Re: [LegacyUG] How to add illegitimate child

2012-02-16 Thread Ron Ferguson

I follow your procedure all the way down to the last sentence, at which stage 
we diverge. I leave the fathers’ names as blank, in other words whilst they 
have their mother’s married name, they have a different father.

Ron Ferguson

From: Jean Suplick
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 4:25 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] How to add illegitimate child

A child always has a mother and a father. That's the way the world works. Full 
stop, as they say.

The father may not be a husband of the mother, lawfully wed and all. Would you 

In the Legacy database, every child is entitled to two parents, which reflects 
nature. So far so good. What then, does the Legacy database do to handle 
children with two parents that are *not married*? That's the question, right?

Here's what I do.

The  mother (aka wife in Legacy terms) and a father (aka husband in Legacy 
terms) can have a child. If they are not married, the in the marriage screen, 
open the Status dropdown list and select unmarried.

That's what I do. Set the status to unmarried.

To your implied question, give the child the surname that he/she was known by.

In my case, my grandmother gave her 7  illegitimage children the surname of her 
first husband who abandonded her before any of them were born. (She had 2 
legitimate children by him before the abandonment.) These are my aunts and 
uncles, and I knew most of them. In the 1930's and 1940's they were given 
Grandma's surname, i.e. her husband's name, even though he was provably not 
their father. It does't matter.That was their name, so that's the name I put in 
Legacy. And in Legacy, their father is Grandma's husband, but with an 
unmarried status.

Hope this helps,
Jean Suplick
Plano, Texas

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Re: Re: [LegacyUG] What name to use?

2012-02-16 Thread sarlesinsight
The person I am adding is in a county history chapter on a known ancestor
that mentions that his father came to Westchester County, NY in the late
1600's. Apparently the book's author did not know the given name of the
father, so he is not named, other than father, but the fact and time of
his coming is important enough to include him in my data.


On , Jerry wrote:

 Here's my thinking on it, Paula, trying to explain as briefly as
 possible. Quite often when you go to a genealogy website, the first
 thing you do is pull up the master person list to check for your
 possible ancestors. On many websites (if not most), you will see
 the very top of the list will begin with those that ONLY have first
 names like a bunch of Andrews, Sarahs, Williams, the word UNKNOWN
 that lots of people use, etc.Â

 The FIRST NAME ONLYs are generally at the very top of the index and
 they basically tell you nothing meaningful unless there are also
 columns for the spouse or parents. So, I wanted to provide a
 possible eye-catching list that always has a FIRST NAME and a
 SURNAME. Neither of them are ever blank because I use as much
 information as I have to describe the missing pieces of the puzzle.Â
 Whether it will eventually work to get people to respond with the
 right information, we are not sure yet, but at least it looks more
 organized and is easier to go through our list. I have at least
 enough information to know that a complete father or mother, sister
 or brother's name is missing or, of course, I would leave it
 completely blank.Â

 With that type of system, I can easily filter a list of all my
 unknown names because a ? always appears in the FIRSTNAME field.Â
 You can get a better idea of what I mean by going to our website
 (username = FullGuest and password = merriam), and sorting on
 contains ? for the FIRSTNAME field. It depends on what is missing
 as to where the ? appears, but if the Given Name is missing we use
 Given Name ? and if the entire name is missing we use Name ?, etc. Â
 I know the purists on here think that is horrible, but I'm trying to
 use the computer database in the most organized way I can with the
 information I have. I hope that makes a little bit of sense anyway.


 Jerry Boor -

 On 02/15/2012 11:43 AM, Paula Ryburn wrote:

 Admittedly, I do not use the webpage-generation feature,
 but if they're unknown, what's the point of including them as
 specific individuals? Â I guess you must have one piece of
 information on each individual that made you decide to add
 them...? Â Otherwise, there's not any value in having the
 actual Individual record in your database...? Â Yes, please do
 point out the error in my thinking! Â It may just be a
 preference thing.


 --Paula in Texas

 Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave
 Burton Chapman Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton
 Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field Floran Floyd Gates Goodale
 Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle Jones Klein
 Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche
 Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams



 Sent: Tue,
 February 14, 2012 6:04:57 PM

 Re: [LegacyUG] What name to use?

 Very good pointt, Paula, but on our website we have hundreds
 of unknowns, both

 Paula Ryburn

 Depends on how you do your research. I do mine by
 family, working steadily

 backwards, so I rarely use the Name list.


 Also, I just last night accidentally discovered I can
 set more than 3 bookmarks

 for individuals woo hoo! ;)Â Legacy is still full of
 surprises for me.


 I guess what I'm saying is:Â If you are constantly
 trying to find the same one

 or two Unknown Smith individuals, bookmark them and
 don't worry about making

 up something to make them stand out in the Name list.

  --Paula in Texas

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Re: Re: [LegacyUG] What name to use?

2012-02-16 Thread Paula Ryburn
Jane,  I know exactly what you're talking about - aren't those lovely old county
histories exasperating in that respect?  ;)  Of course, that's all the
information they had at the time, but it also makes me wonder about it's
reliability... perhaps it's just hearsay ? so I treat it as a clue... I add
the person as you do, give the citation surety = 2 and make a to-do item to
search more.  Our current item is his parents came from Scotland ...!  In that
case, it's so vague that I haven't added parents, just put it in the
Individual's research notes.  (For this one, though, we have two competing
theories... I have added both those lineages, but neither is currently linked to
the ancestor--extensive notes in the ancestor's Research Notes.)
 --Paula in Texas
Researching:  Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes Hurdle
Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn
Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams

Sent: Thu, February 16, 2012 7:00:09 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [LegacyUG] What name to use?

The person I am adding is in a county history chapter on a known ancestor that
mentions that his father came to Westchester County, NY in the late 1600's.
Apparently the book's author did not know the given name of the father, so he is
not named, other than father,  but the fact and time of his coming is
important enough to include him in my data.


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[LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Barbara
Hi folks,

I have the updated 7.5 deluxe version of Legacy.  I must be a dunce as I'm 
having trouble with backup.  I need detail advice.  I usually go to file and 
then backup family file
Perhaps, I'm entering the incorrect information in the box where I want to save 
the file.  I  backup in two places:

1. My computer C: drive and
2. thumb drive

1. When I go to open in the C drive, I get an error message error in opening. 
Would you like to try again?  When I say yes, it opens.  When I go to help 
- it indicates I should run scan disk - how do I do that?  nothing iunder the 
help on the tool bar indicates how to do that.

2.  The same happen in the thumb drive.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Controlling Subsequent Citation Details [WAS: Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?]

2012-02-16 Thread gambol
Ward, We are in agreement that date/place type information should be in
the source detail.  When I imported my FTM GEDCOM, the source detail went
to Legacy's text field. To correct this on a broad field would require
programing effort and generally programers are not genealogist.  I was a
programing manager in a manufacturing information management environment
and was successful since I understood the information data flow and the
manufacturing process, i.e. bilingual :). It is unusual to find that
combination in today's world and it is unfortunate that your program
error went unprocessed. I thank your for your time and comments; the
immediate footnote work-around appears to require a quick footnote review
and change any necessary field information. Fortunately the Subsequent
Citation occupancies are easy to spot.  Leonard

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 12:40:49 -0500 Ward Walker
 It had been my understanding that subsequent citations only apply to

 So, now I understand that your initial request was to have these
 Basic,  Detail, Text/Comment fields appear on subseqent citations, so
 you could place different information in each citation. All I can
suggest is
 that you change what you are placing on this tab, as compared to the
 tab (the Source Detail field on the Detail Information tab). I.e., for
 source detail, append the custom information (e.g., person's name) to
 end of the always-print information (e.g., county, twp, ED#) in the
 Detail field. Don't print anything from the Text/Comment tab, which is
 where you fully record the census family for future reference. Would
this work
 for you?

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Mom Reveals Free Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!

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[LegacyUG] More on the Basic style

2012-02-16 Thread Michele Lewis
I have always been a big believer in ESM's method of citing your sources but
after completely my BCG portfolio, I am starting to think it is overkill.  I
think I can cite the necessary info in a shorter, easier to read format and
thus would start using the Basic Style to record my sources.  My only
concern is submitting any work for publication.  Will genealogical
publications consider your work if your reports are NOT in the ESM style?  I
wrote a genealogy column for the newspaper for 5 years and I have had
several minor articles published in genealogical magazines but nothing in
the big ones like the NGS quarterly.  I use Legacy for all of my data and
then I extract it as needed.  Changing from Sourcewriter back to Basic would
be a big step for me and I don't want to mess myself up when it comes to
submitting material for publication.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?

2012-02-16 Thread gambol
Paula, That is a good approach and quite effective; in my local genealogy
classes I emphasize that it is not so important how you document, but
that you do and the important thing is for someone else to find the
source and citation, using your notes.  I may not previously mention, but
I am the family historian for a 300 member family association and we
are working on a hundred year of family register update. There is a lot
of information exchange and the least effort that allows someone else
finding the source citation is what is sought.  Very little text is keep
in the notes section as it is hard, for me at least, to remember, what I
said about whom.  Sometimes there are frustration, but in the end a lot
of fun.Leonard

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:35:20 -0800 (PST) Paula Ryburn writes:
Leonard, If I am reading you correctly, I don't go so far as to indicate
in the census detail citation which piece(s) of information are
supported.  I mean, I attach the detail citation to the pieces / fields
that are supported, but I am not trying to print that out.  I have the
little source citation number next to the field in the report (I'm mostly
using FGR these days) and the detail census citation on the source page
at the end.  For example, for a new sibling of one of my direct line
ancestors, I would typically cite the census on the name and birth
date/place fields, plus I would add a census event (I write all the other
info in a narrative fashion in the Notes:  She was 12 years old, and
attended school that year.).  I typically have other/more citations on
the name and birth date/place for those in my direct line, so the census
may have just been the starting point for the year and state.
Definitely, the new siblings would have a date range based on the age and
the census date (except 1900 where the month  year of birth are given)
and a state.  I may or may not pursue more information on the siblings.

Wow, got a bit wordy!

Oh, if I were running a book report (ancestor, descendent), the citations
do include the head of household, so that keeps them separate... not all
lumped into one US 1900 Illinois Cook Co. citation, for example.  (I
don't lump further than county.)

--Paula in Texas
Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton
Chapman Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis
Exline Field Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind
Hopkins Hughes Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner
Passwaters Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan
Weller Williams

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Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 16/02/2012 14:40, Barbara wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I have the updated 7.5 deluxe version of Legacy.  I must be a dunce as
 I'm having trouble with backup.  I need detail advice.  I usually go to
 file and then backup family file
 Perhaps, I'm entering the incorrect information in the box where I want
 to save the file.  I  backup in two places:
 1. My computer C: drive _and_
 2. thumb drive
 1. When I go to open in the C drive, I get an error message error in
 opening. Would you like to try again?  When I say yes, it opens.
 When I go to help - it indicates I should run scan disk - how do I
 do that?  nothing iunder the help on the tool bar indicates how to do
 2.  The same happen in the thumb drive.

When you say When I go to open ... do you mean you are accessing the
backup file or your working family file?  If you are referring to the
backup, are you using the correct Restore family file command (which
is used for backups) or are you trying to use the Open family file

NB:  When I say backup I am referring to a zip file created by using
the Backup family file command, which is what I presume you are doing,
as opposed to just saving your family file with different name and/or in
a different place.

Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Re: Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?

2012-02-16 Thread Tim Rosenlof
On 2/15/2012 3:23 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
 It's interesting that ESM apparently was a LUG subscriber for a few
 months after V7 was released. She has disappeared since.

She comes when users ask her. I follow the RootsMagic forum and she came
to share her knowledge. It was quite a active discussion, then She
disappeared. I'm sure she hangs her hat on a APG or ICap list.

Tim Rosenlof

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy 7.5 and source citation import?

2012-02-16 Thread Mike Fry
On 2012/02/16 17:07, wrote:

 After using SW last year for a few of my newer entries, I went back and
 changed all to the Basic and have since used only the Basic.  I had so much
 trouble in the GEDCOM area, that I lost faith in the SW - its a good program
 if you do not intend to share via GEDCOM, and I do hope Legacy does not
 abandon the Basic Source writer.

SourceWriter should be likened to a proprietary format and as such is *never*
going going to be GEDCOM-compliant and transfer between different programs. If
you're going to use Legacy for anything other than data collection and storage,
don't use SourceWriter.

Mike Fry

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RE: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

2012-02-16 Thread ArdenholmeGenealogy
Hi Morris

I have looked up GenSmarts – looks really great!

However I cannot see anywhere that it is on sale right now – was that in the 
Legacy shop website?



From: Morris M. Sonnier []
Sent: 15 February 2012 16:04
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

Legacy’s Add-On Gen-Smarts will do that for you.  As a matter of fact, it is on 
sale right now.  Gen-Smarts will also tell you which records need articles from and many others.  It allows you to isolate what type of 

Morris Sonnier

From: Jean Suplick []
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:54 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

I want to conduct a Social Security Death Index search blitz and try to locate 
entries for all the eligible people in my database who don't already have an 
existing source citation for the SSDI. So...

I'd like to produce a search list of all the people in my database with 2 

   1. They died after 1950 (or some death year)
   2. They do not already have a source citation for the Social Security Death 

I can produce a list of those that already HAVE the SSDI source citation, but I 
can't figure out how to produce a list for those who DO NOT HAVE the source 

I am using the Search -- Find -- Detailed Search screen.

Any ideas?

Jean Suplick
Plano, Texas

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Re: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

2012-02-16 Thread Geoff Rasmussen
You can use the coupon code from yesterday's webinar: brick

It is valid through Monday, February 20 for 10% off anything at


Geoff Rasmussen
Millennia Corporation

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:43 AM, ArdenholmeGenealogy wrote:

 Hi Morris

 I have looked up GenSmarts – looks really great!

 However I cannot see anywhere that it is on sale right now – was that in
 the Legacy shop website?



 From: Morris M. Sonnier []
 Sent: 15 February 2012 16:04
 Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

 Legacy’s Add-On Gen-Smarts will do that for you.  As a matter of fact, it
 is on sale right now.  Gen-Smarts will also tell you which records need
 articles from and many others.  It allows you to isolate
 what type of record.

 Morris Sonnier

 From: Jean Suplick []
 Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:54 AM
 Subject: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

 I want to conduct a Social Security Death Index search blitz and try to
 locate entries for all the eligible people in my database who don't already
 have an existing source citation for the SSDI. So...

 I'd like to produce a search list of all the people in my database with 2

   1. They died after 1950 (or some death year)
   2. They do not already have a source citation for the Social Security
 Death Index

 I can produce a list of those that already HAVE the SSDI source citation,
 but I can't figure out how to produce a list for those who DO NOT HAVE the
 source citation.

 I am using the Search -- Find -- Detailed Search screen.

 Any ideas?

 Jean Suplick
 Plano, Texas

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RE: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

2012-02-16 Thread ArdenholmeGenealogy
Thank you so much!


From: Geoff Rasmussen []
Sent: 16 February 2012 16:53
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

You can use the coupon code from yesterday's webinar: brick

It is valid through Monday, February 20 for 10% off anything at


Geoff Rasmussen

Millennia Corporation

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:43 AM, ArdenholmeGenealogy wrote:

Hi Morris

I have looked up GenSmarts – looks really great!

However I cannot see anywhere that it is on sale right now – was that in the 
Legacy shop website?



From: Morris M. Sonnier []
Sent: 15 February 2012 16:04

Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

Legacy’s Add-On Gen-Smarts will do that for you.  As a matter of fact, it is on 
sale right now.  Gen-Smarts will also tell you which records need articles from and many others.  It allows you to isolate what type of 

Morris Sonnier

From: Jean Suplick []

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 9:54 AM

Subject: [LegacyUG] Producing search list

I want to conduct a Social Security Death Index search blitz and try to locate 
entries for all the eligible people in my database who don't already have an 
existing source citation for the SSDI. So...

I'd like to produce a search list of all the people in my database with 2 

  1. They died after 1950 (or some death year)
  2. They do not already have a source citation for the Social Security Death 

I can produce a list of those that already HAVE the SSDI source citation, but I 
can't figure out how to produce a list for those who DO NOT HAVE the source 

I am using the Search -- Find -- Detailed Search screen.

Any ideas?

Jean Suplick
Plano, Texas

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Re: [LegacyUG] More on the Basic style

2012-02-16 Thread Mary Moyer

I also believe in citing your sources, but like you, find some of ESM's method 
too wordy, so have shortened some of them (sometimes I have to shorten to get 
it to work in Legacy because of the limitation on the number of characters 

Each of the major genealogy magazines has developed its own footnote style 
guide, and they're all different, so if you submitted an article to them, you'd 
still have to change your footnotes.


michele said

I have always been a big believer in ESM’s method of citing your sources but 
after completely my BCG portfolio, I am starting to think it is overkill.  I 
think I can cite the necessary info in a shorter, easier to read format and 
thus would start using the Basic Style to record my sources.  My only concern 
is submitting any work for publication.  Will genealogical publications 
consider your work if your reports are NOT in the ESM style?  I wrote a 
genealogy column for the newspaper for 5 years and I have had several minor 
articles published in genealogical magazines but nothing in the big ones like 
the NGS quarterly.  I use Legacy for all of my data and then I extract it as 
needed.  Changing from Sourcewriter back to Basic would be a big step for me 
and I don’t want to mess myself up when it comes to submitting material for 

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

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I have always been a big believer in ESM's method of citing your sources but
after completely my BCG portfolio, I am starting to think it is overkill.  I
think I can cite the necessary info in a shorter, easier to read format and
thus would start using the Basic Style to record my sources.  My only
concern is submitting any work for publication.  Will genealogical
publications consider your work if your reports are NOT in the ESM style?  I
wrote a genealogy column for the newspaper for 5 years and I have had
several minor articles published in genealogical magazines but nothing in
the big ones like the NGS quarterly.  I use Legacy for all of my data and
then I extract it as needed.  Changing from Sourcewriter back to Basic would
be a big step for me and I don't want to mess myself up when it comes to
submitting material for publication.


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---End Message---

Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Barbara
Thanks Mike for answering me, here is what it says,

c:\Baker Schwarting 2012-02-16
c:\Baker Schwarting-multimedia 2012-02-16


- Original Message -
From: Mike Fry
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

On 2012/02/16 16:40, Barbara wrote:

 I have the updated 7.5 deluxe version of Legacy.  I must be a dunce as I'm
 having trouble with backup.  I need detail advice.  I usually go to file
 then backup family file

 Perhaps, I'm entering the incorrect information in the box where I want to
 the file.  I  backup in two places:
 1. My computer C: drive _and_
 2. thumb drive

You don't, at first, enter anything!

 1. When I go to open in the C drive, I get an error message error in
 Would you like to try again?  When I say yes, it opens.  When I go to
 help - it indicates I should run scan disk - how do I do that?
 iunder the help on the tool bar indicates how to do that.
 2.  The same happen in the thumb drive.

After selecting the Backup Family File option from the menu (or pressing
Ctrl-B), a window comes up. What does it say under each of the two buttons

Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Barbara
Jenny,  thanks for answering me. My response is in blue, if your computer can 
read the color.

1.  To open my file I'm referring to the backup file.  What is the the 
correct Restore family file command?  I didn't know there was such a command.

2.  Jenny says - When I say backup I am referring to a zip file created by 
the Backup family file command, which is what I presume you are doing,
as opposed to just saving your family file with different name and/or in
a different place.
Yes, it has a zip ending on it.
Should I be saving to saving your family file with different name and/or in a 
different place?


is used for backups) - Original Message -
From: Jenny M Benson
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

On 16/02/2012 14:40, Barbara wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I have the updated 7.5 deluxe version of Legacy.  I must be a dunce as
 I'm having trouble with backup.  I need detail advice.  I usually go to
 file and then backup family file
 Perhaps, I'm entering the incorrect information in the box where I want
 to save the file.  I  backup in two places:
 1. My computer C: drive _and_
 2. thumb drive
 1. When I go to open in the C drive, I get an error message error in
 opening. Would you like to try again?  When I say yes, it opens.
 When I go to help - it indicates I should run scan disk - how do I
 do that?  nothing iunder the help on the tool bar indicates how to do
 2.  The same happen in the thumb drive.

When you say When I go to open ... do you mean you are accessing the
backup file or your working family file?  If you are referring to the
backup, are you using or are you trying to use the Open family file

NB:  When I say backup I am referring to a zip file created by using
the Backup family file command, which is what I presume you are doing,
as opposed to just saving your family file with different name and/or in
a different place.

Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Jenny M Benson

 *1. To open my file I'm referring to the backup file. What is the the
 correct Restore family file command? I didn't know there was such a

If you look in Legacy's File menu, the second item is Open family file
which is what you would normally do, if you do not have Legacy set to
automatically open a particular file.  The family file that you are
working on at any time is saved with a .fdb ending to the filename.
There are several other files that are connected with it - they have the
same name, but different endings - but the .fdb is the main one.

When you backup your family file using the Legacy backup command (also
on the File name) Legacy puts the .fdb file *and all the others
connected to it* into a super-file with the ending .zip.  It's a bit
like putting all your shopping into one bag.  In order to use the items
you've bought, you need to take them all out of the bag.  In order to
use the contents of the .zip file, Legacy needs to take all the contents
out and then start using the .fdb file.

In order to tell Legacy you want to open the .zip file and take the
contents out, then open my .fdb file, please you need to look in the
File menu for Restore family file which is the 8th item on the list.

 *2. *Jenny says - When I say backup I am referring to a zip file
 created by using
 the Backup family file command, which is what I presume you are doing,
 as opposed to just saving your family file with different name and/or in
 a different place.
 *Yes, it has a zip ending on it.*
 *Should I be saving to saving your family file with different name
 and/or in a different place?*

No.  What you are doing is fine!  However, once you've created that
backup (.zip) file, you don't really need to ever both about it again
unless something goes wrong with your family file.  You can carry on
working on the same family file all the time - Legacy saves everything
as it goes along, so if you closed Legacy without making a backup, you
could just open the file again next day and carry on working on it.

If you want, you can go to the Options menu, select Customize and look
in the middle on the left.  You can select to Open last used family
automatically or select the name of your usual file from the drop-down
list so that the same one always opens when you start Legacy.

But DO carry on making your back-ups!  That is absolutely the right
thing to do.  They are there in case of emergency.

Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread Mike Fry
On 2012/02/16 21:48, Barbara wrote:

 c:\Baker Schwarting 2012-02-16
 c:\Baker Schwarting-multimedia 2012-02-16

I don't think you can write to the root directory of the C: drive. Can you click
on the buttons and redirect your backups to somewhere else?

Mike Fry

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[LegacyUG] New Build .148

2012-02-16 Thread Tim Rosenlof
** BACKUP **

** Use the Download Now link on Legacy Home tab **

v7.5.0.148 - New General Release Builds - 16 February 2012

Have a good day.
Tim Rosenlof
Always Source Your Work

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Build .148

2012-02-16 Thread Eric Wiggers
Thanks - does Reports - Fixed a problem of loading user settings specifically 
include the 'Create Web Pages
problem I reported on 8 August?


- Original Message -
From: Tim Rosenlof
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:53 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] New Build .148

** BACKUP **

** Use the Download Now link on Legacy Home tab **

v7.5.0.148 - New General Release Builds - 16 February 2012

Have a good day.
Tim Rosenlof
Always Source Your Work

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[LegacyUG] Make a duplicate of a person

2012-02-16 Thread Jack Earnshaw
Is it possible to, effectively, copy  paste a person to create a second
person with the same name and details?

I have an ancestor where I have now discovered that I have made a mistake.
His mother was Martha Earnshaw, but not the one I thought it was. Part of
the data refers to the correct person and part of it refers to the incorrect
one. Rather than create a new person and copy across the required data from
the other one and then delete the incorrect data from the original person,
it would be nice to be able to just duplicate everything and then
selectively delete the bits that refer to the other person.


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RE: [LegacyUG] New Build .148

2012-02-16 Thread Jack Earnshaw
I've found one issue with upgrading as this version reconfigures the database.

I have Legacy on 2 computers, but all my data is kept on one of them - the 
other machine accesses data over my local network.

I upgraded on one machine successfully and my data file was updated to the new 
structure. I then attempted to upgrade on the other machine, but was told that 
my data file was from a newer version and so I couldn't get far enough into 
Legacy to do the upgrade. I had to find another data file to open in order to 
complete the task.

It should still be possible to carry out the upgrade from within Legacy even 
when no file is open (in a similar way as you can from the Home tab). Maybe 
from an option on the internet or help menus.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Rosenlof []
Sent: 16 February 2012 22:53
Subject: [LegacyUG] New Build .148

** BACKUP **

** Use the Download Now link on Legacy Home tab **

v7.5.0.148 - New General Release Builds - 16 February 2012

Have a good day.
Tim Rosenlof
Always Source Your Work

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Re: [LegacyUG] chat notes for brick wall webinar

2012-02-16 Thread Lavern Hall
I have them, Monique and I'm sending them privately because they're an
Lavern Hall
Aurora, Ohio

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:17 PM, unique64 Riley wrote:

 I forgot to copy the chat notes from todays *Ten Brick Wall Tips for
 Beginners *webinar. They were so good!  Can anyone share those with me?


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Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

2012-02-16 Thread R G Strong-genes
Not true. But she should put them in their own directory and not the root.
Usually the Legacy backups would go into the Legacy\Backup folder. I have
almost all my genealogy files in C:\Roots\ and prefer it that way. If
windows gets corrupted and I have to reinstall then my files are still in
that directory and its subfolders as opposed to My Documents which is
usually not recovered after a windows reinstall.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Fry
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Back Up Help - PLEASE

On 2012/02/16 21:48, Barbara wrote:

 c:\Baker Schwarting 2012-02-16
 c:\Baker Schwarting-multimedia 2012-02-16

I don't think you can write to the root directory of the C: drive. Can you
on the buttons and redirect your backups to somewhere else?

Mike Fry

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Build .148

2012-02-16 Thread Sherry/Support
You can do that by updating from the website -   Download  Download Update.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Jack Earnshaw wrote:
 I've found one issue with upgrading as this version reconfigures the database.

 I have Legacy on 2 computers, but all my data is kept on one of them - the 
 other machine accesses data over my local network.

 I upgraded on one machine successfully and my data file was updated to the 
 new structure. I then attempted to upgrade on the other machine, but was told 
 that my data file was from a newer version and so I couldn't get far enough 
 into Legacy to do the upgrade. I had to find another data file to open in 
 order to complete the task.

 It should still be possible to carry out the upgrade from within Legacy even 
 when no file is open (in a similar way as you can from the Home tab). Maybe 
 from an option on the internet or help menus.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Make a duplicate of a person

2012-02-16 Thread ctcox

Quoting Jack Earnshaw
 Is it possible to, effectively, copy  paste a person to create a second
 person with the same name and details?

If you edit the one you want to copy, then save it, all the data for
that person in in memory. When you are doing twins, for example, you
type in for the first one, then for the second one you just click the
name of each field you want to copy. You get the same result by
'saving' any record you wish to copy part of. Occasionaly I want to put
the same person in 2 databases, and the stored copy is in the Legacy
program, not the specific data base, so I can copy persons across data
bases. Very handy!!


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[LegacyUG] How do I source this?

2012-02-16 Thread Tony Rolfe
I have just discovered that one of my distant cousins was granted the
Freedom of the City of London, as recorded by Ancestry at

It is an online database, but I really don't know which top-level source
writer template to use.

Any advice would be gratefully received.



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[LegacyUG] is there a way to identify data enteries by day entered?

2012-02-16 Thread laurie curtis

Is there a way to identify or generate a list of data entries by a day -- say 
yesterday?  Like a journal function?

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RE: [LegacyUG] is there a way to identify data enteries by day entered?

2012-02-16 Thread Allen Watson
You can find by date last modified

 Original Message 
 From: laurie curtis
 Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 6:36 PM
 Subject: [LegacyUG] is there a way to identify data enteries by day entered?

Is there a way to identify or generate a list of data entries by a day -- say 
yesterday?  Like a journal function?

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