[Marxism] David Laibman, Review of *“The Most Dangerous Communist in the United States”: A Biography of Herbert Aptheker*, by Gary Murrell

2016-06-27 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Science & Society July 2016, Vol. 80, No. 3: 437-440

“The Most Dangerous Communist in the United States”: A Biography of Herbert 
Aptheker, by Gary Murrell. Afterword by Bettina Aptheker. Amherst/ Boston, 
Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015. Paper, $29.95. Pp. 
xviii, 444.

Gary Murrell, Professor of History at Grays Harbor College in Washington State, 
has given us a much-needed comprehensive study of the life and work of Dr. 
Herbert Aptheker, Marxist historian and political theoretician. Aptheker’s 
scholarship on the African American people — with dozens of published works, 
including the monumental Documentary History of the Negro People in the United 
States — set the direction of historical research in this area, despite being 
ignored, repressed and vilified in official academia and in the publishing 
world. His long association with Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, and his multi-decade 
editorship of that scholar’s legacy, resulting in another 44 volumes, are yet 
another signal contribution to U. S. and world letters. His virtual odyssey 
across the USA’s college campuses, in speaking tours that again spanned 
decades, became a major element in the counterattack against McCarthy-era 
repression, and thus in the emergence of the New Left in the 1960s. His 
testimony in various Smith Act and McCarran Act trials made him a principal 
voice of reason and the quest for political and intellectual freedom. Finally, 
his staunch support of the Communist Party USA and his steadfastness in defense 
of that organization — despite many complexities and tensions in his evolving 
relationship with the Party’s leadership, and his eventual break with the Party 
— make him an exceptional, and controversial, figure in the American left in 
the 20th century and beyond. All of this, and more, is covered in Murrell’s 
book, based on impressive references, archival study, and many hours of 
interviews, including centrally with Dr. Aptheker himself.

The story is told in 26 chapters, arranged broadly (if not entirely) in 
chronological order, covering Aptheker’s early life; his research on slavery 
and on slave rebellion in the U. S. South; his ever-troubled relationship to 
the academic and publishing establishment, especially within the history 
profession; Aptheker’s role in the military in World War II; his defense of the 
CPUSA during the McCarthy-era attacks; conflicts within the Party concerning 
control over the publication activities of Party members (including his 
daughter, Bettina); founding and building of the American Institute for Marxist 
Studies; running for Congress in the 12th CD in Brooklyn; the trip to Hanoi, 
with Staughton Lynd and Tom Hayden; the long struggle to publish the Du Bois 
papers and letters; the movement to free Angela Davis after her arrest, 
following the events at the courthouse in San Rafael, California, in August 
1970; the fateful 25th Convention of the CPUSA in Cleveland, in December 1991 
and the founding of the Committees of Correspondence; and the final years in 
California, during which Aptheker finally achieved some recognition in academia 
and secured some teaching posts, which had long been denied him.

On the personal level, we learn of Aptheker’s deep and loving relationship with 
his wife of many years, Fay, and their daughter Bettina. The latter’s recent 
testimony concerning sexual abuse by her father during her childhood is 
discussed in a forthright and dignified manner in the Preface, and is also 
addressed in Bettina’s “Afterword.”

There are many complex, and often troubling, stories packed into this life, and 
no possibility of recounting them in a short review. Murrell is eloquent in his 
admiration for Aptheker’s accomplishments, in both their political and their 
scholarly dimensions: Aptheker is credited with altering fundamentally the 
historiography of the Black people in the United States; with being a prescient 
critic of the predatory foreign policy of that country; and with being a 
singular champion of democracy and human rights. But Murrell is also critical, 
where he feels the need for criticism. On the latter, here is a summary 
passage, from the final chapter, “Now It’s Your Turn” (354):

". . . for all his accomplishments, there was a terrible flaw in Aptheker. On 
the one hand, as the historian Chris Phelps wrote in the Chronicle of Higher 
Education, 'the extent to which Herbert Aptheker could symbolize intellectual 
freedom . . . was profoundly limited by his habitual excusing of repression by 
single-party regimes cast in the Soviet mold. . . .' . . . Then, too, members 
of the CPUSA around the country looked up to

[Marxism] A footnote on British politics

2016-06-27 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Tonight I saw an interview with a woman member of Cameron's cabinet.  Minister 
of Small Business I think.  Sorry I missed her name.
She was responding to the wave of anti-immigrant incidents.

She declared that decades ago she was a proud member of the Anti-Nazi League 
and at the same time a Tory.  Interesting in itself and interesting that she 
would make that declaration decades later.

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jun 27, 2016, at 6:46 PM, marinercarpen...@gmail.com wrote:

Defensiveness and incomprehension at basically every point. There just isn’t 
much in your response that it even makes sense to try to respond to.

PS: I’m not remotely important, but if even I saw what was coming, and that the 
only defensible position for the left was to try to defeat the referendum, then 
a lot of other people should have been able to see it as well. Some did. Many 
of those who didn’t have engaged in some of the most ridiculous, defensive 
bullshit I’ve seen in quite a while. Credit to you for at least being willing 
to admit “buyer’s remorse” (although I don’t care for the metaphor).

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[Marxism] Brexit and Labour Party crisis in twitterdom

2016-06-27 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Hi Jamie

thank you for posting a reply.  It's great to get acknowledgment. As for
how many were there at the rally it is impossible for me to even guess.
But one report had the police saying 10, 000 and I have never in all my
protesting days which now stretch over half a century seen the police
exagggerate about the  number of protesters.

Be that as it may,  it is clear that political time  in the UK  has escaped
the clutches of chronological time. No one is sure at all of what will



On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:48 AM, jamie pitman via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
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> *
> Hi Gary,
> I went to the protest tonight; at about 7 o’clock when I left I think it
would be more accurate to say there was more like 1,000 people there.
> (As I’m sure you’re aware) there’s an argument Corbyn has lost support
due to the lacklustre campaign he ran to stay in the EU. The counter
argument is that Corbyn’s reserved endorsement for remain was more in tune
with a sceptical Labour base than many of his MPs (who painted the EU as a
land of milk, honey and worker’s rights). It’s completely conceivable
Corbyn did lose some support from some of his young supporters who were
overwhelmingly in favour of remaining. But his mandate was such it is
unlikely that it has made much difference (given the lack of support the
others received). And so its also unlikely that this coup will be
successful. But I’m beyond doubtful this has translated into much public
support outside of the membership – I.e. in terms of Corbyn being able to
win a general election – and the likelihood is we may well face a snap
election this year to give Cameron’s successor a proper mandate to
negotiate Brexit and, most likely, reboot Osborne’s austerity programme.
> Jamie
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> From: Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and Labour Party crisis in twitterdom

2016-06-27 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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The [possibly] crucial point is whether or not Corbyn is automatically placed 
on the ballot. I’ve heard McDonnell say they’ve checked it legally and he is. 
But if he isn’t (or at least if the other side wangles it so he isn’t) then I’m 
afraid he’s done. 

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From: marinercarpen...@gmail.com
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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The origins of the referendum are common knowledge. Nobody on the left welcomed 
the referendum as far as I know or saw it as an opportunity - so this point 
about ‘naive wishful thinking’ and ‘imagined internationalist, anti-racist 
uprising’ is a complete straw-man. Obviously people on both sides of the 
argument attacked Farage’s rhetoric. But racism was equally forthcoming from 
the other side, if more subtle (one of Cameron’s ‘concessions’ was, 
effectively, to starve migrants who hadn’t found a job). Moreover, the racist 
right were unleashed by the campaign itself, at least as much as the result, 
and (whilst a counter-factual) its difficult to imagine the outcome would have 
been any different if the result had been 48 – 52 the other way. Had it been 
so, Farage would be gunning for a second ref and many who voted leave would 
have had the feeling of exclusion (and its violent consequences) further 
reinforced. You talk about *I and others* as if you’re *remotely* important. I 
have no idea who you are/ represent/ write for. Are you suggesting everything 
would of been ok if I’d just read your article in The Workers Armpit or 
whatever? Have you any notion how marginal the far left are currently in the 
uk? How miniscule? And yet you seem to suggest the far left can shape discourse 
and set the agenda and, moreover, the message of the mainstream media is 
completely unimportant. You further seem to say that we just needed the right 
arguments/ theory. The truth is the far left here comprises a dwindling pool of 
public sector workers, academics and students. Many of which are relatively 
privileged in the eyes of the old industrial working class. In other words, the 
far left was completely powerless to shape this outcome (whatever the line had 
been) and, historically, has largely itself to blame through becoming 
stultified/ petrified in doctrine that could no longer explain the world to the 
people it sought to recruit. I personally have conceded buyers remorse in 
regards my vote but in the end it made no difference (I am not in a leninst 
Ponzi scheme nor will I ever be again) so you can stick your charge of 
complicity up your arse. The same with your sickeningly moralising coda written 
from another country.

From: MM
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jun 27, 2016, at 6:05 PM, A.R. G  wrote:
> it would be foolish to pretend that [racism] played no role

Which is why I’ve never pretended that. The argument for left support to remain 
doesn’t need to “go there”, nor does it gain anything from going there. Staying 
in the EU doesn’t help deal with British racism. But defeating a call to leave 
from the racist right absolutely does.
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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From what limited reading I have done, my understanding is that much of the
pro-Leave vote came from towns outside metropolitan areas where "generic
brown folks" are less represented.

Others are right not to lump any and all opposition to the EU with "racism"
but it would be foolish to pretend that it played *no* role given the open
advocacy of such ideas by some of the right-wing pro-Leave campaigners.

- Amith

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 3:01 PM, MM via Marxism  wrote:

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> *
> > On Jun 27, 2016, at 5:30 PM, marinercarpen...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > I’m not sure I understand what point you’re making...
> This referendum originated in Cameron’s appeasement of the right wing of
> his own party; there was no “left” that was remotely capable of redefining
> the terms on which it would take place or be understood — only some naive
> wishful thinking. For that reason, the referendum's impact was always going
> to be shaped overwhelmingly by the racist, anti-immigrant sentiments of the
> people who had “won” it as a concession: they knew they could spin this as
> a victory for nativism and "traditional values” (as they are now doing).
> Recognising all of that, many of us urged support for remain, not out of
> any love for the EU, but because *this referendum* — i.e., the one
> happening in the real world, in June 2016, because of Cameron’s
> appeasement, as opposed to some fantasy referendum flowing from an imagined
> internationalist, anti-racist uprising — *was not the right referendum for
> any progressive outcome*.
> Furthermore, since a leave vote was very obviously going to unleash the
> racist right, many of us argued that *left* support for leave would fatally
> undermine their credibility in the eyes of the millions of immigrants in
> Britain whom they would be complicit in making immediately, concretely
> vulnerable to abuse and physical danger — millions of people who are
> otherwise their natural allies.
> I don’t care *remotely* what left supporters of leave want to say in
> response to talking heads on the telly who are bad mouthing the British
> working class. Their talking points have never been any part of the
> argument that I and others were making. Raising it in discussion with left
> critics of their position is a defensive red herring — a way of avoiding
> confontation with the awful truth about their naivete and poor judgment,
> their recklessness, and their complicity in the violence now unfolding.
> I hope that’s a bit clearer, because I'm completely sick of explaining it
> while people are being attacked on the streets.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jun 27, 2016, at 5:30 PM, marinercarpen...@gmail.com wrote:
> I’m not sure I understand what point you’re making...

This referendum originated in Cameron’s appeasement of the right wing of his 
own party; there was no “left” that was remotely capable of redefining the 
terms on which it would take place or be understood — only some naive wishful 
thinking. For that reason, the referendum's impact was always going to be 
shaped overwhelmingly by the racist, anti-immigrant sentiments of the people 
who had “won” it as a concession: they knew they could spin this as a victory 
for nativism and "traditional values” (as they are now doing).

Recognising all of that, many of us urged support for remain, not out of any 
love for the EU, but because *this referendum* — i.e., the one happening in the 
real world, in June 2016, because of Cameron’s appeasement, as opposed to some 
fantasy referendum flowing from an imagined internationalist, anti-racist 
uprising — *was not the right referendum for any progressive outcome*.

Furthermore, since a leave vote was very obviously going to unleash the racist 
right, many of us argued that *left* support for leave would fatally undermine 
their credibility in the eyes of the millions of immigrants in Britain whom 
they would be complicit in making immediately, concretely vulnerable to abuse 
and physical danger — millions of people who are otherwise their natural allies.

I don’t care *remotely* what left supporters of leave want to say in response 
to talking heads on the telly who are bad mouthing the British working class. 
Their talking points have never been any part of the argument that I and others 
were making. Raising it in discussion with left critics of their position is a 
defensive red herring — a way of avoiding confontation with the awful truth 
about their naivete and poor judgment, their recklessness, and their complicity 
in the violence now unfolding. 

I hope that’s a bit clearer, because I'm completely sick of explaining it while 
people are being attacked on the streets.

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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and Labour Party crisis in twitterdom

2016-06-27 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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Hi Gary,

I went to the protest tonight; at about 7 o’clock when I left I think it would 
be more accurate to say there was more like 1,000 people there. 

(As I’m sure you’re aware) there’s an argument Corbyn has lost support due to 
the lacklustre campaign he ran to stay in the EU. The counter argument is that 
Corbyn’s reserved endorsement for remain was more in tune with a sceptical 
Labour base than many of his MPs (who painted the EU as a land of milk, honey 
and worker’s rights). It’s completely conceivable Corbyn did lose some support 
from some of his young supporters who were overwhelmingly in favour of 
remaining. But his mandate was such it is unlikely that it has made much 
difference (given the lack of support the others received). And so its also 
unlikely that this coup will be successful. But I’m beyond doubtful this has 
translated into much public support outside of the membership – I.e. in terms 
of Corbyn being able to win a general election – and the likelihood is we may 
well face a snap election this year to give Cameron’s successor a proper 
mandate to negotiate Brexit and, most likely, reboot Osborne’s austerity 


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Guess what, neo-Nazi group attacked in Sacramento is pro-Assad and pro-Putin | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-06-27 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Odd how many on the Left were up in arms about a "red-brown alliance" when
it came to witch-hunting in the Palestine solidarity movement, but do not
mind espousing Baathist anti-Muslim rhetoric.

- Amith

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 7:47 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> https://louisproyect.org/2016/06/27/guess-what-neo-nazi-group-attacked-in-sacramento-is-pro-assad-and-pro-putin/
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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I’m not sure I understand what point you’re making...the insinuation seems to 
be along the lines of ‘the lady doth protest too much’? I’m also unsure about 
who you would identify as ‘the left’ in the UK; the only thing really happening 
here is Momentum. Nobody takes the swp seriously anymore since Martin Smith, 
Corbyn, Lexit; the average age of its membership is frightening – one cold 
winter and the party would be decimated. And for the time being, Left Unity 
function as an adjunct to Momentum as far as I can see. 

Anyway, having now read the Huff Post article, and with more incidents reported 
today, I would have to say I’m feeling more than a dose of buyer’s remorse. Re: 
Seymour’s article - Nobody on the far left that I know of ever thought of the 
EU ref as anything but a toss-up between two shitty options (he seems to infer 
he’s some sort of seer working for the institute of the brain-numbingly 
obvious). Plus he seems more than comfortable indulging Project Sneer himself. 

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[Marxism] Brexit and Labour Party crisis in twitterdom

2016-06-27 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I am in a remote part of Australia (again) and am following the crisis in
the Labour Party on Richard Seymour's twitter feed.  (I can picture Lou's
eyes rolling in horror)  Twitter is of course the most infuriating means of
communication yet invented. But it does convey something of the ferment of
what is happening. Compared to the comatose, zombie like state of
Australian politics, it provides like a wonderfully invigorating rush of
excitement and a by the second proof that the status quo is in danger.

I have read Richard's blog on the Verso site and as always it is very
thought provoking. But it is too early to say whether his guess is correct
and that the coup against Corbyn has been bungled.  My selection for the
anti-Corbyn candidate still remains Andy Burnham, though he has tweeted
that he will not support the coup.  If he will not stand, then the coup
could collapse.

So, the plotters against Corbyn will get their vote while thousands of his
supporters chant outside. Did the plotters underestimate Corbyn?  It would
appear so. Richard's analysis is that they want their party back
irrespective of the damage this does.  But as the coup drags on and the
plotters are forced out of the corridors and the back rooms and into the
streets, it is now clear that they will encounter real popular anger.  And
I don't think the likes of Hilary Benn or Alan Johnson will be prepared for
what will happen.

all fascinating.


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[Marxism] Fwd: What Do Syrians Want? | Dissent Magazine

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Idrees Ahmad

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Re: [Marxism] No evidence that Omar Mateen was gay

2016-06-27 Thread wytheholt--- via Marxism
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I would say that this article tends to prove the opposite of what is said in 
the subject-line above.  Wythe

 Louis Proyect via Marxism  wrote: 
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NY Times, June 26 2016
Was the Orlando Gunman Gay? The Answer Continues to Elude the F.B.I.

A vigil for the victims of the Pulse nightclub attack was held at Lake 
Eola in Orlando last week. Credit Hilary Swift for The New York Times
ORLANDO, Fla. — After news media reports suggested that the man who 
carried out the massacre at a gay nightclub here may have himself been 
gay, the company that bills itself as “the world’s largest gay hookup 
site” put out what amounted to a distress call, asking members who may 
have been in contact with the gunman, Omar Mateen, to come forward.

In an attempt to find an account connected to the killer, the site, 
Adam4Adam combed through the profile photos of every one of its 300,000 
Florida members and researched 20 email addresses used by Mr. Mateen 
over the years that the company said had been provided by the F.B.I.

Adam4Adam came up with nothing.

“I think it was a hoax,” David Lesage, a spokesman for the 
Montreal-based company, said about the reports that Mr. Mateen had used 
Adam4Adam and other dating sites and apps for gay men.

Two weeks after Mr. Mateen barged into the Pulse nightclub on June 12 
and opened fire on the crowd, leaving 49 people dead and another 53 
wounded, investigators are still trying to determine the underlying 
motive for the slaughter. Although federal officials have said Mr. 
Mateen had become radicalized to some extent online, at least half a 
dozen men have come forward with claims that hint at another potential 
motive, reporting that they had seen Mr. Mateen at gay clubs, 
encountered him online or had romantic encounters with him.

The claims have prompted investigators to look into whether Mr. Mateen, 
who had called 911 pledging allegiance to the Islamic State, was also a 
closeted gay man consumed by feelings of self-loathing and revenge.

F.B.I. investigators, who have conducted more than 500 interviews in the 
case, are continuing to contact men who claim to have had sexual 
relations with Mr. Mateen or think they saw him at gay bars. But so far, 
they have not found any independent corroboration — through his web 
searches, emails or other electronic data — to establish that he was, in 
fact, gay, officials said.

The question of sexual orientation is a part of a broader effort by the 
F.B.I. to establish Mr. Mateen’s criminal profile. Beyond being a 
critical piece of information that could help the agency reconstruct the 
deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, it could aid in 
creating a broader analysis of criminal and terrorist behavior.

“People often act out of more than one motivation,” Attorney General 
Loretta Lynch told reporters during a visit here on Tuesday. “This was 
clearly an act of terror and an act of hate.”

One of the first people to bring up the idea that Mr. Mateen could have 
been gay was his ex-wife, Sitora Yusufiy, who, a day after the massacre, 
told The New York Times that her former husband often made angry 
comments about homosexuality.

“If you know anything about psychology, you know that people that have a 
really, really strong resentment or above-average hate toward something, 
it’s because deep inside that’s what they truly are,” she said in an 
interview at her home in Boulder, Colo. “In Islam, it’s true that there 
is very low tolerance for homosexuality. He may not have been able to be 

But she added that she was speculating, and that there was nothing in 
their intimate life on which she had based that hunch.

Several men later came forward to tell other news media outlets that Mr. 
Mateen was a regular at Pulse. (Two of them, female impersonators who 
perform at the club, declined to comment for this article, though, 
saying the focus ought to be on the victims.)

Another Orlando man, a Navy veteran named Kevin West, told The Los 
Angeles Times and The Washington Post that he had communicated with Mr. 
Mateen for about a year on Jack’d, a gay chat and dating app.

Hector Camacho, the chief executive of Jack’d, said the company was 
cooperating with the F.B.I.

A company spokesman, Jeff Dorta, said several television networks that 
sought to au

[Marxism] Fwd: Union Jacks Flutter Over a Widening Gyre | Salvage

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Richard Seymour

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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jun 27, 2016, at 5:08 AM, jamie pitman via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> MM wrote: “It’s bizarre how defensive left advocates of leave have been about 
> this point; I haven’t seen a single serious example of this allegation, but 
> it is repeatedly invoked by left advocates of leave, and always defensively. 
> Very odd.”
> You must be joking?

Absolutely not, but I think you missed (or misunderstood) the word “serious” in 
my comment. Nobody should be surprised that the mainstream press is 
entertaining this line, but where are examples of this allegation coming from 
the left? Why does every criticism of support for "leave” evoke the defensive 
protestation that it "wasn’t just about racism”, even when the criticism 
doesn’t suggest it was?
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[Marxism] Fwd: Guess what, neo-Nazi group attacked in Sacramento is pro-Assad and pro-Putin | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Why Syrians become refugees

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Dr. Michael Hudson,

In interviews with Chris Hedges and Gregory Wilpert, you assert that it 
is jihadists armed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that is driving 
Syrians to leave the country. Would you take such a fact-free approach 
when it comes to the global economy?

On October 10, 2015 the Independent reported on the findings of the 
Berlin Social Science Center. Based on a survey of 889 Syrians who fled 
to Germany, it was revealed that twice as many refugees blamed President 
Assad’s military response to peaceful demonstrations for the country’s 
woes than on the jihadists. And even more tellingly, 489 of the 889 
surveyed called for a no-fly zone to stop barrel bombs in order to 
reduce the emigration flow. Meanwhile, 49 thought the answer was to 
support Assad.

I simply do not understand why otherwise intelligent people such as 
yourself and Seymour Hersh can turn into blithering idiots when it comes 
to the subject of Syria.

Yours truly,

Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] Statement on Vote on BREXIT

2016-06-27 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » Great Day in European History

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Boris Kagarlitsky exultant over Brexit. This, of course, is how Kremlin 
cash keeps flowing into his think-tank.

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[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » We Need A United Left

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Michael Albert, what a jackass.

"What I should say is, yes, a large turnout for the Greens (and perhaps 
the abstention vote, too) can help inspire and even develop an 
organized, sustained opposition. But, to accumulate Green votes or 
abstentions and have Trump win would undo any benefits of the dissident 
tally under a mountain of debits due to Trump wielding state power. If 
we have lots of Green votes and lots of abstentions, but we get Trump in 
the Oval Office, we have not achieved the best possible outcome we 
could. More, nothing about wanting to develop a powerful, organized, 
sustained, left opposition is inconsistent with wanting Clinton to win 
the election itself. In fact, wanting Trump to lose is one aspect of 
wanting the most powerful left after the election."

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[Marxism] Fwd: Spain: further stalemate | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-06-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] the British Labour Party crisis

2016-06-27 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I support Corbyn in his affair as I am sure most people on the list do. I
have been re-watching the Godfather movies and as always they have been a
great help in understanding politics, so some of what I say here reflects
that belief.

The coup against Corbyn has been planned for a long time.  The right wanted
"their" party back from this leftist upstart and they simply needed a
trigger.  They initially thought the local government elections would give
them that but the Labour Party did quite well.

Then the trigger moved to the Mayoral elections in London, but Labour won
that.  So it all became about the referendum on Europe.

When Brexit movement won, the coup plotters got their stalking horse Hilary
Benn to be the first to stab Corbyn.  Then they staggered the resignations
to maximize the coverage and the sense of crisis and the cascade of
imitation effect.  Finally they dragged out the Dumb Deputy Leader, Tom
Watson, to perform the coup de grace.

Despite having the media on their side including the liberal Guardian,
which I read, they still have not as yet pressured Corbyn into resigning.
There will be a vote of no confidence, and that might spark a leadership

Throughout it all Andy Burnham, who had previously stood for the
leadership, has refused to resign and has stayed "loyal" to Corbyn. He is
in all probability waiting in the wings to emerge as the candidate that
will heal, and be the compromise, the candidate with no blood on his hands,
seemingly.  My guess is that this role for Burnham has been in the planning
for a long time.

Can Corbyn tough it out?  Will the party and the country support him?
Where will that leave the Parliamentary Party? It is impossible to say,
especially from Down Under.  But I hope he does tough it out and he takes
it to the people and they vote massively for him.

Whatever happens waves of instability will break over the British political
scene in the short and at least medium terms.


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Re: [Marxism] Brexit and imperial privilege

2016-06-27 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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MM wrote: “It’s bizarre how defensive left advocates of leave have been about 
this point; I haven’t seen a single serious example of this allegation, but it 
is repeatedly invoked by left advocates of leave, and always defensively. Very 

You must be joking? Listening to the radio now, this is being debated on both 
BBC radio 4 and LBC. The term ‘Project Sneer’ has even been coined to describe 
the argument/ phenomenon. There is a growing movement to rerun the referendum 
with the inference it should never have been left in the hands of Northern 
malcontents (a slightly dubious petition that’s already had 2 million 
signatures; prominent Labour, Tory and Liberal politicians making slightly 
different arguments that all end up with the UK either not leaving or 

It’s impossible to distil the reasons for the 17.4 million who voted leave into 
one pat explanation. But the rejection of globalisation is becoming 
increasingly widespread. I’m now in London doing a PhD as a mature student, and 
suppose I would be – in demographic terms – a shoe-in for an ‘in’ vote; but I 
voted out because I grew up in the North where life chances have declined for 
decades. I left school and in a few years became a docker, a job that declined 
exponentially over the ten years I was there (loss of the national dock scheme; 
containerisation, casualisation etc); after that I retrained as a carpenter/ 
joiner. This started well but then the wages and the amount of work also fell 
through the floor at the start of the recession which was when I quit and went 
and began my first degree instead. As everybody knows, this decline continued 
in inverse proportionality with the ascendancy of London PLC (and will be why 
the Westminster consensus around devolving power/ subsidiarity to a local level 
will never work and will only provoke more resentment long term).

This was what I voted against in part. I also voted against the fact that the 
EU has more or less outlawed even the mildest forms of social democracy. And 
I’ll be honest, *I’m not sure if I voted the right way* (there’s even terms/ 
hashtags that have been coined for this feeling: Regrexit and Bregret). But the 
list of crimes perpetrated by the EU is a long one, not least racist policing 
of the Schengen zone (generally ignored by liberals who paint the EU as a 
rainbow institution); it’s own corporate capture allowing MegaCorp to drown 
small business under a mountain of regulation that only MegaCorp can deal with; 
innumerate examples of steam-rollering democracy (ask the Dutch, French, Irish, 
Danish, Spanish, Greek, Italians or Polish people or just listen to more or 
less anything J-C Juncker’s ever said ever) reflected in the closed-door 
structure of the Commission; TTIP (although I’d imagine we’ll get some form of 
turbo-charged trade deal in-or-out) Etc. Etc. Etc.

There is no doubt that Nigel Farage is a xenophobic, racist shitbucket who, 
unfortunately, a lot of pensioners and late middle aged manual workers identify 
with. During the campaign however, his most egregious announcements/ antics 
were denounced by everybody including the official leave side (who mostly 
prefer to signal their own nativism at a more socially acceptable dog-whistle 
pitch – but, for clarity, not all the leave campaign was fought on the anti or 
controlled immigration ticket). That Farage’s arguments didn’t have the 
influence attributed to them can possibly be seen in the overwhelming leave 
vote returned in areas with high ‘immigrant’ populations all over the mid North 
East and West. Anyway, the point is that attempting to paint the EU ref as a 
clash of any two homogenous constituencies of people (young/ old; progressive/ 
reactionary; north/ south; right/ left) is dumb. 

I haven’t read the Huff Post piece yet (I will do, and I’ve heard it mentioned 
on the radio this morning) but some of the Remain camp’s tears are unjustified. 
This referendum hasn’t created more racists (they were already there – e.g. 
some of the protests that have been cited include demonstrating outside a 
mosque – this has nothing at all to do with the EU or the issues it raised); 
somebody from the right of the Tory party was always going to succeed Cameron 
as well; our economy was fucked already (and by that I mean within the terms of 
debate given in the mainstream, I.e. our structural and fiscal deficits). I 
don’t buy the argument about the EU as guarantor of peace within Europe; it’s 
merely allowed our now waning, senile former imperialist powers to band 
together to continue to squeeze former colonies through ruinous trade deals. 
The question of whether racists h

[Marxism] The Brexit vote: an Irish revolutionary perspective

2016-06-27 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Along with the left-republicans, The Irish SWP also supported a brexit vote
in the six counties ("Northern Ireland").

The bourgeois nationalists (SF and SDLP) supported a Remain vote.

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