Re: Select from two tables not returning the expected number of rows

2004-10-13 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde

mysqlselect count(*)
from x.table_a,y.table_b
x.table_a.svr = y.table_b.svr and
x.table_a.started = y.table_b.started and
x.table_a.ended = y.table_b.ended and
x.table_a.volume = y.table_b.volume and
x.table_a.who = y.table_b.who;
you didn't say that (svr,started,ended,volume,who) is a unique key...
If not, it would explain the result and the extra rows you get.
Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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Re: Speed this up?

2004-10-13 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Alex Pilson wrote:
I have this query below than seems to be running really slow. I have 
tried indexing key JOIN fields but it seems to have not helped. Any 
pointers would be greatly appreciated.

(ver: MySQL 3.23.53) side note: seems to run fairly quick in 4.0.18
SELECT as download_email, CONCAT(dl.first,  , dl.last) as 
download_name, as orderID, as cust_id, as dlId, as customer_email

FROM download_users as dl
LEFT JOIN orders as o ON =
LEFT JOIN customers as c ON
OR = o.cust_id
OR concat(dl.first, dl.last) = concat(c.bill_first,c.bill_last))
GROUP BY download_email
ORDER BY orderID DESC,  cust_id DESC
As far as I know, MySQL 3.23 doesn't use index for a query with OR 
clause (exept rare cases). so you end up with a full table scan.. (quiet 
slow, isn't it ?). I don't see anything to speed this up.

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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2004-10-13 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
I'm using the C api within a multithread environement. Is that allright 
if I have a function that looks like this :

Can I call it several time from the same thread ? Or do I have to do 
my_thread_init/end only once for each thread ?

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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Re: Messure time including milliseconds

2004-10-13 Thread Dobromir Velev
I think it is better to implement this measurment in your application - thus 
you'll have an estimate of the time needed to execute your procedures 
including the mysql calls.

Otherwise you can use the BENCHMARK MySQL function

for example

mysql select benchmark(1000,procedure_name);
| benchmark(1000,procedure_name) |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.15 sec)

the average time to execute the procedure will be 0.15/1000 = 0.00015 seconds

Dobromir Velev

On Tuesday 12 October 2004 19:47, Thomas Schager wrote:

 I need to messure the time needs of my procedures in MySQL. How can I
 reach a messurement of time intervals that include milliseconds, written
 in MySQL SQL statements?

 Thanks for any ideas,


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How to flush process which are in sleep state

2004-10-13 Thread Anil Doppalapudi

when i issue show processlist command it gives very long list of process
most of them are sleep state .
is there a way to clear those processs with out killing them

Thanks in advace

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Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread Harald Fuchs
Christopher J. Mackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT restriction on a query 
 with an outer join.  The following query:
 SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email, 
 Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
 FROM ApplicantStatus
 INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
 LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
 WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
 AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''

 AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2;
 returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What I want is *all* 
 applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and SCode =...), and *any* 
 reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants (if Reviewer 2 hasn't written for 
 Applicant a, then a should still be in the result set, but with the Reviews.* 
 columns as NULL).  
 When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the right applicants 
 are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to reviews by other reviewers.  
 How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n}, without losing all the applicants who've 
 never met Reviewer #2?  

If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution is

  SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email, 
  Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
  FROM ApplicantStatus
  INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
  LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
   AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2
  WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
  AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

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Re: Group By Question

2004-10-13 Thread Harald Fuchs
Fan, Wellington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello Listfolk,
 I have a table with a 'category_fk' column and a 'status' column. 'Status'
 has but a tiny handful of  known values, kinda like an enum.

 I'd like to form a query that would give me results like:

 category_fk  |  status=1 | status=2 | status=3 |
   toys   | 23|45|0 |
   games  | 12|0 |0 |
   books  | 5 |1 |3 |

 Where the non-fk columns represent the counts of records with that
 category_fk with a certain 'status'

 I've got something close:

   count(*) as n,

 But this gives me a record for each category_fk/status.

SELECT category_fk,
   sum(case status when 1 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=1',
   sum(case status when 2 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=2',
   sum(case status when 3 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=3'
FROM myTable
GROUP BY category_fk;

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Re: cross database joins performance hit?

2004-10-13 Thread Harald Fuchs
Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've tried to find references to if there are any design flaws with using
 multiple databases or not however was unable to locate anything (but I was
 told by a previous co-worker that there were performance hits).

 Are there any performance hits or design flaws by separating a large
 database into separate databases then cross-database joining the tables?
 (these tables have anywhere between 1m and 5m+ rows)

Performance hits: AFAIK no.  Design flaws: yes, absolutely!

Although MySQL lets you get away with it, don't do it - other DBMSs
prohibit it, and rightly so.  If two tables have something in common
(as expressed by a JOIN), they should be in the same database.  If you
need a finer-grained structuring mechanism, some DBMSs have SCHEMAs.
MySQL doesn't, but you could encode the schema name into the table
name, something like CREATE TABLE myschema_table1 (...).

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Re: Select from two tables not returning the expected number of rows

2004-10-13 Thread Ted Byrne

you didn't say that (svr,started,ended,volume,who) is a unique key...
If not, it would explain the result and the extra rows you get.

Well... that combination of fields *should* be unique.  Does a unique index 
need to be specified on those columns? It is possible that 
(svr,started,ended,volume,who) may not be unique, and that duplicate data 
was inserted into the table.

I was assuming that my beginning SQL skills were to blame for the 
unexpected results.  If I understand your comment correctly, if the 
combination of columns  shown above is indeed a unique key, then the 
results of my query should have been what I expected.  Please correct me if 
that is not the case.

Thanks for the feedback,

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Re: keep field names unique across database?

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
background info
There are two main camps in database design style. You could almost say 
there are three if you count the newbies who haven't found one of the 
other two yet. One camp derives their style from object oriented 
development. These people use tables with singular names with simple 
(non-unique) names for fields.  Referring to one of these fields in a 
query is similar in format to saying that the object (table) person has 
a property (field) of name because you would refer to both as 

The second camp, as is described in the article, are more data-oriented. 
This practice was created in the original days of databases and 
programming design where ALL variables, including table names and field 
names, were global and needed to be absolutely unique.  In this case you 
give tables plural names (They do hold lists of things, right? In 
conversation you would say This is the 'vendors' list for todays event 
or the addresses table, referring to a table of addresses). 

You uniquely identify all fields for several reasons: 
You avoid the need to use table.fieldname in any query
If you see a field name in a query that someone else wrote, you 
can instantly deduce which table it comes from.
Different fields with the same short name could have different 
data types. For example: on the person table the name field is 
varchar(20) but on the vendor table the name field is varchar(128). If 
you expect to recieve 20 characters but got 128, that could cause some 
headaches, right?

There are even styles within the style. Some people split the table 
prefix from their field name with an underscore, some use all proper 
case, others use lower case for the prefix and proper case the field name.

I look at the issue as a matter of style and coding convention. I know 
there are strong opinions about both styles and I am not advocating one 
over the other. It is important that you conform to the coding styles and 
conventions of your organization. Being an odd-ball could make your 
designs harder to read and maintain. However, if you know that there is 
chaos in your organization, you **could** help things by picking a style 
and sticking to it. As everyone else begins to notice how readable and 
maintainable your code is, they will slowly come around.

Finally, to answer your question:  Yes, the author of that article is 
suggesting that you uniquely name ALL of your fields (so that no two 
tables in the same database could possibly contain identically named 
fields) by prepending the table name to the simple name of each and 
every field.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/12/2004 07:40:14 PM:

 continuing my quest to build a better database, i'd like to ask a
 question that i haven't been able to find an answer to. here is an
 excerpt from an article on evolt
 ): (and where i got the idea as well)
 You'll probably see some duplicate field names, such as 'Name' in both
 the 'Companies' and 'People' tables. Let's make them unique across the
 database. You might choose 'ContactName' and 'CompanyName' but whatever
 you use, stick to the guidelines above, and be consistent.
 is this person suggesting that *all* fields within the 'Companies' table
 be prepended with Company (i.e. CompanyName, CompanyAddress1,
 CompanyZip, etc.) or is he suggesting that only fields which have the
 same name in multiple tables have Company added?
 | CompanyName |
 | CompanyDate |
 | CompanySize |
 | ContactName |
 | ContactHeight   |
 | ContactWeight   |
 | CompanyName |
 | Date|
 | Size|
 | ContactName |
 | Height  |
 | Weight  |
 Thank you for your time.
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RE: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread Christopher J. Mackie
Sadly, it was a typo in the email (apologies for that), but not in the

 SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
  Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
  FROM ApplicantStatus
  INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
  LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
  WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1

AND Reviews.ReviewerID = 2  

  AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''; 

produces the result I described.  --Chris

 If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution is

 There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT
restriction on a query with an outer join.  The following query:
 SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email, 
 Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual FROM ApplicantStatus INNER JOIN
 ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID LEFT JOIN Reviews ON 
 Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1 AND

 ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''

 AND Reviews.ReviewerID = 2;
 returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What I
want is *all* applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and
SCode =...), and *any* reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants
(if Reviewer 2 hasn't written for Applicant a, then a should still be in
the result set, but with the Reviews.* columns as NULL).  
 When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the
right applicants are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to
reviews by other reviewers.  How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n},
without losing all the applicants who've never met Reviewer #2?  

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Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread Martin Gainty
A SQL AND is a restrictive filter
In other words
Your resultset will yield results based on how you structure your query
If you structure your resultset which includes only applicants who have been
seen by Reviewer2 then state
WHERE (CONDITION1 AND Applicant.Reviewer = 'Reviewer2')
If you want applicants which includes ALL reviewers INCLUDING those who have
been seen by Reviewer2
WHERE (CONDITION1 OR Applicant Reviewer='Reviewer2')
To some extent.. sanity is a form of conformity..
~John Nash PhD~
- Original Message -
From: Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

 In article
 Christopher J. Mackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT restriction
on a query with an outer join.  The following query:
  SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
  Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
  FROM ApplicantStatus
  INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
  LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
  WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
  AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''

  AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2;

  returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What I want
is *all* applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and SCode
=...), and *any* reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants (if
Reviewer 2 hasn't written for Applicant a, then a should still be in the
result set, but with the Reviews.* columns as NULL).

  When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the right
applicants are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to reviews
by other reviewers.  How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n}, without
losing all the applicants who've never met Reviewer #2?

 If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution is

   SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
   Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
   FROM ApplicantStatus
   INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
   LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2
   WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
   AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

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Re: Select from two tables not returning the expected number of rows

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen

You didn't even say that (svr, started, ended, volume, who, action) was a 
unique combination of values for either table.  If that is the case then 
you will have a hard time matching rows of one table uniquely to rows of 
the other table.

Try this query and you may be able to see where the duplicate rows are 
coming from:

select x.table_a.*, y.table_b.*
from x.table_a,y.table_b
x.table_a.svr = y.table_b.svr and
x.table_a.started = y.table_b.started and
x.table_a.ended = y.table_b.ended and
x.table_a.volume = y.table_b.volume and
x.table_a.who = y.table_b.who;
LIMIT 100;

Concentrate on those rows that are duplicated from table_a and compare 
values left-to-right between the two tables, you should be able to see 
where there are duplicate rows on the a side that match rows on the b 
or duplicate rows on the b side that match a rows on the a side. 

Creating a unique index on the combination (svr, started, ended, volume, 
who) will help you in the future, but not right now, as you already have 
duplicates in your data. You will have to winnow them out of your data 
before you can create the index. Once that combination of fields is unique 
for both tables, your query should work as you wanted.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ted Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 08:59:04 AM:

 you didn't say that (svr,started,ended,volume,who) is a unique key...
 If not, it would explain the result and the extra rows you get.
 Well... that combination of fields *should* be unique.  Does a unique 
 need to be specified on those columns? It is possible that 
 (svr,started,ended,volume,who) may not be unique, and that duplicate 
 was inserted into the table.
 I was assuming that my beginning SQL skills were to blame for the 
 unexpected results.  If I understand your comment correctly, if the 
 combination of columns  shown above is indeed a unique key, then the 
 results of my query should have been what I expected.  Please correct me 
 that is not the case.
 Thanks for the feedback,
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Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
Martin, you are correct in how you determine when to use AND and when to 
use OR, but that's not what the original query was trying to find If 
you re-read his original post,  he wants this query:

SELECT Applicants.AppID,
FROM ApplicantStatus
INNER JOIN Applicants 
ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

with two additional columns containing information from the reviews 
table. BUT! he only wants those columns populated if the reviewer was 
reviewer #2. That's why Harald's answer is correct.

To repeat Harald's answer:

SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
   Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
   FROM ApplicantStatus
   INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
   LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
AND ReviewerID = 2
   WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
   AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

With the ReviewerID condition into the ON clause of the LEFT JOIN (and not 
as a condition in the WHERE clause), the query will not join ANY row from 
reviews for  ANY OTHER reviewer except #2. Good call Harald!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 10:13:46 AM:

 A SQL AND is a restrictive filter
 In other words
 Your resultset will yield results based on how you structure your query
 If you structure your resultset which includes only applicants who have 
 seen by Reviewer2 then state
 WHERE (CONDITION1 AND Applicant.Reviewer = 'Reviewer2')
 If you want applicants which includes ALL reviewers INCLUDING those who 
 been seen by Reviewer2
 WHERE (CONDITION1 OR Applicant Reviewer='Reviewer2')
 To some extent.. sanity is a form of conformity..
 ~John Nash PhD~
 - Original Message -
 From: Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:37 AM
 Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction
  In article
  Christopher J. Mackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT 
 on a query with an outer join.  The following query:
   SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
   Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
   FROM ApplicantStatus
   INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
   LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
   WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
   AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''
   AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2;
   returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What I 
 is *all* applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and SCode
 =...), and *any* reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants (if
 Reviewer 2 hasn't written for Applicant a, then a should still be in the
 result set, but with the Reviews.* columns as NULL).
   When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the 
 applicants are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to 
 by other reviewers.  How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n}, without
 losing all the applicants who've never met Reviewer #2?
  If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution is
SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
FROM ApplicantStatus
INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
 AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2
WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';
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Table creation Time stamp

2004-10-13 Thread Anil Doppalapudi

where can we find the time stamp of table creation i.e when that table was


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RE: Group By Question

2004-10-13 Thread Fan, Wellington
Perfect! Thank you.

 -Original Message-
 From: Harald Fuchs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Group By Question

 SELECT category_fk,
sum(case status when 1 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=1',
sum(case status when 2 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=2',
sum(case status when 3 then 1 else 0 end) AS 'status=3'
 FROM myTable
 GROUP BY category_fk;

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Re: Table creation Time stamp

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
use the command: SHOW TABLE STATUS

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Anil Doppalapudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 
10:42:11 AM:

 where can we find the time stamp of table creation i.e when that table 
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Re: Table creation Time stamp

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Stassen
SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'your_table_name';
See the manual for details

Anil Doppalapudi wrote:
where can we find the time stamp of table creation i.e when that table was

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Re: Select from two tables not returning the expected number of rows

2004-10-13 Thread Ted Byrne

You didn't even say that (svr, started, ended, volume, who, action) was a
unique combination of values for either table.  If that is the case then
you will have a hard time matching rows of one table uniquely to rows of
the other table.
Sorry for the lack of clarity on my part.  The combination should be unique 
for each of the tables, and there should be one record in table_b having 
the same combination as the each record in table_a.

It is looking like there are duplicated rows, and I'm going to have to get 
them cleaned out.

Thanks for your assistance,

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MySql Configuraton on Redhat

2004-10-13 Thread Kamal Ahmed

This is the only place where I can ask these questions, and would
greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some clue on how to resolve
these issues.

I have MySql running on Redhat 9, and I am trying to create a New

When I issue the command:
mysqladmin -u root ver

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'

Q1. How can I change the password for root ?
Q2. How do I know if root IS the admin for MySql ?
Q3. How can I add a Database ?
Q4. How can I add a New User to a New Database ?

Thanks in Advance,


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mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Ragsdale
I've been using mysql_insert_id() with great success, but now I've got a 
problem.  I'm using UPDATE to, well, update a record in a database and 
according to the docs...

mysql_insert_id() is updated after INSERT and UPDATE statements that 
generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value or that set a column value to 
If the record did not exist and UPDATE performed as INSERT, then I would 
theoretically have no problem.  Hower, since the record that I'm updating 
already exists, the AUTO_INCREMENT value also already exists and that value 
is not being re-generated.  Therefore, the value that mysql_insert_id() is 
returning is zero.  Is there a similar way to capture the id of the record 
that is being updated?


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2004-10-13 Thread Andrew Kuebler
I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).


I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an inner
join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer that
has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until I
do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of for
each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?


I hope I have made sense.

Best Regards,



RE: MySql Configuraton on Redhat

2004-10-13 Thread Anil Doppalapudi
use the command below

mysqladmin -u root -p  options

supply the passwd when prompted


-Original Message-
From: Kamal Ahmed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:35 PM
To: Kamal Ahmed; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MySql Configuraton on Redhat


This is the only place where I can ask these questions, and would
greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some clue on how to resolve
these issues.

I have MySql running on Redhat 9, and I am trying to create a New

When I issue the command:
mysqladmin -u root ver

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'

Q1. How can I change the password for root ?
Q2. How do I know if root IS the admin for MySql ?
Q3. How can I add a Database ?
Q4. How can I add a New User to a New Database ?

Thanks in Advance,


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Re: MySql Configuraton on Redhat

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
Have you gone through all of the troubleshooting options outlined here:

There are many links on that page to various other corrective actions you 
can take in order to restore your access.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Kamal Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:05:01 AM:

 This is the only place where I can ask these questions, and would
 greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some clue on how to resolve
 these issues.
 I have MySql running on Redhat 9, and I am trying to create a New
 When I issue the command:
 mysqladmin -u root ver
 mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password
 mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
 Q1. How can I change the password for root ?
 Q2. How do I know if root IS the admin for MySql ?
 Q3. How can I add a Database ?
 Q4. How can I add a New User to a New Database ?
 Thanks in Advance,
 MySQL General Mailing List
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 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Table creation Time stamp

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
By Jove! you are right! Sorry!  I can't think of an easy way to find those 
dates. Mr. Tuuri, any ideas?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Anil Doppalapudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 
11:04:53 AM:

 i see the time stamp only for Myisam table type and not for InnoDB table
 type. where can we find for Innodb Table type
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:18 PM
 To: Anil Doppalapudi
 Subject: Re: Table creation Time stamp
 use the command: SHOW TABLE STATUS
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Anil Doppalapudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004
 10:42:11 AM:
  where can we find the time stamp of table creation i.e when that table
  MySQL General Mailing List
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2004-10-13 Thread Rhino
It's awfully hard for anyone to help without seeing the SQL that you are
trying to execute. Ideally, the full descriptions of the tables involved and
a few rows of sample data would make it a lot easier for us to be able to
visualize what you are doing but you sometimes get a useful answer from the
SQL alone.

The other thing that is vital for a good answer to this kind of question is
knowing which version of MySQL you are running; later versions have much
greater SQL capabilities than earlier versions.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:22 AM

 I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).

 I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an inner
 join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
 amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer
 has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until I
 do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of for
 each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?

 I hope I have made sense.

 Best Regards,


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Re: my_thread_init

2004-10-13 Thread John McCaskey
I believe that what you described is perfectly acceptable.  The thing to
keep in mind is the thread_init allocates thread specific memory for
mysql, and the thread_end clears it.  As such you should never execute
any other mysql commands unless you have executed an init, and you
should never init more than once without first ending, but assuming you
get them all matched up right it is alright to have multiple init/end
pairs within a thread.

I do this in my own code, which has worked well for sometime now, so
while the manual doesn't make it completely clear this is ok, I'm pretty
sure it is.

One note, I see you write my_thread_init/my_thread_end in your message,
the correct names are mysql_thread_init and mysql_thread_end, the
my_init function should be called once per process, not in each thread.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 10:39 +0100, Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:
 I'm using the C api within a multithread environement. Is that allright 
 if I have a function that looks like this :
 Can I call it several time from the same thread ? Or do I have to do 
 my_thread_init/end only once for each thread ?
 Philippe Poelvoorde
 COS Trading Ltd.

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Re: Select from two tables not returning the expected number of rows

2004-10-13 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Ted Byrne wrote:

you didn't say that (svr,started,ended,volume,who) is a unique key...
If not, it would explain the result and the extra rows you get.

Well... that combination of fields *should* be unique.  Does a unique 
index need to be specified on those columns? It is possible that 
(svr,started,ended,volume,who) may not be unique, and that duplicate 
data was inserted into the table.

I was assuming that my beginning SQL skills were to blame for the 
unexpected results.  If I understand your comment correctly, if the 
combination of columns  shown above is indeed a unique key, then the 
results of my query should have been what I expected.  Please correct me 
if that is not the case.
Sorry, I wasn't clear.
When you do your query :
select count(*)
from x.table_a,y.table_b
x.table_a.svr = y.table_b.svr and
x.table_a.started = y.table_b.started and
x.table_a.ended = y.table_b.ended and
x.table_a.volume = y.table_b.volume and
x.table_a.who = y.table_b.who;
I understand that you expect the combination of 
(svr,started,ended,volume,who) be unique accross all rows.
To my opinion, that's not the case. Try remove duplicate entry, with the 
help of previous post here.

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread Ulrich Seppi
Hello people,
does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select querys?
DB1 has only INNODB tables.
DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.

is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?

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Re: mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

2004-10-13 Thread Paul DuBois
At 11:10 -0400 10/13/04, Michael Ragsdale wrote:
I've been using mysql_insert_id() with great success, but now I've 
got a problem.  I'm using UPDATE to, well, update a record in a 
database and according to the docs...

mysql_insert_id() is updated after INSERT and UPDATE statements 
that generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value or that set a column value to 
If the record did not exist and UPDATE performed as INSERT, then I 
would theoretically have no problem.
That condition doesn't apply, because UPDATE never performs an INSERT.
Hower, since the record that I'm updating already exists, the 
AUTO_INCREMENT value also already exists and that value is not being 
re-generated.  Therefore, the value that mysql_insert_id() is 
returning is zero.  Is there a similar way to capture the id of the 
record that is being updated?
Not in the way you suggest.  However, if you're updating a single record,
I would think that you're doing so on the basis of some primary key that
you specify in WHERE clause.  If the primary key is your AUTO_INCREMENT
column, then you already know the value you want.  If it's not your
AUTO_INCREMENT column, you can use it in a select to retrieve the
I suppose another way to do this would be to add ai_col=LAST_INSERT_ID(ai_col)
to the SET clause of your UPDATE statement.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Re: mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
Didn't you have to specify the ID of the record in order to UPDATE it? 

If not, and you updated several records, and assuming that the function 
LAST_INSERT_ID worked as you had expected it to work, you would have still 
only gotten one of the ID values for one of the updated records, right? 
What would you have done to track the other, non-reported records?

If you need the IDs of the records you are updating, you may need to 
perform this in two steps surrounded by either TABLE LOCKS or within a 
TRANSACTION so that things don't change between when you query for a list 
of IDs to update and actually perform the updates.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Michael Ragsdale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:10:12 AM:

 I've been using mysql_insert_id() with great success, but now I've got a 

 problem.  I'm using UPDATE to, well, update a record in a database and 
 according to the docs...
 mysql_insert_id() is updated after INSERT and UPDATE statements that 
 generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value or that set a column value to 
 If the record did not exist and UPDATE performed as INSERT, then I would 

 theoretically have no problem.  Hower, since the record that I'm 
 already exists, the AUTO_INCREMENT value also already exists and that 
 is not being re-generated.  Therefore, the value that mysql_insert_id() 
 returning is zero.  Is there a similar way to capture the id of the 
 that is being updated?
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2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
I believe what you want needs two queries, one to total up on the order# 
the other to total up by customer. I wouldn't recommend trying to do it 
all at once as they are two different (but similarly asked) questions.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:22:37 AM:

 I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).
 I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an 
 join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
 amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer 
 has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until 
 do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of 
 each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?
 I hope I have made sense.
 Best Regards,

Re: MySql Configuraton on Redhat

2004-10-13 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde
Kamal Ahmed wrote:
This is the only place where I can ask these questions, and would
greatly appreciate if anyone can give me some clue on how to resolve
these issues.
I have MySql running on Redhat 9, and I am trying to create a New
When I issue the command:
mysqladmin -u root ver
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
Q1. How can I change the password for root ?
Q2. How do I know if root IS the admin for MySql ?
Q3. How can I add a Database ?
Q4. How can I add a New User to a New Database ?
If you have installed the database yourself, you should know the 
password, _or_ RH set a default password, in which case you should try 
the redhat list.
Try using the password that you actually use for root. (we never 
know...) And try both :
mysql -u root -h localhost
mysql -u root

but, there is nothing else we can do to help.
Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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RE: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread Christopher J. Mackie
Right you are Shawn; Harald's answer was dead-on.  Of course, I missed
it the first time, b/c I was distracted by the typo and his answer was
subtle--it took your reply to Martin to make me realize that he'd
rearranged the clauses. 

Many thanks to all three of you!  --Chris

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:33 AM
To: Martin Gainty
Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

Martin, you are correct in how you determine when to use AND and when to
use OR, but that's not what the original query was trying to find If
you re-read his original post,  he wants this query:

SELECT Applicants.AppID,
FROM ApplicantStatus
INNER JOIN Applicants 
ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID WHERE
ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

with two additional columns containing information from the reviews 
table. BUT! he only wants those columns populated if the reviewer was
reviewer #2. That's why Harald's answer is correct.

To repeat Harald's answer:

SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
   Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
   FROM ApplicantStatus
   INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
   LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
AND ReviewerID = 2
   WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
   AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';

With the ReviewerID condition into the ON clause of the LEFT JOIN (and
not as a condition in the WHERE clause), the query will not join ANY row
from reviews for  ANY OTHER reviewer except #2. Good call Harald!

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 10:13:46 AM:

 A SQL AND is a restrictive filter
 In other words
 Your resultset will yield results based on how you structure your 
 query If you structure your resultset which includes only applicants 
 who have
 seen by Reviewer2 then state
 WHERE (CONDITION1 AND Applicant.Reviewer = 'Reviewer2') If you want 
 applicants which includes ALL reviewers INCLUDING those who
 been seen by Reviewer2
 WHERE (CONDITION1 OR Applicant Reviewer='Reviewer2') HTH, Martin To 
 some extent.. sanity is a form of conformity..
 ~John Nash PhD~
 - Original Message -
 From: Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:37 AM
 Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction
  In article
  Christopher J. Mackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT 
 on a query with an outer join.  The following query:
   SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
   Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
   FROM ApplicantStatus
   INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
   LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
   WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
   AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''
   AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2;
   returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What
 is *all* applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and SCode
 =...), and *any* reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants (if
 Reviewer 2 hasn't written for Applicant a, then a should still be in
 result set, but with the Reviews.* columns as NULL).
   When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the 
 applicants are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to 
 by other reviewers.  How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n}, without
 losing all the applicants who've never met Reviewer #2?
  If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution
SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
FROM ApplicantStatus
INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
 AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2
WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';
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mysql dynamic librairie client

2004-10-13 Thread Romain Moyne
Hello, :)
I have installed the MySQL binary package .tar.gz version 4.1.5.  It  
runs very good. But in this package there isn't dynamic librairie client 
in the directory lib/ which terminated with .so. I have just this:

carotte:/usr/local/mysql/lib# ls
libdbug.a   libmysql.imp  libmysqlclient_r.a  libmystrings.a
libmygcc.a  libmysqlclient.a  libmysqld.a libmysys.a

But I must have the dynamic librairie client because courier-imap don't 
see .a librairie.

How can I get a dynamic librairie client which run on my system? (I have 
debian on a x86 architecture with a AMD proc)

Thanks you, Romain
Sorry for my bad english :(  

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Re: Messure time including milliseconds

2004-10-13 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:09 +0300 10/13/04, Dobromir Velev wrote:
I think it is better to implement this measurment in your application - thus
you'll have an estimate of the time needed to execute your procedures
including the mysql calls.
Otherwise you can use the BENCHMARK MySQL function
for example
mysql select benchmark(1000,procedure_name);
| benchmark(1000,procedure_name) |
|0 |
1 row in set (0.15 sec)
the average time to execute the procedure will be 0.15/1000 = 0.00015 seconds
Actually, that won't work.  BENCHMARK() always returns 0.  The time
you see is wallclock time determined by the mysql client program.
In your own applications, you need to measure the time yourself.

Dobromir Velev
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 19:47, Thomas Schager wrote:
 I need to messure the time needs of my procedures in MySQL. How can I
 reach a messurement of time intervals that include milliseconds, written
 in MySQL SQL statements?
 Thanks for any ideas,
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Optimize query help

2004-10-13 Thread Chris Blackwell

We log all sessions on our webserver to a table, and then periodically run a
batch process to analyze the visitors ip addresses to determine the
city/region/country of origin.

we use MySQL 4.1.1-alpha-standard-log on Redhat AS, installed from the mysql

The query below takes about 1 second to run, which is fine on its own, but
it has to be run for 35+ locations.
I *think* I've created all possible indexes to speed this up, but if anyone
could help it would be much appreciated.

cheers, chris

/* The concat is required to stop Coldfusion seeing this column as binary
data */
SELECT CONCAT(, '') AS country, ipaddress.region,,
/* Calculate distance in miles of visitor to city they are visiting */
ROUND(3957 * 2 *
+ COS(0.0174*56.847) * COS(0.0174*ipaddress.latitude) 
* POW((SIN(0.0174*(ipaddress.longitude--2.477)/2)),2)),SQRT(1
+ COS(0.0174*56.847) * COS(0.0174*56.847) 
* POW((SIN(0.0174*(ipaddress.longitude--2.477)/2)),2)  AS
COUNT(ipaddress.ipnumber) AS visits
FROM (country INNER JOIN (ipaddress 
INNER JOIN sessionLog ON ipaddress.ipnumber = sessionLog.ipnumber)
ON country.code = 
INNER JOIN userAgent ON sessionLog.browser_id =
WHERE sessionLog.initialDirectory = 1
AND userAgent.searchEngine = 0
AND sessionLog.sessionStartTime BETWEEN {ts '2004-09-01 00:00:00'}
AND {ts '2004-09-30 23:59:59'}
GROUP BY country, region, city

| id | select_type | table  | type   | possible_keys
| key| key_len | ref| rows |
Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | country| ALL| [NULL]
| [NULL] |  [NULL] | [NULL] |  192 |
Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | userAgent  | eq_ref | PRIMARY
| PRIMARY|   4 | ukcd.sessionLog.browser_id |1 |
Using where |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | sessionLog | ref|
idx_sessionloginitdirid,idx_sessionlogstarttime,idx_sessionlogipnumber |
idx_sessionlogipnumber |   4 | ukcd.ipaddress.ipnumber|   30 | Using
where |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | ipaddress  | ref| PRIMARY,idx_country
| idx_country|   2 |  |   52 |


# contains 192 rows
CREATE TABLE `country` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `code` char(2) default NULL,
  `name` char(100) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

# 10,000 rows
CREATE TABLE `ipaddress` (
  `ipnumber` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `country` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `region` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
  `city` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
  `postalCode` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `latitude` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `longitude` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `dmacode` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `areacode` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `isp` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `errcode` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `organisation` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`ipnumber`),
  KEY `idx_country` (`country`),
  KEY `idx_city` (`city`)

# 250,000 rows
CREATE TABLE `sessionLog` (
  `session_id` varchar(70) NOT NULL default '',
  `browser_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `sessionStartTime` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `initialDirectory` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `ipnumber` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`session_id`),
  KEY `idx_sessionloginitdirid` (`initialDirectory`),
  KEY `idx_sessionlogstarttime` (`sessionStartTime`),
  KEY `idx_sessionlogipnumber` (`ipnumber`)

# 2,000 rows
CREATE TABLE `userAgent` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `uaString` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `searchEngine` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `idx_ua` (`uaString`)


2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
OK, that makes better sense. 

Please respond to the list (you should always try keep any list responses 
CC:ed to the list so that everyone else can help and learn from the 
exchange, too) with the information that Rhino requested and I am sure 
someone will be able to help you work out your query.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:53:27 AM:

 Sorry, I said it wrong. I want the total purchased in an order and 
 the total charged for that order. I am only looking for totals at an
 order level, not by customer.
 Best Regards,
 Andrew Kuebler
 AK Communications, Inc.
 Phone: (866) 925-2666 x123 / Fax: 866-925-3296 (Toll-free)
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:37 AM
 To: Andrew Kuebler
 Subject: Re: SELECT SUM + 2 JOINS
 I believe what you want needs two queries, one to total up on the 
 order# the other to total up by customer. I wouldn't recommend 
 trying to do it all at once as they are two different (but similarly
 asked) questions. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
 Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:22:37 AM:
  I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).
  I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an 
  join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
  amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer 
  has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok 
until I
  do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of 
  each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?
  I hope I have made sense.
  Best Regards,

Re: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
I am not certain that Foreign Keys (FKs) are even considered when 
evaluating a SELECT statement.  I know that the indexes that the FKs point 
to in either table play a major role in determining the execution plan but 
I don't think that the FKs actually participate in SELECT queries.

Now, does having those tables so well-indexed play a role in improving 
query performance? Probably, but you should use the EXPLAIN command to 
find out for sure:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ulrich Seppi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:33:09 AM:

 Hello people,
 does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select 
 DB1 has only INNODB tables.
 DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.
 is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?
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Re: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread Martijn Tonies

 does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select
 DB1 has only INNODB tables.
 DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.

 is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?

Why should it increase performance?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL  MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 10:33 am, Ulrich Seppi wrote:

 Hello people,
 does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select
 querys? example.
 DB1 has only INNODB tables.
 DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.

Huh? You might want to read what a foreign key is.. It has nothing to do with 
speeding anything up..


Description: PGP signature


2004-10-13 Thread Andrew Kuebler
I've been asked some questions, so here is some add'l info:


Here is a snapshot of the order contents:


mysql SELECT * FROM OrderContents WHERE OrderID = 3116;


| ContentID | OrderID | InventoryID | Price | Qty | QtyAvail |


|  2425 |3116 | 317 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2426 |3116 | 347 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2427 |3116 | 367 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2428 |3116 | 587 | 31.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2429 |3116 | 627 | 31.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2430 |3116 | 923 | 38.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |

|  2431 |3116 |1199 | 42.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-30 10:28:18 |

|  2432 |3116 |1236 | 44.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |

|  2433 |3116 |1263 | 44.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |

|  2434 |3116 |1492 | 46.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |

|  2435 |3116 |1505 | 38.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |



Here is a snapshot of the charge details:


mysql SELECT ANID, PaymentID, OrderID, ApprovalCode, Amount, 

mysql TransactionType FROM AuthorizeNet WHERE OrderID = 3116;


| ANID | PaymentID | OrderID | ApprovalCode | Amount | TransactionType|


| 2188 |   660 |3116 | 165627   | 183.00 | prior_auth_capture |

| 2832 |   660 |3116 | 127447   |  42.50 | auth_capture   |

| 3379 |   660 |3116 | 164026   | 168.00 | auth_capture   |


6 rows in set (0.01 sec)


I'm trying to get the two total amounts by OrderID in 1 Query... I'm using
MySQL 4.1.4


Best Regards,

Andrew Kuebler
AK Communications, Inc.
Phone: (866) 925-2666 x123 / Fax: 866-925-3296 (Toll-free)

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:58 AM
To: Andrew Kuebler


OK, that makes better sense. 

Please respond to the list (you should always try keep any list responses
CC:ed to the list so that everyone else can help and learn from the
exchange, too) with the information that Rhino requested and I am sure
someone will be able to help you work out your query. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:53:27 AM:

 Sorry, I said it wrong. I want the total purchased in an order and 
 the total charged for that order. I am only looking for totals at an
 order level, not by customer. 
 Best Regards, 
 Andrew Kuebler
 AK Communications, Inc.
 Phone: (866) 925-2666 x123 / Fax: 866-925-3296 (Toll-free) 
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:37 AM
 To: Andrew Kuebler
 Subject: Re: SELECT SUM + 2 JOINS 
 I believe what you want needs two queries, one to total up on the 
 order# the other to total up by customer. I wouldn't recommend 
 trying to do it all at once as they are two different (but similarly
 asked) questions. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 
 Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 11:22:37 AM:
  I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).
  I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an
  join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
  amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer
  has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until
  do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of
  each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?
  I hope I have made sense.
  Best Regards,

Re: mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

2004-10-13 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Ragsdale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:10 AM
Subject: mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

 I've been using mysql_insert_id() with great success, but now I've got a
 problem.  I'm using UPDATE to, well, update a record in a database and
 according to the docs...

 mysql_insert_id() is updated after INSERT and UPDATE statements that
 generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value or that set a column value to

I can't imagine why mysql_insert_id() would be changed by an UPDATE
statement. I can't help but wonder if this is simply an error in the
documentation. If you look at the article at, it also states that
mysql_insert_id() is changed by INSERT and UPDATE. However, when it lists
the exact circumstances under which mysql_insert_id() changes, it doesn't
list any involving UPDATE. Also, if you look at the article on the UPDATE
statement, there is no mention of mysql_insert_id() changing as a result of

 If the record did not exist and UPDATE performed as INSERT, then I would
 theoretically have no problem.

As far as I know, an UPDATE in MySQL *never* does an INSERT, it only changes
values on the rows that satisfy the update statement.

  Hower, since the record that I'm updating
 already exists, the AUTO_INCREMENT value also already exists and that
 is not being re-generated.  Therefore, the value that mysql_insert_id() is
 returning is zero.

According to, if the
previous statement returned an error, the value of mysql_insert_id() is
undefined. Is it possible that your statement failed and that is why you
are getting zero in mysql_insert_id()? For example, perhaps you tried to set
an integer column to a value that was too big for an integer column.

 Is there a similar way to capture the id of the record
 that is being updated?

How many rows are you changing in your UPDATE statement?

Let me take a minute to review some SQL basics with you. I'm not clear how
knowledgeable you are so forgive me if you know this already.

Your update statement controls which row or rows are being updated. For

update employees
set salary = salary * 1.05
where empno = 123

The preceding statement gives a 5% salary increase to the person whose
employee number is 123. Assuming that empno is a unique (or primary) key,
then only that one row got changed. [If empno is NOT a unique or primary
key, all rows that had an empno of 123 are updated. I feel strongly that
every table should have a primary key although there might, very rarely, be
a case that justifies a table with no primary key.]

If your updates are based on a primary or unique key, the statement itself
tells you exactly which row was updated by the statement.

update employees
set salary = salary * 1.05
where deptno = 'D21'

The preceding statement gives a 5% raise to every employee in department
D21, regardless of how many there are.

update employees
set salary = salary * 1.05

The preceding statement gives a 5% raise to every employee that is in the
table at the time the update takes place.

If you execute the second and third examples, it should be self-evident that
potentially thousands or millions of rows will be affected. Would you really
expect MySQL to display a list of all the keys of the rows that are being
changed? I expect not. Why would you want only part of the list of keys that
was updated, either the first or last one? Offhand, I can't think of a good
reason for having either one of them.

Are you executing this update from a command line or in a script or a
program? If you are using a program, what language are you using? Also, what
version of MySQL are you running?

I'm sorry if my reply is a bit rambly; I'm really just thinking out loud
because I'm not very clear on what you are doing. If you could explain a bit
more about what you are trying to do, particularly the number of rows you
are attempting to update, we might be able to make some useful suggestions.


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AW: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread Ulrich Seppi

 does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select
 DB1 has only INNODB tables.
 DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.

 is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?

Why should it increase performance?

At the moment I have the hole database with MyIsam tables but there is very
much data on it.
I have more tables with over 500.000 record and over 100 MB but until now
all queries are fast.
The problem is that sometime happens that tables are corrupt and I have to
REPAIR they.
(mysql 4.1.5).
All operations on the corrupt tables until REPAIR will fail and this is a
big problem because
more hundred people are working on the database at the same time and then
much data will be lost.

Now, I tried on a testdatabase to convert the tables to InnoDB to be more
stable and to have
transactions. The result is that all operations (select queries) are verry
verry slow.
Not as fast as on MyISAM.

How could I increase the performance of my InnoDB, now? I hoped that it
could be done with
foreign keys but it not seems so...

does anybody have other ideas for solving the problem?


MySQL General Mailing List
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2004-10-13 Thread Rhino
*Please* send your followups to the list. This enables others to help rather
than placing the burden solely on me. It also ensures that the conversation,
including the solution, appear in the mailing list archives where they can
be of benefit to others down the road. If you want to copy me on your
followup, that is okay.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:11 PM

I forgot, I'm using MySQL 4.1

Best Regards,

Andrew Kuebler
AK Communications, Inc.
Phone: (866) 925-2666 x123 / Fax: 866-925-3296 (Toll-free)

-Original Message-
From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:32 AM
To: Andrew Kuebler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SELECT SUM + 2 JOINS

It's awfully hard for anyone to help without seeing the SQL that you are
trying to execute. Ideally, the full descriptions of the tables involved and
a few rows of sample data would make it a lot easier for us to be able to
visualize what you are doing but you sometimes get a useful answer from the
SQL alone.

The other thing that is vital for a good answer to this kind of question is
knowing which version of MySQL you are running; later versions have much
greater SQL capabilities than earlier versions.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:22 AM

 I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).

 I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an inner
 join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
 amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer
 has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until I
 do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of for
 each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?

 I hope I have made sense.

 Best Regards,


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: mysql_insert_id() for UPDATE?

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Ragsdale
At 11:36 AM 10/13/2004, Paul DuBois wrote:
At 11:10 -0400 10/13/04, Michael Ragsdale wrote:
I've been using mysql_insert_id() with great success, but now I've got a 
problem.  I'm using UPDATE to, well, update a record in a database and 
according to the docs...

mysql_insert_id() is updated after INSERT and UPDATE statements that 
generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value or that set a column value to 
If the record did not exist and UPDATE performed as INSERT, then I would 
theoretically have no problem.
That condition doesn't apply, because UPDATE never performs an INSERT.

DOH!  Sorry, I was thinking REPLACE, not UPDATE.

Hower, since the record that I'm updating already exists, the 
AUTO_INCREMENT value also already exists and that value is not being 
re-generated.  Therefore, the value that mysql_insert_id() is returning 
is zero.  Is there a similar way to capture the id of the record that is 
being updated?
Not in the way you suggest.  However, if you're updating a single record,
I would think that you're doing so on the basis of some primary key that
you specify in WHERE clause.  If the primary key is your AUTO_INCREMENT
column, then you already know the value you want.  If it's not your
AUTO_INCREMENT column, you can use it in a select to retrieve the
Yes, I am actually using a two-column key, but it is not the AUTO_INCREMENT 
column.  I realize I can execute another SELECT to get that column, but was 
hoping for something similar to $sth-{'mysql_insertid'} that may have been 
more optimal.  I guess not.

Thanks anyway.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Some basic and advanced replication questions

2004-10-13 Thread Frank Fischer
i'm using MySQL version 4.0.20d.
I was able to set up a simple replication between a master and a slave.
To fully understand the replication mechanism of MySQL i would like to ask
some questions (the manual does not answer all my questions):
(a) in 4.0.20d there is no way for a kind of Master-Master replication,
means, that both databases replicate to each other, right? 
(b) Will there be such a feature in Version 5 (and does anyone know when it
is planned to declare version 5 as stable and productive)?
(c) Or is clustering a kind of Master-Master replication?
(d)Is it possible to have a MySQL database server being Slave of a Master A
and serving as Master for a Slave B at the same time and for the same
(e) When i have a Master-Slave replication, what happens when i delete a
replicated record on the Slave - will the record than be replicated again or
will the record remain deleted?
So far my questions and i'm aware that some of them sound quiet wired, so i
will try do explain what i'm trying to do:
I have an application that runs on a server using a MySQL database that is
also installed on that server. Besides i have the same server with the same
configuration as a hot standby in case of something bad happens to my first
(productive) server. Let's refer to them as Server A (active) and B (hot
Both servers have a public Network interface and a private Network
interface. On the public side, they have the SAME IP Address. To avoid
collisions, the are connected to a managed switch where only the port to
Server A is active and is switch to port to Server B in case of emergency.
On the private Interface both servers carry a own, unique private IP
Since Server B acts as hot standby, it's database should always be up to
date, so i planned to use replication between Server A and B. A would act as
Master, B as Slave. So far, so good.
Now there is a third MySQL server (let's call it C) at a different location
(interconnection by a VPN over the internet). This server needs the data
from a table of my database in almost-realtime. So i thought, replication
would be a good mechanism to do that. Now there are some problems:
(a) I know how to setup a replication A Master, C Salve, but what happens if
A goes down and we have to switch to the hot standby B? B is configured as
Slave in relation to A, so C would not be able to get Data from B. Is there
a way to setup a Master-Slave relation from B to C so C could replicate the
same data from B as it did before from A?
(b) The Application on Server C is going to delete records that have been
replicated. What happens then, will C replicate the deleted records again or
will they remain deleted on C? On A or B they should never be deleted,
regardless of what is done on C?
(c) After an case of emergency when i want to bring A up again and let it
server as active Server again, how would i be able to replicate the
records that have been created on B during the absence of A? At the moment,
i see no other way as to do this manually, as long as there is nothing like
Master-Master replication. Any other ideas?
Maybe i'm on a totally wrong track, maybe all some of you cracks out there
have a better idea how to solve this? Would clustering be such a solution?
Are there any other kind of synchronisation/replication tools that would
allow me to setup a configuration as needed?
I'm very thankful for any kind of support.
Thanks a lot


2004-10-13 Thread Rhino
*Please* send your followups to the list. This enables others to help rather
than placing the burden solely on me. It also ensures that the conversation,
including the solution, appear in the mailing list archives where they can
be of benefit to others down the road. If you want to copy me on your
followup, that is okay.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:10 PM

Here is a snapshot of the order contents:

mysql SELECT * FROM OrderContents WHERE OrderID = 3116;
| ContentID | OrderID | InventoryID | Price | Qty | QtyAvail |
|  2425 |3116 | 317 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2426 |3116 | 347 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2427 |3116 | 367 | 19.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2428 |3116 | 587 | 31.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2429 |3116 | 627 | 31.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2430 |3116 | 923 | 38.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |
|  2431 |3116 |1199 | 42.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-30 10:28:18 |
|  2432 |3116 |1236 | 44.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |
|  2433 |3116 |1263 | 44.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-09-21 13:44:34 |
|  2434 |3116 |1492 | 46.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |
|  2435 |3116 |1505 | 38.50 |   1 |1 |
2004-10-05 12:30:43 |

Here is a snapshot of the charge details:

mysql SELECT ANID, PaymentID, OrderID, ApprovalCode, Amount,
TransactionType FROM AuthorizeNet WHERE OrderID = 3116;
| ANID | PaymentID | OrderID | ApprovalCode | Amount | TransactionType|
| 2188 |   660 |3116 | 165627   | 183.00 | prior_auth_capture |
| 2832 |   660 |3116 | 127447   |  42.50 | auth_capture   |
| 3379 |   660 |3116 | 164026   | 168.00 | auth_capture   |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

I'm trying to get the two total amounts by OrderID in 1 Query...

Best Regards,

Andrew Kuebler
AK Communications, Inc.
Phone: (866) 925-2666 x123 / Fax: 866-925-3296 (Toll-free)

-Original Message-
From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:32 AM
To: Andrew Kuebler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SELECT SUM + 2 JOINS

It's awfully hard for anyone to help without seeing the SQL that you are
trying to execute. Ideally, the full descriptions of the tables involved and
a few rows of sample data would make it a lot easier for us to be able to
visualize what you are doing but you sometimes get a useful answer from the
SQL alone.

The other thing that is vital for a good answer to this kind of question is
knowing which version of MySQL you are running; later versions have much
greater SQL capabilities than earlier versions.


- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Kuebler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:22 AM

 I have a MySQL table with Order#'s (Primary Key).

 I want to total the number of items per order which I do through an inner
 join to the order contents, but then I want to also get a total on the
 amounts a customer has been billed to make sure there isn't a customer
 has been shipped something they haven't paid for. Everything is ok until I
 do the left join on the payments which there could be more than one of for
 each order. Is it possible to do what I am asking in one query?

 I hope I have made sense.

 Best Regards,


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: AW: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
Suggestions? Check your indexes. It sounds as though they aren't what they 
used to be. When you converted to InnoDB, did you accidentally move the 
data to a slower drive? If so, you may want to move it back to where you 
had the MyISAM tables.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ulrich Seppi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 12:29:22 PM:

  does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select
  DB1 has only INNODB tables.
  DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.
  is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?
 Why should it increase performance?
 At the moment I have the hole database with MyIsam tables but there is 
 much data on it.
 I have more tables with over 500.000 record and over 100 MB but until 
 all queries are fast.
 The problem is that sometime happens that tables are corrupt and I have 
 REPAIR they.
 (mysql 4.1.5).
 All operations on the corrupt tables until REPAIR will fail and this is 
 big problem because
 more hundred people are working on the database at the same time and 
 much data will be lost.
 Now, I tried on a testdatabase to convert the tables to InnoDB to be 
 stable and to have
 transactions. The result is that all operations (select queries) are 
 verry slow.
 Not as fast as on MyISAM.
 How could I increase the performance of my InnoDB, now? I hoped that it
 could be done with
 foreign keys but it not seems so...
 does anybody have other ideas for solving the problem?
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Some basic and advanced replication questions

2004-10-13 Thread John McCaskey
(a) You are mistaken.  You can easily setup both as masters and then as
slaves to each other.  Simply enable the neccesary binary logging on
both sides, then use the CHANGE MASTER TO command to set each to point
at the other.  Now when you do an insert or delete on either it gets
replicated to the other.

(b) Its already in 4.x as described above, so yes it will be in 5.0 as

(c) Clustering, is not supported, but you can setup a type of ring
network with all updates getting sent from master-slave all the way
around the ring so that all servers 2-n get all updates/deletes/inserts.
The issue is detecting when a node goes down, and routing around it is a
manual process.

(d) Yes, see above comments.  Just set them all to do binary logging, if
you want to have a ring rather than a dual master pair you should set
the log-slave-updates option so that each server logs not only its own
updates, but those it recieves from its master.  

(e) If you had just a one way master-slave relationship and you delete
data on the slave, that is very bad.  The slave is now not the same as
the master, the record will not be re-inserted, if you go to update the
record on the master, when the command gets replicated to the slave an
error will generat and replication will halt awaiting you to manually
fix it.  However, if you have setup a master/slave pair where
replication goes both ways as described in (a) or a ring as described in
(c) then you have no issue as all servers will be kept consistent.

John McCaskey

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 21:19 +0200, Frank Fischer wrote:
 i'm using MySQL version 4.0.20d.
 I was able to set up a simple replication between a master and a slave.
 To fully understand the replication mechanism of MySQL i would like to ask
 some questions (the manual does not answer all my questions):
 (a) in 4.0.20d there is no way for a kind of Master-Master replication,
 means, that both databases replicate to each other, right? 
 (b) Will there be such a feature in Version 5 (and does anyone know when it
 is planned to declare version 5 as stable and productive)?
 (c) Or is clustering a kind of Master-Master replication?
 (d)Is it possible to have a MySQL database server being Slave of a Master A
 and serving as Master for a Slave B at the same time and for the same
 (e) When i have a Master-Slave replication, what happens when i delete a
 replicated record on the Slave - will the record than be replicated again or
 will the record remain deleted?
 So far my questions and i'm aware that some of them sound quiet wired, so i
 will try do explain what i'm trying to do:
 I have an application that runs on a server using a MySQL database that is
 also installed on that server. Besides i have the same server with the same
 configuration as a hot standby in case of something bad happens to my first
 (productive) server. Let's refer to them as Server A (active) and B (hot
 Both servers have a public Network interface and a private Network
 interface. On the public side, they have the SAME IP Address. To avoid
 collisions, the are connected to a managed switch where only the port to
 Server A is active and is switch to port to Server B in case of emergency.
 On the private Interface both servers carry a own, unique private IP
 Since Server B acts as hot standby, it's database should always be up to
 date, so i planned to use replication between Server A and B. A would act as
 Master, B as Slave. So far, so good.
 Now there is a third MySQL server (let's call it C) at a different location
 (interconnection by a VPN over the internet). This server needs the data
 from a table of my database in almost-realtime. So i thought, replication
 would be a good mechanism to do that. Now there are some problems:
 (a) I know how to setup a replication A Master, C Salve, but what happens if
 A goes down and we have to switch to the hot standby B? B is configured as
 Slave in relation to A, so C would not be able to get Data from B. Is there
 a way to setup a Master-Slave relation from B to C so C could replicate the
 same data from B as it did before from A?
 (b) The Application on Server C is going to delete records that have been
 replicated. What happens then, will C replicate the deleted records again or
 will they remain deleted on C? On A or B they should never be deleted,
 regardless of what is done on C?
 (c) After an case of emergency when i want to bring A up again and let it
 server as active Server again, how would i be able to replicate the
 records that have been created on B during the absence of A? At the moment,
 i see no other way as to do this manually, as long as there is nothing like
 Master-Master replication. Any other ideas?
 Maybe i'm on a totally wrong track, maybe all some of you cracks out there
 have a better idea how to solve this? Would clustering be such a solution?
 Are there any other kind of synchronisation/replication tools that would
 allow me 

Re: AW: InnoDB and foreign keys

2004-10-13 Thread John McCaskey
If you could post your table schema (SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name) and
then give an example of the query that is slow on InnoDB that would help
us give a better analysis.  Right now it sounds like something is wrong,
InnoDB is likely to be slightly slower than MyISAM because of
transaction overhead and row level locking for simple selects.  But, it
should not be 'very very slow' if MyISAM is 'very very fast' as it
sounds like you are saying.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 18:29 +0200, Ulrich Seppi wrote:
  does anybody know if Foreign keys increase the performance of select
  DB1 has only INNODB tables.
  DB2 has the same structure as DB1 with all possible foreign keys.
  is the same query faster on DB1 or DB2?
 Why should it increase performance?
 At the moment I have the hole database with MyIsam tables but there is very
 much data on it.
 I have more tables with over 500.000 record and over 100 MB but until now
 all queries are fast.
 The problem is that sometime happens that tables are corrupt and I have to
 REPAIR they.
 (mysql 4.1.5).
 All operations on the corrupt tables until REPAIR will fail and this is a
 big problem because
 more hundred people are working on the database at the same time and then
 much data will be lost.
 Now, I tried on a testdatabase to convert the tables to InnoDB to be more
 stable and to have
 transactions. The result is that all operations (select queries) are verry
 verry slow.
 Not as fast as on MyISAM.
 How could I increase the performance of my InnoDB, now? I hoped that it
 could be done with
 foreign keys but it not seems so...
 does anybody have other ideas for solving the problem?

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Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

2004-10-13 Thread Martin Gainty
You should generally not have any conditions in the ON part that are used to restrict 
which rows you want in the result set, but rather specify these conditions in the 
WHERE clause

Forgive me for following the documentation!!

  - Original Message - 
  To: Martin Gainty 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:33 AM
  Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction

  Martin, you are correct in how you determine when to use AND and when to use OR, but 
that's not what the original query was trying to find If you re-read his original 
post,  he wants this query: 

  SELECT Applicants.AppID, 
  FROM ApplicantStatus
  INNER JOIN Applicants 
  ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
  WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
 AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''; 

  with two additional columns containing information from the reviews table. BUT! he 
only wants those columns populated if the reviewer was reviewer #2. That's why 
Harald's answer is correct. 

  To repeat Harald's answer: 

  SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
FROM ApplicantStatus
INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
 AND ReviewerID = 2
WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''; 

  With the ReviewerID condition into the ON clause of the LEFT JOIN (and not as a 
condition in the WHERE clause), the query will not join ANY row from reviews for  
ANY OTHER reviewer except #2. Good call Harald! 

  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

  Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 10:13:46 AM:

   A SQL AND is a restrictive filter
   In other words
   Your resultset will yield results based on how you structure your query
   If you structure your resultset which includes only applicants who have been
   seen by Reviewer2 then state
   WHERE (CONDITION1 AND Applicant.Reviewer = 'Reviewer2')
   If you want applicants which includes ALL reviewers INCLUDING those who have
   been seen by Reviewer2
   WHERE (CONDITION1 OR Applicant Reviewer='Reviewer2')
   To some extent.. sanity is a form of conformity..
   ~John Nash PhD~
   - Original Message -
   From: Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:37 AM
   Subject: Re: Q: outer join w/restriction
In article
Christopher J. Mackie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There's something I'm not getting about how to put a SELECT restriction
   on a query with an outer join.  The following query:
 SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
 Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
 FROM ApplicantStatus
 INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
 LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
 WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
 AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = ''
 AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2;
 returns only Applicants who have reviews from Reviewer # 2.  What I want
   is *all* applicants who meet the other two criteria (Active, and SCode
   =...), and *any* reviews by Reviewer 2 for any of those applicants (if
   Reviewer 2 hasn't written for Applicant a, then a should still be in the
   result set, but with the Reviews.* columns as NULL).
 When I remove the final ReviewerID = 2 restriction, all of the right
   applicants are in the dataset--but with a lot of extra rows due to reviews
   by other reviewers.  How do I get rid of Reviewers {1, 3...n}, without
   losing all the applicants who've never met Reviewer #2?
If C.Reviewer.ID is a typo for Reviews.ReviewerID, the solution is
  SELECT Applicants.AppID, Applicants.Name, Applicants.Email,
  Reviews.Quant, Reviews.Qual
  FROM ApplicantStatus
  INNER JOIN Applicants ON Applicants.AppID = ApplicantStatus.AppID
  LEFT JOIN Reviews ON Reviews.AppID = Applicants.AppID
   AND C.Reviewer.ID = 2
  WHERE ApplicantStatus.Active = 1
  AND ApplicantStatus.SCode = '';
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Insert Delayed

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Cummings
Does Insert Delayed work on any version of MySql for INNODB tables?

The docs state that it does but I keep getting the error that the engine
doesn't support this.





speed issue - inserts slowing down selects

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Cummings
We have what is called a data grabber for quotes that is inserting rows into
both InnoDb and MyIsam tables.

When the data is being imported ( inserted ), it is dramatically slowing
clients down that are running queries against the table.


Our first attempt at a solution was to insert one row at a time.  This
doesn't seem to make a difference.


The next thing we tried is the Insert Delayed which as I stated in an
earlier post, doesn't seem to work for InnoDb tables.


We are also looking at Insert Low_Priority.


Does anyone have any suggestions?





Creating primary and foreign keys for MySQL

2004-10-13 Thread Herman Scheepers
Hi All

I am MySQL newby with an Oracle background.

Is the following syntax suported?

alter table members add primary key (id);
alter table members add constraint members_uk unique


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Re: speed issue - inserts slowing down selects

2004-10-13 Thread John McCaskey
One thing you could do, which may not be the best, is insert one (or
some set limit) of rows at a time, then after each sleep for .25 seconds
or something, so that your inserts get spread out more over time, and
there is idle time between them for the selecting clients to complete.
Obviously this means the total number of inserts you can support is
lower, but it sounds like that may be ok, and you just don't want them
consuming all resources for short period when they could spread out and
still let client requests be fast.

I'm not sure why insert delayed didn't work, the manual clearly says it
should, I'm going to try it hout shortly and see if it works for me.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 12:02 -0700, Daniel Cummings wrote:
 We have what is called a data grabber for quotes that is inserting rows into
 both InnoDb and MyIsam tables.
 When the data is being imported ( inserted ), it is dramatically slowing
 clients down that are running queries against the table.
 Our first attempt at a solution was to insert one row at a time.  This
 doesn't seem to make a difference.
 The next thing we tried is the Insert Delayed which as I stated in an
 earlier post, doesn't seem to work for InnoDb tables.
 We are also looking at Insert Low_Priority.
 Does anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Creating primary and foreign keys for MySQL

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
You haven't found the online manual yet, have you?

Specifically the documentation for the command you are curious about is 
found here:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Herman Scheepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 02:54:17 PM:

 Hi All
 I am MySQL newby with an Oracle background.
 Is the following syntax suported?
 alter table members add primary key (id);
 alter table members add constraint members_uk unique
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RE: Insert Delayed

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Cummings
Thanks for verifying that.


-Original Message-
From: John McCaskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:23 PM
To: Daniel Cummings
Subject: Re: Insert Delayed

I verified the same error for myself, and then found:

Sounds like the documentation is just wrong, and it is not supported for
innodb period.


On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 11:53 -0700, Daniel Cummings wrote:
 Does Insert Delayed work on any version of MySql for INNODB tables?
 The docs state that it does but I keep getting the error that the engine
 doesn't support this.

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Foreign key error

2004-10-13 Thread Herman Scheepers
I tried to create a foreign key using:

msg_recipient_member_fk FOREIGN KEY
(recipient_member_id) REFERENCES members (id);

and got this error:

Can't create table '.\wapmagic\#sql-c50_48.frm'
(errno: 150)

Any ideas?


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Re: Foreign key error

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
run the command: SHOW INNODB STATUS;
whenever you get those errors and it will give you more details.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Herman Scheepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 03:42:34 PM:

 I tried to create a foreign key using:
 msg_recipient_member_fk FOREIGN KEY
 (recipient_member_id) REFERENCES members (id);
 and got this error:
 Can't create table '.\wapmagic\#sql-c50_48.frm'
 (errno: 150)
 Any ideas?
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user defined table constraint

2004-10-13 Thread Josh Howe

Hi all,


I have a table with these fields:




is_primary ('Y' or 'N')


I want to make sure that there are never two rows in this table with the
same user_id and is_primary='Y'. For any user_id, there can only be one
primary record. In MS SQL I would define a user constraint on the table.
Does MySQL have anything similar, or do I need to check the data in
every place I do an insert into this table? Thanks. 



fetch certain number of matches

2004-10-13 Thread Elim Qiu
Is there a way to ask mysql to return certain number of matches? 
This is very useful for search functionality.

Re: Foreign key error

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Stassen
:perror 150
MySQL error:  150 = Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
This is usually due to a missing index.  To make a foreign key, both of the 
involved columns must come first in an index.  Do you have indexes on 
msg_recipients.recipient_member_id and

run the command: SHOW INNODB STATUS;
whenever you get those errors and it will give you more details.
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Herman Scheepers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 03:42:34 PM:

I tried to create a foreign key using:
msg_recipient_member_fk FOREIGN KEY
(recipient_member_id) REFERENCES members (id);
and got this error:
Can't create table '.\wapmagic\#sql-c50_48.frm'
(errno: 150)
Any ideas?

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Re: user defined table constraint

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
That depends, can the user have more than 2 records? as in only 1 yes 
record and 1 no record? If that were the case you could create a unique 
index on (user_id, is_primary). However, I suspect that is not the case.

If I remember my M$ $QL correctly, User Constraints are evaluated during 
INSERT or UPDATE. This implies that they had their own trigger for those 
events. Triggers are not *yet* implemented in MySQL (see the TODO lists 
for versions =5 ) so I believe that you will need to enforce the only 1 
primary record constraint in your application code until the server can 
take over in some future version.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Josh Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 03:45:56 PM:

 Hi all,
 I have a table with these fields:
 is_primary ('Y' or 'N')
 I want to make sure that there are never two rows in this table with the
 same user_id and is_primary='Y'. For any user_id, there can only be one
 primary record. In MS SQL I would define a user constraint on the table.
 Does MySQL have anything similar, or do I need to check the data in
 every place I do an insert into this table? Thanks. 

Re: fetch certain number of matches

2004-10-13 Thread SGreen
Could you possibly describe what you would like to find? Table 
definitions, sample data, and sample queries (especially ones that you 
have already tried with explanations of what was wrong with their output) 
would all help us to answer your question.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Elim Qiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 03:55:35 PM:

 Is there a way to ask mysql to return certain number of matches? 
 This is very useful for search functionality.

Re: user defined table constraint

2004-10-13 Thread Rhino
Excuse me for top-posting but Outlook Express won't put revision bars in
front of your original remarks and I'm too lazy to type them all in myself

Anyway, if you define one of your columns, such as user_id as a primary key,
you can be sure that there will never be two rows with the same user_id
value, let alone the same user_id value and is_primary value. Wouldn't that
solve your problem without the need for a table constraint?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: user defined table constraint

Hi all,

I have a table with these fields:



is_primary ('Y' or 'N')

I want to make sure that there are never two rows in this table with the
same user_id and is_primary='Y'. For any user_id, there can only be one
primary record. In MS SQL I would define a user constraint on the table.
Does MySQL have anything similar, or do I need to check the data in
every place I do an insert into this table? Thanks.

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RE: speed issue - inserts slowing down selects

2004-10-13 Thread Dana Diederich
Daniel, also consider selecting as high priority.  That will cause
select queries to jump ahead of pending insert queries.  That will allow
each select to only have to wait for at most one insert to complete.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:02 PM
Subject: speed issue - inserts slowing down selects

We have what is called a data grabber for quotes that is inserting rows
both InnoDb and MyIsam tables.

When the data is being imported ( inserted ), it is dramatically slowing
clients down that are running queries against the table.

Our first attempt at a solution was to insert one row at a time.  This
doesn't seem to make a difference.

The next thing we tried is the Insert Delayed which as I stated in an
earlier post, doesn't seem to work for InnoDb tables.

We are also looking at Insert Low_Priority.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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Re: fetch certain number of matches

2004-10-13 Thread Elim Qiu
I have a table got about 20 rows. I want my web application be able to perform 
search (dynamic query on this table).
the search can be quite complex because we need to look at other tables through 
relationships. So the query may be
an expensive one. But the ideal thing is to get the count of the matches and then just 
fetch, say 25 rows at a time to
be displayed on a web page. And my question is, give a query, how to let mysql just 
return certain number of matches?

Of course I can let the web app ignore what not be displayed (hide them, say), but 
there may be expensive memory
usage and cpu usage to do so.
  - Original Message - 
  To: Elim Qiu 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:18 PM
  Subject: Re: fetch certain number of matches

  Could you possibly describe what you would like to find? Table 
  definitions, sample data, and sample queries (especially ones that you 
  have already tried with explanations of what was wrong with their output) 
  would all help us to answer your question.

  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

  Elim Qiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 10/13/2004 03:55:35 PM:

   Is there a way to ask mysql to return certain number of matches? 
   This is very useful for search functionality.

Re: mysql dynamic librairie client

2004-10-13 Thread Eric Bergen
gcc linker will hanlde .a files using -lmysqlclient and -L


On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 17:54:09 +0200, Romain Moyne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, :)
 I have installed the MySQL binary package .tar.gz version 4.1.5.  It
 runs very good. But in this package there isn't dynamic librairie client
 in the directory lib/ which terminated with .so. I have just this:
 carotte:/usr/local/mysql/lib# ls
 libdbug.a   libmysql.imp  libmysqlclient_r.a  libmystrings.a
 libmygcc.a  libmysqlclient.a  libmysqld.a libmysys.a
 But I must have the dynamic librairie client because courier-imap don't
 see .a librairie.
 How can I get a dynamic librairie client which run on my system? (I have
 debian on a x86 architecture with a AMD proc)
 Thanks you, Romain
 Sorry for my bad english :(
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Eric Bergen

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Re: Login error

2004-10-13 Thread Eric Bergen
You need to finish reading the install guide here:


On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:31:48 -0400, Kamal Ahmed
 I have MySql running on Redhat 9, and I am trying to create a New
 When I issue the command:
 mysqladmin -u root ver
 mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# mysqladmin -u root flush-privileges password
 mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
 error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)'
 Q1. How can I change the password for root ?
 Q2. How do I know if root IS the admin for MySql ?
 Q3. How can I add a Database ?
 Q4. How can I add a New User to a New Database ?
 Thanks in Advance,
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Eric Bergen

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Re: 2003 server problem

2004-10-13 Thread Dominic James
I have gone back to installing 4.02. I have found that no log file or
my.ini is been written either. I have already successfully installed
mysql 4.02 on another windoze 2003 server. so I don't quite understand
why the installation is falling over.

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Re: Replication and LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE

2004-10-13 Thread Eric Bergen
My best guess would be that your slave tables have slightly different
data/structure than your master table. Try taking a fresh snapshot
from the master and trying again.


On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 10:33:24 -0700, Kenneth Lim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi -
 I'm seeing these error/warning messages on my replication slave:
   [ERROR] Slave: load data infile on table 'DeviceItem' at log position
 38844696 in log 'db1-bin.01' produced 6 warning(s).  Default database:
 I was wondering if anyone has seen similar messages.
 I have master-slave replication setup on 2 Linux boxes running
 MySQL 4.1.5-gamma.  On a Windows client, I execute a script that
 contains a bunch of LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statements.
 The master error log does not complain.  But the slave error log
 has the error/warning messages above.  The data seems to be the
 same on master and slave.
 Are there special considerations for using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
 statements with a replication setup?
 Kenneth Lim
 Software Engineer
 Senvid, Inc.
 2445 Faber Place, Suite #200
 Palo Alto, CA  94303
 phone: 650-354-3612
 fax: 650-354-8890
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Eric Bergen

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Re: How to flush process which are in sleep state

2004-10-13 Thread Eric Bergen
Sleeping 'processes' are connections left open by clients. Simply
change your clients to close the connection whent hey are done (don't
use pconnect). Also your wait_timeout is probably still set to the
default 28800 seconds. This should be set to match the idle timeout of
your client (apache or whatever)


On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 16:48:21 +0530, Anil Doppalapudi
 when i issue show processlist command it gives very long list of process
 most of them are sleep state .
 is there a way to clear those processs with out killing them
 Thanks in advace
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Eric Bergen

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Re: cross database joins performance hit?

2004-10-13 Thread Gary Richardson
I've worked on projects before where splitting up the schema into
databases was used. Joins across DB's are fine, but there is another
place that the performance can hit you.

If you use something like perl's Apache::DBI, you will increase the
number of open connections to your database. That's assuming that
you'll have connections to each database in your application.

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:43:11 -0700, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've tried to find references to if there are any design flaws with using
 multiple databases or not however was unable to locate anything (but I was
 told by a previous co-worker that there were performance hits).
 Are there any performance hits or design flaws by separating a large
 database into separate databases then cross-database joining the tables?
 (these tables have anywhere between 1m and 5m+ rows)
 Thanks for any pointers in advance. If theres a major design flaw to
 splitting a database up into separate databases I'd like to know before
 getting to far down the path on this project :-) Thanks much for any

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Re: Some basic and advanced replication questions

2004-10-13 Thread Gary Richardson
 (e) If you had just a one way master-slave relationship and you delete
 data on the slave, that is very bad.  The slave is now not the same as
 the master, the record will not be re-inserted, if you go to update the
 record on the master, when the command gets replicated to the slave an
 error will generat and replication will halt awaiting you to manually
 fix it.  However, if you have setup a master/slave pair where
 replication goes both ways as described in (a) or a ring as described in
 (c) then you have no issue as all servers will be kept consistent.

Does anyone have scripts for checking the integrity of their slave
servers? I've been writing some pretty in depth stuff in perl and I
plan on releasing it eventually. It's pretty ugly right, even for
perl. I will eventually clean it up.

Some of the tests I do are:

- make sure the same tables exist on the master and slaves
- compare the schema (columns defs, keys, table types)
- check that the row counts match
- randomly check a percentage of rows in each table for large tables
- for 'small' tables perform the checksumming as found in Sys Admin
Mag's Taming the Distributed Database Problem: A Case Study Using

Has anyone already gone through this effort already?

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Re: IP address to searchable number

2004-10-13 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Oct 13), Scott Haneda said:
 Given a IP range such as: -
 I want to store those 2 values in a database, before I insert a new value, I
 would like to test for the new values existence.
 Any idea what I should convert a IP address into in order to be able to
 operate on it with simple greater than, less than and equal to math?

INTEGER UNSIGNED.  Use inet_ntoa() and inet_aton() if the language
you're using to insert/query can't convert ip addresses itself.

Dan Nelson

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Re: SELECT and LIMIT question

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Stassen
Why do you think it doesn't work with LIMIT?  Do you want 5 of each?
Jay K wrote:
I have multiple queries like this:
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM table1, table2
where table1.col1 = table2.col1 and table1.col2 = 1
ORDER BY col3 desc LIMIT 5
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM table1, table2
where table1.col1 = table2.col1 and table1.col2 = 2
ORDER BY col3 desc LIMIT 5
The only difference is in the WHERE clause table1.col2
= x.
I would like to have one statement instead of multiple
statements and though about using IN clause like:
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM table1, table2
where table1.col1 = table2.col1 and table1.col2 IN
(1,2,3) ORDER BY col3 desc LIMIT 5
It works without LIMIT, but I need to use the LIMIT.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: join syntax

2004-10-13 Thread Michael Stassen
What do you mean, it doesn't work?
Marco wrote:
The query
  select * from a join b on a.x = b.y;
works on mySQL 3.23.56 but doesn't work on mySQL 3.23.58.
I had to change it in
  select * from a,b where a.x = b.y;
Is it a well-known behavior or is it a bit strange?
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Date range with empty rows (Was: Intra-table join)

2004-10-13 Thread Partap Davis
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 20:25:48 -0700, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 create table test_table
 (d date not null,
 name char(32) not null,
 loc integer not null,
 type integer not null,
 amount integer,
 primary key (d, name, loc, type));
snip snip
 This is how I would do it:
   d as day,
   SUM(amount) as total,
   SUM(IF(1=loc,amount,0)) as loc1_total,
   SUM(IF(2=loc,amount,0)) as loc2_total
 FROM test_table
 I'm not sure this is the best way to go, as that SUM(IF()) functionality
 seems a bit unclean to me, but it works.

Thanks, that works great!

Now, on a somewhat related note, I'm trying to get the data from mysql
in a ready to use format with no post-processing required...

I'm graphing the data from this query using dates on the x axis.  The
input to my graph module (GD::Graph) requires a constant-length list. 
So if any days in my selection range have no data, I need to fill the
space with an empy value.

For example, say my date range is '2004-10-01' to '2004-10-05'

and the query returns:
day, amount
2004-10-01, 50
2004-10-02, 100
2004-10-04, 250

I have to do some date manipulation in perl afterward to check for
missing values...
If I could get a query that returned:
day, amount
2004-10-01, 50
2004-10-02, 100
2004-10-03, NULL
2004-10-04, 250
2004-10-05, NULL

That would be so much nicer in some cases.  I'm thinking it would be
sort of like the output from a LEFT JOIN if I had a table containing
just a bunch of sequential dates...but I don't...and the dates can
actually be arbitrary, so it would have to be a pretty big table, with
no real data in it.

Does anyone know of some way to fake this date table?  (again, I'm
using mysql 4.0.16)
...stuck on these LEFT JOINS lately for some reason  ;-)


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