Robert Hecker/li/eu/au/cag ist außer Haus.

2004-05-17 Thread Robert . Hecker

Ich werde ab  15.05.2004 nicht im Büro sein. Ich kehre zurück am

Re: TCP IP question

2004-05-17 Thread G_F
Thanks Dan for your reply


Gérard Férini

"dan bookwalter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Gerard
> start by looking at the Simple Data and Simple Data
> examples that ship with LabVIEW... that should get you
> started...
> Dan

How Does the Waveform Chart Allocate Memory in LabVIEW?

2004-05-17 Thread subbu
I am not understanding the Memory allocation concept in chart. When it
will be happened? If it is in run time, I am getting the exception
before running the application itself. Can you help me on this?

Re: How can I cancel a runing program?

2004-05-17 Thread Enrique
Make sure you stop the VI (by killing LabVIEW or something)
before placing it as a subVI in another VI. Then follow Greg's

Re: record, calculate and save data periodically

2004-05-17 Thread shh2745

Thanks for your help

Re: ActiveX server in Labview

2004-05-17 Thread Greg McKaskle

> I think we should include these enhancements in our LabVIEW wish list (hope
> you are listening Mr McKaskle). Perhaps NI developers can somehow tie
> activex into the event structure so a programmer can define events that
> correspond to activeX methods. Both the event and method would be created by
> the programmer. Also, allow for pointer to function capabilities for DLL
> callbacks.

Listening, but keep in mind that I'm not a secretary for the wish list 
or anything.

As for hooking ActiveX events into the events structure, that was the 
general idea in LV7, but ActiveX events are less asynchronous 
notifications and more a function call with a funny calling convention.  
So what is in LV7 is a subVI callback that you register.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Support for abstract data types from a C DLL in LV?

2004-05-17 Thread Greg McKaskle
> My question is: Is it going to be possible to make a LV interface to
> such a DLL? As far as I can see, LV does not really support abstract
> data types: it does not seem to allow overloading of arithmetic
> operators, for example (is that correct?) and I saw somewhere that it
> is not happy with pointers to C struct types in calling functions from
> a DLL.
> Does this project seem too ambitious for LV? If not, I would
> appreciate some pointers (sic) in the right direction.

The way to integrate it is to build LV subVI wrappers around your type, 
much like you will find written for the imaq image, the waveform 
datatype, the SQL connections, etc.  If your methods into your C++ class 
have simple signatures, you can probably hook directly into it.  If the 
signature isn't something you can map directly into LV, you can write a 
wrapper function that simplifies the parameter list.

An alternative, if your object has all public data members, is to copy 
it into a LV cluster or array, but it sounds like you want to keep the 
members protected, so just expose your interface.  The operators like + 
are not overloadable at the moment, but since you can make an icon that 
looks just like it and put it in your own palette, it is pretty similar.

Greg McKaskle

Re: How to save intensity chart as movie?

2004-05-17 Thread Greg McKaskle
> I am new to LabView and I have been designing a data aquisition
> operation.  I have the output as a 4 X 10 array displayed by an
> intensity chart, then interpolated to 200 X 500 pixels.  I need to
> save these "movies" of continuously updated intensity plots.  I do not
> know how to do this and cannot find any help on the NI sites.

What type of movies?  One option is simply to save the compressed raw 
data and make a viewer that will read and display it similar to what you 
saw when it was acquired.

If you want a QuickTime or other video encoding that will play in their 
player, you can look at either development SDK functions from the 
vendors or to third party toolkits that have already wrapped things up 
into VIs.

Greg McKaskle

Re: I need to create a XL chart linked to data in another sheet

2004-05-17 Thread Boone
You can find it from follow:

Re: Use unsupported framegrabber

2004-05-17 Thread Greg McKaskle
> I am a newbie to LabVIEW and I would like to use a "non-supported"
> framegrabber ( under LabVIEW.
> How much time and effort would it cost to develop a LabVIEW driver to
> fully operate this framegrabber ?
> The framegrabber manufacturer deliver an SDK which allow you through a
> Dll to developp your own C/C++ application... would it help ?

The DLL will definitely help.  For DLL functions that take pretty 
straightforward datatypes, you should look to build a simple subVI 
wrapper containing an Call Library Function configured for the DLL 
function. The inputs to the DLL can be constants or can be connected to 
the VI connector pane to allow for programmatic access.  Build an icon 
and put in a description and save it into a SiliconVision folder in the 
user.lib folder.  This last part will just give easier access to the 
functions as they are written.

For complicated DLL functions that take complicated datatypes, you may 
need to write a wrapper function in your own DLL to map between the 
complex types and simple types.  These do occur, but LV handles many 
types, especially if you read the External Code manual and ask for help 
on this forum.

As for the time involved, some functions will take ten minutes, and some 
may take half a day or more, depending on if you manage to shoot 
yourself in the foot with C pointers and types.

But seriously, the first thing to do is to read through the 
documentation for the DLL and figure out how many functions you will 
need and how many times you see the word struct or other more 
complicated C datatype stuff.  If you haven't got the time or skills, 
but do have the money, you might want to look for an alliance member in 
your area.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Please help this newbie make a start with LabView 7

2004-05-17 Thread reteb
Thanks Tommy,

OK, I have installed the I-O Assistant now.
Indeed, I see a new lib dir now that was not there before.
It is called " I-O Assistant " ( indeed... ).
After opening this new dir I see a lib called " IIOIA.llb ".
But alas, no " I-O Assistant " in there .

Obviously I do miss something again.
It is a long way to Tipperary and I feel so dumb.

So, please help.


Re: How can I cancel a runing program?

2004-05-17 Thread Greg McKaskle
> But unfortunately all suggestions did not work.
> Is there any other chance to cancel it?

Open a New VI, use VI... to browse to and drop the icon for the top VI. 
  It will not start running.  Double click on it and it will not start 
running.  If it does, please explain where it starts.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Like asp,servlet, need to do sumbmit,request,response

2004-05-17 Thread vidyaraj
thanks for ur example. But i am not able to open those two vi's
because the version in which u stored is 7.1
i have version 7.0,
can u please downgrade to 7.0 so that i can see u samples. thanks
sorry for the inconvenience


will not recognize pH meter

2004-05-17 Thread agorden
I have two setups with Labview. Each runs a autoburet, a pH meter, and
a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. On one, every now and again when you use
the spectrophotmeter the pH meter gets "stuck" and will only read 0mv.
This can usually be corrected by turning the program off and then back
on. This is annoying but not critical. On the second setup, labview
will no longer recognize the pH meter at all, always reading 0mv
although the pH meter by itself works.
Any ideas?

Support for abstract data types from a C DLL in LV?

2004-05-17 Thread Brian Hall
I have been asked by a LV user if I can provide a C DLL that will give
him access to a C++ library I have developed for measurement
uncertainty calculations. The central feature of the C++ library is
that it defines a new abstract data type.

I think I can write C functions to interface to my C++ code. These
functions would include: factory functions to create new instances of
an abstract data type;and functions to do arithmetic and simple math
on instances of the same abstract data type.

I would use a pointer to a C struct in the C function prototypes as a
way to wrap the underlying C++ object references.

My question is: Is it going to be possible to make a LV interface to
such a DLL? As far as I can see, LV does not really support abstract
data types: it does not seem to allow overloading of arithmetic
operators, for example (is that correct?) and I saw somewhere that it
is not happy with pointers to C struct types in calling functions from
a DLL.

Does this project seem too ambitious for LV? If not, I would
appreciate some pointers (sic) in the right direction.

Can I set the number of visible objects in a indicator

2004-05-17 Thread Sirrick

I have an Indicator of array of cluster, this is: a bundle of strigs
to form a cluster, and this is Interleave in an array, but the numbers
of cluster it is variable, and depend to the number of entered data,
and I need to show the exact number of cluster


How can I customize the scale of my waveform graph to suit my waveform?

2004-05-17 Thread Ronak
I am trying to display a sinusoidal waveform on a waverform graph. I
want to make sure that the graph displays only 5 cycles of the sine
wave and thus changes the x-axis scale accordingly. Hence this would
mean that me plot remains the same no matter what the frequency of
sine wave I input, only the scale changes. How can I do this? Also
once this is done, is there any way in which I can manually change the
scale while labview is running to change to plot?

Re: subVI indicator initialize

2004-05-17 Thread Oleg

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: How can I customize my legend?

2004-05-17 Thread jhoskins
right click on the graph. go to properties/plots tab then in name
field type the name you want that plot to have.

hope this helps


Re: Dealing with large file

2004-05-17 Thread Scott Hannahs
At 13:45 -0400 5/17/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I want to tell excel from LabView to open or import large data file.  The
>data doesn't fit on a single excel worksheet (65500 rows).

I really suggest dumping Excel.  As the notable Gary Johnson defined it,  "Excel is a 
word processor that calculates."  It has trouble with large data sets and you should 
do the reduction to something manageable in a different fashion and then use Excel for 
formatting the output.  When you run into these problems you need to re-think your 
basic strategy not try to fit the square peg of large data into the round hole of 


Re: How to group spectral peaks into families? K-Means doesn't do a good job.

2004-05-17 Thread JuanCarlos

I'm not familiar with k-Means but I have some tips that you could use:
The Sound and vibration toolset and the Signal processing toolset
offer a Zoom FFT tool that you can use to extract more detailed
information on frequency range with the same number of points. It uses
a donw-conversion algorithm to step down the data and the perform an
FFT. a better prescition on the peaks can help you classif better into

I'm may be completely showing my ignorance of you application here,
but you could create an array of the peaks and perform a histogram
where your main peaks could determine the center of each bin in the

Another idea would be to do some averaging over your FFT data to
create a smoother curve with peaks where the families would be.

Just my 2 cents!

Juan Carlos

FYI: LabVIEW's Order Analysis Toolset has tools for order tracking and
machine monitoring.

Re: Error kernel.cpp line 144 on exiting an EXE

2004-05-17 Thread ColinAE
Hello Mike!

I have searched our internal databases here, and we do not have any
documentation relating to the kernel.cpp error line 144.

When you get the TCP read errors, do you get error codes associated
with those errors, or do your applications just freeze?  Also, does
this just happen when you are in the run-time (EXE) environment?

As of LabVIEW 7.0, there is an error report that is generated when
LabVIEW experiences a *.cpp crash, and there are no reports of this
line number in our databases, so it is possible that whatever problem
exists in your application has been investigated and fixed in the
later versions of LabVIEW.

If you have any more information I would be happy to look into it!

Colin C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

Re: get cluster

2004-05-17 Thread DD
Would it work if you embed the subvi as a subpanel on the main vi?

"allen himes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have gotten a main VI that will pull in several sub-VI's to do some
> testing.  I want the main VI to not just pull in the cluster
> information that the sub-VI has, but also what kind of information.
> For example, in one of my sub-VI's, I have a cluster which contains
> age, height, weight, and size.  I want my main VI to automatically
> create the same cluster after open the sub-VI.  In another word, the
> main VI will make an exact copy of the cluster in the sub-VI and put
> this cluster in its front panel.  Do you know how to do this?  Thanks.

How can I customize my legend?

2004-05-17 Thread greenhorn
I have an xy graph that displays 3 different traces corresponding to
three different frequencies.  How do I get into the properties of the
legend so that I can identify what frequency the traces correspond to?

Can I call a labview VI from a batch file?

2004-05-17 Thread Scott Serlin
With much frustration, I cannot seem to get my labview vi to run from a
batch file.  Everything appears ok in terms of the directory and
filename but I keep getting a bad filename error message.  Anyone have
any ideas around this?  I also tried using the call command with no such
luck.  Windows 98 is the OS run lv 6.1.

Re: Saving data in remote panel

2004-05-17 Thread fahlers
The following is an excerpt from the Labview 7.0 User Manual, page
18-15 (chapter on remote panel limitations):
"Additionally, some VIs might not work exactly the same way from a
computer as they do when run locally. ActiveX controls embedded on a
front panel do not display on a remote client because they draw and
almost completely independent of LabVIEW. If a VI presents the
file dialog box, the controller receives an error because you cannot
a file system remotely. Also, the browse button of a path control is
in remote panels."

So I think it is the file dialog box and not the saving of the file
which causes the problem in your case. In fact, I successfully use in
one of my programs a 'Save to file' procedure, but the filename and
directory are generated automatically and no dialog is used.

A solution in your case could be to read the file/directory info
programmatically in the VI and present it to the (remote) user within
a labview (and not OS) dialog box.
Admittedly, a quite complex solution...

If anybody else knows a simpler solution, I am also interested int


Re: 10803, deallocate memory

2004-05-17 Thread Yves
Ok for the 2000ms. I will try this. But it is still odd that the
timeout occurs with a timeout of 1000ms.
thanks for your help.

Re: Why does my computer, running Windows 2000 and LabVIEW 6.0.2...

2004-05-17 Thread RandallC
Although I'm not sure what specifically is causing the problem, I can
surmise that you're experiencing a 'feature' in Windows 2000/XP.  By
default in these OS's, if there is a major system crash the computer
will automatically reboot.  You can change this by right clicking My
Computer->properties->advanced->start up and recovery and uncheck the
'Automatically Reboot' box.

Now when your system crashes you will likely see a classic Blue Screen
of Death.

record ECG during MRI scan

2004-05-17 Thread psk
Hi all,

I wrote ECG recording program and tried to record ECG during fMRI scan
but as soon MRI scan starts only noise can be seen in computer due
noise induced by magnet.

Anybody has this kind of expereince or worte sigal proceessing program
(filtering or spectrum analysis) to get ECG from Noise?

I will appreciate

record ECG during MRI scan

2004-05-17 Thread psk
Hi all,

I wrote ECG recording program and tried to record ECG during fMRI scan
but as soon MRI scan starts only noise can be seen in computer due
noise induced by magnet.

Anybody has this kind of expereince or worte sigal proceessing program
(filtering or spectrum analysis) to get ECG from Noise?

I will appreciate

RE: picture to png

2004-05-17 Thread Menjoulet, Scott
If you're using LV7 or higher, there is a new VI called "Picture to".  It can be found under Graphics & Sound >> Picture

I've used it and it works quite well.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: picture to png

Is there no way to get the contents of a picture and save it to an image
file? I know about using an Invoke Node and the Get Image method, but
that's not what I'm after. It's easy enough to draw stuff outside the
visible area of a picture control and Get Image won't capture that. I've
got limited screen space to display the image I'm building but I'd like
to save all the data to an image file for the end user to do with as
they please.

I could just make a sub-VI with a humongous picture control and save the
image, but that lacks elegance.

Has anyone found a better way?


Jason Corwin
(858) 592-4025

Re: import entire cluster at run-time

2004-05-17 Thread PJ M
If you strictly type def your cluster (customize control>Strictly type def>save), the user interface will reflect any changes you make to the cluster. Actually, any places in your code where you use that cluster will reflect the changes (as long as you are using the strictly type def cluster).
PJM"Himes, Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey all, We're trying to create a user interface that runs another stand-alonesub-vi. My vision is to grab some sort of input cluster from thesub-vi, display it in the user interface VI, and choose options from it.Right now, we're able to grab the data from that sub-vi's input clustervia a Reference, but the input data is not important. We just want theform of the input cluster to appear in the user interface VI.By just copying the input cluster directly to the user interface VI,this process is pretty easy. The catch is when the sub-VI changes, theuser interface VI must be changed manually.Any suggestions? Thnx, allen
		Do you Yahoo!?SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

import entire cluster at run-time

2004-05-17 Thread Himes, Allen
Hey all, 

We're trying to create a user interface that runs another stand-alone
sub-vi.  My vision is to grab some sort of input cluster from the
sub-vi, display it in the user interface VI, and choose options from it.
Right now, we're able to grab the data from that sub-vi's input cluster
via a Reference, but the input data is not important.  We just want the
form of the input cluster to appear in the user interface VI.

By just copying the input cluster directly to the user interface VI,
this process is pretty easy.  The catch is when the sub-VI changes, the
user interface VI must be changed manually.

Any suggestions?  Thnx, 


Re: smooth a single looping step for a biped robot

2004-05-17 Thread Kevin Price
Oops, didn't proofread that my "less than" and "greater" than symbols
got interpreted as html.  Here goes again on the last part:

or generally, for  -10 <= j <= +10
smoothed(j)   = (0.50+0.05*j)*raw(j)   + (0.50-0.05*j)*raw(n-j)
smoothed(n-j) = (0.50+0.05*j)*raw(n-j) + (0.50-0.05*j)*raw(j)

Re: Can a labview executable program be converted back?

2004-05-17 Thread Dennis Knutson
No. What you're asking for is the equivalent of editing Word, Excel,
or any other executable. In theory, you can use a disassembler to view
and modify the exe but you had better be extremely proficient in
assembly code and the details of the LabVIEW compiler. With some older
versions of LabVIEW, there was the option to create an executable
without removing the diagram. On the off chance that you might have
one of these, change the exe extension to llb and see if you can open

get cluster

2004-05-17 Thread allen himes
I have gotten a main VI that will pull in several sub-VI's to do some
testing.  I want the main VI to not just pull in the cluster
information that the sub-VI has, but also what kind of information.
For example, in one of my sub-VI's, I have a cluster which contains
age, height, weight, and size.  I want my main VI to automatically
create the same cluster after open the sub-VI.  In another word, the
main VI will make an exact copy of the cluster in the sub-VI and put
this cluster in its front panel.  Do you know how to do this?  Thanks.

RE: Dealing with large file

2004-05-17 Thread Castro, Diego
Depending upon the format you are saving the data, like for example *.csv
format, you can determine the number of lines in your file and then either
save that section in a separate CSV file and tell XL to open that one in the
first spreadsheet, you can keep doing this for every quantity(65500) of
rows. But this is just a suggestion and depends upon the data types you are

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 12:46 PM
Subject: Dealing with large file

Can any one help me please?

I want to tell excel from LabView to open or import large data file.  The
data doesn't fit on a single excel worksheet (65500 rows).  are there any
techniques I can use (using Excel macro or labview) so that when one sheet
is filled the program opens another sheet until the file is open completely.

Thank you.



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Can a labview executable program be converted back?

2004-05-17 Thread coyttri
Can an executable program be editted?

Re: Odd behavior in Build Text Express VI in 7.1

2004-05-17 Thread Evan

We re-worked the Build Text VI for 7.1 to address some issues which is
why it behaves different.  What you are seeing is that you are trying
to configure a non defined variable.  When you type in the variable
name, the VI applies the default settings to that variable, until you
change them.  So on the first variable this causes the settings you
had set to be lost.  However once the variable is defined the settings
should follow that variable.

I have made a report of this so that it can be looked into.

National Instruments

system exec question

2004-05-17 Thread Bruce Bowler
I'm really looking for an unzip VI, but since I'm running an ancient
(5.0.1) version of labview, I'm guessing that the SystemExec vi is the way
to go (Open G unzipper seems to require a more modern version of LabView).

So now to my question...

Is there a way, in the 5.0.1 version of SystemExec, to capture the output
of the command other than making a redirection part of the command?

Is it syncronous or asynchronous?


Bruce Bowler| Sex is the worst reason to marry or divorce.  - Dr.
1.207.633.9600  | Albert Ellis   

Re: VISA Write Timeout

2004-05-17 Thread Dan Mondrik
In a similar way, if your instrument doesn't recognize the serial
Break, you might try toggling the RTS and DTR lines.  That's one of
the main things VISA does when you close and reopen the port, and many
older devices will see those 2 lines as a way of indicating that the
connection is alive - assuming you're not using hardware flow control.

Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

Re: smooth a single looping step for a biped robot

2004-05-17 Thread Kevin Price
Just butting in here with a fairly simple idea that doesn't get into
any filtering theory.  Basically, you would just do a weighted average
of the data points near the cycle boundary, and let the weighting
factor ramp from 0 to 100% over the set of smoothed points.

For example:  suppose n is the number of points in the cycle so
that (ideally) data(0) = data(n) = data(2n)...

let smoothed(0) = 0.50*raw(0) + 0.50*raw(n)
smoothed(1) = 0.55*raw(1) + 0.45*raw(n-1)
smoothed(2) = 0.60*raw(2) + 0.40*raw(n-2)
or generally, for -10 <= j <= +10
smoothed(j) = (0.50+0.05*j)*raw(j) + (0.50-0.05*j)*raw(n-j)
smoothed(n-j) = (0.50+0.05*j)*raw(n-j) + (0.50-0.05*j)*raw(j)

Do you think something like this would produce sufficiently smooth

Re: Programmatically Creating Clusters

2004-05-17 Thread PJ M
Yes this is possible, check out this thread on LAVA:
It has an example of dynamic generation of refnum (but it can be cluster).
Note: The target VI (where you generate the cluster) has to be idle (not running).
PJM"George Gatling (Contractor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have an file format that lets me store nearly arbitrary (though not nested) clusters in tabular (and binary) form... each column is an element from the cluster, and each row is a complete cluster... so the whole table is basically a cluster array. There is header information in this file that completely describes the layout of the binary table, and this header information is derived from the 'type string' information provided for each labview data type. So, by reading this header information, I can completely describe the type of the cluster represented by the binary table.Now, I know I have some runtime limitations, but my question is aimed at the editing environment. Is there a way to build a cluster using the VI server? I imagine the executing VI creating a new VI and then performing operations on it that can only be done in edit
 mode (like define a cluster). The idea being that if someone gave me on of these files, I could use this tool to build the cluster and then in a second pass, use that cluster to read the file.I suppose this question is not far removed from the past conversations about VI scripting, but at least this is only a subset of that whole idea. Anyone know if this is possible?George GatlingApplied Technology Division, SFA Inc.Space Physics Simulation ChamberUS Naval Research Laboratory202-404-5405 (phone)202-767-3553 (fax)If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. --Jack Handy 
		Do you Yahoo!?SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low price.

RE: Labview, Linux and databases

2004-05-17 Thread Michael Porter
It is a Windows thing--but then ODBC is too. The point is that all you need
is some sort of support for the selected OS. If necessary you can hide the
differences in I/O between platforms in low-level VIs. LabVIEW will tell you
what OS you're running under and you can select the correct code to execute
based on that value.


Michael Porter
Porter Consulting, LLC.
" ... after all He's not a tame lion... "

-Original Message-
From: Craig Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 08:56
Subject: Re: Labview, Linux and databases

I thought ADO was a Microsoft thing? What ADO support is there on Linux?

I'll have a look at it next time I'm playing with databases on Windows. And,
of course, when I'm not constrained by the client!

Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Craig Graham'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: Labview, Linux and databases

> Let me recommend ADO as an alternative. It provides all the advantages you
> mentioned for ODBC but with none of the limitations--and it simplifies
> distribution/installation because there's nothing that needs to be setup

RE: ActiveX server in Labview

2004-05-17 Thread Dalmady, Otto
Title: RE: ActiveX server in Labview

Unfortunately that's what I was expecting but I thought I would ask.  For all it's strengths, the biggest weakness I've encountered in Labview seems to be with it's interface to other applications (on Windows).  I'm sure this is partly due to it's platform independent nature since DLLs and ActiveX interfaces don't exist on non Windows machines.  It's too bad because we could do some really cool things if they were better supported.

I've also, in the past, had the need to register a callback function in a DLL (non activeX) but the concept of passing a pointer to a LV function doesn't exist.  Wrapper DLLs, created using other compilers, are often needed to solve these issues. This tends to undermine the use of LV in the first place.

I think we should include these enhancements in our LabVIEW wish list (hope you are listening Mr McKaskle). Perhaps NI developers can somehow tie activex into the event structure so a programmer can define events that correspond to activeX methods. Both the event and method would be created by the programmer. Also, allow for pointer to function capabilities for DLL callbacks.

Anyway, thanks Michael A and Rolf K for your responses.

Otto Dalmady
Senior Test Engineer
Plantronics, Inc.
345 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Voice: 831-458-7357
Fax: 831-458-7785

-Original Message-
From: Rolf Kalbermatter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 2:25 AM
To: 'Otto'
Cc: Info LabVIEW (E-mail)
Subject: RE: ActiveX server in Labview

"Dalmady, Otto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Using Windows XP, 2000, NT, 98, or 95,
>Is it possible to have a compiled LabVIEW ".exe" act as a full 
>Automation server with my own defined Methods and Properties that can 
>be called/accessed as the VI runs (outside of the development 

I'm sorry to have to tell you that this won't be possible the way you describe it. I doubt that you could do that in MS Office or such either. The LabVIEW Active X Server Interface is a generic LabVIEW Interface to most of its VI server methods and properties and with a little work on the client side, does allow you to run, execute and query any VI inside the application as if it would be another method of the Active X server though. It's not as point and click in for instance VB as if the methods would be directly exported as part of the Active X Object model but it gets very close to that.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[JOB OPENING] Texas Instruments position in Bangalore, India

2004-05-17 Thread Scott Menjoulet
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS is looking for a senior level LabVIEW (5+ years) and
TestStand (2+ years) system expert to fill a position in Bangalore,
India. =A0Our section has developed a LabVIEW/TestStand based automated
characterization environment to test complex 2.5 and 3.0G cell phone
and other wireless ICs. =A0This position is an extension of our Dallas
based characterization team.
The right individual will be responsible for the following:
- Set up, maintain, and promote the environment within the Bangalore
- Work closely with the Dallas team to identify and implement
improvements to the system architecture.
- Design and develop LabVIEW tests and tightly integrated TestStand
sequences to perform complex, automated tests for mixed-signal, power
management and RF blocks.
- Promote code reuse by identifying and developing common code blocks,
utilities, and tests.
- Be a diligent user and promoter of Source Code Control (Perforce in
this case)
- Assist characterization engineers with troubleshooting HW/SW
- Be an integral part of the team but work with minimal supervision.

Very strong LabVIEW is required with as much TestStand experience as
possible. Database experience (SQL Server/MSDE) a huge plus.
Experience with GPIB instruments a big plus. =A0VXI experience also a
plus. Other skills like VB, C, and .Net development are not required
but are considered a plus. Some project-management skills but little
or no man-management. This person should have real-world test
experience with excellent troubleshooting skills.

If interested, please send resume and contact information to:
Marvin Landrum
Device Evaluation (DEV)
Texas Instrument, Inc.
214-480-2987=A0 (ofc)
214-236-1788 =A0(cell)

Scott Menjoulet
Texas Instruments

How to save intensity chart as movie?

2004-05-17 Thread HPLC
I am new to LabView and I have been designing a data aquisition
operation.  I have the output as a 4 X 10 array displayed by an
intensity chart, then interpolated to 200 X 500 pixels.  I need to
save these "movies" of continuously updated intensity plots.  I do not
know how to do this and cannot find any help on the NI sites.

RE: picture to png

2004-05-17 Thread Guillaume Perron

Try this:

There is a nice Subvi that fit your needs(Picture to file). written by Brian Renken

Guillaume Perron
Concepteur logiciels/Software developper
ITF Technologies Optiques
(514) 748-4848

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:50 PM
Subject: picture to png

Is there no way to get the contents of a picture and save it to an image file? I know 
about using an Invoke Node and the Get Image method, but that's not what I'm after. 
It's easy enough to draw stuff outside the visible area of a picture control and Get 
Image won't capture that. I've got limited screen space to display the image I'm 
building but I'd like to save all the data to an image file for the end user to do 
with as they please.

I could just make a sub-VI with a humongous picture control and save the image, but 
that lacks elegance.

Has anyone found a better way?


Jason Corwin
(858) 592-4025

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destinataire prévu, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par retour de 
courriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système. Merci.

Large data file

2004-05-17 Thread Tegegne . NT

Can any one help me please?

I want to tell excel from LabView to open or import large data file.  The
data doesn't fit on a single excel worksheet (65500 rows).  are there any
techniques I can use (using Excel macro or labview) so that when one sheet
is filled the program opens another sheet until the file is open completely.

Thank you.


picture to png

2004-05-17 Thread jason.corwin
Is there no way to get the contents of a picture and save it to an image file? I know 
about using an Invoke Node and the Get Image method, but that's not what I'm after. 
It's easy enough to draw stuff outside the visible area of a picture control and Get 
Image won't capture that. I've got limited screen space to display the image I'm 
building but I'd like to save all the data to an image file for the end user to do 
with as they please.

I could just make a sub-VI with a humongous picture control and save the image, but 
that lacks elegance.

Has anyone found a better way?


Jason Corwin
(858) 592-4025

Dealing with large file

2004-05-17 Thread Tegegne . NT

Can any one help me please?

I want to tell excel from LabView to open or import large data file.  The
data doesn't fit on a single excel worksheet (65500 rows).  are there any
techniques I can use (using Excel macro or labview) so that when one sheet
is filled the program opens another sheet until the file is open completely.

Thank you.


Re: windows media player 9 labview 7

2004-05-17 Thread Zvezdana S.
This should be fixed in the next release of LabVIEW.
Zvezdana S.

Re: Ballbar Communication (SAGA) - Progressing :)

2004-05-17 Thread Dennis Knutson
In your string control where you enter the command, do you have "\"
Codes Display turned on? This is set by right clicking on the control.
If you don't, you are not sending the control character but the
strings \ and n. You could also set the VISA serial port properties to
automatically send a termination character with each write or do a
append string with your command and use the line feed constant on the
string palette.

Re: extfunc.cpp

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is no telling.  I suspect you got this from a message in
LabVIEW.  I recommend chosing to send the error message to NI with the
automated submissions.  Chances are the error is random an there is
nothing they will be able to do.  Occassionally  the errors are
systematic with LabVIEW and they will have a resolution.

Re: VIServer and TCP

2004-05-17 Thread DD
> Does anyone know if I can use the same port number for my VIServer and
> a separate TCP connection (established via "listen" function)??

In general, no.  The port number is the mechanism for the operating system
to decide what software will handle a specific packet of incoming TCP/IP
traffic.  In other words, its the sorting mechanism.  To avoid confusion,
you should use a different port number.

Re: Triggering Elapsed time measurements

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Braden
See your other";>post

Need to open/close VIs from command line

2004-05-17 Thread Xocet
I need a method for either closing a currently running VI from a
command line and then opening a VI of the same name immediately after,
or a way of suppressing the View/Discard dialogue box when reloading a
VI from disk.

Is there a list of available command line switches for Labview?

RE: Interpretation of TypeDesc Property in Front Panel Control Reference.

2004-05-17 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
Yes, the OpenG solution using the "ClassID" property is nice however you can also use 
the "ClassName" property. This will give you a
plain english word describing the class. You can then feed this into a case structure 
as a string. It will only take a few minutes
to figure out the class labels.

If you are curious and want to dig deeper into Type Descriptors. NI has a nice App 
note on this here:

Michael Aivaliotis

P.S Has anyone else been getting messages as attachments in their inbox from 
Info-LabVIEW or is it just me? If so, what's going on?

> Another option is to use the ClassID property to figure out 
> the type. In the OpenG toolkit there's even a nicely defined enum.
> Jason
> >Hello
> >
> >I am doing a little research on references to front Panel
> >Items. If you get
> >an array of references to the controls (and Indicators) on the 
> >front panel
> >you can get their label text out rather easily. The value 
> >however is held as
> >a variant and can be extracted if you know the type.
> >
> >Preliminary testing indicates that the "Type Desc" property is
> >an array of
> >16 bit integers. The second column seems related to the type 
> >of the control.
> >
> >16417 is boolean
> >
> >16394 is numeric double
> >
> >16387 is numeric i32
> >
> >16434 is Path
> >
> >15432 is a string.
> >
> >I do not like compiler archaeology. Does anyone have a better,
> >perhaps even
> >official, list, maybe even a program to scan the type desc
> >
> >Yours Sincerely
> >
> >John

[JOB OPENING] Texas Instruments position in Bangalore, India

2004-05-17 Thread Menjoulet, Scott

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS is looking for a senior level LabVIEW (5+ years) and TestStand (2+ 
years) system expert to fill a position in Bangalore, India.  Our section has 
developed a LabVIEW/TestStand based automated characterization environment to test 
complex 2.5 and 3.0G cell phone and other wireless ICs.  This position is an extension 
of our Dallas based characterization team.
The right individual will be responsible for the following:
- Set up, maintain, and promote the environment within the Bangalore facility.
- Work closely with the Dallas team to identify and implement improvements to the 
system architecture.
- Design and develop LabVIEW tests and tightly integrated TestStand sequences to 
perform complex, automated tests for mixed-signal, power management and RF blocks.
- Promote code reuse by identifying and developing common code blocks, utilities, and 
- Be a diligent user and promoter of Source Code Control (Perforce in this case)
- Assist characterization engineers with troubleshooting HW/SW interaction
- Be an integral part of the team but work with minimal supervision.

Very strong LabVIEW is required with as much TestStand experience as possible.
Database experience (SQL Server/MSDE) a huge plus.
Experience with GPIB instruments a big plus.  VXI experience also a plus.
Other skills like VB, C, and .Net development are not required but are considered a 
Some project-management skills but little or no man-management.
This person should have real-world test experience with excellent troubleshooting 

If interested, please send resume and contact information to:
Marvin Landrum
Device Evaluation (DEV)
Texas Instrument, Inc.
214-480-2987  (ofc)
214-236-1788  (cell)

Scott Menjoulet
Texas Instruments

RE: Labview, Linux and databases

2004-05-17 Thread Castro, Diego
The MySQL site has a MyODBC utility for Linux too.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Aivaliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 11:26 AM
To: 'Craig Graham'
Subject: RE: Labview, Linux and databases

While ADO and ODBC are both Microsoft standards, ODBC is a de facto standard
across most platforms. ODBC is a low level engine for
accessing DB. ADO is a set of COM objects (Windows-only) that wrap ODBC
functionality into tight little objects. ADO is a quick and
easy way to set up database access in a windows environment. If you're
programming in Windows, then you're set either way. ADO
provides the functionality offered by the ODBC in an Object Oriented (higher
level) way. ADO is way more easier to deal with than to
deal with ODBC, but on the cost of lower effeciency.

I'm afraid you can't use ADO on Linux AFAIK. However there is support for
ODBC on Linux. Here is one of many solutions out there:

Michael Aivaliotis

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Graham
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Labview, Linux and databases
> I thought ADO was a Microsoft thing? What ADO support is 
> there on Linux?
> I'll have a look at it next time I'm playing with databases 
> on Windows. And, of course, when I'm not constrained by the client!
> --
> Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
> Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Michael Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Craig Graham'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:49 PM
> Subject: RE: Labview, Linux and databases
> > Let me recommend ADO as an alternative. It provides all the 
> advantages 
> > you mentioned for ODBC but with none of the limitations--and it 
> > simplifies distribution/installation because there's nothing that 
> > needs to be setup
> at
> ..


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Use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient 
is unauthorized and may be illegal.

Re: Problems with serial visa under windows XP

2004-05-17 Thread Sanaa

You will find in the links bellow the solution for your problem :

Sanaa TAZI
Application Engineer
National Instruments

Re: 10803, deallocate memory

2004-05-17 Thread IS
I just tested with the same setup (one difference: I used a laptop
with XP). I adjusted the timeout value of the wait on occurence vi to
2000 ms. After that i could run the vi 200 times in a row without
experiencing the mentioned error. Did you watch the memory in the task
manager while the VI runs? Is the amount of used memory increasing?

Re: Need a Labview driver for Agilent's Signal Generator 8648D!!! Help Please

2004-05-17 Thread Jason Hobbs
Luca has a great suggestion.  I took a quick look at the user manual
for the 8648 series and it appears that you should have no problem
using this driver with the 8648D.  You may have to set ID Query to
False in the Initialize VI.

Please confirm if you have success using this driver with the 8648D so
that we can update the driver record in the Instrument Driver Network
to reflect this.

Jason Hobbs

Re: DAQ counter output

2004-05-17 Thread Norbert B
Hi Thorsten24,

which developement enviroment do you use? LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI or
Measurement Studio? Which version?

Generally the assistant locks your system for only one
DAQ-application. If you want to do something else meanwhile (e.g.
parallel pulsetrain generation and analog input) you have to program
it by yourself using DAQmx without the assistant.
You can use the EXAMPLE FINDER to search suited examples for your
needs. Take a look in the following folders:
DAQmx/counter/generate pulse

Norbert B.
NI Germany

Re: filemgr.cpp error line 5662

2004-05-17 Thread DavidL

could you tell me wich underVI could be involved? because my
application is quiet huge, and my client very far away from me, so
that i can't make tests myself when the problem appears.
Thanks for caring.
Best Regards

Sifial France

Re: TCP IP question

2004-05-17 Thread dan bookwalter

start by looking at the Simple Data and Simple Data examples that ship with LabVIEW... that should get you


Ballbar Communication (SAGA) - Progressing :)

2004-05-17 Thread Phil747
Thanks again for severals answers to my previous question. My problem
was that, when I was using the "Basic_Serial_Write_and_Read" VI to
communicate with the ballbar (serial port), I was getting an error
about accessing the port. Then, with the answers I got, I ensured that
MAX and Hyperterminal were closed and tried again. And I'm back to my
first error about timeout. In MAX, I'm able to read data from the
ballbar. When I send *IDN?\n I receive A12345 (its name), when I send
*S?\n I get the anticipated data from the ballbar.  But, when I try to
do exactly the same in Labview, I get timeout error (or access error
if MAX isn't closed). So I'm still trying to figure out why I get this
time error. I've checked all the properties (baud rate, bytes to read,
..) and even if I make the same procedure as in MAX, I get this
error. I'm a bit confused about why there's a difference between MAX
procedure and Labview, so if someone has an idea, I'd appreciate it a
lot. Thanks again for helping me solving my problem.

RE: Interpretation of TypeDesc Property in Front Panel Control Reference.

2004-05-17 Thread jason.corwin
Another option is to use the ClassID property to figure out the type. In the OpenG 
toolkit there's even a nicely defined enum.


Jason Corwin
(858) 592-4025

>-Original Message-
>From: John Brohan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 2004 May 17, Monday 09:15
>Subject: Interpretation of TypeDesc Property in Front Panel Control
>I am doing a little research on references to front Panel 
>Items. If you get
>an array of references to the controls (and Indicators) on the 
>front panel
>you can get their label text out rather easily. The value 
>however is held as
>a variant and can be extracted if you know the type.
>Preliminary testing indicates that the "Type Desc" property is 
>an array of
>16 bit integers. The second column seems related to the type 
>of the control.
>16417 is boolean
>16394 is numeric double
>16387 is numeric i32
>16434 is Path
>15432 is a string.
>I do not like compiler archaeology. Does anyone have a better, 
>perhaps even
>official, list, maybe even a program to scan the type desc
>Yours Sincerely
>John Brohan National Instruments LabVIEW expert in Montreal
>Traders Micro "We connect all sorts of things to computers"
>317 Barberry Place DDO Montreal PQ Canada H9G 1V3 Tel (514)995-3749

RE: Labview, Linux and databases

2004-05-17 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
While ADO and ODBC are both Microsoft standards, ODBC is a de facto standard across 
most platforms. ODBC is a low level engine for
accessing DB. ADO is a set of COM objects (Windows-only) that wrap ODBC functionality 
into tight little objects. ADO is a quick and
easy way to set up database access in a windows environment. If you're programming in 
Windows, then you're set either way. ADO
provides the functionality offered by the ODBC in an Object Oriented (higher level) 
way. ADO is way more easier to deal with than to
deal with ODBC, but on the cost of lower effeciency.

I'm afraid you can't use ADO on Linux AFAIK. However there is support for ODBC on 
Linux. Here is one of many solutions out there:

Michael Aivaliotis

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Graham
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Labview, Linux and databases
> I thought ADO was a Microsoft thing? What ADO support is 
> there on Linux?
> I'll have a look at it next time I'm playing with databases 
> on Windows. And, of course, when I'm not constrained by the client!
> --
> Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
> Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Michael Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Craig Graham'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 1:49 PM
> Subject: RE: Labview, Linux and databases
> > Let me recommend ADO as an alternative. It provides all the 
> advantages 
> > you mentioned for ODBC but with none of the limitations--and it 
> > simplifies distribution/installation because there's nothing that 
> > needs to be setup
> at
> ..

Interpretation of TypeDesc Property in Front Panel Control Reference.

2004-05-17 Thread John Brohan

I am doing a little research on references to front Panel Items. If you get
an array of references to the controls (and Indicators) on the front panel
you can get their label text out rather easily. The value however is held as
a variant and can be extracted if you know the type.

Preliminary testing indicates that the "Type Desc" property is an array of
16 bit integers. The second column seems related to the type of the control.

16417 is boolean

16394 is numeric double

16387 is numeric i32

16434 is Path

15432 is a string.

I do not like compiler archaeology. Does anyone have a better, perhaps even
official, list, maybe even a program to scan the type desc

Yours Sincerely


John Brohan National Instruments LabVIEW expert in Montreal
Traders Micro "We connect all sorts of things to computers"
317 Barberry Place DDO Montreal PQ Canada H9G 1V3 Tel (514)995-3749

LAB View crashes changing background colour

2004-05-17 Thread Riegler
My LAB View runtime application (7.0) crashes sometimes  without error
message when changing the background colour of my frontpanel. My
operating System is XPP.

VIServer and TCP

2004-05-17 Thread nrp
Hi there,

Does anyone know if I can use the same port number for my VIServer and
a separate TCP connection (established via "listen" function)??


Programmatically Creating Clusters

2004-05-17 Thread George Gatling (Contractor)
I have an file format that lets me store nearly arbitrary (though not 
nested) clusters in tabular (and binary) form... each column is an element 
from the cluster, and each row is a complete cluster... so the whole table 
is basically a cluster array.  There is header information in this file 
that completely describes the layout of the binary table, and this header 
information is derived from the 'type string' information provided for each 
labview data type.  So, by reading this header information, I can 
completely describe the type of the cluster represented by the binary table.

Now, I know I have some runtime limitations, but my question is aimed at 
the editing environment.  Is there a way to build a cluster using the VI 
server?  I imagine the executing VI creating a new VI and then performing 
operations on it that can only be done in edit mode (like define a 
cluster).  The idea being that if someone gave me on of these files, I 
could use this tool to build the cluster and then in a second pass, use 
that cluster to read the file.

I suppose this question is not far removed from the past conversations 
about VI scripting, but at least this is only a subset of that whole 
idea.  Anyone know if this is possible?

George Gatling
Applied Technology Division, SFA Inc.
Space Physics Simulation Chamber
US Naval Research Laboratory
202-404-5405 (phone)
202-767-3553 (fax)
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.  --Jack Handy  

Re: graph

2004-05-17 Thread kingsoon
j utilise Labview 7
en fait je veut trac=E9 le graphe des valeurs a partir d un num=E9ro d
Je demande par exemple l essai 1, le programme fait le tri de toutes
les valeurs pour l essai 1 et trace le graph


Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-17 Thread jcrooke
Glad to help.  I have been there too often.  It's amazing how much
time is spent making simple problems complicated.  Hopefully, some of
the other discussion items will be of benefit in future tasks.


TCP IP question

2004-05-17 Thread G_F
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi everyone,


I would like to try a very simple TCP/IP connection.

In other words, I have to IP addresses, two PC and on one of it, I would =
like to read the temperature captured by the other.

Since it's a large topic, I would appreciate any advice or suggestion on =
where to find examples.


Thanks in advance



G=E9rard F=E9rini
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi everyone,
I would like to try a very =
simple TCP/IP=20
In other words, I have to IP =
addresses, two=20
PC and on one of it, I would like to read the=20
temperature captured by the other.
Since it's a large topic, I would =
any advice or suggestion on where to find =
Thanks in advance
G=E9rard -- G=E9rard =


RE: Labview, Linux and databases

2004-05-17 Thread Castro, Diego
I do not know your setup buy the path You just described is just fine, MySQL
with ODBC is definitively the best option you will have, about the ODBC
driver cecjk the MySQL for the latest version, do not use the latest version
of MySQL  always use the one before, the latest version is always Beta.

I have seen the discussion abou ADO and ODBC, which makes no sense to me, I
handle both of our Database systems (SQL-Server, MySQL and Oracle) all from
ODBC , I personally do not believe is that bad at all, it mainly depends how
you want to control and access your databases, if you do not want to install
ODBC on every machine you plan to use you may use the direct connection
approach or a DB server that you can make also, but I strongly recommend
ODBC above all.

Good Luck.


-Original Message-
From: Craig Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:23 AM
Subject: Labview, Linux and databases

I'm going to start playing with Labview 7 in Linux.

The app I have in mind needs serial I/O and database access, and presently
uses the database toolkit in Windows. Serial seems no problem in Linux but I
assume ODBC may be. The only option I can find from a brief Google is to use
some VIs for MySQL that seem to be using system Are there better

Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.


This e-mail and any attachments, as well as any documents from a file 
server of Alphabet or Stoneridge Corporation or one of its affiliates, 
are intended for the addressee and may contain information that is 
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If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender 
immediately by return e-mail, delete this
e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination, distribution, or 
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Use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient 
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Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
Do you divide the data arrays by the maximum, or is this configured in
the graph properties? I'm confused about whether I'd be configuring
the graph or the data. Do you have a basic example on hand by chance?

Re: 10803, deallocate memory

2004-05-17 Thread Yves
OS: Win2k, SP4, 512MB RAM
NIDAQ: 7.2.0f1
DAQCard: 6024E PCMCIA, 200kS/s

Re: Please help this newbie make a start with LabView 7

2004-05-17 Thread TommyTestBoy

It looks like Instrument I/O Assistant is not installed.  You can
install it from the Driver CD that came with LabVIEW, or you can
download an installer for it from NI's website";>here.

Let me know if you have problems getting it installed or using it once
it is installed.

Hope this helps.


Re: Error -1073807246 when trying to control a circulator in Labview via RS-232

2004-05-17 Thread hung
It finally works!  Turns out that it was a cable problem.  I was using
a straight through cable but I actually did need crossover cables.
Thank you so much for all your help.

Re: Can Remote Panels be accomplished with the Labview Runtime engine alone?

2004-05-17 Thread wim andries student
And where do you need to place the webpage?  (normally should be in
the "www" directory )
And what exactly do you mean with "you also have to make sure the web
functions are included in the exe when you do your build".  Just make
the webpage with the VI, build the exe and then copy the ini file
together with the exe into the same directory (and with the same
Thanks for the reply

Andries Wim student

Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread Dr. Imad
One way I handled that is to normalize my several Y axis data, and
plot them in % (percent) (scale 0 to 100)
so If one column data is voltage, another is current, temperature,
etc,  I divide each column by its predetermined or assumed maximum,
and this will be the hundred percent point.
Then I use a single scale with multiple plots.
It worked fine with many customers
Just my input to that

Re: rs 232 dyna

2004-05-17 Thread isabelle.jean

Il y a plusieurs fa=E7ons. La premi=E8re consiste =E0 r=E9cup=E9rer toutes =
valeurs puis de faire un tra=EEtement de votre tableau avec une boucle
for et un registre =E0 d=E9calage.
La seconde : il existe peut-=EAtre un driver d'instrument de votre
dynamom=E8tre dans lequel cette fonction serait d=E9j=E0 impl=E9menter.
Certains drivers d'instruments sont disponibles sur notre site web =E0
partir du lien suivant :
Vous pouvez =E9galement contacter votre fournisseur de dynamom=E8tre en
lui demandant s'il n'a pas de driver d'instruments.

Sinc=E8res salutations,

Isabelle Jean
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: How to insert a form feed (FF) character into a string

2004-05-17 Thread Dennis Knutson
A FF is x0C in ASCII. Set your string control or block diagram string
constant for Hex Display (by right clicking on it) and enter the

Re: Best way for recording instrument commands

2004-05-17 Thread Noel
You didn't mention why you wanted to store the instrument state data
to a data file.  Depending on your need, an NI-Spy log might suffice.
NI-Spy allows you to log all your instrument communication to a file.
There are several options that you might want to enable (Log to File,
Large Buffers, etc).  The actual commands you send to the instrument
will also be logged.

Keithley 2400 Trigger 2000

2004-05-17 Thread Fpr

I have tried for a couple of days to let a Keithley 2400 source
current and measure voltage and at the same time trigger a DMM2000 on
which a current will be measured. This is for use in a LIV
characterization. I=92m using Labview but prefer to write directly to
the bus instead of using the Labview drivers, which I find a bit
complicated to use.

First I configure the 2400 with the following commands




Then I write the following to the DMM 2000 to initialize


Now the two instruments should trigger each other.

I then write to the 2400 to turn on and initiate the sweep.


And finally an INIT is sent to the DMM2000 to initiate this instrument

This starts the measurement ONLY if the instruments have been turned
on just before the program is executed.

If I run the full program again it doesn=92t start. What is wrong?

If I run the program from the initialization of the 2000 it works
well. But if the intialization of the 2400 is included it just wont
start the sweep.

Any suggestions?



Re: 10803, deallocate memory

2004-05-17 Thread IS
I just made a test and was running the VI 150 times in a row - the
error did not occure. Please let me know which OS and which NIDAQ
driver you are using.

Re: graph

2004-05-17 Thread Cyn

voulez vous tracer les valeurs essai par essai (3 graphes diff=E9rents)
ou voulez vous tracer l'ensemble des valeurs en fonction de l'essai?
De plus quelle version de LabVIEW utilisez vous?
Merci pour ces d=E9tails qui me permettront de vous donner un exmple si
cela est r=E9alisable.

Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread Ben
Right click on your existing Y-scale and select duplicate scale.

This will give you another Y-scale to plot your data against.

You can then use the plot legend to right click and associate your
data with the new scale on a plot by plot basis.

You can add as many legends as you need. You can also switch sides for
a scale if you choose.


Re: Can i make the communication of Raynger MX4/MX6 ?

2004-05-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thank you

What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
They are all using Voltage, so I guess I could have a way to switch
between voltage and other units. The main readings will be temperature
and strain gage readings, which I've then configured using the
Measurement & Automation Explorer as Virtual Channels.

Any ideas/suggestions from people who've dealt with this before?

I'm using Labview 6.1.

Thank you!

Re: Write in buffer with DAQmx

2004-05-17 Thread Cyn

do you know that there are specific conditionning devices that able
you to output current instead of voltage. It is an other possibility
if you don't want to create your own external assembly.
Do not hesitate to use the example Cont Mult Voltage updates - Int
clock, which fills a buffer and sends it to the AO.

Hope this helps

Re: graph

2004-05-17 Thread kingsoon
C est exactement ce que je recherch=E9.
Merci beaucoup

How to insert a form feed (FF) character into a string

2004-05-17 Thread Boeing
How to insert a form feed character into a string.  I would like to
control page ejection.

RE: Corporate PC purchases for factory test, your experiences please

2004-05-17 Thread Boyd, David

Thanks for the many replies.  Just to summarize and respond:

1.  I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm anti-d'Hell.  Pretty
much every test station I've had responsibility for in the past 5+ years
here was built around one of their desktop or small tower
configurations.  With few exceptions, they've proven to be a reliable

2.  I wasn't looking to change the form factor or scope of this existing
setup.  I just wanted to replace a small tower workstation with a newer
one.  I've often looked at rackmount/passive backplane/industrial PC
setups but they've never (in hindsight) been justifiable for our apps.

3.  Being attached to the same corporate net used by every other PC and
server in the facility is pretty fundamental to the way we do business.

4.  Our 'IT department' consists of two long-term, hard-working regular
guys here at our location, and a small army of people at our HQ location
and other sites.  My argument was with a policy, not with a person.

The only thing that seems to have changed about the situation since
other, earlier purchases for test equipment use is the level of charges
on the invoice for software licensing which I argue is unnecessary, but
others tell me is required for corporate liability's sake.  While I
framed the issue in terms of being a good steward of the company's
money, the greater perspective is that it's just a cost of doing

The PO went up the chain unmodified from the original quote.  As I
described, that's about 900 USD for a basic PC with XPpro (no monitor),
and about 480 USD for additional licenses.  If this is the price of
feeling good about doing business with MS, well, OK...

Best regards,


David J Boyd
Senior Test Engineer
175 Chastain Meadows Court
Kennesaw GA 30144-3724
(V) 770-429-2809 (F) 770-423-2300

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and is confidential information intended only for the use of the
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Re: Help! If I have a binary file how do I then translate it to a spreadsheet file?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
I think I may have got it.

Thanks though!!

Re: multiple plotting but not with static inputs but using a control

2004-05-17 Thread professional
Hi Justin ,

 thanks  a lot 
 this time i looked at the eg's with xtra care  n its working . all my
confusion related to
clusters n bundles have been solved

Best Regards


Re: Can Remote Panels be accomplished with the Labview Runtime engine alone?

2004-05-17 Thread Ben
Yes it can!

The trick is all hidden in your LabVIEW.ini file.

All of the configuration seetings that you configure using the web
publishing tools in the development environment end up being saved to
your LabVIEW.ini file.

If you copy this file into the folder where your exe is located AND
name it as "My app.ini" (where "My app.exe" is the name of your exe),
LV will serve the configured pages.

If memory serves me correctly, you also have to make sure the web
functions are included in the exe when you do your build.


Re: smooth a single looping step for a biped robot

2004-05-17 Thread CB
Hi Tristan,
I need a vi to take a waveform, typicaly 200 scans over 1.5 secs, and
provide a smoothing/weighting action to join the start and end of the
wave. Waves will be played as a loop and provide continuous walking
for a biped robot. That is why it is important to smooth/join the
start/end. I also need to minimise the effect of the vi on the wave
and would like the function to affect as few start/end samples as
possible. I have tried looking through some of the filtering vi's but
dont have any electronic filtering experience. The vi should not
introduce and high frequency bumps at the joining point as the
windowed data will be experiemented on using other functions like
polynomial, fourier etc. I imagine the solution will split the wave
data into 3 different sections:
1, 1st 10 scans of adjusted data.
2, roughly 180 scans of untouched data.
3, last 10 scans of adjusted data.
Please let me know if you require more info.
Regards Chris

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