[lace-chat] secret pal

2005-12-05 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Dear Brenda,

Please write to me, since we have changed from dial up to dsl. I have lost
most all my contacts, I need everybody's addresses to fill up my address book.
But I need my secret pals address one last time so I can mail out her

Thank you,

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[lace-chat] Hello

2005-12-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To anyone who may want to get a hold of me my new email address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am now getting my lace and lace
chat emails just fine, so whenever someone writes to me I can add them to my
address book.

Thank you, Lynn

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[lace-chat] Fw: [Vets' Wives-Families] Christmas at the Gas Station

2005-12-19 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Merry Christmas,

Love, Lynn
 Christmas at the Gas Station

The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn't been
anywhere in years since his wife had passed away. It was just another day to
him. He didn't hate Christmas, just couldn't find a reason to celebrate. He
was sitting there looking at the snow that had been falling for the last hour
and wondering what it was all about when the door opened and a homeless man
stepped through.

Instead of throwing the man out, Old George as he was known by his customers,
told the man to come and sit by the heater and warm up. "Thank you, but I
don't mean to intrude," said the stranger. "I see you're busy, I'll just go."
"Not without something hot in your belly." George said.

He turned and opened a wide mouth Thermos and handed it to the stranger. "It
ain't much, but it's hot and tasty, "Stew ... made it myself. When you're
done, there's coffee and it's fresh."

Just at that moment he heard the "ding" of the driveway bell. "Excuse me, be
right back," George said. There in the driveway was an old '53 Chevy. Steam
was rolling out of the front. The driver was panicked. "Mister can you help
me!" said the driver, with a deep Spanish accent. "My wife is with child and
my car is broken."

George opened the hood. It was bad. The block looked cracked from the cold,
the car was dead. "You ain't going in this thing," George said as he turned

"But Mister, please help .." The door of the office closed behind George as he
went inside. He went to the office wall and got the keys to his old truck, and
went back outside. He walked around the building, opened the garage, started
the truck and drove it around to where the couple was waiting. "Here, take my
truck," he said. "She ain't the best thing you ever looked at, but she runs
real good."

George helped put the woman in the truck and watched as it sped off into the
night. He turned and walked back inside the office. "Glad I gave 'em the
truck, their tires were shot too. That 'ol truck has brand new ..." George
thought he was talking to the stranger, but the man had gone. The Thermos was
on the desk, empty, with a used coffee cup beside it. "Well, at least he got
something in his belly," George thought.

George went back outside to see if the old Chevy would start. It cranked
slowly, but it started. He pulled it into the garage where the truck had been.
He thought he would tinker with it for something to do. Christmas Eve meant no
customers. He discovered the the block hadn't cracked, it was just the bottom
hose on the radiator. "Well, shoot, I can fix this," he said to himself. So he
put a new one on.

"Those tires ain't gonna get 'em through the winter either." He took the snow
treads off of his wife's old Lincoln. They were like new and he wasn't going
to drive the car anyway.

As he was working, he heard shots being fired. He ran outside and beside a
police car an officer lay on the cold ground. Bleeding from the left shoulder,
the officer moaned, "Please help me."

George helped the officer inside as he remembered the training he had received
in the Army as a medic. He knew the wound needed attention. "Pressure to stop
the bleeding," he thought. The uniform company had been there that morning and
had left clean shop towels. He used those and duct tape to bind the wound.
"Hey, they say duct tape can fix anythin'," he said, trying to make the
policeman feel at ease.

"Something for pain," George thought. All he had was the pills he used for his
back. "These ought to work." He put some water in a cup and gave the policeman
the pills. "You hang in there, I'm going to get you an ambulance."

The phone was dead. "Maybe I can get one of your buddies on that there talk
box out in your car." He went out only to find that a bullet had gone into the
dashboard destroying the two way radio.

He went back in to find the policeman sitting up. "Thanks," said the officer.
"You could have left me there. The guy that shot me is still in the area."

George sat down beside him, "I would never leave an injured man in the Army
and I ain't gonna leave you." George pulled back the bandage to check for
bleeding. "Looks worse than what it is. Bullet passed right through 'ya. Good
thing it missed the important stuff though. I think with time your gonna be
right as rain."

George got up and poured a cup of coffee. "How do you take it?" he asked.
"None for me," said the officer. "Oh, yer gonna drink this. Best in the city.
Too bad I ain't got no donuts." The officer laughed and winced at the same

The front door of the office flew open. In burst a young man with a gun. "Give
me all your cash! Do it now!" the young man yelled. His hand was shaking and
George could tell that he had never done anything like this before.

"That's the guy that shot me!" exclaimed the officer.

"Son, why are you doing this?" asked George, "You need to put the cannon away.
Somebody else might get hurt."

The young man was confused. "Shut up 

[lace-chat] apologies

2005-12-20 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Gentle Spiders,

I wish to extend my heartfelt apologies that I may have offended someone with
my story.  I just wanted to share something nice, I didn't intend it to be a
sermon or anything like that.  Again, I am sorry.  It won't happen again.

Love to all, Lynn

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[lace-chat] greetings

2005-12-25 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Good Morning to all,

I wish to everyone, a Merry Christmas, a Happy Winter Soltice, Happy Hanukka,
Kuanza, or whatever you celebrate, Thank you for being my friends and I wish
you all only the best for the coming year, and if I have spelled anything

Love, Lynn

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[lace-chat] RE: New Year

2006-01-04 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

Yes, I have kept a Resolution and so far from the beginning of last year I
have lost 50 pounds.  I am not through yet and feel so much better.  I have
also kept up with learning and making lace (my favorite) Hurray.

I am continuing with those two resolutions for this year too.

Love, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-01-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

I just wanted to write to say Thank you to Pam Sharples, who has been my
secret pal this round,  Thank you so much for the bobbins, the note pad and
date book.  I have truly enjoyed this round and have always looked forward to
your packages, you have never once disappointed me, it has always been worth
the wait.  But, gee wiz this last one was killing me, the anticipation was
overwhelming.   I am just a big kid.
Now can you write me and tell me where to start on the fan pricking?

Thank you again, and I will be checking out the Roseground site.

Love, Lynn

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[lace-chat] coffee

2006-01-09 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

I am here wondering how your New Year is going so far.  I have a question, I
am almost afraid to ask, it has nothing to do with lace, but something I like
to do while making lace.

The question is coffee.  I have a cappichino (spelling oops) machine, and I
love that kind of coffee, but I don't know how to make a good cup from it,
does anyone have a recipe that I might have, I love French Vanilla and
Italian.  MMmmm... Thank you in advance and sorry if this is a no no.

Love, Lynn
Clarksburg, WV.

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[lace-chat] Looking for someone

2006-01-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

I have a small problem, I have been trying to reach Pam Sharples, but the
email keeps bouncing back to me, and I can't get on her Roseground site, so
Pam if you see this the fan number is V8.

Hope this is what you need, Thank you, Lynn Weasenforth

(in reference to how I work the fan pattern you sent as secret pal package the
last round.)

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[lace-chat] lace

2006-01-24 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
I can barely try to think when I joined, it seems to me about 3 years ago,
roughly a year after my son died.  I don't have any commemorative bobbins, I
would love to get into this action.


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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-02-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Your package arrived today, what a treat, I love the bobbin and no I am not a
member of the circle, sometimes I think maybe I should join, but cash flow
always gets in the way.   I don't have a lot of bobbins, still trying to
find a place that is reasonable in prices, usually what it get is in secret
pal exchanges or ebay. (They love my money)  I love the key ring ( not the
magnet you thought) but it is  already on my key chain.  The Bobbin Lace Book
is quite nice, I can't wait to have myself a good read.  But, the icing on the
cake (I think) is the crochet hook.  I love antiques and it has imprinted on
it that it was made in 1911.  Wow, DH said put it up so you don't lose it, but
I just want to show it off.  Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era, I
love all that is old much more than new. Any way, Thank you for all you sent,
and you are right, if you like it, it seems that I do to.


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[lace-chat] Fw: Friendship

2006-02-12 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
This is how I think of each one of you
Subject: Fw: Friendship

  What would you do if every time you wanted someone they were not

  What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would
  be 10 moments of sadness?

  What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to
  tell them how you felt?

  So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life,
  you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life.

  I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.

  Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how
  close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you.

  Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends
  you never will.

  Remember, everyone needs a friend, someday you might feel like you have
  NO FRIENDS at all, just remember this e-mail and take comfort in knowing
  somebody out there cares about you and always will.

  In times of trouble,
  In times of need,
  If you are feeling SAD,

  You can count on me.
  I will give you a wink,

  Until you smile,

  give you a hug,

  And stand by your side.

  I'll be there for you till the end, I'll always and forever, be your



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[lace-chat] ebay ?

2006-02-24 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
 Dear friends,

I don't know if this should go on chat or lace so I just put it here.  Just a
question, this item is on ebay, but the person says that there is not shipping
and handling because after she receives the money she will email a copy to the
winner, is that legal?  And the answer to your next question is no I will not
be getting this from this person.  Anyway its ebay item #8261102086.

Thank you, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-03-14 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal in England,

Once again, you have outdone yourself.  I love the tin of mints, and the
picture on the front is precious, I love animals and I live in an house in an
apartment complex and am not allowed, I do however, have a black stray cat
that comes around and I feed her.  Who would fix a cat and put them on the
street, oops I am getting off the subject  anyway, The bobbin is already on
my bobbin tree, I made it out of a ring and candle stand.  Oops sorry again,
the bobbin key ring is so lovely and the sachet smells wonderful...and
Hagerstown, Md. is just up the road a few hours away from us.  Thank you again
for your gifts, I will treasure them..I am still in love with the crochet

Bye for now, Lynn in West Virginia.

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[lace-chat] stamp raffle

2006-03-22 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Thank you for the lovely stamp that arrived today and the letter that came
with it was quite informative.

DH and I were in an accident yesterday as the man who hit us T-boned us.  We
didn't go to the hospital, but I am feeling it today.  Wow, I am sore all
over, seat belts don't help when your hit from the side.  Oh well, such is

Thank you again, Lynn

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Fw: [lace-chat] Philosophies for life

2006-03-27 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hi Ann and all,

Ok on this note, DH and I met and one week later started dating, by the end of
that week we were married.  33 years and 4 kids and 10 grandkids later

- Original Message -
From: Ann McClean
To: Lace-chat
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Philosophies for life

Afraid I buck the trend on no's 6 & 8 :)   Met hubby on return from holiday
in Holland; 3 weeks later we were engaged and married 7 weeks later!  And
still together after 31 years :)

- Original Message -
From: lace-chat-digest
From: "David in Ballarat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [lace-chat] Philosophies for life

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

Regards,  Ann McClean
"The surest sign that there is intelligent life in the Universe
is that they have NOT tried to contact us"
 - Calvin & Hobbes

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[lace-chat] Fw: [AGENT_ORANGE_VETERANS] W D - 40 uses

2006-04-14 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
W D - 40 uses

I thought that you might like to know more about this well-known WD-
40 product.
When you read the "shower door" part, try it. It's the first thing
that has cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it
works just as well as glass. It's a miracle!
Then try it on your stovetop... Viola! It's now shinier than it's
ever been. You'll be amazed.
The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and
degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953 by
three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. Its name
comes from the project that was to find a "Water Displacement"
They were successful with the Fortieth formulation, thus WD-40.
The Corvair Company bought it in bulk to protect their Atlas missile
The workers were so pleased with the product they began smuggling
(also known as "shrinkage" or "stealing") it out to use at home.
The executives decided there might be a consumer market for it and
put it in aerosol cans. The rest is history. It is a carefully
guarded recipe known only to four people.  One of them is the "brew
master." There are about
2.5 million gallons of the stuff manufactured each year. It gets its
distinctive smell from a fragrance that is added to the brew.  Ken
East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD -40
that would hurt you.

Here are a few of the 1000s of uses:

~Protects silver from tarnishing

~Cleans and lubricates guitar strings

~Gets oil spots off concrete driveways

~Gives floors that 'just-waxed' sheen without making it slippery

~Keeps flies off cows

~Restores and cleans chalkboards

~Removes lipstick stains

~Loosens stubborn zippers

~Untangles jewelry chains

~Removes stains from stainless steel sinks

~Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill

~Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing

~Removes tomato stains from clothing

~Keeps glass shower doors free of wat er spots

~Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors

~Keeps scissors working smoothly

~Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes

~Gives a children's play gym slide a shine for a super fast slide

~Lubricates gear shift and mower - deck lever for ease of handling on
riding mowers

~Rids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises

~Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to

~Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close

~Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards and vinyl bumpers

~Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles

~Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans

~Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricyc les, wagons and bicycles for
easy handling

~Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running

~Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools

~Removes splattered grease on stove

~Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging

~Lubricates prosthetic limbs

~Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell)

~Removes all traces of duct tape

~I have even heard of folks spraying it on their arms, hands, and
knees to relieve arthritis pain. ~Florida's favorite use was "cleans
and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers

~The favorite use in the state of New York

~ WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.

~WD- 40 attracts fish. Spray a LITTLE on live bait or lures and you
will be catching the big one in no time. It's a lot cheaper than the
chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep in
mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing are
not allowed in some states.

~Keeps away chiggers on the kids

~Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately, and
stops the itch.

~WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and
wipe with a clean rag.

~Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and
dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the
lipstick spots with WD-40 and re-wash. Presto! Lipstick is gone!

~If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the
moisture and allow the car to start. (If I knew what a distributor
cap was, it might help)

~WD-40, long known for its ability to remove leftover tape smunges
(sticky label tape), is also a lovely perfume and air freshener!
Sprayed liberally on every hinge in the house, it leaves that
distinctive clean fresh scent for up to two days!

~Seriously though, it removes black scuff marks from the kitchen
floor! Use WD-40 for those nasty tar and scuff marks on flooring. It
doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as
hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have
a lot of marks.

~Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed
quickly! Use WD-40!

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-05-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss and send my most sincere condolences.  I
understand your grief somewhat, as I lost my son 4 years ago this past May 2.

Now, I want to thank you for Mays package, Aprils is still a no show, very
elusive package 

I love the bobbin with the spider spangle, I assure you that it and the cover
cloth will be of great use, as you said you can never have to many cover
cloths.  The pill box is great, I think that I will put a picture of my son
who passed away like I said earlier.  I am personally keeping the pharmacy in
my town in business.  High blood pressure, nerves, acid reflux.the list
goes on and on.  .  I love the thread it is a very pretty color and I
have never tried gimp patterns before so that will be an experience in

Thank you again, for all your lovely things that you sent.

Love you lots, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-05-09 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

The elusive April's package has arrived and well worth the wait, the wonderful
smell coming from the package, I bet my mailman didn't want to give it to me.
 I love everything, the postcards, the towel, the pen (in my husbands pen
collection as I write) the heavenly soap and sachet.  The cat, oh the cat, I
am not allowed to have pets where I live, however I have a black one that
hangs around my house (not that I feed it or anything) but the fact that you
sent a black cat...amazing, I am still breathing in these smells.  Yum Yum

Thank you very much


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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-06-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Well, here we are another month.  Boy this year is flying by.  Thank you once
again for all the special goodies that you sent me.  The thread is beautiful,
the key chain (kiss) put my sons picture in it who passed away, now I will
always have him with me, the picture frame is perfect, I put my stamp in it
that I won in a raffle off the list, the bobbins are to die for, I love
bobbins and boy do I need them. The address book is great, I needed a new one,
I keep marking out addresses for new ones every time someone moves, I must
write in pencil instead of ink. 

Thank you so very much,

I think I have an idea who you are, but am not quite sure yet.oh well, I
will have to wait till next month.

Bye for now, I hope all is starting to get better, take care, until next

Love you, Lynn

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Fw: [lace-chat] Fw: Fw: stress management

2006-06-14 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
H..just not quite as satisfactory as the real stuff. 

- Original Message -
From: Dee Palin
To: Lace-Chat Arachne
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:17 AM
Subject: [lace-chat] Fw: Fw: stress management

Subject: Fwd: Fw: stress management

Thought you might like this

Subject: Fw: stress management
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 20:15:19 +0100


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[lace-chat] hair dye

2006-06-18 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

I am one who dyes my hair, but there is now more gray than brown so I go
blond, it blends much better.  When I was younger I always got a lot of red
tones (that I hated) it seems to me that there is something out on the market
that is supposed to help lose the brassiness when you dye your hair.  Have you
tried looking it up online?Ash is good, but will give you a green tint.

My two cents,

Clarksburg, WV.

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[lace-chat] Yeah!

2006-07-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know that I am so happy, I scored big on ebay the first
of the month.  I got three one pound cones of thread.  Goldenrod is the color.
I am in lacemaking Heaven.  I paid $5.00 bucks for them.

Ok, I am done bragging, but I am excited, and yellow is my favorite color, so
no excuses for not having thread to work with.  It is silk, looks like my
other threads that I use in bobbin lace.

Now, what can I make..hm.

Love, Lynn

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[lace-chat] I am back

2006-09-03 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

Just wanted to say Hello and to let you know that I am back home from the
hospital now.  Whew! What a week.


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[lace-chat] Fw:The story

2006-09-03 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Ok here goes.

Sunday the 27th was my birthday yeah 51but I had flu like symptoms for a
few days.  Monday I started having trouble breathing, thought maybe I had
thrown another clot into my lung.  Off I go to the hospital, right back into
emergency room they run tests and only find that my white blood cells were
22,000 so into ICU I went.  First test, cat-scan no clot, next test a lot of
blood work and samples from every available opening known to man in my body
(that's about as descriptive as your going to get) third test, I had to suck
radiation into my lungs so I would "GLOW" for the test.  Yummy.  All in all, I
had a urinary tract infection that went into a left kidney infection and then
went into bloodstream infection.  Later finding out that it was ecoli and how
lucky I was that Danny made me go to the hospital.  That's it and let me tell
you I am so bruised, my veins were either blowing or collapsing, they had
trouble collecting blood because it was so thick with infection.  I am better
now and home.   Happy Birthday to Me   I guess the best thing out of it is
I haven't had a cigarette since Monday.

 There you go
 Love, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-09-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

To my secret pal, I received your package today, wow, four hooded bobbins and
a book (one I don't have) I am blessed.  One can never have enough bobbins and
the book, when I go to bed I will read and read and..

Thank you so very much,

Clarksburg, WV.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2006-10-19 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my Secret Pal,

Hi, I received my package and thought How lucky I am, you are so thoughtful in
your choices of gifts.  I have to hide things so my girls won't swipe them.
The little book is so cute, and I have been reading and reading from it.  I
love the magnet and the coffee smells so good, I can't wait to try it.  The
spangling beads are just beautiful, I need to find the right bobbins to put
them on.  Everything is just beautiful...Thank you again, I hope your pal is
being as good to you as you are to me.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2007-02-02 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal, well you have done it again, you have made me wait and
spoiled me rotten.  Makes me more appreciative and humbled, I must not be so
greedy.  I love antiques, so now I am off to google to figure out exactly
which bobbins can be used,  I know that spool bobbins will work, but I think
for a bobbin lace bobbin to work I will need some sort of attachment.   I will
be using it, rest assured.  I love antiques and don't wish to see them just
sitting on a shelf.  Thank you again,  Hugs, Lynn

p.s. I tried to post this to the secret pal site, but it won't let me.

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[lace-chat] re: crochet hooks

2007-02-16 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
I had a crochet hook, a beautiful antique one with a sheath on the hook itself
dated I think 1905.  It was given to me as a gift from a secret pal,
apparently someone decided that they liked it more than I, because it is gone.
We have even moved from the house back into one of the apartments, it was not
seen again.  It was one of my most treasured gifts.  To me, irreplaceable,
such a lovely little thing.  Much nicer than what is sold out there today.
Just my two cents, I did enjoy the pictures of all the old hooks in that

Lynn W.
Clarksburg, WV. b it's cold, expecting 4 more inches of snow tomorrow.

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Fw: [lace-chat] Driving us mad

2007-03-01 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Subject: [lace-chat] Driving us mad

> Can anyone help my lace group? One of the Yellow Pages sponsorship scenes
> that precedes the segments of the TV CSI group of programmes is driving us
> mad.
> In one the "stupid American detective" says what he wants is "... and
> some of those cute little jam rolls you British have at fancy parties."
> What cute little jam rolls? What is he talking about? The only ones we can
> think of are the small swiss rolls, sometimes with a jam filling, that are
> sold in packs of six or so. But do we have those at fancy parties? If we
> do, then I've never been to a fancy party.
 Hello all,

Well I have thought  and thought about it and the only thing that I could come
up with is "crumpets" ?
That is the only thing British that I can think of.
Hugs, Lynn

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Fw: [lace-chat] food for thought

2007-03-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
- Original Message -
From: Melinda Weasenforth<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: LaceChat<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 5:30 PM
Subject: Fw: [lace-chat] food for thought

 Just my two cents,

I first used curry when I was in Germany, turned bratwurst into currywurst.


"I'm familiar with curry powder, though -- a tiny pinch
of it improves chicken gravy quite a lot.

Joy Beeson"

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[no subject]

2007-04-20 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Here is my two cents, right now I have utilities included in my rent, however
I am moving on the first, the budget for the gas at one house we looked at is
$389.00, the water is usually fairly inexpensive but the sewer  is usually
twice the pricevery expensive to flush away ones...ummm  problems And
for us here in West Virginia, we are one of the cheaper places to live...go

Hugs, Lynn
Clarksburg, WV
Subject: [lace-chat] Water Bills,

Dear Friends,
The replies re the cost of water are just fascinating - seeing how
the rest of the world charges. Keep them coming.

Perhaps we could do the same soon with electricity, car registration,
gas (for the stove not the car), council rates etc.

David in Ballarat

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2007-06-26 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

Oh boy this is gonna be a fun secret pal round.  I received a package today
with two beautiful pairs of bobbins and some beeswax.  One can never have to
many bobbins, and I am certainly lacking in that department.

I got a couple of books on ebay the first of the month, one is Dutch and the
other is by Jean Leader, the thistle, shamrocks, roses, daffodils and fushia
one.  They take a lot of bobbins so these will certainly come in handy.

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

Thank you, Hugs from me to you, Lynn, West Virginia.

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2007-07-03 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
My package went out today also.  Hee Hee I am actually early in this round.
DH says " I see your into that stuff again"  yep was my reply.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] help

2007-07-25 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

I am going out on a limb here because I usually get reprimanded for anything
that is spiritual.  Five years ago I lost a son (27) to drugs, well this past
Sunday night my youngest daughter took two handfuls of amiatripitilene and
another handful of zeprexa, all over a man.  Any way, if you believe help, if
you don't she is starting to come out but is still very incoherent.

So there it is, I know that if this is considered my third strike that I will
be banned from this group.

Thank you, Lynn. WV.

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[lace-chat] re: (help)

2007-07-27 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
I just wanted to let everyone know that my daughter is out of the hospital, we
were lucky to have gotten to her, it was nearly too late, and she decided she
didn't really want to die but it was in to her bloodstream.  Everyone talked
to her but her Daddy's voice is what jarred her awake.

My Thanks to everyone who wrote me either privately or through the group, your
thoughts helped a lot.  Now the therapy with the shrink startsbut it is
better than her other choice.

Again, thank you, Hugs to all, Lynn W.

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[lace-chat] my daughter

2007-08-22 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello my friends,

I just wanted to update you on my daughter (Cassandra).  She is doing so much
better, she dumped the boyfriend, especially after he said he wished she had
died.  She goes to her appointments and shares all of her woes there.  I am so
very happy, I am dancing on cloud nine.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2007-09-09 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

I got my package yesterday, I would have written sooner but msn. didn't want
to work with me.

Any way, I love the thread, I have been needing some, I am slowly making my
thread stash grow.  The little bear is so cute, he is already on my key chain.
I just love everything you send and I can't wait to find out who you are.

Hugs, Lynn

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[lace-chat] bobbin

2007-11-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,

Well now how has everyone been?  I have gotten 2 bobbins from ebay with the
name Danny on them, I will keep one and the other will either raffle or give
away, I guess it depends on how many people contact me.

Hugs, Lynn
Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last.  Get it

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[lace-chat] secret pal

2007-11-16 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
To my secret pal,

Once again you have outdone yourself, I love the book, in fact my son has just
given me a set of acryilic paints, makes me want to get back into to it.
the thread is beautiful, I have never seen such vivid colors.

Thank you, I can't wait to find out who you are.

Hugs, Lynn

Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble
challenge with star power.

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[lace-chat] raffle items

2008-10-06 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
I got the three most beautiful pieces of tatting that I have ever seen, I
can't wait to hang them on the wall with all my other prized pieces.  I love
the card too, so it will hang in a place of honor also.

Thank you so much, Bev, Hugs, Lynn
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[lace-chat] FW: [lace] pillow stand

2008-11-11 Thread Melinda Weasenforth

I use an old Bible stand that used to be my husbands Grandmothers,  just cut
down the  bottom some and it works perfectly.  It also has the tilt that I
like when I work on my lace.

Just my two cents.  Hugs, Lynn> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [lace] pillow stand> Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008
18:24:06 -0500> > Spiders,> > I am not as short as some (5'2). I use a plant
stand for a pillow stand.> When sitting in a chair (even my lazy boy) this
stand puts my pillow at just> the right height for me to work comfortably. And
the price was right too.> > Merie Lettieri> Lincoln Park, MI> > -> To
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FW: [lace-chat] Arachne Secret Pals ** New Round**

2008-11-21 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Please include my name in the secret round, I haven't been apart of it in
awhile and I sure do miss it.

Thank you,  Hugs

Lynn Weasenforth
Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster.

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[lace-chat] my new blog

2008-12-17 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
for all interested parties my hubbie is helping me make a blog at
http://lacenlynn.multiply.com/  check it out and sign my guestbook when you

Hugs Lynn
Send e-mail anywhere. No map, no compass.

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[lace-chat] my blog

2008-12-24 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hi all,

DH has been at it again and changed around my blog or my space or what ever it
is.  So if anyone is interested here it ismyspace.com/melindaw55

He makes me crazy with all his changes.  He does that because I don't know
how.  :)

Hugs, Lynn
Send e-mail anywhere. No map, no compass.

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FW: [lace-chat] Deer on Roads

2009-02-27 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
My husband was driving and 7 come in front of him, he avoided them.all of
a sudden number eight.  Well it took out the two squeelers on the front of the
car and left deer fur in the headlight, which got broke.  Then it jumped up
and ran, no venison this year either.  Boo hoo.

89 bucks later the car is fixed, all is well in WV,

hugs, lynn

> From: lizl...@bigpond.com
> To: lace-c...@dont.panix.com
> Subject: [lace-chat] Deer on Roads
> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:06:16 +1100
> Your deer problems in North America sound very much like the Kangaroo and
> Wombat problems we have over here.
> 'Roos have No road sense whatsoever, and wombats are just very single
>  if they choose to cross a road, - then they will just keep on going
> across the road
> Both animals can make bad problems for cars, and the people in them.
> Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where we still have bush fires burning,
> new ones appearing.
> lizl...@bigpond.com
> --
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> To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
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> arachnemodera...@yahoo.com.

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[lace-chat] rough holidays

2009-12-16 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hello all,
Hope what your plans  are, are coming trough for you,  In the past few weeks
we all have been very sad.  The day before Thanksgiving we found our son in
law passed, he had a an heart exploded it was an instant death.then he would
have turned 32 on the 9th.  We then needed to go out of town for doctors
appointments.  While we were gone my daughters house was broken into,  My paon
medication was taken nearly a whole bottle) but a;so which is totally
unacceptable a wii games system that my husband and I got for the children for
Christmas.  My grandsons bicycle that my husband got for him for his birthday.
a couple of watches of my daughters and a piece off her computer so she
couldn't get internet.
We filed a police and he has his suspects in mind  no its just sit and wait.
The whole thing is how can any one do this to these kids after what they have
been through.  ell that is all my woes sorry to bring anyone down, just needed
to share.
Hugs Lynn
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[lace-chat] miss channers mat

2010-02-05 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows the book that Miss Channers Mat come
in and where I can purchase it.
Thank you for any help, Hugs, Lynn W.
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FW: [lace-chat] Re: snapshot of my life.

2010-04-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
Well I am a baby boomer from 55 so, but I love antics,  I do believe I was
born in the wrong era.  I would love to be wearing long dresses with bustles.
Lynn W.

 You baby, you :) I learnt to write with a  "dip" pen -- a steel nib inserted
into a wooden pen handle (and count your blessings that you don't have to trim
a feather). Throughout grades 2 and 3 there was a raging battle between the
parents and the teachers to let us use the fountain pens (the kind where the
ink supply was sucked from the inkwell into a rubber bulb; no cartridges). And
we were only allowed those (in grade 4) because, by then, all the teachers'
energies were directed towards repelling the evil invention of the

 Good times, good times :)

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FW: [lace-chat] Re: snapshot of my life.

2010-04-13 Thread Melinda Weasenforth
From: lacenl...@msn.com
To: lace-chat@arachne.com
Subject: FW: [lace-chat] Re: snapshot of my life.
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 04:20:53 +

Well I am a baby boomer from 55 so, but I love antics,  I do believe I was
born in the wrong era.  I would love to be wearing long dresses with bustles.
Lynn W.

 You baby, you :) I learnt to write with a  "dip" pen -- a steel nib inserted
into a wooden pen handle (and count your blessings that you don't have to trim
a feather). Throughout grades 2 and 3 there was a raging battle between the
parents and the teachers to let us use the fountain pens (the kind where the
ink supply was sucked from the inkwell into a rubber bulb; no cartridges). And
we were only allowed those (in grade 4) because, by then, all the teachers'
energies were directed towards repelling the evil invention of the

 Good times, good times :)

The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

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