[REBOL] Re: How to capture keyboard tab when typing in an 'area?

2002-01-31 Thread sterling

Hello, and welcome to Obscure Undocumented Features Of REBOL!!
Today's question comes from Alan who is trying to make sense of some
of the confusing behaviors of VID styles.  Congratulations Alan, your
question was chosen at random from the bottom of the email box.
Change the flags in the face:

view layout [
area with [flags: [field]] 

The two fields will tab between each other but the area will not and
the tabs will go into the area.

Your question rated a fun-factor of 8.7 and therefore you get a bonus
question answered for you... here it is:

Question:  So what are the available flags??

It's a secret!
Just kidding. ;)

The flags you can use are:

field -- behave like a standard field meaning that text is highlited
upon selection and the clear-fields function will clear the text in
this field

tabbed -- tab and return will move the focus to the next valid face

return -- return key activiates the action block of the face

Well Alan, thank you for playing Obscure Undocumented Features Of
REBOL!!  You'll alsso be getting a copy of our home game, a bag of
mismatched socks, and a copy of our fake studio audience applause on

We hope to see you here next time on OUFOR.

Sterling Newton for OUFOR, saying If you don't play, you can't win!

 How do I change the feel (or whatever) for an 'area so that when I
 enter a tab from the keyboard, a tab is entered into the
 area/text.  By default, tab moves you around to another pane of
 the main face.

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[REBOL] Re: Hide a face inside its action event?

2002-01-14 Thread sterling

It all depends o nwhen you do the hide.  The problem you are running
into is that the face is reshown automatically to display the change
in the face as you release the mouse button.  If you hide it on the
'up event then it should hide just fine.

Example: view layout [
button hide feel [
engage: func [f a e] [if a = 'up [hide f]]


 Is it possible to hide a face when you're responding to an action for that
 face? E.g. clicking a button performs some actions, one of which is to hide
 the button itself. I can't seem to make it work. Other faces hide just fine,
 but not the one that is engaged.
 Example: view layout [button hide [hide face]]
 I'd like to avoide setting flags and having another face responding to time
 events just to do this, but if I have to...
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[REBOL] Who's maintaining rebol.el?

2002-01-03 Thread sterling

So who has the most recent rebol.el file and where is it hiding at?



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[REBOL] Re: BNF grammar of REBOL for code obfuscator

2001-12-17 Thread sterling

No need to PARSE it yourself. :)
REBOL knows all this stuff on it's own so let it do the work.
? load
 /header -- Includes REBOL header object if present.
 /next -- Load the next value only. Return block with value and new position.
 /library -- Force file to be a dynamic library. (Command version)
 /markup -- Convert HTML and XML to a block of tags and strings.
 /all -- Load all values. Does not evaluate REBOL header.

Play around with load/header and load/next.  The /all refinement is
recommended if you are working with an unknown script so that no
evaluation will happen.

To remove comments, just let REBOL remove them for you and try:
save %file2.r load %.file.r

I'm sure you'll get some more input on this from others too.


 Hello REBOLers,
 I would like to write a code obfuscator (C-ish intention, isn't it ;-)) ) for
 REBOL. Tha main idea behind is to have a custom loader by 
 'COMPRESSing the program code and 'DECOMPRESS it on load, like this:
 - the packager REBOL line:
 write/binary %someprog.bin compress read %someprog.r
 - the shell loader (WinDOS .BAT file):
 rebol.exe -s --noinstall --do do decompress read/binary %%someprog.bin quit
 To get the unnecessary overhead data out of the script I would like to
 - strip the header to the simplest REBOL [] form
 - extinct one-line and block comments
 - reduce tabulation and blank lines to single whitespace
 My first approach to detect the end of the REBOL header did not work:
 I just cannot keep track of the nested block levels in parse rules :-(
 I also stucked at detecting comment boundaries
 - to detect one-line comments whether they are _real_ comments
   or just ; characters buried within a string (both  and {} delimited)
 - detect 'COMMENT blocks (reprise of the previously mentioned
   detection problem for nested blocks)
 Do you have an exact BNF notation (or directly 'PARSE rules) of the
 REBOL language ? I searched the library but even %color-code.r is very
 spartanian and does not destructure a REBOL script this way (although
 its syntax coloring purpose might have suggested so).
 Thanx for your commitment of ideas!
 Best regards,
  Geza Lakner MD  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[REBOL] Re: To do or not to do?

2001-11-28 Thread sterling

There is always a way not to do strings. :)
Think about it this way... what are you building in your string that
can be done?  Answer: REBOL code.

Why does this work?
type? 5-Nov-2001
or this?
type? first [10]

Answer: because REBOL understands REBOL.

Now what's the difference between these two statements?
a: print 10
b: [print 10]

Not much.
do a
do b
Great.  So why do we want to use the second one?

Well, check this out.
type? second a
type? second b

How about this?
find a integer!
== none
find b integer!

This is useful stuff!  You can change your code far easier this way
than with strings.  REBOL knows what you're dealing with and can help
you out!

Now, the super-quick translation of your code below.  I re-arranged
the blocks so that the replacement would be simple but you could just
as easily do it using COMPOSE or BIND to get it done.  I use the word
'item in the block to be the replacement instead of * since words
are meant to be symbols and that's exactly what we need.

 Rules: [
[0  length? to-string item] No data
[date? item]   Bad date
[greater? now/date item - 14]  Too old
[specialcheck item]   Not special

;; prepare data field
;; ==

 RawValue: 5-12-2001  ;; bad date in this example
 if error? try [loadedValue: first load/all Rawvalue]
   [LoadedValue: RawValue]

;; apply rules
;; ===

 foreach [rule message] Rules [
 if not (do replace/all copy rule 'item LoadedValue) [
   print [LoadedValue  fails rule:  Message]
 ] ; if
 ]  ; for

I'm using a valid date here so it gets through more of the checks
eventually failing because specialcheck is not defined.

I hope this has helped you out.  If you have any more questions about
it, please ask... we all cringe here at REBOL HQ when we see the
unnecessary use of DO with strings... you're always DOing REBOL code
so why not start that way?


 Hi all,
 It may just be my irredeemably old-fashioned mindset,
 but everywhere I turn in Rebol I see the need to 'DO strings.
 I've been ticked off before on the list about it and -- these
 days -- I can normally see better approaches.
 But this little example has got me stumped. So I'm interested
 in how the gurus would unDo my approach.
 The code below is the proof-of-concept, back of the envelope
 idea that many data entry validation rules can be written to a
 database as Rebol code. I just then need to write a single
 apply-the-rules function, and add a little code for special cases,
 rather than write buckets of repetitive code. But its got a
 DO string in it. Any comments?
 ;; rules table
 ;; ===
  Rules: [
 (Length? to-string *)  0 No data
 date? *   Bad date
 (* - 14 )  now/date  Too old
 specialcheck *Not special
 ;; prepare data field
 ;; ==
  RawValue: 5-122-2001  ;; bad date in this example
  if error? try [loadedValue: first load/all Rawvalue]
[LoadedValue: RawValue]
 ;; apply rules
 ;; ===
  foreach [rule message] Rules [
  if not (do replace/all copy rule item mold LoadedValue) [
print [LoadedValue  fails rule:  Message]
  ] ; if
  ]  ; for
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[REBOL] Re: ftp reading an empty folder

2001-11-21 Thread sterling

What kind of server are you contacting? i.e. Unix, Windows, ... ??
Doe it fail on all servers or just a specific one?

Max had a problem some time ago, which was a failure between REBOLand
the Windows FTP server, and I thought it had been fixed in the current
version of /View.  If it fails in /View, you could send in a network
trace/net on
read ftp://your-stuff-here

to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If it's a public server that we can access,
we'd be in great luck but I'm guessing not.  If it is just with a
Microsoft FTP server, it'll help if we know which one and which

If you mail a trace in to feedback, fel free to scramble or remove any 
of the login and/or server information since it's just the network
interaction that we care about.


 When I try to read an empty ftp directory I get this
 ** Access Error: Port none not open
 ** Where: parse-dir-list
 How can I handle this error. I think in this case read
 should return an empty list, not throw an error.

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[REBOL] Re: ftp reading an empty folder

2001-11-21 Thread sterling

I looked up your feedback ticket and the notes say it was working in
the current version of /View.  Is that correct or are you still having 
problems?... just trying to get a handle on where things stand.


 hum, I guess Its a question of the way some ftp servers respond to empty
 have you tried on another server?
 The only thing I can suggest is that you enable network tracing :
 trace/net on
 and send a copy of the console output to rebol support ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
 This way, they'll be notified that the problem persists!
 ALWAYS REMEMBER to remove all reference to sensitive user/password
 information in the console's data before sending it at large, cause your
 urls data will be printed in the net/trace data!

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[REBOL] Re: view indirection

2001-11-20 Thread sterling

Here's another option:
Make a list of the checkboxes either directly:
checks: reduce [c1 c2 c3 c4 ...]
or iteratively:
checks: copy []
repeat x 16 [append checks to-word join c x]
reduce checks

Now when you need to access one:
set-check: func [n [integer!]] [
checks/:n/data: true
show checks/:n

Or to just improve on what you've got below:
set in wrd: get to-word join c n 'data true
show wrd

The only thing you really need to build dynamically is the word to
reference the checkbox.  The rest of the REBOL code can stay as REBOL


 I am stuck in a should-not-be-so-difficult problem with view. I have a lot of 
checkboxes in a layout, named c1, c2, ... c16. At one time, given a number X, I would 
like to do something on the cX checkbox.
 For now, I have this sort of code :
 set-check: func [n [integer!] /local code ][
  code: copy 
  code: join join set in c n join  'data true show c n
  print [generated code ;  code]
  do code
 IT IS WORKING ! (the print is only for debugging purpose). However I am not 
satisfied with this code. I'am looking for a more elegant way to do that. Something 
like :
 myCheckBox: guru-function( c 5)
 myCheckbox/data: true

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[REBOL] Re: integer! which range?

2001-11-13 Thread sterling

The trick here is that these are differnt REBOL datatypes.
 type? 1
== integer!
 type? 99
== decimal!

As far as largest integer goes:
== 2147483647
 2147483647 + 1
** Math Error: Math or number overflow
** Near: 2147483647 + 1

There it is.
 2147483647.0 + 1
== 2147483648

but this is decimal! type, not an integer!.


 I've tested something in the REBOL/Core-Console. But, I 
 don't understand that. Look:
 In the console, I type the following:
 testzahl: 1
 while [true] [testzahl: testzahl * 10]
 An Error occured:
 ** Math Error: Math or number overflow
 After that, I type print testzahl
 REBOL shows the following:
 This looks very small. So, if I type in the console simply 
 , it works!
 So, why is there such a difference? What is the biggest 
 cu, yogi

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[REBOL] Re: accessing c functions

2001-05-11 Thread sterling

You certainly can.  What you would do is compile a shared library with
your C functions and then use the library component of View/Pro to
access them.  Check out the documentation on this component here:


If you need more working examples, I'm sure the friendly folks on this 
list will help you out.


 Hi. I am working on a program for a class and was
 wondering if it would be possible, using view/pro, to:
 1. send input to and execute a c function from rebol.
 2. receive the output of the c function back to rebol.
 The reason I want to do this is because their is a
 recursive function in the code that needs to run
 is this possible? If so, what is the general way i
 would go about doing this?
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[REBOL] Re: How do I get rid of the connecting to:

2001-05-07 Thread sterling


system/options/quiet: true


 When I 
 page: read http://www.cnn.com
 what is the easiest way to get rid of the
 connecting to: www.cnn.com
 Dane Carlson

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[REBOL] Re: window resize and window scroll

2001-05-07 Thread sterling

A quick resize example...


main-lay: layout [
b1: button Quit [quit]

view/new/options main-lay [resize]

main-lay/feel: make main-lay/feel [
detect: func [face event] [
switch event/type [
resize [
b1/color: random 255.255.255
b1/offset: main-lay/size - (b1/size / 2)
show b1

wait none


 On Mon, 07 May 2001 23:41:57 +0200 (CEST)
  i want to have the ability to resize the window, which
  will opened with view 
  and i want to use scroll bars too.
  Can anybody help me?
 For the latter check out the vid faq using vidwikibeta
 at http://www.compkarori.co.nz/index.r :-)
 Graham Chiu

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[REBOL] Re: International REBOL Use

2001-05-04 Thread sterling

How do you think that PNG is being generated right now? ;)

I'll give you three guesses, the first two don't count, and the right
answer starts with a big capital R

You're preaching to the preacher in this case... hehe.

Take it easy,


 See how your country scores in worldwide REBOL interest...
 That's really interesting, I hope you'll keep posting these data monthly.
 If it's too much work to generate that PNG, you could try to ease it 
 up with REBOL... ;-)
 Paolo Russo

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[REBOL] Re: read bug?

2001-05-03 Thread sterling

Well it worked flawlessly for me using both Core 2.5 and View/Pro
1.1.  It didn't fail on either through pass 52 (4150 chars) where I
stopped it.  Are you, by chance, going through any proxies?  Anything
in between you and the web server has the opportunity to truncate the

You are right that read should not fail but it isn't.  Notice the
error you get back is not a URL Error or any other REBOL script
error.  It is a 400 response from the webserver telling you Bad


 On Wed, 2 May 2001 14:36:27 -0700
  Let me know what you find out.
 Here's a script to illustrate the problem.  I'm not sure
 that my understanding of what 'read should be doing is
 correct here.
 The script dies when it attempts to do a read at 4109 chars
 at pass 10.  I get an error messsage:
 ** User Error: Error. . the url is printed out .. and
  could not be
 retrieved.  Server response: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
 ** Near: res: read join cgi urltest
 Since 'read is I thought just returning what the web server
 is sending, why should 'read die if the remote cgi script
 dies?  Should it not just return the web server error

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[REBOL] Re: Databases

2001-05-02 Thread sterling

REBOL Command has the database access you need.


Take a look.


 After scouring the web site, I see no reference to how to connect to and manipulate 
databases, ie .. mySQL, SQL Server, Oracle.
 Can someone point me in the right direction.
 Best Regards,
 Gunnar Swan
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[REBOL] Re: read bug?

2001-05-02 Thread sterling

It seems that this thread has wandered from POST to GET problems.
I'll address the issue with GET as best I can.

People see that a long URL used with read:
read http://foo.com/cgi-bin/cgi.r?name=value-of-really-long-data

gets truncated or otherwise fails to read.  I ran some tests on my
machine here (Linux w/ Apache) using Core 2.5 on both the client and
CGI end.  I made a really big URL of over 7K which looks like the
example above.  It made it through just fine.

However, I have seen a truncation of sorts happen in some situations
here though most have been using a browser going to a REBOL CGI
script.  Have you tried the same read using a browser?

One possibility is that the receiving system truncates the GET data.
Remember that when using a GET method, all CGI data is passed to the
program on the server using environment variables.  If any of the
client browser, webserver, or system env. vars limits the length then
the CGI script on the other end will not get all the data.

So take REBOL out of the picture and see what happens:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
while (($key, $val) = each %ENV) {
print $key = $valBR\n;

There's a little perl (yuck) cgi that'll print the env. vars for you.
Try your request with REBOL or a browser against that and see what you 
get.  Also, with REBOL, turn 'trace/net on' and do the read.  What you 
see printed to the console is EXACTLY what is being sent into the TCP
port to the server.

Let me know what you find out.


 On Wed, 02 May 2001 08:13:37 -0500
  Joel Neely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   is a buffer limit, then it's quite by accident
   and we should track it down.
 I've sent feedback so that it gets entered into the bug
 investigation system
  I'll be happy to stand corrected if I'm wrong, but I
  at the manual again just to be sure...  It appears to me
  READ/CUSTOM has to do with *sending* the POST data from
  side to the server.  What I thought we were dealing with
  this thread was the problem of *receiving* long POST data
 Actually, Carl is correct.  My problem is that reading a
 very long url ( cgi by url method ) kills 'read.  I haven't
 been able to post a large enough amount of data to encounter
 the bug that you were experiencing.  I was looking forward
 to it though :-)
 Graham Chiu

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[REBOL] REBOL.org Userlist Archive moved to the REB

2001-04-23 Thread sterling

OK, in the interest of less spam, I've moved the REBOL.org Userlist
Archive entirely onto the REB.  It is no longer linked off the main
page and is only accessible through the REBOl.org REBsite.  It's still
the same HTML-based view and everything but it will not be webcrawled
until REBOL becomes so popular that search engines and spam-freaks
write REB-crawling scripts.  By then there should be enough time to
hide any email addresses that are present in the pages.

I hope this is a reasonable first step.


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[REBOL] Re: Palm Version

2001-04-23 Thread sterling

Whoa!  Slow down on the messages.  I've received this one 4 times now.

Anyway, a Palm/OS version is not anticipated any time soon.  The
memory architecture of Palm/OS is very limited, not just in space, but 
in the amount of dynamic memory available at boot time.  Right now, it 
just isn't anywhere near enough to get REBOL running.

If the memory restrictions go away or the system changes in the future 
to allow a port then we will certainly revisit it.


 I am new to the Rebol list though I have been following the progress of Rebol for a 
while. I was wondering if their is a Palm/OS version of Rebol anticipated.
 Thanks for all your input!
 Tom Schaeper
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[REBOL] Re: integers and sizes

2001-04-18 Thread sterling

It all looks right.

The to- conversions are just that and do not transform a value into
another value.  They are conversions which means that they return a
new value of the new type as long as the original type can be
converted into the target type.

To work with your examples:

a: 21
b: 105 / 5
type? a ;integer!
type? b ;decimal!
to-integer b ; 21
type? b  ;decimal!, wow, that is interesting
to-decimal a ;21


c: to-integer b ; 21
type? c ; integer!
c: to-decimal a ;21
type? c ; decimal!

The same thing works with series values that have extra storage
associated with them:

a: "foo"
type? a ; string!
b: to-issue a
type? a ; string! -- still
type? b ; issue! -- converted
insert a "bar-"
== "bar-foo"
== #foo

when b was converted from the string "foo" to the issue #foo it was
copied and therefore is a new value.  If the old value is changed, the 
new value is unaffected.


 From: "Travis Watkins"
  I fear that this may be a bug:
  Integer? 105
  false (this is correct because you only use 4 bytes to represent an
  integer? 21
  integer? (105 / 5)
  (note, this is 21, the value which was true before)
  apparently any number which was at one point associated with a value
 greater than an integer is not an integer, even when reduced to a
 sufficently small number.
  Note: Win98 system
 Well, this does get interesting.  To continue with your example:
 a: 21
 b: 105 / 5
 type? a ;integer!
 type? b ;decimal!
 a = b;true, as it should be
 same? a b ;true, as I guess it is
 strict-equal? a b  ;false, ahhh, I feel better
 to-integer b ; 21
 type? b  ;decimal!, wow, that is interesting
 to-decimal a ;21
 type? c   ;integer!
 It is interesting that sometimes REBOL "leaves" it as it was (a decimal or
 an integer), despite trying to coerce it.  I can't tell if this is a bug or
 a feature, but I could imagine circumstances where it might trip up
 programming logic.
 --Scott Jones
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[REBOL] Re: Password Style

2001-04-17 Thread sterling



 Hi Guys,
 Can anyone point me in the direction of a password style??
 (ie a field when you type in hides the input with )
 Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Re: [ALLY] Strange reaction in Rebol/View 1 for Linux

2001-04-17 Thread sterling

Your problem is that you are calling INFORM from within another
INFORM.  This is not such a safe thing to do.

If you just change "inform out" to "view/new out" it works fine except 
that the second pane is not modal.  You might also get around the
problem by doing a hide-popup before doing "interrogation" and then
re-popping the "out" layout when the interrogation popup exits.  This
would make only one popup on the screen at a time.

Bottom line:  don't make a modal dialog pop up a modal dialog... it's
probably not the most logical concept.


 I found a strange reaction in Rebol/View 1 for Linux :
 The goal of the next script is to change the text of a text widget.
 interrogation: func [titre [string!] txt-interro [string!] /local pass-l ok][
 if none? :pass-l [
 pass-l: layout[
   origin 10x10
 backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
 title red :titre bold return
 text 240 :txt-interro bold yellow return
 button "YES" [hide-popup]
 button "NO" [ok: no hide-popup]
 ok: yes
 inform pass-l
 return ok
 panneau2: func [][
 out: layout [
   origin 10x10
 backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
   t: text 100x25 "Example" return
   button "test" [
   either interrogation "The test" "Do you want test it ?" [
   t/text: copy "Test ok"
   t/text: copy "Test not ok"
   show t
 inform out
 panneau: layout [
 origin 10x10
 backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
 button "Go" [panneau2]
 button "Quit" [quit]
 view panneau
 In the previous version of Rebol/View (beta), it's seems to be ok.
 But in the new version (Rebol/View 1), I can't change the text.
 Why ?
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2001-03-30 Thread sterling

The really quick answer is "Use PARSE."
What docs/examples/demos have you looked at regarding parse?
What kind of an answer to this question are you looking for?

Parsing strings is the REBOL awy of doing regular expressions but
PARSE can also parse blocks which is your path to dialecting.
Dialecting is, frankly, the way of the future.  Why not use the
terminology of your work context to do your work?


 Hi everbody,
 this post is not of any urgency, rather Iam seeking enlightenment from list members 
about the REBOL approach to regular expressions. 
 Regular expressions in Perl although powerful are mighty ugly and not at all 
intuitive, what is the REBOL way / approach. Sure REBOL has tremendous Parsing 
capabilities but what is the best approach in this instance?
 Jeff, Larry, Elan, anyone? can you enlighten me?
 Mark Dickson
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[REBOL] Re: Sterling's proxy does not work with new Core ...

2001-03-28 Thread sterling

I use that script all the time!  It's great!  Haha.

A slight change was made to the URL parser such that it now returns
the port it is paring the url into instead of the target of the url.
This should not be a big deal for any other scripts since most do not
do deep intricate port work like this to begin with and then even
fewer would care about the return value of parse-url.  All you need to
do is comment out this line from the script and you'll be back in

;   port-spec/target: tgt


 does anyone use Sterling's proxy.r script which can be found on
 www.rebol.org website? It does work using latest View for e.g., but
 timeouts (or what?) if using new Core ... what's the difference in port
 handling between the versions?

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[REBOL] Re: Extract substring using offsets?

2001-03-16 Thread sterling

 Is there a way in Rebol to extract a substring using offsets?
 For example, if I have a string 100 characters long, and
 I want to get characters 25-50, what can I do?

copy/part at str 25 25

 If there is a simple positive answer to that question,
 you can stop here.  If not, read the following:



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[REBOL] Re: ftp question

2001-03-15 Thread sterling

FTP, by default, caches up to 5 connections.  This value is
customizable at:
so just change that to 0 and all connections will close up and say
goodbye immediately.


 When you use REBOL's built-in FTP protocol, does it send a "bye" command
 when it is finished downloading? Or does it just let the FTP connection
 time out?
 Ryan C. Christiansen
 Web Developer

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[REBOL] Re: ftp up one directory

2001-03-14 Thread sterling

log-file: read ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/../logs/web.log

Some ftp servers will not let you go back like that but you'll get an
error, I assume, if that's the case.


 I am having trouble accessing a file which is in a directory above my
 default access directory.
 The file I want to reach is web.log and here is where it lies
 When I use the following
 dir-list: load ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 REBOL returns
 as if the directory /logs doesn't exist.
 I have no problems using CuteFTP and accessing the /logs directory with the
 same username and password.
 I also tried
 log-file: read ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]//logs/web.log
 log-file: read ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/./logs/web.log
 but I always get the error "No such file or directory."
 Ryan C. Christiansen
 Web Developer

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[REBOL] Re: Complex Series Parsing (Part 2)

2001-03-09 Thread sterling

Well, before anybody goes further into the "here's something that
works for the last input you posted" followed by "but then there's
this input that doesn't work" path, lets go back to the definition of
input and output.

If you use load.markup and trat the REBOL words you have in your block 
as strings like Andrew suggests (which is a better way to deal with
them), then you have these input elements:
* text  -- open text tag
* "???"   -- some arbitrary string
* ???   -- some other open tag
* /???  -- some close tag
* /text -- a close text tag

Your input looks like this:
probe input: load/markup {tag0/tag0 text this and that
tag1those /tag1and  these/texttag2/tag2textThere and
== [tag0 /tag0 " " text " this and that^/" tag1 "those "
/tag1 "and  these" /text tag2 /tag2 text "There and^/then"

You can get rid of the whitespace-only strings if you want to that are 
created due to whitespace between the tags.
Now write the spec:
* any combination of input elements up to text
* open text
* any combination of "???", ???, /??? where text whould be
inserted if front of each "???"
* /text
* start the whole process over

That's all you've told us so far.  Each item above is essentially a
parse rule already.  Some can be joined together:
* [thru text]
* [any [
/text [thru text]
| tag!
| string! mark: (insert back mark text) string!

Now we just assemble:
 ; skip the immediate string after text so we don't add a second one
start-rule: [thru text [string! | none]]
parse imput [
any [
/text start-rule ; start over
| tag! ; eat any random tags
    | string! mark: (insert back mark text) string!

probe input

And presto!


 This is on the right track.  But more complexity would arise... here is an
 advanced XML structure...
 y: [tag0/tag0 text this and that tag1those /tag1and
 these/texttag2/tag2textThere and then/text]
 output would be...
 out: [
 text this and that
 text those
 text and these
 text There and then
 There is method to the madness, I've got the "madness" part down pat, now if
 I could only come up with "the method".
 Terry Brownell
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 4:17 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Re: Complex Series Parsing (Part 2)
  I'm not sure I understand what you are really trying to do.  Usually
  with parse, once you describe the format of what you want to parse and
  the output wou desire, the parse rules just fall out onto the screen.
  Correct me if I'm wrong:
  Input is a block with the following format:
  A text tag followed by a series of words with any number of non
  text or /text tags interspersed and ends with a /text tag.
  The desired output is the same block except that every place there is
  a non text tag in the block a text tag should be placed after it
  and before the next series of words.  The ending /text tag should be
  For this you don't need parse at all.  Just march through the block
  and insert the new text tag as needed:
  y: [
  text This is some text tag with a tag added /tag and then some text
  forall y [
  all [tag? y/1 y/1  text y/1  /text insert next y text]
  all [y/1 = /text remove y y: back y]
  probe y: head y
  Perhaps your rules are a bit more complicated in which caase you need
  to define them and then see what's the best way to do it.  Parse may
  be necessary but this simple case can be done quickly another way.

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[REBOL] Re: Complex Series Parsing (Part 2)

2001-03-08 Thread sterling

I'm not sure I understand what you are really trying to do.  Usually
with parse, once you describe the format of what you want to parse and 
the output wou desire, the parse rules just fall out onto the screen.
Correct me if I'm wrong:

Input is a block with the following format:
A text tag followed by a series of words with any number of non
text or /text tags interspersed and ends with a /text tag.

The desired output is the same block except that every place there is
a non text tag in the block a text tag should be placed after it
and before the next series of words.  The ending /text tag should be 

For this you don't need parse at all.  Just march through the block
and insert the new text tag as needed:
y: [
text This is some text tag with a tag added /tag and then some text 

forall y [
all [tag? y/1 y/1  text y/1  /text insert next y text]
all [y/1 = /text remove y y: back y]

probe y: head y

Perhaps your rules are a bit more complicated in which caase you need
to define them and then see what's the best way to do it.  Parse may
be necessary but this simple case can be done quickly another way.


 Hello all.
 How do you parse this...
 y: [
 text This is some text tag with a tag added /tag and then some text /text
 So that you get this
 n: [
 text This is some text
 text with a tag added
 text and then some text
 I tried this... 
 n: []
 z: parse y none
 foreach val z [
 either find val "" [append n val] [append n rejoin [{text } val]]
 But then I get
 n: [
 text This
 text is
 text some
 text text
 text with 
 text a
 text tag
 text added
 text and
 text then
 text some
 text text
 So how do I "collect" all the text until the next "tag"?
 Terry Brownell
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[REBOL] Re: unable to read web page

2001-02-07 Thread sterling

What version of REBOL on what platform?
It seems to work fine on current versions that I've tried.


 I am unable to read a web page:
 print read http://www.blackmt.com/skirpt.html 
 only part of the page is read. 
 how do i troubleshoot this error.
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[REBOL] REBOL.org list archive

2001-01-27 Thread sterling

Oops. Sorry it took so long to get to this but I think I've fixed the
list archiver running at REBOL.org. But I need to send a message to
see if it really is working.

Here goes nothing...


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[REBOL] Re: REBOL.org list archive

2001-01-27 Thread sterling

I am currently updating all the missing messages from when it went
offline to now.  Due to some code bug, a lot of the messages are date
tagged as today 27-Jan-2001 instead of their actual date but they are
still placed and threaded appropriately.

Once this process finishes, I'll be putting it back into full action
for up to the minute archiving.


 Oops. Sorry it took so long to get to this but I think I've fixed the
 list archiver running at REBOL.org. But I need to send a message to
 see if it really is working.
 Here goes nothing...
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[REBOL] Re: script library on rebol.com vs rebol.org

2001-01-18 Thread sterling

That would be great, huh?  I was rather proud of that creation even
with it's problems.  It did die with the change away from SELMA.  That 
happened at a time when we were all working rather wildly on projects
with zero time to spare to ourselves.  I tried to make a 15 minute fix 
so that it would be able to archive the Listar messages but it didn't
quite fly.  I still think it's just a couple bugs away from working as 
it once did.

Knowing that there is some support to get it running again might just
be the kick in the head I need to fix it up to it's rickety, yet
working, state.  I'll see what I can do and report back.


 Is there a chance that the mailing list archive could be
 fixed as well?  It seemed to break when this list was
 shifted from Selma.

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[REBOL] Re: script library on rebol.com vs rebol.org

2001-01-18 Thread sterling

OK.  I'll do it tomorrow but be warned that it's not my cleanest work
ever.  In fact, I'd say it's rather frightening but I'll scrounge up
the code tomorrow and make it fetchable off REBOL.org.  You may find
it easier to take the concept and rewrite.  There should be a good,
clean, solid mailing list archiver with a search engine written in

Andrew helped out for a while doing this and that.  He kindly took
over the ownership when nobody else had the time or desire.  The bulk
of the original code like the script library, chat, mail archiver, and
script submission were done by Jeff and myself as small blitzkrieg
projects to try to satisfy a current community need.  Little regard to 
clean coding style was shown in deference to immediate results.


 On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:46:36 -0800
  Knowing that there is some support to get it running
  again might just
  be the kick in the head I need to fix it up to it's
  rickety, yet
  working, state.  I'll see what I can do and report back.
 And here I was thinking it was more of Andrew G's work!
 How about posting the source so that we all can have a go at
 fixing it?
 Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: headers in a HTTP-request

2001-01-12 Thread sterling

You are looking for the headers of the HTTP response, right?
a: open http://www.yahoo.com
probe a/locals/headers
copy a ; to get the page
close a


 Does anybody know how to read the headers after reading a HTTP-request?
 Petter Egesund, Helpinhand
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[REBOL] Re: sending 'none to CGI

2001-01-10 Thread sterling

It will arrive as a string and remain that way until you change it.
REBOL, when run in CGI mode, gathers up the relevant environment
variables and drops them into the system/options/cgi object.  The
query-string holds the exact text following the '?' in the URL.  You
can then make use of 'decode-cgi to make checking values easier:
system/options/cgi/query-string: "value=none" cgi-obj: make object!
decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

The cgi-obj will now be an object containing the word 'value which has 
the value of the string "none".  REBOL purposely does not evaluate any 
of the CGI information as that would open a security hole.

In order to change that "none" into a REBOL none value, you would need 
to use load.
load "none" will result in a REBOL none value.

However, if your query string looked like this:
then the resulting decoded string would be:
"none none"
and loading it would result in a block:
[none none]
which, as you point out below is a block with unevaluated words which
means that neither item in the block is actually the REBOL none
value.  They are both simply the word 'none.

It is best, when writing REBOL CGI applications, to know ahead of time
what kind of data you are expecting to receive.  You can then use
'make object decode-cgi' to help you make an object with the values.
Then, for non-string values, either wrap a direct conversion in a try
if error? try [to-integer cgi-obj/usernumber] ["return error page"]
or check the type of a load (which is safe because it does not
evaluate any code):
if not integer? load cgi-obj/usernumber ["return error page"]

Well, that was rather long-winded for a one line answer.  Sorry.


  If I send the following text/html output to the user
  {A HREF="http://www.domain.dom/cgi-bin/script.cgi?value=} none {}
  and he or she clicks on the resultant link, what value will be passed to
 CGI? Will it be a 'none value REBOL can understand?
 I suspect that it will be a unevaluated word, like 'none in a block:
 Andrew Martin
 ICQ: 26227169 http://members.nbci.com/AndrewMartin/
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[REBOL] Re: reb sites - Zork! thoughts

2001-01-05 Thread sterling

That's a cool idea.
You would need to build the language parser and basic game engine.
With 'parse, the language interpreter could be built pretty fast and
easily extended.

I think the hard part of making it so distributed would be keeping the
game continuity.  Two different people may design adjacent rooms, one
being a very futuristic space capsule while the other is some bizarre,
surreal room with chairs on the walls and 3 legged people drinking
soda through their fingertips.

Nevertheless, REBOL would be a great platform for it.


 I haven't downloaded a copy of /View since the first release, mainly 
 due to the lack of current documentation. One of the fun things I 
 discovered was the Reb Sites links.
 One thought comes to mind: creating a massively distributed, 
 Internet-based role-playing game the likes of Zork! where the world is 
 created by anyone and everyone. Persons help to create their little 
 pieces of the world by uploading a valid XML file to a central server. 
 The XML file defines a specific "room" or "tile" and also the 
 creatures, objects, actions, and dialog within each room. You could 
 even create a room Editor using the Reb interface.
 A /View for every PC!
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[REBOL] Re: Rebol mode for Emacs

2000-12-18 Thread sterling

Yeah!  Way to go!
Like Jeff, I still dream of getting those close brackets balanced with 
the open and not the body of the block.  Perhaps that is not yet to

Anyway, this is a great update to the REBOL Emacs mode.

Thanks Marcus,


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol and FTP (recursive stuff in particular)

2000-12-14 Thread sterling

Yes.  FTP will close the old connection to a given host if a new one
is made but in a different directory.  That is also the same behavior
I see here with the latest experimental (2.4.39 on Linux).  I also
watched my netstat and only one connection stayed active.  The only
situation where you could end up with more than one connection to a
single host is if you are using two different users to log in as.

If you really want to make sure that all connections are closed
immediately then you can set the port cache size down to zero:
system/schemes/ftp/cache-size: 0

This will have the effect that the control connection is closed at the
end of the request and no ports at all will ever be cached by REBOL
FTP (not so efficient).  If you set it to 1 then it should cache only
one connection.  If you are only connecting to a single host as a
single user then you should see no difference in how it's all
working.  All sequential reads within a single directory will reuse
the command port but access of a different directory will create a new 
command port and close the last one.

If you are seeing different results... like multiple command ports
open to the same host, please send as much info as you can into
feedback as a bug report so we can track down the problem.


 On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 04:40:21PM +, Mat Bettinson wrote:
  Heya Holger,
  HK No, REBOL caches and reuses the FTP control connection across
  HK subsequent accesses to the same host and directory.
  But doesn't actually close any. Is there a way of forcing them closed?
 I'll double-check with Sterling, but AFAIK current experimental versions
 do close the control connection first if another connection to the same
 host has to be opened. At least that is the behavior I get here. Which
 version are you using ?

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2000-12-11 Thread sterling

I checked into these things a bit and there are definite issues with
Interbase.  It isn't one of the DBs we tested with so we didn't catch
the problems.  They probably affect other dbs too... we just haven't
seen it yet... thanks for the help.

The problem will get fixed in the next rev of /Command but don't ask
me when that is... 'cuz I don't know. :(


 This is very odd.  I can't retrieve any numeric fields thru
 ODBC unless I first cast them into char().  I had not tried
 this before so had not noticed this.
 On the bright side, inserting data thru ODBC and R/command
 seems to be a lot faster than how I normally do it going
 thru Visual dBase - as long as I stick to varchar fields.
 Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: clean-path

2000-12-04 Thread sterling

The main reason that URLs are not translated by clean-path is
basically that you do not really know what directory transaltion is in 
effect on the contacted site.  Take FTP as an example:

read ftp://user1:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/readme.txt

This file will most likely reside in /home/user1/readme.txt.
Now lets say that user1 has shared their directory and this file for
others to read.  So user2 wants to get it:

read ftp://user2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/../user1/readme.txt

This will work because the "root" directory that is specified by
ftp://user2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ is actually in /home/user2/.  The
problem with cleaning the URL is this:

clean-path ftp://user2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/../user1/readme.txt would
come out as:
ftp://user2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/user1/readme.txt

which is clearly not right.

Some FTP servers will not allow you to back out of your home directory 
but some do.  The point is that we don't know so we leave it open and
do no translation.


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[REBOL] Re: clean-path

2000-12-04 Thread sterling

Right.  I see what you mean.  Perhaps the more frequent use of
clean-path on a URL is this.  We'll talk about it the next time we
meet about /Core fixes/enhancements/etc.  The only issue may be that
we would be breaking code that relied on the current behavior... how
much of that there is I can't say.

The slider does not update on the text list unless you tell it to.  I
use the following function in my code to update text-list sliders
every time I mod the list.

The function refers to list/lc.  lc is a word in a text-list face that 
is the number of visible lines of the list.

; updates the bar on the side of a text-list or group of text-lists
fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] [
foreach list to-block faces [
either 0 = length? list/data [list/sld/redrag 1] [
list/sld/redrag list/lc / length? list/data]

This way I can make changes to one or more text-lists in a layout, fix 
the sliders, and then re-show the needed faces.


 On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 15:23:11 -0800
  So where do yo urun into problems in the web spidering?
 Okay, this is a real world example.  I need to often grab
 product images from websites.
 For example: 
 You can see there that the images are referenced as 
 ball-yellow.gif - current directory
 /Image/logo-title.gif - off the root directory
 .../../../Images/arrow.gif - up 3 directories
 If 'clean-path worked on urls, that would make it much
 easier.  As it was, I wrote my reblet
 before I even knew 'clean-path existed :-)
 If you try out the above, perhaps you would enlighten me as
 to why the slider on the side of the text-list doesn't
 update g
 Graham Chiu
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2000-10-04 Thread sterling

It simply makes an easy-access object out of the data:
decode-cgi "foo=10bar=20"
== [foo: 10 bar: 20]
when you make an object out of it with:
cgi: make object! decode-cgi "foo=10bar=20"
you can access the form values like this:
== 10
== 20

The reason you might not make an objects is if you have multiple form
items on the page with the same name so your cgi query string looks
like this:
Then if you make an object, you'll only get one value for 'bar.

You can also DO the decoded cgi block and it will set the words to
their respective valus.  This is neat but remember that any word can
come in through cgi so if you do this:
do decode-cgi "foo=10bar=20read=0"
will stomp all over the word 'read... not a good idea.  And since you
do not have control over what somebody could hack pu and send in to
you cgi program it is not generally a good idea to DO the decode-cgi


 Hi guys!
 Sorry to bother you with this newbie question:
 Why does one have to "make object!" after a "decode-cgi" ? just curious...
 Sharriff Aina
 med.iq information  quality in healthcare AG
 Gutenbergstr. 42
 41564 Kaarst
 tel.: 02131-3669-0
 fax: 02131-3669-599

[REBOL] pop question Re:

2000-09-28 Thread sterling

Actually, neither will happen they way you have specified it.  This is 
because you have called REMOVE which will only remove the first
element (use CLEAR).  But to answer the real question:

bag: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
length? bag
== 5

and DO NOT close it while my program runs for, say, 10 minutes.
If the server receives 3 more messages for me during that time and
I then do:

CLEAR bag ; !! note, CLEAR removes all items, REMOVE does one
close bag

All 5 items will be removed and the next time you check your mail you
will have the 3 new messages.  It's easy to check since you can mail
yourself some messages while you have the port open and I strongly
suggest you do this for two reasons.  One, understanding usually comes
better through doing than hearing and two, you will prove that is DOES
work like this and will not worry that you got the wrong info from
somebody else (like me).  And I don't want to responsible for lost
email in case the server you access is totally weird. :)


 For you email gurus out there:
 I open an email port like this:
 bag: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 length? bag
 == 5
 and DO NOT close it while my program runs for, say, 10 minutes.
 If the server receives 3 more messages for me during that time and
 I then do:
 remove bag
 close bag
 Will only the original 5 messages be removed from the server or,
 since the port was left open, will all 8 of the messages be removed from the
 server. (with me never knowing about the last 3.)
 Greg Coughlan

[REBOL] pop question Re:(3)

2000-09-28 Thread sterling

No problem.

If I understand you last question correctly, it means something like
How doe the server insure that the client only deals with the
currently delivered emails while it has the box open?

If that's the question, the answer is that I don't know all the
specifics.  However, from messing around with the POP protocol and
watching my mailbox at the same time, I've noticed that the server
does not deliver new messages to you mailbox (a simple file) until the
mailbox is closed.  It keeps the incoming mail in it's spool, a temp
file, or some such place until it is safe to deliver.

It also, as I recall, removes the mailbox file while you have it open.
so when you open the mailbox and then go look for the file on the
server, it actually appears empty on the server though you are reading
a bunch of messages on the client side.  I figure this is to protect
the system from mailbox edits while the box is open... could royally
mess things up.

If I'm incorrect anywhere here or somebody knows all the nifty
details, feel free to correct and/or add.


 Thanks Sterling,
 I will perform the suggested testing -- I wouldn't want to turn something
 loose that mucks around in someone's mailbox until I was sure it was
 bulletproof AND that I understood exactly how it worked.
 I went back and checked the docs on "remove" and "clear"-- you're right
 (of course!), I remembered them wrong.  Thanks for "clearing "things up.
 If you know, does the server somehow flag an individual message as to
 whether the client has been informed of its presence in the mailbox; and not
 allow its deletion until it (the server) is sure the client knows about it?
 [That's one hellacious sentence!] (;-)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 4:49 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] pop question Re:
  Actually, neither will happen they way you have specified it.  This is
  because you have called REMOVE which will only remove the first
  element (use CLEAR).  But to answer the real question:
  bag: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  length? bag
  == 5
  and DO NOT close it while my program runs for, say, 10 minutes.
  If the server receives 3 more messages for me during that time and
  I then do:
  CLEAR bag ; !! note, CLEAR removes all items, REMOVE does one
  close bag
  All 5 items will be removed and the next time you check your mail you
  will have the 3 new messages.  It's easy to check since you can mail
  yourself some messages while you have the port open and I strongly
  suggest you do this for two reasons.  One, understanding usually comes
  better through doing than hearing and two, you will prove that is DOES
  work like this and will not worry that you got the wrong info from
  somebody else (like me).  And I don't want to responsible for lost
  email in case the server you access is totally weird. :)
   For you email gurus out there:
   I open an email port like this:
   bag: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   length? bag
   == 5
   and DO NOT close it while my program runs for, say, 10 minutes.
   If the server receives 3 more messages for me during that time and
   I then do:
   remove bag
   close bag
   Will only the original 5 messages be removed from the server or,
   since the port was left open, will all 8 of the messages be removed from
   server. (with me never knowing about the last 3.)
   Greg Coughlan

[REBOL] Small admin/report benchmark Re:

2000-09-18 Thread sterling

This is great!  I love to see stuff like this.  It'll help us get a
good sense for where we stand and it produces useful scripts to the
community at the same time.

I haven't had a chance to run the same test here but I will sometime.
Did you try parsing the whole file instead of line by line?  I would
think it would be a little faster that way.  Maybe I'll try that later 
as a break from /Command work.


[REBOL] Decode CGI with checkboxes Re:

2000-09-17 Thread sterling

Just don't make the object and scan the block yourself:
decode-cgi "foo=10foo=20"
== [foo: "10" foo: "20"] ; your data is intact
parse decode-cgi "foo=10foo=20" [
some [
copy wrd set-word! copy value string!
(print ["Name:" wrd "Value:" value])

So instead of printing them out you can do something with the values
you get for each word.  The suggestion to use make object! with
decode-cgi just makes handling most data very easy. In the less
frequent cases you may have to do a little work yourself.  Sorry.


 Hi, just wondering how you deal with checkboxes when doing CGI.
 if you do something like:
 cgi-data: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string
 you lose multiple values with the same name, like you'd have in the case of
 multiple selected checkboxes. I couldn't find anything about it in Rebol:
 The Official Guide. I did a search in all the code on the book's CD and
 found something that can aid you in generating the HTML for form elements,
 but nothing that lets you read them. Also, the example in Rebol's howto uses
 a checkbox, but only one! :) Anyone have any solutions? Thanks!

[REBOL] Challenging script idea Re:(5)

2000-08-30 Thread sterling

If it's a GPF that takes down the universe, you would be implying that 
we're all living in MS Universe 2000 or something like that.  Maybe
that's why we die, eh?  It's a bug in the system.


 Actually, I think one can make a stronger statement.  I suspect
 (without spending many brain-cycles on it) that the GENERAL
 question "Does function f1 do the same thing as function f2?"
 is formally unsolvable, in the same way that the halting problem
 has no general solution.
 If you can really find a way to do so, you'll cause a general
 protection fault that will crash the universe.  ;-)
  If you want to determine if two scripts are doing the same thing,
  you'd at least have to simulate their execution. That is, you
  can't determine that by just statically analyzing REBOL code.
  If you really find a way to do so, then you've found a way to
  compile REBOL code.
  Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
  Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] FTP error Re:(2)

2000-08-29 Thread sterling

Are you perhaps behind a firewall?  It looks like REBOL's FTP protocol 
is having trouble establishing the active connection for the data.
Try setting:

system/schemes/ftp/passive: true

and try it again.


 With a trace/net on, one can see that Rebol parses internally the URL,
 and I'm wondering if this is not the source of the problem :
 URL Parse: myname password ftp.xoom.com none backup/ FRANCO22 final.DWP
 Net-log: [
 ["PORT" port/locals/active-check] "200"]
 Net-log: "200 PORT command successful."
 Net-log: [
 ["TYPE A"] ["200"]]
 Net-log: "200 Type set to A."
 Net-log: [
 [join "LIST " port/target] ["150" "125"]]
 Net-log: {150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.}
 Net-log: [
 none "226"]
 Net-log: "226 Transfer complete."
 Net-log: [
 ["PORT" port/locals/active-check] "200"]
 Net-log: "200 PORT command successful."
 ** Access Error: Port none not open.
 ** Where: read/binary join xoom file
 So, is this a bug?

[REBOL] Challenging script idea Re:

2000-08-29 Thread sterling

Well, it sounded fun so here's what I've got.  The output running it
on the two files you talked about is at the bottom.  The diff shows a
list of blocks with tokens and a number which is how many times that
token was in the file.  You may see the same token listed in the diff
for each file if the number of appearances is different.

Well, enjoy!


Title: "Simple token diff"
Purpose: {
I don't know, really.  It just tries to
figure out how many REBOL tokens are different
between two files.  Somebody thought it would
be neat. ;)  Maybe they'll ake it complete and
fix whatever lurking bugs there are in this code.}
    Author: "Sterling Newton"

a: ask "File or URL #1? "
b: ask "File or URL #2? "

get-type: func [item [string!]] [
switch/default true reduce [
found? find item "://" [item: to-url item]
found? find item "%" [item: to-file next item]
] [a: to-file a]

a: get-type a
b: get-type b

; the unique tokens and totals blocks
foreach item [a-tokens b-tokens a-totals b-totals] [
set item copy []

file1: load/next a
file2: load/next b

tokenize-block: func [
blk [block!] tokens [block!] totals [block!]
/local tmp idx]
while [not empty? blk] [
either block? blk/1 [
tokenize-block load/next form blk/1 tokens totals
] [
either tmp: find tokens blk/1 [
idx: index? tmp
totals/:idx/2: totals/:idx/2 + 1
] [
append tokens blk/1
repend/only totals [blk/1 1]
blk: load/next blk/2

tokenize-block load/next file1 a-tokens a-totals
tokenize-block load/next file2 b-tokens b-totals

print ["The two files differ by:" length? difference a-tokens b-tokens "tokens."]
print ["- Tokens in" a "not in" b "-"]
foreach item intersect diff: difference a-totals b-totals a-totals [
probe item

print ["- Tokens in" b "not in" a "-"]
foreach item intersect diff b-totals [
probe item

 Don't laugh, but...
 I was noticing in the script library (web section)
 that mailpage.r and websend.r are identical.  So
 here's the challenge: as powerful as parse (and other
 language processing features) is, can someone come up
 with a script that would analyze the tokens in a pair
 of scripts and determine when they are essentially the same?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

== results from the two web page emailing scripts ==

 do %/home/moses/temp/diff.r
File or URL #1? http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html
File or URL #2? http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html 
The two files differ by: 14 tokens.
- Tokens in http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html not in 
http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html -
[Email 2]
[a 2]
[Page 1]
[mailpage.r 1]
[10-Sep-1999 1]
[page. 1]
[(simple) 1]
[http://www.rebol.com/releases.html/font 1]
- Tokens in http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html not in 
http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html -
[Page 2]
[Emailer 1]
[websend.r 1]
[20-May-1999 1]
[Fetch 1]
[a 1]
[and 1]
[it 1]
[as 1]
[email. 1]
[email 1]
[http://www.rebol.com/font 1]

[REBOL] Linked list in rebol Re:

2000-07-03 Thread sterling

Well, as you know, you get doubly linked lists for free in REBOL.
That's called a block.  To do the other part, I'd just make the items
in your block another block or an object.  Then hold an index in one
of the vars in that.

triple: copy [] ; the linked list
foreach item [[none 42] [4 9700] [1 15] [3 1846]] [
repend triple item

now there are four items in triple.  Each item is a block where the
first number is what you call *mrk in your structure and the second
number is the num you have in your struct.  The marker is an index
back into triple so that you can do 'pick triple triple/2/1' and that
will bring back the block indexed by the third link of the second item 
in triple, namely item number four "[3 1846]".

Another thing you could do is put an actual reference to triple into 
the block:
repend triple [skip triple 3 675]

This way the first item in the block is actually a refernce into the
triple block.

You could do this with objects as well instead of blocks but I'll
leave that excercise to the reader.  The implementation you choose
should be the one best suited for your application.  Take into account
all the uses of that third link, how much data you want to store in
this item, and how you will be manipulating it.


   I'd like to implement a *triple* linked list in rebol.
 Below is a "c" structure: I'd welcome advice on how
 to translate this to a rebol data structure.
 If I'm correct, the nxt and prv elements are encapsulated
 by a rebol list. What I'd like to figure out is how to
 manually reference another node in the list.
 (the mrk element)
   typedef struct test_node
 struct test_node *nxt; // points to next node
 struct test_node *prv; // points to previous node
 struct test_node *mrk; // points to a randomly selected node
 long num;
 Thanks In Advance

[REBOL] Webcam URL Re:(4)

2000-06-30 Thread sterling

  I'm more concerned as to why the tree to the right, looks like a giant
  snarling rat?
 It totally does!!!

It totally is!!
Why do you think we get so much done around here?  We have to wait 
until it goes to sleep to leave the office. :)


[REBOL] recursive RIP Re:(3)

2000-06-23 Thread sterling

By the way, thanks to everybody who posted those fixed up scripts.  It 
saved me some work I didn't have time to spend.  I'm not out of the
hotseat yet so I better run.

Thanks again! (:


[REBOL] load Re:

2000-06-23 Thread sterling

It is meant for dealing with markup languages like HTML, XML, and
sothers in a simple way; try:

foo: load/markup http://www.yahoo.com

or any other site you like.  You'll see that you get back a block of
tags and strings... it kind of unzips the web page.


   Does anybody know what the markup refinement for load does ?
   Like in :
   load/markup %file

[REBOL] recursive RIP

2000-06-22 Thread sterling

I'm guessing that somebody out there has modified the original RIP
script to be recursive.  I'm in the middle of some stuff and could
sure use that right about now.  Anyone want to help me out and mail it 
to me, post it to the list, or post it to REBOL.org?



[REBOL] Bcc?? Re:

2000-06-16 Thread sterling

An important note is that when yo uuse SEND, the [block of addresses]
is, by default, entirely Bcc.  If you want it to show up in the
destination email with the list of people you sent it to, you'll want
to use send/header and make a header object like below.  Then you'll
want to set the to field to the comma separated list of addresses:


header: make system/standard/email [
to: replace/all form send-to " " ", "
cc: replace/all form cc-to " " ", "
subject: "Message subject"

with any other headers you like.

send/header join join send-to cc-to bcc-to "message text" header

and it should be off.  And the other end sees that you sent the email
to two people, and cc'd two others while you actually sent it to 6.
If you want to add the Bcc header to the ones you Bcc'd, then just
mail those after and add the Bcc header field for them.

Bottom line is that REBOL is not trying to pretend to be an emailer.
You get to decide how you want your mail to look.  If you want an
extra reference, check out the %attach.r script on REBOL.org under the 
'email area of the script library.  I wrote that to send mail with
MIME attachements (looks like you're doing the same given that content 
type header) and it does what I've explained above.


 does anyone know how to
 create a custom email header
 that includes Bcc.
 This is what I tried:
 header: make system/standard/email [
Bcc: tommy
MIME-Version: "1.0"
Subject: "Thank-you  :)"
 Content-Type: join {multipart/mixed; boundary=}
 Thanks, timmy

[REBOL] downloading big file via http Re:(2)

2000-06-12 Thread sterling

 url: http://www.someserver/somefile.rm
  http: open/direct/binary url
  print "http opened."
 while [true] [
   w: wait [http]
 {more code here}
 it fails on the w: wait[http] line. why?
 wait works on a tcp port, I know that from another project.
   Does wait not work with an http port?

That might be a bug... it's being looked into.

 I ran the url through my IE browser and it never timed out,
 but you could watch, after about around a megabyte of data,
 the download rate would plummet as if the server basically
 lost interest in the request.
 Then, I found that after cancelling, when I requested the same
 url, IE was smart enough to just resume where it left off.
 Well, it took about 20 re-tries, but I eventually got the 14.3 MB file.

IE resumed the download because it hadn't wiped the file from it's
cache just yet... you're lucky with a file that big.

 Now, don't tell me you are going to let IE lick you!

NEVER  Divide and conquer!  Remember the Alamo!  I've not yet
begun to fight!

 How can I do the same thing (dowload the whole file) in Rebol?

You need to invoke a magic incantation and sacrifice your Perl
installation to your newfound REBOL gods.

 is there a way to specify restarting a download in Rebol http?

Funny you should ask.  I've just been discussing this exact thing with 
Julian Kinraid.  He's already modified both the FTP and HTTP protocols 
to allow restarts of downloads.  We'll be covering these possible
additions in our next devel meeting but that stuff wouldn't be out
'til next release and I'd hate to make you all wait like that.

So what I'm going to do is post some unsupported protcols onto
REBOL.org that have these modifications.  It'll take a little time so
don't _expect_ them to be there by the time you see this mail though
they might be.  I'll make the page at:


So you can check back there for them.  I'll post a message when it's
all there.

 is there a way to set it so it won't timeout?
 Note: the timeout is actually on the client side,
 because IE never times out...?

I don't think so right now.

 The file I am trying to download is
 It's basically a capture of a couple of hours of Irish radio.

You also asked in another message about the size of the file.  IF the
server reports it (and you trust that), then once you do open/direct
on the http file, you can use port/size to see the size:

 http: open/direct/binary http://www.grafxsource.com/RnaG/6-3-00-Caitlin-45.rm
== 15182055

Yup.  It's big.
Well, you'll excuse me now.  I just promised to do something and I
guess I'll do it now.


[REBOL] restart in FTP and HTTP

2000-06-12 Thread sterling

OK.  Two scripts have been posted to REBOL.org though not yet linked
from the main page.  Go to:


for a brief text blurb and the files.  These are the FTP and HTTP
protocols modified so that a wisely formed read/custom call will make
use of the partial read functionality of many web browsers and the
restart command that exists in some ftp servers.

If these changes make it into a full release version of REBOL then
thes files will be removed from this location never to be seen from
again as they perish into /dev/null.


If I totally messed up and the files fail all over the place for you
I'll fix them quickly so they work but they are unsupported so nobody
is going to constantly be updating them with bug fixes as you find
servers they don't work on.  If somebody wants to take it on as their
script, then just grab it and post it back into the REBOL.org script
library.  Then you can update it all you like.

Party on Wayne!  Party on Garth!

[REBOL] detach.r Re:

2000-06-09 Thread sterling

Take another look at the detach function.  It expects the wohle email
message as text, including all the headers and everything.  If you
already have the imported email object, you should be able to change
the top of the detach func to look like this:

detach: func [
{Takes in the whole email text and returns a block of filenames
and decoded base64 attachments present in the email}
mail [object!]
headers: mail
print "Starting decoding process..."
boundary: headers/content-type

.. rest of script...

and then call 'detach msg'


 I am trying to detach an attachment (.jpg image) from an e-mail using the 
 script detach.r from the REBOL script library. Unfortunately, I am getting an 
 error, as follows...
  detach msg/content
 starting decoding process...
 ** Script Error: find expected series argument of type
 : series port bitset.
 ** Where: if boundary: find/tail boundary {boundary="}
 In the 'msg/content, there is no {boundary="} statement. Instead, there is a {--
 Message-Boundary-11825} statement.
 My question is: Is my Pegasus e-mail client sending some non-standard 
 "boundary" indicator? Is there any way to set this up so that the script will 
 work with most e-mail clients?
 I can't find any other information in the REBOL docs or examples about 
 detaching e-mail attachments.
 Thanks. Detailed msg/content and detach.r script information follows...
 The msg/content looks as follows...

cut out the rest

[REBOL] detach.r Re:(3)

2000-06-09 Thread sterling

Hmmm... well, it got all the attachment parts but blew out right at
the end.

Try changing:
if find/match body "--" [print "breaking... attachents finished" break] ; 
we're at the end of the message attachments
if any [find/match body "--" not fimd headers/content "^/--"] [print 
"breaking... attachents finished" break] ; we're at the end of the message attachments

That way, it should gracefully exit if it either finds the proper end
marker or if it can't find another attachment.


 Doing as you said overcame the problem of the function looking for a string! 
 instead of an object!
  detach msg
 starting decoding process...
 == none
 Then I had to change
if boundary: find/tail boundary {boundary="}
if boundary: find/tail boundary {boundary=}
  do %detach.r
 Script: "Save email attachments to disk" (9-Jun-1999)
  detach msg
 starting decoding process...
 Boundary string: Message-Boundary-1182
 Found message attachment; remaining length: 6451
 Found message attachment; remaining length: 6309
 Found message attachment; remaining length: 5687
 Found message attachment; remaining length: 5
 ** Script Error: copy expected range argument of type: number series
 ** Where: file: copy/part headers/content find body:
 Again, is the {boundary=} statement sent by Pegasus causing problems?

[REBOL] http authorisation - how? Solution Re:(6)

2000-06-09 Thread sterling

 Allen K
 (Look like Digest might be my first chance to write a protocol :-)

First chance, Allen!!
I'll give you a chance at IMAP, LDAP, or SNMP. ;)
You can do it!

and if you start that protocol and need any help, don't hesitate to
ask.  We'd love to see more protocols get added.


[REBOL] Getting an URL from a form Re:(6)

2000-06-08 Thread sterling

I did some work on this myself.  It's a bit annoying when sites don't
have a mechanism for a GET HTTP request.  A while back Martin
Johannesson wrote a simple http-post script to do those requests.
Then, to help automate it a bit, I wrote a form parser that reads a
web page, parses out a form and returns an object with that info in it 
so you can see what it requires to post it back.  In the case you are
talking about, here's what I can do:

 probe parse-form http://www.hembiocenter.se/menu.asp
make object! [
method: 'post
action: "search.asp"
inputs: [word: none search: "actor" search: "title"]
hidden: []

Then just change some fields so that your values are filled into the
inputs block for the words you want...
== [word: "sleepy+hollow" search: "actor" search: "title]

since 'search' appears twice, it's the radio buttons and the last one
will be used.  Then...

 page: http-post-form http://www.hembiocenter.se/search.asp inputs

and presto!  You have your page.  On pages with hidden inputs, you
will have to do an 'append inputs hidden' to pass the rest of the form 
data on.

Both scripts are available form rebol.org...


Anyway, it'll help when you want to use a form where there is no
alternate GET method to use.


[REBOL] Rebol/View Win32 and REBOL_HOME envvar Re:

2000-06-08 Thread sterling

Try setting REBOL_VIEW instead of REBOL_HOME... that work better?


 I managed to track down a nifty util called WINSET that allows me to set
 an evironment variable during the netlogon procedure. The variable is
 visable to any application launched after it is set (i.e.
 start-run-command, type 'set' and REBOL_HOME will be there) but
 Rebol/view doesn't seem to honor the setting as it says in the docs (var
 first, current dir second).  Anyone have any insight on this matter?

[REBOL] Timeout Re:

2000-06-06 Thread sterling

can be set to a time, the default is 30 seconds.
That'll set the timeout for all protocols... you can just change one
if you want, like system/schemes/ftp/timeout: 200

Happy slow modeming!


 Thanks to all who ask to my (stupid) questions.
 I have a new one:
 How I can increase the timeout value?
 The problem is that I get an "timeout" error when the dial-up line it's
 "blocked" with another job.
 Thanks in advance,

[REBOL] FTP crashes rebol Re:(3)

2000-06-06 Thread sterling

FTP can do quite a number of things... we don't implement them all
because the "standard" or "required" set of commands is rather small
and support for the extra features is not guaranteed.  Within REBOL
right now, you can:

read, write, append to, delete, and rename files
read, make, delete, and rename dirs

I think that's the list.  However, the FTP protocol itself has many
other commands that are optionally supported by servers.
There is a command to restart a broken transfer at a specified point,
and a few that can specify the structure of the target file system or
file to be used... I'm not really dure how they get used or how many
servers implement stuff like that.

Append is probably the only thing there you didn't know about.  FTP
cannot do any mid-file editing within the protocol... for that you'd
have to transfer the whole file back and forth and do the edit

It might be neat to implement some way to get that download restart
command worked in but how do you put that info into the URL?


 Sterling, in your note to Tim to say that
 append should work, although it would be slow and inefficient.
 Is this really true?  I didn't think you could modify parts
 of files using FTP.  What can FTP really do?

[REBOL] FTP crashes rebol Re:(3)

2000-06-06 Thread sterling

Really?  It worked for me... but I'm on Linux.
Try it with 'trace/net on'

trace/net on

DstFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.txt
SrcFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.bak
text: read/lines DstFile
if exists? SrcFile [delete SrcFile]
rename DstFile SrcFile
foreach line text [
write/append DstFile join line newline

So if you do that to a small file (just 2-3 lines), what does the
trace show is happening?


 Hi Sterling:
   Sorry, your modification resulted in a crash also.
 write/append DstFile [line newline]
 Be interesting to see if there are different results regarding
 other OS's. Windows isn't all that stable anyway. 
 Oh well!
 At 10:50 PM 6/5/00 -0700, you wrote:
 Well, this is untested code as I'm crunching away on some other stuff, 
 but try:
 foreach line text
   print line
   write/append DstFile [line newline] ;HOPEFULLY DOES NOT CRASH HERE!!
 instead.  Yes it's probably _very_ slow plus the other thing should
 never crash REBOL.  That will be looked into.
  I'm reposting this, as I've had no takers from the
  previous, and I note that Holger may be monitoring
  I have tried a couple of different approaches to rewrite a file
  and an FTP site, and the result is always that rebol crashes
  and Dr. Watson intervenes.
  (Current version of view).
  Here's the code, I'd welcome comments.
  DstFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.txt
  SrcFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.bak
  text: read/lines DstFile
  if exists? SrcFile [delete SrcFile]
  rename DstFile SrcFile
  ;print type? text
  DstPort: open/new/write DstFile
  foreach line text
print line
append DstPort [line newline] ;CRASHES HERE!!
  close DstPort
  ; I am running from a Win NT 4.0 Workstation Platform with upgrade 
  ;  5.0
  ; I am writing to a Linux machine.
  I can make this work if I do the rewrite on my machine and then
  FTP it to the site, but it would be just wonderful if I can do
  the backup and editing at the site.

[REBOL] Newbie Help with Email Processing Re:

2000-06-06 Thread sterling

Well, I'm sure you'll get lots of other responses but I'm in an email
mode so I'll get you going...

pop: open pop://email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

That'll open up the pop mailbox.  At this point, pop is just like any
other block in REBOL except that the items in it are now the email
messages that are in your mailbox.  So you can do things like this:

length? pop ; how many messages are there?
print first pop ; print the first message
print last pop ; print the last message

probe msg: import-email first pop ; import the a message into an

either in msg 'reference [print ["Reference:" msg/reference] [print
   "No reference"] ; print the reference if there is one

!! The follwing are permanent !!
'remove pop' will delete the message that you can read with 'print
first pop' from the mailbox -- this is permanent!!
'clear pop' will delete all messages from the current pop location on
  This will empty the mailbox if pop is at the head - 'head? pop'

? send ; for info on the send function to send mail

and throw in a loop like FOR, FOREACH, or FORALL, and... watch out!
You're almost done!


 Hi Rebols !
 I'm brand new to this language/philosophy but it looks real promising.
 I'm definetly going to learn this...
 I've got a concrete exercise that I want to solve using rebol so that I can
 learn quicker.
 I guess I'm hoping somebody will help a beginner get off to a flying start.
 So here goes ...
 I have mail going to a specific user called "email" that contains a header
 field called "reference:"
 This "reference" field contains the email address of the intended recipient.
 I'd like to read this field, parse the email address and resend the email
 to this new address (including the message body of course).
 The message should then be deleted from "emails" mailbox.
 I need to check the "email" mailbox (say every 5 minutes) to see if any new
 messages have arrived and forward them to the "real" intended recipient.
 Here is an example mailbox file belonging to "email"
 Mailbox-- START 
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed May 31 16:25:54 2000
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from mailer1.mydomain.com
  by mailf.mydomain.com (Postfix) with SMTP id BC2B11FA0A
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 31 May 2000 16:25:54 +0200 (CEST)
 Received: from mailer1.mydomain.com with TCP; Wed, 31 May 2000 16:19:43
 Date:  Wed, 31 May 2000 16:19:43 +
 Subject:  Testmail 1
 Reference:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Body Text for email 1.
 From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed May 31 16:26:28 2000
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from mailer1.mydomain.com with TCP; Wed, 31 May 2000 16:20:17
 Date:  Wed, 31 May 2000 16:20:17 +
 Subject:  testmail 2
 Reference:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Body Text for email 2.
   Mailbox-- END 
 I realise this is probably trivial - REBOL can obviously do powerful things
 with a few lines of code.
 I've read the manuals and looked at the library examples regarding mail but
 seem to get started properly (sigh .. so much to learn, so fast ...)

[REBOL] FTP crashes rebol Re:

2000-06-05 Thread sterling

Well, this is untested code as I'm crunching away on some other stuff, 
but try:

foreach line text
  print line
  write/append DstFile [line newline] ;HOPEFULLY DOES NOT CRASH HERE!!

instead.  Yes it's probably _very_ slow plus the other thing should
never crash REBOL.  That will be looked into.


 I'm reposting this, as I've had no takers from the
 previous, and I note that Holger may be monitoring
 I have tried a couple of different approaches to rewrite a file
 and an FTP site, and the result is always that rebol crashes
 and Dr. Watson intervenes.
 (Current version of view).
 Here's the code, I'd welcome comments.
 DstFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.txt
 SrcFile: ftp://usr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/log.bak
 text: read/lines DstFile
 if exists? SrcFile [delete SrcFile]
 rename DstFile SrcFile
 ;print type? text
 DstPort: open/new/write DstFile
 foreach line text
   print line
   append DstPort [line newline] ;CRASHES HERE!!
 close DstPort
 ; I am running from a Win NT 4.0 Workstation Platform with upgrade 
 ;  5.0
 ; I am writing to a Linux machine.
 I can make this work if I do the rewrite on my machine and then
 FTP it to the site, but it would be just wonderful if I can do
 the backup and editing at the site.

[REBOL] emacs colors Re:(5)

2000-05-17 Thread sterling

Here's what I've got...
The first line insures that where I put my rebol.el file is in the
load path, it loads the file, requires it (whatever that's worth I
don't know exactly), then adds the hook and associates .r files.

(setq load-path (cons "/usr/lib/xemacs/site-lisp" load-path))
(load "rebol")
(require 'rebol)
(add-hook 'rebol-mode-hook (lambda () (font-lock-mode 1)))
(setq auto-mode-alist
  (cons (cons "\\.r\\'" 'rebol-mode) auto-mode-alist))


 Hello sterling,
 Tuesday, May 16, 2000, 7:15:44 PM, you wrote:
 src print emacs-mode: read http://www.rebol.org/rebol.el
 Thank you.
 Now I'm not this good at emacs, the program is very good, but i
 cannot figure out where to put the rebol.el file and how to
 include/start it in emacs.
 I tried:
 ESC-x load-file pathrebol.el
 (add-hook 'rebol-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
 neither one works, may be because this isn't the right way?
 Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom

[REBOL] emacs colors Re:(3)

2000-05-16 Thread sterling

print emacs-mode: read http://www.rebol.org/rebol.el



 I think someone name Sterling...
 you might try [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 He sent me a module for emacs (or was it
 vi/vim) several months ago, but I no longer
 have it.

[REBOL] emacs colors Re:

2000-05-15 Thread sterling

print data: read http://www.rebol.org/rebol.el

It's not perfect as the indentation on close blocks is wrong and it
gets freaked out sometimes by the occasional multiline string.  But
it's still good and useful.


 Is there a Rebol-syntax hightlighting module for emacs?

[REBOL] Limit on data in CGI Post? Re:(2)

2000-04-19 Thread sterling

CGI POST calls will send the data you want to the CGI process.  When
yo uare handling it yo umay need multiple reads to get it all... it
may not all be there when you do your first read.  You'll notice that
with POST you also get some headers and one of them should tell you
how much data to expect.  Therefore you can write a read loop to get
it all.

You would most likely need to check to make sure that the port is
still open as well as read from it (copy) to deal with data transfer
delays and all.

Also, decode-cgi is only for the GET request and not for POST.  Yo
uwill find that POST data has a more complex structure... almost like
an email with attachments.  You will have to deal with that data


 On Wed, Apr 19, 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've done some more digging, and it looks like Rebol 
isn't reading
 enough data from the standard input.
  I'm getting my posted data using the following:
   stdin: make string! 128000  
   read-io system/ports/input stdin 128000
   raw-cgi: decode-cgi stdin
   cgi-obj: make object! raw-cgi
 Oddly different browsers send different amounts of text. With Internet
 Explorer 5.0 only the first 4096 bytes are read. With Netscape 4.7 only
 2920 bytes are read. With Netscape 6 only 2847 bytes are read. And with
 iCab only 3688 bytes are read.
 Since read-io doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, I'm not quite sure
 how to go about fixing this problem. I tried submitting this same hunk of
 text on a form on another website (my weblog on www.editthispage.com) and
 it went through just fine. So I'm assuming that this is an issue with my
 Rebol code. 

[REBOL] Problem with SMTP Re:

2000-04-12 Thread sterling

If you have a proxy set, REBOL will go through it by default.  You can 
make a list of bypass machines like this:
system/schemes/default/proxy/bypass: ["center.uniba.sk"]

That should bypass the proxy when it connects to your mail server.


  I have problem with network settings in REBOL (tested with Win98 and
 Linux RH6.2). When I set correct SMTP server and proxy server (3 CERN)
 I can't send email. But when I set only SMTP server without proxy it's ok.
 In ethereal (network sniffer) I can see correct communication when I haven't
 proxy. But when I have PROXY in ethereal is communication with PROXY(why?)
 but nothing with SMTP server. There are only 5 packets. Two standard UDP
 with DNS query for PROXY host name, and then 3 packets with PROXY.
 Here are my user.r
 set-net [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] center.fmph.uniba.sk none 
proxy.sturak.sk 8080 generic ]
 Please tell me what's wrong.
   Peter Hanusiak

[REBOL] [REBOL]string to series function Re:(3)

2000-04-10 Thread sterling

Fair enough.
I have little time to give a complete course on parse so I went for
the shortest version.  I expected to see a few other responses to this 
thread as well and sure enough the old-time REBOL-masters of the
outside world give a more full answer than us insiders have time for.

Take it easy guys,

 Hi Sterling,
 one little detail: your approach works well enough with this particular
 example because space is one of the desired delimiters.
 Conceivably Tim may want a more universal solution that enables him to
 determine whether or not he wants to include spaces in his parse rule. In
 that case IMHO it would be more appropriate to use parse's all refinement
 and - for the sake of this particular example - include space explicitly as
 a delimiter in the rule:
 With space:
  parse/all "one#two%three four" "%# "
 == ["one" "two" "three" "four"]
 Without space
  parse/all "one#two%three four" "%#"
 == ["one" "two" "three four"]
 Note that the second version returns "three four" as one string because
 space is not included in the rule.

[REBOL] new proxy server and related problems ... Re:(3)

2000-03-03 Thread sterling

The new proxy server is probably a Squid proxy server, which means
that the proxy-type needs to be set to 'generic, not 'socks or

I assume that your netscape settings have the host and port number
listed under the http proxy area, not under socks.  Anyway, try it as
generic and see if that fixes the problem.


  Hi Petr,
  have you tried to set the http proxy settings? I.e.
   system/schemes/http/proxy/host: proxy.sec.trz.cz
   system/schemes/http/proxy/port-id: 3128
   system/schemes/http/proxy/type:  'socks.
   system/schemes/http/proxy/user: none
   system/schemes/http/proxy/pass: none
 the strange thing is - netscape works. Well, I tried above, just instead of
 'socks I used 'socks5 and instead of both 'none I used 'false, in other case
 REBOL would use my default scheme's proxy setting, where I have 'user and
 'pass set.
 btw: shouldn't be proxy.sec.trz.cz enclosed in quotes? :-)
 but, what is the system/schemes/http/host and system/schemes/http/port-id
 for? I even tried set system/schemes/http/port-id to 3128, or directly site:
 read http://www.rebol.com:3128, but it still doesn't help. Will
 www.rebol.com be used for system/schemes/http/host?
 It's strange direct communication with proxy server works fine, but 'read
 should work too imho, unless there is bug in http protocol implementation???

[REBOL] ftp limits? Re:(3)

2000-03-01 Thread sterling

Hi Nigel,

I tried this and did get a timeout but I also got a timeout under
Netscape reading the same site and received no directory listeing
there either.  That, unfortunately, tells me nothing other than the
server is really slow.  You mention that you always get "some error or 
timeout", so what error other than a timeout have you received?  That
may be of some use.


 Thanks for that. The directory that causes the problem is set drwxr-xr-x and
 all the files are -r--r--r--. So I don't think this is the same problem.
 This certainly looks like a bug in Rebol to me. The directory downloaded
 through an ftp client results in a 137k download (about 1500 files). I
 suspect the problem is caused by the number of files.
 I really do need an answer on this - if Rebol cannot do what I want I need
 save my efforts and look elsewhere.
 If anyone want to give it a try...
 system/schemes/default/timeout: 1000
 print read
 ftp://anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_o
 Replace email_address with you correct email address (all activity is
 Depending on proxy/no proxy/Rebol platform you always get some error or
 timeout without the directory listing ever being received.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 11:40 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Re: ftp limits?
  This might be completely unrelated, but I've noticed some other odd stuff.
  When reading directories with links, or the links themselves, sometimes
  strage things happen, example:
  *reading a dir*
  ## list: read ftp://ftp.aminet.net/pub/aminet/recent/
  URL Parse: none none ftp.aminet.net none pub/aminet/recent/ none
  Net-log: [["PORT" port/locals/active-check] "200"]
  Net-log: "200 PORT command successful."
  Net-log: [["LIST" "."] ["150" "125"]]
  Net-log: {150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /bin/ls.}
  Net-log: [
  none "226"]
  ** Access Error: Network timeout.
  ** Where: list: read ftp://ftp.aminet.net/pub/aminet/recent/


[REBOL] ftp limits? Re:(4)

2000-03-01 Thread sterling

Somebody will take a look at it.  I did manage to get the same server
response error which I think is generated if the server times out
before REBOL does and closes the connection.  REBOL expects to hear
something back and does not so it fails to parse the empty response.

Thanks for the info Larry, Nigel.


 Hi Nigel, Sterling
 There does appear to be some kind of problem with the REBOL ftp is this
 instance. I was able to get the dir listing with WS-FTP although the server
 was slow (took about 150 seconds).
 With REBOL I got (don't need the user e-mail if set-net has e-mail
  system/schemes/default/timeout: 5000
 == 5000
  list-dir ftp://ftp.europe.ibm.com/aix/fixes/cad/other/catia_oem_v4/IRIX/
 connecting to: ftp.europe.ibm.com
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 421 Timeout (1800 seconds): closing control
 ** Where: list-dir
 I had no problem getting the dir lists for each of the parent directories
 using REBOL, so I am inclined to agree with your speculation that the number
 of files or the time required for the server to send them is part of the
 problem. Based on the tests with WS-FTP, the server should have sent back
 the dir-list in about 180 seconds, REBOL apparently was unable to receive or
 acknowledge this, leading to the server timeout at 1800 seconds.
 The results of using 'trace/net are shown below. I have CC'd this to
 feedback, perhaps Sterling or someone else at Rebol tech can diagnose the
 problem? (I see Sterling has already replied:-)
 I just tried WS-FTP a seond time. It took 120 seconds for the dir-list to
 start downloading. The dir-list was fine.
 Hope this helps

[REBOL] Unknown script error Re:

2000-03-01 Thread sterling

I haven't been keeping up with the beginning of this thread at all so
I don't know what you are doing exactly (and don't have much time to
deal with it too much myself either).  However, I'm guessing that
these are ftp transfers you are dealing with, right?  That line you
are wondering about is part of the protocols system of talking to the 
server.  The error occurred because REBOL was expecting a response
from a command sent to the FTP server and did not get an answer.
Maybe the server closed the connection.  Do you have a long timeout
set for the transaction?  If so, the server may timeout before REBOL
does and close the connection on you causing REBOL to throw that


 I am trying to author a script to download via ftp.  Yesterday I hurdled the
 problem of getting files bigger than 16 MB by using a function suggested by
 John to "chunk" the files into smaller pieces thus avoiding memory problems.
 Today, I have another problem.  It appears that I cannot transfer too many
 bytes in one batch.  I can transfer hundreds of small files at a time, no
 problem.  I can transfer a single file 100MB, a little slow, but no
 problem.  The problem lies when I transfer 5 files totaling 200+ MB.  I get
 a script error, either after or during (I am not sure on what line it dies)
 the transfer of the last file.  The error reads:
 ** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series port bitset.
 ** Where: if not find/match/any server-said response
 Funny thing is 1) It looks like the files transferred fine when I look at
 the resulting directory, and 2) the line "if not find/match/any server-said
 response" does not exist anywhere in my script or any other rebol script on
 my system.
 Any clues would again be appreciated.

[REBOL] [REBOL] Multipart emails Re:

2000-02-23 Thread sterling

Check out www.rebol.org.
Lots of cool scripts there including scripts to attach and detach
files in email.


 Does anybody know how (or has written something) to handle multipart email
 messages? I mean things like listing, extracting attachments from a message
 when reading it, or composing an email message consisting of a number of

[REBOL] Search Engine Re:

2000-02-11 Thread sterling

Now that's really cool Paul!  I just had a chance to take a look and
you've done a really good job of it.  I wanted to add the highliting
features like you have to the REBOL.org list-archive search engine but 
never got to it.

ANyway, great job!


 The Rebol search engine at Paul's Rebol Page has now been submitted to
 several of the large search engines, ie. Altavista, Hotbot, etc...
 Hopefully you will have any easier way of finding it in the future.
 As always enjoy.
 Paul Tretter
 Paul's Rebol Page

[REBOL] HTTP username/password Re:(3)

2000-01-25 Thread sterling

If you grab proxy.r from REBOL.org and run that you can see what you
browser sends and maybe that'll shed light on it.


 here's the results of turning on the trace...
  trace/net on
  do %getsecurepage.r
 Script: "Secure Page Retreival" (25-Jan-2000)
 http://webuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mysite/
 URL Parse: webuser letmein none mysite/ none
 Net-log: ["Opening tcp for" HTTP]
 connecting to:
 Net-log: {GET /mysite/ HTTP/1.0
 Accept: */*
 User-Agent: REBOL
 Authorization: Basic d2VidXNlcjpsZXRtZWlu
 Net-log: "HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied"
 ** User Error: Error.  Target url: could not be
 retrieved.  Server r
 esponse: HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied.
 ** Where: print read http_file
 To me - it looks like REBOL simply parses out the username:password from
 the URL.  But I'm not sure what the results of the trace mean.  I can see
 that the Authorization chalenge comes up - the little box that pops up in
 your browser when accessing a password protected resource is referred to
 as "Basic Authentication" - not just in Microsoft's parlance.
 So - I'd say the server is responding appropriately - but that REBOL isn't
 reacting to it correctly, and not handing it the username and password...
 - Porter Woodward

[REBOL] Strange problem with --cgi Re:

2000-01-18 Thread sterling

#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -cs

That should solve your problem.


 I can't seem to get cgi-bin stuff working properly, and the problem seems
 sort of strange.  I'm using the latest Rebol on a late (2.2 kernel) Red Hat
 Linux.  I have a file (test-cgi.r) which has the magic incantation on the
 first line:
 #! /usr/local/bin/rebol --cgi -s

[REBOL] Strange problem with --cgi Re:(3)

2000-01-18 Thread sterling

You sure your webserver is set up properly?
What're you using anyway?


 Nope, same symptoms.  --cgi and -c are synonyms, no?  When I change the first
 line to #!/usr/local/bin/rebol -cs, I get the same behavior as with blah --cgi
 -s, namely:  Rebol initialization strings print, and the interpreter does not
 exit when the script is finished.
  #!/usr/local/bin/rebol -cs
  That should solve your problem.
   I can't seem to get cgi-bin stuff working properly, and the problem seems
   sort of strange.  I'm using the latest Rebol on a late (2.2 kernel) Red Hat
   Linux.  I have a file (test-cgi.r) which has the magic incantation on the
   first line:
   #! /usr/local/bin/rebol --cgi -s

[REBOL] Syntax Highlighting Re:

2000-01-13 Thread sterling

read http://www.rebol.org/rebol.el

No guarantees about it... I use it in XEmacs and Jeff uses it in
normal Emacs but others have reported that it does "nothing at all"
for them.


 Are there any syntax highlighting files for Rebol out there? There was
 discussion about one for Emacs on the list, but I don't know if they ever
 figured out whether that worked or not. Does it, and is there anything for
 other editors? I'd like to contribute a syntax file for EditPlus, which is
 the editor I use for Windows. I guess I'll just go grab a list of keywords
 from the dictionary. Later all.

[REBOL] Personal Web Server Re:(3)

2000-01-07 Thread sterling

Well, that set of instructions has worked for others before.  The HTTP 
header problem may be there if your script does not print out a line
like "content-type: text/html" at the top with a blank line after it.
And usually REBOL is popping up because the -c or --cgi option was not 
set up properly so that REBOL runs in CGI mode.

I thikn that info for WinNT may have been missing the --cgi part in
the line 'c:\path\to\rebol.exe --cgi %s %s'.  There should be a --cgi
in there to prevent the window from popping up and do all the useful
CGI stuff.


 Hate to be slow, but I followed the directions (I think) to the T--.  When I
 tried to run a simple form with the code from your howto page, I got the
 CGI Error
 The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
 HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
 Also, when I submitted the script, an instance of Rebol opened on my
 machine??  Any suggestions?

[REBOL] Personal Web Server Re:

2000-01-06 Thread sterling

Get message number 38514 from SELMA or read it at rebol.org:


 I have searched the mailing list for PWS and CGI and even Microsoft...but
 have not found information on setting up Rebol to work (cgi) with Personal
 Web Server?
 Can someone either tell me, or point to a message thread?
 Thanks in advance,
 Mark Woodward

[REBOL] emacs mode Re:(2)

1999-12-27 Thread sterling

It does nothing?  Even if you load up a script and then do
'Meta-X rebol-mode'?  Odd.


 Something like
 However, it does nothing (zero, zip) to the installation of EMacs at my
 university, so I wish you better luck.
 Kind regards,


1999-12-23 Thread sterling

Try this... you just need to write out and read in as binary to get
the file read and sent properly.


#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -csq


file: read/binary %test.xls  ; file is 17920 bytes long

prin [ 
{Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="file"} newline 
{Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file"} newline newline]

write-io system/ports/output file length? file

 I wrote CGI script in REBOL, and I run it, but script doesn't work.
 I running this script on FreeBSD server (WWW Apache server).
 I write something like that
 ;-- begin
 #!/usr/local/bin/rebol -csq
 file: read %test.xls  ; file is 17920 bytes long
 prin [ 
 {Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="file"} newline 
 {Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file"} newline newline]
 print file
 When i run this script (typing in browser http://aaa.bbb.cc/cgi-bin/examples/test)
 browser ask me on filename and send to me file, but saved file have only 5340 bytes 
 What I can transfer file in binry mode
 Please help me, it's very important to me, because i can't finish my project.
 Grettings Mark
 Sorry for my "English"

[REBOL] FTP Problem - Multiple Connections Re:(3)

1999-12-22 Thread sterling

Is there an echo here?
I was sure I just read two messages about this recently. :)
Point noted, it's a bug, and the best way to get it fixed is to send
it in using feedack.r or just email the issue to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You know the drill.

If we could have somebody constantly monitoring this list for bug
reports we would.  However, since we can't it is up to you when you
find a bug to report it directly to us if you want it fixed.
Sometimes we can pull stuff fro mthe list when we see it but doing
that as a regular practice just means you'll get all ticked at us when 
we miss one.  You don't want that, do you?

So please send in the bug report.



 I used to get multiple "connecting to..." messages also.
 As stated in several of my previous messages,
 My script would halt after about 16 connections - very frustrating...
 I noticed the problem went away when I started using 
 the DNS name rather than the IP address.
 Must have something to do with this.

[REBOL] FTP Problem - Multiple Connections Re:

1999-12-21 Thread sterling

REBOL attempts to maintain one connection per site contacted.  If more 
connections are being made, you should see a message like "connecting
to site-name" on the REBOL console.  I tested your script here and it
finished flawlessly with only one connection made.

So when you run it, does it print out multiple "connecting to ..."


 I have a problem that I hope can be solved.  I operate several websites 
 and would like to make a script to upload the site data whenever there is 
 a change.  My goal is to use Rebol.
 I wrote the script below to move an entire site at once.  I tested 
 uploading to one of my internal servers (at home) and it worked like a 
 champ.  So, I then went to upload my data to my real website and I 
 received an error stating that only one {1} FTP connection was allowed at 
 any given time.
 Because of that, I went back to my internal servers and monitored the FTP 
 connections, and sure enough, 5 Connections were generated by the script 
 below (it moves about 30 files in total - a very small, test website). 
 These connections persisted until I shutdown Rebol.
 My question is, how do I open an FTP connection, write to that connection 
 as many times as I like, and then close that connection, all while 
 maintaining only one {1} connection to the FTP Server?
 Victor Mascari

[REBOL] Valid e-mail addresses Re:

1999-12-01 Thread sterling

Do this:
trace/net on
smtp-port: open smtp://you.mail.server
you'll see you just got logged in to the SMTP server
and then just use:
insert smtp-port "your command"


 A question:
 Using REBOL
 How can I test if the username  has a mailbox at the  e-mail server?
 In other words: how can I test if @ is a valid e-mail address?
 (Of course I don't know the password)
 In other words: how can I send a VRFY SMTP command to a e-mail port?
 Thank you

[REBOL] open and proxies Re:

1999-11-23 Thread sterling

You can use:
port-spec: make port! [
scheme: 'tcp
host: :base-url
port-id: 80
proxy: make system/schemes/default/proxy []
timeout: 0:10
Root-Protocol/open-proto port-spec

and now it should be open, going through your default proxy.  For a
more sophisticated look you can check out %proxy.r i nthe advanced
section of the REBOL.org script library.  It's a neat little script
that I use all the time... I have a few things to add to it like error 
handling and a few bug fixes but it should show you a good look into
using direct tcp ports.


 Hi all,
 to send a cgi POST query I'd like to open a port to a particular
 web server. As I'm behind a proxy I'd like to know if it's
 possible to set a proxy for every open command.
 port: open [
   scheme: 'tcp
 host: :base-url
 port-id: 80
 timeout: 0:10
 If I try to use the above statement I get an error that I cannnot
 set proxy/host. What's the right way to specify the proxy settings?
 If I remove the proxy/host and use scheme: 'http I get through the
 proxy with my settings from user.r, but when I come to the 'close port'
 statement Rebol crashes with an error (something like an invalid
 statement or something, sorry, I have a German Win98...).
 Does anyone have an idea?

[REBOL] FTP problem Re:

1999-11-22 Thread sterling

We don't yet support using FTP proxies.  The problem is that many (if
not all, I don't know) FTP proxies return HTML rather than normal FTP
responses.  This causes us a problem for parsing that HTML since it
can be totally different for each proxy.


 Hi, I once more tried to use the ftp stuff from Rebol. I'm using a dialup
 connection. For this I connected to the internet and tried to read the root
 directory of my ftp server, which gave the following error:
  read ftp://openip.org
 connecting to: openip.org
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 500 Bad username format - format is
 ** Where: read ftp://openip.org
 I tried all kind of combinations of user:psw@host etc. with and without the
 port no success. I'm using an FTP proxy and have configured in the
 following way:
 system/schemes/ftp/proxy/port-id: 21
 I can see that a ftp session is established but nothing happens. Any idea
 where the problem is?
 Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
 == ask for PGP public-key ==
   When do you want to reboot today?
 Use the free portable GUI Library
 OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

[REBOL] clean-path when arg is url? Re:(2)

1999-11-22 Thread sterling

Well, the reason that clean-path does not clean up URLs is that you
may want that information.  Take, as an example, FTP.
For a file on your hard drive, the path:
is the same as:
zso clean-path can clean that up without loss of information.
However, the URL:
may not be the same file as:
because my home directory may be in /home/me so I am really accessing
a totally different file in the two cases.  It is dangerous to play
around with paths when you could be sitting in a virtual root
directory but still with the ability to go back to the real root.


 Hi Joel,
 Not sure why clean path is limited to non urls. Why not put in a request for
 it to be modified, to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
 In the mean time there is function to clean http paths on the Rebol Examples
 Clean HTTP-Path
 "To remove /../ from within HTTP URLs.
 Will remove parent directories for each /../ encountered,
 but will not remove site information."
 Allen K

[REBOL] another upgrade problem!! Re:(5)

1999-11-17 Thread sterling

Then your setting should go as follows:
set-net [[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail.server.name pop.server.name
proxy.server.name 3128 'generic]
system/schemes/default/proxy/user: "proxy-username"
system/schemes/default/proxy/pass: "proxy-password"
system/schemes/default/proxy/bypass: ["host1.name" "host2.name" ...]

maybe you want to bypass "*.internal.net" or "mail.internal.net"

That should work for you... let me know if you have any further


 Just hold on  
 the thing is .. i do have a proxy server ...
 i dont have modem to dial up for direct connection ... 
 and i am behind a firewall
 and i use CAT5 UTP for connecting my pc to the nearest hub 
 which in turn connects to our central computing facility through
 fiber optic cables
 squid proxy is used here 
 i disabled my proxy server .. and tried it ... it gave me :
 "Netscape unable to locate server 
  Please check your server name and try again"
 i then enabled the manual proxy setting .. it worked just fine ...
 thats it  
 here goes a section of my preferences.js file ...

[REBOL] (De)Compress function source Re:(4)

1999-11-16 Thread sterling

Check your REBOL version:
It needs to be 2.2 to have replace.  If you don't have it, just:


 When I do a:
 str: make string! read %infile.txt
 replace/all infile "X" "Y"
 I get the error: replace has no value.
 What is the problem here ?

[REBOL] Linux different? Re:

1999-11-12 Thread sterling

try this.  Instead of always sending mailfile.r, send the file
specified on the command line.


Title: "Email a Text File"
File:  %mailfile.r
Date:  10-Sep-1999
Purpose: {Send a text file (as text of message).}
Note: {
Puts the name of the file in the subject line.

file: to-file system/options/args  ;name of file to send

send [EMAIL PROTECTED] reform [
"File:" file newline newline read file

 My command on Linux is:
 $rebol mailfile.r readme.txt 
  - where readme.txt is in the current directory and mailfile.r is in
 ../rebol off the current directory.  
 rebol runs and sends me the mailfile.r script.  
 What am I doing wrong?  Something silly, obvious and stupid, obviously!
   - fleet -
 (so noone will need to go look it up - here is the script as I have it for
 my machine.)

[REBOL] How to update port info? Re:

1999-11-10 Thread sterling

I don't think you can do that.  POP locks the mailbox, not REBOL.  You 
would have the same problem with Netscape if you reversed the test.
Of course, NS opens, reads, and closes for you but if you had a big
mail download and sent yourself more mail while it was still
downloading you would not get the new mails.  You'd have to check mail 
again.  If somebody knows differently, share with us please... but
that AFAIK is how POP works.


 mb: open pop://pekr:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 once I connect to my pop account, 'mb reffers to actual state of my
 mailbox ...
 then I run Netscape and send myself three additional emails ...
 length? mb still refers to old state - 3 emails
 Is there (is there going to be) any way to update port status, without
 the need to reconnect to my mailbox?

[REBOL] Fixed format/width field files in REBOL Re:(2)

1999-11-10 Thread sterling

Instead of doing the read/lines into a block and parsing each line,
could you not just have the line ending be part of the parse rule?

assume data is your whole body of text before you created the block
called 'tracelines'
Then, instead of the last line in rule (to end), change that to 'thru
newline' and do:

parse/all data [
some [rule (print rejoin [time s ts s tt s adr s aack s
artry s dbg s ta s dh s dl])]

the parse rule now reads your data from one line and ends by reading
thru the newline.  Then the print happens and it repeats until all
lines have been parsed.

This way you don't have to break up the string into a block and write
a whole loop to iterate over it when parse can do all the iteration
for you.


 I used the following snippet to translate logic analyzer trace files
 (which have fixed width fields, many of which I want to skip) into
 something that our simulators like.  The file was read using read/lines
 into a block (tracelines) which was then parsed by the following:
 rule: [
  16 skip copy adr 8 skip
  4 skip copy ts 2 skip
  6 skip copy tt 4 skip
  4 skip copy tbst 4 skip
  20 skip copy aack 4 skip
  4 skip copy artry 5 skip
  11 skip copy dti 6 skip
  6 skip copy dbg 3 skip
  5 skip copy ta 2 skip
  6 skip copy dh 8 skip
  4 skip copy dl 8 skip
  24 skip copy time 10 skip
  to end]
 s: " "
 trc: func [] [
  foreach l tracelines [
   parse/all l rule
   print rejoin [time s ts s tt s adr s aack s artry s dbg s ta s dh s dl]

[REBOL] Is today the day? Re:(5)

1999-11-10 Thread sterling

The final ODBC user view has not been fully determined yet so I can't
say quite how it will look.


 ODBC Implementation Question...
  Also what are the other main selling points beyond ODBC database access
  at this stage...?
  Command won't talk directly to mySQL, but you'll be able to access it
  through ODBC.  Native d-base implementations are slated for early Q1 (also
  including Oracle, Sybase, etc.).
 Quick question - are you attempting to stick with the somewhat standard
 ODBC API used in everything from PHP to VC++ to LotusScript?  By this I
 mean the somewhat usual combo of:


 And then, you could browse thru the result, pulling contents of fields,
 - Porter

[REBOL] database testing

1999-11-10 Thread sterling

We're currently testing some different databases on Linux and other
*NIX systems and I'm looking for a link to a mySQL test database to
work with as well as links to the required shared library (.so) ODBC
drivers for other databases and test DB's there as well.  So if you
work with certain databases and know where good resources are please
mail me offline at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We can't test them all but if
we can save the time to gather all the software we can test more of

Any assistance is greatly appreciated and it'll help you in the long
run.  :)


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