Re: Windows Misery

2003-11-17 Thread miscdas
PS Tell a Mac oldie - what exactly **are** resources in a Windows context,
and why should one run out? After all, Windows has had some kind of virtual 
storage since it emerged from the slime, AFAIK. What other resources are we
talking about? 

I think this should help you understand Windows Resources and offer some 
ideas for tracking down the problem on ME. 

This is a simplifeied explanation. (I don't think you really care to have 
details on GDI, Kernel, and User and the associated memory details that 
relate to the Resources discussion.) 

What are Windows Resources? 

Think in general about the term resource.
From Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary--Resource- a source of supply or 
support: an available means 

So, what do we have in Windows that are available means or a source of 

Think objects that the OS uses. Probably all of the following, and more, 
are System Resources:
windows, icons, open files (including files that you saved, INI files, DLLs, 
etc. etc.) 

The Windows OS keeps track of resources by assigning a unique identification 
number as they are invoked (opened, loaded, whatever). It so happens that 
there are only a finite number of resource identifiers available--this is 
the main source of the problem with running out of resources; you probably 
are actually running out of identifiers. The resources are loaded into 
memory. So, as you try to use more and more resources, you will hit either a 
limit on the number of identifiers, or the limit on available memory that is 
needed to load resources. Now a days, virtual memory on disk USUALLY, but 
not always, prevents running out of RAM from being the limitation. 

When the use of a resource is completed, the memory it is using SHOULD be 
marked as free (released). Unfortunately, many programs do a poor job of 
releasing memory when finished with resources, so available resources go 
down. Sometimes a program gets in some type of a loop that requires loading 
some resource each pass through the loop, rapidly gobbling resource 
identifiers until they run out, usually resulting in either a system freeze 
or crash. This is where third-party programs often help by polling all of 
the RAM and releasing any that does not have an application using it 

Windows also does some smart manuevers; some apps call for some Windows 
components to be loaded when the app loads. When the app closes, it trys to 
release the resources it used, but Windows expects that the Windows 
components that were loaded by the app will be needed again, so it DOES NOT 
release them! 

I don't know if ME has the Resource Meter, but if yes, it can help identify 
where the resources are being allocated. I think with  ME that you can run 
msconfig and get a list of running processes (that are using resources!) and 
the processes that auto start. 

the meter shows the following three:
GDI Resources- relate to graphics related things like pictures and icons
System Resources- relate to open disk files
User Resources- relate to created windows 

Check the resources immediately after boot up, then again as the REV app is 
launched and run. If the resources are 50% right after boot up WAY too many 
things are getting auto loaded at boot up. If the resources take a big hit 
either immediately after launching the REV app or while it runs, then there 
is some routine in the app that either is eating up resources as it runs, or 
simply requires more resources than are available. 

Some other things that eat resources are eye candy like animated cursors 
and icons, and sound effects attached to objects. 

Happy hunting 

metacard mailing list

Re: Unlock Screen Visual Effect Broken?

2003-09-28 Thread miscdas
Scott Rossi writes: 

On 9/26/03 1:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

MC 2.5 build number 1, Win2000
Worked as expected. with each click of bt2, fld1 text cycled between true
and false with dissolve, and btn1 cycled between visible and invisible with
Do you have QT for Windows installed on this system? 


Scott Rossi
No, QT is not installed. 

metacard mailing list

Re: Unlock Screen Visual Effect Broken?

2003-09-26 Thread miscdas
Scott Rossi writes: 

Hey Folks: 

I was curious if anyone else can confirm that unlock screen + visual effects
is broken on Windows MC2.5.  I have two machines here on which I tried: 

on mouseUp
lock screen
if the vis of btn 1 then
hide btn 1
else show btn 1
unlock screen with visual dissolve
end mouseUp 

...along with several other visual effects, and no effect is visible when
the button is hidden/shown. 

The above works fine for me on MC2.4.2 Win and on MC2.5 Mac systems. 


Thanks  Regards, 

Scott Rossi

MC 2.5 build number 1, Win2000 

I put btn1, btn2, and fld1 onto a card
btn 2 script: 

on mouseUp
 lock screen
 put the vis of btn 1 into fld 1
 if the vis of btn 1 then
   hide btn 1
 else show btn 1
 unlock screen with visual effect dissolve 

end mouseUp 

Worked as expected. with each click of bt2, fld1 text cycled between true 
and false with dissolve, and btn1 cycled between visible and invisible with 

metacard mailing list

Re: MC in RR

2003-08-15 Thread miscdas
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto writes:
At 5:57 AM -0700 8/9/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Q1. Can I still use my MetaCard stacks in the RR GUI? Or do they have to
be 'translated'? Or do I simply change the suffix?
You can use them as-is. (To get the Open item in the File menu to see
them on Windows/Unix, you do need to change the extension.
That is rather misleading, unless you mean to say that one must actually 
rename the file, changing its extenstion form .mc to .rev. If so, this is 
not correct. 

Under Win XP Pro, do this:
1. Launch Rev
2. From the Toolbar, click Open or
 from the File menu select Open stack... or
 press Ctrl+o.
 The Open Stack dialog is displayed.
3. On this dialog, navigate to the drop-down-list box Files of type: and 
click the arrow.
 The list of file types is displayed.
4. From the list, select All files or Metacard.
 The dialog updates to enable display of the files of the type selected.
5. Have at it... 


On Mac you need
to change the file type. Or hold down the Option/Alt key when choosing the
Open item.) The file format's the same. 

metacard mailing list

Re: MC or Intel precision?

2003-08-14 Thread miscdas
MisterX writes: 

Hi everyone, 

Is this megaproblem Windows only? 

put 2 ^ .5 = 1.414214
put pi = 3.14159265358979323846
put pi * 1 = 3.141593 --- ooops...
put 0.0005 * 0.0005 = 0 

Other than start writting out externals, 
is there a way to use Real math precision? 

Like PI!
but avoiding 
put 10 * 0.001 * pi = 3141592.65359 
which is as precise as it gets workaround... ;) 

thanks for any suggestions

Did you try using the Format function to define the output format? Check the 


metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-11 Thread miscdas
Klaus Major writes:

Click on Externals Collection 

There you can dl the old x-collection of Tuviah, where the win version 

CD ROMs - get a list of currently available CD ROM drives and more, of 
course :-) 

Hope that helps. 


Klaus Major

The externals may not be reliable on win XP pro. When I queried for the 
CD-ROM, it returned ONLY E. But I have CD-ROM drives in both E: and F:, 
correctly found by System Information. 

Also, use this link to the externals 


metacard mailing list

Re: CD update...

2003-07-11 Thread miscdas
Shari writes:
As for built-in MC compressors... better to put the file in a format that 
most are familiar with.  Such as .sit, .hqx files.  Especially if there is 
a chance they may want to actually upload the file somewhere.  Here it is, 
already perfectly packaged :-) 

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
Your Macentricity is showing again. We Windows users barely or not-at-all 
recognize .SIT and .HQX 

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-11 Thread miscdas
Yates, Glen writes: 

msinfo32.exe /report output.txt

Then it will create a text file 'output.txt' with the system 
info in it that
you can then parse for the info you need. The only drawback 
is it takes a
little while to run. You may be able to narrow it down to 
just the category
you need, though.


How would one narrow it down?
like this: 

on mouseUp
launch C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\MSInfo32.exe 
/report C:\Temp\cdrom.txt /categories +componentsMultimediaCDROM
end mouseUp 

It only takes a couple of seconds, rather than the many seconds required to 
get the complete sysinfo. 

Now read and parse the file cdrom.txt that was placed in C:\Temp directory.
(The file still contains some uneeded general system info, but the CD-ROM 
info is there.) 


metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas
Shari writes:

As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you know
whether a specific CD is mounted. 

 Richard Gaskin
Tried it. But XP kills it. 

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad. 

Shari C 

You need to navigate deeper into the folders in the system Information. 
CD-ROM drive info, including: drive letter, if media is loaded, status, 
etc.,is here 

System Information\Components\Multimedia\CD-ROM 


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes: 

1057853216369 1057853216.369436 

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah! 

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
to the microsecond. 

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.) 

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)
You're right! It's OS-dependent. The wimpy OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool! 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
try this: 

put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks) 

on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution 


put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs) 

gives only millisecond resolution 

metacard mailing list

Re: Getting the system profile

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas

Shari writes:

As a workaround in the meantime, have you considered walking through the
drive list looking for a specific file?  That would at least let you 
whether a specific CD is mounted.  

 Richard Gaskin
Tried it. But XP kills it.  

Instead of just passing it over if there is not, it spits up an error 
window.  Bad.  

Shari C  

You need to navigate deeper into the folders in the system Information. 
CD-ROM drive info, including: drive letter, if media is loaded, status, 
etc.,is here  

System Information\Components\Multimedia\CD-ROM  


BTW, WIN XP pro uses msinfo32.exe in place of winmsd.exe 


metacard mailing list

Re: setting the page size

2003-05-31 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes: 


Richard Gaskin writes:
Is the printPapersize read-only?  If no, have I missed somewhere in both the
MC and Rev docs where it's described as such? 

Richard Gaskin 
Probably missed something... 

Transcript dictionary entry printPaperSize property: 

The printPaperSize property specifies the dimensions of the paper used for

set the printPaperSize to paperWidth,paperHeight
Ah, but it seems to only work until you call answer printer -- run this: 

on mouseup
  set the printPaperSize to 444,444
  answer the printPaperSize
  answer printer
  answer the printPaperSize
  set the printPaperSize to 444,444
  answer the printPaperSize
end mouseup 

 Richard Gaskin 
Oh, so NOW you decided to give more information. Why didn't you include the 
above bit of script in the first post? 

I included another little change. After   answer printer executed, I set the 
paper size in the printer dialog to A4. Then when   answer the 
printPaperSizeexecuted, it displayed 595,841. Then running the button 
script again resulted in ONLY 595,841. So, it looks like after the answer 
printer is executed, whatever paper size is set in the printer now becomes 
the unchangeable-by-script value for  the printPaperSize property.  This 
qualifies as a bug in my book. If it is a feature, I would really like to 
hear the reasoning behind it. 

I also thought that perhaps by using   open printing and close printing  in 
various combinations with  setting the  printPaperSize property might 
reset things--no way. 

metacard mailing list

Re: setting the page size

2003-05-30 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes:
Is the printPapersize read-only?  If no, have I missed somewhere in both the
MC and Rev docs where it's described as such? 

 Richard Gaskin 
Probably missed something... 

Transcript dictionary entry printPaperSize property: 

The printPaperSize property specifies the dimensions of the paper used for 

set the printPaperSize to paperWidth,paperHeight 

metacard mailing list

Re: Grouping with lists in a script

2003-03-09 Thread miscdas
I had the understanding that the list-option of the group command was
an option to automate the tedious process to concatenate manually  a
huge number of crontols in the script editor. 

This is what the Metatalk Reference says: 

Syntax: group c 

where c stands for a list, explained by an if-statement: 

If a list of controls  is supplied, those controls will be added to
the new group. 

If list here would just mean the concatenated sequence of controls
names or numbers in a script - explicitly written down one after the
other -, this extra option would be meaningless. 

I tried to put the contatenated sequence of control names into a
variable fieldlist by means of a repeat loop.
Then, group fieldlist - both with an and-sequence as you suggested
and a vertical order of controls as lines - only produced errors. 

The question remains, is there a special structure for the list-option
or is the information of the MetaTalk Reference merely tautological,
i.e. repeating in a fuzzy way what already had been stated? 

If the latter is the case then the sentence: 

If a list of controls  is supplied, those controls will be added to
the new group. 

would indeed be superfluous and misleading. 

Thanks and regards, 


I think the entry for this in the MetaTalk Reference needs to be updated to 
clarify the very issue you raised. Intuitvely, when I encounter the term 
list, I think of a group of items that have a common delimiter, enabling 
me to buld a list in a rather simple manner. My first go-'round with this 
was to try to prepare a string comprising the list of controls, trying 
different delimiters. Of course, that totally didn't work. I finally settled 
on the concatenation method demonstrated in the docs. (But I still don't 
like it.)
metacard mailing list

Re: Grouping with lists in a script

2003-03-09 Thread miscdas
Wilhelm Sanke writes: 

On  Sun, 09 Mar 2003,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Intuitvely, when I encounter the term
list, I think of a group of items that have a common delimiter, enabling
me to buld a list in a rather simple manner.

The whole thing boils down to the problem, that even a list -
concatenated with and - does not work, if you generate it in a
repeat-loop and put it in into a variable. 


Wilhelm Sanke
When I said 'buld' a list in a rather simple manner, I was refering 
to methods such as your repeat loop. This was one of the ways I tried 
without success as well. The documentation needs explicit examples, such as 
yours, of what works AND of what doesn't work. 

metacard mailing list

Re: Standalone Builder mod

2003-03-03 Thread miscdas
Ray Horsley writes: 

I'd love to see this but when I click your link I'm taken to a Yahoo page
which asks me for a user name and password.  How do I get to the Stand Alone
Profile stack from there? 

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software 

on 3/2/03 7:20 AM, RCS at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I got tired of reconstructing my stand-alone builds, You can download it from my Yahoo 'Metacard' group: 



Maybe you forgot that for one to access this file, one must: register with 
Yahoo, followed by registering for the specified group? I doubt that I am 
alone in feeling that that's a lot of bother for one file. 

metacard mailing list

Re: Determining drive types

2003-02-10 Thread miscdas
Mr X writes:

on Windows: the volumes


-Original Message-
How do you identify CD, floppy and hard drives on both Mac and
Win systems? 



On Win OS, the volumes doesn't quite do the whole job. It only gives a 
listing of all the available drives without specifying the type (floppy, CD, 

metacard mailing list

Re: custompropertysets

2003-02-10 Thread miscdas
thierry Douez writes: 

  |  we can do this : 
  | set the customPropertySet  of  this stack  to X 
  |  to select or create a Set.
  |  Then, how can I delete this X set ? 
  |  ___
  | Try this: 
  | set the customPropertySet  of  this stack  to empty 
  | miscdas 

Sorry, this doen't work. i guess just choosing the
default customPropertySet.
BTW, i'm with metacard 2.3 on Win 98. 

Regards, thierry

Sorry, pasted the wrong line.
(Yes, this indeed selects the default Set. It is easy to overlook the fact 
that every object that can have custom properties set is created with a 
default Set with the name empty.) 

The following will delete ALL of the customPropertySets for the specified 

set the customPropertySets of this stack to empty 

I never needed to delete only a single customPropertySet, but I suspect any 
Set could be set to empty by using array elements to reference them. 


metacard mailing list

Re: ANN: New xTalk discussion list

2003-01-11 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes: 

Sorry, Andu. I thought this was a list to talk about MetaCard. My mistake. 


Well then, Ken, why continue this thread on the list? Why didn't you either 
move it off-list, or make a PRIVATE communication to Andu? 

metacard mailing list

Re: invisible files on Windows

2003-01-10 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes: 

1. How does a Win user show the file by right-clicking on it if it's
 Richard Gaskin 

Think about the Karl's reply and your query, then maybe you'll choose to 
retract your reply. 

To display files that are hidden is no problemo:
1. Launch windows Explorer
2. From the Tools menu, select folder Options
The Folders Options dialog is displayed.
3. Select the View tab.
4. Under the Advanced Settings panel, select files and Folders.
5. From the displayed options, select Hidden files and folders.
6. From the displayed options, select Show hidden files and folders.
7. Click OK to invoke your selctions and the dialog closes. 

Hidden files will now be displayed in the files listings. 


metacard mailing list

Re: invisible files on Windows

2003-01-10 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes:

Any other tips for preventing the copying of QT media from a CD?  It doesn't have to be capable of stopping an experienced hacker type, just enough to make it at least inconvenient or unobvious for the average user.
 Richard Gaskin 

If your app can launch the file based on referencing the complete name, then 
use some non-obvious naming convention. 

For example,

The average user will search the CD for QT files, not RGF files. 

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.5 Script editor

2002-12-12 Thread miscdas
Shari writes:

What I'd really love is some sort of auto-complete for commands, 
properties, functions, etc..

Oooh, bad idea! 

As it is, I frequently have to delete on mouseUp/end mouseUps that get 
inserted into the middle of my handlers, presumably thru some key 

I'd hate to have to start deleting myriads of auto-inserted text. 


If you fear having to delete myriads of auto-inserted text, then you 
clearly don't understand how to use (keep or delete) typical auto-text 

metacard mailing list

Re: Time display

2002-11-26 Thread miscdas
1.  Actually, it is , The LOVE of idle is the root of all evil. It is the 
love of the object that is problematic, not the object itself. 

2.  The Help Index is a beautiful thing, sorely under used. Entering idle 
will get you the MetaTalk Reference stack that includes, The idle message 
is supported for backward compatibility. All new development should use 
delayed send commands insted of idle. 


Phil Davis writes:

Actually that should be: 

  Idle handlers are the devil's workshop. 

(maybe the old saying was only a US thing... )

On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 10:51 PM, Dominique wrote: 

Put an on idle handler in the card's script

idle is the root of all evil... 

avoid it! 

(-8 Dominique
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Testing on multiple platforms

2002-11-11 Thread miscdas
Shari writes:


I have one OS.  Some people have my OS, others do not.

 Unless you have 5 or 10 computers, you CANNOT test on all OS's. 

A Window's developer would need at least 4 to test on the various flavours of Windows.  Minimum. 

A Mac developer would need at least 3.  Minimum. 

A cross platform developer would need a minimum of 7 computers, if you own all the flavours that your program might run on. 

Shari C


You need to make a distinction between computers and operating systems. 
You can have one computer that runs many flavors of Windows through 
different means. For example, Windows has dual-boot option, enabling  
installing of a variety of OSs on a single drive, and SELECTION of which OS 
to actually boot at startup. Another method is to have several hard drives 
in removable boxes, each drive a different OS. Then, simply swap drives as 
needed and boot up the required OS. 

Perhaps the Mac world has similar capabilities? 

So you see, a considerable amount of Mac/Windows cross-platform testing can 
be done on as little as only two computers--a Mac and a PC--not the 5 or 10 
computers that you proclaim. 


metacard mailing list

Re: Testing on multiple platforms

2002-11-11 Thread miscdas
Richard MacLemale writes:

I don't think this is a black and white issue, like If you can't test  I'd test under OS 9.2.2, OS X, and Windows 98.

I think you can get away with OS 9, OS X, and Win 98 if you want to develop for Mac and Windows. 

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

You better add WIN XP to the list. It has a lot of quirks and 
inconsistencies compared to Win 98, ME, and 2000. For example, many system 
file locations (paths) are different, and many registry entries are under 
different (and unexpected) keys. 

metacard mailing list

Re: Hiliting text in Ask dialog

2002-10-21 Thread miscdas
Under WIN98, the ask dialog works for me as described in the documentation. 

For example: 

ask What's your name with Type your name 

The reply is already highlited. When I begin to type, the reply is deleted 
and cursor begins at the first character. 

If I double-click a word in the reply, it is selected with highlighting. 

If I triple-click anywhere in the entry field, the entire reply is selected 
with highlighting. 

Maybe your OS is problematic. 


Shari writes: 

Funny how everything I noticed during development, so did my testers... 

In an Ask dialog... 

- Can't highlight text to replace
- Double-clicking in the beginning of the box doesn't highlight
anything, but if I type, it replaces 1st word. 

This is using the standard Metacard Ask stack. 

My ask handlers are pretty straightforward. 

ask What's your name with Type your name 

ask What's your name with  

ask What's your name 

metacard mailing list

MC Book-other ideas

2002-10-04 Thread miscdas

1. Wouldn't this be a good use of a Wiki? Karl B., are you able to set up a 
Wiki rather than a website? 

2. My resume includes Technical Writer; I would be willing to volunteer some 
editing skills. 

To get started, there needs to be a list of topics generated. The topics 
then sorted into relevant chapters. The topics then need to be sorted by 
some kind of priority for both position in the chapter and position in TIME 
for completion. Likewise, prioritizing the chapters. 

A group decision is needed for language; I assume it will be English, but 
which flavor? 

That's enough for now... 

metacard mailing list

Compiling for Windows

2002-10-01 Thread miscdas

The launching of multiple instances of MS Office apps is dependent upon the 
version you are using. You must understand the difference between the single 
document interface (SDI) and multiple document interface (MDI). Word2000 is 
an SDI app with no support for MDI, but prior version were MDI. Excel2000 is 
also an SDI, but it supports MDI as well. So, the launching of multiple 
instances of an MS Office product depends upon whether or not it supports 
both SDI and MDI and the configuration. So, MS has indeed introduced 
unnecessary inconsitencies in the behviour of apps contained in the same 

metacard mailing list

Re: Compiling for Windows

2002-10-01 Thread miscdas

Ray Horsley writes: 

 I've encountered two issues in making my Windows App. 
 The first one is doing something about Window's propensity to open a second copy of 
my App if it's double-clicked again after a first copy is already running (instead of 
the Mac's more reasonable approach of bringing the first copy forward).  Richard 
Gaskin suggested I simply write a file to the

The Windows Task List will show the loaded applications (more technically, 
it contains a list of the registered processes). You can check the task list 
to find which programs are running. If more than one instance is running, 
each instance is listed. 

You can access the windows Task List through the application programming 
interface (API), that comprises essentially several DLLs. I believe the 
kernl32.DLL holds the task list. Sorry, but I've never used the API. I 
suspect Scott could provide a stack with the necessary hooks. 

A cool trick for hiding your app from the task list (thereby preventing the 
user from calling up the list, selecting your app and killing it) is to use 
the API to unregister your app, thereby switching off display in the task 


metacard mailing list

re: saving styled text?

2002-09-27 Thread miscdas

eric engle wrote: 

2) I would prefer to save the file not as an .html but
as a .doc or at least .rtf 

I know that the html file can be read by current
versiosn of word - but have you ever looked at what
word does when it generates html files? Simple 15 k
files have turned into 50-90 monstrosities (I am not
joking) when exporting a doc from HTML to word. I am
_hoping that the reverse is not true... but I could
easily imagine M.$. bloating imported files (so they
can later sell a proprietary debloating program). 

So this is why I would prefer to save as a .doc or
.rtf rather than html. 


MicroShaft Word also creates highly bloated RTF files, so this may not be 
much better thatn the HTML solution. Try creating an RTF in another program, 
open it in Word, then save it. Then check the file size. This is a result of 
the RTF standard being so loosely defined that MS RTF is actually a 
superset of most other RTF definitions. However, MS includes some features 
that many other RTF generators lack, such as full paragraph justification. 
Therefore, beware of lost formatting when opening in another program an RTF 
file created in Word. 

Also, save the RTF file as an HTML file and compare the files sizes. 

metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard vs other Authoring Tools

2002-09-19 Thread miscdas

Authorware is time-line based; MetaCard is Stack based.
AW is $2700; MC is $1000 (but for many applications, the FreeStarterKit is 
all you need!)
AW is not extensible; MC can be extended/modified to suit your preferences. 

As for other MM apps, there aren't too many cross-platform options. But if 
you are looking at Windoze OS, don't waste your time with Magenta or 
Illuminatus Opus.  Ovation Studio has merit ($400, extensible, small engine, 
decent scripting language.) 

In any case, I suggest you download the trials of at lest 2 packages and 
give AT LEAST 2 weeks of dedicated efffort to testing each one before 


Karl N Jorgensen wrote: 

 Can someone tell me the advantages of MetaCard vs other authoring
tools like
 Authorware etc.?? 
metacard mailing list

re: Background Color on Win XP - Undocumented Feature!

2002-09-17 Thread miscdas

 On Saturday, September 14, 2002, at 11:23 AM, Ken Ray wrote: 

  But apparently you've hit on an undocumented feature of MC - the
  ability to
  create a comma-delimited item list in a variable without having to
  use an
  ampersand for concatenation. 

 See page 469 of Metacard User's Guide version 2.4 in the section on

 Dar Scott

In MetaCard, just view the Help Stack: 

Help|Index  search for: operators
The Operators card is displayed.
Scroll down to Order 6 (concatenation)
(But why isn't concatenate in the Index?!?) 

I often wonder why users make so little use of the Help files included with 

metacard mailing list