[REBOL] Big Brother

2000-07-06 Thread ddalley

Is there a REBOL way of acquiring the pictures out of the stream from CBS's
"Big Brother"?

I received a "Not Implemented" error.



---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
  UIN/ICQ#: 65203020

[REBOL] Automation query... Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi TBrownell,

you wrote:

What is the best way to run a script on a timer basis?

I have a script that that fires off another that
checks a pop account every minute and then runs any
scripts it finds. 

This is a bit thick, but it works...

N: repeat 100 [wait 60 do %popreader.r]

You can use forever, i.e.

forever [ wait 60 do %popreader.r ]

This is lacking as...

A. If it hits an error it stalls.

use try, i.e.

forever [
  wait 60
  if error? set/any 'error try [ do %popreader.r ] [
date: replace form now "/" "-"
logfile: to file! join "error-" [date ".log"]
save logfile mold disarm error

(this will log each error into its own file called error-date-time.log)
and - more importantly - it should continue executing.

B. It picks up values from all the scripts it
generates via email

That I don't understand. Where are these values coming from? Remember,
REBOL does garbage collection, so I would assume - depending on how
popreader.r is written - that old values are garbage collected whenever you
rerun popreader.r, because popreader.r will reuse the same words it used
previously. When the words are reused the old values become orphaned and
are garbage collected. So you shouldn't be accumulating any garbage. But
then again, I haven't seen popreader's source, so what do I know?

In any event, it should be possible to write popreader.r in such a way that
you don't accumulate stuff over several runs.

Hope this helps,

;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] Automation query... Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs


I just noticed that Windows has a problem with colons in file names. This
should work better if you're running under MS Windows (under linux, you can
disregard the modification):


forever [
  wait 60
  if error? set/any 'error try [ do %popreader.r ] [
date: replace form now "/" "-"
date: replace/all date ":" "."
logfile: to file! join "error-" [date ".log"]
save logfile mold disarm error

;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] Find speed Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread lmecir


regarding memoizing. There is a class of functions, that must use
some kind of memoizing to work at all, I think. The number of the
possibilities for parameters does not matter, you can store only
important results (depending on what you consider important - eg.
expensive or recent results...)

Because I used a non-real-life example for testing, here is
something more adequate for memoizing purposes:

Block/find time: 14.5 count: 7771
Block/bfind time: 5.875 count: 7771
Hash/find time: 28.5 count: 7771

The source code:

Title: "Seconds"
Author: "Ladislav Mecir"
Date: 19/5/1999
File: %seconds.r

seconds: function [
{Compute difference between dates in seconds}
a [date!] "first date"
b [date!] "second date"
] [diff] [
diff: b - a
diff: 24 * diff + b/time/hour - a/time/hour +
b/zone/hour - a/zone/hour
diff: 60 * diff + b/time/minute - a/time/minute
60 * diff + b/time/second - a/time/second

Title: "Time-block"
Author: "Ladislav Mecir"
Date: 19/5/1999
File: %timblk.r
Purpose: {
Measure time of a block execution with given relative
This function can even time the execution of the empty
Suggested values for accuracy are: 0.05 to 0.30.
Accuracy better than 0.05 may not be reachable,
accuracy worse than 0.30 may not be useful.

include %seconds.r

time-block: function [
"Time a block."
block [block!]
accuracy [decimal!]
] [
guess count lower upper start finish result
] [
if verbose [print ["Timing a block:" block]]
guess: 0
count: 1
lower: 1 - :accuracy
upper: 1 + :accuracy
while [
start: now
loop :count :block
finish: now
result: (seconds start finish) / count
if verbose [
prin "Iterations: "
prin count
prin ". Time/iteration: "
prin result
prin " seconds.^/"
any [
result = 0
guess  (result * lower)
guess  (result * upper)
guess: result
count: count * 2


time-block [] 0,05

Rebol []

bfind: func [
blk [block!]
/local d u m
] [
d: 1
u: length? blk
while [(m: to integer! (d + u) / 2)  d] [
either (pick blk m) = value [d: m] [u: m]
either (pick blk u) = value [u] [d]

include %timblk.r

n: 8192 ; the test size
m: 10 * n ; random number range
prin "Block/find time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: copy []
repeat i n [
d: random m
if not find blk d [
c: c + 1
append blk d
] 0.05
prin " count: "
print c
prin "Block/bfind time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: copy []
repeat i n [
d: random m
either empty? blk [
c: c + 1
insert blk d
] [
bf: bfind blk d
if not (pick blk bf) = d [
c: c + 1
insert skip blk either (pick blk bf)  d [
bf - 1
] [
] d
] 0.05
prin " count: "
print c
prin "Hash/find time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: make hash! []
repeat i n [
d: random m
if not find blk d [
c: c + 1
insert blk d
] 0.05
prin " count: "
print c

 Hi, Ladislav,

 if you are interested only in an associative array,
 then a properly implemented hash should beat the
 hell out of even a binary search on large data.

 I guess it depends somewhat on the quality of the
 hash function and other aspects of the implementation.

 So, if you can beat the Rebol hash, which is probably compiled
 c-code, with your binary search written in interpreted Rebol,
 then RT had better take a look at their Rebol hashes.

 Would you like to share some test source code with us
 so we can try to duplicate and analyze your results?



 p.s. Does memo-ize only make sense when there are a limited
 number of possibilities for the parameters?  If the space of
 values is very large and requests could come in a sort of
 random or rarely repeating way then the memo-ize trick wouldn't
 do much good, would it?

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread bhandley

Thats a point.
Unfortunately I don't have it (the latest version), but my sister does. I'll
get her to send me something.

 Word can also export as XML which you could parse much easier with
 Rebol. :)


[REBOL] FAQ Generator/Editor

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

Another tool I use around the shop for easy editing and creation of



do http://users.iitowns.com/deryk/rebol/faqr.rip

To change final generated page layout, edit the variables at the top of

Comments, suggestions, and modifications are as always, welcome.


[REBOL] Odd results

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

'lo gang.  Here is a wierd one which has me stumped.  Why will the
following not work?

  Title: "InformeR"
   File: %informer.r
   Author: "Deryk Robosson"
   Date: 04-Jul-2000
   Purpose: { A simple menthod for providing simple requesters }

image-path: http://www.google.com/images/Title_Paint.gif

inform-error: func [
  {Displays an error requester}
  ttext [series!] {Title text}
  itext [series!] {Text to be displayed}
  gatext [series!] {Gadget Text}
  /local error-img
inform layout [
subtitle ttext
across image image-path text itext 'return
button gatext [hide-popup]

view layout [
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

results in:

Unknown word or style: inform-error
Misplaced item: "Title "
Misplaced item: "This i"
Misplaced item: "Okay"

The window opens but nothing is displayed.  I'm still baffled as to why
one cannot just mix and match /view and /core at any time and place.


[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread bhandley

Um, yup.

Win NT4


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 10:04 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Does rebol --do "print 123" for e.g. work for ya?

 I am just curious if running rebol with command line parameters work for
 you? I get following error:
 rebol --do "print 123"
 ** Script Error: print is missing its value argument.
 ** Where: print
 ** Press enter to quit...

[REBOL] Odd results Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

 Hi Deryk,
  One of the reasons you are getting errors is that an 'inform dialog cannot
 be shown as the first/only face. But as below shows you can re-use you
 dialog as much as you like after it has a parent face.

Yup, okay, I can understand that (don't know why, but can comprehend..)

 ; this works
 view layout [
button "this" [inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text."
button "that" [inform-error "Title Text" "You pressed 'that button."

Yup, so it does.

 Another thing to remember, 'Layout is for creating a 'face using VID or VID
 If you look at your layout. You can see that you are not providing a style
 in your layout block.
 Hence the unrecognised style errors in...

Yup, thought (and noticed the style bit) about that also.  But, as you
notice, inform-error is a function which should "in theory" be able to
be called and executed from within the view layout [] context.  It
appears to me that the parser is pulling out the pieces it wants and
disregarding the rest for the most part as unneeded.

If we do:

view layout [
  button "Howdy Gang!" [print "Rebol is cool"]
  button "Quit" [quit]
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

We still will not get the inform-error function called which really was
the part that confused me the most as the parser (interpreter) perceives
this as a 'style.


[REBOL] Big Brother Re:(3)

2000-07-06 Thread hammiche

Thank you for your help

I sent a fixed version of the script before i get your response :-)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 3:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Big Brother Re:(2)

 Hey -

 this is pretty cool!  I fixed the axis one by doing the following:

 write/binary (to-file join "image" [ count ".jpg"]) copy/part head buffer
 ;count: count + 1
 f/image: load (to-file join "image" [ count ".jpg"])
 ;f/image: load to-binary copy/part head buffer p2
 show f

 I'm not sure why the to-binary statement isn't working tho.  All this does
 is save jpg to disk, and load it, reusing the same filename over and over.

 - Porter

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:

2000-07-06 Thread norsepower

Well, it all depends on HOW they will be updating the site and what is it on 
the site they will be updating? I've written a script which allows people to 
update a site of news headlines by sending an e-mail to an e-mail address. If 
you know WHICH content you want them to update, you can do the same. Here is 
my script:


The other way to do it is to set up a site with Web-based forms from which 
they can update content.

The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
content + presentation.

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Bosch

There are a few very good applications especially for people who
believe in just what you said (content/seperation, writing content for the 
web instead
of writing HTML for the web)

if you want, i can dig up the appropriate url's,
but these might be worth checking out:
- http://www.editthispage.com
- http://www.pyra.com
- http://www.trellix.com

consistent styles through templates are the basis for these three applications.
As for Rebol, have a look at blogger, the product from pyra.com. No Rebol 
but wouldn't it be nice (just dreaming away)


PS: these three examples are based upon the idea/concept of maintaining 
weblogs, i.e.
rapid/frequent updates of content with no continuous thought about the 

 The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
 company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
 yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
 with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
 some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
 haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
 content + presentation.

[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread Christian . Ensel


On 06-Jul-00, You wrote:

 I am just curious if running rebol with command line parameters work for
 you? I get following error:

 REBOL --do "print 123"

works fine for 
REBOL/Core 22-Jun-2000  ; i.e. Amiga 68020+ version

As does DEMO disabled
REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000   ;-"-

Maybe You're trying /View with Demo enabled?

No time to test this by myself
(RAM Disk too full of other REBOL stuff to use GUI ;-)



[REBOL] Re:Com port parameters.

2000-07-06 Thread webdev

Thanks for the pointer Brett.

Seems a little odd that a "messaging system" would not be inclined to talk or at
least listen to something as fundamental as a com port. Think of all the serial
devices hanging off the end of PCs that need monitoring in real time. Given that
I just "discovered" (thanks ddj) Rebol perhaps there is something I am missing?



 My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
 However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to essentially
 give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
 Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my device.


[REBOL] Com port parameters. Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread RChristiansen

Perhaps the thought is that COM port addressing has already been 
deprecated in favor of tcp/ip addressing to wireless devices?


 Thanks for the pointer Brett.
 Seems a little odd that a "messaging system" would not be inclined to talk
 or at least listen to something as fundamental as a com port. Think of all
 the serial devices hanging off the end of PCs that need monitoring in real
 time. Given that I just "discovered" (thanks ddj) Rebol perhaps there is
 something I am missing?
  My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
  However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to
  essentially give the Com port a tcp/ip port. Then I could use Rebol with
  tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my device.

[REBOL] Com port parameters. Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Thanks for the pointer Brett.

 Seems a little odd that a "messaging system" would not be inclined to talk or at
 least listen to something as fundamental as a com port. Think of all the serial
 devices hanging off the end of PCs that need monitoring in real time. Given that
 I just "discovered" (thanks ddj) Rebol perhaps there is something I am missing?

Hmm, just tell me please how do you want to stay multipltform then? Well, I suggest
you looking at /Command version where you can interface to external libraries, or,
if you want to still use rebol for free - writing an "gate" app, listening on some
port to rebol, while handling COM port issues on another side ..




  My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
  However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to essentially
  give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
  Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my device.

[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Petr . Krenzelok



 On 06-Jul-00, You wrote:

  I am just curious if running rebol with command line parameters work for
  you? I get following error:

  REBOL --do "print 123"

 works fine for
 REBOL/Core 22-Jun-2000  ; i.e. Amiga 68020+ version

 As does DEMO disabled
 REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000   ;-"-

 Maybe You're trying /View with Demo enabled?

 No time to test this by myself
 (RAM Disk too full of other REBOL stuff to use GUI ;-)

Hmm, now I remember - it works for me at my work. So there is something wrong
with my Win machine at home. Noone of /Command, /Core, /View works for me.
Maybe some registry issue? Hmm ...




[REBOL] one more time

2000-07-06 Thread balayo

one more time

howdy again,

I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL

error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

and not with

I ran "update", and I'm using the libc6 version...
does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance,


[REBOL] one more time Re:

2000-07-06 Thread kevin

 I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL
 error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory
 and not with

Hi Tom,

What version of libtermcap does your Linux box have installed?
(Look in /lib)

If you don't have a file or symlink named libtermcap.so.2, you can 
*probably* make a symlink with that name to whatever version of 
libtermcap you have installed.


Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] one more time Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Tom,

to make things a little more interesting, under Redhat Linux 2.2.15 I am
having absolutely no problems.

Which Linux distribution are you using?

At 12:59 PM 7/6/00 +0100, you wrote:
one more time

howdy again,

I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL

error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

and not with

I ran "update", and I'm using the libc6 version...
does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance,


;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Petr,

works fine for me.

I can duplicate your error if I leave away the surrounding "", i.e. if
instead of

rebol --do "print 123"

I enter

rebol --do print 123

;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Brett,

would you consider using AbiWord? It's a beautiful, open source, portable
word processor (still in prelease, but it rocks). The advantage is that
uses an XML based page description language that can easily be parsed using
REBOL's XML parser and then converted into the appropriate HTML.

you can download a copy at


1. AbiWord has a relatively small footprint (compared to MS Word). It loads
much faster.

2. You can download the source and you could conceivably add a button that 
a) saves the current file,
b) starts up REBOL and has REBOL parse the saved file, and
c) posts the file to the Web site.

3. AbiWord is similar enough to MS Word that I would think that anyone who
can use MS Word will be able to figure out AbiWord quite easily.

4. Big plus: You do not place your solution in the hands of a 3rd party.
I.e. you control what your software does. With MS Word, if Microsoft
decides to change something about MS Word, and you happen to rely on that
feature, and your sister's company wants to use the new improved version of
MS Word, they will have to keep two versions of MS Word around, which may
cause confusion, take up alot of hard drive space, and conceivably
occassionally crash the computer.

I think we should adopt AbiWord as standard front end for text and XML
oriented interactive solutions that include REBOL as a scripting component.

At 07:25 PM 7/6/00 +1000, you wrote:

Again I'm re-impressed with rebol. I spent yesterday and today parsing Rich
Text Format files with rebol and it works a treat.
Although I only got as far as loading RTF into Rebol blocks and words - but
I'm still impressed.

The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
content + presentation.

I'd appreciate any comments on other peoples experiences with this sort of

I hope others may yet find a use for the code I've generated so far, so I
placed it at rebol.org. And if you can use it let me know - I need the
satisfaction :)

The script can be found at http://www.rebol.org/general/rtf-tools.r

Brett Handley

;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] Find speed Re:(3)

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Ladislav,

your test function is responsible for the results you get, not the hash!

The critical code in the time-blk function is
start: now
loop :count :block
finish: now

When you test the hash function, your timing function (time-blk) loops over
the block:

random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: make hash! []
repeat i n [
d: random m
if not find blk d [
c: c + 1
insert blk d
] 0.05

This block includes the CREATION of the hash and INSERTING items into the
hash. Certainly creating a hash and inserting items into the hash is not
the same thing as searching in a hash and the time required to CREATE the
data structure and INSERT items into the data structure should not be part
of the value reported for the time required to SEARCH in the data structure.

Inserting an element into a hash is by nature of hashing algorithms far
more time consuming than inserting an element into a block. Hashes are
optimized for locating an element at the penalty of consuming more time for
insertion. To correctly identify the time it takes to locate an element in
a hash, you must separate the insertion of the element into the hash from
the time you calculate to retrieve the element in the hash.

If you separate insertion from the search in a hash, you must do the same
for the blocks as well. Only then will you be able to compare values that
reflect how long it takes to SEARCH in the different series types you are

At 10:46 AM 7/6/00 +0200, you wrote:

regarding memoizing. There is a class of functions, that must use
some kind of memoizing to work at all, I think. The number of the
possibilities for parameters does not matter, you can store only
important results (depending on what you consider important - eg.
expensive or recent results...)

Because I used a non-real-life example for testing, here is
something more adequate for memoizing purposes:

Block/find time: 14.5 count: 7771
Block/bfind time: 5.875 count: 7771
Hash/find time: 28.5 count: 7771

The source code:

Title: "Seconds"
Author: "Ladislav Mecir"
Date: 19/5/1999
File: %seconds.r

seconds: function [
{Compute difference between dates in seconds}
a [date!] "first date"
b [date!] "second date"
] [diff] [
diff: b - a
diff: 24 * diff + b/time/hour - a/time/hour +
b/zone/hour - a/zone/hour
diff: 60 * diff + b/time/minute - a/time/minute
60 * diff + b/time/second - a/time/second

Title: "Time-block"
Author: "Ladislav Mecir"
Date: 19/5/1999
File: %timblk.r
Purpose: {
Measure time of a block execution with given relative
This function can even time the execution of the empty
Suggested values for accuracy are: 0.05 to 0.30.
Accuracy better than 0.05 may not be reachable,
accuracy worse than 0.30 may not be useful.

include %seconds.r

time-block: function [
"Time a block."
block [block!]
accuracy [decimal!]
] [
guess count lower upper start finish result
] [
if verbose [print ["Timing a block:" block]]
guess: 0
count: 1
lower: 1 - :accuracy
upper: 1 + :accuracy
while [
start: now
loop :count :block
finish: now
result: (seconds start finish) / count
if verbose [
prin "Iterations: "
prin count
prin ". Time/iteration: "
prin result
prin " seconds.^/"
any [
result = 0
guess  (result * lower)
guess  (result * upper)
guess: result
count: count * 2


time-block [] 0,05

Rebol []

bfind: func [
blk [block!]
/local d u m
] [
d: 1
u: length? blk
while [(m: to integer! (d + u) / 2)  d] [
either (pick blk m) = value [d: m] [u: m]
either (pick blk u) = value [u] [d]

include %timblk.r

n: 8192 ; the test size
m: 10 * n ; random number range
prin "Block/find time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: copy []
repeat i n [
d: random m
if not find blk d [
c: c + 1
append blk d
] 0.05
prin " count: "
print c
prin "Block/bfind time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0
blk: copy []
repeat i n [
d: random m
either empty? blk [
c: c + 1
insert blk d
] [
bf: bfind blk d
if not (pick blk bf) = d [
c: c + 1
insert skip blk either (pick blk bf)  d [
bf - 1
] [
] d
] 0.05
prin " count: "
print c
prin "Hash/find time: "
prin time-block [
random/seed 1
c: 0

[REBOL] one more time Re:

2000-07-06 Thread ingo

Hi Tom,

yes, I found that, too. rebol _once_again_ uses
libtermcap, instead of libncurses, it's the only
change between 2.2 and 2.3 regarding libraries.

Debian/Gnu Linux on the other hand regards 
libtermcap as outdated, and only supports a 
libc5 version of libtermcap.

SO, what to do now? libncurses is able to act like
libtermcap, so what I did on my system: I created
libtermcap.so.2 as a link to libncurses ... that

libtermcap.so.2 - /lib/libncurses.so.3.4



Once upon a time [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoketh thus:
 one more time
 howdy again,
 I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL
 error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory
 and not with
 I ran "update", and I'm using the libc6 version...
 does anyone have a clue?
 Thanks in advance,

do http://www.2b1.de/
_ ._
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
 ._|  ._|

[REBOL] one more time Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


  I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL
  error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
  object file: No such file or directory
  and not with

 Hi Tom,

 What version of libtermcap does your Linux box have installed?
 (Look in /lib)

 If you don't have a file or symlink named libtermcap.so.2, you can
 *probably* make a symlink with that name to whatever version of
 libtermcap you have installed.

what about trying "ldd rebol" to see the dependencies? It helped me in
problems identification with libc versioning ...



 Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

 PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Big Brother on topic Re:

2000-07-06 Thread ddalley

On 06-Jul-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The rebol side of the Big Brother discussion is interesting,

Yes, I was pleased that someone finally released a web cam Viewer. I'd love to
see Mr Mourad's program expanded to include many more features, such as a site
selection scroll list  multi-pictures, selectable refresh rates, etc.

 but i am very sorry to hear the words Big Brother again!
 Poor US citizens,
 on behalf of the Dutch, I apologize for this export product.
 (the apologies are extended to the Spanish, the Germans and all other 
 people living in countries who have bought the concept)

Don't worry, Hendrik-Jan, US TV studios have foisted many worse programs on
the rest of the world. There are no boundries for bad taste. It's pay-back


---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
  UIN/ICQ#: 65203020

[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Hi Petr,

 works fine for me.

 I can duplicate your error if I leave away the surrounding "", i.e. if
 instead of

 rebol --do "print 123"

 I enter

 rebol --do print 123

What about following complicated registry entry?

""d:\REBOL\View\rebol.exe" -q "%1""
:-) Well, will look into it once I get to my work at another rebol powered
computer :-)

Thanks anyway,

 ;- Elan [ : - ) ]

[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones.

2000-07-06 Thread bga


I have been monitoring the progress of REBOL since its first release but 
only now I will start to use it to do something usefull. I created a simple 
script to read a web page and to send it to an email address (send user@host 
read http://www.server). The problem is that there are lots of relative 
references in this page (IMG SRC="/somedir/file.gif") and I need to change 
all of these references to an absolute path (IMG SRC="http://www.server/

I think the problem would be solved if I search for all =" and change it 
to ="http://www.server .

How can I do that? Note that I didn't even understood the REBOL syntax 
yet. :)



[REBOL] Com port parameters. Setting How? Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread ljurado

I found another (and smallest) serial to tcp/ip program at

 My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
 However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to
 give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
 Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my


 - Original Message -

  What is the method for setting the com port parameters so I may
  interface to a GPS unit.
  Specifically com2 4800 8N1.
  Thanks in advance!

[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones. Re:

2000-07-06 Thread yaozhang

parse page: read http://www.server [ some [thru "SRC=^"" here:
(insert here "http://www.server")] to end ]

; not tested


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been monitoring the progress of REBOL since its first
 release but 
 only now I will start to use it to do something usefull. I created
 a simple 
 script to read a web page and to send it to an email address (send
 read http://www.server). The problem is that there are lots of
 references in this page (IMG SRC="/somedir/file.gif") and I need to
 all of these references to an absolute path (IMG
 I think the problem would be solved if I search for all =" and
 change it 
 to ="http://www.server .
 How can I do that? Note that I didn't even understood the REBOL
 yet. :)

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones. Re:

2000-07-06 Thread RChristiansen

The absolute path to your Web directory does not involve the http url.

For example, the path to an item in your Web directory may SEEM to be...


...when in fact the real path may be something like...


If you are using a Web hosting service, ask them what the absolute path is 
to your Web directory.


 I have been monitoring the progress of REBOL since its first release
 only now I will start to use it to do something usefull. I created a
 simple script to read a web page and to send it to an email address (send
 user@host read http://www.server). The problem is that there are lots of
 relative references in this page (IMG SRC="/somedir/file.gif") and I need
 to change all of these references to an absolute path (IMG
 SRC="http://www.server/ somedir/file.gif").
 I think the problem would be solved if I search for all =" and change
 to ="http://www.server .
 How can I do that? Note that I didn't even understood the REBOL syntax
 yet. :)

[REBOL] Previous version Re:

2000-07-06 Thread jhagman

 Has anyone got the previous version of Rebol/core for Linux libc6, I asked 
 my ISP to install the new version on their servers, unfortunately the new 
 version isn't working 

Then they have some other problems, Rebol/core for Linux libc6 works
fine for me. It could be the old thing with mixing libc5 and libc6,

 they copied over the old version 

What kind of an administrator copies over old and working versions.

Jussi HagmanCS in Åbo Akademi University
Studentbyn 4 D 33   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] Browser? Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread zoon


 do http://www.2b1.de/

 do http://www.2b1.de/
** Access Error: Cannot make directory /c/Program
** Where: m-dir path return path



[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones. Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread bga

Em Thursday, July 06 2000, 17:39:01,  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) disse:

parse page: read http://www.server [ some [thru "SRC=^"" here:
(insert here "http://www.server")] to end ]

Thanks for your answer. I tried that and it didn't seem to work, but I'm not 
even sure if i did the right thing. Here is how my script looks like:

Title: "Page Sender"

header: make system/standard/email [
Subject: "Teste do NO. via REBOL!"
Organization: "Just a Test"
X-mailer: [REBOL]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: "text/html"

parsepage: read http://www.no.com.br/servlets/
newstorm.notitia.apresentacao.ServletDeSecao [
some [
thru "src=^"" here: (insert here "http://www.no.com.br")
to end

send/header [EMAIL PROTECTED] parsepage header

Is it correct?


[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones. Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread bga

Em Thursday, July 06 2000, 17:40:16,  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

The absolute path to your Web directory does not involve the http url.

For example, the path to an item in your Web directory may SEEM to be...


Note that I'm fetching the page with read http://www.server so all I got is 
the HTML file. In this file, paths to images are relative, and as I'm sending 
this page to another people, I have to make than absolute (prefixing http://
www.server to the path).

...when in fact the real path may be something like...


Using BeOS too? ;)

If you are using a Web hosting service, ask them what the absolute path is 
to your Web directory.

I am the web hosting server. :) I'm using a ServLet that only generates 
relative references, so it would be easier to do the conversion in the REBOl 
script than in the Servlet itself.

Thanks anyway.


[REBOL] Changing relative paths to absolute ones. Re:(3)

2000-07-06 Thread RChristiansen

 Note that I'm fetching the page with read http://www.server so all I got
 is the HTML file. In this file, paths to images are relative, and as I'm
 sending this page to another people, I have to make than absolute
 (prefixing http:// www.server to the path).

Sorry, I responded too quickly. Shortly after I responded I realized what you 
were really asking.

 Using BeOS too? ;)

But, of course. 8-)

[REBOL] one more time Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread balayo

 What version of libtermcap does your Linux box have installed?
 (Look in /lib)

 If you don't have a file or symlink named libtermcap.so.2, you can
 *probably* make a symlink with that name to whatever version of
 libtermcap you have installed.

Howdy guys,

That was it.  I use Debian, and Debian doesn't use libtermcap, but
libncurses.  I symlinked libncurses to what REBOL was looking for,
libtermcap.so.2.  It works...ta d.




[REBOL] Netscape vs. Explorer ??? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread allenk

Hi Ralph,

Is there any way you can avoid the comma?
Some Options..
1. Encode it, and see if MSIE and NN can still handle it.
2. Or else strip it and modify your bookord.r to deal with all titles
without the puctuation.
3 Use ISBN or a cat number to pass to bookord.r, this avoids the whole
puctuation issue


Allen K

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 7:31 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Netscape vs. Explorer ???

 something weird happening?

 I use a URL like so to pass info to a REBOL script:



 In the script, I use:

   orderdata: system/script/args

   parse orderdata/1 [some [to "\" (remove find orderdata/1 "\")] to end]

   order: parse/all trim orderdata/1 "?"

 and running Internet Explorer, my order taking script works beautifully.
 in Netscape 4.03 (at least), the only info I get is the first word of the
 title (would be "Behold" above).

 Could anyone point me to a solution?


 --Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] serial to tcp bridge - 404 at emtec.

2000-07-06 Thread webdev

File Not Found (aka: 404)

I went to emtec and found nothing that remotely looks like a bridge between
serial and tcp communications.
Am I blind or slow?

Please be more specific.



 I found another (and smallest) serial to tcp/ip program at

  My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
  However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to
  give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
  Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my
  - Original Message -
   What is the method for setting the com port parameters so I may
   interface to a GPS unit.
   Specifically com2 4800 8N1.
   Thanks in advance!

[REBOL] Object based?

2000-07-06 Thread rjmarier

I was wondering if someone could provide me with a quick summary
regarding what is meant by Rebol being "object based" but not "object

Thanks in advance.

Robert Marier