Re: Subquery error

2005-06-17 Thread David Griffiths

Short-answer: use IN instead of =


Your query is kind of weird. I think you want to use IN:

SELECT memberid, fullname FROM members WHERE memberid IN (select 
distinct memberid FROM familymembers)

The equals implies an exact match between the top-level, and the 
sub-query, but I am guessing your sub-query will return more than one 
row, and that's where your problem lies.

Oracle won't let you do it (I haven't worked with anything other than 
4.0 in MySQL, so I can't say regarding 4.1) - complains that a 
single-row-subquery returns more than one row.

If you do this in Oracle:

select * from listing_status where listing_status_id = (select 
listing_status_id from listing_status where rownum  2)

it will work, as the sub-query returns exactly one row. Not sure how 
MySQL would handle it if you put a LIMIT on it. But I don't think 
that's what you are trying to do.

(also) David

Oracle, I believe, will


David Kagiri wrote:

i get an error when i run the query below though SQLyog.

SELECT memberid,fullname FROM members WHERE memberid
= (select distinct memberid FROM familymembers)

the error is

Error Code : 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select
distinct memberid FROM familymembers)' at line 2

(60 ms taken)

i use MySQL version is 4.1.7 dosent it support subqueries?

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Re: AES Encryption

2005-06-17 Thread Jigal van Hemert
From: Martin

 For my tests I used the blob field (not varchar or anything else), but
 compared to your tests, I didn't use MySQL 5.0.6 (as it's still a beta)
 I used MySQL 4.1. Maybe that's part of the problem, although I'm not sure.

FWIW: I tested it on 4.0.23-standard, with the same results as Gleb found...

 So it's really quite strange, but so far I solved it by limiting the
 of characters by 256 in my application, but ofcourse that's not ideal...

1) Did you try to directly use the output of the aes_encrypt function as
input for the aes_decrypt function?
2) You didn't happen to use a TINYBLOB field? (Which of course is limited to
storing 255 bytes)

Regards, Jigal.

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Does the kernel options MAXSSIZ affect the MySQL max connections on FreeBSD

2005-06-17 Thread huang leo

 I just did a test to find out the MySQL4.1.12 max connections on FreeBSD 
5.4 Release and FreeBSD 4.11 Release. 
 The first test, the MAXSSIZ is default(64MB), and MAXSDIZ is 1GB because 
I have 1GB memory. The second test, I setted the MAXSSIZ=1GB, and the 
MAXDSIZ is also 1GB. The two test show that the MySQL max connections is 
the same. The max connections is about 1000.
 Have anyone kown how to tune the FreeBSD and MySQL to increase the max 

Best regards,
leo huang

 MSN Messenger:  

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Re: Does the kernel options MAXSSIZ affect the MySQL max connections on FreeBSD

2005-06-17 Thread Gu Lei
huang leo :

 I just did a test to find out the MySQL4.1.12 max connections on
 FreeBSD 5.4 Release and FreeBSD 4.11 Release. The first test, the
 MAXSSIZ is default(64MB), and MAXSDIZ is 1GB because I have 1GB
 memory. The second test, I setted the MAXSSIZ=1GB, and the MAXDSIZ is
 also 1GB. The two test show that the MySQL max connections is the
 same. The max connections is about 1000.
 Have anyone kown how to tune the FreeBSD and MySQL to increase the max

 Best regards,
 leo huang

  MSN Messenger:

mysql show variables like '%max%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| bdb_max_lock | 1 |
| ft_max_word_len | 84 |
| group_concat_max_len | 1024 |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | 90 |
| innodb_max_purge_lag | 0 |
| max_allowed_packet | 1048576 |
| max_binlog_cache_size | 4294967295 |
| max_binlog_size | 1073741824 |
| max_connect_errors | 10 |
| max_connections | 100 |
| max_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_error_count | 64 |
| max_heap_table_size | 16777216 |
| max_insert_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_join_size | 18446744073709551615 |
| max_length_for_sort_data | 1024 |
| max_relay_log_size | 0 |
| max_seeks_for_key | 4294967295 |
| max_sort_length | 1024 |
| max_tmp_tables | 32 |
| max_user_connections | 0 |
| max_write_lock_count | 4294967295 |
| myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 2147483648 |
| myisam_max_sort_file_size | 2147483647 |
24 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can see max_connections=100.

Change that variable to get max connections you want.


Gu Lei


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Re: Mysqlhotcopy.

2005-06-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko


Miguel Burgos O. wrote:

 I install the last version of mysql and got this 


 $mysqlhotcopy test

 File '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/?.conf' not found (Errcode: 2)


 What happened ?


 Best regards,









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Re: How can I make permanent timeout variable settings???

2005-06-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Putting this variables into configuration file works for me. Have you

tried slave_net_timeout? Please send the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS




  I have some problems loading data from Master. I am using the circular

 replication procedure for example a-b-c-a. Since I ran out of disk in

 my main server, my other servers started reporting duplicate entries



  I thought going it from scratch to take the complete data from the

 Master server to the slave machines. I used the following command.

 LOAD DATA FROM MASTER after clearing the data folders in the slave



  But if shows me a timeout error. I then tired to increase the

 net_read_timeout, net_write_timeout and the wait_timeout. But this

 doesn't seem to work since I get the same error's.


  And the settings that I made has not been assigned permanently. When I

 tried for Show Variables. It shows me the default settings.


 How can I make my changes permanent until I move my Data from the Master

 to the Slave machine.


 Thanks for your suggestions in advance, please.


 Kind Regards




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Re: AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

MySQL on 64-bit AMD rises lots of questions. There is an Opteron HOWTO


I can't give any advice except sending to the list the output of SHOW 

STATUS and SHOW PROCESSLIST statements performed when MySQL uses a lot 

of memory. If you  able check your test on MySQL 4.1.12.

Joe Kislo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual CPU

 machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC

 4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently

 running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)

 from three separate windows (so three imports running simultaneously). 

 The database dump is about 3.7 gigs uncompressed, or 580megs

 compressed.  It was dumped using the following dump parameters:

 --add-locks --extended-insert --quick --lock-tables --all --disable-keys


 Each window has as script that creates a database, imports the data,

 dumps the database, and repeats.


 After about 12 cycles (each take about an hour) mysql starts spewing

 these errors:


 ERROR 1041 at line 195: Out of memory;  Check if mysqld or some other

 process uses all available memory. If not you may have to use 'ulimit'

 to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space


 I, unfortunately, have not been at the server when this actually

 happens, however when I come in in the morning top is reporting mysqld

 taking up between 2.7 gigs and 3.2 gigs of memory.  I have had a vmstat

 running all night, and at no point saw the system run out of swap space

 (it did over the course of the 15 hours or so, slowly hit swap up for

 about 60megs out of 2 gigs though).  


 Obviously checking ulimit was my first stop, however I believe MySQLd

 does it's own setuid... And I'm not sure it uses PAM to get it's initial

 ulimits.  Either way, I do this:


 su mysql -s /bin/sh

 sh-3.00$ ulimit -a


 core file size(blocks, -c) 0

 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited

 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited

 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited

 max memory size   (kbytes, -m) unlimited

 open files(-n) 8192

 pipe size  (512 bytes, -p) 8

 stack size(kbytes, -s) 8192

 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited

 max user processes(-u) unlimited

 virtual memory(kbytes, -v) unlimited


 Which implies it should be able to alloc quite a bit of memory without



 So my first question, is it appears to be konking out around 4 gigs of

 memory.  Is there some reason why mysqld can't allocate more than

 4gigs?  I confirmed I *am* running the 64-bit binary:


 file /usr/sbin/mysqld

 /usr/sbin/mysqld: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1

 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),



 This system has 4 gigs of memory in it. So if it tried to allocate

4gigs, it would have had to hit swap up harder than 60megs.  It seems

 like mysqld is hitting the 32bit allocation limit, but that doesn't

 particularly make sense to me.  Anybody have their mysqld allocating

4gigs?  Anything else I can try here?


 The second thing is, I have no idea why mysql is taking up so much

 memory.  For the first 5 runs or so, mysql only allocates about 800

 megs.  Sometime during the night, is when it jumps up in memory.. I

 don't really understand why if it didn't need 3+ gigs of memory after

 the first 5 complete runs (x3 of course... since there's 3 running in

 parallel), it would suddenly need more later.


 Either way, lets do some math.  Mysql is 2.7 gigs this morning, which is

 about half a gig less than yesterday morning.


 2.7 gigs


 Key buffer: 512m

 Tmp Table: 128m

 sort buffer size: 512m

 join buffer size: 512m

 query cache: 256m


 KeyBuffer=512m, I could see that possibly not being returned.. So lets

 assume 512M there.  There are no threads connected at the moment because

 I have shutdown the test, so tmptable should take up 0, but lets say it

 didn't return 3x128M (384M).  Sort buffer size is 512M, well it may have

 used that for the alter table  activate keys... and never returned

 it, so 512M there.  Join buffer size, not a single select query was used

 ever, 0M.  Query cache, 0M.  3x16M max packet.


 So I see 512M+384+512M+48M=1.4gigs.  I have no idea why mysql is using

 this much memory... especially after it successfully performs 5 cycles

 with considerably less.


 Any ideas?


 here's the my.cnf



 user= mysql

 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port= 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language= /usr/share/mysql/english




 key_buffer  = 

Concorrent users

2005-06-17 Thread 'Yemi Obembe
Hi all,
just want to know if there is a specific number of concorent users dat can 
query from a mysql databasee at d same time.


A passion till tomorrow,
Opeyemi Obembe |

Yahoo! Sports
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Re: Concorrent users

2005-06-17 Thread Alec . Cawley
'Yemi Obembe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 17/06/2005 09:40:39:

 Hi all,
 just want to know if there is a specific number of concorent users 
 dat can query from a mysql databasee at d same time.

MySQL has a configurable limit to the number of simultaneous connections 
that it can support. See
This can be increased provided you have the system resources to handle the 
increased number of connections.

On a finer grain, MySQL will interleave simultaneous queries, subject to 
table locking, as they pause requiring disk access. However, once they are 
performing memory-locked operations, a single query will lock a CPU. On 
multi-CPU machines, it will generally run queries in parallel on the 
separate CPUs.


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2005-06-17 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde


the syntax for creating a triggers is :
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event
ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_stmt

Is there any other possibilities than FOR EACH ROW ?
If I do :
CREATE TABLE test(foo varchar(5));
ON test FOR EACH ROW do_something;
INSERT INTO test(foo) VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c');
it would trigger trigger_name for the 3 inserts, right ? Any chance to 
trigger trigger_name only once at the end ???

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.

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Re: Triggers

2005-06-17 Thread Ruben Oliveira

yes there is :


   This specifies whether the trigger procedure should be fired once
   for every row affected by the trigger event, or just once per SQL
   statement. If neither is specified, FOR EACH STATEMENT is the default.

Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:


the syntax for creating a triggers is :
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event
ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_stmt

Is there any other possibilities than FOR EACH ROW ?
If I do :
CREATE TABLE test(foo varchar(5));
ON test FOR EACH ROW do_something;
INSERT INTO test(foo) VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c');
it would trigger trigger_name for the 3 inserts, right ? Any chance to 
trigger trigger_name only once at the end ???

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Re: Triggers

2005-06-17 Thread SGreen
If that works for MySQL, the official documentation doesn't show it:

I don't have a copy of the 5.0+ source or I could check the 
sql/sql_yacc.yy file to see if the syntax is supported. Anyone else able 
to help out here?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ruben Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/17/2005 09:14:48 AM:

 yes there is :


 This specifies whether the trigger procedure should be fired once
 for every row affected by the trigger event, or just once per SQL
 statement. If neither is specified, FOR EACH STATEMENT is the default.
 Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:

  the syntax for creating a triggers is :
  CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event
  ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_stmt
  Is there any other possibilities than FOR EACH ROW ?
  If I do :
  CREATE TABLE test(foo varchar(5));
  ON test FOR EACH ROW do_something;
  INSERT INTO test(foo) VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c');
  it would trigger trigger_name for the 3 inserts, right ? Any chance to
  trigger trigger_name only once at the end ???

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InnoDB: Space issues

2005-06-17 Thread James Green


One of our servers has a 30GB+ ibdata1 file. We just switched on per 
table tablespaces and have begun moving tables out into their own files.

But I still need to reduce the 30GB+ down to a more reasonable level to 
free up disk space. This is essential.

The only references I can find for this are to use mysqldump to reload 
the tables. This isn't an option for us due to the size of the dataset 
and it's 24/7 availability, hence we bought innodb hot backup.

And thus we are looking for suggestions. Any advice appreciated.



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Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread asteddy
I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but I 
don't know how to see it. I have found something like Webex website, but I 
don't see any software to download there. Can you help me please? 
Why is there nothing specified about that type of file on the download page of 
the seminar?
Thank you very much.


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Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread mfatene
there is link take the free trial on webex site. haven't you seen the seconf
button ?


Selon asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but I
 don't know how to see it. I have found something like Webex website, but I
 don't see any software to download there. Can you help me please?
 Why is there nothing specified about that type of file on the download page
 of the seminar?
 Thank you very much.


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Re: Triggers

2005-06-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

SQL 99 allows action Granularity FOR EACH STATEMENT, and it is default.

But FOR EACH ROW is more common and it seems MySQL supports only second.

When Granualarity FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger action occurs only once, when

FOR EACH ROW - once for each row (3 times in your case). 

Philippe Poelvoorde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 the syntax for creating a triggers is :

 CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event

 ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_stmt


 Is there any other possibilities than FOR EACH ROW ?

 If I do :

 CREATE TABLE test(foo varchar(5));


 ON test FOR EACH ROW do_something;

 INSERT INTO test(foo) VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c');

 it would trigger trigger_name for the 3 inserts, right ? Any chance to 

 trigger trigger_name only once at the end ???


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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Scott Plumlee
I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both 
MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to use 
mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the 
InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are mutually 
exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the 
tables when the database dump is performed?

Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be best 
for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few MyISAM 

WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts, and 
specifying particular commands for individual tables?

Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.

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Re: Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread asteddy
Thank you, but why has mysql made seminars wich must be seen with a non-free 
software with a 14 days trial? Is there nothing else to see it? 

there is link take the free trial on webex site. haven't you seen the seconf
button ?


Selon asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but I
 don't know how to see it. I have found something like Webex website, but I
 don't see any software to download there. Can you help me please?
 Why is there nothing specified about that type of file on the download page
 of the seminar?
 Thank you very much.


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread mfatene
Mysql seminar organizer's should answer.


Selon asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thank you, but why has mysql made seminars wich must be seen with a non-free
 software with a 14 days trial? Is there nothing else to see it?

 there is link take the free trial on webex site. haven't you seen the
 button ?
 Selon asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but
  don't know how to see it. I have found something like Webex website, but I
  don't see any software to download there. Can you help me please?
  Why is there nothing specified about that type of file on the download
  of the seminar?
  Thank you very much.
  MySQL General Mailing List
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  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Gordon Bruce
If you are runing binary log and do a 

mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables MyISAM table names
mysqldump --opt --single-transaction INNODB table names

You have a recoverable state with the combination of the mysqldump file
and the binary log file that was started by the 1st FLUSH LOGS command.
The recovered database wil be restored to the date time that the 2nd
FLUSH LOGS command was issued instead of the start time of the backup,
but you won't have to lock all of your tables and it wil give you a
consistent state across a mixed INNODB MyISAM environment. 

The downside is 
-you have 3 files to deal with
-you have to maintain the table names in the mysqldump commands
-you have a small risk of a change ocurring in the MyISAM 
 tables between time the 2nd FLUSH LOGS is executed and the 2nd 
 mysqldump command is executed

-Original Message-
From: Scott Plumlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both 
MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to use

mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the 
InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are mutually 
exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the 
tables when the database dump is performed?

Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be best 
for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few MyISAM 

WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts, and

specifying particular commands for individual tables?

Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.

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INSERT statements with columns that don't exist

2005-06-17 Thread Davy Durham

  I was wondering if there's a way to make mysql not care about (or 
ignore) columns in an insert statement that don't exist in the table.  
For example, I have a dump from a table with 10 columns, but the new 
table has one of the columns dropped.. well restoring from the dump 
causes errors.. is there a way to ignore the unknown columns?

This is something that's going to happen programatically and from time 
to time.  I know in the above example I can create the columns, then 
drop them.. but I was looking for a simpler solution if there is one.


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problem installing 5.7 on alpha

2005-06-17 Thread Simon Tierney
Can anyone help, please, when I tar -xvzf this file I am getting the error

Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error

and installation exits

I tried to acquire the Compaq compilers mentioned under platforms in case
it is a gcc problem, but the page is history.

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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
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InnoDB: Error: tablespace

2005-06-17 Thread Mikel -

Hi list,

I have the following error in a MySQL server:

050617 09:16:35  mysqld started
InnoDB: Error: tablespace size stored in header is 8660992 pages, but
InnoDB: the sum of data file sizes is only 6432768 pages
050617  9:16:40  InnoDB: Started
/usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections

And here is the background:
This server is setting up as a slave server,  We configured it via master's 
full backup, so we copied all the directories of the data bases, ibdata 
files and its config file almost is equals to the master config file the 
only differences are the ibdata_path.

When the server starts,  displays the previous message.

I checked the size of the master's ibdata files versus the slave's and both 
files are the same size.

I did a count(*) from all the tables, check table of all the tables and it 
seems that all the tables are fine.

Any suggestions to correct the slave message error.

Thanks in advanced and greetings

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Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread Jake Peavy
On 6/17/05, asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but I 
 don't know how to see it. 

Use the WebEx player at


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Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?
Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value) 
Where field2  =Another Value;

Re: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Scott Plumlee

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Plumlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 10:21 AM
 Subject: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

 I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both
 MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to use

 mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the
 InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are mutually
 exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the
 tables when the database dump is performed?

 Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be best
 for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few MyISAM

 WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts, and

 specifying particular commands for individual tables?

 Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.

 Gordon Bruce wrote:
If you are runing binary log and do a 

mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables MyISAM table names
mysqldump --opt --single-transaction INNODB table names

You have a recoverable state with the combination of the mysqldump file
and the binary log file that was started by the 1st FLUSH LOGS command.
The recovered database wil be restored to the date time that the 2nd
FLUSH LOGS command was issued instead of the start time of the backup,
but you won't have to lock all of your tables and it wil give you a
consistent state across a mixed INNODB MyISAM environment. 

The downside is 
	-you have 3 files to deal with

-you have to maintain the table names in the mysqldump commands
	-you have a small risk of a change ocurring in the MyISAM 
	 tables between time the 2nd FLUSH LOGS is executed and the 2nd 
	 mysqldump command is executed

Thanks for the tip.  I haven't looked into binary logs too much, just 
learned about them the other day when I had to correct my own mistake 
and restore a table.

Is is best practice to go with tables of all one sort to allow for 
consistent state when doing backups like this, or are mixed tables the 
norm in most databases?  I went with the InnoDB in order to not have to 
do row level locking on the tables as transactions were performed and 
I've been very pleased with the results.  I might consider just going 
with all InnoDB to make it easy, as those are the majority of my tables 
in this case.

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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread SGreen
Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:

 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 
 Where field2  =Another Value;


OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

RE: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

2005-06-17 Thread Gordon Bruce
There are 3 things [that are exclusivly MyISAM}.

Full Text index
autoincrement column as the last column in a multi column primary key
MERGE tables

Tables  which don't require these features can be INNODB tables. We have
a few tables that use these, otherwise we are exclusively INNODB.

There is another way to do backups. It's what we use.

Capture the file names in your database
Extract the .frm files and build select into outfile and coresponding
load data infile statements for each file name {i.e.table} 

select * into outfile '/usr/data/mailprint/day/user.txt' from
load data infile 'user.txt' ignore into table user; 

put the select statements in a file with flush logs before and after the
set of select statements

run the file through a CRON as mysql -h ... filename 

Now we have a text file for each table in a directory which we can
zip/tar, move to a different machine snd selectively restore the tables
via the load data commands, restore a single table in a test database
and recover/rebuild a specific tabel in the live database, etc.

Our 4GB database takes  5 minutes to save every night. A full restore
takes 30 minutes including moving the data files to the right place. We
keep 1 month of the nightly copies and day 1 of each month for a year.
We have development, stage and live servers and started doing this to
give us better granularity for selectively synching tables or parts of
tables. {I need these 500 rows from this table to move the dev project
to staging}. It has also been invaluable in the time when a developer
was on the wrong server and inadvertantly corupted an entire column of
the user table. We did not want to take down the site and do a
restore/rollforward to right before the stupid command was executed.
We just needed to fix the data in this one column in one table.

Sorry I started to ramble.

Oh I almost forgot, we also periodically dump the structure with 

mysqldump --no-datato capture the structure. 

Our table defintitions are relatively stable so we don't do it every
night. You could put it in the cron job to do it with the backup.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Plumlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together

  -Original Message-
  From: Scott Plumlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 10:21 AM
  Subject: Backup database with MyISAM and InnoDB tables together
  I'm not clear on best practice to use on a database containing both
  MyISAM and InnoDB tables.  For the MyISAM tables, it seems better to
  mysqldump --opt, thus getting the --lock-tables option, but for the
  InnoDB the --single-transaction is preferred.  Since they are
  exclusive, is there a best practice to get consistent state of the
  tables when the database dump is performed?
  Would `mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction` be
  for a database that is mostly InnoDB tables, but does have a few
  WOuld I be better off locking the database from any updates/inserts,
  specifying particular commands for individual tables?
  Any advice appreciated, including RTFMs with links.
  Gordon Bruce wrote:
 If you are runing binary log and do a 
 mysqldump --opt --skip-lock-tables MyISAM table names
 mysqldump --opt --single-transaction INNODB table names
 You have a recoverable state with the combination of the mysqldump
 and the binary log file that was started by the 1st FLUSH LOGS
 The recovered database wil be restored to the date time that the 2nd
 FLUSH LOGS command was issued instead of the start time of the backup,
 but you won't have to lock all of your tables and it wil give you a
 consistent state across a mixed INNODB MyISAM environment. 
 The downside is 
   -you have 3 files to deal with
   -you have to maintain the table names in the mysqldump commands
   -you have a small risk of a change ocurring in the MyISAM 
tables between time the 2nd FLUSH LOGS is executed and the 2nd 
mysqldump command is executed

Thanks for the tip.  I haven't looked into binary logs too much, just 
learned about them the other day when I had to correct my own mistake 
and restore a table.

Is is best practice to go with tables of all one sort to allow for 
consistent state when doing backups like this, or are mixed tables the 
norm in most databases?  I went with the InnoDB in order to not have to 
do row level locking on the tables as transactions were performed and 
I've been very pleased with the results.  I might consider just going 
with all InnoDB to make it easy, as those are the majority of my tables 
in this case.

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Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread Eric Braswell

asteddy wrote:

Thank you, but why has mysql made seminars wich must be seen with a non-free software with a 14 days trial? Is there nothing else to see it? 

We haven't :)

You can download a free player at:

This is not a trial version but is completely free, and is available for 
Windows, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. It's possible also to view them in Linux 
using a browser plugin (I had to Google a bit for that).

The 14-day trial is for those wanting to _host_ a webex seminar.

I will make sure that we provide a link to the Webex player on all web 
seminar signup pages. 

Hope you enjoy the seminars -- they have been getting extremely popular!


Eric Braswell
Webmaster   MySQL AB
Cupertino, USA

there is link take the free trial on webex site. haven't you seen the seconf
button ?


Selon asteddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have found Mysql Performance Tuning Seminar available for download, but I
don't know how to see it. I have found something like Webex website, but I
don't see any software to download there. Can you help me please?
Why is there nothing specified about that type of file on the download page
of the seminar?
Thank you very much.


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Re: Wrf files: how can I read them?

2005-06-17 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

asteddy wrote:
 Thank you, but why has mysql made seminars wich must be seen with a non-free 
 software with a 14 days trial? Is there nothing else to see it? 


I would guess because nothing free has the functionality and
ease-of-use that WebEx has, especially when you consider the scale of
the audience that attends the seminars _live_, very few solutions free
or not work, while WebEx works well?

If you know of something that works better, and doesn't require a lot of
production to put in place (like writing seminars in flash and rolling
out our own call-in numbers, remember we're a database company, not a
multimedia production house), why not recommend it?



- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Connectivity
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Interesting Hardware Article

2005-06-17 Thread David Griffiths
Anandtech has an interesting article 
( on hardware for Linux 
database servers.

Some very interesting conclusions:

1) Moving to 64-bit MySQL on a 64-bit Xeon actually decreases 
performance by about 12% on average, while an Opteron running 64-bit 
MySQL gets a 32% performance increase.

2) Innodb scales better (obviously)

3) A server with one CPU that has a dual-core Opteron (the X2 CPUs) is 
faster than a server with two single-core CPUs.

4) SuSE SLES 9.1 outperforms Gentoo by about 12%

I would take Anandtech with a grain of salt - this isn't what they 
normally do, and I can't verify their benchmarking was reasonably 
accurate (surprised at the disks they used - one ATA, one SCSI).


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Re: Interesting Hardware Article

2005-06-17 Thread Dan Rossi

On 18/06/2005, at 4:28 AM, David Griffiths wrote:

Anandtech has an interesting article 
( on hardware for 
Linux database servers.

Some very interesting conclusions:

1) Moving to 64-bit MySQL on a 64-bit Xeon actually decreases 
performance by about 12% on average, while an Opteron running 64-bit 
MySQL gets a 32% performance increase.

2) Innodb scales better (obviously)

3) A server with one CPU that has a dual-core Opteron (the X2 CPUs) is 
faster than a server with two single-core CPUs.

4) SuSE SLES 9.1 outperforms Gentoo by about 12%

I would take Anandtech with a grain of salt - this isn't what they 
normally do, and I can't verify their benchmarking was reasonably 
accurate (surprised at the disks they used - one ATA, one SCSI).

Umm the benchmarks between XEON and Opteron have been around since the 
Opteron came out. Typically I would say its been tweaked for a unix 
environment whereas the XEON has been tweaked for a windoze one ;)

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Re: Interesting Hardware Article

2005-06-17 Thread Sebastian

probably biased towards AMD.

money is a powerful thing, which is why it should be taken with a grain 
of salt as you stated.
i would guess the 12% decrease on 64bit xeon and 32% increase on 64bit 
opteron is BS. why didn't they try itanium instead? ;)

David Griffiths wrote:

Anandtech has an interesting article 
( on hardware for 
Linux database servers.

Some very interesting conclusions:

1) Moving to 64-bit MySQL on a 64-bit Xeon actually decreases 
performance by about 12% on average, while an Opteron running 64-bit 
MySQL gets a 32% performance increase.

2) Innodb scales better (obviously)

3) A server with one CPU that has a dual-core Opteron (the X2 CPUs) is 
faster than a server with two single-core CPUs.

4) SuSE SLES 9.1 outperforms Gentoo by about 12%

I would take Anandtech with a grain of salt - this isn't what they 
normally do, and I can't verify their benchmarking was reasonably 
accurate (surprised at the disks they used - one ATA, one SCSI).


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can innodb_buffer_pool_size be set 2Gb on FreeBSD?

2005-06-17 Thread Brady Brown
Have any of you MySQL/FreeBSD cats successfully set 
innodb_buffer_pool_size  2G without runing into any of the memory 
allocation problems found on Linux platforms?

Although I have been given good advice to migrate to an AMD platform 
overcome this limitation (and will do so eventually), I am looking for a 
shorter-term solution to beat this 2Gb malloc limit on a 32-bit machine.

Can it be done with FreeBSD? Are there any memory allocation issues when 
linking to the Linux Thread Library?  Are there other FreeBSD tuning 
measures that need to be taken?

Looking forward to hearing from those who have charted this territory.



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Re: can innodb_buffer_pool_size be set 2Gb on FreeBSD?

2005-06-17 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Friday 17 June 2005 02:38 pm, Brady Brown wrote:
 Have any of you MySQL/FreeBSD cats successfully set
 innodb_buffer_pool_size  2G without runing into any of the memory
 allocation problems found on Linux platforms?

It has nothing to do with linux.. its an x86 thing.. So no..  

However, some kernels have things to let you go over, but you get weird 
results when doing so.


Description: PGP signature

Re: alter only an enum label

2005-06-17 Thread Jake Peavy
On 6/16/05, Gabriel B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If i have a table with about 800M records. and one of the fields is a
 enum(a, b, c) and i want to change it to enum(a,b,x) 

My understanding (such as it is) is that the best way to do this is to add a 
second column with enum('a','b','x') and set the value using the integer 
value of the first column as follows. (adding 0 casts enum as integer)

ALTER TABLE table ADD new_column enum('a','b','x');
UPDATE table SET new_column = old_column + 0;
ALTER TABLE table DROP old_column;

Execution time is dependent on the speed of the update, but it would need to 
read every row.

Re: can innodb_buffer_pool_size be set 2Gb on FreeBSD?

2005-06-17 Thread David Griffiths

I'll post something I heard about when looking into upgrading Oracle 8i 
from Windows to Oracle 10g on Linux.

To get more memory for the process, you would enable big memory page, 
and then create an in-memory temp file system; you could then allocate 
extra memory for a process, and part of it would be swapped out to this 
temp file system in memory. Red Hat Advanced Server was the OS of choice 
for those who did it - I played around with it, but couldn't get Oracle 
to start with larger memory settings (we weren't running on RedHat AS). 
Maybe you'll have more luck.

A good page that talked about this was,

Good luck.


Jeff Smelser wrote:

On Friday 17 June 2005 02:38 pm, Brady Brown wrote:

Have any of you MySQL/FreeBSD cats successfully set
innodb_buffer_pool_size  2G without runing into any of the memory
allocation problems found on Linux platforms?

It has nothing to do with linux.. its an x86 thing.. So no..  

However, some kernels have things to let you go over, but you get weird 
results when doing so.



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simple data GUI editor?

2005-06-17 Thread D_C
i was wondering if people can recommend a simple Excel like tool for
editing data?

MySql control center - seems to have limitations (unicode, not in dev

Query browser - have to type raw sql to show/hide columns...

ideally i want something with a few more features than either of these,
eg list data in a vertical table rather than just horizontal...
lookups to other tables

but more oriented to lots of interactive editing of the DB data than DB
admin. I guess more like an Access GUI... (puts on flame pants)

+ ideally not very expensive :-)


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RE: simple data GUI editor?

2005-06-17 Thread Berman, Mikhail

Actually MS-Access through ODBC should work for you 

-Original Message-
From: D_C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: simple data GUI editor?

i was wondering if people can recommend a simple Excel like tool for
editing data?

MySql control center - seems to have limitations (unicode, not in dev

Query browser - have to type raw sql to show/hide columns...

ideally i want something with a few more features than either of these,
eg list data in a vertical table rather than just horizontal...
lookups to other tables

but more oriented to lots of interactive editing of the DB data than DB
admin. I guess more like an Access GUI... (puts on flame pants)

+ ideally not very expensive :-)


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Re: simple data GUI editor?

2005-06-17 Thread Carl
We use MySQL-Front from Star-Tools GmbH ( works pretty
much like you have asked.


- Original Message -
From: Berman, Mikhail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: simple data GUI editor?


Actually MS-Access through ODBC should work for you

-Original Message-
From: D_C [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: simple data GUI editor?

i was wondering if people can recommend a simple Excel like tool for
editing data?

MySql control center - seems to have limitations (unicode, not in dev

Query browser - have to type raw sql to show/hide columns...

ideally i want something with a few more features than either of these,
eg list data in a vertical table rather than just horizontal...
lookups to other tables

but more oriented to lots of interactive editing of the DB data than DB
admin. I guess more like an Access GUI... (puts on flame pants)

+ ideally not very expensive :-)


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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.7.5/18 - Release Date: 6/15/2005

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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread mfatene
There is one caveat: It is not currently possible to modify a table and select
from the same table in a subquery.

this phrase is from

create table t as Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some

Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From t Where field2=Some
 Where field2  =Another Value;

mysql select * from upd;
| a| b|
|1 | one  |
|1 | two  |
|2 | one  |
|2 | two  |
|1 | Un   |
5 rows in set (0.09 sec)

mysql create table t as select * from upd where b='Un';
mysql update upd set a=(select a from t where b='Un') where b='one';
mysql select * from upd;
| a| b|
|1 | one  |
|1 | two  |
|1 | one  |  changed
|2 | two  |
|1 | Un   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some
 Where field2  =Another Value;


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Re: can innodb_buffer_pool_size be set 2Gb on FreeBSD?

2005-06-17 Thread mfatene
i don't think so. 2 go is a limit of almsot 32-bits plateform, linux or others.
Migrate to 64-bits.


Selon Brady Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Have any of you MySQL/FreeBSD cats successfully set
 innodb_buffer_pool_size  2G without runing into any of the memory
 allocation problems found on Linux platforms?

 Although I have been given good advice to migrate to an AMD platform
 overcome this limitation (and will do so eventually), I am looking for a
 shorter-term solution to beat this 2Gb malloc limit on a 32-bit machine.

 Can it be done with FreeBSD? Are there any memory allocation issues when
 linking to the Linux Thread Library?  Are there other FreeBSD tuning
 measures that need to be taken?

 Looking forward to hearing from those who have charted this territory.



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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Sorry, I thought it was easy to understand.
I wanna update a field in a table with a value from the same field but from a 
different record of the same table. 
For example, using the query in my original message,
|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | GHI   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value)
 Where field2 =Another Value;

This query should set FIELD1 of Record 3 to 'DEF'
|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | DEF   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |

That's it!  Should be easy but I get an error that says You can't specify 
target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause
- Thanks

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 11:03:40 AM 
Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:

 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 
 Where field2 =Another Value;


OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: can innodb_buffer_pool_size be set 2Gb on FreeBSD?

2005-06-17 Thread mfatene
pretty interesting. i'll test it for oracle. But the db_cache will be a simple
swap file. i don't think it's as good as real memory for dirty lists


Selon David Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'll post something I heard about when looking into upgrading Oracle 8i
 from Windows to Oracle 10g on Linux.

 To get more memory for the process, you would enable big memory page,
 and then create an in-memory temp file system; you could then allocate
 extra memory for a process, and part of it would be swapped out to this
 temp file system in memory. Red Hat Advanced Server was the OS of choice
 for those who did it - I played around with it, but couldn't get Oracle
 to start with larger memory settings (we weren't running on RedHat AS).
 Maybe you'll have more luck.

 A good page that talked about this was,

 Good luck.


 Jeff Smelser wrote:

 On Friday 17 June 2005 02:38 pm, Brady Brown wrote:
 Have any of you MySQL/FreeBSD cats successfully set
 innodb_buffer_pool_size  2G without runing into any of the memory
 allocation problems found on Linux platforms?
 It has nothing to do with linux.. its an x86 thing.. So no..
 However, some kernels have things to let you go over, but you get weird
 results when doing so.

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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Eric Bergen

Could you accomplish this with an update and self join?

Ed Reed wrote:

Sorry, I thought it was easy to understand.

I wanna update a field in a table with a value from the same field but from a different record of the same table. 
For example, using the query in my original message,

|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | GHI   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value)
Where field2 =Another Value;

This query should set FIELD1 of Record 3 to 'DEF'

|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | DEF   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |

That's it!  Should be easy but I get an error that says You can't specify target 
table 'table1' for update in FROM clause

- Thanks


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 11:03:40 AM 

Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:


Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 


Where field2 =Another Value;



OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


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Ordinal number within a table

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Is there way to return the ordinal position of a value within a table?
Let's say I have a table of phone numbers. Over time the table has had 
additions and deletions. The table has an autonumber ID field. If I sort by the 
ID field I'd like to know what position the number '555-1212' is in the table.
Any thoughts?

Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 2:03:02 PM 
There is one caveat: It is not currently possible to modify a table and select
from the same table in a subquery.

this phrase is from 

create table t as Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some

Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From t Where field2=Some
Where field2 =Another Value;

mysql select * from upd;
| a | b |
| 1 | one |
| 1 | two |
| 2 | one |
| 2 | two |
| 1 | Un |
5 rows in set (0.09 sec)

mysql create table t as select * from upd where b='Un';
mysql update upd set a=(select a from t where b='Un') where b='one';
mysql select * from upd;
| a | b |
| 1 | one |
| 1 | two |
| 1 | one | changed
| 2 | two |
| 1 | Un |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Selon Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some
 Where field2 =Another Value;


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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply.
What do you mean by 'self join'?

 Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 4:39:28 PM 
Could you accomplish this with an update and self join?

Ed Reed wrote:

Sorry, I thought it was easy to understand.
I wanna update a field in a table with a value from the same field but from a 
different record of the same table. 
For example, using the query in my original message,
| 1 | ABC | A Value |
| 2 | DEF | Some Value |
| 3 | GHI | Another Value |
| 4 | JKL | More Values |


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value)
Where field2 =Another Value;

This query should set FIELD1 of Record 3 to 'DEF'
| 1 | ABC | A Value |
| 2 | DEF | Some Value |
| 3 | DEF | Another Value |
| 4 | JKL | More Values |

That's it! Should be easy but I get an error that says You can't specify 
target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause
- Thanks


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  6/17/05 11:03:40 AM 

Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:


Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 


Where field2 =Another Value;



OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


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5.0.7 Upgrade (from 4.1) on OS X doesn't recognize datadir

2005-06-17 Thread Bruce Dembecki

So I am attempting a 5.0 upgrade from 4.1 on one of our OS X servers...

When attempting to launch mysqld it quits, with this error (showing  
two from the log files, happens with our build or the MySQL binary):

050617 14:03:46  mysqld started
line 2: --datadir=/mysqldata2: No such file or directory

050617 14:03:46  mysqld ended

050617 14:07:58  mysqld started
mysqld_safe64: line 2: --datadir=/mysqldata2: No such file or directory

050617 14:07:58  mysqld ended

Needless to say /mysqldata2 is present and accounted for, and has the  
correct permissions for mysql to be able to read/write data... It is  
a symlink to another volume, but if I substitute the true path to the  
volume, I get the same error...

I had problems with one version of 4.1 having problems figuring out  
where to write the log files and it turned out to be an absolute file  
name issue... eg it treated /logs/binlogs as being relative to the  
data directory, and not an absolute directory... I resolved that by  
changing the log file setting to read ../logs/binlogs and it worked  
fine. Assuming there was a similar problem here I have tried various  
levels of ../../mysqldata2 to make sure I am escaping from whatever  
directory it is starting me in, and have failed to get there, after  
switching up 7 levels, far more than would be needed to get back to  
root from anywhere in /usr/local/mysql-any-version

Any idea how I can get MySQL 5.0 to launch here would be greatly  
appreciated :-)

Best Regards, Bruce

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Re: Ordinal number within a table

2005-06-17 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jun 17), Ed Reed said:
 Is there way to return the ordinal position of a value within a table?
 Let's say I have a table of phone numbers. Over time the table has
 had additions and deletions. The table has an autonumber ID field. If
 I sort by the ID field I'd like to know what position the number
 '555-1212' is in the table.

In Oracle you could simply use the internal rownum column.  In MySQL,
you can use a user variable in a subquery to keep a row count during
the select process:

SET @row=0;
SELECT (@row:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) AS row, ename, empno FROM emp ORDER BY empno;
| row | ename  | empno |
|   1 | SMITH  |  7369 |
|   2 | ALLEN  |  7499 |
|   3 | WARD   |  7521 |
|   4 | JONES  |  7566 |
|   5 | MARTIN |  7654 |
|   6 | BLAKE  |  7698 |
|   7 | CLARK  |  7782 |
|   8 | SCOTT  |  7788 |
|   9 | KING   |  7839 |
|  10 | TURNER |  7844 |
|  11 | ADAMS  |  7876 |
|  12 | JAMES  |  7900 |
|  13 | FORD   |  7902 |
|  14 | MILLER |  7934 |
SET @row=0;
 SELECT (@row:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) AS row, ename, empno FROM emp ORDER BY empno
 ) t WHERE ename='scott';
| row | ename | empno |
|   8 | SCOTT |  7788 |

Dan Nelson

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Re: Ordinal number within a table

2005-06-17 Thread Jigal van Hemert
From: Ed Reed

 Is there way to return the ordinal position of a value within a table?

 Let's say I have a table of phone numbers. Over time the table has had
additions and deletions. The table has an autonumber ID field. If I sort by
the ID field I'd like to know what position the number '555-1212' is in the

I'm not sure why you'd want to know this, but it's generally a good idea to
abandon the thought that records in a database are stored in a certain order
with a position number attached to them.

The internal way of storing data differs from engine to engine and you can
never be sure that these internals will not be modified in newer releases of

It's best to think of a table as a collection of records which can be
presented in the way you want. The way the database decides to store the
data is in many cases not relevant at all; that's the job of the database.

Regards, Jigal.

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