Re: Training anyone ?

2001-06-13 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Barbie wrote:

 They probably could only get away with saying they maintain it due to the
 amount of complex stuff in there, and potential legal implications if they
 said they designed it. But I'll agree with The Goth here, do we really want
 to associate with the buggers?
  I'm half tempted to see what they'd teach me though... :)

hmmm .. whilst I don't know what their Perl skills are like I do know
they are a generally clueful outfit .. ISTR one of the founders has his
name on more than one UNIX book of repute ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Training anyone ?

2001-06-13 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Barbie [easynet] wrote:
 From: Robin Szemeti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Barbie wrote:
   They probably could only get away with saying they maintain it due to
   amount of complex stuff in there, and potential legal implications if
   said they designed it. But I'll agree with The Goth here, do we really
   to associate with the buggers?
I'm half tempted to see what they'd teach me though... :)
  hmmm .. whilst I don't know what their Perl skills are like I do know
  they are a generally clueful outfit .. ISTR one of the founders has his
  name on more than one UNIX book of repute ...
 Richard, The Goth and I were referring to The Register not the GBDirect

right .. got it ..

I'll just keep quiet lest I put my foot in it ...again :)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

RE: downloady filenames

2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Robert Thompson wrote:
  From: Robin Szemeti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 12 June 2001 03:14
  Subject: downloady filenames
  ISTR somebody explaing the magic incantations you could put after
  Content-type: text/some-funny-application
  in order for the browser to try and save it as 
  '' instead of
  '' .. enlighten me please as I have flushed my 
  archive and
  lost it.
 has a list of the various MIME types that are out there. It will also point
 your towards the relevant RFC's.

indeed .. looks pretty much the same as my apache mime types file ... and
I already have a mime type header for what I am serving up..  but this is
different to what was looking for.

someone somewhere a few weeks ago posted something about an extra line
you could put not dissimilar to 'Apparent-filename:' .. its
not so much a mime types thing but a browser thing .. 

ah well .. off to London now to buy a new toy ;)))

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

RE: downloady filenames

2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Jon Galliers wrote:
 This seemed to work.
 print Content-type:application/whatever\n.Content-Disposition: 
 attachment; filename=$file\n\n

yadda! .. thats the cookie! .. 

a thousand thanks ;)

right I can stop my cvs files coming up as .'' now ...

ta muchly.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Persistent Perl

2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Simon Wistow wrote:
 Somebody tell me why this is a stupid idea because I can't think of any
 obvious reason but if there wasn't then I'm sure sombody would have
 already done it [0] ...
 Similar principle to mod_perl, a perl script is run but instead of a
 normal interpreter being fired up a daemon starts (if it isn't started
 already), compiles the perl to bytecode, caches the result and then
 executes. Takes slightly longer than the normal interpreter but not
 unbearably more. 
 Next time a different script is executed the interpreter is already
 running and just evals the new script. This should be quicker than a
 normal execution. 
 The first script is run without having been modified (stat/Fam is your
 friend) you just retrieve the bytecode from the cache and execute that.
 This should be *much* quicker than normal. 

sounds like an ideal plan .. the speed of mod perl without the 'this
process will be around for years .. if it leaks, you;ll know' sort of
problems and also lets you chop and change on the fly .. sounds ace ...

is this anything like wot FastCGI does .. or is that summat different?

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Chris Benson wrote:
 I know a state-of-emergency (or whatever) has been called

to right it has, as I understand it this means now that you are supposed
to drive a 5.3L V8 rather than the 7.1L V8 unless absolutlely necessary

oops .. read 358cubic inch and 427ci ... these new fangled litres and
things don't work over there yet :))

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Where's my bloody gun?

2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:

 And, as far as the idiots go, I doubt there are any fewer today then there
 were yesterday. 

well .. my theory is:
they say 'theres one born every minute'.. but sometimes, due to
oversight, there isn't one born for a whole hour or so, so they have to
send along a particularly stupid one to keep the averages up.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

FreeBSD v Linux

2001-06-12 Thread Robin Szemeti

It has occured to me over the last year that several people have
proclaimed FreeBSD  to be superior to Linux and vice versa. During these
debates no one has been able to give me convincing argument why one may
be better than the other ...

Today, someone sent me this link, which I believe makes a very powerful
argument regarding the potential 'back doors' in Linux.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Where's my bloody gun?

2001-06-11 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

oh I forgot to mention:

 Where's my bloody gun

you haven't got one any more, the government decided they were just too
dangerous for you to play with.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Where's my bloody gun?

2001-06-11 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess it's old news to you all,
 but there's a notice on
 to the effect that it has been hacked.
 I use this a lot.
 What IS the mentality of idiots who attack community sites
 like this?

maybe it was just a script kiddie .. maybe it was a worm.

there have ben a couple of worms crawling around that basically infect
your host, delete a variety of files, put up there own hacked index page,
try and spread. its all pretty automatic and rapid, especially with
decent connectivity.

keep up to date with those security advisiories girls, and as leisure
suit larry always used to say 'save early, save often' ;)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-11 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Chris Benson wrote:

 Didn't complain about trademark infringement a while back?
 Is the result?  and is there any possible trademark confusion 
 with this address?

ring ring
'hello .. is that the government? .. oh good. I'd like to complain about
trademark infringement by one of your sites ..'


'yes .. yes .. oh I see .. yes .. no, no you are quite right I don;t want
to spend the the next 20 years talking to VAT inspectors and men from the
Inland Revenue ... ah forget I ever called, by the way, did I mention
waht a fantastic set of teeth Tony has?'

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

downloady filenames

2001-06-11 Thread Robin Szemeti

ISTR somebody explaing the magic incantations you could put after

Content-type: text/some-funny-application

in order for the browser to try and save it as '' instead of
'' .. enlighten me please as I have flushed my archive and
lost it.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-09 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 09 Jun 2001, Robert Shiels wrote:
 From: Jonathan Stowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  As a public service I would exhort all of you to go to this site and then
  complain when it tells you that you are using an 'Unsupported Browser'
  (which I guess will be more than half of you :)
 I agree that this is pants. I don't see why I need cookies, javascript and
 Java enabled. But I don't fully understand digital certificates.
 Assume for a moment that I'm using lynx on Linux, and I want to send the
 government my tax return securely. What are the security implications, can
 it actually be done. 

yes .. its just SSL .. the digital certificate is just to identify who
you are .. like a digital signature.  so the SSL layer provides the
transport security .. the digital certificate ( that you get from an
issuing authority ) proves who you are ( maybe ).

 I don't want to go off half-cocked and complain about
 something when I don't fully understand why the alternative is better.

the new site is a fine example of something that was dreamt up by
webdesigneers with no concept of 'cross platform coding' or standards
compliance. its suppose to ditribute information in a clear and concise
way .. not piss about with animated sliding panles and multilayer
flirtations with art design .. you can do good and attrctive designs in
simple HTML, you don;t need Java to getthe message across.

 Could someone explain it to me, and give me an address to send my complaint
 to, and I'll definitely do it.

well .. consider this.

the old ( apache / Linux ) driven site ( IIRC ) was a
testament to good web design. graphics light and W3C html compliant AND
it met the W3C accessibility guidelines .. 

the new site is a stinking pile of shit.  all the backgrounds are fixed
colour, the text fixed colour and the text size is pixed in pixels ..
what use is that to anyone with colour blindness/poor vision.

try feeding any single page of the new shite ( oops type put 'shite'
instead of site .. )  through validator @ w3c and laugh at the error
output ... kilobytes of it.

and if it decides it doesn;t like your browser it won;t even let you in!
.. never mind that it might not display correctly .. it simply wont let
you in full stop. pile of crap.

this is supposed to be a government info site .. not some web designers
multimedia experience .. the first priority should be making the
information available THEN making it animated etc .. its feck all use if
I cant actually even get onto the site to use it. 

I complained  to the UK Online helpdesk .. they deny all responsiblity
for the thing .. but can give you helpdesk contacts for the 3 government
agencies contained within the 'government gateway' site .. of course they
deny all responsiblity for it as well...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-09 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 09 Jun 2001, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 02:10:38PM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  I complained  to the UK Online helpdesk .. they deny all responsiblity
  for the thing .. but can give you helpdesk contacts for the 3 government
  agencies contained within the 'government gateway' site .. of course they
  deny all responsiblity for it as well...
 Are these e-mail addresses? If so, does it make it possible to forward all
 4 denials in 1 message To: all four and ask for one joined up government

dunno .. try if you like ...



The Government Gateway is a Government website but is an external site to UKonline. 
It has been produced by a different department and therefore any
technical difficulties in accessing the site should be directed at their
helpdesk who will be able to provide an answer to your enquiry..

There are currently three services available on the Government Gateway.
Each of the Government departments handling online services has its own
Help Desk. These are the only contact details on the Government Gateway
web site..
The numbers of these are listed below. Choose the number for one of the
services you are enrolled for (or intending to enrol for).

If you are an individual and having problems registering for Electronic VAT
Phone 01702 367930. 

If you are a farmer and having problems registering for MAFF IACS Area Aid
Phone 0845 6013482 

If you are an organisation and having problems registering for PAYE End of
Year Returns for Employers and Agents 
Phone 0845 6055999 or 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion (was Re: M$ SQueaLServer)

2001-06-08 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 08 Jun 2001, Struan Donald wrote:
 * at 08/06 11:35 +0100 Robin Szemeti said:
  On Fri, 08 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
   calling wordpad an editor is as laughable as calling vi an editor ;-)
  arrghh .. burn the heretic! ... speak brother, for the truth will out ..
  have you been using [x{0,1]]emacs again ... ?
 and thus comes the inevitable end[1] to all unix geek discussions...
 [1] or at least end to the bit not based on flames and blind prejudice

pah! .. tis written in the scripture ... 'let he who hath one eye be
blessed'  .. clearly the 'one eye' is a reference to the one 'i' in vi ..
its *obvious* innit ... I shall found my entire religion on this shadowy
fact wriiten by our lord himself ( or one of his followers, or perhaps
someone just mistranslated it .. or made it up ) however ... if anyone
questions me I shall explain that 'thats what faith is all about' and mark
them up for burning as well ... 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: JOB: Eng. Proj Management

2001-06-08 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 08 Jun 2001, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
 A reasonably reliable headhunter I've dealt with in the past is looking for 
 technical project managers for new web company. Let me know if 

new web company .. wow .. now theres a phrase you don;t here very often
these days ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-06-04

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Robert Shiels wrote:
 From: Robin Szemeti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  whether there were any Masai tribespeople on the list. Anyone? Anyone?
  reminds me of that Reggie Perrin snippet ..
  'Is there anyone here from Tarporley ...'
  I dunno .. maybe I'm getting old.
 pass the earwig would you please...

I didn't get where I am today by saying 'earwig' instead of 'thank you'

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sony Clie (was: Re: Social meet)

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Tony Kennick wrote:

 On a roughly related note, can anyone recommend somewhere to look for the
 1) Laptop screen repairs. We have had the backlight go on a gateway at
 work that is out of warrantee.

SKA system engineering ..purveyors of all manner of laptop spares 01582
477970 ..did me a backlight invertor for a toshiba for 10 quid and a new
Li battery for 65 .. the invertors usually plug in easy enough once you
get the case apart.

 2) Cheep low end laptops. Basically don't need anything with a lot of zoom,
 just want to put linux on it to relieve train boredom. So my only real
 want is reasonably standard kit inside and battery life.

or just buy a nice new Dell ;) ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sony Clie (was: Re: Social meet)

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Tony Kennick wrote:

 2) Cheep low end laptops. Basically don't need anything with a lot of zoom,
 just want to put linux on it to relieve train boredom. So my only real
 want is reasonably standard kit inside and battery life.

and .. crap web page .. but...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sony Clie (was: Re: Social meet)

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

 I tried looking up developer docs for the clie on the web, but there's a
 a dearth of information about it, and what there is is protected by
 sony's restrictive licensing.  It's a real shame, I wanted to add jog
 dial support to a doc reader, but I'm probably not going to be able to
 now.  :-(
 Sony: Lovely kit, crap support.

their Memory Stick is a closed book. bastards. they only release
documentation to their partners after big bucks licences .. so any chance
of seeing memory stick support natively under linux is probably going to
be from someone with a copy of IDA pro and Softice reversing the windoze

I just dont get why they wont release specs .. surel;y the plan is to
sell as many memory sticks as possible? ..or hav I missed someting?

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sony Clie (was: Re: Social meet)

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

 Well, the memory stick works just fine (at least under FreeBSD).
 It just appears as a SCSI-over-USB device (and I'll wager that's how
 it's implemented in the clie as well).  I suppose that the PCMCIA memory
 stick reader does something totally different?

kewl .. thats a step forward from he situation a while ago .. excellenty
  I just dont get why they wont release specs .. surel;y the plan is to
  sell as many memory sticks as possible? ..or hav I missed someting?
 Pass.  Withholding developer information to *anything* seems nuts to me.

ideedy .. do they really think that by withholding info they will stop
people cloning things ? arsewipes the lot of em. as any fule kno there is
precious little that you cant do with some strong acids and an electron
microscope .. anything is possible.

 F'rinstance, I'd love the jog dial to work on my laptop, too...

and if you could make the 'stop play FF REW' buttons on my inspiron
accessible to something linuxy on my Inspiron I'd be pleased too. 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sony Clie (was: Re: Social meet)

2001-06-07 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

  their Memory Stick is a closed book.
 Fine with me. Then maybe we'll get decent short range wireless data
 exchange with good authentication and encryption.

and the problem with Lucent Orinoco ( + RC128 )  is?

actually I was keen on using the memory stick for data capture in a
datlogger I;d been working on .. but it lokkslike im stuck with either
SmartMedia or CompctFlash ... prolly compact flash as it mounts as a
plain IDE device.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Paul Mison wrote:
 On 06/06/2001 at 10:47 +0100, Peter Haworth wrote:
 On Sat, 2 Jun 2001 19:54:04 +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  however Sir Arnold Bax [1] got slightly closer to the truth:
  One should try everything once, except incest and folk dancing
 Bah, I had it in my sig file (now amended) as Sir Thomas Beecham. However,
 see the bottom of for a bit of

yeah ... Beecham .. famous bloke .. his 'powders' are crap though :)

 Argh! Paston Chase! Norwich! Make the memories stop, Daddy!
 On the day of the last general election I saw the May Day morris men
 outside Norwich Cathedral. Odd juxtaposition if you ask me. Turns out
 it was this lot. (There was a surprisingly big group of people,
 considering how early in the morning it was.)

why do you find it strange .. Morrismen are odd to start with, the fact
that they get up early in the morning too should comea s no surprise ...
 Incidentally, why won't AltaVista find any pages containing arnold bax?
 (or arnold, or bax, for that matter)
 I think you'll find everyone's using Google these days, cos it's not
 shit. AV looks borked to me.

because, unlike something actually useful, AV only indexes words in its
dictionary. since bax (although semantically significant) is not in its
dictioanary it don;t find it. pile of shit. Google is oodlsss
better. if you have a part number AE1233499 and you bung it in google, if
its out there, it finds it. Altavista won't.

basically AV isn't worth the electrons its written with. use gooogle

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Tie::Hash::Cannabinol

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Simon Wistow wrote:
 Cross David - dcross wrote:
return $self-{$keys[rand $#keys]};
 Shouldn't this just gradually start to forget more and more things using

no .. if the program is left alone for a while it begins attaching really
carefully constructed little data structures to each element of the hash,
and then filling little arrays of data structures with really small
patterns ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Paul Mison wrote:

 why do you find it strange .. Morrismen are odd to start with, the fact
 that they get up early in the morning too should comea s no surprise ...
 I meant the crowd watching them. Didn't they have better things to do?

blimey now that is odd .. 

 (My excuse is that work was locked and they didn't give me a key. Which
 is silly, since if you have people who want to come in and work over
 the weekend, early in the morning or late at night, you should
 encourage them, right? No wonder the company has now died.)

my word,  a company run by clueballs, what a totally unique concept. ;)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: M$ SQueaLServer

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Ian Brayshaw wrote:

 I'm working for a telecoms company that is considering a proposal to move 
 its billing system from Oracle on Solaris, to SQueaLServer  NT. It's a 
 decision that is coming from management (where else?), and I'm trying to 
 find out if it's as ludicrous as it sounds.

Ho ho .. Ian, April fools day was ages ago ...

I didn't even reallise you could get NT for serious mips .. I though it
only ran on likkle PC things ... 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-06-04

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001, Leon Brocard wrote:

whether there were any Masai tribespeople on the list. Anyone? Anyone?

reminds me of that Reggie Perrin snippet ..
'Is there anyone here from Tarporley ...'

I dunno .. maybe I'm getting old.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: M$ SQueaLServer

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Ian Brayshaw wrote:

 I didn't even reallise you could get NT for serious mips .. I though it 
 only ran on likkle PC things ...
 I wouldn't have used the word ran ...

I did put something about htat but deleted it .. I leave it in next time. 
I have worked on Solaris boxen that have been up running fo , literally
years. I have worked on NT boxes that have worn out hteir power buttons,
nuff said.

 The chief advisor raves about the power, flexibility and price of 
 SQueaLServer19100 being more than a match for Oracle 8i/9i.
obviously clueballs.  I haven't run large dbs on NT .. I did for a while
run a terrabyte or so of data from a NT machine and some fibrechannel
switches, and fibrechannel raid arrays ... the words 'flakey' and 'blue
screened again' come to mind ... it would blue screen arouand twice a
month and just plain slow up to a crawl around once a week ... 

 What I'm trying to find is industry evidence of SQueaL's performance (or 
 lack of). The more gory the details the better. Our VB guru exclaims the 
 ease with which a major New Zealand bank rolled out SQueaL on (what I can 
 presume to be a truck load of) NT servers without a hitch. He's a nice 
 guy, but he's living in La-la-land if he thinks the throughput of a Kiwi 
 bank matches that of an international telco.

Leons links to TPC are ace .. thats amazing .. the best NT powered thing
is at a piss poor 1700 ...  presumably NT doesnt scale well to a 128
processor UltraSparc then ;)))

 So far the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the *nix  DBA people have been 
 ignored. Has anyone else had to deal with this sort of mind set? Any advice 
 (apart from becoming a US postal worker...)

hmm .. well .. depends on how much you need the job ... I quit trying to
save idiots from themselves years ago ... tell em .. then tell em what
you told em .. then tell em again .. if they still don;t get it then fsck
em. they're clueballs. let em implement it and enjoy the laughter.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion

2001-06-06 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Anyhow, they
 have two different search engines -- the portal one and a 'text only'
 one which uses a different system:
 which *does* provide Bax hits...

You're right .. it does ..

however ... Altavista have just stuck their poxy banner infront of my
eyes too many times .. given that google is nice and 'advert light' and
low key .. and (although I give you the text-only version is better)
altavista is a spamminng PITA .. i'll go for google everytime thanks ;)) 

the thing I really like about google is its uncanny ability not only to
index everything .. but it seems able to find the *right* thing .. many
many times the thing I want is in the no1 spot .. with AV its often on
page 2, 3 or more ... 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Chris Heathcote wrote:
 on 4/6/01 11:29 pm, Chris Benson wrote:
  OTOH It makes Nildram's gbp2000 p.a. including 15mins of technician/day to
  do whatever you need seem very good value.
 I have one of those. Nildram couldn't be more helpful. I've even had to
 visit my box on occasion (ok, so they're in Aylesbury, but it's only an hour
 away from London by train). As long as you've got a reasonable request,
 they're happy to fulfill it.

so thats another big vote for Nildram then ..

 When I had an FM server at Easynet, tape changing was considered part of the
 package as well.

yeah .. the bit that irked me is we never so much as even ring up and
annoy them, we haven't even had to have our reset button pressed once in
a years hosting ..and when you ask for a tape change once a month its 15
bleedin' quid .. g .. 

I'd sort of accepted that when:
them 'we'll start charging 15 quid a month from the 1st of june' 
me 'no .. the 1st of july .. the June tapes already in, and we did that
them  'we could just take your tape out till the 1st of july ...'

 15 quid a shot sounds expensive to me - 15 quid a week is sort of
 justifiable if it is a dirt-cheap host.

hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 10:31:37AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
 [hosting providers]
  so thats another big vote for Nildram then ..
  hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
  Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?
 An alternative:

looks good .. apart from the pounds per U ... 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 01:10:47PM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
   On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 10:31:37AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
   [hosting providers]
so thats another big vote for Nildram then ..
hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?
   An alternative:
  looks good .. apart from the pounds per U ... 
 Fair enough. I think that it's actually pretty reasonable when all's said
 and done, given the location etc. They are very clued up, and the point of
 the company is more to provide the best service they can (the people who
 run it have other day jobs).

indeed .. it does look good ..  but since we just have a plain vanilla
non-rackmount box it would push it up a bit ... but there again we saved
on the cost of kit I guess ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
 Robin Szemeti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  hmm .. we're trying to justify a move to 5gb a month .. at which point
  Nildram sounds like a cheaper option. ... is Aylesbury nice?
 There's some nice villages outside... ;-)
 Question - how much data you got?

dunno .. never counted it :) ... probably no more than a couple of giggle
bites in the /home tree .. and a 50 megs in mysql I guess. there are
quite a lot of small sites on there ... 

tar.gzedded it comes to about 700 megs .. pour quoi?

 Can you rsync to your local network?

yeah .. thats what we do with some of the sites ...  the rest are left
for their owners to update in the normal ftp sorta way.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

   Question - how much data you got?
  tar.gzedded it comes to about 700 megs .. pour quoi?
 why arse with tapes when you can mirror?

we did consider that .. and prior to 'arsing with tapes' that what we dun
.. but it was eating at a not inconsderable rate into our meagre bandwidth
allowance ... I take the point though ...

looking over the logs the incrementals each day amount to around 20 megs
.. thats 20 megs * 30 days = 600 megs .. thats quite a chunk out
of a 2gb  monthly bandwidth allowance.

ahh .. by 'localnet' I guess you meant the 'localnet' at the colo
facility .. in which case I suspect they'd charge us more than 15 quid
just fo rhaving a non-internetted box their on the shlef .. and part of
the goodness of tapes is that you can at least move em easily off site
incase of damage by fire/flood/vampires/cleavage

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: tape changes

2001-06-05 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 05 Jun 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 Well, get them to discount local bandwidth. 

too late ... I installed a tape drive :) .. and its got a light on the
front and everything ... :)

spose I'll have to buy a copy of BRU now .. or should I trust it to a
dodgy collection of shell scripts .. hmm .. decisions decisions.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

tape changes

2001-06-04 Thread Robin Szemeti

umm .. 

so .. you people with boxen in various places .. quick show of hands:

is 15 quid a shot
cheap   [  ]
normal  [  ]
expensive   [  ]

for lobbing a dat tape into a box and slinging in a new one?

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-03 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 03 Jun 2001, Neil Ford wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 04:45:45PM +0100, Leo Lapworth wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 08:19:56AM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
   On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 07:47:00AM +0100, Greg McCarroll 


Well what about last night? Buffy no more? Well I'm pretty sure she
will be back, my reasoning - they played the normal end of show credits/
theme tune, if they had of killed the character off, there would of been
a special ending. Mind you, when I explained this theory to the wife she
used the phrase ``clutching at straws''
   Well, how about the argument that SMG has singed up for two more series?
  I've been told (*prays this is not true*) that SMG signed up for two
  more series but has a clause that if Univeral Pictures produce it she
  is not oblidged to do them (as apparently she didn't want to work for
  So, this could be an ending to make sure she and Univeral have
  time to work it out...
  i just hope I have been mis-informed.
 Trying to remember where I read this (probably Heat) but SMG *had* said she
 wouldn't stay with the show if it moved from WB to UPN. 
 Quick bit of digging and I've found the following;
 [Heat Magazine, 19-25 May 2001]
 The producers of Buffy, Fox TV, have offered ridiculous soundbites to justify
 switching TV networks in the US. The WB, home to Buffy since it's inception,
 did not match the passion and vision demonstrated by rival network UPN,
 which has secured the show for two years. The fact that UPN bid a total of
 $22 million more than WB wasn't mentioned by Fox.
 UPN sontinued to show it's vision and passion with the $50,000 gift
 baskets it sent eight Buffy cast regulars to welcome them to their new
 network - which included Cristal champagne and a Cartier watch, Sarah
 Michelle Gellar - who once said she'd quit Buffy if it left WB, then retracted
 the comments - was given a Gucci necklace.

kewl ... so Buffy likes necklaces then. 
we could give her one as a present .. that would be nice ... diamond
maybe ...or since we are a Perl group perhaps ... oh ok .. you're way
ahead of me on this one aren't you. ;)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 


2001-06-03 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 03 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 * Robin Szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Sun, 03 Jun 2001, Neil Ford wrote:
   On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 04:45:45PM +0100, Leo Lapworth wrote:
On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 08:19:56AM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 07:47:00AM +0100, Greg McCarroll 
  Well what about last night? Buffy no more? Well I'm pretty sure she
  will be back, my reasoning - they played the normal end of show credits/
  theme tune, if they had of killed the character off, there would of been
  a special ending. Mind you, when I explained this theory to the wife she
  used the phrase ``clutching at straws''
 Well, how about the argument that SMG has singed up for two more series?
I've been told (*prays this is not true*) that SMG signed up for two
more series but has a clause that if Univeral Pictures produce it she
is not oblidged to do them (as apparently she didn't want to work for

So, this could be an ending to make sure she and Univeral have
time to work it out...

i just hope I have been mis-informed.

   Trying to remember where I read this (probably Heat) but SMG *had* said she
   wouldn't stay with the show if it moved from WB to UPN. 
   Quick bit of digging and I've found the following;
   [Heat Magazine, 19-25 May 2001]
   The producers of Buffy, Fox TV, have offered ridiculous soundbites to justify
   switching TV networks in the US. The WB, home to Buffy since it's inception,
   did not match the passion and vision demonstrated by rival network UPN,
   which has secured the show for two years. The fact that UPN bid a total of
   $22 million more than WB wasn't mentioned by Fox.
   UPN sontinued to show it's vision and passion with the $50,000 gift
   baskets it sent eight Buffy cast regulars to welcome them to their new
   network - which included Cristal champagne and a Cartier watch, Sarah
   Michelle Gellar - who once said she'd quit Buffy if it left WB, then retracted
   the comments - was given a Gucci necklace.
  kewl ... so Buffy likes necklaces then. 
+--- It was about here i guessed
 where this was going ;-)  

hmmm .. I am unsure at this point whether that says more about your mind
than it does about mine ;-))

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: General Election

2001-06-02 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 02 Jun 2001, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Robin Szemeti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, 01 Jun 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:
   There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn on
   BB's mini-album The Internationale.
  undef error - Can't locate auto/Billy/Bragg/ in @INC ...
 Then I suggest you try using your ears.

Oh I did ... In general I find Billy Braggs ability to produce 'something
you could mistake for music' roughly equal to Craig Charles' ability to
tell a joke. .. although he was passibly OK in Red Dwarf.

I understand folk singers sometime place a finger over their ear whilst
singing. Perhaps Mr Bragg should try that. I doubt it would improve his
singing, but at least it would stop him twanging that guitar ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion

2001-06-02 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 02 Jun 2001, Alex Page wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 07:36:12PM +0100, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
  What with this and Piers' earlier revelations  and the ever present
  Unixbeard I have this feeling that maybe we ought to get a Morris Side
  together for next years Jack in the Green festival in Hastings,
 Heh, I haven't done Morrising for ages. Count me in!

 mental image of Greg and Piers, having had a few pints, lurching
towards each other in a corner dance singing 'hey ho fiddle eye ho' and
brandishing morris sticks and handkerchiefs whilst jangling like a
tambourine on heat hmmm .. maybe I need to see this.

however Sir Arnold Bax [1] got slightly closer to the truth:

One should try everything once, except incest and folk dancing

nuff said.

[1] oft, incorrectly, attributed to George Bernard Shaw (who said it also,
but later)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Religion

2001-06-02 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 02 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

   Heh, I haven't done Morrising for ages. Count me in!
   mental image of Greg and Piers, having had a few pints, lurching
  towards each other in a corner dance singing 'hey ho fiddle eye ho' and
 hey! you won't catch me performing some stupid historic ceremony, no siree.
 however i could be persuaded to drink a lot[1] and demand to walk a 
 stretch of road with a bit of orange material round my neck and a little
 velvet apron round my waste - now thats a proper tradition! ;-) 

I thought it was tying a piece of electrical flex around your kneck and
putting an orange in your mouth .. or is that a different tradition?

but I digress ... you've just reminded me of the Ali G episode when he
visited Belfast ...

' ... what about if it was The Corrs ... all of them' ? 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 01 Jun 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:

 There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn on
 BB's mini-album The Internationale.

undef error - Can't locate auto/Billy/Bragg/ in @INC ...
Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Slow disks under linux

2001-05-31 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
 Paul Makepeace [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I'm trying to duplicate an FS from an oldish 5,400rpm 6GB IDE drive to a new
  7,200rpm 61GB IDE drive using the usual cp -ax / /mnt. But it's
  unbelievably slow -- vmstat 2 is reporting bi/bo around 300!
 What does hdparm have to say?

good point ... many/most linux distros come with all the bells and
whistles for quick HD access turned to 'off'  .. I tripled the transfer
rate on my slaptop by turning DMA and other stuff on ... and it didn;t
explode like the manpage said it might.

another tip is to mount the two IDE devices on seperate controllers ..
seems to improve things sometimes.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Slow disks under linux

2001-05-31 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 04:41:11PM +0100, Mark Fowler wrote:
  Are you using xinerama (i.e. so your monitors are spliced together into
  one display?)
 No, it's KDE2 which seems to split them into separate desktops. The
 mouse moves between them as though they're one but I can't drag windows
 back  forth (no loss, really). The Matrox Windows drivers are much
 better -- graphical arbitrary relative positioning of the 2nd monitor.

I'm still waiting for someone to finally get support for my ATI Mobilty
r128 sorted out

still cant have the 2nd monitor or tvout stuff working under Linux ..
does under windoze though ...  and ATI reckon to provide oodles of
assistance to the Linux community so it should happen soon i hope.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Decompression

2001-05-31 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Dean wrote:
 Question for the unix people on the list. I have an archive that's gzipped
 up and contains either a number of small files or a single large file.
 What's the easiest way to extract any given file? It has to use core modules
 and anyone with a sample script can earn a pint ;)
 Also for future reference does any one know a better way to do this than
 Compress::Zlib, core or non-core.

I suppose 
# tar -xzf [archivename] [filename/that/you.want] 

is too easy .. I'm missing something again aren't I?

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: bad greg

2001-05-30 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 i'm sorry about asking this, but i've purged too many old archives
 of to find this one - someone one once mentioned a domain
 name registry with a neat web based management system for handling
 the dns wizardry afterwards - could they please remind me of the

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: bad greg

2001-05-30 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 08:38:17AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  On Wed, 30 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
   i'm sorry about asking this, but i've purged too many old archives
   of to find this one - someone one once mentioned a domain
   name registry with a neat web based management system for handling
   the dns wizardry afterwards - could they please remind me of the
 ObPedant: he asked for a URL, so where's the protocol and path parts? :)

ObBiggerPedant: you mean a URI surely? ;) ?

umm ... well thats a partial URI so I guess its a start ;)

 Who appear to have clue.

and somebody elses site certificate ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Y::E accomodation

2001-05-30 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

 don't mind sharing with another
 don't mind sharing with 3
 don't mind sharing with 4
 What are you willing to pay per night? 

dunno if this is useful .. but if possible, try and avoid hotels that are
only prepared to take bookings for 1 hour slots. 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

umm MakeMaker?

2001-05-29 Thread Robin Szemeti

so .. I've RTFM and still don't get it.

ExtUtils::MakeMaker .. how do I get it to run a script at make time .. I
have a .pl in a directory that I need run every 'make'  .. I know how
to add it as a POSTOP or PREOP to a 'make dist' or whatever .. but not
just on a plain 'make' ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Grammar - Class creation

2001-05-29 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 29 May 2001, Leon Brocard wrote:

 Other programming languages need code generators to spit out
 libraries. Perl doesn't need to do this as it's dynamic, baby. This is
 why Parse::RecDescent / Template Toolkit are so groovy, yeah.

I propose a new convention : we all shout 'CAMEL' if Leon uses the words
qw/ baby groovy yeah/ in the same mail. ..  this could be quite often.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Grammar - Class creation

2001-05-29 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 29 May 2001, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:59:48AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  On Tue, 29 May 2001, Leon Brocard wrote:
   Other programming languages need code generators to spit out
   libraries. Perl doesn't need to do this as it's dynamic, baby. This is
   why Parse::RecDescent / Template Toolkit are so groovy, yeah.
  I propose a new convention : we all shout 'CAMEL' if Leon uses the words
  qw/ baby groovy yeah/ in the same mail. ..  this could be quite often.
 There doesn't appear to be any drinking involved in this new convention.
 Is this the new bit? Not sure if it will catch on.

uhh .. you're *so* right .. I really must remember to compile my mails
with a -w option .. I'd probably have got a :

'Buffy' not declared or used in this mail,
Useless use of 'CAMEL' in a void context, did you mean 'Drink!' instead?

note: Drink! is to be pronounced loudly and in a southern Irish accent as
per Father Jack  [ see 'Father Ted'-{'Optician'}  passim ]

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21

2001-05-25 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 25 May 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 04:25:43PM +, Redvers Davies wrote:
  That is not strictly true... FMD is not a threat to animal health,
  the MAFF slaughters are.
 There was me thinking the threat to animal health was the six inch bolt
 that gets driven thru' their skulls and ultimately them being wrapped in
 polystyrene and put on a cold shelf in Sainsbury's...

indeed. there's one thing I can honestly say is 'nothing to do with me

[1] err apart from my motorcycle leathers .. and I was intending wearing
them, not eating em.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

RE: [Announce] Hackspoitation film fest

2001-05-24 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 24 May 2001, Matthew Jones wrote:
   Wow, and she's got three kids by Steven Seagal.
  The eighties were a crazy decade and people did a lot of things they
 Well, would *you* say no to Steven Seagal?

personally, yes I would.
Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21

2001-05-24 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 24 May 2001, Redvers Davies wrote:
 About that flyer... FMD presents no risks to humans but is a serious
 threat to animal health.
 That is not strictly true... FMD is not a threat to animal health,
 the MAFF slaughters are.

and its worth remembering that this is a disease so serious that, now
they've started lloking a bit harder, it appears that it had been around
for a few months before anyone spotted it .. and many sheep and pigs had
caught it and got better *without anyone even noticing*  ... now .. thats
what I call a serious disease.

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21

2001-05-24 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 24 May 2001, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Redvers Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  About that flyer... FMD presents no risks to humans but is a serious
  threat to animal health.
  That is not strictly true... FMD is not a threat to animal health,
  the MAFF slaughters are.
 Well, up to a point. Dramatic reduction in yield 

10% ... and what with a massive milk production surplus ( as demonstrated
by the ever increasing price of milk licences) and the rock bottom price
for sheep .. both pointers to massive over production that a 10% loss in
yield would help address.

 + high chance of
 infertility == significant (indirect) risk to animal's health.

irrelevant. The majority of the animals bred are eaten long before
they get chance to breed themselves.

on the plus side, a large number of farmers have used the generous MAFF
payouts to convert from hill sheep farming to other more profitable

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: [Announce] Hackspoitation film fest

2001-05-24 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 24 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 * Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  At 23:18 24/05/2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
  * Barbie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
From: Greg McCarroll [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I seem to remember an extremely soft porn-ish film with julie andrews
 at one stage, all i can remember is giant toy soldiers. I don't think
 porn is even the right title it was more just weird.
You're thinking of the comedy S.O.B., where a film director decides his
wife (played by Julie Andrews)should go topless to increase the film's
rating and the director's flagging career. Oddly enough the film is 
by Andrew's husband at the time, Blake Edwards. Life imitating art or visa
  but where there giant toy soldiers in it?
 ah, the joys of having channel 4 launch just as you are entering puberty.

umm I'm not sure I can remember that far back ... 
was it in 405 line ? ...

 think on you young-uns, before that the sexiest thing on TV was that
 monster who ate the sandwich in the last round of the adventure game

? .. there are obviously some major gaps in my knowledge here .. perhaps
I spent too long in the cellar playing with sparks when I was a kid ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

RE: Election Manifestos

2001-05-23 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 23 May 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:
 From: Leon Brocard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 9:43 AM
  Cross David - dcross sent the following bits through the ether:
   This, of course, presupposes that acmemail passes everyone's
   definition of a decent mail client. And if it doesn't, we can just
   slap the authors until it does :)
  You'll be happy to know that I gave up ownership of acmemail a while
  back stating that: a) I wasn't using it b) hence I wasn't improving it
  c) I don't have time for things I don't use. I handed it over to a
  couple of guys in the acmemail community who are slowly plodding
  along. It didn't hit critical mass. Discuss.
 OK. But you'd still be able to install it far easier than anyone else in the
 group :)

Sqwebmail is nice .. works well with the Qmail/Vopmail/Courier-IMAP suite
.. been running it on a couple of sites for a couple of years and not had
much trouble (apart from thick users) ...

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Buffy gear

2001-05-23 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 23 May 2001, Barry Pretsell wrote:
 QVC are selling lots of Buffy gear, tune into QVC now, or check out the wbesite

eughh!    when you say 'Buffy gear' do you mean as in 'we guarantee
these were worn by Buffy ... '  or something entirely more celeubrious ?

fed up of finding pr0n in his mailbox this week 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Simon Wistow wrote:
 According to the Register ...
 the Tory's want to repeal IR35, make RIPA less strict and speed up Local
 Loop unbundling, whereas Labour want to introduce laws meaning that if
 you pretend to be a teenager on the Net you can be jailed for 5 years
 (bad luck bK).

hmmm .. I was tempted just to let it pass .. but I can't resist ;)

What you need to remember is this : They will say ANYTHING to get your
vote .. ANYTHING.  Remember the U turn Labour did over key escrow as soon
as they won the election? ... do you really believe that the
Conservatives are any different? ..

They are all lying gits who would happily tell you black was white if
they thought it would make you vote for em.  thank goodness for
proportioanl representation, it should make the next parliament a lot
more representative of what people actually want, ratehr than a choice
between 2 (and a half ) evils.

 Being that most of the people here seem to be more Left than right
 (especially the contarctors) how do you lot feel about this.

the immediate feeling I get is to rent some cellars at the houses of
parliament  and invest in a number of big barrels of gunpowder .. oh hang
on that ones been done before and had a distinctly negative outcome .. OK
.. perhaps someting more subtle then ;)

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: O'Reilly Safari - anyone use it?

2001-05-22 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 22 May 2001, David H. Adler wrote:

  Hey, maybe it's one of those cheapo 'made in China' jobs. Of course,
  if it paid for a Martin or a Lowden or something else equally lovely,
  then well done Mr Adler.
 Ah, I wish...
 The truth is somewhere in between.  I got a Burns Marquee.  The reason I
 was able to do so is that, although it's a perfectly good guitar, they
 weren't selling.  

seen em .. not bad. I'd one day like a Patrick Eggle 'Berlin'  right now
I'm enjoying a cute little Steinberger headless  .. dirt cheap these
days and rather fun. :) Best of all its so small .. add in a Korg Pandora
2 personal effects/amp and you have the ultimate hotel room practice set

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: [OT] Food exports?

2001-05-22 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Barry Pretsell wrote:
 Here's the leaflets given to travellers

Strangely enough .. I have friends in North Wales who had reason to have
speach (in welsh, unsurprisingly)  with a local farmer the other day.
Seems last year he struggled to get 10 quid a head for his lambs ... and
his mate on Anglesey ended up burying his. This year he got 120 quid a
head, and someone was kind enough to turn up and shoot them all for him as
well.  Spread like wildfire in bits of North Wales it did .. amazing.  I
can't tell you how upset he was .. mainly cos its got too many 'll's in

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Election Manifestos

2001-05-22 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 22 May 2001, Paul Mison wrote:
 On 22/05/2001 at 16:19 +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
 the immediate feeling I get is to rent some cellars at the houses of
 parliament  and invest in a number of big barrels of gunpowder .. oh hang
 on that ones been done before and had a distinctly negative outcome .. OK
 .. perhaps someting more subtle then ;)
 For whom? Guy Fawkes 

yup .. thats what was putting me off the plan.

 but it ended in a Bill of Rights that led to what's arguably the first
 constituitonal monarchy in the modern world.

umm .. hang on .. wasn't that another pre-election promise I remember
from the last time we had a government given to us? ... yeah .. I'm sure
one lot was wittering on about having a proper bill of rights .. whose lot
was that then? ... 

Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: Sara Cox - was Re: FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women

2001-05-21 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 21 May 2001, James Powell wrote:

 So you don't fancy organizing a LPM Top 100 (well, maybe 25) then?

thinks .. err .. well theres ... ugh . and .. arr ... and we could
always get .. shudder/thinks

nope .. don't reckon that ones a winner. I know some Womens Institute in
Yorkshire made it bigtime with a calendar .. but I don;t think the
novelty of seeing arranged in orfer of merit and semi clad will
do the quite the same thing.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Long shot

2001-05-21 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 21 May 2001, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
 Anyone know a windows IMAP client that:
 1. Isn't Netscape
 2. Isn't Eudora
 3. Actually Works
 4. Is free or cheap

Mulberry? .. amongst others

thats a choice of about 20 or so all in .. should be one you like ;-))

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: O'Reilly Safari - anyone use it?

2001-05-20 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 20 May 2001, Barry Pretsell wrote:
  A problem we're currently encountering with DMP. Some dickhead in Israel
  thinks it's clever to distribute the PDF for free from his website.
 Why do Manning sell their books online as pdf files? and do they plan to
 stop it
 now that rampant copying is taking place?

O'Reillly sell their books as HTML on cds ... 'rampant copying' of that
happens too .. but I doubt it harms them much.

Same as software really. Except the software idiots haven't quite got it
yet. There are two numbers to juggle: The number of people who would have
actually bought your product, but now don't because they have obtained a
pirate copy.   The other one is the number of people who wouldn't have
ordinarily bought your product, but having had a pirate copy, buy a real
copy next time you publish something.  It only harms your business if A
exceeds B by a significant anount.

Most people who would have actually bought a real one .. actually buy a
real one. Most dodgy copies are kept by people who wouldn't have bought
one anyway.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Sara Cox - was Re: FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women

2001-05-20 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 20 May 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
 At 00:06 20/05/2001, James Powell wrote:
 On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 12:00:38AM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
   Neil Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Just picked up the latest FHM to check out the above mentioned list...
The interesting bits are as follows;
   The really interesting bit was Mr Ford dancing around in his living
   room crowing because Sara Cox had read his name out on the radio.
 Ahh Sara Cox - as deserving of her position in the FHM top 100 women
 as she is of her £750K out of the license fee for two years blathering.
 I'm sure I'm really in the minority here, but I can't be the only one who 
 finds all this discussion of the FHM list distasteful. I've never really 
 understood why intelligent men find it acceptable to objectify women in 
 this way.

Don't think you're in that much of a minority. But it seems top-shelf
magazines are becoming more acceptable in some circles these days. 

I suspect the current 'Lad's' magazines phase is a backlash against the
crazy political correctness of the 80's .. hopefully the whole thing will
settle down eventually. I don't particularly care that much about it. The
women in things like FHM are most certainly in there by choice and doing
rather nicely from the whole thing thankyou. They are of course brainless
bimbettes but thats another matter. I do find it rather objectionable is
having them learing off the counter of every petrol station and
newsagent you go to, when they should be on a nice high shelf somewhere. 

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: O'Reilly Safari - anyone use it?

2001-05-20 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 20 May 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
 At 00:18 20/05/2001, Dean S Wilson wrote:
   I suppose the issue with books as PDF is that it leaves you wide open to 
 A problem we're currently encountering with DMP. Some dickhead in Israel 
 thinks it's clever to distribute the PDF for free from his website.

ugh .. yes .. 

But do you think it actually harms sales? ... ?? would any of the people
who downloaded the PDF have actually bought a real copy? ... doubt it.
Piracy is a difficult thing to estimate the effects of.

I have in the past had a pirate copy of O'Reillys Network Bookshelf ...
but a) I would not have paid for the CD in the first place and b)  Iliked
what I saw so much that I went on to buy a whole bookcase full of
O'Reilly stuff. 

Its the same as the software industry who discover some high school kid
with 500 ripped off playstation games and promptly claim thats 20,000
dollars of lost sales .. like the kid would have spent 20,000 dollars on

So yeah .. try and get the site pulled .. (shouldn't be that hard)  but
don;t worry too much I doubt its hurting your pocket in reallity.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Some Northern Irish Fun and Games ...

2001-05-18 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 This is the sort of thing that happens in the country i grew up in

Yeah .. right.  Let me get this straight .. you're trying to tell me
you've actually grown up? ;)

anyway ... like I've always said .. put a robe on someone and stand em in
a pulpit and their brain heads off to meet its maker many years before
the rest of em.

on a similar subject: Did anyone catch that bit about the nutters in
Afganistan blowing up some of the oldest Budhas in the world ? ... 

I'm beginning to have a real downer on all religions right now.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: e-mail

2001-05-17 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 due to some BT/ADSL fun and games last night i managed to bounce
 almost every message that was directed to me, so if you mailed me
 about something important please resend it.

Did you get my post? .. here it is again:

 Greg ..  I just had a call from a freind of mine who tells me the Bank
 Of England are having a bit of a clear out tonight, apparently they need
 the storage space and are giving away lots of old money (£20 notes
 mainly) just to make room for new stuff .. the down side is you have to
 take a least 1 wheelbarrow. Its only tonight though so get down there.

hope its not too late.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Shoot out

2001-05-17 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Merijn Broeren wrote:
 Quoting Tony Bowden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  His perl isn't necessarily the fastest in all cases. I sped some of his
  scripts up quite significantly - enough to move it back up above Python
  anyway ;)
 I was looking at the attributions page and saw only your name. I was
 kind of expecting the rabid hordes of speedfreaks would like
 to have a go, but you were already there, I should have known you were a
 lnpm'er ;-)

heh! ..I just took 30% off his object_instantiation .. thats quite
heavily weighted in the results and inherited into other tests so that
should move perl up a bit.

weirdly .. one thing I tried 'hmm no explicit DESTROY sub,... hmm I
wonder if it spends time searching for one .. I'll make a sub DESTROY { }
 and see if it speeds it up ..' nope 40% slower overall ...

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Caller ID (was Re: Enough!)

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
 On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:59:07AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  I do keep intending to do something cute with my ISDN adapter and log the
  stuff coming out of the D channel and see whats in there ... but time has
  prevented it etc.
 I'd be interested to hear how you get on... I was under the impression
 that the D channel was an always on 16k-thing.  It'd be interesting to
 see what gets sent down there normally...

ummm it might be 9k6 but yes, its always on. My card will do either two B
(64k) channels or a B and D channel ... 

most of what gets sent down there is CLID, charge info, etc .. I think
they strip a load of it off if you only pay for home highway .. and allow
it through if you pay for business highway... ie they actually go to some
trouble to provide a worse service .. fules.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Transtec Sparc Clones

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Steve Mynott wrote:
 Jonathan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I think some of the people who use this list have used Transtec's Sparc 
  clone machines. My question is:

sure I can't tempt you with a tadpole?

the laptop is particularly funky.

A freind has one .. I don't know eaxactly how much they are but 30K was
rumoured ...

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Dell asset numbers ..

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Szemeti

does anyone happen to know if you can discover the asset number of a Dell
poweredge swerver remotely? apparenlty its 'in the bios' .. how useful.

[ I need to order a part .. Dell needs an asset tag number .. the swerver
is in mailbox .. I'm 200 miles away .. ]

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Buffy ...

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Szemeti

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Python beats perl to dia plugin..

2001-05-16 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Aaron Trevena wrote:
 Anyone know much about how the GIMP script -fu stuff
 works on the inside,

AIUI all that the gimp crew have done is to write an extension to SIOD
in C to give access to the Gimp API. No doubt you could do the same for
Dia, but surely a betterer plan would be not to involve SIOD at all and
simply write a XS module to access the Dia api directly from Perl?

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Enough!

2001-05-15 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Martin Ling wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 12:04:24PM +0100, James Powell wrote:
  Heh, don't forget to have a RBL-like list of source telephone numbers.
 Definitely. A whitelist too, of course.
  And if it's withheld, answer with a terse message and disconnect.
 No; many people withhold automatically, it a legitimate privacy concern. 

??? ... its simple. If they choose to withhold their number I choose to
reject their call. they can always dial code to release their number if
they choose. Many large organisations have an alternate presentation
number so you get the number of the switchboard ratehr than the office
extension number.  I simply don't want people phoning me up who refuse to
own up to who they are before they invade my privacy.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Enough!

2001-05-15 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 12:43:59PM +0100, James Powell wrote:
   No; many people withhold automatically, it a legitimate privacy concern. 
  That's what the terse message is for (reveal yourself, or bugger off).
  I suppose it could go to answerphone.
 Caller detect doesn't work for international calls either.

yeah .. thats fine .. it doesn't work from creaky old strowger exchanges
either (are there any of those left ? ) but there is a subtle difference
between 'number withheld' and 'number unavailable' ... rejecting on
withheld is reasonable, reject on unavailable might not be such a good

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Enough!

2001-05-15 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 02:09:47PM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  yeah .. thats fine .. it doesn't work from creaky old strowger exchanges
  either (are there any of those left ? ) but there is a subtle difference
  between 'number withheld' and 'number unavailable'
 There is, but not all phones make the distinction.

well if I was intending to base my filtering on withheld/unavailable I
would make sure my phone *did* make the distinction .. most do. Also BT
are intending to introduce a service called 'choose to refuse' where for
a simple one-off payment you can automatically offer 'withheld' callers
the option of pressing '1' to release their number or some such.  AIUI
'not availbale' numbers can be passed on with a 'distinctive ring'

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

Re: Politics (was RE: BOFHs requiring license)

2001-05-14 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:
 Robert Shiels:
  Over the next 4 years, Labour
  will fail to deliver their promises yet again, and the 
  country will swing back to the party of low taxes, who will
  be re-elected in 2006.
 Part of the reason why they haven't delivered the promises that I think are
 important (decent public services) is because they've hamstrung themselves
 with this clueless tory low-tax approach. 

Just because they can't deliver those promises for those costs doesn't
mean no one else can. If they knew they couldn't deliver within those
cost constraints why did they lie and say they could? .. and if they
didn't reallise they couldn't deliver at those prices, then it doesn;t
say much for their grasp of economics.

and what about the various promises that didn't cost money? .. like fox
hunting, proportional representation etc ... ??

does anyone happen to have one of those little plastic credit card things
they were giving out before the last election with 10 things 'let us be
judged on these:' .. 

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

RE: Politics (was RE: BOFHs requiring license)

2001-05-14 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:
  Just because they can't deliver those promises for those costs doesn't
  mean no one else can. If they knew they couldn't deliver within those
  cost constraints why did they lie and say they could?
 Because they are (right-wing) politicians. Just look at the absurd
 promisises Hague's lot are making now and they're also talking about doing
 it with even *less* money (UKP 8 billion, isn't it?) Besides, they have
 (more or less) kept most of the promises they made. I was talking about my
 disappointment that they didn't go further by raising tax revenue.

umm .. I wasn't saying that Hagues lot would be any better. I was saying
that this lot had failed to deliver what they said they would. Hospital
waiting lists are up, so are class sizes in schools. My taxes have gone
up. I didn't expect them to succeed, but I object to them telling me that
they have.

 The tories are going to have low tax and pay for improved public services
 through cracking down on benefit fraud, apparently. Gah, if only someone
 had thought of that before. 'Cos you can solve a long-term underfunding
 problem by skinting out a few dodgy crusties.

The problem isn't particularly underfunding. The teachers I know tell me
how classes run riot and they are powerless to stop them. the
teachers eventually leave for schools where you can actully teach
without being assaulted. Parents simply don't care. The few that do care 
and manage to get their kids into the local grammar school are no doubt
thrilled at the prospect of the pirates-charter introduced by this
government which allows a bunch of 'activists' to cook up a petition of
phoney names and get a grammar school turned into a comprehensive.  Its
simple jealousy 'we've wrecked our school and now we're going to wreck
yours' .. its social decline.

Hospitals are much the same. Theres enough cash, but it seldom ends up in
the right place.

Basically .. what we need is a change in government, not just a change in
the people implementing (or failing to implement) the same policies.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Politics (was RE: BOFHs requiring license)

2001-05-14 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:

 But it does mean you need some
 really AWFUL schools to pull the average down...

AIUI suitable arrangments have been put in place to enable this to happen.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

mod perl

2001-05-10 Thread Robin Szemeti

Um ...

so say I have a mod perl thing (template wotsit and lots of
class::methodmaker stuff) and I notice everytime I serve a page the size
of the apache client increases slighlty ...

dead parrot
I know a memory leak when I see one and I', looking at one right now
/dead parrot

so what is the preffered debugging method for discovering what this
little leak might be .. strip the app down and build bit by bit .. or is
there a clever way of looking at heap contents?

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: mod perl

2001-05-10 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 10 May 2001, you wrote:
 From: Robin Szemeti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  so what is the preffered debugging method for discovering what this
  little leak might be .. strip the app down and build bit by bit .. or is
  there a clever way of looking at heap contents?
 Would MJD's Memoize ( work here?

don't think so ... that builds its own little  pile of stuff an knows how
to walk about in it .. rather than a real heap walker that just wades in
even though its never seen the stuff and tries to deuce what it is that
you have lying around.

In the windoze world there are kwel things such as Numega BoundsChecker
for C++ that do this sort of thing.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: mod perl

2001-05-10 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Thu, 10 May 2001, you wrote:
 Robin Szemeti sent the following bits through the ether:
  so what is the preffered debugging method for discovering what this
  little leak might be .. strip the app down and build bit by bit .. or is
  there a clever way of looking at heap contents?
 The mod_perl guide is your friend:

ah yes RTFM :) .. and you're right .. theres the bit I needed .. infact
chances are it isnt a leak at all, just cached info filling up the planet
.. more investigation needed.


Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-09 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Wed, 09 May 2001, you wrote:
 * Damian Conway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I wonder how hard it would be to get Faith or Charisma Carpenter do a meet'n'greet at TPC.
  No idea. But it that idea falls through, I bet you *could* get a pony!
 next you'll be trying to flog slices of the pony and when we want to
 go and see it and feed it carrots, you'll come up with some lame foot
 and mouth excuse

hmmm .. does anyone remember the 'stressed eric' episode where he buys a
pony? .. that will be our pony ! :)

actually .. if you *do* want a pony they're bloody [sic] cheap. If its
going for meat you can have em for about 20 quid. Theres a market up at
Bridgnorth that has em.[1] I could get you one and deliver it to the
Pederels Oak for probably a hundred quid including transport.

[1] although since you can't move much livestock other than horses around
right now, horses might be fetching a premium wiht the pet food lot, so
the price might be up a bit.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: sing if you're happy that way

2001-05-08 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 08 May 2001, you wrote:

  'PISHA' have all sorts of possibilities for acronymic re-interpretation,
 Perhaps from the Yiddish 'Pisher'?
 Pisher - Male infant, a little squirt, a nobody 

thats interesting .. that kinda ties in with the Hungarian 'piszis'
that means much the same thing IIRC

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-08 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Tue, 08 May 2001, you wrote:

  The organising committee are trying to get the details of the dorms in the
  school. These will be a) very cheap and b) very close to the venue.
 I dont want to stay in no steenking dorms :)

wishful thinking ahh .. what a stroke of luck .. I appear to be
sharing a dorm with the school netball team and some visiting
cheerleaders, plus the airconditioning has failed, my word it's hot in
here .. /

reallity ahh ... that must be Bill, the big guy from the conference
who's in the upper bunk .. hmm he lives on picnic eggs and bolied
cabbage, or so he told me... and the airconditioning has failed / 

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: [OT] Anyone want a Defender?

2001-05-04 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 04 May 2001, you wrote:
 I've got bored with my Defender, so am selling it.  Anyone interested? defender beats watching buffy on the stupid-box any day of
 the week.

the '80's video arcade game? ... hmmm .. well, if it was Pheonix Firebird
I might have been tempted ;)

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Not Matt's Scripts

2001-05-02 Thread Robin Szemeti

so ..  who is the FormMail csar? ... I lost track of who was dealing with
what. I spotted a few things in there and have comments .. or should i
just post em on the list .. ???

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: its TRUE I tell you ...

2001-04-29 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Robin Szemeti wrote:
 so it's true is it? :) You're late by about 28 days, sorry.

I know (the news items in the RH frame 'microsoft send monkeys to Mars'
'Bill Gates buys Cuba' etc kinda give it away ;)

but it was still funny.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Stuffed camel

2001-04-29 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, you wrote:

 Can *someone* please pick a date to go visit the camel?

 ... Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?

whilst I appreciate you'll put up some feeble excuse such as 'no no .. the
signatures are generated at random'  this current revelation has opened
up a whole new side to you I didn't know existed.  Coupled with the news
in another of the weekend mails that the list moderator is a fairy, I
think I need a large G+T.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Mailbox power ..

2001-04-28 Thread Robin Szemeti

umm ...

so .. anyone else with a server at Mailbox (ISTR there were a few)

this mornings powerdown  @ 06:00 .. what time did yours come back up and
has it gone up and down again since then .. mines been down twice :(

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Mailbox power ..

2001-04-28 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 Robin Szemeti sent the following bits through the ether:
  this mornings powerdown  @ 06:00 .. what time did yours come back up and
  has it gone up and down again since then .. mines been down twice :(
 Up at midday, which is terrible as the box wasn't supposed to be
 affected due to a UPS. However, not many UPS's last six hours. Bad

well I did a bit better .. i think

Apr 28 08:23:17  restart.
Apr 28 09:44:45  restart.
Apr 28 11:26:23  restart. 

apparenlty it should now be stable.

so yes, non-ideal ... but .. its still bloody good value. :)

any named experts out there? ... any ideas why named complains it cant
find hints for rootserver even though I have (I thought) set up as forward
only ...

my . zone looks like:

zone . in {
type forward;
forward only;
forwarders { x.x.x.x; y.y.y.y; };

yet there is much muttering and grumbling in /var/log/messages about lack
of hints ... I thought the absence of a 'type cache' would prevent that
.. apparently not  ( its bind 9.1 btw )

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

its TRUE I tell you ...

2001-04-28 Thread Robin Szemeti

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Boozers in Dublin

2001-04-28 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 12:41:36AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  with a webcam and they used to all go in and wave at as at exactly 12:30
  so we could see them when we were in birmingham .. it was sorta nice.
  err .. no .. I lied .. it was Belfast ... you could commute?
  cue local info from Tony
 I can give local info re: Belfast - i.e. the pub mentioned above was
 probably The Crown, which is actually owned by the National Trust,
 but I don't really know Dublin too well

ah yes ...

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Good Accountants

2001-04-27 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, you wrote:

 Well, if you're daft enough to install Turdpoke you deserve all you

In my defence your Honour, this relates to the BL[1] period of my life and
I am now a reformed character.  I have worshipped at The Shrine Of The
Penguin for many moons now,  broken bread with Linus and I won't be going
back to the cult od Gates[2].

[1] Before Linux
[2] Well .. unless the client is paying .. hey .. I'am a contractor after
all ..
Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: MySQL - Oracle wrapper/compat. libs

2001-04-27 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, you wrote:

 The real answer is since you are using a database you care about speed
 so spend three minutes reading the docs/google for your particular
 database vendor and implement whatever strategy is suggested
 (AUTO_INCREMENT, ROWID, oid, SEQUENCE, before-row-insert triggers,

but of course .. however the topic was (somewhere along the thread)
related to portable methods to try and keep from having to change all the
SQL between different db version.

Anyway .. for 90% of web apps its its a 100:1 read/write ratio .. lots of
people browse .. occasionally one of em places a bid/ makes a purchase so
the blocking anly occurs occasionally, ... if you do it sensibly (get all
the data ready .. {lock, get max, insert, release}  the lock period is
tiny. and not really an issue.

however I stll prefer my method (implement it as a 'library' wrapper
class on DBI with the appropriate (AUTO_INCREMENT, ROWID, oid, SEQUENCE
or whatevr) technique and a library::insert($sql,@args) method) and then
you just have to plug in the approprate wrapper between your app and
todays choice of DB and in theory the app can stay the same.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: MySQL - Oracle wrapper/compat. libs

2001-04-27 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 09:38:45AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
  but of course .. however the topic was (somewhere along the thread)
  related to portable methods to try and keep from having to change all the
  SQL between different db version.
 Why do this? Unless you're using the db in a toy capacity (which is
 fair enough: see PHP) it's like using Java when you could be using
 custom DSP hardware.

well somewhere along the thread the topic was keeping your db and app
sorta independent (ala tangram) for the 'we like it .. does it work on
Postgres as well as MySQL' days that come along and you'd rather not
change too much... but agreed for serious heavy duty work a fienly tuned
db schema using the best bits of whatever db you happen to have is the
way to go. 

 [side note: I did just see a bizarre thread in macosx-dev where
 one guy claimed his FFT code was executing faster in Java than C
 because its interpreter used runtime info to optimize it. Search on
 'informal benchmarks']

uh huh .. but he's a Java programmer .. his C could be *REALLY* bad ;) ..
favourite Java quote 'If javas garbage collector is damn good, how come
the whole thing doesn't delete itself upon execution?'

  the blocking anly occurs occasionally, ... if you do it sensibly (get all
  the data ready .. {lock, get max, insert, release}  the lock period is
  tiny. and not really an issue.
 There are enough assumptions here to make me again suggest you use
 a vendor-specific route :-)

yes .. but the verndor specific code lives in the wrapper class ...

  however I stll prefer my method (implement it as a 'library' wrapper
  class on DBI with the appropriate (AUTO_INCREMENT, ROWID, oid, SEQUENCE
  or whatevr) technique and a library::insert($sql,@args) method) and then
  you just have to plug in the approprate wrapper between your app and
  todays choice of DB and in theory the app can stay the same.
 If it was that simple, someone would've done it -- DBI is a very
 mature and competent module. Go check out Automatic Key or Sequence
 Generation in the DBD driver feature summaries and you'll see why
 it's hard to encapsulate this: they're all sooo different.

sure .. but with a wrapper that implements a vendor specific technique
and say  a library_mysql, library_postgres etc I just plug in the
appropriate one between the app and DBI and it works for me ...its just
another layer of (plugable) abstraction.  doesnt seem to slow it down
that much ...
(and if speed was that imoprtant I'd do it in C++[1] anyway :)

[1] .. well except I'm crap at it so it probably wouldnt work .. come to
think of it some of my perl doesnt work .. hmmm.

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: Good Accountants

2001-04-27 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 Ho ho, you should have heard the stick that support got from that little
 prank.  Have you been sent a green CD, sir?  We'd better send you an
 orange one to recover your system...  It went on for *weeks*.

umm .. I went for the 'format from the ground up' method and took it as
an opportunity to rod the thing out ;) 

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

Re: MySQL - Oracle wrapper/compat. libs

2001-04-27 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, you wrote:
 Paul Makepeace sent the following bits through the ether:
  If it was that simple, someone would've done it -- DBI is a very
  mature and competent module
 That's the problem. It seems like people aren't content with writing
 their own, slightly different, templating system, and have moved onto
 many different DBI abstraction layers to cope with all databases at
 the same time. The OO-DB persistence modules all have their own way of
 doing it too...

I know .. I know .. damm programmers keep messing with things until they
break them ...

Robin Szemeti

The box said requires windows 95 or better
So I installed Linux!

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