RE: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Harish
Hi All,

This query worked for me.

SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON != b.iid AND b.message='y'


-Original Message-
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 12:23 AM
To: Roger Baklund
Cc: mysql; Harish
Subject: Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

Roger Baklund wrote:
 Harish wrote:


 I apprecaite anybody replying me with an equvalent query for this:
 I am using mysql 4.0.21

 select a.address from a where not in (select b.iid from b where

 This can be done with a left join:

 select a.address
   from a
   left join b on
   where b.iid is null;

That's not equivalent, because it leaves out a condition.  I think it should

   SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON = b.iid AND b.message='y'
   WHERE b.iid IS NULL;


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Re: utf8 x latin

2005-01-31 Thread Gabriel PREDA
I think you should use: latin1_general_ci  and on columns with spanish you
should use latin1_spanish_ci.

English, French, Portuguese not having a separate collation I believe that
they are included into latin1_general_ci ?

Please observe the last part from a collation name: case sensitive (_cs) ...
case insensitive (_ci) ... and binary (_bin) !

UTF8 consumes more space on disk !
If you issue a SHOW CHARACTER SET command


You will notice the last column named Maxlen that defines how many bytes
takes to store a letter.

On utf8_general_ci you will notice 3... as on latin1__xx you will only
see 1...
Although these values represent a MAX value... what you need will use at
most 2 bytes per letter in UTF-8... but in latin1_xxx_xx will, for sure,
will use one byte... on long texts this will count !

In my opinion you should stick to latin1_xxx_xx !

Afther some thought and aditional computation I declared myself satisfied
latin2 - ISO 8859-2 Central European - latin2_general_ci - 1byte

but I'm having Romanian + English + French columns.

Try to read with no
distraction arround you !


- Original Message - 
From: Andre Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:29 PM
Subject: utf8 x latin

 Hi list,
 I was wondering which one is better to use, utf8_general_ci or
 latin1_general_cs, with English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish?
 Andre Matos
 MySQL General Mailing List
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client_test fails on Solaris 9 x86

2005-01-31 Thread Alex S Moore
Running mysql-test fails test client_test with segv.  Several
other tests fail after this and it may be due to the segv.
here is the output from the test:
client_test[ fail ]

Errors are (from /opt/csw/mysql4/mysql-test/var/log/mysqltest-time) :
client_test.c:9730: check failed: 'udouble_val ==
ulonglong2double(uint64_val)' Abort - core dumped
/opt/csw/mysql4/bin/mysqltest: command $TESTS_BINDIR/client_test
--no-defaults  --testcase --user=root --socket=$MASTER_MYSOCK
--port=$MYSQL_TCP_PORT --silent  failed
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master shutdown finished
Slave shutdown finished
Resuming Tests

comments   [ pass ]  53
drop   [ fail ]

Errors are (from /opt/csw/mysql4/mysql-test/var/log/mysqltest-time) :
/opt/csw/mysql4/bin/mysqltest: At line 58: Result length mismatch
(the last lines may be the most important ones)
Below are the diffs between actual and expected results:
*** r/drop.result   Wed Jan 26 07:07:36 2005
--- r/drop.reject   Wed Jan 26 14:52:01 2005
*** 31,36 
--- 31,37 
  create database mysqltest;
  show databases;
+ client_test_db
*** 41,46 
--- 42,48 
  drop database mysqltest;
  show databases;
+ client_test_db
  drop database mysqltest;
Please follow the instructions outlined at
to find the reason to this problem and how to report this.

Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master shutdown finished
Slave shutdown finished
Resuming Tests

drop_temp_table[ pass ]  77

Just running mysql-test.  The daemon appears to run ok, but
I have not tried very many exercises to verify this.

Originator:Alex Moore
MySQL support: none
Synopsis:  mysql-test-run fails client_test on Solaris x86
Severity:  critical
Priority:  medium
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release:   mysql-4.1.9 (Source distribution)

C compiler:cc: Sun C 5.5 Patch 112761-10 2004/08/10
C++ compiler:   | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Dell 2300, 2x450Mhz pentium, Solaris 9 9/04 with recommended patches
System: SunOS mcsun5 5.9 Generic_117172-12 i86pc i386 i86pc
Architecture: i86pc

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/ccs/bin/make /opt/csw/bin/gmake

Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='-O -DDBUG_OFF -Xa -xstrconst -mt
-DHAVE_CURSES_H -I/export/medusa/asmoore/build/mysql-4.1.9-i386/include
-DHAVE_CURSES_H -I/export/medusa/asmoore/build/mysql-4.1.9-i386/include
-DHAVE_RWLOCK_T'  LDFLAGS='-L/opt/csw/lib '  ASFLAGS='' LIBC: 
-rw-r--r--   1 root bin  1908016 Nov 21 15:56 /lib/libc.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  11 Dec 23 06:40 /lib/ -
./ -rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   805364 Nov 21 15:56
/lib/ -rw-r--r--   1 root bin  1908016 Nov 21 15:56
/usr/lib/libc.a lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root  11 Dec 23 06:40
/usr/lib/ - ./ -rwxr-xr-x   1 root bin   805364
Nov 21 15:56 /usr/lib/ Configure command: ./configure
'--prefix=/opt/csw/mysql4' '--disable-assembler' '--without-libedit'
'--enable-thread-safe-client' '--with-named-z-libs=no'
'--with-berkeley-db' '--with-openssl' '--with-innodb'
'--enable-local-infile' '--with-extra-charsets=all' 'CC=cc' 'CFLAGS=-Xa
-xstrconst -mt -D_FORTEC_ -xO3 -xtarget=386 '
'CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/csw/include' 'CXXFLAGS=-noex -mt -D_FORTEC_ -xO3
-xtarget=386 ' 'CXX=CC' 'LDFLAGS=-L/opt/csw/lib ' 'CFLAGS=-O -DDBUG_OFF
-Xa -xstrconst -mt -D_FORTEC_ -xO3 -xtarget=386   
-I/export/medusa/asmoore/build/mysql-4.1.9-i386/include -DHAVE_RWLOCK_T'
'CXXFLAGS=-O3 -DDBUG_OFF -noex -mt -D_FORTEC_ -xO3 -xtarget=386   
-I/export/medusa/asmoore/build/mysql-4.1.9-i386/include -DHAVE_RWLOCK_T'

Thanks, Alex

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Re: Problem with query and password

2005-01-31 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Looks like passwords in your table are stored in old short format.

Use old_password() instead of password(). See:

Lancer Emotion 16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everbody,i have a problem with mysql and i wish you could help me.

 I have this table named users :




 | ID | user   | pass | thegroup | firstname | surname | 




 |  1 | Admin  | *4ACFE3202A5FF5CF467 |  1 | Mr| Admin   |   1


 |  2 | admin2 | *4ACFE3202A5FF5CF467 |  1 | Mr| Admin   |   1




 The password in both cases are : admin .

 When i do any of this querys :


 select * from users where pass=password(admin);

 select * from users where pass='admin';

 select * from users where pass=password('admin'); 


 i get an empty set, i dont know why.

 When i do : 


 select password('admin')


 i get :   *4ACFE3202A5FF5CF467898FC58AAB1D615029441


 Please help me.



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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Corrupted auto_increment?

2005-01-31 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Not enough information to make a conlusion. For example this can be

a bug:

Which is fixed in 4.1.8. Send us information about exact version of MySQL

that you use, an output of SHOW CREATE TABLE on your tables, a config file,

a version of operating system, a sql statement you use. Can you reproduce a

problem on the latest release (4.1.9 now)?

Jim McAtee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A server running MySQL 3.23 crashed yesterday.  Since bringing it back 

 online, doing inserts into a particular table will throw an error 

 regarding a duplicate key value in an auto_increment field.  I assume that 

 something is corrupted.


 There are 779239 records, the most recently added having an auto_increment 

 ID field of 779239.  When a new record is added, MySQL attempts to give it 

 an ID of 779240, but then throws the error that this ID is a duplicate.


 How to fix? 



For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Mysqldump unusable, bugged?

2005-01-31 Thread matt_lists

I've seen this quite a few times, but never been able to reproduce it
I'm assuming you're running on Windows, correct?
I'd search your dump-file for DATA DIRECTORY the problem on Windows is that
it uses \ instead of / in the path names there, which makes it use it as an
escape character. Since dATA/INDEX DIRECTORY in CREATE TABLE is ignored on
Windows when importing anyways, it's safe to remove those clauses.
If you can find a way to reproduce it, feel free to add it to my old bug
report about this at:

Yes running windows
I set all the sizes to match, 256mb and I still get the same error, 
tried dumping 2 different databases from 2 different machines, identical 
structures but different data, same error

I checked line 2153 and found no '\m' or anything else out of the ordinary
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MySQL Administrator not working correctly 2nd Request

2005-01-31 Thread Joey
OK I have a Fedora Core 3 Box running MySQL-server-4.1.8-0, when I try to
manage the users on that box using the windows version of MySQL
administrator version 1.0.19 I get errors.
When I add a new user it tells me:
error while storing user information
If I look at the mysql log file is shows this:
050121 17:19:02   25917 Query   set @new_user='bob'
  25917 Query   INSERT INTO mysql.user(User, Host,
Password) VALUES(@new_user, '%', Password('testtest'))
  25917 Query   INSERT INTO mysql.user_info(User,
Full_name, Description, Email, Contact_information, Icon) VALUES(@new_user,
'Bob the tester', '', '', '', '')
  25917 Query   DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE
  25917 Query   DELETE FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE
I create a new schema / db called testing with NO ERRORS
050121 17:22:41   25917 Query   CREATE DATABASE `testing`
  25917 Query   show databases
  25917 Query   show databases
  25917 Query   show databases
  25917 Query   show databases
  25917 Query   show databases
Then I assign security to bob for the db testing:
And I get error while storing user information
Which shows this in the log:
050121 17:23:34   25917 Query   set @new_user='bob'
  25917 Query   set @goal_user='bob'
  25917 Query   SELECT Full_name, Description, Email,
Contact_information, Icon FROM mysql.user_info WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Select_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Select_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Insert_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Insert_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Update_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Update_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Delete_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Delete_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Create_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Create_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Drop_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Drop_priv AS BINARY) AS CHAR
CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS BINARY) AS
SET utf8)
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Reload_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Reload_priv AS BINARY) AS
CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, _utf8'Shutdown_priv' as pn, cast(cast(Shutdown_priv AS BINARY)
AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) as pv from mysql.user WHERE cast(cast(User AS
  25917 Query   select cast(cast(host AS BINARY) AS CHAR
utf8) as o, 

Re: Mysqldump unusable, bugged?

2005-01-31 Thread Mat
matt_lists wrote:

I've seen this quite a few times, but never been able to reproduce it
I'm assuming you're running on Windows, correct?
I'd search your dump-file for DATA DIRECTORY the problem on Windows 
is that
it uses \ instead of / in the path names there, which makes it use it 
as an
escape character. Since dATA/INDEX DIRECTORY in CREATE TABLE is 
ignored on
Windows when importing anyways, it's safe to remove those clauses.

If you can find a way to reproduce it, feel free to add it to my old bug
report about this at:

Yes running windows
I set all the sizes to match, 256mb and I still get the same error, 
tried dumping 2 different databases from 2 different machines, 
identical structures but different data, same error

I checked line 2153 and found no '\m' or anything else out of the 

You might find this useful:
Vim uses the ^M notation, but I imagine that corresponds to \m.
I have a program which can strip various newline characters out and 
replace with specified ones.
If you'd like a copy, I could fish it out?

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Sub query Help

2005-01-31 Thread Gustafson, Tim

I have written a report generator in PHP that handles creating and
paginating the results from queries into a nice, user-friendly, HTML
format.  Because it's a generic report generator, it has some quirks
about it, but I have managed to modify queries enough so that it works
in almost all cases for me.

There is one exception:

My database has the following tables:

States - A list of US States
Orders - A list of orders that have been placed
OrderItems - A list of the individual items that have been purchased on
each order

My report generator has create the following query to view a summary of
how much merchandise was purchased by customers, grouped by state:

select (select Abbreviation from States where States.ID =
Orders.BillingState) as `State`,
   count(*) as `Count`,
   (select sum(Price)
from OrderItems
where OrderItems.Order = Orders.ID) as `Price`,
from Orders
group by `BillingState`
order by `State`

The query executes, but it does not return the correct results.  It
seems to be returning the totals for one individual order rather than
the sum of all the orders.

I know there are ways I can change the overall query to fix the problem,
but I can't just change that overall query: remember, this is in a
report generator, and arguably a simple one at that.  I have to fit
everything I need to do into the column sub queries.  Is this possible?
Is there any way to modify the sub query so that it will include all
orders rather than just one?


Tim Gustafson
MEI Technology Consulting, Inc
(516) 379-0001 Office
(516) 480-1870 Mobile/Emergencies
(516) 908-4185 Fax 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Replication suddenly stops on mysql 4.1.7 with Slave_IO_Running: No

2005-01-31 Thread Jan Kirchhoff
My problem still goes on... After having had the problem 2 more times 
within 1 day, I decided to re-do the replication (copy the whole 
database onto the slave with rsync and reset master and slave). That 
only lasted for little more than 1 day and I ended up with the same error:

Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the 
master's binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running 
'mysqlbinlog' on the binary log), the slave's relay log is corrupted 
(you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog' on the relay log), a 
network problem, or a bug in the master's or slave's MySQL code. If you 
want to check the master's binary log or slave's relay log, you will be 
able to know their names by issuing 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' on this slave.

I can look at the binlog with mysqlbinlog on the master and the slave; 
no errors or problems.
After a simple SLAVE START without having done any changes to the 
database, the slave thread startet again and caught up with the master.

I've been using mysql's replication-feature since it first came up in 
1999 or 2000 and dealt with lots of problems and workarounds, but this 
one is weird. Any ideas anybody?

I have a replication setup on to linux boxes (debian woody, kernel 
2.4.21-xfs, mysql 4.1.7-standard official intel-compiler binary from

master:~# mysqladmin status
Uptime: 464848  Threads: 10  Questions: 296385136  Slow queries: 1752  
Opens: 2629  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 405  Queries per second 
avg: 637.596

slave:~# mysqladmin  status
Uptime: 463460  Threads: 2  Questions: 292885156  Slow queries: 6  
Opens: 2510  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 327  Queries per second 
avg: 631.953

both systems have identical hardware (P4 2.4ghz, 3GB RAM, 
SCSI-Hardware-RAID) connection is gigabit-ethernet.

Everything used to work fine, but I wanted to get rid of InnoDB since 
I did only use that for very big table containing historical data and 
those tables were moved to another server. I ran out of discspace, 
innodb-datafiles can only grow but not shrink and i didn't need it 
anyway, so it had to go.
I stopped the slave, changed all left over innodb-tables to myisam, 
added skip-innodb  to my.cnf on the master and the slave, restarted 
the server, renewed the replication by doing it the classical way: 
flush tables with read log, copy the /var/lib/mysql on the slave (not 
much, just around 20GB), reset master, unlock tables. Then start the 
slave-mysqld, reset slave, slave start.

Everything was fine and very fast for 4 days (from saturday till 
wednesday afternoon), then suddenly the slave stopped.
this is where the weird stuff starts:
show slave status tells me everything is fine, just 
Slave_IO_Running: No is wrong.
After typing slave start, it says Slave_IO_Running: Yes, and 
Slave_SQL_Running: No. Very strange. Now i did a slave stop;slave 
start; and everything is fine again, the slave catches up and goes 
on. Today (thursday afternoon), the same thing happens again and can 
be solved again by slave stop;slave start;. Now it happened again 
around 10pm. Again, the stop-start-trick made it working again.

I add the output of my mysql-shell
Can anybody help me with that?
This is a production system under heavy load and I can't play around 
with different mysql-versions and such...
If I don't find a solution really quick, I'll have to do help myself 
with some shell-skript-daemon checking if replication is running and 
issuing stop slave;start slave-commands otherwise... not really the 
way it should be :(

slave:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 15
model   : 2
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz
stepping: 7
cpu MHz : 2392.077
cache size  : 512 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm
bogomips: 4771.02

slave:~# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   31051042355364 749740  04401514104
-/+ buffers/cache: 8408202264284
Swap:   779144 428072 351072
master:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 15
model   : 2
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz
stepping: 7
cpu MHz : 2392.163
cache size  : 512 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm
bogomips: 4771.02

master:~# free

Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Roger Baklund
Michael Stassen wrote:
Roger Baklund wrote:
select a.address
  from a
  left join b on
  where b.iid is null;

That's not equivalent, because it leaves out a condition.  I think it 
should be

  SELECT a.address
  FROM a
  LEFT JOIN b ON = b.iid AND b.message='y'
  WHERE b.iid IS NULL;
You are of course right, thank you! :)
...and the important thing here is to put this extra condition in the ON 
clause, not in the WHERE clause.

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RE: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Harish

Hi All,

This query worked for me.

SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON != b.iid AND b.message='y'


-Original Message-
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 12:23 AM
To: Roger Baklund
Cc: mysql; Harish
Subject: Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

Roger Baklund wrote:
 Harish wrote:


 I apprecaite anybody replying me with an equvalent query for this:
 I am using mysql 4.0.21

 select a.address from a where not in (select b.iid from b where

 This can be done with a left join:

 select a.address
   from a
   left join b on
   where b.iid is null;

That's not equivalent, because it leaves out a condition.  I think it should

   SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON = b.iid AND b.message='y'
   WHERE b.iid IS NULL;


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RE: disappearing data - please help!

2005-01-31 Thread Sheryl \(Permutations Software\)
Lee wrote:

 Are you escaping the data you insert? If you have apostrophies eg.
Sheryl's Website, you could have problem if you do not escape special
chars. See if it happens with just aa (without the quotes) in all
the fields in the record...then try unescaped words with apostrophies.

I'm not, and I should be. It not the cause of my data disappearing problem
because my test data was safe, but I shouldn't assume that customer-entered
data will be safe. Thanks for the reminder.

 A nasty is case sensitivity. Some MYSQl vers. (esp. unix vers.) install
with case sensivity turned  on  - so make sure all your table names and
stuff match case.

I'm used to that with Unix - everything is case-matched.

 Par down the PHP or what ever script you're using to the minimum ie.
make the test case as blatently simple SQL as possible.

I can't reproduce it with a simple case. It's an intermittant problem, and
it seems to be related to some complexity buried in my program.

- Sheryl

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Re: Mysqldump unusable, bugged?

2005-01-31 Thread matt_lists
Found the problem
now we have this added on a few tables in the dump
DATA DIRECTORY='E:\mysql\data\campbell\' INDEX 

the restore barfs on this
not sure how to remove this, looking at options now, it only puts this 
on a couple tables, not all of them

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RE: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Harish
Hi All,

Sorry, I got a autoreply from [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was not able
to understand the autoreply and thought that the mail bouced. Please ignore
my duplicate mail.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 6:15 PM
To: mysql
Cc: Michael Stassen
Subject: Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

Michael Stassen wrote:

 Roger Baklund wrote:
 select a.address
   from a
   left join b on
   where b.iid is null;

 That's not equivalent, because it leaves out a condition.  I think it
 should be

   SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON = b.iid AND b.message='y'
   WHERE b.iid IS NULL;

You are of course right, thank you! :)

...and the important thing here is to put this extra condition in the ON
clause, not in the WHERE clause.


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Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Roger Baklund
Harish wrote:
Hi All,
This query worked for me.
SELECT a.address
   FROM a
   LEFT JOIN b ON != b.iid AND b.message='y'
Strange... that query should give far too many and wrong rows as a 
result, and it would take a long time to run on a big dataset... you are 
joining each row in table a with every row in table b with message='y', 
except that one potential row where id=iid...

I did this test:
mysql use test;
Database changed
mysql create table a(id int not null primary key,address varchar(80));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql create table b(iid int,message enum('y','n') not null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into a values (1,'addr 1'),(2,'addr 2'),
  (3,'addr 3'),(4,'addr 4'),(5,'addr 5');
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql insert into b values (1,'y'),(3,'y');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.13 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql select a.address from a left join b on!=b.iid
  and b.message='y';
| address |
| addr 1  |
| addr 2  |
| addr 2  |
| addr 3  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 5  |
| addr 5  |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
How does my data differ from yours, as you got the result you wanted 
from this query?

From your original post, I got the impression that this was what you 

mysql select a.address
-from a
-left join b on and message=y
-where b.iid is null;
| address |
| addr 2  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 5  |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
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Re: Mysqldump unusable, bugged?

2005-01-31 Thread matt_lists
matt_lists wrote:
Found the problem
now we have this added on a few tables in the dump
DATA DIRECTORY='E:\mysql\data\campbell\' INDEX 

the restore barfs on this
not sure how to remove this, looking at options now, it only puts this 
on a couple tables, not all of them

Definitly the problem, but I cant find the option to remove it
If I replace it with the following it works fine
DATA DIRECTORY='E:\\mysql\\data\\campbell\\' INDEX 

works great in test, wont work in production, the backup sql file is 
20-60 gig depending on the site, there's no way I can search and replace 
that size a file

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WHERE ... IN ()

2005-01-31 Thread Stijn Verholen
Greetings, list !
ANSI SQL has the WHERE key IN (value1, value2, ...)
MySQL doesn't seem to support this.
Is this a faulty assumption, or am i stuck with WHERE key = value1 OR 
key = value2 ...

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RE: disappearing data - please help!

2005-01-31 Thread Mark
 -Original Message-
 From: Sheryl (Permutations Software) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 31 januari 2005 14:44
 To: 'leegold';
 Subject: RE: disappearing data - please help!
  Par down the PHP or what ever script you're using to the minimum
  ie. make the test case as blatently simple SQL as possible.
 I can't reproduce it with a simple case. It's an intermittant 
 problem, and it seems to be related to some complexity
 buried in my program.

Hello Sheryl,

Well, just to rule out the obvious, what client library did you link
your PHP to? You can see that running phpinfo(). I mean, if you ever
upgraded from, say, MySQL 3.23, to, say, 4.0.18, the C headers of your
client libraries will have changed, and everything which is statically
linked to them, like PHP, should be recompiled. If your client library is
at 4.0.18, and MySQL itself at, say, 4.0.23, you would still be okay;
but with an older client library, you may expect weirdness. ;)

I'm sure you already looked into this; but just in case you didn't...

- Mark

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RE: WHERE ... IN ()

2005-01-31 Thread Jay Blanchard
ANSI SQL has the WHERE key IN (value1, value2, ...)

MySQL doesn't seem to support this.
Is this a faulty assumption, or am i stuck with WHERE key = value1 OR 
key = value2 ...

It is a faulty assumption, see

SELECT stuff FROM table
WHERE this IN (value1, value2, ...)

works just fine

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Re: WHERE ... IN ()

2005-01-31 Thread Stijn Verholen
Jay, thx for your speedy reply.
MySQL does indeed know the WHERE IN syntax (bad coding on my part).
I have another question.
There are two tables in the db from which I want to gather information.
These tables are identical, except for two fields that have different 
names, the same types (but other length constraints, although i don't 
think that is the problem here), and except for 1 field that is only 
present in the first table.

Here is my solution:
(SELECT ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, 
kadastrale_opp,prijs_zichtbaar, verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS 
hoofdtype FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop' ) UNION (SELECT ID, 
referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar, 
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype FROM panden 
WHERE doel = 'te koop' ) ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC

As u can see, I am trying to schmuck up the field that is only present 
in one table, by selecting nothing and naming it as that field name 
The query succeeds, but the row contains no data for hoofdtype.

Can somebody please enlighten me as to the correct answer.
Jay Blanchard wrote:
ANSI SQL has the WHERE key IN (value1, value2, ...)
MySQL doesn't seem to support this.
Is this a faulty assumption, or am i stuck with WHERE key = value1 OR 
key = value2 ...

It is a faulty assumption, see
SELECT stuff FROM table
WHERE this IN (value1, value2, ...)
works just fine

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Re: UNION (was: WHERE ... IN () )

2005-01-31 Thread Jigal van Hemert
 Here is my solution:
 (SELECT ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente,
 kadastrale_opp,prijs_zichtbaar, verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS
 hoofdtype FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop' ) UNION (SELECT ID,
 referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
 verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype FROM panden
 WHERE doel = 'te koop' ) ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC

 As u can see, I am trying to schmuck up the field that is only present
 in one table, by selecting nothing and naming it as that field name
 The query succeeds, but the row contains no data for hoofdtype.

UNION simply adds the records from each part to the result so far. So
instead of adding hoofdtype data to the corresponding records that were
already present in the result from the first query, the new records are
simply appended to the record set so far.

I gues you want to use a JOIN (probably a LEFT JOIN in your case) and tell
MySQL which columns to use to find matching records in the second table and
then combine the data from both tables in one record set.

Suppose `referentie` is the column to use for matching data from both

SELECT g.`ID`, g.`referentie`, g.`postcode`, g.`gemeente`,
g.`kadastrale_opp`, g.`prijs_zichtbaar`, g.`verkoopprijs`, g.`status`,
g.`adres`, p.`hoofdtype` FROM `gronden` AS g LEFT JOIN `panden` AS p ON
g.`referentie` = p.`referentie` WHERE g.`status` = 'te koop' ORDER BY
g.`verkoopprijs` ASC

ON g.`referentie` = p.`referentie`
  could be replaced with
USING (`referentie`)
  since in both tables the field has the same name.

Regards, Jigal.

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How-to copy a column

2005-01-31 Thread Syed Ali
Does anyone know the easiest way to copy a column in mysql?

I have a table (table1) which has 4 columns, I want to copy all the
contents of col1 into col2. 
Col3 is the primary unique key, so the copy has to keep the data matched
with col3.

I guess one possible way is to do a select and output to a file and then
read from the file for input into col2.

Thank you..

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RE: How-to copy a column

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
Does anyone know the easiest way to copy a column in mysql?

I have a table (table1) which has 4 columns, I want to copy all the contents
of col1 into col2. 
Col3 is the primary unique key, so the copy has to keep the data matched
with col3.

UPDATE table1 SET col2=col1;

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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Re: How-to copy a column

2005-01-31 Thread Joerg Bruehe

Am Mo, den 31.01.2005 schrieb Syed Ali um 17:14:
 Does anyone know the easiest way to copy a column in mysql?
 I have a table (table1) which has 4 columns, I want to copy all the
 contents of col1 into col2. 
 Col3 is the primary unique key, so the copy has to keep the data matched
 with col3.

UPDATE table1 SET col2 = col1
is the SQL way of doing that.
Requirements: compatible column types.

If you want to do it for some rows only, add a WHERE condition.

 I guess one possible way is to do a select and output to a file and then
 read from the file for input into col2.

Yes, if you want to do it the hard way.

Joerg Bruehe

Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer
Office:  (+49 30) 417 01 487

Are you MySQL certified?

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2005-01-31 Thread Stijn Verholen
Jigal van Hemert wrote:
Here is my solution:
(SELECT ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente,
kadastrale_opp,prijs_zichtbaar, verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS
hoofdtype FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop' ) UNION (SELECT ID,
referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype FROM panden
WHERE doel = 'te koop' ) ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
As u can see, I am trying to schmuck up the field that is only present
in one table, by selecting nothing and naming it as that field name
The query succeeds, but the row contains no data for hoofdtype.

UNION simply adds the records from each part to the result so far. So
instead of adding hoofdtype data to the corresponding records that were
already present in the result from the first query, the new records are
simply appended to the record set so far.
I gues you want to use a JOIN (probably a LEFT JOIN in your case) and tell
MySQL which columns to use to find matching records in the second table and
then combine the data from both tables in one record set.
Suppose `referentie` is the column to use for matching data from both
SELECT g.`ID`, g.`referentie`, g.`postcode`, g.`gemeente`,
g.`kadastrale_opp`, g.`prijs_zichtbaar`, g.`verkoopprijs`, g.`status`,
g.`adres`, p.`hoofdtype` FROM `gronden` AS g LEFT JOIN `panden` AS p ON
g.`referentie` = p.`referentie` WHERE g.`status` = 'te koop' ORDER BY
g.`verkoopprijs` ASC
ON g.`referentie` = p.`referentie`
  could be replaced with
USING (`referentie`)
  since in both tables the field has the same name.
Regards, Jigal.

Thx for your reply.
AFAIK, JOINs are used for combining data from tables that have 
corresponding values.
This is not the case here. The tables are very much alike in structure, 
but not in content.
I've tried your statement, and now it only returns data from one of the 

My guess is I'm stuck with the UNION solution.
When I leave out the schmucking-up things, I get an error saying that 
the number of tables do not correspond.
When I enter the '' selector again, the query succeeds, but with no 
values for 'hoofdtype'.
I've also tried making sure that every field is getting it's own column 
by adding extra '' selectors, to no avail.

Any ideas ?
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RE: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

2005-01-31 Thread Harish

You are absolutely right as per the test. I am confused. Infact, I had run a
limit on the query. So, I got the result in the first two records. So, i was
able to get a single ID which I was looking at.

My original requirement was a bit more complicated than the one I posted. I
had to check 1 million records (a table) and  half a million (b table). And,
due to transactions the a table gets updated frequently resulting in
different number of records.

- Harish

-Original Message-
From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 6:48 PM
To: mysql
Cc: Harish; Michael Stassen
Subject: Re: Need a query to get the difference of two tables

Harish wrote:
 Hi All,

 This query worked for me.

 SELECT a.address
LEFT JOIN b ON != b.iid AND b.message='y'

Strange... that query should give far too many and wrong rows as a
result, and it would take a long time to run on a big dataset... you are
joining each row in table a with every row in table b with message='y',
except that one potential row where id=iid...

I did this test:

mysql use test;
Database changed
mysql create table a(id int not null primary key,address varchar(80));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql create table b(iid int,message enum('y','n') not null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into a values (1,'addr 1'),(2,'addr 2'),
   (3,'addr 3'),(4,'addr 4'),(5,'addr 5');
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into b values (1,'y'),(3,'y');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.13 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql select a.address from a left join b on!=b.iid
   and b.message='y';
| address |
| addr 1  |
| addr 2  |
| addr 2  |
| addr 3  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 5  |
| addr 5  |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

How does my data differ from yours, as you got the result you wanted
from this query?

 From your original post, I got the impression that this was what you

mysql select a.address
 -from a
 -left join b on and message=y
 -where b.iid is null;
| address |
| addr 2  |
| addr 4  |
| addr 5  |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)


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2005-01-31 Thread Michael Stassen
Stijn Verholen wrote:
Jigal van Hemert wrote:
Here is my solution:
(SELECT ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente,
kadastrale_opp,prijs_zichtbaar, verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS
hoofdtype FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop' ) UNION (SELECT ID,
referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype FROM panden
WHERE doel = 'te koop' ) ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
As u can see, I am trying to schmuck up the field that is only present
in one table, by selecting nothing and naming it as that field name
The query succeeds, but the row contains no data for hoofdtype.
UNION simply adds the records from each part to the result so far. So
instead of adding hoofdtype data to the corresponding records that were
already present in the result from the first query, the new records are
simply appended to the record set so far.
I gues you want to use a JOIN (probably a LEFT JOIN in your case) and 
MySQL which columns to use to find matching records in the second 
table and
then combine the data from both tables in one record set.

Suppose `referentie` is the column to use for matching data from both
SELECT g.`ID`, g.`referentie`, g.`postcode`, g.`gemeente`,
g.`kadastrale_opp`, g.`prijs_zichtbaar`, g.`verkoopprijs`, g.`status`,
g.`adres`, p.`hoofdtype` FROM `gronden` AS g LEFT JOIN `panden` AS p ON
g.`referentie` = p.`referentie` WHERE g.`status` = 'te koop' ORDER BY
g.`verkoopprijs` ASC
ON g.`referentie` = p.`referentie`
  could be replaced with
USING (`referentie`)
  since in both tables the field has the same name.
Regards, Jigal.
Thx for your reply.
AFAIK, JOINs are used for combining data from tables that have 
corresponding values.
This is not the case here. The tables are very much alike in structure, 
but not in content.
I've tried your statement, and now it only returns data from one of the 

My guess is I'm stuck with the UNION solution.
When I leave out the schmucking-up things, I get an error saying that 
the number of tables do not correspond.
You mean number of columns, don't you?
When I enter the '' selector again, the query succeeds, but with no 
values for 'hoofdtype'.
I've also tried making sure that every field is getting it's own column 
by adding extra '' selectors, to no avail.

Any ideas ?
I have one.  Prior to mysql 4.1.1, column widths were determined by the 
first SELECT in the UNION.  If you are using an earlier version, your first 
SELECT sets the column width for hoofdtype to 0, because you are selecting 
an empty string.  You should be able to fix this by either reversing the 
order of your two SELECTs, or by replacing the empty string with a string 
filled with sufficient spaces.  That is, change your query to

ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype
  FROM panden WHERE doel = 'te koop')
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS hoofdtype
  FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop')
  ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
or something like:
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS hoofdtype
  FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop')
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype
  FROM panden WHERE doel = 'te koop')
  ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
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2005-01-31 Thread Stijn Verholen
Thx Michael, your first suggestion (reversing the order of the UNION 
terms) worked like a charm.

Michael Stassen wrote:
Stijn Verholen wrote:
Jigal van Hemert wrote:
Here is my solution:
(SELECT ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente,
kadastrale_opp,prijs_zichtbaar, verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS
hoofdtype FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop' ) UNION (SELECT ID,
referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype FROM panden
WHERE doel = 'te koop' ) ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
As u can see, I am trying to schmuck up the field that is only present
in one table, by selecting nothing and naming it as that field name
The query succeeds, but the row contains no data for hoofdtype.

UNION simply adds the records from each part to the result so far. So
instead of adding hoofdtype data to the corresponding records that were
already present in the result from the first query, the new records are
simply appended to the record set so far.
I gues you want to use a JOIN (probably a LEFT JOIN in your case) and 
MySQL which columns to use to find matching records in the second 
table and
then combine the data from both tables in one record set.

Suppose `referentie` is the column to use for matching data from both
SELECT g.`ID`, g.`referentie`, g.`postcode`, g.`gemeente`,
g.`kadastrale_opp`, g.`prijs_zichtbaar`, g.`verkoopprijs`, g.`status`,
g.`adres`, p.`hoofdtype` FROM `gronden` AS g LEFT JOIN `panden` AS p ON
g.`referentie` = p.`referentie` WHERE g.`status` = 'te koop' ORDER BY
g.`verkoopprijs` ASC
ON g.`referentie` = p.`referentie`
  could be replaced with
USING (`referentie`)
  since in both tables the field has the same name.
Regards, Jigal.
Thx for your reply.
AFAIK, JOINs are used for combining data from tables that have 
corresponding values.
This is not the case here. The tables are very much alike in 
structure, but not in content.
I've tried your statement, and now it only returns data from one of 
the tables.

My guess is I'm stuck with the UNION solution.
When I leave out the schmucking-up things, I get an error saying that 
the number of tables do not correspond.

You mean number of columns, don't you?
When I enter the '' selector again, the query succeeds, but with no 
values for 'hoofdtype'.
I've also tried making sure that every field is getting it's own 
column by adding extra '' selectors, to no avail.

Any ideas ?

I have one.  Prior to mysql 4.1.1, column widths were determined by the 
first SELECT in the UNION.  If you are using an earlier version, your 
first SELECT sets the column width for hoofdtype to 0, because you are 
selecting an empty string.  You should be able to fix this by either 
reversing the order of your two SELECTs, or by replacing the empty 
string with a string filled with sufficient spaces.  That is, change 
your query to

ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype
  FROM panden WHERE doel = 'te koop')
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS hoofdtype
  FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop')
  ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC
or something like:
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, status, adres, '' AS hoofdtype
  FROM gronden WHERE status = 'te koop')
ID, referentie, postcode, gemeente, kadastrale_opp, prijs_zichtbaar,
verkoopprijs, doel AS status, straat AS adres, hoofdtype
  FROM panden WHERE doel = 'te koop')
  ORDER BY verkoopprijs ASC

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Re: bash powered MySQL Queries

2005-01-31 Thread beacker
I just wanted to know what would be the easiest way to retrieve simple data 
from a MySQL database from a bash script.

 Easiest way I've used to do it is:

mysql EOQ
select count(1) from tables;

Which allows you to feed random queries to mysql from a bash script.

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Re: bash powered MySQL Queries

2005-01-31 Thread andy thomas
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Andy wrote:

 Hi all

 I just wanted to know what would be the easiest way to retrieve simple data
 from a MySQL database from a bash script.

I do this a lot - just construct the query and dump it into a file from
within the script, eg:

echo select * from widgets where colour = 'red';  /tmp/query

Then pipe the query into the mysql command line client and the result is
echoed to stdin:

$RESULT=`mysql -u user -ppassword widget_sales  /tmp/query`

and the variable $RESULT contains the result of your query.


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Re: How-to copy a column

2005-01-31 Thread beacker
I have a table (table1) which has 4 columns, I want to copy all the
contents of col1 into col2. 
Col3 is the primary unique key, so the copy has to keep the data matched
with col3.

 Sounds like what you want to do is

update table1 set col2 = col1;

which will copy the contents of col1 in each record to col2.
   Brad Eacker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: bash powered MySQL Queries

2005-01-31 Thread Andy
Thank you all for your replies.

I think that ShellSQL is really the thing I am looking for.

With kind regards


On Sun January 30 2005 23:50, Andy wrote:
 Hi all

 I just wanted to know what would be the easiest way to retrieve simple data
 from a MySQL database from a bash script.

 With kind regards


 Registered Linux user number 379093

Registered Linux user number 379093

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Re: bash powered MySQL Queries

2005-01-31 Thread Jason Martin
On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 06:57:58PM +, Edward Macnaghten wrote:
 1 - The output is not cluttered with headers, and a means exist to 
 easily separate fields when there is more than one column or row in the 
The mysql --batch option should take care of that for you.

-Jason Martin
If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush..
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Re: ANNOUNCE: ShellSQL 0.7

2005-01-31 Thread Edward Macnaghten
Forgive me replying to my own post
There is a bug in the MySQL engine of this suite (shmysql).  This has 
been fixed in ShellSQL-0.7.1 at the below mentioned places.  If you have 
downloaded 0.7 you should download 0.7.1 and re-install (only shmysql is 
effected here, all the other programs are the same).

Thanks for your patience
Edward Macnaghten wrote:
Announcing ShellSQL 0.7 to an unsuspecting world...
ShellSQL is a utility to allow SQL to be intergrated easily into 
UNIX/LINUX shell scripts.

The web page is at - and at 
sourceforge at .

Version 0.7 includes many bug fixes and tidy ups.  A new utility to
import a file into a table (or use it to update tables), more 
input/output formats (CSV, Tab delimited etc) and a new engine (freetds 
for MS-SQL/Sybase engines) - (The MySQL engine was one of the originals 

Eddy Macnaghten

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Re: Replication suddenly stops on mysql 4.1.7 with Slave_IO_Running: No

2005-01-31 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I've looked through the bug database, and the only thing

that I've found was an already-closed bug:

Check that your server passes rpl_relayspace.test. Go to the mysql-test

directory and execute:

  ./mysql-test-run t/rpl_relayspace.test   


Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 My problem still goes on... After having had the problem 2 more times 

 within 1 day, I decided to re-do the replication (copy the whole 

 database onto the slave with rsync and reset master and slave). That 

 only lasted for little more than 1 day and I ended up with the same error:


 Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the 

 master's binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running 

 'mysqlbinlog' on the binary log), the slave's relay log is corrupted 

 (you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog' on the relay log), a 

 network problem, or a bug in the master's or slave's MySQL code. If you 

 want to check the master's binary log or slave's relay log, you will be 

 able to know their names by issuing 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' on this slave.


 I can look at the binlog with mysqlbinlog on the master and the slave; 

 no errors or problems.

 After a simple SLAVE START without having done any changes to the 

 database, the slave thread startet again and caught up with the master.


 I've been using mysql's replication-feature since it first came up in 

 1999 or 2000 and dealt with lots of problems and workarounds, but this 

 one is weird. Any ideas anybody?





 I have a replication setup on to linux boxes (debian woody, kernel 

 2.4.21-xfs, mysql 4.1.7-standard official intel-compiler binary from

 master:~# mysqladmin status

 Uptime: 464848  Threads: 10  Questions: 296385136  Slow queries: 1752  

 Opens: 2629  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 405  Queries per second 

 avg: 637.596

 slave:~# mysqladmin  status

 Uptime: 463460  Threads: 2  Questions: 292885156  Slow queries: 6  

 Opens: 2510  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 327  Queries per second 

 avg: 631.953

 both systems have identical hardware (P4 2.4ghz, 3GB RAM, 

 SCSI-Hardware-RAID) connection is gigabit-ethernet.

 Everything used to work fine, but I wanted to get rid of InnoDB since 

 I did only use that for very big table containing historical data and 

 those tables were moved to another server. I ran out of discspace, 

 innodb-datafiles can only grow but not shrink and i didn't need it 

 anyway, so it had to go.

 I stopped the slave, changed all left over innodb-tables to myisam, 

 added skip-innodb  to my.cnf on the master and the slave, restarted 

 the server, renewed the replication by doing it the classical way: 

 flush tables with read log, copy the /var/lib/mysql on the slave (not 

 much, just around 20GB), reset master, unlock tables. Then start the 

 slave-mysqld, reset slave, slave start.

 Everything was fine and very fast for 4 days (from saturday till 

 wednesday afternoon), then suddenly the slave stopped.

 this is where the weird stuff starts:

 show slave status tells me everything is fine, just 

 Slave_IO_Running: No is wrong.

 After typing slave start, it says Slave_IO_Running: Yes, and 

 Slave_SQL_Running: No. Very strange. Now i did a slave stop;slave 

 start; and everything is fine again, the slave catches up and goes 

 on. Today (thursday afternoon), the same thing happens again and can 

 be solved again by slave stop;slave start;. Now it happened again 

 around 10pm. Again, the stop-start-trick made it working again.

 I add the output of my mysql-shell

 Can anybody help me with that?

 This is a production system under heavy load and I can't play around 

 with different mysql-versions and such...

 If I don't find a solution really quick, I'll have to do help myself 

 with some shell-skript-daemon checking if replication is running and 

 issuing stop slave;start slave-commands otherwise... not really the 

 way it should be :(




 slave:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo

 processor   : 0

 vendor_id   : GenuineIntel

 cpu family  : 15

 model   : 2

 model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz

 stepping: 7

 cpu MHz : 2392.077

 cache size  : 512 KB

 fdiv_bug: no

 hlt_bug : no

 f00f_bug: no

 coma_bug: no

 fpu : yes

 fpu_exception   : yes

 cpuid level : 2

 wp  : yes

 flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 

 mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm

 bogomips: 4771.02

 slave:~# free

  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached

 Mem:   31051042355364 749740  04401514104

 -/+ buffers/cache: 8408202264284

 Swap:   779144 428072 351072


 master:~# cat 

Re: disappearing data

2005-01-31 Thread Sasha Pachev
Sheryl Canter wrote:
I've got a weird problem that's driving me nuts. I'm updating a set of
scripts for a customer database that supports sending out software
registration codes in real time. I've had this working for some time now,
but I'm having the most frustrating problem. Data I've inserted simply
A sure way to fix weird problems like this is to get organized a bit. Here is 
how I would approach this problem:

 * Make sure all of your queries are being sent through the same interface in 
your script. The way I accomplish this in mine is to create a subroutine called 
safe_query() and use only that to issue a query. This way you can control a lot 
of things, such as error checking, logging, timing, etc.

 * Make sure to check for errors diligently.
 * Make your version of safe_query() logs everything query it is sending to the 

 * Study the logs thoroughly and with a clear mind ( good sleep strongly 

 * If after implementing the above steps the problem does not become obvious, 
run mysqld with --log option and capture every command it receives. You could 
indeed have a goblin script/cron-job that deletes the records or something crazy 
like that, and this will help you detect it.

Sasha Pachev
AskSasha Linux Consulting
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Changing own password on 3.x

2005-01-31 Thread Jesse Sheidlower

I'm asking on behalf of someone; I don't have access to the
machine in question:

How do you change your own password in MySQL 3.23.58, without
access to the mysql table?

The user in question discovered that he was only able to change
the password from the particular machine he was logged in from,
not for 'user'@'%'.

I see that the docs say that the SET PASSWORD FOR format is
possible only for clients with access to the mysql table. But
when the user logged into machine 'server1' and issued SET
PASSWORD = PASSWORD('newpassw0rd'), he set the password for

Is there any way he can do this, or does he need an admin
to issue a SET PASSWORD FOR command?

Thanks. I didn't see this raised on the mailing lists
recently, or in Paul's book, but I'd think it would be
something people would want to do fairly commonly.

Jesse Sheidlower

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Re: Changing own password on 3.x

2005-01-31 Thread Sasha Pachev
Jesse Sheidlower wrote:
I'm asking on behalf of someone; I don't have access to the
machine in question:
How do you change your own password in MySQL 3.23.58, without
access to the mysql table?
The user in question discovered that he was only able to change
the password from the particular machine he was logged in from,
not for 'user'@'%'.
I see that the docs say that the SET PASSWORD FOR format is
possible only for clients with access to the mysql table. But
when the user logged into machine 'server1' and issued SET
PASSWORD = PASSWORD('newpassw0rd'), he set the password for
Is there any way he can do this, or does he need an admin
to issue a SET PASSWORD FOR command?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is not the same as [EMAIL PROTECTED] They are separate entities and have 
their own sets of privileges, unless the user was created with a wild card in 
the host, which does not appear to be the case in your situation.

Therefore, in order to change the password for all the personalities of this 
user, he needs to log in from each of his personality hosts, and set it on a 
case-by-case basis.

Sasha Pachev
AskSasha Linux Consulting
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SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Chris Kavanagh
Dear list,
My ColdFusion server tells me I have an error in my query syntax, but I 
can't work out what it is - because I'm working with code that someone 
very kindly gave me and I only have a vague idea of what the first 
line's doing!  Can anyone see the problem here?

SELECT DATEDIFF(leadtime_type, GETDATE(), deadline)'Difference',
FROM tasks
		JOIN leadtime_type ON tasks.lead_time_type_id = 

Thanks in advance,
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Re: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Roger Baklund
Chris Kavanagh wrote:
My ColdFusion server tells me I have an error in my query syntax, but I 
can't work out what it is - because I'm working with code that someone 
very kindly gave me and I only have a vague idea of what the first 
line's doing!  Can anyone see the problem here?

SELECT DATEDIFF(leadtime_type, GETDATE(), deadline)'Difference',
FROM tasks
JOIN leadtime_type ON tasks.lead_time_type_id = 
It would be helpfll if you told us what error message you got, and what 
version of MySQL you are using.

The only obvious error I can spot is GETDATE(), this is not a standard 
MySQL function. Try CURDATE().

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RE: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
My ColdFusion server tells me I have an error in my query syntax, but I
can't work out what it is - because I'm working with code that someone very
kindly gave me and I only have a vague idea of what the first line's doing!
Can anyone see the problem here?

SELECT DATEDIFF(leadtime_type, GETDATE(), deadline)'Difference',
FROM tasks
JOIN leadtime_type ON tasks.lead_time_type_id =

The datediff() function is new to version 4.1. What version of mysql are you

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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MySQL + PHP - Search Engine question!

2005-01-31 Thread Matt Babineau
Hi All -

I'm building a search engine and what I would like to do is run a search and
get the number of results, but still use the LIMIT command so I am not
returning a ton of rows all at once.

Is this the best way to go about searching?


Matt Babineau
p: 858.733.0160

Re: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Chris Kavanagh
Thanks very much for the replies, guys.  My version is 4.1.7-max.
The error message I get is:
Error Executing Database Query.
Syntax error or access violation: You have an error in your SQL syntax; 
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the 
right syntax to use near ' deadline)'Difference',  tasks.leadtime,  
tasks.lead_time_type_id,  leadtime_' at line 1

I changed GETDATE() to CURDATE() but it still gives me the same error.  
Thanks for the suggestion anyway, Roger.

Best regards,
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Re: Mysql + PHP - Search

2005-01-31 Thread Matt Babineau
I just answered my own question actually!

- snip from -
MySQL 4.0 supports a fabulous new feature that allows you to get the number
of rows that would have been returned if the query did not have a LIMIT
clause. To use it, you need to add SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to the query, e.g.

$sql = Select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from table where state='CA' limit 50;
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$sql = Select FOUND_ROWS();
$count_result = mysql_query($sql);

You now have the total number of rows in table that match the criteria. This
is great for knowing the total number of records when browsing through a

Matt Babineau
p: 858.733.0160

RE: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
I think datediff only takes two arguments and you have three listed.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Chris Kavanagh
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: SQL syntax error: help a noob

Thanks very much for the replies, guys.  My version is 4.1.7-max.

The error message I get is:
Error Executing Database Query.

Syntax error or access violation: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near ' deadline)'Difference',  tasks.leadtime,
tasks.lead_time_type_id,  leadtime_' at line 1

I changed GETDATE() to CURDATE() but it still gives me the same error.  
Thanks for the suggestion anyway, Roger.

Best regards,

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SOLVED: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Chris Kavanagh
On 31 Jan 2005, at 11:39 pm, Tom Crimmins wrote:
I think datediff only takes two arguments and you have three listed.
Nailed it!  Thanks, Tom.
Best regards,
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Help with a query using multiple LEFT JOINS

2005-01-31 Thread Graham Cossey
I'm hoping someone can help with a little problem I'm having with a query.

In the query below I wish to return as least one row per tbl1, however I am
only getting rows where there is at least an entry for tbl2 :


FROM tbl1 as d
LEFT JOIN tbl2 as r ON d.dcode=r.dcode
LEFT JOIN tbl3 as pc ON (r.code=pc.code AND pc.from_period = 200412 AND
pc.to_period  200412)
LEFT JOIN tbl4 as st ON st.scode=r.scode

WHERE r.mcode='AB'
  AND d.status!='X'
  AND d.region='1A'
  AND r.year=2004
  AND r.month IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
  AND = 'B'

GROUP BY d.dcode, r.code

Can anyone help me see the light and show me where I'm being stupid?



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missing my.cnf file?

2005-01-31 Thread sol beach
I have inhertited this old Solaris x86 system with MYSQL installed on it.

mdb:/tmp 15:38:08 [539]# uname -a
SunOS 5.7 Generic_106542-24 i86pc i386 i86pc

I would rate myself as an advanced novice WRT MYSQL
To a large deree this system is running OK.

However, it does seem to be smacking into the limit of 100 concurrent
AFAIK, no /etc/my.cnf file  no $HOME/.my.cnf file exist.
I've looked  looked at the startup scripts  do not see any
--config-file qualifier be specified.

datadir=/a/mysqldata/   and there is no *cnf file in this folder either

# find / -name \*cnf -ls
941333 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2179 Apr  9  2002
941343 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2464 Apr  9  2002
941353 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2480 Apr  9  2002
941363 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2502 Apr  9  2002
3826293 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2179 Nov 15 09:57
3826303 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2464 Nov 15 09:57
3826313 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2480 Nov 15 09:57
3826323 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2502 Nov 15 09:57
6962157 -rw-r--r--  1 root other7146 Jul 11  2002

I may be wrong but I am convinced that MYSQL is reading some file to
acquire values for its varialbles.
How do I identify which file it is using?

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RE: Help with a query using multiple LEFT JOINS

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
If you mean that you want to get a row even if tbl2 does not have a matching
row for dcode, then move the conditions into the ON clause.

Example based off of what you had:

FROM tbl1 as d
LEFT JOIN tbl2 as r ON (d.dcode=r.dcode AND r.mcode='AB' AND r.year=2004 AND
r.month IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))
LEFT JOIN tbl3 as pc ON (r.code=pc.code AND pc.from_period = 200412 AND
pc.to_period  200412) 
LEFT JOIN tbl4 as st ON st.scode=r.scode

WHERE d.status!='X'
  AND d.region='1A'
  AND = 'B'

GROUP BY d.dcode, r.code

You may want to do the same for tbl4 depending on the behavior you are
looking for.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Graham Cossey
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 5:48 PM
Subject: Help with a query using multiple LEFT JOINS

I'm hoping someone can help with a little problem I'm having with a query.

In the query below I wish to return as least one row per tbl1, however I am
only getting rows where there is at least an entry for tbl2 :


FROM tbl1 as d
LEFT JOIN tbl2 as r ON d.dcode=r.dcode
LEFT JOIN tbl3 as pc ON (r.code=pc.code AND pc.from_period = 200412 AND
pc.to_period  200412) LEFT JOIN tbl4 as st ON st.scode=r.scode

WHERE r.mcode='AB'
  AND d.status!='X'
  AND d.region='1A'
  AND r.year=2004
  AND r.month IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
  AND = 'B'

GROUP BY d.dcode, r.code

Can anyone help me see the light and show me where I'm being stupid?



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Table scan in join on primary keys??

2005-01-31 Thread Nick Arnett
I'm updating one table with data from another and finding that the 
server is doing a table scan on the second table, even though it's a 
simple join on the primary keys.  This doesn't seem right.  The query 
looks liket this:

UPDATE a SET a.y TO b.a WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
and if I do the equivalent SELECT:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
it shows that it's doing a table scan on table b.
Is this normal?  Is it because primary keys are unique?  I had imagined 
that this would be a very fast operation, but it's not, it's 
surprisingly slow.

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Re: Log data transfer amount?

2005-01-31 Thread John May
Anyone have any ideas on this one? :
I've scoured the MySQL manuals...  does anyone know if there's any 
way to log the amount of data that individual queries produce?  Eg: 
like bytes transferred in a web server log?

	- John
John May : President
Point In Space Internet Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Professional Lasso / PHP / MySQL / FileMaker Pro Hosting
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I want to get schema infomation in MySQL DB for schema.

2005-01-31 Thread ninjajs

ORACLE DBMS have a information for table or column in database
dictionary, such as, USER_TAB_COLUMNS, USER_TABLES.

Don't have any data base dictionary in MySQL, as ORACLE?

thank you.

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Subquery Oddity? Or where is the error I'm missing?

2005-01-31 Thread Ryan Sommers
While working tonight on some query work I came across the following 
situation. Bare with me as I build up all the pieces of the final two 
queries, then notice how the subqueried version fails, but the 
substituted version doesn't. What am I missing in here:

mysql SELECT parent_path FROM category WHERE id=2;
| parent_path |
| 1   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT CONCAT((SELECT parent_path FROM category WHERE id=2), ,2);
| CONCAT((SELECT parent_path FROM category WHERE id=2), ,2) |
| 1,2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT * FROM category WHERE parent_path=CONCAT((SELECT 
parent_path FROM category WHERE id=2), ,2);
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM category WHERE parent_path=1,2;
| id | name   | parent | children | leafs | parent_path | seq  |
|  3 | Developers |  2 |0 | 0 | 1,2 |0 |
|  5 | Users  |  2 |0 | 0 | 1,2 |0 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT * FROM category WHERE parent_path LIKE CONCAT((SELECT 
parent_path FROM category WHERE id=2), ,2);
Empty set (0.00 sec)

| VERSION()   |
| 4.1.5-gamma |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Ryan Sommers
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Re: Table scan in join on primary keys??

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Stassen
If those were your real queries, I'd say a table scan is appropriate, as you 
are asking for every row (no WHERE condition, just a join).

This would be a lot easier to answer if you'd actually show us the EXPLAIN 

Nick Arnett wrote:
I'm updating one table with data from another and finding that the 
server is doing a table scan on the second table, even though it's a 
simple join on the primary keys.  This doesn't seem right.  The query 
looks liket this:

UPDATE a SET a.y TO b.a WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
and if I do the equivalent SELECT:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
it shows that it's doing a table scan on table b.
Is this normal?  Is it because primary keys are unique?  I had imagined 
that this would be a very fast operation, but it's not, it's 
surprisingly slow.


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Re: Table scan in join on primary keys??

2005-01-31 Thread Michael Stassen
If those were your real queries, I'd say a table scan is appropriate, as you 
are asking for every row (no WHERE condition, just a join).

This would be a lot easier to answer if you'd actually show us the EXPLAIN 

Nick Arnett wrote:
I'm updating one table with data from another and finding that the 
server is doing a table scan on the second table, even though it's a 
simple join on the primary keys.  This doesn't seem right.  The query 
looks liket this:

UPDATE a SET a.y TO b.a WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
and if I do the equivalent SELECT:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
it shows that it's doing a table scan on table b.
Is this normal?  Is it because primary keys are unique?  I had imagined 
that this would be a very fast operation, but it's not, it's 
surprisingly slow.


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Column Permissions?

2005-01-31 Thread Thomas Matthews
I am wondering if it is possible to limit privileges for a user account 
based on information stored within specific columns.  For example, I 
plan to include a `username` column on a table with the hope of having 
each user log into the database using their own credentials and only be 
able to INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE rows where their username is what 
the `username` column is populated with.

Keep in mind that the users will have access to issue any query they 
wish against the database so I would like to restrict this at the server 

Thank you in advance.
Thomas Matthews
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Re: bash powered MySQL Queries

2005-01-31 Thread Edward Macnaghten
Forgive me for blowing my own trumpet here.
The advantage with ShellSQL over this method is
1 - The output is not cluttered with headers, and a means exist to 
easily separate fields when there is more than one column or row in the 

2 - The connection is persistant, whereas running mysql for each 
command will open and close a connection with all the overhead that 
comes with that.  ShellSQL also enables you to do transactions begin 
and commit at the beginning and end of the script.


andy thomas wrote:
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, Andy wrote:

Hi all
I just wanted to know what would be the easiest way to retrieve simple data
from a MySQL database from a bash script.

I do this a lot - just construct the query and dump it into a file from
within the script, eg:
echo select * from widgets where colour = 'red';  /tmp/query
Then pipe the query into the mysql command line client and the result is
echoed to stdin:
$RESULT=`mysql -u user -ppassword widget_sales  /tmp/query`
and the variable $RESULT contains the result of your query.

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