Re: lingo-l (-1) or-(- 1)?

2004-03-22 Thread Mark A. Boyd
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 18:52:40 -0500, Tab Julius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 05:59 PM 3/22/04, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
Of course, two wrongs still don't make a right,* but that's another  
topic entirely. ;)
But three lefts make a right.. right? :)
I heard about someone who went to a Sierra Club get-together and pulled  
aside three members. He ended up with a single Republican with  
environmentalist tendencies. The guy even sold his Navigator SUV in  
favor of an Explorer.

So I'd say yeah, right.
I was referring to turns.  If you're referring to politics, then two  
wrongs might not make a right, but one right makes a wrong, and one (or  
more lefts) would be right.
I'm confused. Did you write that right or did you right that wrong?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Resource Hacker

2004-02-23 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 04:58 PM 2/22/2004, Alan Neilsen wrote:
Unable to load movie playlist. Does the .INI file exist? It must contain a 
section '[Movies]' with an entry 'Movie01=Pathname.dir'.
In addition to the other comments, I think you'll see this error if you try 
to edit a Shockwave Player projector. You can edit (a copy of) the 
Projec32.skl and still use it to create Shockwave Player projectors. Or 
create Standard projectors. I don't recall whether Shockwave Compression 
had any effects.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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RE: lingo-l FileIO limits

2004-02-15 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 08:37 AM 2/11/2004, Kerry Thompson wrote:
I don't know of any other way to read a text file in Director. Sounds
like it would be a welcome addition to Buddy--yet another reason to buy
it. It's the first Xtra I ever bought.
I'm pretty sure it's on the way into Buddy API if past history of the free 
beta Xtras from Gary Smith are any indication. I haven't played with it or 
tested it for the long path issue, but check out Buddy File.

Any chance that setting the fileName property of a #text member gets around 
the long path issue?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Open PowerPoint from within director

2003-12-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 03:07 2003-12-01, Tom van Gemert wrote:

I wondered if there is somebody that has some code about opening 
powerpoint presentations from within director movies,
I'm trying a lot of methods using Buddy API but keep on bumping into 
script errors. Maybe someone already
has good working code, or a good working method, or some general advise?
My general advice is to determine what is causing those script errors and 
correct the scripts (may require reading the text of the error dialogs). If 
it only happens in projector mode, then there's a good chance you forgot to 
include the Xtra with the projector.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Open PowerPoint from within director

2003-12-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 10:12 2003-12-01, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
What? Reading the text of error dialogs? Jee-bus, man, next you'll be 
asking us to THINK or something!
Not until you've had /at least/ half a pot of coffee. I can't ask anyone to 
do something I wouldn't be able to do myself.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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RE: lingo-l Autorun/icon inconsistency

2003-10-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 12:39 2003-10-15, Todd Culley wrote:
I would say that the system isn't refreshing its system icon cache for one
reason or another.  Maybe the system has a lot of processes running.
I suspect this is the case, too. I only recently figured out that the icons 
were cached when my CD showed the wrong icon on my old Win2K computer. I 
was really spooked since it was an icon for one of the client's 
competitors. Double checking showed that the CD did indeed have the correct 
icon and I knew that I had just recently tested the other CD on this 
machine. Hmmm. Must be a cache somewhere. I didn't know about the 
ShellIconCache file itself until today.

Now I make sure that the icon always has a unique name. Where I used to use:


I now use something like the companies name or initials.


And, yes. Backslash \ is the correct one. Especially since autorun.inf is 
still stuck in the old 8.3 days (at least through Win2K, I haven't tested 
it for long filenames  spaces on WinXP).

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Stage not refreshing??

2003-09-18 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 05:08 2003-09-18, Andy Talbot wrote:
My first thought was to do an updatestage, though this doesn't refresh 
what i'm guessing is the image buffer of director in the OS, if I minimise 
director and the then restore the white rectangles have gone.
Any better luck if you set 'the stageColor = the stageColor' ? updateStage 
seems to update only the pixels that Director knows have changed while 
setting the stageColor forces a complete redraw. Since Flash assets are, 
like digital video, running in a guest application Director may not know 
to change those pixels.

Not sure why you get that white rect in the first place, though. Unless 
you're placing the sprite there and moving it elsewhere after it has 
already allocated that rect for the Flash sprite?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l detecting quicktime player

2003-09-03 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 19:11 2003-09-02, matt johansson wrote:
Good point!
From your experience mark, which 3rd party xtra would be the best option 
for doing something like this?
The one I've been using is Buddy API. At the time I purchased it, it was 
the easiest to use since it didn't require digging around in the Registry 
(QT2 and QT3+ can coincide on the same Windows system). You'll want to take 
a look at its features and compare them with the other similar Xtras to 
decide which is best for you. Particularly if you're doing cross-platform work.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l detecting quicktime player

2003-09-02 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 16:51 2003-09-02, Sean Wilson wrote:
(Most) third party xtras require payment before you can use them. This is 
the only real disadvantage. And I can't see any advantage between 
different methods.
The advantage of using a 3rd party Xtra is that you may not need to restart 
the projector after installing QT. As you said, quickTimeVersion() depends 
on the QT Xtra and actually kick-starts the Xtra. If you find that you 
have to install QT then you'll have to quit the projector before that Xtra 
can work.

Using a 3rd party Xtra allows you to determine which version of QT (if any) 
exists, install if needed, and continue without restarting the projector. 
This assumes that the QT install does not force a restart of the computer.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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RE: lingo-l BaFileList() and .sort

2003-08-26 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 08:41 2003-08-26, Mathew Ray wrote:

Which brings up another question: Anybody have good efficient lingo
utilities for doing different types of sorting? Uhoh, I feel the a
flashback coming on...DFS, BFS, red-black BSTs, bubblesorts, mergesorts,
oh my! Maybe I should pull out my old notes. They are in a box somewhere
The only one that pops into my mind is David Mennenoh's found here:
I really haven't read through that page, but on another page, davedir.htm, 
he says You'll find code for the infamous Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, 
Shell Sort, and Quick Sort along with a couple more little things if you 
download the Director cast.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l OT: Adios

2003-08-14 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 10:02 2003-08-11, Evan Adelman wrote:
Ok, so this brings up a question in my head: for all you successful full 
time Director dev's, are you finding Director work through current 
relationships, or do you have a different strategy to open new markets? Do 
you bring Director to the table through pre-built projects (We sell Kiosk 
applications. or We sell the majestic music video mixer 2000, build with 
Director or Rob's Presentations for sales reps.) or through custom 
In my case, it's a combination of creating customized CDs for the client 
with a bunch of our pre-built, ready made content thrown in. They are 
primarily Presentations for sales reps on my end, too.

We do the marketing via networking methods as well as cold-calling (our 
sales guy is very well known in the industry).

Like Rob, our CD/DVD-ROM market has not waned in the least. We have taken 
on extra help in recent years, too.

We dabble in Internet stuff, but these days CD/DVD-ROM development takes up 
the vast majority of our time.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l when/why is pupperSprite necessary?

2003-08-02 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 00:49 2003-07-31, Anand Ravi wrote:
 Easiest thing for me is to simply avoid such oddities by swapping like
 member types.
I've worked on a project where I've placed a number of blank bitmaps on the
score and swapped them with text, bitmap, and flash members on the fly based
on user action. I've used this in D 7, 8, and 8.5. My bet is that if you try
the swapping with a blank bitmap it will work. (This might be a little
clumsy though! But u can avoid using puppetsprite.)
I also use the blank bitmap method. I could swear I ran into problems 
swapping out a different member type in the past, though. Maybe it was only 
when swapping to a DirectMedia or other video member? Ah well, I rarely use 
Flash or Director's #text members anyway, but next time I come across a 
sprite member-swapping design scenario, I'll give it a try.

Don't let me get stuck in a rut I've created for myself!

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l when/why is pupperSprite necessary?

2003-08-02 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 13:16 2003-07-30, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 14:22 America/Chicago, Mark A. Boyd wrote:
Uh oh. I can't get to Director right now to verify, so I could be wrong 
about the default. Am I thinking of text member's scroll bars?
Quite possibly. The scrollbars on both #text and #field members are DTS 
(and that can't be changed), and that's a pretty annoying habit of 
Director, as anyone knows who's tried to dynamically set or move those 
member types around on the stage -- you have to refresh the stageColor to 
get the scrollbars to disappear.
... or display any sprites on top of them. I never use Director's scroll 
bars anymore. Hooray for OSControls!

But I've not yet come across a #text member with DTS on by default. That 
would seem to belie the value of the antialiasing they offer, particularly 
over textured backgrounds.
It seems I was at least one cup-o-joe shy of an acceptable awareness level 
when I wrote that. You're right, they're not set to DTS by default.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l what is happening with my fonts ?

2003-07-30 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 04:07 2003-07-30, Lee Blinco wrote:
The problem is that all of a sudden with
definitely no editing of some of the movies by me all examples of the arial
font on a button or checkbox are displayed as illegible multilines ie
instead of powerpoint.
Check out the Quirks Lists at This quirk has 
been around for several versions, so if you don't see it described in the 
MX quirks, look in previous versions of the list.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l when/why is pupperSprite necessary?

2003-07-30 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 19:06 2003-07-29, Slava Paperno wrote:
This used to work without puppetting

sprite(1).member = member(MyText, Texts)
--you see the text of the member on the stage
sprite(1).member = member(MyBitmap, Bitmaps)
--you see the bitmap on the stage
Does it work any better if you swap out members of the same type? I seem to 
recall that D7 would actually bug out if you swapped a sprite's member type 
out from under it. I avoid it so I don't know how newer versions behave.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l when/why is pupperSprite necessary?

2003-07-30 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 08:41 2003-07-30, Slava Paperno wrote:
I thought that I may have some code somewhere that keeps reversing the 
member swap or the visibility setting, e. g. in an exitFrame handler, but 
there's none. The exitFrame calls are not responsible, and I don't have 
any idle handlers.
I hate to ask the obvious, but is there a chance that you puppeted that 
sprite channel earlier and forgot to unpuppet it?

Another thought. Since #text members are Direct-to-stage by default, I 
wonder if replacing 'updateStage' with the old 'the stageColor = the 
stageColor' trick might work?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l when/why is pupperSprite necessary?

2003-07-30 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 11:35 2003-07-30, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 13:01 America/Chicago, Mark A. Boyd wrote:

Another thought. Since #text members are Direct-to-stage by default
They are?

Um, then why do ink effects work on them?
Uh oh. I can't get to Director right now to verify, so I could be wrong 
about the default. Am I thinking of text member's scroll bars? Or maybe 
Slava has set the member's DTS property anyway?

Easiest thing for me is to simply avoid such oddities by swapping like 
member types.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Error I haven't seen before

2003-07-17 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 18:24 2003-07-16, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
On Wednesday, Jul 16, 2003, at 19:49 America/Chicago, Mark A. Boyd wrote:

At 12:53 2003-07-16, Kurt Griffin wrote:
The application can not start as it
cannot create needed files. There may not be enough free disk space.
Another possibility is that if you've created a Standard projector, it 
still needs to unpack the .dll files to the temp folder. This /may/ cause 
problems for users with restricted access.
But why would the error happen on duplicated CDs, but not with the 
duplication master?
It doesn't make much sense, does it? There must be something abnormal going 
on at the duplication center. Or something odd about the CD-R burning 
software or drive? I would probably try a different dupe house, burn a CD 
from a different machine with different software, and/or try a shocked 
projector - given time and budget anyway.

If they're like my local dupe center, they handle short runs in-house and 
out-source large quantity orders. Once in a while I get an error report 
from a large run order if there is the slightest flaw on the CD-R. I wonder 
if there might be a slight flaw that gets amplified somehow in the 
duplication process? Just a single bit that forces that error.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Error I haven't seen before

2003-07-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 12:53 2003-07-16, Kurt Griffin wrote:
The application can not start as it
cannot create needed files. There may not be enough free disk space.
Another possibility is that if you've created a Standard projector, it 
still needs to unpack the .dll files to the temp folder. This /may/ cause 
problems for users with restricted access. Can you create a Shockwave 
Player projector and include the .dll files in the Xtras folder for a test?

(I believe the details regarding which .dll files to include are in the 
technotes about creating a Fast Start projector)

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Minimizing a fullscreen projector.

2003-07-14 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 04:51 2003-07-14, biju george wrote:
The client,  after getting several feedback
from users wants to have a button in the home page of
the projector, which on mouseclick should get
minimized and thus alow the user to show the word/mail
documents which are there in the background.
See appMinimize in the docs.

In short, how i can show the user the taskbar, with
out compromising on fullscreen windowless play back?
If you don't want to minimize, I think the Buddy API Xtra can do some 
tricks with the task bar. I haven't tested those features, though.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l draw extra

2003-07-14 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 07:02 2003-07-14, director wrote:
im using the draw xtra by tabuleiro. it works fine
however, i cant seem to get the colors right. is it
possible using this xtra to do a color picker. using a
bitmap. if anyone can help me i would appreciated.
I don't know about the Xtra, but here's my favorite color (colour) picker:
Luke did it all with imaging Lingo and a single sprite channel.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l lingo.ini -- necessary?

2003-07-09 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 08:43 2003-07-09, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:
In Bruce Epstein's book Lingo In A Nutshell, page 566, it talks about
including the lingo.ini file alongside the projector.
Just to throw another $0.02 in the pot, there was a quirk with some 
computers several versions ago that the Lingo.ini was able to work around. 
IIRC, it could even be a completely empty text file. You can read about it 

Look for Win Desktop Managers.

I'm pretty sure I still included it in D6.x, but I don't use it these days 
(unless I want to take advantages of its features).

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l baVersion( os )

2003-06-24 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 10:44 2003-06-23, Liz wrote:

I'm using the code below, but on a win ME machine its detecting Win 98.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or why its doing that.
Hmm. It returns WinME as expected on my ME machine. You might want to use 
baVersion(Windows) as Luke suggested or even Lingo's (the 

BTW, what will your program do if somebody runs it in a few years on 
Windows ZZZ or Windows 2005 or whatever the current OS is at the time? You 
might want an otherwise clause in there.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l buddyAPI's baDisableScreenSaver

2003-06-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 07:10 2003-06-16, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:
Hi all...

Anyone ever use buddyAPI's baDisableScreenSaver before?  I have an 11 minute
self running demo CD being deployed to machines in house that are very
locked down.  It would be nice to avoid the screen saver turning on as they
are watching it.  So, can I rely on this method, or would/could it give me
any surprises?
I found that it wasn't all that reliable on all systems, though I didn't 
take the time to discover what the differences were. I have had 100% 
reliability using the other two methods, though.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l from text member to field... it's possibile?

2003-06-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 01:34 2003-06-16, Francesco Scarfato wrote:
it possibile to convert textmember with its own text formatting into a
field cast member with that retain the most of text formatting like bold
italic and so on? with lingo or with an extra?
i've a lot of html file and i need to print them but print-o-matic doesn't
print them as text but a bitmap and the result is very low quality output
any suggestion to print these html files with print-o-matic
As others have suggested, it can be done with some limitations. I suggest 
that if you're going to have to go through that, you might as well use 
PrintOMatic's layout features instead. Either method will be a bit labor 
intensive at the start, but you'll get excellent results with POM's features.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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Re: lingo-l Re: silent alert boxes in Shockwave

2003-05-30 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 10:25 2003-05-28, Valentin Schmidt wrote:
strange, for some reason all the colons dissapeared in my mail, although it
was direct copy/paste from lingo.
That's the way it works with top-post centric, Outlook Express. I think it 
usually uses double line spacing, too - at least in the newsreader client 
portion. To avoid it you can paste into a text editor first, then 
copy/paste from there to MSOE. Or you can use the message window as the 
stepping stone.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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RE: lingo-l buddy api lingo help

2003-01-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 00:03 2003-01-16, Brad Hile wrote:

Actually you'll need Maximised (note the s instead of z) unless there's a
US version of the xtra for download.
BuddyAPI is from an Australian developer and we speak funny sometimes ;)

Good catch. I probably would not have noticed it since I always use 
normal. I wasn't any more accurate than the original poster's maximsied ;-)

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l buddy api lingo help

2003-01-14 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 17:57 2003-01-14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think when you created projector you don't check to
option: Include in projector on ControlMovieXtras.

Since Marcus mentioned that he created a projector, I'd bet you're right. I 
prefer marking all those xtras NOT to include in projector and copy the 
necessary Xtras into an Xtras folder next to the projector.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l buddy api lingo help

2003-01-14 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 17:00 2003-01-14, marcus brooke wrote:

set OK = baOpenFile(thepathName  test.txt, maximsied

You don't say, but I imagine the error dialog gave more hints as to what 
went wrong - at least in authoring.

1. You didn't close your parentheses.

2. thepathName should be two separate words or you'll get Script error: 
Variable used before assigned a value. with a question mark immediately 
following thepathName.

OK = baOpenFile(the pathName test.txt, maximized)

3. Even though the Buddy API help file still use it, the pathName is 
obsolete. Substitute it with the moviePath.

OK = baOpenFile(the moviePath test.txt, maximized)

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Can Lingo call a function in a swf sprite?

2002-12-16 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 06:13 2002-12-16, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I would like to be able to do something like
sprite(5).doActionScript(  Does this ability exist?

I suspect that is one of the new features with DirMX. Perhaps item 4 from
provides that capability.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l DOS and Tracert

2002-10-19 Thread Mark A. Boyd
At 23:41 2002-10-18, Robert Tweed wrote:

No, there is a difference.  is the standard redirect operator in DOS, and
overwrites the specified file.  appends data, rather than overwriting the
file. I've never encountered  in DOS before Mark mentioned it, so I don't
know if it works with old versions, but I do know that  goes right back to
version 1 (I was using it in version DOS 3.3 anyway).

It goes back as far as I can recall (became DOS savvy with 3.3). I used to 
create entire menus with batch files and edlin scripts that could create 
dynamic menus on the fly. With ANSY.SYS graphics and colors, of course! For 
quickie text or bat files I seem to remember trapping STDIN with the  
redirect. Something like:

copy * somefile.txt

And hitting ^F6 to save the file and return STDIN to the console (or 
keyboard)? The memories fade s fast.

If I didn't learn  in a DOS book or one of Peter's books, I probably got 
it from the old Power DOS book - which just hit the dumpster last month!

P.S. It's nice to see my messages getting here in reasonable time again. 
For the longest time here, my messages lagged so far behind that digest 
readers' responses showed up before mine.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l new / repeat while Lingo waits / esc ...

2002-10-03 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 09:12 2002-10-03, John Silva wrote:
When i use the repeat while Director will not accept
any other action, now my question ist, if i can solve this
problem by calling up a new object which will do the
action just on exitframe, so i'll not have to deal with a repeat ...

Yes, that's one of the best ways to handle it. Of course, if it's an object 
created from a parent script, you may want to put it into the actorList and 
act on the stepFrame event.

An interesting question i've read in a internet-forum:
What ist the keycode of ESC (Escape-key) ?


Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l imaging lingo

2002-09-26 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 18:20 2002-09-24, another toad wrote:
I was just curiouse if it is possible to do media labs
Effector Set style effects without the xtra?

I'm not familiar with the Xtra, but see if this example by Luke Wigley 
provides some inspiration:

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Installation utilities

2002-09-24 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 10:19 2002-09-24, Sharon Moeller wrote:
Believe it or not in 8 years of doing this wonderful thing we all do in
Director, I've never made a CD that installs anything on the users
computer.  Just lucky I guess.

Sorry to be off topic, but what do you guys use to install onto the
users HD and then have the program run off the CD?

I've been using the Buddy API Xtra and rolling my own installer. There are 
occasional Windows only projects where I've used InnoSetup. For a free 
installer maker, it's quite well done.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Just out of curiosity (repeat loop)

2002-09-22 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 21:18 2002-09-21, Colin Holgate wrote:
on repeatList aList
   repeat with i in aList
 put aList.getPos(i)
   end repeat

Buzz's hidden counter will work, but this one may fail. What happens if a 
later entry in the list is a repeat of an earlier entry?

As I said in the sentence immediately preceding that code, Of course, this 
will not work for lists with duplicate entries. Immediately following that 
code was a demonstration of what happens. To put it in words, getPos() will 
return the only first occurrence of the parameter supplied.

Following that was a hidden counter snippet that works just as Buzz's 
does, though it was initiated as 1 and incremented at the end of the repeat 
rather than at the start. He beat me by two minutes.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: AW: lingo-l OOP question

2002-09-11 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 06:28 2002-09-11, Michael von Aichberger wrote:
  You could easily test it by a) watch the freebytes / freeblocks
both commands don't work in Windows (at least not for me: win2000, Dir 8.5G)
I would be lucky if I could use them

Yea, they've returned bogus information on every Win system I've tried - 
ever since D7.

I use Buddy API's baMemoryInfo(). It doesn't have an equivalent for the 
intended function of freeBlock, though.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Spurious doublets (was: xtra for writing image files)

2002-09-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 20:24 2002-08-30, Daniel Plaenitz wrote:
That's Shift/Ctrl on windows in case anyone hadn't found that out (like 
ie, me, after so many years of using Eudora and always copy/pasting that line)

THANKS! I had resorted to hitting the Reply All button to get that line. No 
more, thanks to you.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l cursor and Windows

2002-08-15 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 07:03 2002-08-14, Rodrigo Peres wrote:
Hi list,

I have made a set of cursor to use in my project all of them in 16 x 16
pixels 1 bit (win pallete). Guess what?? Mac works fine bu windows doesn't
show nothing..only the default arrow. What is wrong?

How about if you set the sprite's cursor in the beginSprite event rather 
than the mouseEnter event?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Stupid script window!

2002-08-11 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 08:08 2002-08-11, Robert Tweed wrote:
I get really annoyed by the key bindings in the script editor. Does anyone
know how, without using an external editor (which is even more irritating) I
can set keys like [ctrl]+[right-cursor] to the Windows default of next
word, instead of next script. I just can't get out of the habit because
this is a shortcut I use all the time when editing other files.

If there's a way, I'd love to hear it, too. In case you aren't aware, 
though, you can use [Alt]+[Cursor keys]. I haven't been able to train my 
muscles into that tiny variation, but you might have more success.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l preventing double projector loading

2002-07-02 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 08:19 2002-07-01, roy crisman wrote:
I use it, but it isn't necessarily the most reliable (on the PC side, at 
least).  I've been able to quadruple-double-click 2 or 3 copies open 
before one is apparently open enough for the INI setting to stop more from 

I find that the most reliable method on the PC side is to use the free 
FastSplash program. It also displays a splash screen (BMP) without the 
problem (reported by some) of the projector opening behind other windows 
when using the projectorname.bmp method.

The program has other .ini settings that you may find useful.

FWIW, I've been using the combination of both FastSplash and projectorname.ini.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l htap error in win98?

2002-06-12 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 08:38 11/06/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey I've got a client that got some work from another director guy
(that'll learn ya!) and he says he's getting htap errors in Win98. Now, I
don't know what version of Director this is yet, nor what's trying to be
done. Just putting out feelers if anyone else has seen this, under what
circumstances before I get the files.

I saw that error when I updated a D7 project to D8.5.1  forgot to update 
the .dll files included with the project (dirapi.dll, etc).

Somebody else mentioned that they saw this error when using Shockwave 
compression on the projector and it went away when they removed the 
compression. I haven't heard back from them whether they included the 
necessary Xtras/dll files when creating a Fast Start stub projector.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Refreshing Screen Problem

2002-05-29 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 07:16 28/05/2002, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
At 08:13 + 05/28/2002, Shaik wrote:

I am using a projector which internally calls my DXR files.
If I am navigating fastly from slide to slide after some random time my 
screen content is not refreshing and sometimes it says screen buffer full 
, this is only happening in Window 98 systems.

Can we clear screen buffer occupied for my DXR files when I exit from my 
DXR file or is there any alternate way for solving this problem.

I am stuck here , can anyone suggest me to proceed.

For starters, waht are these slides displaying? Are they displaying media 
internal to each file, for instance, or are they linked media instead?

Second, are you using LIngo to manually preload any Cast members? If so, 
perhaps you should not do that any more.

Finally, have you changed the purge priority of any Cast members?

Additionally, are you using the Play command without terminating each and 
every Play with a Play Done?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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RE: lingo-l HELP with BUDDY API anyone?

2002-05-13 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 14:11 13/05/2002, Carlos Lorenz wrote:
Alright that´s the idea:
I have this TV Tuner that accepts keyboard shortcuts to manage controls at 
So I may issue a baSendKeys(3) and it´s the same as user have pressed 
key pad 3 to tune channel 3. This works fine but when it´s time to turn 
audio ON/OFF using MULTIPLY KEY in num pad (as GUI manual explains) i have 
no success :(

I have no idea if this works, but what if you include it in the curly 
brackets like for the Fkeys?


I typed that in the Message window, using the number pad * and it appeared 
as expected, but I don't know if your external app will see it as the same 
char as ~8.

Or maybe there's some way to use Buddy's virtual keys?


Just shootin' in the dark.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l baOpenFile question

2002-05-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 13:31 01/05/2002, you wrote:
on 5/1/02 3:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

  Try this:
  baRunProgram(the moviepath   CDresources/advancesales.pdf , \
  maximised, false )

It is the Wait parameter. If true, it will wait for the external program to 
exit before continuing the script.

Both commands are in Buddy API's very thorough Help file accessed via the 
Xtras menu in Director.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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Re: lingo-l baOpenFile question

2002-05-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 13:50 01/05/2002, you wrote:

More learning. So will @ work with Buddy API? I thought I'd try it so
here's what I changed it to.

on mouseUp me
   baOpenFile @:CDResources:advancedsales.pdf, 

According to the Lingo Dictionary, the @ pathName operator should work fine 
when navigating between movies, but will not work with fileIO or or other 
functions are used outside those available within Director. Which I take 
to mean that it will not work with Xtras such as Buddy API.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: lingo-l Can't Start Projectors in XP

2002-05-01 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 16:52 01/05/2002, Silver Image Interactive, inc. wrote:
I get errors  saying The Instruction at 0x77f536F7 referenced memory at
0x the memory could not be written. The numbers change from test
to test be every time it doesn¹t work.

That is a nasty one. I almost hate to mention this since you're an old D4
user (me too), but I just did it a week or two ago.

When you updated your projects, did you remember to update the Xtras in the
Xtras folders with them?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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