Re: GPG signed messages = SMIME?

2000-06-13 Thread David T-G

Peter --

...and then Peter L. Berghold said...
% Hi folks,
% Maybe I have a case of the stupids here, but I used the gpgrc file that 
% comes with the source distro and when I sign a mail with my GPG signature
% the entire message gets converted to SMIME format. 

You've already heard a bit on S/MIME vs PGP/MIME, so I won't go there.
Suffice it to say that this is the default because it's the Rigt Way.

While I may get my hand slapped ;-) for telling you this, you certainly
can do it All The Wrong Way and sign things in the body for the poor
suckers who are stuck with LookOut!  The easiest way to tell you is to
upgrade to, or at least get the source tarball for, 1.2 and check out

  - contrib/gpg.rc
search for 'old-style' and macro-ify that command
  - doc/PGP-Notes.txt
search for 'old way' and adapt that macro


David T-G   * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

 PGP signature

Re: hiding IMAP "FO LDER IN TERNAL D ATA" messages

2000-06-13 Thread David T-G

Suresh --

...and then Suresh Ramasubramanian said...
% On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Tim Danner wrote:
% > a facility for not displaying messages meeting some pattern?
% Simple - add this to your muttrc
% folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA')\n*\""
% by the way, the reason I'm using PINE (spit) to write this was that this


% folder hook hid _your_ mail :)  That's the reason I've munged your subject
% a bit.

Boy, you must *really* like that limit to not just

  l .
  /~s FOLDER
  :source .muttrc


% -- 
% Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% Flying saucers on occasion
%   Show themselves to human eyes.
% Aliens fume, put off invasion
%   While they brand these tales as lies.

David T-G   * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

 PGP signature

Re: Different signature/tag line each day/email.

2000-06-13 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Nigel Tamplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 14 Jun 2000:
> I want to combine these, so that when I compose an email it picks a
> tag line from a collection of tag lines and sets that as the
> signature.
> Are there any tools/ scripts written that do this?

It's a pretty simple thing, attached is the perl script that
I wrote for my own use.  It prints out a random line from the file given
as argument.

Hope this is of use to you,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
The knack of flying: learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


if ($ARGV[0]) {
  open(FILE, "<$ARGV[0]") || die "Cannot open file $ARGV[0] for reading: $!\n";
  $lines = 0;
  srand( time() + $$ );
  #srand( (time() >> 1) + $$ );
  #srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) );
  while() {$lines++;}
  seek(FILE, 0, 0);
  $linenr = 0;
  for($randline = int(rand($lines)) + 1; $linenr < $randline; $linenr++) {
$line = ;
  print $line;
else {
  print STDERR "No file.\n";

Different signature/tag line each day/email.

2000-06-13 Thread Nigel Tamplin


I have noticed that many people have a humorous tag line at the end of
their emails.

I have also read in the mutt docs that you can pipe the output of a
command into your signature.

I want to combine these, so that when I compose an email it picks a
tag line from a collection of tag lines and sets that as the

Are there any tools/ scripts written that do this?


Nigel Tamplin.

Re: PGP handling

2000-06-13 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-06-13-17:42:36 Nils Vogels:
> 1) Attach the signature

By this I'm guessing you are referring to Mutt's default PGP/MIME
handling, RFC 2015.

> 2) Put the signature in the body of the mail and seperate
>signature and body using - stuff

and I'm guessing here you mean the classic "clearsigning" that PGP
does, where the signature shows up separated by various lines from
the body, all within the (MIME) body of the message.

> By default my mutt handles the first type extremely well, but how
> can I educate it in such a way it understands the second type of
> signing too ?

Mutt can't, as far as I know, be taught to send the second sort; to
do that you need to turn off mutt's signing and use your editor to
filter the message through a suitable pgp or gpg invocation; I
filter through gpg --clearsign on those rare occasions I want to
generate a traditional signature.

If however you're mostly concerned with getting mutt to _read_ those
messages right, that's easy; see PGP-Notes.txt from the mutt
distribution for nice recipes for use with procmail or with
maildrop, to add MIME headers so that the messages will be
recognized and processed.

That same note has a macro that's supposed to do something for
composing classic clearsigned PGP email, but it's not perfectly
clear to me exactly what it's supposed to do, and it looks like it's
written for PGP rather than GPG (which is what I use). I expect if I
cared enough about sending old-style PGP email, I'd probably figure
it out:-).


 PGP signature

Re: mutt, xterm and missing colors.

2000-06-13 Thread Nigel Tamplin

On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 10:56:04PM +0100, Nigel Tamplin wrote:
> How do the color names in the muttrc file related to real colors on
> the screen.
> I am running mutt on Solaris within an xterm.
> If I set TERM=vt100, everything works, but only in black and white.
> If I leave TERM=xterm, then I get colors, however the only colours that seem
> to work are white, brightyellow and black.
> Meaning that if the muttrc contains the line:
> color tree magenta default
> Then the magenta won't show up at all, making my thread trees black on black.
> What do I need to do?
> Thanks,
> -- 

I solved my own problem, it was to do with the X resources.

I'm using rxvt on Sparc Solaris 7.

Find out where your XResrouces are kept, ~/.XDefaults,
/etc/dt/app-defaults/C/???, /etc/dt/config/C/sys.resources etc..

Then for rxvt you will need to add:


  rxvt*color10:   #00ff54
  rxvt*color11:   #54
  rxvt*color12:   #ff
  rxvt*color13:   #ff00ff
  rxvt*color14:   #00
  rxvt*color15:   #ff

And then there was color! Even magenta!

In my particular instance I edited the rxvt src/Makefile (after
running ./configure) and added a
-DXAPPLOADDIR=\"/etc/dt/app-defaults/C\" to the DEFS, I then put the
above color definitions in a file named /etc/dt/app-defaults/Rxvt,
leaving off the leading "rxvt" from each line: thus


Nigel Tamplin.

PGP handling

2000-06-13 Thread Nils Vogels


As most of you know there are mainly 2 ways of signing a message (correct me if I'm 

1) Attach the signature
2) Put the signature in the body of the mail and seperate signature and body using 
- stuff

By default my mutt handles the first type extremely well, but how can I educate it in 
such a way it understands the second type of signing too ?

I walked thru the manual, but well.. I couldnt find it, else I wouldnt be mailling to 
the list ;-)

How can a species, that can create machines to communicate, fail to communicate
amongst themselves ?

Re: news with mutt

2000-06-13 Thread Brian Salter-Duke

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 02:35:57PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-06-11 16:45:56 +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> > What does this macro and script achieve that slrn can
> > not do already. I can already reply and forward from
> > inside slrn. Am I missing something important?
> My reason for writing (and using) it is that I prefer to
> have the same set of aliases (and other settings) pretty
> much everywhere where I send mail.  This does, for
> instance, include things like FCCs, encryption/signature
> settings, and more.
> I just don't like the idea to have to use (and configure)
> different programs for the same purpose.

OK. I understand this. I installed the macro and script. It seems that
the default settings for "r" and "F" override the ones set in the macro.
If I change the settings in the macro to "x" for reply and "X" for
forward, then I can use mutt for reply and forward. I do not understand
this, but it now works.

Cheers, Brian. 
Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  School of Biological, Environmental and Chemical Sciences, SITE,
Northern Territory University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.  Phone 08-89466702. 
Fax 08-89466847

Re: GPG signed messages = SMIME?

2000-06-13 Thread Bennett Todd

First, a quick correction: SMIME would be interpreted by most folks
as S/MIME, and that's the spec described in RFCs 2311 (message
format) and 2312 (certs). There may be some MUAs that implement it;
I don't know which. I've never seen it in use, as far as I know.
When I last heard it discussed, some years ago, it seemed like it
was being promulgated by the camp that wants everything done with
centralized certification authorities; I've never been concerned
with trying to make certification authorities more lucrative, only
with privacy, so I stuck with PGP:-).

The MIME format supported by Mutt for crypto is RFC 2015, I think
I've sometimes seen people refer to it as PGP/MIME. Mutt implements
it; I've read on this list recently that someone was introducing
support for it into some GUI MUA as well. Aside from that, it's not
supported as far as I know.

Now on to the issues you discuss: Outlook is extra special (in the
Politically Correct sense of the word, like the Special Olympics);
besides going out of its way to make it easy for random strangers
to do whatever they want to the victim's (Outlook user's) machine,
it also goes out of its way to make it difficult to read PGP/MIME
messages; way way harder than a completely non-MIME MUA like e.g.

There are two responses that could be taken to this state of

You could go out of your way to send "traditional PGP" messages.
Just turn off PGP signing in mutt, and use your editor to sign
the message. In mine, I just filtered the message through "gpg
--clearsign" to get messages signed that way. I use the past tense;
I've signed off the one mailing list that blocked PGP/MIME messages.
As for Windows users, they choose to do Windows to themselves; on
the very rare occasions that they complain about my email, I point
'em at RFC 2015, and encourage them to complain to the author of
their email software --- or switch to email software that doesn't
have the problems they're suffering from.


 PGP signature

Re: GPG signed messages = SMIME?

2000-06-13 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-06-13 15:44:47 -0400, Peter L. Berghold wrote:

> Maybe I have a case of the stupids here, but I used the
> gpgrc file that comes with the source distro and when I
> sign a mail with my GPG signature the entire message
> gets converted to SMIME format.

S/MIME is something mutt doesn't understand or generate

More precisely, it's some set of standards based on pkcs
#7, X.509 certificates, and the framework from RFC 1847
(multipart/{signed,encrypted}, originally specified for
use by MOSS).  Don't ask me for details, I'm not really
familiar with S/MIME.

The framework from RFC 1847 is quite general, and can also
be applied to PGP.  The resulting format is called
PGP/MIME, and specified in RFC 2015.  That's what mutt

The benefit from this framework is that the message's
content is (1) signed completely, including MIME headers
and the like, and (2) the content is still accessible for
MIME MUAs which don't know anything about PGP, S/MIME or
the like - for that software, multipart/signed just looks
like another unsupported multipart, which consists of two
parts: Nested usable data, and something strange called
signature, which isn't handled.

> This may be OK for some MUAs out there, but when I send
> mail to where I work from home using mutt and sign them
> with GPG the recipient is going to see this from
> Micro$oft Outlook which does horrible things to SMIME.
> Also because of this it would appear that the PGP
> client for windows can't figure out how to verify the
> signature when it is in SMIME format.

I'd suggest you complain to Microsoft and Network
Associates.  It's their responsibility to get the support
for this right; what mutt does ist the standard (ok,
proposed standard) way of using PGP with e-mail.

> Maybe my memory is warped, but I seem to remember that
> PGP normally signs messages keeping the body of the
> email in text format.  Is there a way of doing the same
> thing under the GPG/Mutt combination?  Or am I stuck
> with SMIME format messages when I sign them?


GPG signed messages = SMIME?

2000-06-13 Thread Peter L. Berghold

Hi folks,

Maybe I have a case of the stupids here, but I used the gpgrc file that 
comes with the source distro and when I sign a mail with my GPG signature
the entire message gets converted to SMIME format. 

This may be OK for some MUAs out there, but when I send mail to where I 
work from home using mutt and sign them with GPG the recipient is going to 
see this from Micro$oft Outlook which does horrible things to SMIME. Also 
because of this it would appear that the PGP client for windows can't figure
out how to verify the signature when it is in SMIME format.

Maybe my memory is warped, but I seem to remember that PGP normally signs 
messages  keeping the body of the email in text format.  Is there a way 
of doing the same thing under the GPG/Mutt combination?  Or am I stuck with
SMIME format messages when I sign them?

I checked the FAQ and searched the archives already to no avail

Peter L. Berghold
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Bigot at Large
"Linux renders ships... Windows NT renders ships useless..."

Patch for better curses detection [was: Re: Seeking help]

2000-06-13 Thread Lars Hecking

> This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of curses
> which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
> doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
> makefile to make it use the newer library).

 Try this patch. It's relative to mutt-cvs, but should work with 1.3.x,
 maybe even 1.2.x. Minor ugliness (?): I haven't changed the macro, so
 it uses LIBS instead of MUTTLIBS.

 Autogenerated files are not included, so you need the environment
 described in doc/devel-notes.txt, especially autoconf and automake.

 I hope I managed not to break anything :-)

 If this works, thank T.E.D :-))

diff -urN mutt-cvs/ChangeLog mutt-1.3.3/ChangeLog
--- mutt-cvs/ChangeLog  Sat Jun 10 06:30:29 2000
+++ mutt-1.3.3/ChangeLogTue Jun 13 20:17:01 2000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2000-06-13  Lars Hecking  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+   * Use CF_CURSES_LIBS macro for better detection
+   of platform-specific curses libraries.
+   * m4/curslib.m4: New file, contains Tom Dickey's CF_CURSES_LIBS
+   macro from lynx.
 Fri Jun  9 11:34:26 2000  Thomas Roessler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* po/ru.po, po/sk.po, po/sv.po, po/uk.po, po/zh_TW.Big5.po,
diff -urN mutt-cvs/ mutt-1.3.3/
--- mutt-cvs/   Tue Jun 13 06:30:17 2000
+++ mutt-1.3.3/ Tue Jun 13 20:08:45 2000
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
-   [MUTTLIBS="$MUTTLIBS -lcurses"])
diff -urN mutt-cvs/m4/curslib.m4 mutt-1.3.3/m4/curslib.m4
--- mutt-cvs/m4/curslib.m4  Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ mutt-1.3.3/m4/curslib.m4Tue Jun 13 16:43:47 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+dnl ---
+dnl Look for the curses libraries.  Older curses implementations may require
+dnl termcap/termlib to be linked as well.
+case $host_os in #(vi
+freebsd*) #(vi
+   AC_CHECK_LIB(mytinfo,tgoto,[LIBS="-lmytinfo $LIBS"])
+   ;;
+   AC_CHECK_LIB(cur_colr,initscr,[
+   LIBS="-lcur_colr $LIBS"
+   CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/curses_colr $CFLAGS"
+   ac_cv_func_initscr=yes
+   ],[
+   AC_CHECK_LIB(Hcurses,initscr,[
+   # HP's header uses __HP_CURSES, but user claims _HP_CURSES.
+   LIBS="-lHcurses $LIBS"
+   ac_cv_func_initscr=yes
+   ])])
+   ;;
+linux*) # Suse Linux does not follow /usr/lib convention
+   LIBS="$LIBS -L/lib"
+   ;;
+if test ".$With5lib" != ".no" ; then
+if test -d /usr/5lib ; then
+   # SunOS 3.x or 4.x
+   CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/5include"
+   LIBS="$LIBS -L/usr/5lib"
+if test ".$ac_cv_func_initscr" != .yes ; then
+   cf_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+   cf_term_lib=""
+   cf_curs_lib=""
+   # Check for library containing tgoto.  Do this before curses library
+   # because it may be needed to link the test-case for initscr.
+   AC_CHECK_FUNC(tgoto,[cf_term_lib=predefined],[
+   for cf_term_lib in termcap termlib unknown
+   do
+   AC_CHECK_LIB($cf_term_lib,tgoto,[break])
+   done
+   ])
+   # Check for library containing initscr
+   test "$cf_term_lib" != predefined && test "$cf_term_lib" != unknown && 
+LIBS="-l$cf_term_lib $cf_save_LIBS"
+   for cf_curs_lib in cursesX curses ncurses xcurses jcurses unknown
+   do
+   AC_CHECK_LIB($cf_curs_lib,initscr,[break])
+   done
+   test $cf_curs_lib = unknown && AC_ERROR(no curses library found)
+   LIBS="-l$cf_curs_lib $cf_save_LIBS"
+   if test "$cf_term_lib" = unknown ; then
+   AC_MSG_CHECKING(if we can link with $cf_curs_lib library)
+   AC_TRY_LINK([#include <${cf_cv_ncurses_header-curses.h}>],
+   [initscr()],
+   [cf_result=yes],
+   [cf_result=no])
+   AC_MSG_RESULT($cf_result)
+   test $cf_result = no && AC_ERROR(Cannot link curses library)
+   elif test "$cf_term_lib" != predefined ; then
+   AC_MSG_CHECKING(if we need both $cf_curs_lib and $cf_term_lib 
+   AC_TRY_LINK([#include <${cf_cv_ncurses_header-curses.h}>],
+   [initscr(); tgoto((char *)0, 0, 0);],
+   [cf_result=no],
+   [
+   LIBS="-l$cf_curs_lib -l$cf_term_lib $cf_save_LIBS"
+   AC_TRY_LINK([#include <${cf_cv_ncurses_header-curses.h}>],
+   [initscr()],
+   [cf_result=yes],
+   [cf_result=error])

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Benjamin Korvemaker

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 10:38:32AM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
> > > keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)
> > 
> > This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
> > which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
> > doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
> > makefile to make it use the newer library).
>  The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
>  a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
>  anything on this machine.
>  Which means that someone else will have to look into this ...

My sympathy... Back when I last worked on an HP box, life
was more dismal. (HP-UX v.OLD compiler didn't even want to
compile g++) I heard rumors the compiler was intended for
recompiling the kernel only.

If you are allowed (this is important!) to install a version
of gcc into your own space (and your space is big enough),
then you can use gcc.

simplified steps:
 1. install gcc to $HOME/tmp/gcc
 2. install mutt (with CC=$HOME/tmp/gcc)
 3. delete $HOME/tmp/gcc [*]
 4. use mutt

[*] optionally, install gcc and keep it, and stay saner.

That said, if you spend much time working on your HP-UX box,
I suggest you ask the admins for a better compiler.

Benjamin Korvemaker

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Gary Johnson

I compiled earlier versions of mutt (<= 1.0) on HP-UX 10.20 by hacking
the Makefile to get it to use the HP-UX color curses.  I also had to use
GNU make.  The same hack would not work for mutt 1.2, so I installed
slang.  That worked fine.  I don't need GNU make anymore, either, since
that problem in mutt's Makefiles was fixed.  I have always used gcc to
compile it.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Michael Soulier

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 11:10:58AM -0400, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
> as I pointed out, there are configure macros which I've written for tin
> and lynx which check for the HP curses library.  It wouldn't be that
> hard to incorporate those into mutt's configure script...

I'm running Mutt 1.2 on an HP/UX 10.20 machine. I'm not sure what dynamic
libraries are needed, as make did the job nicely and I didn't pay attention,
but I can tar it up and send it out if someone needs it. 


Michael P. Soulier, 1Z22, SKY  Tel: 613-765-4699 (ESN: 39-54699)
Optical Networks, Nortel Networks 
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Lars Hecking

> as I pointed out, there are configure macros which I've written for tin
> and lynx which check for the HP curses library.  It wouldn't be that
> hard to incorporate those into mutt's configure script...

 The cur_colr stuff ... ok, I'll see what I can do :)

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Thomas E. Dickey

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Lars Hecking wrote:

> > ->  The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
> > ->  a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
> > ->  anything on this machine.
> > -> 
> > ->  Which means that someone else will have to look into this ...
> > 
> > You can pay HP for an ANSI HP-UX 10.20 compiler, possibly upgrade to a
> > later version of HP-UX which may have an ANSI compiler, or you can get gcc
> > for HP-UX at the usual location and usual price.
>  *I* can't. I have none of these options, the machine is not under
>  my authoritah.

as I pointed out, there are configure macros which I've written for tin
and lynx which check for the HP curses library.  It wouldn't be that
hard to incorporate those into mutt's configure script...

(I don't have an HPUX 10.x either) 


Re: hiding IMAP "FO LDER IN TERNAL D ATA" messages

2000-06-13 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

Rebecca Lynne Sutton proclaimed on mutt-users that: 

>> folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA')\n*\""

>Couldn't you use regexps to match a little bit more exactly?  Like this:
>folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA$')\n*\""

idea :)  thanks.

>That is the end of the subject line, right?

yep - or I can just check for the exact string - don't delete this message
- folder internal data.

>BTW, thanks for this-- I plan to add it to my muttrc. 

sure :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Captain Penny's Law:
You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of
the people all of the time, but you Can't Fool Mom.

Re: hiding IMAP "FO LDER IN TERNAL D ATA" messages

2000-06-13 Thread Rebecca Lynne Sutton

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 07:29:31PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Tim Danner wrote:
> > I read mail with mutt when I'm local, and IMAP when I'm away. The IMAP stuff
> > creates messages with the subject "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER
> > INTERNAL DATA". When reading with mutt, I'd like these to be hidden. Is there
> > a facility for not displaying messages meeting some pattern?
> Simple - add this to your muttrc
> folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA')\n*\""
> by the way, the reason I'm using PINE (spit) to write this was that this
> folder hook hid _your_ mail :)  That's the reason I've munged your subject
> a bit.

Couldn't you use regexps to match a little bit more exactly?  Like this:
folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA$')\n*\""

That is the end of the subject line, right?

BTW, thanks for this-- I plan to add it to my muttrc. 


Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Lars Hecking

> ->  The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
> ->  a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
> ->  anything on this machine.
> -> 
> ->  Which means that someone else will have to look into this ...
> You can pay HP for an ANSI HP-UX 10.20 compiler, possibly upgrade to a
> later version of HP-UX which may have an ANSI compiler, or you can get gcc
> for HP-UX at the usual location and usual price.

 *I* can't. I have none of these options, the machine is not under
 my authoritah.

>  It should compile
> painlessly even on 10.20's K&R compiler.

Re: emacs mail mode?

2000-06-13 Thread Rebecca Lynne Sutton

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 09:25:28AM -0400, mofo wrote:
> I'd like to use emacs (or possibly jed) as my editor for mutt but haven't
> been able to figure out how to automatically create a word wrap at 72 cols.
> I know how to do it in vim but am not yet comfortable enough with it to use
> it exclusively.
> thanks.

I have this in my .emacs:

;; mutt-* files
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\\

Re: hiding IMAP "FO LDER IN TERNAL D ATA" messages

2000-06-13 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Tim Danner wrote:

> I read mail with mutt when I'm local, and IMAP when I'm away. The IMAP stuff
> creates messages with the subject "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER
> INTERNAL DATA". When reading with mutt, I'd like these to be hidden. Is there
> a facility for not displaying messages meeting some pattern?

Simple - add this to your muttrc
folder-hook . "push \"l!(~s 'FOLDER INTERNAL DATA')\n*\""

by the way, the reason I'm using PINE (spit) to write this was that this
folder hook hid _your_ mail :)  That's the reason I've munged your subject
a bit.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Flying saucers on occasion
Show themselves to human eyes.
Aliens fume, put off invasion
While they brand these tales as lies.


2000-06-13 Thread Tim Danner

I read mail with mutt when I'm local, and IMAP when I'm away. The IMAP stuff
creates messages with the subject "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER
INTERNAL DATA". When reading with mutt, I'd like these to be hidden. Is there
a facility for not displaying messages meeting some pattern?


emacs mail mode?

2000-06-13 Thread mofo

I'd like to use emacs (or possibly jed) as my editor for mutt but haven't
been able to figure out how to automatically create a word wrap at 72 cols.
I know how to do it in vim but am not yet comfortable enough with it to use
it exclusively.


Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Charles Curley

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 10:38:32AM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
-> > > keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)
-> > 
-> > This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
-> > which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
-> > doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
-> > makefile to make it use the newer library).
->  The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
->  a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
->  anything on this machine.
->  Which means that someone else will have to look into this ...

You can pay HP for an ANSI HP-UX 10.20 compiler, possibly upgrade to a
later version of HP-UX which may have an ANSI compiler, or you can get gcc
for HP-UX at the usual location and usual price. It should compile
painlessly even on 10.20's K&R compiler.


-- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

Looking for fine software and/or web pages?

Re: news with mutt

2000-06-13 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-06-11 16:45:56 +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> What does this macro and script achieve that slrn can
> not do already. I can already reply and forward from
> inside slrn. Am I missing something important?

My reason for writing (and using) it is that I prefer to
have the same set of aliases (and other settings) pretty
much everywhere where I send mail.  This does, for
instance, include things like FCCs, encryption/signature
settings, and more.

I just don't like the idea to have to use (and configure)
different programs for the same purpose.


Re: .mailcap file

2000-06-13 Thread Michael Tatge

Dale Morris muttered:
> I've never been able to get slrn to open or autoview an image file after
> it's downloaded.

# .mailcap
> image/gif; ee %s
> image/jpg; ee %s

Seems correct. Maybe you should put these lines into /etc/mailcap.
AFAIK ~/.mailcap will not be considered by every program. I have
'image/*; ee %s; copiousoutput' in my /etc/mailcap and it works fine. I
don't know about autoviewing with slrn what do the docs say about it?
With mutt you would need the 'copiousoutput' option to do autoviewing
maybe with slrn it's the same?


The more data I punch in this card, the lighter it becomes, and the
lower the mailing cost.
-- S. Kelly-Bootle, "The Devil's DP Dictionary"

PGP-fingerprint: DECA E9D2 EBDD 0FE0 0A65  40FA 5967 ACA1 0B57 7C13

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Thomas Dickey

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 10:38:32AM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
> > > keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)
> > 
> > This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
> > which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
> > doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
> > makefile to make it use the newer library).
>  The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
>  a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
>  anything on this machine.

I have a few scraps, from tin and lynx (my configure script usually works
for this case, though I get occasional reports of problems).

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Kasopa Wilbroad Chisanga

Hello Thomas,

Does your explanation mean that I can not install it on the hp-ux?


- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Dickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kasopa Wilbroad Chisanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Seeking help

> On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 08:26:35AM +0200, Kasopa Wilbroad Chisanga wrote:
> > I am running hp-ux 10.20 on my hp box and I would like to install mutt,
> > the following are the error messages I have got. How can I go round it
as I
> > desperately want to install this software. Thanking you in advance
> > Regards, Wilbroad.
> >
> > keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)
> This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
> which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
> doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
> makefile to make it use the newer library).
> --
> Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Lars Hecking

> > keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)
> This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
> which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
> doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
> makefile to make it use the newer library).

 The only HP-UX 10.20 box I have access to has no man pages, and
 a compiler that truely sucks (no -g, no ansi). I cannot install
 anything on this machine.

 Which means that someone else will have to look into this ...

Re: Seeking help

2000-06-13 Thread Thomas Dickey

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 08:26:35AM +0200, Kasopa Wilbroad Chisanga wrote:
> I am running hp-ux 10.20 on my hp box and I would like to install mutt, but
> the following are the error messages I have got. How can I go round it as I
> desperately want to install this software. Thanking you in advance
> Regards, Wilbroad.
> keymap.c:69: `KEY_END' undeclared here (not in a function)

This is what stopped the build - HP has a different flavor of cursess
which should define this (curs_colr), but mutt's configure script
doesn't recognize that (doesn't generate -I and -L options for the
makefile to make it use the newer library).

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Mail delivery and GZIP patch

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Nils!

> The problem isnt mutt, since mutt handles the .gz folders perfectly .. the problem 
>is my mail delivery .. how do I tell procmail to add the mail in .gz format to the 
>other mails ?

use in ~/.procmailrc as a recipe:

|gzip -c >> mailboxfolder.gz

This appends the mail to a gzipped mailbox. But backup your mailbox before
And remeber: It's not appreciated!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Signatures (was: Mail delivery and GZIP patch)

2000-06-13 Thread Martin Schröder

On 2000-06-10 12:02:09 +0200, Nils Vogels wrote:
> --
There's a space missing; the sig separator is

Best regards
  Martin Schröder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Straße 8, D-28359 Bremen
   Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10

Quoting (was: news with mutt)

2000-06-13 Thread Martin Schröder

On 2000-06-11 16:45:56 +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> What does this macro and script achieve that slrn can not do already.
> I can already reply and forward from inside slrn. Am I missing something
> important?

Yes. A short course on writing mail
(, especially the part
about quoting.

  Martin Schröder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Straße 8, D-28359 Bremen
   Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10

Re: mutt & glibc2.1

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Alexander!

> I've just upgraded my Debian 2.1 to glibc2.1 from glibc2.0 and after this 
> mutt worked pretty good, but when I rebuilt in to be linked with more modern
> libc version mutt began to segfault. All I could get from gdb was:
Why did you rebuilt it? Update Debian to 2.2 and you get mutt 1.2i.
I also recompiled mutt w/ Debian 2.2 (to get some additional features) and it
worked well.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Re: help!

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Gustavo!

> I have just began with mutt, and i am very exciting about it!
> Now, i have just a single problem: How to auto move messages from my maildir to a 
>specific file (~/.Mail/).
> Let me explain: i subcribe to some mailing list, so i would like to all messages 
>that has the header Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be auto moved to the file 

If you want define the folder tthey have to go to when saveing them, define a
save-hook (or a save-fcc-hook):

fcc-save-hook ^[EMAIL PROTECTED]$ +openbsd

But if you want to filter your mail after receiving (and before reading), you
should define a folder-hook (assuming you are in Inbox):

folder-hook =Inbox$ 'push T~f [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n'

This tags your mail and you can store it somewhere. The latter task can be
better done with fetchmail/procmail!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Re: gpg/pgp 6.5.3

2000-06-13 Thread Frank Matthiess

Tuesday den 13.06.2000 um  6:07 CEST  +0200, schrieb Dale Morris:
> Figured I'd better seek help before I start fixing things.. I am using gpg
> for encryption in mutt. It seems to work fine. Tonight I installed pgp
> 6.5.3 on the wife's machine and sent myself an email, encrypted, of
> course. Mutt didn't decrypt it. I sent her an encrypted/signed mail and
> her box couldn't decrypt it using outlook express. Now I'm wondering if
> the 2 platforms are compatible or do I have to use commandline pgp 6.5.3
> in order to make it work properly? I have a friend in Canada I would like

The problem ist the mime handling of outlook. Outlook hasn't
really mime handling, it just had an idea what mime is...

You can setup your box reading "outlook" encrypted/signed mails.
If you use procmail as your mda, then procmail ist able to
correct the wrong mimehandling of outlook an others.

* !^Content-Type: message/
* !^Content-Type: multipart/
* !^Content-Type: application/pgp
:0 fBw
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt"

:0 fBw
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign"

In the other direction exist a macro, which breaks the correct
mime handling of mutt. I have not test this macro.

You have to encrypt your mail as pgp/gpg output  as the bodytext
without mimeheaders. Then Outlook an others are able the decrypt

Frank Matthieß   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Support / Netzwerkadministration

Am Wellbach 4 
D 33605 Bielefeld  +49 521 97 22 6-99

 PGP signature