Re: linux packaging for Alien::XXX modules

2014-02-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Yu on Sunday 19 January 2014:
>It would be nice if we had a better solution (one that did not require
>the cost of a "dummy" Alien module, which results in a pretty
>empty-looking package on distributions with binary-only packages, such
>as Debian). But, again, this seems to have been the usual approach we
>followed historically.

Hi Jonathan,

If the dependency is in prereqs->build->requires, that shouldn't 
translate into a binary prereq.  So, a distro should be able to skip 
packaging the alien modules, no?


Re: please help me name a module

2013-09-13 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Bill Ward on Thursday 12 September 2013:
>On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Greg Lindahl  wrote:
>> Vehicle:: doesn't generalize very well to toasters, refrigerators,
>> etc. If a new top-level name is a good idea, I'd suggest an
>> Internet-of-Things top-level, Thing:: or IoT:: or IOT::
>> ...


I don't think it's strictly necessary to generalize the top-level 
namespace.  Would one be unable to locate the refrigerator interface 
module without it being filed under "things"?  It might be better as 
Car::Tesla::ModelS or Tesla::ModelS.


Re: Request co-maintainer for Alien

2013-09-03 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Chris Marshall on Friday 30 August 2013:
>I've made two email attempts to the module author
>and tried to reach him by phone without luck.

Hi Chris,

I hope you are not using that address -- that company is 
closed.  Maybe Artur's address is not updated?  Did you try 
via,, or ?


Re: pod stuff... pod using variables?

2013-03-19 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Linda W on Saturday 16 March 2013:
>With the discussion I read at the link above, they were more concerned
>about changing the version number in one place for multiple
>files.  Related issue, but
>likely different.  Certainly we could all play games with specialized
>perl scripts that search for the version in a common location
>and patches one or more source files in one or more locations/source
>file, but
>it that seems a bit inelegant.  Though if it bothered me
>enough...inelegance is
>fine... ;-)

You might want to look at Pod::Weaver and/or Dist::Zilla.

There is a way to get the pod parser and the perl parser to see the same 
bytes as both pod and code, but it's not pretty, probably not supported, 
and might make some people angry if I mentioned it here.


Re: stop shipping MYMETA to CPAN

2013-03-02 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo on Friday 01 March 2013:
>I don't maintain my MANIFEST file manually, but have a MANIFEST.SKIP
>file and run  "make manifest" before the releases.
>As the MYMETA files are new, they were not matched by any of the rules
>in the MANFEST.SKIP file.

Oh, that's why I didn't see this.  If you have a MANIFEST.SKIP file, 
`make manifest` will just use that instead of its defaults (which now 
contain MYMETA.yml/json.)

If you do `./Build manifest`, you should see:

  File 'MANIFEST.SKIP' does not include 'MYMETA.json'. Adding it now.

Sounds like ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Install should maybe do 
something similar.  Not sure how to explain DDUMONT, but it looks like 
Module::Build has otherwise done well."generated_by:


Re: stop shipping MYMETA to CPAN

2013-03-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Aaron Trevena on Friday 01 March 2013:
>A quick google search shows it in one of my modules blush and github
>shows I added it manually and deliberately like an idjit.

Thanks for the input.  I tend to `>MANIFEST; ./Build manifest` and have 
a check for that in my publish script.  I'm curious whether there are 
some automated tools doing it wrong or just a lack of compelling enough 
automated tools.


Re: in running test on a module -- where is the module ?

2013-03-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Linda W on Friday 01 March 2013:
>They worked when I ran them in the 't' directory.
>When I ran it in 't' , the mod was in "../lib"... but not under the
>test harness?

Hi Linda,

Probably chdir .. and try the tests as t/foo.t -- this will be more like 
what you'll see from `./Build test` because most author tools are going 
to assume that the root of your dist is the working directory and add 
blib/lib and blib/arch to your path (or `prove -rl t/ xt/` is going to 
add lib to your module path and run everything in t and xt.)


Re: stop shipping MYMETA to CPAN

2013-03-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo on Thursday 28 February 2013:
>/me is releasing new version of Test::Strict to fix this issue and
>going over the
>other modules as well.

Hi Gabor,

How did they get into your MANIFEST in this case?  Is there a tool which 
is tending to do this, or are people adding them manually?


Re: CPAN testers: failure installing dependencies

2012-11-06 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell on Tuesday 06 November 2012:
>> So how would I fix the dependency problem if I don't even know about
>> it?
>By testing your code before releasing it?  ...  For the few of my dists
>that I care most about,I re-test them every so often to make sure that
>CPAN didn't break them.

The problem comes after you have released your code and its 
installability gets broken by a dependency's new bug/failure.

In theory, you shouldn't have to retest your code to catch this (and I 
agree that reporting as a failure against your code is also incorrect.)  
That said, I would probably opt-in to some e-mail that tells me when a 
dep revision introduced a failure such that one of my dists became 
uninstallable, but I could also probably find a way to make that into a 
cron job using currently available data/APIs.


Re: Module naming and a couple other questions

2012-09-15 Thread Eric Wilhelm
Hi Josh,

# from Joshua Megerman on Friday 14 September 2012:
>My initial inclination was to just call the
>module WMIClient, but I'm starting to think that WMI::Client or some
>other name would be better.  The only 2 modules I currently see on
>CPAN that provide similar functionality are DBD::WMI and Win32::WMIC,

I would say Win32::WMIClient if it only run on windows.  If this is a 
wire protocol, you might consider NET:: (sorry it does not google well 
for me -- but your mention seems to point away from 

>2. Said module currently has 1 function, wmiclient, which I was
>planning on exporting by default.  I see that it's generally
>recommended not to do that,

In the case of providing one function, it might make more sense to 
export it by default.  One can always disable the import with a `use ... 
()`, so nobody is trapped by your decision.  But, it is good practice to 
import functions explicitly or call them with an absolute name because 
it provides a better answer to "how did this function get into my 

>Can I do that, or do I need to distribute the entire module as GPL...

I [am not a lawyer] think you can use copyright law to grant anyone 
whatever license you like _on the code you wrote_.  The GPL will apply 
to the usage of everything together once they are linked/executed, so 
your license has to allow for that.

>...Is this a problem for distribution via CPAN?

No.  (I was trying to track down the reference for this and I'm not sure 
if there's more written on this topic.  Basically:  as long as your 
license doesn't prevent it from being freely and widely mirrored and you 
are not abusing the generosity of the mirrors, it can be on the CPAN.)

>4. In order to successfully build this module, you need to have the
>WMI library installed and specify the location of the WMI source code
>as a parameter to 'perl Makefile.PL' so it can find the necessary
>headers (which I'd rather not have to package with the module
>source).  I have specified this in the README and Makefile.PL, but I
>don't know how to handle that requirement via CPAN.

A parameter to Makefile.PL is not going to work well with a CPAN client.  
If you want to make it really smooth for users, take a look at some of 
the Alien:: modules -- you could perhaps automate the installation with 
an Alien::WMI package.  Alternatively, you could prompt() in your 

>5. I'm only starting to look into testing now, but one of the
>requirements for testing this thoroughly will be that information be
>passed regarding username/password and machine to test

If you must have a live test, maybe use prompt() -- but be aware that 
you would be storing that password as plaintext as a side-effect of how 
the makefile/make process works.  You might be able to work something 
into the test action -- prompt just before running the tests and put the 
password in an environment variable.  (I [am biased] would use 
Module::Build for that level of customization rather than MakeMaker.)


Re: RFC: the Author:: namespace

2012-09-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Pedro Melo on Friday 07 September 2012:
>... personal modules that don't fit into any other namespace, for
>public experimental modules, and for author metadata.
>You can skip indexing them on search/metacpan, or index them and not
>include them on general search results. Make that opt-in.
>You can more aggressively remove old versions. You can delete old
>versions to Backpan. Or even send skip sending them at all to Backpan.
>And you can skip them when you create your local CPAN mirror, pulling
>only your own namespace.

It sounds like you're mostly talking about experimental modules (or 
experimental forks of existing ones) -- which is not what I would call 
"personal", so I think that's the wrong term for this discussion (and 
somewhat loaded/possessive.)

I think the notion of using your PAUSE ID as a sub-namespace is pretty 
well-established for BeLike &c (for better or worse.)

As for the plan of having somewhere to put experiments or forks, 
Author::EWILHELM doesn't seem right, and it's also too long, and what if 
I wrote it, but at some point in the future, someone else is going to 
maintain/co-maintain it?  This problem of "what to name a fork" is 
partly an artifact of not having namespace/authority support in 
require(), no?  Why not name the first fork of Foo, X1::Foo and if 
someone wants to fork it again, X2::Foo, etc?  The same could work for 
experiments like

If you're tempted to prefix a distribution with your name, why is that?  
What if we just had a tmp:: namespace and deleted anything in there 
older than 2 years?

I think there's some way to control indexing with meta.ymlson, though 
one would probably want to go read the mldistwatch code and see.

As for what's in a backpan: that's an rsync cron job running on many 
servers (some of which may have been drywalled-over by now) and not 
likely to change much unless disk space gets much more expensive.


Re: The CPAN Covenant

2011-11-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Linda W
# on Monday 28 November 2011 10:07:

>   In that case, such modules on CPAN are worse than DEAD WEIGHT, they
> don't just take up space.  People, like you say, come to CPAN for
> 'modules that install in a straight forward manner'.   If the module
> fails in that regard, then the module has no place on CPAN.

It might not be pretty, but this is no reason to say that it has no 
place on the CPAN.  The CPAN is just a bunch of files.

>   The  person who I responded clearly stated that unless I was
> willing to pay to make it his highest priority, then my patches would
> be given lowest priority.

I believe you may have misunderstood David in that regard.  It sounds to 
me like he was saying that nobody has a right to demand anything from a 
volunteer and I whole-heartedly agree with that.

I will answer many demands for a fee, but none for free.  That is not to 
say that I am not often helpful by volunteering my time and code, but 
acting entitled to my services makes me far less inclined to help.

> Personally, I don't like that attitude nor 
> do I believe it belongs on CPAN which is supposed to be about you
> **giving** to the community (not charging them for it!)

The CPAN is just a bunch of files.  I don't think it holds as much 
meaning as it does bytes.  I seem to recall that the only requirement 
of the CPAN is that you cannot charge a fee for the code -- which seems 
to be more of a functional matter than an expression of any sort of 
ideal (in that a toll filesystem is impractical and harder to maintain 
than a free one.)  If one were to extend that line of thought, one 
might conclude that a heavily policied CPAN is less practical and 
harder to maintain than "just a bunch of files."

There are many tools (such as cpan/+/m) and collections of data built on 
top of and around the CPAN (e.g. ratings, testers data).  You are free 
to contribute to those or make your own, and thus everyone is free of 
long discussions about what should or should not be, because the CPAN 
is just a bunch of files.

The opinions expressed in this e-mail were randomly generated by
the computer and do not necessarily reflect the views of its owner.

Re: How to break apart a large distribution?

2011-10-18 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Leon Timmermans
# on Tuesday 18 October 2011 00:37:

>I've been pondering the same. For parts of the codebase that don't use
>much dynamic module loading it may be possible to automatize this
>using Perl::PrereqScanner. I think we could actually use some
>clustering algorithm after that (irony points for reusing biology
>knowledge there).

If you have some tests, you may want to try running them through my 
Devel::TraceDeps and getting a full runtime report of everything that 
gets used.  It might be useful before or after breaking the dist apart: 
maybe you can determine your best groupings based on the tests.

The output file contains enough info to map the hierarchy of require()s 
in the 'trace' data, though I'm not sure if I've tried to put it into a 
tree form.

Also see the pdt-depcheck tool in the Devel-TraceDeps dist to verify 
that your tests' dependencies match your Build.PL.

Chicken farmer's observation:  Clunk is the past tense of cluck.

Re: Math::BigInt inheritance problems

2011-10-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Paul Bennett
# on Sunday 09 October 2011 07:27:

>I'm convinced I'm doing something obviously and stupidly wrong, but I
>   can't for the life of me see the forest for the trees. See also

It looks like you are getting failures from "not of expected type" 
errors in both Pari and GMP.  It looks like both of them are not 
respecting inheritance and are using e.g. 'ref($x) eq ...' rather than 

You should probably put together a minimal test case and run it 
with -MCarp=verbose to get a full backtrace and find out where the 
error is being thrown by which backend.  I see at least the following 
two errors coming from your t/10-ip-address.t and both are going to 
need a deeper backtrace.

 1. "incorrect type in comparison. at .../Math/BigInt/ line 206.
 2. "not of type Math::BigInt::GMP at .../Math/ line 833.

If you can't replicate the errors on your system, you can usually ask 
the tester who reported it to get you a backtrace.

To a database person, every nail looks like a thumb.
--Jamie Zawinski

Re: Module::Build::Tiny / dynamic_config=0

2011-08-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Monday 29 August 2011 08:07:

>Eric raises the question "why bother" and I think for module authors,
>at least right now, there is no burning platform to switch.

I think you misunderstand my point.  Given dynamic_config support, there 
is no need for a $builder_or_maker.PL for the simple case.

>  I was trying to write a new, minimalist replacement sufficient for
>  most things on CPAN that didn't require any changes to
>  CPAN/CPANPLUS/cpanminus.

As for a demonstration of implementing the Build.PL interface: yes.

But I think the CPAN clients should eliminate it by supporting 
dynamic_config.  I haven't experimented to see what the current state 
of this is, but has dynamic_config support in the prereqs (not 
sure about test+install.)

I think the most complicated part is supporting whatever 
builder+installer assumptions people have encoded into their 
configurations -- maybe the client could read buildrc?

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

Re: Module::Build::Tiny

2011-08-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Aristotle Pagaltzis
# on Sunday 28 August 2011 22:50:

>In my understanding, the complexity of Module::Build piled up
>because the same tool tries to cover both installation and
>authoring use cases.

I've often had that thought, though I would say that M::B definitely 
suffers from being a mature codebase largely lacking its original 
author and large amounts of test coverage where small changes could 
break the CPAN -- so, that tends to stifle innovation (in my personal 
experience.)  The compat code (involving various forms of Makefile.PL 
workarounds) is also a burden, as is coding to be compatible with 
anything older than 5.8.

But I don't think there are really enough authoring features for that to 
be a major source of complexity.  The "subclassing as customization" 
design leaves a lot to be desired and makes it difficult to ever change 
or refactor the internals API without breaking someone's distribution.  
There is also almost a decade of transition coded into it (e.g. 
TAP::Harness vs Test::Harness) and a lot of code just to guard against 
being used in ridiculously old installations.

Plus, strange things that happen when you mess with PERL5LIB / -I / 'use 
lib', etc and expect that to propagate throughout your tests across 
processes regardless of whether you're running red hat or not.  We'll 
see if MBT has to run the same guantlet.

>I believe the Dist::Zilla approach is a better way to take care
>of authoring... So Dist::Zilla plus the *idea* of Module::Build::Tiny
>seem to fulfil the original concept of Module::Build better than that
>module itself ever has.

If you're using Dist::Zilla, you *should* not need anything besides 
META.json to install a simple module if you just set dynamic_config=0.  
(This "should" is, of course, largely unimplemented.)

Also, I think that M::B is better as a customizable deployable build 
tool than as an author tool.  I think it was even conceived as just 
that and only years of feature creep have added a lot of author tools.

>But is the implementation up to par?
>(I’d also be interested in whether any omissions mentioned in the
>POD are design choices or the idea is to add them in the future,
>and which if so.)

There might be some trouble being compatible with some of the more 
obscure features of buildrc and the env (which somebody always seems to 
have setup in a way which you have never thought necessary or logical.)  
It does seem to have factored-out many functions which M::B had as 
(maybe misplaced) methods.

Overall, it looks interesting, but I would hope that it at least adds 
some runtime support if not also C/XS.

Without the ability to have dynamic prereqs or build C/XS, why do you 
need a Build.PL at all?  You have to assume that the client supports
'configure_requires' or the user has already installed MBT for this to 
work.  If the Build.PL is a compatibility workaround, that seems like a 
weird niche to me because needing 'configure_requires' means you need a 
client from the last few years and 'dynamic_config' has been around 

Sadly, cpanm seems to not support dynamic_config.  I'm not sure whether 
one of the other two clients can "satisfy prereqs from META, run 
`prove -lr t`, and install the files from lib/" yet.

"Insert random misquote here"

Re: MetaCPAN is quickly becoming the de-facto interface to CPAN

2011-08-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from sawyer x
# on Sunday 28 August 2011 12:03:

>a discussion of the effectiveness and CPU costs of SSL encryption

I didn't think it was a question of CPU speed anytime in the past 
decade.  How does a proxy cache encrypted data?

Atwood's Law of Computer Latency:
  Processor cycles, storage density, and network bandwidth are
  increasing, faster than the speed of light is getting faster.

"Insert random misquote here"

Re: MetaCPAN redirects all http:// requests to https:// . Very annoying.

2011-08-15 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from sawyer x
# on Friday 29 July 2011 06:39:

>I also personally see a case for "security by default".

OK, please set your client accordingly.  It's bad design to force this 
at the server for all traffic.

Of course, it looks like the reasoning is "encourage users to be logged 
in at all times" -- a flawed goal IMO.

"Everything goes wrong all at once."
--Quantized Revision of Murphy's Law

Re: How do I indicated modules used by Makefile.PL (or Build.PL) ?

2011-08-15 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo
# on Tuesday 09 August 2011 00:11:

>So I tried
>   configure_requires 'File::Copy::Recursive' => 0;
>   require File::Copy::Recursive;
>but that still blows up when I run Makefile.PL

That is to be expected.  Something outside of Makefile.PL (i.e. the cpan 
client) needs to have read META.yml and resolved this beforehand.

>I wonder if this will work once it is packaged and when the META.yml
> has the configure_requires field already or if I need another way to
> make sure File::Copy::Recursive is installed before Makefile.PL is
> executed?

Yes, if configure_requires is in the META.yml (and the client 
understands it), then those dependencies will be installed before 
Makefile.PL is ever run.

You may elect to use eval and error-out with a nicer message for the 
sake of users running the .PL manually or with an obsolete client.  But 
configure_requires is the way to make sure that an external dependency 
is available before the Makefile.PL/Build.PL runs.

The opinions expressed in this e-mail were randomly generated by
the computer and do not necessarily reflect the views of its owner.

Re: Quick and dirty guide to running Perl on Windows (was Re: Making sure your module works on other OS-es as well)

2011-07-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Saturday 02 July 2011 03:51:

>On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, David Cantrell wrote:
>> ... the complete lack of a reasonable set of
>> tools* on Windows, which just makes me angry whenever I have to
>> touch the blasted thing, made me stop.
>> * starting with a useable shell and editor, documentation, and
>> remote text-based access.  ...
>Definitely the lack of remote text based access makes it harder.  But
>for anyone willing to run Windows in a virtual machine, it's not
>terribly hard anymore.  Personally, I use VirtualBox on Ubuntu with a
>Windows 7 guest.  I suggest WinXP if you have old licenses kicking
>around, as it's a little less annoying about validation and such.

With a VM install, you still have to wade through the boggy experience 
of mousing-around in a completely foreign environment while swearing at 
the shell for being completely unreasonable about everything.  But none 
of this has anything to do with whether your code works on Windows, 
only whether you can work within it.  IMO, it would be much better to 
not be actually using windows (or mac for that matter) if that's not 
your preferred environment and you just need to debug some 
compatibility issue.

Not to mention the general case of a CPAN author, where you can't assume 
that they could be bothered to *obtain* a windows/mac OS, let alone 
boot it.  Some open and deployable environment / test kit would go much 
further than anything involving a VM and proprietary license.  I think 
the utter lack of convenience in testing for and fixing cross-OS bugs 
is the big barrier to getting better cross-OS support.  Nobody likes 
coding in the dark with a hours-long latency to see if their fix works.

I had no luck getting things to build under wine (IIRC, the trouble came 
with XS modules), but it's been a few years and I haven't messed with 
it lately.  If it did work well, I'm not sure how much it would gloss 
over issues of command-not-found and backslashed-path errors.

It seems like you could construct a pretty thoroughly windowsish 
environment by hiding all useful commands (e.g. rename /bin,/usr/bin) 
and unsetting $PATH, then make some working/temp directories with 
spaces in the names.  That would catch most of the common problems.  
Not sure if you could emulate the brokenness of the backslashes on a 
*nix though.

Peer's Law: The solution to the problem changes the problem.

Re: Discussion question: what is the best syntax for documenting a coderef parameter?

2010-12-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Nicol
# on Tuesday 07 December 2010 14:12:

>on_connect => $cb->($handle, $host, $port, $retry->())

This is confusing.  If you're going to illustrate how it is called, take 
it out of the context of how it is declared.

  on_connect => sub {
my ($handle, $host, $port, $retry) = @;

As for illustrating "I will pass you a subref here", I would say:

  $on_connect->($handle, $host, $port, sub {...})


  $on_connect->($handle, $host, $port, \&retry);

or even just:

  $on_connect->($handle, $host, $port, $retry_hook);

But in this particular case, something like a "connection" object with 
handle(), host(), and port() methods seems more appropriate, which then 
would allow one to do something like '$c->retry until $c->connected' 
(assuming appropriate error handling semantics.)

Alternatively, perhaps the last parameter should be an object where one 
would say 'return $knob->retry' and this would result in the on_connect 
hook being called again after the next connection was established.

If you can, avoid the need to document "I will pass a callback to your 

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
--Occam's Razor

Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-12-02 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Shlomi Fish
# on Thursday 02 December 2010 04:30:

>It means typing two extra braces, which is more
>> noise on a line, and "the interpreter checks my hash for pairs" is
>> silly.
>Which I happen to like and do and am not going to change my ways
> (though I tolarate and use APIs which do it the other way around.).

But *why* do you "like and do" it?

Cult: A small, unpopular religion.
Religion: A large, popular cult.
-- Unknown

Re: What hurts you the most in Perl?

2010-12-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo
# on Wednesday 01 December 2010 13:46:

>Many modules on CPAN also need improvements.
>But even what we have today we could achieve much better results if
>the perception of people was better.
>With my original question I wanted to know what technological and
>perception related issues people see. We already got some material but
>I'd be happy to see more comments. Especially from those who work with
>people who are not involved in the Perl community. How do your peers
>and your bosses see Perl?

We have all heard the "conventional wisdom" that "perl is dead".  But, 
anything related to perception which cannot be solved by writing 
modules is probably off-topic for this list.

Technological issues with the CPAN and its modules abound.  We have 20+ 
years worth of code and archives to maintain and we're running short on 

Maybe this was mentioned in the rest of this thread and I just missed 
it, but I would say the one thing module-authors could do to improve 
Perl is to write better APIs.  Replacing some of the old modules with 
cleaner APIs would be a huge improvement.  How many core modules are 
dripping with C-style error handling, numeric constants as switches, 

Of course, if better versions existed, would anyone use them?  Maybe 
there will be some progress in removing core modules soon.

If CPAN is Perl's greatest strength, core modules are its greatest 
weakness.  While the documentation usually refuses to take a 
prescriptive approach, the inclusion of some modules makes them 
seem "recommended", and it always makes me sad to hear people jumping 
through hoops and reinventing code just to get something to run with 
only core modules.

But if you only let me pick one thing to fix, I would stop this tendency 
to use one hashref as a single method argument instead of a taking a 
named parameter list.  It means typing two extra braces, which is more 
noise on a line, and "the interpreter checks my hash for pairs" is 

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so 
--Murphy's Second Corollary

Re: to upload or not to upload...

2010-11-11 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Ricardo Signes
# on Wednesday 10 November 2010 05:34:

>Isn't this what Net::IP does?
>Its interface is a bit gross, but it does exist and work.

That could also be said as "It does exist and work, except its interface 
is a bit gross."

After all, "interface" is a big chunk of "API" (and the "A" is supposed 
to mean something?)

[...proprietary software is better than gpl because...] "There is value
in having somebody you can write checks to, and they fix bugs."
--Mike McNamara (president of a commercial software company)

Re: Name needed for a module to check whether a binary is GNU

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Thursday 09 September 2010 23:32:

>>   `$binary --version` =~ /(gnu|free software foundation)/i
>> I'm thinking something like ExtUtils::CheckForGNUbinary.
>Scrap that. It should be more along the lines of checking for
>capabilities rather than merely for GNU-ness, with GNU-ness being just
>one of many capabilities.  For example, GNU tar may *or may not*
> support the -j flag, depending on whether bzip2 support is available.

Nobody expects Devel::BinaryInquisition

Moving pianos is dangerous.
Moving pianos are dangerous.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Re: my $self = shift

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Ovid
# on Thursday 09 September 2010 23:15:

>  sub foo {
>    my $self = shift;
>    my ($name) = @_;
>I know this formatting is common, but what practical benefit does it
> gain? ... I'm
> unsure what "value" this provides other than conforming to a
> particular coding preference (and it's more ops, but that's probably
> not enough for it to be a performance win to avoid it).

It's adds clarity (yes, at the cost of an op) and makes the method stand 
out as such, since we're lacking a 'method' keyword.  Though I guess 
you could say:

  sub foo {
my ($self,
$name, $thing, $deal) = @_;

and get the "stand out" effect without the op cost.

But then the parentheses will likely become troublesome.  As in:

  sub foo {
my $self = shift;
croak("odd number of arguments") if @_ % 2;
my %args = @_;

So, starting a method with 'my $self = shift;' gets it out of the way on 
one line, and anything involving the parameter list is separate, which 
makes it easier to change the code regarding  the parameter list 
without having to restructure around the invocant being nested in one 
long 'my ($self, $name, ...) = @_' statement.  That is, when I'm 
working with code which doesn't use the 'my $self = shift;' idiom to 
start a method, I find that I have to do some character editing there 
when something changes.  Whereas with the idiom, this sort of thing 
tends to involve linewise editing (shovel vs bulldozer.)

So, say the first half of the innards of foo() are being refactored to 
bar(), which will also take the original parameters in the same form:

  sub foo {
my $self = shift;
my %bar = $self->bar(@_);


Had that been 'sub foo { my ($self, ...) = @_', you might started with:

  sub foo {
my %bar = shift->bar(@_);
# but we need $self here

And now you have to go back and write it as 'my $self = shift' anyway.

Or I could have said something about keeping yourself from accidentally 
overwriting $_[0].

The only thing that could save UNIX at this late date would be a new $30
shareware version that runs on an unexpanded Commodore 64.
--Don Lancaster (1991)

Re: "-TRIAL" dists (was: Frozen Bubble 2.2.1)

2010-08-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Thursday 05 August 2010 08:55:

>Though maybe I should just implement a feature to add '-TRIAL', since
>I'll need that anyway for CPAN Meta 2 support.  (Dist::Zilla already
>supports -TRIAL).

Does understand "-TRIAL" now?  Last I looked, it was 
properly handled (i.e. not indexed) by PAUSE, but would leak through in 
a few other places where it appears that an assumption was being made 
without checking the index.

It also looked like '-TRIAL' was intended to be used as a pre-release 
without bumping any version numbers, so you could have -TRIAL1,
-TRIAL2, etc all with the version e.g. 5.6.2.  Am I understanding that 

"It works better if you plug it in!"
--Sattinger's Law

Re: Frozen Bubble 2.2.1

2010-08-04 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Guillaume Cottenceau
# on Wednesday 04 August 2010 13:12:

>but I don't see
>the big problem for machines and I don't know how to say "hey this is
>beta" only with numbers; especially if "5.005_03 is equivalent to
>5.5.30", I don't see how this could be considered to mark it beta/dev

The first problem for machines is that $VERSION is a scalar and has no 
guaranteed structure to it, so you could put any string or whatever you 
want in it.  Now when you try to compare that to something, you have to 
compare it as a number, so fun ensues because overloading involves 
objects and ...

The second problem for machines is when you try to use packaging tools 
that expected a simple number in $VERSION or might try to complain 
about something that doesn't parse as a number.

If you don't mind angering the machines, put whatever you want in there.

But, why are humans seeing the raw value of $yourmodule->VERSION anyway?  
If it's an application, present / format it differently.  You can still 
store whatever you want in it because it's mostly just a scalar.  Might 
be a good idea to find some way to do it with a object just 
for maintainability.

Now, for marking releases as Beta on the CPAN, well...

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
--George Bernard Shaw

Re: 'applications' mailing list? (was: Killer applications)

2010-07-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo
# on Thursday 29 July 2010 05:11:

>On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Johan Vromans wrote:
>> Much to my dislike I think we need yet another perl mailing list. I
>> didn't find anything suitable in the database of over 210 Perl
>> related mailing lists. Two lists come close: module-authors and
>> scripts. However, since Perl killer apps require a distinct mindset
>> than modules and scripts I'd rather not use any of these.
>> Shall we go for 'killer-apps' or, more modestly, 'applications'?
>I am not sure what would you like to achieve on such mailing list.
>Would web/desktop/mobile/comman line/etc application all in one place?
>I think there are several applications already on CPAN packaged as
>modules, for eacmple ack, Padre to be extreme on the sizes.
>Personally I'd use the module-authors list.

Is module-authors an appropriate list for discussions about tools and 
creating/packaging/deployment of applications?  Is there a community of 
application builders lurking here?  If so, will new app developers find 
us here?  Are the technologies too specific / different to be lumped 
into one list vs e.g. wx, qt, catalyst, par, &c existing lists?

Just because we currently package several applications as modules does 
not mean that this is the best way to deploy them to a wider audience.  
Tools like ack and padre are, after all, developer tools.  In my 
experience, getting end-users to successfully install from the CPAN can 
be very difficult.

It's also possible that a thriving Perl application developer community 
does not necessarily publish their code on the CPAN, or that the code 
is even published / open.  It seems like the module-authors list may 
not be a good fit for that.

Then again, maybe (and ironically) the solution to "building / deploying 
something besides a module is difficult" would best be implemented as 
some modules. ;-)

What Johan was saying earlier on the pm_groups list:

>>we have thousands of modules but very, very few non-trivial
>>You also see this in the lack of application framework support, only
>>recently some App:: modules have addressed this.
>>Installation support is absent. All tools ... are focused on
>> installing modules. This includes installing all modules in the
>> global Perl hierarchy ...
>>No support for application-specific data. TIMTOWTDI is not the right
>>answer to every question. No standard way to deal with XML -- this is
>>why may people run towards Python and Java. Also, no support for
>> local data, no support for user data. Again, until recently.
>>Relying on CPAN modules is asking for headaches. The modules may be
>> not present, wrong version, manually clobbered. ...
>>Application building: The Perl compiler never did take off. Until
>>recently PAR was non-functional.
>>GUI integration. ...
>>The end result is that if you want to build a non-trivial application
>>and try to use Perl, you have to do a lot of things yourself.

Speak softly and carry a big carrot.

Re: Roles on the CPAN

2010-07-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Smylers
# on Tuesday 27 July 2010 01:28:

>>     with 'Does::AutoPilot';
>Yes. Appending ::Role works better in terms of reading the whole thing
>as English.
>  with 'AutoPilot::Role';
>  with 'Serialize::YAML::Role';
>That also happens to address the concern expressed that such modules
>should be in their relevant topic's namespace.

I tend to see roles more as an alternate root namespace, so 
appending "::Role" is the opposite of that.

I think #moose should make an executive decision about this and e.g.

  with '::AutoPilot';  # loads Moose::es::Roles::AutoPilot or whatever

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-13 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from James E Keenan
# on Monday 12 July 2010 16:08:

>Agreed.  In research I did on CPAN modules that contain XS,
>ExtUtils::MakeMaker was still used 10 times as often as Module::Build.

It seems like authors lean toward EU::MM for XS because they've got so 
many examples like that.  Also, M::B's documentation about xs_files 
handling was not always clear (and keeping them in lib/ must somehow 
seem non-obvious since that difference has caught a lot of people.)

You can't whack a chisel without a big wooden mallet.

Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-06 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Monday 05 July 2010 06:31:

>consider Module::Build, but be aware that for a great many
>users it will introduce an extra dependency, as it was not in core
> until 5.10.0.

First, the "great many" is shrinking quickly, at least if Debian's
"oldstable" is any indicator of what is "old" (etch includes 5.10 and 
will likely become "oldstable" this year.)  At that point, I would 
consider 5.8.8 as "obsolete" and anything older as "ridiculously 

Second, 'configure_requires' takes care of the dependency automatically 
(given a non-obsolete CPAN client.)

IMO, preferring core modules is like using the same size bolt for 
*every* part of a car (from dashboard to engine mounts) simply because 
(despite having a full complement of welding, cutting, and forming 
tools), the drill press just happened to ship with that one size of 
bit.  I suppose the mechanics will love only needing one wrench, but it 
will be a lumbering beast to drive.

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

Re: Which Build Module?

2010-07-06 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Dave Cardwell
# on Saturday 03 July 2010 04:59:

>Please could you advise what the “preferred” build module(s) are
>nowadays, when releasing to CPAN?
>I don’t have any particular requirements as it’s a simple module, but
>I’m unsure which of Module::Install, Module::Build,
>ExtUtils::MakeMaker, etc. I should be using.

I prefer Module::Build, since it is a pure-perl solution and tends to do 
a good job of generating modern meta-data and generally doing the right 
thing without a lot of effort from the author.  Plus, if you need to do 
something special in your build process (which happens even with simple 
modules), it is cleanly extensible.  The argument against it is issues 
of compatibility with obsolete software (for which free upgrades are 

ExtUtils::MakeMaker will work fine for simple modules, but tends to get 
less frequent updates so your meta-data support will lag behind.

Module::Install bundles itself in your tarball, which assumes that 
nothing will ever change in a way that breaks it.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."
--Albert Einstein

Re: Module Namespace for External API Wrappers

2010-07-06 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Dave Cardwell
# on Saturday 03 July 2010 05:09:

>I’ve written a module that wraps the API ...
>I’m leaning towards WebService::Notifo, but would appreciate your
>advice if you would suggest otherwise.

WWW::Notifo::API or (Assuming that it's a REST API) maybe 

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

Re: Conditional dependencies

2010-06-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Tuesday 29 June 2010 13:17:

>>... and each appender can be individually toggled on or off ...
>> ... whether I want the issue detected at compile time or run time I
>> suppose, but is generally frowned upon to put imports down inside
>> class methods?
>I tend to think about it like this:
>(a) Mandatory for operation?  Load it at compile time.
>(b) Optional and almost always loaded in normal operation?  Load it at
>  compile time.
>(c) Optional and only needed some of the time?  Load it at runtime
>  if/when needed.

(d) Significant chunks of code enabled?  Package each one separately
   with its tests, and compile-time dependencies declared in each dist.

So, you have an X, which can use the X::screen, X::email, X::foo 
plugins / modes / polymorphic functors (or whatever you want to call 
them.)  Installing X by itself either does "nothing interesting" or 
just some very basic functionality beyond loading the PFs, then each 
X-foo dist requires X and the 'foo::whatever' modules.

Then, just `require X::email` whenever needed by the config / usage.

This will ensure that you've got test coverage on your ::foo.  
Otherwise, if 'foo::whatever' happens to get installed after X and 
enabled at runtime, you're in a situation where your tests have never 
run through that code and the user is going to find any bugs or API 
incompatibilities the hard way.

"But as to modern architecture, let us drop it and let us take
modernistic out and shoot it at sunrise."
--F.L. Wright

Re: How am I wrongly using Math::BigInt?

2010-06-15 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Paul Bennett
# on Sunday 13 June 2010 14:36:

>As you'll be able to tell (with some digging), the tests that are
> failing   are one or more of the tests named
> /01-try-.*/. These tests are all sanity-checks put in
> place to test the underlying modules and/or libraries that my module
> itself actually relies on. Those tests don't even use my
> module -- they run directly on the underlying modules.

What do the underlying modules do in their tests?  Are they lacking 
coverage on the points you're testing there, or are their tests also 
failing in the same places?  Does it fail when your module code causes 
the dependencies to hit these code paths?

If your distribution has tests for dependency code, either they are 
redundant or should be part of the dependency's distribution.

Issues of control, repair, improvement, cost, or just plain
understandability all come down strongly in favor of open source
solutions to complex problems of any sort.
--Robert G. Brown

Re: Why are you releasing modules to CPAN?

2010-05-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo
# on Thursday 27 May 2010 04:33:

> why do all these people spend their free time on writing modules and
>uploading them to CPAN?

This doesn't explain the 'why', but:  it's not free time.  Sometimes it 
is my time, but that doesn't make it free.

>Then we - the CPAN authors and other contributors - have these
>discussions on various mailing lists and blog posts on how much we are
>supposed to care about the "user experience": writing docs, not
> breaking backward compatibility, fixing bugs... etc.

We contributors have these discussions because we are also the users.  
Some non-contributors may also have opinions, which they are welcome to 
have and hold.

>Is it for the fun of writing code? ...
>Is it to participate in the community?
>Is it to get a virtual pat on the shoulder...
>Is it to make other people happy by letting them do their job easier?
>Is it because you feel obligated as you are using other peoples code
>free of charge?

Because if you don't publish your work, you aren't doing science?  The 
proprietary model works by putting the smallest saleable innovation in 
an opaque box by itself and collecting rent.  If there were a viable 
model somewhere between that and "completely free", software would be 
much better off and we wouldn't need to be asked about all of these 
warm and fuzzy reasons for showing our work.

Why are open systems more maintainable, scalable, secure, and performant 
than closed systems?  If you can't see and understand the fundamental 
pieces of a complex system, how are you going to understand the whole?  
Software without source code is just a parlor trick.

Of course, a collection of reusable modules has more value being open 
and transparent than in a bunch of black boxes.  Even if you haven't 
yet looked at the source, would you use Perl if you couldn't get the 
source code for the interpreter?

Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to
predict the future is to invent it.
--Alan Kay

Re: returning lists vs references

2010-05-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Lutz Gehlen
# on Wednesday 12 May 2010 14:19:

>On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:32:59AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> That might be simple, but no builtins do this, which seems to say
>> something.  If you're still working with lists, you expect them to
>> behave like lists, and not try to package themselves in a reference
>The following comment has admittedly not much to do with wantarray
>any more, but I would still like to point out that returning array
>references can make sense sometimes,... if this behaviour is well
>documented the gain in CPU and memory efficiency might be worth the
>loss of encapsulation. 

It may make sense to make the tradeoff between the API making sense and 
inefficiencies of the current interpreter implementation.  But, don't 
confuse this with making sense. ;-)

Atavism  n:  The recurrence of any peculiarity or disease of an ancestor
in a subsequent generation, usually due to genetic recombination.

Re: Usage of wantarray

2010-05-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Hans Dieter Pearcey
# on Wednesday 12 May 2010 08:49:

>...just because it's not how arrays work anywhere else in Perl,

This is not about how arrays work, but how functions work.  See 
localtime(), caller(), each(), glob(), readline(), etc.

But then see sort() and split().

There are reasonable cases for context sensitivity, with some reasons 
better than others.  It's easy to wrongly think you've found a good use 
for it, and maybe even easier to get angry when it is used well but 
catches you off guard.

>but even the relatively simple "return an array in list context, or an
>arrayref in scalar context" ...

That might be simple, but no builtins do this, which seems to say 
something.  If you're still working with lists, you expect them to 
behave like lists, and not try to package themselves in a reference 
with postage to Cairo.  The only case where wantarray ? (@x) : [...@x] 
even has utility is in e.g. perl5i trying to allow method chaining on 
list objects without needing an explicit ->flatten, but that is just a 
horrible hack workaround to the lack of a "method" context IMO.  It 
might be worth the caveats, but that just makes it "good enough", not 
a "good idea".

>or because I have to remember 
> that even though I got an arrayref when I wrote '$foo = function()',
> I'll get a list back when I write 'bar(x => 1, y => function(), z =>
> 3)'.

  "In general, they do what you want, unless you want consistency."

Cult: A small, unpopular religion.
Religion: A large, popular cult.
-- Unknown

Re: Goodbye Perl6::Say

2010-04-15 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Precious
# on Thursday 15 April 2010 11:32:

>On Thursday 15 April 2010 17:04:44 Ovid wrote:
>> Never, never run the risk of breaking someone else's production code
>> if you can foresee this happening :)
>100% agreed, that's why I think removing Perl6::Say from CPAN is a Bad
> Idea.

Never run the risk of breaking your paying customer's production code 
without having an upgrade plan in place?  Anybody who is paying James 
for 5.8.x support should feel entitled to complain about the quality of 
his 5.8.x support.

All's fair in love, war, and freely downloadable open source software.

Honestly, if you're setting up a blank machine next week with less than 
5.10, not finding Perl6::Say in the index is going to be the least of 
your problems anyway.  But you should be able to purchase some 
complaint tokens if you really need them.

You can't whack a chisel without a big wooden mallet.

Re: Testing problem (32 bit numeric constants?)

2010-04-11 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from
# on Sunday 11 April 2010 12:07:

>My CPAN module ...

Which is mostly made of XS?

>is ($ipw->getcc(1), '**', "getcc(1) should return **");
>These tests assume that Perl stores the constants 0, 999, 1000, ,
>   and 1 as strings.

Why do they assume that?  Of course, if you're treating them as strings, 
the numbers will stringify.  You could get rid of assumptions by using 
quoted strings here.

>They pass on all CPAN testers' systems except one (so far).
> On that system all of the above tests return '??'


Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

Re: Tidy up your PAUSE directories

2010-04-03 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Friday 02 April 2010 06:01:

>> On Mar 31, 2:51 am, (Tim Bunce) wrote:
>>> It would be handy if there was a way for authors to indicate that
>>> new maintainers are sought. Perhaps via the META.yaml/(.json) file.
>> ...
>It's not in the CPAN META spec ...
>To me, PAUSE would seem to be the right place to do it, as it doesn't
>require authors to re-release a distribution just to indicate a change
>in status.

That was my first thought.  If you've had life happen to you, what are 
the chances that you'll have the time to repackage 20-odd distributions 
just to add a line to the META.yml (and further, what are the chances 
that your trunk hasn't changed since the last release)?

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

Re: Trimming the CPAN - "Automatic Purging"

2010-03-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andreas J. Koenig
# on Saturday 27 March 2010 21:02:

>If you want to study the CPAN "checkpointed logs" solution running on
>the very CPAN for exactly one year now: File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent
>What needs to be done is really extremely trivial: rewrite it in C and
>convince the rsync people to incoude it in rsync code base. Just that.

Or even write an rsync daemon (or proxy perhaps) in Perl.  So, when the 
client asks for a file, you can answer without checking the disk.  Can 
something like that work with an unmodified client, or does the amount 
of data needed to answer a naive client overwhelm any potential gain?

Unfortunately the protocol is not formally documented and the perl code 
I've seen (File::RsyncP) seems to be lagging:

If it's possible for a mirror operator to install something that will 
immediately save them a ton of disk I/O without any changes upstream or 
downstream, then the person who makes the decision (and does the work) 
gets the benefit.  Scenarios where authors or downstream mirrors must 
do something special are a tougher sell.

Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

Re: Trimming the CPAN - "Automatic Purging"

2010-03-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Arthur Corliss
# on Saturday 27 March 2010 12:52:

>...should it appear that we have some kind of elitist cabal that will
>make their decision in isolation.

More likely there will not be some decision made because there will be 
no action taken.

>If that's going to be the case then this should have never been raised
>on an open forum like the module author's list.

I'll agree, but not for that reason.

# from Shlomi Fish on Tuesday 23 March 2010 02:14:
So I've been thinking that maybe we should trim the CPAN and remove
older versions like that so it will contain much less cruft. What do
you think?

   I think I am not going to take the trouble to delete anything and
   don't want anybody doing it on my behalf.  Thanks for asking.

Though the list has, as usual, moved on from that question to something 
which is off-topic for module authors.

>Quite frankly, at times some discussions on this list fail the concept
> of a technical meritocracy, and tend towards an established
> aristocracy. 

And you should win stuff for reading it!

Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to
predict the future is to invent it.
--Alan Kay

Re: Q about prerequisites

2010-03-25 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from
# on Thursday 25 March 2010 16:39:

>CPAN on the smokebox was 1.9402, which can presumably act on the
>CONFIG_REQUIRES in META.yml.  Otherwise there would seem to be a
>semantic knot wherein the 6.42 EU:MM doesn't know how to process
>the new CONFIG_REQUIRES so it can replace itself!

If the client understands configure_requires, it gets that from META.yml 
and the Makefile.PL won't be run until there's a new EU::MM => no knot.

Speak softly and carry a big carrot.

Re: configure_requires, build_requires, requires

2010-03-24 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jeffrey
# on Saturday 20 March 2010 20:32:


>I went back and
>added the Marpa module to *both* the 'require' and 'build_requires'
>for Marpa::HTML.  Now all seems to work perfectly.

But it appears that you changed the rest of the Build.PL code at the 
same time, which is actually what fixed the problem.

>An obstacle for me was that Module::Build's actual behavior seems to
>contradict the documentation in Module::Build::API,

What happens on the installation side is actually under the control and 
responsibility of the cpan client.

We really need an informational pamphlet explaining the whole "Your cpan 
client and Makefile.PL/Build.PL, META.yml, MYMETA.yml, 
configure_requires, build_requires, requires" thing, but here's a short 

  configure_requires: installed before running Build.PL

  build_requires: available at ./Build, not required after install

  requires: available at ./Build, permanently installed

The client:

  1. checks META.yml
1a. satisfies 'configure_requires'
  2. runs Build.PL
  3. reads MYMETA.yml
3a. satisfies 'build_requires'
3b. satisfies 'requires'
  4. runs ./Build && ./Build test && ./Build install
  5. installs stuff from 'requires'
  6. optionally installs stuff from 'build_requires'
  7. optionally installs stuff from 'configure_requires'

Where 'satisfies' often means "download, build, test, and add to 
$ENV{PERL5LIB} before continuing", which is where the "optionally" part 
in #6 and #7 comes in.

If you're using a module in your Build.PL or build class, you have to 

  enter it in 'configure_requires'


  have it in 'build_requires' or 'requires'
  and defer loading it until ./Build time.

Like a lot of people, I was mathematically abused as a child.
--Paul Graham

Re: bundling Module::Build

2010-03-22 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Yu
# on Monday 22 March 2010 13:22:

>Module::Build's new bundling feature provides the same advantages and
>many of the same disadvantages involved with Module::Install. However,
>I have not seen its usage really out "in the wild" as of yet.

The bundling in Module::Build is fundamentally different from bundling 
Module::Install in that the installed Module::Build is used if it is 
newer than the bundled version.  Therefore, the bundled stuff will only 
ever be used when you have a cpan client with no 'configure_requires' 

It is currently labeled 'experimental' mostly for lack of testing.  I'm 
not aware of any modules on the CPAN using it.  I guess someone could 
ship a purely dummy distro and just see what sort of results they get 
from cpantesters.

[...proprietary software is better than gpl because...] "There is value
in having somebody you can write checks to, and they fix bugs."
--Mike McNamara (president of a commercial software company)

Re: Prerequistie for Marpa::HTML

2010-03-22 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jeffrey
# on Saturday 20 March 2010 20:32:

>An obstacle for me was that Module::Build's actual behavior seems to
>contradict the documentation in Module::Build::API, which says of
>'build_requires' that
>"Modules listed in this section are necessary to build and install the
>given module, but are not necessary for regular usage of it."
>Read literally, that says that any module necessary for regular usage
>should never be listed under 'build_requires'.

Yes, they should be listed as 'requires'.

What actually happens is that M::B writes the prerequisites into 
_build/prereqs (and MYMETA.yml), then prints some warnings about 
whichever ones are missing.  After that, it's up to your cpan client.

Modules listed in 'requires' will be present at build time.  Modules 
in 'build_requires' *may* not be present after installation.  I'm not 
aware of any reason why it would be useful to list them in both.

Perhaps the meta spec is clearer about this?

We welcome documentation patches in the RT queue.

software:  a hypothetical exercise which happens to compile.

Re: Help with naming a module

2010-03-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Tamir Lousky
# on Friday 05 March 2010 01:16:

>I liked the idea of putting in under the "Algorithm::Shape" namespace,
> as it clarifies much better what it's for.

There is also Math::Geometry::, though Algorithm might be a good fit if 
it is particularly algorithmic.

>Shrubbery on the other hand is quite irresistible.


"Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value."
--Murphy's Constant

Re: file spaces in MANIFEST

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Rene Schickbauer
# on Wednesday 24 February 2010 01:44:

>Files with spaces are generally a BAD idea.

They can be inconvenient, especially in shell hackery.

>For example, every time you call an external program, you have quote
> the arguments. ... You can  call `rm -f $fname`; right?

Which is why we don't use backticks to call system('rm', '-f', $fname), 
but we also have unlink() for this. :-D

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

Re: file spaces in MANIFEST

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Skriptke
# on Wednesday 24 February 2010 00:54:

>I have not managed to find documentation on whether it is possible to
> include in MANIFEST files with spaces in names.

From ExtUtils::Manifest

  "Anything between white space and an end of line within a MANIFEST
  file is considered to be a comment. Beginning with ExtUtils::Manifest
  1.52, a filename may contain whitespace characters if it is enclosed
  in single quotes; single quotes or backslashes in that filename must
  be backslash-escaped."

(Heh, the second sentence there was news to me!)

So, if you have a space in the filenames, you'll need to make sure that 
anywhere you deploy your code has 1.52 or better ExtUtils::Manifest.

Peer's Law: The solution to the problem changes the problem.

Re: Excluding files from diff

2010-02-19 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from
# on Friday 19 February 2010 09:15:

>The [] code is written in perl, right?

Nobody knows.  Nobody has ever seen it.  It doesn't exist.

Did you try using gitpan?

You can't whack a chisel without a big wooden mallet.

Re: Excluding files from CPAN diff

2010-02-18 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from
# on Thursday 18 February 2010 10:53:

>I like to use this tool to confirm what I've changed from one  
>distribution to the next.
>My latest one added two big data files, and 'diff' says its results  
>are too big to show.
>Also the data files will change in future releases, and they're  
>binary files.

When the pink unicorn goes away, you might try:

"If you dig it, it's yours."
--An old village poet (via Al Pacino)

Re: how to mv files on PAUSE

2010-02-16 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Bill Weinman
# on Monday 15 February 2010 11:50:

>I've resolved it for now; as it happens I've updated the library and
>bumped the version number - but it would still be nice to know how to
> do this -- and how to delete a file more immediately.

That's basically how it is done:  Bump the version number, ./Build dist, 
and upload the new tarball.  Your options for changing, renaming, and 
generally doing anything except adding to the Archive Network are 
limited, which keeps things simple.

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

Re: 2 Qs about Module::Build

2010-02-10 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from
# on Sunday 07 February 2010 23:25:

> I can
>add the optimization I want to the extra_compiler_flags parameter,
>but the optimization from the Perl build is included in the cc
>command also.  I feel sorry for the compiler which is told to
>optimize two different ways...

Passing options to ExtUtils::CBuilder from the Build.PL needs some work. 
I'm sure there are about a dozen hacked-up build classes on the CPAN 
which are trying to work with this in one way or another.  
Module::Build needs some way to give authors a lot more rope, but in a 
way that will allows it and EU::CBuilder to change.  Test cases and 
patches are most welcomed.

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

Re: Namespace discussion - VMware::LM

2010-02-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Aditya Ivaturi
# on Thursday 04 February 2010 01:39:

>WWW::... since it is actually going to use HTTP.

It doesn't talk to a single public service hosted on the World Wide Web, 
so WWW is counter-descriptive.

>This way, we don't end up with a new root namespace. 

New root namespaces are not necessarily a bad thing.  Individual modules 
with top-level names are discouraged, but e.g. VMware::LabManager would 
be just fine.

"Insert random misquote here"

Re: avoid running CPAN as root

2010-01-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Austin Schutz
# on Tuesday 12 January 2010 10:08:

>Seems like it would be nice if the build system understood appropriate
>behavior for the root user and acted accordingly. That is:  given
>superuser access privileges should be lowered by default during the
>build process, but elevated for install.

  s/build system/CPAN client/

If the build system gets too smart, it interferes with the cpan client 
and anyway: someone always thinks that whatever decision was the wrong 
one (which it usually is because given two wrong choices...)

Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

Re: avoid running CPAN as root

2010-01-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Shawn H Corey
# on Sunday 10 January 2010 08:11:

>$ sudo cpan

This exposes your system to any bugs in the test suite (an accidental 
`rm -rf /` has happened before) with root privileges.  With a modern 
CPAN client, you can set it to use sudo only at install time with the 
make_install_make_command and mbuild_install_build_command knobs.

perl -e 'srand; print join(" ",sort({rand() < 0.5}
  qw(sometimes it is important to be consistent)));'

Re: satiating cpantesters

2010-01-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Saturday 09 January 2010 07:44:

>Fine, but if you *don't* claim to have succeeded, then you have to
>expect that software that looks for failures will spot the failure and
>report it.

As the author's fault?  Right.

perl -e 'srand; print join(" ",sort({rand() < 0.5}
  qw(sometimes it is important to be consistent)));'

Re: satiating cpantesters

2010-01-06 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Wednesday 06 January 2010 03:48:

>Exiting with a 0 status would seem to be the least clunky solution.
>exit(0) means "Stop now and claim to have succeeded"

But you didn't succeed because something's wrong and thus on the way out 
you must mention to the poor user what that might be.  I suppose if we 
had a leave() function, you could get something like 'warn "can't 
install without ..."; exit 0' from 'leave "can't install without ..."', 
but we don't because a successful program doesn't have anything to say 
because there's nothing wrong.

Moving pianos is dangerous.
Moving pianos are dangerous.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Re: satiating cpantesters

2009-12-16 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Wednesday 16 December 2009:

>>Makes me wonder why fatal m/^Unsupported configuration: .*/
>> errors couldn't be made NA.
>Mmmm, more special cases.  From a user's (ie, a module author's) point
>of view, isn't it easier to remember "exit(0)" than to remember
> exactly what message to spit out?

Easier to remember, maybe.  But the challenge isn't memory (we usually 
just look things up, right?), it's education.  If you have to educate 
about the unnatural exit(0) *and* that makes the code clunky, it would 
seem like a better idea to educate about something that isn't so 

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."
-- Charles Darwin

Re: satiating cpantesters

2009-12-14 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Burak Gürsoy
# on Monday 14 December 2009 12:20:

>Well... Either die "OS unsupported\n" is an exception (since I get NA
> for that)

Yeah.  Makes me wonder why fatal m/^Unsupported configuration: .*/ 
errors couldn't be made NA.

Issues of control, repair, improvement, cost, or just plain
understandability all come down strongly in favor of open source
solutions to complex problems of any sort.
--Robert G. Brown

Re: Writing tests

2009-12-14 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Elliot Shank
# on Sunday 13 December 2009 12:58:

>You don't fail the {Makefile|Build}.PL, you just don't emit the
> resulting file and exit with 0.  This way the standard build chain
> treats it as a NA and not a FAIL.

This only has to do with cpantesters and *not* the "standard build 
chain".  IMO, cpantesters needs to learn to deal with die() in Build.PL 
because using it is far more natural than:

  unless($condition) {
warn "you don't have the $condition -- Cannot continue.";
exit 0; # silly cpantesters requirement

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

Re: Name Proposal for new Module (HTML::EditableTable)

2009-12-02 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andrew Espenscheid
# on Tuesday 01 December 2009 06:39:

>I propose the following names for the modules

Hi Andrew,

The 'tableTable' part of the name is a bit of a mouthful.  What 
about "TableEditor"?  But, what aspect of the API makes the table 
editable?  Perhaps something like TableMaker or TableBuilder would be a 
more apt description?  Or even Tabulator.

Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

Re: flame bait: execution speed Perl vs. C (Date::Calc::PP vs. Date::Calc::XS)

2009-11-20 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Rockway
# on Thursday 19 November 2009 07:06:

>The real reason for the lack of another Perl VM is that Perl
> programmers are very, very lazy.  ;)

In this case, you mean 'perl' programmers. :-D

I seem to recall that we have a pressing need for another perl5 VM to 
deliver on the promise of being able to run your perl5 code in perl6 

software:  a hypothetical exercise which happens to compile.

Re: naming advice required

2009-11-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Ryan Voots
# on Monday 09 November 2009 06:17:

>> Why not just Github::?
>I Thought the typical convention was to try to find some other root
> namespace to put things in rather than making yet another one?

No, but that's a common misunderstanding.  The recommendation is 
roughly:  Claiming "" for yourself is somewhat anti-social, 
where as breaking the ice on Github:: is liberating to anyone else who 
might come later (because it gives them a beaten path to follow.)

But, if and a tree under it already existed as a coherent 
object system/application, you should use GithubX:: for extensions (or 
whatever the author's request is.)

"Insert random misquote here"

Re: Reliability of timing in smoke tests

2009-10-19 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Paul LeoNerd Evans
# on Monday 19 October 2009 02:45:

>Before I think about this though; does anyone have any better
>suggestions? Are there other modules around with timing-sensitive
> tests? How do they cope with variable load on the test boxes?

You might be able to do something with Time::Mock.  E.g. slow down the 
clock or adjust it at critical points.  If your timings are related to 
sleep(), alarm(), or such that might work.

"It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are 
in a hurry."
--Ralph's Observation

Re: How can I tell MakeMaker to insert "recommended" modules into META.yml?

2009-10-18 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Hans Dieter Pearcey
# on Saturday 17 October 2009 04:46:

>There are a number of problems with this, but the biggest is that
> nothing really does anything with 'recommends' in META.yml

Module::Build's 'installdeps' action will prompt you to install them.

Yeah, it's not, but also not nothing.

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

Re: metadata and MooseX::Declare (was Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report LETO/Net-Topsy-0.02.tar.gz)

2009-09-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Leto
# on Monday 21 September 2009 12:15:

>It looks like the toolchain does not like the fact that I am using
>MooseX::Declare in my Net::Topsy module [0]. It also had a hard time
>figuring out my version number, until I hard-coded it in Build.PL .

That's Module::Build::ModuleInfo.  It doesn't know about this 'class' 
keyword and therefore doesn't see a package or version for Net::Topsy.

>Currently, META.yml does not show any modules that are written in

Yeah.  You'll want some 'provides' data in META.yml for PAUSE.  Or else 
you'll get this stuff:

>Nothing in this distro has been
>                    indexed, because according to META.yml this
>                    package does not provide any modules.

Hard to say what you should do about it.  M::B::ModuleInfo is a very 
basic static parser (and has to run on the install target -- not just 
the developer machine, so e.g. PPI isn't an easy option.)

You could write your 'provides' data (like you do your version) manually 
in the Build.PL (I *think* that works -- maybe involving meta_merge).

Or maybe write me that moose compiler I want, then you can use it to do 
some introspection and save-out some bit of data which gets slurped 
into the M::B->new() call.

"I've often gotten the feeling that the only people who have learned
from computer assisted instruction are the authors."
--Ben Schneiderman

Re: how to set $VERSION throughout distribution

2009-09-11 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Swartz
# on Friday 11 September 2009 18:08:

>1) Don't bother putting $VERSION anywhere except the main module

This might get you '-1 set by' or other fun surprises from 

>2) Put a different $VERSION in each module, depending on when that  
>module itself changes

That seems to make sense, but in reality you won't (if you're me) ever 
remember to update it and that info is in the version control and 
Changes files anyway.

>3) Put the same $VERSION in each module, matching the distribution and
>   the main module

This is a good way to do it because you'll have a way to easily diagnose 
whether you've somehow ended up with a mismatched set of modules from a 
distribution and more easily find the right Changes file given any of 
the modules from the dist.

And you can do it automatically with perl-reversion (cpan Perl::Version)

"It works better if you plug it in!"
--Sattinger's Law

Re: gentle nudgings about upgrading your tools

2009-08-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Friday 28 August 2009 04:10:

>> I guess maybe.  It still seems arbitrary, and my point was that it
>> is a workaround to the fact that it's currently difficult for a
>> module to do "the right thing" to even compare its version against
>> the index.
>I'd restrict it to only those modules that are needed to install
> stuff:
>  ExtUtils::MakeMaker
>  Module::Build

We've already solved the 'install-side' need with configure_requires.

I was talking about the `./Build dist` (author) side of things (from the 
observation that the OP had run into a bug which would have been 
avoided by upgrading M::B before rolling a dist.)

Authors using an old Module::Build won't be releasing dists with M::B in 
configure_requires until they upgrade.  That might happen automatically 
if they install some new code from the CPAN which has M::B in its 
configure_requires, but that's a combination of happy accidents.

And, if we were to pretend that M::B author tools were split off into a 
separate distribution, having warn you about a new M::B 
wouldn't do any good, plus people would be confused when their `./Build 
dist` suddenly started complaining about needing to install something 
extra (which brings me back to the bit about users setting a preference 
about which CPAN client to use.)

"...the bourgeoisie were hated from both ends: by the proles, because
they had all the money, and by the intelligentsia, because of their
tendency to spend it on lawn ornaments."
--Neal Stephenson

Re: gentle nudgings about upgrading your tools

2009-08-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Thursday 27 August 2009 19:12:

>> Except then it also needs to tell you that there's a new
>> Module::Starter and Dist::Zilla and App::Builder and Tool::Belt and
>> ...
>I'd limit it to toolchain modules that are dual-life CPAN and Perl
>core.  So M::B, EU::MM, EU::Install, etc.  Not the rest of the

I guess maybe.  It still seems arbitrary, and my point was that it is a 
workaround to the fact that it's currently difficult for a module to 
do "the right thing" to even compare its version against the index.

So, e.g. Dist::Zilla would have to simply set an expiration date of 
~1year if it wanted to give the user a friendly nudge before they 
released their dist.  But of course, expiration dates are troublesome 
if for some reason there's been no need for a release in that year 
other than to allow the user to silence the warning.

Or we can all compare timestamps of the CPAN vs CPANPLUS indices or 
maybe try to fetch a fresh one or whatever because there's no way for a 
user to indicate their preference.

Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to
predict the future is to invent it.
--Alan Kay

Re: XML::Rules new versions not seen by CPAN shell

2009-08-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Thursday 27 August 2009 07:33:

>  WARNING: there are new versions of Module::Build and Module::Install
>  available, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade them
> already tells you if a new is available, ...

Except then it also needs to tell you that there's a new Module::Starter 
and Dist::Zilla and App::Builder and Tool::Belt and ...

But if you leave it out of CPAN|CPANPLUS, the trouble for each module is 
to detect whether they've been superseeded when that they don't know 
which index is up-to-date or which client the user prefers.  There's 
more than one way to do it and we can't tell which the user wants.

Of course, M::B could just set a best-if-used-by date in its code and 
complain about that at `./Build dist` time.

"But as to modern architecture, let us drop it and let us take
modernistic out and shoot it at sunrise."
--F.L. Wright

Re: XML::Rules new versions not seen by CPAN shell

2009-08-26 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Tuesday 25 August 2009 17:46:

>Install Archive::Tar.  Upgrade Module::Build.  That should fix it for

This makes me wonder how many authors are using a current version of 
Module::Build.  Between this, configure_requires, and the 
Software::License support, there are a lot of improvements in the past 
year or so.

"You can't win. You can't break even. You can't quit."
--Ginsberg's Restatement of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics

Re: Getting ready for CPAN

2009-08-04 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Shawn H. Corey
# on Sunday 02 August 2009 07:56:

>On it
> states:
>"There's only one thing you need to know as soon as possible:
>     Please, make sure the filename you choose contains a version
> number."
>OK, does that mean every file needs a version number or just the
> tarball?

The important point there is:

  "For security reasons you will never be able to upload a file with
  identical name again."

But the only "file" you ever upload is the tarball.  (You can upload 
other files, but a "distribution" (which is what matters) is a 
tarball.)  So, you upload Foo-v0.0.1.tar.gz instead of Foo.tar.gz, then 
you can supersede it with Foo-v0.0.2.tar.gz, etc. as the code changes.

Human beings are relatively simple.  You just reward them for something 
and they will do it.
--William Cohan

Re: versions as v-strings

2009-07-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Tuesday 28 July 2009 14:54:

>> Aside:  I just do:
>>  our $VERSION = v1.2.3;
>But you shouldn't.  :-)  Unless you require Perl 5.10.

For some definitions of "shouldn't" perhaps depending on how much value 
you place on which ends of the trade-offs.  For everyday usage it's 
fine back to 5.6.2 at least.

  $ perlv5.6.2 -e 'use File::Fu v0.0.9'
  File::Fu v0.0.9 required--this is only v0.0.6 at -e line 1.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

Of course, if you're on pre-5.10 AND you want to print 
File::Fu->VERSION, you need to load first.  To me, that's 
fair (aka:  "you want features?  upgrade!") and it saves me from code 

It's not ideal, but it weighs less than the other non-ideal options for 
multi-dotted versions.

Speak softly and carry a big carrot.

Re: Test Failures - XS, "does not match bootstrap parameter" and version objects

2009-07-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Yu
# on Tuesday 28 July 2009 09:37:

>In at least one report, the version seems to be recent, so I'm not
>sure if it's a new issue:     version            0     0.76_06

It appears that you're using the deprecated (or soon-to-be-deprecated 
(or maybe not deprecated depending on how you quote it?)) multi-dotted 
version number without the leading v.  This might be a bug in the new (or a bug in the deprecation), but note that the docs 
recommend that you have the leading 'v' for multi-dotted versions:

> use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.0.6');

  use version 0.77; our $VERSION = qv("v1.2.3");

I think 0.77 was supposed to be just a docs cleanup, but maybe something 
got changed slightly.  Anyway, the docs were historically somewhat 
distracting and tended to recommend the least-best ways to do stuff.

Aside:  I just do:

  our $VERSION = v1.2.3;

Hot dogs:  just another condiment.
--Heart-attack Man

Re: DateTime::Duration::W3C?

2009-07-03 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Ovid
# on Friday 03 July 2009 06:40:

> I can't find a proper parser for it and it turns out to have some
> tricky bits.  Basically, I want to do this:
>  my $duration = DateTime::Duration::W3C->new("P1Y2MT2H");

Are the tricky bits in the parsing or the calendar math necessary to get 
to the end datetime?  The math should be nicely handled by Date::Piece 
up to the hours, where you then take at() of the start time and add to 
that Time::Piece object.

If you want to do the parser and duration object, I'll happily take a 
Date::Piece patch to support it.

hobgoblin n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
  makes trouble for human beings

Re: Getopt::Auto improvements

2009-06-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Geoffrey Leach
# on Monday 29 June 2009 12:34:

>The key difference between Auto and Euclid is that Simon wanted to
>subject the POD writer to minimal inconvienence. I should have
>mentioned that option processing results in a call to main::foo, which
>would permit the user to do whatever checking was needed.

I have not looked at Getopt::Auto lately, but my Getopt::AsDocumented 
does some of what you're wanting to accomplish.  I would say that 
Getopt::Auto could be implemented on top of AsDocumented (the main 
difference would be the calling of main::foo(), but also the options 
object), but I won't guarantee compatibility between Getopt::Base and 
Getopt::Long (and have no plans to do so.)

My approach to what the pod contains was based on showing the user the 
information, so just:

  =item --foo FOO (number)

Getopt::Base has been designed to do some mild validation, but does not 
actually do it yet (everything is a string at the moment.)

See also Getopt::Abridged, which is like a gateway drug to 

[...proprietary software is better than gpl because...] "There is value
in having somebody you can write checks to, and they fix bugs."
--Mike McNamara (president of a commercial software company)

Re: lexical warnings question

2009-06-16 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Bill Ward
# on Tuesday 16 June 2009 15:08:

>I know we're doing all kinds of crazy stuff to __DIE__ and I'm not
>sure about __WARN__ but I suspect we may be.

You might like to try this as a way to assert that thou shalt not.

This assumes that the crazy stuff is done without local(), which is 
indeed crazy.

  perl -MDevel::NoGlobalSig=warn t/whatever.t

[...proprietary software is better than gpl because...] "There is value
in having somebody you can write checks to, and they fix bugs."
--Mike McNamara (president of a commercial software company)

Re: Best way to abandon usable code?

2009-05-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Peter Pentchev
# on Wednesday 27 May 2009:

> to me the simple fact that
>you sent this message instead of just letting the module lie there on
>CPAN means that you care about it at least a little bit

Unless I missed it, it doesn't sound like the OP has put it on the CPAN 

IMO, posting your code on the CPAN and walking away is better than just 
walking away.  At least then users will be able to easily find and 
install it -- and maintainers are always users first.

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

Re: Process for Removing Qt Module from CPAN

2009-05-26 Thread Eric Wilhelm
Hi Chris,

# from Chris Burel
# on Tuesday 26 May 2009:

>One thing I thought of doing was calling the module Qt4, but that would
>populate the Qt namespace.

That is going to cause you headaches with the PAUSE indexer.  It finds 
all of your package statements and will flag your dist as unauthorized 
if you use an existing package.

But actually, this sort of thing is rather clunky and unusual for Perl 

  use Qt4;
  my $app = Qt4::Application(\...@argv);

That is, if you're worried about the repetitive typing, I think the :: 
is a bigger source of tedium.

If Application() is going to be a constructor function -- as opposed to 
the more typical new() -- it may as well be exported as QApplication().

And really, what's wrong with Qt4::Application->new()?

"It works better if you plug it in!"
--Sattinger's Law

Re: Process for Removing Qt Module from CPAN

2009-05-25 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Yu
# on Monday 25 May 2009:

>I'd like to remove the Qt module from CPAN, or be able to take it
> over.

Hi Jonathan,

That's a good question in general, but for Qt4, I'm inclined to say that 
a better approach would be to use the 'Qt4::' namespace.

>I'm working with someone else on perlqt4 bindings for my Google Summer
>of Code project, and the currently available version of Qt is from
>1997 and of little use to anybody. (See:
>We'd like to be able to push the module through CPAN once we're done.
>In order to do that, we need to remove the existing version and
>register the namespace to one of us.
>I think the top-level namespace is appropriate since that's exactly
>what other packages (ie, Wx) do.

From my tinkering with it thus-far, it appears that Qt3 and Qt4 are 
quite different APIs.  That is, current Perl code written for Qt (3) 
won't "just work", right?

If it breaks existing code (even if it's a few years old), it's rather 
severe to replace a distribution.

Thus, if it's technically feasible (and doesn't make the API horrid), 
adding a '4' to the package name seems reasonable.  I will be glad to 
help with this as time allows.

Like a lot of people, I was mathematically abused as a child.
--Paul Graham

Re: RFC: aliased::factory

2009-05-25 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Eric Wilhelm
# on Sunday 24 May 2009:

>want something which aliases an entire class hierarchy and loads
>modules from it on demand.
>  use aliased::factory YAPI => 'Yahoo::Marketing';
>  # this does: require Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResearchService
>  # and calls Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResearchService->new(...)
>  my $ybis = YAPI::KeywordResearchService(...);

With advice from hdp^Wconfound on irc, I went with a method-call 
interface where the object is a factory.  When you call new() you get 
the thing, when you call anything else, you get the subpackage 
corresponding to that method name.  This removes the one-level 
limitation without too much added typing.  Sorry if you're have a!

  my $ybis = YAPI->KewordResearchService->new(...);

It's on the way to the CPAN now.

As an old bass player friend of mine used to say: throw money, don't 
--Tony Parisi

RFC: aliased::factory

2009-05-24 Thread Eric Wilhelm
Hi all,

I'm looking for something like, but with a more specific 
functionality.  Where only renames (and loads) one class, I 
want something which aliases an entire class hierarchy and loads 
modules from it on demand.

  use aliased::factory YAPI => 'Yahoo::Marketing';

  # this does: require Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResearchService
  # and calls Yahoo::Marketing::KeywordResearchService->new(...)
  my $ybis = YAPI::KeywordResearchService(...);

  my $res = $ybis->getRelatedKeywords(
relatedKeywordRequest => YAPI::RelatedKeywordRequestType(...)

Both Yahoo::Marketing and Google::Adwords have a very long list of 
objects under their namespace and frequently need various objects to be 
passed into their methods (this is largely due to their SOAP APIs and 
that the Perl code exactly mirrors that.)  It seems like this might 
have useful applications elsewhere.

As for implementation:  import() would install a YAPI::AUTOLOAD(), which 
does the require($thing) and $thing->new(...) bit.  Of course, this 
means that the hierarchy is only one level below the aliased namespace.  
This seems like enough (though I have considered making YAPI::Foo() 
install a YAPI::Foo::AUTOLOAD().)


"Because understanding simplicity is complicated."
--Eric Raymond

Re: Module::Build + automatic README / LICENSE

2009-05-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Hans Dieter Pearcey
# on Tuesday 12 May 2009:

>On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 10:31:48AM +0100, Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
>> > use Software::License.
>> Hmm.. I don't see how this interacts with Module::Build. Do you
>> suggest I'd just have it as a separate part of the build process?
>Yes.  Well, rather, I was suggesting it as the starting point for
> whatever integration you want to write.

Isn't that what Ken did some time ago?  Ah... 0.31 added 
the "create_license => 1" option, but I guess it didn't get documented.

"It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that
bother me, it's the parts that I do understand."
--Mark Twain

Re: ShipIt or Module::Release or Dist::Zilla or ..

2009-04-19 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Thomas Klausner
# on Sunday 19 April 2009 12:28:

>So. It seems there's nothing off the shelf that fits my needs. I
>wouldn't mind contributing to one of the above projects (or to another
>one..). But to which?

I've been using this for over a year now, but don't have time to 
document it.  It does svn, but I would be interested in some input 
about the git side of things.

If that doesn't interest you, I suggest you look harder at Dist::Zilla.

Aside:  many authors have their own way of doing this, some of us have 
published it, some of us have tried to make it generic and 
configurable, some of us have written documentation.  What we all have 
in common is lots to do and very little time :-D

hobgoblin n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
  makes trouble for human beings

Re: managing your perl

2009-04-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Joshua ben Jore
# on Sunday 12 April 2009 20:06:

>It may be a best practice to maintain your own perl but having just
>done this at work, it's a massive time sink. Our new platform at work
>is an Ubuntu mod_perl system with 208 CPAN modules. We produced a .deb
>for perl+modules and another for mod_perl

Only *one* .deb for perl and all of the modules?

>but it took us several weeks 
>to do it and we had to learn a bunch about how to author for Debian.
>It was painful and I don't recommend it for most people.

You don't have to do it as Debian packages.  Simply installing from 
source and then building a full set of modules has never taken me more 
than a few hours.

If the collapse of the Berlin Wall had taught us anything, it was that
socialism alone was not a sustainable economic model.
--Robert Young

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Fleck
# on Sunday 12 April 2009 05:18:

>On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> If you're installing today's code from the CPAN directly on outdated
>> production machines, you're doing it wrong. 
>So, what *should* you install on outdated production machines? Because
>where I work, we've got a lot of them.

There are plenty of options for doing it haphazardly, including simply 
installing a working cpan client.

But, if you're actively changing code on these machines, you really 
should have some sort of test/staging/deployment process to avoid 
surprise downtime and be able to rollback to the previous state.  This 
implies that you need some knowledge of how the sausage is made (or how 
to hire a consultant) and you'll probably also need to upgrade to a new 
ExtUtils::MakeMaker.  By the time you get all of those details sorted 
out, Module::Build is not a problem.

Minimum wage help gives you minimum service.
--David Schomer

Re: managing your perl

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Curtis Jewell
# on Thursday 09 April 2009 14:43:

>On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 14:20 -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>>If everyone can get past the idea that something non-core is somehow 
>>unusable, a fine document already exists
>Ok.  Now we need to find someplace appropriate that we can convince
>something in core to link to it.

Joking, right?  There's no need for "something in core" and it is 
already "someplace appropriate".

The important attributes for this sort of information are that it is
current, correct, and findable.

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

Re: managing your perl

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Jonathan Rockway
# on Thursday 09 April 2009 13:30:

>* On Thu, Apr 09 2009, Bill Ward wrote:
>> How about you write a "how to manage Perl on your system" doc and
>> get it into the core as a new perlxyz perldoc file then.
>That is a very good idea.
>Of course, the people that will update to a version of perl that
>includes this doc probably won't need it ;)

If everyone can get past the idea that something non-core is somehow 
unusable, a fine document already exists

[...proprietary software is better than gpl because...] "There is value
in having somebody you can write checks to, and they fix bugs."
--Mike McNamara (president of a commercial software company)

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Thursday 09 April 2009 10:01:

>> The recommendations we make to new programmers are met with limited
>> patience.  Do you recommend that they use EU::MM on account of
>> M::B "not working" on a system which hasn't been upgraded in 10
>> years?  
>No.  But what about a system where the toolchain's not been touched
> for three years? ... fairly common upgrade cycle in business

I still would not recommend EU::MM to a new user on this account.

If you're installing today's code from the CPAN directly on outdated 
production machines, you're doing it wrong.  That's not a problem with 
M::B, and it is not a new user's immediate concern.

Sure, you'll need to brief a new hire on your deployment mechanism and 
its caveats, but that's true at any business.

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
--Occam's Razor

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Thursday 09 April 2009 05:10:

>>>But, anyway, is it a problem we really need to be inflicting on new
>>> Perl users?  Do they have to care if "somebody might be running
>>> 5.8.8 somewhere"?  With 5.10.0 out for well over a year now?

>I care because ...

You don't exactly qualify as a "new user", though :-)

>A common plaint I hear about perl code *from people outside the
>community* is that we have too many dependencies and our code is too
>hard to install.  ...  If on top of that you want
> them to *upgrade perl* they're going to think you're mad.

Ruby didn't seem to have a problem getting installed.

>And we should care about people outside the community, because they
>vastly outnumber those of us *in* the community.  They and their
>opinions are important because they do things like influence which
>technologies their employers use, and consequently how many jobs there
>are for us.

I've never heard "we don't use Perl because it's hard to install", I've 
only heard "we can't find programmers".

The recommendations we make to new programmers are met with limited 
patience.  Do you recommend that they use EU::MM on account of 
M::B "not working" on a system which hasn't been upgraded in 10 years?  
IMO, that's getting off on the wrong foot for reasons which aren't 
worth it.  By the time you need to explain how to do something special 
with EU::MM, you could easily explain the compatibility issues of M::B 
and the boring history lesson (and if you've gotten that far, we've 
passed "newbie".)

And for those who would recommend M::I, would you also explain the 
pitfalls of that, or simply leave it as "what you don't know yet won't 
hurt you yet"?

perl -e 'srand; print join(" ",sort({rand() < 0.5}
  qw(sometimes it is important to be consistent)));'

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Dave Rolsky
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 17:58:

>I, as a module author providing you a free product, don't have to give
> a damn. Realistically, authors give some amount of damn, but maybe
> not a full "I'll support Perl 5.004 for the poor slobs using ancient
> Red Hat boxes".

Exactly.  If you treat Perl like a legacy language, there won't be any 
new users and you won't have any problems of some new code not being 
compatible with your old code because there won't be any new code.

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 16:17:

>> Dissenters are certainly free to hold their opinions without reason,
>> but I would rather they not inflict those irrationalities on others
>> as advice.
>What you would rather has no bearing on what *is*.
>And your belief that those who disagree with you are irrational is
>both offensive and demonstrates that you've not actually bothered to
>read those opinions.

Please don't get offended or think that I've called you irrational.  I'm 
simply pointing out that opinions stated without reasons are 
unreasonable, not calling you unreasonable.

>> Please elaborate on why one should *not* use Module::Build.
>That depends on who one is.  If you're writing specifically for people
>who keep their toolchain and perl religiously up-to-date,

There's nothing religious about it.  You upgrade, it works better.

>then by all means use Module::Build.  But if you're not, then using
>Module::Build is silly because it hasn't been in core for very long.

That's not exactly a problem with Module::Build (not that I haven't put 
energy into solving it.)

But, anyway, is it a problem we really need to be inflicting on new Perl 
users?  Do they have to care if "somebody might be running 5.8.8 
somewhere"?  With 5.10.0 out for well over a year now?

And anyway, if the trouble with using something is that it's "not core", 
the fix is not to get it into the core.  Rather, we should try to 
make "coreness" not matter.

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it."
--Donald Knuth

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Hans Dieter Pearcey
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 12:35:

>On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 12:26:17PM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> You're saying there is a debate about whether stagnation is a good
>> idea?
>I'm missing the connection between "stagnation" and "Module::Install",
> here. Or were you talking only about EUMM?

The PBP review says "maybe" on M::B, but nothing about M::I.  If you're 
going to recommend that new users use M::I instead of EU::MM or M::B, 
you really need to hang an even bigger maybe on that one.

EU::MM will "just work" because it never (except re INSTALLDIRS) changes 
and predates all of the client tools.  The drawback for authors is that 
it never changes and that functionality is limited.  The drawbacks for 
users are some subtle interface nits related to the fact that it uses 
make (and shells out to perl for every file manipulation.)   There's a 
less visible "lack of new features" - because it never changes.

M::B will "just work" as soon as all of the client tools are updated.  
The drawback for authors is getting bug reports from users who don't 
have updated client tools.  The drawback for users is also in the 
client tools.

M::I will "just work" until something goes wrong with the bundled 
version, at which point the author using it *must* release a new 
version to fix it.  It is also susceptible to EU::MM *ever* changing.  
Now that we have configure_requires, EU::MM might start changing, which 
would completely break M::I.

> and it doesn't matter
> (to that subject) that you say very forcefully that there is no
> reason not to use Module::Build, and call people who do not want to
> use it "irrational", because that all is *part* of the "controversy",

The pain of making it possible to have more than one build tool, or to 
have our build tools ever change (without bundling the world into each 
dist) has a long history.  I can understand that from the standpoint of 
people not having time to mess with it, but how much of the pain is 
just a result of the momentum of the pain?

Speak softly and carry a big carrot.

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Golden
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 12:21:

>On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Eric Wilhelm  
>> If there has been any controversy, it's been about the fact that
>> M::B was the first tool to break from "how we used to do it".  This
>> exposed
>I'll add just my 2 cents to say that a good deal of the controversy
>was hung up on getting good support for Module::Build into and
>CPANPLUS.  Between the recent work on CPANPLUS::Dist::Build and the
>support for configure_requires in both and CPANPLUS targeted
>for 5.10.1, I think the controversy will be largely resolved.

I would call that "a good deal of pain", rather than controversy.  And 
yes, thanks to your efforts (and to everyone else involved), that pain 
is finally getting out of the way of progress.

Chicken farmer's observation:  Clunk is the past tense of cluck.

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andy Lester
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 12:27:

>> Please elaborate on why one should *not* use Module::Build.
>Because the cost of learning it is non-zero.

Fine.  But for *new* users?  Would you say EU::MM is easier to learn?

"Everything goes wrong all at once."
--Quantized Revision of Murphy's Law

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from David Cantrell
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 12:06:

> As I've said before, this is silly.  It's a tool, so either it works
> or
>> it doesn't.  We can't really have "controversy" about whether it
>> works or how it works.
>Despite your saying that we can't, we do.  There is disagreement about
>whether it's a good idea to use Module::Build, and merely denying that
>the disagreement exists is ... well, it's silly.

You're saying there is a debate about whether stagnation is a good idea?

Dissenters are certainly free to hold their opinions without reason, but 
I would rather they not inflict those irrationalities on others as 

Please elaborate on why one should *not* use Module::Build.

Peer's Law: The solution to the problem changes the problem.

Re: "a lot of controversy" about Module::Build

2009-04-08 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Hans Dieter Pearcey
# on Wednesday 08 April 2009 09:20:

>In particular, saying "maybe" for Module::Build seems pretty
> reasonable to me, since M::B vs. M::I is the emacs vs. vi of
> distribution installers, and the summary "there is controversy, but
> it's definitely better than EUMM" is certainly true.

As I've said before, this is silly.  It's a tool, so either it works or 
it doesn't.  We can't really have "controversy" about whether it works 
or how it works.

I can understand if one prefers the syntax of Module::Install and has no 
qualms about the questionable workarounds on top of EU::MM or has 
chosen the predictability of bundling in light of the risks of 
staleness.  But at this point, it is very possible to build all of that 
on top of Module::Build without all of the subtle and lingering 

It's a long, long ways from "emacs vs vi".  Feel free to make "rpm vs 
deb" analogies (with actual pros/cons.)  But, when sending someone a 
file, "edited in emacs or vi" doesn't matter.

If there has been any controversy, it's been about the fact that M::B 
was the first tool to break from "how we used to do it".  This exposed 
some flawed assumptions in the rest of the ecosystem which were not of 
M::B's making.  I hope we're past that (and I'm looking forward to the 
seamless addition of multiple alternative builders - perhaps even a 
less eye-bleedy way to do Inline:: modules.)

Analysis of real problems with M::B are welcomed in the bug tracker (or 
as code.)  This will help much more than snide "if only it worked" 
comments scattered around the interwebs and avoid making new users 
thing there's something wrong with M::B on account of it "not working 
in 1999".

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a
desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
--E.B. White

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