Re: dog db search supported only by msie - the response

2012-05-08 Thread sammy ominsky
On 08/05/2012, at 03:07, Nadav Har'El wrote:

 meyalel is a code-name for the mortal enemy of the dog - the cat.
 They implied that you were a cat-sympathizer, an enemy of the loyal dog
 supporters running the site.

Oh, I thought it just meant a whiner when applied to a human.  I also 
originally thought it was just a misspelling of mail, but it made sense as 
meyalel once pointed out.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: gmail over POP3 - anyone else experiencing problems?

2012-03-06 Thread sammy ominsky
Just thought I'd mention... as someone who is not infrequently asked to trace 
an email delivery path, fetchmail's default behavior of header rewriting and 
lying about it makes me want to cry.  I have trouble with the fact that 
otherwise knowledgable people use it with no concern for such things.  

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Preparing to convince to shift to non-propriety documents formats

2012-02-05 Thread sammy ominsky
On 05/02/2012, at 03:40, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

 Why? Forget Linux. Do Macs come with Word pre-installed (today)? How much
 does an Office license cost (e.g., if one runs it in WINE)?

Microsoft publishes a full Office suite for Mac.  Unfortunately its Hebrew 
capability is literally unusable.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Medical practitioners and building trade people vs. software developers (was: Re: Goodbye, Lingnu)

2011-11-15 Thread sammy ominsky
On 15/11/2011, at 09:52, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

  In addition, one wants a consultant for stuff
 that is outside one's core competency, so it looks like outsourcing,
 which _must_ be cheaper than paying permanent staff, right?

No, it's almost always more expensive, but should only be used when not 
intended to be permanent.  You can hire top talent for projects, then let them 
go do the next one elsewhere, on someone else's budget.

 [1] My attempts to say, No, we cannot afford to do it _wrong_!
 usually fail to embed the message into the consciousness of my
 interlocutors. Repeat after me: costs are easy to quantify, savings
 are not.

Time and materials is my favorite type of contract.  I will happily work hours 
on your project indefinitely until you tell me to stop.  Especially if you 
don't want to pay for a proper project plan.

 Shachar, sorry about your venture, and best of luck at LiveU.



Linux-il mailing list

Re: OT: Postgraduate studies

2011-07-28 Thread sammy ominsky
On 28/07/2011, at 07:25, Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda wrote:

 Studying while working is a bad idea usually (if you can afford not to). The
 context switches are a waste of time. A big one. The exception is that a
 student with no experience has a hard time finding a job. But since you have
 already worked, and you are professionally mature, this does not matter to
 you. In addition, it is usually frowned upon by both employers and academy.

I strenuously disagree.  Both my wife and I, and my brother's girlfriend, have 
gotten post-grad degrees in our 30's and 40's.  In both of the ladies' cases, 
though not mine, it meant more money for the same position, just by virtue of 
the fact that they now have a new set of initials to their name.

In my case, a coworker and I discussed which of us would go back to school 
first so the other could pick up the slack caused by the context switches.  It 
can be done if you find a way.

My wife had permission from her management to work on schoolwork during slack 
work hours because it was well understood that my wife had enrolled in school 
for her own performance improvement, and would bring that to work with her 
every day thereafter.  It's a long-term career sort of place, so nobody's 
afraid she'll jump ship at a better offer.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: VoIP adaptor

2011-05-25 Thread sammy ominsky
On 25/05/2011, at 07:44, Stan Goodman wrote:
 What they are selling is a refurbished item that has been unlocked from 
 its previous condition. I'm uncomfortable with the idea, would prefer a 
 new one,

I've used new and refurbished PAP-2s, and they live or die with about the same 
frequency.  The more important thing to look for is counterfeits.  There are 
lots of them out there, and you can usually only guess what you've got if you 
don't buy from an authorized dealer, but if you find a suspiciously good deal, 
that's usually a fair clue.  There are many genuine refurbs out there too, and 
they work as well as new.

 and fear that the name of the company may be predictive.

I've bought not a small number of items from Plonter over the years and have 
been consistently satisfied with both the purchases and the company.  In the 
interest of complete disclosure, I should mention that not everything bought 
from them was related to computers.  They are also 

 If they're interested or not in selling it... I wouldn't know...
 usually when someone advertises a product for sale, they do want to
 sell it...
 Based on my experience with Racal/Techdata, that isn't always the case.

Plonter actually sells what they advertise.  Sometimes it takes a while, like 
when they special-ordered parts for me from overseas.  But the delay is outside 
Israel, in that case.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: translate a pdf file from german to english

2011-05-16 Thread sammy ominsky
Sorry, I sent my reply offline to Sara, maybe I should have sent it to the list.


On 16/05/2011, at 07:49, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

 You can use pdf2txt (
 to convert it to text and then feed it to one of the translation engines
 2011/5/16 sara fink
 I have a pdf file in german (can't find in english) and I would like to
 translate it in english. Is there a way to do that? Any input will be
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 *חץ בן חמו
 חץ-ביז (הוסטינג)
 *השכרה ואירוח של שרתים פיזיים
 השכרת שרתים וירטואליים מקצועיים וגדולים במחירים *קטנים*
 בקרו באתרנו בכתובת ובבלוג שלנו:
 טלפוןן: 078113/4/5, אימייל:
 מסנג'ר: - סקייפ: heunique
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Backup script (was Re: rsync problem)

2011-03-21 Thread sammy ominsky
On 21/03/2011, at 15:57, Omer Zak wrote:

 By the way, my own backup script uses the following rsync flags:
 rsync -avH --progress --max-delete=20 --delete --delete-excluded
 --exclude-from=$EXCLUSIONS_FILE $FROM $TO

This looks like a fun game!  I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.


date=`date +%Y-%m-%d`

mkdir /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}-incomplete
rsync -avP --exclude-from=/etc/rsync/web-exclude 
--link-dest=/nas/web-backup/Backups/current /nas/web/ 

mv /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}-incomplete /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}
chown -R www-data:www-data /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}

cd /nas/web-backup/Backups
rm /nas/web-backup/Backups/current
ln -s ${date} current
unset date

# delete backups created more than 7 days ago
find /nas/web-backup/Backups/ -maxdepth 1 -ctime +6 -exec rm -rf {} \;

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Backup script (was Re: rsync problem)

2011-03-21 Thread sammy ominsky
Actually, with the possibility of nfs, my data could be anywhere and just 
mounted at /nas/web-backup :)

Also, the --link-dest= flag I use is the hard link snapshots you're asking 
about.  It creates a new generation of links each day, and keeps a rotating 
week of them.  It's not N backups, it's N generations of hard links.


On 22/03/2011, at 00:23, Omer Zak wrote:

 I see I follow a different backup policy from Sambo.
 Sambo keeps the last N backups in the same physical hard disk (or maybe
 RAID array).  I keep a backup in a removable device.  My policy is to
 never trust a single interconnected system with my data (so that I'll
 not suffer massive data loss if my UPS+computer are fully zapped by
 power surge from the mains, or if the computer's hard disk goes kaput).
 I have two removable hard disks, each one containing an almost full
 backup of my computer's filesystem.  I rsync to each of them in
 rotation.  Since I don't want to spend several hours on backup each day,
 this scheme allows me to keep only the two most recent backups (with
 rsync saving time by not copying over a file which was not modified
 since previous backup).
 What I would like to have is a Time Machine (TM?) like scheme in which a
 backup disk will enable me to see a snapshot of my computer's disk from
 a certain date.  It can be implemented by making hard links.
 Did anyone develop such a backup script?
 --- Omer
 On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 21:34 -0400, sammy ominsky wrote:
 On 21/03/2011, at 15:57, Omer Zak wrote:
 By the way, my own backup script uses the following rsync flags:
 rsync -avH --progress --max-delete=20 --delete --delete-excluded
 --exclude-from=$EXCLUSIONS_FILE $FROM $TO
 This looks like a fun game!  I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.
 date=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
 mkdir /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}-incomplete
 rsync -avP --exclude-from=/etc/rsync/web-exclude 
 --link-dest=/nas/web-backup/Backups/current /nas/web/ 
 mv /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}-incomplete /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}
 chown -R www-data:www-data /nas/web-backup/Backups/${date}
 cd /nas/web-backup/Backups
 rm /nas/web-backup/Backups/current
 ln -s ${date} current
 unset date
 # delete backups created more than 7 days ago
 find /nas/web-backup/Backups/ -maxdepth 1 -ctime +6 -exec rm -rf {} \;
 Wilcox-McCandlish Law of Online Discourse Evolution:
 The chance of success of any attempt to change the topic or direction of
 a thread of discussion in a networked forum is directly proportional to
 the quality of the current content.
 My own blog is at
 My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
 They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
 I may be affiliated in any way.
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Re: Samsung Galaxy S, Big Brother, and an unsolicited review [Was: Advice Needed - Bye Bye Nokia!]

2011-02-26 Thread sammy ominsky
On 26/02/2011, at 03:24, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 The contacts situation is a little more complicated on stock Android. The 
 contacts application is useable even before logging in to Google, but it uses 
 a temporary local provider that is no longer available once the Google 
 provider is present.

On my (U.S.) Galaxy S, when I create a new contact, the phone asks me where I 
want to create it, 1) on the phone, 2) on the SIM, or 3) in Google.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Amazon Kindel

2011-02-03 Thread sammy ominsky
On 03/02/2011, at 13:30, Amichai Rotman wrote:

 Hello all,
 Any of you got the Amazon Kindel?
 I was thinking of buying one (the WiFi $140 model) and was wondering if it's
 a good idea.
 The eVrit reader seems to be total waste of money - 900 NIS for 50% of the
 features and power...
 I'd appreciate your input.

I got a Kindle for my birthday, and I'm coming to like it very much.  I'm an 
avid reader, and I estimate I've gone through close to a hundred books on it 
since October.  I admit I still refer paper, but the convenience of the Kindle 
plus the ability to have any book any time is fantastic.  The only drawback is 
that I'm shomer shabbat, so I still need paper books.

Also, carrying PDFs of manuals or handbooks to a worksite is a major bonus.

I haven't tried Hebrew on it yet, so can't report as to that functionality or 

All in all, I'd say it's worth it.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew on Android (and other issues)

2010-09-03 Thread sammy ominsky
I have a Galaxy S, and as of Android 2.1, there's no Hebrew yet. I
understand there is in 2.2, and an update should be on its way this month if
the rumors can be believed.

Aside from that, I have no real complaints, except it's been a strange
transition from my old iphone. I'm getting used to it, though.


On Sep 3, 2010 9:25 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

I have heard that the Hebrew on Android devices is lacking. Orange
does not have a Galaxy to test drive at the moment, so could any
Android users let me know of any (all) problems with Android devices?
Hebrew- and non-Hebrew related. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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Hebrew DNS

2010-08-30 Thread sammy ominsky
Hi all,

Not exactly on-topic, but I thought I'd ask here anyway, because I don't know a 
better group of technically-informed Israelis.

A client of ours  would like to take advantage of ISOC's offering of Hebrew 
domain names, but my DNS isn't set up to handle UTF-8, and it's not worth the 
effort to make it so for one client.  Can anyone here manage DNS for a Hebrew 
domain, and want to make a couple of shekels doing so?


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew DNS

2010-08-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 30/08/2010, at 12:34, Tomer Cohen wrote:

 Please note that ISOC does not provide Hebrew domains domains just yet (in
 the scheme of and, and there is no
 known plans to allow it anytime soon.

My client wrote to me that The Internet Society (ISOC) began the process of
pre-registering domain names in Hebrew. English domain names under the
extensions and can register their URLs in Hebrew now as
well.  My client has and domains.

So I assume it's coming soon, even though you say there are no known plans.

Thanks to everyone who replied!  I learned something new.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: question about customers management webapp

2010-07-23 Thread sammy ominsky
On 23/07/2010, at 08:36, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:

 I would have second thoughts about hiring an IT consultant who needs a CRM 
 system to manage 10-20 customers ;-)

And what if he just wants it?  A CRM can be used for any size organization, and 
is certainly easier to maintain than that list of unconnected resources you 


Linux-il mailing list

Re: OT: 10Base2 components free to a good home.

2010-07-06 Thread sammy ominsky
On 06/07/2010, at 13:52, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

 Since some people on this list collect old computers I figured I would post 
 it here first.
 Free to a good home.
 10Base2 (thin coax) components.

Along the same lines, I've got a bin full of older PC components including a 
bunch of Intel 10/100 cards, scsi cables, and a ton of assorted crap.

Pickup in Netanya this week or it goes to recycling.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: What's inside the evrit reader?

2010-05-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 30/05/2010, at 09:48, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

 I may have misunderstood the article, but I thought that it cost almost 2,000 
 NIS when you bought the reader and the bundle of books.

On the website, it's 1,399 and you get a 400 shekel credit toward books 
(limited time only).

 Since I have no idea of what books it reads, I was not sure the bundle was 
 needed, or I could just use it to read books I already have, or can download 
 for free.

Under English, they have a large selection of public domain works you can 
legally download off the 'net for free; Defoe, Darwin, Verne, etc.

 I was going to show my wife the article, but I can wait. I'd like to get one 
 for my birthday, which by that time (the end of the year) it probably will be 
 250 NIS on closeout at Steimatsky's. :-(

That should be a happy face, then, not a sad one.  I'd pay 250 for this thing 
and be happy about it.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: What's inside the evrit reader?

2010-05-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 30/05/2010, at 16:54, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

 As a disabled person, I really like the idea that a library can rent number 
 of digital copies of books, and lend them out over the internet with DRM set 
 to self destruct in 2 weeks. That way someone can check them out and not 
 bother to return them, at the end of two weeks, they can lend them out again.

This is an excellent idea.  I wonder why nobody's doing it?

 That's why I used a frowny. I expect they will bomb and Steimatsky will be 
 selling them on close out to get rid of them. They will definately lower the 
 price to get people to buy their overpriced books.

At which point the frowny face becomes a smiley.  The fact that this device HAS 
DRM doesn't mean it *REQUIRES* DRM.  I have many many ebooks, and a dedicated 
reader on clearance that reads the books I already have or may get in the 
future by channels other than the official one, would be a wonderful thing!  
Currently I read ebooks on my iPhone with Stanza, and it's extremely usable, 
but not ideal.  A trade- or regular paperback sized eink reader would be 

 Nook... thing that will be missing is Hebrew and I'm sure someone will figure 
 out how to include it.

It's running Android, and has already been rooted, so I suspect Hebrew's no 

 As for libraries, Israel suffers because Andrew Carnegie was neither a Jew 
 nor a zionist, though only a librarian from the US is likely to understand 
 the comment.

Or Enoch Pratt in Maryland :)

Linux-il mailing list

Re: How do you calculate?

2010-05-20 Thread sammy ominsky
On 20/05/2010, at 14:55, Nadav Har'El wrote:

 For years, I've been wondering: How do other Unix or Linux users do simple
 Do you take out an actual physical calculator (which is of course ridiculous)?
 Do you use software that looks like a physical calculator (xcalc, kcalc, 

Yes, this, or an app on my phone if I'm not in front of the computer.  Which, I 
suppose, counts as the former.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Script to find out the name of the parsha

2010-04-28 Thread sammy ominsky
On 28/04/2010, at 09:47, David Suna wrote:

 Does anyone know of a script (preferably in PHP) that given a date will 
 return the name of the parsha (torah portion) for that week?

hebcal.  There's an interactive web version available at and 
packages available for all linux distributions and OS X.  Probably windows too.

It's not a php script, but you can call it from within php.  The man page will 
give you the flags you need to get just the parsha.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Android on iPhone

2010-04-26 Thread sammy ominsky
On 27/04/2010, at 05:52, Amos Shapira wrote:

 Hmmm possible plan: wait for iPhone 4G to come out, buy the 3GS
 for 10% its current price and install Android on it?

I like your way of thinking :)  I actually tried the install yesterday, ran 
into problems, ran out of time, and walked away.  My iPhone 2G's current 
functionality and data were all left intact.  If I could dual-boot a 3GS, I'd 
be very very happy.

So far it's only for iPhone 2G, but I expect it'll be ported forward soon 
enough.  The version of Android working now is 1.6, but it's expected that 
newer versions will be a simple drop-in upgrade.  Also, not quite full 
functionality yet.  Calling works, as does wifi, web browsing, and even 
multi-touch, but apparently there are big chunks missing.  Not being a current 
Android user, I couldn't tell you what they are.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Redirecting mail

2010-04-08 Thread sammy ominsky
On 08/04/2010, at 21:15, Geoff Shang wrote:

 Anyone got any ideas how I can requeue this mail?  We're running postfix.

Formail will do what you need.  The syntax isn't simple, but it works.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Kosher for Passover software

2010-03-31 Thread sammy ominsky
On 01/04/2010, at 00:40, Nadav Har'El wrote:

 We're in the middle of Passover, and apparently observant Jews who are
 computer users are facing a new problem: a famous Rabbi has just declared [1]
 that during the week of Passover, observant Jews must only use software which
 has been certified Kosher-for-Passover.

So you should create the KPL, which, if modeled after the GPL, would prevent 
the mixing of Chametz-licensed software with it.  Chametz software would have 
to be run only in user space, and couldn't be brought into the kitchen^Wkernel.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Where to learn Linux?

2010-03-15 Thread sammy ominsky
On 15/03/2010, at 09:53, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:

 Hi Dov,
 Not far off at all from the original question. The first thing that I look 
 for in an employee or consultant is is he has this feel for the state that 
 you mention. If the employee has only used Windows or Mac at the GUI level, 
 then the chance of his understanding the system state is very small because 
 the visual pane of Windows and Mac that is designed to make things easy 
 effectively prevents all understanding of the system state.

Honestly, even though I spend many hours a day on the command line of debian 
servers, I feel I've ruined myself for linux by delving too far into OS X on 
the command line :)

OS X doesn't prevent understanding of the system state at all, it just doesn't 
force that understanding.  If the desire to delve is present, the command line 
offers much deeper system access than the GUI ever could.  It's very different 
than linux, though.

Someone plugged a USB drive into one of the servers in a data center in the US, 
and for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything on a debian system that 
would give me a list of all attached disks. On OS X, I'd just type 'diskutil 
list' (output at the bottom of this email, if anyone's curious).  In the end, 
dmesg told me where to find the disk, but maybe it's time for some disk utility 
on linux that's caught up to the present?  cfdisk is great if you already know 
what device you want :)

Anyway, back on topic...  My company is considering creating a position for a 
junior sysadmin, and honestly, I'd much rather have a 20-year old with 6 years 
of playing with servers in his basement than a freshly-minted RHCP or 


Anything that does this on linux?

zefat:~ sambo$ diskutil list
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*500.1 GB   disk0
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Backup  499.8 GB   disk0s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*250.1 GB   disk1
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk1s1
   2:  Apple_HFS zefat   249.7 GB   disk1s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk2
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk2s1
   2:ZFS Archive 999.9 GB   disk2s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk3
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk3s1
   2:ZFS Archive 999.9 GB   disk3s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk4
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk4s1
   2:ZFS Archive 999.9 GB   disk4s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk5
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk5s1
   2:ZFS geniza  999.9 GB   disk5s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk6
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk6s1
   2:ZFS geniza  999.9 GB   disk6s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk7
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk7s1
   2:ZFS geniza  999.9 GB   disk7s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk8
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk8s1
   2:ZFS geniza  999.9 GB   disk8s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk9
   1:EFI 209.7 MB   disk9s1
   2:ZFS geniza  999.9 GB   disk9s2

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Where to learn Linux?

2010-03-15 Thread sammy ominsky
On 15/03/2010, at 10:30, shimi wrote:

 That looks somewhat familiar...
 # fdisk -l

Exactly what I wanted!  Thank you.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Where to learn Linux?

2010-03-15 Thread sammy ominsky
On 15/03/2010, at 10:36, Shlomi Fish wrote:

 it's time for some disk utility on linux that's caught up to the present? 
 cfdisk is great if you already know what device you want :)

 Why aren't mount (with no arguments) or df good enough?

Because they'd show only mounted disks.  The USB drive was fresh out of the box 
and plugged in, no format or mount point.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Where to learn Linux?

2010-03-15 Thread sammy ominsky
Actually, there's another position we may be looking to fill sooner than the jr 
sysadmin position, or it may be the same position...

We need someone to do customer support during Israel business hours.  Would 
need to be someone familiar with and comfortable on the linux command line, 
willing to learn the asterisk console and our email infrastructure.  Prefer 
someone with some shell scripting ability or perl, php, etc.  Among the things 
we do are VoIP, php development and web hosting for a niche sort of client, and 
majordomo and mailman mailing lists.  Work from home providing support both by 
phone and e-mail (RT tickets).  All client and business communication is in 
English.  We provide a VoIP line and pay for home internet.  Salary negotiable, 
but not high.  This is a Jr. level position with potential defined by 
initiative.  We have a history of hiring entry-level people who stay with us 
for years.

We may or may not be ready to hire immediately, i'll have to check.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Recommendations for Inexpensive PDA

2010-01-27 Thread sammy ominsky
On 27/01/2010, at 10:22, Nadav Har'El wrote:

 Or, did you mean he is supposed to jail break the iPhone to be of any

This is true in any case if you want full PDA functionality.

(iPhone 2G owner for a couple of years already)

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Looking for a cheap (and relatively reliable) .us/.ca-based SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting

2010-01-26 Thread sammy ominsky
On 26/01/2010, at 16:32, Shlomi Fish wrote:

 I'm looking for a recommendation for a cheap (and relatively reliable) 
 SSH/rsync/PHP/Perl 5 web hosting that is hosted in the USA or Canada. I need 
 it as a backup hosting for my Israeli hosting, which I'm happy with. What I 
 need is:

I'm happy with dreamhost.  It has all the features you want, and if you prepay 
for a year it's only $10/month.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Asterisk shabbat mode?

2010-01-17 Thread sammy ominsky
On 17/01/2010, at 15:32, ik wrote:

 But for that you need to know when is the shabat enter a specific location,
 so you need extra program for it (even if it's pure bash), to calculate the
 exact time it started. I think that the berkley should have the exact time
 and date for each week for that.
 I agree that you can execute it like so, but it requires a bit more work
 then what you are pointing out imho.

Hebcal gives me the date and time for candle lighting and havdala like so:

sa...@zeraim:~$ hebcal -C jerusalem -cerm 42
1.1.2010Candle lighting:  4:06
2.1.2010Havdalah (42 min): 5:28
8.1.2010Candle lighting:  4:11
9.1.2010Havdalah (42 min): 5:34

(42 minutes for havdala, default is 72)

etc... for the whole year.  You can also get a specific date.  I haven't yet 
figured out how to get it to give me this week, but simple enough to parse 
the date out of the output.


Linux-il mailing list

OT: Cellular ISPs?

2010-01-14 Thread sammy ominsky

First, I apologize for this not being directly linux-related, but it's come up 
before, so I thought it would be OK.

Some time ago, there was some discussion about cellular ISP service and 
throttling of VoIP and/or torrent traffic.  I have a customer of my VoIP 
company who recently switched to Cellcom because he moved out to a yishuv where 
he could get neither HOT nor Bezeq as a tashtit.  His VoIP quality has been 
outstanding so far, and he's very happy.  However, he's not a torrent user, and 
I was wondering if anyone here has tried their service and discovered whether 
they throttle p2p or cut your bandwidth if you leave torrents running.

Again, sorry for the OT post.  Hope it doesn't bother anyone too much.


Linux-il mailing list

Zombie processes

2010-01-03 Thread sammy ominsky
Hi all,

I have one server that is constantly getting overrun by zombies!  Nagios alerts 
me that 

** NAGIOS ALERT ** PROBLEM with Zombie Processes on Hardware *** 
(***.***.***.***).  Service is CRITICAL as of Sun Jan 3 15:17:10 UTC 2010.  The 
additional information available is: PROCS CRITICAL: 23 processes with STATE = Z

ps shows me it's mostly one process this time, other times it's others

19279 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19283 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19293 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19295 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19648 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19767 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19778 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19779 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19782 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19786 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19851 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19857 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19859 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19861 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19938 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19940 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
19944 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20191 ?Z  0:00 [callingcard.php] defunct
20195 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20291 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20302 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20304 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20315 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20433 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct
20444 ?Z  0:00 [playrecording.p] defunct

Thoughts?  Thanks!

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Zombie processes

2010-01-03 Thread sammy ominsky
On 03/01/2010, at 18:22, Raz wrote:

 look for open descriptors with lsof.

Thanks!  I've pretty much got it pegged as a problem with playrecording.php, 
but I haven't found the reason yet.  Going to assign it to one of my staff 
coders to investigate.  The sysadmins were sadly clueless :)

Linux-il mailing list

Job Opportunity

2010-01-02 Thread sammy ominsky
Shavu'a tov,

This just came across another list I'm subscribed to, and I figured it might be 
of interest to someone here.  I do not work for Intel, nor do I know anything 
more than what is written below.  Hope it's useful!


Linux Systems Administrator – 573304 – for Recent College Graduate!

Job Description:
Responsible for the distribution, installation, operations, and troubleshooting 
of site distributed computing environment. Participate in hardware/software 
projects and deployment plans. Analyze work group systems and recommend 
solutions. Execute production processes. Perform/manage changes to 
servers/environment. Manage virus protection procedures on server. Drive day to 
day business needs by managing processes and/or workflow. Responds to 
customer/client requests or events as they occur. Develops solutions to 
problems utilizing formal education and judgment.

You should possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science or an 
equivalent. Additional qualifications include:

•   Good knowledge of Linux* and computing technologies preferably in a 
large server environment
•   A fast learner with good initiative
•   Good engineering skills
•   Good communication skills in English
•   An open person
•   Ability to work independently within a team
•   Ability to be flexible in working hours to interact with peers from 
other regions
•   Good application and software skills


Linux-il mailing list

Re: full backup remotely?

2009-12-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 30/12/2009, at 17:38, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

 Does anyone knows a way (or an app) to backup a full Linux machine remotely
 to another drive? I'm not talking file based backup, but partition based
 backup (creating a ghost image). I need to do such a backup without
 physically travelling to the hosting company.

dd, tar and ssh.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: full backup remotely?

2009-12-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 30/12/2009, at 20:34, Elazar Leibovich wrote:



Linux-il mailing list

Re: full backup remotely?

2009-12-30 Thread sammy ominsky
On 31/12/2009, at 00:27, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

 doing the backup. dd is nice, but that will copy also the empty space
 (although it won't have impact on the size of the backup, it will have an
 impact on the time it takes). 

dd has a --sparse flag which makes it not copy empty space.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Recall: Voip (SIP) switch

2009-12-28 Thread sammy ominsky
On 28/12/2009, at 20:25, Andrew Kaplan wrote:

 Andrew Kaplan would like to recall the message, Voip (SIP) switch.

Andrew Kaplan uses Windows :)

Linux-il mailing list

Re: weird WIFI route

2009-12-27 Thread sammy ominsky
On 27/12/2009, at 13:15, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

 legal limit. I have been looking for a router (or access point) that has a 
 separate receive antenna, but can not find one.

I think all replacement firmware for the linux-based routers that take them can 
set one antenna to receive and the other to transmit.  At least the two 
firmwares I've tried can (Sveasoft and Tomato).

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Home Theatre computer

2009-11-09 Thread sammy ominsky

On 09/11/2009, at 21:21, Tom Goren wrote:

somewhat blasphemous to promote apple products on a linux mailing  

To be fair, they *can* run linux :)


Linux-il mailing list

Re: OT: Going rate for LAMP jobs

2009-10-25 Thread sammy ominsky

On 25/10/2009, at 19:15, Geoff Shang wrote:
I've been offered work on a (presumably) one-off project, writing  
some PHP code to collect data from devices out in the field and  
store it in a MySQL database, to provide information/updates (as yet  
not fully specified) back to these devices, and web pages to allow  
users to track the information sent in by the devices.

Sounds reasonably straight-forward enough, though I've not yet asked  
for the specifics.

My question is, what is the going rate for work like this?

Depends heavily on your skill level.  Anywhere from $65 to $110 per  
hour, assuming you actually know what you're doing.  A top-level coder  
could do the same job in 1/3-1/2 the time an adequately competent one  
would, so that $110 for 10 hours comes out cheaper than $65 per for 30  

 The person asking is in the US but obviously they're happy to go  
off-shore for this so it's not just the US I need to worry about.

Let me share an excerpt from an email I received.  As background, my  
company was asked to re-do a project that had been outsourced to India  
by a guy in the US.  The person who brought us the job says:

*** engaged a team of programmers from India to write the code for
him - I think it was last March that they began working. The Indian
guys marketed themselves as Twitter API experts and star PHP

*** is not technically proficient at all, and PHP to him is about
as understandable as Mongolian. But it turned out that the Indian guys
knew only a little more than ***. They wrote PHP code that would
make a soldier cry: hardly any error checking, disorganized, and (the
real problem) S-L-O-W. It took them about three times as long as they
said it would take to complete the project.

(Names changed to protect the innocent.)

In short, DO NOT undersell yourself if you're worth it.  But you do  
have to sell yourself, and explain patiently and clearly why it's  
worth it for them to spend real money for real work.

I wish you success!


Linux-il mailing list

Re: n900 preorder

2009-10-11 Thread sammy ominsky

On 11/10/2009, at 11:41, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

Can anyone explain authoritatively what unlocked means?

Normally, when a device is sold new, it means not factory-locked to a  
single carrier.  When sold second-hand, it usually means has been  
unlocked from the carrier to which it was locked when new.

These being new, I expect it means the former, never locked to a  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: hosted machine and load average

2009-09-17 Thread sammy ominsky

On 17/09/2009, at 22:33, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

I tried to ssh it today.. no go. I could ping it, but none of the
services were accessible: http, ssh, etc..

Sep 17 12:58:11 hetz sendmail[2707]: rejecting connections on daemon
MTA: load average: 140

So my question: What do you do in case you have the same scenario?
what steps do you take to prevent things like that from happening?



Linux-il mailing list

Re: hosted machine and load average

2009-09-17 Thread sammy ominsky

You can make it do other things too, like kill or restart processes.


On 18/09/2009, at 00:29, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

Watch is good and nice, but Watchdog main purpose is to reboot the
server if something wrong happens. Thats not what I'm looking for.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:40 PM, sammy ominsky  

On 17/09/2009, at 22:33, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

I tried to ssh it today.. no go. I could ping it, but none of the
services were accessible: http, ssh, etc..

Sep 17 12:58:11 hetz sendmail[2707]: rejecting connections on daemon
MTA: load average: 140

So my question: What do you do in case you have the same scenario?
what steps do you take to prevent things like that from happening?



Skepticism is the lazy person's default position.
my blog (hebrew):

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Please recommend a web host in Israel

2009-08-31 Thread sammy ominsky

On 31/08/2009, at 22:07, Danny Lieberman wrote:

nsa are pretty good but -
With all due respect - for $15/month at you get 700GB  
2GBand excellent response time, even in the Israeli Internet  
cloud.  My


For what it's worth, I'm very happy with my dreamhost account, but i  
have it for personal use, not business.  I heard complaints about  
their mail service a few years ago, but not recently (servers not  
reachable), and I don't use their mail service, I use Google Apps for  
my domain email.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Looking for Jerusalem DID

2009-08-17 Thread sammy ominsky

On 17/08/2009, at 17:06, Dotan Cohen wrote:

telephone company? I know that European, American, and Russian
telephone companies charge the same for all Bezeq area codes, and
charge the same for all Israeli cellphones, but the cellphone rate is
higher than the Bezeq rate.

My (US) company charges the same for all Bezeq and 07x lines in Israel  
(9.5ag/minute), and a higher rate to the cellphone companies because  
we have to pay call termination charges.  A call from one of our lines  
to an Israeli cellphone costs exactly the same as a call from Bezeq to  
an Israeli cellphone.  I think it's currently about 40ag/minute unless  
you have some special deal with Bezeq.

We are charged a MUCH higher termination fee to Jawwal cellphones,  
over 1 ILS/minute.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: [YBA] Freescale i.MX27 project

2009-08-13 Thread sammy ominsky

On 13/08/2009, at 09:04, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:

The customer is looking for someone who can a commit to doing the  
board bring-up process, write the BSP and set up a BusyBox  
distribution with Qt libraries within five weeks, with significant  
penalties for late delivery.

Are there significant bonuses for early delivery?


Linux-il mailing list

Internet Customer Service

2009-05-27 Thread sammy ominsky

Hi all,

First, apologies to those on the other lists I'm posting this to.  I'm  
so excited I had to tell everyone :)

It appears that someone somewhere is listening to what we need, and  
doing something about it.

This morning I had a local customer who is not technically inclined  
enough to set up their own VoIP router, so I went over there to do it  
for them.  They are an older couple with an older PC and no real idea  
how it all works. Their adult son had set them up and is out of the  
country at the moment.

So I went there, together we phoned their ISP, 012, to tell them we  
were installing a new router.  The tech on their end said to set the  
router to Obtain IP address automatically, and call HOT with the  
confirmation number they gave us, in order to change to an account  
that doesn't need a dialer.  We phoned HOT, gave them the confirmation  
number, and it just worked.

This is a HUGE change from a few years ago, when I had to call and  
explain to the customer service rep what I wanted to do, who couldn't  
imagine why anyone would need an account without a dialer.  Then I had  
to wait a week for HOT to set up MPLS, and spend hours and hours on  
the phone with level after level of customer support and technicians  
to make sure it actually got done.

Israel has entered the modern age!  Yay!

I realize this isn't directly linux-related, but it's certainly  
relevant to those of us not running windows and our ability to get  
what we need from the service providers who've locked us out in the  


Linux-il mailing list

Re: ot: israeli sip providers ?

2009-05-20 Thread sammy ominsky

On 20/05/2009, at 14:07, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

Olehphone, is not technicaly an Israeli SIP  
provider, but their service to Israel is pretty good. [...] Sammy  
Ominsky who is on this list (and lives in Israel) is Olehphone's CTO  
and may be able to help you.

Thanks for the plug, but I don't think we're what he would consider  
cheap.  Unlimited calling to the US and Israel would be $31/month,  
with a DID in either the US or Israel (077 or 072).  That's fine for a  
landline replacement, or if he's staying abroad, but for occasional  
use from a wifi phone, it's more than I'd want to pay.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Windows-free laptop in Israel - possible after all

2009-03-02 Thread sammy ominsky

On 02/03/2009, at 13:24, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

Well, it turns out that there is at least one importer who does
that. They are,

I haven't bought a laptop from them, but I'll second the  
recommendation of them as a retailer.  I purchased some oddball RAM  
from them, and one of the modules was throwing errors like crazy.  Not  
only were they the cheapest for the particular thing I needed, their  
customer service was easy to deal with and quick to replace the bad RAM.


Linux-il mailing list

Cell net use at home

2009-02-17 Thread sammy ominsky


As a follow-up to Geoff's post the other day about using one of the  
cell providers' offerings for home internet access, I thought I'd post  
this device...

A cell-to-wifi/ethernet router.  I'd buy one if they were available.   
I wonder how long until an Israel cell provider offers one?

Also, the Cellcom pricing Geoff mentioned is no longer the same.  They  
have 3 modems available, with the price folded into the service cost.   
2 of them are 129/month and the third is 139, including service and  
modem.  They now require an 18-month contract, and the small print  
says traffic is unlimited from a mobile computer.  I'm not sure they'd  
be happy with me, running bittorrent 24/7 :)

Also, has anyone had success with VoIP over one of these connections?


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Cell net use at home

2009-02-17 Thread sammy ominsky

On 17/02/2009, at 11:41, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

including service and  modem.  They now require an 18-month  
contract, and the small print  says traffic is unlimited from a  
mobile computer.

Ok, does that mobile computer have to be moving? Can I get a cheap  

and sit it on a shelf?

I assume they mean on-and-off usage as you would normally see from a  
mobile computer.  Because I was frankly thinking to use their service  
using a laptop as router for my home.  Still am, but I want to find  
out about VoIP potential and performance first.

I've given up on bittorrent 24/7. I now get most of what I did on
bit torrent via streaming video

But for streaming video you have to be sitting at the computer!  I  
have files I can put on a USB key and plug into the DVD player  
connected tot he TV in the public areas of the house instead of  
inviting everyone into my office :)  Much preferred for me.

As a side note, I have 469 open torrents right now.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Hebrew spam: what to do about it?

2009-02-07 Thread sammy ominsky

On 08/02/2009, at 08:23, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Anyone who got spam from Rinat Zoref and kept it is welcome to  
email me in private.

Also, anyone who got spam from divur.lasakim, likewise.
And, whatever you do, KEEP THOSE EMAILS. I keep all of the Hebrew  
(and Israeli) spam I get.

Why keep them?  Is there really any way to benefit from this, or is it  
a terrible waste of time.  Should I stop filtering out Hebrew/Israeli  
spam?  I get a LOT of it, because my company runs public mailing lists  
for many, many yeshivot and their divrei torah programs.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel-US communication

2009-01-31 Thread sammy ominsky

On 31/01/2009, at 05:49, Ori Berger wrote:

- VPSLink is still the cheapest VPS host at $8/month (or $80/year) for
 64MB of memory. It seems like the OpenVZ package is better suited
 than the Xen package, being less resource intensive. And from past
 experience I would bet on Debian -- however, can anyone here share
 their experience (Arik?). Will apt-get install asterisk be enough,
 or will I have to compile everything myself?

Worse than that, asterisk will not work in an OpenVZ VE unless you  
have access to the underlying host to install the zaptel kernel modules.

Does anyone have experience, specific software versions and/or  
configuration scripts to share with regards to such a setup?

The truth is, between the cost of a VPS and termination of calls, I  
would think you're better off just signing up with a voip provider.   
Can you do better than $25/month for unlimited calling to the US?

(Disclaimer: I am the CTO of a US VoIP provider who offers Israeli  
DIDs and calling plans as well.  Note that I am not hawking my  
company's services in this email!  If you're curious what we offer,  
contact me off-list.)


Linux-il mailing list

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel-US communication

2009-01-31 Thread sammy ominsky

On 31/01/2009, at 23:12, Geoff Shang wrote:

Worse than that, asterisk will not work in an OpenVZ VE unless you  
have access to the underlying host to install the zaptel kernel  

Is this the case now?  I know is used to be the case that you only  
needed zaptel if you were going to use a device that needed it or  
you needed the timing it provided (e.g. to run a conference bridge).

I actually meant to go back and insert the word properly between  
work and in, got distracted by my daughter, and forgot.  I don't have  
any asterisk instances running without a timing source, so none of my  
attempts at OpebnVZ would work.  If you don't need the zaptel modules  
or ztdummy for timing, there's probably no reason it wouldn't work.   
But that also means no call waiting, no putting calls on hold, no  
channels or spans...  honestly, it leaves you with a pretty limited  
system in my opinion.  If all you need is the ability to place a call,  
though, it's fine.


Linux-il mailing list

Re: [YBA] Central Wireless Access Credentials

2008-11-10 Thread sammy ominsky

On 10/11/2008, at 10:58, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:

I manage a bunch of wireless access points at two schools.
The schools want to change the access credentials occasionally.
Is there any way that I can do this centrally with common hardware  
D-Link access points without scripting the admin HTML interfaces of  
each AP? That is, do any of the AP's support something like RADIUS  
that would let me set the wireless security credential remotely?

Hi Jonathan,

Many access points support RADIUS, and it's fairly easy to set up.  I  
have confirmed that my Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GP2 both support RADIUS  
in their stock firmware, as well as in various Linux-based replacement  


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Re: Where to find modules for pre-compiled debian kernel

2008-09-23 Thread sammy ominsky

On 23/09/2008, at 10:38, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

It's PPP. As in ppp.o or ppp.ko I'm trying to build a VPN server  
for it.

 modprobe ppp
But as root, in the host. All openvz guests share the same kernel.

Sorry, no ppp in openvz yet.


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Re: Spam handling (was: Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting)

2008-07-28 Thread sammy ominsky

On 28/07/2008, at 08:04, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

I was involved with a start-up ISP that was to provide free access via
WiFi. The money for basic access and infrastructure was to come from

I was also, in the US.  I don't know what the financial plan was, just  
the technical aspects.  The funding was to come from a guy who owned a  
handful of radio stations, and wanted to build community wifi in his  
neighborhood and expand it.  I spec'd out the infrastructure, but the  
project never got off the ground for political reasons.

The startup you are reffering to AFAIK is FON from Spain, which allows
you to get credit by sharing your Internet connection. You need a  

router to join. BT included their software in all of their new routers
but so far, no one really uses it.

If anyone happens to be in my neighborhood, look for the FON_NETANYA  
network :)


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Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-25 Thread sammy ominsky

On 25/07/2008, at 18:54, Dotan Cohen wrote:

A very friendly and knowledgeable Frenchman from the Debian list just
emailed me about an Israeli spammer that is sending him megabytes of
spam everyday- in Hebrew! It appears that this is a case of (4) from
your list. How do I determine the ISP from spam email headers? I'd
like to call the ISP and complain with a voice, not an email.

My company (in the US) gets so much Hebrew spam to addresses like noc@  
it's amazing.  I'd also like to know how to report them.


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Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-16 Thread sammy ominsky

On 16/06/2008, at 10:04, Nadav Har'El wrote:

Maybe I'm missing something, but to me, calling the US over my plain- 

telephone costs 10 agorot a minute - almost the same as it costs me to
call inside Israel, and 3 times cheaper than to call an Israeli  

So what's the point of these services?

My last bezeq bill was 360 NIS without international calling.  That's  
insane.  A US voip line is a flat rate no matter how many calls I  
make.  Remember, outside Israel people aren't used to paying per  
minute for calls.  Not knowing how much your bill is going to be each  
month can be a frightening concept.

Also, for olim with family, friends, and maybe business contacts in  
their country of origin, it's a way to keep the lines of communication  
open.  Keeping your old phone number means nobody has to learn new  
methods to keep in touch.  Explaining to your 70-year old mother that  
she now has to dial access numbers, country codes, and some foreign  
phone number instead of the same number she's always dialed to talk to  
her grandchildren?  Not nice.  Telling your clients that now they'll  
have to call you international long distance means that they'll soon  
be finding another service provider.  Etc.

(the CTO Geoff was talking about)

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Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-16 Thread sammy ominsky

On 16/06/2008, at 10:24, Amos Shapira wrote:

3. With calling cards and proper VoIP services it's possible to cut
even on these 10 agorot by 90%.

Right.  With a combination of the right plan from Orange and an  
Israeli DID that drops me to a VoIP dial tone, I can call the US from  
my *cell phone* for 4.3 agurot/minute.


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Re: gtalk blocked on Netvision/Barak?

2008-05-24 Thread sammy ominsky

On 24/05/2008, at 18:57, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

I had the same issue, but as of this Friday, everything seems OK. I'm
using pidgin with 4 different accounts, and as I said, since Friday
it's working like a charm (although I don't use gtalk)

Lately my ICQ connection (to has been stable, but my  
connection to work's Jabber server is very, very weird.  iChat (yes,  
I'm on a Mac) says I'm connected, but doesn't show any contacts, and  
on the server it shows me connected but offline.

I get exactly the same behavior on my iPhone from inside my home  


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Internet packages from Cell Providers

2008-05-16 Thread sammy ominsky
Just as a follow-up to Hetz's announcement of new internet packages  
from cell providers, I'll share my experience.

I went to Orange yesterday and asked them to switch me from my 200MB  
package to the 5GB one mentioned.  The rep told me it was a smart move  
because it's the same price!  80 shekels.

But then he went into the computer to switch me, and a warning popped  
up that he's not allowed to do it.  He asked the manager, who said it  
appears that even though it's advertised, the package is not yet  
allowed to be added to any plans.  he said I should call the Orange  
Data Services number and they could add it when it's available.

So I called them when I got home, and they said it's only for a modem,  
not for a phone.  I explained that I have an iPhone and that I can  
easily use the same data plan as a laptop.  She said that would be  
fine, and went to switch me, but then apologized and said she  
couldn't.  It can only go for a modem, she said.  I told her how  
ridiculous I thought that was, and asked what if I use my phone as a  
modem to connect my laptop to the internet?  She agreed with me, but  
was powerless to change it.

So no 5GB plan for me.  If anyone else has more luck, let me know!

Shabbat shalom,


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Re: gtalk blocked on Netvision/Barak?

2008-05-10 Thread sammy ominsky

On 10/05/2008, at 21:42, Arie Skliarouk wrote:

Couple of days ago my GTalk agent (pidgin) stopped working. I traced  

problem to inability to establish connection to gtalk server:

Have anybody else experienced the problem? Especially on Netvision/ 


I've been unable to maintain a stable connection to either my  
company's Jabber server or ICQ (through AIM), on Netvision/HOT.

Also, torrents timing out.


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2008-05-06 Thread sammy ominsky


I wonder if someone here can help me.  My customers and I have been  
experiencing extremely poor quality on our VoIP lines to the US  
lately.  i am trying to track down the problem, and wonder if someone  
could do me a favor...

I would like to install asterisk on a colocated linux box here in  
Israel to test an IAX trunk to the US.  My company was supposed to  
colocate a server here in Israel some time ago, but due to  
circumstances beyond our control the situation became rather  
complicated and it hasn't happened yet.  If this test proves that we  
can get a clean trunk between here and our Asterisk servers in the US,  
I can force the issue and make it happen, but I really need to prove  
my point first.

This install would not be used for commercial traffic, only to test a  
dedicated trunk to the US, and I would register one device to it on  
this end.  I only need to run it for a few days to a week at the most.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Asterisk

2008-05-06 Thread sammy ominsky

On 06/05/2008, at 21:49, ik wrote:

I'm not sure what you are asking.

I'm asking if someone has a linux box in a data center that I can  
install asterisk on, or that already has asterisk installed, that I  
can register to an asterisk server in the US with IAX.  I would also  
want to connect one device to the same server on this side for  
testing.  If I can get good voice quality this way, it will show that  
it is time to push harder to get our own server in colo already, for  
the benefit of our customers here in Israel.

BTW with what codec are you using ? Some codecs may not work properly
(G729 without license for example, will generate the call, but you
will have problem hearing each other).

We are using a variety of codecs, G729 among them, with a license.  We  
are an actual phone company in the US, as well as a VoIP provider,  
mainly here in Israel to olim.




On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:21 PM, sammy ominsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I wonder if someone here can help me.  My customers and I have been
experiencing extremely poor quality on our VoIP lines to the US  
lately.  i
am trying to track down the problem, and wonder if someone could do  
me a


I would like to install asterisk on a colocated linux box here in  
Israel to
test an IAX trunk to the US.  My company was supposed to colocate a  
here in Israel some time ago, but due to circumstances beyond our  
the situation became rather complicated and it hasn't happened  
yet.  If this
test proves that we can get a clean trunk between here and our  
servers in the US, I can force the issue and make it happen, but I  

need to prove my point first.

This install would not be used for commercial traffic, only to test a
dedicated trunk to the US, and I would register one device to it on  

end.  I only need to run it for a few days to a week at the most.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: rdesktop hebrew keyboard question

2008-04-28 Thread sammy ominsky

On 28/04/2008, at 12:20, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

when using the standard en-us keyboard layout, it works ok, but trying
to press the hebrew DOT (nekuda) gives ץ. When trying the comma,
I'm getting ת.

According to my keyboard layout, you seem to be shifted one key left.   
I have nekuda on /, ץ on ., and ת on ,

Where is your צ?

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Re: debian etch, how do I upgrade the kernel

2008-04-08 Thread sammy ominsky

On 08/04/2008, at 15:10, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

The first is that it did not update the kernel. How do I update the
Kernel? I can't find any packages called kernel.

apt-cache search linux-image

Choose the one you want from the resulting list.


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Re: what can be done against isp blocking ports

2008-03-29 Thread sammy ominsky

On 30/03/2008, at 00:14, Gil Freund wrote:

My two recent favorites from an ISP support tech:
1. You can have dhcp on you cable connection, it requires an
electronic chip installed in the computer.

I have to know, what was the context that gave birth to this gem?


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Darwin Streaming Server

2008-01-20 Thread sammy ominsky


Does anyone here have a server in 012's data center that could run  
Darwin Streaming Server for a test for me?  I would like to configure  
it as a proxy to a server in the US for a day or three.



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Re: Asterisk won't detect the line was hung up

2007-12-26 Thread sammy ominsky

On 27/12/2007, at 06:29, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

The provider is Bezeq.

What do you mean the provider is Bezek?  I can register an asterisk  
server to Bezek?  Who do I contact?


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Re: Easiest way to install an asterisk system

2007-12-24 Thread sammy ominsky

On 24/12/2007, at 10:06, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

What is the easiest way to install an Asterisk system?

Do you want this system to run physical phones or as a registration  
server for sip devices?  The former is more difficult than the  
latter.  You need hardware!

As for the latter, I'd recommend Debian and apt-get.

Is there a cheap source of FXO (not modem) PCI cards in Israel?

Somehow I really doubt it.  if you find one, let me know!


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Hebrew in KDE?

2007-11-15 Thread sammy ominsky


An employee of my company in the US would like to have Hebrew on her  
machine.  She runs KDE from a server, in a remote X session on a weak  

She doesn't want to change her whole desktop to Hebrew, just to be  
able to view Hebrew text.  If I type to her in Hebrew, she sees  
gibberish, and if she cut-n-pastes that gibberish back to me, I see  
hebrew again.

Ideas?  Thanks!


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Re: Hebrew in KDE?

2007-11-15 Thread sammy ominsky

On 15/11/2007, at 14:57, ik wrote:

On Nov 15, 2007 2:37 PM, sammy ominsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

An employee of my company in the US would like to have Hebrew on her
machine.  She runs KDE from a server, in a remote X session on a weak

Does she have Hebrew fonts ? It sounds like a font issue, if the
encoding did not destroy the text...

This did it.  Thank you!

The following did the trick:

apt-get install culmus culmus-fancy xfonts-efont-unicode xfonts-efont- 


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Re: OT: Netvision and the damn routing

2007-11-12 Thread sammy ominsky

On 12/11/2007, at 14:50, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

2. But some space at a shared hosting here in Israel (anyone can
recommend someone with hosting solutions, BIG pipe, and a resonable
price for 5-10GB disk space? I only need to host the files and access
them through http).

I met these folks today, and like them.

They seem to fit the bill.


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Re: Asterisk Hardware - ATA

2007-10-24 Thread sammy ominsky

Lots of good info to be found at


On 24/10/2007, at 08:21, Eran Levy wrote:

Is there any good guide/tutorial for Asterisk configuration   
I'm facing many issues/requests and I can't handle it in a short  
time frame...


On 10/24/07, Meir Michanie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I see that  
posting about asterisk interested many people in the list as

I see nobody complained so far.
I would like to give my tip from my experience with grandstream ata  
I bought it from Tikal networks. It came with  a very  old firmware  

caused  me a lot of trouble.
1. It would disconnect phonecalls ramdomly.
2. there was no bridge mode between interfaces.
3. very low quality and echo.
4. the caller ID from the PSTN is not forwarded to the sip channel.
5. calling through the FXO did not work as a trunk but I would have to
call dial (SIPEXT,timeout,D(pstndest).
6. forced to ring once on the local phone before forwarding call to  

Today I upgraded to the latest firmware and now all issues beside the
caller id were solved. Shame that it didn't come with the latest
firmware, I would have a better taste on my mouth but may be lower
learning curve.

One more post.

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OT: Where to buy Computer?

2007-10-15 Thread sammy ominsky

Hello to all!  First post, and it figures it's off-topic.

I'm looking for a 1U server to buy.  It doesn't need to be current  
technology, a Pentium 3 or higher will do just fine.

Any ideas?  To keep it on-topic, it will be running debian and  
asterisk, connecting by IAX2 trunk to a server in the US.

Speaking of which, any suggestions for colocation service that  
doesn't suck?



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