$r-path_info() getting confused

2002-08-21 Thread Fran Fabrizio

In my conf file, I have the following directives:

Location /rms
AuthType Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI
AuthName RMS
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI-authenticate
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI-authorize
require valid-user

Location /rms/module
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler RMS::Control::Module-handler

When I call the URL /rms/module/foo, and in 
RMS::Control::Module-handler I examine $r-path_info, I get as a value 
'/module/foo' rather than the expected '/foo'.  If apache recognized 
that /rms/module/foo was to go to RMS::Control::Module-handler then it 
knows that /rms/module is the script name and thus should know that 
path_info should be just /foo, right?


Re: Apache::Session HELP!

2002-08-09 Thread Fran Fabrizio

What does your config file look like?  All pointing at the right tables 
and fields and such?


Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:

Hi, I'm in major poop.

Got a presentation soon and my just implemented, implementation of
Apache::Session is not working as per the man page.

I've set commit to 1 and tied a session to a postgres database.  I then
set a field and check the table it's not there.

When I later do a fetch on it, I get a scarey error:

 [error] Object does not exist in the data store at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm line 81

Create and fetch methods, with table schema, below:


sub tieSession
  my $self = shift;
  my %session;
  my $dsn = DBI:Pg:dbname=.$DBI_DB.;host=.$DBI_HOST;

  print STDERR \n CREATING SESSION using dsn: $dsn \n;

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef,
DataSource = $dsn,
UserName = $DBI_USER,
Password = $DBI_PWD,
Commit = 1

  ## store creation time

  return \%session;

2) fetching the session:

sub fetchSession
  my $self = shift;
  my $sessionId = shift;
  my $dsn = DBI:Pg:dbname=.$DBI_DB.;host=.$DBI_HOST;
  my %session;

  print STDERR \n getting session for $sessionId\n;

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', $sessionId,
{ DataSource = $dsn,
  UserName = $DBI_USER,
  Password = $DBI_PWD,
  Commit = 1

  ## store last access
  $session{LAST_ACCESS} = time;

  $ENV{GUEST_ID} = $session{GUEST_ID} || undef;
  return \%session;

3) Table Schemata

CREATE TABLE sessions (
   id char(32) not null primary key,
   a_session text





Re: Apache::Session HELP!

2002-08-09 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Wait, ignore that - I was getting my Apache::Session and my 
Apache::AuthCookie signals crossed.  Sorry.


Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 What does your config file look like?  All pointing at the right 
 tables and fields and such?


 Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:

 Hi, I'm in major poop.

 Got a presentation soon and my just implemented, implementation of
 Apache::Session is not working as per the man page.

 I've set commit to 1 and tied a session to a postgres database.  I then
 set a field and check the table it's not there.

 When I later do a fetch on it, I get a scarey error:

 [error] Object does not exist in the data store at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm line 81

 Create and fetch methods, with table schema, below:


 sub tieSession
  my $self = shift;
  my %session;
  my $dsn = DBI:Pg:dbname=.$DBI_DB.;host=.$DBI_HOST;

  print STDERR \n CREATING SESSION using dsn: $dsn \n;

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef,
  DataSource = $dsn,
  UserName = $DBI_USER,
  Password = $DBI_PWD,
  Commit = 1

  ## store creation time

  return \%session;


 2) fetching the session:


 sub fetchSession
  my $self = shift;
  my $sessionId = shift;
  my $dsn = DBI:Pg:dbname=.$DBI_DB.;host=.$DBI_HOST;
  my %session;

  print STDERR \n getting session for $sessionId\n;

  tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', $sessionId,
{ DataSource = $dsn,
  UserName = $DBI_USER,
  Password = $DBI_PWD,
  Commit = 1

  ## store last access
  $session{LAST_ACCESS} = time;

  $ENV{GUEST_ID} = $session{GUEST_ID} || undef;
  return \%session;


 3) Table Schemata


CREATE TABLE sessions (
   id char(32) not null primary key,
   a_session text






Re: Is mod_perl the right solution for my GUI dev?

2002-06-26 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Ron Savage wrote:

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 12:22:15 -0400, Fran Fabrizio wrote:



from first-hand experience, hell my current project has both of

things in a web interface, and neither were trivial.  I crafted an
expandable-tree menu (think Windows Explorer style menu) from HTML,
JavaScript and HTML::Template.  I have graphs dynamically generated

Did you consider using my module CGI::Explorer?


I wasn't aware of it's existence.  I just now downloaded it and played 
with the demo.  Unfortunately, it looks like it might not have helped in 
my case.  It appears that it is doing a round trip to the server and 
back on every open/close of a node.  That's exactly what I had to avoid. 
 Our tree has  1000 elements (and growing) pulled dynamically out of a 
database.  In a multi-user environment we don't want to be hitting the 
server that hard just for a navigational menu for every click of every 
user.  We serve up the entire tree when the user logs in, and all of the 
state maintenance is handled client-side in terms of what's been opened, 
etc...  we never go back to the server unless the user has requested a 
refresh of the tree.  I could be wrong in how your module operates, 
that's just from a 3 minute session with the demo.  It's good that 
you've made this available though, most people will have more reasonably 
sized and constructed trees than we do and should find that module 
useful. :-)


PS - May want to take a look at it on Mozilla.  There seemed to be 
slight table layout issues on my Mozilla 1.0 (yeah, I need to upgrade 
:-) that caused the graphics to slightly misalign.

Re: Is mod_perl the right solution for my GUI dev?

2002-06-25 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Please correct me if this is wrong.

  What is the big difference between web frontend and a normal GUI?
you do everything in the web frontnend that you do in normal GUI?

No, not at all.  The web is bound by HTTP and HTML.  This comes with 
many ramifications.

There are three main areas where I have and you will run into problems:

- Real-time data updates.  HTTP is stateless: it serves up the page then 
closes the connection.   Any updating involves a round-trip back to the 
server.  In traditional GUI, you just hold a db connection and repaint 
the areas that are updated.
- State maintenance.  Since it is stateless, you have to jump through a 
lot of hoops to realize that two requests are coming from the same 
person, since they could be handled by two different child processes or 
even two different servers.  This has all sorts of ramifications on user 
login, user preferences, where the user was in the application, etc... 
you have to do a lot of work on the server side to realize that it's the 
same client that keeps talking to you.
- Fancy interface widgets/layouts.  HTML/CSS/JavaScript/DHTML can only 
get you so far.  If you need fancy menu types, forms, layouts, etc... it 
quickly becomes tedious/impossible on the web.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  


Re: Is mod_perl the right solution for my GUI dev?

2002-06-25 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Rob Nagler wrote:

  Solved with refresh? JavaScript and Java can also help here.

Yes, solved with refresh.  Of the entire page.  Which may be quite 
complex and have some hefty SQL queries, etc...not to mention other 
issues such as network latency, the re-rendering of the page, etc...all 
distract from the user experience, which may or may not be an issue for 
the particular application.  For example, I once coded an HTML-based 
game where you guessed movie quotes and if you got it right, you 
replaced it with one of your own.  Two of the issues were 1. I wanted a 
list of who was currently playing but it quickly got out of date and to 
update it would mean to refresh the entire page, go to frames, or put 
the list in a separate window, all messy.  2.  When one user correctly 
guessed a quote, I would have liked to have all the other users' screens 
update with that new info, but that's impossible without having 
something like a java applet embedded in the page checking for new data 
and forcing a refresh of the page.  Yes it works, but it's messy once 
again.  These are real issues, and issues which I have solved as best as 
possible on the web but that are easier in other systems.

Cookies work fine.

You oversimplify.  Cookies do work fine.  What creates, reads, modifies, 
validates the cookies?  What ties the cookies to useful state 
information that is stored server-side?  There's a lot of coding 
potentially involved.  Yes, perl modules exist.  Yes, they'll most 
likely need customization (in my case, I've customized AuthCookie, and 
tied it to Apache::Session.  It wasn't the end of the world, but it 
wasn't trivia.   A cookie by itself is of rather limited usefulness.

Tedious is questionable.  Impossible, I seriously doubt.  Remember,
you can always delegate part of your screen to a Java applet, although
I strongly recommend you avoid this.

Reinventing common widgets by coding up in HTML, CSS, JavaScript 
something that's a one-liner in a typical GUI environment is not 
tedious?  I think you're oversimplifying again.  As for a Java applet, a 
java applet ceases to be a web frontend.  It's a GUI front end using the 
web as a communication/distribution layer.  Once it's launched, you use 
stateful sockets to talk back to the server, etc...  If you find 
yourself doing a majority of your interface via java applet (which is 
not something you want to try if cross-browser implementation is a 
desired feature, by the way), then you might as well make it a 
standalone java app, especially since you're apt to hit the applet 
security sandbox on any sort of robust app.

There are a TON of positives to web frontends.  I'm not arguing.  I have 
made my living for the past 8 years building these things, I'm a friend 
of the web front end. =)  You've captured the positives quite well, so I 
don't need to reiterate.  But let's not fall into the trap of saying the 
web is the best tool for every front end usage imaginable.  The user has 
said fancy menus and graphs are to be the mainstay of the app.  I speak 
from first-hand experience, hell my current project has both of these 
things in a web interface, and neither were trivial.  I crafted an 
expandable-tree menu (think Windows Explorer style menu) from HTML, CSS, 
JavaScript and HTML::Template.  I have graphs dynamically generated 
using GD::Graph.  Both took time, lots of trial and error, and lots of 
hair-pulling.   Massaging the data for GD::Graph was just one chore I 
remember being harder than expected.  These tools worked and are great 
tools that enable things on the web that aren't otherwise possible, but 
it was hard -because- it was a web app with all the inherent limitations 
- these things are much more native to traditional GUIs.  In my case, we 
have a -need- to be a web app and so I'm willing to jump through hoops 
to make the interface richer where we need it to be, but if I was 
choosing between web and traditional, and I didn't -need- web, and I 
knew that graphs and fancy widgets were the mainstay of my app, I'd 
think twice before trying web.  Fancy widgets especially are not that 
much fun to code on the web when a very robust library of them already 
exist for most GUI systems.

Yes, it can be done (though there are still some things which I found 
impossible, some widgets which I don't think can be duplicated 
acceptably on the web.  I like clicking on column headers and have them 
resort without doing a round-trip, for instance) but it's not much fun 
sometimes.  That's my only point.


Re: Is mod_perl the right solution for my GUI dev?

2002-06-25 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Well it sounds like most of your design goals are pointing you towards 
the web interface.  These same goals are what made me choose web even 
though I knew that I'd have to make some sacrifices on the interface. 
 You'll be able to do it fine on the web, just be prepared to be 
flexible with the interface and learn to accept/work around the web's 
inherent limitations.  Some thoughts:

* GD generates graphs on the fly.  I don't know which other softwares do the

GD sits on top of C's gd library.

  I would like to continue in the same web front-end path for more
interactive forms.  May be I will have to fight with Javascript more.

Yes, much more.  But a book I found helpful was 'DHTML and CSS for the 
WWW'.  It has helpful examples of various menus and widgets that can be 
accomplished on the web to make an interface richer.

And with that, I think we've officially left the topicality of a 
mod_perl list. :-)


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Ok so Collections was the missing piece in my puzzle.  Very interesting 
(and intuitive now that you present it to me).

my $Stale  = Model::WatchCollection-new( status = 'stale' );

my $WC= Model::WatchCollection-new();

Out of these two, I would think that the first one is actually 
better.  What if you have 300,000 watches and only 25 are stale, for 
example (numbers that are not all that far from the truth, in my 
case)?   That'd be a lot of data I'd be slinging around in the 2nd 
example.  Which is probably what you meant by might be better. :-)

Thanks for the example code, it was very enlightening!  I'll digest further 
at the office this morning.


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Fran Fabrizio

  Shop demostrates how you can build a simple application with only a
  couple of custom SQL queries.  The rest are simple joins and CRUD.  If
  you need more complex queries, there are escapes.  You still probably
  end up with a list of tuples for your reports.  The key we have found
  is avoiding indirection by naming fields and models the same in SQL
  and Perl objects.  This allows you to seamlessly switch between the

How well does this approach work with 90 tables?  How does it handle
arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables, with conditionals and sorting
of arbitrary complexity?

I'd have to agree, most of the real-world scenarios I have run across do 
not consist of these neat 1-to-1 field to attribute type of mappings where 
the majority of the queries are simple inserts or selects from a single 
table or simple joins.  Most of the apps I work on quickly evolve to the 
point of many (in my current case, 120+) tables and where most of the 
queries are gathering data for reports/views that bring data together from 
several tables.  Joins of 5+ tables, unions, excepts, subselects, 
self-joins, complex sorting/grouping rules, etc are all commonplace and 
this is where I think overzealous attempts to abstract the queries away 
fall apart.  I guess I'm more of the Perrin school of thought, where I 
prefer crafting all the SQL directly.

I don't typically find apps that just mirror some subset of one of the db 
tables to be all that interesting.  After all, it's the relationships 
between the data that make the data interesting, and by necessity this 
means your queries will be complex.  And looking over the stuff outlined at 
poop.sourceforge.net, there's not too many models/frameworks out there that 
can accurately abstract ALL of SQL, and if it only does a subset, I feel 
like that's shooting myself in the foot.


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-12 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Ok, thanks to you all and this great discussion I want to try to make 
our current project into an MVC-style app, so what now?  This MVC 
discussion could not have come at a better time - our little app is all 
grown up now and needs a real architecture.  I have read the MVC threads 
in depth now, and I have questions.  


We have a multiuser application that has about oh, I dunno, 100 
different screens to the interface.  They can be roughly divided into 
the following areas - status, admin, registration, reports, and graphs. 
 Most of the actions involve either retrieving data from a database or 
processing a form and inserting into a database (in other words, it's a 
very typical web application).  This application started as a CGI 
script.  For performance reasons, we installed mod_perl and use 
Apache::Registry to run it now.  It's pretty much still a dumb CGI 
script with a mod_perl wrapper, but I did develop a couple of modules to 
do user authentication with AuthCookie-based solutions and tied that 
into Apache::Session for state maintenance between requests.  The CGI 
script has grown to accomodate these ~ 100 actions and is now basically 
a 4,000 line if statement.  The script decides which request to do based 
on a target= parameter passed in (in other words, target=summary or 
target=doctoractivity, etc...).  For sanity's sake, many months ago, we 
switched to HTML::Template (our view) to define our screens, which has 
worked well to date.  On the back end we have PostgreSQL with a healthy 
sized schema of around 150 tables or so that has ~ 350 megs of data and 
on the order of 500,000 transactions a day (lots of data turnover, some 
tables get UPDATEd so frequently as to have 100% data turnover within 15 
minutes).  Anyways, back to the perl part

Basic code structure:

my $dbh = DBI-connect( $r-dir_config('RMSDBI_DSN') , 
$r-dir_config('RMSDBI_user') , $r-dir_config('RMSDBI_password') );

# giant if statement - closest thing I have to a controller, I suppose
if ($target = 'summary') {
  my $tmpl = getTemplate('summary');
  print header . $tmpl-output();
} elsif ($target = 'doctoractivity') {
  my $tmpl = getTemplate('doctoractivity');
  print header . $tmpl-output();
} elsif ...


# lots of subs basically one per target, closest thing I have to a 
model, I suppose
sub doSummary {
  ($dbh, $tmpl) = shift;
  $sth = $dbh-prepare(SQL STATEMENT HARD-CODED HERE);
  # process result set into hashes and arrays of hashes such as summary 
that HTML::Template wants
  $tmpl-param(summary = summary);

sub doDoctorActivity {
  ($dbh, $tmpl) = shift;
  $sth = $dbh-prepare(SQL STATEMENT HARD-CODED HERE);
  # process result set into hashes and arrays of hashes such as summary 
that HTML::Template wants
  $tmpl-param(summary = summary);


This basic pattern repeated ad infinitum.  It's grown way out of 
control, is a pain to work with, and just feels wrong, very wrong. :-) 
 To be fair, it grew very fast and it was all we (by we I mean the two 
of us that were this entire dept. back then) could do to keep up with 
the feature requests, let alone worry about proper architecting of the 
software.  We're paying for it now, of course.


I would like to introduce some semblance of organisation, sanity, 
maintainability, separation of logic, etc to this project.  In other 
words, MVC would be a good fit.  

Some of the concrete, basic questions I have are:
1.  Is there one Controller or many?  Should I have one for each main 
area of my site?  /myapp/admin/ goes to an Admin Controller, 
/myapp/reports to another controller, etc...
2.  Does the first part of my code above even remotely resemble a 
Controller?  I mean, it takes the input, calls essentially a 'model' 
object (but passing it the view object, nice, eh? =), but then seems to 
break the model nicely by doing things like printing out the HTML from 
the Controller, etc...
3.  How do you prevent a Controller from just becoming another big if 
statement, or is this their purpose in life?
4.  In the case of a form, what perl structure is used to pass the data 
into the model?
5.  Do you create an actual class for each form?
6.  Do you need to create objects at all?  Is OO a prerequisite to MVC?
6.5.  (thought of while proofreading :-)  Is the statement there is one 
set of controllers for each defined view correct?  In other words, if 
we someday want to output the reports section of the site as Excel 
spreadsheets in addition to HTML, would we define a new set of 
controllers or how would that work?

Now onto the model, I think I have a little better grasp of the model 
compared to the controller, but I have questions...
7a.  Is it insane to leave my SQL hard-coded in there?  The queries 
don't change all that much, and it's nice to have the query in 

Re: RPM for apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl

2002-06-06 Thread Fran Fabrizio

In the spirit of the teach a man to fish proverb (sorry if that's a 
random reference), maybe I should really be asking what's involved in 
making such an rpm?  

Is it a case of just figuring out which files are installed by 
openssl/mod_ssl/mod_perl/apache and making a big ole spec file, or is 
there some configuration magic that needs to happen?

If this is straying too far off-topic I'll take the discussion off-list, 
but I really should learn how to do this properly for myself.


Christof Damian wrote:

On Wed, 05 Jun 2002, fliptop wrote:

i have an rpm for apache 1.3.22, mod_perl 1.26, and mod_ssl 2.8.5
that i run on redhat 6.2.  i'd be glad to give you the .src (or the
.rpm if you also run redhat 6.2) if you would like it.

or, i could just give you the .spec if you'd like to build a new rpm 
with the latest versions.

i got one for redhat 7.0, i am in the progress to update it to the
current versions of apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl though.


RPM for apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl

2002-06-05 Thread Fran Fabrizio

We're currently struggling for an easy way to distribute our 
apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl-based application to our data center folks who 
are in a different state and whom we must presume know nothing about 
apache, mod_perl or mod_ssl and are capable of nothing more complicated 
than using RPM to install/update a package.  

As such, does there exist such a thing as an RPM that installs apache 
with mod_perl AND mod_ssl enabled?  I presume this would also have to 
include openssl.  I can only imagine what a pain it would be to create 
this beast, but if it's been done, I'd like to give it a try.

I have used my limited experience with RPM to try to build this kind of 
thing, but so far the closest I've gotten is to have an RPM that 
includes the four tarballs with a shell script to compile them on the 
target machine.  Of course this really isn't in the spirit of RPM and 
also, fails miserably when the target machine is a hardened machine with 
no compiler, for example. :-)

Does such a thing exist, and what are some pros and cons of going this 

Personally, I would hate to have to rely on an RPM like this, not least 
because I'd have to learn how to modify it if it doesn't meet our needs, 
but we need to make the application install as easy as possible for the 
data center folks.  Thoughts?


Re: RPM for apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl

2002-06-05 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Thanks Stas for that link, but none of those have mod_ssl and I'm not 
skilled enough with RPM to make that heavy of an adjustment, to be honest.

I think I'll take a gander at fliptop's specs and see if they are close 
enough to do what I need.  

Thanks all!


Stas Bekman wrote:

 Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 We're currently struggling for an easy way to distribute our 
 apache/mod_perl/mod_ssl-based application to our data center folks 
 who are in a different state and whom we must presume know nothing 
 about apache, mod_perl or mod_ssl and are capable of nothing more 
 complicated than using RPM to install/update a package. As such, does 
 there exist such a thing as an RPM that installs apache with mod_perl 
 AND mod_ssl enabled?  I presume this would also have to include 
 openssl.  I can only imagine what a pain it would be to create this 
 beast, but if it's been done, I'd like to give it a try.

 I have used my limited experience with RPM to try to build this kind 
 of thing, but so far the closest I've gotten is to have an RPM that 
 includes the four tarballs with a shell script to compile them on the 
 target machine.  Of course this really isn't in the spirit of RPM and 
 also, fails miserably when the target machine is a hardened machine 
 with no compiler, for example. :-)

 Does such a thing exist, and what are some pros and cons of going 
 this route?

 Personally, I would hate to have to rely on an RPM like this, not 
 least because I'd have to learn how to modify it if it doesn't meet 
 our needs, but we need to make the application install as easy as 
 possible for the data center folks.  Thoughts?

 Take an existing src RPM (.spec) and adjust it the way you want. Here 
 are some RPMs:

 Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
 http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide --- http://perl.apache.org
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com
 http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org   http://ticketmaster.com

Re: DBI Bug

2002-06-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

And you are sure that the CGI module is installed on the machine, right?

perl -e 'use CGI;'

from the command-line will tell you.


Udlei Nattis wrote:

 hi, sorry my english ;)

 when i add this line in httpd.conf

 PerlModule DBI


 use DBI(); in startup.conf

 apache dont start, i receive this error:

 /usr/local/apache-2.0/bin/apachectl: line 192: 12547 Segmentation 
 fault  $HTTPD
 /usr/local/apache-2.0/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

 i test it in
 Apache 2.0/Perl 5.8.0RC1/Modperl 1.99.02/03
 Apache 2.0/Perl 5.7.3/Modperl 1.99.02/03
 Apache 2.0/Perl 5.6.1/Modperl 1.99.02/03
 Apache 2.0-cvs/All Perls/All Modperls


Re: login.pl not sending cookies via POST?

2002-05-23 Thread Fran Fabrizio

(I haven't re-tested Apache::AuthCookieDBI.)

I have no idea why POST _doesn't_ work, mind you...

For what it's worth, my setup with AuthCookieDBI works just fine with POST.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-06 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Jacob Davies (author of Apache::AuthCookieDBI) confirmed the secret key
file has to be set before the PerlModule directive, it is a bug in the

Except it doesn't really, because it works fine for me. =)

I compiled mod_perl static, I tend to avoid DSO if possible.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-06 Thread Fran Fabrizio

I for sure), I don't understand why the order does not matter in your
machine. Do we have the same version of the module (v1.18)?

-- fxn 

Ah, no, I've got 1.10.

Here is the relevant part of my config file

# AuthCookieDBI config
PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar RMSPath /
PerlSetVar RMSLoginScript /rms/login
PerlSetVar RMSDBI_SecretKeyFile /usr/local/apache/RMSsecretkeyfile
PerlSetVar etc..

So much for backwards compatibility. ;-)


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
manual page would need to be modified?

That's odd, I load my module first before setting the secret key (or any 
of the other variables) and it works fine for me.


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI (solved but no fullyunderstood)

2002-05-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Does the server load the module that way?

It's beyond my expertise at this point but my experience would indicate 
that it does not work this way since I have PerlModule before the 
PerlSetVar and it works fine.


Re: Can mod_perl help me use ENV variables in httpd.conf?

2002-05-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

What I was really looking for was $r-server_root_relative.  =)  Thanks 

That's to all for your help.


 You'll also need to use a PerlPassEnv directive prior to your Perl 

 For debug purposes, try adding the following inside your Perl block:

 print join(\n, map { $_ = $ENV{$_} } (keys %ENV)), \n;

 OR, my personal quick-debugging catch-all:

 use Data::Dumper;
 print Dumper \%ENV;

 You'll be able to see what is available in %ENV when running under 
 mod_perl.  See also Chapter 9, page 498 of the Eagle.


 Ken Williams wrote:

 On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 05:04 AM, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 I spoke too soon.

 I need:

   push Alias, [ qw(/cgi-bin/chimpkit/ $ENV{SERVER_ROOT}/cgi-
 bin/chimpkit/) ];

 This does not appear to be possible because there's no way to pass 
 in SERVER_ROOT to the apache startup.

 I think the problem is your Perl syntax, not the value of the 
 variable.  Scalars do not interpolate in qw() constructs.  Try this 

   push Alias, '/cgi-bin/chimpkit/', $ENV{SERVER_ROOT}/cgi-

 or even

   push Alias, '/cgi-bin/chimpkit/',
$r-server_root_relative . '/cgi-bin/chimpkit/';


Re: problems setting up Apache::AuthCookieDBI

2002-05-02 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Do you have this in httpd.conf (or mod_perl.conf)

PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key



F.Xavier Noria wrote:
 I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
 lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
 file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
 help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
 in by box as fxn):
 $ ls -la /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
 -rw---1 fxn12 May  2 19:20 /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
 If I request /docs these messages appear in error_log:
 [Thu May  2 20:07:19 2002] [error] access to /login failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't have the secret key for auth realm Busc
 [Thu May  2 20:07:21 2002] [error] access to /docs failed for, reason: 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret key from for auth realm Busca
 Any hint on what could I be doing wrong?
 -- fxn
 PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript /cgi/login.pl
 # These must be set
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key
 # These are optional, the module sets sensible defaults.
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_Userwap
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_PasswordX
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UsersTable  view_active_users
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_UserField   login
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_PasswordField   password
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_CryptType   none
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupsTable view_active_users
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupField  rol
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_GroupUserField  login
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_EncryptionType  none
 PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00
 Location /login
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI-login
 Alias /cgi /home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/www/cgi/
 PerlModule Apache::Registry
 Location /cgi
 SetHandler   perl-script
 PerlHandler  Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI
 Location /docs
 AuthType  Apache::AuthCookieDBI
 AuthName  BuscaWAP
 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI-authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler  Apache::AuthCookieDBI-authorize
 require   valid-user
 PerlHandler   BuscaWAP::Apache::Docs

all of a sudden Too Many Arguments error is appearing

2002-05-02 Thread Fran Fabrizio


I had an odd thing happen today with a script I've been running successfully under 
Apache::Registry for weeks now.  It's been 
going fine and then today the error_log started to fill with messages such as:

Too many arguments for 
Apache::ROOT::cgi_2dbin::chimpkit::chimpworks_2epl::getStaleWatches at 
/usr/local/apachessl/cgi-bin/chimpkit/chimpworks.pl line 88, near $tmpl)

These are coming from all over my code at all different subroutines.  They appear to 
be sporadic/random, not happening every time 
through.  I've double-confirmed that my subroutines are not declared with prototypes.

Is this a common problem?  What would have triggered it all of a sudden.  Most/all of 
my subs use the DBI/Apache::DBI interface to 
get data from a Pg database, populate an HTML::Template, and display it.



Can mod_perl help me use ENV variables in httpd.conf?

2002-04-30 Thread Fran Fabrizio

I am trying to make a portable mod_perl.conf.  I have things like:

Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/chimpkit/
Location /cgi-bin/chimpkit/
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI
 PerlSendHeader On

which really needs to become something like:

Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   $SERVER_ROOT/cgi-bin/chimpkit/

I don't think I can do this directly with Apache but I found a random 
newsgroup thread that suggested something like the following might work:

push PerlConfig, EOF
   Alias /cgi-bin/chimpkit/   $ENV{'SERVER_ROOT'}/cgi-bin/chimpkit/ 

   Location /cgi-bin/chimpkit/
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI
 PerlSendHeader On

Is this a good way to solve this problem, is there an easier way, and 
does this even work?  :-)


Re: Can mod_perl help me use ENV variables in httpd.conf?

2002-04-30 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Yikes, I just found an example of the exact thing I needed in the 
cookbook (recipe 2.16).  Sorry, and thanks!


Re: Can mod_perl help me use ENV variables in httpd.conf?

2002-04-30 Thread Fran Fabrizio

I spoke too soon.

I need:

   push Alias, [ qw(/cgi-bin/chimpkit/ $ENV{SERVER_ROOT}/cgi-bin/chimpkit/) ];

This does not appear to be possible because there's no way to pass in SERVER_ROOT to 
the apache startup.  I have SERVER_ROOT 
getting set in root's .bashrc, but when I execute ./apachectl start it appears to not 
pass in any ENV at all, and the server seems 
to set only a fewGATEWAY_INTERFACE, MOD_PERL and PATH.  I can't use PerlSetEnv of 
course because I'm trying to make a portable 
mod_perl.conf in the first place.  I can't use SetEnv in the httpd.conf because that 
doesn't get set until the fixup phase.  Is 
there any way?


Fran Fabrizio wrote:
 Yikes, I just found an example of the exact thing I needed in the 
 cookbook (recipe 2.16).  Sorry, and thanks!

Re: different type of login with Apache::AuthCookie?

2002-04-29 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Have that proactive signin area forward to a page behind 
Apache::AuthCookie protection and then have that page forward them right 
back to where they were?  If you don't have frames that would be pretty 


Ken Miller wrote:
 We currently use Apache::AuthCookie for authentication/authorization, and it
 works great.  However, we want to make a change to how the login works.
 In addition to having Apache::AuthCookie intercept requests for URL's that
 require auth/authz, we would like to provide a signon area on the main page
 where the user can proactively sign in.
 Would this be as simple as setting the same cookie (using the same format,
 obviously) as Apache::Authcookie is looking for when signon occurs on the
 front page?  Or, better still, is there a way using A:A itself to do this?

Re: AuthCookieDBI not getting secret keys in BEGIN block

2002-04-25 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Well, let's start with the basics...

In httpd.conf (or mod_perl.conf or wherever) you have...

PerlSetVar AFS_AdminDBI_SecretKeyFile /path/to/your/keyfile

right?  From the error you describe it sounds like you don't have this 
variable declared correctly.


  my keyfile_vars = grep {
$_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
  } keys %{ Apache-server-dir_config() };
 I inserted a debug statement right after this to see what was being placed
 into this list. Nothing.


2002-04-22 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 I think you'll find RPC::XML to be a solidly engineered module.  I've
 used it as a client and as a server to good effect.  It includes
 stand-alone, CGI, and mod_perl based servers and a very nice client.

I will second the vote for RPC::XML.  We use this module with great 
success under mod_perl.  It's very easy to understand for the most part. 
  There are a few little oddities, but I'm sure myself or Paul can get 
you around any obstacles you hit.


Re: framesets/AuthCookie question

2002-04-22 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Followup from last week:

 I'm using AuthCookie and as some of you know, if it determines your 
 session to be invalid it redirects to a login page instead by way of a 
 FORBIDDEN response coupled with a custom_response error page. 
...I then thought it'd be neat to include on the login page handler output 
 a message to tell them how they got there (Your session has expired, 
 Your account has logged on from another location, Invalid 
 username/password combination, whatever...).
 At first I thought I could accomplish this by simply doing 
 $r-notes('LOGINFAILMSG' = 'Your session has expired') if AuthCookie 
 detected it to be thus, and then in my handler I could retrieve it and 
 display it.

New observations

It seems that even if AuthCookie returns a FORBIDDEN with a custom_error 
page set, the $r-notes() don't propagate.  Does apache consider the 
display of the custom_response page to be a completely new request?


framesets/AuthCookie question

2002-04-17 Thread Fran Fabrizio

I'm using AuthCookie and as some of you know, if it determines your 
session to be invalid it redirects to a login page instead by way of a 
FORBIDDEN response coupled with a custom error page.

My app has a frameset (navigation on the left, and two data frames on 
the right).  I know the evils of framesets, but in our case, it's the 
best way to present our particular data.

What ends up happening is that if the session expires, AuthCookie 
displays the login page inside whatever frameset you were clicking in, 
while the other two remain on whatever they were on previously.

I made a quick solution...I told AuthCookie that my login page was 
login.html.  login.html had javascript which called /real/login (a 
mod_perl handler) and targeted it to the top frame.  All is well and now 
the entire browser window gets cleared and replaced with the login page.

However...I then thought it'd be neat to include on the /real/login page 
a message to tell them how they got there (Your session has expired, 
Your account has logged on from another location, Invalid 
username/password combination, whatever...).

At first I thought I could accomplish this by simply doing 
$r-notes('LOGINFAILMSG' = 'Your session has expired') if AuthCookie 
detected it to be thus, and then in my handler I could retrieve it and 
display it.

However, it's failing of course because I added the extra redirection of 
the login.html w/ the javascript, which makes a round trip to the client 
and back, so it looks like a brand new request to mod_perl, thus, no 
notes() any more.  Is there a solution to breaking out of the frameset 
AND propagating the reason for the logout to the /real/login page?

I'd appreciate and and all ideas.  Thanks!


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-16 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Peter Bi wrote:
 If you touch SessionDBI for every request, why don't go directly to the
 Basic Authentication ? 

1.  You can't use a custom log in page
2.  You can't log out unless you close your browser
3.  It's for use by our employees only.  They are told to enable cookies. =)


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-16 Thread Fran Fabrizio


 2) that depends. First, for some reasons, Internet is designed without
 Logout. Many seldom logout from those services such as Yahoo mail, and me
 too. For the specific question you posted (one login only for an account),
 while it can be in principle designed and implemented,  in practice, it may
 not work that smoothly, because many users still don't run Logout. Trust
 me :-). So BA or cookie doesn't matter.  Second, you can make a link to
 close the window using javascript, just like a Logout button.

Well that's kind of why I'm here in the first place...looking for a real 
solution to users who don't log out. I'd rather force logout their old 
sessions rather than just resign to the fact that user's habits make 
logouts unpredictable.  It's not acceptable for our application's 
purposes to just leave active sessions open if it's at all possible to 

 3) will be very interesting to hear about your successful implementation!

I would have been done yesterday had I not made a bonehead mistake and 
deleted a very important database table.  I'm still recovering from that 
mistake. :-(  Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you all about the 
successful implementation early next week.

 (BTW, if only the existence status of an account is needed to double
 check, please consider a lock file (e.g. -e) under Apache::File that may be
 much faster than to call SessionDBI)

I'm not too worried about performance...only about 100 users will ever 
have an account on this system, a fraction of them actively using the 
app at any one time.  But I'm not using the DBI for this part anyhow. 
I'm using Apache::Session::File, more or less (really using Flex but 
only overridding the Generate method).  The only time I hit the database 
is to check that the user/password are valid and get user preferences 
when they submit the login form.  The lock file actually isn't a 
workable solution, now that I think about it.  Just knowing a user has 
logged in and not logged out does me no good, I need to know if they 
have other valid session keys still in existence so I can expire them. 
A lock file could lead to false positives - if the key expired but they 
haven't visited again or explicitly logged out since, it'll be there but 
the user really doesn't have any active sessions.

I still think Jeff's post yesterday suggesting I store the AuthCookie 
key in the Apache::Session data is the answer.

Thanks for the dialog, I'll post the final results.


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 How are you handling your sessions?  I use Apache::Session::Postgres.

I'm using AuthCookie.  A customization of AuthCookieDBI to be specific. 
 However, I also use Apache::Session.  Basically, I authenticate 
with AuthCookie, then I pass the authenticated username over to 
Apache::Session::File (for now, probably soon to become A:S:Postgres) 
and use the user id as the session key.  In that session I store user 
preferences, etc...

 In my scenario, if I needed to do this, I would check the list of valid 
 sessions I have for one that exists for the user.  ie, if 'gphat' tries to 
 login, I check to see if any of the sessions the db are for user gphat.  If so, 
 eliminate it and create a new one.

I can also detect if the user had an existing session already (I store 
the AuthCookie key in the db for each user).  However, the question is 
just because there's an existing AuthCookie key, it doesn't mean they 
have another active session.  It could just be an expired one.  So, it 
seems the logic would go something like:

1.  User logs in
2.  Check for another session key for this user
3.  If found, check to see if it's expired.
4.  If not expired, alert user and ask if user wants to expire older session
5.  Expire older session

It's #5 that's troublesome.  I wasn't sure how I could expire the older 
session (since the session key that matters is sitting client side).  I 
guess I could keep a table of invalidated session keys, and check 
against that every time in along with all the other checks going on in 
authen_ses_key().  I was just mainly asking if there was an existing 
solution out there.

The main requirement that we're trying to solve is that a user cannot be 
signed on from more than one location at once.  Mainly because this 
probably means that they walked away from a computer with an active 
session on it, which isn't good.  I suppose an inactivity timer might be 
helpful, too.


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 I'm not sure I follow your session id problem.  When I check a session, I ask 
 the client for it's ID, then look the session up by ID.  To 'expire' the 
 session, I simply delete it from the session store (File or Postgres).

The confusion is you aren't using sessions in the authentication sense 
of the word.  You say you look up the session by ID...but how do you 
know the ID?  Because they previously authenticated.  I'm using sessions 
at the authentication step, via AuthCookie.

Unfortunately, there's some terminology muddling...AuthCookie calls it a 
session when it establishes that a user is a valid user and sets a 
cookie on their browser.  Apache::Session considers a session a series 
of page hits from the same user.  It assumes you've already done 
whatever you need to do to assure that the user is valid.

So to expire a session in the sense of AuthCookie, you have to 
explicitly tell AuthCookie that a particular key is no longer valid, 
because otherwise everything about the AuthCookie cookie looks valid, 
and you'll have 'gphat' logged in validly from two different browsers.

That's completely separate from the Apache::Session session, which has 
nothing on the client side (other than some method for obtaining the 
session id, which could be a cookie, a hidden form field, a munged URL, 
or in my case, the userid obtained from AuthCookie authentication).


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 You would have to do the auth part yourself, as well as the actual 
 cookie handling, or else hack AuthCookie to cooperate with Apache::Session.

This is exactly what I've done.  I've modified AuthCookieDBI to create 
an Apache::Session session as soon as it knows it has a valid user. 
Then if the user is conscientious and logs out or the AuthCookie key is 
expired, AuthCookie will take care of deleting the Apache::Session 
session. That part is working.  The only thing is AuthCookie needs some 
foolproof way to check to see if that same user already has a valid 
session from somewhere else that is still active.  It's easy enough to 
just delete/reset/blow on top of any older Apache::Session objects for 
this user.  It's not so apparent (to me) how to tell AuthCookie to no 
longer accept the older key for this user.  What would otherwise happen 
is that the user would have two perfectly valid sessions from two 
different browsers, potentially blowing over his Apache::Session object 
back and forth.  Not to mention someone else could hop onto the old 
browser and see/do stuff they are not authorized to see/do.

Yes, I realize that a certain amount of this depends simply on not 
having idiots for users. =)  But I like to help them out as much as 
possible.  We don't consider the 2 simulataneous logins to be super 
crucial to avoid, as our expire times are kept fairly short anyhow, but 
we do think it makes for a more robust interface.

A whimsical example of what could happen is that user #1 leaves a 
browser session open and goes to a different station and logs on.  User 
#2 wants to play joke on user #1.  User #2 goes to user #1's old session 
and changes his style preferences.  User #1 is at other workstation, and 
the entire look of the site changes instantly before his eyes.  Of 
course, more serious things can happen if user #1 happens to be an 
administrator or user with some advanced privileges to our system and 
user #2 happens to be an arse looking to get fired.

Anyways, just talking through the problem repeatedly here has given me 
some idea so I am off to try those. =)


Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Jeff wrote:
 Forgive a mod_perl newbie for non mod_perl thinking, but this
 is (a simplified overview) of how I would approach this:
 request for any protected page 
  - if no existing session data [so not authenticated]
  create new session
  remember target page in session
  redirect to login page
  allow access to page

Yes, this is exactly how AuthCookie works.

 login page POST with user id / password.
  - if ( valid user / password )
  add user info to session

AuthCookie sessions don't also carry user info, but that's why I create 
an Apache::Session to do it.

  expire previous session [id was saved in db]

Right-o.  How to expire an otherwise valid AuthCookie session is the 

 If someone now tries to come back with an old session id,
 there is no data in the session, so they will be considered
 un-authenticated, and will get redirected to login page.

If someone comes in with an old active session (assuming it's not 
expired) AuthCookie examines the MD5 hash and says everything matches 
up, you may proceed.  I need to add a step here to say if newer 
session for user exists, kill this one.  But you've just given me a 
great idea!  When the old session comes in, there will still be data in 
the session (because the new session is using it - sessions are keyed by 
user id, not session id).  So I can't rely on an empty session data to 
be the clue.  BUT - I can store the session key that generated this 
session data in with the session data, and try to match those up.  I 
like it.  This will work, I think.  Thank you. =)  Why do I use the user 
id instead of the session id for the session key?  Because it makes the 
code easier for other developers (a user will always have a session 
with the key $r-connection-user) and that gets passed around 
automatically rather than me having to expose the developers to the 
AuthCookieDBI cookie directly.  I just find it easier to rely on 
$r-connection-user to always be the session key.

 I can see two issues with this approach:
 1) login ping-pong. Two users using the same id/password will
be logging each other out as they log in (but this seems
to be what you want?)

Yes, or at least a page saying you're logged in elsewhere, do you want 
to ax that one and continue, or abort this login.  Even a forced logout 
of the older one without the user knowing is fine.

 2) it does not prevent the user from having the same pages
open multiple times within the same browser instance
(eg when the user presses Ctrl-N after having logged in)

This is ok, because we're more concerned with an unmanned, logged-in 
station.  If they want 5 browser windows, they can go nuts.

Thanks for the dialog, Jeff!  I think that clue you gave me above is 
what I need.  The confusion is again because AuthCookie and 
Apache::Session both call themselves sessions.  AuthCookie does the 
authentication, Apache::Session holds the user data.  So I need to write 
the piece that coordinates the cleanup of old sessions between the two.


Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-12 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Hello all,

I'm looking for a straightforward approach to extend our AuthCookie 
sessioning to enforce that a user is only logged in from one browser at 
a time.  For us, it would suffice that if the user tries to log in from 
a 2nd browser, the first session would just be expired.

I was thinking that upon login I could save the AuthCookie key in that 
user's db entry as current_session_key and I could blank it out when 
they explicitly log out.  Then during login, I would be able to see if 
there's another key still out there for them.  The tricky part for me is 
figuring out if that key is still an -active- session as opposed to 
having just left their browser open last night or something.  And also, 
if I do determine that it is another active one, how would I expire it?

Anyone done this type of thing previously?


Re: Ordering in %INC for PerlRestart

2002-04-10 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 Thanx for the reply (I hardly get replies for subjects
 with restart :-( I guess I'm the only one using
 PerlFreshRestart (sic !).
 Hopefully you are the only one!

Pardon my newbie-ness, but can someone explain the perils of 
PerlFreshRestart in a bit more depth?  I hadn't heard of it being 
dangerous until now.


AuthCookie login ?

2002-04-05 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Is there a hook in AuthCookie to allow me to run some code only right 
after successful login?  The model doesn't seem to allow for this.  The 
way it seems to work is you attempt to log in, if it doesn't find a 
valid cookie, it displays the login form again.  You submit that and it 
sets the cookie without authenticating the login, then issues a redirect 
to the page the user was originally trying to go to.  When the browser 
comes back via the redirect, the cookie is already present, and only 
then does AuthCookie attempt to authenticate the cookie.

Since the authentication happens on every trip into the server, and I 
don't want to run my code (to set up an Apache::Session for the user's 
session data) until I'm sure I have a valid user on my hands, I can't 
see a way to do the session setup only the first time after a sucessful 
login.  It would seem wasteful to check for the presence of the 
Apache::Session object every trip to the server just to determine if 
this is the first request or not.  Is there a hook or a flag with that 
same functionality?


Re: mod_perl Cook Book

2002-04-05 Thread Fran Fabrizio

The cookbook is fabulous.  In my opinion it's much clearer than the 
Eagle book.  Of course it has the benefit of having been written when 
mod_perl had a few more years of maturity under it's belt. =)

The Cookbook is wonderful and I would also like to publicly thank 
Geoffrey Young, one of the authors, for the generous amounts of help he 
has provided me via email.

Buy it, you'll like it!


Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:
 Hello folks,
 Has anyone purchased the mod_perl cook book from this list? If so, what
 do you think of it? Is it a good buy? Appreciate feed back.
 Thanks in advance

Session management

2002-04-03 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Hello all,

I'm having something of a disconnect in my brain because I've absorbed a 
lot of mod_perl info in a very short period of time, so bear with me. =)

Last week, I figured out how to use Apache::Session::File and got it 
working nicely.  This week, I've figured out how to use 
Apache::AuthCookieDBI and also got it working nicely.  Now to figure out 
how to make them play nicely together. :-)

I think I'm getting confused because there's two different concepts of 
'session' at work here.  The AuthCookie concept of a session is tracking 
multiple page hits from an authenticated user - sessions as a security 
device.  The Apache::Session concept of sessions is to pass data from 
request to request - state maintenance.  (Correct me if I'm wrong)

It would seem that I would want to use the key generated / 
returned-via-cookie in the AuthCookie processing to be used as the key 
to create/access the Apache::Session session.  I imagine this is a 
pretty common task.

My question is this:  how do I make this connection?  Do I store the key 
away in the Authen/Authz phases with pnotes() and then get it in the 
content generation phase when I'm getting/setting data into the 
Apache::Session object?  Do I subclass further from AuthCookieDBI and 
provide hooks in the authorize() method to create an Apache::Session 
object at that time using the AuthCookie key?  I'm just a tad confused, 
being a first-timer. =)

The big picture is simple:  I want to know what user is logged in and 
make sure his session is valid, and I want to store user preferences in 
his session so that I know how to customize his interface.  You know, 
maybe we have a user_preferences table in the database, and upon 
successful login, I want to set up an Apache::Session object to figure 
out things like what color scheme this user wants and what region of the 
country he's in so I can present region-specific data.

How do I approach this task?



2002-04-01 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Jose Ortiz wrote:
 Apache has installed the mod_perl rpm and when I starts the daemon don't 
 recognize the command

And the daemon you are starting includes mod_perl?

./httpd -l   on your httpd daemon will tell you.


 Jose R. Ortiz Ubarri
 Cs. Student  Programmer

Re: Apache+Modperl Website Statistics

2002-03-27 Thread Fran Fabrizio

But, I need to find someway to do this without the extra
 would be something along the lines of: have a javascript
 enabled page that gets the height and width of the client (as
 you've shown), that then redirects the client to a location
 that can read the height and width from the query string and set
 a session cookie, which can then be read and acted upon for every
 subsequent request by a PerlTransHandler or RewriteRule.
 Does that sound reasonable?

Can you not just set a cookie from the javascript itself, rather than 
having it redirect to a location which then has to read it from the 
query string and set the cookie.  Saves you one step, if it's possible 
to set the cookie directly from the javascript (which it seems like 
should be possible, but I don't know for sure).


Re: Poll for my site

2002-03-19 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 I wanna make poll for some datas that we obtain from the users. For 
 this, i know howto insert the datas to my sql database, make an average 
 or something specific but how can i show the results as visual which has 
 become very popular in web sites?

This is not really on-topic for this list, but it sounds like you want 
something like GD::Graph from CPAN.


Re: Site Host Providers that Support mod_perl?

2002-03-07 Thread Fran Fabrizio

I thought I had posted to this thread yesterday but looking back I don't 
see that it showed up, so I'll try again. :)

I'm also looking for good mod_perl-supporting ISPs.  Recently I went 
through the list on the web site, and either the links were broken, or 
the sites made no mention of supporting mod_perl.  The best I've managed 
to find on my own is an ISP that starts supporting it at the $250/month 
level!  Yikes. =)  The inaccuracy of the list doesn't surprise me since 
the ISP world has experienced so much turnover and turmoil in the last 
couple of years.  I'd be willing to compile a list of ISPs that you all 
know about and/or use, and forward that on to the web site maintainer.

I know one option is to run your own mod-perl enabled apache but I 
imagine that a lot of ISPs would get pretty upset about you running 
servers (especially ones that love memory) on non-privileged ports, if 
they even allow connections to those ports in the first place.

My ideal setup would be to be able to colocate one of my servers and 
just use the ISP's bandwidth, but those plans are all pretty pricey. 
So, I'd really like to have a good ISP that supports mod_perl that I can 
afford because I'd enjoy being able to play around and create sites that 
use mod_perl outside of work.  Of course, I can do it at home, but it's 
not the best place to host a web app, it'd have an audience of one. =)


David Simcik wrote:

 Alright, I'm a total mod_perl newbie and would like to find a host for my
 personal site that allows me to develop mod_perl scripts. First off, I'm
 assuming that there is no way to install mod_perl on my current provider due
 to (obvious) access privilige restrictions to Apache? Secondly, the obvious
 question here, whom would you folks recommend for hosting services, assuming
 the afforementioned?

Re: PerlFreshRestart, mod_perl DSO, and Apache::StatINC

2002-03-07 Thread Fran Fabrizio

  upgrades for applications that maintain state - since a user might
  have a session created using a new-code box, then hit an old-code box
  on the next page view.  it takes us many minutes to work through
  restarting the entire array.
  were you ever concerned about something like that?

I only learned this yesterday by reading Perrin's eToys article, but
their concept of sticky load balancing was interesting.  They had a
proxy server in front of the app servers.  The proxy assigned session
keys, and made sure that if you came back in on the same session you got
assigned to the same app server.  I thought that was a neat idea and
would solve this particular problem.


Re: Site Host Providers that Support mod_perl?

2002-03-07 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 If you had something like Speakeasy DSL or a similar provider that allows
 you to run your own servers, you can run a server out of your house and
 use mod_perl and have fun.
 -- Brett

I actually have BellSouth dsl.  I've never perused their acceptable use 
policy, but I never thought it was a good idea to host a site at home 
because of a lot of thingsI have to open port 80 and then I'd have 
to worry even more about security, it's dynamic IP and my IP refreshes 
fairly regularly and the dyndns service that I use sometimes lags by as 
much as 15 minutes in its updates.  I live in a thunderstorm-rich area, 
our power is constantly going out, etc... then again, what I'd like to 
host isn't mission critical so maybe I'll rethink that...I've gotten 
some good feedback so far, thanks to everyone!

I still would like to find either an ISP or a colo, because the other 
half of it is that I do a good deal of freelance work on sites, and 
having the option to resell a hosting agreement that supports mod_perl 
and then having mod_perl at my disposal for app development is 
attractive.  I certainly would not want to host that kind of thing at 


Re: RegistryLoader Segmentation fault

2002-03-05 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 I'm trying to follow the script in section 214 of the book mod_perl 
 Developer's Cookbook in order to pre-load my Apache::registry scripts 
 using Apache::RegistryLoader  I'm getting a seg fault when I attempt to 
 start apache

This was the problem I was having last Friday  Just wanted to post the 
results - the upgrade to Perl 561 solved the problem  PERL_DEBUG=1 on 
mod_perl compilation was also very helpful  Thanks to everyone for 
their help!


RegistryLoader Segmentation fault

2002-03-01 Thread Fran Fabrizio


I'm trying to follow the script in section 214 of the book mod_perl 
Developer's Cookbook in order to pre-load my Apache::registry scripts 
using Apache::RegistryLoader  I'm getting a seg fault when I attempt to 
start apache

My startuppl is as follows:


use lib qw(/usr/local/apache/lib/perl);
use Apache::DBI;
use Apache::Registry;
use Apache::RegistryLoader;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg;
use strict;
use CGI qw(-compile :all);
use DirHandle;

my $rl = Apache::RegistryLoader-new;
my $dh = DirHandle-new(/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/chimpkit/) or die $!;
foreach my $file ($dh-read) {
 next unless $file =~ m/\pl$/;
 print STDOUT Pre-loading $file\n;


When I attempt to start apache, I get the following messages on STDOUT:

[root@castle bin]# /apachectl start
Pre-loading chimpworkspl
Apache::Debug: [level 1]
Compiled package Apache::ROOT::cgi_2dbin::chimpkit::chimpworks_2epl 
for process 27233 at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/560/i386-linux/Apache/RegistryLoaderpm line 76
/apachectl: line 171: 27233 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) $HTTPD
/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
[root@castle bin]#

Nothing has been written to the error log  The format of my 
$rl-handler() call seems ok to me  I perused the archives for a while 
and tried a couple of things that fixed other people's RegistryLoader 
problems, to no avail  Everything works fine if I comment out the call 
to handler() except of course now each child has a copy of the compiled 
code  Any thoughts?


Re: RegistryLoader Segmentation fault

2002-03-01 Thread Fran Fabrizio


using Apache::RegistryLoader  I'm getting a seg fault when I attempt to 
start apache

 Read mod_perl/SUPPORT

Ok I've looked through it  I've tried some of the quicker 
suggestions gdb -core core and gdb httpd core tell me:

Core was generated by `/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd'
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault

#0  0x80ca6b6 in Perl_gv_init ()

I'll try some of the more involved stuff here in a moment

 Did you compile your own Perl, mod_perl and Apache?

Yes  Perl 560, mod_perl 125, apache 1319

 You might be better off with Perl version 561 instead

I will upgrade and see what happens

 Are you using DSO?


Thanks for the pointers thus far!


Re: RegistryLoader Segmentation fault

2002-03-01 Thread Fran Fabrizio

 see Recipe 919 for a general introduction into using gbd and getting
 a backtrace, as well as the SUPPORT document in the mod_perl sources

Here is the backtrace for now  I'm going to try Perl 561 and then try 
to see what the backtrace looks like with a PERL_DEBUG=1 enabled 
mod_perl  Thanks for the help thus far


(gdb) bt
#0  0x80ca6b6 in Perl_gv_init ()
#1  0x80cb9d5 in Perl_gv_fetchpv ()
#2  0x80810dd in perl_section_hash_init ()
#3  0x8081403 in perl_section ()
#4  0x809aa40 in ap_clear_module_list ()
#5  0x809b598 in ap_handle_command ()
#6  0x809b635 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#7  0x809ef2a in ap_limit_section ()
#8  0x809aa40 in ap_clear_module_list ()
#9  0x809b598 in ap_handle_command ()
#10 0x809b635 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#11 0x809bd52 in ap_process_resource_config ()
#12 0x80a0cc7 in ap_exists_config_define ()
#13 0x809aadc in ap_clear_module_list ()
#14 0x809b598 in ap_handle_command ()
#15 0x809b635 in ap_srm_command_loop ()
#16 0x809bd52 in ap_process_resource_config ()
#17 0x809c695 in ap_read_config ()
#18 0x80a6e9f in main ()
#19 0x400a1b65 in __libc_start_main (main=0x80a6bb8 main, argc=1,
 ubp_av=0xbaf4, init=0x80621d4 _init, fini=0x814a26c _fini,
 rtld_fini=0x4000df24 _dl_fini, stack_end=0xbaec)
 at /sysdeps/generic/libc-startc:111

Can't solve the CGI/pm Can't call register_cleanup problem

2001-07-30 Thread Fran Fabrizio


I've just installed a mod_perl enabled Apache and I am trying to configure 
it.  I ran into the can't call register_cleanup on an undefined value 
while I was trying out the sample startup.pl file in the Writing Apache 
Modules in Perl and C book.  I did see the note about this in the 
troubleshooting, but the fix didn't solve my problem.

Here's my httpd.conf:

Alias /perl/ /usr/local/apachemp/cgi-bin/
PerlPostReadRequestHandler 'sub { Apache-request(shift) }'
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlFreshRestart On
PerlRequire conf/startup.pl

Location /perl
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry
  Options ExecCGI
  allow from all
  PerlSendHeader on
Location /hello/world
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Hello

And here is conf/startup.pl...


   use Apache ();
   use lib Apache-server_root_relative('lib/perl');
use Apache::Registry();
use Apache::Constants();
use CGI::Carp ();
use CGI qw(-compile :all);

It dies on the use CGI qw(-compile :all); line, with the message:

[root@dungeon apachemp]# ./bin/apachectl configtest
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] [error] [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: 
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] CGI.pm: 
Can't call method register_cleanup on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/CGI/Object.pm line 225.
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] 
startup.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at conf/startup.pl line 14.
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: Compilation failed in require.

Syntax error on line 995 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] 
startup.pl: [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] CGI.pm: Can't call method 
register_cleanup on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/CGI/Object.pm line 225.
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: [Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] 
startup.pl: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at conf/startup.pl line 14.
[Tue Jul 31 00:54:54 2001] startup.pl: Compilation failed in require.

[root@dungeon apachemp]#

I'm running the following versions of the software:
Apache 1.3.20
mod_perl 1.26
CGI.pm 3.02

I saw the note about it in the faq/troubleshooting section of the docs on 
perl.apache.org, but as you can see I made the suggested change (the 
PerlPostReadRequestHandler line in httpd) and I still get the error.

Any ideas?  I'm not doing anything fancy, these are all default installs of 
everything, just following the docs for installation and the book for the 
startup.pl.  The server starts and runs fine if I remove the use CGI 
qw(-compile :all); line.
