Re: [LegacyUG] cgf to Legacy

2015-10-30 Thread Laird
Hi Elizabeth,
Someone said Google is your friend.  But don't forget eBay can also be a friend.
You said you didn't want to buy anymore software but for $11 to $13 with
shipping you may want to reconsider.  I searched for "Family Tree Creator
Deluxe" on ebay and it had 5 listings.  If you look carefully at the pictures on
the back of the box or CDs you can see 1998 Mindscape Inc..  Of course there may
not be a way to export a GEDCOM.  But you should be able to see the names and
relationships of the individuals in the file.

Here is the link:

On 10/30/2015 3:52 PM, Elizabeth Verchio wrote:
> Thank you Bryon and Margaret Turner for the link.  I will try that when
> I exhaust all other free avenues. It is good to know there are
> individuals offering such service.
> Thanks again to everyone who responded to the inquiry - it is nice to be
> a part of such a helpful group.
> Best regards
> Elizabeth
> still living in Illinois
> On 10/28/2015 4:42 PM, Byron Schafbuch wrote:
>> If in the event that you are not able to find someone who might still
>> have that program, your next best possibility would be to find some
>> service that would be able to convert said file to a gedcom file or
>> the like such as Legacy's for a direct import/usage. A quick google
>> search turned up
>> as a site
>> that should be able to help you. But like everything else, effort can
>> cost. $$ Supposedly a file of up to 3000 people would run around
>> $45-50 USD (UK site). You might try some searching yourself to see
>> what you might come up with. Best of luck. Have run into similar
>> problems in the past. Byron-MN -Original Message- From:
>> Elizabeth Verchio [] Sent: Friday,
>> October 23, 2015 5:36 PM To: Subject:
>> [LegacyUG] cgf to Legacy I know this is not exactly the forum for
>> this, but, I am at the end of ideas of how to get a cfg file into a
>> format I can open with Legacy Deluxe. It is a small file, 409 KB. I've
>> had it for 3 or more years. I would really like to see the data, can
>> anyone help me? I am so appreciative of any assistance. Elizabeth
>> Verchio Born in Alabama 1953 ~ Living in Illinois 1978

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Re: [LegacyUG] ISO labor-lite suggestions re tagging

2014-04-02 Thread Laird
Have you thought about using the DATE ADDED information, perhaps that would
separate the book from more recent additions.

Search>Find>Individual>Added Date> After or Before>estimated date you think you
finished added the book.

On 4/1/2014 4:42 PM, singhals wrote:
> Database/familyfile of ~15,000 persons and  5100 marriages.
> ORIGINALLY created by keying in the contents of a genealogy
> book.  First done in PAF5, then ported to Legacy 7 and then
> to 8.
> Everyone in the book ought to be in the db/ff.
> Unfortunately, while documenting those people, I've added
> people who should have been in the book but aren't
> (siblings, children, parents).
> It's too late to tell me I should've thought of this sooner,
> so we can skip that part of the class.
> I need a *quick* way to tag maybe 25% in the db/ff who
> aren't in the book.
> I /can/ hypothetically sit here with the book in one hand
> and page through it again finding and tagging those people.
>I suspect the Galaxy will atrophy before I could finish
> that because apparently I have to have the person in the
> "primary" position to click a tag. 5 marriages took close to
> 2 hours.
> I considered the "tag family", but that'll end up tagging
> everyone, including a sibling and descendants who aren't in
> the book.
> I can find /some/ by the omission of the import source. That
> won't help the ones added prior to moving it into Legacy.
> Ideas welcomed here.
> Cheryl

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Re: [LegacyUG] downloading version 7.5

2014-03-22 Thread Laird
Have her download the version and send her a Legacy file as opposed to
GEDCOM.  A Legacy backup file would be best:  Menu:  File>Backup Family File.
This will create a ZIPPED file and will be smaller and have all the Legacy files
that go with the file you are working on.  The filename will be the same as the
Family filename plus the date and time will be part of the name and will have an
extension of .zip.

On 3/22/2014 10:40 PM, Norma wrote:
> Hello all
> I am working on my sister-in-law’s family and would like to be able to send
> her a GEDCOM of what I have found thus far.  I am using the Legacy
> and she doesn’t have any genealogy software on her computer.  Can she go to
> the Legacy website & where it says one can download earlier versions, download
> the standard version of Legacy 7.5?  (or better yet, the deluxe version?)
> Norma

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Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals

2014-03-14 Thread Laird
Norma try these links.  You may want to go to Help>General Information and write
down your Cust. Num: before you  download/install the latest available version
7.50.278.  You might also need to backup all of your settings contained in the
.usr files.  Go to help and search for user files

On 3/14/2014 11:50 AM, Norma wrote:
> I tried as you suggested by running File Maintenance/Check repair and 
> immediately got an error 3022 message and wouldn't continue until I solved 
> error 3022.  When I go to the Legacy error board it tells me to update my 
> Legacy to the latest version (I am currently on  
> Instructions for doing this suggest I review guidelines at: 
> before downloading 
> onto Windows 7 PC.  But then when I click on this link I get an server error 
> message "404: file or directory not found"  Error 3022 seems to refer to an 
> issue in the marriage files so perhaps that is where my extra person is 
> hiding w/o his/her RIN but I have no idea how to find him/her.
> Any ideas?
> -Original Message-
> From: Laird []
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 1:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals
> Norma, have you tried a File>File Maintenance>Check/Repair?
> Laird
> On 3/13/2014 9:50 PM, Norma wrote:
>> I do have the married names (but not the alternate names) option
>> ticked for the name list.  An individual  should have only one RIN
>> whether she never married or married multiple times.  The total number
>> of  individuals is derived from “general information’  under 
>> the help tab.
>> I have 3 other family files:  one is over 10,000 people, another over
>> 5000 and a very small one of only 56 people. I’ve checked all 3
>> files and the 2 largest do not correspond either, but people have been
>> merged & deleted in both files, so I’m not surprised.  The very
>> small file of 56 people is correct in that the total number of people 
>> corresponds to the largest RIN.
>> The file seems to be working correctly so maybe I’m obsessing over
>> nothing, but I’d still like to have the numbers correspond.
>> Norma H
>> *From:*Sherry/Support []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:50 PM
>> *To:*
>> <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of
>> individuals
>> You can also see that information on the Legacy Home tab, which is a
>> lot quicker to get to!
>> You would only have more individuals than RINs if you're showing the
>> AKAs or married names
>> Sincerely,
>> Sherry
>> Technical Support
>> Legacy Family Tree
>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Laird > <>> wrote:
>> Norma, go to menu   "Help>General Information" and see if the "number of
>> Individuals" match the name list count.  And Like Cathy said make sure
>> ALTERNATE and MARRIED names are not ticked under the name list
>> OPTIONS.  My name list has
>> 18,767 individuals and Help>General Information matches.  I do have a
>> lot of unused RINs so my highest RIN is 18,843, 76 higher.  Of course
>> I have the reverse of you.
>> I don't see how you can have more people than RINs.  In the name list,
>> click the # button at the top left of window to sort the list and then
>> scroll down to the bottom of the list and verify the highest RIN is lower 
>> than the other counts.
>> Laird
>> On 3/12/2014 10:52 PM, Norma wrote:
>>> I have just noticed that my RIN numbers do not correspond to the
>>> number of individuals in my database.  In a new family file, I have
>>> 445 individuals, yet when I go to Name List and click on RIN, the
>>> highest RIN number is 444. How can there be more individuals than
>>> RIN numbers? And if one person is entered twice, yet has only one RIN, how 
>>> can I determine who that person is?
>>> I am using Legacy version 7.5.0012
>>> Norma H

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Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals

2014-03-13 Thread Laird
Norma, have you tried a File>File Maintenance>Check/Repair?
On 3/13/2014 9:50 PM, Norma wrote:
> I do have the married names (but not the alternate names) option ticked for
> the name list.  An individual  should have only one RIN whether she never
> married or married multiple times.  The total number of  individuals is
> derived from “general information’  under the help tab.
> I have 3 other family files:  one is over 10,000 people, another over 5000 and
> a very small one of only 56 people. I’ve checked all 3 files and the 2 
> largest
> do not correspond either, but people have been merged & deleted in both files,
> so I’m not surprised.  The very small file of 56 people is correct in that 
> the
> total number of people corresponds to the largest RIN.
> The file seems to be working correctly so maybe I’m obsessing over nothing,
> but I’d still like to have the numbers correspond.
> Norma H
> *From:*Sherry/Support []
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:50 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals
> You can also see that information on the Legacy Home tab, which is a lot
> quicker to get to!
> You would only have more individuals than RINs if you're showing the AKAs or
> married names
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Laird  <>> wrote:
> Norma, go to menu   "Help>General Information" and see if the "number of
> Individuals" match the name list count.  And Like Cathy said make sure 
> and MARRIED names are not ticked under the name list OPTIONS.  My name list 
> has
> 18,767 individuals and Help>General Information matches.  I do have a lot of
> unused RINs so my highest RIN is 18,843, 76 higher.  Of course I have the
> reverse of you.
> I don't see how you can have more people than RINs.  In the name list, click 
> the
> # button at the top left of window to sort the list and then scroll down to 
> the
> bottom of the list and verify the highest RIN is lower than the other counts.
> Laird
> On 3/12/2014 10:52 PM, Norma wrote:
> >
> > I have just noticed that my RIN numbers do not correspond to the number of
> > individuals in my database.  In a new family file, I have 445 individuals, 
> > yet
> > when I go to Name List and click on RIN, the highest RIN number is 444. How
> > can there be more individuals than RIN numbers? And if one person is entered
> > twice, yet has only one RIN, how can I determine who that person is?
> >
> > I am using Legacy version 7.5.0012
> >
> > Norma H

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Re: [LegacyUG] queston re: RIN numbers & number of individuals

2014-03-13 Thread Laird
Norma, go to menu   "Help>General Information" and see if the "number of
Individuals" match the name list count.  And Like Cathy said make sure ALTERNATE
and MARRIED names are not ticked under the name list OPTIONS.  My name list has
18,767 individuals and Help>General Information matches.  I do have a lot of
unused RINs so my highest RIN is 18,843, 76 higher.  Of course I have the
reverse of you.

I don't see how you can have more people than RINs.  In the name list, click the
# button at the top left of window to sort the list and then scroll down to the
bottom of the list and verify the highest RIN is lower than the other counts.

On 3/12/2014 10:52 PM, Norma wrote:
> I have just noticed that my RIN numbers do not correspond to the number of
> individuals in my database.  In a new family file, I have 445 individuals, yet
> when I go to Name List and click on RIN, the highest RIN number is 444. How
> can there be more individuals than RIN numbers?   And if one person is entered
> twice, yet has only one RIN, how can I determine who that person is?
> I am using Legacy version 7.5.0012
> Norma H

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Re: [LegacyUG] Entering info in location field

2014-02-27 Thread Laird
I find this site(USGS)useful for finding places in the United States. It also
looks like it searches for foreign, Antarctic and undersea names/features. It
also provides Coordinates in the Legacy required DMS format.  And it has links
to several Mapping Services to view the location you searched for.

North Fork Memorial Cemetery
SequenceLatitude(DEC)   Longitude(DEC) Latitude(DMS)   Longitude(DMS)  Map 
1   38.7481687  -79.4156019 384453N 0792456W

On 2/27/2014 12:23 PM, CE WOOD wrote:
> There are many sites that allow you to enter a place name and then give you
> the coordinates and show a map. Just Google "latitude and longitude" or
> "mapping coordinates," and you will have a lot to choose from. Most also allow
> you to enter coordinates, either in degrees and minutes or decimal, and find
> what is there. All of the sites I have visited give you the coordinates in
> both formats, so you don't have to do any calculations.
> I specify coordinates for abbeys, churches, castles, cemeteries, etc.
> As with anything, you will prefer some sites over others, and, especially if
> dealing with mediaeval ruins, you may need to do more work. There are scads of
> sites that help with old places, but that is another subject.
> CE

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Re: [LegacyUG] Focus Group

2012-08-30 Thread Laird
 From the main menu at the very top of the Legacy window select:
View>Focus Group  a new window will open, click on the focus group you want then
click EDIT.  This will open a new window with a list of the people in the
group.  You can then click the PRINT button if you choose.

On 8/29/2012 5:00 PM, Pat Hickin wrote:
> I have 2 separate databases for  my paternal & maternal families.
> For my paternal line(s)
> I want to create a gedcom of my paternal gr'father's family.  (there is at
> least one intermarriage between my paternal gr'father's & paternal gr'mother's
> lines).
> In that  paternal side dbf I have a total of
> 2168 fams
> 5137 indivs
> So I created a focus group (FG) of my pat gr father's ancestors (only).
> ( I selected the Direct Line Ancestors & all the buttons under it.)
> Now I want to see who's in that focus group & who  is not.
> How do I get that info?
> Thanks,
> Pat

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Re: [LegacyUG] Relationship calculator and Set Relationships do not complete

2012-07-09 Thread Laird
Hi Jacques,
Don' retype all those 780 modifications. Export them to a GEDCOM and then import
them into V6.

On 7/9/2012 1:26 PM, Jacques E Decarie wrote:
> Four weeks ago, I converted from V 6.0 Deluxe to 7.5 Deluxe. My main database
> contains over 270 000 individuals. The relationship SET and CALCULTE never
> complete in V7.5 (even after 30 minutes). In the last 4 weeks, I have made
> over 780 modifications to my database. I need to know *if Legacy 7.5 can
> handle relationships or not* before I go on. I don’t mind going back to V
> and retyping my 780 records but I need to know now if that is what I
> have to do.
> Any help and comments from users with similar experience would be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks. Jacques.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Future of my family file?

2012-06-24 Thread Laird
Hi JL,
This should work for you.  You can still use the idea Brian suggested.

I just created a PDF Family Group Sheet of all of the marriages in my file.
There are 5,048 families and the PDF was 7,539 pages and 29.8 MB in size.

Next I created individual reports for everyone in my file.  There are 13,864
individuals in my file and the PDF contained 32,767 pages and 315 MB in size.

I used a software printer driver which looks like a printer to Windows (and
Legacy) and creates a PDF file.  I use free PDFCreator.  There are many other
products available such as CutePDF.

In Legacy reports don't use Preview.
Use the Printer Setup button to select a PDF soft printer driver, in my case
Next click on the Print button and when prompted save the PDF file to your HDD
of your choice.


On 6/24/2012 4:00 PM, JLB wrote:
> It looks like it stops. I got up to Page 4297 the second run. And damn!
> It was such a good idea.
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> On 6/24/2012 1:55 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
>> LOL, Sorry JL.
>> Ron Ferguson
>> -Original Message-
>> From: JLB
>> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:49 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Future of my family file?
>> Oooh, I like that first idea. However, after choosing Entire Family File
>> and some options and PDF file for output it ran til it froze at Page
>> 4296. Does something come next after a requisite period of time (have
>> already waited 15 minutes) or is this where it stops?
>> JL Beeken
>> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
>> On 6/24/2012 1:24 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
>>> I have two suggestions:
>>> 1. You can create a set of Family Group Sheets (FGS) for everyone in
>>> your file as a single PDF file. These will show each family group and
>>> you can include FGS for individuals as well.
>>> 2. If you are not as concerned about linking the people in your file
>>> into families you can also create Individual Reports for everyone in
>>> your file as a PDF.
>>> To select everyone in your file click the record selection button on the
>>> report screen.
>>> It is not quite true that these will not require a computer program, to
>>> view the PDF files you need Adobe Reader or other programs that can read
>>> a PDF file but you also need a program to read a .doc or .rtf file. The
>>> only records that do not need a computer program are hard copy on paper.
>>> Brian
>>> Customer Support
>>> Millennia Corporation
>>> We are changing the world of genealogy!
>>> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
>>> Thanks.
>>> On 23/06/2012 21:29, Susan Perrett wrote:
>>>> I would like to be able to create some sort of Report, e.g. .DOC or
>>>> .RTF of the whole of my family file, so that when I depart this life,
>>>> there would be some sort of readable documentation of everyone in my
>>>> family (file). Not just my paternal line but everyone, including all
>>>> the people around the world that are connected in some way to my family.
>>>> By doing this I can leave my family history recorded, without a
>>>> computer program needed to see the file.
>>>> Is this possible, if so, where would I start? And with whom would I
>>>> start with?

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Re: [LegacyUG] need help with updating details of sources when they are part of a master source

2012-06-14 Thread Laird
You asked the very same question on June 9, 2012.
You will find the answers given to you here:
On 6/14/2012 4:44 PM, Suzanne Scheraga wrote:
> I'm having a very frustrating time trying to update mycensus recordsources. I
> have one master source for each census, and use detail entries for the
> individual census pages. I want to have a transcription of the family related
> text and a photo of the census page in each of these areas. Is there a way to
> do this without copying the information to eachindividual'sevent?
> For example, if there are six individuals listed on the census page, I want
> each event for which I cite the source (occupation, residence, etc), to have
> both a full transcription of the page and the image of the page. This might
> mean at least 16 specific places I would need to go to update the source. I
> understand that I can use the source clipboard to add a new version of the
> source and then delete the "old" version. Is there a more efficient way of
> accomplishing this?
> I have purchased LTools but have not figured out if it can be used to make
> these changes. Can anyone help?
> BTW - I'm using the latest version of Legacy on Windows 7.
> Thanks in advance,
> Suzanne

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Re: [LegacyUG] A picture question

2012-06-04 Thread Laird
Michele, see this web page:

On 6/4/2012 1:45 PM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> How do you add a comment to a picture   I DON’T have these photos in 
> Legacy.
> Michele
> *From:*Tim Rosenlöf []
> *Sent:* Monday, June 04, 2012 2:36 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] A picture question
> On 6/4/2012 10:10 AM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> I am still sorting and organizing my photos that I have on my computer.  I 
> am
> not attaching them in Legacy yet. I just received a photo from my cousin of
> his grandmother (my grandmother’s sister).  It is dated 1940.  I 
> have
> saved it as GlaentzerSusanne01 but is there some way to make a note of the
> date without putting the date in the file name?Â
> Â
> michele
> Michele,
> You know I don't use multimedia with Legacy, however how about the "IPTC" or
> "Comment".  I don't use it myself, but I understand IPTC is not searchable
> Tim

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Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-29 Thread Laird
Hi Tim,
My answer was specific to the question as it related to Legacy multimedia
(Pictures) files.  Legacy stores the multimedia folder locations in a "hard
coded" format.  I am not suggesting your 87 year old mother would have a problem
with a new PC.

As far as Legacy is concerned:
In Windows XP "My Documents" is really something like: C:\Documents and
Settings\username\My Documents.

In Windows Vista the equivalent folder is "Documents" and is really something
like C:\Users\username\Documents.

For any version of Windows:
If you store your multimedia in a location like C:\FamilyTree\Multimedia and
then copy your files to a new PC using the same folder name there isn't any need
to "find" a new location for the files.  These files can be on another drive
like D: or E: etc.  So long as you copy the files to the same folder name on a
new PC there isn't a problem.


On 5/28/2012 12:52 PM, Tim Rosenlöf wrote:
> On 5/27/2012 2:02 PM, Laird wrote:
>> Nichele,
>> I would like to discourage you making this change:
>> Someday you will have to buy a new computer.
>> It will NOT have a folder called
>> "My Documents" like you have with XP now.  The new computer will have a
>> different operating system, in the near future it will be "Windows 8".
> You know something we don't ? Why would Microsoft move away from the
> convection that has been there for many versions ? That would create
> havoc for a very large amount of users. My Mother (87), would have no
> clue how to change. She is one that has a hard time with just the basics.
>> At that
>> time you will have to do this process all over again.  That is one of the
>> reasons Legacy puts everything in C:\Legacy\.
> I don't have mine in the default location and it runs just fine. Even
> with the Sample.fdb file that has attached multimedia :-)
> Happy Hunting,
> Tim Rosenlof
> Utah, USA
>> You will have to locate/find at least one photo from each 
>> folder\sub-folder\etc.
>> Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] What is the best way to do this?

2012-05-27 Thread Laird
I would like to discourage you making this change:
Someday you will have to buy a new computer.  It will NOT have a folder called
"My Documents" like you have with XP now.  The new computer will have a
different operating system, in the near future it will be "Windows 8".  At that
time you will have to do this process all over again.  That is one of the
reasons Legacy puts everything in C:\Legacy\.

You will have to locate/find at least one photo from each folder\sub-folder\etc.

On 5/27/2012 2:01 PM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> Right now I have all of my genealogy photos and documents in the Legacy Folder
> PICTURES  (I had subfolders in there).  These are only the items that I have
> actually attached to Legacy somewhere in my file.
> I have a similar file structure already on my computer under MY DOCUMENTS.  I
> would like to move all of the stuff that is in PICTURES to MY DOCUMENTS so
> everything is in the same place.  I know that this will create a big problem
> because all of my paths will be wrong.  Is there some easy way to fix the
> paths without having to do it one at a time?  I have probably 200 or so
> documents and photos in the PICTURES folder (I know that relatively speaking
> that isn’t very many but it will still be time consuming if I have to do 
> this
> all by hand).
> Michele

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Re: [LegacyUG] What to do with the "I think" and "maybe" individuals?

2012-04-21 Thread Laird
Consider having a "Maybe" event.  Even though it isn't a fact or a real event,
events can be marked Private so they wouldn't appear in reports and they are

On 4/20/2012 7:08 PM, Marg Strong wrote:
> For me that's true also, Ron. I was looking for a way to mark them, but it
> would have to be something different than entering something into any of the
> name fields. The best I can think of right now is in the note fields, but that
> wouldn't pull them up in a search. Maybe when I have a better understanding of
> starting my own individual ID numbers (If I'm wording that correctly)
> something might be possible. Fortunately, right now, I don't have "maybes" in
> my tree except one unattached family, but I have seen some I've been tempted
> to include. I'm thinking having a lot of "unattached individuals would be
> confusing, so haven't done it again. It's something I'll have to look for a
> way that I'm happy with, but not a top priority right now.
> Thanks for your thoughts on this.
> *From:* Ron Ferguson 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Friday, April 20, 2012 3:49 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] What to do with the "I think" and "maybe"
> individuals?
> Peggy,
> As somebody else wrote, it is important to consider at this early stage as
> to whether you may wish to publish your work as a report just for your
> family, send copies to other researchers, publish formally or as a web
> site. If so how would they look if full of "possibles" or "maybes". OK,
> you could put them in Privacy Brackets, but this would stop you using
> them for other purposes.
> Ron Ferguson
> httpp://
> Marg Strong>> wrote:
> >Eliz, that's an interesting way of doing it. I started trying to think of
> something like that and adding it but was afraid it might be too
> non-standard. So far I haven't added many "maybes." It is good that Legacy
> gives lots of leeway so we can do what we think will be helpful. Needs a
> lot of planning ahead though!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> From: Eliz Hanebury>>
> >>To: 
> <>
> >>Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 2:57 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] What to do with the "I think" and "maybe"
> individuals?
> >>
> >>Marg, I go straight to "Maybe" and Possible and I put it in the name -
> >>Mary (maybe) Jones, where I can easily see it.
> >>
> >>I have six Davis lines all blood kin to me, but since I am a Davis
> >>born this gets confusing  as you can imagine.
> >>
> >>Yesterday I cried Uncle and entered on one William (married a
> >>Phillips) Davis which will tell me his children are blood kin to my
> >>Howe line thru my 2Xggf sister. I love that Legacy lets me do these
> >>odd things.
> >>
> >>Also I don't use "sources" I put the sourcing in the event, I hate a
> >>row of numbers after a name  but that is me and Legacy lets me 
> >>
> >

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Re: [LegacyUG] combine multiple Family Group Records into one 'book'?

2012-04-21 Thread Laird

The Legacy web comparison  of the free version and Deluxe version shows the
Publishing Center isn't available in the free version.  But the Family Group
Record is in the free version.

On 4/21/2012 4:14 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> The Publishing Centre will let you put in a list of FGS reports in any
> order you choose and will create a book with a single Table of Contents
> and Index. You can also elect to have all the sources grouped at the end
> of the book. You will find the source settings on the Additional tab of
> the Pub Centre.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 21/04/2012 12:45 PM, elizabeth wrote:
>> Is there any way to combine numerous Family Group Records together to
>> create a 'book'? What I mean could I do them so that there is only
>> one index of surnames and one list of sources for all of the end
>> of the 'book'?
>> I use Legacy version (Free)
>> Thank you,
>> Elizabeth

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Re: [LegacyUG] Census Tool failure?

2012-04-13 Thread Laird
Geoff, does this qualify for "locations for anyone surrounding the main person"
The person in the Family Group Record shown at the end of this message:
His Father and mother and two brothers have full details on birth, death and
locations.  One sister has birth + location and the other sister has birth +
location and death date.  The spouse has a name and no dates etc.
One example that was found by the census tool:
His father had birth+death date and birth location and the mother had
birth+death date.
The person found had birth and death dates without locations.  He had 7 siblings
with no dates/no location to as much as birth+death date and no locations .

The tool logic seems inconsistent.

I feel like the tool should find people with birth and death dates that qualify
without any other requirements. It seems to me; if I do not select the "Search
List Option to Exclude individuals from the Search List with location
percentages less than: nn%" then I should get what I want.  Isn't what that
option means?

On 4/13/2012 11:53 AM, Geoff Rasmussen wrote:
> Keep in mind that Legacy is also checking surrounding family members (births
> of children, etc.) for the report's evaluation. If there are no locations for
> anyone surrounding the main person, then that person will not show up in the
> report.
> Thanks,
> Geoff Rasmussen
> Millennia Corporation
> <>
> <>
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Laird  <>> wrote:
> Michele,
> I did some more testing:
> 1. The census tool finds 1848 individuals for the 1930 census and I tagged
> these
> with tag 2.
> 2. Next I did a Detailed Search >
> Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look= Birth Place>
> How to look=Equal To>What to look for= blank, no entry here.
> Second Condition: AND>
> Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look=Death Place>
> How to look=Equal To>What to look for= blank, no entry here.
> Third Condition: AND>
> Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look=Tag 2
> How to look=Equal To>What to look for=Tagged
> This search finds 349 Individuals and I looked at about 20% of these.  
> They do
> have one or both dates and no location.
> I have run check repair on this file.
> Laird
> On 4/13/2012 6:29 AM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> > If you have no location listed at all, then Legacy won't know that they
> should be in a census.  For example, would they be in a US census or a UK
> one?  If the person has no locations filled in at all how would Legacy 
> know.
> >
> > Michele
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Laird
> > Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 1:46 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [LegacyUG] Census Tool failure?
> >
> > I have 13,864 individuals in my database and I happened to notice a
> person that wasn't listed in the census search list (see the Family Group
> Record below).  I didn't see any reason for this person to be missed.  I
> exported this one person to a Legacy file and the census tool still failed
> to list him.  I didn't have
> > the   "Exclude individuals from the Search List with location
> percentages
> > less than:"   option selected.
> >
> > I discovered if I add a birth or death location, the census tool will
> list him.
> > I don't know for a FACT where he was born or died so I am not going to
> enter a location into my database.  However I could make a guess when I do
> a census search IF he were on the list.  I feel confident this isn't the
> only person in my database with dates but without a location.
> > I feel like this a problem that needs to be fixed. I am
> using
> > Legacy version
> >
> > Anyone else think this is a problem?
> > Thanks, Laird
> >
> > Family Group Record for Verl T. Pitsenbarger
> > Husband: Verl T. Pitsenbarger [11823]
> >
> > Born: 17 Apr 1920
> >   Christened:
> > Died: 26 May 2002
> >   Buried:
> > Marriage: 

Re: [LegacyUG] Census Tool failure?

2012-04-13 Thread Laird
I did some more testing:
1. The census tool finds 1848 individuals for the 1930 census and I tagged these
with tag 2.

2. Next I did a Detailed Search >
 Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look= Birth Place>
 How to look=Equal To>What to look for= blank, no entry here.
Second Condition: AND>
 Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look=Death Place>
 How to look=Equal To>What to look for= blank, no entry here.
Third Condition: AND>
 Look for whom?=Individual >Where to look=Tag 2
 How to look=Equal To>What to look for=Tagged

This search finds 349 Individuals and I looked at about 20% of these.  They do
have one or both dates and no location.

I have run check repair on this file.

On 4/13/2012 6:29 AM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> If you have no location listed at all, then Legacy won't know that they 
> should be in a census.  For example, would they be in a US census or a UK 
> one?  If the person has no locations filled in at all how would Legacy know.
> Michele
> -Original Message-
> From: Laird
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 1:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Census Tool failure?
> I have 13,864 individuals in my database and I happened to notice a person 
> that wasn't listed in the census search list (see the Family Group Record 
> below).  I didn't see any reason for this person to be missed.  I exported 
> this one person to a Legacy file and the census tool still failed to list 
> him.  I didn't have
> the   "Exclude individuals from the Search List with location percentages
> less than:"   option selected.
> I discovered if I add a birth or death location, the census tool will list 
> him.
> I don't know for a FACT where he was born or died so I am not going to enter 
> a location into my database.  However I could make a guess when I do a census 
> search IF he were on the list.  I feel confident this isn't the only person 
> in my database with dates but without a location.
> I feel like this a problem that needs to be fixed. I am using
> Legacy version
> Anyone else think this is a problem?
> Thanks, Laird
> Family Group Record for Verl T. Pitsenbarger 
> Husband: Verl T. Pitsenbarger [11823]
> Born: 17 Apr 1920
>   Christened:
> Died: 26 May 2002
>   Buried:
> Marriage: Place:
>  Wife:
> Born:
>   Christened:
> Died:
>   Buried:
> Children
> Last Modified: 12 Apr 2012

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Re: [LegacyUG] Window sizes

2012-04-13 Thread Laird
I assume the Windows Task Bar is on the center monitor and that is where Legacy
opens maximized, Is that correct?

On 4/13/2012 7:52 AM, Arnold Sprague wrote:
> Sherry,
>   In your final paragraph below, you suggested deleting
> Legacy2.usr. I did that and nothing has improved.
>   I run three monitors on Windows XP, SP3. I place Legacy on
> the RIGHT-hand monitor.
> 1. If Legacy is maximized when I close it down and then
> reopen it, Legacy opens in the MIDDLE monitor full sized.
> 2. If, however, Legacy is "Restored down" (not minimized)
> when I close it down and then reopen it, Legacy opens in the
> RIGHT-hand monitor, but not maximized.
>   This is repeatable and has occurred for years.
>   My question is how can I run Legacy maximized (in
> full-screen mode) on my RIGHT-hand monitor and have it open there
> again, full sized, after I close Legacy?
>   Thank you,
> Arnold
> At 10:24 AM 4/12/2012, you wrote:
>> Russ,
>> I just tested this with Outlook and Legacy on dual monitors in Win7.
>> Outlook was on the far left of the left monitor and Legacy on the far
>> right of the right monitor (I have the dual monitors set to stretch
>> the desktop over the two monitors)
>> I closed the two programs and reopened them. Outlook opened in the
>> middle of the left monitor, Legacy opened still tiled on the right
>> monitor as it should.
>> So Legacy is holding the position of the window when it was closed.
>> If this isn't working for you, close Legacy and delete the Legacy2.usr
>> file as I recommended before and then give it another try.
>> Sincerely,
>> Sherry
>> Technical Support
>> Legacy Family Tree
>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:53 AM, R G Strong-genes
>>   wrote:
>>> I am using Windows 7 and have found that if I have tiled two
>> windows (Legacy
>>> and some other program) side by side and have closed both windows and have
>>> come back to do a Legacy session, that when Legacy opens it is a little
>>> square window that I have to resize all over again. Usually this happens
>>> only after I have done a session with Legacy and did not restore
>> its untiled
>>> position size before closing Legacy.
>>> Russ

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[LegacyUG] Census Tool failure?

2012-04-12 Thread Laird
I have 13,864 individuals in my database and I happened to notice a person that
wasn't listed in the census search list (see the Family Group Record below).  I
didn't see any reason for this person to be missed.  I exported this one person
to a Legacy file and the census tool still failed to list him.  I didn't have
the   "Exclude individuals from the Search List with location percentages
less than:"   option selected.

I discovered if I add a birth or death location, the census tool will list him.
I don't know for a FACT where he was born or died so I am not going to enter a
location into my database.  However I could make a guess when I do a census
search IF he were on the list.  I feel confident this isn't the only person in
my database with dates but without a location.
I feel like this a problem that needs to be fixed. I am using
Legacy version

Anyone else think this is a problem?
Thanks, Laird

Family Group Record for Verl T. Pitsenbarger

Husband: Verl T. Pitsenbarger [11823]

   Born: 17 Apr 1920
   Died: 26 May 2002
   Marriage: Place:




Last Modified: 12 Apr 2012

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Re: [LegacyUG] Duplicate Problem

2012-04-08 Thread Laird
In addition to importing your GEDCOM into a new file and clean it up first.  You
can add one or more sources to indicate where you got the GEDCOM from etc.  When
it is time to merge it with your main data base:

Maintain the new file as a Legacy file, DO NOT export it as a GEDCOM to be
merged with your main database.
BACKUPBACKUP, maybe rename.

When you import the newfile.fdb, tell Legacy to renumber the individual [RIN]
and marriage [MRIN] numbers to a number exceeding the highest numbers in your
main database.  Say if you had 10,000 individuals in your main database and your
highest RIN was 11, 381 (you will likely have some skipped numbers and this is
OK, don't worry about it) , you might renumber the import starting with 11,382
or a little higher.  To find the highest RIN in your main database select the
index tab and click the RIN button at the top left of window.  Then scroll to
the bottom of the list and note the highest RIN used.

Same story with the MRINs.  To find the highest MRIN go to View>Marriage List,
click MRIN in the top left of window and scroll to the bottom of the list and
note the highest number used.

Next you will go to:   File > Import From > Legacy File>   and find your
newfile.fdb and click open.  You will select   Add the Legacy information to the
EXISTING Family File.   Click Proceed, Continue with import and a new window
named   Legacy Import   will open .  This is where you renumber the RINs, in the
upper right of the window, selectRenumber RINs from:   put a number higher
than your highest RIN as noted above.  Also do   MRINs from:   with the higher
MRIN as noted above.

When you are ready click theStart the Import   button.  When you do the
merge/check for duplicates you will know all the new import numbers are higher
than your main database.  After the merge the duplicates will become unused
RIN/MRINs.  Again don't worry about it.

On 4/8/2012 10:55 AM, R G Strong-genes wrote:
> I agree. Are you importing the gedcom directly into your file? You should
> import it into a NEW file then do all your duplicate checking, place name
> formats etc, etc. BEFORE you merge it into your main database. This will
> eliminate most of your duplicates and will merge more smoothly plus you can
> create the source for that GEDCOM and the info will import with the new 
> source.
> Russ
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 08, 2012 4:52 AM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Duplicate Problem
> You just have to buckle up and do the Merge/Unlink like we all do. No easy
> answer. Sorry, Rich in LA CA
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, April 7, 2012 2:50 PM
> *Subject:* [LegacyUG] Duplicate Problem
> I received a GEDCOM file that I would like to add to my files (to a backup
> copy just as a safeguard).  In importing the GEDCOM of approximately 2000+
> names, I have discovered duplication of about half of the persons imported.
> Is there a recommended way to eliminate the duplications?  I tried the
> duplication process and it appears that I have to address each pair
> separately.  This creates a problem when looking at the names and data as to
> which one is the accurate one or even if it is a duplication.  Suggestions?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Handling Photos

2012-04-05 Thread Laird
This is a challenge using Legacy, but think about these ideas, at least it would
all be in one book.

In the Books / Other, publishing center under the Contents Tab
 Add your Descendant Narrative CHAPTER
   Next add a Picture Scrapbook CHAPTER (at the bottom of the list.
Although this isn't what you really want perhaps you can make do with this 

Also a way to insert a custom chapter is as follows:   A little more difficult
thing to think about is the Place Holder CHAPTER.  You reserve a set number of
blank pages which can be replaced with something of your choice (photo album?).
But to do this you will have to be creative about producing a PDF file to send
to a publisher like  I have used a free PDF file creator (PDFcreator)
which replaces a printer device, from:
It will let you combine multiple documents into one PDF.  For example using the
publishing center preview the entire document, Title, TOC, Descendant chapter,
PLACE HOLDER CHAPTER, additional chapters and index.  Next in the upper right
side of the preview window under Print: select the Range button.  Enter the page
number range from the start of the book to the last page before the place holder
chapter and print a PDF using PDFcreator.  Repeat this for the range following
the end of the place holder chapter to the end of the book including the index.
Create a PDF chapter of your choice to replace the place holder chapter.  Now
using PDFcreator merge the three PDF files into one file.  If you need to create
a Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3) file for Lulu, email me off list and I can send you
setup info for PDF creator to do that.


On 4/5/2012 1:55 AM, wrote:
> So I have another question for everyone, and appreciate earlier answers today
> - it helped tremendously.
> How do you handle photos?  For instance I have photos of the village the
> family came from in Croatia, and would like to include it in the family
> "Book".  Now I can put each photo in an individual event so they all print,
> but that seems rather cumbersome.  What am I missing?  I see where I can add
> an entire photo "album" and print it separately, but not as part of a book.
> Am I stuck keeping the photos in separate files so I have to print them 
> separate?
> The purpose of the individual project right now is as follows:
> 5 Generations in which the oldest generation had 14 children.  There will be
> one large descendants chart printed in poster form.  There will be one printed
> copy of a book, with photos and sources.  There will be a CD containing said
> book and chart given to each of the 14 families to pass down to their own
> lines. (There are still 7 of them living, plus one copy will go to the oldest
> child of those who have passed on).  I would use Passage Express, but there
> will be no computer there to give the presentation, and most of those who will
> receive the CD would probably not know how to use it.
> Teresa
> Who's starting to stress over the huge family reunion in june.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Name Index

2012-03-15 Thread Laird

Try this:
 From the top menu
View>Name List
Near the bottom left of center click on the Print... button
On the Options tab, Row 1 tab etc. select the items you want to see in the 
Click the preview button.  If you a large number of people in your file you can
click the cancel button and not wait until it finishes, it will show you what it
has created so far.  If it looks OK you can use the normal way you want to print
it.  To a PDF or hard copy.

On 3/15/2012 6:19 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
>From your limited description this looks like it is the Name Index
> pages for some report. There is nothing in Legacy that will create a
> report like the one you describe. Do you have a "printer" on your system
> that will create a PDF file instead of paper? That is one way you might
> have created a file with only the Name Index. A normal report from
> Legacy saved as a PDF will have the body of the report included.
> The nearest thing I can suggest to get a Name Index with everyone in
> your file is to create Individual Reports as a batch for everyone in
> your file. If you include a Name Index that will be at the end of all
> the reports. From the Preview of the full reports you can print selected
> pages. Sending that print to a PDF creator printer will create a PDF
> with only the Name Index from the batch of Individual Reports.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 15/03/2012 6:02 PM, Georgia wrote:
>> I am clearing out some files and came across a name index I created in
>> 2006 on Legacy.
>> It shows each surname in my database in bold caps and then indented
>> below each surname, a list of the given names.  Each given name has a
>> life span in parenthesis, the RIN in brackets and then some single
>> digits following the RIN.  I see that in the upper right corner it is
>> page 8 of something.
>> I apologize for such a cryptic explanation but I would love to recreate
>> this list showing the new names I have but I cannot figure out how I
>> created this list. Or what it is the index to.  It seems to cover my
>> entire database.
>> Can anyone help me?
>> Many thanks,
>> Georgia Chun

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Re: [LegacyUG] Family Search Help

2012-03-08 Thread Laird
Are you doing this through Legacy or directly on the Family Search web using a
Web Browser?
There seems to be a problem with Legacy when the person you are searching
doesn't have enough dates b. & d. to fill in the form on Family Search?

On 3/8/2012 7:22 PM, Larry Lee wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if Family Search in now off limits to non-LDS.I
> used to use it once upon a time.  have tried the new site&  the old
> site.
> My email address, old username and password are still valid but I
> can't seem to be able to use the search function.
> I know things have changed&  are changing but is it still possible to
> use it at all for non-LDS?
> Thanks,
> Larry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Upgrading to new version requiring password?

2012-03-08 Thread Laird
I think you would be using the free version
The password is  legacy7

On 3/8/2012 12:33 PM, Dave Keeney wrote:
> I'm trying to upgrade to the newest version (Installed Version: *;
> *Available Version: ** and it's asking for a password.
> I'm upgrading from the "Legacy Home" tab.
> Anybody know it?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Tagging a Census Search List

2012-03-08 Thread Laird
I don't know if it is intended to work that way but version and did the same thing.

On 3/8/2012 12:31 PM, Bobby Johnson wrote:
> Thanks Mike and Tim.  That works for me.   I had returned to the family view 
> after creating the list and then decided to tag it.  I right clicked on the 
> tag boxes  to get to Advanced Tagging.  It opens the same screen as the 
> method you use but the "Tag Everyone in the search list" is grayed out when 
> you use this approach.  Shouldn't it work this way.  Perhaps a small bug.  
> I'll use the "Options" button from now on.
> Bobby
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Fry []
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Tagging a Census Search List
> On 2012/03/08 18:59, Bobby Johnson wrote:
>> I just updated to version and created a search list for the 1940
>> census.  I wanted to tag everyone in the list, but when I went to advanced
>> search the "Tag everyone in search list" was grayed out.  When I view the 
>> search
>> list it is there.  How can I tag this list?
> No problems here! After creating the list, you should click on the Options
> button at the foot of the list, then select Advanced Tagging from there. Is 
> that
> what you're doing?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Tagging a Census Search List

2012-03-08 Thread Laird
While still in the census search list with all the people showing:
click Options
click Advanced Tagging
select your tag number
click Everyone in Search List
you are done.

On 3/8/2012 11:39 AM, Bobby Johnson wrote:
> Pardon me.  I should have said "when I went to Advanced Tagging".
> -Original Message-
> From: Bobby Johnson []
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 12:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Tagging a Census Search List
> I just updated to version and created a search list for the 1940 
> census.  I wanted to tag everyone in the list, but when I went to advanced 
> search the "Tag everyone in search list" was grayed out.  When I view the 
> search list it is there.  How can I tag this list?
> Bobby

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Re: [Norton AntiSpam][LegacyUG] ZIP Files

2012-03-08 Thread Laird
 From the help file:

*Restore Family File*

*To restore an existing Legacy Family File:*

1. Choose *Restore Family File...* from the /File/ menu.  The /Select a Family
File Backup to Restore/ dialog appears.

*Note*:  You should only select a backup of a Family File. To restore Multimedia
files use the built-in compressed files and folders utility in Windows XP and
above or a zip file utility such as Winzip.

2. From the /Restore Location/ dialog box, specify the drive and folder where
you want the restored Family File placed.

See Backup a Family File for more information on
backing up a Family File.

On 3/8/2012 10:50 AM, wrote:
> I have read the Legacy manual and tried to find this subject in the help 
> files - but have been unsuccessful. It would appear that using a program such 
> as WinZip is necessary - another expense.
> Could you explain how to utilize the '.zip' files that are saved during the 
> back-up process? e.g., If I wanted to open a zip file I saved a month or so 
> back, how would I do so and use it in Legacy?
> This may be Legacy 101, but I could use some help.
> Bob
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Re: [LegacyUG] Universal Source?

2012-03-01 Thread Laird
1. I assume this is a Legacy .fdb file..
2. Go to File Menu>File Import>Legacy File> and select your file to import.
3. On the Options window click AutoSource at the bottom of window.
4. Choose
 Add one source entry per record (in Unspecified)OR
 Add source to all incoming fields that have information
5. Click Select a Master Source, a new window will open
6. Click the Add button to create a new Master Source
6a.  Click Options button and select Import Lists
6b.  Browse for a Family File to Import Lists From:
6c.  Click/select the Master Sources button and click Import Lists button.
6d.  You should now be able to select a Master Source from the list
7. Click the Select button
8. This should put you back to the first Import window again.
9. Click the Start the Import button
That should get you off to a start. Click the Help
button on any window!


On 3/1/2012 5:05 PM, Maureen Lake wrote:
> I have a weird question.  I have a friend building me a Legacy file of names
> from a specific inigration event (a ship and travel list) which will include
> almost 500 families, and over 1500 people.  Once I have that, I will be doing
> descendancy research on those families for a historic recreation.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to add a single source to all events
> recorded when I get the file, or will I need to go through event by event and
> add the website information she is getting the data from for me?  Then I can
> continue on with additional research and sources.
> Thanks.
> Maureen

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Re: [LegacyUG] maps?

2012-02-24 Thread Laird
According to my copy of AniMap software:
Marion, MS and Marion Station v-Marion, MS in Lauderdale Co.  at 32.417, -88.648
which is Northeast of Meridian, MS.
In 1785 it was in Bourbon County established by Georgia in Natchez Region.
In 1788 it was in Bourbon County eliminated by Georgia
In 1804 in Choctaw Lands
In 1829 in Non-county areas (unceded Indian lands)
1830 in Wayne County
In 1833 in Lauderdale to 1918, the last date in the software.

Marion v-Sidon and Marion Landing v-Sidon, MS in Leflore Co.  at 33.408, -90.204
in Sidon, MS
Marion Station v-Marion in Lauderdale Co.
Legacy sells AniMap in their store.

On 2/24/2012 4:34 PM, John B. Lisle wrote:
> Michele,
> You are quite welcome. Mapping is an important function. It would be
> nice if it were easier...  When you start mapping other countries,
> you start with other layers of problems, including different
> spellings... of names from other languages.
> john.
> At 04:40 PM 2/24/2012, Michele Lewis wrote:
>> Wow, John.  That was great advice!  Thanks for taking the time to
>> type that all out :)
>> Michele
>> -Original Message-
>> From: John B. Lisle []
>> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 3:40 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] maps?
>> Michele,
>> I geocode locations from all over the world every day with Legacy
>> and know how frustrating it can be.
>> Let me share with you a few things I have learned and how I do it.
>> 1/ If you add US, USA, etc. it can confuse Bing.
>> I think Legacy now strips that off before it sends the location to
>> Bing to geocode.
>> 2/ If you write out the State, it will get more confused than if you
>> use the Postal code for the state; eg, better to geocode TX vs. Texas.
>> 3/ If the state has a city/town by the same name as the county, it
>> will almost always find the city, even if you wanted the county.
>> Putting "Co." or "County" after a county name will help it
>> understand what is a county. If I have the name of the town, I just
>> enter it without the county.
>> 4/ Bing will find a location differently depending on where the map
>> is placed when it goes looking. EG, I have had it fail miserably to
>> find a location when map was far away from location, but when
>> location is in the view, it finds it precisely.
>> 5/ Bing will USUALLY not find townships.
>> 6/ Clean up the naming of the location after you have let Bing find
>> the location. If you let Bing re-place the pin after you have
>> cleaned up the location name, Bing may recode it elsewhere; usually
>> this happens when the county name is same as a city/town name.
>> My process is to enter a new location with the minimum of
>> information and let Bing try to do its thing. Then I edit the
>> location with the old Geocode database and let that try to get the
>> name expanded properly.
>> -->  I have significantly edited the
>> GeoCode-xxx.txt files to get the Geocode database to format the
>> names to my naming standards.
>> I compare the location coordinate found from old Geocode with Bing
>> to see that they seem to agree.
>> The old Geocode results are not as precise as Bing, but it will find
>> places that Bing gets wrong.
>> For coding at Country/State/Province/etc. level, I code to the capital.
>> I use Wikipedia extensively to figure out county seats and
>> townships. I code county level locations at the county seat and
>> townships at the major town. I code cemeteries at the cemetery when
>> I can find the location. (FindaGrave is very helpful with that.)
>> I like to enter historical locations which are often NOT in any
>> GeoCode database so I need to find where the location is now and
>> manually place the pin where it needs to be.
>> These systems are smart, but not smart enough. ;-)
>> I go to this trouble because mapping is important to me, and I
>> export the geocodes to my web publishing tool which does extensive
>> mapping of the events for each person.
>> ok?
>> john.

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Re: [LegacyUG] We just upgraded our mail server

2012-02-23 Thread Laird
Was the upgrade to SmarterMail 9?

On 2/22/2012 12:20 PM, KenMcGinnis wrote:
> We just wanted to let everyone know that we just updated our mail server and
> hopefully everything will continue as normal.  If you see any problems with
> emails let me know.
> Thanks,
> Ken McGinnis
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!

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Re: [LegacyUG] Using Word for descendant report

2012-02-22 Thread Laird
Paula and Elizabeth,
You don't have to compromise on the export, you can still keep Source Writer

1.  DO NOT export as GEDCOM.
2.  Export as a Legacy file, from the file menu:File>Export to>Legacy
File You can use a focus group or tag the subset you want.
3.  Export it.
4.  It will ask if you want to open it.

On 2/22/2012 8:29 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> Elizabeth, I believe you are correct (can't edit standard output) & that's why
> Legacy has the RTF option.
> Re:  showing only some descendents
> I have seen on this list people recommending you export the subset you need to
> GEDCOM, then import into a new file, then unlink the "branches" you don't need
> in the particular report.  (I'm paraphrasing.)
> Maybe that sort of approach could work for you.
> ON THE OTHER HAND:  There are known issues with GEDCOM vs. Source Writer
> citations, so maybe it wouldn't work for you.
> --Paula in Texas
> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton Chapman
> Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis Exline Field
> Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind Hopkins Hughes
> Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters Pelton Roberts
> Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
> *From:* Elizabeth 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tue, February 21, 2012 8:38:14 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Using Word for descendant report
> Thanks for all the advice.  My original reason for exporting to Word
> was for subsequent editing.  Whilst I probably should be able to get
> Legacy to produce the wording I need, if I only, for example, need
> some of the descendants shown, it seems easier to do that in Word.
> I don't believe one can edit the Standard Output, just print?
> Elizabeth
> On 20 February 2012 00:26, Mark Lang  <>> wrote:
> > Elizabeth,
> >
> > Upon further examination, I too have found similar results. I will be
> reporting this problem.
> >
> >
> > Kind Regards
> > Mark Lang
> > Beta Tester
> >
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Elizabeth [ <>]
> >> Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012 5:20 AM
> >> To: 
> >> <>
> >> Subject: [LegacyUG] Using Word for descendant report
> >>
> >> I have exported a descendant report, via rtf, to Word but am puzzled
> >> by various additions to the text which appear to have inserted
> >> themselves. �For example, one event should read: "He was resident at
> >> Gilbert Street, Paddington, London in 1841" but following 1841 is
> >> \up51\up0, with the last five digits in superscript.  I think it
> >> should simply be a single superscript 1 for the first source quoted.
> >> Can anyone suggest where these might have come from, please?
> >> - - - - - - -
> >> Elizabeth
> >> researching ALLAMBRIDGE (Dorset, Somerset and anywhere else they might
> >> turn up)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Genviewer

2012-02-18 Thread Laird
I tested my new download of Genviewer today with the updated Legacy database
format created with Legacy version  Genviewer loaded the database
file with no complaints and seems to work OK.  Whatever changes Legacy made to
the database don't appear to be used by Genviewer.

On 2/18/2012 1:09 PM, Tim Rosenlof wrote:
>From Luc...
> Hi everyone,
> To celebrate our 12th year of MudCreek Software, GENViewer 1 and
> GENMatcher 1 will be retailing at the excellent price of whatever you
> want to pay until Feb 23rd 2012. _That's right - name your price_.
> Please tell your friends about this great deal.
> Go to
> You can following MudCreek Software at our new Google Plus page:
> Thanks for your support over the years.
> Thanks,
> Luc Comeau
> MudCreek Software
> GENViewer and GENMatcher
> Tim

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Re: [LegacyUG] Genviewer

2012-02-18 Thread Laird
Enter your desired price in the EACH box:
Delete the 19.95 and then enter your $ amount.

On 2/18/2012 12:27 PM, Bain Family wrote:
> What am I overlooking?  I don’t see where it is on sale.  Is there a coupon
> code?  I’m looking online at the GenViewer Legacy Edition (download only)
> for $19.95.  I went to check out and it is still the normal price of $19.95.
> Thank you,
> Lana
> (I marked this email as "plain text" so hope it comes through as such.)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sharpen Your Pencils

2012-02-14 Thread Laird
You can get free 1790 through 1930 Census images (as well as many other things)

I would guess they will have the 1940 Census at some point.

On 2/14/2012 10:55 PM, Eliz Hanebury wrote:
> Are you refering to the 1940? Ancestry and familysearch are both
> getting it I believe. Ancestry is running a count down  they will
> put it online browse only ASAP and then set people to indexing it.
> What familysearch has to say
>   ”
> On April 2, 2012, NARA will provide access to the images of the 1940
> United States Federal Census for the first time. Unlike previous
> census years, images of the 1940 U.S. Federal Census will be made
> available as free digital images.
> Eliz
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:30 PM, elizabeth  wrote:
>> Yes, I have access from home to HQ through my library card and use it often.
>> Does anyone know who, if anyone, will be putting this new census online, and
>> when?
>> Elizabeth
>> ==
>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Paula Ryburn
>> wrote:
>>> Does anyone else on this list use Heritage Quest through their library?
>>> --Paula in Texas
>>> Researching: Adair Baker Beasley Benson Betz Bigley Blagrave Burton
>>> Chapman Clement Clough Coppernoll Costine Daulton Dinwiddie Doody Ellis
>>> Exline Field Floran Floyd Gates Goodale Gordon Gump Hale Harbaugh Hind
>>> Hopkins Hughes Hurdle Jones Klein Koyle Laswell McDonald Misner Passwaters
>>> Pelton Roberts Roche Ryburn Sanford Short Singer Sullivan Weller Williams
>>> From: Tim Rosenlof
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Tue, February 14, 2012 12:14:35 PM
>>> Subject: [LegacyUG] Sharpen Your Pencils
>>> Records Released in 48 Days!
>>> --
>>> Tim Rosenlof
>>> Always Source Your Work

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Re: [LegacyUG] Pictures - how to handle ones with more than one person in the photo

2012-02-05 Thread Laird
I am with Jenny on this one.  Using photo editing software, I also crop the 
photo to show one person and use the name and RIN of the person as the filename.

I find the following works for books in the Publishing Center: I crop the 
person from the group photo and resize it to 1.5" tall x 1.5" wide @ 300 pixels 
per inch.  I then merge a youth photo on the left side and  an adult (later in 
life) on the right side which makes it 1.5" tall x 3" wide.  When I only have 
one photo I center it as 1.5" x 1.5" within the 3" width with white space on 
both sides.

In the Publishing Center:>  Report Options>  Pictures>  Picture Options.  I 
select "Custom Picture area:  Width [3] Inches", Picture Reduction Width is 
set to "Original size".

As Leon said you can only print a single photo in book reports.  You could
extend the above concept to include more than two photos of a person by merging
several photos into one.  What you must keep in mind is the Report options photo
size option is GLOBAL.  That is why I put a single photo into the center of 1.5
x 3.  If you used a single photo as 1.5 x 1.5 it would print as 3" x 3" using
"Custom Picture area:  Width [3] Inches" in my example above.

On 2/5/2012 6:23 PM, Jenny M Benson wrote:
> On 05/02/2012 23:21, Daphne Eze wrote:
>> I'm in the process of attaching my photos to the records in Legacy.
>> How do others handle it when there are more than one person in fthe photo?
>> Do you attach the photo to each person that is in it?
>> How do you name the photo?
> Whenever possible I crop the photo to show just the individual I want
> and save that picture to attach to the Individual.  I attach group
> photos to Events where it is appropriate, such as a picture of a Wedding
> or a special family occasion.
> I don't have any particular scheme for naming photos, except that I use
> the RINs along with people's names.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Page numbering problem on Multiple Line of Descent Report

2012-02-05 Thread Laird
OK Mike,
I did not file the original bug report.
Please tell me how to do this.

On 2/5/2012 11:58 AM, Mike Fry wrote:
> On 2012/02/05 19:19, Laird wrote:
>> I installed version, build 31 Jan 2012 and verified this problem 
>> still
>> exists on my system it appears to still be a bug?
>> Would you please give the LUG an update on the status of this problem?
> You could, of course, have had a look for yourself on the website at what had
> been fixed in the new release, and avoided this unnecessary thread.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Page numbering problem on Multiple Line of Descent Report

2012-02-05 Thread Laird
Sorry Mike, I misunderstood your statement.

I did look at the bug fixes on the web site for this version release and these
are the only ones that might be related to printing reports:
*Event Report* - When using List format, the event name is now always included.
*Publishing Center* - Family Group Records were inserting two entries into the
Table of Contents instead of only one. Fixed.

As a side note I had reported a different bug with the Publishing Center and I
got a personal email directly from Legacy saying it was fixed in the next
release, which turned out to be  My reported bug fix was also not
listed in the Fixed Items list.

On 2/5/2012 11:58 AM, Mike Fry wrote:
> On 2012/02/05 19:19, Laird wrote:
>> I installed version, build 31 Jan 2012 and verified this problem 
>> still
>> exists on my system it appears to still be a bug?
>> Would you please give the LUG an update on the status of this problem?
> You could, of course, have had a look for yourself on the website at what had
> been fixed in the new release, and avoided this unnecessary thread.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Page numbering problem on Multiple Line of Descent Report

2012-02-05 Thread Laird
I installed version, build 31 Jan 2012 and verified this problem still
exists on my system it appears to still be a bug?

Would you please give the LUG an update on the status of this problem?
Thanks, Laird

On 5/16/2011 11:42 AM, Brian/Support wrote:
> The problem you reported has been tested and is confirmed. A report has
> been recorded in our problem tracking system so this can be fixed. Thank
> you for helping us make Legacy a better program for everyone.
> In fact I created two problem reports. One for the standalone report and
> one for the Publishing Centre.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 15/05/2011 8:47 PM, Ken wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Although the following appears to be a minor problem, I thought I should 
>> bring it to the
>> group's attention to see if I am overlooking a solution.   I note it has not 
>> been listed
>> in the archives.
>> When producing a Multiple Line of Descendant Report within the Publishing 
>> Centre or as a
>> stand alone, the Table of Contents are incorrectly numbered.   The second 
>> page and those
>> Table of Contents pages that follow are all automatically assigned a page 
>> number as though
>> they were the last page of the whole report.In my case each page, 2 
>> through 5, of the
>> Table of Contents were assigned page number 312.   The last page of my full 
>> report was
>> 311.
>> As the Table of Contents falls at the beginning of the report I was 
>> surprised to see it
>> numbered as though it fell at the end but realized the problem was more than 
>> that when all
>> the Table of Contents pages, 2 through 5, carried the same incorrect number. 
>>Have I
>> done something wrong or is this a bug?
>> If someone tries to duplicate this scenario please make sure your Table of 
>> Contents is two
>> or more pages.I tried to see if this situation applied to any other type 
>> of report but
>> my line doesn't go back far enough to have at least two pages of generations 
>> noted in the
>> Table of Contents for the Ancestor or one name Descendant report.
>> I thank you for reading this and look forward to some guidance with regards 
>> to the matter.
>> Ken Marlow, Ottawa

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Re: [LegacyUG] Correct file path for media

2012-01-21 Thread Laird
Hi Ron,
Below you said "Remember also that the drive letter of an external drive can
vary depending on the order in which external drives are added."

That is true.But there is an easy way to reassign/force drive letters to any
valid letter D: through Z: that you want.
You may have to be logged in as Administrator to do this, but I am not sure.

Open "Control Panel"
Next open "Administrative Tools"
Next open Computer Management"
Next open Disk Management"
In the top or lower part of the window,  select and RIGHT click on the drive you
want to reassign.
 Then select :Change Drive Letters and Paths..."
A small window will open, click the "Change..." button
  Another small window will open and there you can select a new drive

If an unwanted HDD is already assigned the letter you desire, you will need to
reassign it to something else FIRST then go back to the drive you want to 

On 1/21/2012 11:47 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Julia,
> I knew that I shouldn’t have got out of bed today!! I thought that Tony had
> put his Legacy program into his Program folder. So forget all the irrelevant
> parts of what I have written.
> There is no problem with your set up as it stands, although if you transfer to
> another PC the drive letters will need to
> be the same for Legacy to find the data etc. Remember also that the drive
> letter of an external drive can vary depending on the order in which external
> drives are added.
> Ron Ferguson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Help Files - Search Function

2012-01-21 Thread Laird
Jerry, try what Sherry said.

I clicked on the Search tab and entered ancestor

It produce a list of 89 help pages by rank, which contain the word   ancestor
at least once.
Double click on an item in the list to see the word(s) highlighted on the help
page.  You can also click on the "Title" heading or the "Rank" heading to change
the way the list is sorted.

Rank # 24 had 4 occurrences of  ancestor


On 1/21/2012 7:15 PM, Jerry wrote:
> Thanks, Sherry, but even though it says search, it is still a table of
> contents, not really an index.  The first tab is not really an index
> either, but that is the way with the Windows world now.  You used to be
> able to search for every instance in which a word was used, but no more.
> If the complete help file would produced as a pdf and fully searchable
> by every single word of phrase, therefore, that would be a good thing.
> Anyway, I'm looking for the meaning of the error code 3260, which
> occurred when I was running a potential problems list.
> Jerry -
> On 1/21/2012 5:57 PM, Sherry/Support wrote:
>> In the Help file, click on the "Search" tab and enter the search term
>> you wish to use.
>> Sincerely,
>> Sherry
>> Technical Support
>> Legacy Family Tree
>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Jerry   wrote:
>>> Is there any way in the help files to bring up every instance in which a
>>> word or phrase is used?  Several years ago, this was the beauty of the
>>> Windows' environment help menu system.  It seems that everybody is
>>> getting away from how well it used to work.  I already have the printed
>>> manual, but it would be nice if there was a fully-searchable online help
>>> file system in place.
>>> --
>>> Jerry -

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Re: [LegacyUG] Checking for file DIFFERENCES

2012-01-20 Thread Laird
Hi Laurie,

I really agree with you about the difficulty of version control.  I have
complained on this LUG about Legacy changing the file date stamp even if you
just view a database.  Seems as though this isn't a Legacy problem but a problem
with the Microsoft database system they use.  In my case my database got
corrupted and I needed to compare the Legacy zipped backup files to see which
version one was good.  Sometimes when I know I am just browsing I will create a
copy of the data file to use for viewing so the real file doesn't get a new date

This is what I do to compare file1 vs file2:

Do this for both file1 and file2.
In Legacy, click File>Export To>GEDCOM File
A window will open-in the top on the Options tab  Produce file for: (select)
Legacy, Character Set ANSI
then click Select File Name and START EXPORT
Now you have saved two GEDCOM files which you can compare.
   I use WinMerge which is free/open source, user friendly and presents the
differences quite well.

You can get WinMerge here:

When viewing the GEDCOM data note the Update/modified date in the GED file.

This isn't the best solution, i.e. it doesn't do a direct compare of
Sourcewriter sources.  And likely some other things I am not aware of.
I spent a lot of time trying to do this.  I bought MudCreek GENMatcher hoping it
would do what I wanted but it didn't.

On 1/20/2012 9:32 AM, laurie curtis wrote:
> I’m made a mess of things and cannot be the only one with this problem.
> Really lost the plot with version control and have managed to enter new data
> in to back up versions of files. Also because every time a file opens, it gets
> a new date, I don’t always know what file is the newest –just know which 
> one I
> opened most recently.  This compounds the version control issue when I THINK
> I’m entering data in most current file, but entering it in a back up.  
> Because
> I’m afraid to lose what I’ve done, I save the backup with a new name.  
> Now I’m
> in a real mess.
> Would love to know if anyone has figured out a way to compare files for what
> is DIFFERENT.  I know we can compare for what is the same, but that won’t 
> help
> me figure out which files have new data?  Thoughts for how to get myself out
> of this mud hole?   Would also really welcome ideas for how people handle file
> management – I obviously need some lessons!!
> Laurie
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Re: [LegacyUG] RIN renumbering

2011-12-27 Thread Laird
Hi Bob,
I have been down this road before, but it has been a couple of years ago.

I feel your last option is the best.  (make all USER IDs equal to "FILE 2 RINs)
 It WILL preserve the original RINs.

I would renumber using Brian's suggestion.
1   If there are missing/skipped RINs I think this will be a
 problem to preserve the original numbers.  Therefore
 some renumbered RINs will be offset.
2   A higher range of numbers for file 2 will make it simpler
 to keep up with the source of the individual when you
 are doing the merge process.

To answer the question of why it is better to use 10001 instead of 1:
 The renumber function starts at the number you enter
 and and does NOT add to the current RIN.

On 12/26/2011 8:37 PM, Robert57P_gmail wrote:
> I have 2 Legacy files I want to merge.  To more easily identify which
> record came from which file (while I do the importing/merging), I'd like
> to renumber one of the files.
> File 1 = RIN 1 through 307
> File 2 = RIN 1 through 1623
> I'd prefer to renumber all RINs (and MRINs) in file 2 so that 10,000 is
> added to each existing RIN number.  Thus:
> 1 would now be 10001
> 45 would now be 10045
> 1623 would now be 11623
> This way I can tell, at a glance, what the original RIN was in case I
> need to go back to the original file for some research/comparison/etc.
> For example, if I see a RIN of 10540, I know it came from file 2 and was
> originally 540.
> I know I can renumber them one at a time via TOOLS/RENUMBER RINS, but is
> there a better way to do this renumbering?  Either within Legacy or via
> some 3rd party tool?  I see a renumber option in the IMPORT dialogue
> box, but it looks like it would not keep any relationship between the
> original RIN and the new RIN. (I'd prefer to not export them to MS
> Access - I've tried going the Access route in the past and always seem
> to have some kind of problem).
> I believe another option would be to make all USER IDs equal to "FILE 2
> [RIN]" in file 2, but I have a feeling in my gut that it would be better
> to deal with the RIN field instead . . .
> Thanks,
> Bob

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy UG How List/print Research, All and nothing but

2011-10-09 Thread Laird
Try this and let us know if you get what you are looking for.

Go to Search
Detailed Search > Individual > Notes-Research > Not Equal to > (What to look
for) should be blank
Click Create List
At the bottom of the Search List window click the Print button and the List
Report Options window will open
On the Options tab
 give the report a Title
 choose your options and BE SURE to select "Wrap long lines down columns" at
the bottom of the window.

On the *Row 1 tab
 select Surname, Given names and un-check everything else
 click the Customize button
 click on one of the boxes with three dots, the window "Field Names to
Display" will open
 scroll down to Research Notes and click the Select button
 click the Close button
 "rNotes" will appear on one of the Optional Fields, click this selection.
On the tabs for Row 2 and Row 3, un-check, don't include these in the report

Click Preview and see if you get the results you want.
You can then Print the report or Create a PDF file.

On 10/9/2011 7:32 PM, Todd B wrote:
> I'd like to use Research Notes as repository of Research to do.  I can not
> find a report that contains just Research Notes by Person Name without the
> persons vital records, and shows multiple people per page.  I'd like to print
> ALL people with Research Notes.
> I have Legacy 7.5, Deluxe ed. I charting.
> I have looked at all reports, the To Do mechanism, and Search.   Search
> produces a nice Research Notes complete list, ( via Show Research Notes with
> no Sources) , but you can only select one to print at a time, as far as I can
> tell.
> I like the Research Notes because it is so close to the person you are working
> on.  Other methods, e.g. To Do, research log etc for many keystrokes away from
> the person you are working on.
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you for your replies.  I'll be back on Monday morning.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Down Ampney not recognized as a location

2011-08-27 Thread Laird
My V7.5 has the file Preposition_English.lst with a created date of 10/11/2010.
I first installed my Legacy in December of 2009.  Perhaps that created date
might be close to one of the Legacy updates.  It is the only file with that
creation date.

On 8/27/2011 2:36 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:25:15 -0700, CE Wood  wrote:
>> Preposition_English.lst
> That's funny. My V7.5 folder doesn't have a Preposition_English.lst, but
> my V6 folder does. Did you install V7 on top of an older V6 install? I
> wonder if V7 no longer uses Preposition_English.lst.

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Re: [LegacyUG] a very strange thing!

2011-08-02 Thread Laird
The turn it off and wait a bit was from the older days of PCs when it was safer
for the power supply.  Maybe something like a larger surge if you turned it back
on immediately.   I don't think that is a problem anymore these days.

On 8/2/2011 5:19 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Mike,
> I also picked up the "shut down and leave it for a bit" message years ago,
> and use it more out of habit than for any other reason. The only benefit
> that I can imagine is that it will allow the machine to cool down a little.
> Ron Ferguson
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Fry
> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] a very strange thing!
> On 2011/08/02 02:23, Don Varner wrote:
>> Sorry I don't know.  That is just something my IT group manager had told
>> me.
>>Something about allowing the hard drive and RAM to completely clear.  If
>> you
>> don't feel its necessary then don't do it.
> a) RAM clears once power is removed.
> b) You really don't want your hard drive to clear :-)

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[LegacyUG] internet search

2011-08-02 Thread Laird
Version claims to fix the problem with internet 
 From fixes:
"Internet Search - Updated the internet searches."

It looks to me like it still doesn't work with a person that only has a death
date and no birth date.
Anyone else notice this?

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[LegacyUG] Need Version

2011-08-02 Thread Laird
I upgraded to and noticed a problem with my file report and would like
to rollback to to verify that version was OK.

Can someone please send me a attachment of version by private email to
see if I can duplicate the problem.

Thanks, Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] a very strange thing!

2011-08-02 Thread Laird
I think you will find this is the Ethernet connector.  The Ethernet circuitry is
powered by a standby section of the main power supply in your PC.  The reason
behind this is to allow the PC to boot from a network connection as opposed to
the local HDD.

  On 8/2/2011 5:53 AM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 11:19:20 +0100, "Ron Ferguson"
>   wrote:
>> I also picked up the "shut down and leave it for a bit" message years ago,
>> and use it more out of habit than for any other reason. The only benefit
>> that I can imagine is that it will allow the machine to cool down a little.
> This might be getting OT...
> My PC has a jack (don't know if it is for the phone cable or the
> ethernet cable off the top of my head) with a lamp that stays lit when I
> shut the PC down. But it will turn off if I unplug the power from the
> PC. So a component on my PC might not be fully resetting even after I
> shutdown Windows. Just another thing to watch out for if you are having
> problems.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Organizing your picture folders

2011-07-07 Thread Laird
To anyone,
On thing to consider avoiding is to locate Legacy linked photos and documents in
a Windows standard folder.  Microsoft may change it at a later date as they did
from Windows XP to Windows Vista.
Windows XP "My Documents" - "My Pictures"
In Windows Vista and Windows 7 the above folder names have changed to
"Documents" and "Pictures".

What will Microsoft change the folder names to with the next release of 

I don't much like the recommended Legacy location within the Legacy program
folder, but it will work when Microsoft makes a change as above.  Unless they
drop the C:, D: convention for drives, perhaps a name of your choosing.

Using Windows Vista I had my photos in this folder path:
Y:\Users\Laird\Documents\Family Tree\Multimedia\Photos.  I needed to make a copy
of my genealogy data for a cousin who only had a C: drive.  So I changed all my
Legacy photo links to C:\FamilyTree\Multimedia\Photos\...
This is a big job if you have a large number of photo folders.  I also had a
small C: drive and a very large Y: drive on my PC so I didn't have room on my C:
for all my photos etc.  What I did was create a redirection junction point on my
C: drive to point to the files on the Y: drive, sort of an alias.  All the
photos etc. look just like they are on the C: drive even though they are still
on my Y: drive.  This is something that is supported by Windows Vista and later
operating systems.

Another thing to consider is the character length of the folder path, there is
an upper limit of about 255(XP) or 260 (Vista) characters.  You can reach this
limit before you realize it, my Y: drive length as written above is 55
characters even before you add sub-folders for surnames-locations etc.

If I were starting from scratch I would use something like

Sooner or later you will need to purchase a new PC and then this problem may 


On 7/7/2011 12:01 PM, Syble Glasscock wrote:
> There's really not a right or wrong way, it's what works best for you.  When 
> I started genealogy, I never thought I'd have 8,000+ people in my files, many 
> documents and photos, or having a family website was not in my thoughts 
> either, but I do have this now and there are certainly many things to 
> consider when naming a folder or file.
> For Legacy, I have one folder inside My Documents - titled : 
> Legacy_pics_docs; inside this folder, I have all documents, photos etc. that 
> are attached to my Legacy program, with a folders for documents, tombstones 
> and photo for each surname, i.e. Brown_pictures, Brown_tombstones. (within 
> the Brown_tombstone folder for example, if I have a lot of tombstone photos 
> for a particular cemetery, I have a folder for that cemetery), then I have a 
> Brown_documents folder, if you'll name your docs what they are first, i.e. 
> wwi_draft_brown_john or land records_brown John_1852, then they will be 
> easier to find.
> One thing I was told with a website, is to try to keep the file names short, 
> I don't know if that's true or not, but this was from a professional.   Also 
> I've been advised to have all files the same as far as - or _ and upper or 
> lower case.   This has been a hard habit to form, but I'm woking on it.
> My main reason for setting up a "Legacy" file is that I know anything in that 
> file is a lower resolution and therefore ok for the web or to e-mail someone, 
>   I keep the important originals in a higher resolution in: My 
> Documents>Genealogy_Brown_family>  etc., by having Genealogy first all my 
> Genealogy family files will be listed together.  My higher resolution photos 
> are in : My Pictures>   I have very few documents outside the U.S., so 
> starting a file with the country would be out of the question for me.
> Good Luck,
> Syble

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Re: [LegacyUG] I just sent this in as a suggestion

2011-07-05 Thread Laird
Thanks Sherry,
l also backup frequently, about every twenty minutes when I am doing extensive
editing etc.  Like you say one can go back and correct that person, but I would
have to look up that person in a prior version to see what I changed.

I really appreciate you sending a suggestion to the programmers for cancel/undo
Thanks, Laird

On 7/5/2011 10:43 PM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> Nope, there's no cancel, but if you've entered the information in the
> wrong person, go back to that person and correct it.
> The tabs function more like Access than the rest of Legacy does. When
> you're working in Access, when you make a change in a field, it's
> there to stay if you miss clicking on the "undo" button (which isn't
> too visible)
> Have I mentioned regular backups before?   I've been known to
> backup periodically while working in the file if I'm doing a lot of
> edits or additions.
> I'll pass a suggestion on to the programmers for "undo" in the tabs.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 7:30 PM, Laird  wrote:
>> Sherry,
>> In your example, let's say I choose the Edit tab.  I then make a change, 
>> whoops
>> I have the wrong person or some other dumb mistake.  I can't recover from the
>> change I just made, there isn't a [CANCEL] button to click.  Right?
>> If I can't cancel, the program shouldn't allow me to make an edit.
>> Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] I just sent this in as a suggestion

2011-07-05 Thread Laird
In your example, let's say I choose the Edit tab.  I then make a change, whoops
I have the wrong person or some other dumb mistake.  I can't recover from the
change I just made, there isn't a [CANCEL] button to click.  Right?
If I can't cancel, the program shouldn't allow me to make an edit.

On 7/5/2011 10:32 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> I always work with a tagged group using the tabs on the right in the
> Name List. Lot less clicking.  Bring the tab forward that you want to
> work on and just go right down the list, leaving that tab forward.
> Before working on the next person, make sure the info in the tab
> changes to that individual's record - there might be a slight delay
> after clicking on the next person in the list.
> Also, then it's really easy to double click on the "X" to remove the tag.
> When you want to pick up where you left off, open the Name List and go
> to Search>  Show All Tagged.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 4:08 AM,  wrote:
>> I just sent the following in as a suggestion to Legacy.  I wanted to see if
>> I am the only one annoyed by this or do other people have this same problem.
>> I am hoping a lot of people have had this problem so that they will consider
>> my suggestion :) :) :)
>> Let's say you tag a bunch of people, for example... let's say I tagged
>> everyone in my file that doesn't have any sources at all.  I want to go
>> through them and work on them.  I get to the first person and I decide to
>> skip that person.  Or maybe I decide to  skip the first 10.  I get to one I
>> want to work on.  I find records on that person and I fill in all of the
>> sources.  I then UNTAG the person.  I hit the arrow on the bottom to go to
>> the next person but instead I get the message that I have come to the last
>> tagged person and it will start over again.  When I hit that then I have to
>> arrow through the first 10 people before I can get to the real next person.
>> I find what I want on that person and I untag them.  I can't get to the next
>> person on the list without having to scroll through them all.  I have to do
>> this every time I untag someone on the list!  Here is another real life
>> example.  Let's say I tag everyone that lived in MS that doesn't have
>> marriage information.  For some counties I can get the info off of an
>> Ancestry database.  For other counties I have to go through the MS Dept of
>> Archives.  When I go through the list I want to fill in all of the ones I
>> can get from the Ancestry database first which means I have to skip all the
>> ones that I will have to go to the archives for.  As I untag the ones I find
>> at Ancestry, every time I hit the arrow on the bottom it will tell me I am
>> at the end of the list and I have to start over from the beginning.  If I
>> have 600 records tagged (which I do on one thing I am working on) I have to
>> tab through A LOT of people to get to the next one on the list EVERY time I
>> untag one.  It is very annoying.  Is there anyway that the program can be
>> made to understand to go to the next person on the physical list without
>> starting over from the beginning if you untag someone on the list?
>> michele

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Re: [LegacyUG] Is this possible

2011-07-03 Thread Laird

Make a backup first   File>Backup Family File

Go to   Tools>Advanced Sourcing>  on tab "Which Records to Use" select the tag
number then on tab "Where to Assign the Citations" tick "All fields that contain
information".  You must have the citation on the clipboard then click on "Apply"

On 7/3/2011 5:59 AM, wrote:
> I have a dilemma and I don’t know if it can be fixed.  I am going through my
> master sources cleaning things up.  I have a few sources in which I want to
> change the template that was used.  Legacy will not allow you to combine
> sources if the templates are different.  I can tag everyone that uses a
> particular source.  However, each one of these  people use the source more
> than once.  Is there any way to tag each individual use of the source so that
> I can assign then new source to all of the spots where it is needed?  Deleting
> all the old ones isn’t a problem, I can simply delete the old source once I
> have the new one in place.  Going through 50 people that use a source and
> having to hand assign the source to each field where it was used is beyond
> tedious.
> When I first started using Sourcewriter I wasn’t as careful as I should be.
> Now what I do when I add a new source is I check it as soon as I add it to
> make sure the output matches Evidence Explained perfectly.  If if doesn’t, I
> either use another template or tweak it right then get it just right.
> Michele

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Re: [LegacyUG] GEDCOM preview results

2011-06-30 Thread Laird
I don't see an answer to your first question.
You can import into Legacy your exported GED 5.5 for preview etc.  Just give it
a different filename  so it isn't a conflict with your database filename.
Select from the file menu:  File>Import From>GEDCOM File.  It will ask you
to "Open" filename.

On 6/30/2011 11:09 AM, Margaret DeAcetis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm planning to create my first GEDCOM file. I've looked into the Legacy Help
> Section and found archived messages helpful.
> I see mention of "unexpected consequences."  Even using the GEDCOM 5.5 options
> and selecting basic GEDCOM file, is there anyway to preview the results? I'm
> planning to select a focus group of fewer than 15 people. Can I create it, and
> export it into my Legacy under create a new family file?  Would this allow me
> to preview the results?  Or is there any way to preview the results?
> My intention is to eventually export the file  into so that
> I can attach
> specific Census forms, a WW I draft registration card and a SS death index
> doc. I intend to make comments on these records. It is my belief that all
> these people are dead. If not, they would be in their nineties. I do not see
> how attaching a 1930 Census would compromise the privacy of any of the
> individuals if they are still alive.  Am I wrong about this?
>  Any comments would be appreciated?
> I've found this Users Group super helpful.
> Margaret
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Re: [LegacyUG] Page numbering problem on Multiple Line of Descent Report

2011-05-16 Thread Laird
I don't have this problem.  Legacy version on Vista 64.  Are you seeing
this problem on preview or on a printed paper copy?  I have not been able to
reproduce your problem using.  My TOC settings on the Additional TAB are Bold
and Use leaders

Example 1:
I have a Title Page, Copyright Notice Page, Dedication Page, Preface Page, Table
Of Contents and an Index selected.  Chapters are 2 Ancestors reports, 1
Descendant report, 1 Multiple Lines of Descent followed by 6 Ancestors reports.
This produces a book of 174 pages with 3 pages of TOC which doesn't have page
numbers.  My page number 1 starts with the first page of the first Ancestor 

Example 2:
I have a Title Page, Copyright Notice Page, Dedication Page, Preface Page, Table
Of Contents and an Index selected.  It only has one chapter of Multiple Lines of
Descent with 11 marriages.  This produces a book of 573 pages with 2.5 pages of
TOC.  As above they do not have page numbers.  My page number 1 starts with the
first page of the first Descendant.  Two hundred thirty six individuals have a
photo attached.

I have the following settings on the Options TAB>Headings and Page Numbering:
1) Header Position: I have used both Left or Center.
2) Include page numbers on report, Starting page number 1
3) Include the word "Page" before the page number
4) Page Number Position: = Top Right
5) Page Number Font: Arial 8
Footers are not used.

On 5/15/2011 7:47 PM, Ken wrote:
> Greetings,
> Although the following appears to be a minor problem, I thought I should 
> bring it to the
> group's attention to see if I am overlooking a solution.   I note it has not 
> been listed
> in the archives.
> When producing a Multiple Line of Descendant Report within the Publishing 
> Centre or as a
> stand alone, the Table of Contents are incorrectly numbered.   The second 
> page and those
> Table of Contents pages that follow are all automatically assigned a page 
> number as though
> they were the last page of the whole report.In my case each page, 2 
> through 5, of the
> Table of Contents were assigned page number 312.   The last page of my full 
> report was
> 311.
> As the Table of Contents falls at the beginning of the report I was surprised 
> to see it
> numbered as though it fell at the end but realized the problem was more than 
> that when all
> the Table of Contents pages, 2 through 5, carried the same incorrect number.  
>   Have I
> done something wrong or is this a bug?
> If someone tries to duplicate this scenario please make sure your Table of 
> Contents is two
> or more pages.I tried to see if this situation applied to any other type 
> of report but
> my line doesn't go back far enough to have at least two pages of generations 
> noted in the
> Table of Contents for the Ancestor or one name Descendant report.
> I thank you for reading this and look forward to some guidance with regards 
> to the matter.
> Ken Marlow, Ottawa

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Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing Center bug?

2011-05-16 Thread Laird
The reason this was a serious problem for me was because I required a PDF/A-1b
ver. 1.3 file to send to for publishing.  I believe Legacy produces a
PDF ver. 1.2 without /A-1b thus fonts can't be properly embedded in the file.
I am using PDFCreator as the printer device.  This works great IF you knew the
correct method to produce a print (file) with the TOC at the beginning.  I spent
the better part of a day experimenting. reading help and the archives before I
discovered the alternate print button in preview.  I guess I am just slow.:-)

A wonderful enhancement would be for Legacy to produce a PDF/A-1b ver. 1.3 file.
Thanks, Laird

On 5/15/2011 11:20 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> You are getting exactly what you should. Legacy cannot calculate the
> page numbers for the TOC until the entire report/book has been
> generated. When sending direct to the printer that means that the TOC
> has to be printed last. The alternative would be to delay the start of
> printing until the entire report is generated, by printing the TOC last
> the report can be sent to the printer as the individual pages are
> created. For convenience the other front matter pages are printed then
> also. All you have to do is take the pages and move them to the front of
> the book.
> When the report is previewed those pages, which are generated last just
> like when printing, are moved in the preview file so they appear at the
> front of the book. By the way, I remember when the programmer figured
> out how to do that, he said it took him most of one day to get it to work.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 15/05/2011 9:27 PM, Laird wrote:
>> Legacy version on WinXP and on Vista 64.
>> I didn't find anything in the archives or help file about this.  I have a
>> problem with the sequence of the TOC/chapters in 
>> Reports>Books/Other>Publishing
>> Center.  I see this problem with Ancestor, Descendant and Multiple Lines of
>> Descent Chapters, I haven't tested Descendant Narrative but feel it has the 
>> same
>> problem.
>> Under the Additional Tab I have a Title Page, Copyright Notice Page, 
>> Dedication
>> Page, Preface Page, Table Of Contents and an Index selected.  Under the 
>> Contents
>> Tab I can have as few as one Ancestor Chapter or up to a mixture of ten
>> chapters, all with the same problem.  On the same screen with the Contents,
>> Additional tabs, in the upper right hand corner is the "Print" button.  
>> First I
>> did the Printer Setup with an Epson printer with PRINTER PREVIEW turned, so I
>> can see the result before I commit to printing on paper.
>> The items which should be at the front of the book, (Title Page through 
>> Table of
>> Contents) are at the end after the index.
>> Using an alternate method to print:  Select the Legacy Preview button in the
>> upper right of screen,  then on the Legacy Print Preview screen in the upper
>> right of the screen down about 6 buttons is the Print: selection of All 
>> Pages,
>> Range and This Page.  I select All Pages and the output result is exactly 
>> what
>> you would expect with the (Title Page through Table of Contents) at the 
>> front.
>> Can anyone duplicate this?
>> Thanks, Laird
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[LegacyUG] Publishing Center bug?

2011-05-15 Thread Laird
Legacy version on WinXP and on Vista 64.

I didn't find anything in the archives or help file about this.  I have a
problem with the sequence of the TOC/chapters in Reports>Books/Other>Publishing
Center.  I see this problem with Ancestor, Descendant and Multiple Lines of
Descent Chapters, I haven't tested Descendant Narrative but feel it has the same
Under the Additional Tab I have a Title Page, Copyright Notice Page, Dedication
Page, Preface Page, Table Of Contents and an Index selected.  Under the Contents
Tab I can have as few as one Ancestor Chapter or up to a mixture of ten
chapters, all with the same problem.  On the same screen with the Contents,
Additional tabs, in the upper right hand corner is the "Print" button.  First I
did the Printer Setup with an Epson printer with PRINTER PREVIEW turned, so I
can see the result before I commit to printing on paper.
The items which should be at the front of the book, (Title Page through Table of
Contents) are at the end after the index.
Using an alternate method to print:  Select the Legacy Preview button in the
upper right of screen,  then on the Legacy Print Preview screen in the upper
right of the screen down about 6 buttons is the Print: selection of All Pages,
Range and This Page.  I select All Pages and the output result is exactly what
you would expect with the (Title Page through Table of Contents) at the front.

Can anyone duplicate this?
Thanks, Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Backup Of Family File

2011-05-06 Thread Laird
Before (2006) I learned my lesson to make frequent backups I used this $50
software to recover my files:
In one instance I quick formatted a HDD and destroyed the directory structure
and I got back almost everything on the drive.

On 5/6/2011 5:14 PM, John Carter wrote:
> I have used (expensive ~$300) software to recover files from otherwise
> unreadable drives.  If there's no physical damage, the odds of recovery
> are high.
> If you're in the US, email me off-list for more info.
> John
>> If all else fails, do not trash the drive.  Depending on the damaged
>> areas, data is sometimes retrievable.  I recovered 90% of my data from
>> a crashed drive by mounting it as an external drive when I got the new
>> system up and running.  Sometimes it works - sometimes it don't.
>> Larry
>> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Ron Ferguson
>> wrote:
>>> Howland,
>>> Join the club – the HDD on my old XP machine went kaput last 
>>> Saturday.
>>> Following which I would make one point to others, ensure that you have
>>> your
>>> email copies of your software registrations backed up on another disk.
>>> Unfortunately I had not done this for my Tree Draw Legacy program and
>>> Legacy
>>> Sales are extremely slow in replying to my urgent emails requesting
>>> copies
>>> of the registration (6 days at the moment).
>>> Having got that off my chest (at least for the time being) Legacy stores
>>> the
>>> back-up for your files on the same HDD as the program in C:\Legacy\Data.
>>> Unfortunately if that HDD has gone you are in trouble. Whether or not it
>>> will be on your external drive, rather depends on what you have set it
>>> up to
>>> save. I suggest that you search this drive for it. If your Family File
>>> was,
>>> say, Ferguson.fdb then the back up will be of the form “Ferguson date
>>>” in which case I would just search for  the 
>>> “Ferguson”
>>> bit. You may
>>> get a lot of results, but it should not be too hard to pick it out.
>>> Ron Ferguson
>>> From: Howlanddavisii
>>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 7:34 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Backup Of Family File
>>> Listers:
>>> My hard drive crashed last week.  I always backed up my family file
>>> when
>>> exiting the file and I had an external hard drive that saved my files
>>> once a
>>> week.  My question is where would the backup file be?  What drive
>>> would it
>>> be in and what file name if I did not change anything from the default.
>>> Howland Davis
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Re: [LegacyUG] Book Report Index bug?

2011-05-05 Thread Laird
Thank you BJ,
You nailed the problem, there were a few people spelled "O'dell".  They did show
in the Master Surname list, however they were AKAs.  I had used Search and
Replace for Surname and Alt. Surname (two different runs) so it didn't replace
the O'dell with O'Dell for some reason.  When I edited the people, Legacy didn't
want to change the spelling by changing the lower o to Upper O.  I had to delete
the surname and retype it to be accepted.

I used the   Search>Find>Detailed Search--Individual>Surname>Equal To o'dell
and it finds all 49 O'Dell surnames.  I would have thought "Equal To" would have
been case sensitive.
Thanks again, Laird

On 5/5/2011 12:58 PM, BG Johnson wrote:
> May I also suggest that you visit the Master Surname list and be sure there 
> is no O'dell surname in the list.  If there is, combine it with O'Dell.
> bgj
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian/Support []
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 12:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Book Report Index bug?
> I added a new husband to one of the single women (Josephine Brown RIN 8) in 
> the Sample file provided with Legacy. I am using dated 26 Apr 2011. 
> There was no problem with the O'Dell surname in the index, both the newly 
> added husband and Josephine were indexed under O'Dell. I am not aware of any 
> change to the publishing centre between version
> and my version but I suggest you update to the latest version.
> Also visit that couple and edit their marriage. In the bottom of the marriage 
> screen you will see the married names for the husband and the wife. Perhaps 
> the error is occurring there.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> On 05/05/2011 12:03 PM, Laird wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Legacy Version using Windows Vista 64 bit.
>> Using: Reports>   Books and Other>   Publishing Center>
>> Add>   Descendant Book Report
>> on the Additional tab>   Index Options   The following items are checked:
>>  x  Include a Name Index
>>  x  Birth&   Date Years on Names
>>  x  Include alternate names
>>  x  Include married names for wives<-This selections caused the 
>> problem.
>> ---
>>  x  Style 1   x Bold
>>  x  Three Columns
>>  x   Use Leaders
>> .
>> The problem shows up in a surname such as O'Dell when using married names 
>> for wives.
>> Name Index
>> Odell  for a wife
>> Anna (Jones)
>> O'Dellfor a person with surname O'Dell
>> Tom
>> Can anyone duplicate this problem?
>> Thanks, Laird
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[LegacyUG] Book Report Index bug?

2011-05-05 Thread Laird
Legacy Version using Windows Vista 64 bit.
Using: Reports > Books and Other > Publishing Center >
Add > Descendant Book Report
on the Additional tab > Index Options   The following items are checked:

   x  Include a Name Index
   x  Birth & Date Years on Names
   x  Include alternate names
   x  Include married names for wives <-This selections caused the 
   x  Style 1   x Bold

   x  Three Columns

   x   Use Leaders
The problem shows up in a surname such as O'Dell when using married names for 

Name Index

Odell  for a wife
Anna (Jones)

O'Dellfor a person with surname O'Dell

Can anyone duplicate this problem?
Thanks, Laird

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[LegacyUG] Legacy Deluxe Internet search bug?

2011-04-20 Thread Laird
In my Legacy (ver*. * database I have a birth date entered using
privacy brackets as [[5 April]] 1933. When I attempt to do an internet search
"Search > Search Internet for current person", it opens a error window:
"Unrecognized Date: [[5 April]] 1933"

Can anyone reproduce this problem?

Thanks, Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Deluxe (7.5.125) bug?

2011-04-20 Thread Laird
Yes, I selected "Suppress private information [[Private]]".
The "Suppress details for living people" works as expected.

On 4/20/2011 11:01 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> Laird,
> In Legacy Charting, did you click on the Privacy Options button to
> select the option to Suppress Private Information?
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Laird  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In my Legacy (ver*. * database I have a birth date entered using
>> privacy brackets as [[5 April]] 2011.  In Legacy reports the privacy brackets
>> are respected.
>> In Legacy Charting Deluxe version 7.5.125 the date is shown as [[5 April]]
>> 2011.  Can anyone reproduce this problem?
>> Thanks, Laird
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[LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Deluxe (7.5.125) bug?

2011-04-20 Thread Laird
In my Legacy (ver*. * database I have a birth date entered using
privacy brackets as [[5 April]] 2011.  In Legacy reports the privacy brackets
are respected.

In Legacy Charting Deluxe version 7.5.125 the date is shown as [[5 April]]
2011.  Can anyone reproduce this problem?

Thanks, Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Missing RINs

2011-02-09 Thread Laird
I suppose so long as one were to keep unused RINs below 500 tblXI could used
like I wanted to use it.  So I guess what I will have to do is export tblIR as a
CSV and open it in a spreadsheet and calculate my own missing RINs.

On 2/9/2011 1:07 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 12:32:57 -0600, Laird  wrote:
>> Seems to me that tblXI only contains deleted RINs and not unused RINS.
> I don't know how Legacy can determine the difference once "reuse" is
> turned off then turned back on. "How do it know" what was deleted and
> what was never used? ;-)
> P.S. The limit of 500 was news to me. But I understand how it will
> affect things.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Missing RINs

2011-02-09 Thread Laird
Thanks Brian for the info.
On 2/9/2011 12:09 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> Tables XI and XM are a list of unused/deleted RINs and MRINs for
> internal use within Legacy. Each table will only include 500 numbers at
> a time. They are rebuilt as required by searching for a new batch of
> unused numbers in the RIN table (IR) or the MRIN table (MR). Neither
> table is designed to include all the unused/deleted numbers.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 08/02/2011 11:48 PM, Laird wrote:
>> I have questions about a topic in the archives, so I included previous 
>> messages
>> below:
>> ===
>> I like to keep certain families within a range of RIN's.  So when I import a 
>> new
>> family I set the new member RINs to begin after the highest RIN.  To add 
>> family
>> members to a previous family, I select the correct RINs in the range of that
>> family.  Before I import into my main database, I import a GEDCOM and tell
>> Legacy to renumber RINs and MRINs starting at ___.  I select a number 
>> where
>> I want the family to be in my main database.  Next I import that Legacy file
>> into my main database and the RINs will mesh within the range I wanted.  I 
>> have
>> been doing this for the past year of so without any problems.  The past few 
>> days
>> I had been using tblXI to find the holes in the RIN list to place people, 
>> this
>> was a very nice shortcut without manually looking for gaps in the RIN range.
>> Something went wrong and the tblXI results no longer gave realistic numbers.
>> I have tested 18 previous database versions with varying results using 
>> Ltools
>> and Legacy.  One of my files (97 individuals) has huge numbers of 
>> unused/skipped
>> RINs.  This number is calculated as follows:  (highest RIN - number of
>> individuals) (14,339 - 97) = 14,242 unused in the database, which tblXI 
>> reports
>> as only 500.  I think this file may be the one I exported a persons 
>> descendants
>> from Legacy with about 50 people and added another 47 or so and used
>> IntelliShare to import it back into my main database.
>> There are about 500 unused RINs in the range of 9,000 to 10,000 in my main
>> database.  And 500 is the typical number [incorrectly?] reported in tblXI for
>> most of the files.  I do have one database in which the unused counts are 
>> much
>> closer i.e. RIN count = 26,944 - 19,133 individuals, calculated = 7,811 vs 
>> tblXI
>> = 7,303.  I have used a WinXP laptop with Legacy version and a 
>> desktop
>> WinVista-64 with Legacy version to enable and disable"Reuse 
>> abandoned
>> RINs".  I check tblXI before turning on "Reuse abandoned RINs" and then again
>> after turning it off.  I also did a File Maintenance>   Check/Repair on some 
>> of
>> the files and didn't see any difference, but I don't remember which files I 
>> this
>> did this.
>> I didn't do a test on tblXM like tblXI, but the MRINs appear to be in the 
>> range
>> I would expect.
>> Has anyone had any experience similar to mine?  Is there a difference between
>> deleted vs missing/unused RINs?  Maybe tblXI is for RINs that been used and 
>> then
>> deleted?  Maybe this is just an inconvenience for me and there isn't anything
>> wrong with my database.  And I should just bite the bullet and go back to
>> determining the missing RINs manually.
>> Thanks for any comments you may have about this.
>> Laird
>>> Re: [LegacyUG] Missing RINs
>>> Dennis M . Kowallek
>>> Wed, 19 May 2010 07:16:55 -0700
>>> On Wed, 19 May 2010 00:27:00 -0500, Robert Carneal USA
>>> wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know of a way to get Legacy to generate a report listing
>>>> the RINs that are empty?
>>>> Then the report tells me "7" is not used?
>>> Robert (and others):
>>> If you have "Reuse abandoned RINs" turned on, then tblXI contains a list
>>> of the missing RINs. You can run the following query in Access, LTools,
>>> OOBase, etc.:

Re: [LegacyUG] Missing RINs

2011-02-09 Thread Laird
On 2/9/2011 6:49 AM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 22:48:25 -0600, Laird  wrote:
>> Maybe tblXI is for RINs that been used and then
>> deleted?
> Have you tried turning off "Reuse abandoned RINS" and then turning it
> back on to see if things sync back up?


column 1   | column 2| column 3 | column 4 | column 5 | column 6
RIN count  |   Legacy #  | highest  | unused   | tlbXI| After Reuse
tlbIR,IDIR | individuals |   RIN|  RINs| count| RINs enabled
[1] 19134  |  19133  |  26944   |  7811| 7303 |  7303
[2] 19134  |  19133  |  26944   |  7811| 7303 |  500

[3] 12971  |  12970  |  13978   |  1008| 496  |  496
[4] 13068  |  13067  |  15096   |  2029| ---  |  500
[5] 13068  |  13067  |  15096   |  2029| 500  |  500

[6] 13068  |  13067  |  15096   |  2029| 500  |  500
[7] 13068  |  13067  |  15096   |  2029| 500  |  500

(GP) General procedure:
Step 1:  Open file and read col. 1 and 5 with Ltools, close file.
Step 2.  Open file with Legacy, enable Reuse abandoned RINs, read col. 2 and 3
then disable Reuse RINs and close file.
Step 3.  Open file in Ltools and read col. 5.

Following data is for file # 5, where the numbers were close to correct.
[1] 8-Feb-2011:  General procedure above.

[2] 9-Feb-2011:  GP Step 1 above.  Then open in Legacy and leave Reuse abandoned
RINs enabled then close file.  Do step 3.  Table tblXI changed from 7303 to 500.

Note:  File 5 was originally from a unzipped version of a file backed up using
File>Backup Family File from last Aug 2010, it had been modified in November to
add 6163 individuals for some import testing I had done.  RINs for the original
12,970 individuals were from, 1 to 13,978. The 6,163 import RINs were in the
range of 13,979 to 26944.

[3] 9-Feb-2011:  I restored the original Backup file 5 with Unzip (called it
file 5-2) and did Step 1, tblXI=496.  Next I opened it in Legacy and noticed
Reuse abandoned RINs was already enabled.  My normal settings are disabled but I
don't know for a fact I didn't have it enabled back in August.  I read the
individual and max RIN counts and closed the file.  Next I did step 3 tbl = 496,
no change.

[4] 9-Feb-2011:  Next I imported 97 individuals into file 5-2 with Reuse
abandoned RINs disabled.  This will be called file 5-3.  The RINs and MRINs were
set to begin at 15,000.  Read col2 and col3 then without closing the file in
Legacy I read the tables with Ltools.  tblXI = 500 and tblXM = 500, closed the
file in Ltools.

[5] 9-Feb-2011:  With Reuse abandoned RINs still disabled, I closed file 5-3 in
Legacy.  Next I read tblXI = 500 and tblXM = 500 with Ltools.

[6] 9-Feb-2011:  Opened the file-3 in Legacy and enabled Reuse abandoned RINs.
Didn't close the file in Legacy.  Oened in Ltools and read the tables, no 

[7] 9-Feb-2011:  From [6] > close file 5-3 in Legacy, read the tables in
Ltools.  No changes.

[8] 9-Feb-2011:  Open the file 5-3 in Legacy, leave Reuse abandoned RINs
enabled.  Delete two children from MRIN 15039 (RINs 15085 and 15086) and
husband RIN 15084. next open the file in Ltools, tblXI count = 503 and the three
deleted RINs are listed.  TblXM count = 501 and MRIN 15039 is listed.  Cool.
Close file in Ltools.  Disable Reuse abandoned RINs and close file in Legacy.
Read tables in Ltools, tblXI = 500 and tblXM=500.

Seems to me that tblXI only contains deleted RINs and not unused RINS.

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[LegacyUG] Missing RINs

2011-02-08 Thread Laird
I have questions about a topic in the archives, so I included previous messages
I like to keep certain families within a range of RIN's.  So when I import a new
family I set the new member RINs to begin after the highest RIN.  To add family
members to a previous family, I select the correct RINs in the range of that
family.  Before I import into my main database, I import a GEDCOM and tell
Legacy to renumber RINs and MRINs starting at ___.  I select a number where
I want the family to be in my main database.  Next I import that Legacy file
into my main database and the RINs will mesh within the range I wanted.  I have
been doing this for the past year of so without any problems.  The past few days
I had been using tblXI to find the holes in the RIN list to place people, this
was a very nice shortcut without manually looking for gaps in the RIN range.
Something went wrong and the tblXI results no longer gave realistic numbers.
  I have tested 18 previous database versions with varying results using Ltools
and Legacy.  One of my files (97 individuals) has huge numbers of unused/skipped
RINs.  This number is calculated as follows:  (highest RIN - number of
individuals) (14,339 - 97) = 14,242 unused in the database, which tblXI reports
as only 500.  I think this file may be the one I exported a persons descendants
from Legacy with about 50 people and added another 47 or so and used
IntelliShare to import it back into my main database.

There are about 500 unused RINs in the range of 9,000 to 10,000 in my main
database.  And 500 is the typical number [incorrectly?] reported in tblXI for
most of the files.  I do have one database in which the unused counts are much
closer i.e. RIN count = 26,944 - 19,133 individuals, calculated = 7,811 vs tblXI
= 7,303.  I have used a WinXP laptop with Legacy version and a desktop
WinVista-64 with Legacy version to enable and disable"Reuse abandoned
RINs".  I check tblXI before turning on "Reuse abandoned RINs" and then again
after turning it off.  I also did a File Maintenance> Check/Repair on some of
the files and didn't see any difference, but I don't remember which files I this
did this.

I didn't do a test on tblXM like tblXI, but the MRINs appear to be in the range
I would expect.

Has anyone had any experience similar to mine?  Is there a difference between
deleted vs missing/unused RINs?  Maybe tblXI is for RINs that been used and then
deleted?  Maybe this is just an inconvenience for me and there isn't anything
wrong with my database.  And I should just bite the bullet and go back to
determining the missing RINs manually.

Thanks for any comments you may have about this.

>   Re: [LegacyUG] Missing RINs
> Dennis M . Kowallek
> Wed, 19 May 2010 07:16:55 -0700
> On Wed, 19 May 2010 00:27:00 -0500, Robert Carneal USA
>   wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a way to get Legacy to generate a report listing
>> the RINs that are empty?
>> Then the report tells me "7" is not used?
> Robert (and others):
> If you have "Reuse abandoned RINs" turned on, then tblXI contains a list
> of the missing RINs. You can run the following query in Access, LTools,
> OOBase, etc.:
> SELECT tblXI.DeletedID FROM tblXI ORDER BY tblXI.DeletedID
> If you do not have "Reuse abandoned RINs" turned on, you can turn it on
> temporarily. This will cause tblXI to be rebuilt. Then you can run the
> above SELECT query. When you are done you can turn off "Reuse abandoned
> RINs".
> --
> Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List (was: What's Changed?)

2011-01-26 Thread Laird
Bill, for what it's worth:
If you leave out the second step "And" in my suggestion it will list all the
people that use that source, AND the scroll point goes to the person that you
have selected in Family View; if this person uses the Source.  This "might" sort
of bookmark the last person you edited if you don't do any other operations and
leave Family View on that person.

On 1/26/2011 4:59 PM, William Boswell wrote:
> Laird:
> Thanks for the suggestion, but entering letters is too much extra work.  If I 
> have to keep entering different letters it will take me longer to go through 
> the list.
> This is already a very tedious project.  I've even fallen asleep at the 
> computer doing this and added the wrong sources to some individuals, then had 
> to go back and fix them.
> It isn't that the list of individuals is too long.  It's that I have to keep 
> scrolling to the top.
> I think I'm going to start at the bottom from now on.  It'll make me think 
> that I'm almost done with this source even though I'm not.
> Bill Boswell
> -Original Message-
> From: Laird []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List
> Bill,
> What about this:
> Click on Search>Individual>Source-Master Source>contains>enter the 
> (partial)
> name of the source you want to edit
> Select the Second Condition>And
> Individual>Surname>Starts With>  enter a letter of the alphabet, start with A
> then B etc.
> This will create a much smaller List of people and the starting position will 
> be
> at the top of the list.
> Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List (was: What's Changed?)

2011-01-26 Thread Laird
What about this:

Click on Search>Detailed Search Tab>Individual>Source-Master Source>contains>
enter the (partial)
name of the source you want to edit

Select the Second Condition>And

Individual>Surname>Starts With> enter a letter of the alphabet, start with A
then B etc.

This will create a much smaller List of people and the starting position will be
at the top of the list.

On 1/26/2011 3:50 PM, William Boswell wrote:
> That's what I meant.  I wish there were just a few names, but some sources 
> have several hundred people for each source.  That's a lot of scrolling.
> Bill Boswell
> -Original Message-
> From: Randy Clark []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List (was: What's Changed?)
> Wendy,
> he means when in the Master Source List and you bring up the people
> with that source if there are multiple then it opens to the bottom one
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Wendy Howard  wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>>> under Sources, Show List, it always shows the names starting at the bottom 
>>> of the list. �I prefer it to go to the top of the list where I would 
>>> expect it to go.
>> I don't understand what you're talking about. �There is no "Sources" as
>> a first option in the menu, so where are you when you have this option?
>> I don't think you're talking about the Master Source List. �Whenever I
>> open that the first Source List Name is highlighted.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Wendy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List

2011-01-26 Thread Laird
What about this:

Click on Search>Individual>Source-Master Source>contains>   enter the (partial)
name of the source you want to edit

Select the Second Condition>And

Individual>Surname>Starts With> enter a letter of the alphabet, start with A
then B etc.

This will create a much smaller List of people and the starting position will be
at the top of the list.

On 1/26/2011 3:50 PM, William Boswell wrote:
> That's what I meant.  I wish there were just a few names, but some sources 
> have several hundred people for each source.  That's a lot of scrolling.
> Bill Boswell
> -Original Message-
> From: Randy Clark []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sources, Show List (was: What's Changed?)
> Wendy,
> he means when in the Master Source List and you bring up the people
> with that source if there are multiple then it opens to the bottom one
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Wendy Howard  wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>>> under Sources, Show List, it always shows the names starting at the bottom 
>>> of the list. �I prefer it to go to the top of the list where I would 
>>> expect it to go.
>> I don't understand what you're talking about. �There is no "Sources" as
>> a first option in the menu, so where are you when you have this option?
>> I don't think you're talking about the Master Source List. �Whenever I
>> open that the first Source List Name is highlighted.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Wendy

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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy Export All to new Lecagy file RINs

2011-01-10 Thread Laird
During the Legacy Export process a window titled "Legacy Export" opens, on the
Options Tab you have the option to Keep original RINs, Renumber or Fill
abandoned RINs.

Which option did you select?

On 1/10/2011 9:37 PM, Dave Keeney wrote:
> Should Exporting Everyone to a new Legacy File (File - Export to - Legacy 
> File)
> alter the RINs?
> I've been testing the Families program for Droid Phones.
> There were some unexpected results that indicated a problem with my fdb file.
> So I created a new fdb file as above and that seemed to correct the file for
> Families.
> But, lo and behold, now when I export the file to my TNG system the individual
> pictures are off.
> In checking between the Old Legacy file and the New Legacy file the RINs are
> different (at least for some, I haven't check all) and all I did was the 
> export.
> So should this change RINs or maybe it's something that was internally wrong
> with the original Legacy file.
> In debugging this for Families I did perform the File Maintenance and Compress
> prior to any of the above.
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Re: [LegacyUG] Merge Problems

2011-01-10 Thread Laird
If I understand your comment correctly:
"I've always wished that genealogy programs would include a 'last changed' date
somewhere for each individual"

On the very bottom of the Legacy window in the right hand side is a date
nn/nn/nn, mouse click on this date a small window will open and you will see:
Modified Date   Added Date  Imported (Yes or NO)
Husband name and dates
Wife name and dates
Marriage dates

Is this what you were wishing for?

Also located at the bottom, you can right or left click on the tiny +- signs to
go to next or previous RIN or MRIN.
On 1/10/2011 2:46 PM, Kathy Meyer wrote:
> I understood your question the first time; that makes absolutely no
> sense; you are completely right.  Can you go to a back up?  Perhaps
> you have one that you made just before all the export/import activity?
>   Is it possible that somehow during the process, a different file was
> created and the file you are seeing is not actually your original
> master file at all?  I've always wished that genealogy programs would
> include a 'last changed' date somewhere for each individual or ideally
> for each bit of information so you'd know when you made each entry.
> Like maybe somehow it took you to a backup copy that didn't have all
> of the people that you have in your current file and so it looks like
> you lost individuals.  Also, maybe only the links were broken?  I
> assume you know approximately how many people were in your database
> before, is that number significantly different now?
> No need to answer these questions for me; I'm sure some of the techies
> here will be of help to you; I've just had so many weird things happen
> to me with computers over the years that I try to think of random,
> unusual things that you 'think' could never happen because you 'did it
> right'.  Technology is both blessing and curse, depending on what it's
> doing for you (or to you) on any particular day.
> Good luck with this; I hope you are able to recreate your database
> without loss of information. Kathy
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:26 AM, James Cook  wrote:
>> I expect loss of data via GEDCOM.  What I did not expect is to export
>> a GEDCOM and have date removed from my master file.  Or, to merge into
>> a new family file and have data removed from the master file.  I did
>> not want or expect any edits to the master file, that is why I created
>> a new one to merge into.  I do not understand why this happened.
>> My question here is specifically why did my master file get corrupted?
>>   My understanding is that I was making edits to a completely separate
>> file and only pulling data in from the original.  I did not ever see
>> an option that was to pull the data in and then delete from the
>> source!?!?!?!?!
>> If this is how the merge works, then I'll not be using it again either.
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Re: [LegacyUG] error in marriage

2011-01-03 Thread Laird
I have created a book in the Publishing Center:
The first 5 chapters areAncestor Book Reports

The next chapter is a   Multiple Lines of Descendant Book Report.  The
Descendants are from MRIN 371 and 3347.  My grandmother [RIN 153] from the 3347
line has a text(Duplicate Line.  See Person 10)   under her name.  My
Grandfather [RIN 600] from the 371 line, her husband, is Person 10 referenced 

I assume this is all OK and nothing to be concerned about and has nothing to do
with endless loops.
Thanks, Laird
On 1/2/2011 10:45 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
> Not necessarily. It just depends on who's included in the report.  It's not
> necessarily a duplicate. It can occur with intermarriages, cousins marrying
> cousins, mis-linked individuals, etc.
> You're going to have to do a lot of scouting around to try to figure out what
> the problem is or just change the encounters.
> You could back up the Family File (File > Backup Family File) and run File >
> File Maintenance > Check/Repair to see if anything shows up.
> Also, try exporting to a new Family FIle (File > Export to... > Legacy File) 
> and
> see if the error occurs in the new file.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Cheryl Rothwell  <>> wrote:
> I did that before I posted. And there is interesting fact that it
> occurs in one report but not any other report or chart of the same
> people. If there really was a duplicate wouldn't it affect the other
> reports, charts, etc.?
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Sherry/Support
>>> wrote:
>  > If you click on the Help button in the message about the Endless Loop 
> or
>  > just go directly to the Help file and look up "Endless Loop", you'll 
> find
>  > instructions on resolving this message.
>  >
>  > Sincerely,
>  > Sherry
>  > Technical Support
>  > Legacy Family Tree
>  >
>  >
>  > On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Cheryl Rothwell 
>  <>>
>  > wrote:
>  >>
>  >> When attempting to produce a descendant chart it goes into an endless
>  >> loop relating to one marriage. The marriage is in the database once.
>  >> Both parties are in there once.  Both have only one spouse, one child
>  >> and one set of parents. What other issues should I check to resolve
>  >> this problem?
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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy and Linux/Ubuntu

2010-12-31 Thread Laird
Hi Keith,
I run WinXP in a Parallels 4 virtual machine, Legacy works just fine this way.
I don't know much about VMware, I tried a demo copy years back and didn't like
it.  A virtual machine would give you the security you want while using your
copy of WinXP.

Based on the following post by Sherry in Legacy Family Tree Technical Support,
perhaps you could install your Legacy version 7 on both your laptop and desktop
machine and forget about version 6:

I would suggest you update your version 7 to the latest available to minimize
potential problems with bugs in earlier versions.  Version 7.5 is to be released
on 17 Jan 2011.

On 12/31/2010 12:28 PM, wrote:
> First, I asked a question last Spring and got promptly taken out for a couple 
> of
> months by a lightning strike, so I didn't see any answers. Belated thanks
> though, to anyone who did.
> I also have a cross platform question. I normally run two computers, an early
> Windows, for backward hardware and software compatibility, and a later one 
> (now
> XP) dual boot with Ubuntu Linux. My wife has a Vista laptop. I run Legacy 
> Deluxe
> on one machine and the corresponding free version is run on the laptop. I
> couldn't get both Legacy 6 and 7 to coexist under XP for transition, as they
> collided on a Registry entry, so we are still using Legacy 6 and probably 
> won't
> change until 7.5 works fully for the general public.
> I've just changed out the motherboard/CPU for the oldest machine to upgrade 
> to a
> dual core 64 bit, installed Ubuntu 10.4 (AMD 64), and plan to also install 
> that
> on the other desktop. For security and other reasons, I would like to quit
> Microsoft entirely, but no Linux genealogy program matches Legacy - or even
> reasonably compares.
> I find Legacy 7 still won't run under Wine, though it does have a reported
> bronze rating for Crossover. Since I own my copy of XP, I could run that 
> legally
> in a virtual box like VMware, to run Legacy 6/7 directly, in emulation 
> perhaps,
> or physically isolated using a swappable bay IDE disk in the reserve machine 
> via
> VNC or equivalent. Any comment, advice or relevant experience would be much
> appreciated.
> Keith Britton
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Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy and iPad?

2010-12-30 Thread Laird
Hi Kirsten,
I feel like you can use Legacy with your i-pad as a VNC viewer, Virtual Network
Computing.  Legacy would actually be running on your Windows desktop computer
which communicates with the ipad.  I have used this setup (free version) with my
laptop and desktop remotely over the internet using WinXP.  Your can also do the
same on a local wi-fi network in your home or internet.
RealVNC $30 + iPad app $10 = $40

They have a free version you could play with if you have a laptop (pretend it's
the ipad).

With this kind of setup you need not be concerned about trusting your data to a
$15 Families application on the ipad.  Your data is actually on your PC using
Legacy, you are just operating it remotely.  Sort of like setting in a comfy
chair using a remote keyboard, mouse and display.


On 12/30/2010 12:16 PM, Kirsten Bowman wrote:
> My totally tech sons and daughter-in-law visited for a week at Christmas and
> of course there were iPads everywhere.  I'm s jealous I can't stand it,
> but I'm not about to give up Legacy.  Most of my research is online rather
> than at libraries or archives, but I'd love to be able to sit on the patio
> or at the local coffee shop and clean up my location list, sources, notes,
> and do some searching.  Does anyone use a Windows desktop as their main
> computer (with Legacy) and sync it somehow with an iPad?  If so, how is it
> done and what is required?  Is it a satisfactory arrangement for a
> non-technical person?
> Kirsten
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Re: [LegacyUG] Does Legacy care if I resize my scans?

2010-12-07 Thread Laird

There isn't a yes or no answer to your question.  You will have to experiment
and each document may have to be reduced a different amount.  There are two
basic characteristics to be concerned about, resolution (dpi) and compression,
make a tradeoff between them.  These might be helpful:

On 12/7/2010 5:46 AM, Brian Lehman wrote:
> Thanks for the replies,
> Some of my documents,census records downloaded from Acom are almost 2MB
> in size,
> don't know why they are saved that large.
> I do backup to an external drive already,in my "I" drive. So my
> "master"copies are there.
> My documents linked to Legacy are on my "C" drive.
> If I resize all the linked scans,will it be difficult to read upon
> opening the document in Legacy?
> Brian
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Re: [LegacyUG] Does Legacy care if I resize my scans?

2010-12-06 Thread Laird
You don't state what "large" means, what size is a typical 8.5" x 11" document?
  I personally use 300 dpi (dots per inch) for documents and color photos and
600 dpi for black and white photos.  BW photos really have a lot of resolution
and can be scanned even higher with some additional benefit.

I have a clean copy of a 8.5x11 death certificate scanned at 300 dpi.  The file
size will depend on the complexity of the image, but the following will show the
relative sizes of 3 different formats.
gray scale image:
BMP size = 8,774KB
GIF size = 2,273KB
JPG medium quality, size = 793KB

Bitmap image
BMP size = 1,097KB
GIF size = 240KB
JPG doesn't support bitmap images

You can get a portable 500GB USB external drive for about $60 ordered online to
store your scanned images.
On 12/6/2010 3:59 PM, William Boswell wrote:
> That's what I've been doing.  All original scans, which are very large, are 
> placed on an external drive while all scans for Legacy are resized to a lower 
> size and stored in folders on the same drive with my Legacy data.  Both are 
> backed up frequently when something new is added.
> -Original Message-
> From: Dennis M. Kowallek []
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 4:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Does Legacy care if I resize my scans?
> On Mon, 06 Dec 2010 15:44:16 -0500, Brian Lehman
> wrote:
>> Does anybody think there might be a problem if I resize everything or
>> would it be better to leave them large.
> External hard drives are cheap. Buy one and copy the original (large)
> images there as an archive. Then feel free to resize the images in the
> Legacy folder.
> Resizing will affect quality, so keeping a copy of the original on an
> external HD will protect you if it turns out that resizing creates a
> problem for a particular image.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Error Logs

2010-11-16 Thread Laird
On 11/16/2010 7:46 PM, Mark Wilson wrote:
> Jerry, for what it's worth, I've always installed Legacy within the
> "Program Files" directory, and NEVER under the root of the drive.
> Legacy has always performed well using this setup, in my experience.
> Beginning with the 64-bit Windows versions of XP, Vista, and 7, there
> has been two "Program Files" directories, one for 64-bit software and
> one for 32-bit software.  When running a 64-bit Windows system, there
> will be one "Program Files" directory for 64-bit software installation
> and one "Program Files (x86)" directory for 32-bit software
> installation.  If running a 32-bit Windows system, there will be just a
> single "Program Files" for all 32-bit software installation.  The 32-bit
> system will not install 64-bit software, so there is no need for the two
> separate directories.
 > Mark Wilson

Hi Mark and Jerry,
I use Vista 64 bit and have been using Legacy for about a year with it installed
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Legacy.  I haven't had any problem I am aware of.  I
do run my system as Administrator.


> On 16 Nov 2010 11:28 AM, Jerry wrote:
>> Thanks Sherry.   I think you hit the nail on the head.   I have Windows
>> 7 Professional and have Legacy installed to the Program Files on C, not
>> directly on C.   So, I'm wondering if I go ahead and simply MOVE Legacy
>> to be directly under the C drive, if that will work ok?   It should, I
>> would think, but I'll be sure to back up my files really well before I
>> attempt it.Thanks,  --Jerry
>> On 11/16/2010 10:57 AM, Sherry/Support wrote:
>>> I've never seen this error message before. Normally an error long will
>>> simply be created.
>>> If you have WIndows 7 or Windows Vista, you must have Legacy installed
>>> to the c:\Legacy folder on your hard drive.  It will not run correctly
>>> if it's installed to the c:\Program Files folder.
>>> Please review the instructions at
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Sherry
>>> Technical Support
>>> Legacy Family Tree
>>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Jerrywrote:
>>>> Does anyone know the process of re-creating the appropriate error logs
>>>> for Legacy?   Somehow mine got deleted or something - I attempted to
>>>> just create a blank one with the name Error.log - also tried
>>>> Errorlog.txt within the Programs/Legacy directory, but nothing seems to
>>>> work.   When I do a File Maintenance / Check and Repair, Legacy says my
>>>> error log does not exist.-Thanks,  --Jerry

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Re: [LegacyUG] Invalid Parents Marriage RINs

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
On 11/15/2010 6:28 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 18:18:16 -0600, Laird  wrote:
>> I hope I can explain this in a logical manner
> [snip]
> The first thing you should do is run a Check/Repair on your file. If it
> finds errors, save the log and then keep running Check/Repair until it
> runs clean. Let us know what, if anything, it finds.
With Ltools>View Legacy Tables:
SELECT tblMR.IDMR FROM tblMR WHERE ((tblMR.IDMR <> 0) AND (tblMR.IDIRHusb = 0)
shows I have 25 Blank Marriages.  I thought there would be a lot more that that.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Invalid Parents Marriage RINs

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
On 11/15/2010 6:28 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 18:18:16 -0600, Laird  wrote:
>> I hope I can explain this in a logical manner
> [snip]
> The first thing you should do is run a Check/Repair on your file. If it
> finds errors, save the log and then keep running Check/Repair until it
> runs clean. Let us know what, if anything, it finds.
It found:
.. [first and second run] ..
There are 1 Marriage record(s) where the Wife's Gender is not Female:
You will need to find each of these to see what's happened and make any
corrections that may be needed.
See MRIN 629, RIN 603.  Verify/correct the Gender of the Wife.
RIN 603 is also linked as a husband, see MRIN 374

. [second run only] 
There are 1 Male Individual(s) with preferred marriages where that marriage
record shows a different Husband:
**Note: This step removes the Preferred marriage References.  Another step below
this one will reset the Preferred marriage pointer if he is part of a marriage.
  Look for these below.
Individual: RIN 603.  Preferred Marriage MRIN: 629.  The Preferred 
reference has been removed.
There are individual(s) with a blank preferred marriage MRIN, but they are
actually a husband in a marriage record:
Individual: RIN 603.  Preferred Marriage MRIN is blank, now setting it 
to 374.
.   END error log ...

Laird:  I did find RIN 603 is a husband of RIN 596 (MRIN374) AND a wife of RIN
1864 (MRIN 629). 603 had a alternate name of Sabina.  I suspect Sabina should be
a new person married to 1864.  But I don't know the facts here.
I don't think this is relative to my other problem.

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[LegacyUG] Invalid Parents Marriage RINs

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
I hope I can explain this in a logical manner:
Somehow my database got corrupted, I noticed a medical note was truncated from
149 characters down to 120.  So I am going backwards to find the last reliable
Legacy Backup Family i.e. FineNameDateTime.ZIP  I open the backup zipped file
with Legacy and export a GED file and compare it with another exported GED file
using a free program called WinMerge.
During this process I have discovered a large number of (I stopped counting at
20) individuals without parents but with a parent marriage MRIN.  In Legacy
using Find>Marriage>MRIN>Equal To> (my extra MRIN number), no marriages are

Over 9000 individuals in my database were imported from FTM as a GED file and
this is the source of my problem.  I imported this file today to see if I got
the same problem, yes I do.  From the FTM GED file I searched and found an
offending individual's RIN and parents' MRIN.  Then in Legacy Family view,  this
individual (and using one of the five items to view Parents' MRIN, Customize
Family View Information) shows the parent MRIN, the same as from the GED file,
BUT no parents.  Several individuals are linked to the parents MRIN, BUT the
Legacy Relationship Calculator doesn't show any relationship between these

I have over 13,000 people in my file.  I have 4,145 people without parents, NOT
all of these 4,145 were imported from FTM.  But there must be a large number
with this problem.

I know the data isn't "pure" with this problem but, I guess my questions are:

Is this a problem?
Is it practical to remove the illegal parent MRIN?
If so how would one edit/delete the illegal parent MRIN?
I could export and edit a GED file, but this has a high risk of creating other
I would consider editing the database in Access, BUT I would really like to
avoid doing that.  I have only viewed my database with Open Office Base and
don't yet feel competent enough to edit.

Thanks so much, Laird

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Re: [LegacyUG] Modified date bug?

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
On 11/15/2010 2:33 PM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Dennis M. Kowallek
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 7:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Modified date bug?
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 19:31:04 -, "Ron Ferguson"
>   wrote:
>> Most users would expect
>> that using the "X" to close would save and not cancel any changes.
> I have no survey to prove what "most users" expect. I personally do not
> expect clicking the 'X' to save any changes. But remember, I still use
> V6 so I have no pony in this race. I was just pointing out what
> Microsoft says about the subject. Of course, what MS says is only a
> "guideline", so developers are free to ignore it if they choose.
>> Where no
>> changes have been made I do not think that VB6 can tell, so it plays safe
>> when the "X" is selected to close.
> I am not a VB6 programmer so I don't know for sure ... but I would think
> that this is a problem that can be fixed.
> ***
> Maybe an "Are you sure?" dialog should pop up when a user Cancels or
> Closes(X) the window when there are pending changes.
I did a test using the following applications:
MS Notepad, MS WordPad, MS Word, MS Excel, OpenOffice, Thunderbird and Adobe
Photoshop Elements 7 .
1. I opened a new file and didn't make any edits.  Click the "X" and all the
windows are promptly dismissed.
2. I made changes to a file and they all offer to save, discard or CANCEL when
you click the "X" to close.

Just my two cents worth:  I would suggest this is what most users would expect
when clicking "X".  Legacy should follow their lead and not do a automatic save.
  AND should also offer similar options after an edit when CANCEL is clicked.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Modified date bug?

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
On 11/15/2010 1:05 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 18:54:13 -, "Ron Ferguson"
>   wrote:
>> I am open to correction, but I do not think it possible for Legacy to
>> differentiate between "Close" and "Cancel" in the context of this operation.
> You don't need to differentiate (although I know in VB.Net you can). You
> want them to treat Close (pressing the 'X' in the upper right corner)
> and Cancel (pressing the 'Cancel' button) the same ... dismiss the
> dialog window without updating anything. As a matter of fact, pressing
> the ESC key should to the same thing.
> ***
> This is one of the reasons why I don't trust the modified_date.

I tried the escape key and it doesn't change the date.

I have a habit of clicking the X in the upper right, I am going to try to
remember to use the ESC key.

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[LegacyUG] Family DATABASE modified date bug # two?

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
Is this also in your bug tracking system?  I looked on the Legacy web site under
Help Center>Sitemap for a bug list.  Is there a place we can check for bugs in
your tracking system so as to not waste people time and download bandwidth with
problem verification?  (Such as this one).
Legacy version, Windows Vista 64 bit.
Do this:
1. Open/run a file browser i.e. Windows Explorer.

2. Browse to the location of your Legacy family database and note the date/time
it was modified, NOT the created date.

3. Open your Legacy family database, DON'T MAKE ANY CHANGES.  Click the "X" in
the extreme upper right corner of the window to exit Legacy.  Also File>Exit
produces the same result.

4. Exit Legacy and the modified date will now show the current date/time!

5. Does your version of Legacy exhibit this problem?

This problem is extremely annoying to me!  Edit dates are very important to me.
I just want to browse my database to look at something.  Later on at some point
I want to see when I last edited my database and it erroneously gives me a wrong
date.  This also causes my automatic backup software to make unnecessary backups
and wastes storage space as I like to save several versions of the last version
saved.  I wonder if LockBox also wastes time and bandwidth uploading an
unchanged revised date file?  I have tried using copies for viewing but that is
so difficult to know if it is up to date or not.


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[LegacyUG] Modified date bug?

2010-11-15 Thread Laird
Legacy version, Windows Vista 64 bit.
Do this:
1. Select Family View
2. Select a husband or wife, note the modified date in the very bottom right
corner of the window i.e. 5/21/09.
3. Next left click that person to open the "Individual's Information"
window, then click "Cancel"
4. Check the modified date, it should remain unchanged.
5. Next left click that person again to open the "Individual's Information"
window, then click the "X" in the extreme upper right corner of the window.
6. The modified date will now show the current date!
7. Does your version of Legacy exhibit this problem?

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Re: [LegacyUG] adding stories

2010-11-12 Thread Laird
Hi Kathy,
So you don't have the electronic emails
I had a family manuscript legal size paper copy I wanted in a text format, this
is what I did.  There is a online service you can use to convert a scanned image
to a text.pdf file.  Paste this into you web browser.

Answer the question "What would you like to do with your documents?" by checking
OCR and none of the other options.

Then select your files.  I have converted 10 files at a time, I don't know if
there is an upper limit or not.  You will have to give an email address, company
name (I gave "NA"), and a phone number.  When the files are ready download and
save to your harddisk.  They will be in PDF format with a name like:
yourfilename.bmp PdfCompressor-#.pdf where # is a sequential number.  In
your PDF viewer use Edit>SelectAll then Copy.  Next paste into your favorite
text editor and remove the promotional text at the bottom of the page.  You will
need to proofread the TEXT file for errors.  The PDF view will be as good as
your scanned copy.  The text file accuracy will depend on the quality of your 

The following text will be inserted at the end of every page:

"PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of
CVISION PDFCompressor."

You will shortly receive a short promotional email for there product.  You may
receive additional emails, but I don't remembering them be a nuisance.

On 11/12/2010 12:07 PM, Kathy Meyer wrote:
> Thanks everyone; I do not have the electronic emails in this case; I
> printed them out 7 years ago (ok, I admitted it; I print things out
> and stuff them in a file to work on later and it's much, much later!)
> Otherwise, I would definitely copy/paste; these are fairly long emails
> so will take some typing; luckily I'm a pretty quick typist!
> Yes, I want them to show up in reports somewhere other than endnotes;
> of course, it would be good to be able to choose whether to show it or
> not.  I have not printed too many reports; really just some basics to
> share with various branches of the family.
> So I'm hearing that if I create an event for each email (email from
> JohnDoe 1 Jan 2003) and then put the text of the email into the
> details of that event.  I'm not seeing a source reference I would
> attach to that because everything would be right there in the event;
> it would be self explanatory. Then I would copy that event to the next
> person and highlight the details pertaining to the 2nd person, the way
> I do with census transcriptions.
> Just let me know if I'm understanding you all correctly. Thanks, Kathy
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Connie Sheets  wrote:
>> Hi, Jenny,
>> I assumed Kathy did not have the electronic e-mails, only hard-copy 
>> print-outs of them.  If she has actual e-mails, I agree I would copy and 
>> paste.
>> My reason for posting, however, was to point out that if she puts the 
>> transcriptions (or copy/paste) only in the Source, not in the Event Note (or 
>> General Note), they will print as footnotes/endnotes, not in the body of the 
>> report.
>> To each his/her own, of course, but I'd want that information in the body of 
>> the report, not buried in the source citation.
>> To the extent that I attach scans/images in Legacy, it is for the purpose of 
>> using Legacy as my filing cabinet/finding aid.  I usually don't bother 
>> printing images in Legacy reports unless it is the preferred photo of the 
>> person.
>> Connie

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Re: [LegacyUG] Archives down?

2010-11-10 Thread Laird
At 11:36 Central time USA, the archives work OK.

On 11/10/2010 10:53 PM, wrote:
> When trying to access the archives I get the following message:
> "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T-RETURN in/data1/archive/msg.php on 
> line
> 336"
> Is anyone else seeing this?
> Roy Delos Reyes
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Re: [LegacyUG] * Next to Name

2010-11-07 Thread Laird

 From the help file:
The "preferred" child is generally the child in your direct line and is
indicated by an asterisk in the left column of the grid.  Knowing who the
preferred child is makes it much easier to move down your line from one
descendant to the next.

On 11/7/2010 8:28 PM, Ludie wrote:
> Jerry, according to the Legacy manual you can change the preferred setting to
> another child by in any of the views of list of the children in a family by
> highlighting the preferred child and clicking on the *SET TO PREFERRED CHILD 
> *in
> the lower left hand corner of the window. (actually it's more in the bottom
> center).
> I was curious about my own database and there is no child set as preferred so 
> it
> must be a setting someone has to select. I don't see the point so just as 
> happy
> mine didn't come up that way. I don't need more bells & whistles to confuse 
> me.
> Ludie Tollar
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Re: [LegacyUG] Globally Adding A Source

2010-11-06 Thread Laird
Jerry and Jean Suplick:
Jerry, if I understand your goal, it is covered in help under:  Source,
citations (advanced).

MAKE A BACKUP!  Make a back up of your file, you might want to make a copy and
name it test or something like that.

Jean:  I had the this problem when I imported a GED from FTM, all of the sources
were put in the unspecified field.  I wanted them to be with fields that had
data i.e. Name, birth date etc. and not in the unspecified field.

I renamed my source(1) I wanted to change, which I would delete after I got the
source fixed the way I wanted it to be.  Create the new source citation or in my
case I imported the same source as above from a copy of my database.  This would
be the new source(2) with the original name.  Do this with Master Source
List>Options>Import Lists, select Master Sources, Browse and select the copy of
the Legacy database file.  Next click on Import Lists.  Close Master Source 

You need the people you want to attach the source to be tagged or be in a search
list.  (Jean said, "in the Master Source List dialog, I when select a source and
click the Show List button, it brings up the complete list of individuals".)
Use this to Create a search list OR use the "Tag Everyone in List".

At this point follow the Advanced Source Citations help.  Go to Tools>Advanced
Sourcing.  Under the "Which Records to Use" tab make the selection of your
choice.  Then under the "Where to Assign the Citations" tab make your
selections.  Next click "Source clipboard".  There select Step 1 and select the
master source you want.  Add any detail info if desired under step 2.  Next
click Save at top right of window.  That takes you back to the Advanced Sourcing
window, there click Apply then OK for the popup alert. OK again and check your
work, did it do what you want?

In my case it was now time to delete the renamed source(1) which was assigned to
the Unspecified field.  Go to Master source list and select the renamed
source(1) then Options>Delete Master Source.  It will let you see a list of the
people who use this source.  If you are satisfied click lower right of window:
"Delete this Master Source and All Citations to it".

Hope this helps, Laird
On 11/5/2010 11:21 PM, Jerry wrote:
> It seems like this might have been covered before, but I forgot the
> answer.  Sorry!
> Is there a way to globally add the same source to a bunch of persons at
> once?   I can isolate the set I want by going to the ancestor and
> clicking on the descendants' tab to bring up all this ancestor's
> descendants.   All the information for these persons was gathered at my
> family reunion by having families fill out family data sheets, so I'm
> using that as a source in the unspecified field.   I can very quickly go
> through with the shortcut keys like ALT-4 to add the current source to
> the unspecified field, so the keystrokes are as follows:
> Enter
> ALT-4
> Enter
> Enter
> Down Arrow
> Then repeat the process, so it's very fast, but still time consuming.
> Is there a way I can do it in one command of some kind?  Thanks,
> --Jerry
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