Re: problems with sessions and upgrading

2002-10-02 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Gerald Richter wrote:

  OLD STUFF:  redhat 5.2,  2.0.36 kernel, 1.3.6 apache, 1.21 mod_perl,
  perl 5.005_02, apache session 1.04 and a storable of 0.63, embperl
  file system sessions and locking data.
  NEW STUFF: redhat 5.2, 2.0.36 kernel, 1.3.26 apache, 1.27 mod_perl,
  perl 5.6.1, apache session 1.54, apache sessionX 2.00b3, storable of
  2.05, embperl 1.3.4, file system sessions and locking data..

  yields the following error message:
Storable binary image v56.115 more recent than I am (v2.5)
 at blib/lib/
  (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 364, FIL chunk 1,
 at -e line 1

 Did you try to install the old storable into the new Perl? If this works you
 could convert it to some other format (e.g. Data::Dumper), install the new
 storeable and put the session data back.

i did think about doing that.  that is where question #1 come in:

1)  the sessions keys for the new sessions are twice as long as the
old ones.  generally, this is a good thing, but i am concerned that
the old session data will not get read when the cookie is submitted.
will the old sessions get read and reused, read and new ones created,
totally ignored?

after i write down my 100k or so dumps, and bring them back into the new
sessions but still with the short session key, will Apache::Session readup the
key and use the session when the cookie is presented by the browser?  if
nobody knows the answer, i'll see if i can create a coiple of sessions and test
this theory.


Re: problems with sessions and upgrading

2002-10-02 Thread ___cliff rayman___

hi perrin,

yes, i did read the discussion with interest a few months
back regarding what should be stored in a session and
what in the back end database.  customer and order data
is properly stored in a secured back end system.  the cart
contains data that i want to keep for 30 days, such
as cart data, affiliate reference data and things of that

i have found the sessions to be simple, quick, convenient and
a reliable way to maintain this transient data.  the fact is,
the data is in there, and i need to migrate it to the new sessions.
i may redesign the system at a later time, but the buying
season is upon us, and reenginerring this part of the system
is not in the current plans.



 Frankly, this all begs the question of why you are putting important
 long-term data in Apache::Session.  That isn't what it's for.  You should
 only have transient data in there.
 I don't think you'll find any clear upgrade path that maintains the data,
 so you either hav to write your own data migration script or not upgrade

problems with sessions and upgrading

2002-09-30 Thread ___cliff rayman___

OLD STUFF:  redhat 5.2,  2.0.36 kernel, 1.3.6 apache, 1.21 mod_perl,
perl 5.005_02, apache session 1.04 and a storable of 0.63, embperl 1.2.b10,
file system sessions and locking data.

NEW STUFF: redhat 5.2, 2.0.36 kernel, 1.3.26 apache, 1.27 mod_perl,
perl 5.6.1, apache session 1.54, apache sessionX 2.00b3, storable of
2.05, embperl 1.3.4, file system sessions and locking data..

i am trying to update my server to the lastest and greatest from the
oldest and moldiest.  the data in my current file based session
system is very important to me, and i cannot just dump it and create
a new pristine session system.

i am having two separate problems.
1)  the sessions keys for the new sessions are twice as long as the
old ones.  generally, this is a good thing, but i am concerned that
the old session data will not get read when the cookie is submitted.
will the old sessions get read and reused, read and new ones created,
totally ignored?  obviously i would test this, but can't because of problem #2.

2) i cannot read the old session data with the new session modules.
when i try to read them by doing:

/usr/local/httpd/perl561/bin/perl -e 'use Storable qw(thaw); use Data::Dumper;
open(FIL,/u3/sessions/01aef30dddbf0747) || die file; undef $/; my $frozen=FIL; 
$thawed=thaw($frozen); print Dumper \$thawed;'

yields the following error message:

  Storable binary image v56.115 more recent than I am (v2.5) at 
(autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 364, FIL chunk 1, at -e line 1

i already tried googling and posting to perl5-porters.  i did not find help in either

if anyone has a clue on this i would appreciate it.  below are dumps of  perl -V as 
as a dump of the initial part of the session data.

thanks in advance!


- snip -
# perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 2) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.0.36, archname=i686-linux
uname='linux 2.0.36 #1 mon dec 7 03:44:15 pst 1998 i686 unknown '
hint=previous, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2', gccversion=
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Nov 16 1999 11:24:18

- snip -

# /usr/local/httpd/perl561/bin/perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.0.36, archname=i686-linux
uname='linux 2.0.36 #1 mon dec 7 03:44:15 pst 1998 i686 unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef usemultiplicity=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags =' -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
ccversion='', gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=4
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt -lutil
perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt -lutil
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Sep 18 2002 22:25:33

Re: mod_perl on Mac OSX

2002-08-14 Thread ___cliff rayman___

the site has all the answers.
the guide is on line.
your answer is here:

Pierre Vaudrey wrote:


 I'm new to the list .
 I'm trying to configure mod_perl on the built-in Apache server of my Mac
 OSX machine.
 I'm working on the httpd.conf file.
 Can you give me simple test to check if mod_perl is running ?



Re: Weird problem with cookies on Netscape with apache running a virtualhost

2002-07-12 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Chris Pizzo wrote:


should this second one be?

i didn't get a chance to try it, but it should be easy to try.


 This only sets one of the cookies ($c).  How do I set multiple cookies?


Re: Setting Cookies

2002-06-13 Thread ___cliff rayman___

ok - here is something ugly - off the top of my head.
when a user submits without a cookie, or a cookie that
u do not recognize:
1) Set-Cookie for the proper domain (i.e.
2) redirect them to the requested page, but with a fully qualified host/domain

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

 Hello folks,
 Yesterday I posted a question about PerlTransHandler and received a lot
 of responses. Thanks to all of you who replied. However, my problem
 persists. I try to be more precise in explaining the problem today.
 My login module sets a few cookies that expire 24 hrs after they are
 set. Upon each request the validity of the cookies is checked, and in
 case of an expired cookie, the user is redirected to the login page to
 resubmit username/password again. A request with a fully qualified URL,
 example:, has no problem
 continuing. The cookies are set. However, in case the URL has the stripped, the login page is regenerated indefinitely. The
 cookies never get set.
 There were a few suggestions, such as using mod_rewrite, however that is
 out of the question because mod_rewrite was not built with our http
 server. My PerlTransHandler does not seem to be able to distinguish request with myserver/someLocation.
 I appreciate any suggestions on this.


Re: mod_perl netscape problem

2002-06-03 Thread ___cliff rayman___

there is a bug in the proxy server for apache_1.3.24.
i am not familiar with mandrake, but hopefully they have
an upgrade.  if not, you will need to rebuild from source
rpms and apply this patch.

Iyengar Yoga Resources wrote:


 I have the following problem with my mod_perl setup (apache 1.3.24 server
 + proxied mod_perl server 1.26, more or less standard Mandrake 8.2):

 Pages that go through the mod_perl server have 'strange' strings at the
 top and the bottom, when you view them with Netscape 4.x (any OS, it
 seems). Also, the page does not stop loading. This does not happen with
 other browsers (Mozilla 1RC2, IE 5, Opera 6). An example can be found at

 Does anyone know what cause of this could be? My apologies if this has
 been asked before, I searched the archives, but didn't find anything.


Re: Zero response, proxy error

2002-04-10 Thread ___cliff rayman___

 BTW We wanted to use same apache for testing beta site along with the live
 one. The perl modules used have the same name but are for different virt.
 hosts, have different locations and different content and the
 errors (getting content from beta modules when asking for live site) are
 probably because of that.

 We'll try putting two apache binaries to be able to
 test it.

yes.  this is a well documented feature of mod_perl.  it is a feature in most
circumstances, except for the times you want it not to work that way.  ;-)

you can use the same object code with a separate config file ( just change
the listen/port directives, and any directories if necessary ).  this second
instance will have its own perl interpreter and namespace.  start like:
httpd -c httpd_beta.conf


Re: Thanks and GoodBye

2002-04-08 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i have a set of detailed plans that allows for a
mod_ssl front end with mutliple backends, of
which i have built mod_perl and mod_php. this
version works in a virtualhost environment (i did
not setup the php for virtualhost, but that is trivial).

it has not yet been tested in a heavy production
environment, but it should build just fine, and it will
work great for testing and learning.  i think it will work
better on 1.3.24 (because of better proxy buffering
and releasing), but there was a bug in that
release, and the patch came out after i reverted
to 1.3.23.  let me know if you'd like a copy.


John Kolvereid wrote:

 Hi Perrin,
 I might try it later.  Actually, I am a programmer
 and I would very much like to take advantage of the
 features that mod_perl offer.  If all fails I'll drop
 back to CGI, JSP and PHP.  Thanks.

John Kolvereid
 --- Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Kolvereid wrote:
  Thanks for all your help, but I am NOT able to
   install mod_perl.  It's probably something that is
   installed on my particular server - I'll never
  I suspect you were just trying to do too much at
  once on your first try
  by throwing PHP and SSL in the mix.  I suggest you
  look at SpeedyCGI
  (, which offers
  similar speedups for CGI
  scripts but does not require you to recompile
  Apache.  It doesn't have
  the same feature set as mod_perl, but all you wanted
  to do was speed up
  your existing CGI scripts anyway.
  - Perrin

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax


proxy front to modperl back with 1.3.24

2002-04-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i had trouble using a proxy front end to both
a mod_perl and mod_php back end servers.

this works fine for me at 1.3.23, so I reverted
back to it.  i copied the httpd.conf files
from the 1.3.24 to my downgraded 1.3.23
and everything worked correctly on the first

i was getting garbage characters before the first
html or doctype tag, and a 0 character at
the end.  also, there was a delay before the
connection would close.  i tried turning keep
alives off and on in the back end server,
but i did not note a change in behavior
i also tried some different buffer directives,
including the new ProxyIOBufferSize.

these garbage characters and delays were
not present serving static content from the
front end server, or when directly requesting
content directly from either of the back end

i know they've made some mods to the
proxy module, including support for HTTP/1.1,
but i did not have time to research the exact
cause of the problem.

just a word of warning before someone
spends hours in frustration, or perhaps
someone can give me a tip if they've
solved this problem.


Re: proxy front to modperl back with 1.3.24

2002-04-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Thomas Eibner wrote:

 There are some few messages concerning the problem a while ago either on
 this list or the dev@httpd list.

thanks - it must have been a bad googling day yesterday since i did not come
up with this info.

 Can't really remember if they have fixed it in CVS already.

i'll wait till 1.3.25 which will probably be coming out sooner than
expected.  ;-)


Re: AddModule mod_perl.c

2002-03-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 (Anyone know if mod_ssl somehow forces you to use DSO?)

it doesn't force you to use DSO.

i recently built a new server set-up using mod_proxy/mod_ssl
on the front end, and two different back ends, one with mod_perl,
and the other with mod_php.  the server is set-up to handle virtual
hosts on the front-end and on the mod_perl back end.  i could
have easily added virtual hosting for the mod_php backend,
but i am only running some canned software for intranet use,
so it was unnecessary.

i did this for a few reasons:
1 ) i don't have to recompile everything if there is a bug found in any
of the independent modules ( but i have to recompile everything to upgrade
apache.  :-(  )
2) i think the overall memory footprint will be smaller.
3) each of the separate servers is simpler and therefore less error prone.
4) i get the standard advantages when using a proxy in front of mod_perl.

i have done some initial testing without any problems.  i need to some more
stress testing and then put it in production before fully recommending this
set-up to others.


Re: How to get two perl namespaces in apache

2002-03-26 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Thomas K. Burkholder wrote:

 run them in two different environments - I don't think running them on
 two different virtual servers is going to do it, right?  Doesn't apache
 just start one perl runtime?  Please tell me if I'm mistaken about

there is only one interpreter, so running a module with the same name
on two different virtual servers is not going to work.

 So, I guess I'm wondering if there's an easy way to have two completely
 separate apache configurations running on the same machine (listening on
 different ports obviously).

sure. just leave the regular config file, then build something like:

change both the Listen and Port directives to an alternate port, and then
start with:
httpd -c httpd_dev.conf

i haven't tried this exact scenario myself, but it should work without a problem.


Re: [OT-ish] Session refresh philosophy

2002-02-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Rob Nagler wrote:

  Looking at CGI::EncryptForm that Perrin mentioned, it appears that that
  module would address this concern by storing client-side in a single
  encrypted string that gets put in one hidden form variable. That also
  avoids having to verify more than once.

 It is always good to validate the data even if it was encrypted.  It
 is also generally a good idea not to give the user any secrets, even
 if they are encrypted.  In other words, avoid trusting the user.

  No, this just means that input must be validated once again when the
  last «really, really sure ?» button is depressed. Conceptually, this
  divides the pages of your site into two categories (not unlike the
  view vs. controller distinction in Model-View-Controller paradigm for
  GUIs): those that just interact with the user and do the navigation,
  and those that actually have side effects such as writing data into your
  database, sending e-mails, placing orders etc.

 It is MVC.  However, instead of thinking of pages, I like to think in
 terms of tasks.  The same task that renders the form also validates
 and executes it. In the case of execution, the result is a redirect
 described by the site's state machine.  A form in our world has four
 states: execute_empty (fill in defaults), execute_ok, execute_other
 (e.g., cancel or sub form), and execute_unwind (coming back from a sub
 form).  All of these paths go through the same task.

please take this as interested and not critical.  i was viewing the source:

and i noticed these lines:

- snip 
cellpadding = 2,
cellspacing = 2,
- snip -

this looks like the presentation layer peeking through.

the petshop site is obviously a demo, and therefore does not have the polished look of
a professional site, which is very understandable.  what i wonder is, could a 
web design team make a polished website without involving the programmers?  what
happens when a cell padding of 3 is more desirable for the design?  it seems to me,
that in all of the technologies i have looked at thus far, that attempt to separate the
layer from the model/view, the precision and flexibility needed to graphically 
to the user is more difficult that the standard pagedesign approaches (dreamweaver and 
a little
embperl or other embedded language thrown into the mix) .  phrased another way,
how does bivio or other mvc technology, let web artists design sites as beautiful as or the even more beautiful (cheap 


Re: [OT] Really need Comments! very strange bug that happens only on Linux.

2002-02-19 Thread ___cliff rayman___

yes - this is VERY off topic for a mod_perl mailing list.

remember, computers are binary machines.  your 323.82
was not stored like you might think.  the computer approximated
using binary math.  when you scaled it four places to the left,
you saw the results of the approximation.  FreeBSD appears
more accurate on this particular calculation, but it might
be less so with different input.

check out one of the Math:: packages on CPAN,
you should be able to find something that will give you the
accuracy required for your application.

Vlad Safronov wrote:

 While testing my perl scripts I found a strange bug that happens only on
 Linux (RH 6.2, 7.0),
 See the code below. Before your read the all text, tell me what's the Buffer
 3238200? The answer is NO! Try this example on your Linux box

 SOURCE test.c:
 #include stdio.h
 #include stdlib.h

 main () {
 double Sum, ResultSum;
 ResultSum = 1;
 Sum = 323.82;
 char *Buffer = new char[255];
 sprintf(Buffer, %d, (long)(Sum * ResultSum));
 printf(Buffer = [%s], Sum = %.4f, Sum * Result = %.4f\n, Buffer, Sum, (Sum
 * ResultSum));

 return 0;

 now compile on Linux RedHat 6.2 with gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
 $ g++ test.c
 $ ./a.out
 Buffer = [3238199], Sum = 323.8200, Sum * Result = 3238200.

 the Buffer value is very strange! I have no ideas how Buffer can be 3238199!
 FreeBSD (old 3.x) works well and Buffer=3238200 as it should be, but on
 Linux 6.2, 7.0 it is 3238199..


Re: modperl growth

2002-02-04 Thread ___cliff rayman___

one more guess - in the group of guesses. ;-)

perhaps redhat or another popular distro is
configuring standard with mod_perl (i use
redhat, but i always hand select my packages).
if this is the case, then the banner will show mod_perl,
even if the user has no idea what it is, and it
is not in use.  the good news is, there is lots
of mod_perl installed out there, so if more applications
are created that use it, there is a bigger installed base
capable of running them.


Robin Berjon wrote:

 For some reason, in December, it would seem that modperl just jumped ahead in
 market share (from 13% to nearly 20%). So given that people here are
 occasionally given to gloom and doom descriptions of the Perl/mod_perl world
 (there aren't as many people as before, the Java folks are taking over,
 etc.) I'd like to take this growth as well as modperl's general well doing
 (19.78% is a *huge* amount of people -- 600.000 servers, a fifth of the
 internet) as a very good sign that modperl is alive, kicking, and doing very
 well. Kudos to all ;-)


Re: mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

2002-01-31 Thread ___cliff rayman___

ordered my today through the website (puts a little extra money
in the hands of mod_perlers:


Matt Sergeant wrote:

 My copy just arrived! I'll try and get through most of it as fast as I can
 and post a review.

 Congrats Geoff, Paul and Randy. Looks great at first glance.

 !-- Matt --
 :-Get a smart net/:-


New mod_perl name was [Re: New mod_perl Logo]

2002-01-29 Thread ___cliff rayman___

how about Everest?  Niagara? Multiphase? Slipstream?
DigiServer? Pointillion? Web Mammoth? SharpWeb?
Web Enterprise?  EnterWeb?

Ged Haywood wrote:

 Hi there,

 On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Chris Thompson wrote:

  mod_perl is a lousy name.
  mod_perl needs a name. Something marketable, something catchy.

 How about BigFoot?



Re: failed to load!.

2002-01-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

first off, that looks like a spanking brand new version
of apache but an older version of mod_perl.  you will
probaby be happier with mod_perl-1.26

what happens when you try the following from the command line?
perl -MApache -e 1

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

 After installing mod_perl-1.25  apache_1.3.22 I get this error message!
 I know this is a really serious error, but I was wondering if any one
 could tell me why I would get this since the installation of both
 mod_perl and apache went through without a problem?!


Re: How to handle die

2002-01-19 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Mithun Bhattacharya wrote:

 Before anyone suggests it - no I cant move to EmbPerl or Mason or
 anything else.


 ePerl can be found as Apache::ePerl on cpan or . I wouldnt know if Engelschall is
 on this list but if he is - feedback would be highly appreciated :).
 Also I wonder whether it has been abandoned or renamed since nothing has
 changed since 02-08-1998 (8th Feb ??). The latest version isnt on CPAN

his new project is wml:
it has an eperl component.  not sure if it will run old ePerl code
however.  there is a mailing list at:


To subscribe to this Majordomo-controlled mailing list, just send an E-mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with only

   subscribe sw-wml [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: META tags added as HTTP headers

2002-01-18 Thread ___cliff rayman___

hmmm - you are still using lwp.

here is a 1.0 protocol result via telnet:
[root@w7 /root]# telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:37:03 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.28 (Unix)
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 5615
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

and a 1.1 version:
[root@w7 /root]# telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:40:12 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.28 (Unix)
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Expires: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 00:40:12 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 7810
Content-Type: text/html

p.s. my hand entry of the 1.1 protocol is experimental.  ;-))

Bill Moseley wrote:

 At 01:20 AM 01/19/02 +0100, Markus Wichitill wrote:
 which part of an Apache/mod_perl setup is responsible for extracting META
 tags from generated HTML and adding them as HTTP headers (even with
 PerlSendHeaders Off)?

 That's lwp doing that, not Apache or mod_perl.

 200 OK
 Cache-Control: max-age=86400
 Connection: close
 Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:27:10 GMT
 Accept-Ranges: bytes
 Server: Apache/2.0.28 (Unix)
 Content-Length: 7810
 Content-Type: text/html
 Expires: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 00:27:10 GMT
 Client-Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:27:17 GMT
 Client-Request-Num: 1
 Client-Warning: LWP HTTP/1.1 support is experimental

 Bill Moseley


Re: mod-perl, modules and initializations

2002-01-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

the guide is your friend:

Dave Morgan wrote:

 What is the difference between how a BEGIN block and an anonymous block

 Another problem is when I try to build a SELECT HTML element with a
 call to
 the CGI module. In my anonymous block all of a sudden the HTML form
 are no longer available with the CGI::param call.  Yet I can build the
 select  element later in the cgi scripts using the same variables
 without a problem.

the above is not clear.

 In a simpler line, should I have a use DBI() in as well as
 PerlModule Apache::DBI in httpd.conf?

you really only need one or the other.  not sure if one is preferable with

 I will summarize and post responses.

not necessary.  as you can see, the guide is a professional job
of summarizing these types of questions.  i think you'll find it invaluable.
there is also a book by the author of mod_perl:

if you want to do any serious mod_perl programming, you probably should read
through both.


Re: Need Some Help

2002-01-04 Thread ___cliff rayman___

here is the learning guide and the bible.

Learning Perl

Programming Perl

make sure you get third editions for both!

here are relevant sources on the web:


good luck!!

N.K.Mukul wrote:

 Dear Mr. Vivek,
I am a beginner of PERL. I want to know from where I can start, please
 kindly suggest me. I am a Computer engineer but I am in Networking Field now
 I want to start Web page designing. I am able to design Static Page but not
 able make a dynamic page so that I  start Learning Perl.


Re: require -- Mason vs embperl

2001-12-19 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Lihn, Horng-Twu wrote:

 This helps. But if I have to do this in very page,
 isn't this post a serious problem to the memory consumption?
 Or not?

in what way? - u either need the code, or u don't.  if u don't need
all of it, split it into smaller pieces.


 Maybe I'm missing something, because this seems simple.
 [- require; -]
 will load it everytime the page is loaded
 [! require; !]
 will load it once the first time the page is loaded.

 I use libraries from within Embperl all the time, I don't believe in
 putting full code definitions in front of the designers.


Re: [OT] Re: Multiple Sites

2001-12-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

 (Though, it's always seemed to me that it might be a decent
 design to have *one* vhost dedicated to accepting payments

 for the other vhosts... so when the user is ready to close
 the deal they get kicked to where
 they're asked for the credit card info to finish

i have seen it done this way before.  just got to make sure you
can identify the client since you will not get back a cookie for
your vhost.  you will probably have to reset the cookie for the
domain of your isp, or pass as hidden data, or in the url.


Re: too many files open

2001-12-03 Thread ___cliff rayman___

are you sure the new system's OS has a large enough
open files parameter?

on linux this could be modified by the parameters

it am sure it is different on bsd, solaris etc..

John Michael wrote:

 I use the perl sub below to create thumbs with image magick on my mod perl server and
 never really had any problems with it.  I put it on another server and after
 a short while it froze up the server with this error.
 too many files open.


OT: Re: Perl and Microsoft Excel?

2001-11-29 Thread ___cliff rayman___

fyi - this is off topic since it does not have anything to do with
mod_perl in particular.  you should really ask on:

or one of the other newsgroups:

or on this helpful website:

when you ask a question like are there any modules, think

one of the best things about perl, is this site and the well organized
set of modules that exist on it.

a simple search for 'excel' brought up this likely candidate for your use:

good luck and enjoy perl!

Ian wrote:

 The campus phone system has a 911 database that is in Microsoft Excel
 format, and they want to be able to take that information, and show
 it on a webpage, either via a search form, or in one big table.  The
 problem is, they want to do it dynamically...the web server needs to
 yank it down from a samba share (or ftp), parse it, show it, and

 I'm really **really** new at anything perl I haven't the
 foggiest clue as to where I should start.

 I've finally gotten Apache/Mod Perl/Mod SSL installed, and working
 properly.  Are there any modules for pulling information from an
 excel sheet?  How about modules that keep the overworked admin from


Re: eval error

2001-11-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

verify that Apache/ has a true value
at the end of the module.  usually this looks just like
this at the end:


if not, then u can add it if this is an in house module.
if not, find out what gives from the module author.

David wrote:

 Hello, I am getting this error message. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to get 
rid of it. (or if I need to worry about it) [Wed Nov  7 18:52:40 2001] [error] [Wed 
Nov  7 18:52:40 2001] Apache/ did not return atrue value at 
(eval 146) line 3.Config:[Wed Nov  7 18:52:33 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)  
(Red Hat/Linux) PHP/3.0.15 mod_perl/1.21 configured --resuming normal operations Perl 
version 5.005_03 built for i386-linuxThanks


OT: Re: cgi to mod_perl question

2001-10-16 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Brice D Ruth wrote:

   What is the difference between doing the following:

 close( $server );

functional interface.  flush and close the file handle for this instance
of the program.


object interface - same as above.


object interface.  cause the connection to close at the tcp/ip level.
any other application instance also using this socket will no longer
be able to read/write from it.


OT: Re: cgi to mod_perl question

2001-10-16 Thread ___cliff rayman___

hi brice,
because this particular question is one of basic perl,
and not mod_perl.  this just alerts all mod_perl readers
that they can safely skip this particular question/answer
and not miss any relevant mod_perl content.

u sound upset - no reason to be - u got the answer u were
looking for.

Brice D Ruth wrote:

 Why OT?  I have a script that works under IIS/5 using CGI Perl that doesn't work 
under Apache with mod_perl - I'd say that's on-topic for this list!


 ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

 Brice D Ruth wrote:

What is the difference between doing the following:
  close( $server );
 functional interface.  flush and close the file handle for this instance
 of the program.

 object interface - same as above.

 object interface.  cause the connection to close at the tcp/ip level.
 any other application instance also using this socket will no longer
 be able to read/write from it.


 WebProjkt, Inc.
 VP, Director of Internet Technology


Re: [patch] overriding per directory PerlSetEnv (including bugreport)

2001-10-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

much more well understood this time.  thank you.

the developers monitor this list - so if your patch has merit,
i'm sure they will either commit it or something similar.

YAMAMOTO Kengo wrote:

 Thank you responding.

 On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 13:48:19 -0400,
 Robert Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Couldn't you do the same thing by reversing the ordering of your
  Directory entries...

 On Thu, 04 Oct 2001 10:43:31 -0700,
 ___cliff rayman___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i don't think it is supposed to work this way according to the
  apache documentation.  if you want the most specific (longest) one
  to take precedence, put it before the shorter one in the config file.

 Rewriting config file so takes no effect (had tested) because
 Apache reorders Directory section config with most specific to
 least specific order (by ap_core_reorder_directories()) precede
 merging these configs by directory_walk().

 It seems that I had explained my intention not enough in last
 mail. I had written the patch to solve following problem.

 (1) Since perl_merge_dir_config() uses ap_overlay_tables() to
 merge PerlSetEnv variables, overridden variables remains in
 the table as association list elements (internal
 representation of Apache's table).

 (2) The table remains precedences and consistency kept while
 manipulated by Apache's standard table APIs
 (e.g. ap_table_get()).

 (3) Although (2), mod_perl scans through internal structure of
 the table directly as association list to dumps variables
 into %ENV by mod_perl_dir_env(). This causes precedence
 reversed on dumped %ENV variables because the list elements
 is ordered by descending precedence.

 Above process results that PerlSetEnv always activates least
 specific Directory section value. It's a real bug.

 My patch modifies (3) by reverses iterating direction on dump.
 I would like the patch to be tested by someone else and included
 in the mod_perl distribution. Please help!

  YAMAMOTO Kengo wrote:
   I think that per directory PerlSetEnv variable should be
   overridden by the value that in the most specific(longest)
   Directory section.
   http://localhost/cgi-bin/subdir/printenv with following config
   will generate VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir, but
   generated result is VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.
 Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
   PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
 Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir
   PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir



Re: [patch] overriding per directory PerlSetEnv

2001-10-04 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i don't think it is supposed to work this way according to the
apache documentation.  if you want the most specific (longest) one
to take precedence, put it before the shorter one in the config file.

the relevant documenation is here:

YAMAMOTO Kengo wrote:

 I think that per directory PerlSetEnv variable should be
 overridden by the value that in the most specific(longest)
 Directory section.

 http://localhost/cgi-bin/subdir/printenv with following config
 will generate VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir, but
 generated result is VAR=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.

   Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
 PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin

   Directory /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir
 PerlSetEnv VAR /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/subdir


Re: Problem with Content-Type

2001-09-25 Thread ___cliff rayman___

add the line shown write above your Files section.  you have to
tell the browser the mime-type.  apache will do this for you, as long
as you add the proper directive to do so.

Matt Juszczak wrote:

 Hello all,

 I recently compiled ModPerl into Apache and added the following to my

AddType text/html .pl

 Files *.pl
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options ExecCGI

 Modperl itself is working wonderfully...but there's one problem
 ever since i installed it and began using it,
 Content-Type: text/html
 prints at the beginning of all my scripts.  The scripts work fine, but for
 some reason, instead of the content-type being interpreted by the browser,
 it prints to the screen.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] sponsors mod_perl development

2001-09-24 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i am not sure what they are using mod_perl for.  i was there trying
to buy tickets to the britney spears concert (for my daughter) and
the servers appeared to be windowsNT.  what a nightmere. hopefully
stas will be able to improve their software as well as mod_perl 2.0

Daniel wrote:

 Wow, good for you Stas, and I'd like to say thanks for staying in the
 trenches as a mod_perl advocate. Also three cheers to the folks at I'll be buying there.

 Daniel Bohling
 NewsFactor Network


Re: Calling mod_perl handler from .htaccess file

2001-09-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

perhaps you can try:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser)

also, checkout the guide:

especially the section:
Using Apache::FakeRequest to Debug Apache Perl Modules

which may be helpful in this case.

Chris Brooks wrote:

 Good morning all,

 I recently began to host a website with the hosting company
 On the good side, they run Apache / mod_perl and they only cost $10 /
 month.  On the bad side, they don't _support_ mod_perl, and they don't
 allow access to the error_logs.  The upshot is that I have been unable


Re: memory leaking with closures

2001-09-06 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Alex Krohn wrote:


 With this simple test script:

 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 my $var = 'x' x 50;

our $var = 'x' x 50;

 my $sub = sub { my $sub2 = sub { $var; }; };
 print Done\n;

 $var does not get freed, and the process grows each request. Has anyone
 seen this sort of behavior and have any ideas/workarounds (besides don't

yes.  this is the documented behavior for closures.  the anonymous sub must
have it's own copy of $var which happens to be 500k plus perl overhead on each

 do that).




Re: PerlModule Error

2001-08-23 Thread ___cliff rayman___

and what do the error logs say?

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

 I know this question will sound primitive to most of you, however, I
 have this nagging error which won't go away.
 In my httpsd.conf, I have declared PerlModule
 MY::Perl::Control::WebAccess which I know is where it is supposed to
 be. My @INC does not include the path to that directory, however, in my I have that directory as my
 use lib qw(...);. I have tried declaring:
 use MY::Perl::Control::WebAccess; in my, with the same
 result: apache won't start.
 I mean what's up? I have another module sitting next to my
 MY::Perl::Control::WebAccess and in my I have:
 use MY::Perl::Control::Cookie_Check; and all is fine and dandy...
 apache runs without a hitch. I tried perl5lib (all capital) in my
 .cshrc, again nothing. Now I come to you learned people in the hope of
 salvation... Any ideas people?


Re: URI::URL - problem

2001-08-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i got this to work.  my method is ugly.  i noticed everywhere that
URI::URL  was being used in mod_perl and embperl, LWP::UserAgent
was being used.

also, i found this is the LWP (libwww-perl-5.5395) release notes:

HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response will by default now use URI class,
instead of URI::URL, when constructing its URI objects.  This
has a potential for breaking existing code as URI::URL objects had
some extra methods that external code might depend upon.

so - i performed this patch in (perlsitelib)/(perlversion)/LWP:
---   Thu Aug  2 14:12:56 2001
+++ UserAgent.pmTue Aug 21 12:09:24 2001
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

 package LWP::UserAgent;
 use strict;
+use URI::URL; # make mod_perl and others happy
 =head1 NAME

 LWP::UserAgent - A WWW UserAgent class

looks like the next version of mod_perl and embperl will need
to be patched:
'use URI::URL'

in all places where its objects are created and
it's methods are being called.

hope this helps,

___cliff rayman___ wrote:

 this is not a good fix.  i went to build embperl, and got
 the same URI::URL warnings when it attempted to test
 with mod_perl.  embperl also expects to be able to call
 'new URI::URL' without a previous use/require in the code.

 i did test to make sure my URI::URL was installed properly
 perl -MURI::URL -e 'print $URI::URL::VERSION\n'
 which returns 5.02.

 This is perl, v5.6.1 built for i686-linux
 Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

 i'll have to do some more looking tomorrow.

 ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

  i had the same problem - i was able to fix it by performing
  the following patches.  not sure how it is supposed to work
  without the patches. so, either something is wrong with our
  two configurations or something is wrong with 1.26.  usually
  i'd believe the former, but 1.26 has only been out for 2 weeks
  or so.
  --- ./t/internal/hooks.t.orig   Wed Jan 20 15:16:38 1999
  +++ ./t/internal/hooks.tMon Aug 20 20:52:03 2001
  @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
   use ExtUtils::testlib;
   BEGIN { require net/; }
   require LWP::UserAgent;
  +use URI::URL;
   #first one queries httpd for enabled hooks,
   #generating a hook::handler() for each and writing t/docs/.htaccess
  --- ./t/TEST.orig   Sun Mar  5 15:36:08 2000
  +++ ./t/TESTMon Aug 20 20:56:20 2001
  @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   use Config;
  +use URI::URL;
   # First we check if we already are within the t directory
   if (-d t) {
   # try to move into test directory
  [root@u5 mod_perl-1.26]# diff -u ./blib/lib/Apache/ 
  --- ./blib/lib/Apache/  Wed Feb 14 14:57:08 2001
  +++ ./blib/lib/Apache/   Mon Aug 20 20:49:06 2001
  @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
   use Exporter ();
   use Config;
   use FileHandle ();
  +use URI::URL;
   *import = \Exporter::import;
   @EXPORT = qw(test fetch simple_fetch have_module skip_test
  allan wrote:
   running make test i cannot come aroubf this annoying message:
   will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
   letting apache warm up...\c
   /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
   Can't locate object method new via package URI::URL at
   ../blib/lib/Apache/ line 252.
   make: *** [run_tests] Error 255
  ___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: mod_perl install for win32

2001-08-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Jeremy Howard wrote:

 Steven Sajous wrote:
  From: Jeremy Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Steven Sajous wrote:
   referring to nmake with VC++
   It comes with it? I don't see it
   Yes it does. Run the batch file Robert mentioned and it'll work from
   command line. You can also download it from:
   PS: Please add your message _after_ quoting the previous message,
   otherwise you get a confusing set of quotations as you see here.
  Thanks :-)
  I used nmake but after going for a little while I get there this error
  'cl' is not recognized as an internal command operable program or batch
 cl.exe is the compiler that comes with VC++. It sounds like you haven't run
 the .bat file that Robert pointed you too yet. Running that batch script
 allows you to use VC++ tools from the command line. If you have VC++, you
 definitely have cl.exe, since otherwise you wouldn't be able to compile
 anything through the IDE!

i have not run VC++ for years, but my recollection is that you need to run
that batch file everytime you open a new DOS window in order to set
up the environment correctly.


Re: URI::URL - problem

2001-08-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i had the same problem - i was able to fix it by performing
the following patches.  not sure how it is supposed to work
without the patches. so, either something is wrong with our
two configurations or something is wrong with 1.26.  usually
i'd believe the former, but 1.26 has only been out for 2 weeks
or so.
--- ./t/internal/hooks.t.orig   Wed Jan 20 15:16:38 1999
+++ ./t/internal/hooks.tMon Aug 20 20:52:03 2001
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 use ExtUtils::testlib;
 BEGIN { require net/; }
 require LWP::UserAgent;
+use URI::URL;

 #first one queries httpd for enabled hooks,
 #generating a hook::handler() for each and writing t/docs/.htaccess

--- ./t/TEST.orig   Sun Mar  5 15:36:08 2000
+++ ./t/TESTMon Aug 20 20:56:20 2001
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

 use Config;
+use URI::URL;
 # First we check if we already are within the t directory
 if (-d t) {
 # try to move into test directory

[root@u5 mod_perl-1.26]# diff -u ./blib/lib/Apache/ 
--- ./blib/lib/Apache/  Wed Feb 14 14:57:08 2001
+++ ./blib/lib/Apache/   Mon Aug 20 20:49:06 2001
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 use Exporter ();
 use Config;
 use FileHandle ();
+use URI::URL;
 *import = \Exporter::import;

 @EXPORT = qw(test fetch simple_fetch have_module skip_test

allan wrote:

 running make test i cannot come aroubf this annoying message:

 will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
 letting apache warm up...\c
 /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
 Can't locate object method new via package URI::URL at
 ../blib/lib/Apache/ line 252.
 make: *** [run_tests] Error 255


Re: URI::URL - problem

2001-08-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

this is not a good fix.  i went to build embperl, and got
the same URI::URL warnings when it attempted to test
with mod_perl.  embperl also expects to be able to call
'new URI::URL' without a previous use/require in the code.

i did test to make sure my URI::URL was installed properly
perl -MURI::URL -e 'print $URI::URL::VERSION\n'
which returns 5.02.

This is perl, v5.6.1 built for i686-linux
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

i'll have to do some more looking tomorrow.

___cliff rayman___ wrote:

 i had the same problem - i was able to fix it by performing
 the following patches.  not sure how it is supposed to work
 without the patches. so, either something is wrong with our
 two configurations or something is wrong with 1.26.  usually
 i'd believe the former, but 1.26 has only been out for 2 weeks
 or so.
 --- ./t/internal/hooks.t.orig   Wed Jan 20 15:16:38 1999
 +++ ./t/internal/hooks.tMon Aug 20 20:52:03 2001
 @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
  use ExtUtils::testlib;
  BEGIN { require net/; }
  require LWP::UserAgent;
 +use URI::URL;

  #first one queries httpd for enabled hooks,
  #generating a hook::handler() for each and writing t/docs/.htaccess

 --- ./t/TEST.orig   Sun Mar  5 15:36:08 2000
 +++ ./t/TESTMon Aug 20 20:56:20 2001
 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

  use Config;
 +use URI::URL;
  # First we check if we already are within the t directory
  if (-d t) {
  # try to move into test directory

 [root@u5 mod_perl-1.26]# diff -u ./blib/lib/Apache/ 
 --- ./blib/lib/Apache/  Wed Feb 14 14:57:08 2001
 +++ ./blib/lib/Apache/   Mon Aug 20 20:49:06 2001
 @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
  use Exporter ();
  use Config;
  use FileHandle ();
 +use URI::URL;
  *import = \Exporter::import;

  @EXPORT = qw(test fetch simple_fetch have_module skip_test

 allan wrote:

  running make test i cannot come aroubf this annoying message:
  will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
  letting apache warm up...\c
  /usr/bin/perl t/TEST 0
  Can't locate object method new via package URI::URL at
  ../blib/lib/Apache/ line 252.
  make: *** [run_tests] Error 255



Re: 2 problems with mod_perl/Apache::DBI

2001-08-06 Thread ___cliff rayman___ cannot be run from the command line when it
contains apache server specific modules.

Jaye Mathisen wrote:

 uwb-02-chroot# uname -a
 FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE #0: Fri Aug  3 11:43:20 PDT 
 uwb-02-chroot# perl -v
 This is perl, v5.6.1 built for i386-freebsd

 uwb-02-chroot# cat /usr/local/etc/apache/

 use Apache;
 use Apache::Status;
 use Apache::DBI;
 use Apache::DBILogger;


 uwb-02-chroot# ./
 Can't locate object method module via package Apache (perhaps you forgot to load 
Apache?) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 202.
 Compilation failed in require at ./ line 5.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 5.

 So if I comment out the Apache-module(Apache::Status) temporarily, it runs from
 the command prompt.

 However, when run under Apache

 PerlRequire /usr/local/etc/apache/

 [Mon Aug  6 17:33:09 2001] [error] Can't load 
'/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-freebsd/auto/DBI/' for module DBI: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-freebsd/auto/DBI/ Undefined symbol 
PL_dowarn at
 Not sure what's up.


OT: Re: RewriteRule Proxy problems

2001-07-30 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Perrin Harkins wrote:

  In my lightweight httpd.conf, I have:
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.asp$1.asp [p]
  If I go to, it gets proxy'd
  But if I go to
  (that's the same URL, but with a query string added), then I get a 404
  Not Found error.

 Of course you do. Your regex ^/(.*)\.asp doesn't match that URL with the
 query string.
 - Perrin

seems like it does match.  it's monday, so maybe my internal pattern
matching engine needs some tweaking.  ;-)

the rewrite engine gets handed:

start from the beginning of the string and match the leading slash,
then match all following characters.  keep backing up till \.asp is
also matched.  i don't see how the query string makes any difference.
if he put an end of string '$' at the end of the pattern, then that would
change the matching and cause it to fail.


Re: Santitizing errors with mod_perl

2001-07-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

perhaps the escaping is not getting done
properly.  is there a '[' in $OK_CHARS?  can we
see what the definition of $OK_CHARS looks like?

also, for debugging - print the value of $OK_CHARS
on the line directly above the first substitution. this
will tell us if it is getting stepped on somewhere before
the first time the regex gets to use it.


John Buwa wrote:

  Hi there,
  On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, John Buwa wrote:
   $user =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]//go;
   $pass =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]//go;
   [error] Unmatched [ before HERE mark in regex m/[  HERE ^]/ at line 169.
  Hmmm.  Your code says s/// not m//.  Is this anywhere near line 169?
  Is it in the file

 Actually the $user =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]//go; is line 169 and the other is line
 170 and it resides in the file thats the part i didnt
 undestand myself?

   is there a change the way modperl uses regex expressions or?
  No.  mod_perl embeds the Perl interpreter into Apache.
  It's the same Perl interpreter you used before (unless you changed
  your Perl version at the same time as compiling mod_perl :).

 Thats what i was reading, and no its the same perl?

  Maybe you should try some debugging.  Perhaps print your variables to
  the error_log too.  Have a look at the debug section in the Guide.

 I can try, i dont know if that would shed any light on the above though it
 just dont make any since?


Re: UNSUBSCRIBE?????????????

2001-07-26 Thread ___cliff rayman___

turn on your mail headers. everything you need to
know is in there.  if you are not getting properly unsubscribed,
perhaps your email address in the netscape preferences is
not the same one as you subscribed as.  you should be
able to discern the correct e-mail address from the
Return-Path header.

OTR Comm wrote:

 I have tried and tried and tried to get unsubscribed from this list and
 it does not seem to happen.

 Anybody have any clues about how to do this?


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i'd still use a cookie to indentify the user.  why not include
the client id as part of the submission from the browser.  it
is easy to keep detailed data in the cookie separate for each client

Stuart Frew wrote:

  This is an even more pronounced problem with sessions IDs in
  URLs, though. With cookie based session tracking, the second
  browser window will send the same cookie that the first browser
  window received.

 And there lies the rub.

 The user is using the system to process client A. The cookie contains
 stateful information including the client ID.

 They then open an new browser window, and lookup client B, recieving a
 new session ID with new state information, including the client ID.

 The user then submits the form to the server.


Re: mod_perl and 700k files...

2001-05-09 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Morbus Iff wrote:

   Ahhh. Ok. What's this $SIG{'USR2'} thingy. What's that do?

 has changed. Am I supposed to do some checking against the file -M time
 myself, and then send a USR2 signal myself?

yes.  this method assumes that the administrator of apache has made
a change to a file and now wants to reload it.  this is how some unix
services work such as named and inetd.  you modify the config
files and send a kill -HUP to the daemon.  in this case you would do:
kill -USR2 `cat /path/to/apache/logs/`


Re: vhost and mod_perl

2001-05-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

check out this section in the guide:

Bird Lei wrote:

 I use vhost_alias_module to set up subdomains for different users.

 -- at my httpd.conf
 VirtualDocumentRoot /home/%-4/web

 And use Apache::Registry to run the *.cgi script.

 Script 1: /home/user1/web/index.cgi

 Script 2: /home/user2/web/index.cgi

 Sometimes the scripts got mixed up.  When accessing, the server gives me the script
 /home/user2/web/index.cgi instead.


OT: Re: glimmer of hope -- cookies: vs host.tld

2001-05-02 Thread ___cliff rayman___

u can also use the rewrite engine - for our domain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}^genwax\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.+)$1 [R,L]

notice that it also makes sure to convert any case such as: to


darren chamberlain wrote:

 will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 05/02/2001:
  Cookies are restricted to certain domains, for security reasons.
  (Why have a cookie sent to, right?)
  So all cookies need


 A similar thread happened a while ago (see, e.g.,
 Rusty Foster (of fame) explained his solution pretty well


Re: glimmer of hope -- cookies: vs host.tld

2001-05-02 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Rob Bloodgood wrote:

  Or at the very least, two segments thereof:
 --- lots of snippage ---
 you have it right at the top.
 assuming you are operating in org.tld, so and
 are valid boxes, then you send the domain string as .$domain.  This one
 cost me about a week, so don't feel too bad!

if someone enters our site with domain.tld (no hostname), everything works
fine as long as they keep using relative links.  as soon as they select or get
redirected to an absolute link (usually when changing schemes http = https),
then the domain of the cookie fails, and the cookie data is lost (as far as the
browser is concerned).  this problem is avoidable if u insure that a proper
hostname is used along with a domain.tld.  i do this with mod_rewrite. there
are probably many ways to do it, but the effect is the same, insure that the
cookie domain matches through the user's entire session.  someone suggested
using the apache directive canonical hostname.  my canonical hostname does not
always match the host and domain.tld of my server.  if it does, then this directive
will probably eliminate the no hostname cookie domain matching problem (a technical
term ;-) ).


Re: deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

1) 'our' is not deprecated.  it is new.  i know it was in
5.6.0, not sure if it was in earlier than that.  u can check
the CHANGES file to see exactly when it was added.

2) this is really a perl question, not a mod_perl question.  next time
try one of the following for perl related help:


"Alan E. Derhaag" wrote:

 I upgraded to v5.6.1 of perl and viewed the documentation for the
 Getopt::Std as I wasn't familiar with its use for command line
 arguments on a new install function I was building.  The docs indicate
 use of our( $opt_foo, $opt_bar ) should 'use strict vars' be in use.
 I wasn't familiar with this deprecated version of global variable
 definitions but I used it..  much to my chagrin when the install was
 actually performed on a perl v5.05003 equipped machine.

 How did an older version of Getopt::Std get installed with a later
 version of perl?

Re: Dynamic httpd.conf file using mod_perl...

2001-04-16 Thread ___cliff rayman___

checkout the following link:

the search engine at:

is your friend.


Brian wrote:

 It's all written, only problem is the mod_rewrite directives.  Any ideas on
 how to do them in a Perl directive?  Thanks in advance.

Re: Run away processes

2001-04-04 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think that it should be:
warn "\$class=$class can't \$UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD=$UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD!\n";

leads to less grepping and a quicker understanding of the problem.


Aaron Johnson wrote:

 So should the entry in the Guide be rewritten to:

my $class = shift;
warn "$class can't $UNIVERSAL::AUTOLOAD!\n";


Re: Getting MAC address

2001-03-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you can only get a MAC address for those machines which
are on your same subnet.  if you are using linux/unix try:

sorry - but there is no reliable way to identify machines across
the internet.  that is why there are 'cookies'.  intel tried to make
this possible by embedding a number into their chips, but us privacy
freaks had their heads.

John Whitnack wrote:

 Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl or
 javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a way to
 uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not ip address).

 John Whitnack

Re: Newbie Questions

2001-03-09 Thread ___cliff rayman___

julie wang wrote:

 replace that with if it is advise not to do so when using mod_perl??  The
 FAQ suggests using "goto" kind of statement.  I rather not use that.  What
 other alternatives do I have?  Thanks!

which FAQ suggested a goto statement?
if u are thinking that something like:
return REDIRECT;

is a return from subroutine statement that sends u to the REDIRECT label
somewhere, that is not the case.  return - exits u from the current sub and
the value after it is returned to the calling sub.  in this case REDIRECT is a


[OT] Re: wheris @INC defined ?

2001-03-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

which one of the variables would u change? sitelib and sitearch??


Paul Cotter wrote:

 To: "Henri Delebecque" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   "Henri" == Henri Delebecque [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Henri I'm a mod_perl newbie, trying to install it on an apache server
  Henri on a Digital-Unix platform.
  Henri I have succeded, with problems, to make a mod_perl lib.
  Henri Unfortunately, when I launch the apache server, it fails with
  Henri an error message telling that it can't locate in
  Henri More strangely, it says that @INC contains
  Henri when the apache dierctory is in fact /webmaster/apache_1.3.19
  Henri (the /webmaster/apache is the operationnal version of the

 You can alter these in in your lib directory.

Re: Forbidden access

2001-03-06 Thread ___cliff rayman___

"Wang, Pin-Chieh" wrote:


 I build Apache_1.3.14 with mod_perl-1.25 on RedHat Linux 7.0 with DSO.
 Initially both server-status and server-info works fine, but some how both
 of these pages denied my display request.(403 Forbidden )

 I have checked httpd.conf where I have
 Location /server-status
 SetHandler server-status
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all
 Allow frpm

can we assume this is actually:

Allow from

in your conf??

 In the log file it simply says denied by server.


Re: wheris @INC defined ?

2001-03-06 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i believe it is originally defined at compile time.
do a:
perl -V

and it will show you the compiled in perl lib locations..

you can place this at the top of your code b4 the other use directives:
use lib "/u/richm/QXZ-OSF/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/alpha-dec-osf.../webmaster/apache_1.3.19";

and it will add this to the library list for the runtime of the routine it is used in.

or u can try this (i haven't - so may the force be with u):
cd /u/richm/QXZ-OSF/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/alpha-dec-osf.../webmaster  ln -s apache 



Henri Delebecque wrote:


 I'm a mod_perl newbie, trying to install it on an apache server
 on a Digital-Unix platform.

 I have succeded, with problems, to make a mod_perl lib.
 Unfortunately, when I launch the apache server, it fails with
 an error message telling that it can't locate in @INC.
 More strangely, it says that @INC contains
 when the apache dierctory is in fact /webmaster/apache_1.3.19
 (the /webmaster/apache is the operationnal version of the server)

 I think that something has not been set during the make phase.
 any hints ?

Re: apache question...

2001-02-28 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i would use mod_rewrite, but, since this is a mod_perl forum,
i have to suggest that u write a mod_perl transhandler that does
a redirect.


Joseph Crotty wrote:

 I am set up on apache_1.3.14/mod_perl currently, however, have an older
 non-mod_perl apache_1.3.6.  The old apache's index.html needs to redirect to
 the index.html on the new apache/mod_perl.  The old and new apache servers
 are on different unix boxes.  Anyone think of an elegant block directive
 solution, because I can't.


 Joe Crotty

Re: files with same ext, but different handler based on partial name

2001-02-26 Thread ___cliff rayman___

check out:

make sure you also see the "see also".  ;-)

by the way, this is standard apache configuration stuff that
has nothing to do with mod_perl.


Surat Singh Bhati wrote:

 I want to do configure my mod_perl as:

 "All the files having extension .cgi should be run as
 standard CGI, except *fixname*.cgi , if any file match
 *fixname*.pl , it should run as mod_perl. "

 Is it possible to files having the same ext , but depend
 on partial file name , apache consider them differently,
 files may be located any where not in a special directory.

 I wat to do something like:

 Files *fixname*.cgi
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 PerlSendHeader On
 Options +ExecCGI
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

 Is it possible?


 -Surat Singh Bhati

Re: [OT] SSL ,Apache Keep alive

2001-02-22 Thread ___cliff rayman___

this is no longer a mod_perl question but,
check out: - SSLSessionCache

i'm am far from an SSL expert, but this should help minimize the SSL
authorization overhead.


Sachin Lakhanpal wrote:

 Hello ,

   i am trying to understand what am i supposed to come up with , so
 here i have a client application trying to do a SECURE HTTP POST to the apache 
webserver .

   The data to be posted is huge running in megs, so what we are doing
 is we are at the client end splitting this data in smaller chunks .

   so heres what we want , the client is working with raw sockets to
 open a socket to the webserver and start the posting,we don't want to
 get tied to the fact that after each post of a small chunk we will
 have to close the socket and do a post for the next chunk of data and
 so on,there would be an unacceptable over head of SSL authorization
 everytime the socket is opened.

   so i have a question regarding the Keep alive option on
 apache,would this option help us here so that initially when the
 client opens a socket to the webserver SSL authorization takes place and from then 
on this same connection (same session) SSL
 authorization is not required for successive post requests.

Re: Segfault: apache-1.3.17+modperl-1.25

2001-02-14 Thread ___cliff rayman___

did u compile the perl, apache and mod_perl all with the
same compiler, assembler and linker??  you may want to search
in the archives:
solaris dso sigsegv

i remember quite a few issues a while back.



Gary Algier wrote:

 My children are segfaulting.

 I have:
 Solaris 2.6 (w/all latest patches installed right after the OS)
 Perl 5.6.0 (no largefiles, no threads)
 Apache 1.3.17
 modperl 1.25 (as a DSO)
 gcc 2.95.2 (using Sun's as and ld)

 If I run apache leaving out:
 LoadModule perl_modulelibexec/
 AddModule mod_perl.c
 it runs just fine.  Put them in and the child seg faults.   I did manage
 to gdb the process and it says:

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0xef0a2e00 in perl_header_parser ()
 (gdb) where
 #0  0xef0a2e00 in perl_header_parser ()
 #1  0x20714 in run_method ()
 #2  0x208e4 in ap_header_parse ()
 #3  0x3d9bc in process_request_internal ()
 #4  0x3ded0 in ap_process_request ()
 #5  0x314c8 in child_main ()
 #6  0x31854 in make_child ()
 #7  0x31dcc in perform_idle_server_maintenance ()
 #8  0x32630 in standalone_main ()
 #9  0x32f64 in main ()

 Unfortunately, there are no debugging symbols so it is limited.  It wasn't
 easy getting this, though if it would help I will endeavor to rebuild
 everything with debugging symbols and try again.

 In general, I know that DSOs are working as I runtime load the max.  I also
 load php 4.0.4pl1 that way and it works.

 Any ideas?  Does the trace help?

Re: Redirection Location MUST be absolute (was Re: Send a cookie, AND a redirect ?)

2001-02-08 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you are supposed to be able to use:
base href="/foo/bar/fred.html"

which changes the base of the document.  if u really wanted to use internal
redirects, you would have to insure that all documents contained this tag,
or filter the page and include it yourself.

of course this is just a spec, determining which browsers properly use
it, is beyond me.


"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:

  "Robert" == Robert Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Robert By using relative *URLs* such as /some/location, you avoid changing
 Robert the location field in the browser window, which is often desired.  If
 Robert you use an absolute *URL*, the location field changes to the absolute
 Robert URL.

 Actually, I'll disagree with that.  NEVER use internal redirects
 (which you call "relative URLs" but that's another story) unless you
 are fully understanding about WHY *I* say *NEVER*, in my strongest

 As a hint... are you willing to be responsible for how all the
 relative URLs in the resulting document are treated, including all
 documents called from there?

 The problem is that the browser still thinks it got
 "/foo/bar/fred.html", so if an internal redirect was performed to
 "/abc/def/ghi.html" and it had a relative link to "../xyz.html", the
 browser will fetch "/foo/xyz.html", not to the correct
 "/abc/xyz.html", since the browser had no visibility to the /abc part
 of that equation.

 NEVER use internal redirects.

 At least not until you understand why I say "NEVER".

Re: Redirection Location MUST be absolute (was Re: Send a cookie, AND a redirect ?)

2001-02-08 Thread ___cliff rayman___

___cliff rayman___ wrote:

 you are supposed to be able to use:
 base href="/foo/bar/fred.html"

make that:
base href=""

 which changes the base of the document.  if u really wanted to use internal
 redirects, you would have to insure that all documents contained this tag,
 or filter the page and include it yourself.

 of course this is just a spec, determining which browsers properly use
 it, is beyond me.


 "Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:

   "Robert" == Robert Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Robert By using relative *URLs* such as /some/location, you avoid changing
  Robert the location field in the browser window, which is often desired.  If
  Robert you use an absolute *URL*, the location field changes to the absolute
  Robert URL.
  Actually, I'll disagree with that.  NEVER use internal redirects
  (which you call "relative URLs" but that's another story) unless you
  are fully understanding about WHY *I* say *NEVER*, in my strongest
  As a hint... are you willing to be responsible for how all the
  relative URLs in the resulting document are treated, including all
  documents called from there?
  The problem is that the browser still thinks it got
  "/foo/bar/fred.html", so if an internal redirect was performed to
  "/abc/def/ghi.html" and it had a relative link to "../xyz.html", the
  browser will fetch "/foo/xyz.html", not to the correct
  "/abc/xyz.html", since the browser had no visibility to the /abc part
  of that equation.
  NEVER use internal redirects.
  At least not until you understand why I say "NEVER".


Re: Translation handler continuous loop problem

2001-01-31 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you will probably need to post the handler if you want any help
with it.

"Sinclair, Alan (CORP, GEAccess)" wrote:

 I have just installed a mod_perl URI translation handler to extract a
 session id from the URI. In general the translation works correctly by
 removing the session id from the URL when detected. However, a Netscape
 browser client triggers Apache to enter a continuous loop if I do not
 specify the domain name in the hostname component of the URL. The problem
 does not occur in Internet Explorer (that surprised me.)

 All these examples are from Nestcape on both NT and Unix.
 For example, say I enter  The
 translation handler works correctly.
 If I then enter: http://lions/sp9/outage.html  There is a continuous loop in
 Apache and on each iteration, an entry is written to access_log. I have to
 stop the request in Netscape.


Re: Apache Version 1.3.0 required, aborting... You need mod_perl 1.24_01 , or later to build with Apache 1.3.14

2001-01-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

ged - you are just plain wrong here.
the error message is very clear.  u just need to install
apache 1.3.0.  to hell with bugs and security problems.
newer software is just bloated and cpu hungry anyways.

well, now i'll get pack to my port of perl 4, mod_perl, and
apache 1.3.0 for the TRS-80.


"G.W. Haywood" wrote:

 Hey guys,

 Even google knew the answer to this one.

 I thought if I put the error message AND the solution in the subject
 line, with a slightly sarcastic message, and then everybody flamed me
 (being careful to keep the subject line) so as to make the longest
 thread you ever did see, maybe somebody would find it one day before
 spamming the List.

 Flames please?  Try to make them original and witty, there'll be a
 prize for the best one before the end of January.  The organizer's
 decision is final...


 PS: You need mod_perl 1.24_01 or later to build with Apache 1.3.14 :)


Re: Here's patch to make mod_perl-1.24 work with apache_1.3.14

2001-01-18 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you just needed mod_perl-1.24_01.

you can get it at:

apparently the underscore in the patch level keeps it
from showing up as the latest release in CPAN.


Dave Dykstra wrote:

 I'm not subscribed to this mailing list, but I searched the archives for
 this patch and found no direct answers, only references to the current
 modperl in CVS.  I extracted the relevant pieces into a patch and thought
 other people would have the same problem and would benefit from this patch.


killing of greater than MaxSpareServers

2001-01-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

here is an excerpt from httpd.h:
 * (Unix, OS/2 only)
 * Interval, in microseconds, between scoreboard maintenance.  During
 * each scoreboard maintenance cycle the parent decides if it needs to
 * spawn a new child (to meet MinSpareServers requirements), or kill off
 * a child (to meet MaxSpareServers requirements).  It will only spawn or
 * kill one child per cycle.  Setting this too low will chew cpu.  The
 * default is probably sufficient for everyone.  But some people may want
 * to raise this on servers which aren't dedicated to httpd and where they
 * don't like the httpd waking up each second to see what's going on.

and the code from http_main.c:

if (idle_count  ap_daemons_max_free) { #retrieved indirectly from MaxSpareServers
/* kill off one child... we use SIGUSR1 because that'll cause it to
 * shut down gracefully, in case it happened to pick up a request
 * while we were counting
kill(ap_scoreboard_image-parent[to_kill].pid, SIGUSR1);
idle_spawn_rate = 1;

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Sam Horrocks wrote:
  If in both the MRU/LRU case there were exactly 10 interpreters busy at
  all times, then you're right it wouldn't matter.  But don't confuse
  the issues - 10 concurrent requests do *not* necessarily require 10
  concurrent interpreters.  The MRU has an affect on the way a stream of 10
  concurrent requests are handled, and MRU results in those same requests
  being handled by fewer interpreters.

 On a side note, I'm curious about is how Apache decides that child
 processes are unused and can be killed off.  The spawning of new processes
 is pretty agressive on a busy server, but if the server reaches a steady
 state and some processes aren't needed they should be killed off.  Maybe
 no one has bothered to make that part very efficient since in normal
 circusmtances most users would prefer to have extra processes waiting
 around than not have enough to handle a surge and have to spawn a whole

 - Perrin


Re: killing of greater than MaxSpareServers

2001-01-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i and others have written on the list before, that pushing apache
children into swap causes a rapid downward spiral in performance.
I don't think that MaxClients is the right way to limit the # of children.  i think
MaxSpareCoreMemory would make more sense.  You could
set this to 1K if your server was designated for Apache
only, or set it to a higher value if it were a multipurpose machine.
mod_perl/apache and paging/swapping just don't mix.

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

  here is an excerpt from httpd.h:

 Good reading.  Thanks.

 It looks as if Apache should find the right number of servers for a steady
 load over time, but it could jump up too high for a bit when the load
 spike first comes in, pushing into swap if MaxClients is not configured
 correctly.  That may be what Sam was seeing.

 - Perrin


Re: killing of greater than MaxSpareServers

2001-01-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

if you are able to determine how much core memory
is left, you may also be able to determine average apache
process size and variance.  then, apache can determine
whether or not to start up any additional children.  i'm not
sure how much processor time would be taken to determine
free core memory.  might not be something worth doing on
every scoreboard cycle.

there is an additional bonus for determining child size mean
and variance.  if it is noted that a process is growing exceptionally
large compared to other processes, it could be slated for death
based on its growth size and rate, rather than the number of
requests that it served.

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
  i and others have written on the list before, that pushing apache
  children into swap causes a rapid downward spiral in performance. I
  don't think that MaxClients is the right way to limit the # of
  children.  i think MaxSpareCoreMemory would make more sense.  You
  could set this to 1K if your server was designated for Apache only, or
  set it to a higher value if it were a multipurpose machine.

 I've thought about that too.  The trick is, Apache would need to know
 things about your application to do that right.  It would need to know how
 big your processes were likely to be and how big they could get before
 they die.  Otherwise, it has no way of knowing whether or not there's
 enough room for another process.

 A combination of Apache::SizeLimit and a dynamically changing MaxClients
 could possibly accomplish this, but you wouldn't want to run it too close
 to the edge since you don't want to have to axe a process that's in the
 middle of doing something just because it got a little too big (i.e. no
 hard limits on per-process memory usage).

 You can't change MaxClients while the server is running, can you?

 - Perrin


Re: killing of greater than MaxSpareServers

2001-01-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think its worth posting to the list.  it will be forever in the
archives when someone needs it.


Balazs Rauznitz wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:

  i and others have written on the list before, that pushing apache
  children into swap causes a rapid downward spiral in performance.
  I don't think that MaxClients is the right way to limit the # of children.  i think
  MaxSpareCoreMemory would make more sense.  You could
  set this to 1K if your server was designated for Apache
  only, or set it to a higher value if it were a multipurpose machine.
  mod_perl/apache and paging/swapping just don't mix.

 Once I wrote a patch to apache so that it would not spawn new children if
 a certain file was present in the filesystem. You can then have a watchdog
 process touch or delete that file based on any criteria you want. Imo
 having a separate and flexible process is better than apache trying to
 make these decisions...
 I'll dig it up if interested.



Re: setting lib for mod_perl installation

2001-01-15 Thread ___cliff rayman___

did u check out this section in the guide yet?


Dave Armstrong wrote:

 I just moved from dedicated to virtual hosting sigh, and was
 wondering how to configure mod_perl to install the modules to a
 private lib, outside of @INC.


Re: connecting apache to mysql

2001-01-10 Thread ___cliff rayman___

not irrelevant, and well covered here:



Al Abdullaev wrote:

 Sorry guys for irrelevant question, but where can I find
 guide how to connect apache server to mysql database?
 thanks a lot.

Re: mod_perl-1.24 / apache-1.3.14 problem

2001-01-08 Thread ___cliff rayman___

hmmm.  i checked CPAN about a month ago, and they
had the new version.  i believe CPAN is actually a bunch of mirrored
sites that the dns redirects to.  I wonder if the one you ended up
getting is not getting properly mirrored?

Mike Hanafey wrote:

 Thanks for the replies. Next time I will not go to CPAN for mod_perl...

 Mike Hanafey 
 DuPont Ag Products  |
 Delaware Technology Park, Suite 200/206 |
 1 Innovation Way, PO BOX 6104   |
 Newark, DE 19714-6104   |
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (302)631-2608 Fax: (302)631-2607 ++


Re: mod_perl-1.24 / apache-1.3.14 problem

2001-01-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

u need mod_perl-1.24_01 for apache-1.3.14
u might have saved yourself some patching  :-)

Mike Hanafey wrote:

 The httpd.h file in apache-1.3.14 has apparently changed. I hacked the
 following changes to mod_perl-1.24 to fix things (it's the same change
 in two files). Without the change Makefile.PL was picking up the wrong
 apache source (even though I have it the source explicitly), and the
 "src.t" test fails on make test.

 % diff -c ./Makefile.PL.orig ./Makefile.PL | /tmp/tmp
 *** ./Makefile.PL.orig  Sun May 14 20:07:58 2000
 --- ./Makefile.PL   Wed Jan  3 15:03:16 2001
 *** 1494,1504 
   my($server, $version, $rest);
   my($fserver, $fversion, $frest);
   my($string, $extra, @vers);
   while($fh) {
 next unless /^#define/;
 !   s/SERVER_PRODUCT \"/\"Apache/; #1.3.13+
 !   next unless s/^#define\s+SERVER_(BASE|)VERSION\s+"(.*)\s*".*/$2/;
 !   chomp($string = $_);

 #print STDERR "Examining SERVER_VERSION '$string'...";
 #could be something like:
 --- 1494,1512 
   my($server, $version, $rest);
   my($fserver, $fversion, $frest);
   my($string, $extra, @vers);
 + my($sbp, $sbv);
   while($fh) {
 next unless /^#define/;
 !   m/SERVER_BASEPRODUCT\s+"(.+)"/ and $sbp = $1;
 !   m/SERVER_BASEREVISION\s+"(.+)"/ and $sbv = $1;
 !   if ($sbp  $sbv) {
 !   # Apache 1.3.14
 !   $string = "$sbp/$sbv";
 !   } else {
 !   s/SERVER_PRODUCT \"/\"Apache/; #1.3.13+
 !   next unless s/^#define\s+SERVER_(BASE|)VERSION\s+"(.*)\s*".*/$2/;
 !   chomp($string = $_);
 !   }

 #print STDERR "Examining SERVER_VERSION '$string'...";
 #could be something like:

 % diff -c ./lib/Apache/ ./lib/Apache/ | /tmp/tmp
 *** ./lib/Apache/ Mar 31 14:05:24 2000
 --- ./lib/Apache/ Wed Jan  3 16:10:19 2001
 *** 209,220 
   my($server, $version, $rest);
   my($fserver, $fversion, $frest);
   my($string, $extra, @vers);

   while($fh) {
 next unless /^#define/;
 !   s/SERVER_PRODUCT \"/\"Apache/; #1.3.13+
 !   next unless s/^#define\s+SERVER_(BASE|)VERSION\s+"(.*)\s*".*/$2/;
 !   chomp($string = $_);

 #print STDERR "Examining SERVER_VERSION '$string'...";
 #could be something like:
 --- 209,228 
   my($server, $version, $rest);
   my($fserver, $fversion, $frest);
   my($string, $extra, @vers);
 + my($sbp, $sbv);

   while($fh) {
 next unless /^#define/;
 !   m/SERVER_BASEPRODUCT\s+"(.+)"/ and $sbp = $1;
 !   m/SERVER_BASEREVISION\s+"(.+)"/ and $sbv = $1;
 !   if ($sbp  $sbv) {
 !   # Apache 1.3.14
 !   $string = "$sbp/$sbv";
 !   } else {
 !  s/SERVER_PRODUCT \"/\"Apache/; #1.3.13+
 !  next unless s/^#define\s+SERVER_(BASE|)VERSION\s+"(.*)\s*".*/$2/;
 !  chomp($string = $_);
 !   }

 #print STDERR "Examining SERVER_VERSION '$string'...";
 #could be something like:

 Mike Hanafey 
 DuPont Ag Products  |
 Delaware Technology Park, Suite 200/206 |
 1 Innovation Way, PO BOX 6104   |
 Newark, DE 19714-6104   |
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (302)631-2608 Fax: (302)631-2607 ++


Re: the edge of chaos

2001-01-04 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i see 2 things here, classic queing problem, and the fact
that swapping to disk is 1000's of times slower than serving
from ram.

if you receive 100 requests per second but only have the
ram to serve 99, then swapping to disc occurs which slows
down the entire system.  the next second comes and 100 new
requests come in, plus the 1 you had in the queue that did not
get serviced in the previous second. after a little while,
your memory requirements start to soar, lots of swapping is
occuring, and requests are coming in at a higher rate than can
be serviced by an ever slowing machine.  this leads to a rapid
downward spiral.  you must have enough ram to service all the apache
processes that are allowed to run at one time.  its been my experience
that once swapping starts to occur, the whole thing is going to spiral
downward very quickly.  you either need to add more ram, to service
that amount of apache processes that need to be running simultaneously,
or you need to reduce MaxClients and let apache turn away requests.


P.S. used your service several times with good results! (and no waiting) thanks!

Justin wrote:

 I need more horsepower. Yes I'd agree with that !

 However... which web solution would you prefer:

 A. (ideal)
 load equals horsepower:
   all requests serviced in =250ms
 load slightly more than horsepower:
   linear falloff in response time, as a function of % overload


 B. (modperl+front end)
 load equals horsepower:
   all requests serviced in =250ms
 sustained load *slightly* more than horsepower
   site too slow to be usable by anyone, few seeing pages

 Don't all benchmarks (of disk, webservers, and so on),
 always continue increasing load well past optimal levels,
 to check there are no nasty surprises out there.. ?


 On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 11:10:25AM -0500, Vivek Khera wrote:
   "J" == Justin  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  J When things get slow on the back end, the front end can fill with
  J 120 *requests* .. all queued for the 20 available modperl slots..
  J hence long queues for service, results in nobody getting anything,
  You simply don't have enough horsepower to serve your load, then.
  Your options are: get more RAM, get faster CPU, make your application
  smaller by sharing more code (pretty much whatever else is in the
  tuning docs), or split your load across multiple machines.
  If your front ends are doing nothing but buffering the pages for the
  mod_perl backends, then you probably need to lower the ratio of
  frontends to back ends from your 6 to 1 to something like 3 to 1.
  Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
  Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
  AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

 Justin Beech
 Phone:212-269-7052 x252 FAX inbox: 212-937-3800
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: Undefined subroutine

2000-12-28 Thread ___cliff rayman___

it's telling you to search the guide at:

check out in particular:

Barry Veinotte wrote:

 Undefined subroutine Apache::ROOT::cgi_2dbin::ads1::ads_2epl::handler
 called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/ line 135.


Re: problems with make test, server not starting

2000-12-28 Thread ___cliff rayman___

make kill_httpd  sleep 5  make test

Richard wrote:

 the error log
 [Thu Dec 28 21:33:14 2000] [crit] (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not 
bind to port 8529


Re: Apache Version 1.3.0 required, aborting...

2000-12-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

___cliff rayman___ wrote:

 perhaps doug or someone with the proper authentication can


 move the mod_perl-1.24 version into the old directory on:

 cpan looks like it is up to date and only shows the 1.24_01 version.

 Stas Bekman wrote:

  please get mod_perl-1.24_01.tar.gz



Re: Shopping Store design

2000-12-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

here are a couple i know about - no personal experience however,
i prefer homebrew :-))

The Doctor wrote:

 Needed :

 Perl programmes for a 'member' Shopping cart site that would do the

 Authenticate members
 Add new member using member IDs of greater than 1000
 Authenticating Members
 The ability to shop
 The ability to ship
 The ability to search the site for products
 Order verification
 Order Completion
 Inventory ability and membership/non-membership management

 Would like to use a Perl/PHP based solution.

 Any suggestions?


Re: Apache 1.3.14 build

2000-12-05 Thread ___cliff rayman___

you need version 1.24_01 to use apache 1.3.14

"Wang, Pin-Chieh" wrote:

 I am trying to build apache v.1.3.14 with Mod_perl v. 1.24 using APACI
 I am using Perl 5.6 build 620 - the latest

 I ran perl Makefile.PL under mod_perl-1.24 directory
 The system created Makefile in support,regex. directories
 but terminated prematually with warning message for "Apache Version 1.3.0
 required, aborting.."


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Re: help!

2000-12-01 Thread ___cliff rayman___

check out the perl guide at:

also, you can search through the mail archives at:

you might have compiled as a DSO and not used the same compiler,
or compiler parameters.


"Yu, Ming" wrote:

 Hi, I am new to apache and new to this group.  This could be a very easy
 question.  But any help will be greatly appreciated.

 I compile apache 1.3.14 with mod_perl and mod_ssl, the installation process
 went ok, but I received this error message when I tried to start the apache
 server .

 Segmentation fault - core dumped.
 The server is running SPARC Solaris 8.

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Re: Problems on installation...

2000-11-28 Thread ___cliff rayman___

yes - in order to use apache 1.3.14 you need
mod perl 1.24_01 which you can get from here:



don carnage wrote:

 Hello all -- I recently downloaded apache 1.3.14 and mod perl 1.24 and
 received the following error when I tried to run the Makefile.PL:

 cp apaci/mod_perl.exp ../apache_1.3.14/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.exp

   Apache Version 1.3.0 required, aborting.


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Re: Dealing with spiders

2000-11-11 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Robin Berjon wrote:

 But on a related issue, I got several logfiles corrupted because I log
 user-agents there and some seem to use some unicode names that confuse
 Apache and convert to \n. Does anyone else have this problem ? I don't
 think it could lead to server compromission, but it's never pleasant to
 have corrupted logs...

if this is true, i would log an apache bug report.


Re: PerlRun StatInc perl5_00405

2000-11-08 Thread ___cliff rayman___

here is something that occurred to me, but it is untested, and could be
plain foolish.

place a file named in your 5_00405 include path that contains the


this may help to quiet StatInc.

Chris Strom wrote:

 No, I don't have  It is only included in 5.6.  We have no plans
 on upgrading at this time.  The code snippet from PerlRun is a workaround
 for perl versions prior to the most recent release, but it appears to be
 causing problems with StatInc.

 perl -V reports:
 Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 4 subversion 5) configuration:

 It may be that the combination of PerlRun/StatInc/perl5.6 simply will not
 work.  If we were not using StatInc or were using perl 5.6, I do not believe
 that we would be having these problems.  Unfortunately, our development
 environment would be rather painful without StatInc and, as I said, we have
 no plans on upgrading from 5_00405.

 For now, I've got the following hack in perl.conf:

 PerlModule  Apache::StatINC

 # hack to keep $INC{''} defined. PerlRun includes a
 # workaround for perl5.6 which defines $INC{''} and
 # ties the warnings::unimport function to an anonymous sub-routine.
 PerlInitHandler "sub {delete $INC{''};

 PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
 PerlSetVar StatINC_UndefOnReload On
 PerlSetVar StatINC_Debug 1
 PerlWarn On

 PerlTaintCheck On

 It's not the prettiest thing, but it does what's needed.

 -Original Message-
 From: G.W. Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 3:00 PM
 To: Chris Strom
 Subject: Re: PerlRun StatInc perl5_00405

 Hi there,

 On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Chris Strom wrote:

  The offending item in %INC appears to be the '' entry
  defined on line 308 of PerlRun:
  if ($]  5.006) {
  $INC{''} = __FILE__;
  *warnings::unimport = sub {};

 Do you even have the file '' if you're using 5.004_05?
 I have it in a 5.6.0 inststallation, but not in 5.005_03.  That's
 why there's a test for Perl version less than 5.006 (== 5.6.0).

 What does Perl -V say?



Re: Dealing with spiders

2000-11-06 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Bill Moseley wrote:

 But it's amazing how many are just lame in that they take perfectly good
 HREF tags and mess them up in the request.  For example, every day I see
 many requests from Novell's BorderManager where they forgot to convert HTML
 entities in HREFs before making the request.

 Here's another example: - "-" [04/Nov/2000:04:36:22 -0800] "GET /../../../ HTTP/1.0" 400
 265 "-" "Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.40.426 (Windows 95)" 5740

i don't think u have a lame spider here.  i think u have a hacker trying to hack
your server.

 In the last day that IP has requested about 10,000 documents.  Over half
 were 404 requests where some 404s were non-converted entities from HREFs,
 but most were just for documents that do not and have never existed on this
 site.  Almost 1000 request were 400s (Bad Request like the example above).
 And I'd guess that's not really the correct user agent, either

there is a current exploit for non-converted entities on Microsoft IIS.  Maybe
they're trying them out on your Apache for some reason.

 In general, what I'm interested in stopping are the thousands of requests
 for documents that just don't exist on the site.  And to simply block the
 lame ones, since they are, well, lame.

perhaps u can run a cron job that scans your logs.  identify lame spiders and/or
hackers and add a rule to IPChains (assuming linux 2.2.??) to deny access from
that IP to your server.  i understand that Portsentry does this trick when it
determines that an IP is scanning for open ports.



Re: how to really bang on a script?

2000-10-28 Thread ___cliff rayman___

"Christopher L. Everett" wrote:

 Hello All:

 I've written some mod_perl scripts that need testing
 over a million hits or so before I deploy it.  I need
 to prove to myself and my marketing guy that my script
 has certain statistical properties, not the least of
 which is the question of whether my activity logs match
 what actually happened.  Also, there's concurrency
 issues to make sure I've got right.

sorry, but i fail to see why all the trickery is needed.  i assume that
you want to check the content against what is expected, but the banners
are rotating based on some formula.  if you know the formula before hand,
then you know the expected distribution for the banners served.  why not
use something from libwww package to make the requests, md5 the returned
banner relavant data,  return a report which gives the counts for each unique md5.

so in perl pseudocode (untested, no error checking, steps skipped):

for $testnum (0..$number_to_test) {
   $req = HTTP::Request-new(GET = $request_url);

foreach $dig (keys %md5){
   print "the banner with digest=$dig returned $md5{$dig} hits 
for",($md5{$dig}/$number_to_test)*100),"% of total\n";

the report should print the distribution requested.  not sure if this can be done 
using ab or the bench
i believe Stas was working on, but libwww is easy to use.  you can even distribute 
this test to a few
of your friends and have them bang on your system from a variety of different places 
to test your
system in a more realistic environment.  then write a program to scour the logs for 
the test period,
and produce the same report from the logs.  they should match almost exactly.  only 
differences in
incompleted log requests etc..

 1)  Is there a more elegant way of solving my problem?
 2)  Has this been done before?
 2a) If so, is the source for that available?
 2b) If not, is a tool like this useful for anyone else,
 so that I should build it better than I would a once-off?
 What would make it more useful?

 Thanks in advance for your help.

   --Christopher Everett



Re: Apache trouble reading in large cookie contents

2000-10-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i'm not an expert with this, but, a quick grep for your error in
the apache source (mine is still 1.3.9 ) and some digging yield:

./include/httpd.h:#define DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE 8190

so you're right, 8K is currently the apache limit. if you try to change this value in
the source code, you will probably also have to muck with IOBUFSIZE and
possibly other things as well.  IOBUFSIZE is 8192 and the 
DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE is set to 2 bytes below that to make
room for the extra \r\n after the last header.

looks like you'll have to take responsibility for mucking with the apache source, or
sending smaller cookies and using some other techniques such as HIDDEN fields.


"Biggs, Jody" wrote:

 I'm having trouble when a browser sends a fair sized amount of data to
 Apache as cookies - say around 8k.

 Apache then complains (and fails the request) with
 a message of the sort:

 [date]  [error] [client] request failed: error reading the headers

 I assume this is due to a compile time directive to Apache specifying the
 maximum size of a header line.

Re: Embeded perl question

2000-10-10 Thread ___cliff rayman___

embperl 'subs' do not return subroutine values.
you need to either make a regular subroutine
[- sub get_date { ... } -]

or use a global variable for return values. such as @GLOBAL.   kind of ugly - but is it
any uglier than @_ for the input values?

"Genocchio, Anthony" wrote:

 I am having trouble returing a variable from a sub?...below is my effort to
 do there some fundamental place where i am going wrong and can you
 help me?!...thanks

 [$  sub get_date $]
 $var = shift;
 $date = ($mday."-".$mth."-".$year);
 [+ $date +]BR
 [+ $var +]BR
 [$ endsub $]

 use DirHandle;


Re: environment vars in apache

2000-10-03 Thread ___cliff rayman___

go to the guide:

click on search
type 'environment'.  also try, ENV
there are several examples which may answer your question.

Pires Claudio wrote:

 sorry if thuis is a elementary question
 how can I assign a new environment var from mod_perl or change the value of
 a predefined apache environment var?



Re: $r-header_only question (feeling a newbie!)

2000-10-02 Thread ___cliff rayman___

doug, lincoln,
looks like needs a link to errata.

check out:

martin langhoff wrote:

 Thanks Tim and all,
 for-the-record, I did check looking for an

 marks down for O'Reilly technical reviewers :p


 Tim Tompkins wrote:
  This should be an "if" instead of "unless"
  return OK if $r-header_only;
  header_only() will return true if the request method is HEAD.  You'll want
  to simply return OK once you've gathered all the necessary outgoing headers
  for HEAD requests.


Re: Strange error message: (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

2000-09-27 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think you'll find the answer here.

MJ M wrote:


 I have recently made the following upgrade:

 apache-1.3.6  -- apache-1.3.12
 perl-5.005_02 -- perl-5.6
 mod_perl-1.18 -- mod_perl-1.24

 Except this upgrade, nothing else was changed. Since then, I frequently get
 the following message in the Apache error
 log (this message never occured before the upgrade):

 (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

Re: OT: Server-push client page reload

2000-09-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think that this technique works with netscape but not with IE.  on IE you have to 
set-up channels.

Ime Smits wrote:

 | Plain old meta refreshes. Usually every 5 or 10 seconds or so. Perhaps
 | configurable on a user and/or server basis.

 You could make it even more smooth by doing a multipart document (aka server
 push): finishing a HTML document but not closing the HTTP connection and
 start a new document as soon as someone else drops a line. But that is a
 terrible thing to do in mod_perl, because each client will occupy an Apache
 process as long as he's connected. Writing a simple http daemon handling the
 chatbox on another port wouldn't be that complicated, and there are modules
 out there. Take a look at Apprentice, a realy slim httpd written in threaded
 perl, I'm sure it's somewhere on freshmeat.



Re: Does the AxKit-devel mailing list have an archive?

2000-09-15 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Matt Sergeant wrote:

 Gzipped results to the browser, ripped straight from Apache::GzipChain:

 # AxKit::Debug(5, 'Getting Vary header');
 # my @vary = $r-header_out('Vary') if $r-header_out('Vary');
 # push @vary, "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent";
 # AxKit::Debug(5, 'Setting Vary header');
 # $r-header_out('Vary',
 # join ", ",
 # @vary
 # );

excuse my ignorance,  but for my own knowledge, what is the problem with this code?  
is it the
"my @vary" with the "if" conditional??

Re: Producing an error page

2000-08-21 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i may be coming in late here, so forgive me if this has been mentioned:

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

not sure if everything you want will be sent to the browser, but it is better
than a standard 500 error, and you can read the errors from the log easier.
George Sanderson wrote:

  STDERR Opps got an error here or something. \STDERR
 I'm sure you would also want a submit (DEBUG) button which could generate
 the above, on-demand for form pages and such. (Kind of a DEBUG on demand

 Is this what is being discussed here?
 (This is probably, not a mod_perl topic, but then again, it could be:-).

 At 12:04 PM 8/21/00 -0700, you wrote:
 The stuff that the server sends back comes from STDOUT if CGIs or within
 mod-perl, either $req-print or a regular print since it is tied.  The
 error messages go to STDERR which apache redirects internalls so that the
 messages go to the error log.  I don't know that it's possible and I'm
 certain it's not a good idea to try and circumvent that and send STDERR to
 the browser.  And besides that, you'd still have to send content-type
 headers. ==


  How do I produce an error page (in HTML), when I call the script from a
  browser, that looks just like the error screen I get when I run a script
  at the command line?
  That is, if I run the following script from the command line:
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use diagnostics;
  ($first, $second) = @ARGV;
  I'll get a whole bunch of messages telling me I "use strict" and I have
  variables that I didn't define with "my".
  But, if I call it from my browser, I just get back a "Internal Server
  Error" page.  Instead I want all the diagnostics messages.
  Jay Strauss
  (h) 773.935.5326
  (c) 312.617.0264

Re: Chaining SSI and gzip

2000-08-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think this is FAQ you are looking for:

Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

 This is probably a FAQ, in which case I'll accept my wet-noodle
 lashings and follow any links provided.

 I'm trying to help someone who wants to use server-side includes
 AND send the result gzip-encoded.  Base Apache 1.3 can't do this, but
 I *think* this can be done with mod_perl and Apache::* modules (a
 mod_include emulator and a gzipper -- both of which exist, I'm sure),
 but a specific pointer to a recipe or an implementation example would
 be very welcome..

 And of course this is a rush job, and it's the end of the day.. :-(
 Thanks for forbearance, friends..

 Ken Coarhttp://Golux.Com/coar/
 Apache Software Foundation
 "Apache Server for Dummies" http://Apache-Server.Com/
 "Apache Server Unleashed"   http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/

Re: Apache Variables

2000-08-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

2 main things to read for mod_perl apache:
the guide:

the book:

good luck,


 Let me start with "I'm new".

 If this is the wrong forum, let me know now and please direct me to the right

 I come from the Mac/Windows world.

 I'd like to know howm to check on the status of Apache via perl and what
 commands are possible to check on things like the listeners, DB connectivity.

 And if there are suggestions for places to read and learn, I'd appreciate them.

 Thanks in advance

 Russell Dobbins
 Verizon Wireless

Re: Apache::Upload buffering issues?

2000-08-15 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Ian Mahuron wrote:

 What is the proper way to take the filehandle provided by $upload-fh and write the 
file to disk?  I seem to be having buffering
 issues w/ the following (file is truncated):

 if (open(OUTFILE, "$u_fullpath")) {
 print OUTFILE $buffer while read($fh, $buffer, 8*1024);
 } else {

 a simple $| = 1; before the print didn't seem to help.. maybe OUTFILE is not hot?

select((select(OUTFILE), $|++)[0]);  #unbuffer OUTFILE and return select to prev state

 Dunno.. this is my first run in w/ buffering
 issues.  I hope someone can help.

i see u are not checking for errors on open. u should.
u should also check for errors on close.  if u get an error on close, then the file 
you are closing is probably not going to be
written with all data.





Re: Looking for info/docs

2000-08-15 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Derek Simkowiak wrote:

 2) One webpage I've read says that mod_perl "compiles" (interprets) each
 Perl script only once, and then retains the compiled code in memory.  Is
 that something that was custom-made for mod_perl, or is that a feature of
 using an embedded Perl interpreter?  Can you point me to a file/line of code
 in mod_perl?

a feature of an embedded perl interpreter.  the application that loads the
interpreter stays running.  and in less it explicitly closes the interpreter, it
stays running.  unless the perl script is reloaded for some reason, the compiled
code stays resident in the interpreter, which is resident in the embedding


Re: [OT] mod_proxy tuning info?

2000-08-15 Thread ___cliff rayman___

have u read this yet?

Edward Moon wrote:

 I'm looking for docs or white papers on tuning apache/mod_proxy for
 optimum performance when acting as a reverse proxy for a web farm.

 Can anyone point me to a URL or a book that's a good reference?



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