Re: [lace] wood bobbins to apply eye bolt to

2006-01-31 Thread delia.palin

Hello Devon!

I know that Jan Gardiner of Lacewing Designs in England sells bobbins 
specifically for wire working, but it is much easier and cheaper to make 
your own.  Just buy any basic, cheap bobbins, drill them slightly to get a 
start, and then screw in the tiny hooks that are sometimes used for putting 
in the back of pictures for hanging.  They are really cheap, too - I think 
mine cost me about 3p (GB) each, and they work beautifully.  If you cannot 
get hooks small enough, sometimes you can get loops or rings attached to a 
screw thread that you can just open slightly with a pair of pliers.

Hope this helps!

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] Graph paper

2006-01-30 Thread delia.palin

Hello Janice!

If you click on each of the boxes in turn, I think especially the last one, 
you can change the way the graph/grid is arranged on the paper.  Hope this 
helps.  If not, email the man who owns the site - Jeremy (his email address 
is on there somewhere, if  not, I can find it and let you have it) - and he 
is very helpful.  Hope you manage it OK.


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[lace] Graph Paper

2006-01-29 Thread delia.palin
I have recently discovered another site with free graph paper/grids.  This 
one has polar and logarithmic grids, too.

I emailed the owner and asked if he could alter the polar ones so that they 
radiated from a corner, to make a larger size for designing fans, collars 
etc.  He has now done this, and says if anyone has any other ideas, would 
they please let him know and he will do his best to supply what is required.

Dee Palin

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[lace] Fanleaves

2006-01-17 Thread delia.palin
I have been lucky enough to buy two sets of beautiful bone fansticks one of 
which dates from 1890,  and the other smaller one from 1910.  The fanleaves 
were completely shredded, and I have removed them.  I am now looking for a 
pattern to make new fanleaves for them, and thought I had been so lucky to 
get a copy of Henk Hardeman's Torchon Lace Patterns as there is one in 
there.  It needs exactly the right number of fansticks for the larger of the 
two sets I have, and on measuring the width of the leaf, it is exactly 
right.  However, when I join the pieces of the leaf together, I find that 
the outer circumference is too great, so I reduced it to 80% of the 
original, and now the shape fits beautifully - BUT of course, the width has 
also reduced, and it is no longer wide enough.

I thought I had solved it by scanning the reduced pattern into Word, and 
then stretching it, but this also alters each piece of pattern so that when 
it is joined up again, the pieces do not make a complete semi-circle.  As it 
is on a polar grid, and the holes when reduced are very close together at 
the bottom, it is not possible to simply add more holes and continue the 
pattern to fit the sticks.

My lace teacher tells me that there is nothing I can do about it, and that I 
will have to design my own!  I am still hoping that I may be able to use 
this pattern, as it is really perfect.  Can anyone help, please?

Also, does anyone know where I can buy polar grid paper to design my own 

Thank you.

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] makers of arachne commerative bobbins

2006-01-01 Thread delia.palin

Happy New Year!

I have been subscribing to Arachne for about 8 months now, and this is the 
first mention I have seen of commemorative bobbins - when are these 
available, and could I get one for 2005 (as that is when I started 
subscribing) even though it is 2006 now?

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] Lace dye

2005-12-09 Thread delia.palin
Jan Gardiner of Lacewing Designs makes one of her designs in 
natural-coloured silk (a dragon) and then dyes it, and you can attend one of 
her courses in Salisbury to learn how to do it properly.  The fact that the 
dyes do bleed into each other is a vital part of the appearance of the 
finished article.

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] wire lace- Gloriana book

2005-12-06 Thread delia.palin
I have both Gloriana books and Copper Wire Lace by Anne Dyer and I think 
they are all very good.  Another I would recommend is Textile Techniques in 
Metal by Arline M Fisch.  ISBN 0-7090-6007-6  On the back cover it says 
Applying the techniques of fibre arts to gold, silver, copper, and brass. 
Weaving - Knitting - Machine Knitting - Crochet - Basketry - Braiding - 
Bobbin Lace - Knotting  It is a lovely book and well worth a look.

Dee Palin
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: [lace] wire lace- Gloriana book

I have become enthralled with wire lace and am aspiring to learn how  to 

it myself. I believe that the only book on the subject is called  Gloriana
and I am wondering if it is worth buying it for myself for Christmas.  (I 
like to leave something as important as the selection of my Christmas 

to amateurs.)
Is this the only book or is there another?
in New Jersey, where the 6 inches of snow threatened for today has failed 


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[lace-chat] Antique Bone Fansticks

2005-12-05 Thread delia.palin
I have bought two sets of antique fansticks, both made of bone, one of which 
has gold paint decoration on it.  They both have the old, very dirty and 
torn, fanleaves on them, which I want to remove so that I can make my own 
bobbin lace to attach.  Could anyone please tell me the safest way to remove 
the remains of the old fanleaves without damaging the bone?  Thank you.

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Antiwue Bone Fansticks - Again!

2005-12-05 Thread delia.palin
I forgot to mention that one of the sticks is broken about an inch from the 
top.  What glue can I safely use to repair it, please?  Thank you.

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Parcel

2005-11-19 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

Thank you for another lovely parcel which arrived this morning.  You must 
have bought loads of that pretty wrapping paper in my favourite colour! 
This parcel was just great, as always.

I love the little teddy, and he supports such a good cause too.  I support 
Breast Cancer Charities myself, as my Mum was a victim.  The emery board is 
in another of my favourite colours and will be saved for a special occasion! 
The little candle holder and candle are so pretty - almost too pretty to 
use - and the apron will be pressed into service over Christmas, as the one 
I have now is a bit past its best, to say the least.  (VBG)  The little coin 
purse is so sweet.  I like the belt loop on the back, and it will be so 
useful when I take the dogs for a walk, as I will not have to take my bag, 
but will have some change handy for parking etc.

The serviettes/napkins you sent me in a previous parcel have been used and 
admired when we have had special visitors.  I have never seen such pretty 
ones in England.

I am greatly looking forward to finding out who you are next month.  Thank 
you once again for my parcel.

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace-chat] cleaning the rack from a grill pan?

2005-11-14 Thread delia.palin
I always part fill the sink with very hot water and lots of strong thick 
bleach.  Leave the grill in there for about 10 minutes and most of the gunge 
will just wipe away.  The rest you can get off with wire wool.  Hope it 

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] How did you start making lace?

2005-10-27 Thread delia.palin
I started making lace thanks to one of my jewellery-making students.  I had 
seen Lenka Suchanec's website, and thought that it would be wonderful to 
make some jewellery in precious metal wire using lacemaking techniques.  I 
was talking about it during class one day, and one of my students said she 
went to a lacemaking class.  I asked her (very naively!) if she could 'just' 
teach me the stitches so I could have a go with wire.  She encouraged me to 
go to her class, and although I have tried with wire, and been on a wire 
lacemaking course, I am not as keen as I was on that, but am totally 
addicted to lacemaking.  I know some members of my family find me a bit of a 
bore on my pet subject

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-10-17 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

Our postman calls at 7.15 in the morning, so I had your parcel to open 
before breakfast.  As always, it was a really great one.

The dogs have already been playing with their toy, and very nicely taking it 
in turns.  The make-up kit is really good and neat - I shall use it when we 
go away as it will be so easy to pack.  The tea I tried with my breakfast, 
and it is delicious.  The little angel pin is destined for my favourite 
jacket - I love the way the little heart moves.  I was fascinated to read 
about Floriade, and can't wait to finish this message so I can go on the 
website to see where you went!

Thank you so much for another lovely parcel.  I can't wait to find out who 
you are!

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace] Anna magazine

2005-10-14 Thread delia.palin
I tried to order a copy from my newsagent, and they said they would get back 
to me when they had it.  I have not heard from them yet.

Dee Palin
Gloucestershire UK
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 4:35 PM
Subject: [lace] Anna magazine

Can I take it that no one in the UK has seen the latest issue of Anna yet? 

have had no response to my original question.

Patricia in Wales

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Re: [lace] New Lacemakers

2005-10-12 Thread delia.palin

What an achievement, David!  BTW what are Gumnuts?

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal - again

2005-09-17 Thread delia.palin

Hello Secret Pal!

I have just unwrapped my Bush Pen, and realised that the Koala can be 
unclipped from the pen and that the pen is real wood!  The Koala is so 
cute -  I am going to put him with the Wombat, and they can keep each other 
company.  Thank you again!

Dee palin

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[lace-chat] Camelot Lottery Fraud

2005-09-03 Thread delia.palin
Over the past few days we have been contacted via email several times saying
that we have won £300,000 (Oh - if only!!!).  We thought it was a bit fishy,
but have gone along with it so far, until they said we had to pay to receive a
package from a firm of couriers containing documents we would have to sign
before we could claim our winnings.

We have contacted Camelot who operate the British Lottery, and they say they
know all about it and that it is definitely a con.

We are lucky that we realised in time that no official promotion asks you to
pay before you get your winnings, and we had not given any information to them
that they could not have found in a telephone directory.

We have heard of these things before but never actually come into contact with
it.  It certainly makes you think! (and dream!!! VBG)

Dee Palin

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Re: [lace-chat] Lace note cards

2005-08-13 Thread delia.palin
I would very much like to see the notecards that Janice Blair writes about, 
but when I tried clicking on the blue address, I could not get into the 
photos.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, please?  Thank you.

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-08-08 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

Thank you so much for my parcel which arrived this morning.  What a lovely 
lot of goodies - and I have plans for all of them already!  The wombat is 
gorgeous and I have decided to call him Wally.  I love soft toys, and this 
one is so different and cute.  My daughter will be so envious.  I am going 
to display him on my dressing table.  The bookmark is in use already - I 
have just started reading a new book, and was using a bit of an envelope to 
mark my place.  The artwork on it is very interesting, and I love the design 
on the snake's back - it looks like you should be able to adapt it to a lace 
design!  The embroidery kit is so pretty.  I shall take it with me when I go 
away on holiday in a week's time.  It will not take up too much room, and 
will be fun to do.  The bag is very nice, and as I have an 'event' to go to 
soon that I am a bit apprehensive about, I will use it then for the first 
time and it will be just right.  The spangles are so pretty and unusual.  I 
have never seen beads that shape before, and they will certainly look really 
special on my pillow.

The gloves you sent me last time really do work - I use them all the time in 
the shower, and am so smooth now!  The threads you sent me are in use in a 
Hardanger embroidery that I have been wanting to do for a long time when I 
could find the right threads, and these are perfect.

Thank you once again for a lovely parcel.  'Speak' to you next month.  Take 

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-21 Thread delia.palin

Dear Secret Pal

I received my parcel today, and am absolutely delighted with it.  Did you 
know my favourite colours?  I can't remember if I put them on my info, but 
the threads are so pretty, and I will definitely use them soon.  The gloves 
are fascinating - I had never heard of such things before, but will try them 
in the shower tomorrow - I will be all smooth and shiny!  The pencil is too 
good to use, because I will never have another one, and want to keep it as a 
souvenir of where you are, and the little duck keyring fob is so sweet.  I 
shall enjoy having him on my keys, and at least I won't lose them as 
frequently as I usually do - I locked them in the boot of my car only two 
weeks ago, and had to get my husband to come over to sort me out - he was 
not pleased!!! (Understatement of the year!)  As for the fridge magnet, it 
is on my fridge right now.  I guess you made it, and it is lovely.  It is so 
nice to have something you have made yourself, and I will treasure it.

Thank you again so much - don't worry that it was a bit late - it was really 
worth waiting for!

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2005-07-19 Thread delia.palin
I hope someone can help me as Brenda is away.  I have joined the above 
scheme, and have sent off my parcel, which has been received and 
acknowledged.  But I have not received one myself.  I do not know if one was 
posted and has been lost, or if the system has broken down somehow.  Can 
anyone advise me please?

Dee Palin

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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] names and place on arachne

2005-07-13 Thread delia.palin
I was not talking of sending my name to my Secret Pal, but on lace chat/lace 
putting my name and where I come from when I send in a message as suggested 
by someone else.  I thought that if I did this, my Secret Pal would be able 
to tie that up with parcels she had received from me, even though I use a 
friend's return address,  in which I am supposed to to put items to do with 
my local area, which would be of interest to to her.

- Original Message - 
From: Helene Gannac [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 7:42 AM
Subject: [lace] names and place on arachne

Dee, you are not supposed to put your name anywhere when you write to your
secret pal!! Only sign Your secret Pal, not Helene, or Dee, or anything 

can be recognized!!

Also, use someone else's name and address on the parcels. I use my 

name, or a friend of mine, whose permission I asked for first, of course!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, Australia.

Subject: Re: [lace] Posting to Arachne

I think it is a good idea to put our names and where we come from - EXCEPT
won't that give us away to our Secret Pals?

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean

Do you Yahoo!?
Try Yahoo! Photomail Beta: Send up to 300 photos in one email!

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Re: [lace] Posting to Arachne

2005-07-11 Thread delia.palin
I think it is a good idea to put our names and where we come from - EXCEPT 
won't that give us away to our Secret Pals?

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 4:34 PM
Subject: [lace] Posting to Arachne

Dear Gentle Spiders,
Would it be asking too much if each of us signed each posting with our 
city and/or country where we live?  Fran talked about being in London 
during the 70s, but is she still there?  That is one of the things we 
Gentle Spiders who use Arachne are supposed to do, so step up to the 
challenge, lacemakers!

Happy Lacemaking and Posting (not to the hounds, to Arachne)
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Bombings

2005-07-08 Thread delia.palin
I think everyone here in UK would be thankful to everyone for their messages 
of sympathy and support.  My cousins only missed the devastation because 
they decided to go in later to work than usual.  Their mother nearly went 
mad trying to contact them, but all the phone networks were blocked. 
Thankfully, around lunchtime, she heard that they were OK.  We hear and read 
of these things elsewhere, and think that they will never happen to anyone 
we know.  It is a tremendous shock for us when it does.  I can't imagine how 
people begin to rebuild their lives if they or their families are actually 
involved in this sort of thing.

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire

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[lace] Computer

2005-06-29 Thread delia.palin
Hello everybody!

I am having loads of trouble with my computer and can only get online once a
day, if I am lucky.  'They' say it could be weeks before it is sorted out
properly.  However, I am still intending to participate in Secret Pal etc, but
please don't be worried if I can't post things online as quickly as I should.

If anyone needs me my telephone number is 01594 510519 (UK).  If I have real
problems, I will try to get in touch with Brenda by phone.

Thank you.

Dee Palin
in the Forest of Dean - where things using TECHNOLOGY aren't reliable!!!

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Re: [lace] Glass Bobbins

2005-06-29 Thread delia.palin
I have four Malcome Fowler bobbins.  He told me they were made of Pyrex and 
that in the unlikely event that they broke, he would repair them.  Mine 
contain pieces of my four dogs' hair - two of them are now deceased, so I 
love the reminder of them, but I keep them in a display cabinet. They are 
too precious to risk.

BTW  The BT man has come, and wreaked his magic, and I am back online - 
don't dare assume it will be forever though!!  Just keeping my fingers 
crossed! :.

Dee Palin,  in the Forest of Dean to which I must apologise for decrying its 

- Original Message - 
From: Carol Adkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Glass Bobbins

Hi All,

I would agree that some of the bobbins - such as the ones made by 
Tuffnell -
are quite chunky, so I am not too keen on those.  But - Malcolm Fowler 

the most delightful glass bobbins - they are slim and dainty, and with all
sorts of lovely things in the bobbins - such as titanium spirals (lovely
variegated blueish colours) and copper spirals (brown/gold variegated
colours) as well as pot pourri, ribbon, coloured seed beads, lacey bits -
you name it he'll do it!  I have a small fortune's worth of his bobbins 
despite their delicate looks, they are sturdy - unless you chuck them on 

floor, of course!

For those of you in the East Anglian area, he is coming to the Wymondham
Lace Day in June 2005!!!


Subject: RE: [lace] Glass Bobbins

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[lace-chat] Computer

2005-06-29 Thread delia.palin
Hello everybody!

I am having loads of trouble with my computer and can only get online once a
day, if I am lucky.  'They' say it could be weeks before it is sorted out
properly.  However, I am still intending to participate in Secret Pal etc, but
please don't be worried if I can't post things online as quickly as I should.

If anyone needs me my telephone number is 01594 510519 (UK).  If I have real
problems, I will try to get in touch with Brenda by phone.

Thank you.

Dee Palin
in the Forest of Dean - where things using TECHNOLOGY aren't reliable!!!

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[lace-chat] Bobbins

2005-06-26 Thread delia.palin
I saw the Arachne bobbin on eBay, and it looks very similar to one issued by 
the Lace Guild as a Membership bobbin a couple of years ago.  I think it 
must have been made by the same person.

BTW is there in Arachne Membership Bobbin?  I would love to have one, if 
there is.

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean
where the sun has decided to shine, without thunder and rain, and my 
Internet connection is now working again! (Hope that isn't tempting fate!) 

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Re: [lace] Re: bobbins for wirelace

2005-06-22 Thread delia.palin
I did mean below the neck, just where the main 'handle' of the bobbin 
starts, (there is usually a little bulge at the end of the neck, and it is 
drilled just below the bulge) then you wind the wire up from there up the 
neck, so that it does not untwist.

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean, Gloucester

- Original Message - 
From: Tamara P Duvall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: lace Arachne
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:36 AM
Subject: [lace] Re: bobbins for wirelace

On Jun 21, 2005, at 14:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you can always buy basic bobbins, drill the top and add your own tiny 
hooks that are used for hanging the cord behind pictures.  I bought some 
from my local DIY shop for 3p each.  You also need to drill a tiny hole 
just below the neck so that you can start your wire there and it won't 
twist undone.

The hole *just below* the head (which is what I think Dee really meant) is 
something that Jacquie Tinch mentioned in a private message to me (sorry, 
Jacquie, for not responding *yet*; things are hectic...), saying that, as 
she had been using precious metal (silver), she had no intention of 
wasting any more of it than she had to...

It certainly lit a bulb in my head, even though I'm not yet ready for 
precious metals, and may never be... Lenka's bobbins have the hole drilled 
at the bottom of the neck, close to the body of the bobbin. It may not 
sound like much of a difference - what's an inch or so, aferall - but, 
with Lenka being out of business of selling wire, and most of other 
suppliers not carrying anything below the 32 gauge, *all* of one's stash 
becomes rather precious, and every inch counts... :)

Does anyone know what 34 gauge is, when translated into the increments of 
a centimetre? I have a spool (too short, alas, being only 80m) of 0.18mm 
wire (Swiss-made), and no clue what it corresponds to, vis-a-vis 

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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Re: [lace] Lace, Girlguiding Lenka

2005-06-21 Thread delia.palin
You could use slabs of polystyrene insulation instead of pillows - it comes 
in a variety of thicknesses, and is not too expensive.  I used 3 inch thick 
recently for my friend to have a go and it worked well.  We covered it with 
a plain covercloth with a piece of felt underneath, both of which were 
pinned on - no sewing involved!

Jan Gardiner of Lacewing Designs (near Salisbury, I think) sells her own 
wire lace bobbins.  They have the hook at the top, not on the side as 
Lenka's.  They are £10 for 10, but you can always buy basic bobbins, drill 
the top and add your own tiny hooks that are used for hanging the cord 
behind pictures.  I bought some from my local DIY shop for 3p each.  You 
also need to drill a tiny hole just below the neck so that you can start 
your wire there and it won't twist undone.  I can't find Jan's phone number 
at the moment, but she has a website.  She also teaches wire lace.

Dee Palin
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire

- Original Message - 
From: Rosemary Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: [lace] Lace, Girlguiding  Lenka

Dear Arachnes

I think I should add my name to the Guiding list here.  I have been 
involved for most of my life and am still helping to run a Brownie pack, 
having done the Commissioner bit too in the past.  I have never tried to 
teach any of the girls to make lace, although I did run a young person's 
group at home for some years, some of whom were also Brownies and later 

I have however been asked to run a workshop at a Trefoil Guild 
training/activity day in September.  (Trefoil Guild for those not into 
guiding are the 'old guides'.) Since it is my field, I have offered 
bobbin-lace, but have to assume that it will be for total novices. So 
here's a nice one.  Has anyone got any good suggestions to fill one and a 
quarter hours for total beginners and them to produce something at the end 
of it?  Usually I reckon a first session is taken up entirely with 
bobbin-winding and pattern-preparation.

At present I do have a plan to produce a strip of torchon ground attached 
to a safety pin, a sort of lacy badge tab, and am expecting to prepare all 
prickings and wind all bobbins in advance.  Also I have to 
collect/beg/borrow a supply of pillows! This could be very time-consuming 
for me, but I see no alternative if the groups (of ten at a time) are to 
achieve a satisfying result.
I have always found that torchon ground is quick to pick up and learn. It 
will finish with a knotted fringe at whatever length they have managed to 
produce at the end of the session! An hour and a quarter is really not 
very long at all, is it.

Any alternative suggestions would be appreciated and considered!

I am also about to go visiting to Vancouver and was very disappointed to 
learn of Lenka's change of direction.  Last year I failed to find her 
there, and had hoped to at least buy some of her bobbins this time.  Is 
there anyone supplying these in UK do we know?  I now feel very privileged 
to have attended one of her workshops a couple of years ago when she was 

Rosemary in Sussex and 'Badger' to 2nd Kingston Buci Brownies

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[lace-chat] celluloid bobbins

2005-06-18 Thread delia.palin
I showed this item on eBay to my DH who studied them carefully and 
pronounced that the pegs on the side were to stop the bobbins rolling across 
the pillow when in use!

I have to say I don't find them attractive, and wouldn't want them on my 
pillow, no matter what they were made of. 

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[lace-chat] Lenka Suchanec

2005-06-16 Thread delia.palin
I have been reading all the emails about Lenka, and would like to add my 

It seems to me as if Lenka has had some kind of personal tragedy, and has 
decided that she cannot teach any more.

I sympathise completely, and think that she should be treated with 
compassion.  I realise that she is contracted to teach, but maybe for some 
reason she cannot, and I think although it is very inconvenient and I am not 
belittling the problems it will cause, she needs to be helped and supported 
at the moment.

I hope someone elsewhere agrees with me!!! 

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Re: [lace] What happens to the lace teacher's work?

2005-05-24 Thread delia.palin
I cannot say about lace teaching, because I have only been making for 5 
years and have not tried, but I know from experience of teaching silver 
jewellery making that

- I did make more jewellery than before.
- The quality of my work definitely improved as I demonstrated the 'proper' 
way of doing things, and started practising what I preached!
- I had to try all sorts of new techniques that I had only read about 
before, because my students wanted to try them and I had to be the 'expert'.
- My designs improved by leaps and bounds, sparked off by my students' ideas 
and inspirations, and by the need to create designs that they could use and 
learn from.

ALSO - I made some very good friends.

I have retired from teaching now.  I miss it no end, but have found that the 
experiences I had and the confidence I gained through my teaching, have 
inspired me to try out lots of new things that I would never have tried 
before.  If you are thinking of teaching - go for it!  You will enjoy the 
experience and be greatly enriched by it.  You will also be surprised at how 
much you know that you did not think you knew (VBG)

Dee Palin

- Original Message - 
From: Linda Greyling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: [lace] What happens to the lace teacher's work?

Hi Friends

My questions is directed to all lace teachers.
When you started teaching
- did you make more lace than before?
- did the quality of your work improve?
- did you try new kinds of lace to accommodate students?
- did you become more creative in your own designs?

What makes you continue teaching?

Looking forward to your answers and any comments that would be useful to 
help someone decide to teach or not.

Linda Greyling
Helderkruin near Johannesburg South Africa.

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[lace] Kuda's Pattern

2005-05-11 Thread delia.palin
Thank you very much to Sue Babbs for her email.  I was struggling with 
printing the image of Kuda's lace, as I kept getting a large white bit of 
paper on the left, and the image half missing on the right.  Thanks to her 
notes, and a bit of fiddling, I have managed to do it.  I'm so delighted.

Thank you to Kuda, of course, for the lovely pattern.  I look forward to 
trying it.


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[lace] Thread Gauge

2005-05-09 Thread delia.palin
I got a thread gauge very similar to the one you mention from Makit Lace in 
England.  Their phone no is 01480 810810, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I  don't 
thjink they have a website.  The gauge comes with a book comparing different 
threads.  I find it invaluable, and use it all the time. 

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