Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Joel Hammer

Likely, if Bin Laden (sp?) wants a Christian-Muslin war, he doesn't care if
Islam loses. Likely, he sees most Muslims as corrupted by the West and would
like to see a pure tribe of Muslims emerge from the Great Holy War, even if
they just lived in the desert in tents.

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Zoki

At 09:04 16/09/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I stick by my statement that the current Afgan government as well as all
>other governments who participate in state sponsored terrorism must be removed
>from the face of the earth.

*** Are you sure? Are you 100% sure? Would this apply to any country, yours 
included? Did you already forget CIA trained and funded Bin Laden? Did you 
forget what US agencies did long time ago in South America...?

I think you should re-read Richard's mail and breath twice... There is no 
point in saying things that you might regret later.


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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Bill Campbell

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 02:04:54PM -0500, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> I stick by my statement that the current Afgan government as well as all
>other > governments who participate in state sponsored terrorism must be 
>removed from the face of the earth. If they are not, the cost of having them 
>around  will  consistantly rise.

Here's something to think about that came in on another list I maintain:

Subject: From an Afghani in the US - good think piece
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:54:12 -0400
From: Charles Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Food for thought for the Militarists
Written by an Afghani in the U.S.

I've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan back to the 
Stone Age." Ron Owens, on KGO Talk Radio today, allowed that this would 
mean killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this 
atrocity, but "we're at war, we have to accept collateral damage. What 
else can we do?" Minutes later I heard some TV pundit discussing whether 
we "have the belly to do what must be done." And I thought about the 
issues being raised especially hard because I am from Afghanistan, and 
even though I've lived here for 35 years I've never lost track of what's 
going on there. So I want to tell anyone who will listen how it all looks 
from where I'm standing.

I speak as one who deeply hates the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. My 
hatred comes from first hand experience. There is no doubt in my mind 
that these people were responsible for the atrocity in New York. I agree 
that something must be done about those monsters. But the Taliban and Ben 
Laden are not Afghanistan. They're not even the government of 
Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who took over 
Afghanistan in 1997. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a plan. When 
you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden,think Hitler. 
And when you think "the people of Afghanistan" think "the Jews in the 
concentration camps." It's not only that the Afghan people had nothing to 
do with this atrocity. They were the first victims of the perpetrators. 
They would exult if someone would come in there, take out the Taliban and 
clear out the rats nest of international thugs holed up in their country.

Some say, why don't the Afghans rise up and overthrow the Taliban? The 
answer is, they're starved, exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering. A 
few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000 
disabled orphans in Afghanistan--a country with no economy, no food. 
There are millions of widows. And the Taliban has been burying these 
widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered with land mines, the 
farms were all destroyed by the Soviets. These are a few of the reasons 
why the Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban.

We come now to the question of "bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone 
Age". Trouble is, that's been done. The Soviets took care of it already. 
Make the Afghans suffer? They're already suffering. Level their houses? 
Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble? Done. Eradicate their 
hospitals? Done. Destroy their infrastructure? Cut them off from medicine 
and health care? Too late. Someone already did all that. New bombs would 
only stir the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at least get the 
Taliban? Not likely. In today's Afghanistan, only the Taliban eat, only 
they have the means to move around. They'd slip away and hide.

Maybe the bombs would get some of those disabled orphans, they don't move 
too fast, they don't even have wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul and 
dropping bombs would not really be a strike against the criminals who did 
this horrific thing. Actually it would only be making common cause with 
the Taliban--by raping once again the people they've been raping all this 

So what else is there? What can be done, then? Let me now speak with true 
fear and trembling. The only way to get Bin Laden is to go in there with 
ground troops. When people speak of "having the belly to do what needs to 
be done" they're thinking in terms of having the belly to kill as many as 
needed. Having the belly to overcome any moral qualms about killing 
innocent people. Let's pull our heads out of the sand. What's actually on 
the table is Americans dying. And not just because some Americans would 
die fighting their way through Afghanistan to Bin Laden's hideout. It's 
much bigger than that folks.

Because to get any troops to Afghanistan, we'd have to go through 
Pakistan. Would they let us? Not likely. The conquest of Pakistan would 
have to be first. Will other Muslim nations just stand by? You see where 
I'm going. We're flirting with a world war between Islam and the West.

And guess what: that's Bin Laden's program. That's exactly what he wants. 
That's why he did this. Read his speeches and statements. It's all right 
there. He really believes Islam would beat the west. It might seem 
ridiculous, but he figures if he can polarize the world into Islam and 

Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Joel Hammer

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 09:43:16AM -0700, Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:19:38AM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
> ...
> >Got a mosque in your area? You may well have a terrorist cell. 
> >Mosques are used to raise money for these guys.
> How many churches in Boston raise money for the IRA?
> Didn't Hillary recommend clemency for Palestinian terrorists?
Many people seem to miss the point. This is not about morality. It is about
The IRA has not declared war on Western Civilization. The Arab terrorists
Husband Bill is very much to blame for the Twin Tower
disaster. Hillary also got clemency for some Jews who defrauded the govt.
So, she works both sides of the street.

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Rick Sivernell

On Sunday 16 September 2001 08:04 am, you wrote:
> Richard Thompson wrote:
> > First, through job experience (only currently employed as a police
> > officer of 20 years experience) and through life experience I have a much
> > better working knowledge of these issues that you credit me with.  I
> > assure you, I have done my research - for longer than some of the members
> > of this list have been alive.
> >
> > Second - Bin ladin is a businessman.  He has actual, physical business
> > interests and stock investments which produce large amounts of money.  He
> > is the first businessman terrorist.  I made no comment on where he got
> > his startup funds - that was irrelevent, and still is.
> Bin Ladin is in his 40's. He has not actively participated in *any* of
> his
> "business interests" in 15 years.
> > Thirdly - it doesn't matter where he is persona non-grata.  He is not
> > subject to control by the threat of his sponsor government cutting off
> > his funds.  He can afford to hide anywhere he needs to.  Afghanistan
> > works for now, other places might work, if less well, but it isn't as
> > simple a matter as a particular state pulling his strings.
> He cannot purchase any geographic location of his choosing. I'd like to
> see him attempt
> to set up shop anywhere in North or South America, Western Europe or for
> that matter
> OZ. Only those nations who agree with and support his politics are
> involved with him.
> > This is a very different sort of war, with a very different sort of
> > enemy, in a very  different world than even our President's father
> > commanded.
> Technically, it is know as asymetric warfare. The last asymetric war the
> US was
> involved in was the war against the Barbary Pirates during Thomas
> Jefferson's
> presidency. Even then, Jefferson and others realized they could not
> directly
> defeat an asymetric enemy... Therefore, he defeated the enemy indirectly
> by removing
> all support of any type or kind (Which is why he sent the Navy and the
> Marines
> to Tripoli, Libya all those years ago).
 I stick by my statement that the current Afgan government as well as all
other > governments who participate in state sponsored terrorism must be 
removed from the face of the earth. If they are not, the cost of having them 
around  will  consistantly rise.


  I do not disagree with you, infact you have stopped short on the problem. 
Once the terrorist are found andexecuted, we have a new task. That is to 
prevent the rise of terrorism from rearing its ugly head. People, governments 
and the world as a whole need to make sure all people can live in peace with 
food clothing and roof on their head, the world over. Also everyone has the 
right to sit at the table of how they are governed. Yes this will be 
extremely hard to accomplish. We need to try & get there. We need everyone's 
understanding cooperation to do this. Facist Dictatore and others who rule 
with an Iron hand will reject this. We need to show them the error of their 
ways, one way or another. We can not create a Nervinna, even if we wanted to, 
but people need to strive for it. As for those nations who sponsor, aid hide, 
feed, & shelter terrorist, they are just as guilty to the last person in 
their country. While I am not totally wanting a genicide of all people in a 
certain state, it will be close to it. There must be a full understanding 
that this behaviour will not, can be allowed to exsist anywhere.
Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread dep

On Sunday 16 September 2001 12:43, Bill Campbell wrote:

| Didn't Hillary recommend clemency for Palestinian terrorists?

and for the FALN terrorists who set off bombs in new york city -- 
including the one at police headquarters that killed several cops. 
and we mustn't forget her embrace of mrs. arafat.

There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;  
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the  
People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.
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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Bill Campbell

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 11:19:38AM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
>Got a mosque in your area? You may well have a terrorist cell. 
>Mosques are used to raise money for these guys.

How many churches in Boston raise money for the IRA?

Didn't Hillary recommend clemency for Palestinian terrorists?

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:   camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:(206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

The day-to-day travails of the IBM programmer are so amusing to most of
us who are fortunate enough never to have been one -- like watching
Charlie Chaplin trying to cook a shoe.
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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Joel Hammer

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 10:50:14AM -0400, Lee wrote:
> > I don't want to get into the argumentative portions of this thread but
> > I saw something interesting on the news last night. Germany, I believe,
> > is investigating whether bin Laden bought shares of the company
> > insuring the WTC, then sold them short or whatever it 's called where
> > you profit if the share price goes down.
> > Randy Donohoe
You wouldn't have to buy shares just in insurance companies. Many, many US 
companies took big hits. Look at the airlines. Microsoft.
There are thousands of people who belong to these Islamic terrorist
organizations in many parts of the world.  The buying and selling could be spread 
plenty thin.
Got a mosque in your area? You may well have a terrorist cell. 
Mosques are used to raise money for these guys.
We do know that part of their charity work is to support terrorists. I am not
makin' it up. It was in the Electronic Telegraph. Story about a foiled
attempt to nerve gas the European Parliament this year. The German police
broke it up.
If staging terror attacks helps to raise money , we will be in for lots
more terror.

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Lee

> I don't want to get into the argumentative portions of this thread but
> I saw something interesting on the news last night. Germany, I believe,
> is investigating whether bin Laden bought shares of the company
> insuring the WTC, then sold them short or whatever it 's called where
> you profit if the share price goes down.
> Randy Donohoe

>The idea is that you sell shares in the market that you don't own at their pre 
>disaster high
price. After the disaster the price of shares plummets. Then you buy shares at the new 
price and deliver them to the people or brokerage houses who bought them at the old 
high price.
The difference between what you paid (at depressed prices) and what you sold it short 
at (pre
disaster high) is your profit. To keep alarm bells from going off and being detected 
you would
use dozens of accounts to spread the load around.

To prevent this the market has a rule that the seller of stocks has to deliver them 
within 24
hrs. of sale. This means that the terrorists would have to buy the stocks to cover 
their sale
on almost the same day that the WTC was attacked. Those accounts suddenly buying stock 
losing companies when everybody else was selling would have stuck out like signal 
lights at
night and could have been tracked back to the terrorists. Unfortunately, the market 
preventing that sudden buying surge and the FBI obligingly told the press that they 
knew what
was going on. So there 'wouldn't be a buying surge and the terrorists' accounts will 
go into
default and be closed by the brokerage houses who handle them. Making it impossible to
backtrack previous stock manipulation by the terrorists. To the terrorists this means 
have to establish new accounts. An easy job using the computer and internet.

This may be a new world war but the government should adopt a slogan from the last 
one: "Loose
Lips Sink Ships."

> ___
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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Marvin Dickens

Richard Thompson wrote:
> First, through job experience (only currently employed as a police officer of
> 20 years experience) and through life experience I have a much better working
> knowledge of these issues that you credit me with.  I assure you, I have done
> my research - for longer than some of the members of this list have been alive.

> Second - Bin ladin is a businessman.  He has actual, physical business
> interests and stock investments which produce large amounts of money.  He is
> the first businessman terrorist.  I made no comment on where he got his
> startup funds - that was irrelevent, and still is.

Bin Ladin is in his 40's. He has not actively participated in *any* of
"business interests" in 15 years. 

> Thirdly - it doesn't matter where he is persona non-grata.  He is not subject
> to control by the threat of his sponsor government cutting off his funds.  He
> can afford to hide anywhere he needs to.  Afghanistan works for now, other
> places might work, if less well, but it isn't as simple a matter as a particular
> state pulling his strings.

He cannot purchase any geographic location of his choosing. I'd like to
see him attempt
to set up shop anywhere in North or South America, Western Europe or for
that matter
OZ. Only those nations who agree with and support his politics are
involved with him.
> This is a very different sort of war, with a very different sort of enemy, in a
> very  different world than even our President's father commanded.  

Technically, it is know as asymetric warfare. The last asymetric war the
US was
involved in was the war against the Barbary Pirates during Thomas
presidency. Even then, Jefferson and others realized they could not
defeat an asymetric enemy... Therefore, he defeated the enemy indirectly
by removing 
all support of any type or kind (Which is why he sent the Navy and the
to Tripoli, Libya all those years ago). 

I stick by my statement that the current Afgan government as well as all
governments who participate in state sponsored terrorism must be removed
the face of the earth. If they are not, the cost of having them around
consistantly rise.


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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Randy Donohoe

> Second - Bin ladin is a businessman.  He has actual, physical
> business interests and stock investments which produce large amounts
> of money.  He is the first businessman terrorist.  I made no comment
> on where he got his startup funds - that was irrelevent, and still
> is.
I don't want to get into the argumentative portions of this thread but 
I saw something interesting on the news last night. Germany, I believe, 
is investigating whether bin Laden bought shares of the company 
insuring the WTC, then sold them short or whatever it 's called where 
you profit if the share price goes down.
Randy Donohoe
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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Richard Thompson

First, through job experience (only currently employed as a police officer of
20 years experience) and through life experience I have a much better working
knowledge of these issues that you credit me with.  I assure you, I have done
my research - for longer than some of the members of this list have been alive.

Second - Bin ladin is a businessman.  He has actual, physical business
interests and stock investments which produce large amounts of money.  He is
the first businessman terrorist.  I made no comment on where he got his
startup funds - that was irrelevent, and still is.

Thirdly - it doesn't matter where he is persona non-grata.  He is not subject
to control by the threat of his sponsor government cutting off his funds.  He
can afford to hide anywhere he needs to.  Afghanistan works for now, other
places might work, if less well, but it isn't as simple a matter as a particular
state pulling his strings.

Fourth - you obviously haven't read, with anything remotely resembling
attention, what I said concerning electronic access.  I said nothing about it
from him to us.  The Taliban are the ones claiming he has no electronic access
to the world, not me, and we all know that's bullshit.  It was from us to him
and his wealth that I was writing about.

Most importantly, and my last comments on this no matter how hot the flame ...

My reaction was prompted by the repeated use on this very list of slurs
such as "diaperhead" and "sand flea", the repeated childish and profane
suggestion that we should turn the women and children of Afganistan into
outlines in a vast sea of glass to kill one man and his friends, and the ease
with which bloody words fell from the fingers of more than a few.  

Kill Bin Ladin, and kill every mother's son, black, white, brown, red or
yellow, who ever considered that murder in the name of some wicked hatred is the
answer to any of life's problems.   But, unless we have gotten up there and
gotten the blood on ourselves or we are absolutely and unflinchingly willing to
be the first in line to do so this time it might behoove us to choose our words
with more care lest the unintended consequences of those words lead us to deep
regret.  And to those who have and those who will - may your God bless you and
keep you.

This is a very different sort of war, with a very different sort of enemy, in a
very  different world than even our President's father commanded.  It will
require a different sort of answer to this problem if our nation expects to
come out on top in the long run.  We can be creative, forceful, direct and
terrible or we can be turn one country after another into a shiny little glass
bauble until nobody's left to hate us at all - if we survive the effort.  We
have the power to do either.  Most of you are young, intelligent and skilled. 
Many of you are possessed of arcane knowledge.  We are coming into a world where
this knowledge will be a large and important component of the weaponry in the
arsenal of free and peaceable peoples everywhere.  Put your knowledge to use,
however you see fit  - or teach me.

I'm done now.   Say what you like, I'm done.  I have to go out to the airport
and run another security sweep (yeah, we even do that here).

- Richard

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, you wrote:
> > This is wrong.  Bin Ladin is a businessman, pal.  
> Sorry pal. Do a little research and you will find that
> Bin Ladin has never worked a day in his life. He is the
> son of one of wealthiest Saudi's of the 20th century. His 
> father, who *actually* was a businessman, was first involved 
> in the oil business and later in international banking. Bin Ladin's
> entire fortune is the result of another mans efforts... His
> father's.  
> Further, Bin Ladin is personanongrata (sp?) in Saudi Arabia
> even though he has a huge following in Saudi (As well as the
> rest of the Arab world). Also, the Saudi Royal Family is 
> terrifed of the bastard... He has a lot more political and
> military power than you want to give him credit for. 
> > Even if it were true that state sponsored
> > terrorism was the sole, or even the most important,
> > source of funding, it must have electronic
> > access to the world.  
> Where the hell do you think the money came from or do you 
> think they just put the whole operation on their VISA card...?... 
> Also, even in the most remote, war torn areas of the world
> there is access to almost all forms of electronic communication.
> One other thing: The moment these people plop this war into
> your front yard you'll be singing a different tune. My own opinion
> is (And I really could care less what others think of it) smoke the
> Taliban government and all those who support it and let God sort 
> them out. I certainly won't bother. 
> M. Peck Dickens
> ___
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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-15 Thread Marvin Dickens

> This is wrong.  Bin Ladin is a businessman, pal.  

Sorry pal. Do a little research and you will find that
Bin Ladin has never worked a day in his life. He is the
son of one of wealthiest Saudi's of the 20th century. His 
father, who *actually* was a businessman, was first involved 
in the oil business and later in international banking. Bin Ladin's
entire fortune is the result of another mans efforts... His

Further, Bin Ladin is personanongrata (sp?) in Saudi Arabia
even though he has a huge following in Saudi (As well as the
rest of the Arab world). Also, the Saudi Royal Family is 
terrifed of the bastard... He has a lot more political and
military power than you want to give him credit for. 

> Even if it were true that state sponsored
> terrorism was the sole, or even the most important,
> source of funding, it must have electronic
> access to the world.  

Where the hell do you think the money came from or do you 
think they just put the whole operation on their VISA card...?... 
Also, even in the most remote, war torn areas of the world
there is access to almost all forms of electronic communication.

One other thing: The moment these people plop this war into
your front yard you'll be singing a different tune. My own opinion
is (And I really could care less what others think of it) smoke the
Taliban government and all those who support it and let God sort 
them out. I certainly won't bother. 

M. Peck Dickens

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-14 Thread Zoki (News)

On Sep 14 dep was heard saying:

->these guys do not get their funding via paypal. they're supported by 
->saudia, by iraq, by syria, and by others. we are now saying to those 
->countries: shut them down or we'll shut you down, and right now we 
->don't especially care which it is, but you very much do care, because 
->we can crush you, and will.

*** Jut don't forget the US secret services played a very dubious role:
Wasn't it the CIA who funded Ben Laden during the USSR-Afghanistan

What do you want to do, drop a bomb on yourself?


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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-14 Thread Richard Thompson

dep wrote:

> On Friday 14 September 2001 03:13, Richard Thompson wrote:
> | This list, and its progenitor, provides forums for some of the most
> | articuate, intelligent and well respected minds in the linux
> | community today. There is a wealth of collective knowledge here
> | that could be put to many uses - including helping rid the world of
> | the twin evils of intollerance and selfrighteousness.
> there are worse things than either of these. drop by and i'll take
> you downtown and show you one

> There's no need to show me the hole, thank you.  I wasn't commenting on holes, only 
>the people
> who make them.  Restraint in speech does not necessarily equal tolerance in action.

> | Evil on the scale we have recently witnessed requires money - lots
> | of it.  It requires organization, support, dedication and lots and
> | lots of money.  Any more, money, on this scale at least, requires
> | an electronic presence.   I am certain that there are those here
> | who know how to find that presence.  I am just as certain that
> | there are those here who know how to make it stop working.
> there are people in jail for having taken it upon themselves to
> undertake this sort of thing.

Yes, there are, that's absolutely true.  There are also people working for legitimate,
government sanctioned agencies who do this for a living.  You could be one of those, 
if you
chose to.

> | Racist cracks about "diaperheads", and "sew him up alive in a
> | gutted sow and leave the lot in the desert sun to dry" rhetoric
> | borne of anger and frustration is likely a necessary part of the
> | healing process, but its ultimate profitability is questionable.
> how is either of the above racist? tell an iranian he's of the same
> race as an iraqi and, in your final moments, you'll learn what *real*
> racism is.

"Racism" or "culturally insensitive remarks" or "senselessly intollerant ethnic 
perjoratives" -
fill in the blank.  The meaning was clear enough - people say and do things things out 
of anger
and frustration that get the wrong people hurt.  It is thoughtless, wrong and stupid  
to demean
the good with the evil because of an accident of birth

> | There is evil aplenty in the world to oppose - find it, shut it
> | down.  Deprive evil of its cover, make it wonder if the wire
> | transfer went through, or what the home page of the fund raising
> | web site in Hamburg will say this morning or how it is that its
> | email got re-routed to the New York Times.
> these guys do not get their funding via paypal. they're supported by
> saudia, by iraq, by syria, and by others. we are now saying to those
> countries: shut them down or we'll shut you down, and right now we
> don't especially care which it is, but you very much do care, because
> we can crush you, and will.

This is wrong.  Bin Ladin is a businessman, pal.  He is worth millions on his own.  He 
has fund
raising and business interests world wide.  Just as the IRA has collected many 
millions of
dollars from the tenements of the eastern U.S., and the PLO made the same from the 
slums of
western Europe, this man, and his ilk, make major dollars from the nickles, pennies 
and dollars
contributed by disaffected and just plain pissed off people living all over the world. 
sponsored terrorism exists, but without a mass of people from which to draw support 
and dollars
for the long haul every shift in the political winds would be the end of that 
terrorist - and they don't just go away that easily.  Even if it were true that state 
terrorism was the sole, or even the most important, source of funding, it must have 
access to the world.  It can be found and it can be cut off.

- Richard
Richard Thompson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How many M$ software engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, the darkness is actually an undocumented security feature.

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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-14 Thread dep

On Friday 14 September 2001 03:13, Richard Thompson wrote:

| This list, and its progenitor, provides forums for some of the most
| articuate, intelligent and well respected minds in the linux
| community today. There is a wealth of collective knowledge here
| that could be put to many uses - including helping rid the world of
| the twin evils of intollerance and selfrighteousness.

there are worse things than either of these. drop by and i'll take 
you downtown and show you one.

| Evil on the scale we have recently witnessed requires money - lots
| of it.  It requires organization, support, dedication and lots and
| lots of money.  Any more, money, on this scale at least, requires
| an electronic presence.   I am certain that there are those here
| who know how to find that presence.  I am just as certain that
| there are those here who know how to make it stop working.

there are people in jail for having taken it upon themselves to 
undertake this sort of thing.

| Racist cracks about "diaperheads", and "sew him up alive in a
| gutted sow and leave the lot in the desert sun to dry" rhetoric
| borne of anger and frustration is likely a necessary part of the
| healing process, but its ultimate profitability is questionable. 

how is either of the above racist? tell an iranian he's of the same 
race as an iraqi and, in your final moments, you'll learn what *real* 
racism is.

| There is evil aplenty in the world to oppose - find it, shut it
| down.  Deprive evil of its cover, make it wonder if the wire
| transfer went through, or what the home page of the fund raising
| web site in Hamburg will say this morning or how it is that its
| email got re-routed to the New York Times.

these guys do not get their funding via paypal. they're supported by 
saudia, by iraq, by syria, and by others. we are now saying to those 
countries: shut them down or we'll shut you down, and right now we 
don't especially care which it is, but you very much do care, because 
we can crush you, and will.

one day, you'll wish it was now.
your wish has been granted.
don't waste it.
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