Re: How's Hildo?

2001-09-14 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Paul Makepeace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Any word on the New York MSDW folk? I notice both their mailservers are
> hosed. Yikes.
The latest news is good for our company. I am not allowed to talk to the
press, but I can tell you that our latest headcount from yesterday
evening was in the light of events very good, only 50 missing out of
3650, and still hope for those missing to report in. 

Apparently we have relocated those people to three back up sites and
ordered 2500 pcs. Business is continueing normal. Our backbone is
extremely distributed, so data is not lost. Apparently the FSA will look
into reports appearing in the press that MS will go bankrupt because of
this. If anything, it will be the insurers. 

Merijn Broeren | Some days it just don't pay to chew through 
Software Geek  | the restraints in the morning... 

Re: How's Hildo?

2001-09-14 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Merijn Broeren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> The latest news is good for our company. I am not allowed to talk to the
> press, but I can tell you that our latest headcount from yesterday
> evening was in the light of events very good, only 50 missing out of
> 3650, and still hope for those missing to report in. 
Even later news, this morning the number of unaccounted has dropped
below 10. Nearly miraculous. Apparently they evacuated immediately when
the first plane hit the other tower. The second plane struck what I
presume is our offices. 

In other news I read that at least half of the people that were on the
top floor of the second tower are accounted for as well. That means the 
evacuation had started very early. I work on the 50th floor in CW and it
takes us 15 minutes to walk down. The people on the 102 must have
started walking and taking elevators immediately. 

Merijn Broeren | Some days it just don't pay to chew through 
Software Geek  | the restraints in the morning... 

Re: Apocalypse 3

2001-10-04 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Find out some more about Perl 6:
I'm all hypered up. Does this mean that in Perl 6 I can do this:

@a =^+ 1;

? I think I need a tranc now. 

Merijn Broeren | 
Software Geek  | Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again. 

Re: Apocalypse 3

2001-10-04 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Merijn Broeren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Quoting Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Find out some more about Perl 6:
> >
> > 
> I'm all hypered up. Does this mean that in Perl 6 I can do this:
> @a =^+ 1;
> ? I think I need a tranc now. 
Ah, and I propose we call this one :

@foo ^=~ s/foo/bar/;

the 'dragon' operator. [1]


[1] I know, I know, it's not an operator. Sosumi.
Merijn Broeren | "No, I don't want to be an ambassador in the country called
Software Geek  | after your name. I just want to be a conqueror of that 
   | country and merciless occupier...!"

Re: Go

2001-10-27 Thread Merijn Broeren

> Well, I have a board and stones... But they're not very 'carrying on
> the tube' friendly.
Shall I bring my travel go kit next pm meeting? It's a metal board with
little plastic stones with magnets in the bottom. It's been awhile since
i played, I used to play at clublevel in Holland a long time ago.
Stopped at the point where I had to study to get any better :-) No 
desire to learn yosekis by heart. 

Brings back good memories though, I will never forget my greatest sense
of accomplishment in go. I was playing in a 20 or so simultanous match
against a chinese go professional player. She was walking past the boards 
and making the moves, almost to quick to allow you to think of your own
next move. Somewhere in the middle of our game I managed to wriggle
myself into a position where she would lose. 

She stopped at my board. And thought. And all the other players looked
over at us. At the deep thought I managed to provoke. Afte ra long while 
she made her move. I lost the game with that one move. ;-)

By the way, that is indicative that I was a weak player, because strong
players don't let the situation get to the point of big mojo swings. 

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

Re: sunday / saff london

2001-10-31 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Chris Ball ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 14:49, Seonaid Woodburn wrote:
> > winter = (10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3)
> > summer = (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
> Very good point.  :-)
> I've got the same information creating two graphs now, with:
> $season_freq{($month<10 and $month>3) ?"summer":"winter"}++;
> $halfyear_freq{($month>0 and $month<7) ?"onetosix":"seventotwelve"}++;
> Reload the page to see the second graph.  Summer's winning at the
> moment.  Grr.  :)
I have an extreme case of deja vu, and I thought it was on this list 
that I saw this before, but apparently it was (one of) my other watering
hole(s) :

Page 6, the seasonally adjusted table. No particular bias. 

Merijn Broeren | Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavour of life,
Software Geek  | take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

Re: Old ten pound note

2001-11-20 Thread Merijn Broeren

> In particular, "the Bank will pay out the face value of any genuine Bank of
> England note no matter how old".
It is such a shame the Bank of Germany (or however it is named) does not 
hold true to the same policy. I still have an envelop from my
grandfather with german banknotes from the 1923 inflation crisis,
progressing from a hundred thousand reichsmark up to fifty billion. :-) 
Especially funny is that the design and appearance of the notes
deteriorates as the amount increases, the last one is just a one side
printed piece of paper with some blue sparse text with a red frame. 

Merijn Broeren | She doesn't want you to understand her. She knows that's
Software Geek  | impossible. She just wants you to understand yourself,
   | everything else is negotiable. 

Re: sort and sub refs

2001-12-11 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Newton, Philip ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Peter Haworth wrote:
> > but it does seem to compile OK.
> But does it pass its test suite? :)
Who cares? "It compiles, ship it!" Motto of most software companies, it

Merijn Broeren | She doesn't want you to understand her. She knows that's
Software Geek  | impossible. She just wants you to understand yourself,
   | everything else is negotiable. 

Re: I want it now ...

2002-01-21 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 02:48:48AM +, Andrew Wilson wrote:
> > Some stuff has changed.  We were in a guru session with Larry and
> > Damien about Apoc 4 earlier in the week[1] and they mentioned that
> > some stuff has changed.  I can't remember off hand exactly all
> > that's changed but just to give an example the <> input operator
> > is now staying.
> Maybe you can ask the powers that be whether the ^=~ operator has a
> name?
I've already named it last year, and you just have to follow suit:

the dragon operator

See, it's a point headed dragon that breathes fire to the right. 
See old Smaug, defending his hoard. 

Merijn Broeren | Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
Software Geek  | memory of temptation resisted.


2002-03-12 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Which ADSL modem/router do I want and where can I buy it easily?
See for news and reviews. The 570 from seems to be good if you don't have a separate wifi
basestation already (which you probably have), except that you need to
run you own DNS behind the firewall since it doesn't to MX lookups. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
Software Geek  | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: Buffy S6E21-22

2002-05-22 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Greg McCarroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > 
> > > Or mulder and scully (or just scully) come to town to investigate the
> > > mysterious goings on.
> > 
> > Or Agent Cooper
> > 
> bah, we are all missing the obvious guess appearance - Alf!
You're showing your age. To keep up with the current TV audience for
Buffy and audience buying power that adverts are targetted at, I predict
the next Buffy guest appearance to be Tinky Winky.

But it was a close run thing with Thomas the TE and the Dread Purple one

And I must say that reading the X files timeline at least put my mind at
ease that there was some thought behind it all. Garbled and silly, but
thought anyhow. After the first few episodes I thought they would just 
recast all of on automatic pilot. Never watched it since.

Merijn Broeren | 'I want to understand everything. I want to know every-
Software Geek  |  thing and put it all together to see what it means.'
   | 'Excellent project, it will look very good on your resume.'

Re: List Weekly Summary 2002-05-13

2002-05-22 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Chris Ball ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I think it'll be a good thing for me to do, anyway - especially since
> I'm moving to London next month (to intern with Morgan Stanley for the
> Summer) 

Yes, your imminent arrival was announced to me :-)
Merijn Broeren | 'I want to understand everything. I want to know every-
Software Geek  |  thing and put it all together to see what it means.'
   | 'Excellent project, it will look very good on your resume.'

Re: TPC cheap hotels

2002-06-13 Thread Merijn Broeren

Quoting Pierre Denis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm looking for cheaper hotels than the Sheraton Hotel for the TPC at San
> Diego.
> I've received a list of several other possibilities from the travel agent
> advertised by O'Reilly. Ideally, I would prefer not to rent a car, but it
> may be necessary.
> I just wonder where to go, do you any advice on this?
You can ask Mark Overmeer, he was in a cheap motel/youth hostel and came
in walking some days. It was an hours walk if I am correct.His e-mail

Merijn Broeren | Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
Software Geek  | memory of temptation resisted.

Re: compiling perl

2002-10-29 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Randal L. Schwartz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> GDBM_File cannot be installed "after the fact".
Ofcourse it can be. Granted you probably never want to do this, but you
can just remove -lgbdm (and -ldb etc.) from the libraries to be linked
against during the perl build. Or in the MacOS X case this is done
automatically for you, since there is no gdbm according to your mails. 
Then you don't get

We do this all the time, since otherwise we end up with a perl that is
linked against (which on RH linux points to, argh),
which prevents Perl to work with Sybase, since it's library also has a
dbopen() function call. This is rectified in 5.8 if I am not mistaken.

Solution is easy, just go into the ext/GDBM_File dir, and run the usual
steps there, perl Makefile.PL, make, etc. Shiny new GDBM_File appears. 

Merijn Broeren | She doesn't want you to understand her. She knows that's
Software Geek  | impossible. She just wants you to understand yourself,
   | everything else is negotiable. 

Re: [OT] Broken sendmail

2003-04-02 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> No. Not yet. I should probably try restarting sendmail first.
Yes, that'll probably help if you upgraded libc. You need to restart
sshd and other daemons as well.

> Just need to work out why sendmail isn't automatically sending
> them at the moment.
Look in /var/log/mail.log, that should tell you in far too much detail.

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
Software Geek  | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: HTML in emails..

2003-04-12 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Ulf Harnhammar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> As far as I know, Microsoft's programs ignore MIME media types and 
> look for certain magic data just like file(1) does. If a document 
> begins with , they display it as an HTML document, even if it 
> has got the media type "text/plain".
Don't blame Microsoft for that one, I bet you any money Netscape takes
some blame for that. I once was involved writing a webbrowser from
scratch (for the Newton) and after we tested our carefully crafted
design that followed all the RFCs in the real world we found a thousand
weird things that Netscape did which we just had to follow. No good
saying to your customers that their website is broken if it displays
just fine in Netscape.

One particular one was when our jpeg plug in refused to show a certain
image. It was called something.jpg, the mime type was image/jpeg, but
the darn thing just did not want to decode the data. Netscape displayed
the page just fine. Only when we looked at the data we noticed it
started with GIF87a. Argh. 

Another puzzler was what Netscape did with foobarbaz. 
I've always admired Explorer for that, it was bug-for-bug compatible
with Netscape, amazing stuff. 

Merijn Broeren | "Fridge Theory": You should go round every corner assuming
Software Geek  | that just out of sight round the corner is a double width
   | chest freezer which has fallen off of a truck.

Re: [OT] Yet more on UK Money...

2003-07-02 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Jonathan Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> 1) Under no circumstances live south of the river. This part of London 
> is reserved for social outcasts who enjoy the complete absence of public 
> transport (as opposed to the near abscence of it north of the river).

Yes please! Stay north! Go away! Nothing to see here, move along. 

Hehehe. I love that particular meme, as Dave just pointed out us
southies are quite happy about it, since it keeps housing affordable. 
I live in a four bed semi for the same price as a one bed flat in
Ealing, yet am closer to the City. 

> London has much nice food, but it's all expensive. London has no cheap 
> food, but many noodle bars provide a plate of hot food for about 6 
> pounds, and sandwich shops (all run by Italians) provide big sandwiches 
> for about 3.50 pounds. Pizza express provides pathetically small pizza's 
> for about 6.00 pounds, and there's one on every other street.
The other thing is that to eat english food, you have to go to a pub at
lunch time. First time in London I asked people where I could get 'real
english food', as opposed to pizza, thai (Hi Randal), curry (debatable
if this now should be reclassified as 'real english food'), and sushi.
Result was a lot of blank stares. But for a good toad-in-the-hole any
pub will do.

> For a social life, I strongly suggest moving to somewhere sociable, like 
> Brighton, or Leeds, or Manchester, or, I dunno, Leith.
I was severely rounded of by a collegue when I mentioned I had dinner
with my neighbours every other week. Very unlondon

Merijn Broeren | 'I want to understand everything. I want to know every-
Software Geek  |  thing and put it all together to see what it means.'
   | 'Excellent project, it will look very good on your resume.'

Re: Open Source Web Design

2003-08-14 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Joel Bernstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 11:17:42AM -0700, Brian Wisti wrote:
> > the "Outdoor Women of South Dakota".
> I was *convinced* that had to be something nudist. I'm still boggling
> that it *isn't*. How do they choose these names? Doesn't somebody point
> out to them that it sounds awfully fnar-worthy?

Err? How so? I think at first glance, and at second as well, it just
says what it means. Whatever connotations your brain has with "outdoor
woman" to make it involve nudity I would hesitate to find these apply 
to a general portion of english readers. Read to much Viz? 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: perl and marketing

2003-08-19 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Elaine -HFB- Ashton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Just like MIT to overengineer something :) If little kids in Finland can 
> master Finnish, Swedish and English by the time they are 10, a programming
> language surely couldn't be that big of a deal. Learning Finnish much,
> much later in life isn't quite so easy :)
I was very impressed one day when I learned that kids on Holland
nowadays learn about the land of Oct in primary school, age 9-10. Where
the people only count to 7. So they learn counting 0..7, oct, oct plus
one, etc. Which is written down as 0..7, 10, 11, etc. So they learn to
count in different bases. I think I only learned that at university.
Teach 'm young. 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: insidious biometrics, identity crises

2003-08-29 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Sam Vilain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Interestingly, Alzheimer's is a condition which is easily reversable
> by a well managed dietry programme and lots of fish (or fish oil).  It
> is almost certainly caused BY government dietary recommendations.
I highly doubt this. Seems a giant over simplification.

> promise similar things (eg, the Atkin's diet ... heh, Dr. Atkins died
> recently of heart disease, bless his cotton socks).
Not true. He slipped and fell on an icy pavement. 

Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: (no subject)

2003-09-09 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Piers / Lot105 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Where what I really want is, if any handle has a line waiting, give it me,
> otherwise wait. I guess I'd also want some fairness, but forget that for a
> moment!!
use POE;
Merijn Broeren | Sometime in the middle ages, God got fed up with us 
Software Geek  | and put earth at sol.milky-way.univ in his kill-file.
   | Pray all you want, it just gets junked.

Re: Santa came early this year. I want to shoot him.

2008-12-23 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Ovid (
> It's days like this which *really* make me pine for Ruby.
Yes, because a language lacking any tests whatsoever makes life so much

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: Recession rates

2009-03-10 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Philip Newton (
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 18:12, Dave Cross  wrote:
> > I saw this today[1], advertising for a pretty impressive list of skills for
> > ?175/day.
> [snip]
> > [1]
> Now down to ?150/day.
Working 200 days a day, multiplies out to a naive Bulgarian worker who
hasn't eyed up the cost of London living yet? 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: How we see CVs

2009-04-02 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Paul Makepeace (
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Roger Burton West  wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 05:00:38PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> >>This is great,
> >
> > A good start, though "has facebook page" is curiously missing from the
> > negative side...
> That's probably because it isn't negative.
> Do people still complain about HTML in email? Hello, 2009! ;-)

I don't complain, but there are some folks who take it too far the other
way. Like lovefilm (hello, you people should be on this list, right?).
Some of their mail has in the text/plain part the following: 

   We are sorry but we are having trouble sending an email to you. If you
   would like the see the web version of the email please visit

which always gets me. They're not having trouble sending mail to me, it
arrived perfectly ok. It has the nice html part, which I can see just
fine, but by preference I look at the text/plain by default. Just leave
it off if you can't be bothered with it. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: Help me become a Londoner!

2009-11-19 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Philip Potter (
> 2009/11/19 Gianni Ceccarelli :
> > Ok, based on feedback from the list and IRC, I'll add some more
> > information.
> >
> > Job is (going to be in a few months' time, but let's simplify) in W12,
> > Westfield IIRC. That would suggest looking westward.
> All places within 30 minutes commute of W12 7SL:
Nice small area. If Gianni commutes on a scooter like a true italian, that 
could cast a wider net within 30 minutes. There should be a drop-down
box with options "rider from Napoli / rider from Roma / rider from
Milano" with appropriate differences in distance covered. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: Help me become a Londoner!

2009-11-19 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Gianni Ceccarelli (
> Hi all!
> I'll be starting a job (permanent position) in London at the beginning
> of January. I have until then to:
I moved from a european country to London in 2000, so I have some stale
info to offer. 

> - find an apartment (renting, I think)

Can't help with that, never rented in London.

> - open a bank account

This is the one that prompted me to respond. I had lots of trouble with
opening a bank account. One thing that is strange for a foreigner like
me and most likely to a .it citizen is that there is no citizens
register in the UK. So you don't tell the government where you live.
Which means the bank has nothing to go on to make sure you live where
you say you do. It takes a rental agreement or a mortgage statement for
them to set up a bank account for you. Or a paid utility bill, but they
don't all take that as a proof of address. They'll take a bank statement
:-) I didn't try switching my .nl bank account to my new London address,
that might have been worth trying. In the end I just put my partners BT
bill in my name, waited a month and opened a bank account on the
strenght of that. 

I've heard that Citibank in Docklands caters to expats with this
problem. But that is not a recommendation in any way, but if you do find
yourself having this problem, maybe you can use them as a jumping of
point. For instance if you need a bank account to get a rental
agreement, which you need to get a bank account, etc. 

> - move some of my stuff from Pisa
I can heartily recommend a company called Gefco for this. We used them
to move a friend to Nice. Costs to move to nice in a rented van or with a
moving company worked out to around 1000 pounds, Gefco did it for 150
quid. They just take a pallet of stuff, will drop them off before if you
ask. You need to pack it on there so it doesn't fall off. The only issue
we had was that is was left out in the sun apparently for a bit, as some
candles near the top had melted and run in the box they were in. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: [ANNOUNCE] London Perl Mongers Technical Meeting 12th April 2010

2010-04-12 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Bill Crawford (
> On 11 April 2010 14:50, Dominic Thoreau  wrote:
> > Hi All.
> >
> > Sorry for the top posting, but I feel this may help highlight the point.
> >
> > I booked a place for the Tech meeting tomorrow, but due to
> > complications with my upcoming move, I now can't go.
> >
> > So.
> >
> > One seat/list place (that was previously mine) is now up for grabs
> Is this still available? I checked the website but said bookings were
> still closed.

I will not be able to come either tonight. I don't see a way of
cancelling on the website, so I assume by responding on this list saying
you want the seat with my name on it should cover you. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Re: Lovefilm, yes or no?

2010-04-14 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Peter Edwards (
> Funniest interview question I heard of recently (not Lovefilm) was:
> "What's two to the power 14"
> As in, work out the answer there and then, not type in  perl -e 'print
> 2**14, "\n"'  as eny fule kno
Does 128! end in a zero? If so, how many? 

It's a quite a nice question to walk through to the end and it might
surprise you if you haven't seen it before. 

Merijn Broeren | We take risks, we know we take them. Therefore, when things
   | come out against us, we have no cause for complaint.
   | - Scott, last journal entry, march 1912

Paging Dean Wilson

2011-05-11 Thread Merijn Broeren
Sorry to spam, but at the pm meet last Thursday I spoke to
Dean and promised him some example Xs code, then promptly misplaced the
scrap of paper that had his mail on it. 

Merijn Broeren | "Fridge Theory": You should go round every corner assuming
   | that just out of sight round the corner is a double width
   | chest freezer which has fallen off of a truck.

Re: LPW 2011 carpooling

2011-08-19 Thread Merijn Broeren
Quoting Job van Achterberg (
> Hi everyone,
> First off, for those who attended, it was great to see you at
> YAPC::EU::2011. 
> I've arranged to come to the LPW, but am wondering if any other Dutch
> people following this list are attending. Perhaps we could carpool and
> share transportation costs. I have no car, just a motorbike, and it'd be
> quite the drive.
Depends a bit on where you are in .nl. It's a bit under three hours from
Rotterdam in a car or motorbike to Calais. From Dover you can get to
London in 50 minutes. 

The big upside on going on the motorcycle is that England is a very nice
place to ride, Kent and Sussex, which are the counties between
London and Dover, have excellent roads for motorcycle riding. Per usual,
stay of highways and A low digit roads and it's great. It's riding on
the left of course, which takes half a day of getting used to for the
first time.

I travel between .nl and London extensively and there isn't much in it
timewise, the airplane only takes 40 minutes of flight, but getting to
any airport in London takes an hour (except for City and Biggin Hill[1])
and is costly. In .nl the same, except for Rotterdam if you live there
as I used to. With the hour in advance you need to be there (again,
except for City) and the faffing about getting out of the airport at the
other side (whichever way you travel), it's a 4 hour trip at best. With
the car or motorcycle I now do it in 5, and I get the benefit of
stopping for food in Belgium. 

[1] Private planes only, not really targetting the .pm audience :-) 
Merijn Broeren | "Fridge Theory": You should go round every corner assuming
   | that just out of sight round the corner is a double width
   | chest freezer which has fallen off of a truck.