Re: 25 Years of Perl

2012-11-19 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 05:29:29PM +, Dave Cross wrote:
 1/ Technical
 What CPAN modules deserve to be mentioned as part of Perl's history?
 Which Perl infrastructure projects are (or were) important? Are
 there any other technical things that need to be covered?

Back before there were modules: the earliest version I used (3.something)
came with *2p utilities that were useful in their own right and enabled
bootstrapping knowledge from find, sed and especially in my case awk:
If a2p hadn't existed (and installed right alongside perl) I'm not sure
whether I'd have started using Perl.

I think the early days of comp.lang.perl (before the split) with informed,
entertaining  helpful commentary from some of stalwarts was also key
in the rise of Perl.

Best wishes
Chris Benson

Re: Getting cpan's Oracle DBD to work properly on i386 is proving a bit tricky

2011-08-22 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 05:17:07PM +0100, Paul Branon wrote:
 Hi Guys,
 Does anyone know where I can get help getting oracle DBD to work? I'm on
 Intel Solaris 10
 and Oracle comes with an AMD64 binary. It runs fine on my system. I can
 connect to oracle
 with no problems at all. Then I install oracle DBD which installs just fine
 But when I try to
 connect to the database I get wrong ELF class. Because is
 a 32 bit binary.

Uhm for my sins, I've got:
root@selfservice:/usr/local # uname -a
SunOS selfservice 5.10 Generic_142901-07 i86pc i386 i86pc
oot@selfservice:/usr/local # file 
/usr/local/oracle/product/instantclient_10_2/ ELF 32-bit LSB 
dynamic lib 80386 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped
root@selfservice:/usr/local #
... and I think what makes it possible:
root@selfservice:/usr/local # file /usr/local/bin/perl
/usr/local/bin/perl:ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1 [FPU], 
dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available
root@selfservice:/usr/local # 

Which was either from or locally built.

On some SPARC systems where there's a full 64bit Oracle installed, I've
resorted to ensuring that I've set
before starting or where I can't/don't trust the environment to:
  # needs to before loading the DB modules
  $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} ||= '/export/home/oracle1020/product/1020/client_1';
  # LD_LIBRARY_PATH needed because we're on a 64bit Oracle now
But again this is with a 32-bit Perl.
# file /usr/local/bin/perl
/usr/local/bin/perl:ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically 
linked, not stripped

 I guess what I need is literally the answer.

Install a 32-bit Perl has been my solution.  I'll need to look at
this again soon for the next technology refresh though :-/  

I'm hoping it won't be as irritating on RHEL/OUL, but my first attempts
to setup an application server for Oracle 11g ended up rebuilding the
whole system as 32-bit because the application vendor had linked their
app against a 32-bit libclntsh and 32-bit Oracle 11g won't install on a 
64-bit o/s ...

Chris Benson

Re: Measuring power

2009-04-30 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:05:21PM +0100, wrote:
 On Apr 29 2009, Chris Benson wrote:

 Indeed: one of those simplifications they make in teaching O-level  
 (sorry, GCSE) physics (that dates me... :-)

But I don't remember it coming up in A-level physics either, (but I was
well on the way to dropping out by then so may have missed it!).

 Of course VA maybe what you want.

 Probably: that's what the power company bills you for...

Domestic charges are per the meter: kW.  

But at work, due to a screw-up in the power layout of our spiffy new
machine room, we were being charged for 120kVA across three phases though
we were only using 48kW (as recorded by the UPS) -- but mostly from one
phase.  Apart from the cost we were causing (earth-leakage?) problems at
the substation: We had to do a full shutdown and scramble round under
the floor to try to spread the phases out better, while ensuring we
didn't mix phases in racks.  Joy!

I'd like better power meters for both domestic and work: the Sun racks at 
work have power control units -- but no power consumption monitoring, and
the domestic meters are too large to fit on every device :-(
Chris Benson

Re: Measuring power

2009-04-30 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 06:57:49PM +0200, Abigail wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:10:30AM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
  Domestic charges are per the meter: kW.  
 kWh surely?

Argh yeah!  I must remember where I'm writing :-)

I blame my lying Efergy meter that tells me kW when it's really kVA
for making me careless of units.
Chris Benson

Re: Measuring power

2009-04-29 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:05:01AM +0100, Michael Lush wrote:

 A frend of mine has a Power Owl

 You clip the sensor round the mains power were it comes in to the  
 electricity meter.  I guess you could clip it round the server power 

 I'd be inclined to calibrate it against a inline power meter before use...

I have a similar meter from Efergy at home and once spent a frustrating
weekend trying to get it to agree with the official meter.

Eventually I realised that these meters are measuring VA, not W.  The same
for resistive loads, but considerably different for inductive loads such
as CFL and electric motors.   I have one 32W CFL that draws 67VA.

Of course VA maybe what you want.

I got a few inline power meters from Maplins when they were on
offer at 9.99
(But they're now 22.99!)  Ah, the current deal is  @ 7.99.  OK for
domestic use but that doesn't really help in a rack or if you can't
unplug the server.

There must be a market for better power monitoring: I'd like a meter
that piggy-backs in the circuit-breaker socket of a distribution board so
that I can monitor each circuit.  Individual devices would be even better!
Chris Benson

Complaining (was: Re: Perl's lack of 'in' keyword

2008-10-08 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 03:51:18PM +0100, Dominic Thoreau wrote:
 If there was nothing else to complain about, they'd complain that
 things were too nice.

In msg just received from the SO, currently on south coast of Crete:

P.S. Just overhead a neighbour say, I don't like that beach, there's
too much sand. 

Chris Benson

Re: Partitioning?

2003-09-10 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 09:41:28PM +0100, Jody Belka wrote:
 Ok now, i know partitioning can sometimes be a contentious issue, and
 there's not generally a one right way. Being as that is the case though,
 i'm going to be rebuilding a machine shortly and thought i'd ask for
 opinions on the partition structure i'm considering:

Stop right there.

1st step: tell us what you're gonna use it for.

Step 2: what are your priorities: speed vs security, simplicity
vs complexity, storage capacity vs reliability, local vs remote
administration (do you need it to keep running while you drive 300km
with a new drive) ... etc.
 2x80 gig hard drives

SCSI?  IDE on separate controllers?
 drive1:  30meg/boot  ext3
 244meg/  reiserfs

You might want to consider having / mirrored, or a copy of / on the
other disk so that if one disk fails you can still boot ... of course
you'll need duplicates of /boot and swap too (I use 2xsmaller swaps so
that when all is OK, I've got a lot of swap available, if (when) one 
disk goes there's still some.

 That lvm volume group then initially split into the following lvm logical

Since they're lvm'd initial size depends of what's to go in them: 
since you can resize (almost) on demand ...
 So, what do people think? anything i'm doing there that sounds silly?

Without know how you're gonna use it, it's hard to say.  Trouble is I
expect it'll be almost as hard for you -- that's where the art of mkfs
comes in :-)

 Also, i'm going to eventually have several uml and vmware machines on
 here. Should i create users for these and plonk their files into the home
 directories, or should i put them somewhere in /var (with an appropriate
 extension in size of course)? Or is there somewhere else that it's better
 to put them?

Ah, ownership of data is another contentious issue :-)  
- Who's gonna use the VMs? 
- Who 'owns' them: individual uses or are the VMs going to be shared?

Also, if you're gonna have a few v.large files, you might want to use
ext2 on a dedicated fs with 1 inode per each (average-file-size):-
gamma:~ # df -h /music
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/system/music  17G   18G  386M  98% /music  [*1]
gamma:~ # df -i /music
FilesystemInodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/system/music   44804115 365   92% /music

This saves a several 10's of MB in unused inodes ...

[*1] I also changed the Reserved block count to 0, but it looks like df
doesn't take that into account ...

Contention away!
Chris Benson

Re: Partitioning?

2003-09-10 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 10:59:47PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
 On or about Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 10:28:19PM +0100, Paul Makepeace typed:
 (Different /usr  /usr/local seems pointless to me. YMMV.)
 On or about Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 10:40:32PM +0100, Shevek typed:
  /usr/local  1gig   reiserfs
 Why bother having this separate? I used to have a lot of stuff in local 
 but now that I use portage, I have nothing in it.
 The reason for separating /usr and /usr/local is so that you can mount
 /usr read-only while still allowing users to write to /usr/local. In a
 modern environment this obviously makes patching a bit harder...

The reason for separating /usr and /usr/local is so that you can install
gamma:~ # /usr/local/bin/perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.0 built for ppc-linux

When the vendor supplies
gamma:~ # /usr/bin/perl -v
This is perl, v5.6.1 built for ppc-linux

Then trash the base o/s while keeping your customisations safe in an
(temporarily) unmounted partition.
Chris Benson

Re: Partitioning?

2003-09-10 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:00:29AM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 I've heard this argument quite a bit and (of course this is IMO) I don't
 buy the cost/benefit. a) how often do you trash your base OS? On a

Just recently quite a bit :-(

I (try to) keep a standard /usr/local that I throw at new machines.

 server? b) how hard is mv or cp -a /usr/local /some/other/place 
 versus the pain of having /usr fill up and /usr/local being a lush,

It's the pain of not being able to do it after something has trashed 
/usr (though that hasn't happened recen)$*)$)*$)*£$)*£$)  :-)

 On my primary server, just fyi,
 $ df -k /usr
 Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda5  2885780   1481152   1258040  55% /usr

gamma:~ # df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1 267M  142M  125M  54% /
/dev/system/home  2.0G  1.8G  243M  89% /home
/dev/system/share 6.0G  4.5G  1.5G  75% /share
/dev/system/tmp   512M  456M   56M  89% /tmp
/dev/system/usr   2.5G  2.0G  513M  80% /usr
/dev/system/usrlocal  2.0G  139M  1.8G   7% /usr/local
/dev/system/var   2.0G  1.8G  258M  88% /var
/dev/system/opt   2.0G  815M  1.2G  40% /opt
/dev/system/music  17G   18G  386M  98% /music
shmfs 375M 0  375M   0% /dev/shm

All (except / which is dup'ed with dd on hda1) are LVM'd. And since this
was my first server with IDE disks, software mirrored.   Hmm, not as
much in my PPC /usr/local as in the i386 one. Oh well, only 2 x 1.5GB 

/home, /share, /usr/local, /music and /opt have been with me for years
on one machine or another ... I've just found files dating back to Feb
23 1990 in /home :-(
 The _moment_ you start pissing about moving files around to work with a
 full partition you may well find you have anulled any possible marginal
 benefit of using partitions.

Amen.  Thank goodness for LVMs (and the low cost of storage).
Chris Benson

Re: Partitioning?

2003-09-10 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:05:11AM +0100, Jody Belka wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Chris Benson wrote:
 Although it'll be protected by a firewall, security will definitely be
 important with it owning (at least) one static ip on the end of an adsl

I was thinking more about RAID1 vs no RAID type of security ... I've had
the office web/mail/... server keep running on one disk for over a week 
after the other had shattered until I could get to the machine to swap
disks. Since I'm regularly away from home and office for weeks at a time
so that's important to me.

  You might want to consider having / mirrored, or a copy of / on the
  other disk so that if one disk fails you can still boot ... of course
  you'll need duplicates of /boot and swap too (I use 2xsmaller swaps so
  that when all is OK, I've got a lot of swap available, if (when) one
  disk goes there's still some.
 Won't be able to do much with the system if that happens though, will I,
 so is it really worth the bother when i'm not doing any mirroring right

It's nice to have a spare bootable partition if things screw up - a
kernel and tools that you know work with the devices/versions of the 
fs/... you have.  Though with things like Knoppix that's probably much 
less important now.  (Though that's Linux-speak and doesn't apply to
Solaris and so forth, and might not help with LVM, hardware RAID
drivers, ...).

Having started using LiveUpdate on Solaris, I'd also like to try
something similar on Linux -- a spare boot environment.  Though I guess
you could do similar with UML, but how to update the host system?
 The box isn't shared, it's just me, so the VMs are split by functionality,
 not by real users.
So that's easy, do it by functionality.
 I'll think about that, although would ext3 work just as well? Cause if

It would be slower in operation which is most of the time.  

I've not noticed long fsck times on /music -- but there are only 4000-odd
inodes to check: fewer than on all the other fs.  (and I'm not sure I've
ever been in the room when the server's rebooted -- I'm usually under
the stairs trying to remember which circuit-breaker is which :-).
Mmm. I'm interested:-

/dev/system/music: 4115/4480 files (64.7% non-contiguous), 4463062/4561920 blocks

sys 0m0.900s

I can live with less than 1 minute for 18GB.  Bit surprised about the
(64.7% non-contiguous) though.  
Chris Benson

Re: Limiting process startup

2003-09-05 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:28:02AM +0100, Paul Crowley wrote:
 What's the cleanest way to make sure at most N processes are doing X
 at once, and anyone else wishing to do X blocks until one of those N
 are finished?

Randal did a column on that that I've just pointed out to someone trying to
do something similar ...

(Trying to answer before Randal wakes up :-)

Chris Benson

Re: insidious biometrics, identity crises

2003-08-29 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:37:56PM +0100, Sam Vilain wrote:
 On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 19:29, Chris Benson wrote;
   CB I thought it already was ... thinks: prison statistics/
 I thought that the US prison statistics were because of the War on

Perhaps I mean sentencing statistics: 
- if you're poor you're X% more likely to be imprisoned for a particular
- if you're black you're Y% more likely to be imprisoned for a particular

I can't remember X and Y, but ISTR that X*Y is 10x more likely.
Chris Benson

Re: insidious biometrics, identity crises

2003-08-28 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 04:47:13PM +0100, Earle Martin wrote:
 tongue location=cheek
 Surely it can't be long until Dubya pushes this one through for the whole
 country? Then watch as the threshold slowly creeps up until being poor is a
 de facto crime.

I thought it already was ... thinks: prison statistics/
 Seriously though,

Yeah, I was :-(
Chris Benson

Re: insidious biometrics, identity crises

2003-08-28 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 05:38:23PM +0100, Simon Wilcox wrote:
 On a conceptual level I have no particular problem with carrying an id 
 card. Do I trust the government to get it right and to protect my data ? 
 Not a bloody chance !

Especially since, given the Guv's love affair with MS, (and lack
of funding and training) all the data will probably be stored in a
Access database stored on a shared drive somewhere ... waiting for
SoBig.[J-Za-z0-9] to mail it to every possible email address in the
known universe.

Sorry: I'm feeling pissed after another day writing Perl programs
to analyse and report the 00's of PCs using up to 70% of the 10Gbit
backbone bandwidth at work ... and a couple of days after hearing that
the NorthEast's emergency response teams plans are all stored as ...
.doc and .mdb :-(
Chris Benson

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-23 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 05:59:01PM +0100, Colin Magee wrote:
 SuSE 8.1.  As I say, I can see the files installed in usr/bin, as root, but
 when I try running it I get all sorts of error messages:
 1.Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.  Try checking mysqld is running and that the
 socket exists
 2.When I try to run mysqld independently, or add it to my .bashrc it
 doesn't work either.
 3.Even if the above did work, I understand there are a number of other
 setup and admin tasks with MySQL.  ie. you need to run mysql_install_db, set
 permissions, passwords and so forth.

It runs as a service, so if installed, root can start it with
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
if it's not autmatically started.  The init.d script does the
first-time-startup actions (except setting a root password).

Chris Benson

Re: perl and marketing

2003-08-19 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 11:53:42AM +0100, Andy Wardley wrote:
 Merijn wrote:
  I was very impressed one day when I learned that kids on Holland
  nowadays learn about the land of Oct in primary school, age 9-10. 
 aolMe too!/aol
 I was telling my wife about this just the other day.  I was in the 
 last year of junior school so also must have been about 9.  Our 
 teacher took us off on an imaginary rocket ship journey to a planet
 where the aliens only had 8 fingers.

All I got to do last year of primary school was sit in a corner with a
copies of Martin Gardner's (More) Mathmatical Puzzles and Diversions.
I'm feeling fantasy-deprived :-)

The teacher had a story about the leprechauns that could count up to
1023 on their fingers, so I might have known what binary was too (though
I don't remember binary being mentioned).
Chris Benson

Re: Messing with spammers

2003-08-14 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 10:28:13AM +0100, Earle Martin wrote:
 It prompted me to take five minutes and write this. It's not very efficient
 (why use a different prefix and suffix? I dunno, I just felt like it), but I
 like it. At time of speaking it's been running for, oh, about 15 minutes. I
 think I'll let it get to an hour.

Nice one.

I got one with an 0800 number in it last night ... - any evening of
server-fans and typing on their answering machine :-)
Chris Benson

Re: iCal meetings?

2003-07-28 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 02:08:15PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
 And doubly so, since as you can see on the same page, the Best Game award 
 went to Frozen Bubble, a game written in... Perl (yes, it's possible, and it 
 even looks really good).
 Next month, when none of you have finished any of your projects, don't blame 
 me :)

Never a true-er work spoken.  Damned thing :-(   

Chris Benson

Re: Digging in the (linux) swap file

2003-07-18 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 11:14:16PM +0100, Steve Keay wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 06:55:59PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 I don't think the kernel makes any per-process statistics visible.

there's a bunch of numbers in /proc/PID/{maps,stat,statm,status}
That might tell you something.  I'm afraid i lost interest before
finding out what the numbers meant.

Chris Benson

Re: Book for review

2003-07-18 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 09:35:18PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Friday, July 18, 2003 9:15 pm +0100 Shevek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, David Cantrell wrote:
 Does anyone here have any experience of running Linux on IBM zSeries?
 Cos  Prentice Hall have a book on it.
 Was this written by someone inside IBM?
 By no less than four IBMers.


Got: 67 results found in Redbooks, Redpapers and Drafts

I was going to look for a likely redbook and suggest them as authors, but
there're too many to choose from!
Reminds me again that IBM are serious about Linux ...
Chris Benson

Re: Linux firewall / web server

2003-07-01 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 01:21:03PM +0100, Shevek wrote:
 # yadda - note -s/-d rather than -i/-o - but we don't have to think about 
 # this from now on. We do have a standard validation chain somewhere, 
 # don't worry.
[... sample script ...]

I had several issues with the firewall (shell) scripts I looked at:

* they approached/exceeded the length of the rules they output: not much
 saving in labour there.

* one extra/missing quote and the script dies (and we're talking about
scripts that are being edited by chimps): which led me to:

* I wanted an input file I could validate and die() on error instead of
half-way through creating the rules.

Shevek's use of variable names makes his a lot more readable than one
script I saw that looked like a shell obfuscation entry from a .BAT writer ...
but still, one typo and you're dead.

Not that I'll happy with my config-file, but I can say things like:

define $INTERNAL eth0
define $EXTERNAL ippp+
define $ANY all 0:65355


in_ext counts tcp http
in_ext do connected
in_ext accepts tcp smtp -s $DEMON_SMTP_NET; ssh;
# be nasty - no-one should be trying me for these
in_ext mirror all portmap; netbios-ns; netbios-dgm; netbios-ssn; ftp; printer; telnet
in_ext log DROPPING:in_ext  
in_ext drop

count_in counts tcp domain; smtp; http;
count_in counts udp domain; 

on forward from $INTERNAL to $EXTERNAL do fwd_int_ext
on forward from $EXTERNAL to $INTERNAL do fwd_ext_int
on forward log DROPPING:forward 
# policy is drop
on input from lo accept 
on input from $INTERNAL do in_int
on input from $EXTERNAL do in_ext
on input log DROPPING:input  
# policy is drop

on output to lo accept
on output to $INTERNAL do out_int
on output to $EXTERNAL do out_ext
on output log DROPPING:output 
# policy is drop

That gives me 
gamma:~ # wc -l /etc/firewall.conf
130 /etc/firewall.conf
gamma:~ # setup-firewall /etc/firewall.conf | wc -l
gamma:~ #
Chris Benson

Re: Linux firewall / web server

2003-06-30 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 03:58:36PM +, Martin Bower wrote:
 I'm going to build a Linux firewall  web server at home (not necessarily 
 the same box) and wondered if anyone can advise of the best route to go.
 I've seen smoothwall,  but would I be better hardening a linux install ?  if 
 so, which flavour ?
 I'll be installing Apache, mod_perl, + db on the same box, so maybe this 

Uhm, this sort-of contradicts (not necessarily the same box) above.
If you want a minimal-maintenance, standalone firewall, ISTM that
Smoothwall is as easy as it gets ...

But as others have said, if you're putting a webserver on it, then you
have to go with plan B.

 will influence your recommendation ?

The distro you're most familiar with?  I use SuSE because I'm used to
it.  But I'm forcing myself to try Debian again, again :-)

Another suggestion:-

There's a Knoppix-based (which is itself Debian based) distro, 
Knoppix-STD (nope, it stands for Security Tools Distribution) that has
two sorts of firewall as well as honey-pots, ID-tools and so forth.
It can run from CDROM which is nice from a recoverability PoV.
 any ideas/tips welcomed.

I had a lot of difficulty thinking about the f/wall rules for a system
acting as f/wall and server until I separated the data streams (and
setup a table/chain for each stream):

inet- f/wall
inet- internal network
inet- dmz network
dmz - inet
dmz - internal
dmz - f/wall
int'l   - f/wall
int'l   - dmz
int'l   - inet
f/wall  - inet
f/wall  - dmz
f/wall  - internal

I've a perl script that writes a set of iptables commands from a
simplified config file ...
Chris Benson

Re: UK Money, again

2003-06-26 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 07:10:56AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
I mean, what is the official name for the UK money?
 Currently it's called sterling. Soon it will become the Euro.

For some value of soon.
Chris Benson

Re: The joys of web development

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 12:10:51PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
 After eliminating bots and everything under 0.1%, my logs give me 
 Gecko+KHTML at 17% and IE5+ at 83%. The rest doesn't exist. This means you 
 can reasonably start thinking about XHTML 1.1 Strict with some good CSS (as 

But surely that's because the elite lynx and w3m[*] users 
(a) d/load only the index.html (not the 75 images) then
(b) leave, vowing never to come back to a site that doesn't work.

It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy ... try using e.g. in anything except IE for a taster:
- lynx and w3m: no chance
- NS7: links don't work then crashes
- Moz1.2: hangs
- Konqueror: tabbed areas aren't visible then the tabs disappear

Class act -- I won't be back there again. So in their logs everything 
except IE doesn't exist :-(

[*] insert non-IE browser of choice
Chris Benson

Re: The joys of web development

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 02:30:56PM +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
 Chris Benson wrote:

I didn't mean to associcate you with *that* site! :-)
 Looking at the code, it is *very*very*very* far removed from the coding 
 style that I am advocating.

I don't think anyone could advocate that site (with a straight face)
could they?
Chris Benson

Re: The joys of web development

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 01:14:03PM +0100, Bob Walker wrote:

 netscape 4.7 works just.

Digs out only nn4.x I have left:- Netscape® Communicator 4.78 (Solaris)

Displays the banner then about three columns of menus on top of each
other in the middle of the screen then display a torrent of popups
saying 1 exceeds the number of menu layers when I move the cursor over
the overlapping menus.

Selecting More Info from one of the items at the bottom of the page 
closes the browser. I would've said crashes, but there was no error
cbblade:~/work/oracle/11i $ netscape
cbblade:~/work/oracle/11i $ 

Like I said: Class Act :-)
Chris Benson

Re: The joys of web development

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 07:49:27AM -0800, jonah wrote:
 On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Jon Reades wrote:
  Unless text-to-speech software has improved dramatically in its ability 
  to parse anything except basic HTML since my last exposure to it, then 
  something like Jaws would roll over dead on the impaired part of the site.
 This is 'specially bad for an academic institution since IIRC UK
 Universities are legally required to adhere to the W3C WAI guidelines
 (priority 1 and 2) under the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act
 2001. I should really drop them a friendly line to point that out, I

Yup. I actually cheated.  Every time some department pays zillions for
one of these crack-fueled-migraine-inducing affairs, the in-house team
come along, extract all the content (which usually came from them in the
first place before 99% was deleted as not zoomin' and happenin'-enough)
and do a completely HTML version (which also (I believe) uses a
BBC-written-and-maintained Perl script to change font sizes and colours
on user-request).  This allows Sunderland to maintain its status as one of
the most minority-supportive-inclusive-insert your cuddly buzzword here
-friendly new Unis. :-)  and saves millions in legal fees and fines.
Unfortunately departments pay 00s of 000s for the MacroMedia ... and
nothing for the service that keeps the lawyers from the door!

The non-migraine version of the prospectus is at  (which is still
blue-on-blue: Hrmph!) but in Lynx the Uni home page starts:

   University of Sunderland - UK (p1 of 4)

 Banner With University of Sunderland logo

  Arrow pointing to Visually Impaired?

   Visually impaired? Your opportunity to change your font size, colours,
   and contrast.

With the above a link to 
Which is good.  (Same content as /_html2/, different stylesheet ??).
 Website accessability to the disabled is one of my little pet rants, but I
 won't bore you lot with it. You're all much better at ranting than I am.


This last year I've noticed I have a lot more trouble reading small
print, not usually on-screen because it's back lit, but low-contrast
printed material.  I can see that before long I'll be using some of the
accessability features of new browsers (It's one of the reasons I like
Lynx -- hard to change the font/colours of an xterm :-) and I'm still

Chris Benson

Re: Learning regular expressions

2003-03-19 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 07:06:53PM +0100, Philip Newton wrote:
 On 18 Mar 2003 at 14:32, Chris Benson wrote:
 [ORA books]
  I blame Josette. You can't turn round without getting a discount: London
  PerlMounger - get a discount, Tyneside PerlMounger - get a discount,
  UKUUG member - get a discount, ...
 How does that work? Just mention I'm a member when placing 
 your order?

Yup, they arrive from (whichever publisher Pearson? handles ORA in the
UK) in a few days. 

 Seems a bit too easy to me.

That's the problem :-)
 (Presumably only works when ordering directly from ORA.)

Yup, I used to have a card with Josette's contact details, ... I'll try
to find it.  Or via UKUUG if you're in that.
Chris Benson

Re: Learning regular expressions

2003-03-18 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 12:41:18PM +, Phil Dobbin wrote:

 Hey, I've bought thirty-two O'Reilly books as it is ;-)

I'll raise you: (gulp) forty-eight at home[*] including the 1988
(first?) edition of the X11 manuals.

I blame Josette. You can't turn round without getting a discount: London
PerlMounger - get a discount, Tyneside PerlMounger - get a discount,
UKUUG member - get a discount, ...


[*] implying an uncounted number at work ...
Chris Benson

Re: Oracle Jobs @ UK? [Was: Re: Obsolete software]

2003-03-18 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 12:51:49PM +, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 12:31, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:
I was reading this thread and wondering about how is the oracle DBA market
  at London. Can anybody here tell me if there is good job offers for a
  certified oracle DBA at London and surroundings?

Looks like a qualified maybe. (Up 1% since February!).
Chris Benson

Re: Obsolete software

2003-03-17 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 09:53:52PM +, Tim Sweetman wrote:
 Chris Benson wrote:
 Bzzzt! in 8i and 9i, Oracle defaults to the Cost Based Optimizer.
 Unfortunately it needs a (manual)
  SQL exec dbms_utilities.gather_schema_statistics('APPS');
 (or something like that) to work reasonably well. Viz last week a
 4-table query on out of date statistics - 15min to use 500MB of temp
 space then fail.  With current statistics: - correct results in 0.08 
 seconds :-}
 FWIW, MySQL and Informix Dynamic Server both need manual stuff done 
 before they gather statistics (though I think the optimisers on both 
 will often do a decent job without the stats)...

We're spending about 6 hours every Sunday mornings gathering stats
for one application :-( It seems that we've also been wasting 2hours
a night gathering partial (estimated) stats ... which overwrite the
complete stats.  So we're better off with week-old actual values than 1
day-old estimates!

Isn't Oracle wonderful: jobs for life(tm)
Chris Benson

Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Benson
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 02:14:51PM +, the hatter wrote:
 On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Chris Benson wrote:
  there is.  It works on 4KB pages, so is supposedly v.efficient).
 It's effectivey some clever uses of diff.  You have the 'real' fs, as it
 existed at one point in time.  When you take a snapshot, you start up a
 'diff session'.  All writes are made to this diff file, all reads first go
 through the diff file, to see if they've been altered, and then either
 reads from the diff, or reads from the original fs, depending on whether
 it's been altered lately.

I think of it as 'copying the inode-table' ... and since their f/s
doesn't rewrite blocks only writes fresh ones, by looking at the 0800
copy of the inode-table, you get the files at 0800. This leads to two
problems that I see: some real hot-spots on the disks that they fix by
having battery backed RAM-cache and just the management of such a f/s --
makes my head hurt thinking about it.
  Also saw the BakBone backup system:
 I assume you mean the plugin for netvault.  Not used netapps and
 netvault together, but netvault on its own seems nice enough for small
 systems, but has some shockingly small arbitrary limits (which they send
 you patched binaries for, if you find them and ask them in the right way)
 to get over.  Like the maximum number of characters in a list of machines
 to back up... not a maximum number of machines 9well, there is, but you'll
 not hit that until you've hit this)  so you can add,, to
 the list, but you can't add instead.

I've got a copy on CDs so I'll check that out: thanks for the tip.  The
initial plan is to hang a DLT/LTO library off the Filer and just dump
directly.  If the project expands to include application servers the
length of the server list might become rather important!
Best wishes
Chris Benson

Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6 - NetApp filer filesystems

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Benson
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 11:29:15PM +, Dirk Koopman wrote:
 On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 18:53, Chris Benson wrote:
  I think of it as 'copying the inode-table' ... and since their f/s
  doesn't rewrite blocks only writes fresh ones, by looking at the 0800
  copy of the inode-table, you get the files at 0800. This leads to two
  problems that I see: some real hot-spots on the disks that they fix by
  having battery backed RAM-cache and just the management of such a f/s --
  makes my head hurt thinking about it.
 Erm.. none of this is actually that new and the problems are (or at were
 in about 1967) quite well understood. Neither is it particularly hard. A
 combination of copy on write with some (:-) administration to make it
 all hang together, together with some careful write ordering will do the
 job very nicely. 

Nope, but *I've* not seen it done: I'm very comfortable with 'trad'
Unix filesystem semantics - the 'never rewrite a block' which suggests
that the block-list of a file gets updated with every write is a bit
worrying because it's unfamiliar (I'm getting staid in my advancing
years :-)  ... and as you say some careful write ordering. 

Actually I think my head was hurting because of some bug. A couple of
paracetamol and I'm much better now.
Chris Benson - trying to remember the hierarchical database that did
something like this on CP/M back in the '80s -- you could append 'AT
yy/mm/dd hh:ss' to a query to get it at that point in time ... unless
the logs had been flushed.

Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6

2003-03-15 Thread Chris Benson
On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 01:33:11AM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:44:11PM +, Chris Benson wrote:
   On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 03:43:50PM +, Shevek wrote:
 Among them the whirl as you realise that rm -rf
   shouldn't be taking this long...
  Ah, that time-stopping, stomach-dropping, splicter-clenching moment :-)
 You mean that moment of ineffable smugness as you casually restore from
 your recent, tested backup?

I had a dem yesterday of the NetApps Filer. The presenter took a
snapshot of the 500GB user filestore (takes ~5sec), ... then deleted his
2GB home dir: email, presentations, software, the whole lot.  

Smiling all the while.

Of course it took another 5 sec or so to recover it from the
~snapshots/test01 virtual directory representing the snapshot, but it's
a hell of a party-piece.

I want one!  Or maybe 2 - one for home :-)
Chris Benson

Re: Obsolete software

2003-03-14 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 02:44:07PM +, Frank Booth wrote:
 An Oracle query will perform with varying degrees of efficiency,
 recognising useful indexes etc, based entirely on the sequence of the

Bzzzt! in 8i and 9i, Oracle defaults to the Cost Based Optimizer.
Unfortunately it needs a (manual)

SQL exec dbms_utilities.gather_schema_statistics('APPS');

(or something like that) to work reasonably well. Viz last week a
4-table query on out of date statistics - 15min to use 500MB of temp
space then fail.  With current statistics: - correct results in 0.08 
seconds :-}  (And if you think Oracle DBMS is high maintenance you
should see Oracle Financials ...).

 [other dbms]

I liked Solid RDBMS: fast, modern, standards compliant, cross-platform
(with data compatible between plaforms) and (after installation)
zero-administration.  (Except to add new storage to it's ~10-line .ini
format config file).  They originally did cheap retail sales over
the internet but have moved into embedded market and OEM deals ...

Chris Benson

Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:12:45AM +, Aaron Trevena wrote:
 Perl is easy to learn[**] - one of ex-colleagues learnt enough to handle
 mod_perl, searching, databases, etc in a couple of days just by reading
 the Llama and a couple of web pages.

[**] I think you missed if you know Unix out of there.

If you've never heard of grep, glob, split, local/gmtime,  unlink,
STDIN, ARGV, ... or seen a regular expression, it's all pretty 
bewildering.   Even if you have, there's all the chop/chomp/splice/...
cuteness to confuse.
Chris Benson -- hoping to teach my first Perl course in nearly 2 years
in April ... hoping they're not all HTML-programmers.

Re: Driving

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:45:43PM +, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
 Aaron Trevena wrote:
 Its like complaining that driving a nice audi is hard because
 you've only ever driving a go-kart around a car park !!
 Driving an audi is hard because it's a big ugly /car/ with 4 wheels. 
 Try a two wheeled device.  Much easier!

Or even three:

Then you don't fall over when you stop :-)
Chris Benson

Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Benson
 On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 03:43:50PM +, Shevek wrote:
  My opinion on programming (this week) is that the modern generation of 
  programmer has never used any system where commands are executed as you 
  type them, and thus they have no concept of a sequence of instructions, 
  and therefore they cannot program.

and On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 04:59:49PM +, Dean wrote:
 I would have thought any of the Unix shells were a system where
 commands are executed as you type them, you have expressions, variables
 and instant feedback. 

I think that's the point: too many programmers have never seen a Unix
shell ... and maybe only see a DOS prompt when things go wrong :-)

   Among them the whirl as you realise that rm -rf
 shouldn't be taking this long...

Ah, that time-stopping, stomach-dropping, splicter-clenching moment :-)
Chris Benson


2003-02-24 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 04:14:27PM +, Dirk Koopman wrote:
 Two little CPAN questions:-
 1. what command do you use (I presume in 'cpan') to tell what modules
 you have installed (with which version).
perl -MCPAN -e autobundle

 2. some time ago someone kindly posted an URL to a simple script which
 did the above and also installed stuff what was 'missing' or 'old' from
 a list. Could someone post the URL again?

perl -MCPAN -e 'install name of above bundle'
e.g.perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2003_02_24_00'

Of course that only gives you what you had ... or does it? I guess it'll
get the latest versions from CPAN: roll-on CPANPLUS.

Chris Benson

Muliplexing X-window output

2003-02-15 Thread Chris Benson

A long time ago someone was looking for a way of multiplexing graphic

I can't find the thread and I don't remember any resolution, but I have 
just found: XMX - An X Protocol Multiplexor 

XMX provides a WYSIWIS (What You See Is What I See) environment; it
paints the same graphics on all participating displays. The shared
client applications appear to each participant in a virtual root window
which is subject to local window management. In this way, the shared X
session coexists with each user's private X session. 

HTH someone
Chris Benson

Re: Perl / UTF-8

2003-02-12 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 09:53:54AM +, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
 Given the feedback on suggestions about perl debugger tutorials, I
 don't think many perl *users* use the debugger, so to me that explains why
 no-one in the world noticed it sooner. To most perl users, the debugger is
 not fundamental.
 I'd use it if I knew how shrug.
 The perl debugger is about as much fun as ed. Also, many people use perl 
 wrapped up inside some web environment which makes it not conducive to 
 debugging with the debugger.
 But I think that's a shame, because a debugger really ought to be more 
 fun than print statements. For all I know Activestate's Visual Debugger 
 is great. In fact I think I'll try it out.

Unless I had a particularly strange dream a few years back, I thought
ddd gave a gui front-end to Perl's -d with all the usual features.

checks ddd man-pageYup.

I don't use it either tho'
Chris Benson

Re: SMP Linux

2003-01-30 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 05:53:49PM -, Steve Mynott wrote:

 Although I think a lot of current linux development work is on SMP and multi
 processor scalability so if you were brave enough to run a bleeding edge
 kernel with dodgy patches you might get better results.

The sparc-kernel list has several people running 4 and 8-way boxes  
(someone was talking about a V880 last week).

Don't know how it runs compared to Sol9 tho'
Chris Benson

Re: What is^W^Wperl

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Benson
On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 09:24:10AM -0800, Dave Cross wrote:
 Ask Googlism

Nice :-)

About perl, Googlism he say (amongst other things):

perl is the right tool for the job
perl is #1
perl is ugly and java is elegant
perl is
perl is not

And rather surprisingly:
perl is a trademark of o'reilly  associates
perl is already installed on all the student pcs in block 16 the

Chris Benson

Re: DNS/Email Question

2002-11-29 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 01:19:55PM +, Jon Reades wrote:
 Does anyone have any insight into where the point of failure is? I'm 
 wondering if there's some issue with the fact that our DNS server here 
 is a slave to the NYC office's DNS server, or if, in turn, its US 
 masters are misconfigured, or whether I should just give up on trying to 
 send this email (or let them know by phone that their DNS is 
 misconfigured) because there's really no way to reach them.

 $ dig mx


;  MX


Their mail gateway.


;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 3578  IN  A 3578IN  A 84384   IN  A 85268   IN  A

And $ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Server (Microsoft Exchange Internet
Mail Service 5.5.2653.13) ready
214 End of HELP info
221 closing connection
Connection to closed by foreign host.

So it looks OK (FSVOOK) to me.  Not that I trust MS Exchange to do

Chris Benson

Re: DNS/Email Question

2002-11-29 Thread Chris Benson
On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 08:39:08AM -0600, Richard Clyne wrote:
 Early versions of Exchange 5.5 relayed by default.  Newer service packs
 switch the default to off.  The question is really 'What has to happen
 to get people to install Service Packs and hotfixes in a reasonable

format c: /u

Chris Benson

Re: MySQL - PostgreSQL migration

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:06:44AM +, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 06:49:52PM -0500, Chris Devers wrote:
  I've tried putting the demo version of Oracle on somewhat better hardware
  (sorry, it's been a while  I forget all specs) and, aside from the fact
 You really do have to throw one honkin' chunk o' RAM at it. Not to
 mention disk space for the install; 9i is over a gig download. Further,

Tell me about it:
Memory: 12G real, 5823M free, 1999M swap free

Only 5.8GB free because I restarted Solaris this morning to change
max shmem to 4GB ... it'll be gone by tonight and the app (Oracle
Financials) still runs like a dog.

 Of course, the conspiracy theorists would claim this is to keep DBA 
 consultants in business...

Chris Benson

Re: MySQL - PostgreSQL migration

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:46:36PM +, Dirk Koopman wrote:
 That is a insult to several lurchers that I know and love. The simile I
 think you are groping for is: like a snail on mogodon.

I stand corrected ... until I can think of a metaphor that conjures the
massive bulk that is Oracle Financials :-)
Chris Benson

Re: Book: Best of the Perl Journal

2002-11-19 Thread Chris Benson
On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 11:13:42AM +, Graham Barr wrote:
 Well as I said I am in Guildford, now. But soon I will be moving
 to Wisbech in Cambridgeshire.

Flat, very flat, Norf^WNorth Cambs.

Chris Benson

Re: Looking for a group in the North of England

2002-11-11 Thread Chris Benson
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 08:09:13PM -, john imrie wrote:
 Does any one know of a Perl group in North of England?
 I got made redundent a month back and I'd like to stay up hear where housing
 is cheep :-) awoke from hibernation last month to welcome Piers to the
North-East ... if that's north enough.

The next one is so I guess we're the last Perl Moungers in
England :-) is still quiet tho'.  Please join the mailing-list if you're
up this way to stop it going back to sleep until spring :-)
Chris Benson

Re: Usernames?

2002-11-06 Thread Chris Benson
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 12:47:09PM +, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 As it happens I went for up to 64 chars, lowercased, allowing [\w ]; the

We've just been completely screwed by a dev-environment (Uniface as it
happens, which is shame because I reckon it's the best of the
dbms-backed 4GLs) which set a 64 char limit on usernames.  This was OK
until we wanted to use the LDAP for id's so students could authenticate 
with the same password everywhere ... but our dn-s are 65 characters

Fortunately Compuware have produced a patch.  Student info-system goes
live shortly with the testing reduced to hours instead of weeks :-(

Learn the IPv4 lesson: bugger short-term performance/storage issues, 
take the biggest sensible size ... and make everything 4x bigger!
Chris Benson

{OT} elegant MAC address formatting code?

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Benson

Hi,  within the last few weeks I've seen a nice bit of code to format
irregular 0:2:7E:4:7:0 style MAC addresses into standard 00027E6437C0

Unfortunately now I need same, I can't remember what or where. I've
grepped my archive and looked in the usual places ...
Does anyone else remember it?  (and are able and willing to tell me :-)

Thank you.
Chris Benson

Re: {OT} elegant MAC address formatting code?

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:29:18PM +0100, Chisel Wright wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:00:24PM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
  Hi,  within the last few weeks I've seen a nice bit of code to format
  irregular 0:2:7E:4:7:0 style MAC addresses into standard 00027E6437C0
 Not worked out a one-liner but:

What I've done is
$mac = join '', map { sprintf %02x, hex } split /:/, $mac
if $mac =~ /:/;

Which is more that I wanted but keeps the magic one-line :-) I thought
there was a pack() in the version I saw, but I can't work out how.
The use of hex() (once again) fooled me :-(

Thanks for the suggestion.
Chris Benson

Re: {OT} elegant MAC address formatting code?

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:26:48PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:00:24PM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
  Hi,  within the last few weeks I've seen a nice bit of code to format
  irregular 0:2:7E:4:7:0 style MAC addresses into standard 00027E6437C0
 I'm not sure where the 6, 3 and C come in those last three high nybbles.

 A simple reformatting might look like,
 s|\b(\w)\b|0$1|g; tr|:||d

Ah, that wasn't what I was looking for, but will be useful.

Chris Benson

Re: [JOB / Recommendation] Evil documentation

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 01:24:22PM +0100, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
 My company needs some security policies and procedures documentation. 
 I have no intention of reducing my own sanity by actually sitting down 
 to write all this. So, does anyone know of any freelancers or cheap 

Good move :-) A few years ago (maybe ~10 :-() There was a package on the
net that provided a canned best-practice AUP, with some tools (shell
scripts) to ensure new users read-and-confirmed the AUP and recorded
their acceptance.

It was written by the MD of a small company to save him explaining
things over and over and thrown open for all to use and extend.  

I've just been Googling for it without success: I thought it had a
snappy acronym, but can't find it now ...  (in the Archives section) has some notes about
Chris Benson

Re: Hungy Minds?

2002-07-16 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 09:29:22PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 06:17:08PM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
 Perhaps we should sort out which chapters we have and put it up on
 Perhaps we should get definite information on what's up with them before
 we do that? Anyone got any contacts at Wiley, which owns HM?

I was thinking ahead to when it was clear they'd defaulted on the 
contract :-)  (He said hastily in case any NooYawk lawyers were reading
the list).

Chris Benson

Re: [ANNOUNCE] ANNOUNCE: Technical meeting, Thurs 18 July

2002-07-15 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 05:54:04PM +0100, Struan Donald wrote:
 * at 15/07 17:17 +0100 Dominic Mitchell said:
  Chris Benson wrote:
  Next time I'm in London this's what I'll be using:
  They're very good and I wouldn't part with mine, but go easy with them. 
   I'd been riding mine for less than a year before my first spoke popped 
  out of the back wheel.  That turned into an annoying habit, culminating 
  in the need for a new wheel.
 I always thought these:
 looked kinda nice. certainly a nice elegant design.

Look nice, but crap to ride. 

Chris Benson

Re: Constant load

2002-07-12 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 03:53:35AM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Random linux puzzle: one of my machines in an idle state has a
 continuous 1.00 load. There are no runnable processes and the machine is
 responsive -- it's not causing problems that I'm aware of. This is a
 fresh install; no rootkits.

Have you built a new kernel?  What version?

If so it might be a they've changed the format of /proc again problem.
And the fix is to update your top/ps-utils/procps to match.
Chris Benson

Re: Constant load

2002-07-12 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 04:34:18PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 10:37:56AM +0100, Chris Benson wrote:
  Have you built a new kernel?  What version?
 It's 2.4.18 stable (i.e. not a -ac or -pre or -rc etc).
  If so it might be a they've changed the format of /proc again problem.
  And the fix is to update your top/ps-utils/procps to match.
 $ cat /proc/loadavg 
 2.01 2.02 2.01 2/59 21346

OK that looks like mine.
 I forgot to mention -- the kernel is compiled from my old server's
 .config which is a dualproc whereas this is only a uniproc. Might that
 do it?

Hmmm the proc_loadave_read() doesn't depend on CONFIG_SMP, but calc_load()
which sets the load-ave is in kernel/timer.c which has several #ifdef
CONFIG_SMP so that is distinctly possible.

Why the load-ave might be 1+whatever-it-should-be I dunno!

 In response to Mark's post -- the machine works fine, in fact is
 blindingly quick compared to the old dual P3-6 and the pids aren't
 wildly incrementing, so I don't think there's a problem problem per se.

I'd offer to try it out for you :-) But I presume your users would like
that even less than you removing active modules.

Chris Benson

Re: perl and soap on

2002-07-11 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 04:10:34PM +0100, Pierre Denis wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at ??:??:??PM +0100, ??? wrote:
  SOAP is fine for simple stuff. That's what the S stands for. Any kind
  of generic RPC is hard, see CORBA.
  ^with objects 

It seems to me that it's doing remote objects that is difficult. Cross
platform RPCs (ONC,DCE,...) are not that difficult, but that comes from
just providing an interface.  I understood SOAP as simply using XML to
encode the data of a RPC mechanism.  An 'Object' being more like MS
COM/DCOM/whatever's object -- basically an interface -- than CORBA's.

If developments of SOAP means that it becomes clear that it's not a
magic bullet to distributed applications that, at least, will be useful.
Chris Benson: Still bitter because people don't know about DCE providing 
secure, cross-platform RPCs since 1991.

Re: advocacy

2002-06-30 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:33:23AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
 The list has 286 regular and 32 digested members including (but not
 limited to) people from such diverse companies as the beeb, eidos,
 blackstar, thomson holidays, EMI music, Emap and motorola. 
 For my own nefarious deeds I'm looking for examples of how Perl is used
 at these 'name' companies so if people could email me off list that
 would be really, really great. It's for a good and worthy but hush, hush
 cause although all should be revealed soon.

And (hopefully not conflicting) remember that if you do a short piece
for Betsy Waliszewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] she'll probably put it on, send you some O'Reilly books and maybe put it in the
Perl Success Stories pamphlet with personal and corporate bios:  a
good deal for very little effort :-)

Chris Benson

Re: Football is all in the Mind (Re: List Weekly Summary 2002-05-27)

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:46:42AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   To avoid this, one technique is to practice in your mind.  Once you have
   a basic understanding of the techniques involved, you can literally 
 and enough physical
  ability: I practiced flying like Superman for years without any
  improvement :-(
  Ahh! Looking stupid! *That's* what Superman's costume is for...

Yes *that* explains it!  To get Super-powers you have to look
Super-stupid and feel Super-foolish. 
Chris Benson

Re: Parrot cellular automata

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 04:26:46PM +0100, Chris Heathcote wrote:
 on 6/6/02 4:13 pm, Andy Wardley wrote:
  The book is pretty good.  Lovely pictures, clever stuff.  A bible on
  cellular automata with some deep insights into the nature of nature.
  It weighs in 1200 pages and 50-odd quid, but it's worth it if you're
  interested in such things.
 I've bought it, but haven't started reading it yet. I'm interested in it
 even if it isn't the answer to everything.

The first few chapters ease you in quite gradually ... I'm even
understanding it so far :-)  I've stopped temporarily while I'm ahead.
 It should be forty quid in the UK; Waterstones in CXR was the only bookstore

us$49.95+shipping from the states was about that ... and I get a few
weeks head start!
Chris Benson

Re: Book sites.

2002-06-06 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 01:36:20PM +0100, Mark Fowler wrote:
 I'm off on a book buying spree, and I wondered if anyone's got any 
 recommendations about where to buy books from.

Get the ORA ones from Josette: say London Perl Moungers and get 20%
off (including delivery??).

Dunno about the rest ...
Good list tho' I'll save it for when I have less CFT but more money :-)
Chris Benson

Re: Football is all in the Mind (Re: List Weekly Summary 2002-05-27)

2002-06-05 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 12:08:36PM +0100, Andy Wardley wrote:
 The more interesting point from my perspective was the discussion of 
 conscious vs subconscious action.  When you're learning a new skill you
 use a conscious part of your mind to teach you how to do something.
 When you get good, you do it on autopilot using instead a subconscious
 part of your mind which quite literally, does it without thinking.
 The worst thing you can do when you're Darren Southgate about to kick
 a penalty is to think too much about it.  It causes you to use your
 conscious memory which is what you used when you were learning to kick
 a ball.  The result: you kick it like a total beginner.  

This is related to the Inner (Skiing|Tennis|pick-your-sport) techniques:
distract the consious (self-critical, nagging, pessimistic, ...) part
into worrying about else (e.g. looking/sounding stupid) leaving the rest
of body and brain get on with learning.
 To avoid this, one technique is to practice in your mind.  Once you have
 a basic understanding of the techniques involved, you can literally 
   and enough physical
ability: I practiced flying like Superman for years without any
improvement :-(

Chris Benson

Re: IPC and Sockets

2002-06-05 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 12:52:34PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
 Now Socket programming over the Net I've done before but I'm not really
 too clear on the details for this sort of stuff. I presume I don't have
 to bind to a port or anything but that's about as far as I've gone. 

Like Inet programming but s/AF_INET/AF_UNIX/ to get local Unix sockets:
you did mention fork()-ed processes so I assume you have an operating

LDS's Network Programming has:

use Socket;
socket(S, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, OC_UNSPEC) or die $!;   # TCP
socket(D, AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, OC_UNSPEC) or die $!;# UDP

Then in the client:

connect(S, sockadd_un('/tmp/your-socket'))  or die $!;

and in the server:

bind(S, sockaddr_un('tmp/your-socket')) or die $!;

 or IO::Handle (in the section - Bidirectional Communication with
 Yourself) which is a little more promising.

 Anybody got any hints, tips and/or words of warning. I thoroughly expect
 to be met with stony silence though :)

Use IO::Socket::UNIX for a OO i/face? 
Chris Benson

Re: If anyone's awake.

2002-05-06 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 07:31:08AM +0100, Clive Hills wrote:
 Otherwise Debian/Linux, OpenBSD, or NetBSD would be the obvious

If you want the kitchen sink, has Sparc iso images ...

Chris Benson

Re: bandwidth tracking

2002-04-13 Thread Chris Benson

On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 12:40:03PM -0700, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Does anyone here have any ideas, thoughts, solutions for keeping track
 of a machine network usage? I have recently discovered /proc/net/dev and
 am cron'ing it into a logrotate.d file and may try to do something
 rrdtool related with it.

A friend logs /proc/net/dev every 60 secs (and uses it to dispute his
service providers bills :-(
 But, what I'd really like to see is relative usage of bandwidth by
 application, for example, DNS, LDAP, freenet, HTTP, etc. I don't see a
 way to do this with /proc - is there? HTTP is do-able by post-munging
 analog output but that's not general.

I've planned but not yet installed a set of iptables rules to count by
iptables -A in_ext -p tcp --dport http
iptables -A in_ext -p all --dport domain
iptables -A in_ext -p udp --dport ldap

Since this can be done by interface, it should make a good way of
charging back ...

Use iptables -L -x -v -n to report.

Currently I only monitor new connections (SYNs) so I can see
the number of connections, but only totals of data ...

... http traffic
 pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 
 9163  550K ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere anywhere   tcp 
dpt:http flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN 
  222 13320 ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere anywhere   tcp 
dpt:https flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN 
 6774  406K ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere anywhere   tcp 
dpt:http flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN 
  232 13920 ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere anywhere   tcp 
dpt:https flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN 
   15   900 ACCEPT tcp  --  anyany anywhere anywhere   tcp 
dpt:http-alt flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN 

Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
 pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 
  34M   23G connected  all  --  anyany anywhere anywhere
 6090  411K ACCEPT all  --  lo any anywhere anywhere
 2124  465K in_ext all  --  ippp0  any anywhere anywhere
 8138  628K in_int all  --  eth0   any anywhere anywhere

Anyone who's read this far want an undocumented Perl script to translate a
human-readable firewall description like the attached, into a set of
iptables commands?
Chris Benson

define $INTERNAL eth0
define $EXTERNAL ippp+
define $ANY all 0:65355

modules ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_ftp ip_nat_ftp 
modules ipt_MIRROR ipt_LOG ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_REJECT

options forwarding address_verification log_martians 
options noaccept_redirects ignore_broadcast_ping


allow_out accepts tcp http; smtp; ssh; ident; https; 8080; nntp; ftp ; ftp-data;
allow_out accepts udp domain; ntp; 33434:33500; 
allow_out accepts icmp echo-request;

on forward from $INTERNAL to $EXTERNAL do fwd_int_ext
on forward from $EXTERNAL to $INTERNAL do fwd_ext_int
on forward log DROPPING:forward 
on forward drop
on input from lo accept 
on input from $INTERNAL do in_int
on input from $EXTERNAL do in_ext
on input log DROPPING:input  
on input drop 

on output to lo accept
on output to $INTERNAL do out_int
on output to $EXTERNAL do out_ext
on output log DROPPING:output 
on output drop

fwd_int_ext do connected
fwd_int_ext drops all netbios-ns; netbios-dgm; netbios-ssn;
fwd_int_ext do allow_out
fwd_int_ext log DROPPING:fwd_int_ext  
fwd_int_ext reject

fwd_ext_int do connected
fwd_ext_int log DROPPING:fwd_ext_int 
fwd_ext_int drop

in_int do connected
in_int accept

out_int do connected
out_int accept

in_ext counts tcp http
in_ext do connected
in_ext accepts tcp smtp -s $DEMON_SMTP_NET; ssh;
in_ext mirror all portmap; netbios-ns; netbios-dgm; netbios-ssn; ftp; printer; telnet
in_ext log DROPPING:in_ext  
in_ext drop

out_ext do connected
out_ext do allow_out
out_ext log DROPPING:out_ext 
out_ext drop

Re: IRC?

2002-04-11 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 02:05:41PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 There must be something I'm missing, else this ASP idea is potentially
 business suicide for anyone who out-sources something critical.
Or for the ASP who's signed an SLA with penalty clauses ... maybe
*that's* why it's not caught on[1].

[1] Except when it used to be called Computer Services Bureau.
Chris Benson

Re: rate-limiting disk i/o

2002-03-20 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 11:06:21AM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 [NB - posted to two mailing lists, careful with them replies]

Responding to only ...
 Can anyone think of a way of 'nice'ing a process so that it doesn't hammer
 the disks?  nice only affects scheduling, but we *really* need to limit a
 process to just FOO% of disk i/o, or at least make it wait if another
 process wants the disk.

Mmmm. What system? AIX 4.3.3 and 5 can do with with Work Load Manager --
wot I have just been reading up on.  Don't know about other \w+N[iu]Xen.

Betcha there's a really way-out-there scheduling patch for Linux
*somewhere* that will do weird stuff like that, don't know where it is
tho' :-(

Good luck
Chris Benson

Re: Virus protection?!

2002-03-20 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 06:43:17PM -, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
 It has certainly caught everything that's been thrown at it here (about 1 in 
 650 of our incoming messages is infected).
   XXX has a non-8.3 filename, 
is perl-5.6.1.tar.gz (didn't this trigger all sorts of virus scanners?),
or other false positive.

(I've just had my CV ignored by a local agency 'because .rtf files have
viruses, please resend it as .doc' :-(

I think this was discussed a few weeks ago.  What happens to these .doc
scanners if I rename my .rtf to .doc ?)
Chris Benson

Re: linux / networking / multiple network cards

2002-03-12 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 03:29:09PM +, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 Could someone explain, or direct me to a URL or page of Stevens to
 explain the following log from a remote ssh session ...
You're sure you weren't logged in on the console?  :-)
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig eth1 down
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig | grep eth
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:71:77:BE  
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig eth1 up  
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig | grep eth
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:71:77:BE  
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:F0:78:AF:5B  
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig eth0 down
 mulder:~ # /sbin/ifconfig | grep eth
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:F0:78:AF:5B  
 mulder:~ # echo I am still here btw
 I am still here btw
 mulder:~ # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 

So what i/face was the ssh coming in through?
Show us a netstat -tn.
Do you have any aliases? (ifconfig should have shown them tho')
Does '/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down' just down eth0:0 or eth0:*?
i?ppp connections (should be shown by ifconfig...)
Running a routing daemon?  netstat -rn might be interesting.

dunno, give up.
Chris Benson

Re: Tea (was Re: Bolloxia)

2002-03-04 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 08:58:49AM +, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Chris Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Interesting that the only other (intentional) fiction in the True Names
  book is from rms.
 Oh yes. The unintentional fiction that's resulted from the
 crash is faintly amusing all by itself.

That's a *very* close reading :-) ... and absolutely what I meant!

Chris Benson

Re: *****SPAM***** Fw:

2002-03-04 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 11:26:20AM +, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  SPAM:  Start SpamAssassin results --
  SPAM:  End of SpamAssassin results -
 Wahay, spamassassin proved to be more reliable than human inspection

Of couse the only people who'll see this are those foolish enough to put
the Mail::Spamassassin check after filtering out mailing lists :-(

Chris Benson

Re: Tea (was Re: Bolloxia)

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 08:04:13AM +, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Chris Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mmm... True Names. Have you seen the new edition of that (True Names
 and the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier) with a bunch of essays
 inspired by the story from some of the great and the good of the
 cypherpunks and other movements?

That's the edition I've just read ... it having been on order at Amazon
for over 2 years since the planned publishing date in 1999 :-(

It seemed rather rare and expensive on eBay ...

rantVV's publishers seem not very good at (a) getting the books out
there and (b) keeping them in print.  I see a shelf-full of the aFUtD
or DitS appear in the local bookshops ... get sold over a couple of
weeks ... then nothing for months.  And I've never seen Tatja Grimm's
World/Witling/Threats in a bookshop./rant

Interesting that the only other (intentional) fiction in the True Names
book is from rms.

Like Shockwave Rider(1975!) it's interesting to see how one person's
thoughts affects how technology develops, I've just read pages about
Positronic and Terraforming coming into general use from SF:
which are other examples.

(The rest of this site (hrmm at Doh!) is 
a good way to lose a few hours ...)
Chris Benson

Re: Tea (was Re: Bolloxia)

2002-02-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 11:09:24AM -, Robert Shiels wrote:
 Well yes - we need totally different rules for AIs. Surely if it is really
 intelligent, it will have distributed itself through the network, so that
 turning it off won't really be possible, unless you turn the whole internet
 off (name that SF book!).

Shockwave Rider, John Brunner, take out the net to stop a worm releasing
all the secrets.

True Names, Vernor Vinge, destroy the net (nearly) to stop the MailMan.

... and as you say, others

Chris Benson

Re: Tea (was Re: Bolloxia)

2002-02-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 08:22:16PM +, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 * Chris Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 cool, i forgot this was a thread about SF AI's and read the above as a
 real, albeit strangely written post - its just like war of the worlds
 all over again. 

Need I say, Greg, you need to get out more.  Fortunately the next social
is only 9 days away.

Chris Benson

Re: How to optimise slow perl scripts?

2002-02-22 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 09:42:53PM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 09:20:56PM +, Chris Benson wrote:
  On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 03:31:17PM +, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 How many people use {} in real
  phone numbers, CC numbers, ... all the time :-(
 Ahh, so *you're* the one who rejects one of my credit cards* cos it has the
 wrong number of digits :-)

I doubt it cuz I just show people them, but I do allow for Amex ..
 BAD Chris.


 * - this one expired a couple of months ago; the new one is the same number,
 with two extra digits in the middle.

Doh! 15/17 digits? the card doesn't mention Hasbro or Parker Bros. does
Chris Benson

Re: Book Reviews: Cross-Platform Perl

2002-02-15 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:48:22PM -, Ivor Williams wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 Anybody seen or got a copy of Cross-Platform Perl by Eric Foster-Johnson?

I've not got it, but looked at the above page which starts 
When I first started learning Perl, I actually thought Perl
was an evil plot. The syntax tends to the obscure and obtuse and
is just plain difficult to master. You'll find lots of bizarre
syntax, such as the ubiquitous $_, ...
and continues Let's face it; Perl is hard.

Well this user has never found Perl hard ... sometimes it's hard trying
to work out what *I* want to do/have done -- but once I've done that,
writing the Perl is the easy bit :-)  (Choosing the elegantest way of
writing it in Perl, now that's hard!).

Since he is building-up a straw man, at least on the (virtual) back
cover, it's a book I'm never going to recommend to anyone -- along with
any book that encourages readers to think of themselves as idiots.
(there should probably be a (tm) attached to the previous sentence).

In training that's called setting expectations -- and this sets readers
up to fail.

Yours semiotically/grumpily  :-)
Chris Benson

Re: User Input at speed

2002-02-14 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 01:54:58PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to be able to input data at speech speed.

Talk slower.

Chris Benson


2002-02-14 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 12:18:31PM +, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Chris Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  31.5, and the winner is:
  SPAM: Content analysis details:   (49.5 hits, 5 required)

Looking at it, I have to think it is an example of spammer wit. 

The From: scores 5.8 by itself, 2 for an invalid Date:, then 16 body hits 
*and* it's from a relay in!

He should still be suspended from his testicles and spun at high speed.
Chris Benson


2002-02-12 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 08:26:52AM +, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Chris Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Following comments here, I installed Mail::SpamAssassin in early
  January.  It is a huge improvement on my previous Mail::Audit blacklist.
  Some spam still gets through, but way less than before ...
 What's your high score? Mine currently stands at 31.5

Damn, I never thought of keeping scores :-) ... lessee ... I've had 11 
31.5, and the winner is:

SPAM: Content analysis details:   (49.5 hits, 5 required)

That must be really something.  Needless to say I won't/can't show it 
to you :-) 
Chris Benson

Re: [Perl Jobs] ???, United Kingdom, Sunderland]

2002-02-04 Thread Chris Benson

And if anyone fancies coming up and joining, there is:-

Ty: Permanent
Po: Perl Programmer-Sunderland
Sk: You will be responsible for setting up and running the production
code in a Unix environment in Perl languages. Supporting projects
from initial receipt of data to final output. Xtraining into some
exciting new/bespoke areas. Must be comfortable with batch data
processing and large file handling. Company based in Sunderland.
Lo: Sunderland, Newcastle, North East
Ra: Depends On Talent - Prove Your Worth
Ag: Huxley Associates - Leeds
Cn: Javed Bobat
Te: 0113 234 1222
Fa: 0113 234 1666
Re: JS/JVBB/115420

I don't have any other information yet tho'
Chris Benson

Re: .NOT! (was: OSX)

2002-02-01 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 01:00:11PM +, Andy Wardley wrote:
 It doesn't have to be all bad.  I'd rather pay 10p to listen to a CD once
 than pay 15 quid to buy it, find out it's shit, and then only ever listen
 to it once.

Except that I suspect it would be more like 100p - and even tho' I've
got lots (50-100?) CDs I've only listened to once,  That would be too
much when some albums have been played hundreds of times ...

Chris Benson

Re: vim+hardlinks

2002-01-28 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 11:04:30AM -, Ivor Williams wrote:
 I beg to differ. I have had exposure to a number of O/S platforms and 
 editors, and the behaviour you are implying is quirky to say the least.
 The alternative behaviour of creating a new file, not overwriting the 
 one that was linked to is more what is expected.

I beg to differ. vi has always done this.  It's what I expect vi-like
editors to do.  If they don't do it (some version of vile springs to
mind) it really-really screws my head ... and breaks the carefully
constructed links.

With vi, if you want a copy you explicitly make it  :w %~
(but the current file is still linked).
Chris Benson

Re: Advocacy link fest

2002-01-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 02:24:15AM +, robin szemeti wrote:
 you can have much more fun mailing the producers and directors personally 
 than using those 'wastebasket' emails they read out at the end.

Score: 110/100 on the cynicism meter.

Chris Benson

Re: Xfree and TV

2002-01-25 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 03:16:59PM +0100, Newton, Philip wrote:
 Chris Benson wrote:
  The disk on mine has started to whine: I'm not sure iBooks 
  were designed for Linux style up-times in the months ...
 I was under the impression that disks in general were designed to be
 powered-on always (and that spinning them down when not in use may conserve
 energy but will wear out the disk faster).

yeah, but there's not much airflow in an iBook: the disk is under the
LHS of the keyboard, next to the Airport card: ventilation slots (near
the screen hinge are 10cm away -- I wonder whether it has overheated.
I had an (undocumented) 88 day uptime before I wanted to try a new kernel

None of the linux/PPC kernels seem to support powering down disks.

Chris Benson

Re: Advocacy link fest

2002-01-25 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 01:26:14PM +, Simon Wilcox wrote:
 Reading Dave's article and the threads about advocacy, I had a
 Google promotes sites based on being linked to.
 From this it follows that everyone who runs a website should link to nms
 from their homepage, or as close to it as possible, to get it shoved up
 the list a bit.

And the URL again, is accent role=bbc-announcerh-t-t-p-colon-forwardslash-


Chris Benson

Re: Advocacy link fest

2002-01-25 Thread Chris Benson

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 03:27:12PM -0600, Chris Devers wrote:
 On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Chris Benson wrote:
  And the URL again, is
  accent role=bbc-announcerh-t-t-p-colon-forwardslash-
 So would the BBC not pronounce the dash in 'nms-cgi', or would they
 pronounce *all* of the dashes you just typed there? Either way, I'm
 getting a parse error here...

Yeah, me too!  :-) I notice that most of the BBC addresses are
punctuation-less.  I assume because of the aggravation it causes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ??  - the correct one, grrrh 

In the past I have favoured '-' to separate words.
I think I've convinced myself leaving them out is simpler: 
saying  www.engineeringtheimpossible all one word
is easier than distinguishing between - and _ and telling party on other
end of phone where the character is on their keyboard!
Chris Benson

Re: Erm, Hello?

2002-01-17 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 09:30:13PM +, Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
 Nah, you sent that at 8:30pm, thus they were all probably oggling season 6
 Willow on skyOne.


Been quiet all day tho' ... I was wondering if Penderel were poorly:
obviously not.
Chris Benson

Re: Year 2K2 problem

2002-01-15 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 12:34:21AM -0800, Paul Makepeace wrote:
 Thought y'all'd get a kick out of this,
 Upper right corner. Oh, man.
 P (viewing from Konqueror, fwiw)

January 15, 102

Opera 6.0 Technology Preview 2
Chris Benson

Re: black hat hackers

2002-01-09 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 07:21:19PM +, robin szemeti wrote:
 if they *are* hackers feel free to have them shot .. slowly.

Nah, shooting's too good for them.  one joint at a time with a blunt

If you're running iptables and don't mind wasting bandwidth, try 
-s their-ip-address -j MIRROR
'cuz this seems like an ideal use for it ... it might even stop when it
recognizes 'another' owned machine.
Chris Benson

Re: high fidelity - top 5

2002-01-06 Thread Chris Benson

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 08:23:03PM +, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 So top 5 films for .. ;-)

Glances across at DVDs on mantelpiece: (we are allowed DVDs I presume?)

1. The Matrix
2. Elevation 2001/Live from Boston
3. Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense
4. Buena Vista Social Club
5. The Who at the Isle of Wight

Chris Benson

Re: JOB: Trainer Wanted

2002-01-03 Thread Chris Benson

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 02:09:22PM -, Cross David - dcross wrote:
 [I offer no comment on the following]
 Prescient Training and Research Centre ( are
 looking for a Perl trainer to start work on Monday. You'll need to train a
 class of one in a course of your own devising for 15 hours a week (9-12
 Mon-Fri) for 12 weeks. 
 Here's the course description in Perl.
 For this you'll be paid £900 (that's in total, not per week).

+ expenses ???

Lesse, 400/day expenses should cover it ...

Oh, plus hire of intellectual property rights, say another 500/day.


 See, I'm still thinking of you all. I could have had this job, but I've
 passed it on to you :)

All heart :-)

Chris Benson

Re: OT - anti spam

2001-12-30 Thread Chris Benson

On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 09:31:13PM +, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
 What's the state of the art with this? It looks like RBL is
 subscription-only and Russ Nelson has a downer on Orbz. I'd like
 something to do preliminary before Spambouncer has a bash at things.
 I may well subscribe to RBL if necessary in the near future tho'.

I've just added  to my Mail::Audit .forward script which had a
(manually maintained) list of regex to avoid.

my $spamtest = Mail::SpamAssassin-new();
my $status = $spamtest-check ($mail);
if ($status-is_spam ()) {
$status-rewrite_mail ();
logstatus(REJECT by spamassassin);

this afternoon it's refused two real spam (I got them at work a few
minutes later :-( and a message from a friend who replied to my
announcement of it working by including the entire message I'd sent --
including the spam signature :-)

It can use Vipul's Razor and the config file includes:
# By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks.  If your ISP already
# does this, set this to 1.
# skip_rbl_checks 1

   Mail::SpamAssassin is a Mail::Audit plugin to identify
   spam using text analysis and several internet-based real­
   time blacklists.

   Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic
   tests on mail headers and body text to identify spam,
   also known as unsolicited commercial email.

   Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as
   spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-
   agent application.

   This module implements a Mail::Audit plugin, allowing Spa­
   mAssassin to be used in a Mail::Audit filter.  If you wish
   to use a command-line filter tool, try the spamassassin
   or spamd tools provided.

   SpamAssassin also includes support for reporting spam mes­
   sages to collaborative filtering databases, such as
   Vipul's Razor ( ).

Chris Benson

Re: Filing Systems was Re: Dual boot

2001-12-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 07:29:37PM +, Robin wrote:
 Chris Benson wrote:
  Can I find out WTF it is looking at? Nope.  On Un*x it's 10 seconds:
  strace target-program | grep '^open' | less
 coincidentally, we spoke of this on IRC just the other day ... can I point sir
 in the direction of filemon ( which spots all file system calls ) and regmon (
 which monitors all calls into and out of the registry )  .. two essential
 programs for your  h4ck0r skillset :) .. freeware and very shiny, both by a
 Mark Russovitch, who is a well known Windows internals author.

*Thank You*  I'm not sure I dare touch the machine again, but I'll download
these: they may help my compulsive desire to put in a bootable Linux CD ...

And best wishes!
Chris Benson

Re: Filing Systems was Re: Dual boot

2001-12-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 07:29:37PM +, Robin wrote:

 in the direction of filemon ( which spots all file system calls ) and regmon (
 which monitors all calls into and out of the registry )  .. two essential

Yeah! The installed was finding a hidden file c:/windows/ereg.txt and
deciding that the game was already installed.  The install now works.

Unfortunately the game doesn't -- I think it trying to look at a
'corrupted' bit of the CD ...  which the machine can't and the copy I
made doesn't have.  Now I remember what's so good about free s/ware!

There are other questions raised tho': such as why does rundll32 need
to check the winders version number ... 4 times a second ... continuously 
... does it think it might change?  Maybe it's using Dave's 

Thanks for the suggestions - very useful and informative!
Chris Benson

Re: Filing Systems was Re: Dual boot

2001-12-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 12:09:34PM -, Dean S Wilson wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Can I find out WTF it is looking at? Nope.  On Un*x it's 10 seconds:
  strace target-program | grep '^open' | less
 Should start you off wih strace, cygwin or some of the resourcekit
 stuff will cover the other apps[0].

I'll try that too.
 If its a Win9x box then you have my sympathys.
 Hate to be the one to point this out but if you need functionality
 like strace then maybe a consumer grade OS isn't right for you...

Well if clicking Install/Uninstall doesn't.  The options are try to fix
it or re-install o/s, drivers and apps from bare metal. And the tools to 
fix it aren't provided!

I guess I agree with you, but installing a game should 'just work' shouldn't
it?  (This is American Magee's Alice from Electronic Arts btw).  What's the
average punter supposed to do?

 [0] If not check out the Perl power tools project for some Perl based

So much to look at, so little time.

 Profanity is the one language all programmers understand.
---  Anon
Especially aposite for me the last few days .. 

Best wishes
Chris Benson

Re: Filing Systems was Re: Dual boot

2001-12-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 09:41:22PM -, Dean S Wilson wrote:
 Windows is one of those things, you learn enough about its
 idiosyncrasies to be an effective advocate against it ;)

I was seriously considering doing an MSCE so I could slag with authority,
but decided it was carrying things too far: a bit like becoming a junkie
because you like the coool-look.
Chris Benson

Re: Filing Systems was Re: Dual boot

2001-12-26 Thread Chris Benson

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 11:36:40PM +, Simon Wistow wrote:

 Jesus. Checksumming bad data on disks used to be a copy protection
 mechanism way back when I was cracking ST games - mostly byte 32 for

Showing your age there? :-) ISTR Fortune used to do that with their
For:Pro (Unix) s/ware (83-84) -- and write the machine's serial# back
into the 'unformatted' part of the disc so it could only be installed
on the one machine.

 reasons unknown. All you needed was some bit copier like the ones on
 Nasty Utils or FastCopy.

I fear it may be to do with the PC having a CD-ROM/DVD/CD-R drive ... 
the CD reads OK (at least the visible data does) on a plain SCSI CD-ROM.
But I was wondering about a faked ToC ... mmm, in the morning I'll have a 
look at it on a 'proper' computer and see what lies beyond the EOF :-
Chris Benson

Re: Aliased subs with prototypes

2001-12-24 Thread Chris Benson

On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 12:30:36AM -0800, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 Adding a dummy sub greet {} illicits the predictable subroutine
 redefined warning. Thus,
 sub greet {}
 { no warnings;
 *main::greet = sub { print Hello , shift };
 greet world;
 Is there some way to avoid these contortions, aside from acceding to the
 paren monster?

gamma:/tmp $ cat greet
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

sub greet;  # pre-declare, don't pre-define

*main::greet = sub { print Hello , shift };
greet world;

gamma:/tmp $ perl greet
Hello worldgamma:/tmp $
Or am I missing something??  (I thought you mentioned prototypes somewhere?).
Chris Benson

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