Re: What causes VM to lock pages into memory?

2004-11-03 Thread Bill Bitner
While there is a counter 'LOCKED' that refers to explicit locking of
pages via the CP lock command. The counter I referred in a problem record
Steve is describing is overall locked pages which may include implicit
locking for things like QDIO data structures, traditional I/O buffers, and
other CP interactions. While 2000-4000 pages may not be unusual for a Linux
guest with dedicated OSA devices, the numbers in this case are larger.
We recommended looking at monitor data and a snampdump at next occurence to
see if we could correlate the increase in locked pages. From the data I
looked at these pages were not associated with any particular guests.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Do 64-bit Linux guests eliminate VM <2GB swapping?

2004-11-05 Thread Bill Bitner
Sorry, should have seen this discussion earlier. Since the majority
of z/VM's control program (CP) is still 31-bit addressing, a guest page
that CP is working with will tend to be brought below the 2GB bar.
There are always exceptions of course.

See for additional

So net is - 64-bit guests will not eliminate need to bring pages
below 2GB (VM doesn't use 'swap' terminology). In fact there
are scenarios where larger virtual machines can make it worse.
The more pages a linux guest has the larger the possible number
of pages that CP *may* need to process. It depends.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Do 64-bit Linux guests eliminate VM <2GB swapping?

2004-11-08 Thread Bill Bitner
There is no significant change in z/VM 5.1.0 that addresses this
particular situation, but I should update the web page I pointed
to earlier to reflect that. Les posted the SOD, which is about
all I should say.

If there are additional changes in the service stream, I'll do
my best to let you know on this listserv.

As to the question of 'what it depends on?'. :-) I hope the web
page mentioned earlier answers most of that.


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Re: linux swap to dcss?

2004-11-18 Thread Bill Bitner
A few thoughts on various statements:
1.The Linux development process is a little different than
  the traditional S390 where we test things ad nauseum before
  we let them out the door. I apologize that VM Performance
  hasn't had time to fully measure the swap to dcss. It's on
  the list, but there are a few more pressing issues right now.
  But this discussion is good; it helps me think about what
  to consider in the measurements.
2.A DCSS segment defined as EW will have a lower priority in
  the VM storage management steal algorithms, unlike traditional
  segments and vdisks. So it doesn't have the same challenge
  as vdisk currently does.
3.Swapping to DCSS can be done as a block device which can lower
  the pathlength (i.e. not having to create CCWs etc.) compared
  to vdisk swapping.
4.Using recent VM and Linux you can create gaps for the DCSS,
  but the DCSS is still limited below 2GB. So it won't be an
  acceptable alternative in all cases.
5.The swapping itself can occur without VM intervention, except
  for the creation and when required the actual paging of the
  DCSS (that's VM paging, not Linux).

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Linux Slowdown

2004-12-02 Thread Bill Bitner
A few comments on QUICKDSP; some opinion, some fact.

I tend to look at QUICKDSP in three lights:
1. As Barton mentioned any guest/server that another
   guest depends on. He once used the phrase 'anything that
   is an extension of the operating system (VM)' should have
   quickdsp. Network, security, file systems, etc.
2. Production guests or mission critical, i.e. any guest that
   if it were to stop you could get a phone call from someone
   with authority to fire you. "Production" gets to be gray
   because some 'development' guests consider themselves
   production because they produce code. :-)
3. The more predictable or reliable a guest is, the more
   likely I am to give it QUICKDSP. Use of QUICKDSP doesn't
   really 'disable' the scheduler, it just tells the scheduler
   to behave differently in one aspect. When you use QUICKDSP
   you are saying, I (the sys programmer) am taking
   responsibility that this guest will not over-burden the
   available real resources (i.e. avoid thrashing).  Test
   systems, by their nature, are not predictable so I tend
   not to give them QUICKDSP.

So the two approaches (three when you do it in combination)
are 1) use of QUICKDSP and 2) adjust STORBUF settings. I
usually recommend considering both (after first revisiting
the size of the guests as Adam recommended).

When adjusting STORBUF there are some 'rules of thumb'
floating around out there, but it is worthwhile understanding
what the numbers mean. See the documentation or Malcolm's
write up:

I do not generally recommend setting all three values in
STORBUF the same, especially if you have a mixed environment
with interactive CMS guests. It may be perfectly acceptable
in pure Linux guest environment.

Also, just to clarify. QUICKDSP does not disable the
scheduler's ability to effectively set priorities based
on Share settings.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Domino on LINUX/VM

2004-12-23 Thread Bill Bitner
The primary concern for running Domino in a 1-way configuraiton
is to avoid a background or mgmt Domino task from taking over the
system. The thought being that a second processor allows one to allow
other work to run. Depending on the heaviness of your Domino users,
you maybe be able to run a fair amount on a single IFL. However, you'll
need to be aware of the potential to lock out end users for periods of
time due to these background tasks.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Domino on LINUX/VM

2005-01-04 Thread Bill Bitner
Doug, that's an interesting idea to run a virtual 2-way on the single
IFL. I never thought of that. It is, as you say, against conventional
wisdom, but this job is full of exceptions. I could see some challenges
in terms of lock contention, though this might be a case where Linux
use of Diagnose x'44' actually is of benefit.
I expect the trade off is slightly worse performance for all commands
all the time, but a new safety net to avoid lock outs from long running
I would be very interested in hearing what you see.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: RVA,ESS,performance

2005-01-14 Thread Bill Bitner
>You can have only one I/O in progress to each physical device at a time
>(since Linux doesn't do PAV yet). If you use a logical volume comprised
>of more physical devices, more actual I/Os can be in progress at the
>same time.

If one runs under VM, you can use PAV with Linux. See
for details.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: RVA,ESS,performance

2005-01-14 Thread Bill Bitner
>If one runs under VM, you can use PAV with Linux. See
Of course I should have included, this applies only to devices that
support PAV, which I do not believe the RVA does.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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2005-03-29 Thread Bill Bitner
(note this is a temporary link. I have

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Pros and cons - emulated FBA or FCP-attached SCSI???

2005-03-29 Thread Bill Bitner
I will try to avoid adding confusion. From a pure pathlength point of
view I suspect that the FCP attached SCSI EVMS would be the better
performer. But let me tack on an "It depends". :-)
>From a performance analysis and management view, the traditional
monitoring capabilities are much stronger for Ficon/3390 than for
FCP SCSI. Both the Emulated FBA and traditional 3390s are eligible
for minidisk cache (MDC).
There are also a number of non-performance related pros and cons also,
in terms of how you are doing backups/restores, management, cloning,

And the sky here is currently endicott gray, which is a very bright
and happy shad of gray.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: relative share and quick dispatch

2005-03-30 Thread Bill Bitner
There is a fair amount of confusion, and some disagreement in
this area. I would not just add QUICKDSP to all my guests.
However, there are three types of guests that should have QUICKDSP
set ON:
1. Any server virtual machine that is key to operation of the system
   (Barton describes this as 'an extension of the operating system').
   This includes your security manager, accounting, file servers, etc.
2. Critical guests- My definition: any guest that if it were to stop
   running for a period of time could result in someone being fired.
3. The VM userid you use to do tuning (so if you make a mistake you
   can undo it).

The QUICKDSP setting exempts the virtual machine from having to sit
time out in the eligible list. It does not exempt the virtual machine
from being dropped from the dispatch list.

Relative share and absolute share usage can also be a religious
discussion. Relative is convenient because you can use it to give
a 'relatively' higher priority without needing to necessarily
understand actual resources consumed (though that helps). That is
Relative 2000 virtual machine would have 20 times better access to
resources than default Relative 100 share virtual machine. Now,
using Absolute share requires a bit more planning upfront, but it
can be necessary for certain guests. Remember Relative share is
relative to which virtual machines are competing for resources. So
with Relative share, as the number of competing virtual machines
increases, the effective priority of a relative share virtual
machine decreases. This may not be what you want.

A little more discussion on this occurs at
with some links to more details.

That covers the major options that can be set in
the VM directory. The other command (sorry can't
be set in directory) that you might want to
be familiar with is CP SET RESERVE to give some
favoritism of memory for a guest. I haven't seen
it needed in many Linux z/VM environments, but it
is worth knowing about it.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Linux under VM under VM (or above, if you like :-)

2002-03-26 Thread Bill Bitner

Please note that the more layers of virtualization you add, the greater
the overhead for running the Linux guest. This includes the LPAR layer.
If you are running VM on VM on LPAR, it can get very expensive.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott

Re: CPU Scalability In single Linux Image Under VM?

2002-07-30 Thread Bill Bitner

It depends. With Linux it depends even more.

Remember that scaling involves both a software and a hardware MP factor.
On zSeries, we have some advantages from the hardware implementation.
There are some workloads that scale very well on Linux for zSeries.
Klaus Bergmann did a presentation at the last SHARE that gave some
examples of excellent scaling on a 16-way. Of course I'm sure that's
not the case for all workloads. :-)

As for scaling with virtual MP support. There is a small bump/cost in
VM overhead in going from a virtual 1-way to a virtual n-way. However,
after that the overhead is basically linear up to the maximum of 64
for a given virtual machine (though defining more virtual processors
than real processors will not be of any benefit and may just add

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott 607-752-6022
Home Page:

Re: DASD Performance problem

2003-12-12 Thread Bill Bitner
Are you collecting any performance data? As Barton mentioned, this
workload could be taxing the processor, or you could also be gated by
the single disk. Perhaps using LVM across multiple disks would help.
Understanding whether this is channel, device, or processor limited
would help.

I assume the Dell system is also use ext3. If not that would make a
difference. Also, the comparison is a little different because of
using Ficon instead of FCP SCSI.

However, all in all, I have seen other measurements with similar
results, particularly for a single guest with a single disk.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

need a how to...

2004-02-11 Thread Bill Bitner
You could also try the CP INDICATE QUEUE EXP command. One of the common
gotchas is the formation of an eligible list. The CP command above
will give you something like:
TCPIP Q0 PS  6196/5746  -199.9 A02
BITNERQ1 R00 0819/0795 .I.. -179.9 A02
KREINTA   Q3 IO  2629/3353  -.0721 A00
ABBEY Q3 R01 00022163/00022162   .0199 A01
CORAK2Q3 PS  00075799/00075799 ..D.  9 A02
CORAK2   MP07 Q3 PS  /   9 A02
EDLLNX1   Q3 PS  6052/6052   9 A02
VMLINUX1  Q3 PS  1258/1258   9 A02
EDLLNX2   Q3 PS  00010855/00010855 ..D.  9 A00
DCEPKBLD  Q3 PS  00019142/00019142   9 A02
SSLSERV   Q3 PS  3502/3478   9 A02
VMLINUX   Q3 PS  4832/4832 ..D.  9 A00

If you were to see an "E3" instead of "Q3" that would be an
indication of the virtual machine being held in the eligible
list because the scheduler feels that to run the virtual
machine, it would overload system resources.
See also
for some discussion on this and links to other info.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

Re: VM SET REORDER OFF for large hosts

2014-01-17 Thread Bill Bitner
You'll find additional data on Reorder Processing at
Feel free to contact me if you have other questions or want
to discuss a particular scenario.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286
The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBMs 
positions, strategies or opinions.

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Re: Performance Toolkit and zLinux

2014-08-26 Thread Bill Bitner
The RMF agent that runs inside the Linux on System z guest was
re-written the other year and changed the interface. We chose not
to update the Performance Toolkit handling of that interface as
other things have changed since the introduction of the RMF agent
to Linux. You can still use the RMF client (the link provided
earlier will point to information ont that) that supports z/OS as
well. There was a statement of direction in 2011 for these changes.

Performance Toolkit will report on the z/VM Appldata that Linux
provides on all the current distributions. While this doesn't
provide process level information, it does provide a Linux view
of some important metrics. It is also very low overhead.

Additionally, OMEGAMON XE for z/VM and Linux provides both the z/VM
and the Linux agents. Perhaps not the first choice for a PoC, but
wanted to mention for completeness.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286
The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBMs 
positions, strategies or opinions.

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Re: Automated performance reporting on Linux on Z

2014-11-10 Thread Bill Bitner
The IBM OMEGAMON XE on z/VM and Linux tool collects performance metrics and
allows customers to store them in a data warehouse (included).  Customers
choose what to keep and they summarize and prune the data based on the
reporting they would like to consider.  Another included feature of any
OMEGAMON or IBM Tivoli Monitoring component is the Cognos based reporting
tool Tivoli Common Reporter (TCR) which enables custom and dynamic reporting
against the data in the data warehouse.  Many customers use this to produce
the kind of reports you are mentioning.  Not only can you report on z/VM and
Linux data, but any other data in the data warehouse.  If you collect middleware
or database data on those Linux guests, these attributes can be included in
this reporting structure.  Finally, another included feature that uses this
same warehouse data is the Tivoli Performance Analyzer which adds vendor
supplied predictive capability focusing on future performance issues.  Customers
can change values and play "what if" type of scenarios.

All in all, you get real-time performance analysis, custom reporting, and
predictive analysis in one tool.

Bill Bitner

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Re: Why zLinux, Cross posted to MVS-OE

2014-12-11 Thread Bill Bitner
A paper I've recommended particularly to address why System z
virtualization vs. other platforms is:

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286
The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBMs 
positions, strategies or opinions.

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z/VM & Linux Support of the IBM z13

2015-05-01 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello Everyone, just a quick reminder that there are required service
levels for both z/VM and Linux for the new IBM z13. Besides the PSP
Bucket, additional information is available for z/VM at:

Note the above list includes support for the Multi-VSwitch Aggregation
(ability to do LAG with shared OSAs) which was announced to be available
June 26th, so you won't find closed PTFs at this time. The absence of the
four related PTFs will not limit use of the z13, just the new VSwitch

Linux tested environments can be found at:

Unlike some of the past machines where you could put off getting to the
required levels of Linux when running as a guest, do not make that
assumption this time. You might find yourself with a Linux that won't
boot any more. Also please take a minute to read the footnotes on that
page they are technical in nature, not just legal :).

Even if you somehow managed to bring up one of the unsupported Linux
levels on your new z13, you might only be temporarily lucky. Additional
updates to millicode could find you in an unfortunate situation where
those unsupported Linux guests no longer run.

Keep Calm and Stay Current

Bill Bitner

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IBM z Systms Java Survey

2015-09-22 Thread Bill Bitner
Posting for Marcel Mitran:

Please take a few minutes to fill in the following Java on z survey, and feel 
free to forward
to others who may be interested, or have insight.


Survey: z Systems software values your feedback!
Audience: Anyone who has been interested in using Java on z Systems
Purpose: Learn about our client's experience with Java and new programming 
languages on z
Deadline: Saturday, Sept 25
Duration: 5-7 minutes
Incentives: Help define the future of development on z, sign up for early 
program feedback


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Re: zLinux operating as a zVM guest host

2010-02-01 Thread Bill Bitner
To echo Mark's and others' comments. This configuration is
likely to have a lot of overhead with z/VM on top of z/VM on top of
LPAR. Most customers I've worked with placed your three z/VM systems in
different LPARs. Partitions can be capped similar to LIMITHARD with
Relative Share setting.

To avoid confusion, the changes with VM64721 for the SET SHARE
command do not affect Limitsoft (and were not inteded to do so).
However, VM64721 does affect Limithard, but only when turned on

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: FCXPER315A message

2011-05-23 Thread Bill Bitner
That may not be anything to worry about. Here's the explanation from

Performance Toolkit (or insert favorite monitor here) is giving me
alerts about the C1ETS being too high.

The C1ETS stands for class 1 Elapsed Time Slice. Each scheduler
class has an Elapsed Time Slice (ETS) associated with it. The
Class 1 ETS is dynamically adjusted by the scheduler. All the
other time slices are multiples of the C1ETS (classes 0/2/3
multiplication factors are 6/8/48 respectively). The scheduler
adjusts C1ETS in order to try and keep 85% of the transactions
as trivial (that is within the first ETS). On systems where
there are guests that never go truly idle, the transactions
are very infrequent and therefore can cause the scheduler to
increase the C1ETS. This isn't necessarily a problem since
the transactions are not real transactions.

Bill Bitner

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Re: z/VM 5.4 vs z/VM 6.1

2011-05-24 Thread Bill Bitner
The z/VM 5.4 and z/VM 6.1 are starting to diverge. Along with
the zBX and URM aspects. We're starting to see more service of
the 'enhancement' nature going into 6.1 and not 5.4. For example,
an improvement to scheduler lock management VM64927 is available
for 6.1, but not for 5.4. This is interesting for systems on
larger n-ways that want to reduce z/VM and LPAR overhead.

Bill Bitner

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Re: Expected Network Throughput from Layer-2 VSwitch Attached zLinux Instance

2011-05-24 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello Aaron,
For guest to external network, it will be very much gated by the OSA
model/speed. There are some examples for 10GbE OSA Express 3 in

For guest to guest, it'll be a factor of config and which machines.
I think we saw something around a peak of 900 MB/Sec for streaming
workloads with multiple sessions; 600 MB/Sec for streaming with
single session. That was with jumbo frames on MTU.

Bill Bitner
IBM z/VM Customer Focus and Care

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Re: Set Share Relative

2011-06-16 Thread Bill Bitner
IBM has talked about the excess Share problem as well,
see chart 23 in
And we are working on it. I think an assertion that it happens
all the time is a little overboard. Now that we understand the
problem better, I can say everyone may be exposed, but not
everyone will be affected. We have been asking for people to contact me
or open a PMR if they see the problem and have data. No PMRs have
been open yet. A PMR always makes it easier to prioritize. I
don't understand why those that see it, refuse to open a PMR.

The idea that IBM is working on changing this behavior to
get around too high default share settings, while creative,
is fiction. I agree some share default settings are now too
high for Linux environment workloads. In general, the experience
has been that it is better for some of these SVMs to be
too high rather than too low. I'll put it on the list to
revist some of these and see if we can change where appropriate.
The defaults are meant as starting points. As discussed already,
there are some good papers out there to assist with the tweaking.
And for some other products, such as VTAM, the defaults are wrong
for 99% of the environments.

Sorry, my failure to get changes made there.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: PAV usage on DASD volumes

2012-01-19 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello Barry if you are using traditional PAV, you should not see any
activity in Domain 6 Record 28. That record only includes activity
associated with HyperPAV. Fields of interest to traditional PAV would
be Domain 6 Record 3, such as:


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Re: zLinux performance collection tool(s)?

2007-10-31 Thread Bill Bitner
OMEGAMON XE has a client for Linux which is included in
the OMEGAMON XE for z/VM and Linux product, or can be purchased
separately. It includes process level data.

The CPU Timer based accounting is an improvement regardless of
whether you use normalization or not. The old method not only
had the potential for inflated values, but also was exposed to
skews in different directions. Normalizing the old values was a
clever way of dealing with the problem in the interim, but it
did not solve all the problems. Hence, the need for the CPU
timer approach. Thank you Martin. :-)

It is true that looking at both the VM and Linux data is
helpful. Two heads are better than one. Kevin, I believe you
have the VM part working already. There's been discussion
here about various VM based solutions for looking inside
the guest. For your needs, particularly in short term, a lot
of the Linux tools out there will work on z, and with the
new CPU timer are accurate. Stay away from things like TOP
that are noisy and just add overhead.

I should also mention that I don't see Performance Toolkit's
requirement to indicate which virtual machines you want
detailed data on for historic reasons as a hinderance to the
solution. Inconvenient perhaps, but not a show stopper. It
might be the confusion that in the old RTM product you could
only benchmark one virtual machine, where Performance Toolkit
allows you to benchmark any number. Also, I believe with
different uses of OMEGAMON XE you can set up historical
collection as well. Unfortunately I don't know the details.

I hope that helps.

Bill Bitner

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Re: SLES9 SP3 / zVM 530 Vnic capacity?

2007-11-20 Thread Bill Bitner
One should not expect Link Aggregation to improve the
performance of a single Vnic talking to a single target.
The packets associated with a single conversation (probably
not the right term) are not shuffled across the different
OSAs or spread across them. We do spread different
conversations across different OSAs with load balancing.
The z/VM Performance Report has additional details:

Bill Bitner

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Re: Is 275GB of VDISK stupid?

2007-12-03 Thread Bill Bitner
This is a good approach, but please one reminder. The DAT structures
for virtual disk in storage address spaces, including PGMBKs, are not
pageable (user space PGMBKs are). And prior to z/VM 5.3.0, they must
reside in real memory below 2GB. So 275GB of vdisk would be more than
2GB of memory required below 2GB for the DAT structures. One would
want to be on z/VM 5.3.0. The PGMBKs are not reflected in the PTRM

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Is 275GB of VDISK stupid?

2007-12-04 Thread Bill Bitner
>> This is a good approach, but please one reminder. The DAT structures
>> for virtual disk in storage address spaces, including PGMBKs, are not
>> pageable (user space PGMBKs are). And prior to z/VM 5.3.0, they must
>> reside in real memory below 2GB. So 275GB of vdisk would be more than
>> 2GB of memory required below 2GB for the DAT structures. One would
>> want to be on z/VM 5.3.0. The PGMBKs are not reflected in the PTRM
>> numbers.
>But only when used, isn't it?
>As long as you have not touched them, there's no PGMBKs except for the
>first one. Once he actually starts using them I would think that 550
>GB of paging space might approach some other limitations in CP (though
>with 3390-9 not the number of cpowned volumes).

It's been a long time since I looked at the code, so I am not certain
of all the cases that trigger creation of the DAT structures. I do
recall that there were cases where they could be created without the
actual virtual disk block being referenced. Like I said, it's not a
bad idea, I just don't want anyone who's not on 5.3.0 to be caught
by surprise.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Bogus CPU Utilization Numbers reported in the PTK for Linux guest

2008-06-19 Thread Bill Bitner
Mark posted a nice summary (pun intended). Just one clarification,
OMEAGMON XE did ship support to properly normalize the CPU values for
older releases of Linux. This shipped in September 2007 as VM64299 available
for both the z/VM 5.2 and 5.3 versions of Performance Toolkit.

PTF UM32169 for z/VM 5.2 provides the base function for the formatted output
collectors and provides an update for normalizing Linux data in the
formatted output.

PTF UM32170 for z/VM 5.3 provides the update for normalizing Linux data and
provides support for mixed processor types in the formatted output.

Also, while there are methods to normalize the old accounting information,
it is still subject to some misleading in that the old method is exposed
to skewing of time towards buckets.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Linux VM intermittently goes non-responsive

2008-10-31 Thread Bill Bitner
> IBM, have you thought about changing that default?
> I bet everyone hits it eventually.=20

Hello all, yes we have. Actually I was discussing this topic last
week with part of the team.

First my apologies that the SRM defaults cause the problems
they do. We have changed the defaults in the past, the last
time being VM/ESA 1.2.2, so we're probably due.

There are two challenges here.

The first challenge is that there are environments where the current
defaults are appropriate. I had been thinking that the correct
approach was to change so that the SRM values could be set in
the SYSTEM CONFIG file. We would then ship the default SYSTEM
CONFIG file with SRM values that are appropriate with the idea
that most existing customers would continue to use their own
SYSTEM CONFIG files. Even better, down the road we could have
different SYSTEM CONFIGs for different usage. The line item to
add SRM values to SYSTEM CONFIG has missed the cut to be
included the past couple releases. That was part of the
discussion last week. We talked about just changing the defaults
and forgetting the SYSTEM CONFIG file. (Though I still like
the idea of having that and other things in SYSTEM CONFIG
instead of hidden in different places on every system (OPERATOR
PROFILE, AUTOLOG profiles, Directory entries, etc.).

The second challenge is while everyone agrees they should be
changed, it is far more difficult to agree on what the new
values should be. I conveniently have a meeting with the
scheduler team today. This is on my agenda.

So again, I apologize if it appears we have been ignoring
this aspect of the system. I'm probably as much to blame as
anyone. I'll try to make it right.

Regards, Bill Bitner

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Re: Latest on PAV's?

2005-04-16 Thread Bill Bitner
Not that I want to bring this subject back up, but I think there were
a few unanswered questions.

You can find the device queueing on Performance Toolkit FCX108 DEVICE
report under the "Req. Qued" field. Also is reflected in difference
between "Serv" & "Resp" (Service Time and Response Time). Shown in
example below where MDC is not enabled.

 <-- Device Descr. -->  Mdisk Pa- <-Rate/s-> <--- Time (msec) ---> Req.
 Addr Type   Label/ID   Links ths  I/O Avoid Pend Disc Conn Serv Resp CUWt Qued
 >> All DASD <<     .5.0   .2   .1  2.0  2.3  2.3   .0  .00
 80C9 3390-3 US7E42   158   4  358.0   .2   .0  2.0  2.2  6.0   .0 1.37

For those still running VMPRF, it would be on the DASD_BY_ACTIVITY Report.

In regards to paging to 3390-9s, yes, it would be a horrible idea if it were a
real 3390-9. Otherwise, it can be done depending on the rest of the
configuration. I would avoid it, if I could. But if you are approaching the
max of 256 CP owned volumes:
1) I'd like to hear from you.
2) Your access density for paging is probably low enough that it doesn't
   matter at this point.

For those wanting to read more about Linux and PAV on VM see:

In regards, to the skew of access density. Traditionally, minidisk cache 
that and is why it was designed the way it was versus a private cache 
structure. But
I don't agree that it is queuing on the device level that is the bulk of the I/O
performance problems. The last 5 I/O problems I looked at were:
1 - channel contention on ESCON channels
2 - not balancing I/O across ranks
3 - not using minidisk cache
4 - PPRC config related
5 - application boo boo

For those looking to blame someone for the lack of z/VM PAV support for 
minidisks and CP
volumes, feel free to blame me; but be nice, my Mom & my manager might be 
reading this.

For those that want to discuss their systems and choices, feel free to contact 
I'll respond as time permits. :-)

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: zVM 5.1, performace toolkit and Linux

2005-05-22 Thread Bill Bitner
On most current distributions I've looked at there is no need for
a recompile. There is a Redbook, currently still in draft, that does
a good job of describing the monitor data interface. See Chapter 12

Performance Toolkit supports both the RMFPMS interface and the new
kernel appldata interface. I don't recall seeing a requirement for
the SNMP. But if folks are interested, let us know. If there is
enough interest, we would consider it.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286VP

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Re: z/VM Minidisk Cache. Still relevant today?

2005-09-06 Thread Bill Bitner
MDC is a write-through cache so it does not apply to write I/Os

It can help read I/Os, but the answer to how/if to use it is
"it depends". As Carsten mentioned, it can be great for shared
minidisks with significant read I/O. There are also cases where
for non-shared minidisks, I might want to use it. While Linux
does a lot of caching, that requires memory. In order to get very
high hit rates at the Linux level, you need to supply enough
virtual memory for its cache. The downside is Linux will use it,
and increase pressure on overall system memory requirements. So
there are cases where it is better to have a lower virtual machine
sizes for the Linux guests and have MDC pick up some of the missed
I/Os. This is a trade-off between memory (linux cache) and processor
resoures (MDC handling the I/O).

Another case where MDC may be helpful is that it may avoid having
to bring a guest page below 2GB for processing if its an MDC hit.
This can be helpful if you are constrained by memory below 2GB.
When used for this approach, we sometimes suggest forcing MDC to be
used from real storage, not expanded storage.

I do recommend turning MDC off for write-mostly disks (log files),
most Database applications, and back-up processing. Though, there are
always exceptions.

Other information may be found at

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: Hipersockets vs qdio

2005-09-07 Thread Bill Bitner
In most cases, a Guest LAN or Virtual Switch Guest LAN would be the
way to go. HiperSockets would be my second choice. Shared OSA third.
That is for inter Guest communication. HiperSockets may be faster
for very large data streaming applications, but may not be noticeably
different for a lot of workloads. HiperSockets and Shared OSA would
also require more locked memory than Guest LAN or Virtual Switch.
for detailed measurements.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: What configurations are people using for Disaster Recovery for Linux under z/VM

2006-05-05 Thread Bill Bitner
I do not believe %SIC means what you think it means.
I had a conversation about this in the past I think with someone from the 
County if
it is the same configuration. At the DR location, if you are running
Linux as a guest of VM and VM running as a guest of another VM system and
all that running in an LPAR, then you effectively have 3 layers of SIE.
(1 for each VM and 1 for LPAR). Current machines can handle 2 layers of
SIE very efficiently, but performance does drop off significantly with
3 layers of SIE.

SIE is how VM (and LPAR) dispatches work. We sometimes use the phrase
SIE Break or Exit from SIE to describe the cases where the virtual
(or logical) processor stops running under SIE and control is passed
back to the hipervisor. There are two reasons to exit SIE:
intercepts and interrupts. The %SIC is what percentage of the exits
were for intercepts. So the number could be high here because of
exits for SIEs done under the three levels, but it could also be
influenced by CPU bound work or work that naturally has low level
of interrupts.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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2006-07-31 Thread Bill Bitner
Dedicated DASD are not eligible for VM's minidisk cache.

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Re: FCP over ECKD performance advantage - why?

2006-09-12 Thread Bill Bitner
It depends. From a response time perspective, the bulk of the
difference is dependent on the hardware. FICON/FCP to DS8000
both will likely give similar response time. Processor time,
particularly in a virtualized environment will vary significantly.

In general on system z, FCP has three areas of potential
1. avoids overhead of converting from block to eckd and
   back to block oriented in the CU.
2. more I/Os can be executed in parallel (though PAV is
   a method for ECKD to minimize this advantage)
3. more data can be moved in a single I/O command

Workloads are impacted differently by the above. There
are also a number of non-performance related

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: collaborative memory management on Linux weekly news

2006-09-12 Thread Bill Bitner
When the VM support is released there will be additional
monitor counters; and we do plan on publishing additional
results (in addition to what was published on the referenced
article and at various conferences).
Part of the benefit is not just saved memory, but more
efficient management of that memory.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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Re: FCP over ECKD performance advantage - why?

2006-09-22 Thread Bill Bitner
Rob is correct it does say 'it depends', but gives one of the
dependencies - processor time. The report also mentions that there
are other considerations (trade-offs) such as performance
information being reported (as Barton mentioned). Also, you
need to consider: backup/recovery, management/provisioning,
disaster recovery, and data administration. Many of these
considerations are not performance related, the report only
tries to address performance, and even one aspect of that in
detail. But I hope it is helpful.


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Re: SET SHARE recommendations

2006-11-03 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello Kevin,
First, I would question do you really need 5 virtual processors
for each of these guests? You might, but I know some people just
automatically set the virtual processor count equal to the logical
processor count and in cases that is not optimal.
Ok, I'll resist giving exact numbers, but a few thoughts:
1. Remember the share setting is distributed across the
   virtual processors. So a virtual 5-way with default
   relative 100 gets dispatched basically as five relative
   20 virtual processors.
2. If you are going to have this finite number of guests,
   relative shares might be good to use. (The more 'extra'
   guests you get, the more inclined I would be to use
   absolute shares for the production guests and relative
   for the cert guests.)
3. For the Production guests, I would use Relative shares
   for target minimum share values and No limit shares.
4. For the Cert guests I would set fairly low Relative
   shares for the target minimums and use LIMITSOFT
   settings for limit share.

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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z/VM 6.3 End of Service Reminder

2017-04-21 Thread Bill Bitner
z/VM 6.3 will achieve end of service on December 31, 2017, leaving
only z/VM 6.4 in service. (z/VM 6.2 is EOS on June 30, 2017.)  For
full information on life cycle see:

For clients who missed this or clients looking for guidance on
migration to z/VM 6.4, you can contact Bill Bitner (

Various options exist:
Extended support contracts for z/VM 6.3
IBM Lab Services for additional temporary skills

Also remember that z/VM 6.4 introduced a  new architecture level set,
requiring a z196 or z114 or higher machine.

Tell a friend.

Have a nice weekend.

Bill Bitner

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Re: High steal on z/linux guest

2017-04-23 Thread Bill Bitner
Take a look at the 4th entry on this page -

Regards, Bill Bitner

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Re: Meltdown/Spectre; Linux on z affected?

2018-01-05 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello folks, sorry, but you know the drill. This kind of information is
shared only through the IBM Z Security Portal. If you're unfamiliar with it
or how to sign up, this was covered in part of the Live Virtual Class on
October 18, 2017 that Brian Hugenbruch did.

Thanks and have a safe day.


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Re: Guest show steal and the LPAR has available CPU

2018-02-01 Thread Bill Bitner
See the fourth item on this page:

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: Guest show steal and the LPAR has available CPU

2018-02-01 Thread Bill Bitner

I believe in Velocity it is the ESAXACT report.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   Victor Echavarry 
Date:   02/01/2018 04:27 PM
Subject:Re: Guest show steal and the LPAR has available CPU
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 


Which report is z/VM state sampling? Right now we are using velocity to
monitoring our z/VM's.


Victor Echavarry
System Programmer
Operating Systems

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2018 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Guest show steal and the LPAR has available CPU

See the fourth item on this page:

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286 "Making systems practical and profitable for customers
through virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: RHEL 6.9 servers getting Unknown program exception: 0028 SMP

2018-04-12 Thread Bill Bitner
Rick, if you have VM65396 on, but not VM65414, that would be my guess.
VM65414 corrected a problem introduced by VM65396 where a guest could
erroneously be given a program check 28.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: RHEL 6.9 servers getting Unknown program exception: 0028 SMP

2018-04-12 Thread Bill Bitner
For information on vulnerabilities, please see the IBM Z Security Portal.
Information on the portal can be found if you page down slightly on



Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: RHEL 6.9 servers getting Unknown program exception: 0028 SMP

2018-04-12 Thread Bill Bitner
Rick, Terri, Greg, and others, apologies I should have given out the PTF
numbers and a little more background on my earlier append.

APAR VM65396 PTF UM34851 is the one that introduced the prog check problem.
We discovered the problem February 26th, and marked VM65396 in error on
March 1st with VM65414 the PE fix to it. The correction to that error is
included in APAR VM65414 PTF UM34853, which closed on March 23rd.  For
other reasons, both of these APARs are Security/Integrity APARs, so see my
earlier append on the IBM Z Security portal.

However, the functional problem, other than being introduced by VM65396, is
not connected to the security/integrity aspects of these APARs. The
functional problem is related to a virtual processor coming out of SIE for
a fast path operation, as opposed to the typical normal exit from SIE. (For
those unfamiliar with SIE, think of it as dispatching or running a virtual
processor). Fast path exits are far more prevalent in a CMS environment
than in other guest operating systems, but it is possible. In all cases,
fast path exits are a subset, mostly a very small subset, of all exits.
There is a scenario where taking the fast path exit can erroneously cause
z/VM to present the 028 program check. The error further involves the upper
part of a register not being cleared. If this register's upper half
contains zeroes, it would not trigger the error condition, but over time,
it appears the upper half changes and the program checks start appearing.
So from that perspective it's a timing/workload dependent problem. This is
a simplification, but I hope it's enough for you to appreciate the aspects
you need to be aware.

The real solution is to apply VM65414's PTF which is available. A
mitigation would be to do a CP TRACE PROG 28 NOTERM NOPRINT RUN for the
virtual machines through the console or if logged off and on, through a
directory command statement.

Thank you for understanding the communication challenges in this space. I'm
sure you'll let us know if you need more info. :-)


Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: RHEL 6.9 servers getting Unknown program exception: 0028 SMP

2018-04-13 Thread Bill Bitner
As we discussed on phone, but for benefit of others. My last append forgot
to point out that the TRACE needs to be done for all the virtual processors
in the virtual machine. Otherwise only, only the base VMDBK is protected.

This can be done by using the "CPU" command:

I apologize for giving both of us a fright and for those following along.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: Planning for zLINUX guest on zVM 7.1

2019-09-12 Thread Bill Bitner
It will really depend on the workload and other configuration aspects and
what SLA requirements exist. You could start with the degree of over
commit. From a memory perspective if you say 2 to 1 or 1.5 to 1, then you
get  224G  or 168G to your 112G real. It wasn't clear to me if you have 2
real IFL cores or something different. With three logical partitions at
logical 2-ways, you'd be at 3:1 there, which is a little higher than I
would recommend. The overcommit on virtual to logical processors doesn't
have as clear a rule of thumb as memory. So it really depends. Others may
be able to offer their experiences.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Technical Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Customer Workshop

2019-10-19 Thread Bill Bitner
Technical Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Customer Workshop in IBM
Poughkeepsie, NY, October 28-29, 2019!
Registration extended until October 23!
Register here

Agenda highlights
   IBM z15 Performance Proof Points
   Introduction and Positioning of Red Hat OpenShift
   Virtualization Options for Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE
   Welcome to the Jungle - Linux on IBM Z Networking Options
   Z as a Service - Securing Workloads in the Public Cloud
   Linux on Z Crypto Update
   How You Can Containerize Your Applications
   z/VM Platform Update
   Leveraging the Newest Capabilities in z/VM
   Interactive Sessions
   Various Workgroup Sessions
   Pervasive Encryption Hands-on Session
   z/VM Problem Determination Demo Session

Who should attend
   IT Architects
   Application Developers
   System Administrator
   System Developers
   Business partners interested in acquiring Linux on IBM Z skills

Start of event: October 28, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. EDT
End of event: October 29, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. EDT
Where: IBM Poughkeepsie, Client Experience Center, Poughkeepsie, NY, US

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: Technical Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Customer Workshop

2019-10-20 Thread Bill Bitner

Unfortunately, no webex for anyone at this time. However, a number of the
presentations are available at the following -

Also, some of these were recently done in Brasilia and the intent is to do
more there in the future. Contact Carlos Afonso ( if
you are not already on his list for the Linux on LinuxONE workshops he


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   Rinaldo Akio Uehara 
Date:   10/20/2019 02:26 AM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Re: Technical Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Customer
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 

No live transmission to those outside USA?

Enviado do meu iPhone

> Em 19 de out de 2019, à(s) 14:04, Bill Bitner 
> Technical Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Customer Workshop in IBM
> Poughkeepsie, NY, October 28-29, 2019!
> Registration extended until October 23!
> Register here
> Agenda highlights
>   IBM z15 Performance Proof Points
>   Introduction and Positioning of Red Hat OpenShift
>   Virtualization Options for Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE
>   Welcome to the Jungle - Linux on IBM Z Networking Options
>   Z as a Service - Securing Workloads in the Public Cloud
>   Linux on Z Crypto Update
>   How You Can Containerize Your Applications
>   z/VM Platform Update
>   Leveraging the Newest Capabilities in z/VM
>   Interactive Sessions
>   Various Workgroup Sessions
>   Pervasive Encryption Hands-on Session
>   z/VM Problem Determination Demo Session
> Who should attend
>   IT Architects
>   Application Developers
>   System Administrator
>   System Developers
>   Business partners interested in acquiring Linux on IBM Z skills
> Start of event: October 28, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. EDT
> End of event: October 29, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. EDT
> Where: IBM Poughkeepsie, Client Experience Center, Poughkeepsie, NY, US

> Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
> "Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
> virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM
> --
> For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or


empresa pública federal regida pelo disposto na Lei Federal nº 5.615, é
enviada exclusivamente a seu destinatário e pode conter informações
confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional. Sua utilização
desautorizada é ilegal e sujeita o infrator às penas da lei. Se você a
recebeu indevidamente, queira, por gentileza, reenviá-la ao emitente,
esclarecendo o equívoco."

government company established under Brazilian law (5.615/70) -- is
directed exclusively to its addressee and may contain confidential data,
protected under professional secrecy rules. Its unauthorized use is illegal
and may subject the transgressor to the law's penalties. If you're not the
addressee, please send it back, elucidating the failure."

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Re: Free Mainframe Stuff 2020: Reply Here with Nominations

2020-07-08 Thread Bill Bitner
>From a z/VM perspective, there is a lot, but a few of the key ones that
come to mind - IBM z/VM Download Packages - IBM z/VM documentation, presentations,
and more - VM Workshop Tools page  - VM Workshop
YouTube channel for z/VM, Linux, and z/VSE

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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send email to with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: z15 on-board compression

2020-07-22 Thread Bill Bitner

Thanks Andreas,
The problem is there is a bug in WAS when DFLTCC is used -
Assessment by Java Development is that Wells Fargo's symptoms line up to be
the same issue as experienced by another client  several days earlier. In
the first client's case, they were provided with an WAS Ifix (APAR PH27505)
which prevents the endless looping that occurs when the JVM API does not
report that the compressed data stream has reached the end. The client
tested the WAS iFix and confirmed that it does prevent the endless looping
during decompression. The current recommendation is for z15 zLinux clients
running JAVA8 SR6 is to apply WAS APAR PH27505 and run with HW compression
disabled (DFLTCC=0).

Wells Fargo has 2000 Linux guests they would have to patch to fix and were
looking for an easy way to just disable.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   Andreas Krebbel 
Date:   07/22/2020 07:49 AM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Re: z15 on-board compression
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 


I wrote a post about how to build and test zlib also for distros currently
not supported:

You will find a quick one-liner test at the end of the post which can be
used to verify whether
hardware compression works in your installation.


On 10.06.20 01:36, Michael MacIsaac wrote:
> Hello list,
> I heard about the new DFLTCC instruction on the z15, aka on board
> compression.  I tried a quick experiment to see the difference from a
> Disclaimer: I am not a performance expert.>
> Here are three commands to create, compress and decompress a 1G file on a
> z14:
> # grep Type: /proc/sysinfo
> Type: 3906
> # time dd if=/dev/zero of=1G.file bs=1G count=1
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out
> 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 21.93 s, 49.0 MB/s
> real0m22.047s
> user0m0.001s
> sys 0m3.669s
> # time cat 1G.file | gzip -c > 1G.compressed.file
> real0m7.603s
> user0m5.362s
> sys 0m0.789s
> # time cat 1G.compressed.file | gzip -d > 1G.file
> real0m24.833s
> user0m4.103s
> sys 0m1.845s
> Here's the same commands on z15:
> # grep Type: /proc/sysinfo
> Type: 8561
> # time dd if=/dev/zero of=1G.file bs=1G count=1
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out
> 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 1.59126 s, 675 MB/s
> real0m1.621s
> user0m0.000s
> sys 0m1.216s
> # time cat 1G.file | gzip -c > 1G.compressed.file
> real0m5.722s
> user0m4.946s
> sys 0m0.510s
> # time cat 1G.compressed.file | gzip -d > 1G.file
> real0m6.150s
> user0m3.922s
> sys 0m1.290s
> Wow more than 10x faster on dd - was not expecting that as I didn't think
> it uses compression. But the compress with gzip -c, was only 25% faster
> the z15 while the decompress was about 4x.
> Are these results expected?
> Thanks.
> --
>  -Mike MacIsaac
> --
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Re: z15 on-board compression

2020-07-22 Thread Bill Bitner

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time

2020-08-17 Thread Bill Bitner
I take a few days off and a fun topic comes up that I mostly miss. :-)

We did a Live Virtual Class on this back when SSI first came out. A few
things have changed, but you may find value in it:
The charts for the presentation are

It goes through the various factors that influence overall relocation time
and quiesce time. What we find with databases is often they are large
virtual machines in terms of memory. This can can have a non-trivial effect
on quiesce time as the process involves traversing the DAT structures to
validate changed pages. This traversal is done twice for various reasons.
So chart 23 of the presentation deck illustrates that effect. This has to
be done regardless of whether pages change or there is activity because
this is the mechanism used to determine that.

Since that LVC there were updates to Performance Toolkit that can show some
of the statistics on LGR (or in other z/VM Performance products).

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time

2020-08-18 Thread Bill Bitner

z/VM doesn't have a short cut to determine that no pages have changed. So
for a guest over 100GB, it has to examine over 26 million things multiple
times. Validating the I/O is drained is another aspect, but my guess is the
traversing of the DAT structures is the biggest factor.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   Grzegorz Powiedziuk 
Date:   08/17/2020 11:51 PM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:26 PM Bill Bitner  wrote:

> I take a few days off and a fun topic comes up that I mostly miss. :-)
> We did a Live Virtual Class on this back when SSI first came out. A few
> things have changed, but you may find value in it:
> The charts for the presentation are
This is great! Thank you. Although this brings a few more questions, it was
definitely very helpful.
- chart on page 24 idle case (0GB change) had a quiesce time 8s - I wonder
why. That VM in this test was probably >100GB so more or less close to my
case. But I thought that if there are close to 0 changes, then the last
pass should be just a "formality"? I was relocating my VM with DB2 being
stopped! There were just few idle processes left and yet it took 20-30s of
freeze time. Of course I am doing sync and not immediate.
Seems like I should be below <10s even with just 2CTCs (although I am
hoping to get 2 more) by looking at these charts.
- document says that I/O device count matters as well. We have 4 FCP
channels with quite a big number of luns (>20), would that make a big
I will look into anything related in perfsvm
thanks again.

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Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time

2020-08-18 Thread Bill Bitner

There have been different things discussed, though I don't recall if
guarded storage facility was one of them (actually introduced in z14) as
that came out after we did the initial LGR.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   Neale Ferguson 
Date:   08/18/2020 10:04 AM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Re: vmrelocate and quiescence time
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 

Could you take advantage of the guard page hardware facility of the z15
that the pause-less Java garbage collector uses?

 Original message 

z/VM doesn't have a short cut to determine that no pages have changed. So
for a guest over 100GB, it has to examine over 26 million things multiple
times. Validating the I/O is drained is another aspect, but my guess is the
traversing of the DAT structures is the biggest factor.

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Crowdstrike Interest

2020-09-02 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello, asking for a friend.:-)  Does anyone have interest in the the end
point security products from Crowdstrike being supported on IBM Z and
LinuxONE? The IBM team that works with 3rd parties is looking to gather
information on interest. I know they have heard from some of you, but I
wanted to see if others had interest. Thanks everyone. You can reply here
or email


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: IFL usage of Linux servers

2020-10-28 Thread Bill Bitner

Hello David,
An important aspect of this is whether you are running SMT-2 or not. If you
are, then I recommend you read for some background as when
SMT-2 is on we have to take extra care because in that scenario the word
"IFL" is ambiguous between whether we're referencing the Core or the two
threads in aggregate, as with SMT-2 many of the measures, but not all, are
of a logical processor (aka thread) perspective. If you share whether
you're SMT-2 or SMIT-1 or SMT-0 (SMT disabled). I can give you some
additional information on interpreting the data.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   "Mittelstädt, David" 
Date:   10/28/2020 01:30 PM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] IFL usage of Linux servers
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 

Hi everyone,

I need a little help understanding the values from the z/VM Performance
Toolkit and command line tool hyptop. I want to measure the IFL utilization
of a z/VM guest running linux from a z/VM or hardware perspective, e.g.
linux server A consumes 2 IFL or linux server B consumes 0.5 IFL. We need
this information for accounting and forecast purposes. So I used the tool
hyptop to get the information of the used cpu, but I'm not sure how to
interpret these values correctly. What means the column cpu(%)? Is this the
usage of 1 IFL in percent? And is this same value like the one in the z/VM
Performance Toolkit %CPU under 21. User resource usage?

Is it possible to measure the IFL usage with these values? Or do I need
other values?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
David Mittelstädt

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Re: AW: [EXTERN]-Re: IFL usage of Linux servers

2020-10-28 Thread Bill Bitner

Ok. So then the data you'll see in Hytop when on z/VM and in some of the
Performance Toolkit reports (e.g. FCX112 USER) will show utilization of a
logical processor (aka thread), so there isn't a direct correlation to the
total Core Utilization from that perspective. Hytop will give you "CPU"
time, again think of this as thread time of one of the 2 threads per Core.
Hytop breaks down what it calls Total CPU time and then Total Management
time. The "Management" time will relate to time spent in z/VM hypervisor or
Control Program. So on the FCX112 report, z/VM shows Total and Emul (short
for Emulation or Virtual). Emul would be time spent in Linux and its
applications and the delta of Total and Emul from Performance Toolkit on
FCX112 will map closer to that "Management" time from Hytop.

There is an APAR coming for Performance Toolkit that on z/VM 7.2 (VM66215)
that will surface some other counters related to processor usage in SMT-2

I hope that helps. That URL will give some more details.

Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:   "Mittelstädt, David" 
Date:   10/28/2020 02:29 PM
Subject:[EXTERNAL] AW: [EXTERN]-Re: IFL usage of Linux servers
Sent by:Linux on 390 Port 

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the fast replay. I will read the infos in the given URL
tomorrow. We are using SMT-2. I ran a q multithreading in z/VM and get back
Activated Threads 2 for IFL Core. I'm really interested in the additional



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] Im Auftrag von Bill
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020 19:05
Betreff: [EXTERN]-Re: IFL usage of Linux servers

Hello David,
An important aspect of this is whether you are running SMT-2 or not. If you
are, then I recommend you read for some background as when
SMT-2 is on we have to take extra care because in that scenario the word
"IFL" is ambiguous between whether we're referencing the Core or the two
threads in aggregate, as with SMT-2 many of the measures, but not all, are
of a logical processor (aka thread) perspective. If you share whether
you're SMT-2 or SMIT-1 or SMT-0 (SMT disabled). I can give you some
additional information on interpreting the data.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

From:"Mittelstädt, David" 
Date:10/28/2020 01:30 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] IFL usage of Linux servers
Sent by: Linux on 390 Port 

Hi everyone,

I need a little help understanding the values from the z/VM Performance
Toolkit and command line tool hyptop. I want to measure the IFL utilization
of a z/VM guest running linux from a z/VM or hardware perspective, e.g.
linux server A consumes 2 IFL or linux server B consumes 0.5 IFL. We need
this information for accounting and forecast purposes. So I used the tool
hyptop to get the information of the used cpu, but I'm not sure how to
interpret these values correctly. What means the column cpu(%)? Is this the
usage of 1 IFL in percent? And is this same value like the one in the z/VM
Performance Toolkit %CPU under 21. User resource usage?

Is it possible to measure the IFL usage with these values? Or do I need
other values?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
David Mittelstädt

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Re: Question About LGR and Hipersocket using RHEL 7.7

2021-04-20 Thread Bill Bitner
If this isn't resolved, I'd suggest you open a z/VM support case and the
team and take a closer look.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Client Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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2021-10-29 Thread Bill Bitner
I do my best to stay out of the rumor business. Chris Konarski just tweeted
that is is a misunderstanding.
Chris is the IBM VP WW Technical Sales and Lab Services.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

"Not speaking for IBM as far as they know"

Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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Re: IBM vs other virtualizations

2021-11-01 Thread Bill Bitner
Hello Carey, Of course I remember you, I just haven't checked the list in a
few days. But as you saw our many friends did!

I am not aware of a good resource for your question. The challenge is
hardly no one knows the virtualization methods on x86 and the
virtualization methods on IBM Z (or Power) in enough detail to contrast
them. Typically one knows one or two of them in detail, but seldom all of
them. The other challenge is these aren't static systems, everyone is
making enhancements and some of the comparisons out there are for a point
in time, or in some cases IBM in 1990 compared to x86 in 2020 (as if the
mainframe hasn't changed). Sorry I don't have better pointers.


Bill Bitner - z/VM Customer Focus and Care - 607-429-3286
"Making systems practical and profitable for customers through
virtualization and its exploitation." - z/VM

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