Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-30 Thread Bakki Kudva

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 13:52:05 +0800
Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I completely agree with the assertion that applications sell the
underlying technology. History teaches us that to be indisputable.

Also while applications should be an overall part of the vision, it may
not have to be there right from the start. I have been peeking in at
Enhydra from time to time and I remeber in the beginning all they had was
the framework consisting of the multi-server, xmlc and perhaps DODS. Now i
see they have complete apps like Brock, jFAQ, and the fairly complete golf
store application all of which could be, as YABW (yet another buzz word)
says, repurposed. Same is true of Zope where apps are emerging only now.
The tutorial is a terrific example of a zope app. Perhaps the roadmaps
followed by these two opensource camps will have great lessons for

As the technology catches on the core-developers could form a company for
support, training etc as shown by Lutris for Enhydra and Digital Creations
for Zope. That seems like the validation corporations look for.

moral: lay a great foundation and they will build :)


 I would like to restate that while I think these engines are cool and 
 useful, that they are not the things that bring the masses to your 
 platform.  This was the point I was making. I am not naysaying projects 
 like Enhydra, but just stated that they are not as directly useful for 
 bringing the masses to the platform.
 While it is true that an Enhydra type of engine makes writing
 easier, what you really still always need in order to gain a critical
 is something more concrete that the masses can hook onto.
 I am not talking about techies loving mod_perl or Enhydra or AxKit. But 
 everyday webmasters and CIOs saying XYZ platform has so many
 for it I can see them demoed, my tech staff can install them within
 day so let's use it.
 There are just certain things that are harder to market than others. 
 Applications make platforms easier to market because it shows off the
 I was not at the meeting, but I heard Stas convinced one of our clients
 go with mod_perl by showing them a site he created called SinglesHeaven
 CGI and then in mod_perl. Look how fast it is and you can see it's a
 application. Showing the same people benchmarks of hello world and 
 template renderings generally do not have the same effect.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-30 Thread John D Groenveld

 Often quite a number of developers are all
 at work, and they don't all merit the kind of trust that mod_perl

See Phillippe Chiasson's talk @ ApacheCon. Lots of developers checking out
release controlled Apache, perl, and application. Neat stuff.

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-29 Thread barries

On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 01:37:52PM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 At 09:06 AM 4/28/01 -0400, barries wrote:
 Not sure either, except that this would be more targeted towards
 specific research projects, as opposed to the build a venue and they
 will come SourceXchange model.
 I guess my understanding of SourceXChange is that it was also for research 
 projects and additions to existing open source projects.

I meant that SourceXchange wasn't promoting a particular RD effort,
they were trying to be a clearinghouse (not a bad thing, but a different
thing).  Stas (co.) has the advantage that advocacy is part of the
intent, so by promoting mod_perl, he raises interest in his own
availability, and by promoting his availability, he promotes mod_perl.

He doesn't need to get bogged down in structuring a market and
attracting business to a marketplace, he can focus on selling himself,
his cohorts, and mod_perl.

 I think what Stas may want to do is write up a list of things that he
 wants to do with mod_perl if he were given 6 months or a year of
 salary to do whatever he wanted.


- Barrie

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread barries

On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 12:16:18PM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
 If the person being sponsored by grants is a foreigner to the US, but
 wishes to be in the US

Agreed, but I don't think that's a roadblock, just a situation to be
dealt with.  mod_perl infrastructure seems to be the kind of project
that can be done on a distributed basis.  Geographic proximity helps, no
doubt, but that shouldn't stop work. We might need US staff, but I'm not
sure where the fingers tap on the keys matters as long as they're
talented fingers in the context of a project and community that has
already proven to work well in a distributed manner.

 Of course, the location of the person or person(s) being sponsored may make 
 a big difference in being able to be sponsored.

Doug, would you sponser Stas a spot on your couch for, say, a 5 year
work commitment from him?  ;-).

 Or would be actually apply a set of grants...  I would like a company
 to sponsor this XYZ feature.

That's what I meant by feature purchases below, not that it was at all
clear :-/. Though I envisioned it more like talks might be opened with a
company and a mutually beneficial feature set might emerge from that.

For instance, I've been wondering about using fam/imon[1] to make it so
that Apache::Reload and templating and caching systems can have their
cake and eat it to: no need to repeatedly stat() the filesystem to know
if your source files have change or cached content has become outdated.

 But then this gets into the Collabnet SourceXChange model which Collabnet 
 just shut down due to lack of capability of making money (I guess). So I am 
 not sure if this would bode well for this type of model on mod_perl.

Not sure either, except that this would be more targeted towards
specific research projects, as opposed to the build a venue and they
will come SourceXchange model.

 Anyway, this seems promising. Where I know we wouldn't pay money to fund an 
 entire year of Stas developing mod_perl solely, I certainly know that there 
 are probably features I would seriously consider sponsoring.

Any others out there that might be interested, let's hear from you :-).
My employer's on the rocks, so no easy money there

- Barrie


Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Drew Taylor

At 10:41 PM 4/27/01 -0400, barries wrote:
On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 11:44:49PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
  Since mod_perl is an open source, it's a tough quest. Basically what I
  want is get some company that will benefit from me working on open source
  project full time and pay me a salary. Of course it's probably hard to get
  a full time open source position, so probably some compromising offer,
  where we do some 50-75% of the time mod_perl development and the rest
  doing something else, if it makes the company more happy.

As you and others have mentioned here now and in the past, mod_perl
needs PR and working apps (which are both good PR and good reasons for
others to start using it as a means to an end: like the new Slash code,
for instance).

I agree 100%. If I might throw my $.02 in, IMHO a part of this marketing 
should be a more brochureware The content there is top 
notch and I can't say enough good things about it. The amount of 
documentation is simply amazing and there are many commercial products that 
aren't as well documented. However, the current site looks like it was 
designed by a programmer. And I mean no offense, because that is also how 
my personal site currently looks. :-)

I think that should present a more professional face to 
corporate people who are looking at using perl/mod_perl. For an example, 
look at the various sites. They have navigation and are 
split into multiple sections and pages. Someone took the time to section 
off the various topics and put together graphics and navigation. I'm sure 
the amount of data/documentation is the same between say Tomcat and 
mod_perl, but I prefer the packaging of the java sites.

If we are to get more corporate interest in mod_perl, the community should 
work to present the information about mod_perl in such a way that the 
managers/business people who make the decisions can reason that mod_perl is 
a technology they should use. We already know mod_perl is great, we just 
have to make the rest of the world realize it. Marketing is as much about 
appearance as capabilities. Just look at the marketing depts that dotcoms 
put together to hype a product that didn't yet exist!

I remember seeing some proofs done by Robin Berjon (I'm sure I'm not 
spelling it right!) long ago that I really liked. But they were never used 
AFAIK. I also registered modperlnews.(org|com) a while back with the 
intention of doing something useful with them, but I have not yet done 
anything. I also have some time on my hands while I'm searching for a new 
job, so I am volunteering my time if it's needed or wanted. I'll bet that 
Template Toolkit (thanks Andy!) would work wonderfully for putting a new 
face on the site. If the powers that be are interested, I am available to 

And if I'm off track, then tell me and I'll go back to lurking. :-)

Such an organization could do (aside from the feature development listed

- general advocacy: press releases, reference cards, publish
   articles and sell a qr/this (article|research) funded by
   (ActiveState|VMWare|Covalent|IBM S/390 Marketing Division|.*)/ credit

Drew Taylor

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Bakki Kudva

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:14:10 +0100 (BST)
Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Amen to that and there is Enhydra on the Java side. To get the
functionality of these two frameworks I'd have to integrate many many CPAN
modules, keep track of various versions, make sure each is active etc etc.
A nice application framework like Enhydra or zope on mod_perl which is
maintained perhaps by all the authors of individual modules would be a
great start.


 Actually there's an exception to this rule. Look at Zope.

  .-.| Bakki Kudva__Open Source EDMS__
  oo|| Navaco   ph:  814-833-2592
 /`'\| 420 Pasadena Drive   fax: 603-947-5747
(\_;/)   | Erie, PA 16505

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Robin Berjon

At 14:04 28/04/2001 -0400, Drew Taylor wrote:
I remember seeing some proofs done by Robin Berjon (I'm sure I'm not 
spelling it right!) long ago that I really liked. But they were never used 
AFAIK. I also registered modperlnews.(org|com) a while back with the 
intention of doing something useful with them, but I have not yet done 
anything. I also have some time on my hands while I'm searching for a new 
job, so I am volunteering my time if it's needed or wanted. I'll bet that 
Template Toolkit (thanks Andy!) would work wonderfully for putting a new 
face on the site. If the powers that be are interested, I am available to 

You got the spelling right, and if you hadn't I don't think it would have
been a big deal at all. In fact, my (geek) friends call me Berfon since
that is how my name appeared in the first Perl Poetry contest that I was
credited in ;-)

The proofs never made it to the site for many reasons, one
of which being that that's when I changed continents again, another being
that there were other people working on it too, and there are probably many
other reasons at hand too. Anyway, the proof eventually got used for which I'm very happy about (well, it was just a proof and there
are quite a few things I'd like to change about it, but that's another story).

I also helped with I don't think it's professional level as is,
but it's probably better than programmer style and until I or someone
else has the time to make it better I hope it does the job ok.

I'm not going to promise to do things I don't have the time to do, a few
years spent in the Open Source community have taught me (the hard way)
about that. However, now that my company has grown (and keeps growing
despite rumours of a slump -- modperl + xml definitely help) and that I
have internal resources other than myself I can offer to create a new proof.

The limits of what I can offer are a design proof + templates (in xslt). I
don't have enough people yet to take over the maintenance of the whole
site. If there's a way we can have some XML publishing on that server then
it would be done in little time (note that xml means pod too, thanks to
pod2xml). If someone can solve the publishing side of the issue, then I can
do the design/templating side.

k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency
What I like about deadlines is the lovely whooshing sound they make as
they rush past. --Douglas Adams

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Richard L. Goerwitz III

barries wrote:

  Anyway, this seems promising. Where I know we wouldn't pay money to fund an
  entire year of Stas developing mod_perl solely, I certainly know that there
  are probably features I would seriously consider sponsoring.
 Any others out there that might be interested, let's hear from you :-).
 My employer's on the rocks, so no easy money there

I'm finding (while doing consulting work) that, if I already have
an in with a firm, I can usually leverage that to work in time
training the staff in how to use mod_perl indirectly, by teaching
them Embperl first.

Embperl ends up being the draw.

I find I can take average Perl programmers and get them up and run-
ning with Embperl, basically in two sessions.  And once they figure
out what all they can do - and how quickly all their Perl scripts
can transfer - they buy right in.

The main hurdle turns out to be working a build of mod_perl into the
servers they're using.  Often quite a number of developers are all
at work, and they don't all merit the kind of trust that mod_perl
requires.  Mod_perl, though, is a pretty trusting module.


Richard Goerwitz   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: 401 438 8978

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 09:06 AM 4/28/01 -0400, barries wrote:

  But then this gets into the Collabnet SourceXChange model which Collabnet
  just shut down due to lack of capability of making money (I guess). So 
 I am
  not sure if this would bode well for this type of model on mod_perl.

Not sure either, except that this would be more targeted towards
specific research projects, as opposed to the build a venue and they
will come SourceXchange model.

I guess my understanding of SourceXChange is that it was also for research 
projects and additions to existing open source projects. So the idea is to 
precisely bring together open source developers and people who want to give 
grants for adding or creating specific open source projects.

Anyway, I am not saying it is impossible. Anyway, I think what Stas may 
want to do is write up a list of things that he wants to do with mod_perl 
if he were given 6 months or a year of salary to do whatever he wanted.

This would make such a request to have someone pay for his work to be 
concrete and possibly then endear others to help in a more concrete way. It 
is also quite possible that people do not realize what improvements should 
be made to mod_perl (or they would be doing it) and so if Stas has a list 
of ideas of what to do with mod_perl, then he may inadvertently spark ideas 
in other people's minds as to what can be done and they would do it.

I guess off the top of my head, there are things that Doug has stated he 
expects other people to write as soon as mod_perl 2.0 is released. So 
perhaps that could be worked on in parallel with mod_perl 2.0 so that when 
Apache 2.0 is released, mod_perl 2.0 can be released in a very 
full-featured way.


Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 09:14 AM 4/28/01 +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:
On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

  As I think I mentioned, it's great that the people like you on this list
  have a passion for delivering cool software.
  People rarely look at toolkits like payment gateways and messaging servers
  unless there is an application that fits their needs that they can use
  which happens to use these backend components.

Actually there's an exception to this rule. Look at Zope.

But Zope has an application? -- content management. A template engine is 
not an application, but a content management tool built upon templates 
surely is?

I thought you would recognize this as you are building something to allow 
this on AxKit?

Of course, I guess you could consider AxKit an application because 
presumably it comes with scripts to allow aggregration of news content in 
RSS format? I consider this a really nice application.

But it's also a bit difficult to tell that this is what AxKit does. You 
might consider separating AxKit the engine from AxKit the applications to 
allow people to find your site looking for applications (eg news, content 
management) so that they want to use AxKit. And then when they want to use 
AxKit, they will want to use mod_perl.

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-28 Thread Gunther Birznieks

I would like to restate that while I think these engines are cool and 
useful, that they are not the things that bring the masses to your 
platform.  This was the point I was making. I am not naysaying projects 
like Enhydra, but just stated that they are not as directly useful for 
bringing the masses to the platform.

While it is true that an Enhydra type of engine makes writing application 
easier, what you really still always need in order to gain a critical mass 
is something more concrete that the masses can hook onto.

I am not talking about techies loving mod_perl or Enhydra or AxKit. But 
everyday webmasters and CIOs saying XYZ platform has so many applications 
for it I can see them demoed, my tech staff can install them within a 
day so let's use it.

There are just certain things that are harder to market than others. 
Applications make platforms easier to market because it shows off the power.

I was not at the meeting, but I heard Stas convinced one of our clients to 
go with mod_perl by showing them a site he created called SinglesHeaven in 
CGI and then in mod_perl. Look how fast it is and you can see it's a real 
application. Showing the same people benchmarks of hello world and 
template renderings generally do not have the same effect.

At 11:06 AM 4/28/01 -0400, Bakki Kudva wrote:
On Sat, 28 Apr 2001 09:14:10 +0100 (BST)
Matt Sergeant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Amen to that and there is Enhydra on the Java side. To get the
functionality of these two frameworks I'd have to integrate many many CPAN
modules, keep track of various versions, make sure each is active etc etc.
A nice application framework like Enhydra or zope on mod_perl which is
maintained perhaps by all the authors of individual modules would be a
great start.

  Actually there's an exception to this rule. Look at Zope.

an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Stas Bekman

Well, I've talked to a few mod_perl guys over the last conference and by
email lately and we have have all agreed that we are quite sick of
generating forms and parsing them, no matter what cool toolkit and hype
words we are using to do that. So we all are looking at doing core
mod_perl, i.e. we want to develop *mod_perl* *itself* and tightly related

Since mod_perl is an open source, it's a tough quest. Basically what I
want is get some company that will benefit from me working on open source
project full time and pay me a salary. Of course it's probably hard to get
a full time open source position, so probably some compromising offer,
where we do some 50-75% of the time mod_perl development and the rest
doing something else, if it makes the company more happy.

Definitely I'm aware of the situation in the market. But you know what,
look at the history, at any recession times there were always those who
continued to prosper. Therefore I believe that some companies not even
slowed down, but have accelerated their growth and have enough cash to
invest into open source and make probably improve their image. Look for
example at Covalent, I don't know all the details, but this company seem
to stand strong on its legs. But Covalent has already Doug, so this is out
of question.

So if your company thinks it can directly or indirectly benefit from
having one or more mod_perl experts doing cool mod_perl development, let
us know. There are at least 3 people (including me) that want this job.
I'm sure that there are many more that will be interested.

I've mentioned in the subject that the request is unusual, so please
respond only if you think you can stand behind this offer and not promise
things that will never become true. I've bitten once on such an offer, and
will try not to do the same mistake a second time in a row.

Thanks a lot!

On the related note, does anybody know about the financial status of
Velocigen? How do they sell their products? We think to try to revive this
old idea where we create mod_perl company, that will sell mod_perl and
support. If Velocigen can do this with a closed source product, I believe
we can do even better, especially with the drooling mod_perl 2.0.

We have discussed this with I think 6 mod_perl guys about a year ago, but
since all of us were programmers, we didn't get anywhere. May be we can
come up with some nice business plan, and make a commercial mod_perl
branch, boost the awareness of the product, get companies to invest into
people developing it and make mod_perl a standard for webserver products.
I know that it's a rewishful thinking, but with the right people and right
companies I'm sure that everything is possible. I'm sure that you realize
the potential of mod_perl.

IMHO of course... I'm just a programmer, so if you ask about my business
plan, I tell: you find a good business shark and push it forward, we will
do the coding. Easy huh, but that's what we are good at -- coding, so we
better do that.

Anyway, fresh ideas are welcome

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread JR Mayberry

I think there are two paths... mod_perl needs more market-awareness... it
needs a PR and marketing company.. then companies will start using it, then
there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I
couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never
expect to do work with it again.

Other path--- start your own company who has some product or web based
service which uses mod_perl as their platform of choice.. market it, and
sell it.. takes capital, but..nothing the collective efforts of an open
source community couldn't do... gotta have that idea though..

- Original Message -
From: Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mod_perl list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

 Well, I've talked to a few mod_perl guys over the last conference and by
 email lately and we have have all agreed that we are quite sick of
 generating forms and parsing them, no matter what cool toolkit and hype
 words we are using to do that. So we all are looking at doing core
 mod_perl, i.e. we want to develop *mod_perl* *itself* and tightly related

 Since mod_perl is an open source, it's a tough quest. Basically what I
 want is get some company that will benefit from me working on open source
 project full time and pay me a salary. Of course it's probably hard to get
 a full time open source position, so probably some compromising offer,
 where we do some 50-75% of the time mod_perl development and the rest
 doing something else, if it makes the company more happy.

 Definitely I'm aware of the situation in the market. But you know what,
 look at the history, at any recession times there were always those who
 continued to prosper. Therefore I believe that some companies not even
 slowed down, but have accelerated their growth and have enough cash to
 invest into open source and make probably improve their image. Look for
 example at Covalent, I don't know all the details, but this company seem
 to stand strong on its legs. But Covalent has already Doug, so this is out
 of question.

 So if your company thinks it can directly or indirectly benefit from
 having one or more mod_perl experts doing cool mod_perl development, let
 us know. There are at least 3 people (including me) that want this job.
 I'm sure that there are many more that will be interested.

 I've mentioned in the subject that the request is unusual, so please
 respond only if you think you can stand behind this offer and not promise
 things that will never become true. I've bitten once on such an offer, and
 will try not to do the same mistake a second time in a row.

 Thanks a lot!

 On the related note, does anybody know about the financial status of
 Velocigen? How do they sell their products? We think to try to revive this
 old idea where we create mod_perl company, that will sell mod_perl and
 support. If Velocigen can do this with a closed source product, I believe
 we can do even better, especially with the drooling mod_perl 2.0.

 We have discussed this with I think 6 mod_perl guys about a year ago, but
 since all of us were programmers, we didn't get anywhere. May be we can
 come up with some nice business plan, and make a commercial mod_perl
 branch, boost the awareness of the product, get companies to invest into
 people developing it and make mod_perl a standard for webserver products.
 I know that it's a rewishful thinking, but with the right people and right
 companies I'm sure that everything is possible. I'm sure that you realize
 the potential of mod_perl.

 IMHO of course... I'm just a programmer, so if you ask about my business
 plan, I tell: you find a good business shark and push it forward, we will
 do the coding. Easy huh, but that's what we are good at -- coding, so we
 better do that.

 Anyway, fresh ideas are welcome

 Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro

At 12:00 PM 4/27/01 -0400, JR Mayberry wrote:
there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I
couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never
expect to do work with it again.

... on the other hand, even as recently as one year ago, it was almost 
impossible for our company (in southern california) to find mod_perl 
programmers.  Our last few job searches, tho, we've been able to find a 
*very* good supply of applicants with mod_perl experience... it's no longer 
been an issue.  (Most mod_perl applicants seem to have come by their 
experience from working on college campuses, BTW... which is another 
interesting -- and valuable -- change.  Not the fact that schools use it, 
but the _volume_ of applicants who are now learning it there.)

So I don't know how exactly it's happened, but mod_perl knowledge seems 
to have skyrocketed recently, and at least to my mind it's given mod_perl a 
viability that it didn't have recently.  A year ago, we were even talking 
seriously about moving our development to Java, simply because we could 
find a lot more Java programmers than Perl programmers, but that tide is 
definitely turned... we're no longer even considering switching, we have no 
trouble finding people, and I'm finding investors and corporate officers a 
*lot* more willing to consider the development and use of open-source tools 
in general as being a very valid and credible business decision.  The use 
of Apache and mod_perl has made me look very, very smart lately. ;-)

I think the key is going to be Perl 6.  If it improves the areas they think 
it will, and if Apache / mod_perl 2.x are themselves the improvements we 
expect them to be, we may all be pleasantly surprised by a major growth in 
usage.  The market downturn has given people who use open source tools -- 
Perl, Apache, mySQL, postgreSQL, Linux, etc... a major credibility boost, 
at least in my own circles -- I think we *might* be in for a pleasant 
surprise in 1-2 years.  :-/


Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Jim Winstead

On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 10:01:39AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 At 12:00 PM 4/27/01 -0400, JR Mayberry wrote:
 there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I
 couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never
 expect to do work with it again.
 ... on the other hand, even as recently as one year ago, it was almost 
 impossible for our company (in southern california) to find mod_perl 
 programmers.  Our last few job searches, tho, we've been able to find a 
 *very* good supply of applicants with mod_perl experience... it's no longer 
 been an issue.  (Most mod_perl applicants seem to have come by their 
 experience from working on college campuses, BTW... which is another 
 interesting -- and valuable -- change.  Not the fact that schools use it, 
 but the _volume_ of applicants who are now learning it there.)

well, i suspect a lot of those candidates actually surfaced as other
idealab-backed companies either tanked or shifted direction. the
death of etoys freed up a number of mod_perl-savvy developers. :)

(in all seriousness, though, idealab and many of the companies it
has spawned is a mod_perl-friendly place.)

and my experience is that you don't need to hire mod_perl experts --
specific skillsets are some distance down on the list of things i
look at in hiring someone. given a good framework to develop in,
and a good programmer who is willing to learn, mod_perl skills
will bloom.

but, outside of the linux companies and covalent, i don't know where
one would look for a job just developing mod_perl itself.


Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Gunther Birznieks

Well, you know how I feel. :) But the others don't so...

I believe the most crucial and missing approach is to put resources into 
making ready-made applications that work on mod_perl rather than core 
mod_perl itself. This is also a problem on Linux, but that's another story. 
A quantity of applications for mod_perl or that demonstratively show that 
using mod_perl is a benefit (ie fast) is necessary (and I don't mean tech 
products like AxKit -- which are great but not what I am talking about)

There is very little out there in the various product categories that works 
as mod_perl registry script. Probably equal in number to the amount of 
public domain Java servlets! If you talk platforms, PHP has surpassed 
mod_perl-capable applications.

Of course, as you say, you want to work on core mod_perl (not doing forms 
applications... :)) so that is a different story. But to me, mod_perl is 
exciting enough at the core level and the work, while it might be cool to 
do more for v2, is already basically there.

But if you want to generate excitement about a platform we have to start at 
a higher level -- show a suite of complete applications that can run ready 
made on top of mod_perl to make it obviously enticing to use.

I am not talking about AxKit, HTML::Mason, etc. These are tools, not 
applications or application suites. Programmers on this list and the people 
who like mod_perl are similar IMHO to the people who like Linux. Constantly 
interested in improving the core stuff.

I think that passion and interest is great. But the problem is bridging the 
gap that brings the masses to a product and generates a lot more 
excitement. In marketing, this is called 'Bridging the chasm I think. Most 
commercial products (not just open source!) follow a life cycle of which 
one part of the life cycle is extremely difficult to bridge.

I am probably going to get the steps wrong because it's been a couple years 
since I read this book. But the basic idea is this.

The first step is the early adopters (this is you Stas -- with running Perl 
5.6 before it's stable, being so interesting in mod_perl 2.0 a year before 
it's out).

The second stage consists of the technical few who aren't early adopters, 
but when the early adopters say something is basically stable enough, the 
technical few can try it, like it, and start using it. These are most of 
the people who post regularly on the list (probably someone like me -- I 
don't like adopting things too early -- I prefer to wait til it's stable -- 
but I think I like cool technology).

The third stage is those that are more pragmatic. Not necessarily the 
technical elite, but that it is possible for an everyday person to start 
using the product.  This is the stage that mod_perl is at now. I think you 
are seeing a lot more people who have used mod_perl and are not afraid of it.

Then there is popular acceptance. This is the chasm that must be crossed.

There are a couple ways that this chasm can be crossed. They all basically 
entail marketing the product in such a way that the masses feel that are 
indispensable yet easy to use the new product.

I believe having more full-applications delivered that work in a mod_perl 
environment (at least Apache::Registry format) is one of the keys here. The 
ideal is rather than individual apps, it could be suites of apps that 
demonstrate working together (ie SmartWorker, eXtropia, any others?) and 
capable of running under mod_perl for extra speed.

The suites are ideal (but not necessary) because it makes it easier for 
users to pick up one app and then understand how the other apps work. Most 
unfortunately, we know SmartWorker had been way-laid by being a startup 
that needed to pull resources towards a business product (eg opendesk).

And I can't say that eXtropia has been that much better in terms of 
delivery -- although we (Stas) have devoted a lot of time to making sure we 
have yet another generation of application to deliver in the coming months. 
So hopefully that will come about before PerlCon.

The way our company works though is that  we have spurts where we 
occasionally realize Oh shit, we need to complete XYZ commercial project. 
So the open source gets delayed again for a bit. Usually our open source 
development and our software releases tends to following a few months of 
open source coding and then a few months of not open source coding on the 
Perl side.

This isn't consistent, which isn't nice and ideal, but at least we spend 
the money and time on it when we can as a company.

Actually it's not a matter of money for us anymore (thankfully) as much as 
that we may get a job that turns out to be big enough that we need more 
people -- but we can't hire fast enough to do the job that we commit to 
because the lead time for hiring someone is a minimum a couple weeks of 
interviews and then that person usually giving a months notice at their 
current job.

Luckily for us, for example, the project that is 

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Mark Maunder

Well, hopefully the mod_perl community isn't so small that etoys counted as a
sizable fraction :)
I'm ex etoys Europe and have set up a mod_perl webdev company in London
assembling high traffic web sites, so I guess you can count me in as one of them
freed up mod_perl people. I was tempted to email Stas, but there's no way I could
pay his salary. I'm sure alot of companies out there would kill to have your name
associated with them though.

Jim Winstead wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 10:01:39AM -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
  At 12:00 PM 4/27/01 -0400, JR Mayberry wrote:
  there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I
  couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never
  expect to do work with it again.
  ... on the other hand, even as recently as one year ago, it was almost
  impossible for our company (in southern california) to find mod_perl
  programmers.  Our last few job searches, tho, we've been able to find a
  *very* good supply of applicants with mod_perl experience... it's no longer
  been an issue.  (Most mod_perl applicants seem to have come by their
  experience from working on college campuses, BTW... which is another
  interesting -- and valuable -- change.  Not the fact that schools use it,
  but the _volume_ of applicants who are now learning it there.)

 well, i suspect a lot of those candidates actually surfaced as other
 idealab-backed companies either tanked or shifted direction. the
 death of etoys freed up a number of mod_perl-savvy developers. :)

 (in all seriousness, though, idealab and many of the companies it
 has spawned is a mod_perl-friendly place.)

 and my experience is that you don't need to hire mod_perl experts --
 specific skillsets are some distance down on the list of things i
 look at in hiring someone. given a good framework to develop in,
 and a good programmer who is willing to learn, mod_perl skills
 will bloom.

 but, outside of the linux companies and covalent, i don't know where
 one would look for a job just developing mod_perl itself.


Mark Maunder

 Try not.
 Or do not.
 There is no try.

Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread barries

On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 11:44:49PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Since mod_perl is an open source, it's a tough quest. Basically what I
 want is get some company that will benefit from me working on open source
 project full time and pay me a salary. Of course it's probably hard to get
 a full time open source position, so probably some compromising offer,
 where we do some 50-75% of the time mod_perl development and the rest
 doing something else, if it makes the company more happy.

Another possibility is to try to gather a bit of a consortium together.
See if there are several interested companies that might fund half a
developer for a year.  If you get enough for 4 or 5 developers and some
office support, you might be able to make a go of it.

Existing Apache/mod_perl support companies might pitch some in, and
some that want to make a contribution without committing to permanent
staff or longer term could ante up commitments.

The commitments could be in the form of guru grants, speaker honoraria,
PR grants, feature purchases.  H, found a YAS (Yet Another Society)
mod_perl wing? See if the community might pitch in to fund Stas and
one or two others for 6 months?  Not sure if you need to be slightly mad
or from down under to pull that on off.  Kevin Lenzo's a hell of a nice
guy and probably would be happy to offer up some advice.  In fact, I
think I'll Cc him, and leave the rest of the message attached to
backfill, if he's got time to read it...

As you and others have mentioned here now and in the past, mod_perl
needs PR and working apps (which are both good PR and good reasons for
others to start using it as a means to an end: like the new Slash code,
for instance).

Such an organization could do (aside from the feature development listed

- general advocacy: press releases, reference cards, publish
  articles and sell a qr/this (article|research) funded by
  (ActiveState|VMWare|Covalent|IBM S/390 Marketing Division|.*)/ credit

- coporate outreach offer a free or cheap on-site intro to mod_perl
  technologies to any corporate division

- offer a take a mod_perl guru to lunch program

- emergency ssh/telnet/onsite problem SWAT services (that's a bit of a
  stretch).  This could be done in partnership with existing firms like
  Covalent, or (so as not to compete with possible sponors) it could
  just advocate the availability of them.  Heck, just getting market
  survey type articles published that research who offers what services
  might help promote these services.

- in-depth training

Anyway, this turned out to be longer than I intended, just some fuzzy
thoughts after a long day...
 Definitely I'm aware of the situation in the market. But you know what,
 look at the history, at any recession times there were always those who
 continued to prosper. Therefore I believe that some companies not even
 slowed down, but have accelerated their growth and have enough cash to
 invest into open source and make probably improve their image. Look for
 example at Covalent, I don't know all the details, but this company seem
 to stand strong on its legs. But Covalent has already Doug, so this is out
 of question.
 So if your company thinks it can directly or indirectly benefit from
 having one or more mod_perl experts doing cool mod_perl development, let
 us know. There are at least 3 people (including me) that want this job.
 I'm sure that there are many more that will be interested.
 I've mentioned in the subject that the request is unusual, so please
 respond only if you think you can stand behind this offer and not promise
 things that will never become true. I've bitten once on such an offer, and
 will try not to do the same mistake a second time in a row.
 Thanks a lot!
 On the related note, does anybody know about the financial status of
 Velocigen? How do they sell their products? We think to try to revive this
 old idea where we create mod_perl company, that will sell mod_perl and
 support. If Velocigen can do this with a closed source product, I believe
 we can do even better, especially with the drooling mod_perl 2.0.
 We have discussed this with I think 6 mod_perl guys about a year ago, but
 since all of us were programmers, we didn't get anywhere. May be we can
 come up with some nice business plan, and make a commercial mod_perl
 branch, boost the awareness of the product, get companies to invest into
 people developing it and make mod_perl a standard for webserver products.
 I know that it's a rewishful thinking, but with the right people and right
 companies I'm sure that everything is possible. I'm sure that you realize
 the potential of mod_perl.
 IMHO of course... I'm just a programmer, so if you ask about my business
 plan, I tell: you find a good business shark and push it forward, we will
 do the coding. Easy huh, but that's what we are good at -- coding, so we
 better do that.
 Anyway, fresh ideas are welcome