Re: GUI changes for inserting citations in 2.2x

2016-09-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Maria Gouskova wrote:

> Hi developers,
> I just upgraded to 2.2.1 today. I can see that there have been a lot of
> changes in the appearance of the interface, so obviously quite a lot of
> work went into the redesign. I confess I was stumped, though, when I went
> to insert a citation. The "Search" and "Formatting" options are hidden,
> and it's done in such a way that if I didn't know that they were there, it
> would not occur to me that those areas of the window were clickable. So I
> was wondering what the motivation was for the change--I can see that it's
> a "cleaner" look, but I think it really hampers the usability of the GUI,
> especially for new users.

I agree with Maria that the new dialog is a usability regression.

If there is a redesign of the dialog, could it be posible to put the search 
field on the top ?

My workflow to insert a citation is :

1) type the name of the author or some word of the title. My main 
bibliography file has around 1900 entries and grows slowly. 
2) select the exact reference in the list
3) add a page number
4) insert

Having the search field on top and the results below is what is intuitive 
today after years of Google use.

I think kbibtex has a rather nice search field that take little vertical 
space and hides seldom used search options behind a button.

If you have search-as-you-type, I'm wondering who needs search with regular 
expressions. I'm certainly not a real geek !


Re: About LyX menus & usability.

2012-10-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
Pavel Sanda wrote:

> Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> Well, he launches it and discovers that his Office has similar order as
>> his
> s/Office/LyX/
>> Office (just tried here): File, Edit, View, Insert, Format (mixture of
>> our text style and Doc settings), Table, Tools, Windows, Help.
>> Pavel

Why LyX could not add 'Format' and 'Table'to mimick more classical 
wordprocessors menu organization ?  

Computer screens have become wider. 

My wife uses mostly Libreoffice writer and sometimes LyX. She had problem 
finding how to center a paragraph. She found the location of the formatting 
menu in Edit puzzling.

Like Pavel, I find the Insert menu too long. Maybe, everything that relates 
to the life cycle of the document (annotations, branches) could go into 


Re: Broken HTML/OpenDocument Code Generation

2010-04-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Rainer Dorsch wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a small LyX document, which shows a combination of a hyperlink and
> an svg figure break html/opendocument generation:
> The source documentation is here
> The output I get is here
> I have a self-compiled version of LyX 1.6.5 and texlive and tex4ht from
> Debian stable:

Here, it works. I'm on debian unstable.


Re: Spellchecker and thesaurus for LyX/Mac

2010-04-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Hunspell can be seen as some kind of successor to aspell. At least it is
> supposed to be better (am I right?)

Yes. Hunspell can deal with coumpound words (two words joined in one) which 
are very common in German and suffix and affix which are used in Hungarian 
and certainly other languages.

Hunspell homepage links to an Enchant frontend for Mac OS/X


RE: Enhancement bugs for 2.0

2010-03-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:

> Did you update today ? I think they are now exactly the same.

Thank you. It is much better. Still, I would go further and get rid of the 
advanced tab:

- At the top of the pane I would put the scope as a combo box
- Then a smaller Find TextEdit
- Then the Regular Expression combo
- Then on the left the Case Sensitive, Whole words only, Search backwards, 
Ignore Format checkboxes 
- On the right ; Search Next button

- A smaller Replace TextEdit
- Preserve first case on replace checkbox on the left (I don't really 
understand the option, should it not be 'preserve original formatting when 
- Replace
- Replace all

- I think there is a need for a reset button to erase everything and take 
away any formatting in the Search textedit

Would it also be possible that when you check 'Ignore format' any formatting 
in the Search TextEdit is suppressed ?

Nitpicks :
- F3 shortkey does not work in the advanced search&replace
- Some shortkeys are different in the quick search and the advanced one


RE: Enhancement bugs for 2.0

2010-03-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:

>>convert the search dialog to a search bar
>>to me it was fixed by new search pane. Vincent however have idea
>>to convert the current simple search dialog into search bar. opinions?
>>anybody wants to work on it? otherwise c.
> I've already done some work on it. I really want to have this in 2.0.0,
> so we have a polished brand new search and replace functionality.
> If not before 2.0.0, it must be done as soon as possible, so never c).
> Anyway, sign me up for this one.

I have just tried the svn trunk version and the new search&replace. It is 
great and I have have been longing this feature for years. Thank you Tommaso 
and the others.

But do we really need two search&replace items in the menu ? 

I have argued in the past and I still believe that LyX menus are suffering 
from Emacs-Disease and there are too many items. LyX should not be 
intimidating for new users and shows its power step by step.   

Would it not be better to have one search&replace dialog and a button to 
toggle between simple mode and advanced mode.

Today the advanced mode pane design is different than the simple one in term 
of place of the find button, replace button, replace all button, locations 
of the checkboxes. 

Usability wise, it is not optimal.


Cmake and installing the svn version without messing LyX 1.6

2010-03-24 Thread Charles de Miramon

I have compiled LyX through the cmake way and it looks faster than the old 

I would like to do a make install but not mess my LyX 1.6 and install the 
files in /usr/share/LyX20 

How should I do that ?

Maybe INSTALL.Cmake could be a little bit fleshed out. At least for the poor 
dummies, it would be nice to know that you have to do cmake than make and 
make install.


Re: [Patch] Improving the Citation GUI.

2010-03-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
rgheck wrote:

> Feel free to grab Qt Designer and work on this. Or at least produce a
> mock-up.

I found the CitationUi.ui file and opened it in Qt Designer. But before 
playing with it, I was wondering about the possibility to have multiple 

The only use case is, if I understand it correctly, when you are using some 
natbib style where you have \cite{Heck2007, HeckBis2007, Heck2009) to get 
something like Heck, 2007, 2007a, 2009

If it is the case, then you could get rid of the multiple citations part of 
the dialog. It would be possible only to insert one citation with an 
optional prefix/postfix.  

And have a general option for the document in the bibliographical pane 
(Concatenate Citations) which would during the latex export concatenate 
Citation insets separated only by space into a \cite{a, b, c}


Re: [Patch] Improving the Citation GUI.

2010-03-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
John McCabe-Dansted wrote:

> The attached patch resolved the following tickets:
>   #6486 Citation not selected by default.
>   #6487 Add "file" and "url" links to Citation Dialog.

Thank you for #6486

I think the dialog would be simpler to use if it had a more classical look 
like Endnote X2 insertion dialog :

see :

Quick search at the top

The list of references below

The formatted reference in a grey zone (and not in white)

The formatting options

I would suppress from LyX dialog the option enabling Search-as-you-type. For 
me it seems that having it the defaut is what is expected

I'm also wondering what are the use case of a regular expression search or a 
case search. If I cite something when writing, either I remember the name of 
the author or a word in the title or maybe the name of the journal. 

But finding a bibliographical reference with a regular expression, I must 
not be geek enough ;-)


Re: Citations and edition-declarations

2010-03-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
jezZiFeR wrote:

> Dear list,

The question is not really for lyx.devel but more for lyx.users. Please use 
the correct list next time.

> I have a question regarding the declarations of editions. This is
> maybe more a BibDesk than a LyX-question, but maybe somebody could help…
> I use BibLateX with Waßenhoven-style=footnote-dw:

> If I want to cite a second edition there are surely several ways to
> show, that it is the second one, and when the first was published. I
> do know that by adding the edition-number in – I don´t know the word –
> small and printed above the lines – numbers. Maybe you could recommend
> another way, or maybe someone knows how to achieve the when using
> Bibdesk.

The edition field is where you put the information 2 if it is the second 
edition, 3 if it is the third, etc. How it is formatted in the final 
reference depends on the style. I would guess that in Wassenhoven's styles 
you can get the usual German practice, getting the edition number in 
superscript above the date of publishing.

> So this is maybe a second question:
> Is there a way to add the original title here in the original language
> in italic font?

Look in biblatex documentation : origtitle and all the fields that start 
with orig


Re: Maximum line width of the workarea

2009-06-30 Thread Charles de Miramon
Pavel Sanda wrote:

> there is hard to get any consensus on those issues and thats why we have
> "limit text width" checkbox in preferences which you are probably not
> aware of.
> pavel

No Thanks, it is all I need !

Sorry for the noise.


Maximum line width of the workarea

2009-06-30 Thread Charles de Miramon

I have updated to 1.6.3 and the full screen mode works much better. Thanks 
for the work.

But after working a full day in full screen mode on an 17" monitor my eyes 
were strained because lines of text are much too wide if you cannot resize 
the window.

Fullscreen wordprocessors tend to draw the text between large margins (see 
for example scrivener The 
common ergonomical rule is that lines (on screen or printed) should be 
around 65 characters wide.

LyX logic today is to fill the width of the window. I would suggest to have 
a little more elaborate mechanism :
 1) fill the width of window
 2) if the window width is larger than the maximum number of characters 
(default 65) than modify the viewport of the workarea and center it in the 

An even more elaborate mechanism would consider that lines of text should 
have a maximum width but floats (tables, figures) should be able to fill all 
the width of the window.

If there is consensus on this wish, I'll file an enhencement request in 


Re: Official submission of eLyXer for inclusion in LyX

2009-04-30 Thread Charles de Miramon
rgheck wrote:

> Just to be clear, here are what I regard as the showstoppers:
> Theorem-type environments aren't rendered; math support is marginal, esp
> with regard to custom macros; BibTeX isn't supported, so far as I can
> tell; cross-references omit the related text. Other things I'd want to
> investigate would include support for AMS environments, and arrays and
> the like generally; treatment of mini pages and the like. I also worry
> about the lack of extensibility, i.e., the inability to deal with custom
> styles.

To translate macros, custom latex styles, bibtex, cross-reference numbers, 
etc.. ELyXer would haeve to work like tex4ht in two steps :

1) parse the LyX file and translate what it can and mark (Y) what he does 
does not understand

2) Look in the pdf how latex has rendered Y  and translate it to html

ELyXer looks like it is doing step 1 correctly. Step 2 could be added later. 

People that have complex documents should use tex4ht.


Nice review of LyX in PCExpert Magazine

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

In the April 2009 of the mainstream French computer magazine PC Expert there 
is a n nice positive two pages review of LyX.

If some people are interested, I can try to post some scans.


Re: LyX Outliner and Corkboard - Feature Proposal

2009-03-06 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> rgheck  writes:
>> Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>>> 2. implement the possibility to add comments to the outliner items.
>>> As Helge wrote, these will need to be stored in the document (as
>>> specific properties). I suppose this would be much easier to
>>> implement after LyX's file format switched to XML, something that is
>>> planned for the immediate future, but still needs thought and
>>> action.
>> I'd think this was fairly simple. Right now, you could do it like this
>> in the document:
>>\begin_layout Section
>>\comment Here is the comment.
>>Section text as before.
> Why not special types of note insets? We want them in the document too.
> JMarc

If I understand the corkboard approach, you start by writing random notes,
an outline of your ideas, etc... Then you can shuffle it and link it and
then you start to write your document.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have a structure with a file note.xml a file
outline.xml the lyx file and a RDF database like they have for Nepomuk to
tag or link between elements.


Re: [patch] Fix UI GuiTabular

2008-11-17 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Vincent van Ravesteijn wrote:
>> I'm fixing the current design of the dialog. Whether the design should
>> be changed is the next question ?
> It should have been changed long ago. Maybe you'll find the time. The
> current design is only a burden of the past.

I would split the Table Gui with one Gui for formatting the table, one for
formatting the column(s), one for formatting the line(s) and one for
formatting the cell(s)

When you hover with the mouse above a table, a ribbon / wheel could appear
with the 5 options.



Re: [patch] Fix UI GuiTabular

2008-11-17 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> I think we really need OK/Apply/Cancel buttons in the long term (there's
> also an old bug report somewhere).



Re: Finding arbitrary text with given style

2008-11-04 Thread Charles de Miramon

Great stuff. I was hoping for a better search and replace in LyX since many

I hope it could be merged in trunk for 1.6.1


Re: The tex4ht changes: please test!

2008-10-21 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
>> The UserGuide doesn't work for me either. I suspect it's simply too
>> complex for htlatex. Does the Tutorial work?
Here (Debian Sid, LyX SVN, tex4ht 20080701-2) it works for the tutorial.



Re: Experience using XeTeX with XeTeX?

2008-10-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
=??B?SsO8cmdlbiBTcGl0em3DvGxsZXI=?= wrote:

>> are not installed.
> I would not talk of "moving". We should provide support for XeTeX, but not
> at the price of dropping support for other LaTeX variants. There will
> always be enough reasons to not use XeTeX (as long as it misses support
> for micro typographic extensions, I will not use it, for instance).

I would rather have one stable and solid LyX Way (unicode + xetex (and in
the future luatex) + opentype) and a possibility to export pdflatex code
for special reasons (like microtypography).

Having the possibility to switch the latex engine in the middle of creating
a document is a recipe for subtle problems (encoding, fonts). LyX users
should not care and know anything about subtle differences between LaTeX

I will not mourn the death of LaTeX inputenc, font system, DVI...


Re: Outline more persistent

2008-09-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Pavel Sanda wrote:
> i tend for 3. solution but would like to hear your opinions.

Why not have a Multiple View Component architecture ? The Outliner would be
one view and the main window another view ; each view would have a
infrastucture to remember what is collapsed or not. It would make possible
to create views for informations that may pollute your text (notes, todo,
revision marks, footnotes, etc.).


Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
José Matos wrote:

> This idea was discussed before and it was abandoned more than 10 years
> ago. Every once in a while someone comes with that suggestion, and again
> we conclude that it does not work, the best that could be done would be
> that subject plus meta comments with annotations.

I'm not saing that LaTeX should be the format but something that can be
easily mapped to LaTeX. Today's LyX format is a simplified LaTeX.


Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

>> Xml is slow to parse,
> That's a generalisation that is not really true, it really depends on
> your XML syntax. We are free to do what we want, so I am pretty sure the
> parsing will be as fast as nowadays. Really, do you see an increased
> difficulty when parsing ... instead of
> \begin_document...\end_document ?

The slowness of XML parsing has been a complaint for KWord, OpenOffice,
MsWord2007. If you cannot use a parser from the shelf (QtXml, LibXml2) but
have to tweak something, what is the point.
> Because XML is easy to transform. That is really the *main* reason. For
> example the transformation to TEI will be very, very simple, believe me.
> Not only that, but also transformations to HTML, ODF, etc.

If it was true, there would be today rocksolid ODF <-> Docbook, ODF <-> TEI,
ODF <->XML-FO converters. The idea that is very easy to transform one xml
jargon to another xml jargon, is a myth.

> Heck, even a 
> transformation to LateX would be possible if one day we decide that it
> is not worth maintaining the LateX code in C++.

At some point in Koffice development, Robert Jacolin wrote a XSLT converter
between KWord first XML format and LaTeX. He left the project but nobody
continued its work because everybody hates XSLT.

XML is nice for archival, interchange, standardized formats but is not an
universal swissknife.


Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Charles de Miramon wrote:

> Xml is slow to parse, the text is buried in very noisy formatting
> information and is difficult to hack. In my opinion, history has proved it
> is not adapted for wordprocessors.
Interesting blog measuring the performance impact when MsWord switched to an
xml format.


Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
>> That looks interesting indeed. Putting the development list in copy.
>> Jürgen, José, do you know about that?
> I heard of it. But I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to markup languages.
> Jürgen

TEI is an archival format. I doubt it is suitable for LyX.

Like Pavel, I'm very dubitative of a move to an xml format. If you look the
wordprocessing xml initiatives, they have all been failures (docbook,
xml-fo / xsl-fo, xmltex). Odf succeeded more because of Microsoft's hate
then anything else.

Xml is slow to parse, the text is buried in very noisy formatting
information and is difficult to hack. In my opinion, history has proved it
is not adapted for wordprocessors.

Lyx final product is LaTeX / XeTeX code. Why not keep a format that is
parsable subset of LaTeX and can easily evolve when more and more LaTeX
features are added to LyX.


Re: Alternative to individual embedding?

2008-05-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Bo Peng wrote:

> On the other hand, the file format in my proposal is still plain text.
> For many other operations such as search and replace, you do not have
> to unzip. I consider this as an advantage.

You have got a point. But the mix of text and base64 which is what is done
in rtf, if I'm right, messes desktop indexers like strigi

> Good luck if you can get those. As I have mentioned, Richard's
> proposal is not friendly to external files.
 My proposition would be to add URI for external files. Example :

\begin_inset LatexCommand bibtex
options "cambridge"
bibfiles "Biblio, /home/charles/localbiblio"


would be

\begin_inset LatexCommand bibtex
options "cambridge"
bibfiles "ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Biblio,


The bundler would parse the field and bundle only the file:// items maybe by
having a bundle URI something like :

bibfiles "ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Biblio,

If I understand your workflow, you want to work with a colleague on a Lyx
paper where a lot of figures are generated on your computer from an
external statistical program. With my proposition, when you (re)generate
your figures, you would run a script to copy them on a ftp ; http server
common for you and your colleague.

I guess that there exist already in KDE some code that build on top of
QNetwork a svn, git stack that could be used in LyX in the future if there
is a need to add VCS functionalities.


Re: Alternative to individual embedding?

2008-05-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

I like Richard's solution better. Having a zip based solution means that you
can 'unbundle' from the command line even without LyX, the base64 solution
is more complex.

I would favour a simple bundling / unbundling where everything is bundled
and everything is unbundled but add the possibility to use files on the
network (through ftp, ssh, http) using the Qt4 network stack. You could
then use a bibliography file common to your laboratory in your lyx article,
and get most of the functionalities (sharing some files and not others)
that Bo is talking about. These network files would not be bundable (is
this an English word ?). 


Re: Trying the full screen mode

2008-03-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
Helge Hafting wrote:

> If F11 switches to fullscreen mode, then surely F11 again
> should switch back.  The accidental user
> can then press the same key again - no guessing
> about other keys.

Hmm. All applictaions I know have some visual clue to get out of the
fullscreen mode (look Firefox, MsWord, Konqueror, etc.). Maybe showing a
passive popup for 5 seconds the first time with the message "To return to
normal mode, type F11"


Re: Trying the full screen mode

2008-03-03 Thread Charles de Miramon
Pavel Sanda wrote:

> please look at Tools->Preferences->User interface.

Yes. I have looked the options but there are no options to keep the menu, or
the status bar. 

Somebody typing F11 by mistake will end in a full screen mode qithout any
clue how to come back to normal mode

Something that was nice in the old MsWord fullscreen mode was that the
menubar was drawn above the screen (and therefore invisible) but you could
still use it with the shortcuts. for example, typing Alt-F gave the drop
down file menu. I don't know if it is possible to do it with Qt. 


Re: UI RFC: Outliner and Notes

2008-02-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> UI Question:
> In the outliner type combo, do you prefer an entry for each type of
> notes (LyX, Comment, Greyed out) or one entry like what we have now?
> Abdel.

I have just compiled svn. It looks very nice.
In the long run. I think it would be nice to have the non-printable notes
that are more todo kind of stuff in a special widget and not in the text,
linked through the 'Navigator'.

Several suggestions for the new outliner :
- Change the name to 'Navigator' and have the same shortcut (F5) than in
Open Office
- Open / Close the Navigator through the Visualize menu like View Source
- Is it possible to have the footnote number on the left of the tree item in
the same color that the footnote in the main editing window ?
- If the footnote is a bibliographical reference, the item in the footnotes
tree is empty
- Have a search combo box to search notes, footnotes, etc.
- When you click or have the cursor in the editing window, highlight the
item in the tree (maybe by italicizing it)
- I would suppress the identical features in the Navigate main menu
- In List of footnotes / Liste of notes etc.. suppress the outliner buttons
and slider.

A small question. Why Tommaso Cucinotta's search interface is not
integrated ? It looked very nice.



Re: r20513 - in /lyx-devel/trunk/src/frontends/qt4: Dialogs.c...

2007-09-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> Qt designer is a good example. Open Office is another one. Typically OO
> would dock a paragraph settings dialog.

Has someone tried scrivener (I don't have a Mac) :

The interface looks innovative with interesting Abdel'esque ideas.


Re: LyX 1.5.0 is released

2007-08-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Public release of LyX version 1.5.0
> ===
> We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.5.0.

Congratulations for all. It was great to see all this energy going into LyX
lately. Riding my hobby horse, I would say that the qt port brought new
platforms, new users and new developers.


Re: Commit Rules Post-1.5.0

2007-07-31 Thread Charles de Miramon
Martin Vermeer wrote:

> We already have that: charstyles, which are however pretty
> limited. But they could be extended (under a different name
> probably, "style insets"?)
>>  Could something like that do the trick for beamer?  (I haven't
>>  used beamer myself . . .)
> Would be a partial solution at best. We also need optarg
> insets extended to accept < > as delimiters instead of
> [ ] . And then a dialog, definable from the .layout file,
>  for picking the various 1- etc strings. (this feature
> would also help implementing Carlisle's enumerate
> extension more generally.)

If we have nested styles. For example a titlepage style, with nested title,
author, date, etc.. with some rules to specify the possible order of nested
styles and a general mechanism for optargs, we will dramatically increase
the amount of latex that can be lyxified ... The gui part is, however, not
that easy.



Re: Commit Rules Post-1.5.0

2007-07-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Martin Vermeer wrote:

>> What feature do you think that lyx is missing badly?
> The beamer layout requires too much ERT and non-intuitive tweaking.
> Perhaps something can be done about it in the frame of short title /
> optional argument. My dream is to have a LyX-beamer that is compatitive
> also in usability with ppt.

I think that what is needed is a standard mechanism to enter in a friendly
GUI way structured information in LyX like titlepages, frames in
beamer,multiple choice questions, etc. The gui form would be stored in the
layout and when you create a new beaamer frame (title page, multiple choixe
entry) the ui form would be displayed and you could enter title, subtitle,

LyX is limited by the dropdown style list copied from wordprocesssors that
works for paragraph formatting but not for structured information.


Re: Jose's 1.6 Questions [RGH]

2007-07-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
Richard Heck wrote:

> Modular layouts, which are close to complete, modulo comments and such.
> Then add a "local layout" option similar to preamble. (So, in
> Document>Settings you can add on-the-fly layout info.) This will make
> Bo's "embedded layout" idea pretty simple to implement. May start
> playing with a layout editor.

If you could embed a qt-designer ui file in the layout with some glue for
the local layout pane(s), there would be no need to create a layout editor.


Re: Elsart class complex frontmatter

2007-07-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Not for 1.5.x, though.

At least the menu entry should not be called shorttitle



Re: Elsart class complex frontmatter

2007-07-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> José Matos wrote:
>> We should do this for 1.5.1, this is not a file format change in the
>> sense that new files will work with lyx 1.5.0. :-)
> Sure.

Maybe with another name, like argument and not short title. Having a common
mechanism for supporting arguments between brackets for environments.



Re: tex2lyx

2007-06-20 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:

> Jean-Marc:
> I deposited an example to
> It contains
> 1. short.doc: Shortened version of a winword file I obtained from the
> publisher
> 2. short.tex: short.doc exported by OpenOfficeWriter 2.2 to Latex. As
> you can see it is rather clean. It woulkd be good however, to have a way
> for replacing things that LyX don't understand, like
> {\selectlanguage{english} or {\textasciigrave} from *within* lyx, rather
> than in an external editor.
> 3. short.pdf: PDF file generated from the (totally unmodified) short.tex
> As you will see, LyX 1.5 can't open it. Lyx 1.4.4 can, but does not
> produce Latex output. (View does not work here, on the same Latex system
> where short.tex compiled without any problem! Strange.)
> Maybe this is a useful real world test case that may be used to tune
> tex2lyx.
> Needless to say, I can produce a tex file readable by lyx from short.tex
> by replacing the preamble and doing various substitutions by hand. (I
> actually did so.) But it would be even better if Lyx could deal with
> such stuff automatically.
> Cheers and thanks
> Ekkehart

Hello Ekkehart,

If you want to have better results in translating, you will have to work
from the command line and create a configuration file that map the MsWord
stylesheet to the LaTeX / LyX stylesheet and suppress useless formatting
It is explained in German here (maybe a bit outdated) : 
and in English here

Even with a custom-made configuration file, you will get a lot of 'noise' in
your latex file. I attach a sed script (w2lclean) that tries to delete some
of this 'noise'. You should customize this sed script. 

It is not perfect because, I have not found a way to suppress with sed a
latex tag and the closing brace maybe it should be done in Python with a

to go from :
\uselesstag{blabla \emph{foo} foo} -> blabla \emph{foo} foo 


Description: application/shellscript

Re: horizontal lines in tabulars

2007-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> ODF is also xml based afaik.

Yes but the logic of formatting of an ODF file and of a LyX file (modelled
on LaTeX) is very different. There is no preamble for example in ODF.

This blog is interesting and it seems to me that LaTeX is rather similar to

> I belive it is a lot easier for us to more in that direction if we go
> for a simpler xml format with no strings attached first.

I fail to see what are the big advantages (except reusing an on-the-shelf
parser). Moving away from LaTeX logic will complexify the LyX -> LaTeX


Re: horizontal lines in tabulars

2007-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
José Matos wrote:

>   We gain xsl to write converters to other formats

If KOffice can be point of comparison. Before switching to ODF, we had a xml
format and nobody (well actually one man) wrote any xsl converters because
it seems that everybody hates xslt.


Re: horizontal lines in tabulars

2007-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> What would that mean if someone opens a file done with, say, 1.5.2 (with
> cline support) with 1.5.1 (without cline support)? Will this file be
> displayed and exported correctly? Will it be saved correctly, so that the
> file again opens without dataloss in 1.5.2?

What would be nice for 1.6 is to have an inset where in the fileformat, it
would save not only the LyX formatting instructions but also the generated
LaTeX snippet. Then, if your Lyx version does not have the logic to read
and modify the formatting instructions, it would just paste the LaTeX code
and the printed output would still be correct.

This kind of inset could be also a solution if LyX gets plugins.


Re: horizontal lines in tabulars

2007-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> That was what I was going to suggest. But then I remembered that the
> goal of 1.6 is XML and this alone will take time I guess. 

What LyX is going to gain with a XML file format ? Except being buzz

> I am not sure 
> that switching to XML and doing minor file format changes at the same
> time is a good idea, so maybe this will have to wait for 1.7. All thing
> reconsidered, maybe Edwin's patch should go in :-)
> Abdel.

What about 
for 1.5.0 a patch with the file format change and a small logic to tell Lyx
to just skip the cline format, if it finds any

for 1.5.1 the gui and the latex generator

Advice from an ignorant,


Re: unicode issue with biblio?

2006-12-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:

> Edwin Leuven wrote:
>> the insert citation dialog crashes here with attached bib entry
>> hints anyone?
> Yes. The contents of .bib files is implicitly treated as UTF8, and your
> file is encoded in latin1. What we need to do is to convert them from the
> encoding that will be used for LaTeX export to ucs4 when we read them.
> It would be nice if you could do these changes. The best method would be
> IMHO to make idocfstream symmetric to odocfstream by adding an encoding
> argument, and open .bib files with idocfstream instead of std::ifstream.
> Then the conversion will be done automatically when you read from the
> stream. The only reason why I did not add the encoding argument to
> idocfstream yet is that it was not needed so far.
> Georg

I thought that BibTeX could not handle unicode and is not even 8-bit

Are we not opening a bag of worms if LyX accepts bib files in another
encoding than the traditional ugly one.


Re: [Cvslog] r16196 - /lyx-devel/trunk/src/tex2lyx/text.C

2006-12-07 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> I think most of the quotes are too difficult to get right... 

Mmm If the latex parser could extract the pair of quotes, I think it
should be possible to have a one to one translation matrix.



Re: [Cvslog] r16196 - /lyx-devel/trunk/src/tex2lyx/text.C

2006-12-07 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>> "Georg" == Georg Baum
>> writes:
> Georg> I guess this should also go in 1.4?
> Yes please.
> JMarc

I've played a little bit with importing quotes with tex2lyx and it seems
quite broken, even round trip LyX --> LaTeX --> LyX is not perfect.

The Ducth and German citation quotes also does not work. Try importing this
file in Lyx :

%% LyX 1.4.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.




Georg proposed a longer patch on LyX French mailing list :

/// LaTeX names for quotes
char const * const known_quotes[] = {
// single quotes
"glq", "grq", "quotesinglbase", "textquotesinglbase", "textquoteleft",
"guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "textflq", "textfrq", "flq", "frq",
// double quotes
"glqq", "grqq", "quotedblbase", "textquotedblbase", "textquotedblleft",
"textglqq", "textgrqq",
"guillemotleft", "guillemotright", "textflqq", "textfrqq", "flqq", "frqq",
"og", "fg", 0};

/// the same as known_quotes with .lyx names
char const * const known_coded_quotes[] = {
"gls", "grs", "gls", "gls", "grs",
"fls", "frs", "fls", "frs", "fls", "frs",
"gld", "grd", "gld", "gld", "grd", "gld", "grd",
"fld", "frd", "fld", "frd", "fld", "frd", "fld", "frd", 0};

explaining that it may cause some interferences with some languages. 

Thinking about it, I think the problem is the translation of :

\textquoteblbase Rotterdam  \textquotedblright

\textquotedblleft Rotterdam \textquotedblright

That should be in the first case 

gld Rotterdam grd

and in the second case

eld Rotterdam erd

tex2lyx should translate pair of quotes and not single quotes.


Re: Question about tex2lyx and ERT

2006-11-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:

> If the integrated latex support is based on writer2latex, then I would do
> something else: Tell writer2latex to ignore visual markup, and only to
> export the document structure. This could be done with a config file, and
> I got very good results with that some time ago.

Yes, you start with the clean.xml given with writer2latex and then you take
away some conversions that are messy (footers, page numbers, hard page
breaks, language).


Re: Question about tex2lyx and ERT

2006-11-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> I would be interested in coding some kind of global ERT search and
> replace in LyX.

Why not a real search&replace function for LyX 1.5.x, where you can find
anything in your documment LyX, LaTeX in ERT, math, citations, styles ?


Re: Alpha 2 - Plan for action

2006-11-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
José Matos wrote:

> I have discovered that the release procedure needs some work, make
> distcheck is not working for one. I would like to catch an fix this
> problems before entering the pre phase.

Maybe at some point, everybody should align on one set of building tools
(autotools, scons or cmake) and that we have a clear, regular and
documented for dummies path to build LyX across platforms and Linux


Re: KCachegrind and LyX

2006-10-26 Thread Charles de Miramon

>> "cmiramon" == cmiramon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> cmiramon> I have compiled yesterday svn lyx and ran it through
> cmiramon> cachegrind (start lyx, load tutorial, page down twice exit).
> Did you compile lyx with --disable-stdlib-debug and --disable-assertions?
> It seems to me that you did not. This really makes profiling useless
> (as stdlib-debug causes a big slowdown)

OK, I'll try it this week-end.

> If you use scons, there are debug and a devel build options, I
> believe. Cmake may have the same.

Building with scons did not work. Cmake stops very quickly and cannot find
qmake (which is in /usr/bin)

> The snapshot it not very useful as it is :)

Just a teaser. KCachegrind is a funny application with a lot of buttons
you can push.

By the way, with my knowledge of C++, the probability that a monkey builds
the Tower of Pisa from a box of Legos is certainly bigger than my chance
of discovering bottlenecks in LyX code.


Re: Compiling LyX 1.5 with scons

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Bo Peng wrote:

>> Maybe lyx::char_type is not wchar_t because you forgot to define
>> HAVE_WCHAR_T? Or SIZEOF_WCHAR_T is not 4. Did you double check?
> Well, I was bitten by the separation of config.h... HAVE_WCHAR_T is
> defined only in boost/config.h, not in other config files. A patch
> that fixes the crash will be applied soon to fix this problem.
> Thanks.
> Bo

Thanks, it compiles now and run for me. 

Is there a special scons command to install lyx and create the sysdir
somewhere ?


Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>>>>>> "Charles" == Charles de Miramon
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Charles> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>  1. who is going to do that? I still got no offer.
> Charles> I will try to create a klik package

Try it. Very easy to use :

I don't know if it works with Mandriva 2006

À vaincre sans périls, on triomphe sans gloire.



Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> 1. who is going to do that? I still got no offer.
I will try to create a klik package

> 2. when proposed more liberty about qt4, your first reaction is to
>demand 4.2 only (which will probably become 4.3 only by the time
>1/5 is released)

The 4.x series is binary compatible. We could postpone the introduction of
4.2.x later in the 1.5.x series and add some gui features (autocompletion,
printing, revamped math panels) later.  

> 3. As Edwin said "there is no free lunch".

But Labor omnia vincit improbus.


Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:

> I tried that, and failed. Any pointer?

qtconfig and use the plastic theme that is the standard for KDE.


Re: Compiling LyX 1.5 with scons

2006-09-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Bo Peng wrote:

>> I need to investigate this problem more.
> Can you compile the following .c code without libiconv installed, by
> using glibc or something else?
> #include 
> #include 
> int main() {
> iconv_t cd = iconv_open("","");
> iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
> iconv_close(cd);
> }
> You can modify the code, add -l to gcc... On my system, I can not
> compile it without (-liconv). I guess your system has different
> iconv.h?
> Thanks.
> Bo

Here (Debian Sid), it compiles


Re: Compiling LyX 1.5 with scons

2006-09-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Bo Peng wrote:

>> Trying scons, I'm quickly stopped :
>> tombouctou:/usr/local/src/lyx-devel# scons -f
>> development/scons/SConstruct qt_lib_path=/usr/include/qt4
>> qt_dir=/usr/include/qt4 extra_lib_path=/usr/include all
>> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>> Checking for pkg-config...yes
>> Checking for main() in C library z... yes
>> Checking for main() in C library iconv... no
>> Checking for main() in C library libiconv... no
>> Did not find iconv or libiconv, exiting!
>> tombouctou:/usr/local/src/lyx-devel# whereis iconv
>> iconv: /usr/bin/iconv /usr/X11R6/bin/iconv /usr/bin/X11/iconv
>> /usr/include/iconv.h /usr/share/man/man1/iconv.1.gz
> Where is You need to find it and use extra_lib_path. Note
> that extra_lib_path=/usr/include  should be extra_inc_path.
> Bo

There is no 

I thought iconv functionality was covered by glibc in Linux.


Compiling LyX 1.5 with scons

2006-09-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

Following the thread about Qt3, I would like to experiment creating a Debian
package of Lyx-Qt4

Trying scons, I'm quickly stopped :

tombouctou:/usr/local/src/lyx-devel# scons -f development/scons/SConstruct
qt_lib_path=/usr/include/qt4 qt_dir=/usr/include/qt4
extra_lib_path=/usr/include all

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for pkg-config...yes
Checking for main() in C library z... yes
Checking for main() in C library iconv... no
Checking for main() in C library libiconv... no
Did not find iconv or libiconv, exiting!

tombouctou:/usr/local/src/lyx-devel# whereis iconv
iconv: /usr/bin/iconv /usr/X11R6/bin/iconv /usr/bin/X11/iconv 
/usr/include/iconv.h /usr/share/man/man1/iconv.1.gz


Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> I definitely do not want to release a version of lyx which is unusable
> by a large portion of our user base. If we are qt4 only, we have to do
> what is needed to get people to use it. There is no free lunch, as was
> said earlier.

You are playing the devil's advocate Jean-Marc. 

You know it can be fiendieshly difficult to compile a recent program on an
old Linux. What has caused the most problem for KDE is not the changes of
Qt version but the breakage of the C++ ABI, add to that evolution of gcc,
small changes of the autotools chain... and for Lyx, Boost.

For old versions of Linux, there would be also the possibility of having a
klik package :


Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> And there is nothing that the qt4 version can do that cannot be done
> by qt3 (which was not the case with xforms).

Qt4 brings some new stuff that could be useful for Lyx :

- Code highlighting widget (would be very nice for the LateX preamble)
- Autocompletion for input fields (would be very nice for the Citation
- Printer Dialog modelled on the KDE kprinter (We could get rid of the
obscure lpr options dialog)

Last but not least, I think the Lyx interface show its age and its MsWord
roots. Qt4 offers a docking infrastructure. Being able to dock for example
the table dialog when I work on big table would be very nice and save a lot
of mouse movement.

Qt4 has also a clearer licence for Windows.



Re: Qt3 Discussion

2006-09-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ozgur Ugras BARAN wrote:

> Well, the Akademy did not held, yet, therefore the release date of
> KDE4 did not announced. But my guess is it will be around Sept. 2007
> as earliest. Therefore, many distros that releases yearly or twice
> yearly will be released with KDE4/QT4 default earliest in May 2008. In
> short you can expect smb have a KDE4/QT4 on his desktop, earliest in
> Sept./2008. Two years from now on.. Shall not we planning a major
> release before two years??

I think you are wrong. KDE will release KDE4 sooner, my guess around
February. Features will be cut down if they are not finished. For your
information, there was also a heated thread on KDE-core-devel mailing list
at the start of the developmment of KDE 4 to decide when to drop Qt3. The
final decision was to drop it quickly.

> And also there are many people, who do not upgrade his/her distro that
> frequently. (For example I use SuSE 9.3 at home, simply because I
> prefer gcc 3.3 over 4.0 on that particular machine and I find it very
> difficult to downgrade in SuSE 10.1 :) ).

I don't buy you argument. If you want a stable LyX stay with 1.4.x If the
LyX team adds to the last version of the 1.4.x series the possibility to
import the 1.5 LyX format, I don't see how we are damaging our user base.

I'm also in favour of chopping Qt3 head in the guillotine quickly.



Re: Bidirectional text on Lyx-1.5-unicode

2006-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> So what I plan to do is to stor ucs-4 in our paragraph vector, when
> rendering transforms that in a frontend specific way to something the
> frontend can handle. For Qt this is ucs-2 strings, and use that to
> render. Chars/glyphs outside the basic plane will then have to be
> rendered with a '?'. But for gtk f.ex. that uses pango, we can handle
> the full unicode. (Since pango uses a ucs-4 unichar.)

Why do you want to store text in UTF-32 ? From what I understand from the
unicode FAQ, UTF-32 has a large memory cost for little benefit over UTF-16.

Pango has been criticized for being a ressource and memory hog. 

One point made by Lars Knoll in his presentation is that the difficulty when
you go down the Unicode lane is not to degradate the performance
for 'normal' users too much. With ucs-4, if I'm correct, you multiply by 4
the memory size of a LyX document, with ucs-2, you multiply by 2. 

Why go above the Basic Multilingual Plane and therefore an ucs-2 encoding ?
Basic Multinlingual Plane, is not so basic. It covers all the languages
written today on our planet.

I know there is a Ugaritic package for LaTeX. But is it really serious to
multiply the memory cost of LyX for the two thousand people in the world
that can write cuneiforms ? 

Re: Bidirectional text on Lyx-1.5-unicode

2006-07-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Btw. Does Qt even support utf-16? I thought they only supported ucs-2.
> AFAICS there is not support for surrogate chars in Qt.

Yes :

utf16 :

surrogate :

Qt documentation talks about it for grapheme cluster (id est 2 characters
resulting in one character on screen) :

> | Would you consider using Qstring for storing unicode strings ? Qstring
> | is now part of QtCore a subset of Qt.
> I'd hope to not do that.
> Currently I am still exploring storing ucs-4 codepoints in the
> std::vector that contains the characters of the document. Also quite
> luckily codepoint conversion is quite fast.

I hope you consider that if you leave LyX to sail the seven seas in your
yacht, another programmer will have more difficulty to pick up the project
if it is LarsGullikUnicodeLibrary than if it is Qstring (documented, book
about it, used in many projects), even if hacking LarsGullikUnicode Library
is certainly funnier than reusing boring stuff out off the shelf.


Re: Bidirectional text on Lyx-1.5-unicode

2006-07-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> That might be the easy way out.
> IMHO it is a pity that Qt only supports ucs-2 and not ucs-4.
> (not even for individual codepoints)

I thought that utf-32 (ucs-4) does not work on Windows and that utf-16 is
the way to go for cross-platform.

Would you consider using Qstring for storing unicode strings ? Qstring is
now part of QtCore a subset of Qt.


Re: Bidirectional text on Lyx-1.5-unicode

2006-07-18 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hossein Noorikhah wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm interested in making LyX bidirectional text work in Unicode branch
> work, and I think with some help from you, LyX guys, I can do it.
> I will try to use libfribidi, but Is there any document that describes
> what's happening in Unicode branch?
> And, a question, which level(version) of Unicode standard will be
> supported in LyX? It seems that v5.0 has released, and there are
> significant changes between releases, and for now, many applications
> are using Unicode 3.0 and moving to Unicode 4.0 or 4.1 standard.
> Also, I can get help from one of my friends that is the maintainer of
> libfribidi and Pango, Behdad Esfahbod, as he's an expert in this area.

QT 4.x has made a lot of progress for Unicode rendering in the Scribe
engine :

I've watched a demonstration by the developer Lars Knoll and I was quite
impressed. It handles not only RTL language but also ligatures in arabic.
For example, if you cut part of a word and break a ligature, it will
repaint it correctly in the clipboard. It also works with some Indic
languages which are more complex than Arabic or Hebrew. It manages the
cursor correctly if for example you insert an English word in an Hebrew

Can't we leverage Trolltech's work in LyX ? Lars Knoll told us that it was a
very difficult library to program because of the multiple subtle
differences between languages.

In general, trusting Norwegian software engineers named Lars is a good
thing ;-) 


Re: [patch] split external clipboard and selection

2006-07-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Angus Leeming wrote:

> Last time I looked, emacs was still widely used. For some reason, it
> hasn't died even after 10 years of KDE and Gnome. Maybe people use it
> because they like it? Shock horror!

Indeed, all the secretaries I know were using Emacs but since I showed them
that vim could search regexp in registers that they could yank afterwards.
They have happily switched and are busy reading the 400 pages manual ;-)

Seriously, look TeXmacs. They have an Emacs-like interface and the trafic
they have in a month on their user mailing list is what we have in a day. A
key of LyX success is the similarity of its interface with MsWord. 

>> But LyX target market is users coming from a Mac/Windows world and
>> familiar with a wordprocessor.
> Where on earth do you get that statement from?

The initial plan of Matthias Ettrich was to fight against MsWord 2.0

> These people have already coped with the paradigm shift that they should
> help the computer to do the typesetting for them. Treat them as
> intelligent beings.

History is repeating (and I will not use the oft-quoted Marx proverb). In
1996, Larry Manso asked that ERT should be hidden in an inset. An intense
debate started. Developers argued that people are not wimps and that they
could learn

> Victor Hugo used to bemoan the destruction of his medieval, gothic Paris
> and it's replacement with the dull uniformity of Haussmann boulevards. He
> certainly didn't believe that uniformity was good for users.

Well medieval architecture has a lot of uniformity contrary to what the
gothic revival movement of the 19th wrongly thought. Romanticism was also
generally against industry, railways, technology, etc. LyX is more in a
filiation : technical progress can change the world.

I tend to think that users like the clipboard to behave in a consistent way
across the desktop.


Re: [patch] split external clipboard and selection

2006-07-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> I am not so sure... it is very convenient to work with, and it takes
> minimal time to learn...
Well I know that you are an Emacs user and that you are accustomed to have
an application that behaves differently than any other application. 

But LyX target market is users coming from a Mac/Windows world and familiar
with a wordprocessor. For these users, having multiple clipboards is very
weird. Also, hiding the selection clipboard is what KDE and Gnome do.
Uniformity is maybe boring but it is good for users.

> The kipper thing is the first thing I turn off when setting up a new
> kde desktop. It interferes too much... but this probably put me in the
> power user category.
Well clipboard history is a power user thing. No, you are in the geek
category ;-)

But do you use the clipboard history in LyX then ? In a usability point of
view, people have problems if you mix in a menu static and dynamic
information. For example, very few people use the last launched
applications in the KMenu.  


Re: [patch] split external clipboard and selection

2006-07-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:

> I think we should modify 2:
> 2. paste -> paste from external clipboard. If the external clipboard
> contains plain text this would be equivalent to the current "Clipboard as
> Lines". Only in that case we would also have "Clipboard as Paragraphs" as
> an extra menu option (this would be disabled if the clipboard contains LyX
> contents).

Does LyX manage the clipboard as a mime data object ?

It would be nice at some point to paste an image or to have some simple
converters on the clipboard to keep some formatting.

In a usability point of view, I think the selection clipboard should not be
accessible from the menu. It is more something for power users. 

I'm also wondering if the clipboard history is something that should be kept
inside LyX. There are Windows Manager wide utilities like klipper for KDE
or xclipboard that do the job in a more efficient way. 


Re: [patch] split external clipboard and selection

2006-07-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Bo Peng wrote:

>> Copy/paste via clipboard or selection should be functionally

> BTW, I just played a bit under linux, using ooffice, firefox, emacs. I
> notice that the primary inter-application cut/paste has to be done
> with SELECTION, not CLIPBOARD. It looks like that the menu item
> copy/cut/paste are within application only.

Strange. Here, I can copy some text in Oowriter with ctrl-C and paste it
with ctrl-v in Kate, the other clipboard pasted with the middle button is
independent from the first one.

Maybe, you have a broken Windows Manager.


Re: [Path] WorkArea eradication from BufferView, step 2: fix scrollbar handling

2006-07-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> OK, once again: when 1.5 ships I would expect that people who have
> installed a new distribution in July 2006 are not laughed at because
> their distribution is really inadequate for using LyX.

Well the next stable versions of Debian 
and  Mandriva

will have qt4 packages

Suse and Ubuntu already have them

For Fedora there are easily available packages

I don't think dropping the qt3 version is going to be very problematic for
the user base. It is not like qt is an obscure library like Xforms is.  

I do understand that for the old guard, it is quite hard to abandon the old
concept of one core, multiple gui. But this concept which was much fought
for on the mailing lists has not been a success (except maybe for a clearer
code) and was at the time more a political decision than a technical one.
There are always been a tendancy of LyX developers to go alone there own
little Sonderweg. If if I remember right, at some point, John Levon was
arguing that we should stay with Qt 2 !!  

Being multiplatform has clearly gave new blood to LyX, new developers like
Abdel, Helge, Bennett and a lot more users. Multiplatform means more
complexity and having one core, one buildsystem, one gui is a way to reduce
this complexity.   


Re: qt4 citation dialog

2006-06-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Edwin Leuven wrote:

> the attached patch puts the citation dialog in a workable state for me
> comments appreciated
> ed.

1) Would it be possible to add a 'jurabib face' to the dialog with a subset
of the natbib version :
a) the text after field that should be renamed 'pagination'
b) a check box for the \nopage option

2) For usability, it would be nice if when you try to insert a citation when
you have not chosen a bibtex file to get a dialog box with an
explanation "You have not inserted a bibliography in your document"


Re: [PATCH] major font selection redesign

2006-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> This is not so easy, unfortunately. After all, lots of these fonts are
> only available to LaTeX, not to qt, for instance.

I thought Computer Modern was also available as a truetype font...

Package cm-super on Debian.


Re: [PATCH] major font selection redesign

2006-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Please have a look. Thanks.
> Jürgen

Very nice. A preview of fonts would be very useful for new users. But I
guess it would need a tabbed configuration widget with a second tab for the
expert settings. Maybe, it is not possible with Xforms


Re: kde frontend

2006-05-30 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:
> I don't know. I never heard of it. I searched a bit and found out that it
> is supposed to be in SuSE 9.3 and 10.0 which I use at work, but I did not
> notice anything. Certainly the kde file dialog is not used by qt apps.
> Georg

Why don't you post a question in kde-core-devel ? I think Trolltech is
folding back in Qt4 some functionalities of KDELibs. Maybe, the light KDE
port will be easier with Qt4 and KDELibs4


Re: kde frontend

2006-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

> I'd second that.

Me too.


Re: [Pkg-lyx-devel] Let's get the Lyx Debian pkg back in sync with upstream

2006-05-12 Thread Charles de Miramon

> On Fri, 12 May 2006, Per Olofsson wrote:
>> > - Is there a DD out in the wild internet willing to sponsor a new Lyx
>> > package?
>> Yes, I'd be willing to sponsor the package.
> What is a DD?

Debian Developper. 

Debian has a full American-oriented lingo, like 'MIA' which is initially a
US military acronym / euphemism for a killed soldier.  



Re: Let's get the Lyx Debian pkg back in sync with upstream

2006-05-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Sven Hoexter wrote:

> On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 11:29:15AM +0200, Charles de Miramon wrote:
> Hi,
>> I've started from Georg Baum's version but I made an ugly hack in
>> debian/rules to force it to compile with gcc 4.1. I don't know how you
>> should do it properly in Debian. I've updated the dependence fields also
>> and made some little changes.
> IIRC setting "CXX = g++-4.1" in the rules should work.
I wanted something that would work for sarge and sid, so we could keep one
file. A rule, saying on sarge use gcc 3.3 and on sid gcc 4.1

> I'll take a look at your changes aswell but aehm why do you need to
> compile with gcc/g++ 4.1? A pointer to the thread would be enough so that
> I can catch up on that problem aswell.

I've uploaded the total source package here : (83 M)

Only the debian directory :

Looking again at my packages. I found that there are some minor changes to
be made to the control files.


Re: Let's get the Lyx Debian pkg back in sync with upstream

2006-05-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote :
> I'll upload an updated diff for 1.4.2svn to the wiki tonight.

I've got 1.4.1 packages for sid (amd64, i386) and for sarge (i386) for the
qt frontend apt-gettable from

I can try to upload the source package tonight.

I've started from Georg Baum's version but I made an ugly hack in
debian/rules to force it to compile with gcc 4.1. I don't know how you
should do it properly in Debian. I've updated the dependence fields also
and made some little changes.

I can send the files to you, if you want.


Re: Moving gettex.[Ch] and messages.[Ch] to src/support/

2006-05-08 Thread Charles de Miramon
Joost Verburg wrote:
> A good scons system will make it possible to compile using MinGW,
> Microsoft C++, Borland or whatever using the same scripts.
> Joost

I'm not a developper and incapable of having a real technical opinion. But
why not wait until KDE finishes its transition to CMake. I guess it will
take another 6 months to have a working building system on Linux, BSD Mac
OSX and Windows and different flavors of compilers, documentation. There is
also an evolving ruby script to convert autotools files to CMake in KDE

I imagine than in siwx months, LyX will have a better visibility to choose
between scons and CMake.

The 'dashboard' is also a nice feature for monitoring cross-platform


Re: Indexing LyX Files

2006-04-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Félix-Antoine Bourbonnais wrote:

> I've installed Beagle on my Desktop to index my documents in my home
> directory. I've found how to index Tex files but I didn't see anything
> about Lyx Files.
> To write a simple filter (external filter in XML) for LyX, I need to be
> able to extract only the text from the .lyx document. In fact I see two
> choices: a command like untex for lyx (unlyx?) or use Lyx to convert into
> Tex and use Untex on that.
> Questions :
> 1- Is there any untex like command for LyX ?
> 2- Is it possible to convert lyx to tex *on stdout* using the command line
> ? I want to do something like that: lyx -e latex file.lyx | untex
> Thanks,

Kat ( has a Lyx plugin. LMooking the sources it seems to
use the lyx2html script.


Re: Error compiling LyX 1.4.1 on Debian Unstable g++ 4.0.3 or g++ 4.1

2006-04-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> The errors you get look like a mismatch between the compiler used to
> compile the boost code and the compiler (and thus stdclib++) used for
> linking.
> | (.text+0x179): undefined reference to `std::basic_string | std::char_traits, std::allocator >::_S_empty_rep_storage'
> | :operations_posix_windows.cpp:(.text+0x180): undefined reference to
> | `std::basic_string, std::allocator
> | >::_S_empty_rep_storage'

Do I need to install libboost-dev ? 

I have no boost installed on my computer except :

bafin:/home/charles# dpkg -S boost
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/lib/
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/lib/
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.0c2a/README.Debian
libstdc++6-4.1-dev: /usr/include/c++/4.1.0/bits/boost_concept_check.h
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.1/README.Debian
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/lib/
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.0c2a
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.1/copyright
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/lib/
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/share/lintian/overrides/libboost-python1.32.0
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.0c2a/copyright
libstdc++5-3.3-dev: /usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/boost_concept_check.h
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/share/lintian/overrides/libboost-python1.33.0c2a
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.32.0
libboost-python1.33.0c2a, libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/include/boost
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.32.0/changelog.Debian.gz
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.1/changelog.Debian.gz
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.32.0/README.Debian
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/share/lintian/overrides/libboost-python1.33.1
libboost-python1.32.0: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.32.0/copyright
libboost-python1.33.0c2a: /usr/lib/
libstdc++6-4.1-dev: /usr/include/c++/4.1.0/tr1/boost_shared_ptr.h
libboost-python1.33.1: /usr/share/doc/libboost-python1.33.1


Error compiling LyX 1.4.1 on Debian Unstable g++ 4.0.3 or g++ 4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon

I'm trying to create packakes of LyX 1.4.1 for Debian Unstable using Georg
Baum recip without any success.

Whatever version of g++ I'm using, the 4.0.3 (standard in Debian Unstable)
or the experimental 4.1, I get compilation errors in some boost code. See

Using g++ 3.3 is not an option, because the compilation process complains
that Qt was compiled with another compiler version.

Is there something, I should do ? Some magic parameters for g++ ?


g++-4.1 -O2 -o lyx-qt main.o Bidi.o BufferView.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o
BranchList.o Chktex.o CutAndPaste.o DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o
FontIterator.o FuncStatus.o InsetList.o LColor.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o
LyXAction.o MenuBackend.o ParagraphParameters.o PrinterParams.o Spacing.o
Thesaurus.o ToolbarBackend.o author.o boost.o box.o buffer.o buffer_funcs.o
bufferlist.o bufferparams.o bufferview_funcs.o changes.o chset.o
converter.o counters.o coordcache.o cursor.o cursor_slice.o debug.o
dimension.o dociterator.o encoding.o errorlist.o exporter.o gettext.o
factory.o format.o funcrequest.o graph.o importer.o intl.o insetiterator.o
kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o
lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o lyxfunc.o lyxgluelength.o
lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxrc.o lyxrow.o
lyxrow_funcs.o lyxserver.o lyxsocket.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o
lyxvc.o messages.o metricsinfo.o mover.o output.o outputparams.o
output_docbook.o output_latex.o output_linuxdoc.o output_plaintext.o
paragraph.o paragraph_funcs.o paragraph_pimpl.o pariterator.o ispell.o
SpellBase.o rowpainter.o sgml.o tabular.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o
texrow.o text.o text2.o text3.o toc.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o
vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o  mathed/.libs/libmathed.a
insets/.libs/libinsets.a frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a
frontends/qt2/.libs/libqt2.a -L/usr/share/qt3//lib -lqt-mt
frontends/controllers/.libs/libcontrollers.a graphics/.libs/libgraphics.a
support/.libs/libsupport.a ../boost/libs/regex/src/.libs/libboost_regex.a 
/usr/lib/ -lSM -lICE -lc -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lz
In function
boost::filesystem::path const&)':operations_posix_windows.cpp
(.text+0x179): undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator >::_S_empty_rep_storage'
:operations_posix_windows.cpp:(.text+0x180): undefined reference to
`std::basic_string, std::allocator
In function
(.text+0x1667): undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator >::_S_empty_rep_storage'
:operations_posix_windows.cpp:(.text+0x166f): undefined reference to
`std::basic_string, std::allocator
In function
(.text+0x17d6): undefined reference to `std::basic_string, std::allocator >::_S_empty_rep_storage'
(.text+0x17e8): more undefined references to `std::basic_string, std::allocator >::_S_empty_rep_storage'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [lyx-qt] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-1.4.1/build-tree/src'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-1.4.1/build-tree/src'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-1.4.1/build-tree/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-1.4.1/build-tree'
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2


Re: Bug still in SVN version ?

2006-04-05 Thread Charles de Miramon
Georg Baum wrote:

> Please do. I think I know why this happens.



Bug still in SVN version ?

2006-04-04 Thread Charles de Miramon

Ive finally nailed down a bug that has annoyed me yesterday.
1) New document
2) Create a LateX Inset
3) Type some text in the inset
4) Cut and paste it outside the inset
5) Try to look at the DVI (the pasted text is formatted with a strange

Is this bug still present in the svn version. If yes, I'll file it in


Re: Some 1.5 ideas - is this the time for working on them?

2006-04-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

>> * Easy to use support for oldstylenums. They look good, and are
>>   well supported by latex in any document class.  Could be done
>>   with a charstyle, but this is problematic - text inside
>>   oldstylenums screws up sometimes, and applying a charstyle is too
>>   much work anyway.
> There are several ways. Some fonts like palatino (mathpazo) provide a
> global switch (osf). That one should be part of the font settings
> (document dialog). But I think you aim at a way of inserting oldstyle nums
> only at individual places?

Oldstylenums are not available for all fonts (e.g. Helvetica). I see in the
LaTeX companion that you can use the textcomp package to issue a warning if
the oldstylenumls glyphs are not available. I think this featrue should be
coupled with a parsing of the LaTeX log to warn users if there are problems
with glyphs. 


Re: Scripting language of lyx

2006-03-31 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Think *unicode* and forget about this one for now.

I'm not a developper but I'm wondering if you are not underestimating the
complexity of going Unicode. Changing the internal format to Unicode is
maybe not that hard but having a fully Unicode editor is *very* complex. It
took 3 years to another Norwegian Lars from Trolltech to code Scribe and I
doubt that Pango the Gtk counterpart has took less time. If you leave
European languages, you are going in a sea of misery. Think languages with
ligatures like Arabic where if you select part of a word you must change
the shape of the letter in your clipboard and that is just the beginning.
Leave the Middle East to Asia and the complexity is multiplied.

Before going Unicode it would be an interesting experiment to see if it is
not possible to wrap the Lyx editor around Scribe and/or Pango.

Why also an XML format is so important for LyX ? XML is slow to parse and
hungry in memory. KOffice (using the OpenOffice XML file) is wery bad with
big files. Is XML really adapted for wordprocessing ? What is really
problematic with the actual format ?

I'm more interested in development going towards :
- A change of the interface to move away of the MsWord 95 paradigm which is
showing its limits
- Extensibility. Make it easy to add a Gui for LaTeX package foo. For
example, when I choose French for my document, I would like to have a
'nombre' formatting option appear in my menu to format numbers the French
way and not be obliged to enter \nombre{1000} in ERT. 

Re: [Fwd: What is the qt functions to get/set position of the main window?]

2006-03-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Martin Vermeer wrote:

>> Then how do you differentiate 'save size' close and usual close?  A
>> dialog would be needed. Also, it is perfectly normal, to me, and to
>> all windows users, and to, I guess, most of the *nix users, to save
>> window size every time. To test it, please fire firefox, resize it,
>> close and re-open.
> Yes, I know. This has the interesting side effect of making it easier
> for users to paint themselves into corners... has happened to me.
> We can do better ;-)

Why not make things simple. I'm in favour of Bo Peng's approach. Power users
can always use the -geometry option from the command line. Or if they use,
KWin use the advanced options for windows placement where you can tweak
parameters forever.


Re: [Qt4 RFC] QPrefs/QPrefsDialog Reorganisation

2006-03-21 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Maybe, you should take a look at

I would plead the case for an extensible configuration framework for
changing preferences for packages. Ideally a non programmer like me who
would want to add support for KomaScript should be able to create a widget
in QtDesigner and a configuration file with indications that changing this
option in the widget should insert this LateX code in the preamble.


Re: LyX/Win 1.4.1 pre1

2006-03-21 Thread Charles de Miramon

> On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> > "Jose'" == Jose' Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > writes:
>> Jose'> On Monday 20 March 2006 11:13, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> >> I have to admit I have never seen this word. Do people really use
>> >> it in normal discussion?
>> Jose'>   Don't you have this word (or similar) in French?
>> Jose'>   This comes from Latin, we have it in Portuguese.

Yes, from excalesco, is, ere A late latin verb meaning as you have guessed
'getting hot' 

I think we have a nickname for LyX 1.5.1


Re: Problem compiling Lyx 1.4. svn

2006-03-20 Thread Charles de Miramon
Charles de Miramon wrote:

Answering my own questions ...

> What version of gcc should I use ?

gcc 3.3 works
> And, if I install a different version of gcc, what should I moidify in the
> makefile to make the compilation process pick the right version ?

Before make, type
export CC=gcc-3.3
export CXX=g++-3.3


Re: Problem compiling Lyx 1.4. svn

2006-03-20 Thread Charles de Miramon
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> 1.5 actually.
> If you want the base for 1.4.x you have to get
> svn://
OK, I'll do it again with the right branch.

> There is a problem with some distributions releases of gcc. I think
> you have one of those.
> Is it a gcc 4.0.3 pre-release?

Yes. I'm using an uptodate Debian Unstable. gcc -v tells 4.0.3

I've updated the computer yesterday and the gcc package was updated, so LyX
was compiled with a compiler a little older.

What version of gcc should I use ? 

And, if I install a different version of gcc, what should I moidify in the
makefile to make the compilation process pick the right version ?


Re: LyX: feature request with cash bounty

2006-03-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

> That would be great and would solve the portability issue of autotools.
> Is there some tools to convert autotools script to cmake?
seems to be specific for kde


Re: LyX: feature request with cash bounty

2006-03-08 Thread Charles de Miramon
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Having dock widgets/sidebars would be great for many dialogs (the
> crossrefs or error dialogs come to mind).

A docking interface would be great for LyX. There are some nice ideas in
Koffice design competition 

One other aspect to be considered, is that KDE is developping around CMake a
cross-platform building environment for Qt 4 applications. Maybe, LyX could
jump in the wagon.

A low hanging fruit with Qt 4.1 would be to use the new syntax highlightning
class for ERT and the format document widget. 


Re: LyX: feature request with cash bounty

2006-03-06 Thread Charles de Miramon
Angus Leeming wrote:

> Charles Fox wrote:
>> Dear LyX Developers,
>> I am a PhD student who will be starting to write a thesis in a couple
>> of months time.  I'd love to use LyX, but there is one feature missing
>> that I really need:  an outline mode.   Like MS Word, I'd like to be
>> able to see and /quickly edit in place/ the document skeleton.  (I
>> know LyX shows the headers in a menu but I want to quickly TAB
>> subheadings up and down the hierachy and move them around like in
>> Word.) I utterly rely on outline mode when sketching out documents
>> and making notes.
Try maybe KDissert, it can export to LaTeX. 

I have rather bad memory of Word's outliner. It is a matter of taste, but
I'm wondering if outliners really belong to be in a wordprocessor and if an
external program is not more efficient.


Re: LyX for LaTeX-package writers

2006-02-08 Thread Charles de Miramon
Martin Vermeer wrote:

>> as be can just embed verbatim macros here. No dirty tricks and lots of
>> slow, extra files needed. And all this trouble just because
>> environments can't have arguments in lyx... Oh my dear...
> That would be easy to fix...

Would nested environments be very difficult to implement in LyX ? Something

\item bla

That would also dramatically improve the number of LaTeX packages that can
be LyXified. 

I understand that designing a GUI for nested environments is not easy. Maybe
something similar to


Re: lyx-1.4pre4

2006-01-31 Thread Charles de Miramon
John Levon wrote:

> That's what we did (with the KDE icons). It's nowhere near good enough.

Maybe at some point, LyX could ask some help on the Kollaboration forum of
Janet Theobroma ( which is a place on where developers meet artists. 


LyX and the Wu Ming Revolution

2006-01-21 Thread Charles de Miramon

Who said that LyX was only used to write boring academic papers ;-)

You, LyX developers, are working for the Texas branch of the Wu Ming

and their LiveCD


Insert table and Insert figure buttons don't work in 1.4.0 pre2

2005-10-11 Thread Charles de Miramon

1) Start Lyx 1.4.0, create new document

2) Click on Insert Table and Insert figure. Nothing happens with the error 
message Layout Caption not known. I can insert tables and figures from the 


Itemize inside a thanks footnote

2005-10-03 Thread Charles de Miramon
I've just found this bug (well it is more a LaTeX weakness) inside 1.3.6 and I 
was wondering if it has been corrected in 1.4.0 before opening a bug report.

1) Create an article
2) Create a title and a footnote (\thanks)
3) Inside the thanks footnote create a bullet list
4) the generated LaTeX code won't compile because of missing \protect that I 
have inserted here
like that :

%% LyX 1.3 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.


\title{Mon article%
\protect\item 1
\protect\item 2
%% If you take away the 'protect', it will not compile

Ceci est une note%
\item 1
\item 2


Feature request : correct LateX code for text superscripts

2003-10-18 Thread Charles de Miramon

As you all know text supercripts in LyX are done with a hack by creating a 
mathematical inset and the resulting LateX code is typographically wrong (the 
font is too big and the superscript is too high) as you can see by running 
this snippet of code :

LyX way  & the 24$^\textrm{th}$ of January \\ 
\LaTeX way & the 24\textsuperscript{th} of January \\ 
LyX way & \textsc{xii}$^\textrm{e}$ siècle \\
\LaTeX way & \textsc{xii}\textsuperscript{e} siècle \\

Feeding a LateX file generated by LyX through the oolatex macro of the tex4ht  
package (a promising LateX --> OpenOffice converter) makes the converter go 
berserk at each superscript when it creates a MathML inset in the OpenOffice 

Could it be possible to get LyX export \textsuperscript{foo} and not $^
\textrm{foo}$ ? 

A bigger wish would be to get a mode for subscript and superscript like in a 
classical wordprocessor and kill the error-prone mathematical inset hack.

Cheers and thanks for LyX who is slowly becoming my main wordprocessor,
Charles de Miramon

Bug in Lyx 1.1.6fix1 ?

2001-05-04 Thread Charles de Miramon

I'm using the Lyx 1.1.6fix1 rpm package found on Kavyan A. Sylvan ftp site. 
When I hit the return key on the numerical keyboard, LyX doesn't create a new 
paragraph but inserts a space. When you hit the numerical keyboard return key 
several times, LyX inserts several spaces on the screen and in the resulting 
.lyx file, eventually generating errors in the latex file.
The return key on the main alphabetical keyboard works normally and in every 
other applications on my Linux box the return key on the numerical keyboard 
produces a normal carriage return. When I look Xkeycaps the two return keys 
seems to be bound to the same code.
Maybe it is related with the other bug mentionned in

Charles de Miramon
Centre de Recherches Historiques
Laboratoire EHESS-CNRS
54, bd Raspail
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Another reason to consider Qt ?

2000-11-26 Thread Charles de Miramon

Also speaking like Martin Vermeer from a user point of view on Qt/LyX. If LyX
starts using the Qt Library and switch to a XML-style format we could reuse the
new RichText drawing and editing engine Reginald Stadlbauer is coding for KWord
and Qt 3.0 (see

I've looked at the Qt 2.2 documentation, the actual Richttext engine with an
appropriate stylesheet looks like it could easily out-of-the-box support the LyX
format except footnotes, hfill, commentaries... It has also have logical
character styles support. 

The new engine Reggie is planning will have :
-Unicode fonts
-right-to-left and bidi editing
-native import and export to HTML (meaning better cut and paste between LyX and
other applications !!)
- Maybe more... (an outlining mode would be nice)

The possibility in the next Kde to dock part of the Gui dialogs could also be
nice for the LyX Interface. On a notebook you could dock the lists of paragraph
styles and character styles and have the rest of the screen real-estate for
editing your file without any need for a toolbar. IMHO that would be quite

Just my two francs...
Charles de Miramon
Centre de Recherches Historiques
Laboratoire E.H.E.S.S. - C.N.R.S.
54, bd Raspail
75270 Paris Cedex 06

  1   2   >