[lace-chat] Re: day of disasters

2003-07-25 Thread Maxine D

How can  you wear so many layers in such a warm place as Sydney!

Try here, across the ditch, where we have had 7 frosts in a row varying
between -3 and 0 degrees (Celsius). followed by lovely sunny days of 12 - 15
degrees ;-)

Hoiw do you all manage to send so may emails and still do some lace?

Maxine, ( Tokoroa, N.Z.)
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Re: [lace-chat] Kiwi fruit

2003-07-28 Thread Maxine D
I'm  wondering if anyone could help with information about when  they might
be ripe.  Or should I just take a bite out of one?
 We're in Vermont, USA with a short growing season.

As a native "kiwi" I suggest you leave them on the vine until they drop, if
at all possible.  If not, when the weather gets too cold, I suggest you pick
them, and then put them in a bowl with apples and they will ripen up from
there.  They should be about 2" long at least for home grown ones...

when they are fully ripe too, just as a guide.  :-)
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2003-08-14 Thread Maxine D
 - how about we hear from those who make other forms of lace!?

 Tatters?  Knitters?  Needle-lacers?  Crocheters?

I am new to bobbin lace as I mentioned earlier in the week, but have
crocheted since I was 9 or 10... self taught from the good old "Arthur Mees
Encyclopedia". I have knitted a 2 ply woolen lace shawl (circular) for a
grandbaby.  I have also self taught some needle lace... and can do the
basics in tatting, courtesy of my late mother.

As you can see lace has fascinated me for may years...

Maxine - where winter has decided to have another go, and today it is cold
and overcast :-(

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Re: [lace-chat] Memory: Lavender and Rosemary

2003-08-14 Thread Maxine D
It's the oil that works, rather than the scent the oil suffocates the
little blighters!   Try diluting the lavender oil with virgin olive oil.

Apply liberally  throughout hair, leave for 30 mins, comb with fine toothed
comb and shampoo.  Repeat daily for 10 -14 days, depending on the level of
infestation.  I can guarantee this, as we had to use it 12 months ago.  It
is also much more pleasant to use the the chemists "solutions", and much

Maxine, in a frosty but fine, and due to reach 16 degrees Celsius, part of
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Memory: Lavender and Rosemary

> Another use for lavendar oil, according to something I read somewhere, is
> keep head lice at bay.  Seemingly they don't like lavendar and so combing
> little lavendar oil into the hair can keep them away.  It struck me as a
> pleasant way of dealing with an unpleasant problem.
> Patricia in Wales
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[lace-chat] Power cut

2003-08-15 Thread Maxine D
hi all I hope you are back in the light again :-)

I wondered why I had hardly any emails today, and no lace chat ones apart from
one post from Jean, then the light dawned... you had none.

Guess it may have meant a bit less time at the computer and a bit more at the

Hope you are soon bright and shining again.

Maxine, from a currently cold and wet corner of N.Z - I'm not complaining as
we needed the rain!

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[lace-chat] Re Lavender oil and head lice.

2003-08-15 Thread Maxine D
Have found my instructions.. they suggest tea tree oil, but I am sure lavender
will be equally effective!

Coat the hair with olive oil with a few drops of Tea tree/lavender oil added,
use a lice comb to comb the hair through... the oil facilitates this,
especially when the hair is thick.After combing, wrap the head in a towel
for 30 mins for additional suffocation time, then wash (May need to shampoo a
couple or three times). Add couple of drops of preferred oil to the hair after
washing to work as a preventer.

Repeat this once a week for three to four weeks to get the residual hatching
lice out.  This is really important!  or you may get a reinvestation from as
little as one egg.

My daughter had to use this remedy, and said it was really great on the hair,
after trying various somewhat more potent chemists remedies.


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[lace-chat] Music loving birds!

2003-08-18 Thread Maxine D
Amazingly, as soon as I
started whistling *tunes* (none of the others do), it relocated itself
to my shoulder -- the better to hear you m'dear :) It seems to prefer
Bach and Haydn and Mozart to folk or popular tunes; the latter he
tolerates; the earlier make him tweet for more whenever I stop :)

This reminds me of a budgie that we had when I was young... I was learning tho
play the piano, classical, and if Paddy (the budgie) like the piece I was
learning, he would "talk", but if he did not, he would shriek!  I didn't pay
enough attention to know which pieces he liked and did not like, but he made
his musical preferences very clear!


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Re: [lace-chat] Itchy Mosquito Bites

2003-08-18 Thread Maxine D
> but I don't remember seeing any information on getting
> rid of the itch.

1. slice a raw onion and rub the juice on.  (not the most socially
acceptable solution)
2.  Rub a violet leaf on until the juices show green on the skin
3. Find a leaf of broad leafed plantain (a common weed) and treat as same as
the violet leaf.

Hope these help, they are tried and true in N.Z.


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[lace-chat] Itchy Bites

2003-08-18 Thread Maxine D
Another thing I thought of once I saw the ammonia...

We have a (medical) disinfectant, which I don't know how wide spead it is,
called Dettol.

Mix thqat 50:50 with vegetable oil and apply!  Not only will it stop the itch,
it will also deter the litle blighters too!

The latter was discovered by chance, but is very efficient, as I have proved
when camping by a river during a mosquito takeover!

Maxine from a very spring like corner of N.Z.

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[lace-chat] Forest Fires, Frogs and Grammar

2003-08-23 Thread Maxine D
Hi, Gentle Spiders

We in N.Z. have not heard of the Canadian fires European ones yes, but not
the Canadian.  You are in our prayers.

We embroiderers in N.Z. "reverse stitch"..  something I am quite familiar
with at the moment :-(

Another grammar gripe of mine is the incorrect useage of to, too and two!

In N.Z. where spring has sprung again today, long may it last, despite the
weather forcaster's predictions.!

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[lace-chat] food allergies.

2003-08-24 Thread Maxine D
As to food allergies etc, how many of these people with allergies were not
breast fed?

My son was exclusively breast fed for 5-6 months, and then was not given dairy
products for some months after that, but he soon showed signs of a milk
allergy.   It wasn't until some years later that we realised he was also
allergic to beef, so fingured he had some sort of bovine protein allergy.
Thankfully he has now outgrown it, but we had some years of steering clear of
beef/dairy products.

What he could tolerate was goats milk, and he drank gallons of that when it
was available.  I always knew when he was going to have a growth spurt,
because he asked for goats milk, and if I could not get it, them he hoed into
my calcium tablets!

Maxine in N.Z.

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Re: [lace-chat] forest fires

2003-08-24 Thread Maxine D
> Sharon wrote:
> >Amazing isn't it?   Here in British Columbia we have the worst forest
fires going on in over 75 years..but we barely rate a footnote in the news.

You made the headlines in N.Z. last night!  We continue to pray for you.

Did you hear about our major earthquake last Friday a.m,?  A 7.8 on the
reitcher scale.  Thankfully the epicentre is in a remote area, but the
mountains and fiords have been affected.(Landslides and mini tsunami)  There
were no human casualties, but quite a bit of damage, e.g., brocken crockery,
some structural damage, such as chimneys broken etc., especially as the
aftershocks are continuing and they have been up to 5.4.

Maxine, from the Shakey Isles, living up to their name :-)

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[lace-chat] smile :-)

2003-09-10 Thread Maxine D
A drunk that smelled like a brewery got on a bus one day. He sat down next to
a priest. The drunk's shirt was stained, his face was full of bright red
lipstick and he had a half-empty bottle of wine sticking out of his pocket. He
opened his newspaper and started reading. A couple minutes later, he asked the
priest, "Father, what causes arthritis?"
"Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much
alcohol, and contempt for your fellow man," the priest replied.
"Imagine that," the drunk muttered. He returned to reading his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, turned to the man and apologized:
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had
"I don't have arthritis, Father," the drunk said, "but I just read in the
paper that the Pope does!"

So I said to this Chinese waiter, "Are there any Chinese jews?" So he went
away and when he came back he said, "No, there's only apple juice, pineapple


I went to the doctor's the other day and I said, "Have you got anything for
So he gave me a kite.


I went to the doctor and I said, "It hurts when I do that." He said, "Well,
don't do it."


What do you call a Gorilla with a banana in each ear? Anything you like, he
can't hear ya?


You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today.
They left a little note on the windscreen; it said, "Parking Fine." So that
was nice.


My wife phoned me just before the show, and she said, "I've got water in the
carburettor." I said, "Where's the car?" She said, "In the river."


I went to the dentist. He said my teeth are all right, but my gums have gotta
come out.


I backed a horse today, 20 to 1 ... came in at 20 past 4. He was so late
coming in, he had to tip-toe back to the stables. The Jockey kept hitting him
with the whip and the horse said to him, "What are you doing that for? There's
nobody behind us."


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[lace-chat] A tribute

2003-10-30 Thread Maxine D
As artisans, I thought folks may appreciate this quilt that commerates the
victims of 9-11-2001.



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Re: [lace-chat] Left or Right?

2003-11-02 Thread Maxine D
I would venture to say it is conditioning through the road rules... here in
N.Z we drive on the left, tend to walk to the left on the footpaths etc etc.

in tempermental spring weather here in N.Z.

I wonder if it is related to handedness, or the fact that in this country
we drive on the right side of the road.

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Re: [lace-chat] orange/hinge

2003-11-03 Thread Maxine D
I can't resist adding my pennys worth.

I write
I cringe!

A Kiwi, who has finally made a contribution to the long running debate ;-)

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[lace-chat] U.K. Mail Strike

2003-12-08 Thread Maxine D
Hi spiders,
I thought the U.K. mail strike some weeks ago would not affect me... how
wrong.  I went to get my favourite magazine from the stationers yesterday, and
it was not there !!!
Hubby commented that I had to be careful or I might go into withdrawal, with
nothing to read on a Monday :-)

Thanks for the "Flying High " post... I laughed all the way through it!

A anti-spam filter which my daughter uses is called mailwasher.  It is a free
download, or if you register, you can get a better version.  Try
www.mailwasher.com  the last I heard the site was under construction,
hopefully it will be back up now.  It's brillant as you can return the spam
mail to the sender without opening it!  (Which appeals to my sense of humor!)

Happy lacing
Maxine in N.Z. where it is damp and warm...
 I'm not sure is spring is having a final fling or what!

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[lace-chat] Re :Weather

2004-01-07 Thread Maxine D
Clay said...
I'm confused!  Here in good old Virginia, USA, a temperature
of 79 Farenheit is considered fairly comfortable.  
unless there's a tremendous amount of humidity to contend

Here in New Zealand, (and we are not attached to Australia!) we have what is
know as an island climate type vs the continential climate.

The main differences are that our temerqatures are more moderate... i.e. we
think we are nearly dead with a frost of -5 C (Approx 18 F) , and likewise
with the heat.  80 F is stifling!  We do not get snow here where I live.

I do know that the extemes in a continential climate are much larger, thus
ones tolerance of a wider range of temeratures is far greater.

Hopefully that will explain the reactions to temperatures, Clay.

>From a warm, and today sticky, New Zealand, where I have been inside painting
cupboards etc:-), instead of lacing.

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[lace-chat] True or False?

2004-02-12 Thread Maxine D
A bit of trivia for you!!

True or False

Can you guess which of the following are true or false?

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.

3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 yrs.

4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot

5. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop - even your heart!

6. Only 7 per cent of the population are lefties.

7. 40 people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

8. Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until they are 2-6
years old.

9. The average person over fifty will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.

10. The toothbrush was invented in 1498.

11. The average housefly lives for one month.

12. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

13. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened.

14. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.

15. Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than the rest of the day.

16. Most of us have eaten a spider in our sleep.

17. The REAL reason ostriches stick their head in the sand is to search for

18. The only 2 animals that can see behind themselves without turning their
heads are the rabbit and the parrot.

19. John Travolta turned down the starring roles in "An Officer and a
Gentleman" and "Tootsie".

20. Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina State Anthem.

21. In most television commercials advertising milk, a mixture of white
paint and a little thinner is used in place of the milk.

22. Prince Charles and Prince William NEVER travel on the same airplane just
in case there is a crash.

23. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle built in 1903 used a tomato can for
a carburetor.

24. Most hospitals make money by selling the umbilical cords cut from women
who give birth. They are reused in vein transplant surgery.

25. Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana. They were 7th cousins.

26. If coloring weren't added to Coca-Cola, it would be green.

Answers below.

ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE TRUE !!! ( #16 really bugs me )

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[lace-chat] True or false

2004-02-12 Thread Maxine D
thought that would start some discussions :-)

The belly button... I wonder if he had to have it surgically removed for some
reason.  I must admit I wondered if he was the "original alien"... some of his
writings do have a rather peculiar twist!

Maxine, who came out of lurking,
in a dry and sunny N.Z., although rain is predicted AGAIN tomorrow.

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[lace-chat] Feline Physics!

2004-02-12 Thread Maxine D
Feline Physics Laws

Law of Cat Inertia

A cat at rest will tend to remain at rest, unless
acted upon by some outside force - such as the opening of
cat food, or a nearby scurrying mouse.

Law of Cat Motion

A cat will move in a straight line, unless there is a
really good reason to change direction.

Law of Cat Magnetism

All blue blazers and black sweaters attract cat hair
in direct proportion to the darkness of the fabric.

Law of Cat Thermodynamics

Heat flows from a warmer to a cooler body, except in
the case of a cat, in which case all heat flows to the cat.

Law of Cat Stretching

A cat will stretch to a distance proportional to the
length of the nap just taken.

Law of Cat Sleeping

All cats must sleep with people whenever possible, in
a position as uncomfortable for the people involved,
and as comfortable as possible for the cat.

Law of Cat Elongation

A cat can make her body long enough to reach just about
any counter top that has anything remotely interesting on it.

Law of Cat Obstruction

A cat must lay on the floor in such a position to
obstruct the maximum amount of human foot traffic.

Law of Cat Acceleration

A cat will accelerate at a constant rate, until he
gets good and ready to stop.

Law of Dinner Table Attendance

Cats must attend all meals when anything good is served.

Law of Rug Configuration

No rug may remain in its naturally flat state for
very long.

Law of Obedience Resistance

A cat's resistance varies in proportion to a human's
desire for her to do something.

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[lace-chat] N.Z. floods

2004-02-17 Thread Maxine D
Hi all spiders,

The southern part of the North Island, and top of the South have been hit by
most unseasonable flooding.  To see photos www.2xs.co.nz

Sue Fink, are you O.K.?  Are there any other spiders (that lurk) from that
general area?

thinking of you

from the damp but not sodden central North Is., N.Z.

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[lace-chat] Downsizing.........

2004-02-18 Thread Maxine D
A company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO.   This new boss
is determined to rid the company of all slackers.  On  a  tour of the
facilities, the CEO notices a guy leaning on the wall.   The room is full of
workers, and he wants to let them know he means  business.   The CEO walks up
to the guy and asks, "And, how much do you make a  week?"

A little surprised, the young fellow looks at him and replies, "I  make
$300.00 per week.  Why?"

The CEO then hands the guy $600.00 in cash and screams, "Here's two  weeks'
pay, now get out and don't come back!"

Feeling pretty good about his first firing, the CEO looks around the  room and
asks, "Does anyone want to tell me what that 'goof-off' did  here?"

With a sheepish grin, one of the other workers mutters, "Delivery  guy from
Pizza Hut!"

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[lace-chat] circles

2004-02-26 Thread Maxine D
Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it!
David in Ballarat

Sorry David, but there is always the exception to the rule, and you have just
met it!  Me.  I do wobble a bit, but I do not change directions.

 I assume it may have something to do with the way my brain is wired.  On an
internet "test thingy" ( that I used to have bookmarked before I had to
reformat) my "brain control centre" was almost in the center, i.e. neither
dominantly left, right, forward or back, which means I am all but
ambidexterous, and equally balanced between left and right dominance, creative
or logical etc etc., apparently not very common.

Eccentrically yours
a damp Kiwi, with more rain forecast.

P.S. Sue Fink, (from Masterton, N.Z.) were you flooded last week?

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[lace-chat] retrospective wrongs et al

2004-03-03 Thread Maxine D
My Dad was in the N.Z. Airforce and spent time fighting in England, before
being invalided home after suffering a duodenal ulcer.. yes, stress was a
very real issue for the forces, and they also suffered for years after the
war.  I personally do not believe that any nations benefits from war, but at
times there appears no alternative in the face of what appears a greater

In N.Z. we also have reprospective "wrongs" being compensated for, but it
seems to be never ending, with the same claims being made by each consecutive
generation.  It becomes very frustrating for the hoi polloi to see this
occuring, and we have a politician who has faced the issue, and says that we
need to allocate resources on a basis of need, and his ratings have tripled...
and you should see the government scrambling!

Maxine in a cooling, autumnal N.Z.  where it has stopped raining :-)

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[lace-chat] war, personal prejudices, apologies etc.

2004-03-04 Thread Maxine D
" I personally do not believe that any nations benefits
 from war,"

" Oh, I wouldn't say so... :)"

O.K., I was thinking more in the line of emotional damage and physical (both
personal and property) destruction, rather than the "national wealth"

I am appalled at times at my reactions/prejudices... we, like may others
have a multi cultural society, and on occasions my internal, i.e. *thought*
reactions are not pretty.  I looked back as to why I should think that way,
and it was the physical circumstances around me i.e. who lived near us, and
the conditions that they lived in, that formed those reactions, rather than
any familial attitudes.  And I might say, they are so deeply ingrained that I
have to really watch myself and not express them, as they are not

I am proud to belong to such a list, where people are prepared to clarify what
has been stated, or at least the motivation behind the words, and also
apologize for offences given.
Long may such understanding be fostered.

Maxine, a cool Kiwi, thanks to the fine weather dropping the overnight temps
to 5 degrees C

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[lace-chat] Ice fishing.

2004-03-04 Thread Maxine D
 A blonde wanted to go ice fishing.  She'd seen many books on the subject, And
finally getting all the necessary tools together, she made for the ice.
After positioning her comfy footstool, she started to make a circular cut in
the ice.  Suddenly, from above, a voice boomed: "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE

 Startled the blond moved further down the ice, poured a thermos of >
cappuccino, and began to cut yet another hole.  Again, the voice bellowed:

 The blonde, now worried, moved away, clear down to the opposite end of  the >
ice. > She set up her stool once more and tried again to cut her fishing hole.
The voice came once more: "THERE ARE NO FISH UNDER THE ICE."

 She stopped, looked skyward, and asked: "IS THAT YOU LORD?"  The voice

wait for it..

keep scrolling.


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[lace-chat] Poem

2004-03-18 Thread Maxine D
This has been around for a few years, but it bears repeating.

When an elderly lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near
Dundee, Scotland, it was felt that she had,nothing left of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through her meager,possessions, they found
this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were
made and
distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

An Old Lady's Poem~

What do you see, nurses,
what do you see?
What are you thinking
when you're looking at me?

A crabbit old woman,
not very wise,
uncertain of habit,
with faraway eyes?

   Who dribbles her food
and makes no reply
When you say in a loud voice,
"I do wish you'd try!"

Who seems not to notice
the things that you do,
and forever is losing a
stocking or shoe.

Who, resisting or not,
lets you do as you will,
with bathing and feeding,
the long day to fill

   Is that what you're thinking?
Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse;
you're not looking at me.

   I'll tell you who I am
as I sit here so still,
as I do at your bidding,
as I eat at your will.

   I'm a small child of ten 
with a father and mother,
brothers and sisters,
who love one another.

A young girl of sixteen,
with wings on her feet,
dreaming that soon now
a lover she'll meet.

   A bride soon at twenty --
my heart gives a leap,
remembering the vows
that I promised to keep.

At twenty-five now,
I have young of my own,
who need me to guide
and a secure happy home.

A woman of thirty,
my young now grown fast,
bound to each other
with ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons
have grown and are gone,
but my man's beside me
to see I don't mourn.

   At fifty once more,
babies play round my knee,
again we know children,
my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me,
my husband is dead;
I look at the future,
I shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing
young of their own,
and I think of the years
and the love that I've known.

   I'm now an old woman 
and nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age
look like a fool.

The body, it crumbles,
grace and vigor depart,
there is now a stone
where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass
a young girl still dwells,
and now and again,
my battered heart swells.

   I remember the joys,
I remember the pain,
and I'm loving and living
life over again.

I think of the years 
all too few, gone too fast,
and accept the stark fact
that nothing can last.

   So open your eyes, people,
open and see,
not a crabbit old woman;
look closer .see ME!!


Remember this poem when you next meet an old person who you might brush aside
without looking at the young soul within We will one day be there, too!

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[lace-chat] women

2004-03-18 Thread Maxine D

She's sitting at the table with her gourmet coffee.
Her son is on the cover of the Wheaties box.
Her daughter is on the cover of Business Week.
Her boyfriend is on the cover of Playgirl.
And her husband is on the back of the milk carton.

(for non us indoctrinated persons - milk carton ads are for missing


"Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished
to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control
for a television set in her purse. "So, do you always carry your TV
remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, "but my husband refused to come
shopping with me, so I figured this was the most legal evil thing I
could do to him."


 I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can
take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the
root, and
still be afraid of a spider.


A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up and down the aisles. The sales girl
notices him and asks him if she can help him. He answers that he is looking
for a box of tampons for his wife. She directs him down the correct aisle. A
few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string
on the counter.
 She says, confused, "Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for
your wife?

He answers, " You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the
store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of
tobacco and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo much cheaper.
So, I figure if I have to roll my own  so does she.

[One must assume that this guy is the one on the milk carton] :)

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[lace-chat] 2 jokes

2004-03-24 Thread Maxine D

A young redhead goes into the doctor's office and says that her body hurts
wherever she touches it.

"That's strange," says the doctor.  "Show me."

She takes her finger and pushes her elbow and screams in agony.  She
pushes her knee and screams, then pushes her ankle and screams. Everywhere she
touches makes her scream.

The doctor then asks, "You're not really a redhead, are you?"

"No," she says, "I'm actually a blonde.."

"I thought so," the doctor says.  "Your finger is broken."

Morris & Esther

Morris and his wife Esther went to the State Fair every year, and every
year Morris would say, "Esther, I'd like to ride in that airplane."
Esther always replied, "I know Morris, but that airplane ride costs 50
dollars, and 50 dollars is 50 dollars."

One year Morris and Esther went to the fair and Morris said, "Esther,
I'm  85 years old.  If I don't ride that airplane I might never get another

Esther replied, "Morris, that airplane ride costs 50 dollars, and 50
dollars is 50 dollars!!"
The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal.  I'll
take you both up for a ride.  If you can stay quiet for the entire ride
and not say one word, I won't charge you; but if you say one word, it's
50 dollars."

Morris and Esther agreed and up they went.  The pilot did all kinds of
twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word was heard.  He did all
his tricks over again, but still not a word.

When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, "By golly, I did
everything I could think of to get you to yell out, but you didn't."
Morris replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Esther fell out,
but  50 dollars is 50 dollars!"

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[lace-chat] Re: Button boxes

2004-03-24 Thread Maxine D
Yes, i have a button jar its contents include buttons from when olur
children were small, and ones from both my mother and MIL, and I think some
from DH's grandmother!  And I love scrabbling through them.  I have managed to
find some useful ones, and I have used them in a mis\xed media piece of
"artwork" which still hangs on my wall!

from a chilly corner in  NZ where we had our first frost of the autumm this
morning, but now have a lovely sunny day :-)

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[lace-chat] it's finished

2004-03-31 Thread Maxine D
I know that this is not strictly lace, but I have finished a hardanger
tablecloth that I have been working on for nine months   :-)  I have seen
hardanger defined as a varient of needlelace.

The cloth is 1.35 metres square, and I adapted a doily pattern that I liked.
I repeated it four times in the centre to form a large block of embroidery,
then repeated the edge motif (again and again and again) to form a border.  I
am very pleased with the results.

It is a gift for my son and his wife.  Actually it is their engagement gift,
but they had a short engagement and I also made waistcoats, bowties and
dorothy bags for the wedding, so they have had to wait.

Now to my lace pillow have I been hanging out for this!

Maxine -
- in an increasingly chilly New Zealand, although I know some of you would not
consider our island climate all that cold :-)

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[lace-chat] Trip to Aus

2004-04-17 Thread Maxine D
Hi spiders.
I am traveling to Australia next Saturday for a week, and will be in the
Nerang/Gold Coast City area. Are there any shops in the vicinity where I would
be able to get a "souvenir" bobbin or thread??

Maxine, in a lovely autumnal N.Z.

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[lace-chat] Re: Tax Free Days

2004-05-31 Thread Maxine D
> And it is not just income tax which has increased.  Council tax has
> by more than the rate of inflation each year for the last several years.

Seems as though taxes are an universal gripe!
Our rates (Council Taxes) have been stable for the past few years at, for
us, approx $1200 per annum. ( US$1904 approx)
Petrol here is amazing.  Currently $1.24 per litre (US$1.97, or approx $7.80
per gallon!)
Our income tax, is a graduated tax - the more you earn, the higher the tax,
i.e. one rate to $28,000,  .24 cents in the dollar, then up to .33 cents in
the dollar.   Company taxes are different again.

Then everyone pays a flat 12.5% on everything one buys.  i.e. a goods and
services tax.  that is generally calculated in the price displayed.  You
very rarely see any signage that says "plus GST", thankfully.

At least as we live in what is regarded as a "poor" town, where the median
gross income is very low, we are included in a state run medical subsidy
scheme, and we can visit the doctor for $15 (US$23.80), so we do have some
benefits ;-), specially as hubby and I are asthmatics.

Maxine in a cold and damp NZ, where winter has arrived with vengeance.

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[lace-chat] Ten Thread Commandments

2004-07-22 Thread Maxine D
The Ten Thread Commandments.- this can apply to both embroidery and lacemeking

1. Thou shalt not spend ALL the housekeeping money on threads.

2. Thou shalt not tell the cat or the children where thou keepest thy

3. Thou shalt not use thy thread to sew on buttons in an emergency.

4. Thou shalt not pack more threads than clothes when going on holiday.

5. Thou shalt give thy family at least as much attention as thy threads.

6. Thou shalt not go to the shops with tufts of scrap thread clinging to
thy clothes, except to buy thyself a clothesbrush.

7. Thou shalt not allow thy threads to lie in a tangled bird's nest on the
arm of thy sewing chair or sofa.

8. Thou shalt not leave a needlework shop without at least one new skein of

9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's threads.

10. Thou shalt not push and shove the way to the front of the queue when
threads are reduced in a sale.

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[lace-chat] Where were you on the 21 July 1969?

2004-07-25 Thread Maxine D
In an hospital department as a trainee.  One of the patients had a transistor
radio and everyone but me and my patient were listening.  My paitent didn't
really want to know.

As a student there was no TV where I was living, so did not get to "see" it
for some time.

A lopsided Kiwi, as one lower leg is in plaster after some surgery :-)

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[lace-chat] Puns

2004-07-25 Thread Maxine D
Su Wong marries Lee Wong. The next year, the Wongs have a  new  baby. The
nurse brings over to the parents, a lovely,healthy, bouncy,  but definitely
Caucasian, white baby boy.  "Congratulations," says the nurse to the new
parents. Well Mr. Wong, what will you and Mrs. Wong name the baby?" The
puzzled father, looks at his new baby boy and says,

"Well, two Wongs don't make a white, so I think we will name him Sum Ting

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[lace-chat] DARK RED - A real groaner!!!

2004-07-26 Thread Maxine D
A guy gets shipwrecked. When he wakes up, he's on a beach.

The sand is dark red.

He can't believe it.

The sky is dark red.

He walks around a bit and sees there is dark red grass,

dark red birds

and dark red fruit

on the dark red trees.

He's shocked when he finds that his skin

is starting to turn dark red too.

"Oh no!!" he says.

"I think I've been marooned!!"

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[lace-chat] Virus's :-) (Joke)

2004-07-28 Thread Maxine D
Came from a ISP newsletter
Virus List
  Politically Correct Virus:
  Never calls itself a "virus", but instead refers to itself as an
  Oprah Winfrey Virus:
  Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, and then slowly expands
back to 200MB.
  Arnold Schwarzenegger Virus:
  Terminates and stays resident. It'll be back.
  Government Economist Virus:
  Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine.
  Texas Virus:
  Makes sure it's bigger than any other file.
  Nike Virus:
  Just does it.
  Quantum Leap Virus:
  One day your PC is a laptop, the next day it is a Macintosh, then a
  Adam and Eve virus:
  Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.
  Airline virus:
  You're in Auckland, but your data is in Singapore.
  Bill Clinton virus:
  This virus protests your computer's involvement in other computer's
affairs, even though it has been having one of its own for 12 years.
  Parliament Virus:
  The computer locks up, screen splits erratically with a message appearing
on each half blaming the other side for the problem.
  Gallup Virus:
  60% of the PCs infected will lose 38% of their data 14% of the time (plus
or minus a 3.5% margin of error.)

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[lace-chat] Place Names

2004-08-08 Thread Maxine D
You Aussies haven't got the melodic place names that we have in New Zealand...
try Waitomo, Te Kuiti, Rotorua, Taumaranui, Ruapehu etc etc. ;-)

Oh, and can you send some of your sunshine over here, and keep the rain,

By the way, Tamara, we heard about the "Bushism" on our national news the
other day!! foot'n'mouth has nothing on him.   Mind you, our Prime Minister
says a lot of things that I don't agree with too, but generally not in the
same fashion as Bush!.

Maxine, where the lawn squishes!

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[lace-chat] Intruder!!!!!!!

2004-09-06 Thread Maxine D
This person has found her way into my house and could also go to yours.

A very weird thing has happened. A strange old lady has moved into my house.
I have no idea who she is, where she came from, or how she got
in.  I certainly did not invite her. All I know is that one day she wasn't
there, and the next day she was!

She is a clever old lady and manages to keep out of sight for the most part,
but whenever I pass a mirror, I catch a glimpse of her. And, whenever I look
in the mirror to check my appearance, there she is hogging the whole thing,
completely obliterating my gorgeous face and body. This is very rude! I have
tried screaming at her, but she just screams back.

The least she could do is offer to pay part of the rent, but no. Every once
in a while, I find a dollar bill stuck in a coat pocket, or some loose
change under a sofa cushion, but it is not nearly enough. I don't want to
jump to conclusions, but I think she is stealing money from me. I go to the
ATM and withdraw $100, and a few days later, it's all gone!

I certainly don't spend money THAT fast, so I can only conclude the old lady
is pilfering from me. You'd think she would spend some of that money to buy
wrinkle cream. And money isn't the only thing I think she is stealing.

Food seems to disappear at an alarming rate-especially the good stuff like
ice cream, cookies, and candy. She must have a real sweet tooth, but she'd
better watch it, because she is really packing on the pounds.  I suspect she
realizes this, and to make herself feel better, she is tampering with my
scale to make me think I am putting on weight, too.

For an old lady, she is quite childish. She likes to play nasty games, like
going into my closets when I'm not home and altering my clothes so they
don't fit. And she messes with my files and papers so I can't find anything.
This is particularly annoying since I am extremely neat and organized.

She has found other imaginative ways to annoy me. She gets into my mail,
newspapers, and magazines before I do and blurs the print so I can't read
it. And she has done something really sinister to the volume controls on my
TV, radio, and telephone. Now, all I hear are mumbles and whispers. She has
done other things-like make my stairs steeper, my vacuum heavier and all the
knob and faucets harder to turn. She even made my bed higher so that getting
into and out of it is a real challenge.

Lately, she has been fooling with my groceries before I put them away,
applying glue to the lids, making it almost impossible for me to open the
jars. She has taken the fun out of shopping for clothes. When I try
something on, she stands in front of the dressing room mirror and
monopolizes it. She looks totally ridiculous in some of those outfits, plus,
she keeps me from seeing how great they look on me.

Just when I thought she couldn't get any meaner, she proved me wrong. She
came along when I went to get my picture taken for my driver's license, and
just as the camera shutter clicked, she jumped in front of me!

I hope she never finds out where YOU live

She got in my house, make sure you lock the doors.

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[lace-chat] Spiders!!!!

2004-09-08 Thread Maxine D
A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden.  He smiled as he
reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was.  Tears formed in his eyes
as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent

Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground.  He went over to her to
see what work of God had captured her attention.  He noticed she was looking
at two spiders mating.

"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.

"They're mating," her father replied.

"What do you call the spider on top?" she asked.

"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.

"So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.  As his heart
soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied "No dear.
Both of them are Daddy Longlegs."  The little girl, looking a little puzzled,
thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat.

"Well, we're not having any of that gay stuff in our garden" she said

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[lace-chat] The Computer's swallowed Grandma!!!!

2004-09-11 Thread Maxine D

  The computer's swallowed grandma
  Yes' honestly' its true
  She pressed  'control' and 'enter'
  And disappeared from view.

  Its devoured her completely
  The thought just makes me squirm
  Maybe she's caught a virus
  Or been eaten by a worm.

  I've searched through the recycle bin
  And files of every kind
  I've even used the internet
  But nothing did I find.

  In desperation I asked Jeeves
  My searches to refine
  The reply from him was negative
  Not a thing was found 'online'.

  So, if inside your 'In Box'
  My Grandma you should see
  Please 'Scan', 'Copy' and 'Paste' her
  In an e-mail back to me

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[lace-chat] A Response to "The Compouter Has Swallowed Grandma!" Written by Maurice D.

2004-09-12 Thread Maxine D
I've got your note about your Gran,
You've put me to the test!
I've spent some time researching this,
And the news is not the best.

It can cause a family deep distress
When their Granny goes "off line",
And hasn't fed her pussy cat
And it's nearly supper time.

She hasn't even left a note,
And it isn't any fun,
When her pussy cat is pining,
And her crossword's still not done.

So with lots of trepidation,
I made a call to young Bill Gates,
To tap into his knowledge base,
And what he speculates.

But Bill Gates' ready answers
Somehow didn't seem to gel,
So I thought I'd better check up
With the CIA as well.

So I bribed and probed and bribed some more,
And I'm sorry to relate,
There's been a massive cover-up -
The biggest one to date!

Now it's hush-hush, but it's rumoured
That the Yanks are working hard in
Systemic Cyber Sabotage,
Designed to kill Bin Ladin.

When he taps in certain code words,
I've been told that he will face,
An interminable existence,
Exiled in cyber space.

So perhaps there is a danger,
For those who wish to bake,
And enter on the search machine,
Code words like "Afghan Cake".

So I'm sorry 'bout your Granny,
And the cat that isn't fed,
And I'm sorry that the crossword's
Not complete in time for bed.

So until they get Bin Ladin,
And it hasn't happened yet,
Unless you want to join your Gran,
Go carefully on the net.

Maurice D.

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[lace-chat] Old Geezers

2004-09-12 Thread Maxine D
Three old guys are out walking.

First one says, "Windy, isn't it?"

Second one says, "No, its Thursday!"

Third one says, "So am I. Let's go get a beer."


A man was telling his neighbour, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me

four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect."

"Really," answered the neighbour. "What kind is it?"

" Twelve thirty."


Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days

later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young

on his arm.

A couple of days later the doctor spoke to Morris and said, "You're really

great, aren't you?"

Morris replied, "Well, you said 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.' Doc - so

that's what I'm doing."

The doctor looked puzzled for a few seconds before the light came on. "I

say that. I said, 'You got a heart murmur. Be careful.'"


A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlour and pulled himself
slowly, painfully, up onto a stool. After catching his breath he ordered a
banana split.

The waitress asked kindly, "Crushed nuts?"

"No," he replied, "arthritis."


"And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter
 She simply replied, "No peer pressure."
 The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.
 Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly
widow and asked, "How old was your husband?"
 "98," she replied. "Two years older than me."
 "So you're 96," the undertaker commented.
 She responded, "Hardly worth going home is it?"
 I've sure gotten old. I've had 2 bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new
knees. Fought prostate cancer, and diabetes.
 I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40
different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts.
 Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation, hardly feel my hands and
feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends.
 But. Thank goodness, I still have my driver's license!
 A 97 year old man goes into his doctor's office and says, "Doc, I want my sex
drive lowered."
 "Sir", replied the doctor, "You're 97. Don't you think your sex drive is all
in your head?"
 "You're damned right it is!" replied the old man. "That's why I want it
 God, grant me the senility To forget the people I never liked anyway, The
good fortune To run into the ones I do, And the eyesight to tell the

At 85 years of age, Morris marries Lou Anne. A lovely 25 year old.
Since her new husband is so old, Lou Anne decides that after their wedding she
and Morris should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her
new, but aged, husband may overexert himself if they spend the entire night
After the wedding festivities Lou Anne prepares herself for bed, and the
expected "knock" on the door. Sure enough, the knock comes; the door opens and
there is Morris, her 85 year old groom, ready for "action." They "unite as
one." All goes well; Morris takes leave of his bride, and she prepares to go
to sleep.
After a few minutes, Lou Anne hears another knock on her bedroom door, and
it's Morris.
Again, he is ready for "action."
Somewhat surprised, but nonetheless willing, Lou Anne consents to more
"conjugal bliss."
When the love-birds are done, Morris kisses his bride, bids her a fond
goodnight and leaves.
She is set to go to sleep again, but Morris is back again, rapping on the
door, as fresh as a 25-year old. Ready for more passion. Once again, they
enjoy one another.
But as Morris prepares to leave again, his young bride says to him: "I am
thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform so well and so often. I
have been with guys less than a third of your age who were only good once. You
are truly a great lover, Morris."
Morris, somewhat embarrassed, turns to Lou Anne and says: "You mean I was here

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[lace-chat] thought you may appreciate this. M.

2004-10-16 Thread Maxine D
I followed a link and instead of getting the standard 404 message saying this
can't be found. I got the following. The site is at

These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed
The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might
experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons
inspectors mandate.

Please try the following:

* Click the Regime change button, or try again later.
* If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar,
sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).
* To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then
Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The
settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.
* If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can
examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them,
  click Detect weapons
* Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them. Click the
menu and then click About US foreign policy to determine what regime they will
* If you are an Old European Country trying to protect your interests,
sure your options are left wide open as long as possible. Click the Tools
menu, and
then click on League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in
Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq.
* Click the Bomb button if you are Donald Rumsfeld.

Cannot find weapons or CIA Error
Iraqi Explorer

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well

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[lace-chat] Crane at Bath

2004-11-16 Thread Maxine D
Hi folks.

Here is a real non-lace request.  I do hope somebody may be able to help.

My brother is a model making enthusiast, and wants to make a model of a
particular crane at Bath harbour.  He has managed to get a library book with a
photo of the crane in it, but it is not really very detailed, and he would
like photos from more angles.

Can anybody help with photosand or a  website that he could get more detail

Thanks for being such fountains of wisdom and information.

Maxine -
 in what is supposed to be springtime New Zealand!  It's been wild and wet and
windy, and now looks as though it may frost tonight!!!  My poor potatoes and
grape vine!

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well

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[lace-chat] Re lace on ebay

2004-11-23 Thread Maxine D
I don't know about the damage from the green baize, but I would be concerned
that the album appears to be one of those that one "stuck" the items in with a
plastic page, and those have wrecked havoc on photographs because of the acid
in them.

Just my thoughts

in a damp spring N.Z.

I don't know if anyone collects Honiton lace but there's some rather nice
pieces up on eBay at the moment - don't know what being mounted on green baize
will have done to them though!


jenny barron
enjoying a warmer day after frost

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well

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[lace-chat] Re: Chinese Gooseberries

2005-01-04 Thread Maxine D
9 Where are Chinese gooseberries from?New Zealand

Nup, wrong on that one, sorry.
Chinese Gooseberries originally came from China.  They were a very small,
hairy and somewhat tart fruit until the New Zealand orchardists developed
them into what they are today, and then marketed them as Kiwi Fruit, then
decided that Zespri was a more appealling name.  Go figure the last one!,
Bbut there is a history lesson for you in a hairy skin :-)

in a still wet summer in New Zealand.  December was the fifth worst in the
120 years they have been keeping records.  Oh for some sun!

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[lace-chat] S.P.Thanks

2005-01-11 Thread Maxine D
To my Secret Pal from England,

Thank you so much for you package which arrived today.  I will surely think of
you when I make my cuppa, and as the weather has now warmed up here, at long
last, I will look at planting the butterfly flowers etc, and after all that
effort, I will look forward to a wonderful relaxing bath in my favourite
fragrance!!!  How did you guess?

The fridge magnet will be installed after my current visitors with their
little people have left... the littlies are good, but the magnet is rather

Do you know what the wood is that the bobbin is made from?

I look forward to next month.

Maxine Diffey
in a now sunny N.Z. :-)

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well

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[lace-chat] 30 years makes a difference

2005-01-27 Thread Maxine D
Some of this has been on the list before, but I particularly like the final
line. :-)
1973: Long hair
2003: Longing for hair

1973: Acid rock
2003: Acid reflux

1973: Moving to California because it's cool
2003: Moving to California because it's warm

1973: Trying to look like Liz Taylor
2003: Trying NOT to look like Liz Taylor

   1973: Seeds and stems
2003: Roughage

1973: Going to a new, hip joint
   2003: Receiving a new hip joint

1973: Rolling Stones
 2003: Kidney Stones

1973: Passing the drivers' test
 2003: Passing the vision test

 Just in case you weren't feeling too old today, this will certainly
change things.

 The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were born
in 1985.

 They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.

 Their lifetime has always included AIDS.

 Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.

 The CD was introduced the year they were born.

 They have always had an answering machine.

They cannot fathom not having a remote control.

 Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.

 They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.

 They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.

 They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.

 They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.

 Do you feel old yet? Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list.

  Notice the larger type, that's for those of you who have trouble

Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.

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[lace-chat] S.P.Thanks

2005-02-07 Thread Maxine D
Dear Secret Pal,
It was so exciting to get home after work today and discover a package!!

The mice have yet to be sampled, but I am sure my grandson, who is staying
with us at the moment, will assist me in taste testing them!  The toys are
just so cute, and I am looking forward to assembling them. Love the needlecase
and thread... I am sure the thread would be just the right thing for the wings
in the pattern you sent I have never seen a pattern like that before...
the only needle lace patterns I have seen have been in books, so to have a
sheet one like that is fascinating to me.

I really laughed over the coaster, as some years ago now I gave "a round tuit"
to my husband!!  The bobbin is a delight, and I loved the wee card you wrote
your note in... I have two cats, or should I say, two cats own me, and the
picture on the card was lovely.

Thnk you soo much, I am already looking forward to next month, and I have been
so busy the time goes really quickly... I am sure this round will finish too

Happy lacing

from a hot and humid New Zealand, where we are having warm but damp days...
but I must admit to not missing having to water the gardens.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well

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[lace-chat] S.P. thanks

2005-03-06 Thread Maxine D
To my awesome Secret Pal

My package arrived today, and DH brought it to me at work after he had been
home for lunch, and it really made my day.  The bobbin case is so beautifully
sewn, and a lovely blue.  Thank you s very much.  I gave it a test run
with the enclosed bobbin.  The honey spoon is very cute... I really love honey
as it happens, so it will get well used. I can understand why you sent the
bear, and why that charity is so close to your heart... so glad to hear your
son recovered.I will enjoy the soap leaves... they are so different from
anything we get here, and the bookmark was just the right thing to give  a
complusive reader!!

Happy lacing

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty;
 it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.
 Coco Chanel

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[lace-chat] Mobile Phones.

2005-03-31 Thread Maxine D
 I won't bore you with a N.Z. charges saga, but I have been the one of us to
use DH's work phone and learnt to text etc... why? because it is the cheapest
way for DS to contact us, and us him, as we only have to poay the 20c per text
charge, and DS is on a "plan".

I have the equivalent to a brick, "PAYG"  type phone, on which I do keep a
reserve of approx $20 on.  This never expires, and means that if I am
out-of-town I can communicate such catastrophes as  flat tyre, and contact our
insurance help line (raodside rescue) to obtain assistance,( which cost is
built into our insurance premiums).  Very useful.

My main problem is to remember to charge the phone before I "do" any out of
town trips on my own.  When I travel with DH his phone comes with us, as it is
text capable and much smaller!!!

Anyway, that's my venture out of lurkdom for the next wee while.

Maxine in an increasingly chilly, autumnal N.Z.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] S.P.Thanks

2005-04-11 Thread Maxine D
To my English Secret Pal
Thank you for your packet which arrived, feeling rather dizzy, yesterday after
a 6 day crossing of the world  DH bought it down to me at work again after
his lunch at home yesterday.  We live in a small town and he comes home for
lunch most days I can't leave my work to do the same :-(.

The bobbin is exquisite, and the material/colour combination is stunning...
such a show piece on any pillow. The stationery will be well used, as will the
bath crytals. Hmmm Lavender again, yummy!  The wee book gave us several
laughs, and will be shared with all and sundry. The  frame is so dainty, and
the noteholder is cute... will be used for the
reminder notes we often write to each other! Too many Craft moments in our
house!(Can't Remember A Flipping Thing)  The silk is so luxurious... I will
have to have a special project to use that in..  the mind is going into
overdrive already as to how I may use it!

Once again, Many thanks,
Maxine in N.Z.

P.S. DH says I am like a child at a birthday party when I get your package!!
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] volcanoes etc

2005-04-18 Thread Maxine D
We in N.Z had a two hour program the other night on (simulated) natural
disasters... a volcanoe erupted in Auckland...( did you know that our
largest city sits over a field of 50 volcanic cones?), a flood in
Christchurch and an earthquake in our capital, Wellington... all very
realistic, and made with the aim of encouraging paople to be prepared for a
natural disaster!  Wonderful watching for a Sunday night!

We might just have to update our "survival Pack"... needs food supplies for
three days, batteries, radio, torch, toilet provisions, water etc etc

from the shakey isles... N.Z. recorded 15,500 quakes last year!
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.

St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Mirror Mirror......

2005-05-01 Thread Maxine D
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Do you have to tell it all?

Where do you get the glaring light
To make my clothes look just too tight?

I think I'm fine but I can see
you won't cooperate with me;

The way you let the shadows play
You'd think my hair was getting gray.

What's that, you say? A double chin?
No, that's the way the light comes in;

If you persist in peering so
You'll confiscate my facial glow,

And then if you're not hanging straight
You'll tell me next I'm gaining weight;

I'm really quite upset with you
For giving this distorted view;

I hate you being smug and wise ~
O, look what's happened to my thighs!

I warn you now, O mirrored wall,
Since we're not on speaking terms at all,

If I look like this in my new jeans,
You'll find yourself in smithereens.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks

2005-05-12 Thread Maxine D
To my wonderful Secret Pal in the U.K.

Thank you soo much for you wonderful package that arrived today.  I am off
work today and it was so lovely to be able to collect the package from the
letter box myself.  The dolphin is beautiful, as are the bobbins.. such lovely
spangles.  The cards are intriguing!! This is the first time I have seen
anything like it.  I love the patterns, and look forward to the opportunity to
try them out!!   I have to finish my daughters tablecloth (another hardanger
one) but I am hanging out to get onto some lace!  the wee chain tag is so
cute, as are the other little cat and penguin.  where do you find all these
little treasures?

Once again I thank you for spoiling me so much.  I am looking forward to the
formal introduction next month :-)

in sunny autumnal New Zealand.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Re Pet accident

2005-06-06 Thread Maxine D
Try deodorizing with baking soda and water :-)

Worked well when the children were small and did not always make it to the
bathroom, or were "travel" sick.


Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] London

2005-07-08 Thread Maxine D
My sincere sympathy to any involved, however indirectly, in the London
"incidents".  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

What mankind will do in the name of religion, when really it is just seeking
power and as is said, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely!!  And we don't seem to learn from history, more's the pity!

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Elderly / Grandparents

2005-07-17 Thread Maxine D
Yes, I agree with Tamara that "step-grandchildren" are not quite the same as
your own... I am still waiting, and my offspring are 28 and 30 respectively,
and only got married last year, and there are no signs of any family anytime

in wet cold N.Z.  spring must be coming soon??

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Towel Rails - Heated

2005-07-22 Thread Maxine D
In New Zealand heated towel rails are fairly common.  We have one in the
house we own, and I love it... especially in the winter on a frosty
morning...(tomorrow is forecast to be a -2 degrees C frost!!). I also like
it as it stops the towels going "sour" during the winter.

This winter we have invested in a portable dehumidifier, and that is keeping
the house lots drier, and sweeter smelling... it had started to get musty
smelling with both DH and I out working and no windows open.

Maxine in Chilly N.Z.

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[lace-chat] Mould

2005-07-26 Thread Maxine D
My DH is an ex-plumber and a building inspector, and he has a little quote
which just about sums up some of the current debate

"If you insulate, you must ventilate"

We too have what is know locally as the leaky building syndrome, and some of
the culprits are developers who wanted the fastest return for the least outlay
on their investment, so shortcuts were taken, new products on the market which
the builders did not use appropriately, lack of qualified tradesmen and
inappropriate design e.g. a stucco type cladding on a Mediterranean type
design with no overhangs, and this in a wet, temperate climate... hello!

So there is a Kiwi version of what is obviously affecting the whole globe.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Re:Offspring moving out

2005-08-02 Thread Maxine D
I got DD "out" when she was but 18, and she never really came back, apart
from a couple of 4-6 week breaks.  Her 'stuff' went with her, and never
really came back long term, but we are currently storing a bed & matress for
her, and she's married!!! The place they are renting is s small it won't
fit in!

DS was another matter... he went amd came back numerous times, a real
'boomerang' kid.  He is now married, and 20 months later, every time they
come and visit I insist they take some more of his 'stuff' with them when
they leave... his wardrobe/closet is gradually emptyingthe garage
only has a couple of cartons of 'stuff' left to go.  He's a real horder, but
now he can argue with his wife, not his mother about what is kept and what
goes out!

Maxne, in N.Z. showning some signs of spring... the days are lengthening and
warming up and the daphne is blooming.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.

St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Purchasing houses

2005-08-03 Thread Maxine D
 It's got so bad that some parents, who have paid off what they owed on their
houses, are re-mortgaging them to provide their son/daughter with the down

... or as in some cases here, letting their paid up homes be used as
co-lateral for the offspring's mortgage.  Which is how we got our initial
home, as for us it was DH's second marriage and he had no savings, and nor did
I..  We have repeated it of one of ours too.

Maxine in N.Z

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Fertility treatment downside!!

2005-08-18 Thread Maxine D
With all the new technology regarding fertility, a 65 year-old woman was
 able to give birth to a baby recently.  When she was discharged from the
hospital and went  home, her relatives came to visit.
 "May we see the new baby?" one asked.
 "Not yet," said the mother. "I'll make coffee and we  can chat for while
 Thirty minutes had passed, and another relative asked  "May we see the new
baby now?"
"No, not yet," said the mother.
After another ten minutes had elapsed, they asked  again, "May we see the baby
"No, not yet," replied the mother.
Growing very impatient, they asked, "Well, when CAN we see the baby?"
"WHEN IT CRIES!" she told them.
"WHEN IT CRIES??" they demanded. "Why do we have to wait until it CRIES??"
"BECAUSE, I forgot where I put it..."

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] Crime Warnings

2005-08-24 Thread Maxine D
Greetings gentle spiders

Re the warning about the "$5 bill criminal"

I looked it up on this urban legends site and it comes up as an fiction


thank you f or your concern, Janice


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[lace-chat] Fw: How to stay awake at meetings...

2005-08-31 Thread Maxine D
 To avoid falling asleep in meetings, seminars, focus groups and team
 discussions try this.

 1. Before (or during) your next meeting, seminar, or conference call,
 prepare yourself by drawing a square. Divide the card into columns-five
across and
 five down.

 2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block:
 * synergy
 * strategic fit
 * core competencies
 * best practice
 * bottom line
 * revisit
 * take that off-line
 * 24/7
 * out of the loop
 * benchmark
 * value-added
 * proactive
 * win-win
 * think outside the box
 * fast track
 * result-driven
 * empower (or empowerment)
 * knowledge base
 * at the end of the day
 * touch base
 * mindset
 * client focus(ed)
 * paradigm
 * game plan
 * leverage

 3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those

 4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand
 up and shout "BUNGKUM"

 Testimonials from satisfied "Bungkum Bingo" players:

 * "I had been in the meeting for only five minutes when I won." - Jack W.
 * "My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically." - David D.
 * "The atmosphere was tense in the last process meeting as 14 of us waited
 for the fifth box." - Ben G.
 * "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed 'BUNGKUM' for the
 third time in two hours." - Kathleen L

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[lace-chat] Re Perfume in the parking lot.....

2005-10-03 Thread Maxine D
This is an old scam/spam email.

Maxine in N.Z
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] And this looked so promising..........

2005-10-24 Thread Maxine D



 1) You walka pasta da bakery.

 2) You walka pasta da candy store.

 3) You walka pasta da Ice Cream shop.

 4) You walka pasta da table and fridge.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] In case you were wondering how the roles were allocated!

2005-10-26 Thread Maxine D
For  mums, or mums to be. Grandma's are eligible too!!!

I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something
off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away  from
her and I asked her not to do that.
"Why?" my daughter asked.
"Because it's been laying outside, you don't know  where it's been, it's
dirty and probably has germs" I replied.
At this  point, my daughter  looked at me with total admiration and asked,
"Wow!  How do you know all  this stuff?"
"Uh," .I was thinking quickly, "All  Mums know this stuff.  It's on the Mummy
Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a  Mummy."

We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but  she was evidently
pondering this new information.
"Oh...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you  don't pass the test you have to be
the daddy."
"Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face and joy in my heart.

When you're finished laughing, send this to a Mum.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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[lace-chat] making Music!

2005-11-07 Thread Maxine D
This did the rounds a year or so ago, but is still worth another visit if you
have already seen it. M.

Read instruction first !

 Wait for the entire screen to load up with all four horses and a fence in
front of them. Then click on each horse. Make sure your sound is on.

 Re-click on any horse to make it turn off or turn it back on again.





Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
   St Francis de Sales

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