Re: [Leaf-devel] Packaging

2001-04-06 Thread thc

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 08:47:48PM +0200, Ewald Wasscher scribbled:
> > Too many package formats use .tgz as their name.
> > 
> > What if we started using bzip2 for our packages and called
> > them .tbz? Nobody uses .tbz for _anything_ not even bzip2'd
> > tar files.
> Would be nice (see my last post), but does the inird archive patch 
> support that?

No. A new patch would be required, or the root archive would
need to be in gzip instead of bzip2 format; but much/most of
the root stuff might be able to be moved into a root2 package
that is bzipped...

> Ewald Wasscher
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Packaging

2001-04-06 Thread thc

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 08:40:43PM +0200, Ewald Wasscher scribbled:
> > I seem to be somewhat alone in that I *LIKE* the *.lrp packaging;
> Personally I like the simpicity.

Me, I like the simplicity more than the simpicity. ;)

> That's a good point. I quite often open on windows machines using 
> winzip, and having to rename the file to package.tgz is a bit inconvenient.

Well, either go into winzip and go file->open, or just [easiest]
associate .lrp with winzip.

> I have also been playing with bzip2 this week and when I add bzip2 and 
> libbz2 to my root.lrp, and the compress the package with bzip instead of 
> gzip the result is actually smaller than the original, enven with the 
> added binaries.  So _if_ someone would add support for bzip2 compressed 
> initrd archives to the kernel patch it might be a good idea to use bzip2 
> for compressing lrp packages..

Amen, brother! ;) I've been calling for bzip2 usage in LRP for
probably over a year now...

> Ewald Wasscher
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Packaging

2001-04-06 Thread thc

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 06:29:16AM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> My understanding is that tar takes your pathname as specified when you
> pack.  For example,
> tar cvf file.tar .
> ...creates files with names like "./myfile1" "./myfile2" etc.
> tar cvf file.tar *
> ...creates files with names like "myfile1" "myfile2" etc.
> tar cvf file /pub/home/mydir
> ...creates files with names like "/pub/home/mydir/myfile1"
> "/pub/home/mydir/myfile2"

My experience has shown otherwise; whenever I create a LRP package,
I do this:

tar cvzf package.lrp package/*
and it creates package.lrp with everything in package/, but with no
leading "package/".

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Packaging

2001-04-06 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 06:19:01PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > Too many package formats use .tgz as their name.
> No, there is only one: a file that has been created by tar and
> compressed by gzip.  Everything else is a file.

Slackware, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD all distribute their packages
with the name *.tgz. Yes, packages are files..and the contents
thereof, are also files.

> It is COMMON and well-understood and used by EVERYONE.  Every serious
> unpacker for the Windows/DOS/BeOS/UNIX. platform will understand a
> *.tgz file...

Agreed. That's the advantage of using the tar + gzip format for
the actual file. So far, I'm just talking about naming.

> If you make one up, then no one understands it - sort of like *.lrp
> right now.

I can open .lrp files just fine on any OS, using a 'serious
unpacker'. Sometimes, I have to rename it to .tar.gz or .tgz;
but that's easy and is rarely required.

> Also, any unpacker/archive tool needs to be able to handle problems
> and bombs - if the .list file is missing, or the .help file
> is missing, or in fact if *ANY* file is missing, it should be able to
> handle it.  That's one of the big problems with lrpkg: a missing
> *.help file makes it crash; I think a missing *.version file does too.

lrpkg not being robust has nothing to do with .lrp package format.

> > them .tbz? Nobody uses .tbz for _anything_ not even bzip2'd
> > tar files.
> Right.  And nobody will be able to decipher them on other platforms
> either.

Why? There's no bunzip2 for other systems?

> > I thought RPMs were tar.gz files with their own info in them,
> > like every other Linux and BSD package format in existance.
> They're not; I just checked.  Usually, one uses rpm2cpio to create a
> "standard" format file.

Yet another reason for me to dislike RH and RH-like distributions.

> > I thought .deb was the same as my thought on RPM above...
> It may be somewhat; I think tar worked, I'm not sure.

Well I'll be...I just tried both rpm and deb files with gzip
and bzip and couldn't get anything out of either of them. What
kind of crack are they smoking?

> UNIX originally did EVERYTHING in files  why not use [files] in
> our packaging?

Could fooled me...I thought we did. We have pacakges that
are .tar.gz files named *.lrp; we have files inside those
packages that specify what files should be found in the
packages [as well as other package-related info], and we
have files that are actually being distributed [the whole
purpose of the package].

> So... NO special format, NO special databases, NO special "support"
> files needed, NO anything - just tar, gzip, and files.

You don't think it's important for the package to carry some
identifying information with it?

At least, a version file, so it's easy for the user to figure
out which package he's using.

Don't forget that LRP has special packaging needs, unlike those
of rpm and deb and other formats -- specifically, LRP needs to
keep it's stuff in package format, rather than just installing
the package and forgetting about it. It has to re-write the
package often, and do so efficiently.

I really think LRP packages are quite optimum, although improvements
could come in the form of additional files in /var/lib/lrpkg that
contain more information, or elsewhere, or containing extra
functionality, such as pre/post install/remove scripts].

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [LRP] Interesting LRP consumer device....

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 12:04:38AM +0200, Robert Sprockeels scribbled:
> >
> Thanks for plugging my product  ;-)

BTW, it's listed in now.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Packaging

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:51:59PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> I seem to be somewhat alone in that I *LIKE* the *.lrp packaging;
> there is only one change I would make: rename the files from *.lrp to
> *.tgz.  This adds the ability to know what the file format is, and
> allows Windows hosts to decipher the file automatically.

Too many package formats use .tgz as their name.

What if we started using bzip2 for our packages and called
them .tbz? Nobody uses .tbz for _anything_ not even bzip2'd
tar files.

> However, there is support for unpacking RPM and DEB files within
> busybox; I haven't played with them yet, but perhaps a new
> distribution might find a need for them.

It could probably be done in less space by shell scripts.

> I don't know about Debian packages, but RPMs are very nice for a full
> system, work fast, upgrade well, have dependency checking. and
> also a huge database, lots of CPU overhead, and aren't usable with
> generic UNIX utilities like tar, gzip, and cpio...

I thought RPMs were tar.gz files with their own info in them,
like every other Linux and BSD package format in existance.

> Debian probably has a similar problem, yet I don't like their dpkg
> hardly at all.

I thought .deb was the same as my thought on RPM above...

> UNIX originally did EVERYTHING in files; I understand that Plan 9 (an
> AT&T post-UNIX OS development) goes even FARTHER with this idea.  Why
> not use it in our packaging?

Use _what_ in our packaging? I don't know what you're talking about. :)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

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Re: [Leaf-devel] LEAF Distribution

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 04:45:59PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> As for a LEAF distribution, I think I would actually shy away from an
> actual "LEAF" image; the concept is good but the literal
> implementation would be bad.  Put another way, I wouldn't have any
> problem with "Maple LRP" created by the LEAF project (as one more LEAF
> variant) but to have a "LEAF LRP" or "LEAF image" would overshadow
> projects like Eigerstein and Oxygen.  Oxygen, among being good for
> others to use, reflects my own decisions and foibles - I like it that
> way :-)
> A LEAF LRP would cause people to think that Oxygen has been superceded
> by LEAF, or that LEAF is "more current" or "better" which may or may
> not be true.

Absolutely correct. Somebody who is completely unfamiliar with
any of it, who goes to the LEAF project and has to choose between
LEAF and Oxygen, will look at [and choose] LEAF first.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Languages

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 03:58:05PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> The thing I always find fascinating is the textbooks show you how to
> add 5 and 6, but not how to scan a configuration file; or they show
> you how to do a bubble sort, but not how to react to user input.  It
> seems as if general disk I/O is a no-no.

I've found that, too; no learning resource ever seems to cover
important, seemingly very basic operations like user or disk IO.
Most programs that I might write tend to be such that they'd
mangle data in some way, and although it's easy to learn how to
mangle data, it's always difficult to find out how to read and
write the data...

> Of course, having an expert you can pester helps too #c is a channel where lots of C programmers
hang out and be quiet. ;)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Interesting LRP consumer device....

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 10:21:03AM -0700, Kenneth Hadley scribbled:
> amusing product
> read a little about FireWare and you'll understand why I say amusing, though
> I do like 1U rackmounts ;-)
> Does anyone know off hand how many LRP based consumer devices exist?

Is it time for to have a 'commercial LRP-based products'
section? :)

> -Kenneth Hadley
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 07:51:15AM -0700, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Rick & George,
> I plan on purchasing these two books, unless someone has a better idea. I 
> have K&R's C book, but haven't read it yet.

That's supposed to be _the_ book to read. :)

> Beginning Linux Programming
> ISBN: 1861002971
> C Primer Plus
> ISBN: 1571691618

You should prolly read K&R or the primer first; I get the feeling
that Linux programming is easy to pick up once you know generic C.
I'm sure there's _lots_ of good info around for linux-specifc

Personally, I've been using
and feel that I'm starting to pick it up a little.

I've got some more links if anybody wants them.

> If I get real ambitious, I'll try this one too.
> Professional Linux Programming
> ISBN: 1861003013
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-05 Thread thc

On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 02:06:00AM -0400, George Metz scribbled:
> One of these days, I WILL learn shell scripting and C...
> Aw, who'm I kidding? =)

Shell scripting is easy. It all makes sense. You won't learn it,
of course, until you have some need to fill, though.

I've learned a lot about shell scripting as a result of being a
pseudo-perfectionist about my mp3 collection. I often write
scripts to sort them into directories, rename them, and tag them
based on data gleaned from directory and filenames, and learn a
lot in the process.

People who are good at C say that C is easy. Every time I attempt
to learn C, I fail miserably...but maybe that's because I can do
everything I want with shell scripts. ;)

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-04 Thread thc

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 10:03:01AM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> Mike Noyes wrote:
> > How about naming it:
> > Oxygen_Mar.2001_iso_Oxygen-LRP-CD.bin
> Yipes!  How about what I always use:
> oxygen.iso
> :-)

Situations like this call for some data to live in the filename.

How about either naming it like Mike suggests, and making a
symlink to it on the [ftp|web] server named oxygen.iso, or
abbreviate it:

OLRP0301.iso   #Oxygen LRP 03-01 ISO

> Seriously, I like simplicity - and also, many people (including
> myself) will burn CDROMs under Windows, which suggests or even
> requires an 8.3 filename.

You're burning CDs in Windows 3.x? How?? ;-)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-04 Thread thc

Quoting an earlier message:
> > Huh?
> You know, the patch that makes passive ftp servers work behind
> masquerading firewalls?

I knew the patch existed, but I never really looked for it; the
other day, somebdoy posted the above URL to the LRP list, and I
went and grabbed it.

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 11:04:22PM -0700, Scott C. Best scribbled:
> George:
>   Wow, cool.
>   I looked around for it for an hour and couldn't
> find anything that said it worked liked this.
>   Got a URL?
> -Scott
> On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, George Metz wrote:
> > On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Scott C. Best wrote:
> > 
> > >   Kick me if I'm way wrong on this...
> > 
> > *Kick*
> > 
> > Sorry, couldn't pass it up. =)
> > 
> > >   Errr...
> > >   I believe that ip_masq_ftp is used to make *active*
> > > FTP work, on the *client* side.
> > 
> > The default module does, yes. However, someone of great ingenuity out
> > there came up with an absolutely brilliant patch that allows a masq'd FTP
> > server to do passive FTP without (much of) a hitch. It's not a widely
> > distributed patch, and I'm not quite sure why it never made it into the
> > base kernel source, as it sounds like it would be incredibly useful
> > all-around.
> > 
> > --
> > George Metz
> > Commercial Routing Engineer
> > 
> > "We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
> > the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
> > General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Leaf-devel mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-04 Thread thc

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 02:00:29AM -0400, George Metz scribbled:
> The default module does, yes. However, someone of great ingenuity out
> there came up with an absolutely brilliant patch that allows a masq'd FTP
> server to do passive FTP without (much of) a hitch. It's not a widely
> distributed patch, and I'm not quite sure why it never made it into the
> base kernel source, as it sounds like it would be incredibly useful
> all-around.

...and it doesn't apply well to 2.2.19 -- most of it's hunks fail.

I think it was 6 out of 9 hunks that failed.

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-04 Thread thc

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:56:20PM -0700, Scott C. Best scribbled:
>   Errr...
>   I believe that ip_masq_ftp is used to make *active*
> FTP work, on the *client* side. 
>   My understanding is that Active FTP is tricky on
> client-side NAT'ing-firewalls and passive FTP is tricky on 
> server-side NAT-ing firewalls. Unfortunately, this masq
> modules only solves for one of them, not both.
>   AFAIK, you *gotta* tweak the config files of your 
> FTP server to make it work from behind a NAT'ing firewall.
> Its response to the PASV request must include the external
> IP# of the firewall and a port from within the port-range 
> that the firewall is auto-forwarding from.
>   Kick me if I'm way wrong on this...


I know all of that; I'm talking about the patch, originally
written by Fred Viles [IIRC], that changes the ip_masq_ftp.o
module to correctly deal with server-side-NAT-firewall-PASV

This allows you to avoid having to do anything special with
your FTP server, in case you're running one that you can't
configure like that.

> -Scott

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] German LRP Faq

2001-04-03 Thread thc

It's prolly not ready, but I'm doing lots of little c0wz updates,
so I added it...and I put it where "Materhorn FAQ" used to be. ;)

Er, if you weren't ready for everybody to look at it..sorry.

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 05:21:17PM -0700, Steven Peck scribbled:
> O.,
> :)  I accidently nuked the text format on it.  I figure I want to add the
> firewall option, and have the list and Brian take a brief look at it before
> we put it on leaf and c0wz.  My goal is to have it done by Friday.  I'm
> switching off eigerstein2beta on wednesday (if all goes well).  I will be
> using the doc as a step by step guide so that I can catch any errors(hope)
> and it should be done.  (except for the stuff I want to add in later :)
> So, by Friday it should be ready, if not, I'll let it go anyway.
> --
> Steven Peck   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sacramento, CA
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 5:15 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Leaf-devel] German LRP Faq
> > 
> > 
> > Steven Peck, 2001-04-02 15:45 -0700
> > >Huh what??  Sure
> > >What guides?
> > 
> > Steven,
> > I think the document below makes a wonderful 2.9.8 
> > Installation Guide. Has 
> > Brian Boonstra taken a look at it yet?
> >
> > 
> > Development Tasks
> >
> ct_id=5259
> 21164  LEAF Installation Guide  2000-11-04  2001-04-04  0%
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-03 Thread thc

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:38:21PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:00:49PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > > * Kernel patches: Openwall, bridgefw, VPN+Masq...
> > 
> > How about the ip_masq_ftp.o server patch?
> Huh?

You know, the patch that makes passive ftp servers work behind
masquerading firewalls?

> ...Now there's a great response, and even Emily Postnews didn't
> mention it :-)  There I've done it - dated myself for sure :-)

Which response, "How about the ip_masq_ftp.o server patch?" or "Huh?"?

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mirrors and upcoming Oxygen CDROM

2001-04-03 Thread thc

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:00:49PM -0500, David Douthitt scribbled:
> * Kernel patches: Openwall, bridgefw, VPN+Masq...

How about the ip_masq_ftp.o server patch?

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Progeny Debian

2001-04-03 Thread thc

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 03:44:41PM -0700, Steven Peck scribbled:
> speaking of next, how's the openssh going Rick?

John Stoffel is working with me on making it smaller. I have it
compiled so that it would work on LRP, but it's a bit large.

What we're trying to do is compile libssl dynamic and remove it
from the ssh and sshd binaries; the default method (probably a
security measure) is to have libssl statically compiled in to
the binaries.

Actually, he's doing all of the work's all over my
head. :) But, I'm discussing it in email with im and occasionally
attempting it on my own [with 0% success rate..].

> Steven Peck
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] German LRP Faq

2001-04-02 Thread thc

You (or anyone else) are always welcome to anything I've written.
Use whatever you want.

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 09:33:42PM +0200, Eric Wolzak scribbled:
> Hello all, especially Mike, charles,Ray, Steven, Jack, Rick, and all 
> others that provided Documentation to this Project on the Leaf site.
> I started to make a new German Documentation for the LRP with 
> an guide howto setup an lrp for dsl, isdn,ppp etc.
> A part of this step by step guide i will setup as a faq. I found a lot 
> of the Documentation parts of our doc site at leaf very clear, and 
> compact. (better than I can explain it ;) )
> So my question is. Is it okay to use some parts of this explanation 
> for a free translation ?  I will put the names of the original 
> contributors to a section "people who contributed to the original 
> english faq"  with a link to the documentation site.
> So your names will be mentioned, but not for every question the 
> specific name. 
> Has anybody anything against this approach.
> BTW. The final documentation will be in my developer page on the 
> leafsite replacing the ISDN specific introduction, there is now.
> Greetings Eric Wolzak
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] new firewall package

2001-04-01 Thread thc

On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 08:19:37PM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
> guys' preliminary feedback, I'll decide whether to unleash
> it upon the main LRP list.
>   Feedback welcome, of course, Thanks!

I went and added it to before I saw that you hadn't
intended for the list to get it yet.. [removed now]. ;)

> -Scott
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Nifty CD Idea

2001-03-30 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 09:03:15PM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> > > It would appear from discussion here and a search that proconfig was
> > > folded into 2.4; in any case, the most recent versions at the web site
> > > are:
> >
> > I couldn't find it in menuconfig, nor by a recursive, case
> > insensitive grep for 'proconfig' in my 2.4.2 tree.
> That would be because you're running Slack, not SuSE. And at any rate,

Well, if you look at the top quote, the suggestion was that it
has been folded into the main kernel tree; and I don't use
slack-provided kernels, I download plain kernels from that I think slack patches their kernels
anyhow. ;)

> SuSE calls it config.gz, so a search for proconfig might not turn anything
> up.

If it was part of the main kernel tree, I'd expect to find it
inside an uncompressed ASCII text file..

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Possible and/or downtime this weekend

2001-03-30 Thread thc

This weekend, the forecast calls for a 30 percent chance of and/or downtime, as both
myself and Charles may be working on new servers for our
respective sites.

Additionally, mine's gone a little flaky on me, so even if
I don't replace the server, it could see some downtime.

Here's some mirrors you can use: -- should be completely
   up-to-date (I made a few minor changes today) and fast [if Charles's server is up :)] - SourceForge mirror - Provided by (soon to be - Thanks to Bryan Schmidt - Thanks to Steve Sobka - Thanks to Barry Martin & The Mirazon Group - Thanks to Mike Branco - Thanks to 'Upnet Joe' - Thanks to Scott Young - Thanks to Dave Childs

Wow. Charles has got a lot of mirros. I'm jealous. ;)

In other news, Linux 2.4.3 gave me a kernel panic today, after
using it for only 4.75 hours...I guess it's still a little
too bleeding edge. ;)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Functional Admin -kudos

2001-03-30 Thread thc

Here here!!

I second all of that. Mike, you are a major driving force that
most projects don't have, and that we're _very_ lucky to have.

I'm good for another reference letter.

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 11:26:20AM -0800, Steven Peck scribbled:
> I have to go with David here and I think it deserves a mention.
> You are coordinating work on an Open Source project.  You have been driving
> force and crucial to installing and maintaining the website (you then found
> a better solution and made it happen :getting help counts), coordinating and
> writing documentation, doing the backend administrative work on getting a
> CVS tree going, setting up/manageing multiple mail lists, ftp permissions,
> Sourceforge updates and issues.  Gathering a consensus on a variety of
> disparate issues (color, theme, logo, style, directory structure, now CVS)
> from a set of developers, and misc contributors of varying techinical levels
> and interests.)  You have 'brought' in folks (Pim) by making them aware of
> what we are doing here.  Regular updates/notification of Sourceforge issues.
> Prompting for standards in Documentation, etc.
> This is a synopsis.
> I've been on paying contracts that were not as well managed/coordinated.
> This is something that you can probably add to your resume in some fashion.
> Heck, I'll give you a reference letter if you want.  :)
> --
> Steven Peck   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -Original Message-
> From: David Douthitt
> Sent: 3/30/2001 7:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Packages in PatchManager & CVS
> Mike Noyes wrote:
> > 
> > David Douthitt, 2001-03-30 09:23 -0600
> > I'm a barely
> > functional admin for this project.
> I disagree vehemently!  This project has better documentation than
> I've seen almost anywhere else on Sourceforge; the PHPWebSite is
> phenomonal.
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Nifty CD Idea

2001-03-30 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 08:41:52AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> It would appear from discussion here and a search that proconfig was
> folded into 2.4; in any case, the most recent versions at the web site
> are:

I couldn't find it in menuconfig, nor by a recursive, case
insensitive grep for 'proconfig' in my 2.4.2 tree.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Nifty CD Idea

2001-03-30 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 06:49:48AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> This wouldn't be the "proconfig" patch would it?  With this patch, you
> can type "cat /proc/config" and it will give you a list of features
> set, in the form of a Config file for the running kernel.
> > Fairly neat, if not much of a use to the LRP/LEAF images. =)
> I would think it would be very useful, especially with everyone having
> different needs...

"I'm having trouble getting my hard disk running for a squid cache."
"Please post 'cat /proc/config'."


rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] grep options

2001-03-30 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 12:28:34AM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
>   Woof!

The correct frustrated exclamation here is: "Awk!!"

>   So...forgive my non-sed'ness, but what would be the
> -Scott, thinking about grep.lrp...
> > >   Huh? sed with greap? Any thoughts on this? TIA!
> > 
> > grep -v didn't even work in the old LRP2.9.8 release. Always had to hack
> > around it by using sed -e "s/foo//" instead of grep -v "foo".
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Nifty CD Idea

2001-03-29 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 02:19:09PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> probably doesn't make sense.  However, there was a post awhile back by
> someone who figured out how to run an unpatched kernel with LRP, so it

An unpatched kernel that would work on a regular LRP ramdisk-root setup?

Obviously, if you're not using a ramdisk for the root fs, then there's
no patch required. That's the ability that makes LRP kernels different
from anybody else's kernels [with the possible exception of RH, which,
AFAIK, has some of their own kernel patches...yuck!].

> ---
> Jeff NewmillerThe .   .  Go Live...
> DCN:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Basics: ##.#.   ##.#.  Live Go...
> Work:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
> Research Engineer (Solar/BatteriesO.O#.   #.O#.  with
> /Software/Embedded Controllers)   .OO#.   .OO#.  rocks...2k
> ---
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mailing list archive

2001-03-29 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 09:23:32AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Also, this message was posted to leaf-user. Does anyone have an answer?

You used the wrong slash in that URL; correct URL is

David, does Oxygen have any reason it would be different from other
LRPs, or should somebody give this guy the standard answer?

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [OT] RE: [Leaf-devel] bitwar (was New release of Oxygen (March 2001))

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 01:47:47PM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> BYOLinux is another site that actually is designed for absolute green
> folks, but overall it provides better descriptions of what it is you're
> doing. Check it out at if you want.

Decisions, decisions...that one looks cool too.

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] IMPORTANT SourceForge site update

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:24:02PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > Bummer...I now have to change my rsync script again.
> Just change your script to contain something like this:
> ---snip---
> LEAF=/home/groups/l/le/leaf
> ---snip---
> ...then, whenever it changes, you can just change one item and you are
> all set.

Actually, I lied; my rsync commands live directly in my crontab.

You can't define variables in crontab, can you? Maybe you can
define default variables for [sh? bash? whatever shell cron
uses to interpret commands] and they will be inherited by the

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] IMPORTANT SourceForge site update

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 09:35:48AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Update:
> Our web site directory is here:
> /home/groups/l/le/leaf

Bummer...I now have to change my rsync script again.

Is our dir accessible through something like ~leaf, by
any chance? Then I wouldn't have to update it next time
this happens... ;)

> I opened a support request to find out if the ftp directory is moving also. see
> func=detail&aid=411953&group_id=1&atid=21
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Near-term plans & more traveling

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 09:57:05AM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> I'd also like to see work begin on a 2.9.8 based replacement for EigerStein.
> This work should be done using the SourceForge resources as much as possible
> to promote contributions by multiple developers.  I'm not sure the best way

Agreed. I have some ideas I'd like to implement.

> LRP package (or straight tar.gz file) could be made of the modified files,
> and applied to a raw 2.9.8 image with the appropriate LRP packages added on.

It would be nice if everything we do could be split up into packages.

> If anyone has ideas about how best to manage making various disk images with
> SourceForge, or wants to volunteer to set up a structure, please speak up.

Mike? Mr. Noyes? You are the resident expert on organization and
structure. We await your orders, Sir. ;)

> Also, since I plan on using SeaWall for the new images, is there anyone
> on-list who consideres themselves a resident expert on SeaWall?  I'll
> probably become one, but am currently starting at 'ground zero'.

I am not, but let's try to also make it just as easy to use the new rcf
that has been discussed on the LRP list recently.

> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [OT] RE: [Leaf-devel] bitwar (was New release of Oxygen (March 2001))

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 08:58:04AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> You might want to consider Elfstone; if I remember correctly it is one
> of the few (the only?) distribution which uses Motif instead of some
> other window manager.

Well, I think that regardless of what distribution I use, I'm going
to end up either using wmaker [I really like how smooth it looks, and
it's not horribly bloated], or blackbox [which is supposed to be tiny].

> It's designed for administrators and such like, and is supposed to be
> secure.  Give it a look.

Will do! Thanks!

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [OT] RE: [Leaf-devel] bitwar (was New release of Oxygen (Marc h 2001))

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 02:38:02AM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> tweaking to go to server mode. On the other hand, it clears the biggest
> hurdle I've always had with Debian - getting the damned thing to install
> cleanly. =)

If you like clean installs, you really ought to try Slackware. ;)

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [OT] RE: [Leaf-devel] bitwar (was New release of Oxygen (March 2001))

2001-03-28 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 01:51:59AM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> I strongly recommend, if you have the bandwidth and a CD burner, that you
> download and try Progeny Debian (ftp or http at for a
> go. It's based off of a fairly recent snapshot of Woody, and while
> somewhat bleeding edge - glibc 2.2, 2.4.x kernel options, XFree 4.0.2,
> etc. - the install is simply amazing. I did the Custom install for
> Progeny. It was exceedingly straightforward. It gave me a fair amount of
> options.
> And it was easier than installing Windows with default settings. I kid you
> not.

Does it ask you ten trillion questions after installing, like Debian

That's one thing that stops me from using Debian as my main OS.

> I'm not sure if the installer is part of Woody, or if it's Progeny's own.
> It autodetected ALL of my hardware, including my mouse for X - something
> that SaX2, one of the best X autoconfig programs to date has been
> consistently unable to do - without even a glitch, and gave me base
> package options to install based on groups.


> If you're looking for a way to play with Debian and you have a spare
> system, Progeny is where it's at. My only disappointment is that it
> doesn't come with an option to install on ReiserFS out of the box; and few
> enough distros do that anyways that I'm not concerned about it overly
> much.

I was looking at Linux distributions the other day, as I want to
replace both my server and workstation, and am ready to try a
differant distribution -- I'm quite happy with Slackware, but it
would be worth trying some new stuff.

Here's the list of distributions, mostly non-mainstream, whose
claims caused me to be interested:

They each claim to small, unbloated size, simplicity, or security,
or a combination of the above.

I'm quite probably going to use one of the above for my workstation,
and for my server.

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Re: [LRP] OpenSSH 2.5.2p2 - working .lrp yet?

2001-03-27 Thread thc

I've cross posted to lrp and leaf-devel; replies should go only
to leaf-devel.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 06:39:51PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > Are zlib and openssl required to be on the LRP or just on the devel box?
> > I think I know the answer, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. :)
> Well, actually, they aren't necessarily needed on the LRP box - just
> compile them statically into the sshd binary.

That's what I was afraid of.

> In choosing static over dynamic, I've tended to favor dynamic linking
> with common libraries (libtermcap, libncurses, libm, libpcap) and
> static linking with uncommon libraries (libnet, libwrap, libdb)., how do I choose to static-link those libs? I'm not sure
I know how to static-link at all.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Kernel support (!) for configuring ethernet via DHCP/BOOTP/RARP

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 03:00:39PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> I saw in 2.2.19 that there is now support to configure the kernel with
> DHCP/BOOTP/RARP to load over a network; anyone know anything of this?

That's not new to 2.2.19. That's what I know of it. :-)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: Oxygen Problems

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 12:56:44PM -0800, Matthew Schalit scribbled:
>  Apparently, in 3/26 you changed /etc/fstab so that
>  the /boot --> /mnt specification is now commented out
>  and we can no longer type mount /mnt from a prompt
>  and mount the default diskette devicel, while the 
>  directions still say that's possible.
>  Of course, removing the comment and backing up etc
>  is enough to fix it, but I thought I'd mention it.

Also, 'mount /dev/boot /mnt' does the trick. It doesn't
have to be in fstab to be mounted.

> Matt
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] initrd and linuxrc-always patches updated to Linux2.2.19

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 02:34:24PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > Really? I thought that there was an issue with it in 2.4.2 only...
> You're probably right.  Rick, watch out!

Gack! Argh!@

I tried to install a 2.4.2 kernel this morning...lilo told me
it worked, but after a reboot, I wasn't using 2.4.2. I tried
a bunch of times...I guess lilo was protecting me or something. ;)

> > Anyone know what happens when you use strip on a kernel? =)
> I thought I read about that - and that it was useless, as it's already
> stripped... Does that mesh with what everyone else knows?

I'm betting that strip just doesn't find anything to bother
with -- there are no libraries in the kernel, and I thought
that strip's purpose was to strip unnecesary library stuff
from a binary.

Plus, strip prolly only works on ELF format binaries; kernels
probably don't have to be ELF or a.out format. Not that I
really understand what I'm talking about here...

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] initrd and linuxrc-always patches updated to Linux 2.2.19

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 02:04:23PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> > The patches are different for 2.2.19? I successfully used the
> > 2.2.16 patches on 2.2.19, no problems at all.
> Spoil everything now

Hey, everybody's been spoiling my own work, include YOU, with
your data CD... ;-)

> They work but have that nasty "offset by X" so I fixed it.

Is that a warning to be concerned about, or just ugly?

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] initrd and linuxrc-always patches updated to Linux 2.2.19

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 02:05:45PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > I've got the initrd & linuxrc-always patches for the 2.4 kernel:
> >
> Anyone going to compile 2.4.2-ac26 or whatever other is out there now?

Building 2.4.2 now. Don't know about a 2.4.2-ac26.

> Existing 2.4.1 has problems with loop mounts, so you might want to
> avoid it. ?

Gack! Wouldn't matter to me on a LRP, but on my workstation, I
use loop mounts constantly...glad I skipped 2.4.1. ;)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] initrd and linuxrc-always patches updated to Linux2.2.19

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 01:53:50PM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> Neither of the patches touches the makefile.  The mods are all limited to C
> code...the kernel's main.c (IIRC) and the ramdisk code.  The code patched
> should be quite stable between various 2.4 versions, especially since the
> "classic" ramdisk is pretty well pounded out by now.  I'd expect the big
> changes to be in the new cramfs & whatever the other new 2.4 ramdisk
> thingy's called (it's a technical term ;->)

The MTD ramdisk thingy?

The patches applied well to Linux 2.4.2 for me:
--($:/down/linux/2.4LRP/linux)-- patch -p1 < ../linuxrc-always-2.4.0-test11.diff 
patching file init/main.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 607 (offset 11 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 633 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 734 with fuzz 2 (offset -1 lines).
--($:/down/linux/2.4LRP/linux)-- patch -p1 < ../initrd-archive-2.4.0-test11.diff 
patching file Documentation/
patching file drivers/block/
patching file drivers/block/rd.c
patching file drivers/block/rd.mkext2.c
patching file drivers/block/rd.mkminix.c
patching file drivers/block/rd.untar.c
patching file init/main.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 104 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 743 with fuzz 2 (offset 14 lines).

> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Mailing list archive

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 11:16:14AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Rick did most of the work on recreating our old messages in the archive. 

Bah! I just ran a '' that linked to,
using their instructions. Mike dug up all the messages (he's a
more organized pack-rat than I am)...

> Thank you Rick. :)

You're welcome. :)

> The list archives should be searchable sometime next week.
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] initrd and linuxrc-always patches updated to Linux 2.2.19

2001-03-27 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 11:19:48AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> What's the best way to release these?
> I talked once of getting the patches together; perhaps we should
> start?  I compiled these patches for 2.2.17, 2.2.18, and 2.2.19.

The patches are different for 2.2.19? I successfully used the
2.2.16 patches on 2.2.19, no problems at all.

> I thought someone else had patched them against 2.4.1 ...?


I'd like to build some LRP Linux 2.4 kernels.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

TOTALLY broken, this shouldn't be relevant. If you specify the IP address
only, it will supply netmask and broadcast/network addresses based on a
classful setup - that's pretty much what everything defaults to because
there HAS to be a default. If you specify the netmask and the IP address,
it will go to the first valid range that includes the netmask and the
given IP, then figure the broadcast address from there. 

Are you seeing the broadcast address being set incorrectly even with the
netmask correctly identified by ifconfig? That could break all SORTS of
lovely things...
George Metz
Commercial Routing Engineer

"We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] New release of Oxygen (March 2001)

2001-03-26 Thread thc

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 05:19:58PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> Where would be a good place for a "data" ISO image?  I've an image I'm
> tempted to put up, but the boot image does not work correctly.  It has a
> (semiold) image of Charles' website I think, and a portion of Rick's. 
> It also has all the patches, kernels, and several versions of full Linux
> kernel source.
> Comments?  I'd especially like to hear from Charles and Rick on this...

Curse you, red baron! You beat me to it!

A few times, I've downloaded what I hoped were almost-complete mirrors
of just about anything and everything LRP-related; it's helped more
than once when websites have gone away. The plan was to burn a CD of
it, as well as someday write a script that updates all that mirrored
stuff and keep mirrors of it all at or some

Of course, I never finished the script, and there's new links and
new data, and I'm way behind. But someday, I'll catch up.. ;)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Different topic....

2001-03-26 Thread thc

I thought IDS was the first ISP selling internet access to the
general public. Maybe it was just the first in Rhode Island..

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 03:14:51PM -0800, Mark Seiden scribbled:
> of course, this depends how you define ISP.
> was first, as i remember.
> panix was pretty early.
> the well was more a bbs and closed community than an isp.
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:54:59AM -0800, Scott C. Best wrote:
> > David:
> > No kidding. That one came out of my WayBack machine...
> > 
> > -Scott
> > 
> > On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, David Douthitt wrote:
> > 
> > > Scott C. Best wrote (about):
> > > 
> > > > AT&T-NorthPoint To Curtail Service
> > > > 
> > > > AP Business Writer
> > > > NEW YORK (AP) via NewsEdge Corporation  -
> > > 
> > > > Public Access Networks Corp., a New York-based Internet services
> > > > provider also known as Panix, [...]
> > > 
> > > Now there's a name I haven't heard in a *VERY* long time.  Would they be
> > > classified as one of the nations oldest ISPs?  Or would that be the
> > > Well? ...
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Leaf-devel mailing list
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Leaf-devel mailing list
> >
> -- 
> mark seiden, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1-(650) 592 8559 (voice) Pacific Time Zone
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

go here:

nice and clean overview using small words for the most part.

Steven Peck   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sacramento, CA

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 9:35 PM
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Paul Batozech wrote:
> > Steven Peck wrote:
 have O'Reilly's Learning XML book.
> > > 
> > > Near as I can figure, a DTD is an instruction set for how 
> 'tagged' text is
> > > expected to be handled when it is converted to a format.  
> ie.  words
> > > here
> No, a DTD describes what tags are allowable and what values 
> attributes may
> take on and in what order the tags may appear.  Thus, a DTD says that
>  is invalid.  It says nothing 
> about how
> the information content is to be rendered.
> XSLT is the up-and-coming way to specify the transformation of an XML
> document from one form into another (including HTML).
> --
> -
> Jeff NewmillerThe .   


Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

Oh look, I jumped to conclusion without fully examining my data.

Please ignore my babbling on the email bounce.  It didn't happen.  I'm going
back to my own little world now.  :)


Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

or whatsoever to run on the box itself.

I am afraid that if we would run the "setup script" on the router we 
would need a lot of intelligence and programms on the box with the 
problems size, attackability ( is this a real word ? ).

The way to create Setup script could be platform independent, f.e. 
by php on a server or as  Pedro said with a GUI as far as it  is 
under Windows or  GTK and so on.

btw in germany there is a small linuxrouter" with a win-gui for 
configuration and "remote control" over a running daemon on the 
box  (
Just my two cent 
Eric Wolzak  
> -
> It's a Linux worldwell, it oughta be.
> -
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

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No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

a "Transparent" format, that is, a format which can be read by any 
number of publicly available copy-lefted tools, rather than forcing 
us to use a proprietary tool - and also, it wants us to use an "open" 
format, which isn't controlled by corporate interests.

> Usual formats are: sgml/xml (DocBook), html, pdf, postscript,
> plain text, DVI, and LaTeX. 

According to the definitions given:

Transparent: SGML/XML, HTML, Text, and LaTeX
Opaque: PDF, Postscript

DVI is not mentioned; I presume that DocBook is a free software 

I'm not sure why PDF and Postscript would be considered Opaque; 
perhaps because the PDF specification isn't open (?) and because 
there is no GNU-compatibly licensed Postscript interpreters available 
- Ghostscript uses the Alladin license, which is not GNU-compatible, 
though I believe it IS considered to satisify the requirements to be 
a valid OSI Open Source License.

> Also, would you like me to create an DocBook XML version?

I suppose.  What does it take?  The original is RTF format.

Another thing - from the sound of it, to be properly licensed under 
the FDL, it must be included in the documentation, with an 
appropriate copyright line.  I haven't seen this elsewhere, and I 
don't know how that would affect the documentation collection at the 
LEAF project.  Would every doc have to include the GFDL?  Can we 
include the FDL as a LEAF document?  Or is a link enough?

Maybe these are good questions for the License Forum?

David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Linux, Unixware

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

> Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
> ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
> or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
> HTML designed for human modification. Opaque formats include
> PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only
> by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
> processing tools are not generally available, and the
> machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output
> purposes only.

In Section 3 Copying in Quantity:

> If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
> more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
> copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
> a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete
> Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the
> general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
> charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter
> option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
> distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
> Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location
> until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque
> copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
> the public. 

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

Smalltalk and Perl collide nicely :-)  I've stopped using Perl for 
most things.

A bit of Ruby/Python trivia: Ruby users outnumber Python users in 
Japan, Ruby's originating country.  Curious: isn't Python originating 
from Italy?

> You get a little security by obscurity maybe (and we know what
> that's worth)... but you'd pay all the costs of using an obscure
> language. 

It's not as obscure as you might think - it really IS a rising star.  
Ruby is now included in most Linux distributions, has a book 
published by O'Reilly Japan (with an English version to follow. 
when?) and another book in the U.S. published by Addison-Wesley.

If you like OO, you'll love Ruby

David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Linux, Unixware

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

   -b, --bidirectional
  Bidirectional  mode.   The  rule will match with IP
  packets in  both  directions;  this  has  the  same
  effect as repeating the rule with the source & des­
  tination reversed.

Does this do what you want?

>All this is starting to make my head explode - does anyone have any 
>ideas?  I know this is vague - I'm keep banging my head into things 
>and I'm getting lost in the forest :-)

David, I don't know if these comments are helpful or not. If they are, and
you want more feedback, please amplify your concerns.

"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski-- Han Solo

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

I didn't check the listed ftp sites.

Here is the original site I listed

Sourceforge dos have the potato ISOs. Maybe they would host the slink ISOs

Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

appears that there is an actual /dev/console device; it seems to 
parallel the /dev/tty device (device 5,0) - /dev/console is
device 5,1.

This appears to be a bug to me - or at least, a missed feature.  This 
would probably be present in LRP and EigerStein; I know Oxygen is 
this way.  I'll be fixing it shortly.

David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
Leaf-devel mailing list

No Subject

2001-03-26 Thread thc

At 08:55 PM 09/21/2000 GMT, Matthew Grant wrote
>Dear All,
>There are a number of factors influencing this decision, the most 
>important of which are:
>1) Debian will ceas doing security updates for their Slink distribution 
>at the end of October.  LRP Eiger is heavily based on this.
>2) The size of the update required for glibc, (I have made it) is 
>impractical to apply using the current system of patching against LRP 
>2.9.4 as an addon, and its size will make upgrading many routers 
>Consequently, where Eiger LRP is used in situations where there is 
>outside networking connections from the internet coming into it, 
>firewalling and maybe routing should be converted to something else.  If 
>security is a major concern, this should also be done.
>As far as what to go to, I can recommend Debian Potato as a decent system 
>to use as it is a modern Linux with lower CPU disk and memory 
>requirements than other ditributions, and it is easy to keep up with the 
>security updates.  I am seriously looking at doinga router on a cutdown 
>Potato Distribution with 2.4 kernel inside 45 MB of disk space.
>Matthew Grant

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] New Disk images / Distributions

2001-03-24 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 08:57:05PM -0800, Jack Coates scribbled:
> now that's a really good idea.
> Leaves of different genus... es? genii? for platforms. Bugs of different
> families for applications. And then there's Dave... everything's in the
> air!!

Bugs? You sure that's a good idea?

"Boy, that LEAF is really buggy...that Caterpillar is eating
holes right through it! I hope he's not running Mosquito too..."

> -- 
> Jack Coates
> Monkeynoodle: It's what's for dinner!
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Something to watch?

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 04:49:50PM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> Looks like IBM will be giving away free linux access (based on their S/390
> mainframes, which can run thousands of independant virtual linux boxes):
> It's so cool that IBM is pushing linux...I can't wait for JFS to stabalize.

It's a beautiful thing. Maybe I should push my resume on some IBM
divisions and see if they'll hire me...

> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] New Disk images / Distributions

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 01:52:33PM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> So...How about major releases indicated by a particular family (genus?),
> like Maple, and individual releases indicated by specific variety
> (species?...I'm forgetting how the 5 latin catagories fit with common
> names...).

It's a beautiful thing. It's got my vote.

> If this seems OK to everyone, we just need to start fighting about which
> plant family to start with, or just let me (or my wife the landscape
> architect/gardener) pick one.

She's a yardlife engineer! Get it right or pay the price! ;)

> Of course, each release would also have a numeric version/revision ID to
> avoid ambiguity, but names are easier to remember & market.

Of course.

> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] WebSite links

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:38:42AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Rick,
> How about including the url just above the "Added On:" text. Take a look at 
> the Embedded Linux Consortium link for an example. Let me know if that is 
> what you're looking for.

I don't like it as much as my idea, but it is sufficient. :)

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] New Disk images / Distributions

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:42:00PM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Charles,
> My two cents.
> MML - Mountain Maple LEAF

Nice! I like it.

> Mountain Maple Leaf
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] New Disk images / Distributions

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 03:19:33PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> Of course, with a name like "EigerStein" perhaps you'd be better with
> beer names.. nah

Imagine the missspellings...

Sam Adamstein


Seriously, though; just because it isn't called 'LEAF 1.0', doesn't
mean you can't use "LEAF" in the name. How about LeafStein? It
maintains the 'stein' that people are familiar with, but removes
the "Eiger" and disassociates it from the mountain family, which
using a new mountain name won't do but could offend Dave C the
same way you [Charles] say ES bothers him.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] WebSite links

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 11:01:01AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> >It makes things difficult for people who want to do anything
> >other than go there right away. Does phpwebsite not allow us
> >to put real links in?
> Rick,
> I don't think so. I used the web admin interface to add the links. I think 
> phpWebSite uses the redirection for accounting purposes. That's how it 
> keeps track of links selected and creates the 10 Most Visited Links page.
> Links in the description aren't obscured (e.g. the apply for membership 
> link in Embedded Linux Consortium).

Well, how about putting the links in the description; or even better,
how about instead of the link displaying as
"Embedded Linux Consortium"
and pointing to the phpwebsite redirect crud, the link could
display as

Then the description could say
"The Embedded Linux Consortium are a dynamic new...blahblahblah.."
and "Embedded Linux Consortium" could be in bold.

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] WebSite links

2001-03-23 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 10:16:33AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Everyone,
> I added some links to our web site. Please review them. Thanks.

Do the links have to look like this:
instead of this:

It makes things difficult for people who want to do anything
other than go there right away. Does phpwebsite not allow us
to put real links in?

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Website traffic

2001-03-22 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:15:26AM -0800, Steven Peck scribbled:
> In any case, I have only set up Webaliser on a Win2k/iis5 box, but if you
> can get the log files compressed and emailed on a regular basis (daily?), it
> wouldn't actually matter where Webalizer 'analyzed' them would it?  When I

I run webalizer for on a different machine.

Granted, I need to fix the cron script that runs it, but it does
run fine from a different host.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Website traffic

2001-03-22 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:41:18PM +0100, Pim van Riezen scribbled:
> What amazes me, on both the leaf and my stats, is that so very few people
> actually access the site with lynx. You'd expect that the h4xx0r-value of
> running an embedded router/firewall is something which would attract all
> the "I'm too leet to do X, console owns" people in flocks :)

Yes, but even we recognize that graphical web browsers with mouse
support are a much more efficient way to browse most sites.. ;-)

(And if Arachne or another svgalib browser grows up just a little,
you can bet I won't spend much time in X at all...)

> Cheers,
> Pi
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Status & I'm back online

2001-03-21 Thread thc

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:52:27AM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:52:27AM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> - Cardbus & WaveLAN suport 

Gack! You're going to take away all my glory! ;)
j/k. I'm having trouble with mine, and have not been working
on it enough, so if you do it before me, no big deal.

> !! - WOW - !!
> In addition, waiting for me when I got home was one of the Embedded Linux 
> Journal development kits.  The box includes Blue-Cat linux, a PC-104 board
> using the ZF-Linux MachZ chip, an 8 Meg DiskOnChip, 32 Meg SDRAM, a PC-104
> to ISA backplane, ISA VGA & ethernet cards, floppy disk, power supply,
> cables, and pretty much everything needed to make a working embedded system,
> even an O-Reilly book on programming embedded systems.  I guess it was worth
> sending off an application for the ELJ design contest!

I'm jealous. I should have sent an application...the kit looks cool.

> Current plans call for the PC-104 system to become the controller in my next
> robot (a middle-weight for the May 24-27 BattleBots event in San Francisco).
> I'm not sure yet if I'll use wireless NIC's or my current R/C system, but
> the computer will be doing active servo control regardless.  I'll probably
> start with LRP on the computer system, but may check out BlueCat to see what
> it's like.

Why not use both, R/C and wireless LAN? You could have one as a
backup to the other; seems that most KOs happen as a result of
control failure. The R/C could be a backup, but the LAN could
allow you to program more capable and easier controls.

> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] phpWebSite

2001-03-19 Thread thc

On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 02:03:33PM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Everyone,
> Unless one of you created a user account already, Eric is the only person 
> with one. He and I have admin accounts. You can get a new user account here:
> To obtain admin access, ask Eric or me for an admin account.

My username is, of course, thc.

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] Poll: Ladybug Architecture

2001-03-13 Thread thc

One vote for IBMHelpingLinuxWebsite..

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 12:41:00AM -0800, Mike Sensney scribbled:
> At 07:26 PM 03/12/2001 -0500, George Metz wrote:
> >Hopefully, the way Linus is going about things for 2.4.x, the kernel will
> >be a lot stabler a lot sooner. I can honestly say that I haven't seen any
> >issues running as a workstation. I agree that servers are a bit touchy
> >ground, but it seems to be coming along better than 2.2.x did.
> I saw Rick Lindsley of the IBM Linux Technology Center (LTC) at a lecture
> last December. He had been working for Sequent for 9 years when IBM bought
> Sequent, formed the Linux Technology Center with the formerly Sequent
> programmers as the core and has turned them loose on Linux kernel
> development.
> The LTC has rewritten the scheduler in the 2.4 kernel and improved
> performance by 25% on a 4 processor computer to where it is 2.5 times the
> speed of a single processor computer. They are confident that they should 
> be
> able to achieve 3.99 times the speed of a single processor. They have
> already done this on Sequent's own OS. Their plans for the future include
> support for 16 processor computers. All of this without having an effect on 
> single processor performance (one of Linus' personal requirements).
> The first step was to do a major rewrite of the scheduler and then prove to 
> Linus that they were still using the same algorithm, just cleaner code. 
> Then
> they started doing multiprocessor improvements. Alan Cox has signed on to 
> do
> peer review of their work. Also they want to do other work on hardening the 
> kernel and file system redundancy. It is IBM's view that if Linux is to
> reach common use in big iron, it must be much more dependable than it is
> currently. That is IBM's goal.
> Rick said that currently the LTC has around 40 programmers. They plan on
> expanding to around 80 to 90 programmers, not including support staff. The
> facility is located in Beaverton, Oregon, though many of the LTC personnel
> are located around the world.
> IBM believes that the importance of Linux is only going to grow. As such it 
> is better to get involved now than to have to play catch up later. They are 
> willing to play the game by the OSS rules.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] phpWebSite Vote

2001-03-12 Thread thc

As much as I prefer the layout and colors of the old site, there's
no denying the functionality of the I reluctantly
vote php.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 09:19:46AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Mike Noyes, 2001-03-09 08:21 -0800
> >We still have a potential security problem with this software. I'm investigating 
>possible solutions at this time.
> Everyone,
> Eric and I now feel that the phpWebSite security is sufficient for our needs.
> Please vote on whether we should change over to phpWebSite, or remain with our 
>current site.
> phpWebSite
> Current site
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Oxygen network.conf problem

2001-03-12 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 10:15:18PM -0800, Matthew Schalit scribbled:
> Thanks for the suggestion.  I went ahead and set, in network.conf,
> the following variables that work in 2.9.4 and 2.9.8:
> but it didn't make any difference.  I guess those variables are
> not used and that IF1_IPADDR is not compared to IF1_NETWORK to
> derive the NETMASK anyway.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Oxygen use 'ip' as it's
command to setup such things? If so, then the variables you
used above are indeed going to be ignored; the netmask goes
in the line below:


like this:


> Matt
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [LRP] [Fwd: [Leaf-devel] Linux based Access Point]

2001-03-09 Thread thc

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 12:35:28PM -0500, Gart Nixon scribbled:
> But can an LRP box with the pcmcia software and the proper modules become
> an AP?  

That is what the aforementioned project is for, I gather. The
project, that is, that started this thread in the first place.

Sounds like a good project to team up with, if you ask me.

> Right now, I have it as an interface on my router, on a different
> subnet from the wired lan.  I now Know I could enable bridging on it, but
> my setup works and it's happy.  ;)  

Whatever floats your boat. :)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] FTP and Firewalls rant

2001-03-09 Thread thc

Hmm...a little nicer than
although much less compact. :)

On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 12:03:15AM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
>   Heyaz. I've posted a PDF discussing the FTP
> protocol and how it works/doesn't work with firewalls to
> my website:
>   Any feedback of course appreciated. I'm thinking
> this is version 0.9, and I'll knock it into 1.0 shape and
> put it on Sourceforge. That will likely entail, of course,
> making the source HTML and not PowerPoint.
>   Hope it proves useful.
> cheers,
> Scott
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [LRP] [Fwd: [Leaf-devel] Linux based Access Point]

2001-03-09 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 11:29:18PM -0500, Unger, Larry G scribbled:
> Take a look at ... ...

That is helpful and explains another feature of an AP that
differentiates it from a plain ethernet-to-wireless bridge:

> In most instances, the BSS contains an Access Point (AP).
> The main function of an AP is to form a bridge between
> wireless and wired LANs. The AP is analogous to a
> basestation used in cellular phone networks. When an AP
> is present, stations do not communicate on a peer-to-peer
> basis. All communications between stations or between a
> station and a wired network client go through the AP.
> AP’s are not mobile, and form part of the wired network
> infrastructure. A BSS in this configuration is said to
> be operating in the infrastructure mode.

> Roaming:
> Roaming is perhaps the least defined feature among those
> discussed in this article. The standard does identify the
> basic message formats to support roaming, but everything
> else is left up to network vendors. In order to fill the
> void, the Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP) was jointly
> developed by Aironet, Lucent Technologies, and Digital
> Ocean. Among other things, IAPP extends multi-vendor
> interoperability to the roaming function. It addresses
> roaming within a single ESS and between two or more ESSs.

[reprinted without permission]

So, an AP is the _only_ machine to which a client talks,
it does not talk to other clients on it's LAN. Also, APs
use IAPP to allow roaming, which a regular bridge would
be incapable of.

Additionally, before this discussion found it's way to
the LRP list, it was said that communications between
client and AP are not allowed to be picked up by other
clients, protected with a password-like name [and some
sort of encryption?].

An AP is at least those functions in addition to a bridge.

> Larry 
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] two port redirection questions

2001-03-09 Thread thc

On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 12:04:11AM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
>   Heyaz. First, anyone seen/used this?
>   From the blurb, it *looks* like an ipportfw
> command with a -s switch.
>   Cool. :)

That's cool, but what it really needs is to query the source
for what domain name it was trying to hit...that would be
cool. NameVirtualHosting that's not virtual. ;)

>   Second...any idea if there's an autofw equivalent 
> of: 'ipmasqadm portfw -l -n'? Can't seem to find out if
> any port range is being auto-forwarded without cat'ing 
> /proc/net/ip_masq/autofw directly. Weird. I had an
> autofw rule sitting in my firewall for *months*, as
> flushing it with 'ipmasqadm portfw -f' didn't clear
> it, and there's no obvious way of checking.

This is one of the main ugly things about autofw -- it
won't tell you what rules you have installed. However,
you've just eliminated my main objection to
can just cat /proc/net/ip_masq/autofw andd see. Cool!

Think I used the word "cool" enough there?

> -Scott
> PS: Yeah, EchoWall 0.51 flushes both portfw and autofw 
> now...
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] Linux based Access Point

2001-03-06 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 01:43:27PM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
> Rick:
>   Yes, by and large, that's all an AP is, a simple 5-minute
> bridge. Leave it to Lucent to complicate things. :) Their access-points
> also allow for something called "Wired Equivalent Privacy" which
> essentially means you can 'name' your wireless-LAN at the access
> point, and then only PCMCIA cards configured with the same 'LAN name'
> get bridged. Or, for that matter, can even *detect* the access-point.

Well, that's a worthy and important feature, and indeed, could
complicate the matter to the point of needing programmers and
a project manager and such.

>   This is how my neighbors 802.11 LAN doesn't directly
> interfere with my own -- he can't see my hosts and I can't see his.
> I guess that's a feature of 802.11. :) Gawd help Bluetooth...

So, you can't access his net at all, without knowing it's name
(which I'd assume gets treated like a password)?

> -Scott
> PS: How's the PCMCIA thing shaking anyhow?

Having some trouble making the software be friendly with the
hardware; it seems that neither have much enthusiasm for

I've posted to pcmcia-cs's SF forum asking for help.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] Linux based Access Point

2001-03-06 Thread thc

On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 12:57:18PM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Scott C. Best, 2001-03-06 12:43 -0800
> > Good question. My understanding up to now was that an AP
> >was a layer-2 bridge from a wireless network into a wired LAN. At
> >least, that's what my 802.11 AP does here in the garage.
> WL-ACCESS is an Micro Access Point that performs as a transparent
> Media Access Control (MAC) bridge between wired Local Area Networks,
> and one or more WL-ACCESS wireless networks. Placed anywhere along
> an Ethernet LAN, WL-ACCESS allows wireless station in their coverage
> area to access transparently to the corporate network.

So, a wireless access point is just a bridge, one of whose interfaces
is a wireless interface.

Why is there a _project_ for this? It's about five minutes of
configuration (obviously, for somebody experienced) to make a
Linux box with the apporpriate interfaces into a bridge.

I hope that there's something I'm missing here, because if not,
when I get my pcmcia support working, I'll make a
pcmcia-ne2k -> WaveLan image just to bust their balls... ;)

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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[Leaf-devel] Slink r5 ISOs available

2001-02-27 Thread thc
contains Debian slink r5 ISO files, and also those files mounted
so you can access their contents.

For bandwidth-challenged LEAF developers, CDs will be burned and
snail-mailed on request. However, such people can probably still
get the ISOs quicker than that by using a download-manager like
Gozilla [for Windows users] or Aria [for X users] that can
stop and resume a transfer.

Please don't all trample my server at once. If you think you
have bandwidth and disk space to help, feel free to announce
to these lists [leaf-devel and leaf-announce] your mirror,
and/or email me and I'll list you at so
people can get the files from your mirror.

If you get insanely low speeds, then there's probably others
downloading, and you may want to cancel and come back later.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] Possible usefull prog once we get a usable LEAF kernel 2.4.x based image going

2001-02-26 Thread thc

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 02:10:34PM -0800, Kenneth Hadley scribbled:
> I found this off FreshMeat todaywas wondering if anyone has any opinions
> on it?

Looks nice, but there may be disqualifying size and library
requirements. It would need a more thorough investigation, I

> -Kenneth Hadley
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Secure Logging

2001-02-21 Thread thc

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 09:38:02AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> >Using syslog's remote logging requires no disk space.
> Does syslog encrypt the connection between the router/firewall and log server?

No. What about piping it through ssh?

Also, see

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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Re: [Leaf-devel] Secure Logging

2001-02-21 Thread thc

On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 02:11:41AM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> Perhaps not so much of a joke as all that. Why not set the system to log
> to Serial Console? This would be extremely secure, assuming local access
> is required for access to the logserver, or "moderately" secure with a
> sysadmin with a clue to set up the remote access to the
> logserver. Shouldn't be too hard to do either; I know it's been mentioned
> as a method of remote access to LRP systems in the past.

I have, in past paranoid dreams, come up with ideas for elaborate
systems of logging and intrusion detection that involve serial

One idea was that the logs get shoved out a serial port, and are
received by a MS-DOS box running a small, stable terminal program;
this box would boot faster than the linux box, therefore being awake
and ready to save logs right away after a power event.

If you wanted it to do more than just log, it could also have a TSR
watching the log for any reason to power down the linux box, and it
would be attached to the power supply or a serial-controlled
powerdown device...

I have discussed these ideas [and other paranoid-dream-related ideas]
with people such as David Douthitt, and rely on such discussions to
milk said ideas out of me, since I can never remember them all on my
own. :)

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
> "We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
> the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
> General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] bootstrapping "signed" packages

2001-02-20 Thread thc

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 05:05:52PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> Having said that, one of the things on my list of "ToDos" is to 
> change apkg to generate *.md5 for every file in the package for 
> checking purposes.  This would mean:

Every file? That's a hell of a lot of md5suming. Would not a
single md5sum of all the files suffice?

> The main problem to date has been that not all things put in a *.lrp 
> are files - often they are directories, which cannot have a *.md5 sum 
> taken.

But, why would you want to md5sum a directory? To confirm that 
it contains the same files which contain the same data? Why not
md5sum the concatenation of all files in the dir, or even of all
the md5sums of all the files in the dir?

> As a matter of record, I might note that Oxygen now comes with md5sum 
> loaded.  The challenge is this:
> Given an input of:
> /some/dir
> /some/wild*
> /some/file2
> /some/dir2/file*
> /some/dir2/dir*
> Generate an output containing an md5sum of all files

That would be a challenge indeed, for slower cpus.

If your challenge is to step through the list, using each line as an
argument for md5sum, I can help, with a method Charles devised when I
asked for help doing something similar for mp3s... :)

> I've taken a quick stab at it - once I get busybox updated, it should 
> be nicer - the newest version contains support for find -type and 
> find -mtime ...and even find -perm ...

Does your busybox find support -exec?

> Should be easier (easy?) to do using find -type f ...
> -- 
> David Douthitt
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] CDROM booting

2001-02-16 Thread thc

Put the kernel, syslinux, syslinux.cfg, [and root.lrp?] on the disk
image, put the rest of the stuff on the ISO CD image, and put
boot=/dev/hda or whatever the CD dev is.

Basically, don't bother accessing the floppy image.

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 08:08:50AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> I've been getting an Oxygen-based booting CDROM ready, but have hit a 
> snag, and I don't know how to tackle it.
> When the CD boots, it uses a disk image - I'm using a 2.88M floppy 
> image.  syslinux comes up, and linux and root.lrp are loaded and run 
> fine.
> The problem is once /linuxrc takes over, it uses the boot= parameter 
> to read the first set of packages.  This should, I would think, refer 
> to the 2.88M floppy image in memory; however, how do I refer to this 
> image?
> /dev/fd0u1680 doesn't work (it's not a 1.68M anyway); /dev/fd0u2880 
> doesn't work either - presumably, because both refer to the physical 
> disk drive, not an in-memory image.
> I know it can be done somehow but how?
> -- 
> David Douthitt
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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[Leaf-devel] Netfilter article on

2001-02-15 Thread thc
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] LEAF certification

2001-02-05 Thread thc

On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 09:45:27PM -0800, Mike Sensney scribbled:
> BTW, we can always create our own professional association with its own
> firewall certification criteria. How about the YAFCA? (Yet Another Firewall 
> Certifying Association)


I didn't want to be the crazy fool who suggested this...Thankes, Mike! ;)

Seriously, this may not be too bad a spinoff; however, it can
potentially be a _huge_ project, which is why I instead suggested
we just do a whole lot of testing and provide a log of the output.

We could even write a script that does much/all of said testing.

It would just be important to make sure to cover everything that
we possibly can -- so, all sorts of different scans that nmap can
do, various root kits and script-kiddy pieces, etc. Anything that
somebody might worry about.

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] LEAF certification

2001-02-05 Thread thc

On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 12:59:06PM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
>   Sounds doable. Now to find an Angel to front the $25k. ;)

Egadsnow there's the problem; I can't see sinking $25 into it,
when it's just going to put a badge that most have never heard of
on a single derivative [possibly one that doesn't see a lot of use,
at that]. Even if that $25k is somebody else's.

Why not go after some cheaper certifications, and why not certify
ourselves -- have you ever seen a web page showing results of a
battery of tests applied to a LRP setup? Personally, given the
choice between 'icsa certification' and two megabytes of text
file log of various scans and tests, I'd choose the one offering
the real evidence rather than a badge that can be bought for $25k.

Badges are good for some people, but there are certainly ones
that are free of charge or close to free..we just have to find
them, and decorate our page with them once we have earned them.

> -Scott
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] LEAF certification

2001-02-03 Thread thc

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 04:22:02PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> > How about this:
> > "Meets ICSA guidelines.*"
> > "* == Not ICSA certified"
> ICSA might get upset - but in any case, my 

That's how I figure it anyway. :)

> understanding is that the Linux 2.2 kernels 
> would not be able to make it since the 
> firewalling is not state-ful.

I bet 2.2 can be back-patched to use 2.4's netfilter;
would that make it stateful?

> > Okay, here it is:
> > Why is it that we feel this need to target that demographic?
> > Why do we even talk about targetting _any_ demographic?
> > 
> > We need to investigate out motives thoroughly, IMO. The point of
> > opensource projects is _not_ supposed to be to target a demographic
> > or put out a better 'product' than somebody else; rather, what makes
> > the opensource world go around is the pursuit of excellence. A good,
> > successful opensource project's goal is to make it's work better
> > than it already is. Is that what we're going after, or are we going
> > after popularity?
> What's the difference between excellence and 
> putting out a product which is better?

I should have been more clear about my intent, above; what I
wanted to know is why we're going after popularity, instead
of creating what we see as the best? Would something designed
specifically for the unwashed masses, the consumer, be what
you would say is the best _firewall_, or the best _product_,
or neither or both, or something else entirely?

As I said, let's examine our motives; why do we do it at all,
regardless of what it is we're actually doing..

> To me, what is lacking in lots of Open Source 
> projects is the idea of answering to the users, 
> finding out what the users need, and other 
> similar ideas.

I agree.

> I would suggest the following ideas as part of 
> any Open Source product:
> * What is your target audience? (a/k/a targeted 
> demographic)

Not only that, but why are you targetting that

> * How can you make your product better (or more 
> appealing) than others in the market?

Better != more appealing...hence why people
continue to use Windows 95/98/ME for desktops
and NT/2k for servers.

Do you want to create something better, or do
you want to create something more appealing?

Opensource has traditionally been about being
better, forsaking appealing for better. However,
they are no longer mutually exclusive goals. We
can do both. Do we want to? Yes. In order to do
that as well as we'd like, I say that it's most
likely important to investigate our moties, WHY
we want to do that; that's just as important as
investigating our target demographic.

Difference is, it's quite easy to investigate
the target demographic.

> * How can you modify your product for your 
> target audience to make them prefer your product 
> over someone else's?
> For me, many Open Source projects enter into 
> areas where there is already an established base 
> for a product, and offer no enhancement to the 
> original - and thus do not go anywhere at all.

Want to give some examples? I tend to agree, but
it's important to scrutinize such failures, and
the only way to do that is to look at examples.

> If you offer a replacement to fetchmail, you 
> better be ready to tell me why I should use your 
> product instead of fetchmail What benefits 
> do I get?  What differentiates your product from 
> fetchmail?  And other such like questions.

Now, I know this isn't what you meant, but there's
a point -- you have to TELL why, not just make it
better but explain what's better about it.

> If no one uses the product, then the Open Source 
> project is basically a waste of one's time.

Not necesarily. An opensource project that goes
unused can be a learning experience, a stepping
stone, or even a basis for a more successful
project. An example would be LRP 2.9.4; it went
largely unused, although certainly not completely;
then Matthew Grant came in and built off of that
work something that was used a whole lot more.

Then Charles built off of Matt Grant's work something
taht was used even more than that.

So, an unused opensource 'product' is not useless,
nor a waste.

> As I work on Oxygen, I continue to think about 
> the answers to questions like these:
> * How do I modify the system to create as few 
> problems for new users as possible?
> * How do I make it easier to use?

So far, you're targetting the 'consumer' demographic.

> * How do I make as similar to the UNIX 
> environment some experts are familiar with?

Now you're targetting a totally different demographic.
If you can make somehting that's _very_good_ for _both_,
then you've done a _great_ job.

> * Who is going to use it?  How do I make easier 
> for THEM?

This should be the first question. The questions
before this depend on the output of this one.

> * How do I create a product that someone will 
> want to use over EigerStein or LRP (both very 
> fine products with long histories)?
> Having men

Re: [Leaf-devel] LEAF certification

2001-02-02 Thread thc

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 03:23:42PM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
> the certification process. It is expensive: $25k for non-FWPD
> consortium members and $15k for members. That's per product 
>   This leaves me it worth it? To reach

No way.

> a specific target user for LEAF, I think it is required. Is
> reaching that user worth it? Well...I also think so: I think

It wouldn't be worth it to me, but then, I'm just about
finished paying off my 5 year $11,000 car loan [early,
as far as the loan is concerned, though certainly not as
far as the life of the car is concerned]. Maybe you have
that kind of money to throw around.

> that most people who are authorized to approve the use and
> purchase of a firewall platform are also the same sort of people 
> who would rely on a silly consortium to approve one for them in 

Very true.

> the first place. Which is to say, the largest target user-base 
> doesn't *want* to know the details of a firewall or its 
> certification, then just want to know that *someone* certified it. 

Why is it we feel the need to go after that demographic?

> Okay, sure, some of the ICSA guidelines are good ones...though
> I can't imagine using anything that didn't meet them at the
> very least.

How about this:
"Meets ICSA guidelines.*"
"* == Not ICSA certified"


>   Anyhow. As a few of you know, I started a company ~2.5
> years ago to write some networking software to make these
> 'home-networking' things easy to setup and to use. My wife
> and I have bootstrapped its funding from day-1 and we're
> actually to a point now where we've some demo'able software
> that might actually be productizable. For everything you've

Cool. Did not know that.

>   What's my point. What I think is doable is that, under
> the auspices of my company (a really normal Class-C California
> corporation), I could start moving the certification process
> forward with ICSA. My understanding is that the ICSA would want
> it that way: a representative company with a specific product,
> rather than a team of distro developers. I'd want to do this 
> the LEAF developer team agrees it's a worthwhile thing to do. Here's 

Well, we have to look at our motivations here; I'd hate to see
anybody, even somebody with money to throw around [not to imply
that you are such a person] drop $25k on a little badge for the
web page.

Has anybody looked for some free certifications?

> the biggest problem: I will be, to some degree, presenting a LEAF 
> distro to the ICSA guys under the premise that it's a product of my
> company. Which, let me be the first to say, it's NOT: it's the work 
> of all of YOU guys, of Dave Cinege, of the dozens of real developers 
> out  there. I'm just coding a pretty face on it. So it could be very, 
> very easy for me to quickly look like someone that's trying to 
> outright steal this open-source work and misrepresent it as my own. 
> And I've got more trouble with *that* image than anyone.

Can't say as I'd blame you for feeling bad about that potential

>   So before I move this one more micron forward, I wanted
> to solicit for some candid feedback about your collective feelings 
> about doing it. My intention is *not* to prop-up my startup

It's not shameful to use this as a tool to prop-up your company.
Indeed, it's a perfect example of cooperation of opensource and
business, where one helps the other greatly. I say, if it helps,
use it.

Besides, when your company turns into a Linux-based Cisco, I'm
willing to bet everybody on this list will be pulling in six
digit salaries, right? ;-)

> (though a successful certification, admittedly, will), but rather 
> to explore opening a 'new market' for things LEAF'y. I'm sure
> such things have happened before to other open-source projects
> (was there discuss like this when Cayote appeared? Or when tripwire
> went commercial?), but I've never been on a mailing list when 
> someone first brought it up  (hey, a first).

I think we're all looking at lots of firsts, together.

>   Please let me know your thoughts, feel free to flame if 
> needed. :) I've got too much respect for you people to consider
> this without asking about it WAY up front.

Okay, here it is:

Why is it that we feel this need to target that demographic?

Why do we even talk about targetting _any_ demographic?

We need to investigate out motives thoroughly, IMO. The point of
opensource projects is _not_ supposed to be to target a demographic
or put out a better 'product' than somebody else; rather, what makes
the opensource world go around is the pursuit of excellence. A good,
successful opensource project's goal is to make it's work better
than it already is. Is that what we're going after, or are we going
after popularity?

I keep asking this, but nobody seems to answer, or even notice what
I'm really asking here...What are we doing? Why? Is it excellence
we're going after, or so

Re: [Leaf-devel] cish (Cisco IOS shell for Linux)

2001-01-31 Thread thc

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 09:06:57AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> >The man page header says "Linux Router Project" (!) ...
> BTW, nice pickup Rick.

Eh? David said that, not me.

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Character Studies (of Users)

2001-01-31 Thread thc

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 10:30:18AM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> On 31 Jan 2001, at 15:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Right, I was just wondering...we're all coming up with these
> > scenarios, and what could fill the need, but... 
> > 
> > Why do we do it?
> The answer is built into the phrase "Know Your Customer."  If you 
> can "get in their head" and know what they want, you start to think 
> like them.  Then you can determine what features they will find 
> useful and what features they will hate.  Once you get more of the 
> former and less of the latter, your product starts to sell

Sorry, should have been more clear.

Not why do we do the scenarios; I mean, why do we build an LRP that
can benefit [joe schmoe of your or my or x's scenario]?

For example, the way LRP currently is, it brings many people into
the Linux/Open Source society. That could be the reason that we
all do what we do; then again, I never really thought about it much.

> -- 
> David Douthitt
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Character Studies (of Users)

2001-01-31 Thread thc

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 04:52:04PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> > Anybody seen this?  What do you think of it?
> >
> > 
> > FYI: It purports to allow you to control your Linux router 
> > via a shell 
> > which is very much like the Cisco IOS.
> I believe that would enhance LEAF's acceptance alot!

I believe it would help me learn Cisco language. ;)

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Character Studies (of Users)

2001-01-31 Thread thc

Right, I was just wondering...we're all coming up with these
scenarios, and what could fill the need, but...

Why do we do it?

Onee reason, imo, would be for the experience of building
something that the general consumer can use. There's a lot
to learn from it.

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 02:58:15PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> [snip]
> I was kidding about cisco, I like most of there hardware, just the
> hardware!!
> > The question is...Why do we do that? I don't see killing Cisco
> > as a suitable motive; why would somebody want to do so? They're
> > no Microsoft...they're a huge company that has a better attitude.
> > Anyway, all of us people who have learned routing concepts with
> > LRP can then just learn cisco language and get _very_high_paying_
> > jobs working on Cisco equipment...
> > 
> > Well, I don't see such a situation as hurting cisco at all, since
> > the user in question would never buy anything from Cisco. So,
> > the question remains..._why_ do we want to target this user so
> > strongly? Maybe for bragging rights: "Over ten thousand users
> > and growing every day!"??
> > 
> > > just a thought! (thought from think??? please correct me!)
> > 
> > If you're asking for your english to be corrected, then 'just a
> > thought' is no less correct than when anybody else says it; it
> > is a casual form of 'that was just a thought I had' and is fine.
> > An English teacher would not accept it, however, as it is only a
> > sentence fragment.
> > 
> > > pedro
> > -- 
> > rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.
> > 
> > ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
> > Help with LRP: Home page:
> > 
> > ___
> > Leaf-devel mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Shell Scripts for LRP development

2001-01-31 Thread thc

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 01:26:53AM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, David Douthitt wrote:
> > I've been creating shell scripts for my development.  I wonder if 
> > anyone else would be interested?
> > 
> > They are (so far):
> > 
> > mkkernel - create a kernel tarball from the linux sources (after 
> > compiling the kernel and modules); includes Configuration, et al.
> That could be useful in general. Anyone else up to 2.4.1 yet, as an
> aside?

I second that. Now that I know 2.4.1 is out, I'm going to use it;
I have a few problems that may be kernel bugs in 2.4.0test12...

> > mklrp - create a LRP package (requires the proper directory 
> > structure)
> I'd recommend announcing that one to the world; LRP Developers everywhere
> will love you. =)

I second that, too. :)

> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
> "We know what deterrence was with 'mutually assured destruction' during
> the Cold War. But what is deterrence in information warfare?" -- Brigadier
> General Douglas Richardson, USAF, Commander - Space Warfare Center
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Re: [Leaf-devel] Character Studies (of Users)

2001-01-31 Thread thc

On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 11:48:17AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
> so.. what I say is why not build several LEAF images, for the most common
> targets (SOHO etc..), and have them approved by some internet security
> authority (don't know if such auth. exist), then we make a page just for
> this target audience, explain what a LEAF firewall does, why it is needed,
> how little he has to 'pay' for it, like you explain things to a 6 year old!
> we splash a CertifiedAndTestedTroughtBySans (imagine :) logo on the page,
> and mrJackHappyHomeUser will say, 'wait a minute, this is almost free,
> certified, easy to understand, I guess I could try one of this'. and LEAF
> evolves trough the year 2001 killing CSCO  :DDD

Hey, that's a damn good idea, and well-articulated. The part
about getting some sort of certification is new, I don't think
I've ever heard anybody say that before; and the rest has been
said, but never said quite so well.

The question is...Why do we do that? I don't see killing Cisco
as a suitable motive; why would somebody want to do so? They're
no Microsoft...they're a huge company that has a better attitude.
Anyway, all of us people who have learned routing concepts with
LRP can then just learn cisco language and get _very_high_paying_
jobs working on Cisco equipment...

Well, I don't see such a situation as hurting cisco at all, since
the user in question would never buy anything from Cisco. So,
the question remains..._why_ do we want to target this user so
strongly? Maybe for bragging rights: "Over ten thousand users
and growing every day!"??

> just a thought! (thought from think??? please correct me!)

If you're asking for your english to be corrected, then 'just a
thought' is no less correct than when anybody else says it; it
is a casual form of 'that was just a thought I had' and is fine.
An English teacher would not accept it, however, as it is only a
sentence fragment.

> pedro
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] BIND Exploit

2001-01-30 Thread thc

On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 05:38:13AM -0500, George Metz scribbled:
> In case you haven't had a chance to read Slashdot today, there's a new
> huge, gaping, drive-a-Mack-Truck-up-and-parallel-park-it sized security
> hole in BIND v8.2.2 and v4.9.7 and earlier. This one's a biggie, so if
> you're running it and/or got any packages made out of the older versions,
> go to 4.9.8 or 8.2.3 - and on 8.2.3, don't use the betas as they're
> compromised too apparently. 

I used to always feel like the best policy was to use the
standard stuff -- sendmail, bind, etc -- but more and more,
I find that my plans for new servers include removing such
stuff and replacing it with better, less bloated, more secure
things like qmail and tinydns...

Does everyone know the "I can take a mack truck!" joke? It's
not appropriate here, but I was reminded of it by the above
reference to a gaping mack-truck size hole...;)

> Just a friendly heads-up.
> --
> George Metz
> Commercial Routing Engineer
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Long description of our project (1st draft)

2001-01-29 Thread thc

On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:57:33PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> As you may notice, these documents are NOT "distribution-
> neutral" but are specific towards LRP-derivatives.  I don't know 
> whether this is a bad thing or not, but this sort of states what I 
> always thought LEAF was maybe I just need better education?

I think that, in general and to specifically address this problem,
it needs to be said [and stressed] that LEAF is a meta-project;
that is, it is a project of collaberating projects, and that there
isn't a hard-limit on who/what qualifies, but rather, just that
their goals be similar or related.

> -- 
> David Douthitt
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Bandwidth Manager

2001-01-26 Thread thc

On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:46:57PM -0800, Scott C. Best scribbled:
> Mike, Rick:
>   I think it'd be *huge* to add some traffic shaping to LEAF,
> with the caveat that we provide a setup interface to it as well, in 
> the same manner that we provide one for ipchains. That is, we pick
> a shaper/bw-manager package, and we bundle it with a script of
> the same UI-flavor as our firewall script.

I've been considering writing a script that reads a whitespace-delimited
table of ipchains rule info that would be quite human readable and turns
it into [and runs] a bunch of ipchains rules. It would be no sweat,
according to the link I sent [quoted below], to add traffic shaping
functionality to it.

>   I was looking once at a CBQ solution, and convinced
> myself that I could get away with only three bandwidth "classes"
> or "priorities" for most target LEAF installations: high-speed, 
> low-speed, and "time-critical" mode. High-speed would be what LRP 
> is without shaping, and low speed would be used to intentionally 
> sit on some LAN machine's peak bandwidth (eg, Junior's PC can only 
> get 56k). The "time-critical" class would be to suit people using 
> VoIP, Quake, or other streaming apps that want isochronicity.

I think you can actually assign different priorities based on any
of ipchains's options, not just source or destinatino IP. I have
only briefly scanned the article I linked, but it looks like you
just tag shaping options onto any old ipchains command.

Of course, my memory could have corrupted this since I looked at
it last night about this time, in which case I'm pretty much
talking out of my ass for this whole thing.

>   Given the ability to provide one of these three modes
> to every machine on the LAN, one a machine-by-machine basis,
> I think is a 90-percent solution. The ET/BWMGR from Etinc allows
> (shiver) "10 levels of priorities...with multiple class groupings".
> Excessive, IMO. And, from the "Grand Fireewall Paradigm" thread, 
> we'd let these modes get specified in the same place and manner 
> that we specify port-forwarded services. 
>   IMNSHO, of course. :)
> -Scott
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Would this be anything like
> >
> > ??
> > 
> > I was just looking at that last night...
> > 
> > On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:51:15AM -0800, Mike Sensney scribbled:
> > > Here is a link to a commercial bandwidth manager software package I found 
> > > recently. Priced at $595 and runs on either Linux or FreeBSD. This thing is 
> > > feature rich and sexy.
> > >
> > > 
> > > I got to thinking that it sure would be nice to add some of this 
> > > functionality to LEAF so I did some looking at FreshMeat:
> > > 
> > > rshaper is a Linux kernel module that limits the incoming bandwidth for 
> > > packets aimed at different hosts ("incoming" meaning traffic that enters 
> > > the shaping host; if that host is a gateway between target hosts and the 
> > > rest of the Internet, all the traffic of the target hosts will be 
> > > shapeable). It's useful for ISPs who offer housing and want to 
> > > differentiate their offers and for limiting download bandwidth from 
> > > students' boxes or similar setups.
> > >
> > > 
> > > The WRR scheduler is an extension to the Linux 2.2 kernels. It is able to 
> > > distribute the bandwidth to different machines at a site in a fair way. As 
> > > a default every machine will get equally much of the bandwidth if they have 
> > > sufficient demand, but it is possible to make machines transferring much 
> > > data over a long or short period of time get less bandwidth. A 
> > > plug-and-play ready set of scripts setting up such behavior based on a 
> > > configuration file is included. The scripts sets up a Linux bridge which 
> > > must be placed between the router and the rest of the site.
> > >
> > 
> > -- 
> > rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.
> > 
> > ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
> > Help with LRP: Home page:
> > 
> > ___
> > Leaf-devel mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> Leaf-devel mailing list

rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] [offlist] PCMCIA mailing list

2001-01-26 Thread thc

On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 01:38:43PM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Rick,
> I'm going to do this tonight, but I have one question first. May I use 
> leaf-devel-hardware for the list name? I think this would accomplish your 
> goals of a separate list, and allow use of it for related topics (e.g. 
> flash memory, pc104, alternate processors etc.). If you still want 
> leaf-pcmcia that's ok too. I just thought we might want to keep it a little 
> more generic, but the decision is yours.
> Also, note it will take a couple of days before the list is activated.

Well, I expect that it's entirely possible that it could bloom into
a pretty major topic, big enough for it's own list seperate from a
general hardware list; but for now, we'll start it on leaf-devel-hardware
or just leaf-hardware. If turns out that it qualifies for it's own list
and/or needs one, we'll make a pcmcia list.

Whatever we do, let's get it done so I can invite people to it on Monday. :)

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

ICQ# 1590117   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)   
Help with LRP: Home page:

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