Re: Weird delete behavior on mysql 4.0 - rows not disappearing....

2005-09-01 Thread David Griffiths

No, with the default transaction isolation level, REPEATABLE READ, 
that's how it is supposed to work. You've started a transaction in 
Window B, so Window B is immune to changes made in Window A until you 
finish the transaction in Window B. See the manual for details;

I haven't explicitly started any transactions in Window B - it's select-only 
(with autocommit set to 0). Are you
saying that even though transactions have happend and been committed in Window 
A, I won't be able to see those
transactions in Window B?

The relevant part of the documentation in the link you sent is,

The query see[s] the changes made by exactly those transactions that committed 
before that point of time, and
no changes made by later or uncommitted transactions. The exception to this 
rule is that the query sees the
changes made by the transaction itself that issues the query.

In otherwords, if you start a query (and it's a long running query), you won't 
see the results of any data
committed by another session during the running of that query. Fine. That's 

But if I am doing only queries (no transactions) via a connection, and no query 
is running when I commit data in
another session, then the query-window should see the results of those changes.

I suspect that the mysql client is implicitly starting a transaction when you do a 
set autocommit=0. Thus, any
changes made by any other sessions won't be visible till you do a commit or 
rollback. Each time a commit or
rollback is issued in the non-auto-commit session, you can see data changed by 
other sessions.

Regardless, this is not a repeatable-read issue. I think it's a mysql client 
issue, and the fact that the client
is creating transactions for you in the background.

This is not how the Oracle client works - you are always in non-auto-commit 
mode (and I'd love to figure out
how to set that - autocommit is so dangerous), and until you actually start a 
transaction with an update, insert,
delete or select-for-update, no transaction is started, and you can see the 
changes made by other sessions once
they've been committed (I tested SQL*Plus on Oracle 8i to make sure).


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Re: a mysqldump question

2005-09-01 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 Yesterday I try to migrate a database from mysql version is '4.1.5-gamma' to

 mysql version 3.23.45 using mysqldump:


 loki# mysqldump clasificados  /usr/backup/clasificados.sql

You should remove column and table options. Some of them are new in 4.1

and aren't present in 3.23. Perform a dump using --compatible=mysql323

command line option. If it doesn't help, specify the necessary options

manually (like --compatible=no_table_options,no_field_options

--skip-opt). See:

Migrating from 4.1.x to 3.23.x usually isn't a good idea. Why don't you

want to use the latest release (4.1.14 now)?


 Hi all


 Yesterday I try to migrate a database from mysql version is '4.1.5-gamma' to

 mysql version 3.23.45 using mysqldump:

 in the source server I executed:


 loki# mysql

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 1955 to server version: 4.1.5-gamma-log


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql use clasificados

 Database changed

 mysql show tables;


 | Tables_in_clasificados |


 | ad |

 | advertiser |

 | advertisers|

 | banners|

 | category   |

 | favourites |

 | payment|

 | picture|

 | template   |

 | user   |


 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql show create table banners;






 | Table   | Create Table






 | banners | CREATE TABLE `banners` (

  `bid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `del` int(11) default NULL,

  `cid` int(11) default NULL,

  `btype` int(11) default NULL,

  `filename` varchar(155) default NULL,

  `goto_url` varchar(255) default NULL,

  `status` int(11) default NULL,

  `hits` int(11) default NULL,

  `days` int(11) default NULL,

  `y_day` int(11) default NULL,

  `clicks` int(11) default NULL,

  `added` varchar(8) default NULL,

  `run_for_days` int(11) default NULL,

  `run_for_hits` int(11) default NULL,

  `run_for_clicks` int(11) default NULL,

  `run_in_group` int(11) default NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY  (`bid`)






 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql quit




 loki# mysqldump clasificados  /usr/backup/clasificados.sql

 loki# ls -la /usr/backup/

 total 5588

 drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  512 Aug 30 16:06 .

 drwxr-xr-x  19 root  wheel  512 Aug 30 16:00 ..

 -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   975599 Aug 30 16:05 clasificados.sql

 loki# file *

 clasificados.sql:   UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines







 On the target server i eexecuted this:



 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 3816508 to server version: 3.23.45


 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


 mysql create database clasificados;

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


 mysql quit



 # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql clasificados  clasificados.sql

 ERROR 1065 at line 7: Query was empty


 # vi clasificados.sql


 clasificados.sql Line too long

 -- MySQL dump 10.7


 -- Host: localhostDatabase: clasificados

 -- --

 -- Server version   4.1.5-gamma-log





 /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;







 -- Table structure for table `ad`




Re: Master Log Files

2005-09-01 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Program options can be specified in different ways, check them

all. See:

What name does the hostname program reports?

Tedy Aulia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,


I have found that the binlogfiles have changed their name. Initially the

files were using the name of the server followed by the number i.e.

foo.###. Since two weeks ago the binlog files have changed to be

mysql.###. As far as I remember there is no change in my.cnf file so

far. I am using MySQL version 3.23.33


Could someone explain why the case I mentioned above has happened? Your

help would be appreciated.



Tedy Aulia

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Counting Entries

2005-09-01 Thread Shaun

Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/31/2005 04:56:23 PM:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/31/2005 04:04:20 PM:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/31/2005 02:43:33
   This query counts the number of entries in the Bookings table per
   it possible for this query to return a zero where there are no
   for a
   particular month?
   SELECT COUNT(Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
   FROM Bookings
   WHERE User_ID = 1
   AND Work_Type_ID = 12
   AND DATE_FORMAT(Booking_Start_Date, %m-%Y) = 04-2005
   AND DATE_FORMAT(Booking_Start_Date, %m-%Y) = 06-2005
   AND Booking_Type = Booking
   GROUP BY MONTH(Booking_Start_Date)
   ORDER BY Booking_Start_Date
   Thanks for your help.
   You cannot have missing month values in your query result unless
   values to fill the gaps with. The easiest way to do that is to
   simple lookup table.
   CREATE TABLE monthList (
  id int,
  name varchar(18) not null
   INSERT monthList (id, name) values (1,'January'),(2,'February'),...
   in the rest...,(12,'December');
   Now you can have something to show even if your Bookings data
   Here is how you would use it in your sample query:
   SELECT, COUNT(b.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
   FROM monthList m
   LEFT JOIN Bookings b
  ON = MONTH(b.Booking_Start_Date)
   WHERE b.User_ID = 1
  AND b.Work_Type_ID = 12
  AND b.Booking_Start_Date BETWEEN '2005-04-01' and
  AND b.Booking_Type = Booking
   Since I am comparing date values to date values, this should
   faster (especially if Booking_Start_Date is the leftmost column in
   index). The short date format works for April 1 because any date
   without a time value is considered to be midnight (00:00:00). I had
   include the last second of June 30 so that you would detect
   happened on that date (so you searched across the whole day and
   just stop at midnight at the start of the day). An alternative to
   the BETWEEN...AND... comparitor for date ranges is to look for
   the next day.
   SELECT, COUNT(b.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
   FROM monthList m
   LEFT JOIN Bookings b
  ON = MONTH(b.Booking_Start_Date)
   WHERE b.User_ID = 1
  AND b.Work_Type_ID = 12
  AND b.Booking_Start_Date = '2005-04-01'
  AND b.Booking_Start_Date  '2005-07-01'
  AND b.Booking_Type = Booking
   And, just as an example, here is how you would handle the case
   wanted a month-by-month report that crosses over from one year to
   next. This should show how many bookings you had in each month for
   twelve months starting with April 2004.
   SELECT as month, YEAR(b.Booking_Start_Date) as year,
   COUNT(b.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
   FROM monthList m
   LEFT JOIN Bookings b
  ON = MONTH(b.Booking_Start_Date)
   WHERE b.User_ID = 1
  AND b.Work_Type_ID = 12
  AND b.Booking_Start_Date = '2004-04-01'
  AND b.Booking_Start_Date  '2005-04-01'
  AND b.Booking_Type = Booking
   GROUP BY 1, 2
   ORDER BY 1,;
   (NOTE: I used a MySQL-specific shortcut by using column numbers in
   GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. A more ANSI way of writing those
   would have been:
   GROUP BY YEAR(b.Booking_Start_Date),
   ORDER BY YEAR(b.Booking_Start_Date),;
   I think the shortcut method is just a tad easier to read.)
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Hi Shawn,
  Thanks for your reply but the query doesnt seem to work for me...
  mysql SELECT M.Month_Name,
  - COUNT(B.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
  - FROM Months M
  - LEFT JOIN Bookings B
  - ON M.Month_ID = MONTH(B.Booking_Start_Date)
  - WHERE B.User_ID = 1799
  - AND B.Booking_Start_Date = '2005-01-01'
  - AND B.Booking_Start_Date  '2005-12-01'
  - AND B.Booking_Type = Booking
  - GROUP BY M.Month_Name
  - ORDER BY M.Month_ID;
  | Month_Name | Num_Bookings |
  | May|3 |
  | June   |   22 |
  | July   |   12 |
  | August |   15 |
  | September  |   13 |
  | October|   18 |
  | November   |6 |
  7 rows in set (0.04 sec)
  Any ideas why this might be happening?
  It seems to be working just fine. 

Re: Bulk Upload.

2005-09-01 Thread Ramesh G

Hello All,

	I have a strange situation while doing Bulk upload (using LOAD DATA  
FILE). I have a database which has 60 records, when I try to insert  
1 more records it is taking around 50-55 seconds to complete the task  
(I feel this is much higher than the normal timings). I notice a strange  
thing that time taken to upload 1 records reduces to 10 to 12 sec  
after I run a big query (a query that needs full table scan) on that table.

	Can someone explain why this happens... I run MySQL 4.1.5 Gamma, on  
windows 2003 Server OS.


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MySQL Subquery bug or am I doing something wrong?

2005-09-01 Thread Jose Miguel Pérez
Hi Folks!

I have a problem with a subquery using MySQL 4.1.12 (Fedora Core 4). I
will include the SHOW CREATE TABLE for the two tables involved. Please,
forgive me if I include this information in my original language (Spanish)
but I wish to keep the field names as is to avoid any mistake.

I don't know if this problem is a MySQL subquery bug or I'm doing
something wrong. Anyway, what I'm doing here is pretty straighforward.
First, the table information:

-- SHOW CREATE TABLE FOR TABLE dominios_propios_completos

CREATE TABLE `dominios_propios_completos` (
  `criterio` char(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `idDominio` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `idSite` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
  `fechaCreacion` datetime default NULL,
  `idIdioma` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
  `estado` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`criterio`,`idDominio`),
  KEY `idSite` (`idSite`),
  KEY `fechaCreacion` (`fechaCreacion`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_dominios_propios_completos_1`
FOREIGN KEY (`idSite`)
REFERENCES `sites` (`id`)

-- SHOW CREATE TABLE FOR TABLE sites_criterios

CREATE TABLE `sites_criterios` (
  `idSite` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `criterio` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `criterio_pub` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `idIdioma` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  KEY `idSite` (`idSite`),
  KEY `idIdioma` (`idIdioma`),
  KEY `criterio` (`criterio`),
  KEY `criterio_pub` (`criterio_pub`),
  CONSTRAINT `sites_criterios_ibfk_1`
FOREIGN KEY (`idSite`)
REFERENCES `sites` (`id`)

OK, now for the problem. If you look at the above tables, they are
somewhat related via dominios_propios_completos.criterio with
sites_criterios.criterio_pub. In fact, what I am doing is trying to make
dominios_propios_completos.criterio a constraint for criterio_pub on table

Now, look carefully:

mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
- FROM dominios_propios_completos
- WHERE criterio = su-turno;
| criterio | idSite |
| su-turno |   4305 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT criterio_pub, idSite
- FROM sites_criterios
- WHERE criterio_pub = su-turno;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

In the above queries it's pretty clear the word su-turno exists in
table dominios-propios-completos but NOT EXISTS in the table
sites_criterios as a value of criterio_pub.

The problem is that the following subquery return no results... Why???

mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
- FROM dominios_propios_completos
- WHERE criterio NOT IN (
- SELECT criterio_pub
- FROM sites_criterios
- );
Empty set (0.05 sec)

Why is this? It's obvious (at least to me) that this query must return
su-turno at least. It interesting to note that if I further restrict the
WHERE clauses, I get the correct output!! Take a look at this, for instance:

mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
- FROM dominios_propios_completos
- WHERE idSite = 4305 AND
-   criterio NOT IN (
-   SELECT criterio_pub
-   FROM sites_criterios
-   WHERE idSite = 4305
- );
| criterio   | idSite |
... cut ...
| su-turno   |   4305 |
245 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I don't know why this last query is working and the former, more general
one, isn't. I have tried different combinations, like using DISTINCT at the
subquery, etc.

I begun thinking this is a bug because I get different results if I
modify the WHERE clause in the inner subquery, like this:

mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
- FROM dominios_propios_completos
- WHERE idSite = 4305 AND
-   criterio NOT IN (
-   SELECT criterio_pub
-   FROM sites_criterios
- );
Empty set (0.01 sec)

Note that this query is THE SAME as the previous one, but with a wider
result set inside the subquery. This makes no difference in my queries as we
confirmed at least the word su-turno does not exists.

Thanks for your patience. If you think I'm doing something wrong please

Jose Miguel.

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Please I need inputs on Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2005-09-01 Thread JM
Hi all,

Ive read this link; 
this has something to do with the error...

Ive already checked based on the page the list of roots of error to 
gone-away.. w/c i hope leads to  Lost connection to MySQL server during 
query  and non of it is present.

One thing Ive noticed.  When I tried connecting using mysql client from 
server to my DB box its takes time before mysql console shows-up after giving 
the password. 
Client and Server are connected through a LAN.

Based on ping an average of .1 ms reply..


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LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread Vladimir B. Tsarkov

I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any other 
DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a 
portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've found, 
contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.

Good Luck!

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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Re: MySQL Subquery bug or am I doing something wrong?

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly

 mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
 - FROM dominios_propios_completos
 - WHERE criterio NOT IN (
 - SELECT criterio_pub
 - FROM sites_criterios
 - );
 Empty set (0.05 sec)

Do you have NULL values in sites_criterios.criterio_pub ?

Webzine Rock :

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Re: LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread Bastian Balthazar Bux
Vladimir B. Tsarkov wrote:
 I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any other 
 DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a 
 portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've found, 
 contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.

take a look at the code of adodb

and to it's implementation of:

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Re: MySQL Subquery bug or am I doing something wrong?

2005-09-01 Thread Jose Miguel Pérez
Hi Pooly!

 mysql SELECT criterio, idSite
 - FROM dominios_propios_completos
 - WHERE criterio NOT IN (
 - SELECT criterio_pub
 - FROM sites_criterios
 - );
 Empty set (0.05 sec)

 Do you have NULL values in sites_criterios.criterio_pub ?

Yes Pooly, certainly it had. Thanks for your comment!! This was the
problem, again thank you very much.

I am now very ashamed as this is a newbie mistake. I was fooled because
I was pretty sure I had no NULL values, but you know... I'm not the only one
inserting values into the table. :-)

Jose Miguel.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly
2005/9/1, Vladimir B. Tsarkov [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any other
 DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a
 portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've found,
 contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.

 For compatibility with PostgreSQL, MySQL also supports the LIMIT
row_count OFFSET offset syntax.

but if you want to be fully compatible with many others RDBMS, go  for
something like adodb, or some others DB interface in PHP

 Good Luck!
 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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Webzine Rock :

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Please I need inputs on Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2005-09-01 Thread Pooly

what is the error in your error log ?
Does your server crash for every query it makes ? Or only some ?
Are you using the official binary from MySQL or the one used for you
distro vendor ?
Are you using UDF ?
... We need more inputs ;-)

 Hi all,
 Ive read this link; 
 this has something to do with the error...
 Ive already checked based on the page the list of roots of error to 
 gone-away.. w/c i hope leads to  Lost connection to MySQL server during
 query  and non of it is present.
 One thing Ive noticed.  When I tried connecting using mysql client 
 from web
 server to my DB box its takes time before mysql console shows-up after giving
 the password.
 Client and Server are connected through a LAN.
 Based on ping an average of .1 ms reply..
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Webzine Rock :

MySQL General Mailing List
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Upgrade from 4.0.12 to 4.0.25

2005-09-01 Thread Osvaldo Sommer
Hi List
I look up on the online manual for directions for this kind of upgrade
but i found nothing.
Is there something I have to do extra or the upgrade so smoth?
Osvaldo Sommer

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Re: Index update process 20+ hrs

2005-09-01 Thread matt_lists
It does not seem fine to me, mysql seems to really get slow once you 
break about the 3 gig myd size, or 1.5 gig myi size

not sure why, I've changed every setting, but nothing seems to help


Clyde Lewis wrote:


Looking at how the database if currently configured, do you have any 
suggestions or does it all seem fine.


matt_lists wrote:

Get used to it, I've got similar tables, mine have less columns, but 
more records, my biggest takes a week to restore a mysqldump


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Re: Upgrade from 4.0.12 to 4.0.25

2005-09-01 Thread Nuno Pereira

Osvaldo Sommer wrote:

Hi List
I look up on the online manual for directions for this kind of upgrade

but i found nothing.
Is there something I have to do extra or the upgrade so smoth?
Osvaldo Sommer


Nuno Pereira

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Re: Weird delete behavior on mysql 4.0 - rows not disappearing....

2005-09-01 Thread Michael Stassen

David Griffiths wrote:

No, with the default transaction isolation level, REPEATABLE READ, 
that's how it is supposed to work. You've started a transaction in 
Window B, so Window B is immune to changes made in Window A until you 
finish the transaction in Window B. See the manual for details;

I haven't explicitly started any transactions in Window B - it's 
select-only (with autocommit set to 0). Are you saying that even though

transactions have happend and been committed in Window A, I won't be able
to see those transactions in Window B?

The key word is explicitly.  You have implicitly started a transaction 
with your first SELECT, precisely because you turned AUTOCOMMIT off.  That 
transaction continues until you COMMIT or ROLLBACK (or perform an action 
that implicitly commits 
 That's the point of setting AUTOCOMMIT to off.  If you only want to start 
transactions explicitly (with START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), then you need to 
leave AUTOCOMMIT on.  See the manual for details

The relevant part of the documentation in the link you sent is,

The query see[s] the changes made by exactly those transactions that 
committed before that point of time, and no changes made by later or

uncommitted transactions. The exception to this rule is that the query
sees the changes made by the transaction itself that issues the query. 
In otherwords, if you start a query (and it's a long running query), you 
won't see the results of any data committed by another session during the

running of that query. Fine. That's expected.

But if I am doing only queries (no transactions) via a connection, and no
query is running when I commit data in another session, then the
query-window should see the results of those changes.

From the AUTOCOMMIT manual page cited above, In InnoDB, all user activity 
occurs inside a transaction.

I suspect that the mysql client is implicitly starting a transaction when
you do a set autocommit=0. Thus, any changes made by any other sessions
won't be visible till you do a commit or rollback. Each time a commit or 
rollback is issued in the non-auto-commit session, you can see data 
changed by other sessions.

With AUTOCOMMIT off, the transaction starts, in your case, with your first 

Regardless, this is not a repeatable-read issue. I think it's a mysql 
client issue, and the fact that the client is creating transactions for

you in the background.

It's not the client.  That's how InnoDB works.

This is not how the Oracle client works - you are always in 
non-auto-commit mode (and I'd love to figure out how to set that -

autocommit is so dangerous), and until you actually start a transaction
with an update, insert, delete or select-for-update, no transaction is
started, and you can see the changes made by other sessions once they've
been committed (I tested SQL*Plus on Oracle 8i to make sure). 

I'll make no comments on how Oracle works, but what you seem to be 
describing is effectively what happens with AUTOCOMMIT on in MySQL.  In 
general, I'd suggest that expecting any two RDBMSs (MySQL and Oracle, for 
example) to behave in exactly the same way will usually get you in trouble.



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Re: Counting Entries

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 05:38:01 AM:

big snip -- see earlier posts in this thread for details
  The corrected query should read:
  SELECT as month, YEAR(b.Booking_Start_Date) as year,
  COUNT(b.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
  FROM monthList m
  LEFT JOIN Bookings b
 ON = MONTH(b.Booking_Start_Date)
 AND b.User_ID = 1
 AND b.Work_Type_ID = 12
 AND b.Booking_Start_Date = '2004-04-01'
 AND b.Booking_Start_Date  '2005-04-01'
 AND b.Booking_Type = Booking
  GROUP BY 1, 2
  ORDER BY 1,;
  I am so very sorry! Modify my other examples in the same way and they
  should work too.
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Thanks Shawn :)
 Hi Shawn,
 This is all working fine except where a booking spans more than one day 
 a holiday. I have a column called Booking_End_Date, is there a way to 
 all the days used where a booking spans more than one day?
 Thanks for your help. 

That's a different question, isn't it. Your first question asked to count 
all of the bookings where the starting date was within a certain date 
range. Your second question might be rephrased as:

Tell me how many days were booked within a certain date range.

See the difference between the two functions? One is a simple count of how 
many rows are in the table, the other is the sum of bookable days. What 
functions we can use to make that calculation easier depend on what 
version MySQL you are running. What version MySQL are you running? Is this 
a simple date span calculation or do we need a list of holidays so that if 
a holiday occurs within the span covered by Booking_Start_Date to 
Booking_End_Date it won't count as a booked day? Do you count weekends 
too? Covering the cases of where a booking starts in one month and ends in 
another can also get complicated (oh, it's do-able but it's not as simple 
as you might think).

The more exceptions you want to add into this formula, the more convoluted 
it becomes and the more processing required to reach the answer you want. 
Plus, there is definitely more than one solution so if one way is too slow 
or cumbersome or complex, try another. 

One of the ways to simplify this calculation is to not enter bookings 
across date spans but enter them into the table as a booking for each 
day. That way you just don't enter a booking for holidays and weekends. 
Since each booking has the same customer_id or event_id (or both) you 
can tell instantly how many days were booked for any event or customer 
within any month.  In this suggestion, complex SQL wasn't the solution but 
changing the way you store the data was. If you are locked into your 
current storage plan, then you are left with complex SQL processing to get 
at your data.

One way to do the multiple-date-entries-per-booking method is to create a 
new table, `bookingdates`, that stores the id of the booking and the date 
for the booking. Bookings that span multiple dates would have multiple 

CREATE TABLE bookingdates (
booking_id int not null
, bookingdate datetime not null
, UNIQUE (booking_ID, bookingdate)
, key(bookingdate, booking_ID)

The indexes are called covering indexes and will basically allow you to 
load the entire table into memory twice. Once sorted by booking_ID, the 
other sorted by bookingdate. Because the index contains all of the data 
you could want from a query, the datafile will not need to be touched to 
do the actual retrieval. One less random seek and read on the disk means 
much faster performance to your application. Just make sure that you do 
not create entries where bookings do not happen (like holidays and 
weekends). This table, properly filled in, makes not just your first query 
but also your second query trivial to answer.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Please I need inputs on Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
JM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 06:01:57 AM:

 Hi all,
Ive read this link
 html hoping 
 this has something to do with the error...
Ive already checked based on the page the list of roots of error 
 to produce 
 gone-away.. w/c i hope leads to  Lost connection to MySQL server during 

 query  and non of it is present.
One thing Ive noticed.  When I tried connecting using mysql 
 client from web 
 server to my DB box its takes time before mysql console shows-up after 
 the password. 
Client and Server are connected through a LAN.
Based on ping an average of .1 ms reply..

OK, we have the error message (good). We know what you have looked at to 
solve the error (also good). What we don't have is what you did to create 
the error in the first place. 

Please describe what you are doing to create the error, the data you are 
doing it with, and the tools involved in both ends of the process. Then we 
can understand your problem.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
Vladimir B. Tsarkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 06:16:12 AM:

 I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any 
 DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a 
 portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've 
 contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.
 Good Luck!
 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Not that I know if. MySQL uses limit, MS SQL Server uses top, 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Counting Entries

2005-09-01 Thread Shaun

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Shaun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 05:38:01 AM:

 big snip -- see earlier posts in this thread for details
  The corrected query should read:
  SELECT as month, YEAR(b.Booking_Start_Date) as year,
  COUNT(b.Booking_ID) AS Num_Bookings
  FROM monthList m
  LEFT JOIN Bookings b
 ON = MONTH(b.Booking_Start_Date)
 AND b.User_ID = 1
 AND b.Work_Type_ID = 12
 AND b.Booking_Start_Date = '2004-04-01'
 AND b.Booking_Start_Date  '2005-04-01'
 AND b.Booking_Type = Booking
  GROUP BY 1, 2
  ORDER BY 1,;
  I am so very sorry! Modify my other examples in the same way and they
  should work too.
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Thanks Shawn :)

 Hi Shawn,

 This is all working fine except where a booking spans more than one day
 a holiday. I have a column called Booking_End_Date, is there a way to
 all the days used where a booking spans more than one day?

 Thanks for your help.

 That's a different question, isn't it. Your first question asked to count
 all of the bookings where the starting date was within a certain date
 range. Your second question might be rephrased as:

 Tell me how many days were booked within a certain date range.

 See the difference between the two functions? One is a simple count of how
 many rows are in the table, the other is the sum of bookable days. What
 functions we can use to make that calculation easier depend on what
 version MySQL you are running. What version MySQL are you running? Is this
 a simple date span calculation or do we need a list of holidays so that if
 a holiday occurs within the span covered by Booking_Start_Date to
 Booking_End_Date it won't count as a booked day? Do you count weekends
 too? Covering the cases of where a booking starts in one month and ends in
 another can also get complicated (oh, it's do-able but it's not as simple
 as you might think).

 The more exceptions you want to add into this formula, the more convoluted
 it becomes and the more processing required to reach the answer you want.
 Plus, there is definitely more than one solution so if one way is too slow
 or cumbersome or complex, try another.

 One of the ways to simplify this calculation is to not enter bookings
 across date spans but enter them into the table as a booking for each
 day. That way you just don't enter a booking for holidays and weekends.
 Since each booking has the same customer_id or event_id (or both) you
 can tell instantly how many days were booked for any event or customer
 within any month.  In this suggestion, complex SQL wasn't the solution but
 changing the way you store the data was. If you are locked into your
 current storage plan, then you are left with complex SQL processing to get
 at your data.

 One way to do the multiple-date-entries-per-booking method is to create a
 new table, `bookingdates`, that stores the id of the booking and the date
 for the booking. Bookings that span multiple dates would have multiple

 CREATE TABLE bookingdates (
booking_id int not null
, bookingdate datetime not null
, UNIQUE (booking_ID, bookingdate)
, key(bookingdate, booking_ID)

 The indexes are called covering indexes and will basically allow you to
 load the entire table into memory twice. Once sorted by booking_ID, the
 other sorted by bookingdate. Because the index contains all of the data
 you could want from a query, the datafile will not need to be touched to
 do the actual retrieval. One less random seek and read on the disk means
 much faster performance to your application. Just make sure that you do
 not create entries where bookings do not happen (like holidays and
 weekends). This table, properly filled in, makes not just your first query
 but also your second query trivial to answer.

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Hi Shawn,

I am using 4.1.9. The system has been up and running for 3 years now so I am 
'fairly' locked in but if your suggestion will make things easier in the 
future then its worth the effort.

However we already keep unavailability in the bookings table so the we can 
identify time off i.e. holiday sickness etc. Bookings can never be made at 
the weekend and that is handled at the application layer although a booking 
could span a weekend - this could be rectified. Unavailability descriptions 
are help in a seperate table.

The reason I started this was because I was asked to produce a report 
detailing the capacity worked by staff i.e.

( (days worked + days unavailable) / days available in month(i.e. working 
days) ) * 100 = capacity worked

I have emailed a copy to you so you can see what I mean - hope you don't 

Thanks for your help. 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list 

database problem

2005-09-01 Thread dEeZAcK SweETtY
 __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: cannot create database

I have already set the path to c:\mysql\bin and would like to create a 
database. When i 
enter the command creta database feedback; it comes out this error 
'create' is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)

how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Synopsis:   Cannot create database
Submitter-Id:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator: Diana
Organization:   Student from Multimedia Universuty
MySQL support:  licence 
Severity:   non-critical 
Priority:   medium | high 
Category:   mysql client
Class:  sw-bug  doc-bug  change-request support 

Exectutable:   [mysqld, mysqld-shareware, mysqld-nt or mysqld-opt]
Environment:   machine description
Compiler:  VC++ 6.0
Architecture:  i

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RE: Upgrade from 4.0.12 to 4.0.25

2005-09-01 Thread Osvaldo Sommer
Thanks, but that link is for 4.1.x and not for 4.0.x 

Osvaldo Sommer

-Original Message-
From: Nuno Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:38 AM
To: Osvaldo Sommer
Subject: Re: Upgrade from 4.0.12 to 4.0.25

Osvaldo Sommer wrote:
 Hi List
 I look up on the online manual for directions for this kind of upgrade
 but i found nothing.
 Is there something I have to do extra or the upgrade so smoth?
 Osvaldo Sommer


Nuno Pereira

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Re: DIV-function?

2005-09-01 Thread Nuno Pereira

Martijn Tonies wrote:

I wonder how I'll get a div-function in SQL?

I dunno, maybe by looking in the manual? From [1]:


mysql SELECT 3/5;
   - 0.60


Gustav is looking for the DIV-function.

But it is there


Integer division. Similar to |FLOOR()| but safe with |BIGINT| values.

He never said he wanted integer division... he just said I want to
divide t[w]o columns and make a new column based on the result.

Maybe Gustav can say if this is what he wants, but it seems that it is.

Ehm, no. He specifically asked for a DIV function, not a division. :-)

See above.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies

Nuno Pereira

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: database problem

2005-09-01 Thread gerald_clark

dEeZAcK SweETtY wrote:

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Subject: cannot create database

	I have already set the path to c:\mysql\bin and would like to create a database. When i 
	enter the command creta database feedback; it comes out this error 'create' is not recognized

as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)

how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Synopsis:   Cannot create database
Submitter-Id:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator: Diana
Organization:   Student from Multimedia Universuty
MySQL support:  licence 
Severity:	non-critical 
Priority:	medium | high 
Category:	mysql client
Class:		sw-bug  doc-bug  change-request support 
Release:	mysql-3.23.38

Exectutable:   [mysqld, mysqld-shareware, mysqld-nt or mysqld-opt]
Environment:   machine description
Compiler:  VC++ 6.0
Architecture:  i


You are trying to run mysql client commands from the Windows/Dos command line.


1. Delete the spam. If it looks like spam why read it?
2. Do not send attachments. Many people do not read attachments.

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mysql embedded on palm?

2005-09-01 Thread dixie

MySQL on Palm.

It's possible? Anyone have just tried?

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


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Re: database problem

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
dEeZAcK SweETtY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 10:27:28 

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: cannot create database
I have already set the path to c:\mysql\bin and would like to 
 create a database. When i 
enter the command creta database feedback; it comes out this 
 error 'create' is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)
how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple 
 Synopsis:   Cannot create database
 Submitter-Id:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Originator:   Diana
 Organization:   Student from Multimedia Universuty
 MySQL support:  licence 
 Severity:   non-critical 
 Priority:   medium | high 
 Category:   mysql client
 Class:  sw-bug  doc-bug  change-request support 
 Release:   mysql-3.23.38
 Exectutable:   [mysqld, mysqld-shareware, mysqld-nt or mysqld-opt]
 Environment:   machine description
 Compiler:  VC++ 6.0
 Architecture:  i

This is not a bug but a training issue. Please, read the fine manual 
(RTFM). Not only does it tell you, step-by-step, how to set up a MySQL 
installation on XP but actually walks you step-by-step through some of the 
more common tasks of using it.

Basic tutorial:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-01 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H
 Have a look here:
 You may want to start mysqld with the --skip-name-resolve option.


Thanks for the reply.  I did see that page before, but
I guess my bigger question is why if the DNS is broken/slow, why
does the entire server come to a COMPLETE halt, no commands can
be done via either TCP *OR* the socket.  If it just errored, that
session took forever, whatever... I could understand. The problem
is that when it gets probed, it COMPLETELY offlines (DOS) the server.
And just *1* connection!

Just also seems difficult to keep proper documentation if
we are using IPs and not complete hostnames.

Thanks, Tuc
 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We seem to be running into a problem with our 
  installation that we don't understand.
 We are running mysql-server-4.0.25 from
  the ports collection on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p10
  machine. Its tcpwrapper'd to only allow from our
  /24, and a single machine outside the /24.
 At times, all of a sudden the server seems
  to freeze. It appears that we've narrowed it down
  to an issue with people attacking the server that
  come from a site that has a bad reverse DNS setup.
 Has anyone else seen this, or knows how
  to stop it?
 Thanks, Tuc
 For technical support contracts, goto
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   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
(please, either top-post or bottom-post but don't mix it up)

One way to bypass a broken DNS server is to create complete HOSTS files on 
your servers. That way you can keep using your hostnames but avoid the 
problems of actual DNS server negotiations going sour as all hostname to 
IP address translations are handled locally. This is especially useful for 
resolving internal names for resources that rarely change addresses (like 
servers and most users). Then, the only names that pose a risk would be 
those not on the list.

It's not a perfect solution but it may keep you going until MySQL can 
figure out something better to deal with misbehaving DNS servers.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 10:56:24 AM:

  Have a look here:
  You may want to start mysqld with the --skip-name-resolve option.
Thanks for the reply.  I did see that page before, but
 I guess my bigger question is why if the DNS is broken/slow, why
 does the entire server come to a COMPLETE halt, no commands can
 be done via either TCP *OR* the socket.  If it just errored, that
 session took forever, whatever... I could understand. The problem
 is that when it gets probed, it COMPLETELY offlines (DOS) the server.
 And just *1* connection!
Just also seems difficult to keep proper documentation if
 we are using IPs and not complete hostnames.
   Thanks, Tuc
  Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We seem to be running into a problem with our 
   installation that we don't understand.
  We are running mysql-server-4.0.25 from
   the ports collection on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p10
   machine. Its tcpwrapper'd to only allow from our
   /24, and a single machine outside the /24.
  At times, all of a sudden the server seems
   to freeze. It appears that we've narrowed it down
   to an issue with people attacking the server that
   come from a site that has a bad reverse DNS setup.
  Has anyone else seen this, or knows how
   to stop it?
  Thanks, Tuc
  For technical support contracts, goto
  This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
 __  ___ ___   __
/  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
   / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-01 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H

(Lets not get into top/bottom/mixed post discussions. :) )

I'm not sure why putting in hosts would make a difference.
Doesn't the --skip-name-resolve bypass any sort of name resolution,
be it /etc/hosts or resolver? Or are you telling me to change 
nsswitch.conf from hosts: files dns to just hosts: files?
Would be a SLIM possibility, if this wasn't a machine that didn't
only do MySQL and other things in my TCPWrappers (/etc/hosts.allow)
did partial domain matching for clients.

Thanks, Tuc
 (please, either top-post or bottom-post but don't mix it up)
 One way to bypass a broken DNS server is to create complete HOSTS files on 
 your servers. That way you can keep using your hostnames but avoid the 
 problems of actual DNS server negotiations going sour as all hostname to 
 IP address translations are handled locally. This is especially useful for 
 resolving internal names for resources that rarely change addresses (like 
 servers and most users). Then, the only names that pose a risk would be 
 those not on the list.
 It's not a perfect solution but it may keep you going until MySQL can 
 figure out something better to deal with misbehaving DNS servers.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 10:56:24 AM:
   Have a look here:
   You may want to start mysqld with the --skip-name-resolve option.
 Thanks for the reply.  I did see that page before, but
  I guess my bigger question is why if the DNS is broken/slow, why
  does the entire server come to a COMPLETE halt, no commands can
  be done via either TCP *OR* the socket.  If it just errored, that
  session took forever, whatever... I could understand. The problem
  is that when it gets probed, it COMPLETELY offlines (DOS) the server.
  And just *1* connection!
 Just also seems difficult to keep proper documentation if
  we are using IPs and not complete hostnames.
Thanks, Tuc
   Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   We seem to be running into a problem with our 
installation that we don't understand.

   We are running mysql-server-4.0.25 from
the ports collection on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p10
machine. Its tcpwrapper'd to only allow from our
/24, and a single machine outside the /24.

   At times, all of a sudden the server seems
to freeze. It appears that we've narrowed it down
to an issue with people attacking the server that
come from a site that has a bad reverse DNS setup.

   Has anyone else seen this, or knows how
to stop it?

   Thanks, Tuc

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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
I don't know how your OS does it or what you need to do to use it,  but if 
I have a file called HOSTS in my (c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\ directory 
(each OS has a similar location for this file)) that contains a list of 
hostname - IP address pairs then whenever I attempt to do a hostname 
resolution, my IP stack will use that file *first* before attempting to 
contact a DNS server.  If it finds the hostname in the HOSTS file then it 
never calls a DNS server.

I am suggesting that you populate a hosts file suitable to resolve the 
hostnames to ip addresses for your user base. That way you should be able 
to remove --skip-name-resolve (allowing MySQL to do hostname-based 
security) and not run into the issue of a DNS server becoming flaky unless 
someone with a hostname NOT in the list tries to login.

However, if your users are always getting new IP addresses (some places 
are like that) then this workaround won't work for you. It may not work at 
all but I thought it was worth a shot.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 11:24:24 AM:

(Lets not get into top/bottom/mixed post discussions. :) )
I'm not sure why putting in hosts would make a difference.
 Doesn't the --skip-name-resolve bypass any sort of name resolution,
 be it /etc/hosts or resolver? Or are you telling me to change 
 nsswitch.conf from hosts: files dns to just hosts: files?
 Would be a SLIM possibility, if this wasn't a machine that didn't
 only do MySQL and other things in my TCPWrappers (/etc/hosts.allow)
 did partial domain matching for clients.
  Thanks, Tuc
  (please, either top-post or bottom-post but don't mix it up)
  One way to bypass a broken DNS server is to create complete HOSTS 
files on 
  your servers. That way you can keep using your hostnames but avoid the 

  problems of actual DNS server negotiations going sour as all hostname 
  IP address translations are handled locally. This is especially useful 
  resolving internal names for resources that rarely change addresses 
  servers and most users). Then, the only names that pose a risk would 
  those not on the list.
  It's not a perfect solution but it may keep you going until MySQL can 
  figure out something better to deal with misbehaving DNS servers.
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 10:56:24 AM:


Have a look here:

You may want to start mysqld with the --skip-name-resolve option.
  Thanks for the reply.  I did see that page before, but
   I guess my bigger question is why if the DNS is broken/slow, why
   does the entire server come to a COMPLETE halt, no commands can
   be done via either TCP *OR* the socket.  If it just errored, that
   session took forever, whatever... I could understand. The problem
   is that when it gets probed, it COMPLETELY offlines (DOS) the 
   And just *1* connection!
  Just also seems difficult to keep proper documentation if
   we are using IPs and not complete hostnames.
 Thanks, Tuc

Tuc at T-B-O-H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We seem to be running into a problem with our 
 installation that we don't understand.
We are running mysql-server-4.0.25 from
 the ports collection on a FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p10
 machine. Its tcpwrapper'd to only allow from our
 /24, and a single machine outside the /24.
At times, all of a sudden the server seems
 to freeze. It appears that we've narrowed it down
 to an issue with people attacking the server that
 come from a site that has a bad reverse DNS setup.
Has anyone else seen this, or knows how
 to stop it?
Thanks, Tuc

install_driver (mysql) failed

2005-09-01 Thread Uthra Rao
We are running mysql 4.1.13 on solaris 9 box. Everything was fine until 
someone accidentally deleted the mysql directory where the application was 
installed. I had to retrieve it from our backup tape. I then stopped and 
started mysqld daemon. Please note that we had installed mysql with the 
binary tar file. Since we restored the mysql application directory form our 
backup we are getting the following error with our databases that 
interfaces with perl in the cgi-bin.

Software error:

install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load 
for module DBD::mysql: perl: fatal: open 
failed: No such file or directory at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/sun4-solaris/ line 229.

 at (eval 4) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
 at /PATH/PATH/PATH/cgi-bin/filename.cgi line 55

I would appreciate some help as soon as possible. Thank you.


Re: Weird delete behavior on mysql 4.0 - rows not disappearing....

2005-09-01 Thread David Griffiths
I believe you - I'm just a but surprised. I guess I had a singular view 
of how a session should work based on Oracle. I would have expected that 
until you execute SQL that requires a commit or a rollback, you wouldn't 
be in a transaction. Unfortunately, if you have connections that are 
read and write, and one connection ends up being used for SELECTs only 
(just bad luck) , it's going to have an out-date view of the database.

To me, a transaction is something you commit or rollback. You can't 
commit or rollback a SELECT unless you've done a locking-read. I guess 
Oracle is just smarter about it, only starting a transaction behind the 
scenes if you've actually done something that warrants a transaction.


Michael Stassen wrote:

David Griffiths wrote:

No, with the default transaction isolation level, REPEATABLE READ, 
that's how it is supposed to work. You've started a transaction in 
Window B, so Window B is immune to changes made in Window A until you 
finish the transaction in Window B. See the manual for details;

I haven't explicitly started any transactions in Window B - it's 
select-only (with autocommit set to 0). Are you saying that even though
transactions have happend and been committed in Window A, I won't be 

to see those transactions in Window B?

The key word is explicitly.  You have implicitly started a 
transaction with your first SELECT, precisely because you turned 
AUTOCOMMIT off.  That transaction continues until you COMMIT or 
ROLLBACK (or perform an action that implicitly commits 
 That's the point of setting AUTOCOMMIT to off.  If you only want to 
start transactions explicitly (with START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), then 
you need to leave AUTOCOMMIT on.  See the manual for details

The relevant part of the documentation in the link you sent is,

The query see[s] the changes made by exactly those transactions that 
committed before that point of time, and no changes made by later or

uncommitted transactions. The exception to this rule is that the query
sees the changes made by the transaction itself that issues the 
In otherwords, if you start a query (and it's a long running query), 
you won't see the results of any data committed by another session 
during the

running of that query. Fine. That's expected.

But if I am doing only queries (no transactions) via a connection, 
and no

query is running when I commit data in another session, then the
query-window should see the results of those changes.

From the AUTOCOMMIT manual page cited above, In InnoDB, all user 
activity occurs inside a transaction.

I suspect that the mysql client is implicitly starting a transaction 
you do a set autocommit=0. Thus, any changes made by any other 
won't be visible till you do a commit or rollback. Each time a commit 
or rollback is issued in the non-auto-commit session, you can see 
data changed by other sessions.

With AUTOCOMMIT off, the transaction starts, in your case, with your 
first SELECT.

Regardless, this is not a repeatable-read issue. I think it's a mysql 
client issue, and the fact that the client is creating transactions for

you in the background.

It's not the client.  That's how InnoDB works.

This is not how the Oracle client works - you are always in 
non-auto-commit mode (and I'd love to figure out how to set that -

autocommit is so dangerous), and until you actually start a transaction
with an update, insert, delete or select-for-update, no transaction is
started, and you can see the changes made by other sessions once they've
been committed (I tested SQL*Plus on Oracle 8i to make sure). 

I'll make no comments on how Oracle works, but what you seem to be 
describing is effectively what happens with AUTOCOMMIT on in MySQL.  
In general, I'd suggest that expecting any two RDBMSs (MySQL and 
Oracle, for example) to behave in exactly the same way will usually 
get you in trouble.



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Re: Weird delete behavior on mysql 4.0 - rows not disappearing....

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
If you are NOT in autocommit mode, your connection (or the server, it 
doesn't matter which) starts a transaction *when you issue your first 
command*. Every command you issue on that connection is in that initial 
transaction until you EXPLICITLY commit or rollback (or do something else 
that commits or rolls-back your transactions like ALTER TABLE) . At that 
point a new transaction is automatically started when you issue your next 
command.  If I remember correctly, closing a connection with a pending 
transaction defaults to a ROLLBACK. That way if a transaction is left 
incomplete due to communications failure, you maintain a consistent 

 If autocommit is enabled (SET autocommit=1) then each command executes 
within it's own mini-transaction (one little, tight transaction wrapped 
around each statement). Each SELECT can see what every other INSERT, 
UPDATE, or DELETE has done (assuming their transactions are committed) 
because it is not already inside a pending transaction. This is the 
default mode for user interaction for nearly every database product I have 
used. With autocommit active, you are required to explicitly issue a START 
TRANSACTION if you want a transaction that includes several commands. 

Are you sure that's not how Oracle operates, too? I ask because MS SQL 
acts the same as MySQL when it comes to autocommits

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

David Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 12:33:55 PM:

 I believe you - I'm just a but surprised. I guess I had a singular view 
 of how a session should work based on Oracle. I would have expected that 

 until you execute SQL that requires a commit or a rollback, you wouldn't 

 be in a transaction. Unfortunately, if you have connections that are 
 read and write, and one connection ends up being used for SELECTs only 
 (just bad luck) , it's going to have an out-date view of the database.
 To me, a transaction is something you commit or rollback. You can't 
 commit or rollback a SELECT unless you've done a locking-read. I guess 
 Oracle is just smarter about it, only starting a transaction behind the 
 scenes if you've actually done something that warrants a transaction.
 Michael Stassen wrote:
  David Griffiths wrote:
  No, with the default transaction isolation level, REPEATABLE READ, 
  that's how it is supposed to work. You've started a transaction in 
  Window B, so Window B is immune to changes made in Window A until you 

  finish the transaction in Window B. See the manual for details;
  I haven't explicitly started any transactions in Window B - it's 
  select-only (with autocommit set to 0). Are you saying that even 
  transactions have happend and been committed in Window A, I won't be 
  to see those transactions in Window B?
  The key word is explicitly.  You have implicitly started a 
  transaction with your first SELECT, precisely because you turned 
  AUTOCOMMIT off.  That transaction continues until you COMMIT or 
  ROLLBACK (or perform an action that implicitly commits
   That's the point of setting AUTOCOMMIT to off.  If you only want to 
  start transactions explicitly (with START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), then 
  you need to leave AUTOCOMMIT on.  See the manual for details
  The relevant part of the documentation in the link you sent is,
  The query see[s] the changes made by exactly those transactions that 

  committed before that point of time, and no changes made by later or
  uncommitted transactions. The exception to this rule is that the 
  sees the changes made by the transaction itself that issues the 
  In otherwords, if you start a query (and it's a long running query), 
  you won't see the results of any data committed by another session 
  during the
  running of that query. Fine. That's expected.
  But if I am doing only queries (no transactions) via a connection, 
  and no
  query is running when I commit data in another session, then the
  query-window should see the results of those changes.
  From the AUTOCOMMIT manual page cited above, In InnoDB, all user 
  activity occurs inside a transaction.
  I suspect that the mysql client is implicitly starting a transaction 
  you do a set autocommit=0. Thus, any changes made by any other 
  won't be visible till you do a commit or rollback. Each time a commit 

  or rollback is issued in the non-auto-commit session, you can see 
  data changed by other sessions.
  With AUTOCOMMIT off, the transaction starts, in your case, with your 
  first SELECT.
  Regardless, this is not a repeatable-read issue. I think it's a mysql 

  client issue, and the fact that the client is creating transactions 

Install error on fedora Core3

2005-09-01 Thread Jeff
Hey all,

Trying to upgrade MySQL from 3.23 to 4.0.16 on a new fedora core3

I keep getting the following when I run the servers-standard rpm...

   1:MySQL-server-standard  ###
050901 17:33:34 [ERROR] Can't create interrupt-thread (error 13, errno:
Installation of system tables failed!

Examine the logs in /var/lib/mysql for more information.
You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:
/usr/sbin/mysqld --skip-grant 
You can use the command line tool
/usr/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql
database and look at the grant tables:

shell /usr/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql show tables

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using --log
gives you a log in /var/lib/mysql that may be helpful.

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Please consult the MySQL manual section: 'Problems running
and the manual section that describes problems on your OS.
Another information source is the MySQL email archive.
Please check all of the above before mailing us!
And if you do mail us, you MUST use the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!
Starting MySQL...[FAILED]

Anyone have this problem and know how to fix it???



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Re: Weird delete behavior on mysql 4.0 - rows not disappearing....

2005-09-01 Thread David Griffiths
Yah, I tested in SQL*Plus - one window could see inserts, updates and 
deletes that had been committed in another window (in which a commit or 
rollback had not been issued). I ran the test again - delete data from a 
table in one window and commit the change, and a select in the other 
window displays the results.

Note that SQL*Plus by default does not auto-commit, but the key elements 
of the test are the same. Data committed in one session is visible in 
another session once committed.

In Oracle/SQL*Plus, data committed in session A will show up in Session 
B if Session B has an open transaction. Here's the example (using 
session A and B).

Session A:

insert into temp_table (col1) values ('a');

Session B:

insert into temp_table (col1) values ('b');

At this point, neither is committed, and neither session can see what's 
the other has done (the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing, 
so to speak).

Session A:


Session B:

SQL select * from temp_table;


Session B has an open transaction, yet can see the data that was 
committed in another transaction. It's view of the data is, Show me all 
the data that has been committed to the database at the point where I 
started my query, plus all changes that I've made yet not committed or 
rolled back.

Oracle runs in READ COMMITTED (the above), while INNODB runs in 
REPEATABLE READ. Big difference. And I (stupidly) assumed they ran as 
the same transaction isolation level.

Learn something new every day.



If you are NOT in autocommit mode, your connection (or the server, it 
doesn't matter which) starts a transaction *when you issue your first 
command*. Every command you issue on that connection is in that 
initial transaction until you EXPLICITLY commit or rollback (or do 
something else that commits or rolls-back your transactions like ALTER 
TABLE) . At that point a new transaction is automatically started when 
you issue your next command.  If I remember correctly, closing a 
connection with a pending transaction defaults to a ROLLBACK. That way 
if a transaction is left incomplete due to communications failure, you 
maintain a consistent database.

 If autocommit is enabled (SET autocommit=1) then each command 
executes within it's own mini-transaction (one little, tight 
transaction wrapped around each statement). Each SELECT can see what 
every other INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE has done (assuming their 
transactions are committed) because it is not already inside a pending 
transaction. This is the default mode for user interaction for nearly 
every database product I have used. With autocommit active, you are 
required to explicitly issue a START TRANSACTION if you want a 
transaction that includes several commands.

Are you sure that's not how Oracle operates, too? I ask because MS SQL 
acts the same as MySQL when it comes to autocommits

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

David Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 12:33:55 PM:

 I believe you - I'm just a but surprised. I guess I had a singular view
 of how a session should work based on Oracle. I would have expected 
 until you execute SQL that requires a commit or a rollback, you 

 be in a transaction. Unfortunately, if you have connections that are
 read and write, and one connection ends up being used for SELECTs only
 (just bad luck) , it's going to have an out-date view of the database.

 To me, a transaction is something you commit or rollback. You can't
 commit or rollback a SELECT unless you've done a locking-read. I guess
 Oracle is just smarter about it, only starting a transaction behind the
 scenes if you've actually done something that warrants a transaction.


 Michael Stassen wrote:

  David Griffiths wrote:
  No, with the default transaction isolation level, REPEATABLE READ,
  that's how it is supposed to work. You've started a transaction in
  Window B, so Window B is immune to changes made in Window A until 

  finish the transaction in Window B. See the manual for details;
  I haven't explicitly started any transactions in Window B - it's
  select-only (with autocommit set to 0). Are you saying that even 

  transactions have happend and been committed in Window A, I won't be
  to see those transactions in Window B?
  The key word is explicitly.  You have implicitly started a
  transaction with your first SELECT, precisely because you turned
  AUTOCOMMIT off.  That transaction continues until you COMMIT or
  ROLLBACK (or perform an action that implicitly commits
   That's the point of setting AUTOCOMMIT to off.  If you only want to
  start transactions explicitly (with START TRANSACTION or BEGIN), then
  you need to leave AUTOCOMMIT on.  See the manual for details

Mysql to Oracle migration

2005-09-01 Thread Clyde Lewis
Does anyone know of a straght forward approach to migrate a 
mysql(4.1.11) Schema to Oracle(9i release 2).

Also, please provide any best practices.

Thanks in advance.

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mysql x86 64bit?

2005-09-01 Thread Mayuran Yogarajah

Is it just me or are there no RPMS for x86 64bit?  Does this mean I
am stuck using the 32bit version? This machine has 16gigs of ram
and the 32bit version won't be able to make use of all of it.


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Re: mysql x86 64bit?

2005-09-01 Thread Mayuran Yogarajah

Mayuran Yogarajah wrote:

Is it just me or are there no RPMS for x86 64bit?  Does this mean I
am stuck using the 32bit version? This machine has 16gigs of ram
and the 32bit version won't be able to make use of all of it.


Sorry Ignore this, Intel EM64T rpm works just fine.


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Re: Mysql to Oracle migration

2005-09-01 Thread David Griffiths
You need to talk to Oracle, or look on an Oracle mailing list. People 
here are more concerned about migrating from Oracle to MySQL, rather 
than the other way around.

There are probably lots of commercial tools out there that will do it 
(and compared to your Oracle licensing costs, they are probably 
relatively cheap).


Clyde Lewis wrote:

Does anyone know of a straght forward approach to migrate a 
mysql(4.1.11) Schema to Oracle(9i release 2).

Also, please provide any best practices.

Thanks in advance.

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Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Nick Jones
Does anyone know if it is possible to populate values
into an Excel spreadsheet from a MySQL database? Can I
do this directly in Excel or do I need to create an
external program to do the work (i.e. in VB).


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How to optimize fulltext selection?

2005-09-01 Thread Michael Monashev

I  have  200-300  kb slow log daily with fulltext queries only :-( All
queries  using  fulltext  indexes.  I use huge mysql cofig (huge.cfg).
What can I change in the mysql configuration for better performance?


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RE: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread J.R. Bullington
Automatically populate??

Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are those on this list that know
much more than I. 

I do know that you can export the values into tab delimited format and then
import it into Excel.

I think that you may want to do this via ASP or PHP. It would make life a
lot easier.


-Original Message-
From: Nick Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:23 PM
Subject: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

Does anyone know if it is possible to populate values into an Excel
spreadsheet from a MySQL database? Can I do this directly in Excel or do I
need to create an external program to do the work (i.e. in VB).


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Re: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread JamesDR

Nick Jones wrote:

Does anyone know if it is possible to populate values
into an Excel spreadsheet from a MySQL database? Can I
do this directly in Excel or do I need to create an
external program to do the work (i.e. in VB).


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Yes, you can do it with odbc in excel. Create and ODBC connection using 
the MySQL driver.

(Office XP/Excel XP):
Data --Import External Data -- New Database Query -- (select your 
odbc connection) -- Setup the query (add cols) -Next- select a col. to 
select the data based upon (if any) -Next- Select a sort col and by (if 
any) -Next- Select Return Data to Microsoft Excel -Finish-

Remember, Excel has a hard limit on the number of rows, (it is not a 


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RE: Mysql to Oracle migration

2005-09-01 Thread Nguyen, Phong

Look at

It is free and very good tool to do it. I did it from Oracle to MySQL, but
you can do it from Mysql to oracle. Good luck!

-Original Message-
From: David Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql to Oracle migration

You need to talk to Oracle, or look on an Oracle mailing list. People 
here are more concerned about migrating from Oracle to MySQL, rather 
than the other way around.

There are probably lots of commercial tools out there that will do it 
(and compared to your Oracle licensing costs, they are probably 
relatively cheap).


Clyde Lewis wrote:

 Does anyone know of a straght forward approach to migrate a 
 mysql(4.1.11) Schema to Oracle(9i release 2).
 Also, please provide any best practices.

 Thanks in advance.

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re: could have problem with corrupt table

2005-09-01 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

Today mysql 4.1.8 has a segmentation fault (signal 11), and crashed.

In the process one table was left corrupted, when it started back up.

An application continued to call on the corrupted table
as it wasn't realized this happened.

So, in the replication log on the slave we get this error:
050901 10:50:59 [ERROR] Slave: Error 'Duplicate entry '2925542' for key
1' on query. Default database: 'mydb'. Query: 'INSERT INTO
target_table(start,badge,finish,lid,itemtype,rid)SELECT c.start,
c.badge, 1125586211, i.lid, i.itemtype,12576 FROM corrupt_table c,
good_table i WHERE  i.rid=12576 AND c.rid=12576', Error_code: 1062

Could this duplicate record have been caused by my doing an from a corrupted table to a good table?

This is on Solaris 9, btw.

Thank you for any clarification.

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Re: LIMIT alternative

2005-09-01 Thread Peter Brawley


Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like 
to create a portable PHP pager for a web site ...

No, there's not a 'super SQL' which all SQL engines understand. To hide
the details of LIMIT | TOP from your apps, you can write a PHP funcion
which applies or updates the appropriate LIMIT | TOP clause in a given
query, depending on what the DBMS is. If you are writing against MySQL
5.0.2 or later, you might alternatively write MSSQL and MySQL stored
procs for that task.



Vladimir B. Tsarkov wrote:


I've heard that LIMIT is a MySQL specific, and cannot be used in any other 
DBMS. Is there any portable alternative to LIMIT? I'd like to create a 
portable PHP pager for a web site, but all the tutorials that I've found, 
contain solutions based on the LIMIT usage.


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RE: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Nick Jones

--- J.R. Bullington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Automatically populate??
 Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are those
 on this list that know
 much more than I. 
 I do know that you can export the values into tab
 delimited format and then
 import it into Excel.
 I think that you may want to do this via ASP or PHP.
 It would make life a
 lot easier.

PHP would definitely be the way to go on this. I'm
working on a web application running on our AS/400
here running Apache, PHP, and MySQL to automate our
schedule forms that we fill out daily around here.
Everything I've got so far is running through
PHP/MySQL so if I can find a way to do this in PHP I'm
definitely going to try. I'll google around for awhile
and see what I come up with. MS Knowledge Base has
proven to be less than useful so far in my endeavor.

Also, thanks to James for his suggestion on using the
ODBC query directly from Excel. This will get us
started for the time being, and give me some leeway so
I can work on doing this in PHP.

Thanks to you both!

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RE: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread SGreen
Nick Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/01/2005 03:18:39 PM:

 --- J.R. Bullington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Automatically populate??
  Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are those
  on this list that know
  much more than I. 
  I do know that you can export the values into tab
  delimited format and then
  import it into Excel.
  I think that you may want to do this via ASP or PHP.
  It would make life a
  lot easier.
 PHP would definitely be the way to go on this. I'm
 working on a web application running on our AS/400
 here running Apache, PHP, and MySQL to automate our
 schedule forms that we fill out daily around here.
 Everything I've got so far is running through
 PHP/MySQL so if I can find a way to do this in PHP I'm
 definitely going to try. I'll google around for awhile
 and see what I come up with. MS Knowledge Base has
 proven to be less than useful so far in my endeavor.
 Also, thanks to James for his suggestion on using the
 ODBC query directly from Excel. This will get us
 started for the time being, and give me some leeway so
 I can work on doing this in PHP.
 Thanks to you both!

The ODBC query is SO simple and flexible once you get through the darn 
wizard just once. I think it will save you a lot of headaches in the long 

Another alternative is to run your query through the MySQL client with the 
HTML output flag turned on and Tee your output to some temp file. Excel 
(at least the modern versions) are HTML aware and will convert the 
TABLE, TR, TD, etc. tags into cells automagically.

Another alternative: I have also changed the Screen Buffer settings of my 
CMD window so that it no longer wraps at 80 columns. I tend to use 
something like 1024 x 2048 but it can get much bigger if you need it to. 
It allows me to catch a whole lot of CLI output before I hit the limits of 
the buffer. Highlight and copy your query results into Word and replace 
all | characters with tabs. I had to use Word as you can't enter the tab 
character into the replace with field in Notepad. -OR- paste into 
Notepad and save it off as a temp file. Then import that temp file into 
Excel as | delimited data. Of course if your actual data contains the | 
character, some of your rows will be wider by a column or two

However, the easiest is still the Import External Data wizard via ODBC. If 
you stick with the PHP solution, remember that Excel will process any 
tab-delimited file into columns and rows as well as it can do anything 
else. If you are really gonzo, you can actually produce a fully formatted 
sheet so long as you conform to the HTML+XML format that Excel uses when 
you click Save as HTML. That save format IS thoroughly documented in the 
KB (I know I found it recently). 

Options. Way too many options ;-D

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Partha Dutta

Nick Jones wrote:

--- J.R. Bullington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Automatically populate??

Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are those
on this list that know
much more than I. 

I do know that you can export the values into tab
delimited format and then
import it into Excel.

I think that you may want to do this via ASP or PHP.
It would make life a
lot easier.


PHP would definitely be the way to go on this. I'm
working on a web application running on our AS/400
here running Apache, PHP, and MySQL to automate our
schedule forms that we fill out daily around here.
Everything I've got so far is running through
PHP/MySQL so if I can find a way to do this in PHP I'm
definitely going to try. I'll google around for awhile
and see what I come up with. MS Knowledge Base has
proven to be less than useful so far in my endeavor.

Also, thanks to James for his suggestion on using the
ODBC query directly from Excel. This will get us
started for the time being, and give me some leeway so
I can work on doing this in PHP.

Thanks to you both!

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 


How about this for a novel aproach...

Use the CSV storage engine that MySQL provides in the source 
distribution?  It is very easy to use, and there is no headaches.

-- Partha Dutta

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Re: Connections with bad DNS cause lockups

2005-09-01 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H

I'm running FreeBSD 5.4 on the system in question. It was
my understanding on newer Unixes that things like a call to gethostbyname(3)
would cause it to go against the nsdispatch(3) in libc and determine
what method to perform its various lookups. Right now its set to
read nsswitch.conf and that has hosts: files dns. That, to me, means
it'll go against /etc/hosts first, then do lookups against bind.

The problem I have switching to just hosts: files is that
this system does alot of other services besides a database, that 
depend on being able to do reliable forward and reverse DNS queries.

I understand you then want me to put all the names into my
/etc/hosts, but doing so doesn't buy me what I need for all the rest
of the services on the box. I also have TCPWrappers running depending
on domain names out of my control, so it would mean that every time
they added/deleted a host, I would have to be told of it. I think
/etc/hosts would also do forward DNS only, while TCPWrappers also
wants reverse DNS (PTR).

While in concept the suggestion is a work around, I
think it then breaks every thing around it.

Thanks, Tuc

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RE: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread J.R. Bullington
Here's a little heads-up, as you will need some XML coding to make it look

PLEASE NOTE: I'm an ASP programmer, so PHP is a little foreign to me. You
will need to do some conversion.

Here is the way to do it:

1) Define your recordset and connection strings.
2) Write PHP strings to add ContentType (or similar call) =
3) (optional) Write PHP echo strings for adding XML tags. (You can find
these at, although I'll be damned if I can find
them now. Ask for them and I will get them from my other computer and send
them on.)

4) In the body of your webpage, put the following snippet:

table width=100%
tdCol 1/td
tdCol 2/td
tdCol end/td
?PHP Open the records, pull the set 
'do the loop
while not eof
td? PHP DATA 1 ?/td
td? PHP DATA 2 ?/td
td? PHP DATA end ?/td
?PHP Next in loop

I hope this helps a little!


PS - Shawn FYI, if you copy and paste a tab into the replace with in
notepad, you can do it that way...

-Original Message-
From: Nick Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 3:19 PM
Subject: RE: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

--- J.R. Bullington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Automatically populate??
 Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are those on this list that 
 know much more than I.
 I do know that you can export the values into tab delimited format and 
 then import it into Excel.
 I think that you may want to do this via ASP or PHP.
 It would make life a
 lot easier.

PHP would definitely be the way to go on this. I'm working on a web
application running on our AS/400 here running Apache, PHP, and MySQL to
automate our schedule forms that we fill out daily around here.
Everything I've got so far is running through PHP/MySQL so if I can find a
way to do this in PHP I'm definitely going to try. I'll google around for
awhile and see what I come up with. MS Knowledge Base has proven to be less
than useful so far in my endeavor.

Also, thanks to James for his suggestion on using the ODBC query directly
from Excel. This will get us started for the time being, and give me some
leeway so I can work on doing this in PHP.

Thanks to you both!

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Re: Populate values in an Excel sheet from MySQL

2005-09-01 Thread Nick Jones

--- Partha Dutta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nick Jones wrote:
 --- J.R. Bullington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automatically populate??
 Not that _I_ know of, but of course there are
 on this list that know
 much more than I. 
 I do know that you can export the values into tab
 delimited format and then
 import it into Excel.
 I think that you may want to do this via ASP or
 It would make life a
 lot easier.
 PHP would definitely be the way to go on this. I'm
 working on a web application running on our AS/400
 here running Apache, PHP, and MySQL to automate our
 schedule forms that we fill out daily around here.
 Everything I've got so far is running through
 PHP/MySQL so if I can find a way to do this in PHP
 definitely going to try. I'll google around for
 and see what I come up with. MS Knowledge Base has
 proven to be less than useful so far in my
 Also, thanks to James for his suggestion on using
 ODBC query directly from Excel. This will get us
 started for the time being, and give me some leeway
 I can work on doing this in PHP.
 Thanks to you both!

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
 How about this for a novel aproach...
 Use the CSV storage engine that MySQL provides in
 the source 
 distribution?  It is very easy to use, and there is
 no headaches.
 -- Partha Dutta

Ok, here's what we're doing in a nutshell:

Every day we fill out forms with backup times and
tapes for various computer systems. Three forms a day
with 70-100 fields each with all the same data. One
Excel sheet and two word documents that end up as PDFs
later, all of this is very time consuming. I'm
creating a web app in PHP that lets you fill out one
form, then click a button and it creates the PDFs for
you. I've gotten that far, and now I'm trying to get
it to create the Excel sheet too with just one click
(fill in your desired date, click submit, and up pops
your PDFs and spreadsheet.


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Re: Mysql to Oracle migration

2005-09-01 Thread Martijn Tonies

 Does anyone know of a straght forward approach to migrate a
 mysql(4.1.11) Schema to Oracle(9i release 2).
 Also, please provide any best practices.

Check out our database development IDE (running on Windows):
Database Workbench - works with Oracle, MySQL, Firebird,
InterBase and MS SQL Server. Includes a Schema Migration tool.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle  MS SQL
Upscene Productions
Database development questions? Check the forum!

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Stored function

2005-09-01 Thread Dan Baker
I'm running MySQL 4.0.23-standard, and trying to create a stored function. 
Am I doing something wrong, or can I not create a stored function in 4.0.23? 
What I want is a stored function to take an int from a column and alter it 
(mask off the low 16-bits).

SQL-query :
s CHAR( 20 )
) RETURNS CHAR( 50 ) RETURN CONCAT( 'Hello, ', s, '!' )

MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 
'( s CHAR( 20  )  ) RETURNS CHAR( 50  )  RETURN CONCAT(  'Hello,


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2005-09-01 Thread dEeZAcK SweETtY
		 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: cannot create database

How to get the promt mysql?
Usually i will follow the steps at the command prompt: mysql\bin..

code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)

how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)

Synopsis:   Cannot create database
Submitter-Id:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Originator: Diana
Organization:   Student from Multimedia Universuty
MySQL support:  licence 
Severity:   non-critical 
Priority:   medium | high 
Category:   mysql client
Class:  sw-bug  doc-bug  change-request support 

Exectutable:   [mysqld, mysqld-shareware, mysqld-nt or mysqld-opt]
Environment:   machine description
Compiler:  VC++ 6.0
Architecture:  i

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RE: Master Log Files

2005-09-01 Thread Tedy Aulia
Thanks for your reply Gleb,

I understand that we can setup the binlogfile name in 'my.cnf' file, but
I am sure that there is no change in the 'my.cnf'.

The hostname program reports the machine name correctly i.e. foo.


-Original Message-
From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 1 September 2005 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Master Log Files


Program options can be specified in different ways, check them

all. See:

What name does the hostname program reports?

Tedy Aulia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,


I have found that the binlogfiles have changed their name. Initially

files were using the name of the server followed by the number i.e.

foo.###. Since two weeks ago the binlog files have changed to be

mysql.###. As far as I remember there is no change in my.cnf file so

far. I am using MySQL version 3.23.33


Could someone explain why the case I mentioned above has happened? Your

help would be appreciated.



Tedy Aulia

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Master Log Files

2005-09-01 Thread Tedy Aulia

Thanks for your reply Gleb,

I understand that we can setup the binlogfile name in 'my.cnf' file, but
I am sure that there is no change in the 'my.cnf'.

The hostname program reports the machine name correctly i.e. foo.


-Original Message-
From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 1 September 2005 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Master Log Files


Program options can be specified in different ways, check them

all. See:

What name does the hostname program reports?

Tedy Aulia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,


I have found that the binlogfiles have changed their name. Initially

files were using the name of the server followed by the number i.e.

foo.###. Since two weeks ago the binlog files have changed to be

mysql.###. As far as I remember there is no change in my.cnf file so

far. I am using MySQL version 3.23.33


Could someone explain why the case I mentioned above has happened? Your

help would be appreciated.



Tedy Aulia

For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Trouble with revoke all

2005-09-01 Thread Scott Haneda
Mysql 4.0.18-standard

revoke all on *.* from 'deleteatanytime'@'localhost';

mysql revoke all on *.* from 'deleteatanytime'@'localhost';
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
mysql revoke all on *.* from [EMAIL PROTECTED];
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

I am ssh'd int the box, so I am localhost, I am root, and it just does not
want to let me remove access privs, in this case, all I have is select
privs.  For the longest time I just delete the user and recreate the
permissions, but I would like to figure out how to make this work.

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Cleaning out old users

2005-09-01 Thread Scott Haneda
Its pretty simple for me to audit my databases and see what ones are old,
and can be dropped or whatever, is there some way to get a list of users
that are not hooked into any databases, so I can delete those, since they
are no longer needed?
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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