MD: Boomboxes from outside the US?

2000-09-29 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Since we're on the boombox topic, are there any MD boombox/portable stereos 
available where MD is more popular, like Europe or Japan? 

Perhaps those of us who are hard up for these things could import one from 
Europe if it could be converted to US voltage/frequency stepping?

Just a thought and a question. :o)

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Re: MD: Those MD boomboxes - why isn't anyone bothering to release them to Au...

2000-09-28 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 9/27/00 8:21:30 AM Central Daylight Time, 

/|\/|\ Here in the U.S., there are very few MD boomboxes available (maybe 
three of four models, all AC-powered, and
 extremely difficult to find). /|\/|\

  This bugs me too! :/

  I get to have a radio at work and I looked all over for an MD boombox, and 
the only one I found was the one at Minidisco's website. It was out of my 
price range. I wound up settling for a JVC Kaboom box with its aux input, and 
carrying my portable with me... Quite a hassle! MD in a boombox is just 
like... SO logical yet there isn't a good inexpensive unit out there yet. :(

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Re: MD: R: Pre-Recorded MD's

2000-05-12 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

/|\/|\ I'm still no good at converting from British Pounds to US dollars. /|\/

  I'm not, either, but that hasn't stopped me from buying from Yalplay in the 
past. They have merged with Boxman online, but they still carry many 
pre-recorded MDs. They have a currency converter on there which will convert 
to many popular currencies, including US dollars (but only during checkout, 

  Then there's Sony's online music store, and allegedly Border Books and 
Music sells MDs on their website...


  Hope that helps!

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MD: Titling errors?

2000-04-26 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Has anyone ever encountered titling errors (either disc or track title) when 
playing MDs back on different players?

I was listening to one of my discs the other day on my Sharp portable and I 
noticed that the title was wrong. It was truncated and the letters were 
garbled! I popped the disc out, put it back in and it got the title right 
afterwards. Then I noticed at another time a track title was garbled, but was 
fixed when I started playing the track over! Weird. I've never had this 
happen on my Sony...

Has anyone else ever had this happen? I hope it's not a sign of something 
more serious looming!

(And on a slightly related note, I noticed that there was a spelling error on 
my Brit Awards pre-rec MD! Instead of saying the artist is "Cornershop", it 
says, "Cornership".)


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MD: Sharp 702mk -- 12vdc adapter for car use?

2000-04-13 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Hey everyone,

  Is there an aftermarket adapter that will supply the 5 volts needed by my 
Sharp 702 so I can plug it up in the car? I don't care so much about charging 
as I do continuous music. :)

  I'm sure I could get away with 4.5 volts (like another poster whose wall 
wart went out) but I'd like to know if there's any 5 volt adapters for autos.


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Re: MD: Rerty

2000-03-28 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 3/28/00 6:34:28 PM Central Standard Time, 

 Anyway a fewminutes ago I plugged some headphones into my JE510 and when
 I looked back at the display, it said "Retry?"  

  I have a JE 320 and sometimes when recording music I get the "Retry" 
message when I try to title songs. It usually occurs right after marking a 
new track. Guess I'm impatient! ;-)

  Anyway, I don't believe it hurts anything. It's just letting you know you 
caused it to 'skip' and it's trying to re-record that segment. Someone will 
correct me if I'm wrong. :)

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Re: MD: april 1st help

2000-03-26 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Well, alright... :o)  Count me in. I think I could write *one* funny 
paragraph. But no guarentees. :P

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Slightly-OT: Listening to mono recording and headaches....

2000-03-07 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 3/7/00 1:10:52 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ For me, in stereo (unless I have it at full blast) I don't get 
headache, but in mono I do after about an hour and a half. /|\/|\

  I can't explain it, but I can say it happens to me as well. There is 
fatigue when I listen to monaural recordings, but only through headphones. I 
don't know why it is like that, but if anyone can shed some light on it, that 
would be cool. 

  At first I thought it was just the radio (FM stations around here seem to 
be in a pissing contest to see who can compress and limit the most) but after 
getting my 702 and some monaural recordings under my belt, I realized it was 
the lack of stereo, too, as well as the compression/limiting. (My favorite 
stations are on AM or on FM but 70 miles away -- hence no stereo.)

  If anyone could explain it, that would be neat. It obviously doesn't happen 
with monaural sources piped through a speaker or speakers... Just 

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Mini speakers for portables...?

2000-02-27 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Oh! D'oh! :)

  I guess... No more than $40 for those battery powered speakers... Maybe a 
little more if it's worth it.

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant

 I'm thinking of buying some little powered speakers for my 
 portable minidisc player, so I can take my music places where I 
 can't have headphones (like in the kitchen, or at work!)
 I went over to and they have a few products. I 
 would like to know what everyone here would recommend.
 I'm looking for some battery powered speakers that sound as good 
 as possible... If there is such a thing. :o)

In a message dated 2/27/00 1:41:35 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 How much are you willing to spend? ;-) 

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MD: Mini speakers for portables...?

2000-02-26 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Hey everyone,

  I'm thinking of buying some little powered speakers for my portable 
minidisc player, so I can take my music places where I can't have headphones 
(like in the kitchen, or at work!)

  I went over to and they have a few products. I would like to 
know what everyone here would recommend.

  I'm looking for some battery powered speakers that sound as good as 
possible... If there is such a thing. :o)

  I would greatly be interested in opinions of the Sony SRS A41's at, as well as those strange Sony On-The-Shoulder models... Does 
anyone have those? How do they sound?


~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Mics

2000-01-26 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/26/00 7:51:43 PM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ Right. It could also be caused by "brick walling" the mic input, where 
the signal coming into the mic input is so high that it is completely 
distorted. No adjustment of the recording level (automatically or manually) 
will fix this problem. /|\/|\

  Ah, so this is what was happening when I recorded a concert a few months 
ago. It was my first attempt at recording in a very noisy venue, and the bass 
was overwhelming! 

  So would I do to fix this problem on future recordings? I'm pretty much 
still new to the world of live MD recordings, so I really don't know what I 
could do to fix this problem... I would prefer to keep my binaural mics 
instead of buying different ones, if that's even possible... 

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: MD Wins (was Re: Will MD Survive?).

2000-01-25 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/25/00 7:34:03 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ If they make mobile phones into portable music technology then this 
will increase that health risk exponentially, as 1 or 2 minute calls turn 
into 2 hour music listening sessions. /|\/|\

  To heck with the "health risks"! Just imagine how much more your cell phone 
bill will be when you realize you've been listening to music for hours a day! 

  Say what ya will about MD, but it doesn't give you cancer and it doesn't 
cost 15ยข a minute to use. :-)

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?

2000-01-24 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/24/00 11:09:39 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ I think that a music medium shouldn't be so tied in to computers. /|\/|

  Oy, I hate mp3s. Well, not so much the *idea* of mp3s, but the people who 
love the format despite it's obvious shortcomings -- because it's just the 
'hip new thing'. 

  Many people mentioned on the "Will MD survive" thread that sound quality 
really doesn't matter with the average consumer.  That's the problem -- it 
doesn't. And in the end, a $99 boombox wins out over $900 home theater setup. 
 Cost also plays into it. So free mp3s off the net or from your CD will win 
out over much better quality MD (or DAT, even). 

  I think MD can survive despite the mp3 onslaught. Many others have already 
hit upon the solution: marketing MD's strengths to as many people as possible 
- something the previous US MD ads just haven't done.  

  MP3, being the new cool 'next thing' in the media, gets free advertising. 
(Free advertising being pointing out its strengths while ignoring its 
weaknesses.) MP3 players may win on cool factor for being so small and 
shock-resistant, but they lose out on every other single comparison point to 
MD or even CD, in my mind: You can't record without a PC; you can't do real 
time recordings, even on a super-fast PC; the music can't be edited; the 
media cost is too high... And the very last but not least point is that 
nagging lack of decent sound quality. Actually, it's first in my mind but 
last in everyone else's... If it were an issue, cassettes would have died out 
YEARS ago. Either that or even cheap walkmans would have Dolby S. :)

  But anyway, back to the subject. I don't like mp3's sound quality, or the 
fact it takes my computer about 25 minutes per song to encode an mp3... Or 25 
minutes to download the file off the net. ;-) Not all of us can afford DSL 
and a Pentium III 800 MHz processor to speed things along. Plus, if I want to 
move a song from CD to an mp3, it's about 6 steps. From CD to MD, it's about 
3.  In the time it takes me to rip a song from CD and encode it, I could have 
recorded half the CD to MD, digitally.

  Maybe when there's a real-time mp3 encoder that integrates into my home 
stereo setup, that can encode @ 256 kbps stereo, *realtime*, on a storage 
medium that meets or exceeds 80 mins (and costs $4), then MD will die. But 
until mp3 surpasses the benefits of other consumer music 'units' like MD, 
DAT, CD-R and cassette, it will just remain the bain of techie nerd-types, 
gadget collectors and others who remained glued to these wonderful boxes we 
call computers. :)

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Hi-Space Disc Problems?

2000-01-16 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/14/00 1:08:36 PM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ Hi-Space is probably a good bet... /|\/|\

  I've got some Hi-Space reds, and I've never had any problem with them. The 
one anomoly I've encountered with Hi-Space discs is the disc getting stuck in 
the flimsy plastic cover sleeve. On one I just opened today, a little tab 
inside broke and now the disc won't sit snug in the cover. D'oh!

/|\/|\  does anyone have experience with the Axia discs from  
The ones from Japan that have Hello Kitty or other cool designs on them? /|\/|

  Yes! I love them. I have a Hello Kitty disc and two packs of the Axia slim 
line discs... They're pretty well made, I think. Maybe a notch below the 
"sturdy" feeling of the Sonys+Maxells but better than my TDK music jacks and 
Hi-Spaces for "sturdiness" -- not that it means anything. ;-)

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: Stereo mic'ing | Re: Strange interference... now online :)

2000-01-06 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/6/00 12:54:27 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

/|\/|\ if you are gonna listen to it on earphones, the mikes should be the 
same as the distance between your ears.  If you are gonna listen to it on a 
stereo system, the mikes should be about the same as the speakers. /|\/|\

  How is stereo seperation generally handled in music production? In other 
words, when I buy a CD, what are the engineering the sound for -- far apart 
speakers, cheap PC speakers close together or headphones or...? :)

  From previous live recordings I've done I've found that a few inches apart 
works well because I am usually listening to my stuff on headphones... I am 
curious to know how produced music filters into that.

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: Strange interference... now online :)

2000-01-05 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Yah yah, I bet you're all sick of hearing about this. Now you can actually hear it for 
yourself, if you so desire. I snuck a recording of it earlier tonight and it actually 
showed up on the recording I made! That at least tells me it isn't *that* high pitched 
after all and that I (luckily?) don't have some hearing thing going on. 

Visit and download them for yourself. 
There's a wav and an mp3, each about 35 seconds long.

The mp3 didn't seem to keep much of the high pitched whine I've been talking about, 
but it came through pretty darn good on the wav file.

I played around with some EQs in Sound Forge and even with 20 db of attenuation at 16 
kHz, the noise wasn't completely gone. 

I'd be interested in knowing if a) anyone else on the list can hear this easily and b) 
anyone else has a freakin' clue what this is. And it is MD related, because I recorded 
it on one. :P

(PS: The files should be uploaded after 15 minutes after  the list receives this 
message. :)
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Re: MD: Strange interference... now online :)

2000-01-05 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 1/5/00 6:39:13 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

/|\/|\ Any overhead power lines? Any television transmission towers/repeaters 
anywhere? /|\/|\

  There are no overhead power lines anywhere in the neighborhood - the 
nearest ones to that location are probably about 400-500 feet away through a 
dense wooded area. 

  I thought there was some sort of a power box there at the end of the 
street, but it is labled "CATV" - cable television. There's also one of those 
slender telephone company boxes sticking up out of the ground, too.

  The nearest television towers are about 15 miles away, along with radio. 
The nearest two-way radio or cell phone towers are about 1/2 mile away... 
There's certainly nothing obvious in or near the neighborhood. :)

  If I get brave I may go down there during the day sometime and poke around 
-- I'm less likely to get the cops called on me then, hehehe! I would find it 
very hard to believe that no one in that area hears that noise -- in person, 
it actually *hurts* my ears in some places!

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: Strange interference revisited...

2000-01-02 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Yes, it's me again with this interference thing.

  Well, shame on me for going right to the MD list because I assumed it was 
my portable picking up some weird noise from the nether-lands... I did a 
little more testing on my last night out on that street:

  I heard the noise. I stopped the player -- still there. I turned it off. 
Still there!  I unplugged the headphones. Still there! Took the headphones 
off -- yup, still there. So it's not my player or my headphones, it's my own 
ears. For whatever reason, though, wearing those cheap Sharp headphones 
amplifies the sound a little. Go figure.

  If I can hear it, I wonder what the chances are I could capture it on MD 
with my binaural mics? :)

  So now I'm  *really* baffled. I wonder if someone over there has one of 
those little "pest-be-gone" noisemakers planted in their yard somewhere... 

~Zach (who now thinks the aliens are not using my MD player, they're using my 
mind, LOL!) - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: Strange interference

1999-12-30 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Hi everyone,

  I've recently started walking around my neighborhood (too much holiday 
food, LOL) and I'm listening to music with my Sharp 702. Everything's cool 
until I reach this certain part at the end of this cul-de-sac down the road 
and I start getting interference through my headphones! 

  The best I can describe the sound is it's like a high pitched whine or 
squeal, and it goes in and out over the course of a few seconds. (For those 
of you with real good hearing, it's the same noise a computer monitor or a TV 
might make...)

  I'm at a loss to explain this noise... Anyone know what it could be? It 
only does it over an area of about 30 feet or so at the end of this street, 
nowhere else that I know of. It does it regardless of whether the disc is 
playing or paused (I haven't listened with the unit stopped or off)...

  Any ideas? It's about to drive me crazy, in more way that one! :/

~Zach (perplexed) - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Strange interference

1999-12-30 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 12/30/99 10:46:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ Hmm...did u take a look around if theres a radio amatuer (is that the 
right word), or this person has a wireless telephone (which shouldn't cause 
intereferences). /|\/|\

Hey Matthias :)

  Nope, I'm sure it's not that. I'm pretty positive I'm the only amateur in 
the neighborhood. Whatever it is, I *will* be investigating it further... 
Whenever those darn FBI agents show up. :)

~Zach (who is beginning to believe Neil...) - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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Re: MD: Sharp 702 recording w/ digital in

1999-12-23 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 12/23/99 10:51:06 AM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ From what are you recording?  If you are using a portable CD player, 
disable the anti-skip buffer.  If that does not help or is not the problem, 
you might have a bad TOSlink patch or a loose connection somewhere. /|\/|\

  I'm thinking it's a bad TOSlink cable. I record from a XE-500 CD player 
from Sony. It's a uh... Desktop, or whatever you call it. Component? 
Something like that. :)

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: Sharp 702 recording w/ digital in

1999-12-22 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Hi all,

  Has anyone every encountered any problems using a Sharp 702's optical in 
when making a recording? Lately I've been toying with it and occasionally, 
during the first 15-25 seconds of the first song I record, I'll get a track 
mark placed for no apparent reason. (I've never recorded more than a few 
tracks from any one CD so I can't really say if it repeats when copying a 
whole disc.) It's not really much of a problem to go back later and combine 
the tracks to make it whole, but it is kinda annoying.

  I checked the cable, it seems fine; I don't have another portable to test 
it with, however.

  Any ideas?

~Zach - The Cutting Edge of Nothing Significant
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MD: LAME/BladeEnc | Re: A little non-scientific ATRAC Sharp vs. Sony test

1999-12-12 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

  After Jake told me about LAME, I went and downloaded and compared it to 
L3enc and BladeEnc... I must say, I am amazed at the difference between it 
and Blade -- it's like going from 80 kbps MP3 to a MD. :)

  From now on, if I have to make an mp3, I'll do it with LAME. I could tell a 
BIG difference. 

...and that's yet another nice feature about minidisc -- no silly bitrate to 
set, no worrying if you're squeezing a turnip or wasting space. :)


In a message dated 12/8/99 6:43:00 PM Central Standard Time, 

/|\/|\ Personally, I can't hear the difference between the two, maybe it's 
only noticeable when you listen to classical music. c't magazine wrote that 
bladeenc sounds completely crappy at 64 kbps while lame is fairly good, but 
who encodes at bitrates that low anyway ? /|\/|\
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MD: A little non-scientific ATRAC Sharp vs. Sony test

1999-12-04 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

  Jake's recent post about Sharp ATRAC has prompted me to do my own little 
nonscientific check to see if I can tell anything different between 
recordings made on my two entry level models: A Sony JE 320 and a Sharp 702mk 

  Ever since I got the Sharp I thought the recordings I made on it didn't 
sound quite right compared to the Sony records. Something I thought I 
perceived was that all MDs I had, regardless of what they were recorded on, 
sounded more ... colored? ... in the Sharp. I just chalked it up to the 
difference in circuitry between my stereo setup and the portable's headphone 
jack. But now I'm not so sure.

  So here's what I did. I took two 35 second samples from two different CDs: 
The first 35 seconds of Aaron Copeland's Hoedown from the Rodeo CD and the 
first 35 seconds from the Cardigan's Erase/Rewind, from the Grand Turismo CD.

  I recorded each sample digitally from the same CD player using the optical 
out, then recorded each sample in analog on the Sony (I planned to do it on 
the Sharp, too, but I couldn't find the right cable). I did all the playback 
in the Sony, then in Sharp.

  I certainly don't have an audiophile setup, so there's no real super-clean 
environment for me to do this test. Everything passes through a Radio Shack 
mixer, for god's sake. :)  I did use my headphones (Sennheiser 525s) because 
my speakers are very average. 

  Remember, this is completely unscientific and totally based on what I 
thought I heard at the time.

  Digitally speaking, I think the differences I heard would be insignificant 
to most listeners. Had I not had my headphones on, I am confident I couldn't 
have heard a difference between the Sony and Sharp digital copies. 

  What I did notice from the Sharp was... How can I describe it? A gurgling, 
perhaps, during certain passages. It was similar in sound to the noise you 
get when you listen to lower quality MP3s, only not so apparent and annoying. 
That I can pick out even on the absolute cheapest of stereo systems. This, I 
could barely, *barely* discern on these passages. It was most evident during 
the brief loud passage on the orchestral piece, and under the sound of a 
cymbal at the very beginning of the Cardigans song. One other thing I did 
notice about the Sharp was that the "volume" of the music seemed to be 
inconsistent with the reference (CD) and the Sony. IT was almost like it 
fluttered a bit up and down a few times. Once again, it was only evident when 
doing a back and forth comparison with either the Sony recording or the CD. 

  I personally think, overall, the difference between the two ATRACs on these 
two test samples was negligible. The Sony just didn't seem to have that 
'gurgling' noise, or at least it was more repressed than the Sharp copies. 
Either way it's nothing to nitpick, I don't think, unless the absolute 
accuracy is paramount -- and then I'd go with DAT instead :P

  Anyway, I wish I could have tested the analog input on the Sharp. I was 
amazed (and disappointed) at the poor quality of the analog inputs on my 
Sony. I had the unit for a few months before I had a CD player with an 
optical out, so all my recordings were analog. In that sense, they sounded 
fine... But doing an A/B comparison to digital? Ouch, BIG difference. The 
analog was slightly muffled and the high end was noticeably lacking clarity. 
Something tells me that the Sharp would probably be even worse, but who 
knows. I'm certainly not using nice cables for the analog side -- just the 
ones that came with the unit. I wonder if nicer cables (like Monster cables 
or something) would really help?

  Just for kicks, I encoded the 35 second orchestral sample to MP3, digitally 
via a CD ripper program. I encoded it using BladeEnc.dll in Windows, at 320 
kbps dual stereo, and 128 kbps dual stereo. I did dual stereo to try to give 
the MP3 format an advantage in how wide a sound stage it could present, 
because those joint stereo encodes I've done in the past just sound... 
Narrow, I guess...

  Because I have an old, slightly noisy sound card (why yes, it IS a Creative 
Labs product) I can't judge it the same because it's coming through a 
different DAC... But at 320 kbps, it did seem as flawless as either the Sony 
or Sharp sample. The 128 kbps fared much worse. I knew that this bitrate 
squeezed too much out of music, but I had no idea just how bad it could be 
compared to a) CD or b) either MD sample. Assuming I could do a fair 
comparison of my MP3 samples versus the MD and CD, I would still rank 128 
kbps dead last, because it just sounds so damn awful.

  BTW, I was surprised to not be able to tell a difference in *overall* 
quality when I played the samples in the Sharp. It may have been due to the 
fact the volume just isn't loud enough to drive these big headphones, who 
knows. I coulda swore in the past it made everything sound a little 
different, maybe it is just me after all.

  To rank them all in my completely 

Re: MD: survey

1999-11-03 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

Oooer, a survey. :)

1. I have approximately 55 CDs.
2. I have 3 pre-rec MDs, all bought for the novelty value (plus the fact they 
were all cheaper than their CD counterparts. Two music discs through Sony 
music online and one double-MD album from iMVS.)
3. Depends on how much I want the album. Must haves on CD, stuff just to have 
it can be on MD, assuming it's cheaper.
4. Forgot the question.
5. I have approximately 40 blank MDs which I've recorded stuff on.

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MD: OT: mp3 sound | Re: Digital Recording Quality

1999-11-02 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 11/2/99 12:08:25 PM Central Standard Time, 

 Even at 320bps you can hear the difference in MP3 much easier than you can 
on MD 

  As can I. :-) One thing about mp3 that has gotten my curiosity up is 
whether or not different sound cards can affect the sound quality of an mp3. 
I have an older SoundBlaster 32 and I've *always* been able to tell the 
difference between a source and the mp3 equivalent up to 320 kbps. It hasn't 
been so much that the music sounds altered like it does under 192 kbps but 
that the bass and treble seem to be cut. Would that be a product of my sound 
card or the actually encoding scheme?

  The reason I ask is my father, who is an avid mp3 downloader, burns most of 
his selections into CD-R. Played over my same system, those songs sound *so* 
much cleaner than when through my sound card -- not just in frequency 
response but also there's less of the sparking/warbling/annoying as hell 
sound from mp3s. That would lead me to think the decoder is better, but like 
MD shouldn't the end result always be the same? Regardless, MD wins hands 
down. He's got some songs burned into CD-R that were 80 kbps. He claims he 
can't tell anything wrong with him. Poor, poor old man. :-)

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Re: MD: Digital Recording Quality

1999-11-02 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

In a message dated 11/2/99 8:36:08 AM Central Standard Time, 

 So tell me, can you hear a difference between two different ATRAC version 
RECORDINGS? (Played back on the same player). 

  Played back on the same player? No. I did some 'test songs' via optical 
connections once, on my Sony 320 and my portie Sharp 702. Either version 
sounded the same in each respective unit. However, the odd thing was the 
Sharp's playback seemed to have more 'sparkling' high end versus the Sony, 
regardless of which version of the 'test song' was used. 

  I can't just pass it off as being a cheaper unit since it's a portie with a 
tiny headphone jack -- I drug out my E-40 Sony player and it sounded just as 
clear, crisp and clean as the deck. The Sharp just doesn't sound as good, 
IMHO. (All three units were put through my stereo system.)

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Re: MD: Optical Ins ?

1999-10-21 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

  I'm pretty sure that most of the portable recorders offer optical ins, even 
my entry level Sharp 702 has an optical (mini-TOSlink) input. 

  As for MD to MD, I have to make do with analogue recordings because my 
portable doesn't have optical out and my entry level Sony JE320 doesn't have 
optical out. I just do a direct (more or less) RCA cable connection between 
the two units and let 'er rip. I used to have just the 320 and a E40? 
portable, which despite it's dimunitive size it did a pretty good job, when 
hooked into the stereo system. 

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Re: MD: Turn-on bug Sony 320

1999-09-21 Thread ExquisiteDeadGuy

  Well, my 320 has developed the turn on bug. I thought it was only the bane 
of the 510s but obviously now I know different.

  It's not too bad. It comes on about once every three or four days. And yes 
it is made in Malaysia... "If I'd only known..." ;-)

  On the good side it's never come on with a disc sitting in the slot (but 
not all the way in) or with a disc in and the power off... Dunno if that's 
coincidence or not. I've been lucky, I guess. It's come on sometimes but it 
has never disrupted any monitoring or anything I've been doing. I've never 
heard any ground gears, but it does click once right before it comes on. 
Hopefully it'll last me a year or two more until I can give it to my parents! 

  The scary thing is lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, drifting right off 
to the edge of dreamy bliss and then have the room light up with "NO DISC" 
shining from across the room. Maybe mine's just haunted? :-)

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