[jQuery] Re: open content in new window?

2009-05-26 Thread BigAB

Please correct me if I am wrong as I am no expert, but I don't think
there is anything particularly about new windows and such in jQuery,
but just regular JavaScript and being able to set the context of the
jQuery selector  method makes it a little easier.

For example:
script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$(#demo_button).click(function(e) {
myWindow.document.write('!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC 
4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd;html xmlns=http://
www.w3.org/1999/xhtmlheadtitleI am a new Window!/title/
headbodyh2This is a Heading/h2pHere is a paragraph tag full
of nonsense and tomfoolery./p/body/html');
$('h2', myWindow.document).css('color', 'red');
$(.demo).append('divinput type=button
id=affect_new_window value=Now click me//div');
$('#affect_new_window').click(function(e) {
$('p', myWindow.document).text('See the 
text changed, isn\'t that
div class=demo
input type=button id=demo_button value=Click Me/
/div!-- End demo --

Setting the context of the Selector to the new windows document is
really easy and makes editing the new window with jQuery a breeze.
Anyway I hope the example is helpful.

- BigAB

On May 25, 1:18 pm, GravyFace gravyf...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Caires Vinicius caire...@gmail.com wrote:
  The contente of new window opened is dynamically generated? Or is html u
  already have it?


[jQuery] Re: open content in new window?

2009-05-26 Thread BigAB

Please correct me if I am wrong as I am no expert, but I don't think
there is anything particularly about new windows and such in jQuery,
but just regular JavaScript and being able to set the context of the
jQuery selector  method makes it a little easier.

For example:
(Please ignore the Yahoo Ads, I tried to use JSbin but it messed up
the code.)

script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$(#demo_button).click(function(e) {
myWindow.document.write('htmlheadtitleI am a new Window!/
title/headbodyh2This is a Heading/h2pHere is a paragraph
tag full of nonsense and tomfoolery./p/body/html');
$('h2', myWindow.document).css('color', 'red');
$(.demo).append('divinput type=button 
value=Now click me//div');
$('#affect_new_window').click(function(e) {
$('p', myWindow.document).text('See the text changed, 
that is neat
and easy.');
div class=demo
input type=button id=demo_button value=Click Me/

/div!-- End demo --

Setting the context of the Selector to the new windows document is
really easy and makes editing the new window with jQuery a breeze.
Anyway I hope the example is helpful.

- BigAB

On May 25, 1:18 pm, GravyFace gravyf...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Caires Vinicius caire...@gmail.com wrote:
  The contente of new window opened is dynamically generated? Or is html u
  already have it?


[jQuery] Re: scrollUp and scrollDown mis-aligning text on IE

2009-05-26 Thread Peter Marino
Hi JQuery,
ok. let me ask a question in another direction..
the example I have http://marino.dk/test_a/

http://marino.dk/test_a/shows the basic idea what I want a form to be able
to do... I want to be able to add
extra emails and telephone numbers for each contact ... and it should be
able to create
extra contacts too.

creating such a form has shown itself to be very complicated, perhaps there
is something like
this already created?

can anyone point me in the right direction?


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Peter Marino marino.pe...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm still stuck on this problem? is the code too complicated?


 On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Crisium marino.pe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi jQuery,

 I have created a little demo here:

 when you add a contact a new one scrolls down..you have the option to
 remove it too and it scrolls up.
 but the problem is when doing this in IE the text looks like it's in
 absolute positions to the page and not
 the contact.

 try adding and removing a contact in IE you should see the problem

 I have tried this with firefox and chrome and they do not have this

 any suggestions?

 Peter Wraae Marino

 Power Tumbling - http://www.powertumbling.dk
 OSG-Help - http://osghelp.com

Power Tumbling - http://www.powertumbling.dk
OSG-Help - http://osghelp.com

[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Ischa Gast

 That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.

 Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
 focusing my attention to achive this?

It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.

[jQuery] Re: Pass var to click event

2009-05-26 Thread Steven Yang
the test your calling is the one you defined for the function
var test = 'Works!';

[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Mohd.Tareq
Hi Hetneo,
Its easy to get that kind of menu using javascript / jquery code.
See they have written plugin based on ul  li.
Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
Step :
1 - Create Main menu div
2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1]
3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide /
unhide your divs
4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
you can do it via css like twitter people did.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast cont...@ischagast.nl wrote:

  That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.
  Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
  focusing my attention to achive this?

 It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
 target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.

---| Regard |---


[jQuery] jQuery, the Ready Function, and Other Javascript - A Dirt Simple Inquiry

2009-05-26 Thread kiusau

QUESTION:  What is the general rule for using the Ready function in
the presence of other Javascript?

BACKGROUND:  I have recently discovered that my previous problems with
the customization of the jQ Impromptu plug-in could be overcome
through isolation.  In effect, I removed my script from the targeted
document, eliminated all of my self-created jQuery methods with the
exception of one, and tried the package in a different, separate
document.   Everything functioned as intended.

With renewed confidence I am now ready to return the package to the
originally targeted document.  This is where you may be able to

Please examine the script below and note that I am using the Ready
function in combination with other script tags.  I have organized the
script tags according to use or non-use with the Ready function.
Everything before the Ready function is called either directly or
indirectly by the Ready function.  Everything after it is not.

Do you see a possible source of error?

link href=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css rel=stylesheet
type=text/css /
link href=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css rel=stylesheet
type=text/css /
link href=../CSS/imagine.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
link href=../CSS/jQ_Impromptu.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

script src=../JavaScript/jQuery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js type=text/
script src=../JavaScript/errorMessages.js type=text/javascript/
script src=../JavaScript/popUpBoxConfiguration.js type=text/
script src=../JavaScript/jQ_browserIdentification.js type=text/
script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Impromptu-2.5.js type=text/
script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Imagine.js type=text/javascript/
script src=../JavaScript/SVG_roundies_0.0.2a.js type=text/
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
script src=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js type=text/javascript/
script src=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js type=text/javascript/


[jQuery] Re: Autoselect a checkbox on user's input value

2009-05-26 Thread Peter Edwards

Try this:

   if (parseInt($(this).val())  40) {
 $('#external').attr(checked, checked);
 $('#internal').attr(checked, );
   } else {
 $('#external').attr(checked, );
 $('#internal').attr(checked, checked);

on 25/05/2009 13:51 ciupaz said::

Hi all,
I have two checkboxes like these ones:

input name=place id=internal type=checkbox
value=internal /Internal (up to DN 40)br /
input name=place id=external type=checkbox
value=external /External (over DN 40)

and a textbox like this:

Insert the DN number:
input name=DNnumber id=DNnumber type=text /

I'd like a sort of validation that when the user insert a DN number
greater than 40, the checkbox external will be automatically
selected (without change it).

How can I accomplish this?

Thanks a lot.



[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Hetneo

Hi Mohammad,

You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of the superfish
extension for Joomla.

I found this tutorial very helpful:

In this case however, superfish ( 
) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the
functionality of the tutorial into superfish.

Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu-
level-2, menu-level-3.

When you hover over menu-level-1, I want superfish to display both
menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two
and three.

I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :).

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

On May 26, 5:16 pm, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Hetneo,
 Its easy to get that kind of menu using javascript / jquery code.
 See they have written plugin based on ul  li.
 Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
 Step :
 1 - Create Main menu div
 2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1]
 3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
 3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide /
 unhide your divs
 4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
 you can do it via css like twitter people did.


 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast cont...@ischagast.nl wrote:

   That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.

   Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
   focusing my attention to achive this?

  It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
  target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.

 ---| Regard |---


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Timers Loop

2009-05-26 Thread Pepperman

Try this. It is using jQuerys offset() method to get the current
elements position.

This way you do not have to create a class for each position you need
to to be in. Let JQuery figure that part out.

You will probably have to tweak the css offset a bit to get it to sit
exactly where you want over the ul.
 top: offset.top - 15,
 left: offset.left - 25

script type=text/javascript
$(#myol).everyTime(4000, myrotate, function() {

var $this = $(this), $thisli = $this.find(li), offset;

$this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) || 0);

 offset = $thisli.removeClass(on).eq($this.data(currentshow))

 top: offset.top - 15,
 left: offset.left - 25

$this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) ===
$thisli.length ? 0 : $this.data(currentshow) + 1);

On May 26, 12:21 am, MauiMan2 cmzieba...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm, I think that might work. Now just have to tinker w/ it a bit to
 get the arrow to animate as well. Thanks, Pepperman!

 On May 25, 7:57 pm, Pepperman chorno...@gmail.com wrote:

  I had to do something like this recently.

  Try this:

  ol id=myol
          liWe establish, through the Secretary of State, a Corporation in
  any state you choose as your home base of operations./li
          liWe customize a 401k plan that can invest in your corporate stock
  and traditional investments./li
          liOur experts help you roll over your retirement funds into the
  401k plan that you control./li
          liThe 401k makes a direct purchase of your corporate stock,
  infusing your corporation with cash./li
          liWe help you set up a Corporate Bank Account with checkbook
  control of your corporate funds./li

  script type=text/javascript
  $(#myol).everyTime(4000, myrotate, function() {

          var $this = $(this), hlen = $this.find(li).length;

          $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) || 0);


          $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) === hlen ? 0 :
  $this.data(currentshow) + 1);});


  On May 25, 5:28 pm, MauiMan2 cmzieba...@gmail.com wrote:

   I've used the jQuery Timers plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/
   timers) to animate through my client's five steps on this 
   page:http://www.cmzmedia.com/irarollover/butisthere a way to get it to
   continuously loop through the animation? The documentation page
   (http://jquery.offput.ca/timers/) doesn't seem to cover anything like
   that. Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Rollover Effects instead of alternate images

2009-05-26 Thread ryan.j

it recognizes an a:hover though, so display:block and use that as the

it's more semantically meaningful than making a div a link anyway.

On May 23, 7:04 pm, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
 however sometimes the jquery method is needed for IE6 as IE6 won't recognize
 a div:hover or li:hover

 but in this situation css only works best.

 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.comwrote:

  The OP is asking about a very simple link rollover. Since it appears people
  aren't taking RobG's advice and looking up CSS rollovers on Google, here
  is a quick demonstration:


  On May 22, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Andy Matthews wrote:

  I believe your CSS is invalid. I don't think you can apply both a class AND
  an ID in the same selector which is what #base-state.active does.

  The CSS is perfectly valid, as you can see if you copy and paste it in

  #base-state:active might work as that's a pseudo class.

  The :hover pseudo-class will work just fine. If you want the state to
  change when the user tabs onto the link, then use :focus as well.

  As others have already noted, this requires absolutely no jQuery/JavaScript

  For IE6, however, if you're getting a flash in between states, you'll want
  to add the following somewhere in the head (or reference a script file
  that does the same):

    !--[if lte IE 6]
      script type=text/javascript
        try {
          document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true);
        } catch(e) {}

  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of ButtersRugby

  Then in your css,

  #base-state {background-position: 0px 0px;}   // The first 0 is the X
  axis position, the second is the Y
  #base-state.active {background-position: 0px 30px;} // This is our second
  class that we will switch to with our jquery

  You probably meant to use a negative number for the y axis
  on #base-state.active

  #base-state.active {background-position: 0px -30px;}

  $(document).ready(function() {
   $(#base-state).click(function() {

  The OP wanted the state to change on hover, not click. Anyway, jQuery is
  not necessary.


  Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Treeview - Display sub nodes when mouse over menu

2009-05-26 Thread Zeeshan Khan
is tree expanding on CLICK...what are u doing to expand it...i mean are u
calling a function or a CSS class...if u are calling a function u can
override the HOVER function  if u r jst changing the CSS u can change the
CSS on hover..


Zeeshan Ahmed Khan

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:51 AM, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Thanks, but it's not exacltly what I need.
 I basically need to override hover to behave as the click event. How
 can I do that in JQuery? Thanks for helping me out here

 On May 25, 5:17 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
  Have you tried here:  http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/children#expr
  On May 25, 1:55 pm, eclipseTalk echal...@yahoo.com wrote:
   I'd like to display the children nodes when the mouse over the parent
   node. What is the best way to achieve that? Any help is appreciated.
   Thank you for your time.- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: JQuery UI Accordion Plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Pepperman

Firebug will allow you to see the HTML that is being updated
dynamically by jQuery.


I had an issue with the accordion script flaking before, it turned out
to be an extra /div in my HTML.

It is a good idea to test the scripts in a barebones template to
verify it is not your own HTML causing the issues.

More often than not, it is not the plugins causing the issue.

On May 25, 8:51 pm, Danny Nolan danny_no...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 First is the code you cant see. Any and all post document ready changes are 
 not visible by view  page source.

 Instead, select the object with your mouse, right click, and view selection 

 As for the accordion, not so sure there!

 --- On Mon, 5/25/09, Bharat bcrupa...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Bharat bcrupa...@yahoo.com
 Subject: [jQuery] JQuery UI Accordion Plugin
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 6:55 PM

 I am a Rails developer and new to jQuery so this may be a naive
 I am using jQuery Accordion plugin in my project and it is working,
 but now I am trying to tweak it and do not know how to:

 So I have a page that displays comments as a stack of accordion
 folds.  This is the code in my application.html.erb (master layout)

         $(#accordion).accordion({ autoHeight: false, event:
 'mouseover' });

 This works fine.  There is a Rails form on this page where I allow the
 users to create a comment, and submit it.  Upon submission, the
 prepends the notes record as shown below:

 $(#accordion).prepend(%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =
 'shared/comment', :object = @comment)) %);

 What is totally confusing me is that this is showing on the page, but
 is not a part of the accordion.  As a matter of fact, when I view the
 page source, the entry is not even there on the page, yet it is being
 shown in the browser.  How could that be?  There is something
 fundamental that I am missing here.

 Kindly explain.



[jQuery] Re: The Assignment of Functions to Tags that Are Not jQuery Methods

2009-05-26 Thread Pepperman

I think that depends on if the methods need to be available globally
of not.

This is also up to personal preferences. I personally don't like
polluting the window namespace with unnecessary stuff.
Especially since jQuery is so easy to extend.

JQuery also provides methods of encapsulating data or objects (eg. $
(this).data(currentX, 125) that almost eliminates the need for
multiple global variables.

If any variable need to be available globally I usually either use an
element as a data container, or store the data in the window in
jQuerys context. (eg. $(window).data(currentwhatever, current data
or obj).

Often it is just easy to just create functions and variables in the
global (window) scope and be off running with them.

But if you are working directly with jQuery objects with your
functions sometimes you are better off at least using anonymous
functions that encapsulate the methods needed.

If a method or variable does not have to be in a global context it
should not be there.

Personally I create most of my common functions within an anonymous
function, and I extend jQuery and jQuery.fn anytime I am working with
any method that has to be used by jQuery in any complex way.

(function ($) { // anon function

  var toupper = function(a){ anon function only available within this
return a.toUpperCase()

   $(this).attr(title, toupper( $(this).attr(title) )


I also don't like polluting jQuerys namespace unneccisarily.
If there are several methods that are all doing parts of the same
common objective I try to create 1 namespace in jQuery and use
sub.methods within the $.extension.

This way I am only using 1 namespace within jQuery and I can call my
methods like this.

$.mymethod.foo(); $.mymethod.bar();


  foo: function(){
  bar: function(){
  foobar: function(){

I am sure people have different ways of doing this stuff but that is
my 2 pence.

On May 25, 3:50 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
 QUESTION:  I once read in this forum that it is a good idea to limit
 the number of new jQuery methods and write as much script as
 possible outside of the jQuery framework.  If this is true, then how
 does one go about assigning functions to tags, if they are not
 themselves jQuery methods that one creates.

 BACKGROUND:  In my eagerness to get up to speed quickly I began
 turning every function into a jQuery method.  This may be contributing
 to some of my difficulty.


[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Mohd.Tareq
Hmm...I had worked with CMS 'Silverstripe' in that we do get varaibles
'current' for current page  'link' for other pages.
We do get all pages name from parent table.So I do retrive menu names based
on pages from particular field names.Displaying with if exp 'Current' then

In silverstripe I used to do the same please check in joomla whether they
have same or not

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Hetneo charles.kingsley.no...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Mohammad,

 You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of the superfish
 extension for Joomla.

 I found this tutorial very helpful:


 In this case however, superfish (
 ) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the
 functionality of the tutorial into superfish.

 Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu-
 level-2, menu-level-3.

 When you hover over menu-level-1, I want superfish to display both
 menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two
 and three.

 I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :).

 Any ideas?

 Many thanks,

 On May 26, 5:16 pm, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Hetneo,
  Its easy to get that kind of menu using javascript / jquery code.
  See they have written plugin based on ul  li.
  Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
  Step :
  1 - Create Main menu div
  2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1]
  3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
  3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide
  unhide your divs
  4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
  you can do it via css like twitter people did.
  On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast cont...@ischagast.nl
That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.
Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
focusing my attention to achive this?
   It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
   target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.
  ---| Regard |---

---| Regard |---


[jQuery] Re: hoverIntent conflicts in IE browsers ( superfish fly-out )

2009-05-26 Thread sutra

More finding on this issue. Turns out it may not be the issue with
jQuey v1.3.2 but the
hoverIntent script.

With hoverIntent, using v1.3.2 the flyout is gone. Using hoverIntent
with v1.2.6 the flyout shows however further testing shows that, once
a flyout menu has been viewed (without clicking on anything), it won't
show up again unless I refresh the page, this is happening in IE6, IE7
and IE8. I removed the hoverIntent for further testing, the problem
gone in all IE browsers. I then changed back to v1.3.2, everything
seems to be working now.

On May 25, 12:27 am, sutra chinesedr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I hope this post is appropriate, because this is the only way I could
 contact the author who wrote the script.

 quote: If you need help with the jQuery/JavaScript aspect of the
 plugin, post a message to the General jQuery Google Group with the
 word “Superfish” 


[jQuery] Re: Superfish with multicolumn sub navigation

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

simple recipe for multi column subs with superfish

put div into 2nd level li. Put whatever you want inside this
div, images, multiple divs, heading tags etc. Style divs any way you

use supersubs.js to adjust widths if not all sub menu's are same width

Hetneo wrote:

  Hi Mohammad,

You're exactly right. That's is the functionality of the superfish
extension for Joomla.

I found this tutorial very helpful:

In this case however, superfish ( http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/
) is far advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the
functionality of the tutorial into superfish.

Say for example you have three levels of menu menu-level-1, menu-
level-2, menu-level-3.

When you hover over menu-level-1, I want superfish to display both
menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all menu items on levels two
and three.

I had hoped someone had achived this to save me some time :).

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

On May 26, 5:16pm, "Mohd.Tareq" tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Hetneo,
Its easy to get that kind of menu using _javascript_ / jquery code.
See they have written plugin based on ul  li.
Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;)
Step :
1 - Create Main menu div
2 - Create another menu below each menu div [menu1 - sub-menu1]
3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / onmouseout' of
3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' function you need to hide /
unhide your divs
4 - Use any function like fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your
you can do it via css like twitter people did.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa Gast cont...@ischagast.nl wrote:

That's great news. Would be interested to see the final product.


Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I can be
focusing my attention to achive this?


  It's a custom made script where you can choose what child you want to
target, something superfish doesn't have but would be very welcome.

---| Regard |---



[jQuery] Can the click() function be used in an if statement

2009-05-26 Thread Martin


I would like to know whether a jquery click function can be used in an
if statement.  The reason why I am asking, is because I haven't seen
any examples of this being done on the web.  I want to use this
approach because currently Jquery keeps initiating two events from one
mouse click, eventhough the css for each element is different.   I
think the best way to avoid this problem is to use flow control to
exclude the other mouse click event.  If element A is clicked then
skip B


Martin Ikediashi

[jQuery] Re: set the gap of start and end date in datepicker

2009-05-26 Thread Steven Yang
hi here is how i do to set start date cannot be after end date

$(#startId, #endId).datepicker({
beforeShow : function(input) {
return {
'minDate' : (input.id == 'endId' ?
$('#startId').datepicker('getDate') : null),
'maxDate' : (input.id == 'startId' ?
$('#endId').datepicker('getDate') : null)

basically you have to modify the date after you get the date from datepicker

hope it help you get started

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax breaking in IE..... please help!!

2009-05-26 Thread yrelkin

I am developing a VoIP Customer Portal with jQuery/Ajax.
Everything works fine in Firefox, but in IE and Safari, the JS breaks.

I used MS Script Debugger to get a backtrace, and i find that the
breakpoint is at a jQuery Ajax call:

var AJAXURL = 'app/ajax.php';
   success:function( json ) {
// code removed

Why oh why is this happening??

Any help would be greatly appeciated.

[jQuery] Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread M.M.

I've searched the archives, and lot of people asked this question, but
there were no answers, just links to UI docs or that shouldn't be too
hard using some css and animation..

Anyway, I've made a demo of what I (we :) want: http://sklupc.com/slide/

The question: where to find or how to make jQuery slide effect (left)
to work like scriptaculous slide effect (right)

Notice that scriptaculous slide pushes the content below smoothly but
jQuery slide first moves it and then slide in. jQuery Blind, on the
other hand, pushes it smoothly but it's not the same effect.


[jQuery] [tooltip] Passing the mouseover event to the bodyhandler

2009-05-26 Thread Jochen Jonckheere


I made a small adjustment to the jQuery Tooltip plugin from
bassistance. The mouseover event is now passed to the bodyhandler,
this makes it easy to use event delegation of bubbling. You an for
example attach a tooltip to a TR instead of adding it to all TDs in
the TR.

The old way:

$('#mytable  tr.myclass  td').tooltip({
bodyHandler: function() {
var id = $(this).attr(id);
return CreateTooltip(id);
track: true

The new way:

$('#mytable  tr.myclass').tooltip({
bodyHandler: function(e) {
var id = $(e.target).attr(id);
return CreateTooltip(id);
track: true

Maybe Jörn Zaefferer can add this to a next release of the tooltip.



The code:

* jQuery Tooltip plugin 1.3
* http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/
* http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Tooltip
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Jörn Zaefferer
* $Id: jquery.tooltip.js 5741 2008-06-21 15:22:16Z joern.zaefferer $
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
*   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
*   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Changes by Jochen Jonckheere (c) 2009
*  - Passing the mouseover event to the bodyhandler

; (function($) {

// the tooltip element
var helper = {},
// the current tooltipped element
// the title of the current element, used for restoring
// timeout id for delayed tooltips
// IE 5.5 or 6
IE = $.browser.msie  
// flag for mouse tracking
track = false;

$.tooltip = {
blocked: false,
defaults: {
delay: 200,
fade: false,
showURL: true,
extraClass: ,
top: 15,
left: 15,
id: tooltip
block: function() {
$.tooltip.blocked = !$.tooltip.blocked;

tooltip: function(settings) {
settings = $.extend({}, $.tooltip.defaults, settings);
return this.each(function() {
$.data(this, tooltip, settings);
this.tOpacity = helper.parent.css(opacity);
// copy tooltip into its own expando and remove the
this.tooltipText = this.title;
// also remove alt attribute to prevent default
tooltip in IE
this.alt = ;
fixPNG: IE ? function() {
return this.each(function() {
var image = $(this).css('backgroundImage');
if (image.match(/^url\([']?(.*\.png)[']?\)$/i)) {
image = RegExp.$1;
'backgroundImage': 'none',
sizingMethod=crop, src=' + image + ')
}).each(function() {
var position = $(this).css('position');
if (position != 'absolute'  position !=
$(this).css('position', 'relative');
} : function() { return this; },
unfixPNG: IE ? function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).css({ 'filter': '', backgroundImage: '' });
} : function() { return this; },
hideWhenEmpty: function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this)[$(this).html() ? show : hide]();
url: function() {
return this.attr('href') || this.attr('src');

function createHelper(settings) {
// there can be only one tooltip helper
if (helper.parent)
// create the helper, h3 for title, div for url
helper.parent = $('div id=' + settings.id + 'h3/h3div
class=body/divdiv class=url/div/div')
// add to document
// hide it at first

// apply bgiframe if available
if ($.fn.bgiframe)

// save references to title and url elements
helper.title = $('h3', helper.parent);
helper.body = $('div.body', helper.parent);
helper.url = $('div.url', helper.parent);

function settings(element) {
return $.data(element, tooltip);

// main event handler to start showing 

[jQuery] input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread weit...@263.net

when i use jquery get a input like
input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

use $(#user.name) is error

if input is
input type=text id=username name=username/
use $(#username) is right

is bug?

[jQuery] Re: Can the click() function be used in an if statement

2009-05-26 Thread Steven Yang
how do you click A and invoke B's onclick?the only way is A is B's child. as
far as i can think
and if thats the case you have event bubbling
you can stop this by calling event.stopPropagation()

[jQuery] Re: Can the click() function be used in an if statement

2009-05-26 Thread Martin

Yes, basically I have

#accountButtons div.question


#accountButtons div.question b

The second element is an X over the background image on the first
element.  I want either element to be exclusively selected when
clicked, but when I use the following code, both elements are hit when
you click on the X (#accountButtons div.question b) ...

$(#accountButtons div.question).click(function(){

Do A


$(#accountButtons div.question b).click(function(){

Do B



Martin Ikediashi

On May 26, 12:08 pm, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.com wrote:
 how do you click A and invoke B's onclick?the only way is A is B's child. as
 far as i can think
 and if thats the case you have event bubbling
 you can stop this by calling event.stopPropagation()

[jQuery] Select box// onchange in niceform doesn't work !!

2009-05-26 Thread Amit

Hi Guys , 

I am using the niceforms.js to change the look of the fields. 
but came to know that the onchange event for select boxes in such a
form doesn't work, as the niceforms.js replaces the select box with divs

Any one have any solution, how to implement the onchange event in such
a situation, or any work around.

Any kind of help is appreciable , 



Amit Kr. Sharma

[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread donb

'# ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens (-),
underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.).'


So it would seem to be a bug.

On May 26, 4:09 am, weit...@263.net weit...@263.net wrote:
 when i use jquery get a input like
 input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

 use $(#user.name) is error

 if input is
 input type=text id=username name=username/
 use $(#username) is right

 is bug?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Ajax breaking in IE..... please help!!

2009-05-26 Thread Jordon Bedwell


Is easier, otherwise you can try removing the word json and using another
name and see if that works.  Good luck on your mission of success!

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of yrelkin
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 1:15 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery Ajax breaking in IE. please help!!

I am developing a VoIP Customer Portal with jQuery/Ajax.
Everything works fine in Firefox, but in IE and Safari, the JS breaks.

I used MS Script Debugger to get a backtrace, and i find that the
breakpoint is at a jQuery Ajax call:

var AJAXURL = 'app/ajax.php';
   success:function( json ) {
// code removed

Why oh why is this happening??

Any help would be greatly appeciated.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Timers Loop

2009-05-26 Thread Pepperman

another couple notes:

It is a good idea for jQuery to use the an #ID for the call $(#myol)
instead of $(OL).

Also.. If someone adds another OL somewhere on the page, the methods
you are applying will be applied to every other OL on the page. Which
may not do what you intended.

Using OL will cause jQuery to look over every element in the page
looking for OL elements.

Using the #ID maps to the window documentGetElementById() which is
much faster than DOM transversal.

Its not too big of a deal since your page is pretty lightweight, but
it is good practice to use #ID.

Also, using DIV before the ID $(DIV#arrow) is not really necessary.

Since jQuery 1.3 the selector engine works from the bottom up,(I hope
I am saying that right)-- so adding the DIV is just extra code.

Hope that helps!

On May 26, 4:17 am, Pepperman chorno...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try this. It is using jQuerys offset() method to get the current
 elements position.

 This way you do not have to create a class for each position you need
 to to be in. Let JQuery figure that part out.

 You will probably have to tweak the css offset a bit to get it to sit
 exactly where you want over the ul.
  top: offset.top - 15,
  left: offset.left - 25

 script type=text/javascript
 $(#myol).everyTime(4000, myrotate, function() {

         var $this = $(this), $thisli = $this.find(li), offset;

         $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) || 0);

          offset = $thisli.removeClass(on).eq($this.data(currentshow))

              top: offset.top - 15,
              left: offset.left - 25

         $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) ===
 $thisli.length ? 0 : $this.data(currentshow) + 1);});


 On May 26, 12:21 am, MauiMan2 cmzieba...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm, I think that might work. Now just have to tinker w/ it a bit to
  get the arrow to animate as well. Thanks, Pepperman!

  On May 25, 7:57 pm, Pepperman chorno...@gmail.com wrote:

   I had to do something like this recently.

   Try this:

   ol id=myol
           liWe establish, through the Secretary of State, a Corporation in
   any state you choose as your home base of operations./li
           liWe customize a 401k plan that can invest in your corporate 
   and traditional investments./li
           liOur experts help you roll over your retirement funds into the
   401k plan that you control./li
           liThe 401k makes a direct purchase of your corporate stock,
   infusing your corporation with cash./li
           liWe help you set up a Corporate Bank Account with checkbook
   control of your corporate funds./li

   script type=text/javascript
   $(#myol).everyTime(4000, myrotate, function() {

           var $this = $(this), hlen = $this.find(li).length;

           $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) || 0);


           $this.data(currentshow, $this.data(currentshow) === hlen ? 0 :
   $this.data(currentshow) + 1);});


   On May 25, 5:28 pm, MauiMan2 cmzieba...@gmail.com wrote:

I've used the jQuery Timers plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/
timers) to animate through my client's five steps on this 
page:http://www.cmzmedia.com/irarollover/butistherea way to get it to
continuously loop through the animation? The documentation page
(http://jquery.offput.ca/timers/) doesn't seem to cover anything like
that. Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] 2 links = 1 action

2009-05-26 Thread heohni


currently I have this:

$('.contenttitleh1a').click(function() { ...

Is there a way to say

$('.contenttitleh1a'). or $('.itema'). click(function() { .?

It's just that I have 2 different links to click but behind the same


[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

look at demo on jQuery site, works exactly same as your sciptaculous


not sure why your's causing issues, used this many times myself with
same result

M.M. wrote:

  I've searched the archives, and lot of people asked this question, but
there were no answers, just links to UI docs or "that shouldn't be too
hard using some css and animation..."...

Anyway, I've made a demo of what I (we :) want: http://sklupc.com/slide/

The question: where to find or how to make jQuery slide effect (left)
to work like scriptaculous slide effect (right)

Notice that scriptaculous slide pushes the content below smoothly but
jQuery slide first moves it and then slide in. jQuery Blind, on the
other hand, pushes it smoothly but it's not the same effect.



[jQuery] Newbie needs to update existing JQuery code

2009-05-26 Thread Martin


I'm developing a Google Map for a client and need some basic help...

This is my client's existing website and you'll see that it contains a
small Google Map embedded in an iframe:


Give the Stort Kort link a click and some JQuery runs and opens a pop-
up containing a larger map.

This is the code that executes when the Stort Kort link is clicked:

a href=# class=enlarge_icon onclick=$$('.hide_items').each
style=cursor:pointer;Stort kort/a

Now my map will replace both the small and large map on my client's
My map is still under development but here is a link to the current


That's the large map, call the same map with a 'smallmap' parameter
and you get a small version of the same map:


Each location plotted on either map has a unique index value, and
calling the large map with an index parameter opens the large map with
that location centered on and it's information window opened:


So on to my question.

How can my small map launch the large map in the pop-up window and
specify the index of a location to center on?

An even simpler question - how can the Stort Kort link simply open the
pop-up containing my large map?

I tried taking the source code from my client's existing page and
replacing the iframe src attributes with the URLs to my small and
large map.
The page loads and displays my small map but when i click Stort Kort
the page redirects from my domain (where the under-development map is
hosted) to my clients website:


I've looked through the source code but really cannot make much sense
of the JQuery stuff.

Can anyone explain what my client's existing web page is doing and how
i might change it to use my new map?
Once my map is complete it shall be hosted on my clients website btw
and not on my domain.

Thanks a lot for any pointers.


[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread Juan Liu

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Ajax breaking in IE..... please help!!

2009-05-26 Thread Gustavo Salomé
the url is 'app/ajax.phpauth-login'
U missed the ? 'app/ajax.php?auth-login'

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:14 AM, yrelkin yrelkin...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am developing a VoIP Customer Portal with jQuery/Ajax.
 Everything works fine in Firefox, but in IE and Safari, the JS breaks.

 I used MS Script Debugger to get a backtrace, and i find that the
 breakpoint is at a jQuery Ajax call:

 var AJAXURL = 'app/ajax.php';
   success:function( json ) {
// code removed

 Why oh why is this happening??

 Any help would be greatly appeciated.

Gustavo Salome Silva

[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread MorningZ

No, it's not a bug, your selector is looking for an item of class
name... so it's your selector that is the issue, not jQuery  (your
naming/id convention would also cause issues with CSS)...

If you insist on poor choices for naming your controls, it is still
possible to select the items though


On May 26, 4:09 am, weit...@263.net weit...@263.net wrote:
 when i use jquery get a input like
 input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

 use $(#user.name) is error

 if input is
 input type=text id=username name=username/
 use $(#username) is right

 is bug?

[jQuery] Re: 2 links = 1 action

2009-05-26 Thread MorningZ

$('.contenttitleh1a, .itema'). click(.)

On May 26, 8:06 am, heohni heidi.anselstet...@consultingteam.de

 currently I have this:

 $('.contenttitleh1a').click(function() { ...

 Is there a way to say

 $('.contenttitleh1a'). or $('.itema'). click(function() { .?

 It's just that I have 2 different links to click but behind the same


[jQuery] Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread ciupaz

Hi all,
I have a simple combobox like this:

form id=myForm action= method=post
select id=city
option value=Select a city/option
option value=1Milan/option
option value=2Turin/option
option value=3Rome/option
option value=4Venice/option

and a validation rule like this:

rules: {
city: {
required: true
messages: {
city: {
required: span style='color:#ff;'Please,
select a city/span

The problem is that doesn't work!
Where I've wrong?

Thanks a lot.


[jQuery] Re: 2 links = 1 action

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

$('.contenttitleh1a, .itema').click(function() { ...

heohni wrote:


currently I have this:

$('.contenttitleh1a').click(function() { ...

Is there a way to say

$('.contenttitleh1a'). or $('.itema'). click(function() { .?

It's just that I have 2 different links to click but behind the same



[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
The validation plugin uses the name-attribute. Your select has just an
id, no name. Add name=city and it should be working!


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:20 PM, ciupaz luigi.zambe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have a simple combobox like this:

 form id=myForm action= method=post
 select id=city
                    option value=Select a city/option
                    option value=1Milan/option
                    option value=2Turin/option
                    option value=3Rome/option
                    option value=4Venice/option

 and a validation rule like this:

            rules: {
                city: {
                    required: true
            messages: {
                city: {
                    required: span style='color:#ff;'Please,
 select a city/span

 The problem is that doesn't work!
 Where I've wrong?

 Thanks a lot.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery, the Ready Function, and Other Javascript - A Dirt Simple Inquiry

2009-05-26 Thread infoaddicted

According to the documentation, the body of your ready function will
execute when the DOM has loaded and is ready to traverse. The last two
scripts manipulate the DOM, so I would put the ready function
afterward so I could be more confident in the results.

This is a good area for experimentation.  Try creating a simple
function that toggles, say, a text style. Call your toggle function
from inside a ready function and also put a copy in a script src ... /
 file, then move them around, changing the order of the script
src ... / and the $(document).ready().  You might be able to learn
something by doing that which you could share with us and get a deeper
understanding of execution order with jQuery.

On May 26, 3:22 am, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
 QUESTION:  What is the general rule for using the Ready function in
 the presence of other Javascript?

 BACKGROUND:  I have recently discovered that my previous problems with
 the customization of the jQ Impromptu plug-in could be overcome
 through isolation.  In effect, I removed my script from the targeted
 document, eliminated all of my self-created jQuery methods with the
 exception of one, and tried the package in a different, separate
 document.   Everything functioned as intended.

 With renewed confidence I am now ready to return the package to the
 originally targeted document.  This is where you may be able to

 Please examine the script below and note that I am using the Ready
 function in combination with other script tags.  I have organized the
 script tags according to use or non-use with the Ready function.
 Everything before the Ready function is called either directly or
 indirectly by the Ready function.  Everything after it is not.

 Do you see a possible source of error?

 link href=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css rel=stylesheet
 type=text/css /
 link href=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css rel=stylesheet
 type=text/css /
 link href=../CSS/imagine.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
 link href=../CSS/jQ_Impromptu.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

 script src=../JavaScript/jQuery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/errorMessages.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../JavaScript/popUpBoxConfiguration.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_browserIdentification.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Impromptu-2.5.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Imagine.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../JavaScript/SVG_roundies_0.0.2a.js type=text/
 script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {
 script src=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js type=text/javascript/


[jQuery] Re: Can the click() function be used in an if statement

2009-05-26 Thread Martin

Got it working thanks yang..

Merely did..

$(#accountButtons div.question b).click(function(e){

Do B



That fixed the problem so event A isnt fired...

On May 26, 12:08 pm, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.com wrote:
 how do you click A and invoke B's onclick?the only way is A is B's child. as
 far as i can think
 and if thats the case you have event bubbling
 you can stop this by calling event.stopPropagation()

[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread ciupaz

Thank you Jorn, now with the name attribute it's working.
A simple question.
For business rules I have to give the value -1 to the Select the
city option.
Like this:

select id=city name=city
option value=-1Select a city/option
option value=1Milan/option
option value=2Turin/option
option value=3Rome/option
option value=4Venice/option

How can I validate in this case?


[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You'd have to write a custom method for that. Or replace the value on
submit or something like that. The required-rule works with an empty


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:22 PM, ciupaz luigi.zambe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you Jorn, now with the name attribute it's working.
 A simple question.
 For business rules I have to give the value -1 to the Select the
 city option.
 Like this:

 select id=city name=city
                    option value=-1Select a city/option
                    option value=1Milan/option
                    option value=2Turin/option
                    option value=3Rome/option
                    option value=4Venice/option

 How can I validate in this case?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validation Plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Bob O

Man i combed the docs for a day, and i missed that link everytime..

Thanks Jorn.

On May 23, 3:02 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You need to quote the full key, eg name['name']: required. 


 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:

  so as not to confuse..

  the name attribute looks like this
  name=name['name'] for the input field

  and the js is

  rules: {
   name['name']: 'required'

  i noticed typos in the above question.

  On May 22, 12:36 pm, bhan...@hcinsight.com bhan...@hcinsight.com
  Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
  triggers the validation?

  currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
  using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
  ['fieldname'] and the whole name.

  in my script if i do something like

  rules: {
    formname['fieldname]: 'required'


  etcit causes the script to break.

  I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..

  Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] Textarea value with javascript

2009-05-26 Thread saa...@gmail.com

Good day

How can I get current textarea that was changed in fckEditor value
with javascript.
I got:
textarea name=comment id=commentHello/textarea
Then happens this: $('textarea').fck({ path:'/fckeditor/' }); , so now
I get fckEditor insted my textarea. Then I change the original text in
fckeditor to Hello world. When I press the button with javascript
like this:
function myfunc(formid)
 gotForm = document.getElementById(formid);
 newContent = gotForm.elements.comment.value;

Variable 'newContent' still has value only Hello, NOT new value
Hello world.

So the question - how can I get new value of fckEditor with my

Best regards

[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Custom methods are documented here:


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:49 PM, ciupaz luigi.zambe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, exactly, and I'm trying this custom method:

 function GetCityValue() {
        var value = $('#city').val();
        if (value == -1) {
          return true;
        else {
            return false;


 city: {
                    required: GetCityValue()

 but does not working.
 Do you have ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Textarea value with javascript

2009-05-26 Thread Caires Vinicius
You tried the innerHTML?

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM, saa...@gmail.com saa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Good day

 How can I get current textarea that was changed in fckEditor value
 with javascript.
 I got:
 textarea name=comment id=commentHello/textarea
 Then happens this: $('textarea').fck({ path:'/fckeditor/' }); , so now
 I get fckEditor insted my textarea. Then I change the original text in
 fckeditor to Hello world. When I press the button with javascript
 like this:
 function myfunc(formid)
  gotForm = document.getElementById(formid);
  newContent = gotForm.elements.comment.value;

 Variable 'newContent' still has value only Hello, NOT new value
 Hello world.

 So the question - how can I get new value of fckEditor with my

 Best regards

[jQuery] Re: Textarea value with javascript

2009-05-26 Thread saa...@gmail.com


On 26 maijs, 16:53, Caires Vinicius caire...@gmail.com wrote:
 You tried the innerHTML?

 On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM, saa...@gmail.com saa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Good day

  How can I get current textarea that was changed in fckEditor value
  with javascript.
  I got:
  textarea name=comment id=commentHello/textarea
  Then happens this: $('textarea').fck({ path:'/fckeditor/' }); , so now
  I get fckEditor insted my textarea. Then I change the original text in
  fckeditor to Hello world. When I press the button with javascript
  like this:
  function myfunc(formid)
   gotForm = document.getElementById(formid);
   newContent = gotForm.elements.comment.value;

  Variable 'newContent' still has value only Hello, NOT new value
  Hello world.

  So the question - how can I get new value of fckEditor with my

  Best regards- Paslēpt citēto tekstu -

 - Rādīt citēto tekstu -

[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread ciupaz

I must write it in the jquery.validate.js file?

[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread ciupaz

Yes, exactly, and I'm trying this custom method:

function GetCityValue() {
var value = $('#city').val();
if (value == -1) {
  return true;
else {
return false;


city: {
required: GetCityValue()

but does not working.
Do you have ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Nope, just add the code in some file, included after jquery.validate.js.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:03 PM, ciupaz luigi.zambe...@gmail.com wrote:

 I must write it in the jquery.validate.js file?

[jQuery] [Chrome, Safari 3] Problem with Tabs plug-in loaded dynamically

2009-05-26 Thread r1u0...@gmail.com


I've got following problem with UI plugin loaded dynamically on page.
Whole application works fine on FF, Opera and IE. Unfortunately
problem occurs in Chrome and Safari.
I've got some master page with menu, and I'm loading new pages on
click event using following code:

 $('#menuwelcome').click(function() {
$.post(welcome.aspx, function(data) { $(#load).hide
(); $(#load).html(data).fadeIn(slow); });

Page is loaded into div on master page. In this loaded page, I've got
code which is creating tabs from list items. In IE, FF and Opera, page
is loaded and after that UI Tabs are creating tabs. In Chrome and
Safari page content is just loaded, but nothing else happen. It's only
showing list of items and that's all. Code which is creating tabs:

$(document).ready(function() {
div id=welcome
lia href=Profil/welcome.aspxWillkommen/a/li
lia href=Profil/profil.aspxUnser Profil/a/

Any ideas why it's not working in these 2 browsers?

[jQuery] Re: Validate selectedValue in a combobox

2009-05-26 Thread ciupaz

I have created the file jquery.validateCopy.js and added with:

script src=jquery-1.3.2.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.validate.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=jquery.validateCopia.js type=text/javascript/script

in my HEAD section.
Than I write:

jQuery.validator.addMethod(GetValue, function() {
return true;
}, jQuery.format(Please enter the correct value));

in it.

Then I modify it with:

city: {
  required: GetValue()

but does not compile.

What's wrong?


[jQuery] [nyroModal] problems getting ajax-loaded content to trigger nyroModal window

2009-05-26 Thread Adam

I posted this on the nyroModal group as well, but thought I'd throw it
out to the JQ group. Im decent with JQ on static content, but am an
ajax newbie.

At the preceding link, on initial page load, the events loaded beneath
the slider interface, 'view details' links trigger nyroModal fine, but
upon slider interaction (new results loaded via ajax) 'view details'
links are still class=nyroModal
but do not open in the nyroModal window.

I have inserted the $('a.nyroModal').nyroModal(); initiation on the
search page, ajax page, and in the post call to the ajax page to no
avail. Any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validation Plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

A testpage would help. Can't see anything wrong with that code.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:

 So it seems im still having some issues..

 this is my html

 form id=new_blog_post class=new_blog_post method=post action=/
 label for=blog_post_titleTitle/label
 input id=blog_post_title type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 label for=blog_post_bodyBody/label
 textarea id=blog_post_body rows=5 name=blog_post[body]
 label for=blog_post_authorAuthor/label
 input id=blog_post_author type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 label for=blog_post_permalinkPermalink/label
 span class=small_textA hyphen separated title for URL's e.g. my-
 input id=blog_post_permalink type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 input id=blog_post_submit class=btn type=submit value=Submit

 and this is my js placed after the jQuery and jquery.validate scripts.

 $(document).ready(function() {
    rules: {
      blog_post[title]: required,
      blog_post[body]: required,
      blog_post[author]: required
    messages: {
      blog_post[title]: You must enter a title.,
      blog_post[body]: You cant have a blog without a blog..?,
      blog_post[author]: You must supplay an author name

 Any ideas?

 On May 26, 7:48 am, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:
 Man i combed the docs for a day, and i missed that link everytime..

 Thanks Jorn.

 On May 23, 3:02 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  You need to quote the full key, eg name['name']: required. 


  On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:

   so as not to confuse..

   the name attribute looks like this
   name=name['name'] for the input field

   and the js is

   rules: {
    name['name']: 'required'

   i noticed typos in the above question.

   On May 22, 12:36 pm, bhan...@hcinsight.com bhan...@hcinsight.com
   Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
   triggers the validation?

   currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
   using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
   ['fieldname'] and the whole name.

   in my script if i do something like

   rules: {
     formname['fieldname]: 'required'


   etcit causes the script to break.

   I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..

   Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] Re: hoverIntent conflicts in IE browsers ( superfish fly-out )

2009-05-26 Thread Brian Cherne
Can you send me a sample of the code that breaks?


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:48 AM, sutra chinesedr...@gmail.com wrote:

 More finding on this issue. Turns out it may not be the issue with
 jQuey v1.3.2 but the
 hoverIntent script.

 With hoverIntent, using v1.3.2 the flyout is gone. Using hoverIntent
 with v1.2.6 the flyout shows however further testing shows that, once
 a flyout menu has been viewed (without clicking on anything), it won't
 show up again unless I refresh the page, this is happening in IE6, IE7
 and IE8. I removed the hoverIntent for further testing, the problem
 gone in all IE browsers. I then changed back to v1.3.2, everything
 seems to be working now.

 On May 25, 12:27 am, sutra chinesedr...@gmail.com wrote:
  I hope this post is appropriate, because this is the only way I could
  contact the author who wrote the script.
  quote: If you need help with the jQuery/JavaScript aspect of the
  plugin, post a message to the General jQuery Google Group with the
  word “Superfish” 

[jQuery] Re: Newbie needs to update existing JQuery code

2009-05-26 Thread Charlie

I'm working on a Google Map app using jQuery and Google maps code
together but I got very confused trying to follow your questions.

you can pass variables ( index, lat/long or whatever works easiest)
from small map to the URL that opens big map. invesitgate jQuery .attr()
to do this, work with that to modify href

in big map use the variables passed to create a new GLatLng to center
map, open infowindow or whatever

here are a couple of good resources that might also help :

 Google "jQuery Google Maps tutorial" 

and also a jQuery Google Maps plugin called jmaps

Martin wrote:


I'm developing a Google Map for a client and need some basic help...

This is my client's existing website and you'll see that it contains a
small Google Map embedded in an iframe:


Give the Stort Kort link a click and some JQuery runs and opens a pop-
up containing a larger map.

This is the code that executes when the Stort Kort link is clicked:

a href="" class="enlarge_icon" moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?

style="cursor:pointer;"Stort kort/a

Now my map will replace both the small and large map on my client's
My map is still under development but here is a link to the current


That's the large map, call the same map with a 'smallmap' parameter
and you get a small version of the same map:


Each location plotted on either map has a unique index value, and
calling the large map with an index parameter opens the large map with
that location centered on and it's information window opened:


So on to my question.

How can my small map launch the large map in the pop-up window and
specify the index of a location to center on?

An even simpler question - how can the Stort Kort link simply open the
pop-up containing my large map?

I tried taking the source code from my client's existing page and
replacing the iframe src attributes with the URLs to my small and
large map.
The page loads and displays my small map but when i click Stort Kort
the page redirects from my domain (where the under-development map is
hosted) to my clients website:


I've looked through the source code but really cannot make much sense
of the JQuery stuff.

Can anyone explain what my client's existing web page is doing and how
i might change it to use my new map?
Once my map is complete it shall be hosted on my clients website btw
and not on my domain.

Thanks a lot for any pointers.



[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread M.M.

On May 26, 2:15 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
 look at demo on jQuery site, works exactly same as your sciptaculous 

No, it doesn't, it looks exactly like my jQuery blind example on the
left, and it's not what I need.

[jQuery] Re: Question about Tutorial: Find me: Using selectors and events

2009-05-26 Thread Mattsson

Thanks a bunch mkmanning, your brief answer had loads of meaning for

a) we may look in the jQuery source file to see what a jQuery function
does -- jQuery is after all simply JavaScript

b) we can name any JavaScript object by using a colon after a name
(http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=65948), which is how the
hover function gets its name

c) $ (dollar sign) has no particular meaning in JavaScript (question
raised by looking at the beginning of the jQuery source file).  Thus
jQuery is free to give $_ a special meaning.

Looking at the definition of the hover function then, the answer to my
original question then appears to be, the hover function won't return
until the mouseleave event is triggered.

I still don't quite understand the details though.  If you could
indulge me with further explanation then my questions are:

I can see that the hover function takes two parameters, a function to
be called on mouseenter and a function to be called on mouseout.

What's the difference between mouseenter and mouseover; and mouseleave
and mouseout?  Mouseover and mouseout are JavaScript event handlers,
right?  But mouseleave and mouseout appear to be more than aliases,
looking at the jQuery source.

Also I'm lost as to what the chain of mouseenter and mouseleave could


Thanks again,

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Timers Loop

2009-05-26 Thread MauiMan2

Thanks for the extra help, Pepperman. Yeah, I haven't perfectly
polished off all the code yet. I hardly ever put anything like
DIV#arrow but I guess an instance slipped through. I do try to not
use IDs if an element name will do but am fine with using IDs when

[jQuery] Jquery Block plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Atticus

Hi all. I was trying to use the Block plugin. I really need to show a
modal popup on AjaxRequest and Stop it on Request End. How can I do

I have seen etTimeout($.unblockUI, 6000), but I need to run server
code,so I need to set this time out to the elapsed time in my server


[jQuery] Selecting previous sibling from an ordered list

2009-05-26 Thread rswift


I only started using jQuery recently and have hit a problem, I have an
application that is rendering a list of applications which could have
multiple releases within each application and multiple versions within
each release. I have the following markup:

ol id=selectable
li class=app_nameApp1/li
li class=app_releasespan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_nameApp2/li
li class=app_releasespan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_nameApp3/li
li class=app_releasespan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version evenspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_releasespan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version evenspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version evenspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/
li class=app_version oddspan class=bullet#8618;nbsp;/

When the user selects either a release or version I want to find the
previous li entry text with the class app_name. So in the example
above, if the user clicks the very last li row I want to get the
Application text App3.

I have taken the example code from the Selectable tutorial/
documentation and the following code works if I select the first li
above with class app_version but not if I select the last one:

$application = $(this).prev(.app_name).text();

I've read the Selectors page and searched these groups and tried
several different ways of working but I'm struggling to make any

I do apologise in advance if this request is too basic!

Many thanks - Robert Swift.

[jQuery] jCarousel Question

2009-05-26 Thread West


I have a question regarding jCarousel usage.

I am able to configure jCarousel to display items on more than one
horizontal line?

For example:

back 1 2 forward
--  3 4 -

4 items per section, 2 on each line.

Thank you!

[jQuery] ajax/IE6 problem viewing data on page

2009-05-26 Thread eranlevi

Hi All,

I'm new to this so please be patient.
I'm using the following Jquery script:
var counter = 0;

function loaded(){
url : status_,
error : function (data) {
if(counter == 3) {
$(#Status).html(server disconnected);
counter = 0;
success : function (data) {
$(#Status).html(server connected);
self.setTimeout('loaded()', 1);

Basically this script is being used as a work around for a problem we
have encountered in Cherrypy (python web server). What we are trying
to do is to show status_ page even if the server does not respond
with the newest data we have (last one we got from the server before
it stopped responding). When I use it with FF and IE7, it works just
fine. When I use it with IE6, new data is not being shown on the
status_ page.
Can anyone help please?


[jQuery] Getting the child element on click

2009-05-26 Thread Matt

Simple stuff here but I'm new to jQuery from Prototype.

My HTML is like this:

div class=feature
h2Heading Goes Here/h2
img src=photo.jpg /
pText goes here/p

// repeat x10

Javascript: (runs on page load)

$('.feature h2').click(function () {

What I want to happen is for the p element inside the .feature class
to appear when the h2 of that div is clicked - make sense?

I tried using next() and a few other methods but it doesn't work as
neatly as I want it to - how can I tell jQuery to just return the p
element within that div (and not all p elements which are inside
a .feature class)?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validation Plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Rams j
Hi Bob,

Its working fine..

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; 
titleUntitled Page/title
   script type =text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-validator.js /script
script type =text/javascript 
$(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
 blog_post[title]: required,
 blog_post[body]: required,
 blog_post[author]: required
   messages: {
 blog_post[title]: You must enter a title.,
 blog_post[body]: You cant have a blog without a blog..?,
 blog_post[author]: You must supplay an author name
form id=new_blog_post class=new_blog_post method=post
label for=blog_post_titleTitle/label
input id=blog_post_title type=text size=30 name=blog_post[title]/
label for=blog_post_bodyBody/label
textarea id=blog_post_body rows=5 name=blog_post[body]
label for=blog_post_authorAuthor/label
input id=blog_post_author type=text size=30
label for=blog_post_permalinkPermalink/label
span class=small_textA hyphen separated title for URL's e.g.
input id=blog_post_permalink type=text size=30
input id=blog_post_submit class=btn type=submit value=Submit

2009/5/26 Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com

 So it seems im still having some issues..

 this is my html

 form id=new_blog_post class=new_blog_post method=post action=/
 label for=blog_post_titleTitle/label
 input id=blog_post_title type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 label for=blog_post_bodyBody/label
 textarea id=blog_post_body rows=5 name=blog_post[body]
 label for=blog_post_authorAuthor/label
 input id=blog_post_author type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 label for=blog_post_permalinkPermalink/label
 span class=small_textA hyphen separated title for URL's e.g. my-
 input id=blog_post_permalink type=text size=30 name=blog_post
 input id=blog_post_submit class=btn type=submit value=Submit

 and this is my js placed after the jQuery and jquery.validate scripts.

 $(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
  blog_post[title]: required,
  blog_post[body]: required,
  blog_post[author]: required
messages: {
  blog_post[title]: You must enter a title.,
  blog_post[body]: You cant have a blog without a blog..?,
  blog_post[author]: You must supplay an author name

 Any ideas?

 On May 26, 7:48 am, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:
  Man i combed the docs for a day, and i missed that link everytime..
  Thanks Jorn.
  On May 23, 3:02 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
   You need to quote the full key, eg name['name']: required.
   On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:
so as not to confuse..
the name attribute looks like this
name=name['name'] for the input field
and the js is
rules: {
 name['name']: 'required'
i noticed typos in the above question.
On May 22, 12:36 pm, bhan...@hcinsight.com bhan...@hcinsight.com
Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
triggers the validation?
currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
['fieldname'] and the whole name.
in my script if i do something like
rules: {
  formname['fieldname]: 'required'
etcit causes the script to break.
I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..
Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread tain

they only have different easing value..otherwise they are identical.

On May 26, 6:44 pm, M.M. mario.maru...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 26, 2:15 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:

  look at demo on jQuery site, works exactly same as your sciptaculous 

 No, it doesn't, it looks exactly like my jQuery blind example on the
 left, and it's not what I need.

[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread M.M.

On May 26, 8:32 pm, tain bugi@gmail.com wrote:
 they only have different easing value..otherwise they are identical.

No they're not! Are we looking at the same page?

The effect you get when you click Slide Out or Slide In on
http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Live_Examples_of_jQuery is NOT the
slide effect I want.

It's not even similar to scriptaculous effect in my example, because
the text doesn't go with the slide, it just stays in place and gets
revealed (it's normal jQuery 'slide' effect, in jQuery UI it's called

Please, people, don't post answers like this, someone who actually
knows the answer might think it's already answered.

[jQuery] Re: Getting the child element on click

2009-05-26 Thread M.M.

$('.feature h2').click(function() {
$(this).siblings('p').slideToggle(); return false;

[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread Ricardo

Poor choices is relative. I'd love a way to use colons in IDs
avoiding the confusion with pseudo-selectors, kind of like namespacing
elements. If it's in the specs it's perfectly valid.

On May 26, 9:17 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 No, it's not a bug, your selector is looking for an item of class
 name... so it's your selector that is the issue, not jQuery  (your
 naming/id convention would also cause issues with CSS)...

 If you insist on poor choices for naming your controls, it is still
 possible to select the items though


 On May 26, 4:09 am, weit...@263.net weit...@263.net wrote:

  when i use jquery get a input like
  input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

  use $(#user.name) is error

  if input is
  input type=text id=username name=username/
  use $(#username) is right

  is bug?

[jQuery] Question on encode/decode of JSON - server-side and client-side

2009-05-26 Thread SamCKayak

I am building a client-side and server-side solution and want to use
JSON through Ajax in both directions.

I have ASP or JavaScript server-side, though Microsoft's support of
server-side JavaScript seems nil, so I am reluctantly conceeding to
use ASP.

I'd appreciate suggestions on available solutions to encode/decode
JSON on the server-side (ASP or JavaScript).  I don't plan to load
jQuery server-side so that rules out plug-ins.

I'd also like to know what is the latest client-side encode/decode for
JSON.  Is it built in jQuery or a plug-in?

In both server and client, decoding JSON securely is key, so using eval
() to decode is out.



[jQuery] Re: Getting the child element on click

2009-05-26 Thread Matt

You're a hero. I didn't even know about the slideToggle() function, I
was using an if statement to test if the p was hidden - thanks a

On May 26, 7:57 pm, M.M. mario.maru...@gmail.com wrote:
 $('.feature h2').click(function() {
     $(this).siblings('p').slideToggle(); return false;


[jQuery] Re: jQuery, the Ready Function, and Other Javascript - A Dirt Simple Inquiry

2009-05-26 Thread Ricardo

1. Do you get errors if you remove the last 2 spry scripts?
2. Regardless of which script does what, you should put the $().ready
( always after all the scripts as a safety measure, there's no
negative impact.
3. If I remember a recent discussion, you shouldn't use the vsdoc
version of jQuery, it's only for the VS auto-complete. Load the normal
one from http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js

On May 26, 4:22 am, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
 QUESTION:  What is the general rule for using the Ready function in
 the presence of other Javascript?

 BACKGROUND:  I have recently discovered that my previous problems with
 the customization of the jQ Impromptu plug-in could be overcome
 through isolation.  In effect, I removed my script from the targeted
 document, eliminated all of my self-created jQuery methods with the
 exception of one, and tried the package in a different, separate
 document.   Everything functioned as intended.

 With renewed confidence I am now ready to return the package to the
 originally targeted document.  This is where you may be able to

 Please examine the script below and note that I am using the Ready
 function in combination with other script tags.  I have organized the
 script tags according to use or non-use with the Ready function.
 Everything before the Ready function is called either directly or
 indirectly by the Ready function.  Everything after it is not.

 Do you see a possible source of error?

 link href=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css rel=stylesheet
 type=text/css /
 link href=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css rel=stylesheet
 type=text/css /
 link href=../CSS/imagine.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
 link href=../CSS/jQ_Impromptu.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

 script src=../JavaScript/jQuery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/errorMessages.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../JavaScript/popUpBoxConfiguration.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_browserIdentification.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Impromptu-2.5.js type=text/
 script src=../JavaScript/jQ_Imagine.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../JavaScript/SVG_roundies_0.0.2a.js type=text/
 script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {
 script src=../SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js type=text/javascript/
 script src=../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js type=text/javascript/


[jQuery] Re: Barcode Plugin : ean 8, ean 13, code 128 and some others directly in css (so ok for ie)

2009-05-26 Thread FireJocker

Barcode JQuery Plugin : 1.1

Changelog : standard 2 of 5 fixed

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Block plugin

2009-05-26 Thread MorningZ

In a simplistic form

   success: function(results) {
// Do stuff with results
   error: function(x,y,z) {
   //x.responseText has the server error text

On May 26, 12:28 pm, Atticus michaelfal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all. I was trying to use the Block plugin. I really need to show a
 modal popup on AjaxRequest and Stop it on Request End. How can I do

 I have seen etTimeout($.unblockUI, 6000), but I need to run server
 code,so I need to set this time out to the elapsed time in my server


[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread MorningZ

So if you had:

input type=text id=user.name /

how would you apply a style to that?

can't say:

#user.name {


because that would look for

input type=text id=user class=name /

yeah, poor choice sure is relative, but why make things more
difficult, when a simple dash or underscore would do the same thing
(and not cause issues with basic CSS or jQuery)

On May 26, 3:03 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Poor choices is relative. I'd love a way to use colons in IDs
 avoiding the confusion with pseudo-selectors, kind of like namespacing
 elements. If it's in the specs it's perfectly valid.

 On May 26, 9:17 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  No, it's not a bug, your selector is looking for an item of class
  name... so it's your selector that is the issue, not jQuery  (your
  naming/id convention would also cause issues with CSS)...

  If you insist on poor choices for naming your controls, it is still
  possible to select the items though


  On May 26, 4:09 am, weit...@263.net weit...@263.net wrote:

   when i use jquery get a input like
   input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

   use $(#user.name) is error

   if input is
   input type=text id=username name=username/
   use $(#username) is right

   is bug?

[jQuery] [New Plugin] jQuery Generic Pagination

2009-05-26 Thread Eric Garside

I figured I'd drop a message out to the board about a new plugin I've
finished documenting and released, called Pagination. It's a small,
relatively simple jQuery plugin which makes rendering and managing
Pagination controls very easy. It automatically generates groupable
controls, which can be themed, moved, and reused without a lot of
overhead. The plugin is open ended, allowing the user to define how
they want to render the content. It's a very simple way to create
grouped pagination triggers. If ya'll could take a look at the docs
and demo, and let me know if you have any suggestions, or come upon
any problems, that'd be great. Thanks. :D

Documentation: http://eric.garside.name/docs.html?p=pagination
Demo: http://eric.garside.name/demo.html?p=pagination

[jQuery] Re: Question about Tutorial: Find me: Using selectors and events

2009-05-26 Thread Mattsson

A partial answer to my question on the difference between mouseenter
and mouseover, in the jQuery documentation, Events/mouseenter (http://
docs.jquery.com/Events/mouseenter#fn), it states, then illustrates,
that mouseover fires when the pointer moves into or out from child
element, while mouseenter doesn't.


[jQuery] Parents without a particular child

2009-05-26 Thread Todd Rafferty

I've been staring at code for way too long.  I have a data structure

ul id=mylist
li class=activeStuff a href=# class=movethisMove/a/li
li class=activeMore Stuff/li

How do I get the li that doesn't have 'a.movethis'?

[jQuery] Superfish open menu with ENTER key

2009-05-26 Thread Raul G


I am using Superfish 1.4.8 for making a keyboard accessible menu with
sub levels that open only when the user has tabbed to the option
(focus is active on the element) and then presses the ENTER key. The
reason for this is that this is intended for browsing with screen
reader applications that will get confused if the sub level opens
automatically, it needs to be done until the user requests it.

Is there any way to use the click event instead of focus to open the
menu? I am thinking about this line:


and tried modifying it using click instead of focus but the blur
events starts working strange like closing the whole menu when the
first option loses focus.

Any help will be really appreciated.

Thank you!!

[jQuery] Re: Newbie question- declarative selectors inside procedural code

2009-05-26 Thread colin_e

Just to finish this one off, I discovered my problem in IE6 was
nothing to do with the jquery search operation we were discussing.

As I was working on the code I had added an object initialisation
above the line in question that had an extra comma at the end, as in-

var frames= {
EM: 1*offset,
YH: 10*offset,   //extra comma here

IE6 choked on this, whereas Firefox was quite happy with it.

I've done enough little bits of Perl, PHP, and now JavaScript over the
years that I have terrible trouble remembering exactly which bits of
syntax will or won't work with each!

Thanks again to Jason, my little dynamic map works like a charm.

Regards: colin_e

On May 25, 8:29 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:
 On May 25, 3:44 am, Jason Persampieri papp...@gmail.com wrote:

  Certainly... you're really not all that far off at all... let me just
  point out a couple of things.

 Very nice presentation!

 It is likely that many novice users of jQuery will be able to benefit
 from it.  Please do respond to the originator's question about the use
 of :first-child in IE, and suggest a work around if, indeed, it is an


[jQuery] Re: Where to find a proper slide effect?

2009-05-26 Thread donb

Like probably a lot of people at this point, I'm hesitant to offer a
mere suggestion since you seem to want a complete solution worked out
for you.  But your example does a simple toggle, which is a wrapper
around the animate function.

I would say, try using animate() directly and experiment with the
parameters.  From all indications, the toggle bumps the div out to its
360px height (per the style attribute) and then does it's animation.
Since you have chosen the minified jquery I can't breakpoint and see
what exactly the sequence of actions is while the animation is

On May 26, 2:49 pm, M.M. mario.maru...@gmail.com wrote:
 On May 26, 8:32 pm, tain bugi@gmail.com wrote:

  they only have different easing value..otherwise they are identical.

 No they're not! Are we looking at the same page?

 The effect you get when you click Slide Out or Slide In 
 onhttp://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Live_Examples_of_jQueryis NOT the
 slide effect I want.

 It's not even similar to scriptaculous effect in my example, because
 the text doesn't go with the slide, it just stays in place and gets
 revealed (it's normal jQuery 'slide' effect, in jQuery UI it's called

 Please, people, don't post answers like this, someone who actually
 knows the answer might think it's already answered.

[jQuery] number of checked boxes

2009-05-26 Thread macsig

Hello all,
I have a form with some checkboxes and I would like to submit it
(through jquery) only if at least 1 checkbox is checked, otherwise I
want to display an alert message.

How can I get the number of checked boxes?

I tried$(INPUT[type='checkbox']).is(':checked')  but looks
like it doesn't work.

Any ideas about how I can achieve so?

Thanks and have a nice day!


[jQuery] Re: number of checked boxes

2009-05-26 Thread James

var checked = $(input[type=checkbox]:checked).length;

if (checked = 1) {
 // do something

On May 26, 11:27 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a form with some checkboxes and I would like to submit it
 (through jquery) only if at least 1 checkbox is checked, otherwise I
 want to display an alert message.

 How can I get the number of checked boxes?

 I tried    $(INPUT[type='checkbox']).is(':checked')      but looks
 like it doesn't work.

 Any ideas about how I can achieve so?

 Thanks and have a nice day!


[jQuery] Re: Parents without a particular child

2009-05-26 Thread Todd Rafferty

Disregard, I changed the data to make a little more sense.

On May 26, 4:59 pm, Todd Rafferty web...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been staring at code for way too long.  I have a data structure

 ul id=mylist
 li class=activeStuff a href=# class=movethisMove/a/li
 li class=activeMore Stuff/li

 How do I get the li that doesn't have 'a.movethis'?

[jQuery] Re: input field name include . jquery cann't parse

2009-05-26 Thread James

seems to work in FF3. Haven't tried in other browsers.

On May 25, 10:09 pm, weit...@263.net weit...@263.net wrote:
 when i use jquery get a input like
 input type=text id=user.name name=user.name/

 use $(#user.name) is error

 if input is
 input type=text id=username name=username/
 use $(#username) is right

 is bug?

[jQuery] Re: number of checked boxes

2009-05-26 Thread Macsig

Thanks for your help.
I appreciate it


On May 26, 2:44 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 var checked = $(input[type=checkbox]:checked).length;

 if (checked = 1) {
      // do something


 On May 26, 11:27 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello all,
  I have a form with some checkboxes and I would like to submit it
  (through jquery) only if at least 1 checkbox is checked, otherwise I
  want to display an alert message.

  How can I get the number of checked boxes?

  I tried    $(INPUT[type='checkbox']).is(':checked')      but looks
  like it doesn't work.

  Any ideas about how I can achieve so?

  Thanks and have a nice day!


[jQuery] Question about strange Superfish behaviour

2009-05-26 Thread Koobi Fora


Thanks for making such a great extension as Superfish available to
Joomla users.

I am having a strange problem with the menu when I try to use it on my
site with vertical configuration. When the page loads it appears fine.
However, after hovering over each menu item, the color of the menu
turns to grey and stays that way until I refresh the page. Surely this
cannot be the way the menu is designed and must be a problem on my
part. An example of this issue can be seen here:


Just mouse-over and mouse-off any menu item and see what I mean.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

[jQuery] Force the browser to render window

2009-05-26 Thread foldiman

Is there a javascript or jQuery method available to force the browser
to render the contents of the window? This would something similar to
updating the stage in Director or Flash.

I have a two-column interaction set up where users input information
in one column and see their results in another. Safari, Firefox, etc
all work perfectly. IE however needs an extra click anywhere on the
browser window for the results to appear. So I'm looking for a way to
attach a function to a UI control that 'forces' IE to render the
screen so the changes appear.


[jQuery] Values (a cheesy intro to a very useful plugin)

2009-05-26 Thread Nathan Bubna


Think of this as val() crossbred with serializeArray() and raised on
steroids.  Or a JSON-HTML mapping tool.  Or a template plugin that
can handle complex data structures, works in reverse and uses only
HTML as its syntax.  It works with single values.  It works with value
arrays.  It works with whole objects.  Or all three combined.  Oh, and
did i mention that it is really easy to configure and/or extend?
Flexibility abounds, but it mostly just works, making your code robust
and simple.  Just remember, it has a generic name, because it is
generally useful (and values() makes more sense as a method than

Here's a little demo of some of the simpler abilities:
Here's a link to the latest version:

If you're curious about how it works but don't feel like reading the
docs, here's the short version:
- Put a name attributes on an element (any, not just input/select/textarea)
- Call values() on that element (or a parent!!  this is a key part!)
to get back a JSON version.
- Call values(myJSON) on that element to push values into the element(s)
- Call values('foo') to get just the one value.
- Call values('foo', 'bar') to set just the one value.

This all works well with nested objects and arrays too.  After all,
the world is not flat; your data (or markup) shouldn't have to be
either.  Both JSON and HTML contain a lot of information in their very
structure and types.  Values takes advantage of this to make
intelligent choices about how to map one to the other.  If you ever
disagree about those decisions or want to amend them, there's quite a
few configuration options and ways to extend the plugin to handle new
element types or just handle familiar ones differently.

If you are using javascript to do anything more than make your pages
do shiny animations, you have probably come across the need to write
data into a page, extract data from your markup or just copy data
around the page.   jQuery's html(), text(), val() and even attr()
methods are handy, but they only do so much for you.  You still have
to select the right elements to get/set the data and know which method
is appropriate.  In development especially, when your markup and/or
data structures are frequently changing, this can become a pain point.
 Or even if it doesn't pain you, values() is a better way!

Anyway, give it a try!  It's fun!  It's easy!  Everyone is... wait...
no, everyone is not doing it. At least, not yet.  That's why i'm
writing this.  I think i've got something helpful here, and i'd like
to share.  I want all the joy and ego validation that having many
users brings.  But more than that, i want bug finders.  I want bug
fixers.  I want help with docs and demos and extensions.  I want good
user questions.  I want YOU!

So, give it a try and send me some feedback.  I can handle the abuse
(i hope).  Just reply to this email or write the list with [Values] in
the subject so that i notice you.


[jQuery] [validate] IE8 Does Not Work

2009-05-26 Thread rickmataka

I was wondering if there was an update for validate plugin because it
does not work in IE8
and even though i do server side thats sucks


[jQuery] Odd .hover effect in IE7

2009-05-26 Thread Brian W

Using hover effect works fine in Firefox however it produces an odd
effect in IE7. On hover the background-image gives the appearance of
shifting up 1px and to the left 1px, also the text font changes. The
background-image has rounded corners, the hover effect changes the
corners to appear straight. Very strange. The lite version of the page
code is below.

--- [ external js file (using jquery v1.3.2) ] ---
$(document).ready(function() {
$(ul#menu_primary  li a).hover(
function() {
$(this).animate({ opacity: 0.75 }, fast);
$(this).animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, fast);

// OR

//$(this).fadeTo(fast, 0.75);
//$(this).fadeTo(fast, 1.0);

--- [ css ] ---
#pagenav {background:#FFF url(/include/graphic/theme/1/
bkgrd_pagenav_hp.png) no-repeat left top !important;}
#pagenav #menu_primary {height:41px;list-style-type:none;margin-bottom:
#pagenav #menu_primary li {float:left;margin:0;}
#pagenav #menu_primary li a {color:#FFF;display:block;text-
#pagenav #menu_primary li a:visited {color:#FFF;}
#pagenav #menu_primary li a:hover {color:#66B7EC;}
#pagenav #menu_primary li a#itemA {background:url(/include/graphic/
theme/1/menu_itemA.png) no-repeat left top !important;}
#pagenav #menu_primary li a:hover#itemA {background:url(/include/
graphic/theme/1/menu_itemA.png) no-repeat left bottom !important;}

--- [ html ] ---
div class=grid_16 id=pagenav
ul class=grid_16 alpha id=menu_primary
lia href=/ id=itemAItem A/a/li
lia href=/ id=itemBItem B/a/li
lia href=/ id=itemCItem C/a/li
lia href=/ id=itemDItem D/a/li
lia href=/ id=itemEItem E/a/li
lia href=/ id=itemFItem F/a/li
div class=clear/div

I appreciate all suggestions.


[jQuery] Suckerfish - issue with vertical styling

2009-05-26 Thread Koobi Fora


Thanks for making such a great menu system as Suckerfish available to
the Joomla community.

I am having trouble with the vertical styling of the menu. On mouse-
over and mouse-off, every menu item turns to a grey color and stays
that way until I refresh the page again. Any suggestions?

Here is an example of this. Check out the orange vertical menu on this


Thanks in advance for your insight.

[jQuery] Re: ajax append problem

2009-05-26 Thread Eric

When i try this i get an error object required in IE6 and 7. any

On Apr 27, 10:10 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think you have to separate the selector otherwise it's just a hash:

 $(.content).load(test.html #content);


 On Apr 27, 5:14 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:

  this will grab only theidcontent from test.html andloadit , can refine this 
  down to elements within #content as well
  example on jQuery site shows same 
  methodclicforw...@googlemail.comwrote:Hello Michael, thanks for this. I got 
  a error:  html.find is not a function Any idea? script 
   script type=text/javascript $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ 
  url: leistung.html, cache: false, success: function(html) { var loadCont 
  = html.find('#cont'); $(.content).append(loadCont); } }); }); /script 
  On Apr 27, 5:07 pm, Michael Lawsonmjlaw...@us.ibm.comwrote:instead of  
  $(.content).append(html); do var contentToAppend = html.find(#cont); 
  $(.content).append(contentToAppend); cheers Michael Lawson Content Tools 
  Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com Phone:  1-828-355-5544 E-mail:  
  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer 
  would test gold. If you find they make sense, conform to your experience, 
  and don't harm yourself or others, only then should you accept them.'   
  From:      clicforw...@googlemail.comclicforw...@googlemail.com         
                                                     To:         jQuery 
                                  Date:       04/27/2009 11:03 AM             
            Subject:    [jQuery]ajaxappend problem                            
                                                               Hello, im 
  using this script toloada external site into my DOM. It works fine but i 
  need just a part of this test.html. For example: I want to append just the 
  div #cont from test.html How can i do that? script 
  type=text/javascript $.ajax({   url: test.html,   cache: false,   
  success: function(html){     $(.content).append(html);   }}); /script 
  Thanks for Help!  graycol.gif  1KViewDownload  ecblank.gif  1KViewDownload

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Block plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Mike Alsup

 In a simplistic form

        success: function(results) {
             // Do stuff with results
        error: function(x,y,z) {
            //x.responseText has the server error text

Even simpler, from the main BlockUI doc page:



[jQuery] Re: [New Plugin] jQuery Generic Pagination

2009-05-26 Thread Rick Faircloth
The demos look great, Eric!
I'm sure this will come in handy!  Congrats!


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 I figured I'd drop a message out to the board about a new plugin I've
 finished documenting and released, called Pagination. It's a small,
 relatively simple jQuery plugin which makes rendering and managing
 Pagination controls very easy. It automatically generates groupable
 controls, which can be themed, moved, and reused without a lot of
 overhead. The plugin is open ended, allowing the user to define how
 they want to render the content. It's a very simple way to create
 grouped pagination triggers. If ya'll could take a look at the docs
 and demo, and let me know if you have any suggestions, or come upon
 any problems, that'd be great. Thanks. :D

 Documentation: http://eric.garside.name/docs.html?p=pagination
 Demo: http://eric.garside.name/demo.html?p=pagination

Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation.  Henry Kissinger

[jQuery] Re: Newbie question- declarative selectors inside procedural code

2009-05-26 Thread Jason Persampieri

Excellent!  Glad to see you figured that one out.  Rest assured that
*every* web developer has pulled out hair related to that particular
issue.  Fortunately, in many editors today, you can run a tool called
'jslint' that does a simple syntax check for you.  In my editor
(TextMate), I actually have it set up to do that check every time I


On May 26, 2:05 pm, colin_e colin.ev...@nhs.net wrote:
 Just to finish this one off, I discovered my problem in IE6 was
 nothing to do with the jquery search operation we were discussing.

 As I was working on the code I had added an object initialisation
 above the line in question that had an extra comma at the end, as in-

 var     frames= {
                 EM: 1*offset,
                 YH: 10*offset,   //extra comma here

 IE6 choked on this, whereas Firefox was quite happy with it.

 I've done enough little bits of Perl, PHP, and now JavaScript over the
 years that I have terrible trouble remembering exactly which bits of
 syntax will or won't work with each!

 Thanks again to Jason, my little dynamic map works like a charm.

 Regards: colin_e

 On May 25, 8:29 pm, kiusau kiu...@mac.com wrote:

  On May 25, 3:44 am, Jason Persampieri papp...@gmail.com wrote:

   Certainly... you're really not all that far off at all... let me just
   point out a couple of things.

  Very nice presentation!

  It is likely that many novice users of jQuery will be able to benefit
  from it.  Please do respond to the originator's question about the use
  of :first-child in IE, and suggest a work around if, indeed, it is an


[jQuery] Re: Force the browser to render window

2009-05-26 Thread James

I'm not understanding the extra click anywhere part. Is it a 'blur'
that is triggering something?
Exactly how are you doing what you're doing?
Maybe it's just an IE bug where things are not working as expected. If
you could show us how you're doing what you're doing, maybe we could
help debug it and find a workaround.

On May 26, 11:52 am, foldiman vi...@vinceallen.com wrote:
 Is there a javascript or jQuery method available to force the browser
 to render the contents of the window? This would something similar to
 updating the stage in Director or Flash.

 I have a two-column interaction set up where users input information
 in one column and see their results in another. Safari, Firefox, etc
 all work perfectly. IE however needs an extra click anywhere on the
 browser window for the results to appear. So I'm looking for a way to
 attach a function to a UI control that 'forces' IE to render the
 screen so the changes appear.


[jQuery] Re: Textarea value with javascript

2009-05-26 Thread James

I've never used fckEditor before, but how about try using Firebug to
walk through the HTML to locate the parts created by fckEditor and see
how you can reference it. I found it very useful for referencing parts
of the DOM created by other plug-ins or scripts I'm not familiar with.

On May 26, 4:01 am, saa...@gmail.com saa...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 26 maijs, 16:53, Caires Vinicius caire...@gmail.com wrote:

  You tried the innerHTML?

  On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM, saa...@gmail.com saa...@gmail.com wrote:

   Good day

   How can I get current textarea that was changed in fckEditor value
   with javascript.
   I got:
   textarea name=comment id=commentHello/textarea
   Then happens this: $('textarea').fck({ path:'/fckeditor/' }); , so now
   I get fckEditor insted my textarea. Then I change the original text in
   fckeditor to Hello world. When I press the button with javascript
   like this:
   function myfunc(formid)
    gotForm = document.getElementById(formid);
    newContent = gotForm.elements.comment.value;

   Variable 'newContent' still has value only Hello, NOT new value
   Hello world.

   So the question - how can I get new value of fckEditor with my

   Best regards- Paslēpt citēto tekstu -

  - Rādīt citēto tekstu -

[jQuery] Re: number of checked boxes

2009-05-26 Thread Mauricio (Maujor) Samy Silva
Or... you could use a shorter selector

var checked = $(':checkbox:checked').length;
  -Mensagem Original- 
  De: Macsig 
  Para: jQuery (English) 

  Thanks for your help.
  I appreciate it

  On May 26, 2:44 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

   var checked = $(input[type=checkbox]:checked).length;
   if (checked = 1) {
   // do something

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