Re: [LegacyUG] Attaching Source Citation Images to Events

2009-09-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Sep 2009  Mike Fry wrote:

> Ahem! What's the difference between reading a single digest message
> that's very long and multiple, shorter messages?

*Every* message has to be read when it's a digest.  When they're 
separate messages we can decide, based on the Subject or other data, 
which ones to read.  Furthermore, some messages can be automatically 
routed directly to the bit bucket based on their content, size, 
format or writer   ;-))

Cheers, -- Dave N.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Surnames With Mc Standard?

2009-09-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Sep 2009  ronald ferguson wrote:

> Nobody is stopping anyone from from doing it maunually, it rather
> depends on how may you have to replace doesn't it?

NO!!  Not in a Legacy database.

No matter how many there are there is only one Master Surname entry 
for each spelling.  So there in only one entry to be changed.

If this discussion is not about a Legacy database then IMHO it's off 
topic for this list.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Surnames With Mc Standard?

2009-09-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Sep 2009  Paul Ramshaw wrote:

> Of course, there will be other Mc's besides McDonalds. So maybe you
> want to search and replace "Mc " with "Mc" and "Mac " with "Mac". (But
> I'd want to check that process one by one probably.) 

Why is Search & Replace even being suggested!?

It is so simple to go to the Master Surname List and scroll down to  
M.  Every unique surname beginning with M will be listed, and they 
can be edited (once for all individuals with that spelling) and can 
also be combined (where one has a space and another does not).  There 
is no reason to change records individually.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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[LegacyUG] Re: Report problem

2009-03-24 Thread Dave Naylor
On 24 Mar 2009  Eileen wrote:

> They are all the same, believe me.  Now I know that this could be a
> old problem, because I have not worked on any of the Location file in
> years.   It would be nice if the program merged all of them together,
> but it does not, I combine them into one, and sometimes, as I merge a
> few together, I can see it adding a name like the one I'm working on,
> and when you click on the added one, there will be no names attached to
> it, so I merge again.

You need to "Purge unused" locations first.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Exporting to a new Family File

2009-02-22 Thread Dave Naylor
This is an area of Legacy that functions in a way that is not at all 
user-intuitive in spite of suggestions over many years to eliminate 
the confusion!

As has already been mentioned, when an EXPORT is selected, Legacy 
creates an empty database which contains all the default 
values/settings.  Unfortunately from that point on Legacy's 
programming looks at everything from the viewpoint of an IMPORT into 
that empty database.

When an event is exported to that "empty" file and the exported event 
doesn't match the default definition value(s), Legacy opens up a very 
unnecessary and ridiculous window which mentions an IMPORT replacing 
an existing event.  Obviously since this is an EXPORT to a supposedly 
empty database, Legacy should automatically replace the empty 
database's default value(s) with the imported values.  But instead, 
it confuses the user with words referring to an IMPORT and these 
apply to the way it is programmed instead of words that apply to what 
the user is doing.

If you are exporting to an empty file and the Combine Event 
Definition window appears you need to click on "For this import, 
always overwrite the existing event with the incoming event"

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Old Style/New Style dates for pre 1754 England, how to enter

2009-02-14 Thread Dave Naylor
On 14 Feb 2009  Elizabeth wrote:

> My double dating system works beautifully with my English ancestors, but
> I now find that my early German ancestors are given the alternative
> dates as well.  Is it possible to allow double dates (ie b. 1 Jan
> 1748/49) in general, but to override them for the dozen or so German
> ancestors? 


Using Legacy's double-dating feature can cause many problems as it 
*assumes* that every country changed at the same time -- WRONG! -- 
and it assumes that dates are always entered in "Old Style" -- this 
can be WRONG!   I make sure that Legacy's double-dating feature is 
always turned off.

However, big problem . . . with Legacy's double-dating feature turned 
off you cannot enter your own double-dates as they should be 
represented without having them totally corrupted!!  So I end up 
entering them as, for example, "5 Jan 1723-5 Jan 1724"

Sadly Millennia isn't willing to fix this BIG deficiency (reported 
many times over the years) in an otherwise fantastic program.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] uploading changed web pages

2009-02-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Feb 2009  ronald ferguson wrote:

> I don't use Filezilla so cannot comment on that program, but all the
> ones I have tried enable the lists to be sorted in modified date
> order by clicking "Date" in the coluimn header.
> Thus, one can select all those changed after a certain date.

I believe this does not really satisfy the intent of the original 
question -- how to upload only files that have changed.

When Legacy web pages are generated *ALL* those files will have a new 
date but that does not indicate that the contents of a file is any 
different from the previously-generated one.

SyncBack can be used to *compare* the data within the new and 
previous files and can be arranged to upload *only* those which have 
really been changed (regardless of their date stamp).

The best FileZilla can do (with Legacy-generated files) is to check 
for differences in the file sizes between the new files and those on 
the web server.  However, obviously you can make changes to an 
individual record in Legacy and the file size could remain the same, 
and so would not be uploaded.  Furthermore some web servers don't 
report the filesizes the same as they were when uploaded.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Need overall help

2009-01-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jan 2009  Cathy Vallevieni wrote:

> For places that I want to know exactly the address and that I want to
> map to that exact address, I enter them in the long description as: 
> City - 123 Main St, County, State, Country 
> The reason for reversing the city and street address in the long 
> description is so it can be found when looking at the Master
> Locations List.

Why would you reverse them when it is unnecessary?  They can be 
entered in a logical sequence from smallest area to largest area 
complete with comma separators (there are 9 fields for this).  Then 
the Master Locations can be set to a "Direction of Sort" of "Right to 
Left" so that the listing is always sorted from the largest area 

I cannot understand why anyone would use the other available sorts 
which are all redundant and only apply to (most but not all) USA 
locations when the Right to Left sort applies worldwide (including 
all USA locations).  The only problem is for those who cannot be 
bothered to include the country in their locations.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] uploading changed web pages

2009-01-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jan 2009  Syble Glasscock wrote:

> I'd really like something that would compare the files online to my new
> files and highlight or something showing what files need to be
> uploaded. thanks, Syble Glasscock 

I use the free version of SyncBack from 2BrightSparks at  to upload my Legacy-generated web 

It can be programmed to only upload files that have changed -- but 
make sure you don't have an "Updated" date on your pages.

It can also be stopped during the upload and will continue where it 
left off (after re-comparing all your files).

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] legacy update

2009-01-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Jan 2009  Kathy Miller wrote:

> I directed it to the same place as the former version on the C drive
> under program files.  However, it installed a new Legacy folder
> inside the old Legacy folder complete with all new folders of the
> same names.

What I'll bet actually happened is that you selected the location 
using Browse.  When that is done the default location of "\Legacy" is 
appended to the selected location.  You also need to check the 
install location that was displayed.  It would have shown the extra 
"\Legacy" which needed to be deleted before continuing.

> Can I just delete the original folders - moving the data to the new
> data folder

NO!!  You need to uninstall Legacy 7 and then re-install it in the 
location you want it.  But this time check that the location shown is 
the one you really want.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] RootsWeb's lists and spam -- formerly: "Why are we using this mailing list?"

2009-01-15 Thread Dave Naylor
On 15 Jan 2009  Jackie King wrote:

> Roots has not been the most reliable in the past year. All you have to
> do is note all of the problems being reported in the Listowners-L list
> on Rootsweb about non-delivery of email since before Christmas on some
> lists, and sporadic delivery on others.

Like Mike Fry, you are making some statements that are incorrect and 
others that don't relate to all RootsWeb's lists.

The problems RootsWeb experienced from Christmas to yesterday were 
only on one server (Lists-9) and these were due to a high level of 
spam reaching this server (but *not* going to the subscribers).  This 
unusual level of spam caused the server to crash and then a backup 
recovery sent many very old messages on their way to members a second 
time.  The volumes have also caused valid messages to be delayed.

> The list problem has gotten so bad that the moderator there has told
> the listowners to just quit complaining since they can't do anything
> about it anyway until rootsweb figures it out. 

Again, this is incorrect.  This had nothing to do with "the list 
problem has gotten so bad"!  The LO admin said that the complaints 
were off-topic for the listowners (LO) mailing list because their 
fellow list admins couldn't do anything about it.  At least this 
shows that RootsWeb's lists are being monitored by their 
administrators and off-topic threads are ended, as you indeed know.

> The WashDC list and APG list are two that I am subscribed to that have
> reported more problems with it in the past several days and this note
> this morning from the National Coordinator of the Tombstone
> Transcription Project.

These are on the Lists-9 server and were affected by this same single 

> I doubt you would get quite that deluge from the Legacy list since
> according to its archives it doesn't seem to be all that active. 

RootsWeb's Legacy mailing list is on the List-3 server which has had 
no problems.

Problems with spam on RootsWeb's mailing lists (and all others 
including this one) are exacerbated by uneducated web builders who 
place unprotected links for these mailing lists on their web pages.  
If anyone, including Millennia, is going to place mail-to links on 
their web pages then they need to ensure that those links are 
encrypted to discourage harvesting by spammers.

Another cause of high levels of spam being sent to a few RootsWeb's 
mailing lists is list administrators that respond to spam messages 
instead of discarding them.  This response only results in telling 
the spammer that a live address has been reached, then even more spam 
will be received!  Hopefully RootsWeb's Legacy list administrator 
doesn't do this.

Cheers, -- Dave N.

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[LegacyUG] Why are we using this mailing list?

2009-01-14 Thread Dave Naylor
Hello folks

The recent insults, etc. have shown that Millennia are unable to run 
a mailing list correctly.  In my opinion this is the last straw for a 
list that has had more than its share of upsets and angry members.

Not only is there inadequate moderation of this list, Millennia has 
also shown that it is unable to block HTML and attachments.

So why are we all using it?  RootsWeb has a perfectly good LEGACY 
mailing list that blocks HTML and attachments.  Legacy's technical 
support monitors that list and replies to messages as do others that 
are also members of this list.


Send your "Subscribe" message to

Cheers, -- Dave N.

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(Fwd) Re: [LegacyUG] v.6 "usually called" (was Update

2008-12-05 Thread Dave Naylor
Whoops!!   I meant to say "build 76" !   Sorry.

On 6 Dec 2008  Mary Young wrote:

> On 12/5/08, Toni Sano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It is not something you turn off or on. Type the name in the
> >  given name box eg  Ann "Annie"
> >  where Ann is her name and Annie is her 'usually called' name.
> >  Then in the descendant book/narrative you will get
> >  ... she was usually called Annie...

> I'm not seeing this.

You're correct Mary.  You will not see that sentence because Dave 
Berdan only added it to Legacy 7 in build 78.  Previous versions and
builds do not incorporate that sentence even though the AKA feature 
is there.

If you really want to see that sentence you'll have to upgrade to the
latest build.
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Holiday discounts on Legacy 7.0, add-ons, books, and more. Visit ***
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Re: [LegacyUG] v.6 "usually called" (was Update

2008-12-05 Thread Dave Naylor
On 6 Dec 2008  Mary Young wrote:

> On 12/5/08, Toni Sano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It is not something you turn off or on. Type the name in the
> >  given name box eg  Ann "Annie"
> >  where Ann is her name and Annie is her 'usually called' name.
> >  Then in the descendant book/narrative you will get
> >  ... she was usually called Annie...

> I'm not seeing this.

You're correct Mary.  You will not see that sentence because Dave 
Berdan only added it to Legacy 7 in build 78.  Previous versions and 
builds do not incorporate that sentence even though the AKA feature 
is there.

If you really want to see that sentence you'll have to upgrade to the 
latest build.
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Holiday discounts on Legacy 7.0, add-ons, books, and more. Visit ***
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Re: [LegacyUG] Backup or file creation procedure when you want to have updated family files

2008-12-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Dec 2008  v pedersen wrote:

> Here is what I want to do:  I want to backup my family file every
> week to a new updated family file.  My first family file backup was
> named 20081120 (indicating to me the date I created it).  I'd like
> it to keep creating an updated family file on a weekly basis.

I have my computer set up to automatically do something very similar 
to this.

Instead of using Legacy, I find it better to have a batch file that 
runs weekly and copies the *.FDB database to a MMDD.FDB file.

Creating a batch file is quite simple and the date for the filename 
can be automatically generated.

Since batch file use is not really on topic for this list please get 
back to me privately if you'd like further details.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Duplicate entries

2008-11-26 Thread Dave Naylor
On 26 Nov 2008  Claire Fuqua wrote:

> I am very concerned about this problem as I am consistently working
> with three databases, that, collectively, have almost 50,000 entries.
> I have been working on this family surname since 1990 and would be
> devastated if I were to lose the information. 

One thing that cannot be emphasized enough is . . . Backup, Backup, 

I have my computer set up to automatically make a backup every day 
when I first turn it on.  These backups have names containing the 
date so they don't overwrite each other.  If I'm doing some serious 
editing of my Legacy database I may also make further backups before 
and after the edits.

Having many backups permit you to go back to the point *before* a 
problem occurred.  Do realize that it may take a week or two (or even 
longer) for you to become aware of a database problem.  In the past 
we've heard from a few users that have restored their one-and-only 
backup only to discover that it also contained the contaminated data.

After a few months some of my old backups are deleted.  But I still 
retain one year-end backup of my genealogy database for each year and 
I have these going back 25 years!  I find it interesting to sometimes 
look at these old backups to see how my genealogy research has 
progressed through the years.

Now obviously you don't have to create this many backups like me, but 
I would recommend that you make a backup before and after any major 
changes to your database, and keep these backups until you are really 
sure that everything is as expected.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Updating to latest 6.0

2008-11-18 Thread Dave Naylor
On 18 Nov 2008  Barbara Ford wrote:

> From the download site, it gave a link to "download full setup." I know
> that's what I will need on the new computer, but is this what I need
> just to update my version on the current computer? (I did check my
> current version, and it's not the latest upgrade.) 

Since you need to download the full setup you may as well use it for 
both computers.

It checks your computer's registry and if Legacy is already installed 
it will only install the needed files -- not that it really matters 
if it overwrites the others as it's only affecting the program files.

The only thing that can cause a glitch is when the registry is 
corrupted (usually due to a user moving their program files).  So 
just ensure that the Setup program is installing into the same 
location as your existing program.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] looking for cems

2008-10-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Oct 2008  ronald ferguson wrote:

> Dave, I take it you mean Burial *Addresses*, which is what this thread
> is about. The problem is, as JLB has drawn to our attention, this field
> cannot be searched. 

No, I was *not* referring to Addresses.  I was responding to the 
message from Syble (which was included in my message) where she said 
her dream was for Legacy to add an icon for use in attaching a photo 
of the tombstone marker.

Cheers, -- Dave N.

> > To:
> > Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:24:41 -0400
> > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] looking for cems
> >
> > On 28 Oct 2008 Syble Glasscock wrote:
> >
> >> I have them in the burial place.  example: Hopewell Cemetery,
> Smith
> >> County, Texas. I know this is not "politically correct, but I
> like to
> >> see at a glance that I have the location of the cemetery, this
> is
> >> important to me, I'm sure it's not to all, and my dream is for
> Legacy
> >> to add an tiny icon for a photo of the tombstone marker.
> >
> > Is there a problem using the icon that's already there?
> >
> > Click on the + at the end of the Buried Location field, then
> Burial
> > Pictures.
> >
> > Cheers, -- Dave N

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Re: [LegacyUG] looking for cems

2008-10-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Oct 2008  Syble Glasscock wrote:

> I have them in the burial place.  example: Hopewell Cemetery, Smith
> County, Texas. I know this is not "politically correct, but I like to
> see at a glance that I have the location of the cemetery, this is
> important to me, I'm sure it's not to all, and my dream is for Legacy
> to add an tiny icon for a photo of the tombstone marker.

Is there a problem using the icon that's already there?

Click on the + at the end of the Buried Location field, then Burial

Cheers, -- Dave N
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.

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   Use coupon code: ‘Legacy2008’ at checkout. Offer expires 10/31/08 **
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Re: [LegacyUG] Standardisation Tips

2008-10-12 Thread Dave Naylor
On 12 Oct 2008  Lucky Belinfante wrote:

> My family tree contains 'ID' numbers and I would like to retain them.
> But every  I open any individual the tip reminds me that it is not
> usual to have these characters in names. 

Suggestion -- instead of having the ID numbers in the name fields, 
place them in the "User-ID" fields where they belong.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Fw: Ron and Tom

2008-09-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Sep 2008  Thomas Herson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ron Ferguson made a lot of insulting remarks about me. I'm reporting >
> him to Legacy right now.

Just how does one report someone to a genealogy program(me)?

I must have missed that option/feature.  Is it already in ver. 7 or 
is it on the wish list ?:-))

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Possible Tagging enhancment

2008-09-06 Thread Dave Naylor
On 6 Sep 2008  Kathy Shiell-Stokes wrote:

> The idea is this: Having a toggle on off switch that could eliminate a
> specified tag number from being wiped out when doing a clear all tags.
> While doing it for only three or four out of the nine  would be ok,
> having a toggle on all tag numbers would be preferable.

I really dislike the idea.

It's far safer for users to clear tags one at a time or all at once.

Having some tags flagged so they don't clear means that some form of 
indication would then be required to show which tags would and would 
not be cleared.  The user would likely also need to check this 
setting very carefully before using it.  

I fail to see any advantage over clearing them individually 
especially when considering the potential for making errors.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Tree list problem

2008-07-24 Thread Dave Naylor
On 24 Jul 2008  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Legacy 7 has a tool called "Tree Finder" (accessed from the View menu)
> that I think is designed to show the individual at the top of the
> various family trees.  But it apparently does so by looking for the
> individual with the smallest RIN in a tree. 

The Tree Finder is not designed to show the individual at the top of 
the tree.  It is designed to identify the separate trees in a family 
file and to identify each one by the lowest RIN used in it.  You also 
have to "Refresh" it every time otherwise it displays an old listing.

A tree may have more than one ancestral line so how could Legacy 
determine which one of the possible many lines you'd want the 
earliest ancestor for?

> Is there another way to find the earliest individual in a tree? 

Lots of them.  One way is to tag all the individuals of a tree 
(Entire Tree) then generate (Print) a CSV of them with birthdates 
using the Name List (with Search button for the Tag number).  Open 
the CSV file in your spreadsheet program and sort it on the birthdate 

Note: you may need to change the spreadsheet's birthdate column to 
"Text" otherwise it could mess up the date display.  Depending on 
your date format you may also need to copy the birthdate column to a 
MMDD one to get it to sort correctly.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] 29 February 1894 - What's wrong with this date?

2008-07-22 Thread Dave Naylor
On 22 Jul 2008  Melody B wrote:

> I don't know if this is a bug or not.  I have  a date for something
> or other that is "29 Feb 1894".
> To me, that sure looks like a valid date.  1894 should have been a
> leap year.

Why should it have?  94 is not divisible by 4 and so is *not* a leap 
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Event order

2008-07-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Jul 2008  Bill wrote:

> Dave Naylor Wrote;
> >If you can come up with program code that will sort records
> > by date and still keep records with blank dates in their
> > "correct" place then you'll make a fortune!   ;-))
> > 
> > Cheers, -- Dave
> TMG already has this. They have a place to enter a sort date. 

TMG does not have this!!  Having a place to enter a sort date is not 
the same as having a blank date!  Let's not make it that easy.  :-))

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Event order

2008-07-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Jul 2008  Jane Sarles wrote:

> I want each person's events always to be listed in chronological order.
> I know that I can do that by hitting "options" and choosing "sort by
> date", but can't I set the program to do it without having to change it
> every time.  Why on earth would one want the order to be in order of
> input?

They probably wouldn't.  But then, as with children, if an entry does 
*not* have a date and the user has carefully placed it into the 
correct order, they wouldn't want an automatic sort to change that 

If you can come up with program code that will sort records by date 
and still keep records with blank dates in their "correct" place then 
you'll make a fortune!   ;-))

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Descendant report/Marriage event

2008-07-04 Thread Dave Naylor
On 4 Jul 2008  Marie Connelly wrote:

> It is:  He has conflicting marriage information ofthen the date
> and place of marriage. 
> Can anyone else replicate this so I can find out what's causing this
> sentence to appear?

Do you have an Alt Married event for either of the couple or for the 
marriage itself?

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Removing a balloon from the map?

2008-07-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Jul 2008  Jack Earnshaw wrote:

> Remembering that, at present, this is not reversible! Once you've
> checked "do not auto-geo code" that remains set even if you try to
> remove it! 

Of course it's reversible!

Clicking on "Geo-code current location again"  turns the do not geo-
code off.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] New topic

2008-07-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Jul 2008  Robert57P via Gmail wrote:

> What e-mail programs allow for threads, even if the board does not?
> Are any of them free or cheap?  Many people on this list have asked
> about this option (at least in part) for this LUG - if a reader on the
> PC  will do that trick, it could help a lot of us. 

See this web page . . .

This mailing list's archives uses threading when it displays messages 
but it's apparently doing it wrong as it shows all replies to the 
original message and no replies to other replies -- only one level.

It does however show that this "New topic" subject is part of the 
"Books with more than 2 authors" thread even though the subject was 
changed.  It also shows that the subjects "Strange characters after 
names" and "Unknown given or surnames" were also hijacked from this 
same thread.

Actually by scanning down through Legacy's user group archive it's 
possible to identify the hijackers!  :-))

RootsWeb's archives displays threading correctly.  For an example of 
how it should look go to RootsWeb's Legacy archive for January 2008 
at . . .

where it's immediately apparent, by hierarchy, which message was 
being replied to.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Removing a balloon from the map?

2008-07-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Jul 2008  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> How does one remove (not move) a balloon from the map in Legacy 7?
>  there seems to be no mechanism to remove the balloon
> altogether.  Is there one? 

Select the location (if you got into mapping from an individual then 
first click Resolve) then click on the Geo-Code button and "Do not 
auto geo-code the current location".

This will remove the balloon and place a hyphen in the L column.

Identify locations you want to return to later by tagging them.

BTW, I've done this with all my locations that don't get down to a 
township level or smaller.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] New topic

2008-06-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jun 2008  Robert57P via Gmail wrote:

> Why is the below "bad"?  Actually, I try to remember to: hit reply
> change subject delete unrelated info in body of the msg 
> > If you want to start a new topic you should *not* just hit Reply and
> > change the subject line but should start a new thread with a new
> > e-mail. 

It's "bad" because your message is still linked to the original 
thread by its header information.  Thread-linking mail readers will 
show your (new subject) message as a continuation of the thread that 
you replied to.  This is called hi-jacking a thread.

To start a new thread/subject you must create a new message addressed 
to the list and not "reply" to any list messages.

Your message's headers show that you are using M$ Outlook Express 
6.0.  If you were using a good mail reader that the had extended 
features the problem would be apparent.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] English counties with VE

2008-06-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jun 2008  Toni wrote:

> On my location list I usually have something like Town, County,
> England. 

That's the way I have mine -- and sorted right to left.

> When the county lines have been redrawn, VE does not find the town. 

The county lines don't need to have been changed for this to happen, 
VE is very poor at finding the correct places.  I find Google Maps 
does far better and in fact I sometimes use Google to pin-point a 
location so I know where to look for it with VE.  It's also possible 
to get the co-ordinates from Google Maps and plug them into the 
location in Legacy.

> My way around this has been to rename the location to Town, England and
> then VE usually finds the town. The problem I have with this is that it
> messes up my location list unless I rename the location back to the
> original.  Does anyone have a better method?

Don't change the name of your locations.  Instead simply select the 
location yourself.  Sometimes VE will find the correct place if you 
click on the Geo-code button and then "Geo-code current location 
again through Virtual Earth", but if this doesn't work for that 
location it's still easy enough to zoom out until you can see the map 
area you want and then zoom in on the correct location.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Followup to Discussion about Periods after Initials.

2008-06-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jun 2008  GeoSci wrote:

> I KNEW I had read (somewhere) to not place the period after an
> initial.   Opinions/Ideas?

I totally disagree with this.  In the early 1800s it was fairly 
common amongst Palatine and other Germanic families in the USA to use 
a single letter as a middle "name" to identify which family the 
person was in.  All children in the same family would have the same 
middle letter as a name.  That letter did not represent a name -- it 
*was* the name.  I don't know if this naming pattern was also used in 
Europe but I have examples of it in my research in New Jersey and 

The only way I know to identify these single letter "names" from an 
initial that represents a middle name is to use a period (full stop) 
after the latter.  In my family tree a middle letter without a period 
tells me that the individual was named that way and I know all 
siblings should be likewise.

There's no way I'll be changing the way I enter these.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations Order Input

2008-06-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 29 Jun 2008  John Magyari wrote:

> I noticed that one can set nine fields for  locations
> I'd like to be able to set
> Loc1, Loc2, Loc3, Loc4, Loc5, Loc6, Loc7, Loc8, Loc9
> with Country, State, County, City, Street, Address#, Apt#, Room, Bed
> #
> 1) How would I set the above parameters in the proper order??

Click on "Sort" then set "Direction of Sort" to be "Right to Left".

Doing this disables the Pre-defined USA sorts and permits locations 
and addresses to function just fine with Visual Earth.

It also sorts all locations/addresses together correctly no matter 
how many "parts" they have.

The only "disadvantage" -- if it is one -- is that users who don't 
want to include the country in their locations will find them sorting 

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] V7 - Master Location List, VE, Auto Search Reset Problem

2008-06-13 Thread Dave Naylor
On 12 Jun 2008  Cathy wrote:

> You don't have to go to Edit to remove a wrong pin. You just have to
> go to the Geo-code and choose the Do not auto geo-code option. This
> removes the co-ords.
> Then you should be able to place the pin wherever you like.

One thing I've discovered that's working well for geo-coding my 
locations is . . .  after a wrong location has been set by VE, if I 
click on the Geo-Code button and select "Geo-code current location 
again through VE" it will often find the correct location -- may take 
two or more tries though.  

I find this action peculiar as VE will also sometimes give a choice 
of multiple locations when it's unsure which is correct.  All I can 
surmise in the first instance is that VE is sure it's correct but 
then telling it to try again forces it to look for a different match.

Only M$ knows for sure why these things happen!!   :-)

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] a few problems in Legacy 7

2008-06-12 Thread Dave Naylor
On 10 Jun 2008  Ron Taylor wrote:

> 3) Right click on "open source clipboard" triangle no longer allows
> selection from 10 most used choices.

It works OK for me.  However you do need to have at least one *saved* 
clipboard for it to display any.  And the upgrade to Legacy 7 deleted 
all the saved Legacy 6 clipboards.

If there are no *saved* clipboards then it takes you to either the 
Add Source or Add Source Detail, depending on what's on the 

Perhaps it would be clearer if right-clicking on the source triangle 
when there are no saved sources simply brings up a message window 
saying "There are no saved source clipboards."

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Ver 7 mapping and push pins

2008-06-08 Thread Dave Naylor
On 6 Jun 2008  Jim Keener wrote:

> I've tried right clicking and dragging the push pin as suggested and
> I've right clicked on a location and it doesn't do anything.

If you're viewing the map in the Master Location List then after 
selecting the location name, right-click and release it on the map 
where you want the pin placed -- no dragging.

If you're viewing the map for an individual then you need to first 
click the Resolve button to take you to the Master Location List.

Hope this helps.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Mapping Event Addresses

2008-06-07 Thread Dave Naylor
On 5 Jun 2008  Art Seddon wrote:

> Dave, how do I change the sort order?

In Master Location List, click on Sort button, then at lower right 
"Direction of Sort" and set it to "Right to Left".  Then for some 
unfathomable reason . . . you also need to place a checkmark in the 
hole between the Combine and Sort buttons.

Cheers, -- Dave

> Dave said:
> I think it's far better to write addresses normally -- Maple Grove
> Cemetery, Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas, USA -- and then change the
> Master Location sort to "Right to Left". 

  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Mapping Event Addresses

2008-06-06 Thread Dave Naylor
On 4 Jun 2008  Linda Bischoff wrote:

> I use the following way of recording cemeteries:
> Name of town - name of cemetery, county, state, country
> ie: Dodge City - Maple Grove Cemetery, Ford Co., Kansas, USA
> I list the town first so that all locations are together in the
> location index. 

I think it's far better to write addresses normally -- Maple Grove 
Cemetery, Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas, USA -- and then change the 
Master Location sort to "Right to Left".

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Conversion FTM to Legacy

2008-06-02 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Jun 2008  Chambro wrote:

> I have imported a GEDCOM from FTM ver 16 but unfortunately, GEDCOMs
> from FTM do not transfer properly even though I followed the Legacy
> suggestions on import  there are unwanted spaces in some of
> the notes. 

The unwanted spaces are caused by using different export/import rules 
for the notes.  You are getting extra spaces because when your notes 
were exported to the GeDCom the lines were split in the middle of 
words but Legacy is expecting them to have been split between words --
 so is adding a space.  You need to change the import rules during 
import by clicking on Customize and selecting "Line are broken in the 
middle of words", then Legacy will not insert the space when it re-
joins the lines.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] V7 Mapping/Virtual Earth

2008-06-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Jun 2008  ronald ferguson wrote:

> Carry on like this and we'll have everbody converted to complete
> addresses in the Location field :-)

Considering that Legacy doesn't map "Addresses" perhaps that's the 
way for Millennia to go.  I never did like the separation of 
"Locations" and "Addresses" especially when "Locations" can already 
have up to 9 fields.

Just think how less confusing Legacy would be if "Addresses" and 
"Locations" were combined and they were parsed in a right to left 
sequence -- highest order to lowest.  Users could chuck those double 
commas away -- not that I have any in my database to start with!

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] V7 Mapping Georgia county vs town

2008-05-31 Thread Dave Naylor
On 31 May 2008  Ann Downing wrote:

> One of my ancestors was married in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, and lived
> in Morgan County, Georgia.  No city or town is identified with the
> locations.  The map pins are located in Oglethorpe (the town) and Morgan
> (the town) Georgia.  And, of course, in Georgia these towns are NOT in
> the county of the same name but are in a totally different part of the
> state. 
> I have tried using Microsoft Virtual Earth to map these counties, and
> they are in the correct spot.  I get the same incorrect map spot if my
> location field in Legacy is "Morgan County, Georgia"  or ", Morgan
> County, Georgia" 
> Have I done something wrong?  Or is this a bug?

Neither.   Locations map differently depending on the way the 
location is input to VE, and also on what map is being displayed at 
that time.  Ken has been (still is?) adjusting the VE input to get 
the highest percentage of correct mapping.  However, there will 
always be a few locations that map incorrectly -- especially, as I 
have found, in England where the same town/city name can exist in 
many different counties.

Locations that don't auto-map correctly will need to be done 
manually.  The Master Location List has a "Verified" column so you 
can tick off each location once it has been mapped correctly and 
verified.  For some users this could be a big task but it will only 
need to be done once for each location.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] What is TMG?

2008-05-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 May 2008  Thomas Herson wrote:

> I'm wondering if a lot of people aren't reading all their e-mail before
> responding to a quesion. That could be the reason why hours after a
> question has been posed people continue to respond even though the
> answer has been posted a dozen times or more. . 

I believe it's because the server for this mailing list is so tardy 
that messages don't get sent to all list members until *hours* after 
they are received.

If the server problems were fixed this list would have a significant 
reduction in (unnecessary) messages.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Using Legacy on 2 Computers

2008-05-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 29 May 2008  G. C. Oliver wrote:

> If you have your current Legacy file on a USB drive how do you your
> multimedia files attached and current? Do they also reside on the USB
> drive? 

They could.  But for my own purposes I decided to keep them on both 
my desktop and laptop computers.  The decision was based on the 
(then) small size of memory sticks, the huge quantity and size of my 
collection of multimedia files (census pages, registrations, 
certificates, etc) and the fact that they don't need updating -- only 

So I have my working Legacy database only on the memory stick, and 
copies of the multimedia files on both of my computers.

My memory stick is set up with an AutoRun program so that when I plug 
it into either of my computers it automatically makes a backup to it. 
 Then it checks to see if any multimedia files have not been 
archived.  Any it finds are copied to the memory stick and will in 
turn be copied to the other computer whenever the stick is plugged 
into it.   Note: if this memory stick is plugged into any other 
computer it will not do any copying or backups.

So the memory stick's AutoRun program keeps both computers up-to-date 
with the multimedia files (no matter which computer I add them to) 
and there's also a database backup on both computers.  When the month 
changes I have another auto-running program on my desktop computer 
that uploads a copy of the latest database backup to a web site.

Rather than have a specific drive letter to identify the memory stick 
I've added the "shield & sword" icon to it as identification -- via 
its AutoRun.inf file.  That way when more than one removable disk is 
attached the Legacy one is immediately identified by its icon.

Since setting up a drive for AutoRun is off topic for this list I'll 
not go into further details here about how to do this.  There's lots 
of information available from the web for this.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] V7 Legacy - mapping outside USA?

2008-05-25 Thread Dave Naylor
On 25 May 2008  Kimberly Ryan wrote:

> All the talk about V7 mapping has me wondering. How well will it work
> for non-USA locations?

It works well.  I have many non-USA locations, including lots in 
England, Canada and even the Titanic sinking in the Atlantic (a 
cousin's death), most mapped accurately but some (including the 
Titanic) needed manual correction of the "auto geo-coded" Lat/Long 

Be prepared to spend a lot of time going through all your locations 
to verify that each has been mapped correctly and, where necessary, 
to correct them.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] LG VERSION 7 RE IE7

2008-05-24 Thread Dave Naylor
On 24 May 2008  Shirl wrote:

> Is what you are trying to get across, that in order for the new
> version 7 of LG to  fuction  in every area effeciently; that one
> must also have  IE 7 on their computer??

No!   Without Microsoft's IE7 being installed the only part of Legacy 
7 that will not be fully functional is the interface with Microsoft's 
Virtual Earth for the mapping feature.

> If so I am in big trouble; I have IE6 on my computer and have NO
> notion of ever upgrading it to IE7; (it in itself can be so
> toublesome.)

No one has said you cannot *use* another web browser.  All that has 
been stated is that IE7 must be *installed*!

> Comeon now according to you long time users here; I understood that
> Legacy and the  Millennia Corp  were tops in Family Tree prorammes. Why
> on  earth would they  go to all the work of producung yet another newer
> version and have it connected in any way to a securtiy programme or any
> MS products.

May I remind you that Windows is an MS product!

> Is the direct casue of  all the error messages as well as blank
> pages, you people are having now with LG7; the direct results of not
> having IE7?


Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Searching

2008-04-07 Thread Dave Naylor
On 7 Apr 2008  Elizabeth Richardson wrote:

> Is there a way to search for individuals for which I *do not* have a
> 1900 census event (or 1910, etc.), but according to all other
> information were alive, so that a further search is worthwhile? 

That depends on how you have your sourcing.  If, like me, you have a 
source by census type and year, such as "Census - USA Federal - 
1900", then you can highlight that source and "Show List".  This will 
provide you with a list of individuals that you have already found in 
that census -- so tag them all with an unused tag.

Now you can search for (first condition) individuals born before 1901 
*and* (second condition) individuals died after 1899 *and* (third 
condition) individual, tag number (the one used above) equal to 
untagged.  This will give you a list of those individuals alive in 
1900 that you haven't yet found in the 1900 census.  So now tag these 
individuals with a different tag and then as you search/find them in 
the census you can toggle off that tag on an individual basis.

Oh, and don't forget to clear the 1900 census tags.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Linking files to Legacy 6.0

2008-04-03 Thread Dave Naylor
On 3 Apr 2008  Penny wrote:

> I can see how pdf would have it's advantages. Among other things, it
> would simplify those census images where one family continues from the
> bottom of one page to the top of the next by combining them into one
> file. 

So what does PDFs have to do with that?  You can do the same thing 
with any graphic format that's already supported by Legacy.

The free graphics program IrfanView has a feature (Create Panorama 
Image) to join different images together, either horizontally or 
vertically.  They can be cropped within IrfanView before joining, and 
the resultant single image can be saved in various graphic formats.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Can I add marriage date to the individual page?

2008-03-27 Thread Dave Naylor
On 27 Mar 2008  Dawn Del Guercio wrote:

> I'd really like to be able to see a person's marriage date at a glance
> from the individual window.  Is there a way to do that while keeping
> the other basics in there (birth, baptism, death, burial)? 

I have the Individual's Information window sized and positioned at 
the top of the screen so that the Marriage Information on the Family 
view is visible just below it.   In any case you can drag the 
Individual's Information window out of the way to enable you to read 
anything on the Family view under it.   It works for me!   :-)

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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[LegacyUG] Re: Basic Save Question

2008-03-09 Thread Dave Naylor
Just a further comment about storing backups on the Internet . . . 

Some ISPs and web space providers do not permit ZIP files to be 
uploaded.  So one trick to get around this is to rename your ZIP file 

to a JPG.  Having it shown as a JPG also causes it to attract less 
attention and it likely will not be checked by antivirus programs -- 
so may overcome the problem some are experiencing with their Legacy 

Just remember to rename it back to a ZIP if you ever need to restore 
from it!

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] February 74% OFF

2008-02-14 Thread Dave Naylor
On 14 Feb 2008  Dede Holden wrote:

> I thought it was spam when I received it and I reported it to Google as
> spam.

Spam that appears to be coming from a mailing list should never be 
reported, because doing so could cause *all* of that mailing list's 
messages to be blocked.  

This has happened a few times with RootsWeb's mailing lists.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2008-02-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Feb 2008  Gene Young wrote:

> Ray Campbell wrote: > Entering the same location in Legacy 6 gets
> pretty tiresome.  Is there a way I can enter key letters in the
> location area such as  "NWT" for birth location and have it enter
> "Northwest Territories" or enter "RRS" for "Red River Settlement, MB,
> Canada".  I would like to make a few of these for entering certain
> locations into the birth locations and death locations.

> Create a dummy location called NWT.  Enter this as the location for as
> many places as you need. When finished, go to the master location list
> and merge NWT into the correct location ("Northwest Territories"). 
> Then recreate the dummy location for the next time. 

Why go to all this!!?  Like so many other things the feature needed 
is already in Legacy.  Simply right-click on the field name and a 
menu of the 10 last-typed entries will appear, then all that's needed 
is to (left) click on the one you want.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Comment about the Source Clipboard

2008-02-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Feb 2008  Jan Roberts wrote:

> Still doesn't remove the fact that having 5 tabs in the Source
> Clipboard is probably superfluous unless one can opt to attach a
> specific source. 

You are so correct!!  The 5 tabs make it appear that these are the 
feature to select different clipboard sources.  

New users to Legacy try these out, discover they don't perform as 
expected, and then assume that Legacy doesn't have the feature 
they're looking for -- BUT IT DOES!!

The saved (Save/Load) clipboards feature in Legacy is really great!!  
There's a choice of up to 10 different clipboards and these are 
available at most times when entering data by a simple right-click on 
the blue triangle.  Each saved clipboard can be given a unique name 
by the user so it's immediately obvious which is which.

I agree with previous statements that the 5 tabs are confusing and 
would be better removed from the program.  However, programmers, 
especially Millennia's) seem reluctant to remove a feature or option 
because just maybe one user *is* making use of it.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] My Grandfather's Name Change

2008-01-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 29 Jan 2008  Heather Stovold wrote:

> also seperately, I would like misspellings - where I would put any
> misspelling of their name that I have seen for that specific person.  

Playing "devil's advocate" here . . . 

There is no such thing as "misspellings" because there was no such 
thing as "correct" spelling!

Prior to the 1850s surnames were mostly spoken.  There was no correct 
way of spelling them.  A scribe wrote whatever seemed the best 
representation for the name that was heard.  When searching early 
records the researcher has to be very creative to cover the different 
ways a surname may have been written. 

It was only after general literacy (late 1800s) that surnames became 
fixed with a specific spelling.

Obviously the current way of spelling a surname may be classified as 
"correct" but it is really no more correct than any of the earlier 

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] "Old Style" MONTHS???

2008-01-21 Thread Dave Naylor
On 22 Jan 2008  Peter Haughton wrote:

> Birth: (1) 24 Aug 1729, s/o Joseph Haughton/Mary Payne.
>  (2) 24 8th mo., 1729, Dublin. (NOTE: In old style
> dating, 8th month is October.)

> I have never seen before such an assertion that under "Old Style"
> dating the months were renumbered, and I believe it to be incorrect for
> many reasons. One is that the twelve months were in order from January
> through December with mostly the same names

Not so!   In early English parish records for 1600s-1700s which I am 
transcribing for FreeREG the months are often written in Roman/Latin 
numerals which agree with the Latin prefix-names of the end-year 
months -- Sept = vii (7), Oct = viii (8), Nov = ix (9), Dec= x (10).  
March is month i (1), April is month ii (2) and so on.  Jan and Feb 
are always written out and I have never seen them written as xi (11) 
or xii (12).

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Found picture files not sticking

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Naylor
On 21 Jan 2008  ronald ferguson wrote:

> The fact is that ampersands are not allowed in any file names, notes or
> anything else at all on webpages as they have a specific meaning in
> html.

I have to disagree with this statement.  Ampersands are quite OK.  
They just have to be coded correctly.  My web pages, including those 
generated by Legacy are riddled with ampersands in picture file 
names.  As long as every one is coded as & there are no problems.

I do however agree with your statement (following) that it is better 
not to use them in file names

>  It is best never use anything other than alphanemeric and the "_", "-"
> symbols in file/folder names (not even spaces). 

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] how to record unconnected families

2008-01-20 Thread Dave Naylor
On 20 Jan 2008  Arnold Sprague wrote:

> Over the years, I have just plopped all my individuals into a single
> .fbd file. If I had a change of heart and wanted to separate all the
> unconnected individuals into a new .fbd file, is there a way I can
> find them?

Click on View > Tree Finder > Refresh.  This will cause Legacy to 
count the individuals in *every* separate tree in your database.

You can then chose to tag all the individuals in one or more tree(s). 
 These can then be exported to a new family file for reporting or 
other temporary use.  Obviously they can also be exported to a gedcom 
if you need to send a tree to someone else.

I keep everything in one file where all updating is performed, but I 
often generate a subset of individuals into a temporary file for 
specific reporting or web page creation.  As soon as that task is 
completed the temporary file is deleted.

Cheers, -- Dave N
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] past tense wording on web page report

2008-01-07 Thread Dave Naylor
On 7 Jan 2008  Lisa Davis wrote:

> What in the world would be "disastrous"?  (I'm only putting hobbies,
> education, degrees, and the church we attend for my children, myself,
> spouse and parents.) 

No dates, locations, marriages, etc.?

Identity theft would be disastrous and all it takes is enough 
information in the wrong hands.  Why risk anything like it?

There are too many recent examples of people losing their paid-for 
homes when thieves took out new mortgages on them.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] past tense wording on web page report

2008-01-07 Thread Dave Naylor
On 7 Jan 2008  Lisa Davis wrote:

> I'm trying again to create a pedigree web page.  Is there anyway the
> event wording can be set up to read "His hobbies ARE" for those living,
> instead of "His hobbies WERE"?  I don't like reading facts for my
> living relatives in the past tense.  
> Thanks for your suggestions!

My only suggestion to solve this is to *not* place information about 
living persons on the web.  I can think of no reason where this will 
help your genealogy research.  Yet the implications of doing it could 
be disastrous for those individuals.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Research advice, using single or multiple databases

2007-12-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Dec 2007  Timothy K. Cox wrote:

> whether it makes more sense to set up a research database for each
> surname I'm researching, separate from my own family tree database or
> use the same database with multiple unlinked trees.

I strongly recommend having only one Legacy database file.  My file 
currently contains 345 separate trees.  I have had no problems due to 
having all these unlinked trees in one file.  And, as you stated the 
advantages are that you are not duplicating locations, sources, etc.

The biggest advantage is that when you are adding new individuals to 
a tree you can immediately see if they are already in another tree 
and you therefore will not mistakenly duplicate them.  If you have 
many separate files you'd need to check every file to discover any 

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Burial Location Entry

2007-11-19 Thread Dave Naylor
On 19 Nov 2007  Barbara Ford wrote:

> I was asking if there was any reason to have to repeat the same
> information. I understand that you could enter the exact address of the
> cemetery on that screen. But, if on the individual's information screen
> you have put city, county, state, country, and that's all the
> information you have, is there a reason for putting the city, county,
> state, country AGAIN on the Burial Address screen? 

You only need to enter it *once* on the Address tab.  These "address" 
locations are a common list accessible from many places in Legacy and 
shared.  So one church address could be used for marriages, 
christenings and burials. 

*Don't* enter the same address more than once!  Instead click on the 
"Address List" button and select the one you want from those you've 
previously entered.

When entering addresses *always* check the Address List to see if 
it's already in there, otherwise you'll get duplications.

To verify if you have duplications click on View > Master Lists > 
Address Lists > Event  to see the listing.

To identify similarly-named places in the list, for example "Hillside 
Cemetery", add a suffix to the name within double square brackets -- 
so it becomes "Hillside Cemetery[[Scotch Plains NJ]]"  The brackets 
prevent the identifying suffix from printing in reports.
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Y-DNA test results for women?

2007-11-14 Thread Dave Naylor
Since I'm heavily into DNA testing I'll jump into this thread.

While Y-DNA testing doesn't apply to females, the need to record Y-
DNA for them *is* required because in many cases the person, be it 
brother or whomever supplies the DNA, may not be included in the 
Legacy database.

So I would not want to see the Y-DNA features removed for females.

As I see it there is *no* problem to be fixed!

Obviously mt-DNA result fields need to be added for both males and 
females.  Hopefully Millennia will add these soon as well as other 
needed DNA features.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Bulk Editing Master Lists

2007-11-03 Thread Dave Naylor
On 4 Nov 2007  PCDC wrote:

> Is there a way to open up the Master Location database and apply bulk
> changes to it by using like a Find & Replace function?

Sure!   Use Legacy's Search > Search and Replace function.

> the majority of locations I have for 'South Australia' are mostly
> recorded as ' , Sa, Aust' and I wish to change all of these
> Master Location Entries to ' , South Australia, Australia'. 

For that example set Find where: to "Lists-Location".  Find what: 
would be best as "Sa, Aust".  Replacement text: "South Australia, 
Australia".  You'll probably also need to set "Find whole word only" 
as otherwise it would change any "Sa. Australia" into "South 
Australia, Australiaralia".  Set "Ends with" (or "Anywhere in 
field"), and set "Replace only found text with replacement text".  If 
you have the same case for all entries then also set "Match case".

One *very*important* action . . . make a backup of your family file 
before making any changes like this (and test it to ensure that it is 
a good/viable backup).  If something goes awry -- and at some time it 
will -- you can easily revert to the backup and try again.  Also 
realise that sometimes what went awry may not be noticed at first, so 
keep the backup.

Good luck.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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[LegacyUG] Re: Unknown name [--?--]

2007-11-02 Thread Dave Naylor
I don't understand all the complaints and other suggestions regarding 
using [--?--] for unknown names.

[--?--] has become an unofficial standard to indicate unknown names 
and has been used for many years, especially on RootsWeb and other 
web pages.

I've been using it for over 5 years and have no problems with its 
use.  All that I've done is turn off Legacy's checking in Potential 
Problems for "Too many dashes in the Name field".

Millennia has been asked to program Legacy to accept this character 
string as a valid name but so far this has not be done.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] another question ... names

2007-09-25 Thread Dave Naylor
On 25 Sep 2007  Alice McVearry wrote:

> In the Master Surname list I have Latona, LaTona and LaTONA.  No matter
> which one I select for dear old Biaggi, in Family View it will not show
> as LaTONA.  All three come up LATONA.

That's because LATONA is the first match Legacy finds in the Master 
Surname List.

You need to go to the Master Surname List and delete the entries you 
*don't* want.  If they are in use then highlight one you don't want, 
then at the bottom of the list click on "Combine the highlighted" 
then highlight the spelling you want for that surname and click the 
bottom button again.  Repeat this for the others.
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Alt. Birth - date field missing

2007-09-10 Thread Dave Naylor
On 10 Sep 2007  Janis Gilmore wrote:

> When I try to enter the event "Alt. Birth" - the date field disappears
> from the screen, leaving only the description and location fields. 

Start to add an Alt. Birth event then click on "Edit Event Sentence 
Definition".  You'll likely find that the checkmark has been removed 
from "Show a Date Field".   Simply click on it to show it again.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Default browser etc in Options>Customize>Launch

2007-08-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 29 Aug 2007  Pat Hickin wrote:

> Lately, when I access the Internet directly from Legacy, I get a
> message saying I don't have a "default browser." 

> So where DO I enter the default? and how, e.g. IE7 or do I have to
> write it out? Do I give the version number etc.? 

It's entered in your operating system (Windows?), but this sounds 
very strange to me.

What happens if you click on one of the links at the bottom of this 
message -- does it open up that web page in your "default browser"?

If it does then you have a default browser and Legacy should be using 
it.  If not, then in Windows (assuming you use Windows) you need to 
click on Settings > Control Panel > Internet Options > Programs tab > 
Default Web browser.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] A Plea to Legacy

2007-08-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 29 Aug 2007  ronald ferguson wrote:

> when you change the default/fixed wording in reports can you tell us
> in the Update List rather than letting us find out for ourselves. For
> example, in the last update the default wording of "Died in 1857 about
> age 70" was changed to "Died in 1857 aged about 70". 

Sorry Ron, but you have *me* to blame for that one.  The decision was 
made to change the wording in the UK and Canadian English versions -- 
so you're using one of them.  The USA version still has "about age".

In defence of Millennia showing these changes in the Update List . . 
. there are ongoing changes being made for Legacy's different 
language versions.  Keeping track of these and their impact on users 
of all languages would be an immense job, possibly requiring an 
additional employee.  However, I will watch out for this in the 
future for language changes that I am making and will try to identify 
anything that affects reports or web pages.

Regarding . . . 

>  For those of us who only add new and changed webpages when updating
> our sites it is important to know of such changes, particularly if,
> like myself, we are forced to make individual page changes in order to
> overcome the bugs in Legacy's html.  In my cases this has affected 242
> pages and as I *must* make 3 changes per page in order to overcome the
> bugs which affect my presentation

There are editing programmes available which will search-replace 
through multiple files.  I don't remember the names right now but a 
web search should find them.  I've written my own small programme 
which goes through my Legacy-generated web pages and corrects the 
HTML errors, as well as adding a different file name on specific 
pages for the enlarged picture.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Spaces in Imported Notes

2007-08-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Aug 2007  Thomas Herson wrote:

> I looked at the GedCom in Notepad.  I discovered that each time a word
> is split on two lines, that same word has a space in it at the point a
> new line was started when imported into Legacy.This space remains even
> when I choose the option to split lines between words.

What do you mean you "choose the option to split lines between 
words"?  Where are you finding that option when importing a GeDCom 
into Legacy?  That would be an *export* option.

It sounds as though you're not at the GEDCOM Import dialog in Legacy.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Spaces in Imported Notes

2007-08-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Aug 2007  Thomas Herson wrote:

> in the Legacy import selections are 3 choince:  [1] Let Legacy
> choose... [2] Split lines in the middle of words [3] Split lines
> between words. 
> which combination would solve the problem of spaces in the middle of
> words when importing notes from FTM to Legacy? 

Look at your GedCom using Notepad or some other plain text editor.  
When you find a Note that's been split into more than one line in the 
file, see if the lines are split between words (at spaces) or within 
words.  I suspect you'll find yours has the latter, which BTW is the 
current standard.   There is however also the possibility that the 
GeDCom has been imported more than once -- into FTM then out again -- 
and had these extra spaces *before* being exported.  But viewing the 
file in a text editor will allow you to confirm how it is.

The old way of breaking lines between words words caused problems 
because only one space would be inserted upon import, but many may 
have originally been there -- consider someone using spaces to align 
columnar data.

Millennia has tried to program Legacy to figure out which version of 
FTM generated the file so that Legacy can automatically import it 
without error -- the Let Legacy Choose option.  However in this 
instance Legacy appears to be choosing the wrong option.

So if you import the file using Customize and select "Lines are 
broken in the middle of words", Legacy will join the lines back 
together *without* adding a space.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Spaces in Imported Notes

2007-08-28 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Aug 2007  Thomas Herson wrote:

> I imported my family file from Family Tree Maker. I just discovered that
> many words in Legacy's imported notes have spaces in them that aren't
> there in the Family Tree Maker version. I realize these can be corrected
> through editing, but is there another fix?

Legacy has an option to import your notes correctly.

The problem is that some versions of FTM split GeDCom note lines 
between words and other versions split them within words -- this 
latter being the current standard.

You need to import the GeDCom again but this time click on the import 
window's Customize button and select the way your note lines are 

> This problem makes me wonder if it's worth continuing using Legacy. Will
> version 7.0 contain a fix for this problem. 

Legacy already contains this fix for FTM's problem.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy question

2007-08-26 Thread Dave Naylor
On 26 Aug 2007  Frank Sommer wrote:

> I am trying to develop a family tree with pictures and notes for my
> kids. I would like to put the finished product on a CD for each of my
> kids. Can you do this and if so, how?

I would suggest that you experiment with Legacy's Internet > Create 
Web Pages feature and create a set of web pages to a new folder on 
your hard drive.  You can view these files on your system to see how 
they look.  When you get the result you're after simply burn this 
folder to CD for anyone to browse without the need for Legacy.  It's 
also possible to create these CDs with an "autorun" feature so they 
open automatically upon insertion into a CD drive.

Cheers, -- Dave N.

  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Favorite Legacy Tip

2007-08-18 Thread Dave Naylor
Another tip of which many users are likely unaware . . . 

You can have up to 10 different sources saved for use by the Source 
Clipboard feature.  So after saving your 10 source clipboards, any 
one can then be selected by right-clicking the blue source triangle.

Use the "Save" button in the Source Clipboard window to Save a 
selected source and give it a name to identify it to yourself.  
You'll need to check "Prompt for Detail" before saving it so you'll 
get a chance to specify the Details when you later use it.

Note:  this has nothing to do with the 5 different Source tabs which 
allows *each* of your clipboards to contain *more* than one source -- 
a very seldom-needed feature.
Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Favorite Legacy Tip

2007-08-17 Thread Dave Naylor
On 17 Aug 2007  Renee Zamora wrote:

> If you have the husband or wife highlighted and then click in the
> middle between them on the background it will rotate through the
> highlighted person's siblings. If you click on the background to
> left of the husband or right of the wife, depending on  who is
> highlighted it will rotate through their other spouses.  If you
> click on the background next to the highlighted person's parents it
> will rotate through any additional parents they might have. 

You didn't mention that if it's a Left-Click it goes forward, whereas 
if it's a Right-Click it goes backward to the next individual.   :-)

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Searching surname, etc., in Events, Notes

2007-08-16 Thread Dave Naylor
On 12 Aug 2007  Sharon Perdue wrote:

> If you use search and replace, I know of no way to know what record you
> have found.  Can anyone tell me if there is a way to identify the
> record found in the search?

The Search and Replace window shows the name of the individual having 
the found text.

It should really also show the RIN to distinguish between like-named 
individuals.  Hopefully this will get on the suggestion list.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Searching surname, etc., in Events, Notes

2007-08-11 Thread Dave Naylor
On 11 Aug 2007  Pat H wrote:

> Is there any way to search for a proper name/noun in Events &/or notes.
>  If so, how.  I looked in Help but it didn't help me at all. 

Legacy has the feature you need but doesn't have it where users would 
look for it!  You need to use Search & Replace.  Just don't make a 

For years now I've requested Millennia to add a menu item for just 
the "Search" part of Search & Replace, but it never appears (or I 
can't find it!)

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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[LegacyUG] Re: Sneak Peek of Legacy 7 - should be "Bottom Posting"

2007-08-01 Thread Dave Naylor
On 1 Aug 2007  Elizabeth Cunningham wrote:

> Could I throw my unpopular 2 cents in and say I HATE bottom posting? I
> do not have very much space on my screen for messages to show, and to
> have to scroll down for every one of the 200 or so messages I get each
> day is a pain.

Then obviously you have *no* idea what "bottom posting" is.

> I do agree it is much easier to follow if you bottom post,

It sure is.

> but to just simply have repeated post after repeated post come up with
> no idea of whether or not the answer matters to one is annoying

If bottom posting is done correctly the stuff you hate has gone.

Oh, did I mention . . . I'm using bottom posting (and always have).

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Research guidance & Legacy entries

2007-07-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jul 2007  Jim Terry wrote:

> Have you tried using Legacy in split screen view? Just click on View
> and select Split Screen View from the pull-down menu. Don't open a
> family file in the new window; but instead select Research Guidance in
> first screen. You can then use the second screen to get to other people
> in the family file. 

This works especially nice when running 2 monitors on your computer 
as Legacy's window can be stretched across both monitors - so family 
file on one and Research Guidance on the other.

I strongly recommend having 2 monitors for genealogy work -- Legacy 
on one monitor and Internet or other source data (CDs etc.) on the 
other.  Most modern graphic cards will run 2 monitors.  If your 
existing one doesn't then a replacement graphic card doesn't cost 
much these days.  Second-hand CRT monitors are mostly free for the 
taking as so many people are upgrading to LCD ones.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Correctly entering adopted children - and then some

2007-07-29 Thread Dave Naylor
On 28 Jul 2007  Heather Stovold wrote:

> Now if someone could just tell me what to do (in any genealogy program)
> with someone that had a sex change operation!   (I'm tempted to leave
> the gender as "?" and put in notes. - just can't remember if the
> person in question had a long term close relationship or not) 

I cannot tell you what to do . . . but I have a nephew that was 
married (now divorced), had 2 sons. Then had a sex change operation 
and official name change.  Now he-she is planning to marry a man that 
has biological children.  I'm dreading adding this second marriage to 
my family tree!!  Even his-her photos in Legacy's Picture Gallery 
make it look like I've made some stupid errors!:-))

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Contract/Expand Location Parts

2007-05-02 Thread Dave Naylor
Hello Mary

On 2 May 2007  Mary Young wrote:

> I especially want to drop "UK" in my locations.

The Contract/Expand Location Parts is not programmed to do this.

However, you can do it at Search > Search and Replace > Find where - 
Lists-Location > Find what > ", UK" (without the quotes) or whatever 
you want removed > Replacement text - ensure this is blank > also 
select: Match case, Ends with, Replace only found text > click on 

I also recommend, as with *any* major change, that you make a backup 
of your family file *before* doing this . . . just in case something 
goes awry!

Good luck.   Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] 3 Legacy problems

2007-04-22 Thread Dave Naylor
On 22 Apr 2007  Elsie Saar wrote:

> I souce my censuses like this. I'm sure others do it differently.
> Master source:  US Federal Census
> Detail:  1900 NY, Kings, ED 213, sheet 6a, line 5.

I prefer to keep the year as part of the Master Source and so have 
Master Sources such as "Census - USA 1900 Federal" and then have the 
state, etc. as the Detail.

The reason for me doing it this way is that a Show List for a Master 
Source can then identify which individuals have been found for a 
particular census year.  Then a further search for individuals living 
during that year (and country) can identify those that still need to 
be found in each census.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] missing families

2007-03-03 Thread Dave Naylor
On 3 Mar 2007  Margaret Bell wrote:

> My blank file (supposed to have names) is zipped and on a 3 1/2 disk.  
> We have legacy Deluxe at the Family History Center.  I will try the
> File/Backup to File/Restore on Thursday and see what happens.

Do realize that if you are able to restore the file to an FHC 
computer that it will be on that computer's hard disk drive.  So, for 
privacy reasons, you need to delete the FDB file before leaving the 
FHC.  Obviously if you've made changes to the file while there you 
will need to make a new backup to your floppy before deleting it.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Quoted Names

2007-02-24 Thread Dave Naylor
On 23 Feb 2007  Bruce Jones wrote:

> It occurred to me that a change in Legacy might help many of us to
> better deal with the quoted name issue. If Legacy would search the AKA
> field as well as the given name field for quoted names we could put
> quoted names in AKAs leaving the given name field "pure".  If there are
> multiple quoted names, the first encountered would be used (starting
> with the given name field so as not to change what people already have
> coded). Anyone else like this idea?  If so, I will suggest it to
> Legacy. 

No thanks!!   I repeat, NO THANKS!!!

Why confuse users even more than they already seem to be?

The quoted name is to identify a name that Legacy is to use in 
reports when that name differs from the first given name.  You can 
only have *one* -- you surely wouldn't want Legacy to cycle through 
multiple ones when creating a single report. 

Why have more than one when the extras will have no purpose?

If there's more than one then Legacy will have to be told which one 
to use.

Why have the one quoted name any place other than the main given name 
field, where it's visible at a glance?

What's the advantage of a so-called "pure" given name field if it 
contaminates the AKA fields?

Please don't break something that's not broken.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Readily visible "Link Proof"

2007-02-10 Thread Dave Naylor
On 10 Feb 2007  John Roose wrote:

> In Family View - I'm seeking help as to how to see/show which
> child/children have a Link Proof. I know I can check birth notes,
> events, notes (general or research), etc to find the info. That can be
> very time consuming. I'm seeking a "readily visible" or one click way to
> see this as I move thru the screens. Any suggestions? 

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your needs  . . . but with one click you 
can open the Assigned Sources window, and if you uncheck "Show all 
Events" the source/proof of the link to the father (Father Rel.) and 
the one for the link to the mother (Mother Rel.) will be visible if 
you have the source/proof recorded there -- if you have them sourced 
and they're not visible then simply make the window longer.  If they 
don't show unless you check "Show all Events" then you don't have the 
proof sourced in Legacy.

BTW, you *are* showing your source/proof in that (correct) place, 

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
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[LegacyUG] Re: [Legacy UG] Moving Family List

2007-01-30 Thread Dave Naylor
On 30 Jan 2007  James Neely wrote:

> I am wanting to start different files as I add more entries.  I assumed
> it would be adequate to just make 4, using my grandparents' names.
> are 4 files enough?

In my opinion that 3 files *too* many!

Why create any duplication of descendants?

What is so *wrong* with having just one database file?

I've been doing genealogy for over 20 years and have had various 
databases over that period.  Currently I have only one Legacy 
(obviously) database which contains my own family tree plus a One-
Name study that I administer.  My *one*and*only* Legacy database 
contains 335 separate trees.  Using Legacy's features I can produce 
reports, gedcoms, etc. for the whole database or any subset of it, 
including each tree.  For example, I produce a web site for only the 
individuals included in my One-Name study. 

Advantages of one file -- no duplication of data or data entry, only 
one file to backup, etc.

Disadvantages of one file -- ?? -- I can't think of any!!

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
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[LegacyUG] Re: Legacy and pictures

2007-01-23 Thread Dave Naylor
On 23 Jan 2007  Bonnie wrote:

> Another great free tool is the Irfanview program - you can resize there
> as well, either by size in inches, or by pixels.  I have been working
> on some census images that I am including in a book, and it great for
> that.  It crops that black edges off (no more printing directly from
> the source,such as Ancestry and wasting all the black ink), will
> resize, and has a nice 'fine rotation' feature, that will help
> straighten out the images that are on a bit of an angle.

Further to what Bonnie mentioned . . . 

Another handy feature in IrfanView is the capability to join 2 or 
more separate graphics together.  Sometimes pages are scanned in 
sections and this feature under Image > Create Panorama Image, 
enables stitching them together either horizontally or vertically 
into one image.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
not found in the Standard Edition. Learn more about these features at

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Re: [LegacyUG] Text formatted incorrectly

2007-01-20 Thread Dave Naylor
On 20 Jan 2007  Bonnie wrote:

> I imported my GedCom from Family Tree Maker,
>   have noticed that the text is a little 'off' - words that
> should be whole are appearing with a separation - "Caro lina", "re
> cord", "an d", etc. 
> Was there some setting in the GedCom import that I might have 
> overlooked

Yes there was.  Older FTM gedcoms split Notes up into lines at spaces 
and the importing program had to re-insert a space -- which is what 
Legacy did.  However, your gedcom is split in the middle of words.  
So you need to re-import the gedcom file, but this time click the 
Customize button in the Gedcom Import window, and set the "Lines are 
broken in the middle of words" option.  

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
not found in the Standard Edition. Learn more about these features at

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Re: [LegacyUG] Unlinked individuals and lines

2007-01-14 Thread Dave Naylor
On 14 Jan 2007  Nicholas Cirillo wrote:

> I thought that if one entered an unlinked individual with or without a
> related line that a new "tree" was established and could be visualized
> by entering view>tree. I did not experience this on a recent group of
> entries. 

Legacy's Tree Finder does *not* update itself from the previous time 
you viewed it.  So whenever you use it you should click on Refresh to 
ensure it is up to date.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

Have you unlocked the real power of Legacy? Legacy 6.0 Deluxe has 92 features 
not found in the Standard Edition. Learn more about these features at

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RE: [LegacyUG] Transfer files between computers.

2006-12-28 Thread Dave Naylor
Another removable drive method . . . 

I also have my files on a flash/zip/jump/whatever drive but do things 
slightly different to what's already been mentioned. 

My Legacy database has links to so many graphics -- all census pages, 
registrations, certificates, newspaper clippings, etc. -- that there 
is not yet a mini-drive available that will hold them all.  But I 
still need to run Legacy on both a desktop and a laptop computer.

So I have my Legacy database on the removable drive and the 
multimedia files are duplicated on the hard drives of both computers. 
The removable drive also contains some small files that automatically 
make a backup whenever it is inserted into one of my computers (and 
when the computer is started with the removable drive in place), and 
they also automatically keep the multimedia files in synch on both 
computers.  Doing things this way means the removable drive need only 
be slightly larger than the database and both computers contain full 
backups of all data.  Before I get told these backups are inadequate 
I should mention that I also have off-site backups on the Internet 
(also automated).

Setting up the files and computers to do all this can get a bit 
complex but I believe it is well worth the effort.

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Standard Usage?

2006-12-12 Thread Dave Naylor
On 12 Dec 2006  Rob Miller wrote:

> Do you use the 7 characters for only the surname, or both names?

I'm using it for both surname and given name, but I know some people 
only use it for the surname and a bunch of underscores for the given 
name.  To see how it looks check out my Legacy-generated web page at:

Cheers, -- Dave N

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Dave Naylor
> Sent: December 12, 2006 10:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Standard Usage?
> On 12 Dec 2006  WILLIAM HATHAWAY wrote:
> > Is there a generally accepted standard for designating an
> individual 
> > with some data, but missing this rather important surname?
> RootsWeb recommends using the 7 characters[--?--]
> I use this in Legacy, other genealogy software and on my web pages
> and
> haven't had any problems with its use.
> Cheers, -- Dave N.

  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Standard Usage?

2006-12-12 Thread Dave Naylor
On 12 Dec 2006  WILLIAM HATHAWAY wrote:

> Is there a generally accepted standard for designating an individual
> with some data, but missing this rather important surname?

RootsWeb recommends using the 7 characters[--?--]

I use this in Legacy, other genealogy software and on my web pages 
and haven't had any problems with its use.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Crashes

2006-12-03 Thread Dave Naylor
On 3 Dec 2006  Allan Bruse wrote:

> the opening screen appeared with the usual 'tip'. That's as far as I
> get. Whatever I click on, nothing happens. The tool bar at the top
> remains white, with nothing clickable. I can't even close Legacy using
> the top right "x". No message appears.

This sounds like the old problem of Legacy opening a window off-
screen.  Because that non-visible window has the focus it appears as 
if Legacy has frozen.  Try temporarily renaming Legacy2.USR to 
something else and see if that cures the problem.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

*** Give the gift of Legacy for the holidays! Order online at or call 1-800-753-3453. 

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RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy in an XP Limited User Account

2006-11-17 Thread Dave Naylor
On 18 Nov 2006  ronald ferguson wrote:

> As it happens mine is at C:\Legacy for historical reasons and I see no
> reason to change this. BTW I have yet to hear a substantive reason as
> to why it should not be in C:\Legacy and I don't consider the avoidance
> of keeping the program and the data in separate folders substantive. 

Talk about getting things out of context!  I was *not* recommending 
that Legacy should be moved to a different folder, nor was I asking 
how to do this.  In fact the sole reason for my messages was my 
concern that users may attempt to move their Legacy files in order to 
get Legacy to work better.  Obviously if Legacy is working OK 
wherever it is then it is best to leave it there.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy in an XP Limited User Account

2006-11-17 Thread Dave Naylor
On 17 Nov 2006  Michael Carroll wrote:

> I believe this is the second post to take Sherry's quote out of
> context, so I'm going to jump in here. I believe Sherry meant "If you
> want to use Legacy from an XP Limited User account", then you'll
> simplify your task if you put the Legacy folder at C:\. She did not
> mean or say that it belongs there in general, which is what folks are
> taking her to have said. 

That's not the case.  I do realise what Sherry meant, but the quote 
was "Legacy works better if the program is installed in c:\Legacy"

My point is that this is incorrect.  Legacy does not work any better 
in this location no matter what the context!

Saying that Legacy works better in that location could cause users to 
create that folder and move their Legacy files there with a resulting 
increase in complaints to Support because things don't work correctly 
-- because after that move the registry would be out-of-step with 
Legacy's file locations.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy in an XP Limited User Account

2006-11-17 Thread Dave Naylor
On 17 Nov 2006  Sherry/Support wrote:

> Legacy works better if the program is installed in c:\Legacy rather
> than c:\Program Files\Legacy. 

Hmmm!!  In what way *can* it work better if there?  Perhaps "better" 
needs clarifying.

Maybe Support gets more complaints of things not working right when 
it's under Program Files but if so that would likely be because the 
*data* files are also installed there and perhaps permissions are not 
set for them.

I have always had Legacy installed in C:\Program Files\Legacy and I'm 
sure it wouldn't run any *better* if installed in C:\Legacy.  But I 
do keep my data in a different folder that's not under Program Files.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] GEDCOM Export - A serious bug???

2006-11-05 Thread Dave Naylor
On 5 Nov 2006  Arnold Sprague wrote:

> When I do a GEDCOM Export and (1) enter a change in the Customize
> option to Exclude Regular Notes From Export and *then* (2) change the
> Produce File For option from "Legacy" to "GEDCOM 5.5 Only," it turns
> out that my choice to EXCLUDE REGULAR NOTES is blown away.
> I would like for the Legacy programmers to let us choose the options in
> the GEDCOM Export in any order we want. 

The difference between producing a file for Legacy, Gedcom 5.5, etc. 
is only in the items included and excluded.  So if you don't want 
Legacy to change these then what exactly *do* you want it to do when 
you change the "Produce File For" setting?

Changing the "Produce File for" setting should set the gedcom items 
to the defaults as needed by that application.  Any customizations 
you wish to make in those items must therefore be made *after* that.

If you regularly make a specific type of customized gedcom then you 
should save your settings to a file -- click on Save List.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] multimedia files and locations

2006-11-03 Thread Dave Naylor
On 3 Nov 2006  malkajef wrote:

> Do you know why my installation would not follow the picture location
> I set for it? I'm working with the latest version in Windows XP.
> Actually, its defaulting to the last folder used for pictures is fine
> with me, but unlike Ronald Ferguson's, mine only does so until I close
> it and restart Legacy.  Then it loses that ability.  Maybe a wrong
> setting I have set somewhere? 

Check this . . . 

Click on Options > Customize > Locations > View Current List of 
Multimedia Locations, and ensure that you don't have any paths that 
don't apply to your current configuration.

If you see a path that no longer applies then select it and click 
Options > Delete.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG] Shedding non-relatives

2006-10-09 Thread Dave Naylor
On 9 Oct 2006  Susan Daily wrote:

> Too bad you can't export from the Tree Finder, or create a new family
> tree file from that window! 

Using the Tree Finder you can tag everyone in one or more selected 
tree(s) and then export them to a new family file.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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Re: [LegacyUG]--Sourcing problem-Copying events and sources by clipboard

2006-10-06 Thread Dave Naylor
On 7 Oct 2006  Judy Wardlaw wrote:

> Am I not understanding this problem?
> When I add a source from the clipboard, I click on the event in
> Assigned Sources window (show all events ticked), click the blue [-],
> Click Edit Detail (Right upper side).

The problem is that users seem to be thinking of *the* clipboard when 
there are actually three of them.  It is important that users do not 
confuse them otherwise they could be pasting incorrect information.

There is the Windows clipboard.  Then Legacy has a Source Clipboard 
and also an Event Clipboard.

The confusion that's arising is between Legacy's Source Clipboard, 
which has a Prompt for Detail option, and Legacy's Event Clipboard, 
which does *not* have a Prompt for Detail option.  These two Legacy 
clipboards are not connected in any way and may contain totally 
different data.

Legacy's Event Clipboard is merely a pointer to a previously saved 
event, complete with its source and any *existing* source detail.

In order to get Prompt for Detail functionality with Event Clipboard 
pastings it is necessary for the user to first copy that event's 
source and detail to the Source Clipboard and to set the Prompt for 

Cheers, -- Dave N
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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RE: [LegacyUG]--Sourcing problem-Copying events and sources by clipboard

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Naylor
On 5 Oct 2006  Pat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't understand what you are saying -- When I CREATE an event and
> add the source from the Source clipboard, isn't it picking the source up
> from the Source Clipboard and adding it to the Event Clipboard??  If
> not, where is it getting the source?  It's not mind-reading! 

You are creating an event, and the source and source detail (from 
wherever) is being added to that event.  When you "copy" that event 
to the Event Clipboard all that is happening is a memorizing of that 
event complete with its sourcing.  Note that this *does*not* change 
whatever is contained in the Source Clipboard.

When you paste that event to another individual Legacy is copying the 
original individual's event and sourcing.  It is not doing anything 
with the *Source* Clipboard and that is why there is no Prompt for 

Let's try an example . . . you could have a census source on the 
Source Clipboard and could later copy a military event to the Event 
Clipboard.  Pasting the Event Clipboard to an individual will copy 
that military event data to them.  BUT clicking on the Source 
Clipboard's horizontal bars will still paste the old census source -- 
it does *not* change to be the same as the saved event.

This oversight has bitten many a user and caused them to have 
incorrect sourcing!!

Cheers, -- Dave
  David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada. 

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