Re: MD: MD How good is the sound?

2000-04-12 Thread rmeeder

 during a quiet passage in the music! Who really gives a damn. The main
 reason I purchased a MiniDisc was that I could have quality sound at a
 price a lot less that DAT prices. Plus the flexability over CDs, i.e
 moving, combining and deleting of tracks. The other reason was, that I
 can use it in conjunction with my "Mobile Disco", Not for mixing,
 scratching or any of that crap, but just to be able to copy tired 60s
 and 70s vinyl to MD and have instant access to it.


I totally agree with you here... Sony has allways targeted MD as a 
replacement for normal audio cassettes. Not as a replacement for 
DAT or CD. And for portable it is the best compromise. Discmans 
sound good but are way to large to fit into any pocket. A 
tapewalkman is very cheap, but hasn't got the best soundquality. A 
MP3 player has, for PORTABLE use rerasonable soundquality, but 
is way to expensive and you need a computer to use them. MD is 
not to expensive, small, cheap media, long running times and are 
virtually shockproof (my MZ-E33 with 10 secs of shock mem never 
lost track when walking or cycling, most portables feature 40 secs 
And I allso like MD very much for in home use. The editing 
functions are unsurpassed. No CD-R drive, Tape recorder or DAT 
recorder has the same features.
What I am trying to tell is: Stop comparing MD recorders with DAT, 
or CD-R drives. To me it is allmost impossible to tell the difference 
between a digitally recorded MD and a CD. 
MD is a great format and for portable it is the best format and it will 
still take some time before MP3 or whatever format can pass MD.


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Re: MD: mics and mini disks..

2000-04-12 Thread Francisco Jose Montilla

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Al Kohout wrote:


 Does a MZR37 or MZR 50 require a mic to have its own power?

No. Almost all portable MD provide power to the mic connection,
which is intended for use with powered mics (they use to be more sensitive
than the non-powered ones). But, if you use an external box to: 

- power an electret mic and raise its output level to line level
- raise the output level of a non-powered mic to line level

You'd be able to simply plug that output to the line-in of your

mic - external box -- portable's line in

... maybe with the added bonus of having pass filters to eliminate very
low frequencies (roll-off) that could cause rumble in the recording and
other goodies. 

 That is can I not use a standard microphone? 

Not directly to the mic connection. You could raise its output
level to line level with an external adapter.

 Does it have to have a battery?

If you use mic that needs power, you can plug it directly to the
mic-in, the portable will power it. There's no need for external battery. 
Some powered mics that have batteries need also to draw power from its mic
connection, or can use either, so it depends highly on the mic you're
using. Which mic is?

 also..can I run to the mini disk recorder from the sound system using
 line in?  do I use a stereo mini or mono?

Stereo mini.

Hope it helps,

Francisco J. Montilla   System  Network administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  irc: pukkaSevilleSpain   
INSFLUG (LiNUX) Coordinator:   -

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Re: MD: Circuit City Responds

2000-04-12 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Shawn Lin wrote:
 I have been told the opposite by several alleged Nakamichi Dragon owners
 that said their cheap MDS-JE510 decks sounded better.
 Go figure.
 I really find it impossible that any cassette deck, no matter how expensive
 could sound as good as a decent MD recorder.

A hi-end cassette deck will record something in the range from 10Hz-22kHz. It
leave nothing out. Off-course you'll need to use high-end tapes. A normal Chrome
tape doesn't have the frequency response to handle the signal.

Thus it is possible to record a CD with the same fidelity as the original on
This isn't possible with MD since MD compresses. Note that we're talking about
a high-dollar setup. You'll need a high-end CD player to.
Note also the differences between the analog and the digital domain and the
related to going from one to another.

 What do the people who claim that there tape decks "sound better" really
 mean??  There is a big difference between the faithful reproduction of audio
 and they way something sounds.  Many people still prefer the sound of vinyl
 to CD.  From a technical stand point, vinyl can never come close to the
 fidelity of a CD.

Vinyl has the same advantage as tape. It is analog.
 But how something sounds is a subjective matter.  For example, think of all
 of the different brands of the same food.  Most people prefer one over the
 others.  That doesn't mean it tastes better.  It is an individual subjective
 human observation.

However, and that's where digital media's shine, all analog media loose there
information when they age. In a digital world, that doesn't happen.
Another problem with analog media is the necessity to keep the tape/lp spinning
with a constant speed. This is very difficult to achieve.

A PLL clock that drives a DAC/ADC, is however very easy to build and therefore
it opens the possibility to produce low-end CD/MD players that sound almost as
good as a high-end CD/MD player.

In the analog world however, you have to spend 'big-money' in order to achieve
high quality.

Ralph - Long live MD!

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: Circuit City Responds

2000-04-12 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Ralph Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you ever have a chance, listen to a Nakamichi Dragon deck with $25
  blanks. I guarantee you'll hear a tape that sounds better than MD.
  Of course, it's still a cassette, though ;-)
 Well, my (very) old Tandberg 3-header was also capable of
 out-performing MD while using metal-tape.
 However, play a metal-tape 10 times, and the sound degrades. Play an
 MD 10 times Well, MD stays the same while tape changes over time.
 Even when it is just lying on the shelf.
 And price-performance? To use metal-tape and to listen to it, you
 need the best tape-deck in the world. Like the Nakomichi Dragon. But
 be prepared to pay more then for a normal MD-deck. Metal-tape
 walkmans exists, but are rare to find and also expensive. They are
 not as expensive as MD walkmans, but they are in the neighboorhood.
 And for cars... Well head-units for metal-tapes exists but again,
 they are expensive. And a good metal tape costs a lot more than a
 Add to that all the convinience of MDs (editing, random-access, size)
 and you'll see why tape is on its way out
 That's what I meant by "it's still a cassette, though" grin I'll take
 MD over cassette any day of the week for any purpose. I'll take MD over
 CD for anything portable. Just so no one doubts my passion for MD ;-) I
 was just pointing out that the assertion that it's impossible for
 cassette to sound better than MD is not correct.

I can only agree totaly

Ralph - MD forever!

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: Xitel, Linux, and MiniDisc

2000-04-12 Thread Francisco Jose Montilla

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Erik Arneson wrote:


 I'm a happy owner of a Sony MZ-R37, and am looking for a cheap solution
 to recording MP3s onto MiniDiscs.  The Xitel Storm Platinum seems to be
 a rather popular and delightfully inexpensive card, but I've been unable
 to find very many people speaking of using this card with Linux.

I haven't heard anything also...

 What I'm wondering is, does the optical/digital output on this card work
 under Linux?  I see that Aureal has released Linux drivers for the

hehe, that's the question... :)

 Vortex2 chipset (which the Storm Platinum uses), but I just wanted to
 see if any other MiniDisc/Linux enthusiasts are out there using this
 combination, or what they might recommend otherwise.

I'm using with no problems a Turtle Beach Multisound
Fiji/Pinnacle. Is a a great card, It was very expensive, although right
now Turtle Beach sells refurbished units (they simply added more Kurztweil
capabilities) for about $250-$300, I guess that buying from other
distributors instead directly from them will be cheaper. 

This card has excellent ADC/DAC, and a superb S/N ratio.  Is
intended for almost Pro audio digitizing, has a S/PDIF IO board that works
fine under Linux with the pinlinux drivers (available in stock 2.2.x
kernels) though no mmaped audio (i.e. no quake, and other games).

I have used it fine for:

- Transfer audio from PC to MD
- Transfer audio from MD/CD caroussel to PC

My advice is try to locate a Xitel from a friend and try it under
Linux. If it doesn't work, maybe you can find a Turtle Beach Fiji/Pinnacle
cheap enough, but beware that it doesn't have TOSlink, so this, although a
secure route, won't be the cheapest/more convenient one.

hope it helps,

Francisco J. Montilla   System  Network administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  irc: pukkaSevilleSpain   
INSFLUG (LiNUX) Coordinator:   -

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MD: Golden Ears

2000-04-12 Thread James Jarvie

Hi.  I'm glad that no one took offense at my post
yesterday (certainly none was intended...I was having
a very bad day at the salt mines).  Anyway, others
said succintly what I was trying to say.  My real
point was this:

1) I have heard, in some cases, a slight difference in
sound between MD and CD.  It's not enough to distract
from my enjoyment, and, more often than not, I have to
do an A-B comparison to be sure.  

2) I love MiniDisc, and I wanted people to know that
not everyone who hears a difference in anti-MD.  I'm
certainly not.

Now, just to comment on some of the responses that
were posted.

 From: "Magic"

 It's interesting to see you have produced evidence
 of my argument that the
 different types of ATRAC have their strengths and
 weaknesses. I have often
 said the Sony is better for classical and jazz
 because it reproduces the
 sounds you describe above much better. The Sharp
 ATRAC system has trouble
 with sustained notes such as classical guitar and
 long bass notes (ie -
 double bass, cello, piano) but it excels at sharp
 attack sounds like kick
 drums, snare etc. - it's brilliant for rock music
 and dance music. It would
 be interesting if you could rerecord the same music
 with a Sony MD and see
 how you feel they compare.

This certainly has been my experience.  The jazz and
rock recordings I have made sound great.  The
classical recordings also are fine...but the
difference is easier to hear.  At present, I have only
the Sharp.  Soon I hope to have a Sony deck.  I will
re-record the same music as a test and report back.

 From: Dan Frakes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't get me wrong -- I'm a huge MD fan. I use my
 MD player on a daily basis... I just think that
people should be realistic about the format.

I don't think the difference that I have encountered
are significant for my listening.  We should be
realistic to the point that we acknowledge there are
sometimes some slight differences, and move on.  What
bothers people, I think, and someone else made this
point...there's more being said about the differences
than are necessary, and that can hurt MD in this world
where people's opinions are based on 30-second adverts
and sound-bites. 

 From: "Shawn R. Lin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Still, can you say for sure the difference is due to
 the format itself?
 Are you able to discount the DAC, analog stage, amp,

No, I can't say that for sure.  But I'm a musician,
not an engineer, so my comments are based purely on my
listening experience.

 I don't think it is fair for anyone to say MD itself
 is inferior without doing double-blind testing using
the SAME DAC, SAME speakers, SAME amp,
 with everything identical.
 You can compare two specific models, but I don't
 think you can do a
 direct MD/CD comparison without removing more
 variables.  ..., but still, we cannot
 conclude that MD sounds better than CD.

Agreed...and I'm not in a position to do that (and
would rather just enjoy the music in any case).  My
listening tests were done at the time that I entered
the MD world just to satisfy myself that I truly
wanted to get into MD (I had a 30-day window in which
I could return the unit if I didn't like it).  Now, I
am too busy enjoying the music to worry about anything
other than the possible demise on the medium.

It still amazes me that one could reduce the music by
80% and still be left with the great quality that MD
provides.  I would love to understand how ATRAC
accounts for things like overtonesbut I'm really
not technical enough to understand it all.  Just glad
it works.

And now for one other questionIs anyone, anywhere
selling the Sharp MD-20?  Other than on Sharp
s own website, it seems to be completely non-existent.
 I probably wouldn't buy it, since the MD-15 is all
that I really need...but I wonder what it is going
for...and I love the sexy gold color that will be
available in the Asian market.



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MD: FA: Sony Gumpack battery BC-7HT Quick Charger

2000-04-12 Thread Edmund William White

Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)/Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) quick charger for Sony
gumpack batteries. 

!!Charges batteries in less than 1 hour!! 

Battery charger for NH-14WM, NH-9WM, and NC-6WM Sony batteries. 
Light weight multi-voltage charger that uses any domestic current between 
100V and 240V (this means most of the world). 
100-240V AC 

Works for Sony minidisc and cassette walkman units with the above batteries. 

This item for auction on eBay at:

MENTION THE MINIDISC LIST, and receive 5% off final bid price!!

Edmund William White

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MD: MD as a replacement for cassette

2000-04-12 Thread Ed . Wong

There are large advantages of MD over cassette - its editing for one.

But for now I *still* use cassettes for "air checks" of my radio show

1) cost
  This is both as a single unit (reasonable "D90" tapes are typically less than
  and as the second item
2) Time lenght -
  Get 90min on a MD and Im there - or get the cost per min
  down to the same (aka like $0.75 per 60min MD). Also - for recording stuff -
  60min / 90min format works out a bit better
3) Ubuquity -
  *everyplace* has a cassette player - and anyone can play
  a tape that I make (not everyone has MD)

I think if they get MD players in the $50 range and blank MDs in the sub $1
range the format will *really* take off.

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MD: circuit city site

2000-04-12 Thread Jim Gray

I got this nice reply re that circuit city web page:

Dear Mr. Gray,


?s always a pleasure hear from one of our customers, but when we can
ways to improve our web site in the process we always feel we've gotten
better end of the bargain.

As a result of your note to us, we have made changes to the article on
that we hope you will feel addresses to issues you raised. Among other
the updated article makes fewer comparisons between MiniDisc and CD and
comparisons to cassette tapes. This new article should be available on
in just a few days.

When you see the revised section of our web site, please feel free to
know how you feel about the changes we made. Again, thank you for
make even better.


Doug Hess
Web Content Project Manager

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Re: MD: Circuit City Responds

2000-04-12 Thread JR Moore

Since I became president of the sight and sound club this is auctually
something a lot of people asked when I used my MiniDisc JE510 deck to
record concerts rather than thier crappy tape deck. This lead me that I
need to run some blind listening tests. 

Seeing as we auctually had some advanced equipment there, I decided to
put MD to the test aganist CD and also MP3 aganist them too, because

So I digitally ripped the MP3 and encoded it using the newest Franhouer
encoder from Nero Burning rom then burned those MP3's onto an Audio CD
(Nero will decode as well). Then I dug up a really nice CD player with
digital output and recorded the same song off the same CD. 

Now I've got like, 5 samples: CD, MD, MP3@128, MP3@160 and MP3@192.

So we set up our test system. A JVC Pro-Logic surround system, JVC CD
player, some really good Bose speakers and my MD deck.

We gathered 10 people for a first run test. Most of them being freshmen
and sophmores. Well, 9 people guessed CD properly, 1 said it was probably
MD. 8 people said the MD was MD, 2 said they weren't sure, but it sounds
like CD. Then when it came to the MP3, they got 128 with no problem, at
160, 2 had guessed MD, then at 192 everyone said something different.

We're running the test on some adults today, and I may throw in SoundVQ
for fun.

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Re: MD: Xitel, Linux, and MiniDisc

2000-04-12 Thread Michael Mitchell

I have the Xitel card and use it to record MP3s to MD happily under 
Win98. There are two Linux drivers for the card: one from Aureal and one 
from 4Front-tech ( The Aureal driver is beta 
quality, plays xmms and system sounds fine, and is Quake-compatible. It 
is free. It does not drive the optical out connector.

The 4Front driver is production-quality, plays xmms and system sounds 
fine, and is compatible with almost every game but Quake. It is 
available for nominal cost ($30?) and is under continuing development 
(the Aureal driver hasn't been updated since February and it's not clear 
it ever will be updated again). It does not drive the optical out connector.

If you want a digital copy of your MP3s, unfortunately, you've got to 
bail out to Win98. That's about the only reason I boot Windows anymore...

As an MZ-R90 owner, I'm eager to learn more about Sony's new rumoured 
USB-to-MD connector that provides both digital out and titling on the 
MZ-R90.  Any scoop?


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Re: MD: Nic Boyde's essay contest Will MD Survive?

2000-04-12 Thread JR Moore

 === The original message was multipart MIME===
 === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===

 Write an essay "Will MD Survive?", of approximately 1000
 words. Entries will be judged by me, Nic Boyde and one other MD list
 veteran (yet to be named). First prize will be an MZ-R50 (new) from
 Nic Boyde's last remaining stock. Entries are due by midnight GMT,
 April 30th, 2000.

Ok, spent the last three days working on this essay. It's in normal text
for convience and compatability.

BTW, if you want to post it on the MDCP, feel free.


 === MIME part removed : text/plain; ===

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Re: MD: Xitel, Linux, and MiniDisc

2000-04-12 Thread Erik Arneson

On 12 Apr 00, Michael Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you want a digital copy of your MP3s, unfortunately, you've got to 
 bail out to Win98. That's about the only reason I boot Windows anymore...

Well drat, that sure isn't the news I was hoping to hear.  So is there a
good solution to digital copying under Linux right now?

# Erik Arneson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Webring Technical Yahoo! #
# GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8 #
# "The worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise." - Ben Franklin #
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Re: MD: MD vs. CD / Golden Ears

2000-04-12 Thread Dan Frakes

"Shawn R. Lin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, but it is my understanding that you are NOT using the "same setup".
Your comparison (and I'm going by memory) is that you have a portable MD
recorder and a portable CD recorder.  The only thing the same in your
setup are the headphones.  You are using a different DAC, different
preamp stage, different amplifier stage.  HUGE differences!  This is
fair to compare those two specific models of equipment to each other,
but NOT fair to compare MD as a whole, to CD as a whole.

Nope. That was one comparison. And you're correct that it wasn't a fair 
one, because the portable CD player I used is often called the 
best-sounding portable CD ever.

However, I also pointed out that I did a comparison on my stereo: same 
amp, same preamp, same speakers. The only difference is the D/A 
converter, since the MD and CD both used their own internal D/A. To be 
fair, that's a difference. Unfortunately I don't have a separate D/A 
converter to test with. However, I find it very hard to believe that the 
Sony's D/A converter is *so* much worse that it accounts for 100% of the 
obvious differences in sound quality.

I think anyone who states that MD sound quality is subjectively inferior
without ruling out the DAC and all analog stages is stating a flawed
opinion.  I also personally believe that a non-blind test will affect
the results, because just the KNOWLEDGE that compression/decompression
is taking place and the belief that "it is compressed, therefore the
sound MUST be different" has a way of influencing the listener.

You're correct about the testing methodologies. Although sometime last 
fall I read a comparison using a nice double-blind test (with all other 
components held constant). CD was judged superior. Can't remember what 
magazine it was, though.
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MD: more on the Sharp MD-ST50

2000-04-12 Thread Leon

I forgot to post the size:

75.3 by 16.3 by 80.4mm... 111g including rechargeable battery.

Never seen before: There's a plug adaptor (for power) available for the
ST50's car use.

The four buttons on the top face of the remote are the basic playback
functions (play/pause, stop, |, |). Volume is the first button(s?) on
the left side when you look down from the top. It can't be confirmed whether
there's any jogs on the remote. However, if the remote has jogs, Sharp
usually will not let it go unnoticed. This time it hasn't been mentioned.


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Re: MD: MD vs. CD / Golden Ears

2000-04-12 Thread Shawn R. Lin

Dan Frakes wrote:
 However, I also pointed out that I did a comparison on my stereo: same
 amp, same preamp, same speakers. The only difference is the D/A
 converter, since the MD and CD both used their own internal D/A. To be
 fair, that's a difference. Unfortunately I don't have a separate D/A
 converter to test with. However, I find it very hard to believe that the
 Sony's D/A converter is *so* much worse that it accounts for 100% of the
 obvious differences in sound quality.

Certainly the DAC makes a difference!  If it didn't, audio companies
wouldn't bother selling external DACs.  In fact, the price of a good
high-end DAC is often 5-digits!  The reason my Sony CDX-C90 car stereo
cost so much was due to its quad 20-bit Burr-Brown DACs and several
different digital filters.  It costs $1200, yet it has no fancy color
display or even a built-in amp.

 I think anyone who states that MD sound quality is subjectively inferior
 without ruling out the DAC and all analog stages is stating a flawed
 opinion.  I also personally believe that a non-blind test will affect
 the results, because just the KNOWLEDGE that compression/decompression
 is taking place and the belief that "it is compressed, therefore the
 sound MUST be different" has a way of influencing the listener.
 You're correct about the testing methodologies. Although sometime last
 fall I read a comparison using a nice double-blind test (with all other
 components held constant). CD was judged superior. Can't remember what
 magazine it was, though.

Yes, but from what I've seen, magazines also do flawed testing.  They
test one unit against the other.  That's comparing two models, but for a
format comparison, that's not really fair.

You could probably rule out the DAC if you play the CD digitally through
the MD recorder using the audio monitor feature.  Do the test blind with
a friend switching the source randomly and you can also rule out
psychological influence.

BTW, it would not surprise me at all if Sony did not use the best DACs
in their portable equipment.  In a portable recorder, not only is having
to operate on low voltage a concern, but so is power consumption.

Shawn Lin
NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Click here for FREE Internet Access and Email
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MD: MD - MD dubbing?

2000-04-12 Thread Dave Kimmel

I've noticed selling some of their selection MiniDisc format,
which leads to an interesting question (either that or it just shows that
I don't RTFM enough).  If I have an MD deck with a digital out and try
record to my MZ-R50, I know I can't record digitally from an MD that is a
copy of a CD.  Can I record from a store-bought MD to a blank MD without
SCMS getting in my way?  Will there be a significant amount of

What I mean by degradation is...  To record from CD - MD, I know that it
takes uncompressed data from the CD, sends it to the down the wire in
digital form, then the recorder compresses it with ATRAC, and stores it.  
To record from MD - MD, it uncompresses the ATRAC, sends it down the wire
in digital form, then recompresses it when it hits the recorder.  I know
that this would cause degradation, but does anyone know if this would
cause unacceptable degradation in the sound quality?  Is it something that
someone would even notice?

-- Dave Kimmel
   ICQ: 5615049 

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