

       while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
           $arr[] = $row;
       $storeData = json_encode($arr);
       echo $storeData;  //Output JSON data

   This is my javascript which is located in /js/myscripts.js

   jQuery(document).ready(function() {
     jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {
       jQuery.post(../functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation },
          alert(data.name); // To test if I get any output
          //$('#store_name').val(data.name);   // I could do this to
   populate my form
         //$(#store_data_form).populate(data, {debug:1})  //But I
   probably will use jQuery Populate plugin instead
       }, json);


   If this is working, I should be able to get an alert message, right?

[jQuery] How to rotate image (in degrees)?

2009-04-16 Thread banacan
Is there a jquery plugin that will allow an image to be rotated by say 
90 - 180 degrees?  I'm using it in my background (multiple times) and I 
want it to appear in different places and rotated so it doesn't appear 
to be the same image.


[jQuery] Complete noob needs help setting up jquery in windows XP

2009-04-16 Thread Kyle

I am an amatuer website creator and like to use the most accepted and
best methods of developing on a site. I learned how CSS simplified how
HTML looks and now I've been reading about how jQuery simplifies how
HTML acts with javascript.

Right away I ran into a wall. I am using Windows XP and Microsoft
Expression Web 2 to create my site. I cannot figure out how to build,
make, unpack jQuery. I'm not exactly sure what it is, either. Is it a
server-side language interpreter?

As I understand it, I place the jQuery.js file into my html folder on
myserver. Then, I create an external .js file, similar to a .css file,
that houses all the javascript code for my html file.

I like the sound of Write Less, Do more, but I do not know how to
get started. I appreciate any help I can get.


[jQuery] Download size of jquery 1.3.2

2009-04-16 Thread jayg

I noticed on the latest release of jquery, the site says download size
is 19KB for production, but the real size is 55.9KB, which is a
substantial difference.  Why is it so large?  One of the things I have
always liked about jquery is its small footprint, and I would no
longer call this small.  Is this an error in the release, or has
jquery really grown so large?  I really hope it is not the later, but
the last few releases seem to be following a trend of getting larger
and larger.

[jQuery] Showing page after events bind

2009-04-16 Thread Veeru

Hi there,
I am developing a website and am wondeirng, what happens if the user
clicks on a button or a link even before the event gets binded to it.
I am attaching events on DOM ready function, but am thinking if there
is a way to not let the user interact with the page until i want them
to - what would be the best solution for this?
Any help is highly appreciated


[jQuery] Highlight a table row on radio button click

2009-04-16 Thread Nitin Gautam

I have a table in which each row has radio botton in first td.
I have to make a code so that when user click on radio button that row
get highlighted .
When click other that get highlighted  and rest without highlight

[jQuery] Datatables Plugin Default Sort Column

2009-04-16 Thread smnbin


Does anyone know whether it is possible to define a default sort
column for the jQuery Datatables plugin (http://www.sprymedia.co.uk/
article/DataTables) for when the table of data first loads?

Many thanks,


[jQuery] Re: question about dealing with JSON callback

2009-04-16 Thread Kyle

I'm sorry about heisting this thread, but I cannot figure out how to
post to this group. I click new post, type in my prose, and click
post, but it never appears in the topic list. Does anyone know what
I'm doing wrong?


[jQuery] jQuery problem in php

2009-04-16 Thread JACK3985

hi all,i face some problem in php,when i using html2php (http://
www.quasarcr.com/html2php/ ) convert my html code to php the jquery
scrollTop will not work. but if i using html is work ? how to solve
this problem?
Here is my normal code (html) url
u can try the button it work on html but when i convert to php the
scroll effect will never work again.

thank you
below is my code


print !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'
print html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
print head;
print meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;
charset=utf-8' /;
print titleMadre/title;
print !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN'
print html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
print ;
print ;
print style type='text/css';
print !--;
print .style3 {font-size: 36px};
print .style5 {font-size: 12px};
print --;
print /style;
print head;
print meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;
charset=utf-8' /;
print titleMadre/title;
print script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/jquery.latest.js'/
print script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/
print script type='text/javascript';
print !--;
print $(document).ready(function(){;
print $('a[href*=#]').click(function() {;
print if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace
print  location.hostname == this.hostname) {;
print var $target = $(this.hash);;
print $target = $target.length  $target;
print || $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');;
print if ($target.length) {;
print var targetOffset = $target.offset().top -30;;
print $('html,body');
print .animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 750);;
print return false;;
print };
print };
print });;
print });;
print --;
print /script;
print ;
print link href='styles/main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /
print style type='text/css';
print !--;
print .style2 {color: #FF};
print .style4 {color: #FF};
print .style7 {font-size: 9};
print .style9 {font-size: 18px};
print .style12 {font-size: 16px};
print .style13 {color: #FF; font-size: 16px; };
print --;
print /style;
print /head;
print ;
print body;
print pa name='top'/a/p;
print div id='main_container';
print div id='navigation';
print ;
print ul;
print lih1a href='#term' class='style13'Term/a/h1;
print /li;
print lih1a href='#contact' class='style13'Contact/a/h1;
print /li;
print lih1a href='#product' class='style13'Product/a/h1;
print /li;
print lih1a href='#about' class='style2 style12'About/a/
print /li;
print lih1a href='#home' class='style12 style2'strongHome/
print /li;
print /ul;
print a name='work' id='work'/a;
print pnbsp;/p;
print div id='header_bg';
print h1span class='hidden'Associatedflavors.com/span/h1;
print pnbsp;/p;
print /div;
print div class='page_container';
print h3 class='style3'span class='style4'H/spanomea
name='home' id='home'/a/h3;
print h2Title01/h2;
print pWelcome to Associatedflavors.com. My name is Daniel
Strabley, I am a 25 year old Creative Developer in Chicago Illinois
and this is my portfolio and blog. Please take some time to look over
what I have and learn a little more about me - strongI am for hire!/
print h2Title02/h2;
print pBy the way, if you have an iPhone and for the love of god
you should! Please visit my mobile companion site. This site will
redirect you when you open it on your phone./p;
print pa href='#top' class='style4'Back To Top/a/p;
print /div;
print div class='page_container';
print h4 class='news style5'nbsp;/h4;
print /div;
print ;
print ;
print ;
print pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p;
print div class='page_container';
print pnbsp;/p;
print /div;
print ;
print div class='page_container';
print h3 class='style3'span class='style4'C/spanontacta
name='contact' id='contact'/a/h3;
print h2Companynbsp;nbsp;--span class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span
print h2Addressnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--span
class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span class='style9'Address/span/span/
print h2Telnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--span class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span
print h2H.Pnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--span class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span
print h2Faxnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--span class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span
print h2E-mailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;--span
class='style7'nbsp;nbsp;span class='style9'E-mail/span/span/
print nbsp;;
print nbsp;;
print pa href='#top' class='style4'Back To Top/a/p;
print /div;
print /ul;
print ;
print ;
print div class='page_container';
print h3 class='style3'span class='style4'T/spanerma
name='term' id='term'/a/h3;
print pinformation and Usesnbsp;nbsp;;
print nbsp;;

[jQuery] I'm using jquery colorbox for video and picture, it is auto-resized

2009-04-16 Thread TomUnix


[jQuery] hover problems

2009-04-16 Thread 3daysaside

Been searching for the last hour, found some solutions, but still not
good enough.

I have a navigation menu -- when I hover over a header, I want the
submenus to slideDown, and then on hoverOut, I want it to slide back
in.  First, I was having problems with it only displaying 2 or 3 of
the dropdown items if I got crazy with the hovering (on, off, on, off
quite rapidly).  Then I found the .css(overflow:visible) fix.  That
causes the menu to at least always display all the items, but the
effect is lost if you hover on/off quickly.

What am I missing?  This can't be this hard.

Here's the link:


$(document).ready(function() {
/*$(.sub_div).css('opacity', 0.9);*/
$(.subnav_a).hover(function() {
$(.sub_div).stop().css('overflow', 'visible').slideDown(800);
}, function() {
$(.sub_div).stop().css('overflow', 'visible').slideUp(300);

The Residential link is the only one with a dropdown.  And don't worry
about the styling, I haven't even had a chance to worry about it
myself yet.

[jQuery] news headlines

2009-04-16 Thread tom

I have a latest news headline 'box' included on a home page and a
seperate news page with the full stories on.
The news page has a table with a heading newsheadline and i want the
latest news 'box' to just grab the top 5 news headlines from the news
page so i only have to update the news page.  please help!!

if you want to look at code, the pages are www.t-dub.co.uk/WHC/site/index.shtml
(this has the latest news headlines box) and ./news.shtml for the
news page.


[jQuery] How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread jonhobbs

This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
following elements

div class=button iconStar/div
div class=button iconPlus/div
div class=button iconLeft/div
div class=button iconRight/div
div class=button iconUp/div
div class=button iconDown/div

So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

// Some code here

Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
$(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');

I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
very inefficient.

What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
and then use that to append the image.

Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Re: question about dealing with JSON callback

2009-04-16 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Kyle...

Perhaps, since you are apparently new to the group, your new posts are
being moderated pending approval?


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Kyle gandalfisarocks...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm sorry about heisting this thread, but I cannot figure out how to
 post to this group. I click new post, type in my prose, and click
 post, but it never appears in the topic list. Does anyone know what
 I'm doing wrong?


It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of too
much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] Re: Complete noob needs help setting up jquery in windows XP

2009-04-16 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Kyle...looks like your messages are finally arriving on the list!

Have you worked through any of the tutorials on www.jquery.com?
That's a great place to start.  There are many introductory tutorials there.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Kyle gandalfisarocks...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am an amatuer website creator and like to use the most accepted and
 best methods of developing on a site. I learned how CSS simplified how
 HTML looks and now I've been reading about how jQuery simplifies how
 HTML acts with javascript.

 Right away I ran into a wall. I am using Windows XP and Microsoft
 Expression Web 2 to create my site. I cannot figure out how to build,
 make, unpack jQuery. I'm not exactly sure what it is, either. Is it a
 server-side language interpreter?

 As I understand it, I place the jQuery.js file into my html folder on
 myserver. Then, I create an external .js file, similar to a .css file,
 that houses all the javascript code for my html file.

 I like the sound of Write Less, Do more, but I do not know how to
 get started. I appreciate any help I can get.


It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of too
much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread MorningZ

It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

div class=button icon Star/div
div class=button icon Plus/div
div class=button icon Left/div
div class=button icon Right/div
div class=button icon Up/div
div class=button icon Down/div

If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
less complicated

On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
 bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
 that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
 following elements

 div class=button iconStar/div
 div class=button iconPlus/div
 div class=button iconLeft/div
 div class=button iconRight/div
 div class=button iconUp/div
 div class=button iconDown/div

 So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

     // Some code here


 Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

 if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
     $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


 I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
 very inefficient.

 What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
 classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
 and then use that to append the image.

 Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Re: hover problems

2009-04-16 Thread Rick Faircloth
Check out the Hover Intent plugin here:


I think it's just what you're looking for.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:28 AM, 3daysaside 3daysas...@gmail.com wrote:

 Been searching for the last hour, found some solutions, but still not
 good enough.

 I have a navigation menu -- when I hover over a header, I want the
 submenus to slideDown, and then on hoverOut, I want it to slide back
 in.  First, I was having problems with it only displaying 2 or 3 of
 the dropdown items if I got crazy with the hovering (on, off, on, off
 quite rapidly).  Then I found the .css(overflow:visible) fix.  That
 causes the menu to at least always display all the items, but the
 effect is lost if you hover on/off quickly.

 What am I missing?  This can't be this hard.

 Here's the link:


 $(document).ready(function() {
/*$(.sub_div).css('opacity', 0.9);*/
$(.subnav_a).hover(function() {
}, function() {

 The Residential link is the only one with a dropdown.  And don't worry
 about the styling, I haven't even had a chance to worry about it
 myself yet.

It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of too
much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] Re: Complete noob needs help setting up jquery in windows XP

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

Kyle wrote:
 I am an amatuer website creator and like to use the most accepted and
 best methods of developing on a site. I learned how CSS simplified how
 HTML looks and now I've been reading about how jQuery simplifies how
 HTML acts with javascript.
 Right away I ran into a wall. I am using Windows XP and Microsoft
 Expression Web 2 to create my site. I cannot figure out how to build,
 make, unpack jQuery. I'm not exactly sure what it is, either. Is it a
 server-side language interpreter?

jQuery is javascript code. It run on user's browser, when the user load
the web page.

 As I understand it, I place the jQuery.js file into my html folder on
 myserver. Then, I create an external .js file, similar to a .css file,
 that houses all the javascript code for my html file.

jQuery is no different than other javascript. If you can write
script type=text/javascript
alert(Hello World);

and successfully got the alert dialog box, then you can code in jQuery.

 I like the sound of Write Less, Do more, but I do not know how to
 get started. I appreciate any help I can get.

Do you have a real problem to solved using javascript? I found the
easier way to learn something is when I have real world case that I
want/need to solved.
Here is one of interesting use of jQuery (it's featured on the jquery
Hide an paragraph, when a user click a link, show that paragraph.

Try to figure a way to do it, then look for jQuery feature to solve that.

Happy learning :)


Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb
Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread jonhobbs

Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?

I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?

On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
 PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

 div class=button icon Star/div
 div class=button icon Plus/div
 div class=button icon Left/div
 div class=button icon Right/div
 div class=button icon Up/div
 div class=button icon Down/div

 If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
 less complicated

 On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

  This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
  bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
  that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
  following elements

  div class=button iconStar/div
  div class=button iconPlus/div
  div class=button iconLeft/div
  div class=button iconRight/div
  div class=button iconUp/div
  div class=button iconDown/div

  So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

      // Some code here


  Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

  if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
      $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


  I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
  very inefficient.

  What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
  classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
  and then use that to append the image.

  Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Re: selecting li - beginner learning jquery

2009-04-16 Thread soni2926

thank you!

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread MorningZ

Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name

so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
name) :

var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
$(div.button).each(function() {
  var $dv = $(this);
  $.each(icons, function() {
   if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
 $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
alt= /');
 return false;

On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?

 I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?

 On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
  PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

  div class=button icon Star/div
  div class=button icon Plus/div
  div class=button icon Left/div
  div class=button icon Right/div
  div class=button icon Up/div
  div class=button icon Down/div

  If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
  less complicated

  On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

   This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
   bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
   that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
   following elements

   div class=button iconStar/div
   div class=button iconPlus/div
   div class=button iconLeft/div
   div class=button iconRight/div
   div class=button iconUp/div
   div class=button iconDown/div

   So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

       // Some code here


   Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

   if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
       $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


   I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
   very inefficient.

   What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
   classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
   and then use that to append the image.

   Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Re: question about dealing with JSON callback

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

Kyle wrote:
 I'm sorry about heisting this thread, but I cannot figure out how to
 post to this group. I click new post, type in my prose, and click
 post, but it never appears in the topic list. Does anyone know what
 I'm doing wrong?

Since you using gmail, you don't get your own email when you post to a
mailing list. When your original message got reply, it will continue
your original email, in gmail it's called a conversation. This is the
main reason why you don't get your own email in gmail.

So, after you send email to mailing list, give that email the label you
usually use for that mailing list.

If somehow your email failed to reach mailing list, gmail will wend you
an information email. So, don't worry about it.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

spstieng wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to use jQuery.post() function to retrieve som data. But
 i get no ouput.
 My PHP file looks like this:
   //Get store data, and ouput it as JSON.
   function getStoreInformation($storeID)
 $sl = new storeLocator();
 $result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);
 while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
 $arr[] = $row;
 $storeData = json_encode($arr);
 echo $storeData;  //Output JSON data
 This is my javascript which is located in /js/myscripts.js
 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
   jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {
 jQuery.post(../functions.php, { func: getStoreInformation },
alert(data.name); // To test if I get any output
//$('#store_name').val(data.name);   // I could do this to
 populate my form
   //$(#store_data_form).populate(data, {debug:1})  //But I
 probably will use jQuery Populate plugin instead
 }, json);
 If this is working, I should be able to get an alert message, right?

Try running it in firefox with firebug extention. Open the console tab
in firebug to see your XMLHttpRequest request and response from the php.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread spstieng

I haven't figured out how to use this yet.
How can I debug a javascript file? I only see the html code from my

(I have lots of experience using debugger tool in Visual Studio)


On 16 Apr, 15:19, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Try running it in firefox with firebug extention. Open the console tab
 in firebug to see your XMLHttpRequest request and response from the php.

 Donny Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.comhttp://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia

[jQuery] Re: Data() method, just changing value of one hash element

2009-04-16 Thread Eric Garside


$j.data(item, 'attributes').WarehouseKey = $j('#

On Apr 16, 8:12 am, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Dhana sldh...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am using the jQuery Data method to store data for dynamically
  created elements.  Everything works fine until I try to update the
  value of an attribute.
  This is how I first create the element.

  $j.data(item, 'attributes', {
                 Name: name,
                 UOM: uom,
                 WarehouseKey: orderItem.WarehouseKey,
                 OriginalPrice: orderItem.OriginalPrice,
                 ReqDate: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.ReqDate),
                 WarehouseItemKey: orderItem.WarehouseItemKey,
                 AvailableQty: orderItem.AvailableQty,
                 BOQty: orderItem.BOQty,
                 Notes: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.Notes),
                 Cost: orderItem.Cost,
                 GP: dsOrder.cleanupResults(orderItem.GP),
                 Description: dsOrder.cleanupResults

  At a later point based on a user's interaction, the required date,
  note, and warehouse key gets updated.

  This is the first way I tried updating it, it doesn't store the value.
  $j(item, 'attributes.ReqDate', $j('#section_item #requiredDate').attr

 This doesn't work because the text after the dot (.) is the namespace of the
 data attribute.

  Then I tried it like this
  $j.data(item, 'attributes', {
                 'WarehouseKey': $j('#%=ItemWarehouseList.ClientId

  This overwrited all the other data stored in 'attributes'.  Only
  WarehouseKey is then saved.

  Is there a way to change just one value without affecting the rest of
  the data?

 Grab the hash, modify the value, then put it back:

 var attr = $j.data(item, 'attributes');
 attr.WarehouseKey = $j('#%=ItemWarehouseList.ClientId%').val();
 $j.data(item, 'attributes', attr);

 - Richard

[jQuery] Re: JQuery.isReady property

2009-04-16 Thread Eric Garside

The jQuery isReady property was designed to do exactly what you're
trying to accomplish. If you call:

$(function(){}); before the DOMReady, it will trigger the function
once it occurs. If you call it after the DOMReady, it will trigger
immediately. The isReady property exists so, when it's false, it binds
events, and when its true, it just triggers them.

On Apr 16, 7:41 am, blasto333 m...@chrismuench.com wrote:
 JQuery.isReady is NOT documented, but I have a valid use case for it
 and was wondering if there is a documented way of doing the same

 I have a case where some code could be loaded as the page loads, but I
 don't have a particular function to fire until the document isReady.

 The same code could also be loaded in a context after the page loads
 (Injected into the dom)

 if (JQuery.isReady)
     //Call function explicitly}

  //Call function on document.ready()


[jQuery] columnFilters

2009-04-16 Thread ManKuZo


   I download the columnFilters plugins and test it, every thing is
working fine. But, I want to filter my table on one specific column,
so the added filter row above the table header is not relevant for me.
I'm trying to modify the jquery.columnfilters.js that it will work
with text file that I put outsite the table on the top. The code look
like this. But, it's not working.


//  call the runFilters(event);
   alert( filter_field !);

Can somebody help with this.


[jQuery] Re: how to select elements inside jQuery objects

2009-04-16 Thread Andy Matthews

It's called context. Using your example, if you wanted to select all items
with a class of .mol_row INSIDE the jQuery object mol_elements, you'd do

$(.mol_row, mol_elements)

That selector says look for .mol_row in the context of mol_elements.

Andy matthews

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of hybris77
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 3:48 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] how to select elements inside jQuery objects

i've tried to do the following on a grand scale the last few days, please

my suggestion to select a classname inside a object containing the xhtml

$(  mol_elements .mol_row ).append( td+ molname +/td);

I was then suggested the following, but that selects BOTH class and element,

$( .mol_row, mol_elements ).append( td+ molname +/td);

how to select the classname inside the object then?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Josch

By hitting F12, firebug opens up in Firefox.
On the first use, you have to check all three options (Console,
Javascript, Network).
After reloading the page, you can see the requests and its answers
under Console.
Under Script, you can debug your scripts. Above Script you can
select which script to debug.
There you can set a breakpoint.

That's it.

On 16 Apr., 15:25, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I haven't figured out how to use this yet.
 How can I debug a javascript file? I only see the html code from my

 (I have lots of experience using debugger tool in Visual Studio)


 On 16 Apr, 15:19, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:

  Try running it in firefox with firebug extention. Open the console tab
  in firebug to see your XMLHttpRequest request and response from the php.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

Josch wrote:
 By hitting F12, firebug opens up in Firefox.
 On the first use, you have to check all three options (Console,
 Javascript, Network).
 After reloading the page, you can see the requests and its answers
 under Console.
 Under Script, you can debug your scripts. Above Script you can
 select which script to debug.
 There you can set a breakpoint.
 That's it.
 On 16 Apr., 15:25, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I haven't figured out how to use this yet.
 How can I debug a javascript file? I only see the html code from my

 (I have lots of experience using debugger tool in Visual Studio)


 On 16 Apr, 15:19, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:

 Try running it in firefox with firebug extention. Open the console tab
 in firebug to see your XMLHttpRequest request and response from the php.

Great explanation Josch. I just know that the shortcut is F12, for all
the time I just click the 'bug' icon in status bar :)

Open the Console tab. When the page do the post request, it will appear
there. Click the [+] icon to display detail info for that
XMLHttpRequest. Also see the Net tab to check if there are page's
resource that missing (404 error).

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread jonhobbs

Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


// Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

// Loop through the array classes
for (items in array){

// check to see if the class starts with icon

// remove the first 4 characters
var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

// Use the remainder to append the image
$(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
 doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name

 so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
 name) :

 var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
 $(div.button).each(function() {
       var $dv = $(this);
       $.each(icons, function() {
            if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
                  $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
 alt= /');
                  return false;


 On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?

  I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?

  On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
   PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

   div class=button icon Star/div
   div class=button icon Plus/div
   div class=button icon Left/div
   div class=button icon Right/div
   div class=button icon Up/div
   div class=button icon Down/div

   If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
   less complicated

   On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
following elements

div class=button iconStar/div
div class=button iconPlus/div
div class=button iconLeft/div
div class=button iconRight/div
div class=button iconUp/div
div class=button iconDown/div

So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

    // Some code here


Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
    $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
very inefficient.

What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
and then use that to append the image.

Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Re: Plugin does not bind to jQuery object

2009-04-16 Thread Thomas Allen

That was it. jQuery was being loaded just before /body, so it was
overwriting the jQuery object loaded earlier (via the custom page). By
moving this to the top and deleting the extra script reference, I
fixed the problem. Thanks!


On Apr 16, 12:37 am, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is possible, and makes sense. I'll take a look tomorrow (the main
 template for this site includes jQuery, and we include these scripts
 on forms, which is where things got mixed up).


 On Apr 15, 4:55 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

  Upon further inspection, I'm not quite sure what to make of your page.
  Firebug's Net console reported the following includes in the following

  1. jquery-1.3.2.js
  2. jquery.validate.min.js
  3. validate-common.js
  4. asce03.js
  5. validate.js
  6. jquery-1.2.6.js
  7. jquery-dropdown-menus.js

  So, for one reason or another, you're including 2 different versions
  of jQuery on the same page. I'm not sure if that's causing the issue,
  but I can't imagine it's useful or efficient. I'd check into that as a
  first-line of defense. Removing the older jQuery version might fix it?

  On Apr 15, 4:44 pm, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:

   No, that's not it. The scripts are ordered:

   script src=/lib/javascript/jquery-1.3.2.js type=text/javascript/
   script src=/lib/javascript/jquery.validate.min.js type=text/

   Which is why only one exception is thrown. If I flip the order of
   those two, two exceptions are thrown, one for the missing jQuery
   object, and another for the validate method.

   Ignore the reference to validate.js in the head, that's not being
   used here.


   On Apr 15, 4:39 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

It's the order of your includes. In the first page, you're including
the validation plugin before you're including jQuery. The result is
that, when validation attempts to enter itself into the jQuery
namespace, jQuery is undefined, so it just dies within it's

On Apr 15, 4:30 pm, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:

 These two pages do the exact same thing: Apply some basic validation
 rules to a form. The only difference is that the first one includes
 the scripts in body, not head.


 The second one works, and the first doesn't. For some reason, the
 first site doesn't bind the validate method to jQuery.


 throws an exception in the console.

 What's going on, and how can I fix this problem? The file itself is
 definitely being loaded.


[jQuery] Re: Download size of jquery 1.3.2

2009-04-16 Thread Richard D. Worth
The quoted size includes gzip compression which is done by the server and
undone by your browser before you can save the file. For more, see





- Richard

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:30 PM, jayg jason.guidi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I noticed on the latest release of jquery, the site says download size
 is 19KB for production, but the real size is 55.9KB, which is a
 substantial difference.  Why is it so large?  One of the things I have
 always liked about jquery is its small footprint, and I would no
 longer call this small.  Is this an error in the release, or has
 jquery really grown so large?  I really hope it is not the later, but
 the last few releases seem to be following a trend of getting larger
 and larger.

[jQuery] recommendation for lightbox

2009-04-16 Thread iceangel89

what do u recommend for a lightbox plugin? there are alot out there

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread spstieng

Ah, got it.

The Post is correct and the Respons is correct... I think. It's in
JSON, but not sure if it's correct.

According to http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.post, last example,
they have the following line in the php file:
?php echo json_encode(array(name=John,time=2pm)); ?
This is why they can output the info by alert(data.name).

But if I try this:
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[] = array(
id=($row['id']) ,
  $storeData = json_encode($data);

I still get 'undefined' output :(

On 16 Apr, 15:36, Josch jluelsd...@googlemail.com wrote:
 By hitting F12, firebug opens up in Firefox.
 On the first use, you have to check all three options (Console,
 Javascript, Network).
 After reloading the page, you can see the requests and its answers
 under Console.
 Under Script, you can debug your scripts. Above Script you can
 select which script to debug.
 There you can set a breakpoint.

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread David

The problem I see is what happens when there is more than one class?
Your icon call may not be the first class. in which case you would not
have selected it. But it was still supposed to get an icon. Would it
be possible to give the divs that are supposed to receive the icons a
generic class then use an attribute to define what icons it is
supposed to have. You could even reduce the amount of code that you
have to output.

div class=icon button img=Star/div

 if ($(this).hasAttribute(img)  $(this).attr(img) != )
  $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + $(this).attr(img) + .gif');

I know that it is probably not the best code as you are using
attibutes that do not fall into the dom standards but it looks like it
would get the job done.

On Apr 16, 8:51 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


     // Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

     // Loop through the array classes
     for (items in array){

         // check to see if the class starts with icon

             // remove the first 4 characters
             var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

             // Use the remainder to append the image
             $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




 That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
 to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

 On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
  doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name

  so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
  name) :

  var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
  $(div.button).each(function() {
        var $dv = $(this);
        $.each(icons, function() {
             if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
                   $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
  alt= /');
                   return false;


  On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?

   I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?

   On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

div class=button icon Star/div
div class=button icon Plus/div
div class=button icon Left/div
div class=button icon Right/div
div class=button icon Up/div
div class=button icon Down/div

If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
less complicated

On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

 This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
 bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
 that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
 following elements

 div class=button iconStar/div
 div class=button iconPlus/div
 div class=button iconLeft/div
 div class=button iconRight/div
 div class=button iconUp/div
 div class=button iconDown/div

 So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

     // Some code here


 Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

 if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
     $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


 I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
 very inefficient.

 What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
 classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
 and then use that to append the image.

 Can anyone help?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] IE: jQuery leaking memory on blank page

2009-04-16 Thread Danny Tuppeny

Hi all,

I've been trying to fix some memory leaks in my app. As I was
stripping the code down I discovered that even on a totally blank page
that includes jQuery, memory is leaked. If you point Drip at the
jquery.com homepage you'll see quite a few elements left around after
the page unloads.

It seems to be mostly stuff in jquery.support (script tags, anchor
tags, divs) that are used to test browser capabilities.

Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround?

It seems to be the removeChild calls causing most of it (but removing
them obviously laves random elements in the dom).

Our app is likely to be kept open in the browser for the entire day,
with a lot of page loads, so we're keen to address any memory leaks.

Any ideas what I can do about this?

[jQuery] Re: how can I delete all elements: children and parent

2009-04-16 Thread Raja Koduru


could work.
check here: http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:01 PM, dziobacz aaabbbcccda...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have:

 span id='57'

 bla bla bla br/
 a href='#'  something1 /abr/
 a href='#' onclick='clickk(57); return false;' DELETE /a


 How can I delete span element with id=57 and also everything inside ?

[jQuery] binding after .get()

2009-04-16 Thread hphoeksma


I am new to jQuery and can't get my head around the binding concept. I
read some posts about it, but can't seem to figure out how to
bind data coming from $.get('script.php', {'c': c, 'sc': sc }, function
(data) {...}

It's now loaded using: $('form').html(data); replacing the normal form
completely (which is what I want). It loads a bunch of selectors which
I get from my php script. I need to use jQuery on those selectors (at
change) as well and understand I need to bind them...

And then I am bluntly staring at my screen - not knowing how to

Thanks in advance for your reply!


[jQuery] Re: Highlight a table row on radio button click

2009-04-16 Thread Raja Koduru

paste some code/snippets here.
Will help us to help you.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Nitin Gautam gautam.ni...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a table in which each row has radio botton in first td.
 I have to make a code so that when user click on radio button that row
 get highlighted .
 When click other that get highlighted  and rest without highlight

[jQuery] binding after .get()

2009-04-16 Thread hphoeksma

Hi all,

new to jQuery I am having difficulty on the binding concept.

Currently using this function to regenerate a full form based on a PHP

$(select).change(function () {
$.get('script.php', {'c': c, 'sc': sc }, function(data) {
return false;
This works, but I'd like to use some next steps in the newly created

I understand I need to (re)bind these selectors, but am lost on how to
achieve that. Anyone?

Thanks in advance,


[jQuery] href+external link focus under window

2009-04-16 Thread ericmelan

Hello, I have a thickbox window with links.
For one of these links, I would call an external site, but
below my current page and close my thickbox.
Is this possible?

Thank you all.

[jQuery] $(button).Bind(click, function) Vs button onClick=function/

2009-04-16 Thread reach4thelasers

I know that the recommended usage in all the books/blogs/web sites is
the bind() method in the$(document).ready(function() {}

 However I am finding that very often my users are taking action by
clicking etc before the page has completely loading. This usually
results in a full form postback instead of AJAX, or worse nothing
happens at all.

I understand that the bind method within the .ready function works
best if the handler requires an element further down the page that may
not have been loaded yet.  But if I do not rely on anything further
down the page, is there any good reason not to use the onClick=
attribute, to wire-up my event handlers immediately rather than
waiting for the full page to be loaded?

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread David

Actual after reading it again I like MorningZ's solution better.

On Apr 16, 9:45 am, David david.sulli...@gmail.com wrote:
 The problem I see is what happens when there is more than one class?
 Your icon call may not be the first class. in which case you would not
 have selected it. But it was still supposed to get an icon. Would it
 be possible to give the divs that are supposed to receive the icons a
 generic class then use an attribute to define what icons it is
 supposed to have. You could even reduce the amount of code that you
 have to output.

 div class=icon button img=Star/div

      if ($(this).hasAttribute(img)  $(this).attr(img) != )
       $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + $(this).attr(img) + .gif');}


 I know that it is probably not the best code as you are using
 attibutes that do not fall into the dom standards but it looks like it
 would get the job done.

 On Apr 16, 8:51 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


      // Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

      // Loop through the array classes
      for (items in array){

          // check to see if the class starts with icon

              // remove the first 4 characters
              var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

              // Use the remainder to append the image
              $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




  That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
  to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

  On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
   doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name

   so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
   name) :

   var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
   $(div.button).each(function() {
         var $dv = $(this);
         $.each(icons, function() {
              if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
                    $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
   alt= /');
                    return false;


   On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks MorningZ, but does that dolve the problem?

I'd still have to do a .hasClass() for each possible icon, wouldn't I?

On Apr 16, 2:03 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 It would be MUCH easier and cleaner to separate icon and Star/
 PlusLeft/Right/Up/Down, a la:

 div class=button icon Star/div
 div class=button icon Plus/div
 div class=button icon Left/div
 div class=button icon Right/div
 div class=button icon Up/div
 div class=button icon Down/div

 If that's possible, that seriously would make your code easier and
 less complicated

 On Apr 16, 8:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

  This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
  bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find 
  that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
  following elements

  div class=button iconStar/div
  div class=button iconPlus/div
  div class=button iconLeft/div
  div class=button iconRight/div
  div class=button iconUp/div
  div class=button iconDown/div

  So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

      // Some code here


  Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

  if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
      $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


  I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
  very inefficient.

  What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
  classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
  and then use that to append the image.

  Can anyone help?- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

I'm not really sure why you're not just doing this in pure css.

.button {
padding-right: 20px;
background-position: center right;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.iconstar   {   background-image: url(star.png);}
.iconplus   {   background-image: url(plus.png);}

Am I missing something here?


David wrote:

The problem I see is what happens when there is more than one class?
Your icon call may not be the first class. in which case you would not
have selected it. But it was still supposed to get an icon. Would it
be possible to give the divs that are supposed to receive the icons a
generic class then use an attribute to define what icons it is
supposed to have. You could even reduce the amount of code that you
have to output.

div class=icon button img=Star/div

 if ($(this).hasAttribute(img)  $(this).attr(img) != )
  $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + $(this).attr(img) + .gif');

I know that it is probably not the best code as you are using
attibutes that do not fall into the dom standards but it looks like it
would get the job done.

On Apr 16, 8:51 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


// Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

// Loop through the array classes
for (items in array){

// check to see if the class starts with icon

// remove the first 4 characters
var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

// Use the remainder to append the image
$(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name
so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
name) :
var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
$(div.button).each(function() {
  var $dv = $(this);
  $.each(icons, function() {
   if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
 $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
alt= /');
 return false;
On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:

- Show quoted text -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread jonhobbs

Both of those would work as solutions to this problem.

However, I'd still really like to find out if there's a way to get a
list (array?) of all of the classes that are currently attached to an
element and loop through them.

It doesn't dound like it should be so hard.


On Apr 16, 3:50 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 I'm not really sure why you're not just doing this in pure css.

 .button {
         padding-right: 20px;
         background-position: center right;
         background-repeat: no-repeat;}

 .iconstar       {       background-image: url(star.png);}
 .iconplus       {       background-image: url(plus.png);}

 Am I missing something here?


 David wrote:
  The problem I see is what happens when there is more than one class?
  Your icon call may not be the first class. in which case you would not
  have selected it. But it was still supposed to get an icon. Would it
  be possible to give the divs that are supposed to receive the icons a
  generic class then use an attribute to define what icons it is
  supposed to have. You could even reduce the amount of code that you
  have to output.

  div class=icon button img=Star/div

       if ($(this).hasAttribute(img)  $(this).attr(img) != )
        $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + $(this).attr(img) + .gif');

  I know that it is probably not the best code as you are using
  attibutes that do not fall into the dom standards but it looks like it
  would get the job done.

  On Apr 16, 8:51 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
  Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


      // Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

      // Loop through the array classes
      for (items in array){

          // check to see if the class starts with icon

              // remove the first 4 characters
              var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

              // Use the remainder to append the image
              $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




  That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
  to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

  On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
  doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name
  so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
  name) :
  var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
  $(div.button).each(function() {
        var $dv = $(this);
        $.each(icons, function() {
             if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
                   $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
  alt= /');
                   return false;
  On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
  - Show quoted text -

 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: CTRL+S to Insert Record PHP+JQUERY

2009-04-16 Thread Jean

do u wanna the sql too? LOL

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:24 AM, bharani kumar
bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All ,
 Can u please tell ,
 How to implement  in jquery, php,,
 Insert record after pressed the CTRL+S in keyboard ,

 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்



[]´s Jean a.k.a Suissa

Tecnólogo em Análise de Sistemas - UTF-PR

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Josch

Please paste here what the servers' response is.

On 16 Apr., 16:35, spstieng spsti...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Ah, got it.

 The Post is correct and the Respons is correct... I think. It's in
 JSON, but not sure if it's correct.

 According tohttp://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.post, last example,
 they have the following line in the php file:
 ?php echo json_encode(array(name=John,time=2pm)); ?
 This is why they can output the info by alert(data.name).

 But if I try this:
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
     $data[] = array(
     id=($row['id']) ,
   $storeData = json_encode($data);

 I still get 'undefined' output :(

 On 16 Apr, 15:36, Josch jluelsd...@googlemail.com wrote:

  By hitting F12, firebug opens up in Firefox.
  On the first use, you have to check all three options (Console,
  Javascript, Network).
  After reloading the page, you can see the requests and its answers
  under Console.
  Under Script, you can debug your scripts. Above Script you can
  select which script to debug.
  There you can set a breakpoint.

[jQuery] Re: $(button).Bind(click, function) Vs button onClick=function/

2009-04-16 Thread Andy Matthews

Try disabling the button, then reenabling it with jQuery? 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of reach4thelasers
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:39 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] $(button).Bind(click, function) Vs button

I know that the recommended usage in all the books/blogs/web sites is
the bind() method in the$(document).ready(function() {}

 However I am finding that very often my users are taking action by clicking
etc before the page has completely loading. This usually results in a full
form postback instead of AJAX, or worse nothing happens at all.

I understand that the bind method within the .ready function works best if
the handler requires an element further down the page that may not have been
loaded yet.  But if I do not rely on anything further down the page, is
there any good reason not to use the onClick=
attribute, to wire-up my event handlers immediately rather than waiting for
the full page to be loaded?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread spstieng

Ok, I found the answer.
It was as simple as doing this: alert(data[0].name);

Notice the [0].

So here is the functional code for anyone who is wondering about this:

javascript file
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

  jQuery('#storeListTable tr').click(function() {

jQuery.post(get_storeData.php, { storeID: this.cells
[0].innerHTML }, // this.cells[0].innerHTML is the content ofthe
first cell in selected table row
  }, json);


php file

  $storeID = $_POST['storeID'];   //Get storeID from jQuery.post

  $sl = new storeLocator();
  $result = $sl-getStoreData($storeID);  //returns dataset from MySQL
(SELECT * from MyTale)

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[] = array(
id=($row['id']) ,

  $storeData = json_encode($data);

  echo $storeData;

Thanks for all your help guys!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.post() not working for me

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

spstieng wrote:
 Ah, got it.
 The Post is correct and the Respons is correct... I think. It's in
 JSON, but not sure if it's correct.
 According to http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.post, last example,
 they have the following line in the php file:
 ?php echo json_encode(array(name=John,time=2pm)); ?
 This is why they can output the info by alert(data.name).
 But if I try this:
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 $data[] = array(
 id=($row['id']) ,
   $storeData = json_encode($data);
 I still get 'undefined' output :(

It seems that you will get multi row array with that php code. Try to
fetch one row only, then store it with:

$data['id'] = $row['id'];
$data['name'] = $row['name'];

$storeData = json_encode($data);

You get undefined, because you try to alert an array.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: Highlight a table row on radio button click

2009-04-16 Thread David

//Find all the check boxes in your table.
$(#mytable :checkbox).click(
// Set the currently selected item to be not selected. Comment out
the following line if you meant the ability to select multiples.
 // Get the parent of the check box, this should be its containing
TD, Then get the parent of that which should be the TR.


On Apr 16, 8:15 am, Raja Koduru kscr...@gmail.com wrote:
 paste some code/snippets here.
 Will help us to help you.

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Nitin Gautam gautam.ni...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a table in which each row has radio botton in first td.
  I have to make a code so that when user click on radio button that row
  get highlighted .
  When click other that get highlighted  and rest without highlight- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: recommendation for lightbox

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

iceangel89 wrote:
 what do u recommend for a lightbox plugin? there are alot out there

I use thickbox (http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/) and jqModal
(http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/) in my projects.

Haven;t tried other plugins, but I satisfied with both thickbox and
jqModal. For alert replacement, try http://abeautifulsite.net/notebook/87

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread David

cant you just get the className and then do a split on it with spaces
as the deliminator?

On Apr 16, 9:53 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Both of those would work as solutions to this problem.

 However, I'd still really like to find out if there's a way to get a
 list (array?) of all of the classes that are currently attached to an
 element and loop through them.

 It doesn't dound like it should be so hard.


 On Apr 16, 3:50 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be

  I'm not really sure why you're not just doing this in pure css.

  .button {
          padding-right: 20px;
          background-position: center right;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;}

  .iconstar       {       background-image: url(star.png);}
  .iconplus       {       background-image: url(plus.png);}

  Am I missing something here?


  David wrote:
   The problem I see is what happens when there is more than one class?
   Your icon call may not be the first class. in which case you would not
   have selected it. But it was still supposed to get an icon. Would it
   be possible to give the divs that are supposed to receive the icons a
   generic class then use an attribute to define what icons it is
   supposed to have. You could even reduce the amount of code that you
   have to output.

   div class=icon button img=Star/div

        if ($(this).hasAttribute(img)  $(this).attr(img) != )
         $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + $(this).attr(img) + .gif');

   I know that it is probably not the best code as you are using
   attibutes that do not fall into the dom standards but it looks like it
   would get the job done.

   On Apr 16, 8:51 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
   Here is some psuedo-code for what I'm trying to achieve...


       // Get an array of classes that are attached to $(this)

       // Loop through the array classes
       for (items in array){

           // check to see if the class starts with icon

               // remove the first 4 characters
               var iconName = className.substring(4, className.length);

               // Use the remainder to append the image
               $(this).append(IMG SRC=' + iconName + .gif');




   That way, I could have hundreds of possible icons and I wouldn't have
   to have hundreds of IF statements and hundreds of calls to .hasClass()

   On Apr 16, 2:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

   Well, other than asking whether or not an object has a class or
   doesn't, there isn't much you can do that check each class name
   so like (and this assumes your original HTML, not the separated class
   name) :
   var icons = [Star, Plus, Left, Right, Up, Down];
   $(div.button).each(function() {
         var $dv = $(this);
         $.each(icons, function() {
              if ($dv.hasClass(icon + this)) {
                    $dv.append('img src=Images/' + this + '.gif
   alt= /');
                    return false;
   On Apr 16, 9:08 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
   - Show quoted text -

  Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be- Hide quoted 
  text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: $(button).Bind(click, function) Vs button onClick=function/

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

Andy Matthews wrote:
 Try disabling the button, then reenabling it with jQuery? 
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
 Behalf Of reach4thelasers
 Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:39 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] $(button).Bind(click, function) Vs button
 I know that the recommended usage in all the books/blogs/web sites is
 the bind() method in the  $(document).ready(function() {}
  However I am finding that very often my users are taking action by clicking
 etc before the page has completely loading. This usually results in a full
 form postback instead of AJAX, or worse nothing happens at all.
 I understand that the bind method within the .ready function works best if
 the handler requires an element further down the page that may not have been
 loaded yet.  But if I do not rely on anything further down the page, is
 there any good reason not to use the onClick=
 attribute, to wire-up my event handlers immediately rather than waiting for
 the full page to be loaded?

Or, make it hidden with css, then show it using jquery. Consider to
optimize your page, so it load faster. Use lazyload to load big images,
trim out it's size, use compression, etc.

Other approach, use google technique for gmail, all the element is
loaded thought XMLHttpRequest, so there will be no premature click.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

jonhobbs wrote:

Both of those would work as solutions to this problem.

However, I'd still really like to find out if there's a way to get a
list (array?) of all of the classes that are currently attached to an
element and loop through them.

It doesn't dound like it should be so hard.


you could loop through all elements with $('.button'), and get their 
attr('class'), put those elements in an array, then parse that srting 
with a regex to see if you have a match.

It can be done, but I just wouldn't recommend it. Use seperate classes 
like MorningZ suggested and you don't even need to use javascript if all 
you want to do is put an image in a class (that really is a job css was 
made for, javascript should just stick to the behavioural stuff).

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: binding after .get()

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

hphoeksma wrote:
 Hi all,
 new to jQuery I am having difficulty on the binding concept.
 Currently using this function to regenerate a full form based on a PHP
 $(select).change(function () {
 $.get('script.php', {'c': c, 'sc': sc }, function(data) {
 return false;
 This works, but I'd like to use some next steps in the newly created
 I understand I need to (re)bind these selectors, but am lost on how to
 achieve that. Anyone?
 Thanks in advance,

This is what work for me:
1. I write all the js code near the element that need it. In your case,
I will write the jquery code soon after the /select tag.

The code will be like this:

script type=text/javascript


2. When I do ajax that will replace the current DOM element, I will also
 send the code for the new element in the XMLHttpRequest response.
In your case above, the script.php will return data to .get like this:

script type=text/javascript


With this approach, the injected data will bring all the needed code for
it's element. I use this for form, list with pagination, and all other

Writing js code near element that need it, beside maintain the
unobtrusive, also made debugging it easier.

I hope this will work with your case.

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: binding after .get()

2009-04-16 Thread hphoeksma

Hi Donny,

thanks for your reply. This will lead to lots of extra code I guess...
Would there be another way?



On Apr 16, 5:14 pm, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:
 hphoeksma wrote:
  Hi all,

  new to jQuery I am having difficulty on the binding concept.

  Currently using this function to regenerate a full form based on a PHP

  $(select).change(function () {
          $.get('script.php', {'c': c, 'sc': sc }, function(data) {
          return false;
  This works, but I'd like to use some next steps in the newly created

  I understand I need to (re)bind these selectors, but am lost on how to
  achieve that. Anyone?

  Thanks in advance,


 This is what work for me:
 1. I write all the js code near the element that need it. In your case,
 I will write the jquery code soon after the /select tag.

 The code will be like this:

 script type=text/javascript


 2. When I do ajax that will replace the current DOM element, I will also
  send the code for the new element in the XMLHttpRequest response.
 In your case above, the script.php will return data to .get like this:

 script type=text/javascript


 With this approach, the injected data will bring all the needed code for
 it's element. I use this for form, list with pagination, and all other

 Writing js code near element that need it, beside maintain the
 unobtrusive, also made debugging it easier.

 I hope this will work with your case.

 Donny Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.comhttp://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia

[jQuery] Re: Has anyone used these jQuery books?

2009-04-16 Thread Penner, Matthew
Hey Karl,

I was interested in this question also and read your great response.  As
one of the authors your thoughts hold a lot of weight for me.  Thanks
for the recommendation almost against your older book.  This is what I
love about this community.  It's about the tools and the community
users/customers whether it sells books or not. J



Matt Penner


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:33 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Has anyone used these jQuery books?


As one of the authors of jQuery Reference Guide, I'd have to recommend
that you not buy it, especially if you already have Learning jQuery 1.3.
Some of the information in the reference guide is outdated, and most of
it can be found elsewhere. I still haven't gotten my hands on jQuery UI
1.6 (though a photo I took is on its cover), but you should know that a
lot changed between 1.6 and 1.7. Also, 1.6 is compatible with jQuery
1.2.x, while 1.7 is compatible with 1.3.x, in case that matters.


Karl Swedberg





On Apr 15, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Calvin wrote:

Hi everybody,

Has anyone here read/ used these books:

jQuery UI 1.6 by Dan Wellman

jQuery Reference Guide by Chaffer  Swedberg

I am wondering which one is better for learning how to make front-end
interfaces for applications.

p.s- Learning jQuery 1.3 is a awesome book!


[jQuery] get Ajax answer to test it

2009-04-16 Thread gostbuster

Hi everyone,

I'm getting in trouble with ajax and jquery.

Here is what i need:

I want to execute a php script to test the value of an input. There is
no problem with event and triggering the request. Here is my code :

 url: 'emplacements/verifiernumero/numero/'+input.val(),
 success: function(responseText){
 // on success callback
 alert(on a fait la rek+$.html(responseText));

 error: function(responseText){
 // on error callback

the url is read thanks to zend_framework, which will take the
parameter input.val

the php script is rendering me something like :
-if it'okay i get 1,
else if get nothin

If I executed the page 'emplacements/verifiernumero/numero/'+My_value
I get 1 or nothingdepending of my tests..

well what I want to do is get the answer of the script, to test it

how can we do this ? I read the documentation, but didn't found.

Thankyou in advance for your help .

[jQuery] Re: ajax POST not working with IE7/8 ?

2009-04-16 Thread Aditya

On IE8, I see the problem that GET Ajax requests default automatically
to POST Ajax requests! Breaks my RESTful Rails app! Still hunting for
a solution.

On Mar 22, 9:37 pm, Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.net wrote:
 I am doing anajaxform submit using Mike Alsup's form widget, but
 something appears broken on IE7 and IE8. Debugging inside jQuery 
 1.3.2'sajaxmethodI seen the following behaviour:

 - if s.data == _buttonfix=step2next=step2 onreadystatechange is
   never triggered, andIEdoes a normal (non-ajax) form submit

 - if s.data == null onreadystatechange is triggered, and normal
   processing continues

 the backend returns the exact same response for both situations.

 Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?


 Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.net    It is simple to make 
 things.http://www.wiggy.net/                  It is hard to make things 

[jQuery] Error messages is repeating !!

2009-04-16 Thread akmsharma

Hi ,

Frnds I had encountered a unusual problem in one of the forms I had
validated through jQuery in my prjt.

The  error messages are getting repeated if I keep presing the submit
button without entering any value.

any the form gets as many error messages as many time I click the
submit button .

Any sugesstion will be a welcome



[jQuery] cluetip IE8 very slow adding to table rows

2009-04-16 Thread DotnetShadow

Hi there,

I've recently been using cluetip on a datable of about 400 rows.
Recently I tested this against IE8 and found it very very slow.

Doing simply the following:

$(document).ready(function() {

 $(.user).each(function(i) {

Basically for each row in my table (400 rows) it would attach the
cluetip to it.
In IE8 it would freeze the browser for a good minute, if I pushed the
compatibility mode button to run in IE7 mode it worked as expected.

In all other browsers it worked perfectly.

Is there something different going on with IE8?

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread jonhobbs

I will probably use seperate classes, but I found the answer.

classStr = el.className;
classes = classStr.split(' ');

// Loop through classes and find the one that starts with icon


On Apr 16, 4:05 pm, Jonathan Vanherpe (T  T NV) jonat...@tnt.be
 jonhobbs wrote:
  Both of those would work as solutions to this problem.

  However, I'd still really like to find out if there's a way to get a
  list (array?) of all of the classes that are currently attached to an
  element and loop through them.

  It doesn't dound like it should be so hard.


 you could loop through all elements with $('.button'), and get their
 attr('class'), put those elements in an array, then parse that srting
 with a regex to see if you have a match.

 It can be done, but I just wouldn't recommend it. Use seperate classes
 like MorningZ suggested and you don't even need to use javascript if all
 you want to do is put an image in a class (that really is a job css was
 made for, javascript should just stick to the behavioural stuff).

 Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: binding after .get()

2009-04-16 Thread Donny Kurnia

hphoeksma wrote:
 Hi Donny,
 thanks for your reply. This will lead to lots of extra code I guess...
 Would there be another way?

What important is re-bind all code to new element that loaded throught
ajax request. One way to do it is put the needed js code in the returned
response, so it's get inserted and executed with the new elements.

The step 1 in my solution is my practice. If it lead to a lot code
rewriting, don't do it for all element, but to the element that got
returned from ajax request.

 On Apr 16, 5:14 pm, Donny Kurnia donnykur...@gmail.com wrote:
 hphoeksma wrote:
 Hi all,
 new to jQuery I am having difficulty on the binding concept.
 Currently using this function to regenerate a full form based on a PHP
 $(select).change(function () {
 $.get('script.php', {'c': c, 'sc': sc }, function(data) {
 return false;
 This works, but I'd like to use some next steps in the newly created
 I understand I need to (re)bind these selectors, but am lost on how to
 achieve that. Anyone?
 Thanks in advance,
 This is what work for me:
 1. I write all the js code near the element that need it. In your case,
 I will write the jquery code soon after the /select tag.

 The code will be like this:

 script type=text/javascript


 2. When I do ajax that will replace the current DOM element, I will also
  send the code for the new element in the XMLHttpRequest response.
 In your case above, the script.php will return data to .get like this:

 script type=text/javascript


 With this approach, the injected data will bring all the needed code for
 it's element. I use this for form, list with pagination, and all other

 Writing js code near element that need it, beside maintain the
 unobtrusive, also made debugging it easier.

 I hope this will work with your case.

 Donny Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.comhttp://www.plurk.com/user/donnykurnia

Donny Kurnia

[jQuery] Re: how can I delete all elements: children and parent

2009-04-16 Thread mkmanning

But won't work if the parent element contains other elements. Why not
just use .remove() on the span? Btw, an ID that is a number (or starts
with a number) is invalid.

On Apr 16, 6:21 am, Raja Koduru kscr...@gmail.com wrote:

 could work.
 check here:http://docs.jquery.com/Manipulation

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:01 PM, dziobacz aaabbbcccda...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have:

  span id='57'

  bla bla bla br/
  a href='#'  something1 /abr/
  a href='#' onclick='clickk(57); return false;' DELETE /a


  How can I delete span element with id=57 and also everything inside ?

[jQuery] .navButtonAdd Quick Question...

2009-04-16 Thread briandus

Hi there - I'm adding a custom button using the .navButtonAdd
function. I see that there is an option for an image, but I'm
wondering if I can create a button and apply a class instead. I have a
toggle button that I'm adding and the image will change with the
toggle state. Is this possible?


[jQuery] Re: Menu Hover and Selected

2009-04-16 Thread Takaya213

I'm afraid you will have to eat your shoe, it doesn't work. :-((


victorg84 wrote:
 Small correction..
 var activePage = window.location.pathname.substr(1);
 $(a[href=+activePage+] img).trigger(mouseover);

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: hover problems

2009-04-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

the technique here might be of interest:


- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

Check out the Hover Intent plugin here:
I think it's just what you're looking for.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:28 AM, 3daysaside 3daysas...@gmail.com 
mailto:3daysas...@gmail.com wrote:

Been searching for the last hour, found some solutions, but still not
good enough.

I have a navigation menu -- when I hover over a header, I want the
submenus to slideDown, and then on hoverOut, I want it to slide back
in.  First, I was having problems with it only displaying 2 or 3 of
the dropdown items if I got crazy with the hovering (on, off, on, off
quite rapidly).  Then I found the .css(overflow:visible) fix.  That
causes the menu to at least always display all the items, but the
effect is lost if you hover on/off quickly.

What am I missing?  This can't be this hard.

Here's the link:


$(document).ready(function() {
   /*$(.sub_div).css('opacity', 0.9);*/
   $(.subnav_a).hover(function() {
   }, function() {

The Residential link is the only one with a dropdown.  And don't worry
about the styling, I haven't even had a chance to worry about it
myself yet.

It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of 
too much government. - Thomas Jefferson

[jQuery] Re: CTRL+S to Insert Record PHP+JQUERY

2009-04-16 Thread Ricardo

As far as I know you can't capture key combinations in Javascript, and
even if you could, CTRL+S is a browser shortcut, so it would probably
be overriden.

On Apr 16, 2:24 am, bharani kumar bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com
 Hi All ,
 Can u please tell ,

 How to implement  in jquery, php,,

 Insert record after pressed the CTRL+S in keyboard ,


 உங்கள் நண்பன்
 பரணி  குமார்


 POST YOUR OPINIONhttp://bharanikumariyerphp.site88.net/bharanikumar/

[jQuery] Re: How to pick out classes that start with a particular string.

2009-04-16 Thread Ricardo

Short answer:

var icon = /icon(\w+)/.exec(this.className)[1].toLowerCase();
   $(this).append('img src=images/' + icon + '.gif /');

- ricardo

On Apr 16, 9:58 am, jonhobbs jon.hobbs.sm...@gmail.com wrote:
 This might be hard to explain, but I need a way to loop through a
 bunch of elements I've already selected and for each one find classes
 that start with the word icon. So for example I might have the
 following elements

 div class=button iconStar/div
 div class=button iconPlus/div
 div class=button iconLeft/div
 div class=button iconRight/div
 div class=button iconUp/div
 div class=button iconDown/div

 So, I begin by selecting the elements and looping through them

     // Some code here


 Now, I could put the following code in the loop...

 if ($(this).hasClass(iconStar)){
     $(this).append(IMG SRC='Images/star.gif');


 I would then have to repeat that for each possible icon, which seems
 very inefficient.

 What I'd like to do in the each loop is just cycle through all the
 classes that $(this) has and pick out the one that begins with ICON
 and then use that to append the image.

 Can anyone help?

[jQuery] Creating an ajax status

2009-04-16 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a number of GET and POST ajax calls that do various things my
script.  For each one, I would like to set a status that is a string,
so that I can out put that to the user.  So, it might look like this:

Posting to page

Ajax GET
Getting content page

Sending data to page

Basically I want to set the status using something like $
('#status_div').text(); so that the user will see the status text when
each ajax function is run.

Does anyone have ideas on how this could be accomplished?

[jQuery] Re: Creating custom attributes in html

2009-04-16 Thread Ricardo


I have to agree with Rob on the class thing. It's really not meant
specifically for presentation, it just happens to be one of the most
practical (and fully supported) selectors in CSS. There's no problem
in using jquery.metadata to store data in it, it's valid HTML (yes,
quirks mode can cause trouble, specially as your page gets more
complex. valid mark-up is a safety measure) and offers good enough
performance. Although I also agree with Rob that, if you already have
your data in an object coming through Ajax, there's no need to parse
it and throw it in the DOM just to recover it later. A simple
reference to the element would be enough, and you can identify it with
the ID attribute, sharing the object's unique id (if there is one).

- ricardo

On Apr 16, 6:53 am, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
 @all - So far, the only reasons I've heard not to add custom
 attributes are 1) Dogma, 2) May cause quirks mode.  In my mind, the
 benefits gained by using custom attributes: less code, simplicity, and
 clarity, far outweigh these two reasons not to do it.

 @Jack K - Thanks for the links :).   I will consider adding 'data-' to
 future custom attributes.  But, I actually don't really care if my
 html code is a valid document.  Being a valid document has no
 practical meaning, all browsers render it just fine regardless of if
 it is valid or not.

 @RobG -
 I was being careless with my use of the words 'attribute' and
 'properties', but did you really need to correct me 4 times, and then
 correct my use of override to overload twice?  I guess you did.

 The class attribute might not have the words 'presentation' and
 'style' in the W3C definition, but if you tell me that the class
 attribute is not meant primarily for styling DOM elements, I'm just
 going to ignore everything else you say as you are just being

  So you've already got the data in an object, now you added it as
  custom HTML attributes, then suck it back out again using attr().  Can
  you see the silliness inherent in the system?

 Actually, I think it is less silly then appending an id onto the end
 of the attribute id and then parsing it to obtain the id of the object
 I'm looking for, and then creating a custom object with get/set
 methods to retrieve the appropriate object to get its properties.

  Why not make the media object a bit smarter than just an array, say with 
  set and get methods?

 Because that is unnecessary code.  It's code I do not need to write if
 I just add custom attributes.

 To sum up:
   - string concatenation is plenty fast 99% of the time and a lot more
   - W3C DOM Node creation is much slower then inserting via innerHTML,
 especially as you add more nodes.  It doesn't matter how fast the
 nodes are created, it will always be slower to create, adjust, and
 insert 10,000 nodes then one string.

[jQuery] Re: Creating an ajax status

2009-04-16 Thread Jordon Bedwell

$.ajax supports an option called beforeSend so it would be something like:

alert(Data Saved: +msg);
beforeSend:function() {
alert(Sending request to server');

I am assuming you are using $.ajax because you are probably using the same
page with either GET or POST.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Nic Hubbard
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:31 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Creating an ajax status

I have a number of GET and POST ajax calls that do various things my
script.  For each one, I would like to set a status that is a string,
so that I can out put that to the user.  So, it might look like this:

Posting to page

Ajax GET
Getting content page

Sending data to page

Basically I want to set the status using something like $
('#status_div').text(); so that the user will see the status text when
each ajax function is run.

Does anyone have ideas on how this could be accomplished?

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