Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Joshua Chamas

Dmitry Beransky wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
> >See this link
> >
> >
> Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in
> there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially
> those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code
> separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the
> cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished
> there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the
> server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird
> combination of HTML and XHTML (those  tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages
> are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...

Whatever makes it into Apache::ASP, I assure you, I won't
be doing any DOM tree parsing.  My approach tends to be 
look just for what you need to look for in the HTML 
and trigger off that while parsing, so when using XMLSubsMatch
or the  controls, the asp parser would only look
for   For automatic form filling, would just be
picking out ..., etc.

These features can then be activated per need, thus a user
has control over what compile time performance their 
environment will have.

Further, ASP scripts only get compiled once per process,
and only once per server with smart use of Apache::ASP->Loader()
so even complex compile time parsing won't be as expensive
as one might otherwise think.

As we move forward with integration of ASP+ features into
Apache::ASP, please keep me up on which features you would
find particularly useful to yourself.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Joshua Chamas

Kenneth Lee wrote:
> See this link
> Paul Lindner wrote:
> >
> > Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
> > support of XML and the underlying behaviors.
> >

Thanks Paul, but there is always room for improvement eh? :)
So, I took a good read of ASP+ at the link above, and was 
less than impressed, but could see how some of the things
would be useful.  

ASP+ looks like its supposed to be backwards compatible with
ASP, so adding its features to Apache::ASP would seem like
something that could/should be done, with the right configuration
options, so that the runtime penalties of some of the features
wouldn't be at everyone's detriment.

Below is a list of features, and where I see them with respect 
to Apache::ASP.  Those that "WILL BE DONE" just requires the 
proper time & motivation for me to do.  Those that "COULD BE DONE"
I think we should wait on until the ASP+ standard is out of beta
and we can sort out the good from the bad.  I don't think we should
implement everything "just because", but thoughtfully take more
of a per need approach to these newer features.



- cookieless sessions, via SessionQueryParse config
- server farm session management, via StateDir NFS or other net mount
- sessions persist across server reboots, natural with StateDir


- auto fill HTML form field feature, probably via FormFill config
  or $Response->{FormFill} member being set, will look at how others
  do it first
- sessions stored in database, might implement via Apache::Session
- output caching, maybe with $Response->{Cache} member, need to 
  do more research here

- new events like Application_BeginRequest 
   - Application_BeginRequest possibly same as Script_OnStart ? 
- binding of form field names directly to variables in scripts
- new server side event model more like client side DOM scripting
- onserverclick event for form fields
- server side control binding is more HTMLish way of programming
- new  controls / tags
- support of SOAP and server side object access
- config.web configuration file, likely similar to .htaccess(?)
- global.asax instead of global.asa
- Application_OnEnd/OnStart occuring after global.asax 
  is modified
- state server properties
- per page configurable error page
- trace object, different method of debugging

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL problem

2000-07-20 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Thu, 20 Jul 2000 14:29:40 -0700 (PDT)
"Jeffrey W. Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The problem is, if an acquired Session ID (from Cookie)
> > is not stored in the session database, Apache goes like
> > 
> > > panic: POPSTACK
> > > Callback called exit.
> > 
> > I know Apache::Session will die "Object does not exist
> > in the data store" when it can't restore a session from
> > database. So my script catch that exception with eval
> > block. 
> > 
> > But panic will happen. why ?
> Bug in Perl.  Upgrade.

my perl version is 5.005_03 with FreeBSD 4.0.
shoud I update this to perl 5.6.0 ??

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache::AuthenDBI Intermittent problems

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Solomon

I still get that error:
[Thu Jul 20 23:01:26 2000] null: mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name or CODE 
[Thu Jul 20 23:01:26 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine &Apache::AuthenDBI called.

every few requests to authenticated areas of the site.

Once more tidbit, it seems to be worse when the server has been running
for a few days.  Leakage, perhaps?

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Mark Solomon wrote:

> I've commented it out and will report on any changes.
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, darren chamberlain wrote:
> > Mark Solomon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> > > I have been using AuthenDBI for a while and, while I cannot isolate a
> > > specific system change, apache gives a 500 error 1 out of 10 times with
> > > this in the error_log:
> > > 
> > > I've tryed calling Apache::AuthenDBI from both the and
> > > httpd.conf like this:
> > > in httpd.conf:
> > > PerlModule Apache::DBI;
> > > PerlModule Apache::AuthenDBI;
> > 
> > I've been using Apache::AuthenDBI for a while, without any hiccoughs. I suspect
> > the problem might be your use of Apache::DBI, since Apache::AuthenDBI makes its
> > own database connection. Try commenting out the Apache::DBI line and see if that
> > helps.
> > 
> > (darren)
> > 
> > -- 
> > I have to think hard to name an interesting man who does not drink.
> > -- Richard Burton
> > 
> - Mark Solomon - Information Technology Manager
>   SEVAnet / VECTEC
>   Office 757-594-7092 FAX 757-594-7833

- Mark Solomon - Information Technology Manager
  Office 757-594-7092 FAX 757-594-7833

AB error - WARNING: Response code not 2xx (403)

2000-07-20 Thread Richard M. Lemanski


I was able to overcome the Forbidden error by uninstalling mod_perl,
apache-manual, apache-dev, and then apache and then reinstalling it.  I am
working with RPM distributions so maybe that is why it is so flaky.

The server craps out whenever I make a change to the httpd.conf file that would
be somewhat more demanding on the server and then run AB and then I get this
error "WARNING:  Response code not 2xx (403)" repeated for every request it

These are the commands I am using:

# ab -v 2 -n 100 -c 10
# ab -v 2 -n 100 -c 10

The -v 2 is level 2 error/messages that get displayed during the benchmark.

I am just following the Stas Bekman Benchmarking Guide but I started the
testing with the Apache defaults:  8 servers, 150 clients, 100 req per child,
min spares 5, max spares 20.  Once I start his specs of 10 servers, 50 clients,
1500 req per child, min spares 8, max spares 6, I can no longer access the
server.  I am not sure if there is a way to clean and restart the server?

As far as I can tell, Apache 1.3.12 RPM, you start it by # httpd but kill it by

# kill [root HTTPD PID].

Apache 1.3.9 was cleaner in that you could start/stop server with
# apachectl start/stop

Yes, the initial HTTPD is owned by root but all of the rest run as nobody.

My simple perl script contains nothing about Forbidden.

It has gotten so bad that I have automated a script called abclean to remove
all of the RPM distributions one by one and then reinstall them, copy my
httpd_old directory over the httpd directory so my scripts are there and then
start httpd so I can get right back to it..

I have looked at the mod_perl guide - have it in pdf format but I did not see
where it addresses this issue.

The grep for apache turned up nothing because the executable is

Thanks a bunch for all of the help Josh.

-- Rich


> > I have checked the permissions and
> > everything is set to 755  root  root so that is fine.
> Well, even if it isn't the cause of your problem , THIS IS NOT FINE.
> Own all files by the web owner and they can all be permission 700.
> Your web server isn't running as root, is it?
> >  I am not sure where to
> > check the UID though?
> > You do not mean the file do you?
> Dammit man, take a day off and read the guide
> You need to execute
> ps -ef | grep apache
> or
> ps -aux | grep apache

Re: File uploads, Apache::Request

2000-07-20 Thread Lukas Ertl

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Lukas Ertl wrote:

> I have a mod_perl app where I try to send mail via MIME::Entity, so that I
> can add attachments. To handle the file upload, I use Apache::Request, but
> I always get this error:
> read-open image.jpg: No such file or directory at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/MIME/ line 407.

Please ignore my first post, I fixed it: when I use MIME::Lite instead of
MIME::Entity, I can pass a filehandle, which I get via $upload->fh.

Everything's working now.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


"Shit doesn't happen; shit is."
-- anonymous

ANNOUNCE: CGI::Application 1.2

2000-07-20 Thread Jesse Erlbaum

Version 1.2 of CGI::Application is now available via CPAN!

Download site for CGI::Application:

- Modified load_tmpl() to pass extra params to
- Fixed up the docs a bit.
- Minor code clean-up.

CGI::Application is intended to make it easier to create sophisticated,
reusable web-based applications. This module implements a methodology which,
if followed, will make your web software easier to design, easier to
document, easier to write, and easier to evolve.

CGI::Application builds on standard, non-proprietary technologies and 
techniques, such as the Common Gateway Interface and Lincoln D. Stein's 
excellent module.  CGI::Application judiciously avoids employing 
technologies and techniques which would bind a developer to any one set 
of tools, operating system or web server.

The guiding philosophy behind CGI::Application is that a web-based
application can be organized into a specific set of "Run-Modes." Each
Run-Mode is roughly analogous to a single screen (a form, some output, etc).
All the Run-Modes are managed by a single "Application Module" which is a
Perl module. In your web server's document space there is an "Instance
Script" which is called by the web server as a CGI (or an Apache::Registry
script if you're using Apache + mod_perl).

CGI::Application is an Object-Oriented Perl module which implements an
Abstract Class. It is not intended that this package be instantiated
directly. Instead, it is intended that your Application Module will be
implemented as a Sub-Class of CGI::Application.

If you have any questions, comments, bug reports or feature suggestions, 
post them to the support mailing list!  To join the mailing list, simply
send a blank message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".


  Jesse Erlbaum ... CTO
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Vanguard Media
  v: 212.242.5317 x115 .. New York City
+-+-+-+-+-+- +-+-+-+-+-+-+

File uploads, Apache::Request

2000-07-20 Thread Lukas Ertl

I have a mod_perl app where I try to send mail via MIME::Entity, so that I
can add attachments. To handle the file upload, I use Apache::Request, but
I always get this error:

read-open image.jpg: No such file or directory at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/MIME/ line 407.

The code snippet for adding attachments goes like this:

my $r = shift;
my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
# ...
if ($apr->param("file")) {
my $upload = $apr->upload;
$mail->attach(Path => $upload->filename,
 Type => $upload->type,
 Encoding => '-SUGGEST');

($mail is a MIME::Entity ref.)
$upload->filename contains "image.jpg".
Sending mail without attachments works. 

Anyone had this problem before?

"Shit doesn't happen; shit is."
-- anonymous

mod_ssl and deprecated SSLDisable

2000-07-20 Thread Stephen Schaefer-NCS Sr SE

I built mod_ssl without any backward compatibility enabled, and that
caused the mod_perl ``make test'' to fail, since SSLDisable is no longer
recognized in this configuration.  Simply removing the ``SSLDisable''
from the  stanza in t/conf/httpd.conf line is
sufficient for the tests to succeed, most likely since, in conjunction
with the change in syntax, mod_ssl now defaults to disabled, and
requires an explicit ``SSLEngine on'' directive before it starts making
further demands of the httpd.conf file.

My apologies if this is a well known issue.

- Stephen P. Schaefer
Find my public key at
Key fingerprint =  E1 B6 97 1B 96 9F A1 D1  77 09 AA 90 4B 0F 91 CC

 PGP signature

Re: Apache::Session::MySQL problem

2000-07-20 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

> I'm using Apache::Session 1.51 + mysql 3.22.32 +
> mod_perl 1.24 + Apache 1.3.11. They work well except
> one problem.
> The problem is, if an acquired Session ID (from Cookie)
> is not stored in the session database, Apache goes like
> > panic: POPSTACK
> > Callback called exit.
> I know Apache::Session will die "Object does not exist
> in the data store" when it can't restore a session from
> database. So my script catch that exception with eval
> block. 
> But panic will happen. why ?

Bug in Perl.  Upgrade.


Re: Weird behaviour

2000-07-20 Thread Rick Myers

On Jul 20, 2000 at 11:16:47 +0300, Alex Shnitman twiddled the keys to say:
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 10:24:24PM -0400, Rick Myers wrote:
> > After fooling with this for several hours I've finally come to the
> > conclusion that this is probably an Apache "problem".
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > *whew*
> Wow, MAN! Thank you SO much! It indeed worked!
> A couple of questions remain -- why is the config file parsed twice?

Honestly, I don't know. I could throw out a couple theories here, but
they would be mostly guesswork. In fact, I didn't know myself that there
was a double parse at initial startup. I was aware of that sort of thing
on restarts though.

> Also, what about this observation:
> > > > > Another interesting thing about this issue: if I assign
> > > > > $port{$portname} + 1 to $Port, and not just $port{$portname}, it
> > > > > works! If I ever try to return $Port to the needed value, e.g. using
> > > > > the -- operator, it doesn't work again. This completely stumps me. I
> > > > > tried just about any trick you can think of to get the value from
> > > > > $port{$portname} to $Port, but I can't -- if I add to it or substract
> > > > > from it, it's fine, but if it somehow gets back to the original value,
> > > > > in any way, it doesn't work again.

I went down that path myself since you'd already suggested it. What I
ended up with was indeed a working server, but not on the port you'd
think. For instance, if the desired port was 1885 and I added one to it,
I should've been able to connect to 1886. Instead, what I really had was
a server listening on port 1. When I tried adding 4 to the port I ended
up with a server listening on port 4.

What was really going on was that the second time through the 
section, POSIX::getcwd was returning `/'. After s!.*/!! you end up with
`', which when used to index into %port returns undef. Now, if you add 1
to that the result is 1, so the server starts and listens on port 1. If
you don't add anything, undef is passed on to Apache, which I guess
assumes you really meant the standard 80. Of course, that promptly barfs
because there's already another server listening there.


The Feynman Problem   1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm 2) Think real hard.
  3) Write down the answer.

Re: installation question again

2000-07-20 Thread Ged Haywood

Re: PerlRun question [RESOLVED]

2000-07-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Andrew Chen wrote:
> Another mod_perl success :)

Congratulations!  If you have a chance, you might want to write a brief
desccription for the Success Stories page at

- Perrin

Re: PerlRun question [RESOLVED]

2000-07-20 Thread Andrew Chen

Perrin, Ken, Honza, and all others that helped:

The problem was actually that I wasn't clearing %INC properly after
flushing out all the dirty modules. After doing that everything started
working properly.

So anyway, I wrote an Perl script and installed it as an
PerlCleanupHandler. I stole code from the PerlRun source code so that,
instead of just flushing it's immediate variables, it actually actively
looks around into other packages and clears them out as well. Thus we are
flushing out some of the dirty modules that were causing us problems while
keeping the clean modules in memory. Basically we have the advantages of
PerlRun with PerlRunOnce Off without the headache of changing the existing
codebase (even though there is a little overhead with this cleanup

The affect of this is that we have database pooling as well as a
significant performance boost (between 50%-200%) without having to change
a single line of code. We plan on slowly migrating all our code to add to
our "keep" list, which will increase performance even more.

Another mod_perl success :)

Anyway, thanks a lot-- this mailing list really did help a lot.


[OT] mod_rewrite

2000-07-20 Thread Jeff Jones

It's the mod_rewrite guy again.  Is there anyone who
would be willing to provide some off list assistance?
I just want to run a configuration by someone who 
knows more about this than I do and see if I am doing
it right.

Thanks again,

Jeff Jones

AuthCookie problem ?

2000-07-20 Thread Simon_Wilcox

Hi all,

  Environment is :

  Randy Kobe's WinNT binary (0.6) - apache (1.3.12), mod-perl (1.23), Perl
  5.6.0 & mod_ssl (2.6.3-1.3.12) / OpenSSL (0.9.5a)
  Apache::AuthCookie 2.11
  Apache::Session 1.51


  AuthCookie handles in-browser authentication.
  Session is used to store the username and other details and the session
  key is passed to AuthCookie to send back to the browser

  When a protected page is requested, authen_ses_key uses the cookie to
  recover the session & extract the username which is passed back to

  When a user logs out, the session is deleted, authcookie's logout method
  is called and then an internal redirect happens to a simple "you have
  logged out" page.

  Problem :

  Using IE, once logged out I can enter a url of a previously visited page
  and display it (Apache logs show nothing so I assume IE is caching it
  client side).
  When I click on, even to another visited page, the login dialog is
  The logs show that IE presents the session key which should have been
  deleted by the log out method. It fails (the session has been deleted) and
  forces a re-logon.

  Questions :

  Am I doing something wrong when I log people out that allows this
  behaviour (doesn't seem to happen in NetScape) ?
  Slightly OT - Anyone know why IE appears to be caching stuff it shouldn't

  All help greatly appreciated !

  Simon Wilcox
  Intranet Development Manager

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Paul Lindner

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:36:45PM -0700, Dmitry Beransky wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
> >See this link
> >
> >
> Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in 
> there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially 
> those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code 
> separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the 
> cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished 
> there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the 
> server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird 
> combination of HTML and XHTML (those  tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages 
> are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...

Yeah, I don't much care for the runat="server" way of specifying that
content should be handled by the server.  I would think that they
could have used some enclosing tag to denote that the forms were to be

Some of the stuff they talk about is already handled by Apache::ASP
(such as intelligently dealing with session state..)  Script_OnStart hooks,
Debug Tracing, etc, etc..

BTW I find that the XMLSubsMatch included in the latest Apache::ASP
simpler and cleaner way of doing much of ASP+ (especially this
business of the special asp: namespace..)

I can say

  XMLSubsMatch Apps:\w+

This converts all calls for tags like  or
... to equivalent functions in the Apps package.

Very, very useful.  

It will only get more powerful when compile-time tags are added.  This
will give a big performance boost for code that doesn't need to run on
every request, or allow for tags to insert code into the compiled
Apache::ASP page..

For example, you could define a tag named , and use
it like such:

Welcome back 

You'd have this on the backend:

  sub Util::isloggedin {
my ($args, $text);

return(qq( if ($Session->{isloggedin}) { ) . 
   qq(   $Response->Write(' ) .
   qq( } );

almost closure like, if you ask me...

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

Re: [OT] mod_rewrite

2000-07-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

the rewriting guide and the regular documentation are it as far as i


Jeff Jones wrote:

> Unfortuantely, that is the same doc that is at apache's
> site.
> Thanks anyways though.
> On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Kenneth Lee wrote:
> >
> >
> > Jeff Jones wrote:
> > >
> > > I know this is off the topic of modperl but if anyone
> > > knows of a good reference (book/webpage or whatever),
> > > I would appreciate it if you could pass those on.
> > >
> > > I am reading the URL rewriting guide at apache and I
> > > am just not finding everything I need.
> > >
> > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Jeff Jones
> >

Re: [OT] mod_rewrite

2000-07-20 Thread Jeff Jones

Unfortuantely, that is the same doc that is at apache's

Thanks anyways though.

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Kenneth Lee wrote:

> Jeff Jones wrote:
> > 
> > I know this is off the topic of modperl but if anyone
> > knows of a good reference (book/webpage or whatever),
> > I would appreciate it if you could pass those on.
> > 
> > I am reading the URL rewriting guide at apache and I
> > am just not finding everything I need.
> > 
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Jeff Jones

Re: [OT] mod_rewrite

2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

Jeff Jones wrote:
> I know this is off the topic of modperl but if anyone
> knows of a good reference (book/webpage or whatever),
> I would appreciate it if you could pass those on.
> I am reading the URL rewriting guide at apache and I
> am just not finding everything I need.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Jones

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread David Hodgkinson

Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > "d" == davidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> d> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
> d> mod_perl coders hang out? 
> Well, this week we've been hanging out at the Perl conference 4.0 in
> Monterey.  Many recruiters were hanging out here...

And the going rate was...? ;-)

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

[OT] mod_rewrite

2000-07-20 Thread Jeff Jones

I know this is off the topic of modperl but if anyone
knows of a good reference (book/webpage or whatever),
I would appreciate it if you could pass those on.

I am reading the URL rewriting guide at apache and I
am just not finding everything I need.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Jones

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Dmitry Beransky

At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
>See this link

Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in 
there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially 
those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code 
separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the 
cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished 
there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the 
server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird 
combination of HTML and XHTML (those  tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages 
are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...


Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Kenneth Lee wrote:

> See this link

He sure makes a lot of fuss over adding the functionality of
HTML::FillInForms.  The action => sub stuff doesn't look very difficult to
me, but it also doesn't look like a significant improvement over more
obvious ways to do this.  Ultimately, it kind of looks like Microsoft is
struggling to add some of the basic features of WebObjects 1.0.

- Perrin

Apache::ASP, newline conventions, and the Macintosh

2000-07-20 Thread Michael Houghton


 I hope I'm not raising a well known bug (couldn't find mention of it on the
lists), but I've encountered an issue with Apache-ASP and the macintosh.

 In order to keep my customers firmly at the centre of my design, I'm using
a macintosh (GoLive 4) to edit the ASP templates in my current project. I'm
sharing the files from a linux box, using a netatalk configuration.

 The problem is this:

warn "this is a line of code";
# this is a comment

warn "this is a line of code too";

 If this code is typed in from the mac, the second line won't run. It gets
swallowed up by the comment. This is, it seems to me, because of the
differing newline conventions between Mac OS and Unix. (if I'm not
hallucinating, Mac OS just uses a LF)

 I think I can work around this (and no, not by taking out the comments ;)
by setting netatalk to do CR/LF translation. However, it seems to me that
this won't catch the problem all the time - if my customers upload files
using binary FTP, for instance...

 I'm encountering this problem with Apache-ASP 1.9.3 and mod_perl 1.2.1. Are
there any subsequent releases that don't suffer from this?

 Hope this helps.

 Mike Houghton
Michael Houghton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  p +44 1491 873567 f +44 870 705 8337
"You ever believed in BIG STRONG DADDY-LEGS? And do you believe in BAD
FLYING AEROPLANE? Then you will rejoice in believing in DOG-LIKE SPARKY!"

Access Denied to Apache from client

2000-07-20 Thread Richard M. Lemanski

-- I am getting the Forbidden error...

Here are the errors that were logged the other night when the probelm
started.  I no longer have access to Apache from client.  I have read
all the
documentation that I could find on it but I have turned up nothing.

- Has anyone ran into this problem???
- The "Apache configured" lines in error_log was where I was
httpd.conf to test different settings and then I would 'kill [httpd root
to kill all httpd processes.  I remember I increased max requests per
from 1 to 5000 to test the extremes and that is when the problems
- Any insight?




[Wed Jul 19 00:54:06 2000] [error] [client] (11)Resource
temporarily unavailable: couldn't spawn child process:
[Wed Jul 19 01:16:18 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Jul 19 01:16:22 2000]  [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  (Red
Hat/Linux) mod_perl/1.21  configured --
resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 19 01:17:52 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Jul 19 01:18:00 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (Red Hat/Linux)
mod_perl/1.21 configured --
resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 19 01:18:50 2000] [error] [client] client denied by
server configuration: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/

access_log - - [19/Jul/2000:01:05:10 -0500] "GET /perl/
HTTP/1.0" 200 197 - - [19/Jul/2000:01:05:10 -0500] "GET /perl/
HTTP/1.0" 200 197 - - [19/Jul/2000:01:05:10 -0500] "GET /perl/
HTTP/1.0" 200 197 - - [19/Jul/2000:01:18:50 -0500] "GET /cgi-bin/
HTTP/1.0" 403 291 - - [19/Jul/2000:01:18:50 -0500] "GET /cgi-bin/
HTTP/1.0" 403 291 - - [19/Jul/2000:01:18:50 -0500] "GET /cgi-bin/
HTTP/1.0" 403 291

Re: Persistant DB Connections

2000-07-20 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark D Wolinski) wrote:
>Okay, first, I have not read the manual completely...
>So, what I'm looking for is where can I find information on the following,
>if possible (I have both the Eagle and can look up the Guide as well)...
>I have an app that can't be run under mod_perl right now because it's
>awfully dirty.  However, in working to transition it to a new version which
>uses mySQL, I'm going to fix parts of it to run under mySQL.  Basically get
>the data transfered to the database while the new version is being written.
>Is it possible for a very dirty app, and ugly code to benefit from a
>persistant DB connection but not run under mod_perl directly?

Kind of.  Yes, you can usually get dirty apps to run under mod_perl by
using Apache::PerlRun.  Sometimes they're even too dirty for that,
though.  Try it out.

But one question here is whether persistent mysql connections will speed
things up for you.  In my experience: no.  Connecting under mysql is so
fast that there's no need to cache connections.  Oracle, on the other
hand, profits *greatly* from connection caching.

Of course, if you really care about this you ought to test your specific
situations before you decide.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

RE: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread dreamwvr

Hi Jason,
 well sed and you need to leave dialogue open() to discussion
! disconnect() IYKW?M..
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Jason Murphy wrote:
> > "d" == davidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> d> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
> d> mod_perl coders hang out?
>  (To tell you the truth, I don't know who originally posted this question)
>  However, I should point out that when you look for a mod_perl programmer,
> that you be a bit open minded.
> I personally feel there are few mod_perl coders out there that have "real
> skills" when you look at the big picture.
> As some others have suggested in other threads that you take a perl coder
> or someone willing to learn and teach them mod_perl. When it comes to
> mod_perl programmers, there is a limited supply.
>  Jason Murphy

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RE: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Jason Murphy

> "d" == davidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

d> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
d> mod_perl coders hang out?

 (To tell you the truth, I don't know who originally posted this question)

 However, I should point out that when you look for a mod_perl programmer,
that you be a bit open minded.
I personally feel there are few mod_perl coders out there that have "real
skills" when you look at the big picture.

As some others have suggested in other threads that you take a perl coder
or someone willing to learn and teach them mod_perl. When it comes to
mod_perl programmers, there is a limited supply.

 Jason Murphy


Persistant DB Connections

2000-07-20 Thread Mark D Wolinski

Okay, first, I have not read the manual completely...

So, what I'm looking for is where can I find information on the following,
if possible (I have both the Eagle and can look up the Guide as well)...

I have an app that can't be run under mod_perl right now because it's
awfully dirty.  However, in working to transition it to a new version which
uses mySQL, I'm going to fix parts of it to run under mySQL.  Basically get
the data transfered to the database while the new version is being written.

Is it possible for a very dirty app, and ugly code to benefit from a
persistant DB connection but not run under mod_perl directly?

Much thanks.

Mark W

[ jobs ] Sonicbox mod_perl coders

2000-07-20 Thread Michael Blakeley

Sonicbox, Inc.  is hiring mod_perl 
programmers. Experience with HTTP, HTML, and the major mod_perl tools 
is assumed. Experience with SQL, PostgresQL, Solaris, and CVS is 
helpful, but not essential.

The marketeers tell me that "Sonicbox makes listening to high quality 
Internet radio and audio from around the world as easy as tuning your 
FM dial." The corporate culture is relaxed, with a mix of technical 
folks and music industry folks. We're well-funded, pre-IPO, and not 
pointy-haired at all. Sonicbox is based in Mountain View, CA, with 
employees scattered around the USA.

If interested, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

-- Mike

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

See this link

Paul Lindner wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 03:10:15PM +0800, Kenneth Lee wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple
> > to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side
> > object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.
> Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
> support of XML and the underlying behaviors.
> I'm not well versed in Microsoft's Next Generation Windows System
> (NGWS) but would appreciate hearing more about how it differs from
> some of the latest Apache::ASP enhancements.
> --
> Paul Lindner
> Red Hat Inc.

Re: Apache::Session & Math::Currency thawing issue.

2000-07-20 Thread Ken Williams

This is a followup to an old message from June 19, to tie up loose ends.

A simple test case shows that the problem described here is a bug in
either,, or Perl.  Freezing and thawing an
object seems to destroy any overloaded operators of that object.  I'm
starting to pursue the issue with the authors.  I'll post here for
completeness if I get the issue resolved.

>  I'm trying to use Math::currency with sessions, and I've run into a
>stumper.  I initialize variables and make them Math::Currency objects, and
>display them just fine, but when I come back (unthaw the session) instead
>of seeing the value I get the reference showing
>"Math::Currency=HASH(0x86b022)" instead of the value as it showed the
>first time through.
>It's a reference going in, and a reference coming out, but for some reason
>it doesn't like being stuck into Apache::Session.
>I can work around it by testing if it's a Math::Currency reference, and
>call Math::Currency->new.  But this seems a little silly.  Anyone seen
>this before?
>Jay Jacobs

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Paul Lindner

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 03:10:15PM +0800, Kenneth Lee wrote:
> Hi all!
> Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple 
> to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side 
> object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.

Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
support of XML and the underlying behaviors.

I'm not well versed in Microsoft's Next Generation Windows System
(NGWS) but would appreciate hearing more about how it differs from
some of the latest Apache::ASP enhancements.

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

> "Matt" == Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matt> On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Kevin Reichard wrote:
>> Stas' dancing skills? Any pix? ;)

Matt> God I hope so!

Matt> I think Ask managed to miss him, but Victor took some video (can you mpeg
Matt> that Victor?) and some snaps for certain.

I got a few, but I was rather busy being the kind and gentle host most
of the time.  I don't know if I nailed Stas or not, and it'll be a day
or two before I can start sending those photos out to my "One Hour
Photoshop" processing lab. :)

For those of you that came to my party, thank you for helping make it
a good event!  For those of you that missed it, you'll be jealous when
you start hearing your friends talk about it!

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Kevin Reichard

Stas may have been the most photographed person at the show. Ken Coar took
some group shots of our dinner as well. Sadly, Stas did not dance on that
Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Kevin Reichard wrote:
> Stas' dancing skills? Any pix? ;)
God I hope so!
I think Ask managed to miss him, but Victor took some video (can you
that Victor?) and some snaps for certain.


Kevin Reichard
Managing Editor, Linux/Open-Source Channel

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Kevin Reichard wrote:

> Stas' dancing skills? Any pix? ;)

God I hope so!

I think Ask managed to miss him, but Victor took some video (can you mpeg
that Victor?) and some snaps for certain.


Forbidden Error -- more info

2000-07-20 Thread Richard M. Lemanski

Hello all,

I have re-checked my permissions in /home/httpd and both the mod_cgi and
mod_perl directories and everything within is set to 755  root  root so
there should not be a problem.  There is one thing that I recently noticed
and maybe has something to do with this error.  When I 'httpd -l' I get:

Compiled-in modules:
suexec:  disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec

What do you think?  Would this have anything to do with the Forbidden
error?  Thanks.

Rich Lemanski

"Richard M. Lemanski" wrote:

> Hello,
> I had been doing some benchmark testing with ApacheBench to compare the
> performance differences between mod_cgi and mod_perl and they were going
> great until all of the sudden my results fell way out of line.  I need
> help!  After I switched the max requests per child from 1 to 5000 the
> trouble began.  Ever since my results have been around 1100 requests per
> second.  Being so adamant in testing, I neglected in stepping back and
> simplifying the issue.  After trying to run a script from Netscape, I
> got the following familiar error.  I have an excerpt from my error_log
> when things went bad.  I have checked my permissions like the Apache FAQ
> recommends but they look fine.  Not sure what to do.  I really
> appreciate the help guys.
> Rich Lemanski
> *
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /perl/ on this server.
> Apache/1.3.12 Server at LaZaRus Port 80
> *
> All tests performed with AB = ApacheBench.
> n = number of requests;
> c = concurrent user requests;
> mod_cgi/mod_cgi = mcmc = mod_cgi running mod_cgi script
> mod_cgi/mod_perl = mcmp = mod_cgi running mod_perl script
> mod_perl/mod_perl = mpmp = modPerl running mod_perl script
> mod_perl/mod_cgi = mpmc = modPerl running mod_cgi script
> rps = requests per second
> ss = start servers
> mcps = max clients per server
> mrpc = max requests per child
> minss = min spare servers
> maxss = max spare servers
> ss = 8; mcps = 150; mrpc = 100; minss = 5; maxss = 20
> Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
> AB; 100; 10   7.24rps  7.18rps  571.43rps301.20rps
> AB; 100; 10   7.16rps  7.63rps  578.03rps295.86rps
> AB; 100; 10   7.53rps  7.69rps  436.68rps172.71rps
> AB; 1000; 10  7.71rps  7.74rps  544.96rps158.25rps
> AB; 1000; 10  7.40rps  7.75rps  476.87rps162.76rps
> AB; 1; 500  27.75rps23.75rps462.15rps135.40rps
> AB; 1; 500  21.68rps29.02rps463.91rps110.25rps
> ss = 10; mcps = 100; mrpc = 1; minss = 5; maxss = 20
> Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
> AB; 1000; 5024.93rps25.48rps25.25rps 25.63rps
> AB; 1000; 5024.85rps25.02rps24.97rps 24.80rps
> *
> ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 5000; minss = 5; maxss = 20
> Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
> AB; 1000; 50   1104.97rps 1123.60rps 1104.97rps 1107.42rps
> AB; 1000; 50   1121.08rps 1124.86rps 1096.49rps 1104.97rps
> *
> ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 1500; minss = 5; maxss = 20
> Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
> AB; 1000; 50   1108.65rps 1123.60rps 1104.97rps 1106.19rps
> AB; 1000; 50   1123.60rps 1123.60rps 1101.32rps 1095.29rps
> ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 1500; minss = 8; maxss = 6
> Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
> AB; 1000; 50   1116.07rps 1114.83rps 1097.69rps 1102.54rps
> AB; 1000; 50   1121.08rps 1123.60rps 1108.65rps 1098.90rps
> *
> [Wed Jul 19 00:54:06 2000] [error] [client] (11)Resource
> temporarily unavailable: couldn't spawn child process:
> /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> [Wed Jul 19 01:16:18 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
> [Wed Jul 19 01:16:22 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  (Red
> Hat/Linux) mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
> [Wed Jul 19 01:17:52 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
> [Wed Jul 19 01:18:00 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  (Red
> Hat/Linux) mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
> [Wed Jul 19 01:18:50 2000] [error] [client] client denied by
> server configuration: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Kevin Reichard

Stas' dancing skills? Any pix? ;)
Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, davidu wrote:
> Hi,
> Our company,, has been looking for some experianced mod_perl
> coders.  We have checked most of the major job sites, including
> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do
all the
> mod_perl coders hang out?
Try McGarrets above Taco Bell in Monterey, watching Stas' dancing skills
(hidden talents), and Doug's pulling skills (not so hidden talents)


Kevin Reichard
Managing Editor, Linux/Open-Source Channel

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, davidu wrote:

> Hi,
> Our company,, has been looking for some experianced mod_perl
> coders.  We have checked most of the major job sites, including
> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
> mod_perl coders hang out? 

Try McGarrets above Taco Bell in Monterey, watching Stas' dancing skills
(hidden talents), and Doug's pulling skills (not so hidden talents) ;-)


Re: why would I use mod_perl instead of Perl ?

2000-07-20 Thread blue

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:

> o> "hard"). Is there a compelling reason to switch to  mod_perl ?
> It depends on how often your perl is called.  if it is very
> infrequently, then it is not worht it, but if perl is used often, you
> will get a big win.

never forget the infamous 'perl creep' effect on web sites. if you have
one perl script, it will multiply until you are faced with a tribble-like
plethora of perl scripts.

best to code them with mod_perl early on so you're prepared for it in the
future. :)

Blue Lang  Unix Systems Admin
QSP, Inc., 3200 Atlantic Ave, Ste 100, Raleigh, NC, 27604
Home: 919 835 1540  Work: 919 875 6994  Fax: 919 872 4015

Re: why would I use mod_perl instead of Perl ?

2000-07-20 Thread Vivek Khera

> "o" == ozbcoz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

o> or is that a "too big" question
o> I am coding in Perl - not well but adequately (I use PHP for anything
o> "hard"). Is there a compelling reason to switch to  mod_perl ?

It depends on how often your perl is called.  if it is very
infrequently, then it is not worht it, but if perl is used often, you
will get a big win.

also, if you want to tie into apache's internal phase handlers,
mod_perl is a convenient way to do it if you are familiar with perl.

Re: Where are mod_perl coders?

2000-07-20 Thread Vivek Khera

> "d" == davidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

d> and have not come across any that have real skills.  Where do all the
d> mod_perl coders hang out? 

Well, this week we've been hanging out at the Perl conference 4.0 in
Monterey.  Many recruiters were hanging out here...

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-301-545-6996
GPG & MIME spoken here

Re: Installing mod_perl a dozen times ...

2000-07-20 Thread Vivek Khera

> "ml" == martin langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ml> this helps me reduuce the time it takes to up/down-grade perl, for
ml> instance. or mod_perl, maybe. I guess we all should have a list like
ml> that, and it'd be useful to share it and cross-pollinate ideas/modules.

These are known as "bundles" on CPAN, eg, Bundle::Apache.

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-301-545-6996
GPG & MIME spoken here

Apache::Session - expected behaviour?

2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

Hi all,

I found that if I explicitly undef %session, CLEAR will be triggered 
before DESTROY clearing $self->{data}, so $self->save actually update 
nothing in the database:

  # Apache::Session
  sub CLEAR {
warn "CLEAR!\n";
  sub DESTROY {
warn "DESTROY!\n";

  # The script
  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', undef, {
Commit => 1,
  $session{array_ref} = [ 1..10 ];
  print "Storing session to database\n";
  undef %session;  # Clears $self->{data}


  bash$ perl
  Storing session to database

Is this the expected bebaviour that one should not explcitly undef 
the tied hash?


Re: installation question again

2000-07-20 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hello again,

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, ROUSSY, ISABELLE wrote:

> doing make test I received :
> [snip]
> /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
> Can't locate LWP/ in @INC [snip] at t/TEST line 48.

You really should get hold of LWP (libwww-perl) so that make test
can do its stuff.

> and this bit of message outside the make > /suchfile
> syntax error of line 3 of
> /usr/local/etc/mod_perl-1.24/t/conf/httpd.conf:
> invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or define by a module not
> included in the server configuration 

This message usually indicates that you have tried to get a `light'
Apache binary (that is an httpd which does not have mod_perl either
compiled in or dynamically loaded) to read a configuration file (that
is usually httpd.conf, or one of the files specified in httpd.conf)
which contains directives that only mod_perl can understand.  =pod is
a perl comment of course, and unless mod_perl is installed into httpd,
Apache won't be able to recognize it.

> the file exists only if httpd is running and it is located at
> /apache_1.3.9/logs/

That's fine.

> >  What is the compiler you are using? 
> is gcc compiler (egcs-1.1.2) the correct answer?

I asked you first.  Mine says this if i do `gcc -v':

Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1/egcs-2.90.29/specs
gcc version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)

so you seem to have a later version than I do, which shuold be OK.

> > It must be the same one that built your Perl.  Did you build Perl?
> no I didn't it was already there with RedHat 6.0 version 5.005_03, is it
> too old? maybe because it is from rpm the sources are not there?

To quote Stas, "Red Hat rpms suck".  I've never used them but I
respect Stas' views.  On the other hand 5.005_03 is fine if the right
compiler made it.  Do `perl -V' to find out.  (That's one of the things
it asks you to do in .../mod_perl-1.24/SUPPORT:).

> > > # make install
> > 
> > Did you eventually see the crude-looking box with some text telling
> > you that you had successfully installed Apache?
> yep but just irght under the box there is also this message:
> =head2 Thu Jul 20 09:32:59 2000: C L

This is strange.  Your message to me was dated

Wed 19 Jul 2000 11:45:01 -0400

and yet you have a log entry almost 22 hours later.  It is most
important in networks of all kinds that the computers know the correct
time.  You should install ntpd or something so that things like
caching and password expiry can work properly.  This should not
however affect the ability of the Apache server to serve documents.

> >  Did you check the date and time of last modification of the
> > binary that was produced to be sure that you made it and it's the
> > right one?  How big is the file?  A mod_perl binary is a lot
> > bigger (say around 5Mbyte) than a normal Apache (say 1Mbyte)
> > because of the Perl interpreter it contains.
> > 
> [snip] ... kidding

Then please answer the questions.  We need to know what you have made
and where you have put it so that we can know how to start it and what
to expect if and when it runs.

> > What does it say in the error_log?
> the error_log of apache? it says nothing! 

Then you have not looked in the right log or you have not started
Apache at all.  When Apache starts it always makes at least one log
entry (to say what it is and when it started) unless you configure it
to send the logs to /dev/null or it can't write them or something
silly like that.

> > You can run `httpd -l' to see the modules that are compiled into your
> > httpd without starting it.
> > 
> Compiled-in modules:
>   http_core.c
>   mod_env.c
>   mod_log_config.c
>   mod_mime.c
>   mod_negotiation.c
>   mod_status.c
>   mod_info.c
>   mod_include.c
>   mod_autoindex.c
>   mod_dir.c
>   mod_cgi.c
>   mod_asis.c
>   mod_imap.c
>   mod_actions.c
>   mod_userdir.c
>   mod_alias.c
>   mod_access.c
>   mod_auth.c
>   mod_setenvif.c
>   mod_php4.c
>   mod_frontpage.c

mod_perl is conspicuous by its absence from this list.  Also absent is
mod_so.c (loader for dynamic shared objects or DSO) so there is no way
that this Apache can ever do mod_perl stuff.  Haven't you tried using
the makepl_args.mod_perl that I sent you?  It will either build a
mod_perl Apache or fail with something that I might understand.

> it is an intranet

Maybe you could connect a machine to the net temporarily?  Otherwise
you have to continue with my remote guesswork and your reading.

> > Stas and I left them out of the Guide until about the end of May this
> Ow  you are the mod_perl guy in person ... je!!

Not at all.  I just wanted to take my share of the blame.  I rewrote
the mod_perl Guide for Stas because English is his third language.
Trouble is he keeps on changing it so its kindofa moving target (but
that's our problem:).


Re: State Maintenance.

2000-07-20 Thread darren chamberlain

Simpson, John scott  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this 
>  Is there a module for state maintenance using a database and cookies?

Check out Apache::Session. Full featured session management, using whatever
method you like. Many of the examples show the use of cookies, so you should
be able to get something working quickly.

Also, the modules are designed to be easily extensible, so you can write your
own plugins for it, if what you need isn't already there.


The Net inteprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
-- John Gilmore

Re: Startup file problem

2000-07-20 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi there,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Elie Nacache wrote:

> Why this strange behaviors ??
> Can you help me !

Probably not unless you give more information.
Send copies of the relevant parts of the error log.
Send httpd.conf and any files referenced by it.


[DESCRIBE]: Persistent DB

2000-07-20 Thread Alexei V. Alexandrov

Hello everyone,

I`m  new  to  mod_perl,  but  still  i  want  to  learn as much as possible. I`m
currently plaing with subject. I have read the quide and here is what i have.
My perl startup file looks like this:

use Apache();
use Apache::Registry;
use Apache::DBI;
use lib map { "/home/ava/$_" } qw '.lib';
use strict;
$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2;
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1,
Apache::DBI->setPingTimeOut("dbi:driver:download:spider", 0);

Then i added the following lines to Apache::Registry module:

use vars qw !$dbh!;

$dbh ||= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:site","user","password");

Added to .htaccess file

PerlModule Apache::DBI

Created a test script to check the setup:

my $dbh= DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:site','user','password', {autocommit => 0});
my $sth= $dbh->prepare("select LevelName from Classifytable");

if ($sth->execute) {
while (my $name = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
print "$name\n";

while  starting  the  server  i  also  started mysqladmin processlist in another
console to check what is going on.

18523 user ws08.hq download Sleep  176

This  is  when i started the server this connection went up and the number began
to increment. This means that Apache::DBI pings my connection. Am i right? Next i
started the script i have created and here we go with another connection:

18529 user ws08.hq download Sleep  6

Then  another  script  that also uses this connection and everything works fine.
But  when  i  tried  to  connect to the same database with the same options from
Embedded  perl  he  tried  to  use the main apache connection and did not open a
connection  itself  or  used  other  connections.  It  is  not  possible  to use
persistance from embperl? Can you explain. Maybe i have mistaken something?

Sorry for such a big post and for my english.

Best regards,
Alexei V. Alexandrov   [AA4460, AVA32-RIPN, AA1829-RIPE]

*** Alexei V. Alexandrov --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***
*** PGP Fingerprint:9F23 7153 51D4 FD8F  4E7F D4DF E0FA E400 ***

Re: Make failed on DBD::Oracle 1.03/1.06

2000-07-20 Thread David Ranney

>   RedHat 6.1
>   Perl 5.6.0
>   DBI 1.14
   Oracle 8.1.5


>I removed the ../DBI-1.14 folder before I run make.
>Any hints?

This is really a question for the DBI mailing list:

That said, you haven't told us anything about your oracle 
installation. Are you compiling DBD::Oracle on a client machine 
separate from the server? Many people have suggested that when 
dealing with oracle, it's best to install the whole dang thing on the 
client machine, too, and just not create any databases or start the 
server. This avoids the hassle of trying to figure out which Oracle 
files DBD needs, and where they should go. Still not a 
straightforward process for those (like me) who are new to Oracle.

David Ranney
LessonLink, Inc.

Re: State Maintenance.

2000-07-20 Thread Simon_Wilcox

I've used Apache::AuthCookie and coupled it to Apache::Session::MySQL

  Once I validate a new user, I create a new session, store the username and
  return the session key for AuthCookie to use.

  When authorising, I use the key to recover the session and extract the

  Seems to work really well although I'm having some trouble getting it to
  log off properly (IE doesn't seem to delete the cookie correctly).

  Hope this helps some.

  Simon Wilcox
  Intranet Development Manager

>From   "Simpson, John scott " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Date
 14:06:00   20 July 2000

cc:(bcc: Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea)
Fax to:
Subject:  State Maintenance.

 Is there a module for state maintenance using a database and cookies?

State Maintenance.

2000-07-20 Thread Simpson, John scott

 Is there a module for state maintenance using a database and cookies?

Re: [OT] auth modules

2000-07-20 Thread Matt Carothers

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, martin langhoff wrote:

> The marketing dept here wants something really weird: they
> want to publish a datasheet in a 'protected' page, but the want the
> usr/pw hashes to be 'one time only'. So the user must be deleted after
> the first time it is used.

That should be all but trivial to implement.  Off the top of my head:

sub handler
my $r = shift;

# Only execute for the first internal request
return OK unless $r->is_initial_req;

# Replace this with your favorite data store.
tie %password, 'DB_File', $password_file
or die "can initialize $password_file: $!";

# Get the username and password sent from the client
my ($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
return AUTH_REQUIRED if !$sent_pw;
my $username = $r->connection->user;

# crypt() the sent password and see if it matches the stored one
if (crypt($sent_pw, $password{$username}) eq $password{$username})
# If so, delete the key and return OK
delete $password{$username};

return OK;
} else {
# Otherwise return AUTH_REQUIRED

- Matt

Re: Customized Module For Logging In Transfer Log

2000-07-20 Thread darren chamberlain

Saurabh Goyal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> Hi,
> I am new to apche and mod_perl. I am trying to write apache module to write
> some additional parameters to transfer log (access.log). Is anybody have an
> idea, how can we write additional stuff to access.log including the
> defaults. Any help appreciated.

Check out mod_log_config, one of the standard modules that comes with Apache.
Chances are, you are already using this module and just need to add create
the appropriate CustomLog directive.

If you are looking to log something that is not defined by mod_log_config,
can put it into the r->notes table and access if via the "%{NoteName}n"


Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
-- Woody Allen

Apache::Session::MySQL problem

2000-07-20 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

I'm using Apache::Session 1.51 + mysql 3.22.32 +
mod_perl 1.24 + Apache 1.3.11. They work well except
one problem.

The problem is, if an acquired Session ID (from Cookie)
is not stored in the session database, Apache goes like

> panic: POPSTACK
> Callback called exit.

I know Apache::Session will die "Object does not exist
in the data store" when it can't restore a session from
database. So my script catch that exception with eval

But panic will happen. why ?

httpd.conf -- 

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
#PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
#PerlSetVar StatINCDebug On
PerlModule Apache::DBI

sample.cgi --

use strict;
use Apache;
use Apache::Session::MySQL;
use CGI;
use CGI::Cookie;

my $q = new CGI;
my %session;

eval {
my $r = Apache->request;
my %cookie = CGI::Cookie->parse($r->header_in('Cookie'));
my $sid = $cookie{SID}->value;

tie %session, 'Apache::Session::MySQL', $sid, { 
DataSource  => "dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1):dbname",
UserName=> "user",
Password=> "passwd",
LockDataSource  => "dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1):dbname",
LockUserName=> "user",
LockPassword=> "passwd",

if ($@) {
print $q->header, $@;

Any helps?

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Make failed on DBD::Oracle 1.03/1.06

2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

  RedHat 6.1
  Perl 5.6.0
  DBI 1.14
  Oracle 8.1.5

Here's the output for 1.03 and 1.06.

[root@test4 DBD-Oracle-1.03]# make
mkdir blib
mkdir blib/lib
mkdir blib/lib/DBD
mkdir blib/arch
mkdir blib/arch/auto
mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD
mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle
mkdir blib/lib/auto
mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD
mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD/Oracle
mkdir blib/man1
mkdir blib/man3
cp blib/lib/
cp blib/lib/DBD/
cp blib/lib/
/usr/local/bin/perl -p -e "s/~DRIVER~/Oracle/g" <
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/auto/DBI/Driver.xst >
/usr/local/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp 
-typemap /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/typemap Oracle.xs > Oracle.xsc
&& mv Oracle.xsc Oracle.c
cc -c -I. -I/usr/include -I/u01/app/oracle/product/815/precomp/public
-fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2
-DVERSION=\"8\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.03\" -fpic
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE  Oracle.c
cc -c -I. -I/usr/include -I/u01/app/oracle/product/815/precomp/public
-fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2
-DVERSION=\"8\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.03\" -fpic
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE  dbdimp.c
dbdimp.c: In function `ora_st_execute':
dbdimp.c:1225: `USHRT_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)
dbdimp.c:1225: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
dbdimp.c:1225: for each function it appears in.)
make: *** [dbdimp.o] Error 1
[root@test4 DBD-Oracle-1.03]# 

[root@test4 DBD-Oracle-1.06]# make
mkdir blib
mkdir blib/lib
mkdir blib/lib/DBD
mkdir blib/arch
mkdir blib/arch/auto
mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD
mkdir blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle
mkdir blib/lib/auto
mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD
mkdir blib/lib/auto/DBD/Oracle
mkdir blib/man1
mkdir blib/man3
cp blib/lib/
cp blib/lib/DBD/
cp blib/lib/
/usr/local/bin/perl -p -e "s/~DRIVER~/Oracle/g" <
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/auto/DBI/Driver.xst >
/usr/local/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/xsubpp 
-typemap /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ExtUtils/typemap Oracle.xs > Oracle.xsc
&& mv Oracle.xsc Oracle.c
cc -c -I/u01/app/oracle/product/815/rdbms/demo
-I/u01/app/oracle/product/815/otrace/public -I.
-fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2
-DVERSION=\"1.06\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.06\" -fpic
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux/CORE  Oracle.c
Running Mkbootstrap for DBD::Oracle ()
chmod 644
LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -o blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle/  -shared
-L/usr/local/lib Oracle.o dbdimp.o oci7.o oci8.o
-L/u01/app/oracle/product/815/lib/ -L/u01/app/oracle/product/815/rdbms/lib
/u01/app/oracle/product/815/lib/libclient8.a -lclntsh
/u01/app/oracle/product/815/lib/naedhs.o -lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8 -lldapclnt8
-lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lnoname8 -lntcp8 -lntcps8 -lnsslb8 -lntcp8 -lntns8 -ln8
-lnl8 -lnro8 -lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8 -lldapclnt8 -lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lnoname8
-lntcp8 -lntcps8 -lnsslb8 -lntcp8 -lntns8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lclient8 -lvsn8
-lcommon8 -lskgxp8 -lgeneric8 -lmm -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8
-lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8 -lldapclnt8 -lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lnoname8 -lntcp8
-lntcps8 -lnsslb8 -lntcp8 -lntns8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnro8 -lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8
-lldapclnt8 -lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lnoname8 -lntcp8 -lntcps8 -lnsslb8 -lntcp8
-lntns8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lclient8 -lvsn8 -lcommon8 -lskgxp8 -lgeneric8 -ltrace8
-lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lclient8 -lvsn8 -lcommon8 -lskgxp8
-lgeneric8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -ldl -lm -lpthread -ldl -lm
-ldl -lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8 -lldapclnt8 -lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lnoname8 -lntcp8
-lntcps8 -lnsslb8 -lntcp8 -lntns8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnro8 -lnbeq8 -lnhost8 -lnus8
-lldapclnt8 -lnsslb8 -lnoss8 -lno

Startup file problem

2000-07-20 Thread Elie Nacache


[1]  When I run apache server I see in a log file that my startup file
is required
  much than one time. Why ??
[2]  I try to print the process id ($$) and it's always constant but not
appeared from process status. Why ??
[3]  Through startup file I am initialize some data. It's seem that each
child don't see the changes. Why ??
I don't use PerlFreshRestart directive neither Apache::StatInc module.

Why this strange behaviors ??

Can you help me !


Re: [OT]: Re: ApacheCon Europe - thoughts please ?

2000-07-20 Thread David Hodgkinson

Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, I'm sort of kidding here. But the reality is that a conference offers 
> a lot -- not just knowledge (then just attend a tutorial locally at Sun or 
> someplace) but networking.

Buying key people lots of beer in other words.

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire


2000-07-20 Thread Richard M. Lemanski


I had been doing some benchmark testing with ApacheBench to compare the
performance differences between mod_cgi and mod_perl and they were going
great until all of the sudden my results fell way out of line.  I need
help!  After I switched the max requests per child from 1 to 5000 the
trouble began.  Ever since my results have been around 1100 requests per
second.  Being so adamant in testing, I neglected in stepping back and
simplifying the issue.  After trying to run a script from Netscape, I
got the following familiar error.  I have an excerpt from my error_log
when things went bad.  I have checked my permissions like the Apache FAQ
recommends but they look fine.  Not sure what to do.  I really
appreciate the help guys.

Rich Lemanski



You don't have permission to access /perl/ on this server.

Apache/1.3.12 Server at LaZaRus Port 80


All tests performed with AB = ApacheBench.

n = number of requests;
c = concurrent user requests;
mod_cgi/mod_cgi = mcmc = mod_cgi running mod_cgi script
mod_cgi/mod_perl = mcmp = mod_cgi running mod_perl script
mod_perl/mod_perl = mpmp = modPerl running mod_perl script
mod_perl/mod_cgi = mpmc = modPerl running mod_cgi script
rps = requests per second
ss = start servers
mcps = max clients per server
mrpc = max requests per child
minss = min spare servers
maxss = max spare servers

ss = 8; mcps = 150; mrpc = 100; minss = 5; maxss = 20

Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
AB; 100; 10   7.24rps  7.18rps  571.43rps301.20rps
AB; 100; 10   7.16rps  7.63rps  578.03rps295.86rps
AB; 100; 10   7.53rps  7.69rps  436.68rps172.71rps

AB; 1000; 10  7.71rps  7.74rps  544.96rps158.25rps
AB; 1000; 10  7.40rps  7.75rps  476.87rps162.76rps

AB; 1; 500  27.75rps23.75rps462.15rps135.40rps
AB; 1; 500  21.68rps29.02rps463.91rps110.25rps

ss = 10; mcps = 100; mrpc = 1; minss = 5; maxss = 20

Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
AB; 1000; 5024.93rps25.48rps25.25rps 25.63rps
AB; 1000; 5024.85rps25.02rps24.97rps 24.80rps

ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 5000; minss = 5; maxss = 20
Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
AB; 1000; 50   1104.97rps 1123.60rps 1104.97rps 1107.42rps
AB; 1000; 50   1121.08rps 1124.86rps 1096.49rps 1104.97rps

ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 1500; minss = 5; maxss = 20
Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
AB; 1000; 50   1108.65rps 1123.60rps 1104.97rps 1106.19rps
AB; 1000; 50   1123.60rps 1123.60rps 1101.32rps 1095.29rps

ss = 10; mcps = 10; mrpc = 1500; minss = 8; maxss = 6
Type; n; cmcmc mcmp mpmp mpmc
AB; 1000; 50   1116.07rps 1114.83rps 1097.69rps 1102.54rps
AB; 1000; 50   1121.08rps 1123.60rps 1108.65rps 1098.90rps


[Wed Jul 19 00:54:06 2000] [error] [client] (11)Resource
temporarily unavailable: couldn't spawn child process:
[Wed Jul 19 01:16:18 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Jul 19 01:16:22 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  (Red
Hat/Linux) mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 19 01:17:52 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Jul 19 01:18:00 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  (Red
Hat/Linux) mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 19 01:18:50 2000] [error] [client] client denied by
server configuration: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/

Re: Weird behaviour

2000-07-20 Thread Alex Shnitman

On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 10:24:24PM -0400, Rick Myers wrote:

> After fooling with this for several hours I've finally come to the
> conclusion that this is probably an Apache "problem".
> [...]
> *whew*

Wow, MAN! Thank you SO much! It indeed worked!

A couple of questions remain -- why is the config file parsed twice?
Also, what about this observation:

> > > > Another interesting thing about this issue: if I assign
> > > > $port{$portname} + 1 to $Port, and not just $port{$portname}, it
> > > > works! If I ever try to return $Port to the needed value, e.g. using
> > > > the -- operator, it doesn't work again. This completely stumps me. I
> > > > tried just about any trick you can think of to get the value from
> > > > $port{$portname} to $Port, but I can't -- if I add to it or substract
> > > > from it, it's fine, but if it somehow gets back to the original value,
> > > > in any way, it doesn't work again.

Now it's just academic interest, because it works after all, but I'm
still curious. (Please don't fool with it for several hours! ;-)

Thanks again!

Alex Shnitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LiveLinx Extensible Solutions Ltd.


2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

Hi all!

Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple 
to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side 
object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.


Re: Customized Module For Logging In Transfer Log

2000-07-20 Thread David Hodgkinson

Saurabh Goyal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am new to apche and mod_perl. I am trying to write apache module to write
> some additional parameters to transfer log (access.log). Is anybody have an
> idea, how can we write additional stuff to access.log including the
> defaults. Any help appreciated.

Like what?

The custom log format is very flexible...

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire