[jQuery] Re: How to define/access public functions for a plugin?

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin Dalman
You could consider modifying your plugin to follow the jQuery UI
Widget format. This takes advantage of the widget factory, which
provides ways to access the methods and properties in 2 ways:

1) Through the element the plugin is applied to, eg:

2) Or by getting an 'instance' of the widget, eg:
var myList = $(#myElement).data(smartList);
var val = myList.getSelectedValue();

If you don't want to go this route, then you need to return an
'instance object' instead of a jQuery object. This means your plugin
is not 'chainable' - ie, it must be the last method called on the

To return an instance, create an object with pointers to your public
properties and methods...

return {
options: options // property
,   getSelectedValue: getSelectedValue // method
,   insetItem: internalMethodName

There are a few ideas to get you started.


On Jan 4, 5:08 am, mehdi mehdi.mous...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've just developed a plugin that mimics the combo box control, albeit
 it's a special one. That's being defined as follows:

 (function($) {
         smartList: function(settings) {
             //prepare settings, blah blah blah...

             return this.each(function() {
                 //whatever code goes here...


 You know, to use this plugin, I could easily write the following
 JavaScript code:

 var $myList = $('myElement').smartList();

 No problem so far. Now, I need to define and access some functions
 that's specific to the smartList. say, e.g., getSelectedValue,
 insertItem, and the like. The problem is that I've got no idea how to
 address such a thing in JavaScript. i.e., I need to write things like:

 $myList.insetItem('foo', 'bar');

 But this isn't possible, since the $myList variable is a jQuery

 So I just defined some functions, say, $.smartList.getSelectedValue
 and the like... but in this approach, I've to pass the jQuery object
 to this functions as a mandatory parameter and this really sucks.
 i.e., I need to get the selected value of $myList this way:

 var value = $.smartList.getSelectedValue($myList);

 Is there any better approach to address such a thing?

 Any help would be highly appreciated,


[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-10-08 Thread Kevin Dalman

 If this problem has a good fix, it should be fixed. There are several
 cases that will break differently in IE when this proposed fix is
 applied. It's not achieving consistent cross-browser behavior. There
 may be a solution out there still, and if someone has one they should
 post it.

I haven't tested it, but did suggest an 'extra check' for opacity in
the sample I gave. Assuming jQuery reports the curCSS correctly, this
would seems to address the 'snap' issue you described...

if ($E.css('filter')  $E.css('opacity')==1)

FYI, I ran across another example of this issue today. I created a
test page with both a static and popup ui.datepicker. When seen side-
by-side in IE7, the popup (animated) datepicker text is obviously not
anti-aliased as the static version is...


All UI Widgets using animation look poorer than necessary when used in
*the most common browser in the world*. So if this won't be addressed
in the jQuery core, then every UI widget using animated elements
should be patched to address it. Such a simple, common problem should
not be allowed to affect UI Widgets IMO.


On Sep 30, 2:46 pm, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm not sure why this 'fix' should be added to fadeOut? It seems most
  applicable to fadeIn and fadeTo.

 Whoops, right. So the problem would be that in IE only, .fadeTo
 (slow, 1) makes the element completely visible and then pops to 50%
 opacity based on the stylesheet when the element's filter property is

  There is no way to fix anti-aliasing if the user *chooses* to use
  opacity since this is a browser issue,

 If the user chooses to set a 50% opacity in the stylesheet that should
 work properly in IE as well, right? A fix for antialiasing shouldn't
 break something that currently works properly across browsers.

  Calling it an IE-bug doesn't make it go away. This is a cross
  browser issue, pure and simple.

 If this problem has a good fix, it should be fixed. There are several
 cases that will break differently in IE when this proposed fix is
 applied. It's not achieving consistent cross-browser behavior. There
 may be a solution out there still, and if someone has one they should
 post it.

[jQuery] Re: LI.offset and LI.position() gives erratic results

2009-10-05 Thread Kevin Dalman

I have reposted this in the DEV forum...


[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-05 Thread Kevin Dalman

I create a lot of web-application list-screens with fixed-headers. I
prefer to *not* work with a THEAD for this purpose because it is too
limiting for complex page layouts. Instead, I create TWO tables - one
for the headers and one for the content. This works well as long as
you use table-layout:fixed and set specific column widths - I use a
combo of fixed and percentage widths so that the tables will always
auto-size to fill the page-width. Here is a simple example...

div style=overflow-y: scroll;
table style=table-layout: fixed
col style=width: 10ex;
col style=width: 20ex;
col width=30%
col width=70%
col style=width: 24px;
tdColumn 1/td
tdColumn 2/td
tdColumn 3/td
tdColumn 4/td
tdColumn 5/td

div style=overflow-y: scroll; height: 300px;
table style=table-layout: fixed
col style=width: 10ex;
col style=width: 20ex;
col width=30%
col width=70%
col style=width: 24px;
tdData 1.1/td
tdData 1.2/td
tdData 1.3/td
tdData 1.4/td
tdData 1.5/td
tdData 2.1/td
tdData 2.2/td
tdData 2.3/td
tdData 2.4/td
tdData 2.5/td
tdData 3.1/td
tdData 3.2/td
tdData 3.3/td
tdData 3.4/td
tdData 3.5/td

Note that you need to set BOTH the header and content tables to
overflow-y:scroll so that both containers have a scrollbar - even
though the headers will not actually scroll. Without matching
scrollbar, percentage column-widths would not line-up correctly. For
IE, you can color the header-scrollbar with CSS so it is essentially

You can use any page-structure you want to control the height of the
scrolling list. Separating the header markup from the list-markup
provides a lot more options.

This is compatible with a table-sorter because the 'list' is in a
table by itself, so it is *impossible* for sorting or striping to
affect your headers. It is also useful for Ajax - you can replace the
entire data-table for maximum rendering speed.

FYI, using table-layout:fixed also makes pages with large tables load
MUCH FASTER because the browser does not have to wait for all the
content to load before starting to render the table. The bigger the
table, the more noticeable this improvement is.

Hope that helps.


On Oct 2, 5:03 pm, lcplben b...@sellmycalls.com wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2:16 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello guys,
  I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
  of a div while I scroll the table rows.
  I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
  scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
  I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
  compatible with that plug-in.

[jQuery] LI.offset and LI.position() gives erratic results

2009-10-02 Thread Kevin Dalman

I am getting erratic results when trying to get the position of a LI
element. Every browser gives different results - only IE7 seems to get
it right...

I have a navbar UL element nested a few levels deep within DIVs that
provide page structure. The UL is also nested within a SPAN (inline-
block) so the UL element can be centered within DIV#Nav1. A stripped-
down version of the HTML is shown at bottom.

The LI elements trigger a custom drop-down menu onHover. I use simple
math to calculate the positioning of the DIV that acts as a menu...

$LI = $(this) // LI element
,   tabOffset = $LI.offset()
,   menuTop = tabOffset.top + $LI.outerHeight()
,   menuLeft = Math.floor(tabOffset.left)

In IE7, this works perfectly - exactly as you would expect. But every
other browser has one or more issues...

Internet Explorer 7
$LI.offset().left = CORRECT
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = 0 - CORRECT

$LI.offset().left = the Left-edge of the parent UL element!
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = 0 - CORRECT

FireFox 3.5
$LI.offset().left = the Right-edge of the parent UL element
$LI.offset().top = too small by 15px
$LI.position().top = -15 -- wrong, the LI has NO top-margin

Opera 9.64
$LI.offset().left = the Right-edge of the parent UL element
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = -19, even though offset().top is correct

Only IE gets $LI.offset().left correct. Only IE and Chrome get
$LI.position().top right (0), but IE, Chrome and Opera all get
$LI.offset().top correct, even though Opera gets $LI.position().top
wrong (-19). Only FireFox gets everything wrong!

Can anyone shed any light on these discrepancies?

I will spend the time to create and post a test page if no one can
offer any clues, but I have not done so yet.

Thanks in advance.



DIV id=Layout-Header
   DIV class=layout-header
  DIV id=TopNavbar class=navbar
 DIV id=Nav1
SPAN class=center
   UL class=tabs
  LIA href=/rentalsRentals/A/LI
  LIA href=/linensLinens/A/LI
  LIA href=/servicesServices/A/LI
  LIA href=/plannerPlanner/A/LI
  LIA href=/galleryGallery/A/LI
  LIA href=/communityCommunity/A/LI
  LIA href=/aboutAbout Us/A/LI

[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-30 Thread Kevin Dalman


 with the fix, fades out but then pops to 50% opacity

I'm not sure why this 'fix' should be added to fadeOut? It seems most
applicable to fadeIn and fadeTo. But whatever the case, a little extra
code could handle edge-cases -- something like...

if (jQuery.browser.msie  $(this).css('opacity')==1)

Or for the politically correct...

var $E = $(this);
if ($E.css('filter')  $E.css('opacity')==1)

There is no way to fix anti-aliasing if the user *chooses* to use
opacity since this is a browser issue, but it is *other 99%* that is
the issue. There are many 'effects' used in jQuery that trigger the
problem, so it should handle these *common scenarios*. Calling it an
IE-bug doesn't make it go away. This is a a cross browser issue, pure
and simple.


On Sep 29, 7:34 am, Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is a nice simple solution to a common cross-browser issue, so
  wouldn't it be reasonable for this to be added to the standard jQuery
  animate method? The extra size is minimal.

 That solution assumes no opacity was specified in a stylesheet.

  #glory {
    opacity: 0.5;
    filter: alpha(opacity = 50);
   // with the fix, fades out but then pops to 50% opacity

[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-27 Thread Kevin Dalman

If browser-detection can't be used, then subsititute code to detect
the filter attribute instead. The exact syntax is not important...

I believe jQuery SHOULD handle this cross-browser animation issue
because it is common to the majority of users. It is clearly a
deficiency when jQuery's own contributors have to override core
methods to address it. The choices are:

 A) Update jQuery to handle this issue natively, or;

 B) Continue using hacks for animations in the world's most common

I'm interested in opinions on this, particularly from the regular
jQuery contributors.


On Sep 27, 4:20 am, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 browser sniffing is already deprecated in favour of feature sniffing,
 it's unlikely code using it will be added.

[jQuery] Re: Prevent jagged text in IE

2009-09-26 Thread Kevin Dalman


 if (jQuery.browser.msie)

This is a nice simple solution to a common cross-browser issue, so
wouldn't it be reasonable for this to be added to the standard jQuery
animate method? The extra size is minimal.


On Sep 25, 5:17 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:

 I include a reference to a file with this jQuery code in every page to solve
 that problem, Dave.

 Best solution I've found so far. I got it from someone, somewhere, but don't
 remember who.


           jQuery.fn.fadeIn = function(speed, callback) {
               return this.animate({opacity: 'show'}, 750, function() {
                      if (jQuery.browser.msie)  
                      if (jQuery.isFunction(callback))


           jQuery.fn.fadeOut = function(speed, callback) {
               return this.animate({opacity: 'hide'}, 750, function() {
                      if (jQuery.browser.msie)  
                      if (jQuery.isFunction(callback))

           jQuery.fn.fadeTo = function(speed,to,callback) {
               return this.animate({opacity: to}, 750, function() {
                      if (to == 1  jQuery.browser.msie)  
                      if (jQuery.isFunction(callback))

[jQuery] Re: Way to convert DOM event to jQuery event?

2009-09-24 Thread Kevin Dalman

If you need data for multiple fields, then a 3rd option is to create a
single hash/data object for the page and writing all your data into
that. This makes your data easy to read and debug, and is highly
efficient because you don't have to 'parse' anything...

var Record = {
foo:  db-value-1
,   bar:  db-value-2
,   baz:  db-value-3

Then you can use *either* jQuery or inline events to access this

$(document).ready(function() {
 $(#myID).click(function() {
  alert( foo =  + Record.foo );
  return false;

You could use the fieldnames as keys in your data object to make it

var Record = {
myID1:  db-value-1
,   myID2:  db-value-2
,   myID3:  db-value-3

$(document).ready(function() {
 $(a.linkType).click(function() {
  alert( this.id +  =  + Record[ this.id ] );
  return false;


On Sep 23, 5:57 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you really need to output this data embedded in the HTML? Does it
 have any meaning/purpose without Javascript? There are two simple non-
 hackish ways you can do it:

 load data later via XHR, use an element identifier to bind it

 output metadata in the class attribute - it's valid, and not against
 the specification - the class attribute is not specifically meant for
 presentation, the specs say For general purpose processing by user
 ex: class=link { foo: 'bar', amp: 'bamp', x: [1,2,3] }.

 It's easy to create your own parser for that:

 $.fn.mdata = function(){
    return window[eval](( + this[0].className.match(/{.*}/) + ));


 $('a').mdata() == Object foo:'bar' etc..

 It will work as long as you use valid JSON.


[jQuery] Re: event-binding to dynamically created elements... (JSP vs JS problem......)

2009-08-30 Thread Kevin Dalman

Good points by Josh. However this selector example...


...can be written simpler as


It's faster in most browsers to select-by-class than to iterate
elements and 'read attributes'. jQuery may process both syntaxes the
same (?), but using the img.thumb syntax *guarantees* the most
optimized handling.

This is a strange code sample. Why 'add' a class on mouseover, but not
remove it on mouseout? If you want to add/remove the 'dim' class, then
use jQuery's hover method to combine both events...

function () { $(this).addClass('dim');
,   function () { $(this).removeClass('dim');

If you *don't* want to remove the class, then this function only needs
to run 'once', because the class only needs to be added on the FIRST
mouseover event. In this case, use jQuery's .one() (one-time)

function () { $(this).addClass('dim');


On Aug 30, 1:02 am, Josh Powell seas...@gmail.com wrote:
   for (i = 1; i  5; i++) {
     $('#thumb' + i).bind('mouseover',function(event) {

 The 'i' you've called here is a global variable, in a for loop always
 put a var in front of it to have local scope (to the function, not

   for (var i = 1; i  5; i++) {
     $('#thumb' + i).bind('mouseover',function(event) {

 but... more importantly, reframe your thoughts on javascript/jquery
 programming to let the selectors do the iteration for you.

 $('img[class=thumb]).mouseover(function () {


 snip /

 Josh Powell

[jQuery] Re: JSON data manipulation

2009-08-30 Thread Kevin Dalman

Hi Glenn,

Create an array and 'push' each hash of plot data onto it. When the
loop is complete, pass the now complete array...

$.getJSON('/Graph/HearthRateDataJSON', , function(data) {
var data= [ ];
$.each(data, function(entryindex, entry) {
data.push( { Name: entry['Name'], Serie: entry['Serie'] } );
 Plot( data );


On Aug 29, 7:31 am, Depechie glenn.versweyv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys.

 My question has actually more to do with jqPlot ( graph library for
 jQuery ), but I'm still asking it here, because it concerns json data
 manipulation through jquery.
 I'm not a javascript nor JQuery programmer, I'm just in a learning

 So my question.
 To plot something through jqPlot the syntax should be:
 plot = $.jqplot('chart', [line1, line2, line3], { ... }

 With line1, line2 and line3 as array variables!

 My current JSON data is:

 And in my .js file I've put this:
     $.getJSON('/Graph/HearthRateDataJSON', , function(data) {
         $.each(data, function(entryindex, entry) {
             Plot(entry['Serie'], entry['Name']);

 Problem now is that the graph will only plot the 'last' serie, because
 the graph itself needs all data at once! And not like I did going
 through each JSON record and plot the line.

 So any thoughts on how to use the $.each to put all data in one
 variable to get jqPlot to plot all series?


[jQuery] Re: JSON data manipulation

2009-08-30 Thread Kevin Dalman

OOPS, I didn't formatted the data correctly for passing to Plot() -
sorry, didn't read carefully. But the premise is the same - create an
array by looping your data, and then pass the array when done.


On Aug 30, 9:04 am, Kevin Dalman kevin.dal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Glenn,

 Create an array and 'push' each hash of plot data onto it. When the
 loop is complete, pass the now complete array...

 $.getJSON('/Graph/HearthRateDataJSON', , function(data) {
     var data= [ ];
     $.each(data, function(entryindex, entry) {
         data.push( { Name: entry['Name'], Serie: entry['Serie'] } );
      Plot( data );



 On Aug 29, 7:31 am, Depechie glenn.versweyv...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello guys.

  My question has actually more to do with jqPlot ( graph library for
  jQuery ), but I'm still asking it here, because it concerns json data
  manipulation through jquery.
  I'm not a javascript nor JQuery programmer, I'm just in a learning

  So my question.
  To plot something through jqPlot the syntax should be:
  plot = $.jqplot('chart', [line1, line2, line3], { ... }

  With line1, line2 and line3 as array variables!

  My current JSON data is:

  And in my .js file I've put this:
      $.getJSON('/Graph/HearthRateDataJSON', , function(data) {
          $.each(data, function(entryindex, entry) {
              Plot(entry['Serie'], entry['Name']);

  Problem now is that the graph will only plot the 'last' serie, because
  the graph itself needs all data at once! And not like I did going
  through each JSON record and plot the line.

  So any thoughts on how to use the $.each to put all data in one
  variable to get jqPlot to plot all series?

  Glenn- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Modify iframe with jquery

2009-05-15 Thread Kevin Dalman

If you cannot change the scrolling by modifying the iframe, then do it
by modifying the document inside the iframe.

I don't remember the syntax for accessing the document/body elements
inside an iframe, so I'll just use pseudo-code here. You should be
able to find the correct syntax easily...

$(#iframe)[0].document.$(body).css({ overflow: hidden; });

This will work as long as the iframe content is in the same domain as
your parent page. If it is in a different domain, then browser
security will prevent you from accessing the document inside the


On May 14, 1:56 pm, ripple ripple...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Thanks, but it's not the contents of the iframe that I'm looking for. It's 
 altering the behavior(scrolling) of the iframe that i am trying to achieve.

 --- On Thu, 5/14/09, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Modify iframe with jquery
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 4:48 PM


 I used this earlier today with some php where a wysiwyg editor had its html 
 contents embedded in a Iframe and i hate to post the raw html to a database. 
 worked like a charm.

 On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:43 PM, ripple ripple...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have an iframe in a page that scrolls on initial load, but after
 clicking a link and loading a different page I have to remove the

 When the 2nd page loads I set the attr on the the iframe to


 But, This does not seem to work. Does anyone know? Is the iframe more
 of a static object after initial creation and load? Can it's parameters
 (except for src) not be changed?


[jQuery] Re: state of the art for corner rounding?

2009-05-03 Thread Kevin Dalman

I have not tried DD Roundies yet - it's on my todo list. Hoever I am
using a jquery plug-in called 'Cornerz' that is working very well for
me. It uses Canvas/VML for corners, but does not require any
additional plug-ins:


This plug-in does *not* automatically pick-up -moz-border-radius
settings from CSS, but I have written an intermediate function that
does. This accomplishes exactly what you are asking - with the
exception that you still need to add the cornerz class to the
elements you want rounded in IE to avoid having to check the CSS of
every element on the page!

I submitted this function to the plug-in's forum...


I'd be interested to learn how whether DD Roundies is significantly
better or not.


On May 2, 9:45 am, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 bump. Anyone eval'd the corner plugins recently enough to have an opinion?


 Jack Killpatrick wrote:

  Hi All,

  I have a half dozen bookmarks for rounded corner plugins, but am
  wondering if there's a state of the art plugin kicking any booty on
  that these days? What I'd *really* like is to just be able to set -moz
  border radiuses in CSS and have a plugin magically use those to create
  rounded corners in IE and Safari (IE mainly... using excanvas or
  something with it is fine, too).

  Any advice? For the project I'm working on now I don't need to have
  lines at the border (ie: no border:1px solid black or anything).

  Jack- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: fadein thumbnails when loaded

2009-04-29 Thread Kevin Dalman

Hi Rick,

Karl's suggestion seems the most elegant (assuming it works OK).

Here is some sample code for what he is suggesting

-- in HEAD or a stylesheet...
body.js #media-gallery ul li img {
   /* opacity *may* work better than display:none */
   opacity: 0.01;
   filter: alpha(opacity=1);

And in your JS...
$(function() {
$(#media-gallery ul img).fadeIn(2000);

Then add this JS to your HTML - immediately after the BODY tag...

script type=text/javascript
   document.documentElement.className = js;

In theory, the images will only be hidden (1% opacity) if Javascript
is enabled, because otherwise BODY will not have the 'js' class,
therefore your CSS rule will not have any effect. Since you are adding
the class *before* the images are added to the DOM, they should load
transparent. And because they are not 'hidden' (display:none), the
images will still take up their normal space when loading, instead of
making the page 'jump' they they are made visible.


On Apr 28, 4:26 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
  In the head you can do this:
  script type=text/javascript document.documentElement.className =
  Then you can set styles for elements as descendants of .js.

 Karl...will you explain a little more about what this means and perhaps give
 example of its implementation?  Or is there a blog or tutorial somewhere?



[jQuery] Re: fadein thumbnails when loaded

2009-04-29 Thread Kevin Dalman

Here is a variation on Eric's idea. But in this example, instead of
writing the CSS rule via Javascript, write a rule to *negate it*
inside a noscript tag.

-- in HEAD or a stylesheet...
#media-gallery ul li img {
   /* opacity *may* work better than display:none */
   opacity: 0.01;
   filter: alpha(opacity=1);

Then in the HEAD of you page, add a STYLE block inside a NOSCRIPT

style type=text/css
#media-gallery ul li img {
   /* UNDO the opacity rule set previously */
   opacity: 1;
   filter: alpha(opacity=100);

Just one more idea.


On Apr 29, 9:58 am, Kevin Dalman kevin.dal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Rick,

 Karl's suggestion seems the most elegant (assuming it works OK).


[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-28 Thread Kevin Dalman

For anyone interested, here is the updated set of 'tests' for the test
page I posted previously. This is the test-set John is currently

// Test # 1
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv + p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +' p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 2
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(p, #div+ myDiv);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(p, #div'+ myDiv +')');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 3
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv).find(p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +').find(p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 4
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv +  p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +'  p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 5
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv).children(p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +').children(p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 6
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $($(#div+ myDiv)[0].childNodes).filter(p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$( $(#div'+ myDiv +')[0].childNodes ).filter
a_Times.push(end - start);

If you created your own test page, just copy-n-paste these tests into

NOTE that setting: 'c_divs=1000' and 'c_paras=500' (as John is using)
makes the page very slow to load because it has to generate all these
elements. So for quick tests, reduce these numbers to 100 each. But if
you find something interesting, try cranking the numbers up again - it
magnifies the speed differences between the tests.


On Feb 25, 6:48 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On Feb 26, 11:22 am, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:

 The benchmark is getElementById().getElementsByTagName() - why not
 inlcude that in the test?  Add the following below test 3:

 // Test # 4
 start = new Date();
 $Test = document.getElementById('div' +
 end = new Date();
 a_Times.push(end - start);


[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-25 Thread Kevin Dalman

John wrote: You should always use $(#foo).find(p) in favor of $
(p, $(#foo)) 

I'm trying to extrapolate some general concepts from this 'rule'...

First, I *assume* these two statements are identical in performance:

$(p, $(#foo)) == $(p, #foo)

If so, then does it matter what the scope selector is? What if the
scope is *not an ID*, and therefore not as fast to find, like::

$(div.myClass).find(p) in favor of $(p, div.myClass) ???

If this is still true, then my understanding is that $(a).find(b)
syntax is ALWAYS faster than $(a, b)???

IF it is true that find() is always faster - or at least equal - to
specifying a scope selector/element, then it would seem that jQuery
should simply use the find() flow internally when a scope selector is
specfied. In other words, when a scope selector/element is specified,
find this element first and then 'call' the same method used for find
() - ie:

*** internally ***
$(p, $(#foo))  ==  $(#foo).find(p)

I can't think of any excepts to this - the result should always be
identical? If so, and performance is equal or superior, then *why not*
do this internally so the two statements above essentially become 100%
identical? It would just be two ways of expressing the same thing,
which is how it appears to users.

Am I off-base here? If so, which assumuption above breaks down?

Even if there is a good reason to treat the syntax differently
internally, I'm still interested to know if I should avoid using scope
selectors in favor of find() ***under all conditions*** - or only
under specific conditions?


On Feb 24, 5:58 pm, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to point out a couple things:
 1) You should always use $(#foo).find(p) in favor of $(p, $
 (#foo)) - the second one ends up executing $(...) 3 times total -
 only to arrive at the same result as doing $(#foo).find(p).
 2) I generally dislike saying that there's one good way to do a
 selector (especially with one that has such bad syntax, as above) -
 especially since it may not always be that way.

 In fact, I've already filed a bug and I'll be looking in to this
 issue, possibly resolving it tonight or tomorrow - at which point the
 advice will be false again.http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/4236

 My recommendation is to always write the simplest, easiest to
 understand, expression: jQuery will try to do the rest to optimize it.


 On Feb 24, 10:23 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Karl,

  $('#foo').find('p') and $('p', $('#foo')) are approximately of the same 

  I've put the test code on JSBin, so everybody can play around with it
  and try other combinations :-)http://jsbin.com/ifemo


  2009/2/24 Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com:

   Hi Stephan,
   Thanks for doing this testing! Would you mind profiling 
   as well? I suspect it will be roughly equivalent to $('p', $('#foo'))

   Karl Swedberg

   On Feb 24, 2009, at 8:28 AM, Stephan Veigl wrote:


   I've done some profiling on this, and $(p, $(#foo)) is faster than
   $(#foo p) in both jQuery 1.2.6 and 1.3.2.

   the test HTML consists of 100 ps in a foo div and 900 ps in a
   bar div.

   However the factor differs dramatically:
   In 1.2.6 the speedup from $(p, $(#foo)) to $(#foo p) was between
   1.5x (FF) and 2x (IE),
   while for 1.3.2 the speedup is 20x (FF) and 15x (IE).

   $(p, $(#foo)) is faster in 1.3.2, by a factor of 1.5 (both FF and IE),
   while $(#foo p) is _slower_ in 1.3.2 by 8.5x (FF) and 4.6x (IE).

   Even with an empty bar div $(p, $(#foo)) is faster by a factor up to

   If you have an ID selector, first get the element by it's ID and use
   it as scope for further selects.

   2009/2/23 ricardobeat ricardob...@gmail.com:

   up to jQuery 1.2.6 that's how the selector engine worked (from the top

   down/left to right). The approach used in Sizzle (bottom up/right to

   left) has both benefits and downsides - it can be much faster on large

   DOMs and some situations, but slower on short queries. I'm sure

   someone can explain that in better detail.

   Anyway, in modern browsers most of the work is being delegated to the

   native querySelectorAll function, as so selector performance will

   become more of a browser makers' concern.

   - ricardo

   On Feb 23, 1:08 pm, Peter Bengtsson pete...@gmail.com wrote:

   I watched the John Resig presentation too and learned that CSS

   selectors always work from right to left.

   That would mean that doing this::

     $('#foo p')

   Would extract all p tags and from that list subselect those who

   belong to #foo. Suppose you have 1000 p tags of them only 100 are

   inside #foo you'll have wasted 900 loops.

   Surely $('#foo') is the fastest lookup possible. Doing it this way

   will effectively limit the scope of the $('p') search and you will


[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-25 Thread Kevin Dalman

FYI, I built a quick test page for this. As previously noted, the
differences in v1.2.6 are relatively small - about 2x as long for one
syntax over the other. But with 1.3.2 - Wow! - 60x longer!

jQuery version used   = 1.3.2
Total number of DIVs = 100
Paragraphs per DIV   = 50
$(#div50 p) = 574ms
$(p, #div50) = 8ms
$(#div50).find(p) = 9ms

For anyone interested, below is *the complete test-page* so you can do
your own testing - just copy and paste. No external files are
required. Since the HTML is all generated by script, you can easily
modify the number of divs and number of paragraphs per div just by
changing the vars. You can also add as many test-cases for comparison
as you want. It's all pretty self-explanitory.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/
META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

TITLEjQuery Speed Test/TITLE

STYLE type=text/css
body {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size:  80%;
color:  #FFF;
background: #000;
margin: 15px;
div {
border: 1px solid #FF0;
padding:5px 20px;
margin: 1ex 0;
p {
margin: 0;
div#Output {
font-size:  1.25em;
color:  #000;
background: #FFF;
border: 3px solid #999;
margin-bottom:  15px;
div#Output p {
margin: 1ex 0;

SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-

SCRIPT type=text/javascript

c_divs  = 100
,   c_paras = 50
,   myDiv   = Math.floor(c_divs/2)
,   $Output = $(#Output)
,   $DIV
,   $Test
,   start, end
,   a_Selectors = []
,   a_Times = []

$DIV = $(div/);
for (var i=1; i = c_paras; i++)
$DIV.append(p/).append( i );

for (var i=1; i = c_divs; i++)


// Test # 1
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv + p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +' p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 2
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(p, #div+ myDiv);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(p, #div'+ myDiv +')');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Test # 3
start   = new Date();
$Test   = $(#div+ myDiv).find(p);
end = new Date();
a_Selectors.push('$(#div'+ myDiv +').find(p)');
a_Times.push(end - start);

// Write the Results
pjQuery version used nbsp; = + $DIV.jquery +/p 
pTotal number of DIVs = + c_divs +/p +
pParagraphs per DIV nbsp; = + c_paras +/p +
hr /
var c = a_Selectors.length;
for (var i=0; i  c; i++)
$Output.append(p+ a_Selectors[i] + = + a_Times[i] 
+ms /



DIV id=OutputWorking.../DIV

[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-25 Thread Kevin Dalman

That's a fantastic improvement. But now I have a new challenge - keep

To see if there really is a difference between the 2nd and 3rd
options, or whether it is just 'variance', I cranked up the DIVs  Ps
and tried both versions again:

ALL tests below are in FireFox 3.0.6

jQuery version used   = 1.3.2
Total number of DIVs = 1000
Paragraphs per DIV   = 500
$(#div500 p) = 15916ms
$(p, #div500) = 32ms
$(#div500).find(p) = 2ms

jQuery version used   = 1.3.3pre
Total number of DIVs = 1000
Paragraphs per DIV   = 500
$(#div500 p) = 48ms
$(p, #div500) = 4ms
$(#div500).find(p) = 4ms

The last two tests seem identical, but the first syntax is still 0-
times slower in 1.3.3.

I though the 1st syntax might be slower because it handles *a range of
possible syntaxes*, like $(#div500  p). So I add 2 new syntaxes and
ran the test again...

jQuery version used   = 1.3.3pre
Total number of DIVs = 1000
Paragraphs per DIV   = 500
$(#div500 p) = 34ms
$(p, #div500) = 2ms
$(#div500).find(p) = 3ms
$(#div500  p) = 16396ms
$(#div500).children(p) = 32ms

WOW! Check out the last 2 tests, John. Syntax #4 takes 512-times
longer than #5! I think this code needs a little TLC too ;)

It was also interesting that $(#div500).children(p) is 10-times
slower than $(#div500).find(p). So I added one final test using
childNodes and filter() to see if I could beat .children()...

jQuery version used   = 1.3.3pre
Total number of DIVs = 1000
Paragraphs per DIV   = 500
$(#div500 p) = 55 ms
$(p, #div500) = 2 ms
$(#div500).find(p) = 3 ms
$(#div500  p) = 14802 ms
$(#div500).children(p) = 32 ms
$( $(#div500)[0].childNodes ).filter(p) = 19 ms

The last (childNodes) test gathers the same elements in half the time.
The 32ms performance of children(p) is very good, but perhaps there
is still room for improvement?


On Feb 25, 1:30 pm, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:
 To follow-up from my post yesterday, here are the new numbers, for
 1.3.3 (work in progress, naturally):http://ejohn.org/files/jquery1.3.3/id.html

 jQuery version used   = 1.3.3pre
 Total number of DIVs = 100
 Paragraphs per DIV   = 50
 $(#div50 p) = 2ms
 $(p, #div50) = 0ms
 $(#div50).find(p) = 1ms


[jQuery] Re: $('#foo p') or $('p', $('#foo'))

2009-02-25 Thread Kevin Dalman

@John: I found a little bug in your v1.3.3 test version...

This selector works fine in FireFox, but bombs out in IE7...

   $(#div50 p)

IE7 -- Object doesn't support this property or method

But this works fine:

   $(#div50  p)

NOTE that I'm pulling v1.3.3 directly from your personal copy
(jquery1.3.3/dist/jquery.js). I realize this is just a test version,
but thought you'd like to know.


On Feb 25, 4:21 pm, John Resig jere...@gmail.com wrote:
  WOW! Check out the last 2 tests, John. Syntax #4 takes 512-times
  longer than #5! I think this code needs a little TLC too ;)

  It was also interesting that $(#div500).children(p) is 10-times
  slower than $(#div500).find(p). So I added one final test using
  childNodes and filter() to see if I could beat .children()...

 Oh right, this is a regression to what I just did - I can tweak that.
 I'll look in to it tonight.


[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-08 Thread Kevin Dalman

I identified why the $(table /).append syntax is so extremely slow
in the sample page. It actually has nothing to do with being a 'second
DOM append' as was assumed. Here is what I learned from my testing...

This is the HTML mark-up for the tests:

DIV id=container/DIV

I generated the same 'html' var from Mike's test page - containing
2000 table-rows. The loop used is irrelevant to these tests because
the times shown below are for the DOM insertion *only*.

First, here is the original append-code from Mike's sample page...

// run-time: 7.5 sec

Note the extreme slowness of the insertion - over 7 seconds!

But by just *moving* the tbody tags, it becomes 20-times faster...

   $('table/table').append('tbody'+ html +'/tbody')
// run-time: 0.36 sec

If we reduce it to a single command, it becomes 35-times faster...

'tabletbody'+ html +'/tbody/table'
// run-time: 0.24 sec

BTW, the speed is the same whether .html() or .append() is used.

If the existing table is used instead, we gain only a few ms.

$('#Table').append('tbody'+ html +'/tbody');
// run-time: 0.22 sec

To see if it makes a difference appending to a table that's 'not
empty', I appended the same 2000 rows *10-times* (to keep the math

html = 'tbody'+ html +'/tbody';
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
.append( html )
// run-time: 2.23 sec

The run-time to append 10-times is *exactly* 10-times as long as
appending the first time. This means it makes no difference whether
the table is 'empty' or already has content.

So, in my tests, there is *no benefit* to appending an entire table to
an empty container. You get identical performance (in IE7) by
appending the new rows to a table - as long as they are wrapped in a
tbody. If the rows are not inside a tbody, then they are appended one-
by-one! This is why the syntax used by Mike was so extremely slow. It
actually had nothing to do with appending 2 elements, which I knew
could not account for a 3000% difference!

I dynamically generate table rows A LOT. My current web-app appends a
7-row tbody as a 'new record'. But I do not use loops to generate
html. Instead I use a hidden 'template tbody' that I clone. This has
all the events for the form-fields pre-attached. All I do is rename
all the fields after cloning the template, and before appending it to
the target table. This method is much easier to read and update than a
hundred lines of html-generating script. Plus I actually use the same
mark-up to generate the existing records onLoad (via JSP), so there is
zero code duplication.

I wanted to identify the cause of the slow append in Mike's sample
because I never see this in my applications. Now that I understand
what was happening, I see that appending a tbody is actually extremely
efficient - in fact, even faster than writing a new table! This is
good news because I cannot regenerate the entire table each time - I
must append new rows/records to an existing table.

I thought I'd share these results because appending a tbody (or a
single row) provides many more options than writing an entire table.
And now I know there is no performance difference - at least not in

Thanks to Mike for providing a starting points for these tests, in
addition to his loop-optimization tips.


[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-08 Thread Kevin Dalman

Rick, based on what I've learned from testing, you have another option

Here is a modified version of Mike's code - without generating the

function populateDutyTable(response) {

var currentDay = '';
var rows = response.QGETDUTYSCHEDULE.DATA;
var out = [], o = -1;

out[++o] = 'tbody'; // CHANGED

for( var row, i = -1;  row = rows[++i]; ) {

var day = row[1];
if( currentDay != day ) {
currentDay = day;
out[++o] = 'trtd class=cell-day';
out[++o] = row[1];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-date';
out[++o] = row[2];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-blank

out[++o] = 'trtd class=cell-blank-daynbsp;/tdtd
class=cell-blank-datenbsp;/tdtd class=cell-am-am';
out[++o] = row[3];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-position';
out[++o] = row[4];
out[++o] = '/tdtd colspan=3Cell Content/td/tr';

out[++o] = '/tbody'; // CHANGED

$('#scheduleBody').append( out.join('') ); // CHANGED

A container around the table is no longer required because wrapping
the rows in a tbody achieves the same performance as wrapping them in
a table. Plus, you could now add rows without regenerating the entire
table. This provides more options with no penalty. For example, now
you could hard-code the table with column headers - for example...

table id=scheduleBody

This is cleaner and faster than adding column headers inside your
Javascript loop.

I suggest you try both methods, Rick. Use a timer (like MIike's sample
pages) to confirm whether both are equally fast. Based on my tests,
you may find appending to the table even faster, with cleaner markup
as a bonus.



On Feb 7, 3:20 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Hey, thanks Michael for taking the time to provide the
 explanation and the re-write.  I'll put this into place
 and see how it performs.  I'm sure it'll be *much* better!


[jQuery] Re: Newb question about accessing a form's inputs

2009-02-07 Thread Kevin Dalman

Unless jQuery 1.3 has made vast improvement in the name=Xxx
functionality, it is *horrendously slow*! I use a custom function to
access form-fields - $F(fieldName) - which is up to 1000-times
faster on large pages in my web-application. But this method is
dependant on other custom methods, so I cannot provide it here as a
stand-alone plug-in..

I wish/hope jQuery will soon provide an efficient way to access form-
fields 'by name' because using IDs on form-fields is a clumsy hack
that I refuse to use except in special cases. On complex, dynamically
generated form pages, it clutters the code and requires extra logic to
add sequential IDs to things like radio buttons. So this is not a
proper solution to a common need.


On Feb 6, 2:27 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Without using IDs, you can use:

 var myVar = $(input[name=myHiddenInput]).val();

 On Feb 6, 10:54 am, james noahk...@gmail.com wrote:


  If I have a form:

  form name=myForm method=post action=myAction.php
      input type=hidden name=myHiddenInput/
      input type=text name=myNonHiddenText/
      input type=submit value=submit

  What is the equivalent JQuery syntax for the following?

  function doStuff() {
          document.myForm.myHiddenInput.value = 'some dynamic var';
          return true;


  Thanks in advance,
  James- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-07 Thread Kevin Dalman

These test pages DO NOT accurately compare the speed of array.join()
VS string+= The biggest speed difference between the two is
REALLY that one uses $(table/table) and one doesn't. If this is
removed from the 'slow' page, the load-speed goes from 8.7 sec to 1.5
sec. This is still 6-times longer than the fast version - but no
longer 30-times longer!

Conversely, I changed the 'fast' page to use the append syntax (after
removing table and tbody from the array):

$('#container').append( $('table/table').append( out.join('') ) );

This changed the 'fast' load from 0.24 sec to 7.3 sec! So even the
'fast loop' page performed 30-times slower when the element-append
method is used!

There was another code difference as well - the fast page uses $
('#container').html() and the slow-page $('#container').append().
However, since the container is empty, it does not cause any
significant speed difference.

So for a TRUE loop-speed comparison, the code for the 'slow version'
should be:

var html = 'tabletbody';
$.each( rows, function( iRow, row ) {
   html += 'trtd' + row.text + '/td/tr';
html += '/tbody/table';
$('#container').html( html );

This now uses the same html() syntax as the fast version, isolating
the difference between the pages to ONLY the 2 loops. Now there is
less than a 1.3 sec difference - instead of 8+ seconds.

Now it becomes clear that the biggest lesson here is that append
(table/table) is a much bigger problem than the loop code. This
is important to know because it would apply even if there were NO loop
at all!

Thanks for bringing both these details to my attention. I do a lot of
dynamic HTML generation, so it's helpful to know what to watch out


On Feb 5, 7:25 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 ...there is not much room for improvement left.

 You just know that when you say that, someone will come along with a 20x-40x
 improvement. ;-)



 Try them in IE, where the performance is the worst and matters the most.

 On my test machine, the first one runs about 6.3 seconds and the second one
 about 0.13 seconds.


  From: Ricardo Tomasi

  Concatenating into a string is already much faster than
  appending in each loop, there is not much room for
  improvement left. What you can do improve user experience
  though is split that into a recursive function over a
  setTimeout, so that the browser doesn't freeze and you can
  display a nice loading animation.

  On Feb 5, 5:03 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   I need tips on optimizing a large DOM insert to lessen the
  freeze on
   the browser.

   I receive a large amount of JSON 'data' through AJAX from a
   (sorted the way I want viewed), and loop through them to
  add to a JS
   string, and insert that chunk of string into a tbody of a
  table. Then,
   I run a plug-in that formats the table (with pagination, etc.).
   Simplified sample code:

   var html = '';
   $.each(data, function(i, row) {
        html += 'trtddata from json/td/tr';});


   formatTable() requires that the table has to be completed
  before it
   can be executed.
   Is there any way I can optimize this better? I think I've read
   somewhere that making a string too long is not good, but I've also
   read that updating the DOM on each iteration is even worst.

   Any advice would be appreciated!- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-02-07 Thread Kevin Dalman

Hi Dave,

You've probably long-since moved on from this, but I stumbled across
this topic again, so thought I'd answer anyway...

There are lots of examples on the Layout website for creating a
'layout' around an iframe - use one of these as a starting point...


Or use ANY demos as a starting point and just drop in your iframe:


The UI/Layout website itself uses iframes for some pages so it can
wrap content from other sites, like:


Rather than use the iframe itself as a layout 'pane', you could also
put the iframe 'inside' a regular pane-div. Since the pane-div has a
width and height set, all you need is:

iframe width=100% height=100% ...

This will auto-size the iframe to fit within the inner-dimensions of
the pane - ie, inside the padding. The Layout widget provides
virtually unlimited options for auto-sizing iframes and wrapping other
content around it - like headers, footers, sidebars, etc. If you want
to use Layout, then first check out the website documentation. If you
need more assistance, use the dedicated discussion group...


HOWEVER, a page-layout may not be suitable to your needs because it a
'Javascript' solution, so users MUST have JS enabled or else your page
will not look as you want. So depending on your need, you may find a
pure CSS solutions preferable, even if it is does require some ugly

Hope that helps.


On Jan 28, 11:39 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
 Hi Kevin, I really appreciate your help with all this.  Unfortunately,
 I added what you had suggested ...

 script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {
                         closable:  false
                         ,  resizable: false
                         ,  spacing_open: 0
                         ,  center_paneSelector: #fileTreeIframe
 iframe id=fileTreeIframe class=ui-layout-center style=border:0px
 none #ff; src=file_tree.php border=0 width=100%

 and even included the normal script instaed of the .min.js file ...

 script type=text/javascript src=../scripts/jquery.layout.js/

 but sadly still now luck (screen shot is as before).  There are no JS
 errors on the page.  Do I have to give every element on my page a
 class name like you mention above, or should it be enough to only name
 the iframe?

 Thanks, - Dave

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-02-07 Thread Kevin Dalman

If you are going to apply a specific iframe height via script...


...You MUST bind an event to window.resize to *re-size* the iframe
whenever the browser window is resized.


On Jan 30, 10:58 am, jquertil til...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think you're going down the wrong path - you shouldnt need to script
 anything to get a CSS attribute to work.

 usually when I run into this problem it is because somewhere in my
 document tree there is a parent lement that has no height attribute

 So if you have html  someDiv  anotherDiv  table  tr td  iframe

 every one of the elements should have a parent with  height set

 At least this is how I usually end up solving the dreaded height 100%
 problem whenever I come to it.

 Alternatively, you can try


[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-07 Thread Kevin Dalman

Mike, sorry if my post sounded like criticism - it was not intended
that way. However the representation of the test pages is misleading -
by accident I'm sure.

The majority of the performance difference between the 2 pages is
*solely* the difference between these 2 syntax



Or alternately...


The syntax differences above are responsible for 85% of the speed
difference between the pages - 7-times more than the loop-optimization
is. Yet none of the points you repeated above are related to this
issue. BOTH syntax only do a single DOM append - they just do it
differently. And the 'loop' is irrelevant to this 85% difference - a
simple string will still produce the same result.

If you replace the code in your 'slow page' with the sample I gave in
my last post - using .html( html ) - you'll see that the speed
improves 7-fold -- with no change to the string-concatenation loop or
anything else. Since this is 85% of the speed difference, this is
proper way to comparison of the issues you raised. (You could also use
$(table/table) in BOTH pages, but then the 'fast page' takes
over 7 seconds!)

So the loop-optimization  produces only a 6-times speed improvement in
IE - not 30-times. This.is still a significant improvement by itself,
but I think it important to understand that $(table/table) is
*really* the big culprit here. In fact, I think this is something that
should be brought to the jQuery team's attention... Why is this syntax
so slower?



On Feb 7, 1:41 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 No need to shout. :-)

 I never claimed that these pages reflect only the difference between the
 array join and string concatenation. On the contrary, in my other message in
 this thread I listed all of the factors that make the code faster:

 * Explicit for loop (and the fastest kind of for loop) - no function
 callback for each row.

 * Builds an array of string fragments and then joins it, instead of string

 * Builds the array with out[++o] = ... instead of the more obvious
 out.push(...) (faster in IE).

 * Instead of inserting a large number of sibling DOM elements (the TRs)
 together, inserts only a single DOM element (the TABLE).

 Now it is very useful to know how much of the performance improvement is due
 to each of these individual tricks, and thank you for doing that testing. My
 purpose in posting was to combine all of the optimizations to create the
 fastest possible code.


  From: Kevin Dalman

  These test pages DO NOT accurately compare the speed of
  array.join() VS string+= The biggest speed difference
  between the two is REALLY that one uses $(table/table)
  and one doesn't. If this is removed from the 'slow' page, the
  load-speed goes from 8.7 sec to 1.5 sec. This is still
  6-times longer than the fast version - but no longer 30-times longer!

  Conversely, I changed the 'fast' page to use the append
  syntax (after removing table and tbody from the array):

  $('#container').append( $('table/table').append( out.join('') ) );

  This changed the 'fast' load from 0.24 sec to 7.3 sec! So
  even the 'fast loop' page performed 30-times slower when the
  element-append method is used!

  There was another code difference as well - the fast page uses $
  ('#container').html() and the slow-page $('#container').append().
  However, since the container is empty, it does not cause any
  significant speed difference.

  So for a TRUE loop-speed comparison, the code for the 'slow version'
  should be:

  var html = 'tabletbody';
  $.each( rows, function( iRow, row ) {
     html += 'trtd' + row.text + '/td/tr'; }); html +=
  '/tbody/table'; $('#container').html( html );

  This now uses the same html() syntax as the fast version,
  isolating the difference between the pages to ONLY the 2
  loops. Now there is less than a 1.3 sec difference - instead
  of 8+ seconds.

  Now it becomes clear that the biggest lesson here is that append
  (table/table) is a much bigger problem than the loop
  code. This is important to know because it would apply even
  if there were NO loop at all!

  Thanks for bringing both these details to my attention. I do
  a lot of dynamic HTML generation, so it's helpful to know
  what to watch out for.


  On Feb 5, 7:25 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
   ...there is not much room for improvement left.

   You just know that when you say that, someone will come
  along with a
   20x-40x improvement. ;-)



   Try them in IE, where the performance is the worst and
  matters the most.

   On my test machine, the first one runs about 6.3 seconds and the
   second one about 0.13 seconds.


From: Ricardo Tomasi

Concatenating into a string is already much faster than

[jQuery] Re: Reversing the SlideUp and SlideDown functions to slide from the bottom and not the top

2009-01-28 Thread Kevin Dalman

Use the effects in jQuery-UI when you need more than basic slideUp/
slideDown. Using show  hide with the appropriate options will allow
you to slide in any direction. You also have a lot more effects to
choose from then just 'slide'

To open by sliding 'up', and close in reverse...

$E.show( 'slide', {direction: 'up'} );
$E.hide(  'slide', {direction: 'up'} );

To use a 'drop' effect instead of 'slide'...

$E.show( 'drop', {direction: 'up'} );
$E.hide(  'drop', {direction: 'up'} );

You can find details in the jQuery docs:



On Jan 27, 8:07 pm, ryjohnson ry.john...@gmail.com wrote:
 I saw this was posted before, but there was never a solution posted. I
 want to use the Toggle function but have it slide up from the bottom
 of the div instead of the top, I have tried searching through all the
 plugins, and even tried writing my own but have had no luck. If
 there's anyone who can help me I would be extremely grateful.

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-01-28 Thread Kevin Dalman

HI Dave,

You can find all the info in the Layout documentation and examples,
but here is a quick answer...

The widget needs to 'find' the iframe. The default method is to give
the element a ui-layout class, like this...

iframe id=fileTreeIframe class=ui-layout-center ...

OR, since the iframe has an ID, you can tell the widget to use that...

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  closable:  false
   ,  resizable: false
   ,  spacing_open: 0
   ,  center_paneSelector: #fileTreeIframe


On Jan 27, 8:35 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
 Hi Kevin,

 How do I apply this expansion to the iframe specifically?  I included
 this on my page ...

 script type=text/javascript src=../scriptsjquery.layout.min.js/
 script type=text/javascript
         $(document).ready(function() {
                         closable:  false
                         ,  resizable: false
                         ,  spacing_open: 0
 iframe id=fileTreeIframe style=border:0px none #ff;
 src=file_tree.php border=0 width=100% scroll=auto/iframe

 but still no love! ...http://screencast.com/t/aJxegNZmv

  - Dave

 On Jan 26, 12:27 pm, Kevin Dalman kevin.dal...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Dave,

  This plugin may be more than you need, but...

  The UI/Layout widget will automatically position and size an iframe
  (or other element) to fill the entire page, OR allow for a header,
  footer, or sidebars. The code and markup are dead-simple. Here is an
  example with a page-banner and an iframe. Everything is done for you,
  including eliminating the 'body scrollbar'...

        closable:  false
     ,  resizable: false
     ,  spacing_open: 0


  DIV class=ui-layout-north [Banner here] /DIV
  IFRAME class=ui-layout-center src=myIframe.html ... 

  That's it! I recommend setting an iframe width  height for non-
  Javascript browsers, but it's not necessary for Layout. Plus you must
  set your preferred iframe options, like scrolling, border, padding,

  Plug-in website:http://layout.jquery-dev.net

  Simple iframe demo:http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos/frames.html

  The Layout website itself used iframe pages with a 'banner', like:


  Hope this helps.


  On Jan 26, 6:55 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com

  laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
   My iframe is also hard-coded.  But here is what I get when I do
   console.log statements ...

                   $('#fileTreeIframe').load( function() {
                           var $ifbody = $(this).contents().find
   ( 'body' );
                           console.log($ifbody);              // Outputs
   Object length=1 0=body prevObject=Object jquery=1.2.6
                           $ifbody.css( 'height','auto' );
                           console.log($ifbody.height());              //
   Outputs 0
                           $(this).height( $ifbody.height() );

   Obviously the troubling thing here is that height is outputting zero.
   Can you provide the HTML that surrounds your hard-coded iframe?  There
   must be something else I'm not setting in the CSS or HTML.

   Thanks, - Dave

   On Jan 25, 1:53 pm, dbzz j...@briskey.net wrote:

i have the iframe hardcoded in the html. if you are adding it to the
dom with js, it won't get the load event binding. you might try
livequery or something like it.

On Jan 25, 10:21 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com

laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
 Hi dbzz,

 I tried the code you provided, but went from this ...


 to the iframe disappearing entirely ...


 I put your code in a $(document).ready() block (below).  Are there any
 other modifications I should make to get it to display at 100%?

         $(document).ready(function() {
                 $('#fileTreeIframe').load( function() {
                         var $ifbody = $(this).contents().find
 ( 'body' );
                         $ifbody.css( 'height','auto' );
                         $(this).height( $ifbody.height() );

 Thanks, - Dave- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Can jQuery calculate CSS Width/Height

2009-01-28 Thread Kevin Dalman

Thanks Matt, but that does not work.

As my example shows, the element may have a percentage width, or it
could be 'auto' (which it would be if not specifically set). What I
need is the 'pixel' measurement that would replicate its current size.
In other words, if it currently is width:90%; and I replace it with
width:985px;, the width *would not change* (assuming 985 is the pixel

On Jan 26, 3:03 pm, Matt matt.critch...@gmail.com wrote:
 $('#Test').css('width') ?

 On Jan 26, 11:46 am, Kevin Dalman kevin.dal...@gmail.com wrote:

  jQuery has innerHeight/Width and outerHeight/Width methods, but is
  there a method that can return a 'CSS Height/Width'. A CSS width is
  the width that would be applied via CSS to achieve a given 'outer
  width'. This value will differ depending on the box model and other
  older browser idiosyncracies.

  Here is an example...

  DIV#Test {
     width: 90%;
     height: auto;
     padding: 7px;
     margin: 11px;
     border: 3px solid #000;


  DIV id=Test line1 BR line 2 BR line 3 /DIV

  Now I want to increase the DIV width  height by 1-pixel. To do so, I
  need the current 'pixel width/height' that is equivent to its current
  size. AFAIK, $(#Test).innerWidth() will not address this. Is there
  another dimension method that can?

  I already have a custom function to calculate this, but I'm wondering
  if I am missing something in jQuery that would simplify my code? If
  not, I may suggest such a method for jQuery, but want to be sure it
  doesn't already exist!

  Does anyone have knowledge of this?

  /Kevin- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Can jQuery calculate CSS Width/Height

2009-01-26 Thread Kevin Dalman

jQuery has innerHeight/Width and outerHeight/Width methods, but is
there a method that can return a 'CSS Height/Width'. A CSS width is
the width that would be applied via CSS to achieve a given 'outer
width'. This value will differ depending on the box model and other
older browser idiosyncracies.

Here is an example...

DIV#Test {
   width: 90%;
   height: auto;
   padding: 7px;
   margin: 11px;
   border: 3px solid #000;

DIV id=Test line1 BR line 2 BR line 3 /DIV

Now I want to increase the DIV width  height by 1-pixel. To do so, I
need the current 'pixel width/height' that is equivent to its current
size. AFAIK, $(#Test).innerWidth() will not address this. Is there
another dimension method that can?

I already have a custom function to calculate this, but I'm wondering
if I am missing something in jQuery that would simplify my code? If
not, I may suggest such a method for jQuery, but want to be sure it
doesn't already exist!

Does anyone have knowledge of this?


[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-01-26 Thread Kevin Dalman

Hi Dave,

This plugin may be more than you need, but...

The UI/Layout widget will automatically position and size an iframe
(or other element) to fill the entire page, OR allow for a header,
footer, or sidebars. The code and markup are dead-simple. Here is an
example with a page-banner and an iframe. Everything is done for you,
including eliminating the 'body scrollbar'...

  closable:  false
   ,  resizable: false
   ,  spacing_open: 0

DIV class=ui-layout-north [Banner here] /DIV
IFRAME class=ui-layout-center src=myIframe.html ... 

That's it! I recommend setting an iframe width  height for non-
Javascript browsers, but it's not necessary for Layout. Plus you must
set your preferred iframe options, like scrolling, border, padding,

Plug-in website: http://layout.jquery-dev.net

Simple iframe demo: http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos/frames.html

The Layout website itself used iframe pages with a 'banner', like:


Hope this helps.


On Jan 26, 6:55 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
 My iframe is also hard-coded.  But here is what I get when I do
 console.log statements ...

                 $('#fileTreeIframe').load( function() {
                         var $ifbody = $(this).contents().find
 ( 'body' );
                         console.log($ifbody);              // Outputs
 Object length=1 0=body prevObject=Object jquery=1.2.6
                         $ifbody.css( 'height','auto' );
                         console.log($ifbody.height());              //
 Outputs 0
                         $(this).height( $ifbody.height() );

 Obviously the troubling thing here is that height is outputting zero.
 Can you provide the HTML that surrounds your hard-coded iframe?  There
 must be something else I'm not setting in the CSS or HTML.

 Thanks, - Dave

 On Jan 25, 1:53 pm, dbzz j...@briskey.net wrote:

  i have the iframe hardcoded in the html. if you are adding it to the
  dom with js, it won't get the load event binding. you might try
  livequery or something like it.

  On Jan 25, 10:21 am, laredotorn...@zipmail.com

  laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:
   Hi dbzz,

   I tried the code you provided, but went from this ...


   to the iframe disappearing entirely ...


   I put your code in a $(document).ready() block (below).  Are there any
   other modifications I should make to get it to display at 100%?

           $(document).ready(function() {
                   $('#fileTreeIframe').load( function() {
                           var $ifbody = $(this).contents().find
   ( 'body' );
                           $ifbody.css( 'height','auto' );
                           $(this).height( $ifbody.height() );

   Thanks, - Dave- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery solve the iframe height=100% problem?

2009-01-26 Thread Kevin Dalman

(Sorry if this is a duplicate post)

Hi Dave,

This plugin may be more than you need, but...

The UI/Layout widget will automatically position and size an iframe
(or other element) to fill the entire page, OR allow for a header,
footer, or sidebars. The code and markup are dead-simple. Here is an
example with a page-banner and an iframe. Everything is done for you,
including eliminating the 'body scrollbar'...

  closable:  false
   ,  resizable: false
   ,  spacing_open: 0

DIV class=ui-layout-north [Banner here] /DIV
IFRAME class=ui-layout-center src=myIframe.html ... 

That's it! I recommend setting an iframe width  height for non-
Javascript browsers, but it's not necessary for Layout. Plus you must
set your preferred iframe options, like scrolling, border, padding,

Plug-in website: http://layout.jquery-dev.net

Simple iframe demo: http://layout.jquery-dev.net/demos/frames.html

The Layout website itself used iframe pages with a 'banner', like:


Hope this helps.


On Jan 24, 5:15 pm, laredotorn...@zipmail.com
laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to get my iframe to occupy 100% of its parent block
 element.  But the height=100% attribute in CSS isn't doing the trick.
 Here's my HTML 

 td width=177 height=100% valign=top class=content-
 ruleiframe id=fileTreeIframe style=border:0px none #ff;
 src=file_tree.php border=0 width=100% scroll=auto/iframe/

 and the CSS ...

 iframe { display:block; height:100%; width:100%; border:none; }

 It doesn't look good right now --http://screencast.com/t/mIzGnUikC.
 Can JQuery help me make my iframe occupy 100% of its parent element?

 Thanks, - Dave