Re: ML questions..

1999-07-04 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, NYYRIKKI wrote:

> There is two routines in disk rom, that are used for formating disk.
> First one asks that question and second one does the formating. Anyway
> that question part is not 100% standard. Forexample there is no 720Kb disk
> option in some MSX1 computers. Unfortunately I can't now remember where
> are those routines exactly, but entrys are somewhere between #4014-#402C
> I think...

Oh, now I founded :

CHOICE - (#4019) Get format message (ASCII)

Input  : -
Output : HL = address of ASCIIZ string

DSKFMT - (#401C) Format disk (*)

Input  : A  = choice (0 is first)
 D  = drive number (0-5)
Output : If Carry flag is set, register A contains error code

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Re: ML questions..

1999-07-04 Thread NYYRIKKI

> 2. I haven't done research for it, but is there a way to use the BIOS for
> formatting a diskette, but
> then to skip the part in which the MSX asks for which drive and what size?
> Or do I just have to
> write my own format routine?

There is two routines in disk rom, that are used for formating disk.
First one asks that question and second one does the formating. Anyway
that question part is not 100% standard. Forexample there is no 720Kb disk
option in some MSX1 computers. Unfortunately I can't now remember where
are those routines exactly, but entrys are somewhere between #4014-#402C
I think...

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ACCNET in web

1999-07-04 Thread NYYRIKKI

> You're thinking about a 2400 bps modem. Using ACCNET, we can achieve
> higher bit-rates.

Is there something wrong in me, or is this pure BULLSHIT !!!

I have ACCNET, that I connected to a modem, that came with it. (33.6Kb/s)
Well... First I thought, that it does not work at all, because it did not
respond, when I tryed to write "AT" for it. The reason was, that I had too
much speed. When I lowered it to 2400 I got "O" as a resposce and that
should be "OK"

At speed of 300b/s it worked quite Ok, but it still missed letter or two
from here and there.

Then proggrams... It came with COMS5 & 6... First I tryed COMS6, but it
hanged, when I tryed to set communication parameters to 8N1

Ok, shit happens, I thought and loaded COMS5 and got situation like I
first described. Also ANSI color emulation worked like a frog in a
microwave... Cool to have colors, but why they change all the time and why
I get that kind of colors, that I can't read text from the screen...

You can be sure, that I like this product... There is no even driver for
Erix, that I like to use.

ACCNET => WEB  forget it !!!

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Re: NestorBASIC suggestions

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Konami Man wrote:

> About NestorBASIC: (^ ^)Y
> >The user interface is not very easy to use, but I think, that it can't
> >be done better without XBASIC sources or if we want it still to be in
> More people also said it to me. And I can only answer the same as you said:
> Do you want XBASIC compatibility? Then there is no other way to perform a
> BASIC extension.

Well, if you have sources for XBASIC, then it is possible (not easy) to
make changes for compiler, but then you have to make different routines
for BASIC and XBASIC. (If you really have them, then please send them to
me too.)

> >small size. So, I have to print that huge manual, if I really want to
> >use these new features... Anyway I think, that I'm gonna use this in
> Also, more people said to me: What a hugue manual! Answer: NestorBASIC has
> 80 functions, and I must explain all of it! But I don't expect that NBASIC
> users will use ALL the functions! I put all-purpose functions, you just use
> the ones that you need.

Yes, and this extension has many really useful routines.

> >my next demo as a glue. This is perfect for that purpose,at least in
> >my case, because I can't proggram anything else that BASIC and ML. :-)
> Remember that NBASIC allows you to execute ML routines stored in a RAM
> segment, and after that, to return to BASIC. Maybe this feature will be
> useful for you.
> >So, again my personal thanx will go to you.
> You're very welcome! 8-)
> >
> >You wanted to hear opinions, so now it is done. Next there is new ideas,
> >that you also wanted to have : 
> Oh! Ideas! You are almost the first one!!
> Please don't forget also to report any failures you can found! I can found
> some by myself (for example, when you try to compress a graphic while a
> music is being replayed the system hangs X-( But I need the help of the users!
> >Maybe you can add a memory use routines also for computers, that
> >have 192Kb VRAM, because there is no too many other proggrams, that
> >can use this feature, but there is quite a many computers that has
> >expanded VRAM. Maybe also 512Kb of GFX9000 can be useful for data storeing.
> >Maybe there is someone reading this, that can give techical docs.
> Yes, it is a good idea to support this extra 64K VRAM with the basic
> functions pack. About GFX9000, I think it is better to make a separate
> functions module, and use it with the segment stored ML routines execution
> feature (what a long, ugly name! 8-). 
> >How about adding automatic uninstall, when exiting to DOS, by doing your
> >own _SYSTEM handler routine (for example in SUPER-X) This maybe does not
> >work, if you are using external DOS2, that is plased before RAM, but anyway
> >it will increase safety.
> What do you mean, to pacth _SYSTEM statement or to add an USR for exiting DOS?

I mean, that you could add a routine, that checks if that call command
that was made was _SYSTEM (patch _TURBO ON / _RUN check) if it was, then
execute uninstall proggram, and return and tell to the computer, that this
command was not for me. You don't have to check parameters.

> >If you go to BASIC, and load NBASIC or some other "bad behaving" basic
> >extension, that is using CALL commands and then return to DOS by typeing
> >_SYSTEM everything is Ok, but when you go back to BASIC, and try to write
> >_SYSTEM or any other CALL command, your computer will hang, because it
> >tryes to execute proggram, that was in address #4000-#7FFF before DOS
> >used it. There is no probblem, if this extension is in ROM.
> But remember that NBASIC don't uses CALLs! Hey, wait... yes, actually the
> _TURBO ON/OFF. You are right.

If I'm right, then _TURBO OFF is not handled by BASIC it is handled only
by XBASIC compiler.

> >
> >Solution :
> (...)
> I will place this piece of code in the uninstallation code of NBASIC. Thanxs!
> >If you want to be 100% sure, that this probblem does not appear, then you can
> >run this proggram for all RAM slots, but I don't think that it is necessary.
> NestorBASIC places XBASIC in the primary mapper, as usual.
> >
> >Greetings / Groetjes / Terveisin :
> ...Chas Gracias! ;-)
> --| About... |---
> | |
> | Konami Man v23.10   |
> | |
> |  Developped by  |
> |  Antonio Soriano &  |
> |  Concepcion Vilchez |
> | |
> |  (c) 1974-1997  |
> |  Soriano Family Ltd.|
> | |
> |  This humanware |
> | is itself-domain|
> | |
> |  Constantly updated |
> |Please send bug reports  |
> |  and improvement suggestions|
> |   to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
> | |
> | |
> | |  OK  ||
> | |
> -

Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> >I dunno about Novaxis, but I had 2 computers and a HD
> connected with 2 BERT
> >interfaces.
> novaxis can do so too, but you have to use a unique ID for
> each computer. On Novaxis thentrouble starts because there
> is only one computer which can write to one particular
> partition. All computers can read from every device. That is
> no problem.

How can I give this ID ?

> >>How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or
> do I have to be
> >>sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?
> >
> >With the BERT you can read/write to the same partition with
> both computers.
> >You can't write both at the same time, because of
> FAT-caching.
> This will always be a problem...

So, this means, that if I use same partitions at a same time, my FAT
system will crach and I may lose some files, if I writed same partition
with both computers ?

> >stall. If I used a special DOS which had a hotkey to reset
> the SCSI-bus, I
> >could continue, otherwise reset one of the computers.

What version was that ?

> >>I wanted to ask this, to avoid burning any of my computers
> or
> >>pheripherals.
> >
> >That probably won't happen :)
> >
> >Unless you got an active terminator on your HD though, you
> have to have
> >BOTH computers activated on the same time. Or more
> correctly: both SCSI
> >interfaces have to be on. My solution was to place one of
> them in a
> >slot-expander with seperate powersupply. (The other
> computer was always on,
> >it ran my BBS)

Aargh !!! I don't have a place for external power suply in my expander...
And I'll overload the SCSI bus, if one SCSI controller is offline? Hey
this is getting ugly... :-(

> Another possibility is to remove the terminiator resistors
> from the interface.
> your chain will look as follows:
> interface with terminator <-> harddisk or computer without
> terminator <-> hardisk with terminator

You mean, that I have to open SCSI controller and take some resistors
away? How about, if I do not do that for both interfaces, then I still
can't use both computers independent of is another computer on or not?
I mean, that only modifyed controller can be off?

I was planning exactly something like this :

MSX tR -> Novaxis SCSI -- HDD -- CD ROM -- Zip -- Novaxis SCSI <- NMS 8250
ID#:  ???  1   25 ???

... but I'm not sure anymore, is it a good idea :-(

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Re: Merry Christmas for Novaxis users !!!

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:
> > >> Not a dream for MegaSCSI users since long time ago!! Hehe! X-D
> > >Ok... How about, if I tell, that you can also select 50/60Hz before
> > >play, you can use slow memory-mappers on tR computers without hanging a
> > >computer and you can use also fragmented files ? :-)
> > Wait till the FAT16 driver is finished, and then let's see who laughs
> > better! X-)

Yeah, because then I have to write my filemapping and FAT decoding
routines again.
What a  bastard you are ! X-D
> Konami Man, maybe Nyyrikki could send you FDD-EMU source code and
> you could make a MegaSCSI version of FDD-EMU (NestorNyyrikkiFDD-EMU?
> hum... nah... too big name... difficult to say! :) that is better than
> MegaSCSI's EP... [please, don't kill me if it's a bad idea! ;)]

No, we are not going to kill you, but I think, that it is not so good
idea. I'll
explain a bit :

First reason is, that MegaSCSI has it's own RAM, that can be used for
makeing even
perfect emulation. Probblem is just, that nobody seems to know
everything about
diskdrive behavior and makeing perfect is quite a big job. Anyway
makeing a whole
new system for MegaSCSI would be much better idea.

Another reason is, that when I make proggrams I use sub-routine names a
bit like:
CAT, DOG, SOAP, HORSE etc. etc. And the documentation... well... I have
heard this
word somewhere. :-) I really think, that makeing it again would be
easyer for
someone else but me.

Third reason is, that even I can't be sure that my routines will work on
all MSX
computers. I have used s many not documented features and illegal
tricks, that
I'm just waiting, when "not working" messages are starting to come. To
give few
examples I ripped few not documented initialization codes from Konami
Game Master to
make my routine to "live" trough reset and disk ROM initialization, and
I made a
"artifical intelligence" part, that follows code from diskROM #4010 and
all, that is needed for hijacking this call and for returning without
crash. These
routines are different in each MSX model, so only god knows how many
computers my
routine will support. At this moment anyway only MSX tR DOS2 mode has
not been able
to hijack. (I have tested these routines also on Philips NMS 8250 and
Sony HB-G900P)

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Re: Emulators...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> Well, if you've bought the Xtory series, you've just done the totally wrong 
> thing... If you buy these CD's you're really NOT supporting MSX and MSX 
> developpers! No, you're even destroying the little MSX market as it is. 
> Reason: these CD's contain recent games! Games that are still being sold!! The 
> programmers of these games don't get any money from the sellers of XTory... In 
> other words: piracy! Very bad! We've told this earlier, but now I'm 
> disappointed some people still buy these CD's, or have bought them 
> PLEASE MSX USERS: Boycot these stupid CD's!!! You're a real MSX user if you do 
> so!

I have one idea... Maybe someone, who has this CD or copy of it could
remove all of the illegal files from it and then upload it to funet or
something. It is huge work, but that may cause less people wanting to buy
it anymore... (Ok, it was a bad idea.)

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Re: MSX1 -MSX2 compatibility

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sun, 22 Nov 1998, Stefano Fronteddu wrote:

> Hi MSX people,
>   A lot of You know that MAIN ROM slot's identificator is located at 0FCC1H.
> In MSX2 the MAIN ROM can be in any slot, while in MSX1 it's in slot 0 or
> slot 0-0. Why is there this difference ?
> Is it wrong to call Basic using 80H as slot identifier ?
> What is your opinion ?

Well... If you use #80 as a slot identifier you will get your proggrams to
work in 99% of MSX2 computers and 100% of MSX1 computers.

That 1% is only MSX1 computers, that has been updated to MSX2 computers by
using a update cartridge. I don't think, that anybody these days is using
these expancion cartridges anymore... at least not as a primary MSX
computer. So I really wouldn't worry about this, and you can anyway use
all MSX1 functions, that does not handle VDP.

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Re: Bigger sector numbers

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Nestor Soriano wrote:

> Sorry because I always say same, but: look at MSXCDEX for MegaSCSI!! It
> uses this method (own code in a RAM segment and #F252 patching) and works
> fine! Only problem is that it works only with MegaSCSI.

This is so common RTFM error, that I think, that it is time to correct it.
MSXCDEX _DOES_ work with other interfaces than MegaSCSI, but not with all.
Forexample, if you have Novaxis SCSI you have to start it like this :

MSXCDEX -gscsi

Works atleast for me...
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Re: follow-up: MSX-Audio 256K sampleRAM

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> One more thing: does anyone know what software actually uses this 
> extra sampleRAM, that you might use to test it?

Only proggram, that I know is Unknown Reality by N.O.P.
It would have been really cool, if MoonBlaster makers had supported this
little "extra possibility."

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Re: Mailinglist Rules

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> - alles in het Engels

Hmm... What does this mean ? :-)

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1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

I have to be now away from internet, because I have huge probblems with
my internet connection. Both hardware and software are makeing
probblems, so... If you have sended me some mail in couple of weeks,
then you still have to just wait. I'll try to get everything working as
soon as possibble and then ansfer to my mail. It seems, that I have to
start using PC to read my mail. :-(

Greetings : NYYRIKKI

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Re: Memory...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Coen van der Geest wrote:
> Maybe an odd question but how much is 4 MB memory for the MSX nowadays?

Too much :-)
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Re: Info needed. Error codes.

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Remember that you can download MSX2 Technical Handbook from my home page... 8-)

Remember, that I already did. :-)

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Cheat !!!

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

D.A.S.S. anybody remember this game, that has good graphics and musics, but
is mutch too difficult to play trough? If you D.A.S.S. and agree with me,
then you can come to pick up a little patch for it from my WWW page :

If you do that, then you can play it with enough continues. I didn't manage
to play it trough even with this, but it is mutch more fun to continue from
same stage, than begin it from first stage all over again and again.
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Re: xsa !?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Hi all,
> On funet I downloaded fray (english version) and extract the file as normal.
> What I still do not know is how I can extract the .xsa files wich where
> created.
> Where can I find a .xsa archive extractor ?

Hey Manuel, let me answer this time !!!

Look :

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Re: TP3 Help

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Cesar Cardoso wrote:

> b) I have the function Sqr(x), that gives me the BASIC equivalent of
> x^2; how can I do a x^n(n<>2) in TP?

I don't know anything about Pascal, but shouldn't Sqr(x) be same that
 :-) Probabbly Kari Lammassaari has made some routines for this, if
there is no
more simple solution.
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1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Maico Arts wrote:
> >I have heard something like, that there is BASCOM Basic
> compiler, but
> >there is
> >also BASKOM proggram, that enables a possibility to use
> Basic commands
> >in DOS.
> You are right. But he needed the compiler, which I send to
> him

Can u upload it to funet too ?

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1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, IVAN ALONSO BES wrote:

> Sorry for this mail, but I can't contact NYYRIKKI.
> Is it me or you nyyrikki? Answer needed!!! ;)

It's me in a hell of a hurry... I just readed your mail and I will reply
soon. (Now I have to fly) Anyway you were not too fast either in your
reply. :-)

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BASIC demo competition site ready...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Now I have made the BASIC demo compo site ready. Please visit :

and vote the winner. You can download all demos and vote directly from there.
I hope, that this is not too mutch to ask.

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Re: Undocumented BASIC commands ??

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Alberto Valverde wrote:

> Hello Nykke,
> Those Basic commands of Novaxis are in the Manual.`

Manual ?!? What manual ? I don't have any manual !! There was only two
disks with DOS2, Novaxis utils and few text files.


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Re: Merry Christmas for Novaxis users !!!

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Nestor Soriano wrote:
> >Hello... I have something nice to tell you all Novaxis users.
> >Are you tired of playing with START and HDDEMU ?
> >How would you like, if you could play games like SpaceManbow,
> >Solid Snake etc. etc. straight from your HDD? Or if I could tell,
> >that you can use your SCC from sub-slots without probblems ?
> >Nice dream isn't it ?
> Not a dream for MegaSCSI users since long time ago!! Hehe! X-D

Ok... How about, if I tell, that you can also select 50/60Hz before
play, you can use slow memory-mappers on tR computers without hanging a
computer and you can use also fragmented files ? :-)

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Merry Christmas for Novaxis users !!!

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Hello... I have something nice to tell you all Novaxis users.

Are you tired of playing with START and HDDEMU ?
How would you like, if you could play games like SpaceManbow,
Solid Snake etc. etc. straight from your HDD? Or if I could tell,
that you can use your SCC from sub-slots without probblems ?

Nice dream isn't it ?

No... It isn't... Now it is fact !

If you are interested, then come to download FDD-EMU from my page.
Unfortunately I can't promice you all the goodies, that a good disk
emulator could give, but I think, that you can anyway get rid of
plenty of probblems, that you are used to have.

Merry chistmas to all of you !
Greetings :
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Re: XSA files

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Hello people,
> I have just uploaded a new archive to The archive is called 
> xscxsdmx.pma and contains the programs and for MSX. These 
> programs can be used to convert XSA files into DSK files and vice versa on an 
> MSX without using floppy disks.
> I gues that this archive will be available for download soon.

Thanks, that was just, what I was looking for !!!

Anyway I would also like to thank you about a|| those marvellous
proggrams, that you (XelaSoft) have made. They have been usually
very interesting and useful.

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Re: "Square" Wave...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> That song is called "Moonlight Sonata", and it's also in Firehawk, Thexder II! 
> But there is an FM-PAC version. But this PSG version is also nice. By the way, 
> in my Jet Set Willy I, there's also that song!

Firehawk (Thexder II) has also PSG version, if you don't have FM-PAC or if
you have connected it to wrong sub-slot. (There is a bug in FM-PAC search
routines) The main music of Thexder I is also Moonlight Sonata and all of
the music is just for PSG.

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Re: RE: Información

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> He's also looking for a TR assembler. I suppose that a "TR assembler" means
> an assembler that generates code for R800.

Is there any R800 assemblers ? Atleast I have none... maybe Compass ???
For debugging there is atleast SUPER-X, that is best debugger, that I
know for MSX. It knows a|so all undocumented commands.

BTW if someone knows where to get full version of SUPER-X then let me
know. It is made by Romi.

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Re: Breaking the 32Mb/partition limit

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

I just had a strange idea (maybe I'm just too tired)

The probblem is that we have to change partition manualy, if we want
to put more files to our HD, but how about patching only file functions
like _FNEXT so, that they will automaticly change partition for us,
when first partition is full? This way we don't have to worry about
FAT or other things, and we can keep full compability so, that this
HD can be readed even without this patch.

Ok, maybe this is not a good or fast way to handle this, but it was
just a idea, and I have not thought that mutch at least yet.

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Re: Outrun, the msx1 version, where

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> By the way, it IS a funny question. Back in the 80-s I bought the original
> OUTRUN MSX1 version on cassette. I have converted the game myself to a
> diskversion and I must say, I have NEVER ever seen another diskversion from
> it

I have one bad crack. It does not work, if there is no memory in some
primary slot.
If you have made a bit better crack, then could you send it to me too ?
(Or is this the version, that you made?)

PS. I still like those PSG musics.

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1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:

> > >  I'm searching for BASCOM, the BASIC compiler ... Do You have it ? Send
> > >to me at my personal e-mail address !
> > Wasn't BASCOM a program to execute BASIC-commands from DOS?
> My memory is going down ... I remember that there was also a BASIC compiler,
> pheraps I'm doing a mistake !

I have heard something like, that there is BASCOM Basic compiler, but
there is
also BASKOM proggram, that enables a possibility to use Basic commands
in DOS.
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Re: Prince of Persia

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, Giovanni dos Reis Nunes wrote:

>   I can help with graphics. But I need a PC version of Prince of
>   Persia. I try to hack the spectrum version but this graphics are
>   too poor or a MSX game. Anybody has a console version of this
>   game (Master System, NES, etc...)

I have a PC version of it. Anyway it has a "copy protection" still left.
(look manual page x, line y char... )

>   Now, I need of a musician (for make the music...). A programmers
>   for the code and everyone that has the Prince of Persia stages
>   maps. :)

Stages are easy to map, because you can look around the map, if you just
run it with command :


Then you can use H, U, J and N keys to look around, K to kill enemy etc.

Anyway that was enough of PC. This was anyway once uppon a time, when PC
had lots of less troubbles...

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Re: ZIP-disk-format

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Jon De Schrijder wrote:
> Hello,
> can someone answer the following questions?
> *How large is each sector on a ZIP disk?
>  I believe it is 512bytes. Correct me if I'm wrong.


> *When a ZIPdisk is formatted on a PC: does it include a partitiontable
> or not? More precisely: is sector 0 a partitiontable, or a normal MSDOS
> bootsector?

I think, that it is MSDOS bootsector, but I only THINK so.

> *What about the format of the SCSI ZIP on MSX?

It is not standard... You can't forexample use MegaSCSI disks on Novaxis
and vice versa.

> *Does anybody know where I can find technical documentation about the
> ZIP drives? (Couldn't find anything at

Zip drive works just like normal HDD on MSX computers. There is no need
for any kind of drivers etc. If you allready have HDD, then you
probabbly know how Zip works with your interface.

Ps. I'm back home again. Happy new year to all of you.

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Re: speeding up interrupts

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> ] But: on using this myself, I found these drawbacks:
> There is one other drawback: The MSX turbo R has a bug in this routine when 
> running under DOS2. Because of this bug, it sometimes hangs itself up.
> I whish those people had done a better job when designing that machine. There 
> are a number of design flaws and bugs like this one...

Can you please tell us more about these bugs and things, that we should
not do ?
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RE: MSX 3D games

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:

>   Well, it's funny, but Specrum has Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat, Street
> Fighter 1 and 2! 

Prince of Persia is so simple game, that almoust anybody could code it.
Only probblem is, that I don't think, that anyone of us can get rights to
make it. Another probblem is, that I don't know who could crack
those graphics out of that game. Atleast they are packed some how
in PC version... Amiga version I don't know, Spectrum version I 
don't care and other versions are unknown for me. (That game has really
good graphics for MSX2)
   ` '
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,_.   (m  m) (  )
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Would you like to have a bit faster MSX for free ???

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Ok, now it is a new year, and I know, that people are wanting faster
computers every year, and this year is no exeption.

So what ???

Well, maybe you have allready MSX tR, that is quite a fast, but if you use
BASIC, XBASIC, POWER BASIC or NESTOR BASIC proggrams then I can give you
even some more speed for you to use...

Some of you may know, that I'm not a hardware guru, so I'm not asking you
to blow your lovely tR around the house, and take a soldering iron to
your shaking hand. That is NOT nessessary. I simply want to ask you to
download my NEW tR speed up tools from my homepage :

Hmm... Sounds great or what? Well... these are not so great improvements, but
hey atleast this is something, and you can't lose anything. If your computer
is even 0.01% faster than before, isn't that better? These proggrams don't
even take any memory or cause any proggram to hang. My test proggram may show
even 40% more speed, but that's true only in VERY few cases.

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Re: Robocop file version released

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Hello to all
> I have downloaded the Robocop disk version.
> It crashes in my Turbo R. With and without Dos2, with or 
> without poke, with or without HDD, with or without R800, with 
> or without
> Please, am I doing anything wrong?

No, you are not... I have tryed it too in MSX tR, NMS 8250, Sony HB-G900p
and in SVI-738 (MSX1)  It crashed in every computer...

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Re: Yamaha FM Synthesizer chips...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> >Ok, I can do that. If someone can tell me about the JPG-format, that is.
> >(this is a question for someone)
> U can find JPEG specifications in

I'm not sure, but I think, that this should be :
because I have heard about this place also before... Hmm... Maybe I should
visit there too. :-)
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Re: Age

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> I am looking for a manual or course for all versions of Age.
> I heard from a lot of people that Age is easy, but I have
> trouble finding out how to work some options and I don't know
> all the possiblities/options that are available in Age. Screen
> 12 images are realy hard.

If I'm right, there is no version of AGE for MSX, that could manage
more screenmodes that screen 5 (???) I know, that there is also a
GFXAGE for GFX9000, but not for other V99x8 screen modes.

Anyway screen 12 is allways hard to use, because it handles 4 points
at a time exept for brightness, so drawing is almoust not possibble.

BTW I met one of your previous MSX2 friends here in Finland (now using
Atari) on Alternative party. We had lots of fun while drinking and
speaking about MSX, so that is probabbly why I can't remember his name
right now. :-9

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Re: Park utility

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Lads, I've got a 80 Mb-SCSI HD yesterday, from Seagate (unfortunatelly
> I can't remember the model). But I need a Park utility, to avoid
> any problems regarding to it. I'm using a Mega-SCSI as my SCSI
> controller card, I don't know if there is any influence...
> So, please tell me which software at Funet is a park utility.
>   Bye! Thankx in advance!

With Novaxis, you can use LOCK.COM and UNLOCK.COM proggrams, but I don't
know, if you can use them with Mega-SCSI.

BTW did you get the money, that I sended to you ?
   ` '
  -   (\__/)   '
   (oo)   <- He looked like MSX
   /\/\   __  mouse !!!
,_.   (m  m) (  )
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Re: MSX date/time chip?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Jimmy Hoffa wrote:

> >If it is still in original condition, then look at my www-page. There is
> >some things, that may help you to start. For example guide, how to update
> >your SVI-738 to MSX2 (easy) and other SVI-738 hardware tips.
> I knew about that already, but I need more than 64kb ram, and dont want to tie
> up the cartridge port for extra memory. I want/need atleast 256 kb
> RAM.  

MSX2+ standard does not say, that there should be more, than 64Kb memory.
Anyway internal memoryexpansion is very often needed to play european
games etc. If you can get somewhere a good instructions to build internal
mapper for SVI-738, then let me know, so that I can put them to my page.

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Re: Info needed.

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, NYYRIKKI wrote:
> > Does anybody have info about PHYDIO routine? I know, what I must input to
> > that routine, and what AF and B should contain, when it exits, but is
> > there something, that I don't know? I'm trying to make disk-drive emulator
> Just a thought, maybe useless, maybe helpfull:
> Loading to 4000-7FFF area is done using a buffer in the system RAM, I 
> think. Does your patch catch this?

Hmm. I don't know, is it that this has to be done before calling
to PHYDIO, or does PHYDIO it self handle this?

That HD routine is quite a similar to PHYDIO from disk, because HD and FDD
both are using memory addresses to control hardware. Anyway this was a
good point, and I have to check this out.

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Re: MSX Mouse ?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Just in case you don't know: PSG is written to in the following way:
> Don't ever use this method for register 14! It is said to kill you PSG!

Who has said this ? I have not heard this before. I think, that you are
wrong. You can get a short sircuit, if you write wrong bits to register 7,
but even this does not really brake anything (???) anyway it can hang a

> As you can see, PSG 0-13 and 15 are write only, while 14 is read only.
> Register 14 has the following form:

Atleast this is wrong... All PSG registers are made for read and write.

No comments about rest of message, but maybe it would be a good idea to
read some real document before trying to make a mouse driver. In MSX2 and
up you can anyway use BIOS routines to read mouse, so looking at that
routine is maybe good idea too... at least it is standard way.

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Re: Basic Compiler - more news.

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Michael Volkov wrote:

> > I posted a message yesterday that I have sources of my BASIC
> > compiler written awhile ago but do not have any libraries for it.
> > 
> > The news are MUCH better.
> > 
> > Today I sorted old disks and found the complete set of sources and
> > documentation for BASIC compiler. I am now recompiling and testing it,
> > and it will be put into public domain next week!!!
> > 
> > Beta-testers, anyone?
> Yes. Me ;)

And Me too :
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Re: FAT16: it's a good idea, but a big job...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Giovanni dos Reis Nunes wrote:

>   I don't know if anybody said but CDs has a 2048 bytes sector...

Thanx about info... This is probabbly a probblem, why one of my proggrams
hanged, when it was accessing CD directly trough SCSI commands. :-)

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Re: HBD-50

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Luiz Eduardo de Souza Marques wrote:

> NYYRIKKI wrote:
> > 
> > Hello, I have Sony HBD-50 external floppy drive. I would like to know, if
> > I can change that 360Kb drive to 720Kb drive without probblems. Does
> > anybody have any knowledge ?
>   I never see 3 1/2 drives with 360k

It has been very familiar in MSX scene at least in europe.

> , but if you chage it for a new floppy with a 1.44 (with changes for MSX 
> format, course)?

MSX can't handle 1.44 Mb disks with standard interface. I also have enough
720Kb drives, but I want to know, if the pin assaigment is same that in
PC-computers or SVI-738 etc.

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Re: Snatcher Wanted

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Fernando Gallego Dias wrote:

> Hi.. does anyone have a SD-Snatcher (Disks+ROM) or even a Snatcher to sell?

Sorry to say, but I think, that you are wasteing your time.
Anyway good luck ! (You need that)

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1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Nyyrikki, are you still working on 256K sampleRAM in MB1.4? If so, could
> you also fix MB to make it DOS2 compatible?

Sorry for late reply... Everything is just going so well, and I even
managet to broke my arm. (Coding isn't very fun with only left hand,
belive me.) Anyway I have not done anything (atleast yet) to MB code,
but makeing it DOS2 compatibble should not be so hard. Anyway I have not
getted contact to Remco for a while, and I'm still missing some parts of
code, so that I could recompile it all over again. I'll probabbly make
some usefull extencions to it, as soon as I can get a working source &

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Re: Gouda Slot Expander

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Marco Casali wrote:
> Hi boyz!
> so, we have a problem with a Gauda slot Expander cartridge, who can
> repair it or give me detail?
> When this one is inserted in the computer, when I turn on it no image
> appear and the led are locked. I need to restart again and all work...

I have a homemade slotexpander, and I have this same probblem also, if 
I try to use it in Philips computers. I have not bothered my self too
much with this probblem, because I think, that pressing reset button is
not so hard. I think, that changeing more powerfull transformer inside
computer could fix this probblem, but I have not tryed.

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Re: 3D?!

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, Nestor Soriano wrote:

> >I allready have a workin 3D race engine for MSX tR, but I must add more
> >stages, top 10, beginning screen etc.
> N!! X-(
> One of the reasons because I continue with MSX is for escape of all the 3D
> stuff... 8-(

I know... :-) this talk about 3D games made me to start this project.
Anyway if it makes you feel any better, then I can tell you, that it is
not just behind a car. It is from bird view like F1 spirit, but stage is
rotating around your car Another thing, that will probabbly make you
more than happy is, that this game is partly made with Nestor BASIC. :-)

> Make it 2D, it is more easier, will take less time, and will be faster and
> more funny!

Well... makeing 2D driveing game is not a bad idea too, but it is not that
fun and challenching to make. Another thing is, that there is not so many
3D games that 2D games and why not give a change people to choose what
they really like to play.

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Re: Speeding up Interrupts...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Oberleithner Wolfgang wrote:

> I want to speed up the interrupt (original #38).
> So I use the #FD9A for jumping to my own routine (which will
> pop the return-adress from the stack), checking the Vertcal-
> Blank flag and only the absoult necessary things.

There is no absolut necessary things, if you are not trying to run some
multitasking proggram (like MoonBlaster replayer) 
Ofcource BIOS routines can't be used, if you select RAM to area
#-#3FFF, so you have to make your own keyboard reading routines etc.
if you need them.

> #FD9F: called 50/60 times per second,
>a restard-command to stop the diskdrive.
>- before disabling this call, I will call it 256 times after
>  a diskoperation to stop the drive.

LD A,1
LD (#F1C1),A

Should be enough, you don't need to call it 256 times.

> What is your opinion? Will I be in troubles by removing this two calls?

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Re: MSX cassette port

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> disassembled the bios and it looks like it I have to put &H0A or &H0B on
> i/o-port &HAB to make it high or low. But it didn't give any voltage,
> when measured. Does anyone know how to do this?

I'm now a bit busy, but I'll ansfer shortly...

For writing CAS port, you have to use PPI port C, bit 5 (bit 4 = motor
on/off) You can acces this bit by using mode register (&HAB) as you
described before or directly by using I/O port &hAA.

Reading from cassette is done trough PSG register 14 or 15, but I don't
remember that part very well anymore, since I use MSX tR. :-)

Anyway good information about this should be found from PORTAR.DOC file,
that you can found from

That manual gives quite a lot of information about using MSX directly
trough I/O ports, but don't trust all of information, that is there. Some
of information is wrong and most is missing. Anyway if I remember correct,
then this part should be Ok and quite a good explained.

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Re: Yamaha FM Synthesizer chips...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, G.S. Vigneault wrote:

> NY> "Greg_" ??? You !?!?
>   Aha... I guess you couldn't see through my clever disguise, as a
>   Spectravideo SV-328 user! 

Yeah, that was right. :-)

> NY>AARGH Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
>   Now I expect to get an "honorable mention" in your autobiography,
>   when you become rich and famous. ;-)

I allready wrote 21Kb manual for proggramming this chip with MSX. There is
your name included. :-) Do you want a copy ?

>   Isn't there a JPG file viewer for MSX?

Yes there are few, thank god. I'm just suprised, that nobody has done one
for GFX9000. (This is a tip for someone)

Thanks for all of this information. Next I have to just start to test
things out. Anyway now this project gets a little delay, because I have
allready involved my self to too many other MSX projects.

Greetings :
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tR software...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

If you hapen to have tR, SCC and you like hearing music instead of PSG noice,
then this is your lucky day. :-) I made proggram, that emulates PSG with SCC,
so that you can hear a bit better effects from now on. This proggram will
give really nice musics for example to Nemesis1 and YES, really... now
you can finaly play Nemesis1 instead of Gradious1 !!! If you like to play
Gradious1 more than Nemesis1, then you can use /J switch to put your tR
back to Japanese mode. You can also have better musics to your already SCC 
supported games like Nemesis 2 & 3 if you have two SCCs. This proggram works
also with plenty of more games, that does not even have to be made by Konami.
I have tried for example Herzok and Zanac, and they were quite nice with
their new sounds. Hmm... I just wonder, what is it to play (SD)Snatcher
with this proggram. ;-)

This emulation may decrease game speed sometimes too mutch, but good thing
is, that you can use MSX1 & MSX2 games in R800 mode, if you want (NO-key)
and if you like to play games in 50Hz mode, that is also possible. Just
press YES-key any time you like to switch frequency. Anyway, I'm not going
to write all of the manual here. So, if you are interested about this,
then you can download it from my page:

Greetings :
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SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> But if one really wants to make a network, then you should just use SCSI or
> so... it is developed for it, is much faster and a lot easier to use.

So, can somebody tell me more about this? I have two Novaxis SCSI
controllers. Is it possibble to connect both of them to different
computers, put a cable between these computers and add a HDD too?

If this is possibble, then do I need some special software or can
I just use MSX-DOS2 and same SCSI devises in both computers ?

How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or do I have to be
sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?

Do I get a probblem, if computers use SCSI at different speeds?
(R800 & 3.5MHz Z80)

I wanted to ask this, to avoid burning any of my computers or

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Re: Antwort: Re: Re[2]: Looking for Ram

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Wed, 20 May 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >To solve the mapper problem by hardware is very difficult: it's located
> >inside the S1990 MSX-engine.
> >But only software that read mapper ports (which is illegal!) will
> encounter
> >the problem. Well-written software will work with large mappers on S1990
> >machines.
> Hi,
> I have to remove a bug in my program. And this is
> (maybe) exatcly about the thing you wrote above.
> What is illegal by reading the mapper-ports?
> If you dont have DOS2, how can you read/write them
> in a legal way without using the direct IN/OUT???

I got a idea while reading this message...

Let the assembler speak it self, this should select same page to
#4000-#7FFF that is in #8000-#BFFF if the page is not abowe 512Kb (or you 
have good working memory handler):

IN A,(#FE)
IN A,(#FE)

I think, that this is quite working way to acces memory below 512Kb, but I
don't know. Anyway as I said, this just came to my mind, so I have not
even tested it, but one thing is sure... This is not a "standard" way.
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Re: speeding up interrupts

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> About stopping the diskdrive after disk actions:

Thanx, that you explained this.

>LD IX,#4029
>LD IY,(#F347)
>CALL #001C

No, no no !!! Don't use this. First time, when I used a proggram, that
used this call, it turned off my HDD, and throwwed my Zip-disk straight
out of drive and it hitted to the ground... After that I placed my
Zip-drive to different location on my table. :-)

> I would say calling the hook at FD9Fh 256 times (do yourself a favor, 
> no less than 256..), is by far the best, AND most 
> compatible/problem-free way of shutting down disk-drives and such.

Yeah, U R right... Sorry, that I mentioned this bad idea...

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Re: Video Digitizer

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Recently I received a SONY HBI-V1 video digitizer cartridge. I received it
> with only one diskette (Japanese texts written all over it) and no manual
> or diagram describing how to connect it.

It is easy to connect... It has only two connectors, and it does not even
matter witch you use. Plug one cable to cartridge and the other end to
VIDEO OUT in your VCR, TV or any other machine, that gives VIDEO OUT
signal. You can use this other connector in cartridge, if you still need
VIDEO OUT signal for some other equipment. The small switch near
connectors is just brightnes controll. (actually it is ment to
be used as terminator on / off)

After you have connected cables, you can use the internal proggram to
digitize screen 8,10=11 and 12 pictures by typeing :


That cartridge is also quite good commands to be used in own BASIC
proggrams, but probabby you don't need them, so I'm not going to write
that all now.

> Is it for instance possible to 'merge' live video with computer animations
> using this cartridge?

This cartridge has no superimpose features, and it is too slow to do that
with software, so... no, it is not possibble.

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Re: JoyNet testers

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> The receive end should be short, the send end long. How long exactly is up
> to you, longer means more expensive and more possible errors. But too short
> will mean you have less flexibility in placing the computers.
> My cables have a receive cable of about 40cm and a send cable of about 4m,
> which is pretty long in my opinion.

In 2 computer link there is no matter if there is DIN connector or not, if
cable lenghts are not standardised, because then if one has 4m long cable
and other has 2m cable, then the computers can be only 2m away from each
other. Maybe some kind of standard or recommended lenghts would be a good
idea too. (like 1m, 2m, 5m and 10m)

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Re: F1-Spirit passwords

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Nestor Soriano wrote:

> >I was playing F1-Spirit together with my brother last weekend...
> Message for game makers: I WANT A RACING GAME!! And surely a lot of people
> thinks like me...

Ok, but it will still take few weeks :-)

I allready have a workin 3D race engine for MSX tR, but I must add more
stages, top 10, beginning screen etc.

It is a bit like F-NANO2, but it is whole screen and it has 3D buildings,
walls etc, that I was missing in F-NANO2.

I'll tell you more, when it is finished.

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Re: Bigger sector numbers

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> > > If we use HDD, then we probabbly don't need to read/write directly
> > > to sectors.
> > Wrong. This is necessary for disk checking and defragmentation
> > utilities . And with FAT16 we'll have to run defragmentation often!
> >
> > Yes, but we can't use any allready existing software for that, so
> > supporting existing sector read/write (expetially write) is not
> > nessessary. I allready have messed up my HDD two times, because 
> > these routines are supported. Real reason is ofcource proggrams, 
> > that are made badly, but if those routines wouldn't be supported my 
> > HDD would have been saved. So, Ok make new sector read/write, but 
> > keep it away from allready existing routines... please :-)
> There might be another reason for that: some badly written programs 
> assume drive A or B -> floppy drive, 360 or 720 K. With HD interface, 
> A: might be 1st HD partition -> program treats HD partition as if it 
> were a floppy disk.

This was exactly the probblem... Because this kind of proggrams exists,
that is a reason to not allow writing...

> Anyway, compatibility is usefull: a CHKDSK program might not know 
> about FAT16, but it can still be used for FAT12 partitions, AS LONG 
> as the disk-I/O routines are supported in a compatible way.

Well... Actually you have a good point here. Hmm... How about makeing a
extra environment item to allow writing directly to sectors? You allways
should know, when you need to write sectors. I mean, that I could use
command like :


If I want to handle only files. (This could work with FAT12 too.)

I can handle, that my MSX can't read sectors so speedy, but I can't
handle, that my MSX suddenly loses my partition because of some stuppid
proggram, that thought to be accessing floppy.

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Re: Info needed.

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz wrote:
> Ok, you can use the PHYDIO routine in the following way:
> HL=memory address where data will be read or written
> DE=starting sector from disk, beginning from zero
> B=number of sectors to be transfered

> C=type of disk: FC=40 tracks single sided disk
>   FD=40 tracks double sided disk

These two were new to me, thanx.

>   F8=80 tracks single sided disk
>   F9=80 tracks double sided disk
> A=number of drive (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D) there's no drive default
> if CARRY FLAG is reset, sectors will be read
> if CARRY FLAG is set, sectors will be written
> After load these registers with the desired values, you can call the
> PHYDIO routine through addresses 0144h or FFA7h. I think that if you
> modify the contents of the hook FFA7h, you can create your emulator.

When I followwed #FFA7 it was going to same address, than JP from #4010,
so it should work, and disk-drive was not running anytime, when I tested.

> The exit code of the PHYDIO routine is CARRY FLAG and register A. If carry
> flag is reset, the operation was successfully completed. Else, register A
> will have an error code. I don't know the error codes, but if you do some
> tests, you can easily detect the write-protection detected code.

Yes, I have these errors, but I have not emulated them yet.

> If you were using physical I/O, could you say me how do you do this using
> a memory address-based disk-interface?

Well, actually I don't know. There is just ready routine for "RAW" read
from HD in SCSI bios. I have also probblem, where to find what partition
is now enabled in drive X: and where to find ID of drive X: Now I have to
input them before I can start.

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Re: Robocop file version released

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:

>   Guys, what I'm doing wrong? I just set ROM in page 0 and call
> BDOS! Note that all system variables are intact! And in TR, CRASH! :P

Tell some more about the way you use. Do you use routine in #24 ?
(If not, then you probabbly have probblem in sub-slot changeing)

> > No, you are not... I have tryed it too in MSX tR, NMS 8250, Sony HB-G900p
> > and in SVI-738 (MSX1)  It crashed in every computer...
>   [negative propaganda, Nyyrikki... maybe you can try an emulator...;)]

Well... Let's say something positive. It loaded to "Loading Stage 1" (or
something like that) in X'press before it hanged :-)

>   That was my fault. The Robocop version I released contains a
> "quick and dirty" loader. It work on some MSX, not on others. It works
> with Expert MSX1, HotBit MSX1, DDX MSX2+, DDX MSX2, Ademir Carchano's
> MSX2++ [but NOT with TR or Manuel's MSX2 >P]
>   As soon Robocop runs in my TR, I'll release the update.

Hmm... I have HotBit ROMs in my HDD. Maybe I should load them first to
my tR and try to load this game after that from external diskdrive. :-)
(Internal diskdrve does not work, when I'm using some other computers
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Re: Anti-virus

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

> I know of 2 different ones, so you don't have to wite any.
> I think one was called Techno Crew AntiVirus (TCAV), I forgot the 
> name of the other one. Mail me if you want any of these.

It is called UNZAPP

> So if you ran into that Zapp-virus, please do me a favor, and send it 
> to me (Zipped/Arj/Lzh-ed disk-image of an infected disk, or files 
> would be fine).

I don't have it, but I hope, that you are not going to do some learning in
virus makeing purposes. I think, that it is easy to look at that
virus and notice, that you could make a much better one... Don't do it !

I once had a good idea how to make a virus, that could modify it self
each time when it infects a file so badly, that it would have been almoust
unpossibble to detect or remove it from infected files or atleast in
reasonabble time... Anyway I kept that idea ONLY as a idea, because I
know, that it would have been very challenching, but I don't like to have
viruses on MSX.

> originally, or if there are any other virusses or alike on MSX?

Yes, some Russian Michailo wrote one some time ago, but if I'm correct he
had some little accident with it and after that he destroyed it by him
self without publick release... (I hope)

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Re: IDE driver & documentation

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sat, 7 Nov 1998, Egor Voznessenski wrote:

> I _DO_ have complete, working DOS1 DISKROM source code, I even
> did huge modifications to it to make it more suitable for HDD 
> interfaceing (eg FAT is not held in memory but is loaded from
> disk when necessary). I even located and corrected a bug of 
> the original code (it is probably present in ALL diskroms
> out there, but luckily it needs a very special configuration
> to show up)

There have been few quys, who have been telling about bugs in MSX ROM.
(This bug, MSX tR disk drive shutdown bug, MSX1 paint routine bug etc.)
I think, that it would be nice, if we could collect this information
together somewhere with descriptions about actions, when this bug appears,
where is the probblem and how this routine should be done. It is very
anonying, when you do some proggram, that does not work and after months
you find out, that a probblem was in ROM routines, that you used.

About this source code... Can you upload it to funet or can you put it to
your www-page? There seems to be many people, who wants it.

BTW does anybody have assemby source for working paint routine ?

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Re: PC-Age...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

Jacco Bot wrote:

> cancelled the development of this program, mainly because I've lost all the source
> because of a harddisk crash.

Why this is so common probblem ? :-( Do you have even MSX sources ?

> However, I'm currently busy with Age98. Same program but slightly different
> (better?). It is able to read most image formats, .SC5 .SC7 .SC8 .S12 .JPG .GIF
> It is capable of saving to the following formats, .SC8 .S12 .JPG .BMP but this
> will be extended. It can convert any 24-bit color image to a screen 12 image with
> optimisation routines for color spill reduction.
> The program also allows retouching of pictures as well as the basic drawing,
> lines, circles, (pattern) fills, blending of images, gray scale transform, and
> more.
> Age98 runs in Windows95, is written in Delphi combined with assembly.

When we can expect MSX version :-) That would be so cool, but I
allready can
quess right ansfer... It would be too slow, too less users etc. etc.
Anyway very
very nice, that it can support directly also MSX screen modes. MSX-AGE
is my most
used drawing proggram. and then comes Philips Video Graphics. BTW does
anybody have
a version of VG for DOS2, that could save also 7 first bytes to HDD ?

> This is a hobby project of mine, if anyone is interested I will upload it to
> funet, if not my feelings are not hurt, =)

I bet, that there are really plenty of people, that are interested. BTW
does it work
also in Win NT? (Sorry about non MSX question.)

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Re: Yamaha FM Synthesizer chips...

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

"Greg_" ??? You !?!? Oh, you don't know how much I would like to kill my 
self right now !!! I have been looking this information all over the world, 
and I have even tryed to contact Yamaha in USA without any help. Kari 
Lammassaari (ACADEMY) has been looking this information too about 10 years, 
and then you appear to be in this mailing list with us and with all this
information ! I could have asked this question here long time ago, but I
just didn't belive, that anybody has this information here, just this close.

AARGH  Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
You have just helped us a great step forward, finaly I can get some real
cool sounds out of my MSX tR !!! I think, that this is much better music 
expansion, than some MSX-MUSIC or MSX-AUDIO. Maybe I can make some own music
editor or FM-Pac emulator or MBM replayer or...

Ok, I try to calm down... Because rest of you don't even know where this all 
started, then here is the original message :

I was looking information about Yamaha FM-Sound Synthetsizer Unit II (SFG-05)
that was included also to Yamaha CX5M MSX computer and I founded out,
that you can maybe help me.

I have done some research, and I have allready founded out how to read 
keyboard (YK-01 or YK-10), but I still don't know how to produse a sound
with this DX7 compatibble FM-Chip.

So, I would be wery grateful, if you could give any information about this
FM-BIOS or addresses #3FF0-#3FF6, that controlls I/O of this module.

>   My Yamaha CX5M was given to me, years ago, by a friend who worked
>   in the service department of a music store. But, it doesn't have
>   the FM Synthesizer cartridge (I guess that's why I got the CX5M for
>   free), otherwise I'd send you a binary image of the FM EPROM.

This is no brobblem. I have this device allready, and I have monitored this 
ROM quite a much. Anyway I have not getted any sense about it. (Too much CALL 
commands jumping around etc.) :-(

BTW I have founded a small bug from the FM-BIOS, that makes life easy for
Panasonic MSX tR and MSX 2+ users. As you have maybe notised, both modules,
this and FM-PAC uses CALL MUSIC command. When you type CALL MUSIC in 
these computers, FM-PAC handles this command, and it newer goes to this
sound unit. Anyway, if you type forexample CALL MUSICA then FM-PAC will not
regognize it as a command, and it will pass it trough to next device. This 
FM-BIOS does not check this last letter at all, and the proggram will start !

>1) OPM (YM2151): FM sound synthesizer of the FM sound synthesizer

Name of this chip is very important, for finding information. I did not have
even this !

>   --+---++--
>   3FF0H | 0   0   1 0   0   0   |   0| OPM Status Register
> | 0   1   0 0   0   0   |   0| OPM Address Reg
>   --+---++--
>   3FF1H | 0   0   1 0   0   1   |   0| OPM Data Reg
> | 0   1   0 0   0   0   |   0| OPM Data Reg

I guessed these ones right, and I managet even to get some noice, but without 
any reasonabble method. :-)

>   ==+===++==
>   3FF2H | 0   1   0 0   1   0   |   1| ST0-ST7 Output Data
> | 0   0   1 0   1   0   |   1| SD0-SD7 Input Data

Yeah, this is very clear to me. If someone want's sources, I can send 
them. Maybe they will be added to my www-page too in the future.
I'll try to do whole proggramming manual for this module, as soon as I have 
enough time to get some sense about it.

>   You can download the OPM and DAC User Manuals from...

Great ! I just can't view these .PDF files :-( Maybe I can go to look them to 
my friend soon.

>   Apparently, these chips are also used in some Sega games. I saw
>   some YM2151 information at...

Pictures again :-( Well, anyway I'll download them just after sending this 

Greetings :
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
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Re: Would you like to have a bit faster MSX for free ???

1999-02-10 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Konami Man wrote:

> >Well, maybe you have allready MSX tR, that is quite a fast, but if you use
> >BASIC, XBASIC, POWER BASIC or NESTOR BASIC proggrams then I can give you
> >even some more speed for you to use...
> Hey, thanx you for treating my NestorBASIC as a standard!!! ;-D
> By the way, you already tested it?

Oh, yes now I have, but not very mutch yet. Anyway here is your doom: 

The user interface is not very easy to use, but I think, that it can't
be done better without XBASIC sources or if we want it still to be in
small size. So, I have to print that huge manual, if I really want to
use these new features... Anyway I think, that I'm gonna use this in
my next demo as a glue. This is perfect for that purpose,at least in
my case, because I can't proggram anything else that BASIC and ML. :-)

So, again my personal thanx will go to you.

You wanted to hear opinions, so now it is done. Next there is new ideas,
that you also wanted to have : 

 First :
Maybe you can add a memory use routines also for computers, that
have 192Kb VRAM, because there is no too many other proggrams, that
can use this feature, but there is quite a many computers that has
expanded VRAM. Maybe also 512Kb of GFX9000 can be useful for data storeing.
Maybe there is someone reading this, that can give techical docs.

 Second :
How about adding automatic uninstall, when exiting to DOS, by doing your
own _SYSTEM handler routine (for example in SUPER-X) This maybe does not
work, if you are using external DOS2, that is plased before RAM, but anyway
it will increase safety.

 Last :

This is probblem, that I have explained also for C.P.U. and this feature
is going to be fixed in MSX-DOS 2.42 anyway I think, that this should be
your proggrams job to fix :

If you go to BASIC, and load NBASIC or some other "bad behaving" basic
extension, that is using CALL commands and then return to DOS by typeing
_SYSTEM everything is Ok, but when you go back to BASIC, and try to write
_SYSTEM or any other CALL command, your computer will hang, because it
tryes to execute proggram, that was in address #4000-#7FFF before DOS
used it. There is no probblem, if this extension is in ROM.

Solution :

We have to reset CALL flag, so that when DOS is loaded again Basic does not
try to execute any CALL commands to same RAM slot before that extension
proggram is loaded again. This can be done, when you uninstal NBASIC.

Here is proggram, that fixes this probblem. I have this in my REBOOT.BAT

LD  A,(#F342)   ;GET SLOT ID FOR RAM #4000-#7FFF

LD  B,0


If you want to be 100% sure, that this probblem does not appear, then you can
run this proggram for all RAM slots, but I don't think that it is necessary.

Greetings / Groetjes / Terveisin :

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

> --| About... |---
> | |
> | Konami Man v23.10   |
> | |
> |  Developped by  |
> |  Antonio Soriano &  |
> |  Concepcion Vilchez |
> | |
> |  (c) 1974-1997  |
> |  Soriano Family Ltd.|
> | |
> |  This humanware |
> | is itself-domain|
> | |
> |  Constantly updated |
> |Please send bug reports  |
> |  and improvement suggestions|
> |   to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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Re: Allways just probblems...

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Do you running this on Turbo R? AFAIK, it has both slot-0 and slot-3
> expanded.
> And since each primary slot has its own slot SSlot select register
> (located at
> # in THIS slot) you need to select the slot of your choice in page-3
> before
> writing to 

This was, where I went wrong...

> so a really paranoid routine should look like this:

... and this is, what I really need :-)


Thanks to all of you, who answerred... this thing has relly made my days
look like hell.
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
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Re: Emulators...

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Somehow I think, that maybe I'm only one, but I really don't like a
picture of future, where everybody is only looking pictures about funny 
looking MSX computers in PC screen and trying emulators and laugh.

I think, that it is as pity as a picture of future, where grass, trees,
birds and all nature is only awailabble in virtual reality.

I know, that there are people, that are using emulators to make software
for MSX, and emulator users, that still buy MSX software (Ok, they are
MSX users for me), but there is plenty of more emulator users, that do not
do anything else, that asks 10 times "How to load .BAS files... I
forgotted" or "I downloaded SD-snatcher, but I can't get it to work. Can
somebody help me ?"

Emulators have also made a plenty of new MSX file standards, that are not
very usefull for real users. Like .ROM/.CAS/.TAP/.IMG  (Yes I know,
that there are quite a good loaders now for most of them.) I think, that
it would be much easyer for MSX users, if all of these games would be just
packed and cracked files. Not so much questions and answers and only a bit
more work.

Anyway... I don't have anything more against emulators, but I'm not ever
going to support them by some special way, because that is not my job. (I
almoust died, when I saw a message "press F10 to exit to MS-Dos" I don't
remember where) If I think, that makeing a copy protection will help me to
sell some games for MSX users, then I make copy protection. (Anyway... I

So what did we learn ??? . nothing !

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
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Re: 3D?! help offered

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> So, no more text and let's start coding... I can help you with GFX using MSX or PC
> too, and you should ask Nestor Soriano for musics (he would be very very pleased)
> so if you want to accept this offer just mail me and I'll start working. Bye

Ok, I'll send you a personal mail...

I allready have some my own musics made for it, but if anybody has some
cool home made "driving musics", that are made with MoonBlaster
(FM-PAC/Stereo) then here is a chance to get them used.

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Re: SCSI as a MSX link ?

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> 6) Turn of your harddisk and pray that your computer does not crash because 
> of the possible powerpeaks

It doesn't crash. I know because I'm used to turn off my HDD, because my
power supply makes so horribble sound, that if I want to forexample make
music with MoonBlaster, it is not nice at all. :-)

BTW this is almoust plug and play, because I can turn my HDD back and
continue without probblem. :-) Ok, I can imagine, that it does not work,
if I change HDD, but so what. PC computers have also plug and pray system,
that does not usually work. :-)

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Re: Bigger sector numbers

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

> >A: might be 1st HD partition -> program treats HD partition as if it 
> >were a floppy disk.
> What kind of programs are these? Will these programs ever be able to work
> well on a harddisk?

Yes they will... I have allready a working version about proggram
called FDD-EMU for Novaxis SCSI & MSX2. Anyway this project has been
stopped for a long time now, but I'll try to upload a working version to
my page in few weeks without copyprotection copy, because this feature
still has serious security probblems, and it is still not even near 100%

Actually I think, that this is going to be first really good working one
because of it's totaly different working method.

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Re: Evolution of MSX

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao wrote:

>   I give you a challenge: to make a program that detects if it's
> running on BrMSX or a real MSX-1. It's very difficult to make such a
> thing!! Of course, please give me a copy of your program if manage to
> build one.

Hey this BrMSX seems to be good. :-) Hmm... Maybe I should try it someday.

>   Right now, the most safe way to make sure that a program will not
> run in BrMSX is to check for MSX2/2+/T-R. These things are not emulated
> and will not be in a near future.

Ok, don't get me wrong... My goal is not to make proggrams, that are not
usabble in emulators. This thing I said was just speculation of my mind.

Anyway one thing, that I don't belive, that Any MSX2 emulator has is a
correct VDP speed... So if we make a proggram, that waits lineinterrupt,
starts a massive copy, waits few scanning lines and terminates copy
operation before it was completed and then calculates, how much it copyed
then... I bet there is no emulator, that can make this right.

(Hey I have only once heard about software, that changed color of box
before it was completely drawn. So maybe there is no any need to emulate
that right ?)

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Re: Evolution of MSX

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> What about putting PC virus in MSX games, activated when detecting that
> emulator is used? (Wow I'm really sadist...) X-D

I had a though once too to update my Shoot the flying windows game with
whole screen error message, where is hand middle finger up and text "Get a
real shotgun !" ... but I din't :-)

(For anybody who want's to do something like this, then test diskrom slot
#4010 is there #C3)

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Re: Evolution of MSX

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

>   We want real MSX, not MSX emulations.  Please, forget this crazy idea...
> Have you noticed that almost all people here is LAUGHING about your idea? I
> don't think it's very useful.

Rest are crying.
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Re: DOS2+, FAT16 etc.

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Egor Voznessenski wrote:

> > If we use HDD, then we probabbly don't need to read/write directly to
> > sectors.
> Wrong. This is necessary for disk checking and defragmentation utilities
> .
> And with FAT16 we'll have to run defragmentation often!

Yes, but we can't use any allready existing software for that, so
supporting existing sector read/write (expetially write) is not

I allready have messed up my HDD two times, because these routines are
supported. Real reason is ofcource proggrams, that are made badly, but if
those routines wouldn't be supported my HDD would have been saved.

So, Ok make new sector read/write, but keep it away from allready existing
routines... please :-)

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
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Re: why hide code? (was: PAUSE key)

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> >I'm sure a good programmer knows how his trick works, but I think this
> >"hiding" is especially important for demo-programmers (sorry Mark :) but
> >I think that's the way it is) because a demo is usually nothing more than
> >a technical trick.
> Absolutely true...

Usually is right word, and I agree, but good demo effect is not just a
trick. Good demo effect is :

Really good idea, nice trick and cool graphics all together.

I don't want to hear, that everything is allready done for MSX, because I
know very well, that it is not true. It is just a lack of imagination, if
you can't get new ideas. (In that case you could try a bottle of vodka,
that can help pretty much of designing new effects.) :-)

If someone can fiqure out, how this trick part was made by using
PAUSE-key, it does not make it any worse. If this guy then does this same
trick, then so what ? You were first one anyway. And maybe "giving away"
this trick can make someone to generate even more "evil" idea on his head,
that causes we to have even more unbeliveabble demos.

Demo can be good even without any real tricks, because it can be also
"art-demo", that just has forexample good pictures, and good sync with

If someone does not know, what I mean, then look forexample my www-page
demo. It is just a pure BASIC-demo without any tricks. (Ok, it is not a
good demo, because I can't draw anything and music is even ment to be
horribble, but idea should be quite a clear.)

If you still think, that PAUSE-key is most horribble thing, that MSX has,
then you can make those peoples life to feel more like shit by looking
forexample RTC and if some second was missed, then... reset ???
This atleast makes it to take more time to check what you did.
(BTW Colums resets your score, if you stop it by PAUSE. Very good idea !)

> > If the tricks are known, the demo isn't that much fun anymore.
> I don't agree with that.  I've seen a lot of demo's based on the same
> principle (eg. mix lines using line interrupts) and I really still
> appreciate a some of them (not only including my own ;-))

Another, that does not agree...

> >Cas (knows theory and a lot of practice, so get coding!)
> Eric (willing to 'get coding' but having trouble to findsome spare time...
>   Does someone have a couple of days to spare? Can I buy them?)

NYYRIKKI (knows theory, a little practice, horribbly lot of stuppid ideas
  and allways too less time to make all of them to come true!)

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1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> > Putting a fixed frequency signal, and a variable CPU clock/bus speed
> > signal, side by side on a cartridge-connector is a good thing, but
> > for the MSX system, the chance to do so was lost with the definition
> > of the MSX standard, no way to re-do this.
> Not so negative! 'Reserved' signals are intended for future expansion!
> Don't Fight the Future ;-)

Anyway we can't just do some commerical products, that expects this "new
standard" because we can't expect all MSX users to know, what is
soldering iron, how to use it and witch way it should be taken to hand.

This conversation is quite a useless, if nobody is going to start
produsing new MSX machines or to modify old ones. Anyway I don't want to
say that this is totaly impossibble idea. I only hope, that we can keep
some kind of standard on hardware.

We have allready seen what happens, when all computer makers start to
expand their systems in their own style. (PC) And this is also case, when
we talk about Z380 projects. If this new maschine can't just be
compatibble with previous MSX models, then it should not be called as MSX,
because now there is even something, that I'm quite a proud in MSX
computers. There are standards, that have been there from first MSX1 to
last MSX tR. (exept CAS: :-( ) Expanding is good, but it is not good, if
old features are not supported anymore.

Yes, I know, that we have had some probblems with software, but it has not
been because of standard. It has been because lack of information, and
because of proggrammers lazyness. (I'm one of those lazy bastards)

Well... anyway.. I would also like to expand MSX cartridge slot. NMI would
be really cool. :-)

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Re: follow-up: MSX-Audio 256K sampleRAM

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> THe excellent music program "Oracle" by Fuzzy Logic, _does_ support 256kB 

But still no replayer for it :-(   (???)

> SampleRAM! It should be easy to modify MB for 256kB though... (just a matter 
> of address-range)

Yes, but load and save routines are not that easy without sources.

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Re: follow-up: MSX-Audio 256K sampleRAM

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Re: MSX Year2K bug

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> As for the significance of a year2k-bug on MSX: I doubt anything much 
> will happen as a result of a MSX year2k-bug, simply because MSX's are 
> probably used in very few, or non, 'critical' applications. There's 
> surely not an airport anywhere that relies on MSX-computers for the 

Well... We have here airplane comppany called Finnair. They used to use
Sony HB-G900p. Anyway they didn't controll traffic, but they used these
computers for secury and simulation training (Don't ask me, what that
means, but they said so) Anyway they did not use these computers anymore,
but they still have few ones with HBU-G900p U-MATIC interface, HBI-G900p
videotizer and Video-CD player.

> Think of something like a MSX computer up in the Russian MIR space 
> station once (I don't know if it was a true story, but it sure looked 
> nice, and why not?). And a large part of year2k-related problems lies 

I have seen one bad quality B/W picture once in a MSX magazine. That does
not prove anything, but why someone would cheat us like that?

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1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> Hellooo? Rafael Corrales? Are you isane, or what? Do you want to keep making
> some money on MSX? Then try to SUPPORT the active coders, nitwit! (I'm
> trying to remain decent. Yes, Parallax software has been pirated often
> enough, but now the stuff is getting serious.)
> I am posting this message because I want to know your opinion on this
> subject, and maybe we can enforce the 'accepted' copy-ethics. Many FTP
> archives apply fair rules. Everyone knows we have to avoid copying software
> from active groups. Are you guys with me on that?

I think, that we are really talking about a serious probblem here. I
really agree, that this kind of "offical piracy" should be killed from MSX
scene as soon as possibble.

Anyway my humble opinion is, that if we (MSX users) want to keep MSX
alive, we can do it. I think, that I'm not only guy with brains here.
Yes, I have had (and I still have) lots of not buyed games, because I have
received pirate copyes of many different games.

That does not anyway mean, that I want to kill MSX game/utils developpers.
If I get a good proggram as a pirate copy, and I like it, I buy it anyway.
Not because of manuals or good looking stikkers, but to keep MSX
proggrammers happy and coding. I agree, that it is a bit expencive
sometimes to buy all software, but if you use even U.S. 200$ in a year
for software development, I think, that you can feel your self a good

- So what piracy matters ???

I think, that there are still people in MSX world, that have not used any
money for software development, and that is really wrong!!! I know as a
proggrammer, that makeing a good proggram is not that easy, as you may
think. That takes really long time, and when you get that part ready, that
you wanted to make, you still have to make all other parts, that you
did not want to make. (User iterface is usually most boring thing to do.
Belive me !!!)

Another thing is, that if all people could get all MSX software without
paying from it, I bet that most people would not like to pay anything, and
rest of them would be like me. Paying only software, that they like (Cas,
this is part, that you don't have to worry about) and that would cause,
that only most strong coders could survive. (Anyway I don't get all
software without paying, so I sometimes buy also totaly crab without
knowing it.)

If you are now feeling pain inside of you, then do something about it !!!
(I don't only mean skipping rest of this mail)

Too many of us think, that software developpers are doing MSX support only
for fun. This is partly true, because if there would be notehing fun, they
would stop, because MSX is not a way to make money. Anyway if nobody wants
to buy anynything, result is something like this :
"It is same, if I do this proggram for my self without user interface or
do I make those stuppid parts also."

Think about this...
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
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Re: Late...

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> As a lost point, you should also not forget that the MSX has more 3D games 
> then you think. For example hyper rally is a 3D game as well. It might be a 
> little bit more primitive then the hardware accelerated racing games 
> available nowadays, on both PC's and gameconsoles, but nevertheless it is a 
> 3D racing game!

I'm suprised, that even yet nobody has remembered RedZONE (Made by Yellow
Horn for MSX1 in 1985) It was not that good game, but it has atleast one
of the best filled 3D graphics, that I have ever seen on MSX.

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1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> I feared the development had completely fallen down and I was about to go
> work on the drivers again, but now I see there is no need for that
> anymore... :-)

if you want to get a good software, then go to make some good drivers,
that will automaticly detect how many other computers are online, make a
good handshake, detect what port Joynet was connected, and make routines
for read & write. Then put those routines to funet and your page.

... What you are still looking at ? Go to make them hop hop...

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: Late...

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> That's nothing. The normal install for Bladerunner (PC, 4 discs) is about
> 350 MB if my memory is correct. The recommended install though is 1.5 GB!!!

Hmm... That would be over 10 partitions on MSX. In other words 4
Zip-disks I think, that makeing some optimization would not be bad
idea. (PC still sucks)

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: follow-up: MSX-Audio 256K sampleRAM

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

> :If these sources can be distributed freely, then I would really like to
> :have them. There are few little things missing, that would make this
> :software almoust perferct.
> For example Dos2- and HD-support...

Actually I have a cracked version of it in my HD. :-) (I have also
original) This version does not anyway support for directory changeing,
there is no exit and only A and B drive can be used (anyway you can use
ASSIGN-command before starting)

Most I miss some commands like fade in & out for each channel with 9
different speeds, command to contact next "line" to this "line"
I mean so, that you could play a note and put vibrato on or change volume
at a same time without horribble lot of tempo settings etc.

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: SCSI partitions swap

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone knows how to swap partitions so I can access the other 
> partitions om my hard- and Zip-drives?
> I have a TurboR 1Gt with Gouda SCSI with Novaxis 1.51 rom.
> on my 8250 with MK SCSI I use SWAP d:=id,pn
> where d: is drive letter, id is SCSI-Id of the drive and pn is 
> partition number.
> This utility works only on MK and BERT SCSI interface. (Tested)

In Novaxis this is done by using MAP command. Format is :

> Another thing: I would like to boot from ZIP-drive. This is an 
> external SCSI version that only supports SCSI-Id 5 and 6. The Gouda 
> SCSI seems only able to boot from SCSI-Id 0 to 3.

Yes, this is true, you can't boot from ZIP. Only way, that I have founded
is to connect some cheap HD and leave it unpartitioned. This way
COMMAND2.COM and MSXDOS2.SYS is loaded from ZIP-drive.

> Greetings, Hans-Peter Zeedijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Looking for Beta testers.

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Hello, is there anybody, who would like to test my partition copy proggram
for HDs. Expetialy I would like to find people that have MEGA-SCSI,
because I don't. If you have Bad sectors in your HD it is even better. ;-)

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Idea for ML coders.

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

 Hi, all ML coders !!!

When you make routines like music players and so on, you usually allways
have to compile it to another address, because in that address you
used before, there is allready another ML routine or BASIC proggram.

I writed a small proggram, that will compile your proggram so, that it
can be relocated to another address straight from BASIC. 
For example like this :


This can't be done easyer. You only have to remove all ORG commads from
your assembler list, so if you want to get that proggram, it can be founded
from my page ( It is not fast, good or user friendly,
but it works. Sometimes it may increase proggram lenght too mutch, so
that it can't be used, but if you make subroutines for BASIC or something
like that, then this may help. It is done for Devpack 2 listings, but can
be probabbly transferred easyly for any other compiler as well.

Hmm... maybe I am wrong person to talk about user friendly ML routines,
so it's better to stop now, but anyway think about this as an idea. ;-)

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: A BASIC compiler

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro wrote:

> At 06:30 09/01/98 +0200, you wrote:
> >
> >Making a new BASIC compiler is not bad idea at all, but I think, that it
> >should be also compatible with this "old" BASIC.
>   I don't think it should be compatible, maybe there is necessary only a
> "translator".

Yes, this is a good idea, because it would increase users. I don't anyway
think, that there is many MSX users, that want to change to the newer
BASIC, if they can't run their old proggrams in it. Probabbly most of
those users, that want to learn something new have left MSX long time ago.

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

PS. You have really nice mouse. +
>   V
>   Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro  (\__/)  Star Trek, X-Files,
> M. Sc in Numerical Modelling (..)   _)  Comics, MSX, Anime,
>   Universidade Federal Fluminense/\/\  (Gospel & Christian
>   __ .___ _    _(m__m)_)_ _  
>   \__   \|   |\_   ___ \   /  _  \ \__   \ \__ \ \_  \
>|   _/|   |/\  \/  /  /_\  \ |   _/ ||  \  /   |   \
>||   \|   |\ \/|\||   \ |`   \/|\
>||_  /|___| \/\|/||_  //___  /\___  /
>   \/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   \/ \/ \/
> - ICQ UIN: 3635907
>"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime
>  Say NO to Internet censorship! Say NO to monopolies! Say NO to Microsoft!
>   And, why not... Say YES to Jesus Christ?!
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Address changed !!!

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI


I have now my own internet address because I wanted to get rid of
that probblem I used to have; every letter was begining Hello, Ahti
and my name is still NOT Ahti, so now my new address is : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will get your messages also, if you write to Ahti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
but please update your address book.

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

Atention all tR users (and MSX2)

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Hello all MSX freaks !!!
I have few questions for you ...

- Do you have MSX tR ?

- Have you ever wanted to use more than one software at the same time ???
  For example DOS and BASIC or Assembler and text editor or anything like
  that ???

If the ansfer is YES, then you should come to download my NEW product
called 2MSX, that can actually split your turbo in two parts !!!
And all this without even a saw !!! And wait ...

Have you ever been tired to start that f***ing game all over again just
because your last life said bye bye to you ???

If you download this packet NOW you can get also an other product for FREE !!!
It is called Enough lifes Ver 1.0  If your old cool game has almoust been
formatted, because it is too dificult, then don't do it !!! Now you can get
so many lives, that you can't even waste all of them, and every new life
has quarantee. If you are not happy, you can return these proggrams in ten
days and get your life back. But think... you need only standard turbo R and

Ok, Ok, I'll stop that ...

But anyway you have to come to :

 = NYYRIKKI's MSX Software Corner =
 ==> <=

If you are from Japan, then you can also download Japanese version of
Shoot The Flying Windows. Takamichi has done very good job again...

   You can kill this guy !!!
, '   V  ,
`   '
   `,_.   ,
`  ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i 
   ` / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,  '

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Re: Unprotect a BASIC pgm.

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Randy Simons wrote:

> There was another way to protect your basic program. I've 2 programs for the
> Sony/Toshiba plotter which are in .BIN format. You have to load them with
> bload"file",r It turns out to be simple too: just a binary dump of the basic
> program plus a little peace of machine-code that poked RUN in the
> keyboardbuffer. When you reset the computer and type
> poke32770,128:poke32769,1 you can get the original listing. But you first
> have to "erase" the first line-number. The complete trick:
> poke32770,128:poke32769,1
> Ok
> list
> 10 cls
> 10 cls
> 10 cls
> 10 cls
> [ctrl-break]
> Ok
> 10 [return]
> list
> 10 cls
> 20 print "It works!"
> 30 blah blah...
> Ok
> This little trick is very useful when programming in XBASIC (Or Nestor
> perhaps :-) since XBASIC can let your system hang easily.
> Here's another trick the used to work quite well, even in ML-programs:
> poke&hfbb0,1
> After that, you can press ctrl-shift-graph-code (if I remeber correctly..)
> and you'll fall back into the basic prompt. But when you do this and you
> don't see anything,

If you press this combination not too long time, then it will automaticly
return to screen 0, else it will also break that return to text mode

> just type screen 0[enter] to bring you back to
> text-mode.
> Perhaps if you use the DOS2 and MSX2+ KANJI mode you don't have to do
> this...

Well, in japanese computers you have to use KANA-LOCK key instead of CODE,
because japanese computers do not have CODE key. If you can't see
anything, and screen 0 seems not to work, then check, that KANA-LOCK in

> Greets,
> Randy
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Re: Join the MSX chat!

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Thanx to all of you for answering, but I'm afraid, that  I can't use IRC
with Term, so I have to wait, that Erik Maas will debug his Erix, so that
I can use it for reading newsgroups also. He has alredy promised, but he
seem to be very busy man.

Maybe one day we will have a nice proggram, that has all features, that we
need all in one terminal software, or am I just dreaming ?
Erix is very promising...

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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3 questions of SONY HB-G900P

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Question 1:
Can anyone help me ??? I have Sony HB-G900P that is hevily modifyed
as 2nd computer. It has now 2 peases of D15 connectors in back panel,
one of them is male and other is female. I have also 2 cables for it,
I only don't know, where to put the other ends. Am I only one, that
has these connectors ???

Question 2:

There is also few BASIC command's, that I can't understand in slot 0-3 

(#4000-#5F5F) :

_ASW *

* = Atleast these needs some arquments

All I can get is : *** COMMUNICATION NOT READY ! ***

I know, that there is also few other errors like :

How to get these errors too ? :)

HB-G900P's SERVICE MANUAL says that in slot 0-3 (#4000-#7FFF) shoud
contain Video Utility ROM. Is this it ??? / how to use it ???

Question 3:
There is 8K RAM in slot 0-2 in addresses #2000-#2800,#6000-#6800
#A000-#A800 and #E000-#E800
Question is WHY ?!?!!?

I am VERY happy, if you can ansfer any of my questions these things are
driving me grazy !!!

Greetings :

Re: A BASIC compiler

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

Making a new BASIC compiler is not bad idea at all, but I think, that it
should be also compatible with this "old" BASIC.

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Who knows C.P.U

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

I would like to know, how to contact C.P.U. group / is it still alive ?
I have fixed a lot of bugs out of ADIR, and added GFX9000 support, so I
would like to know, if I can put that version to my www page.

Greetings :
   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

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Re: Who knows C.P.U

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Maico Arts wrote:

> Do you mean Fokke Post?
> He can be reached through his homepage:
> or by e-mail: 
> Greetings
> Maico Arts

Thanx, I had some kind of sortcut in my brains. I have visited their
homepage some time ago, but I just didn't remember that.

> >I would like to know, how to contact C.P.U. group / is it still alive ?
> >I have fixed a lot of bugs out of ADIR, and added GFX9000 support, so I
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Re: ONYX et al

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Hans Peter Zeedijk wrote:

> > Date:  Mon, 17 Nov 1997 17:39:36 +0300
> > From:  Vladimir Soloviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Organization:  IHEP
> > Subject:   ONYX et al
> > Reply-to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Hello, MSXers!
> > 
> > (Sorry for my english).
> >  I have a YIS 805/128 and the game  'ONYX'.  Who  knows,
> > how to get to the most ground floor  and  what  to  do  with
> > ONYX? Who knows, what to do with  'TAYLOR'?  And  also,  CAN
> > Version)
> >  One of MSXers told about the game, as I remember, 'Deus
> > Ex Machina'. Has this game some other names?  Maybe  I  have
> > it.
> >  I have 'Usas','Metal Gear','KIng's valley  2'  etc.(for
> > MSX2) and something like 'King's  valley  1','Goonies','Time
> > pilot' etc. (for MSX1). Who knows what  is  'MOONSOUND'  and
> > how to get it in Russian Federation?
> >  Do you want to have some viruses to distribute? I  have
> > a nice one, and our town's MSXers can't kill it. The name of
> > this masterpiece is 'DIR'.
> WOW! I didn't know that MSX Virus did exist!
> Can you tell me more about virus?
> Are there repair programmes, What MSX are affected, harddisk or 
> floppy?

I have heard something about virus calld Zapp, but if this is no joke,
then send this virus for me, so that I can try to make a proggram,
that kills it. I realy can't understund, why some assholes are doing this
kind of proggrams. Maybe it is interesting to do, but anyway you can't
even put your name in it, and if somebody finds out who did it, it is
going to cost quite a mutch.

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  .,
/ :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

> >  I have a nice 'fast data compression utility'
program, > > calling 'FST' and some TOR's. Do you want  to  get  them?  I
> > am sure, you want!
> >Mikhailo Soloviev
> > Russian Federation, Protvino
> >
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> > in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
> > quotes :-) Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (
> > 
> > 
> > 
> With regards,
> Hans-Peter Zeedijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --   MSX forever--
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Re: XBasic & Moonblaster music & Basic

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, Maurizio wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Nov 1997 23:00:17 +0200 (EET), NYRYKKY wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> 
> >> i need some help on how to use the XBasic and Moonblaster 1.4 replay routine
> >> from Basic.
> >> 
> >> Can you help me?
> >
> >Well, I had that probblem, when I made Shoot the flying Windows, and I had
> >to make a routine to switch mapper page in addresses #4000-#7FFF every
> >time when interrupt was made. 
> Is that the area where the basic commands are located?

Yes, thats the brobblem.

> So, i have to: load the Xbasic, switch the page, load the MB routine, switch
> the page if i want use the xbasic and viceversa. It's right?

Yes, right again. You also have to switch that page every time when
interrupt is made. MB player uses hook #FD9A or #FD9F. I don't remember
witch one, but you have to remove that routine and put your own code to
switch page to MB player, call that player and switch that page back
before returning to XBASIC. This routine is not very hard to do, but there
is no point to do that, if you don't need fades, and even if you do, I
must hope, that there is somebody, who can tell you better way. This was
just my stupid idea to fix that probblem.

> >Afterwards I founded a new MB player routine
> >from funet, but it does not include fade routines. I have not managed to
> >compile those routines, that are in original MB-music disk. 
> Do you mean that with those routine the Xbasic and the Mb routine works
> togheter without problems?

Yes, and you can relocate musics and this routine as you like. Ofcource it
is mutch harder to use, because you have to use poke commands to change
filename and all kind of USR commands, that you will forget many times,
before you can make your proggram to work. :) I have also notised, that
there is some kind of bug in MBK load routine, because it will hang my
computer sometimes, but because I don't know (yet) mutch about MSX-AUDIO
I can't fix it, but maybe that brobblem is in me, not in routine.
> How do you load the Xbasic? I use this command from the dos prompt: SET40
> XBASIC.BIN , but i know there is also a version to use with BLOAD from basic.

I have allways used that BLOAD version, but I don't think, that there is
any difference. If I know right, XBASIC has originaly been sold in Japan 
as a module.

> Thank you very much for your help.
>  CIAO !!!
>  Maurizio
>  x
>  Morandi
>  a.k.a MxM Softworks on Msx
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Re: Panasonic MSX 2+ & memmory problems

1999-02-09 Thread NYYRIKKI

On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, Ramon Serna wrote:

> Hello!
> First of all I want to thank everybody who help me about slots signals
> in several messages. Thank to all!
> Now another question:
> Recentlly I bought a PANASONIC A1WX MSX 2+ and I have some problems with
> it (...)
> I tell you:
> This computer has only 64 kbytes of main RAM, so I tried to use my
> memmory cartrigge (1 MB) and when the computer starts, under the MSX
> logo appears something like: 'RAM: 1088 kb', so its seems that the
> computer recognize this memmory, but when I try to load any game that
> uses more than 64 kb it hangs the computer or appears a message like
> 'not enought memmory'...
> I proved to send some values to the memmory mapper and it seems that
> something goes wrong (from BASIC):
> OUT (#fe),0
> print INP (#fe)
> result: 252
> And if I sent 1, 2 or 3 the results are 253, 254 and 255 (and the same
> with or without the 1MB cartridge).
> I supose that the computer takes his own memmory mapper as the main and
> ignores the other one.
> Last thing, I tried to load COMPASS and it seems that works right, but
> only in DOS 1.x, because in DOS 2 it hangs the computer...

Seems, that your Memory mapper, or computer is broken. Have you tested
that mapper in an other slot / other computer ??

> Well, I supose that I'm not the only one who has a PANASONIC 2+, so
> maybe someone can help me.
> I need to know how can I use my memmory cartridge and if someone knows it,
> how to 'upgrade' it to 128/256/512 internally.

It should be easy to update A1WX to 256Kb, because there is free plases
for extra memory inside. I think, that you have to just put certain RAM
chips and condensators, and it should work. I have one A1WX, but I managed
to blow it up =( Now I use only its keyboard in my tR, and I think,
that I'm only one, that has black keyboard in tR =)

BTW did you know, that you can run your computer in 7Mhz, if you write :
OUT &H65,0 in basic, if I remember right. It was maybe &H64 Test it. You
can hear the difference, if you press ^G (beep)

   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
 / .::;::;  ::::.,
    / :::.:.:.::::!.  -=- `,

> Thanks in advanced.
> Saludos,
>Ramón Serna
> ___
> <>
> ___
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  1   2   >