Re: secure user name for MySQL account?

2012-09-24 Thread Arthur Fuller
On this note, one thing that really bugs me about MySQL passwords is the
inability to use special characters. In the SQL Server world, I let users
choose their own passwords, but obeying these rules:

It cannot be a dictionary word or sequence of words.
It must contain at least one numeric digit.
It must contain a mix of upper and lower case.
It must contain at least one special character.

That combination makes a password very difficult to crack. I don't know why
MySQL falls so short in this respect.


Re: secure user name for MySQL account?

2012-09-24 Thread Arthur Fuller
Thanks for the update, Shawn. I'll check it out right now.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Shawn Green

 Hello Arthur,

 On 9/24/2012 4:25 PM, Arthur Fuller wrote:

 On this note, one thing that really bugs me about MySQL passwords is the
 inability to use special characters. In the SQL Server world, I let users
 choose their own passwords, but obeying these rules:

 It cannot be a dictionary word or sequence of words.
 It must contain at least one numeric digit.
 It must contain a mix of upper and lower case.
 It must contain at least one special character.

 That combination makes a password very difficult to crack. I don't know
 MySQL falls so short in this respect.

 MySQL continues to improve in this respect. While it's true that our last
 big security change was the enhanced password hash function introduced in
 4.1 we have not been completely insensitive to the needs of our customers.
  For example, check out the list of account and security improvements
 arriving in MySQL 5.6**refman/5.6/en/mysql-nutshell.**html

 In particular, the password complexity threshold can be configured using
 the new Password Validation plugin:**refman/5.6/en/validate-**password-plugin.html

 Shawn Green

Re: How to block SELECT * FROM table; but not SELECT * FROMT table WHERE...;

2012-09-23 Thread Arthur Fuller

I think you misunderstood the question. Daniel wants to block Select
queries that ask for all rwows, and permit only queries that ask for some
rows, as restricted by the Where clause.

Unfortunately, I don't think that can be done. But I'm not certain of that;
there might be a trick.


On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Tim Pownall wrote:

  select * from table where column=value means it will return only rows that
 match.  as long as you have proper indexing there should not be any issues.

 On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:

Re: Removing Data Duplicacy

2012-02-22 Thread Arthur Fuller
I agree with the testicular remedy, but in the case of the iron codpiece, I
can think of another approach which may work for you. It still uses Select,
but reads a one-row table, so it shouldn't hurt performance much. The table
serves no other purpose than storing the next available PK; call the table
NextPK, say. The algorithm might go like this:

1. Lock the table NextPK.
2. Select its value.
3. Update the column with current value + 1.
4. Unlock the table.
5. Do your inserts.

The lock will be very brief, perhaps brief enough to satisfy your

Cell: 647.710.1314

Only two businesses refer to their clientele as users: drug dealing and
software development.

-- Arthur Fuller

Re: strange select/join/group by with rollup issue....

2012-02-08 Thread Arthur Fuller
I'm not sure your method isn't working, but try changing changing the to
date part to  '2012-02-08'  and see what you get.

Re: Editing/form interface

2012-01-19 Thread Arthur Fuller
You might want to have a look at our free utility called The_Usual, so
named because it's what a regular customer says in a bar or restaurant.
It's written in PHP and it does all the usual things such as Add, Edit,
Search, and goes a bit further (master-detail forms, etc.) -- all
automatically, based on the table definitions and declared foreign keys.

Cell: 647.710.1314

Prediction is difficult, especially of the future.
  -- Niels Bohr

Re: Parent/Child - Linked List

2012-01-16 Thread Arthur Fuller
See the piece on trees at It goes into several
variations of how to handle hierarchies.

Cell: 647.710.1314

Prediction is difficult, especially of the future.
  -- Neils Bohr

Re: MySQL 5.1: Views, queries, updates and performance issues

2011-12-29 Thread Arthur Fuller
At first blush, your problem would appear to concern the lack of index-use.
 That's where I would begin my investigation. It might be painstaking, but
I would do something like this:

For each view
Look at the Join(s) and see what columns are being joined
Look at the tables and see what columns are being indexed
If any columns are not indexed that should be, create said index(es)
Next view

Of course, this process could be optimized by looking at the views in terms
of their frequency of use.

Finally, you didn't mention what sort of front end you're using. It's
possible that you might benefit by using stored procedures rather than
views. That switch would of course cost you some time invested in changing
the front end to pass explicit parameters.

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Bruce Ferrell bferr...@baywinds.orgwrote:

 Hi all,

 I've got some semi-general questions on the topics in the title.  What I'm
 looking for is more in the line of theory than query specifics.  I am but a
 poor peasant boy.

 What I have is an application that makes heavy use of views.  If I
 understand views correctly (and I may not), views are representations of
 queries themselves. The guy who wrote
 the app chose to do updates and joins against the views instead of against
 the underlying tables themselves.

 I've tuned to meet the gross memory requirements and is
 saying that 45% of the joins are without indexes. With the slow query logs
 on and queries_without_indexes,
 I'm frequently seeing updates that often take more that 2 seconds to
 complete... Often MUCH longer (how does 157 seconds grab you?).

 So, with that background, what would you do next and is it possible this
 use of views, in this way is a significant contributor to the problem?

 Bruce Ferrell

Cell: 647.710.1314

Thirty spokes converge on a hub
but it's the emptiness
that makes a wheel work
   -- from the Daodejing


2011-12-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
I am not sure that the db engineers should look into supporting recursive
optimizations. That sounds to me like a waste of their time, and conversely
an investment in your (my) time. This kind of thing is far too app-specific
to generalize into an all-encompassing algorithm, IMO, and even if it could
be done, I would rather the engineers spend their time on more significant

Just my $0.02.

2011/12/9 Halász Sándor

  2011/12/09 20:37 -0500, Singer X.J. Wang 
 When the procedure is executed, each query in the procedure is obviously
 run through the query optimizer. But the flags are symbolic only for humans.
 Obviously? As I wrote, someone said that the optimizer does _not_ look
 into procedures.

 Symbolic is not right: do you mean meaningful? If meaningful, that
 is to say that the flags are completely useless.

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Cell: 647.710.1314

Thirty spokes converge on a hub
but it's the emptiness
that makes a wheel work
   -- from the Daodejing

Re: Query query

2011-12-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
You should still lose the pointless WHERE 1.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:

 DOH! Brain unfroze, and I realized I needed an aggregate:

COUNT(lib.Dewey) AS Have,
ddn.Dewey AS DDN,
ddn.Classification AS Classification
 FROM s_library_dewey ddn
 LEFT OUTER JOIN s_library lib ON ddn.Dewey = FLOOR(lib.Dewey)
 GROUP BY ddn.Dewey

Re: How to get a specific number of entries per one key ?

2011-12-03 Thread Arthur Fuller
A quick guess, or at least a starting point:

SELECT key, data
FROM myTable


On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Blog Tieng Viet blogtiengv...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hellow everybody.

 I have a problem difficult for me, please give me an advice.

 I want to get a specific number of entry (rows) from a table
 by each Key. If the number is 1, I can use select dinstinct,
 but the number is not 1, I don't know how to select.

 For example:

 Key 0 | data 0-0
 Key 0 | data 0-1
 Key 0 | data 0-2
 Key 1 | data 1-0
 Key 1 | data 1-1

 I want to select 2 data for each key.
 Key 0 (data 0-0, data 0-1), Key 1 (data 1-0, data 1-1).

 How to describe in query ?

 Best regards.

Re: Index question

2011-10-11 Thread Arthur Fuller
The difference is based on the relative frequency of queries where a is
important vs. where b is important. Either way, what will happen is that the
index scan will isolate the first item mentioned, then scan the result set
to isolate the second term.


SELECT * FROM someTable WERE a = someValue and b = someOtherValue

Step one isolates the matching a values.
Step two walks through that resultset and examines each value of b.

Since the values of b are already in memory, all it has to do is examine the
index keys to find the matches of b. No additional disk read is required.


Re: optimising for 100000 entries

2011-09-14 Thread Arthur Fuller
Forgive  my bluntness, but IMO it is silly to attempt to retrieve a 100,000
rows, except for reporting purposes, and in that case, said reports ought to
run against a replica, not the OLTP instance.

Far better, IMO, is to present (in the UI) an alphabet as buttons, plus a
textbox for refinements. The alphabet buttons cause the recordSource to
change to something like SELECT * FROM Clients WHERE ClientName LIKE 'A*'.
Click the B button and the RecordSource changes to SELECT * FROM Clients
WHERE ClientName LIKE 'B*'. IMO, such an interface gives the user all the
power she needs, and costs the system as little as possible.

To accomplish this, all you need is a sproc that accepts one parameter, that
being the letter corresponding to the letter-button the user pressed.

I have implemented exactly this solution on a table with only half the
number of rows you cite, but it works beautifully and it is quick as


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

 Dr. Doctor,
 What kind of 10 entries? Is it insert,update delete etc.


 On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 6:30 PM, The Doctor

  How can you optimise MySQL for 10 entires?
  Just running OSCemmerce and it is slow to pull up a who catalogue.
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Re: optimising for 100000 entries

2011-09-14 Thread Arthur Fuller
Call me stupid, but IMO this is just plain Bad Design. Maybe your masters
are making you want to deliver this, but it's frankly insane. Go instead
with the Sally Rand Principle: show them just enough to pique their
interest. Given that you've narrowed it down to the WHERE clause, try again.
WHERE someField LIKE 'xyz', and narrow your list from there. Nobody wants
to view 100K buttons or choices or whatever. The most I want to see is about
20, at any given take.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Ananda Kumar wrote:

 You want to have 100,000 buttons for 100,000 entries or just have one
 filter column, which allows you to specify any type of WHERE CONDITION


Re: Arrays

2011-08-27 Thread Arthur Fuller
Another approach to this is to create a concatenated string from the PKs of
the result set and then parse that within a stored procedure elsewhere in
your Front End (FE). For more information on this, visit and check out the Queries page.


Re: a lesson in query writing and (maybe) a bug report

2011-08-27 Thread Arthur Fuller
I agree 110%. It is completely pointless to index a column with that amount
of NULLs. In practical fact I would go further: what is the point of a
NULLable column? I try to design my tables such that every column is NOT
NULL. In practice this is not realistic, but I try to adhere to this
principle whenever I can. For example, it's possible to add a new Hire while
not yet having determined which department s/he will work in, and hence
which manager s/he will report to, but typically I deal with such scenarios
by creating an Undetermined value in the corresponding lookup table.


Re: Hungarian Notation [Was Re: Too many aliases]

2011-08-07 Thread Arthur Fuller
I despise this sort of notation, and have instead adopted what have
cheerfully named Hungarian Suffix notation, the reason being Signal-To-Noise
ratio. Instead of prefacing everything with some form of prefix, just do the

Customer_qs (that means Query Select)
Customer_qu (that means Query Update)
Customer_qd (that means Query Delete)
Customer_frm (a form that opens the Customer table; could involve subforms,
but in that case they are named Customer_Orders_fsub,
Customer_Payments_fsub, and so on.

Easy to read, obvious the intent, and easily sortable. Just my opinion.


Re: MySQL RAND() Issues [was Re: How to Shuffle data]

2011-07-15 Thread Arthur Fuller
This would be sooo much simpler to solve in MS-SQL, given the function
NewID(), which is guaranteed to return a unique value. I have used this in a
few web sites and it works splendidly; something along the lines of

SELECT TOP 10 *, NewID() FROM User_Messages

which is guaranteed to produce a new GUID for each row, and then order by
said values. It is not guaranteed to produce 10 results different than the
previous SELECT, but nevertheless works extremely well on a web site.

I have Googled this and that but not yet succeeded in finding the equivalent
in the MySQL world. In theory, this should be relatively easy, since the
GUID docs are available, but I'm out of my depth here on how to write the
MySQL equivalent function.

In case anyone has devised a MySQL equivalent for the NewID() function, we
could all massively benefit from your posting of same.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Jan Steinman wrote:

  From: Reindl Harald
  do not use any random-functions of mysql even if they exists

 Of course, it depends on the desired quality of randomness needed.

 I'm using RAND() to select random quotations to put at the end of emails. I
 can easily repeat the process by re-selecting the Signature: menu in Apple
 Mail. Problem is, I often notice that doing so cycles through several
 similar signatures in a decidedly non-random way!

 (You can demo this by sending email to, with a
 search term in the Subject: line.)

 But of course, a nuclear plant is not going to melt down because of my
 signature line.

 So RAND() can be useful, but it is not really very random, and should be
 used with caution. My guess is that it's using Knuth's linear congruential
 algorithm that has well-known problems, but that unfortunately has been
 hidden deep in system code libraries since Fundamental Algorithms was
 published in 1968.

 World events tend to be driven by loose coalitions of economic, political,
 and military interests, which function like guilds of species in an
 ecosystem. These guilds generate patterns of events that meet the interests
 of these coalitions, without there being any unity of purpose or clear plan.
 When powerful players accept they are not all-powerful, they increase their
 effectiveness, but are also able to deny and cover any responsibility for
 the adverse outcomes of those actions. -- David Holmgren
  Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op 

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Re: SQL book recommendation?

2010-10-26 Thread Arthur Fuller
Visit our site ( for lots of tips, especially on


  -Original Message-
 From: Philip Riebold []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:31 AM
 To: MikeB
 Subject: Re: SQL book recommendation?
 On 26 Oct 2010, at 11:49, MikeB wrote:
  I'm finding the MySQL online manuals hard going in figuring out how to
 construct SQL queries. Can anyone perhaps recommend a good book that can
 light on the subject?

Re: Best method to keep totals

2010-09-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
100% agreed.


The other exception is also where financial data is being stored. If you
 have, say, a database containing sales order records, then as well as
 storing the individual values of each item in each order, you also need to
 store the total value of the order, the total price charged to the customer
 and the total paid by the customer. These three should, of course, be not
 only identical to each other but also to the sum of the individual items, so
 there is not only duplication but the potential for skew. But that, of
 course, is precisely *why* you store them, as any discrepancy indicates an
 error which needs to be investigated.


Re: Best method to keep totals

2010-09-03 Thread Arthur Fuller
While I agree with the general take on this subject (Never store totals
without a good reason and where there is duplication there is the
opportunity for skew), I must say that there are exceptions. A couple of
years ago I worked on an inherited database in which the operant principle
was sum don't store; the problem was that many of the rows summed dated
back a year or two or more, and as an accountant friend of mine loved to
say, A paid transaction is history; an unpaid transaction is fiction. In
other words, repeatedly summing amounts dating from last year or the year(s)
before is a waste of time and energy. An approach much superior in
performance is to store History in one summary table and Current in the
actual transaction table. Then all no sums or other calculations are
required for the History portion of the final calculation or presentation or
whatever it is. You grab and sum this (fiscal) year's rows, and then look up
the numbers for previous year(s). When you're dealing with say a million
rows per year, this change can dramatically improve performance.

Just my $0.02.


Re: How Set Up This Table

2010-01-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
The ProductPackages table is what is known as an associate table, and is
used to implement a many-to-many relationship. You only need it if a given
product can be in multiple packages. If not, then you can eliminate the
associative table and just add a PackageID column to the Products table.

There's also a possible tiny wrinkle that may require another new column. I
once did an app similar to yours, with the many-to-many requirement. The
wrinkle was that a given package might contain several instances of a given
product (i.e. four jars of jam, for example). Because one of the goals of
the app was to generate a packing list, and the packages were assembled only
upon demand, the packing list told the shippers what to assemble. To meet
this requirement, I added a quantity column to the associative table, so
that in Package A there might be four jars of jam and in Package B only two.


Re: How Set Up This Table

2010-01-02 Thread Arthur Fuller
Hi Victor.

I think that the first thing you need to consider is whether a product can
be in more than one package, and second is whether a package can be in
another package. Also, I don't know why you need to auto-generate in either
case. It's pretty simple DDL.

Case 1: product can only be in one package:

1. Add a Packages table with columns PackageID and PackageName and probably
2. Add a PackageID column to the Products table and make it a foreign key
referencing Packages.

Case 2: product can be in multiple packages:
1. Same as above.
2. Create a ProductPackages table that contains PackageID and ProductID,
both as foreign keys into Products and Packages.
3. Decide whether you want a compund PK on this new table, or you want
instead an auto-increment column that would be the PK. (There are
differences of opinion on this one, so I'm leaving it alone; I don't want to
start a religious war :)


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have a table with products for a store to sell. I need to autogenerate
 from code a table or series of tables into which I can enter (and from
 I can retrieve) the ID numbers of products which I am going to associate
 together and their package price. Product associations will vary, in that
 one association may have 2 products and another 20. What is the best way to
 MySQL this?

 The Logos has come to bear

Re: Is It Possible to create a Join with Multiple Tables

2009-09-26 Thread Arthur Fuller
I don't see why not, but another choice is to create a view that encompasses
all these tables and Select * From my_view.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:28 PM, wrote:

 Short Question: Is it possible to create an inner join (or another join)
 with multiple tables?

 something like

 $query_list1 = SELECT,table1.status,, (more
 here - etc.) FROM table1
 INNER JOIN table2 ON =
 INNER JOIN table3 ON =
 WHERE table1.status = 'open';

 Q: Is something like this possible?


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Re: Retrieving info from 2 tbls ordering it

2009-09-23 Thread Arthur Fuller
I think that you can do what you want with a simple union query:
select * from incoming where user_id = 123
select * from outgoing where user_id = 123
order by datetime_received, datetime_sent


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Warren Windvogel war...@fontera.comwrote:


 I have 2tables. 1 for incoming  the other for outgoing messages. They both
 have columns for the userid  datetime_received/sent. I'd like to retrieve
 all records from both tables for a specific user id  order all the records
 returned by the two datetime_received/sent fields. Is this possible  if so
 could someone help me out as to how I could achieve this.

 Kind regards

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Semi-retired SQL guru, interested in interesting projects not YAFOES (yet
another friendly order entry system).

Re: How to compare 2 columns in different tables.

2009-09-15 Thread Arthur Fuller
You may be able to get what you need with three queries. Join the tables on
the column of interest. By default you'll get a list of the matches. Then
you can modify the join by adding a WHERE clause that looks for
table2.nameis null, and again by modifying the WHERE clause so it
looks for is null.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:52 AM, Mark Goodge wrote:

 John Furlong wrote:

 My question is, can the argument in AGAINST() refer to a column in
 another table or does it have to be a specific string you are
 searching for? If  the MATCH() function won't work, any suggestions
 on how else to compare against The columns
 are defined as VARCHAR.

 Does anyone have an answer to this? I, too, would like to know how to use
 fulltext to compare data between two columns (as opposed to comparing data
 between a column and a pre-defined string). Is there any way to do this?


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Semi-retired SQL guru, interested in interesting projects not YAFOES (yet
another order entry system).

Re: database design

2009-09-12 Thread Arthur Fuller
Storing it directly will cause problems when you want to add a new Article
Type. IMO it's better to have an ArticleTypes table (AutoIncrement) and
store its values in the ArticleTypeID column in the Articles table.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:19 AM, AndrewJames wrote:

 thank you all, i think

 You probably wouldn't need Article_Type table if you're going to store
 Article_Type value directly.

 is my answer.

Re: database design

2009-09-11 Thread Arthur Fuller
I agree with Claudio. You have your design correct. The only other thing you
need is the uid qualifier. Presumably you are using PHP or some other front
end to present your data. Your front end would request the user's name and
password, saving the uid in a variable and then issuing the select with a
WHERE clause that passes the uid in:
select * from articles A left joing article_types AT on A.article_type =
AT.Arcticle_types_id WHERE A.uid = insert your variable here


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Claudio Nanni

 A.J., It sounds good to me!
 You can be a little confused but you did it well,
 It seems you have all you need there.

 A) Yes
 B)  select * from articles A left join article_types AT on A.article_type =


 2009/9/11 AndrewJames

  This is a bit of a long shot, but i really need some help and or directed
  to the best reading resources.
  as i begun building my database (as i went along), i now realise i have
  stop coding and sit back and design the database properly before i can go
  However i am still unable to wrap my head around what data to put into
  tables, and which columns i need to link to make the relationships.  so
  here is what i have.
  So i want the user to be able to login and add articles.
  I then want to be able to view all the articles the user has submitted.
  So in my understanding i need to link the users.uid(pk) to the
  articles.uid(fk) (so i know which user the article belongs to, please
  correct and update me if i am wrong)
  I am stuck at this point.
  A) Have i created the right tables and columns for each table, AND
  B) How do i link the articles.article_type to articles_type.type? (IF in
  fact that is even the correct linkage)??
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Re: Can a MyISAM DB hold /everything/?

2009-05-27 Thread Arthur Fuller
I second that emotion (don't store the images in the data file: just store
the paths to said images). Why? Because in the event of an updated image it
is more hassle than it is worth, to drop the old image and replace it with
the new one; if what you store is a simple pointer to an image file, lots of
this work goes away.


Re: I thin'k MySQL will be the 'Oracle Personal Edition'

2009-04-22 Thread Arthur Fuller
The revenue that MySQL has accrued to date comes (obviously) from the
support contracts. Oracle has no interest in derailing this revenue stream.
It may well slow down the version cycle, which may be a good thing, but that
aside, I cannot see Oracle killing the MySQL stream. There's no argument
that I can see in favor of it, and abundant arguments against.

Why kill a revenue stream unless you're some sort of neo-Marxist? The large
players all buy support contracts and that's the revenue stream. Why kill


Re: Sun bought by Oracle

2009-04-21 Thread Arthur Fuller
I too am a big entusiast of Sun's VirtualBox, and I hope that nothing goes
sideways on this product.


effects and that is VirtualBox. I've used MySQL for years and hope Oracle
 does not stop it, but you never know with Ellison encharge!

 Just my 2 cents.

 OpenSUSE 11.1 KDE 4.1.3,
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 I know this is the MySQL list but there is another Sun product that this

Re: Oracle , what else ?

2009-04-21 Thread Arthur Fuller
I hereby bet the farm that this shall not occur. I have $10 to say that this
shall not occur.

a) Who is going to challenge the deal?
b) What possible purpose would it serve to interr MySQL?
c) Assuming there is some reason for b) above, why incur the wrath of the
MySQL community and their possible bail-outs? Nothing gained and everything
lost, in such a move.
d) If we know anything, we know that Scott and Larry are not fools.
e) In the grand scheme of things, the MySQL piece of this pie is peanuts and
perhaps less. This acquisition is about the big picture (hardware platform +
existing Sparc base + Java, etc.). MySQL, as much as we love it, is a tiny
teensy part of this acquisition, and my guess is that Scott and Larry are
much more focussed on the other parts (e.g. end-to-end solutions extending
from the hardware to the middleware to the Oracle apps, etc.) and in this
ballpark MySQL is an interesting tidbit but not at all the focus of their
efforts. Think big, baby. MySQL in this context is a tiny little ripple in
the pond, having little or nothing to do with Scott/Larry's plans.

Viewed from this perspective, MySQL becomes a viable alternative to such
offerings as SQL Express from MS. If for no other reasons than marketing
imperatives, I am confident that Scott and Larry will choose not to kill
MySQL but rather regard it as both an entry platform and a position from
which to upgrade to Oracle.

Make no mistake about this. There are very sound reasons to upgrade to
Oracle. Cost is of course a serious issue. But Oracle can do things, and has
various top-end vehicles, that MySQL cannot approach. Consider, to take just
one example, Trusted Oracle, upon which numerous banks bet their bottom
dollar. Add to this the numerous Oracle Apps.

I am no champion of Oracle in particular, but I do rtheecognize what
platforms X and Y can do. If the game is defined as retrieval amongst
several GB of data, then MySQL has a chance. If the game is retrieval
amongst several PB of data, with security, then I bet on Oracle. Granted,
this move requires a team of DBAs etc., but if you are dealing with
PetaBytes then I suggest that you think carefully about which vendor is
prepared to take you there.

Just my $0.02 in this debate. I don't see MySQL and Oracle as competitive
products. In fact I see the opposite: Oracle gets to occupy a space in the
open-source community while simultanwously offering an upgrade path to
multi-petabyte solutions, serious security, and so on. I don't think that
Scott and Larry are out to hurt the MySQL community, and I'm prepared to bet
that they will invest in the next version of MySQL, You might disagree but I
challenge you to answer Why? Sheer rapaciousness? That doesn't make sense.
MySQL has garnered numerous big-time players, and in what possible interest
would Oracle jeapordize these investments?

As several writers on this thread have said, if Oracle muddies the waters
then they are prepared to move to PostGres and/or several other
alternatives, not least to take the MySQL sources to a new playpen. It is
clearly not in the interests of Oracle to let this happen. Far more
interesting is to fold the MySQL project into Oracle's overall Linux
project. Continue to offer MySQL for free, work on transport vehicles that
let MySQL people migrate effortlessly to Oracle, etc.

I don't mean to pretend to read Scott and Larry's minds here. But I think
that the MySQL part of this acquisition, while interesting, is a small part
of the rationale for buying Sun. The serious interest is in acquiring an
end-to-end solution, as yet offered by nobody, including IBM and MS. This is
the most significant part of this acquisition. Imagine being the salesperson
of said stack. We have the hardware and the operating system and the
middleware and the front-end. Click and go.

IMO this is a truly formidable argument. In practice, it could be delivered
as an appliance and/or a blade. And if you don't think this is formidable,
then wake up and smell the coffee. This could well leap-frog certain other
competitors -- which is not to say they won't catch up eventually, but it is
to say that Oracle has raised the bar and it's time for competitors such as
MS to jump through several flaming hoops.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:57 PM, John Daisley wrote:

 MySQL will live on regardless of who owns the brand. First and foremost
 MySQL is a community and that community will continue to develop MySQL and
 take it in the direction they want it to go. Sure Oracle could try and
 force some 'features' or changes through but if the community didn't like
 them the community would just keep developing 'pre-oracle' MySQL, even if
 that happens to be under a different name.

 Personally I would be surprised if the Oracle deal goes unchallenged. I
 don't think Oracle really 'want' MySQL as it makes very little money and
 it raises competition concerns. I wouldn't be surprised if Oracle were to
 look at offloading 

Re: Sun bought by Oracle

2009-04-20 Thread Arthur Fuller
I think that you'e being paranoid. IMO, Oracle will continue to support and
develop mySQL. Further, I think that these concerns about the future of
mySQL overlook the points behind the purchase:

1. To obtain the Sun hardware and thus provide a complete hardware and
software solution.
2. To further optimize Oracle to take full advantage of the Solaris OS.
3. To continue to support Linux.
4. To get Java and thus penetrate the mobile device marketplace.
5. And finally, to grow Oracle revenues by $1B+ a year and growing. Given
the purchase price, the acquisition will pay for itself within 5 years.

Compared to all these reasons, the mySQL part of the acquisition is small


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Curtis Maurand wrote:

 I figure that they'll either kill mysql or they'll limit the commnunity
 version in ways that will make you purchase a commercial version if you want
 to continue to use it.  I figure there will be heavy migrations to open
 source alternatives.


 Andy Shellam wrote:

 I've just been made aware by a client that Oracle have purchased Sun
 Microsystems.  The article below on Sun's website mentions that Oracle are
 committed to Linux and other open platforms and mentions the fact that
 Java touches practically every business system around.

 I wonder what Oracle's plans are when it comes to MySQL?  There is no
 mention of MySQL in the above article.  Will it eventually come under the
 Oracle umbrella, much like BerkeleyDB did?

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Re: Are equi-joins faster than left joins?

2009-04-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
IIRC it does not matter. But you can double-check my opinion with EXPLAIN.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 11:41 AM, mos wrote:

 I have 3 tables that are 1:1 and will always have a row for a given
 product,_code  date. If I want to join them together, is it going to be
 faster to use an equi join or a left join, or does it matter?


Re: Search based where claused and stored proc

2009-03-29 Thread Arthur Fuller
An approach that has worked for me in the past and may work for you. Declare
as many parms as you can possibly need and then code the statement like

SELECT * FROM someWhere
WHERE @parm1 = 123 OR @parm1 IS NULL
AND @parm2 = 345 OR @parm2 IS NULL
-- etc.

This has the desired effect and eliminates the need for a temp table or
actual table (inno or otherwise). The trick here is to pass the maximum
number of parms, even if they are Nulls.


Re: Data structure for matching for company data

2009-03-27 Thread Arthur Fuller
My esteemed friend, partner and co-author has laid it out perfectly for you.
Just follow the instructions table-wise.

One thing that may not be obvious from Peter's prescription is that you need
to enter a bunch of rows into the industry table first, so that the foreign
keys will make sense in the bridge table. But presumably this is not

Over here we commonly use a table called SIC (standard industry codes) that
has sub-industries etc. Whenever possible I try to use such standards rather
than make up a new one. For example, there is the ISO country codes
standard, which provides unique two and three letter codes for every
country. Yes, thanks to politics, envy, revenge instinct etc. such country
codes from time to time require updating, but I choose to stick with the ISO
standards rather than rely on my self-invented one and all attendant hassles
whenever a country commits seppukku.

You might consider looking into the SIC code scheme before bothering to
invent your own. You can download this from a number of sources and in a
number of formats. Just Google SIC and you should get there.

Hope this helps,

Re: Separate customer databases vs all in one

2009-03-19 Thread Arthur Fuller
You only confirm my first-blush opinion: keep separate databases. Regarding
your second issue (joining across databases for reports), I would suggest
that these operations are best done against an OLAP database not the
numerous OLTP databases. That is, create an additional database whose sole
purpose is reporting, and which accumulates all the data from the numerous
OLTP databases, on some scheduled basis (schedule dictated by stakeholders
-- how recent should the reports be? Will one week do? One day? One hour?

The basic idea here is that reporting does aggregates and therefore
necessarily does table scans, especially in your case. To place this burden
on the OLTP databases is an error in design and more important, a bottleneck
in performance. My advice would be to separate the reporting tasks from the
data-entry tasks. Aggregate the data periodically in the OLAP database and
base all your reports on this, not on the OLTP databases. This way you
maximize data-entry and update speed, while also maximizing the reporting
speed (since it won't cause contention with the data-entry activities).

This would mean that the aggregate db is very large, but OTOH interrogating
it won't impair the OLTP databases in the slightest. So the big problem this
scenario suggests is the granularity of the updates to the OLAP version of
the data. That's not for me to decide. Ask the stakeholders how recent the
data must be and proceed from there.


Re: Separate customer databases vs all in one

2009-03-17 Thread Arthur Fuller
Are these databases identical or merely similar? If they are structurally
identical, I'd go for one database per customer. Then you have isolation,
easy structure updates and  above all, consistent front-end code, in
whatever language that occurs. Just obtain the customer ID and then use the
appropriate database. Everything else can remain the same.

The only fly in the ointment concerns whether you'd ever have the customer
need to cross databases. I would imagine that sort of thing is for internal
use, not the customers. In that case, the performance hit if any won't
impact upon the customer, just you.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 I'm writing a report tool wherein we have many customers who subscribe
 to this SaaS. There are millions of rows of data per customer. All
 customers are islands from each other (of course).

 Are there any major issues or benefits between storing each customer in
 their own database (with their own tables), or all lumped into a single

 At first thought, it seems that by separating them, queries should be
 faster no (as there is less data to sift though per customer)? It of
 course makes upgrading table schema a wee bit more cumbersome, but a
 simple loop and script can handle that easily enough. And since you can
 query across databases, we can still make internal aggregate reports for
 our own usage.

 For example: SELECT * FROM JOIN; or
 we can use UNIONS etc. too.

 Consolidating them into one would seem to bloat the tables and slow
 things down (or is the fact that mySQL uses B-Trees invalidate that
 theory)? It also makes us have to have a customer_id entry in every
 table basically (or some FK to distinguish who's data is who's). It also
 feels like it could leak data if a malformed query were to get through,
 although I'm not terribly worried about this as we do some heavy UAT
 before pushing from DEV to TEST to PROD.

 Performance is a major factor concern here given our huge data sets
 involved. Does joining across databases impose any speed/performance
 hits vs. just joining across tables within a single database?

Re: Getting single results per (left) record with INNER JOIN

2009-03-14 Thread Arthur Fuller
Won't a simple LIMIT 1 do what you want? Or am I missing something?


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Nigel Peck nigel.p...@miswebdesign.comwrote:

 Nigel Peck wrote:

`Person_postal_addresses`.`person_id` = `People`.`person_id`
`People`.`name` REGEXP 'example'
`Person_postal_addresses`.`address` REGEXP 'example'

Fwd: avoiding use of Nulls

2009-03-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
 Exactly the point. Michael, NULL *is* information. It means unknown and
that is in itself useful information. A common example:

A new employee is hired but which department she will work in is unknown. So
the data entry person enters all the known information and leaves the rest
until it has been clarified.

The alternative is even worse than the so-called NULL problem and the
alleged difficulty of querying against NULLable columns: in a case like that
described above, the only way to handle it is to create a fake row in the
foreign-key table, for Department Zero or somesuch. That immediately turns
every query into a more complex beast that it would otherwise have been.
Every single query must exclude this zeroth row; join a few tables all
exhibiting this problem and things get really crazy.

Not to mention the fact that these zeroth rows falsify reality and combine
fiction with fact. Even worse, the -9 approach means that you can't
impose a constraint on the column (such as must be a positive integer.

And finally, I cannot believe that you really mean no NULLS ever. Surely
you mean only FKs. Otherwise, how would you handle fax numbers for people
with no fax, or middle names for people with none?


Re: avoiding use of Nulls

2009-03-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Andy Wallace wrote:

 ggghh wrote:

 On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, wrote:

 Explanation(5): The more you understand how the database is to be used,
 and the more complexity and thought you put into your database design,
 less complex it will be to retrieve reliable information out of it.
 Furthermore, (and this is probably what makes me crazy when Nulls are
 evolved) after a ten year stretch of software development, where I and a
 team designed our own databases, I did a nine year stretch of
 programming, using databases designed by other people, and Nulls in the
 data made the results unpredictable, and yeah, made me crazy! I had to
 write nightly processes to resolve inconsistencies in the data, if at
 least report inconsistencies. You know the old saying Garbage in =
 Garbage out, to me Nulls are garbage, and if there is a good reason for
 nulls to be a part of good clean data then someone please help me
 understand that.


 I'm in a argumentative mood today too. :-)

 I have a database logging weather data. When a station does not report a
 temperature, it is set to NULL. It would be a very bad idea to set it to
 as this would ruin the whole statistics.

 NULL is a perfectly valid information in many cases.


 OK! I do understand, thank you.

 But hypothetically speaking, what value would you use if you didn't have a
 I don't what this is value  like null?

 I ask this because I started programming when NULL was really zero, and
 part of the ASCII collating sequence.

  I'd use -9., I'd never allow a i don't know what it is value
 like Null in my database.


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Fwd: Codd's rule 8 (physical data idependence)

2009-02-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
-- Forwarded message --
From: Arthur Fuller
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Codd's rule 8 (physical data idependence)
To: Yusuf Khan

Sad to say, you cannot casually switch engines and hope that everything
shall continue to work. This is after all the real world, in which politics
is the art of compromise. Some things port, some don't. C'est la vie, c'est
l'amour, c'est la mort. Life is tough. Not one single vendor has made (nor
even bothered) to make this possible. I don't vilify them for this. One sets
one's priorities, and in the case of numerous for-profit vendors, one
introduces enhancements which are guaranteed to be non-portable. In other
words, vendor lock-in. In the real world, the late Dr. Codd (much as I
admire him) doesn't hold much weight. The marketeers win out. I hate that
this has happened and I am one of the biggest champions of Dr. Codd and Mr.
Date, but in the face of marketeering that means squat.

In the case of MySQL, this is decidedly a double-edged sword. The MySQL team
has introduced several very powerful extensions to the language, none of
which are accepted in the SQL 92+ syntax. That doesn't dismiss their power.
It just means that the syntax is not portable to other SQL implementations.
(Case in point -- the multiple-insert syntax in MySQL has resulted in an
equivalent syntax in MS SQL 2008, so now both of them break the mold.)


  On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:28 AM, Yusuf Khan

 Hello all

 Does MySQL 5 conform to Codd's rule 8, i.e. physical data independence,
 which says that:

 *Applications should not be logicaly impaired when the physical storage or
 access ethods change.*

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Foreign Keys

2008-10-08 Thread Arthur Fuller
So you are talking about parent-child relationships in a single table, or in
the technical jargon reflexive relationships. See for
detailed examples of how this is done, but here is the thumbnail sketch:

The table has to have a ParentID column (call it what you want) that points,
in the case of a Friend, to the Friend Of Whom UserID column.

This simple statement avoids the complexity of the situation where a Friend
can have Friends and so on. That problem requires detailed explanation,
which you can obtain from the site mentioned above. See also Joe Celko's


On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Ben A.H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know that this is the standard means of dealing with a  many to many
 relationship, I'm just not sure it fits here.


 emailID (PK)







 emailID (PK)



 user_emailID (PK)

 friend_emailID (PK)

 So if I want a list of USER [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s friends:

 SELECT friend_emailID from USER_FRIEND


 In this (and pretty much every case), the FRIEND table is useless and
 doesn't make sense logically.


 Let me try again:

 * I'm not sure if it's even a true many to many relationship as this is
 actually a relationship between ONE RECORD in a TABLE and a ANOTHER RECORD

 A USER is:




 A friend is really just another RECORD in the USER table.














 (i.e. it's two records in the same USER table)

 How are relationships between records in the same table usually dealt with
 in terms of design? Implementation?



 Jim Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Indexes speed up joins.  Foreign keys should be indexes themselves, so
  can also speed up joins.  If the FK is not an index, it won't help.  So,
  index your FKs
  On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Ben A.H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does using foreign keys simply enforce referential integrity OR can it
  speed up JOIN queries?
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  Jim Lyons
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Re: Normalization vs. Performance

2008-08-29 Thread Arthur Fuller
Yours is the classic case of the distinction between OLTP and OLAP, and in
my opinion you are doing it exactly right. For analysis purposes,
de-normalization is a good thing because you eliminate the joins and
increase performance, but even more important, you don't slow down the
data-entry process while analyzing the data. Personally, I like the OLAP
data to live in another database, but your approach of rebuilding the
de-normalized table nightly works equally well.


On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Jerry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:59 PM
 To: John Smith
 Cc: MySQL General List
 Subject: Re: Normalization vs. Performance
 At 2:11pm -0400 on Tue, 26 Aug 2008, John Smith wrote:
  So how bad is this? The mentioned query will be the query which is
  the most in my application (yes, it is going to be a forum).
  Should I break normalization and save the date of the root in each
 node row?
 My recommendation is no.  Normalization is a Good Thing, and you'll be
 hard-pressed to convince me otherwise.  In the long run, you (or
 following programmers) will thank yourself if you maintain a normalized
 core data model.  Seriously.
 But speed and performance are the here-and-now issues while DB
 technology catches up to demands.  Have you looked at temporary tables
 or materialized views?  These might help you in this endeavor.
 [JS] You can sometimes cheat.

 Our database is normalized, but many of our users want to use MS Access to
 get at the data in read-only mode to extract data into Excel. Rather than
 trying to teach them how to define the necessary JOINs, I periodically
 a non-normalized table for them. For example, I take the values from a
 dependent (1:n) table and use GROUP_CONCAT to stuff them into a single
 in the unnormalized table.

 True, the data isn't up-to-the-minute. I truncate the table and reload it
 daily. It is good enough for them.
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Re: Insert into...on duplicate key problem

2008-07-09 Thread Arthur Fuller
I think that you need to select old.a otherwise you cannot group by it.


On 7/9/08, Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to do an insert into with subselect and group by with an
 additional on duplicate insert ?

   `a` varchar(10),
   `b` double
 ) engine=MyISAM;

 INSERT INTO NEW_TABLE (select old.x,sum(old.y) from OLD_TABLE old group by
   on duplicate key
   update b=sum(old.y);

 I get invalid group by clause on that.

 Currently I achieve the same thing using two seperate queries, but wondered
 if I could consolidate as they take ~ 30mins in total (much more complex

 Anyway, more curious than anything on why it's disallowed and if it's just
 something silly I'm missing.


Re: trouble with group by and similar tables

2008-06-05 Thread Arthur Fuller
What you need, basically, is to combine two queries, one of which addresses
t1 and t2 while the other addresses t1 and t3. Create two views similar to
your first query and then join the two views on and you'll get what
you're after.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Eben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the following tables:




 I then have the following query:
 SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score
 FROM table1, table2
 WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
 AND table2.id1 =

 This works fine and returns each record in table1, grouped by id, with the
 sum of scores from table2.  However, when I do this query:

 SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score, SUM(table3.score) as
 FROM table1, table2, table3
 WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
 AND table2.id1 =
 AND table3.id1 =

 The sum'd score values go crazy, reflecting #s that aren't logical.  Is the
 issue that table2 and table3 are identical table structures, or that I
 simply don't understand how the group by is really working here...?

 Any advice is appreciated,

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Re: Help needed

2008-05-12 Thread Arthur Fuller
I tested the program before running it and it is virus-clean. I ran it
through AVG first and it's clean. I ran it in Windows. I don't know whether
there is a Linux version.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Velen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Arthur,

 Could you please tell this guy that it was not a virus and you tested it
 without any problem?



Re: Starting a 2nd MySQL instance on UNIX

2008-04-29 Thread Arthur Fuller
Would you kindly supply the changes you made, for our collective education?


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Mark-E [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Ian,
   Thanks for the reply. I was specifying the new port of 3307. I actually
 got it working over the weekend. Turns out I had to add a few entries in
 mysqld section of the my.cnf file and I was able to connect.


Re: Display more than 2500 rows

2008-04-25 Thread Arthur Fuller
The first question that occurs to me is, Why on earth would you want an app
to display 2500 rows? You must have one incredible monitor with a resolution
beyond my wildest dreams! I would look into the LIMIT predicate and use it
to grab say 50 rows at a time, or fewer, and post a marker so you know how
to interpret the Next and Previous commands that you provide on the form.

Just a thought.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Velen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 May be it's not the right forum i'm posting to.

 I have a Mysql Query : Select a.code,b.description,
 b.other_details,a.qty,a.price from xyz a, bcd b where a.code=b.code and'5' order by

 This is running fine but when using VB6 to display it in a Msflexgrid, it's
 a nightmare!  It will take about 3-5 mins to display around 2500 rows.

 Can anyone suggest a better alternative to Msflexgrid or how to improve the
 speed on msflexgrid?




Re: insert select

2008-04-03 Thread Arthur Fuller
The beauty of this language is exactly as Johan says, you can skip the
obvious, Just insert all the other non-obvious columns. In the event that
you have numerous defaulted columns, though, it's best to supply a NULL so
the syntax is parallel (IMO), or alternatively to name the columns. But
either way, for your auto-increment column, I would suggest skipping it
completely and just worry about the other columns. As Johan has suggested,
you can even substitute functions' return values for what you wish to

You can do almost anything you want
in the MySQL Restaurant.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Johan Höök [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Hiep,
 you can put in either xxx = NULL
 or you can skip it completely:
 insert into tbl_1(fld2,fld3) select fld_b, NOW() from tbl_2;


 Hiep Nguyen skrev:

  hi all, i have a question on insert ... select statement.
  tbl_1(fld1,fld2,fld3, )
  fld1 int primary key auto_increment not null
  how do i construct my select statement so that fld1 is auto increment?
  insert into tbl_1(fld1,fld2,fld3) select xxx, fld_b, NOW() from tbl_2
  where fld_a = '5';
  what should 'xxx' be???
  my goal is to get
  fld1 = auto increment
  fld2 = fld_b
  fld3 = NOW()
  i saw someone used '1', other used null for xxx.  i'm confused.
  t. hiep
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Re: [OT] When MySQL Bites: Quirks to Watch Out For

2008-03-28 Thread Arthur Fuller
Dis-information not mis-information. Someone has an axe to grind, methinks.
Or just perhaps is puntificating to see wha' 'appen.

The objections PB has raised all apply here in my installation.

Re: Indexing question

2008-03-25 Thread Arthur Fuller
What is the size of the text field you're fulltext indexing? How often is
that index used? You might be best off to create a table containing only
that column and a PK that is equal to the PK in the original table. You
might also keep a portion of the text field (say 50 characters) in the
original table, for head-first indexing.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 9:56 AM, J. Christian Hesketh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have created a rather large table containing about 16M records. Most
 of the indexed fields are smallint, but there is one field that is a
 text field that I am using fulltext indexing on. The total size of the
 smallint indexes is only about 30 MB, but the fulltext index brings
 the total index size to about 2 GB. My question is: When mysql adds
 indexes to the keycache, does it add each index individually or does
 it dump the entire .MYI file to the keycache. If it is the latter, I
 should move the fulltext index to another table.
 Thanks in advance,

 J. Christian Hesketh M.Sc.
 CEO - Ion Channel Media Group
 2028 Harvard Avenue, Suite 103
 Montreal, QC

 Tel: +1(514)245-8107

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Re: how to use index with order by here

2008-03-17 Thread Arthur Fuller
I love when this happens. I woke in the middle of the night with an idea for
you. It now occurs to me that the query you want is dead simple. It just
took me a while to see:

FROM messages
WHERE id_from = 1 AND id_to = 2
FROM messages
WHERE id_from = 2 AND id_to = 1
ORDER BY create_time

Assuming an index on id_from (or id_from, id_to), it will be used. This will
be very quick.


On 3/16/08, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Velen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would suggest u use
FROM messages
WHERE id_from between 1 and 2
AND id_to between  1 and 2

 That would only be applicable if he mandated that his users only send
 messages to other users with user_id's +/- 1 of their own, or they
 will break their message search app.

 I bet that would go over well.

 Even if this were not an issue changing from the IN to BETWEEN does
 not help performance.   In fact performance is worse. With the index I
 had suggested above and using the sample data I created his original
 query examines 28 rows, while yours examines 713, and takes several (4
 to 6) times longer to retrieve the rows on 5.0.51.


 Rob Wultsch

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Re: slow-query log analysis

2008-03-17 Thread Arthur Fuller
Wow! 70k files in /tmp. Hell of a mistake :) I hope it doesn't happen often.

On 3/17/08, Soenke Ruempler - NorthClick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Baron,

 There were about 70k files in /tmp (caused by a mistake). the web
 application on this server had many lookups to tmp and those were slowed


RE: Licence Free Import/Export for Access?

2003-02-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
I have used dbScripter a lot for this kind of work. It is definitely NOT
necessary to own Access to use it.
One of its nice features is its database profiles. These function as data
and syntax translation tables. For example, if a column type doesn't exist
in the target, substitute another column type.
It only took a small amount of experimentation to create a MySQL profile,
and using that I have frequently moved databases from SQL 2000, Oracle and
Access to MySQL. dbScripter will work fine with virtually any ODBC-compliant
back end.

-Original Message-
From: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: February 12, 2003 10:45 PM
To: mysql users
Cc: j.urban; Christensen, Dave
Subject: Re: Licence Free Import/Export for Access?

Hash: SHA1

Dave  J, et al --

[re DBScripter and urSQL]

Those are nice tools, but if I read you correctly they only work if one
has MS Access.  The original poster, if I read *him* correctly, wants a
way to read Access DB files and turn them into MySQL files -- but without
having to have MS Access.  That would be my desire if I ever had to touch
an MS Access file, since I don't have Access almost don't run Windows at

Did I misunderstand anyone?


mysql query,
- -- 
David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)


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RE: [ sub select in 4.0.9-gamma? ]

2003-02-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
In the meantime, you can almost always perform the equivalent of a
sub-select using an inner join (and sometimes a temp table). 
For example, a query to select all customers in the province of Ontario:

SELECT * FROM Customers

Can be re-written as:

SELECT * FROM Customers INNER JOIN Cities ON Customers.CityID =
WHERE Cities.ProvinceID = ON 


-Original Message-
From: Stefan Hinz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: February 13, 2003 8:36 AM
To: Elby Vaz
Subject: Re: [ sub select in 4.0.9-gamma? ]


 The MySQL-4.0.9-gamma to windows supports sub select?

Nope. Subselect are supported as of 4.1.

  iConnect GmbH
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RE: Create database via ODBC

2003-02-13 Thread Arthur Fuller
It's dead simple to create a MySQL database -- it's just a directory under
mysql\data. If you want to do it from Access, just determine where the
mysql\data directory is and then create the subdirectory.

-Original Message-
Sent: February 13, 2003 9:01 AM
Subject: Create database via ODBC

I have an application which is being converted from access to mysql, and
the need to create a second database under the mysql implementation.  Is
a way that i can create this second database via an ODBC object, or do I
to at least specify the database be created as part of the conversion

Carlin Anderson

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Re: auto increment question

2003-01-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
Yes you have neither triggers or stored procedures. Instead you'll have to
remember to use the same code everywhere in your app that can update the

Update mytable
SET col1 = 'somevalue', col2 = 3456, col3 = now(), Viewed = Viewed + 1


- Original Message -
From: Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 7:15 PM
Subject: RE: auto increment question

 It sounds to me that a trigger would help, but mysql doesn't has them


  -Original Message-
  From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 8:04 PM
  Subject: Re: auto increment question
  At 15:28 -0800 1/3/03, Kevin wrote:
  I have a table with an ID column and a viewed column. I
  would like the
  viewed column to increment by one each time the row is updated.
  is this possible?
  Sure.  Since you're updating the row anyway, set the column
  value to one more than its current value. :-)
  No, it won't happen automatically, which I would guess is
  what you're really asking.
  sql, query
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RE: style question: drop database in an install script

2002-12-30 Thread Arthur Fuller
I don't know about anyone else, but for this sort of thing I love the
program called DeZign, which is a data-modeling tool. You can draw your
tables and their columns and set up relations and so on. DeZign will then
write your code for you.

Personally, I like to keep all my drop statements in one script, all my
create scripts in another, and all my populate scripts in yet another.


-Original Message-
From: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:15 PM
To: mysql users
Subject: style question: drop database in an install script

Hash: SHA1

Hi, all --

I'm working up the schema for my application and, as you can imagine,
starting over and reloading numerous times :-)  In fact, I intend for the
script to be an install script, run on a new installation of the software
to set things up.

The script starts out

  drop database if exist dbname ;
  create database dbname ; use dbname ;
  create table tablename
  ) ;

to set things up and then continues

  insert into tablename (field,field,field)
( data , data , data ) ,
( data , data , data ) ;

to set up the predefined things (credit card types and so on).

To reload the database and try something new, all I have to do is

  mysql -udroot -p  script.sql

and what was there goes away and is rebuilt fresh.  That's mighty
convenient as I'm building up a table's design and trying it out.

Soo...  When you experienced folks write software that's meant to be
installed from a script or such, do you lead off with a 'drop database'
command, or is that just too dangerous to put in a script and you make
your users clean up any old installation by hand?  This will have to be
run by a root user, so we can figure that this user might have read the
docs and know that he's going to start [over] from scratch, but then,
again, users are users :-)

Meanwhile, is there if/then/else functionailty in SQL so that I can say

  if exist dbname exit some error ;
  create database dbname ;

and not try to create and populate a database on top of an existing one?
Or is there perhaps a RENAME DATABASE command (I saw RENAME TABLE) so
that I could rename the old one to get it out of the way but not toss it?


mysql query,
- --
David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in
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Re: replication

2002-12-30 Thread Arthur Fuller
Is there in *nix an implementation of GUIDs? If the MS math is too be
believed, GUIDs are guaranteed unique for the next century. No matter how
many monkeys are at the typewriters. Supposing a) that there is a *nix GUID
implementation, what's the right column type to use within MyISAM and
InnoDB? Assuming that anyone besides me finds this interesting, will MySQL
ever support GUID column types?


- Original Message -
From: Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: replication

 On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 08:37:13AM +0100, Maxime LEMAIRE wrote:
  I would like to know how mySQL manage the identity (auto increment
  counter) in a replication environment when 2 servers are both master
  on the same database.

 In that situation, you really need to generate your own primary keys.
 Using auto-increment with a dual-master setup is asking for trouble.
 It'll fail sooner or later, leaving you two servers that no longer
 agree on primary keys.

 Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

 MySQL 3.23.51: up 15 days, processed 549,176,147 queries (411/sec. avg)

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2002-11-19 Thread Arthur Fuller
In the meantime, Jan, you don't have to commit your whole database to one
table type. Consider using MyISAM tables where you need fulltext search and
InnoDB for your other data.


-Original Message-
From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: InnoDB != FULLTEXT?


- Original Message -
From: Jan Steinman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:37 AM
Subject: InnoDB != FULLTEXT?

 I'm interested in using InnoDB, but am loathe to give up FULLTEXT

 Anyone (Heikki?) know why this is so, and if it is likely to be changed in
the future?

there is no technical hinder in porting fulltext indexes on top of InnoDB.
But so far, the demand from commercial customers has not been enough to
assign the resources for it. The port is in the long-term goals of the
InnoDB TODO list.

 : Jan Steinman -- nature Transography(TM):

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign key support for MySQL
See, download MySQL-Max from

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RE: delete where column = null

2002-11-19 Thread Arthur Fuller
Nothing can be compared to null, not even null, which implies that MySQL is
wrong in returning two rows in the SELECT. Your query needs to say IS NULL:

 delete from t where id = 1 and num is null;


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Braithwaite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: RE: delete where column = null


I get the same behaviour with mysql 3.23.47 (not max) and with mysql v

Without the index it works fine.  Must be a bug



-Original Message-
Sent: 19 November 2002 16:45
Subject: delete where column = null


I'm trying to delete from a table where col = null, but it doesn't seem to
work. I don't see anything in the manual that says that = can't be used in
the where clause of a delete statment, but:

mysql select * from t;
| id | num  |
|  1 | NULL |
|  1 | NULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql delete from t where id = 1 and num = null;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from t where id = 1 and num = null;
| id | num  |
|  1 | NULL |
|  1 | NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This behavior seems very bizarre and counter-intuitive to me, but it's such
an obvious bug that I'm afraid it must be a feature and not a bug. Can
anyone help/explain?

Using is null in the where clause works, of course, but would be
relatively cumbersome to use.

Db is 3.23.53-max-nt



p.s. in case it's relevant, there is a unique index on (id,num):

create table t (
  id  integer not null,
  num integer,
  unique index id_num_idx(id,num)

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RE: Problems with simple(?) query

2002-11-18 Thread Arthur Fuller
 SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id2=1 AND id2=2 (for example)...

Given your structure, no row can satisfy your criteria. You are asking ID2
to have two values on one row, which is clearly impossible. Did you by
chance mean:

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id2=1 OR id2=2
or alternatively
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id1=1 AND id2=2

Both these queries could return rows.


-Original Message-
From: John Ragan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with simple(?) query


 I'm trying to write what I am sure should be a simple query, but just
can't get it to

 If I create a table called foo like this:
 create table foo ( id1 int(11) , id2(int 11) );

 populate it with data and then try:

 SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id2=1 AND id2=2 (for example),

 I just get an empty set returned. An explain on the query gives an
'Impossible WHERE'

 Both id1 and id2 can have duplicate values in them, though the same
combination of id1 and id2 cannot appear in the data (ie: id1=1, id2=1 ;
id1=1, id2=2 is possible,
 id1=1, id2=1 ; id1=1, id2=1 is not possible), and it is possible that the
values I
 search for will not be in the table at all.

 All I really want is to get the value for id1 where there are
corresponding records which match all of my search parameters for id2.

 Anyone got any ideas how to manage this? It's beginning to drive me mad!



to give the man a fish, or to teach him to fish.

if you have a windows box for a front end,
download corereader from

it connects to any data source, and it likes
mysql a lot.  it does quick point and click
queries so you can, hopefully, find for yourself
the logic errors such as has been pointed out in
your query.

have fun.

John Ragan

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RE: Newbie: interfacing to MySQL?

2002-11-18 Thread Arthur Fuller
IMO you should begin with the command-line client mysql and get to know the
various commands such as SHOW. Import some data from somewhere and play
around with SELECT and UPDATE and joins. Once you have a basic understanding
of these commands, then a GUI front end will be a lot more useful, IMO. Some
good ones include DB Tools, MySQLFront and mysqlyog. But these are all
interactive clients. It depends on what sort of application you have in
mind, as well as what OS(es) you may be running it from. If you're on
Windows then Access is a great front end. If you want to do web-apps, java
or php or perl or even vbscript and IIS are viable.


-Original Message-
From: Brynley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 12:50 AM
Subject: Newbie: interfacing to MySQL?

Hi all,

Brand new to these parts so go easy on me! :)

Right - I want to use MySQL - but doing things backward. What are you
people using as a front end?

I mean MySQL just sits in the background churning out stuff - but
obviously the instructions have to come from somewhere.

Someone suggested using Java (I want to use this using a browser over
my intranet) but Java seems pretty tricky.

Sorry if this is a how-long-is-a-piece-of-string type questions. If
you need more detail just ask.

All comments appreciated.

Thanks for reading.



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RE: RE: MySql 4.1 Sub Selects and not stored procedures

2002-11-11 Thread Arthur Fuller
I'm not sure where you're getting your information (Typically, db vendors
recommend you use an exists clause, not a join when testing for the presence
of child data because it's faster). Not to say that you're incorrect, just
that in working for years with MS-SQL and Oracle and before that Sybase, I
have never seen such advice.

I just opened Query Analyzer to compare two queries similar to yours (in

Table sizes:
Customers: 50151
SalesTravellers: 51195

select surname, givenName
from salestravellers
where not exists(
select 1 from customers
where salestravellers.customerid = customers.customerid)

select salestravellers.surname, salestravellers.givenName
from salestravellers left join customers
on salestravellers.customerid = customers.customerid
where customers.customerid is null

For both queries:
Rows returned: 2751
Time for Q1: 0:0:02


-Original Message-
From: Greg Matthews [mailto:greg55;]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: RE: MySql 4.1 Sub Selects and not stored procedures

hey, can i hijack my message back?...this thread is about the performance of
subselects, not stored procedures. go write your own message :-)...

sothe original question is if someone would be nice enough to answer..

 Do any MySql coders writing subselects in 4.1 know whether EXISTS will
outperform an equivalent query written as a join. =

Typically, db vendors recommend you use an exists clause, not a join when
testing for the presence of child data because it's faster.


4.1 version  (faster?)
select person.person_id, from person where exists ( select 1
from invoice where invoice.paid is null and invoice.person_id =


4.0 version (slower?)
select DISTINCT person.person_id, person.person_name from person, invoice
where person.person_id = invoice.person_id and invoice.paid is null


- Original Message -
To: Victoria Reznichenko [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:04 PM
Subject: RE: RE: MySql 4.1 Sub Selects

 damn , i read it was 4.1 i guess we have to wait a bit then, i wish i
 program some c ++ to hurry it along a bit, i dont really have access to
 like oracle to learn stored procedure stuff

 -Original Message-
 From: Victoria Reznichenko [mailto:victoria.reznichenko;]
 Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:00 PM
 Subject: re: RE: MySql 4.1 Sub Selects

 Monday, November 11, 2002, 3:51:25 AM, you wrote:

 d will 4.1 hopefully have stored procedure functionality ?

 Stored procedures will be implemented around v5.0

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RE: query crushes server

2002-11-11 Thread Arthur Fuller
A Cartesian product will generate the number of rows in Table 1 times the
number of rows in Table 2. For example if T1 has 1,000 rows and T2 has
10,000 rows your result set will contain 10,000,000 rows.


Eugene Bendersky wrote:

May be this was reported already.

I have windows 2000 using mysql version 4.0.3-beta-nt

When I ran a query like

 select  distinct a.* from tasks a, gnrlasoc b;

mysqld-nt.exe crashes.
I know this query makes no sense but it should not crush server

Eugene Bendersky

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RE: Distributing table-files to other machines

2002-11-04 Thread Arthur Fuller
You can move the files and then set up symlinks to them in the
/mysql/data/dbName directory.


-Original Message-
From: Michelle de Beer [mailto:michelledebeer;]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:21 AM
Subject: Distributing table-files to other machines

At the moment, the files for tables in a database are
all stored in mysql/data/databasename/.

Is it possible to distribute the table-files to
different discs, or even better, different machines,
and still keep the flexability of having everything in
one database.

Example 1:
1 Database
5 tables
5 discs
Put the first table on the same DISC as the database.
The other tables have one DISC each.

Example 2:
1 database
5 tables
5 servers
Put the first table on the same SERVER as the
database. The other tables have one SERVER each.

Any thoughts?
// Michelle

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RE: self relation query help

2002-10-28 Thread Arthur Fuller
Yes, at first it may seem that groups are just another form of artist, and
that your searches would be simpler, but if you put them both in a single
table, how do you model someone like say Paul McCartney, who was in the
Beatles and Wings? Or Yo Yo Ma, who has guested with every important
symphony orchestra in the world? Particularly in the jazz world, your model
poses enormous problems. How could you model Charlie Haden, Miles Davis, the
Brecker brothers, and so so?

Peter's right. If you want a robust model, you have to break out groups and
artists. If you want a historically accurate model, you may need a junction
table GroupArtists, with FKs into Groups and Artists, and a pair of date
columns indicating from and to -- which could overlap, again especially
in jazz.


-Original Message-
From: Peter Brawley [mailto:peter.brawley;]
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 6:43 AM
To: Franklin Williams Jr.; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: self relation query help

Franklin, the basic relational rules
(, say,
decompose relationships like your artists  groups to separate tables, and
your example fits right in.



- Original Message -
From: Franklin Williams Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 9:44 PM
Subject: self relation query help

 I have a table with names in it where the names can function as 1 of 2
things -
 either an artist or a group. In order to make searching easy I wished to
 these names in one table. EG: searching for artist name, whether a group
 soloist you would have to search only one table. The problem arises if the
 person wishes to get the names of the artists in the group or an artist
 performs in multiple groups. I thought a self relationship of sorts solved
 but then I could not figure out how to write the query. For instance the
 simplest query is: show me all the groups and artists in each group, or
Show me
 the artists names in group U2. Easy if groups and artist names were in 2

 A table  B table
 idNameid grp_id art_id
 1 Joe  1   2  1
 2  U2  2   2  3
 3 Mike 3   2  4
 4 John   --
 5 Jane

 In the above sample data, table B is a join of sorts where the
 as both the B.grp_id and B.art_id. EG:  B.grp_id = AND B.art_id =
 I thought I had come up with a nifty little trick (using the same id in
 different fields to designate a distinction ) but alas.
 I can only select one column to get the names of the group and artists. I
 thought nested selects would solve this - maybe not - but no nested
selects in
 mysql anyway.
 So..can this be done with this design or must I split the artists and
 into separate tables, forcing a multiple table search? I hoped column
 would solve this but I could not make it work using them. Confused? am
 I! Thanks in advance for any help

 Franklin Williams

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RE: how do you define a relationship?

2002-10-23 Thread Arthur Fuller
Perhaps what is confusing you is that you never explicitly define a
relationship as such: there are no relationship objects. Rather, at the
table leve you define a foreign key that references the primary key of
another table.

Second, you must use the InnoDB or BDB table types to get foreign keys.

Both tables have to be InnoDB type and there must be an index where the
foreign key and the referenced key are listed as the first columns. InnoDB
does not auto-create indexes on foreign keys or referenced keys: you have to
create them explicitly.

Finally, here is the (relevant part of the) syntax:

[CONSTRAINT symbol] FOREIGN KEY (index_col_name, ...)
  REFERENCES table_name (index_col_name, ...)

Just tack a clause like this onto the end of your CREATE TABLE statement. If
your tables are already built, then you can use ALTER TABLE instead. Look in
the manual under CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE.


-Original Message-
From: Hammons Randy G SSgt 612 ACOMS/SCXX
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: how do you define a relationship?

Unfortunately this goes well beyond the scope of my original question.
Although the inputs that you all have provided thus far have been a very
good read, I still don't grasp the concept of defining a relationship.  Is
it simply referring to a primary key in a field other than the one where the
key was defined?  Or is there some other way to define a key that I don't
see?  All I'm looking for is a simple example, syntax excerpt, etc...that
shows me (only the slow learner level) exactly how to define a

-Original Message-
From: Jan Steinman [mailto:Jan;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: how do you define a relationship?

From: Arthur Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unfortunately that oversimplifies the situation. A least a few movies have
more than one director.

My motto: Generalize for the norm; specialize for the exception.

The vast majority of movies have but one director. And I suspect that movies
with multiple directors have but one who is primary.

Keep a single director field, with a second NULL FULLTEXT field for
additional directors. The NULL test for the normal case is much cheaper than
what you have to go through by assuming that ALL movies have multiple

This is how books are handled in large databases. Each has a primary author,
and may contain secondary authors. There is no assumption that large numbers
of books have multiple, equal authors.

This way, you can easily and conveniently list multiples as Speilberg (et.
al.) without doing joins. An interested browser can then go further to find
out who the others are. In the other case, each request for a director
requires a JOIN.

Of course, your particular application may be director-centric, like if
you're building a special database to support research on directors. But if
it's just a general-purpose movies database, why bog the whole thing down
just to suit a few exceptional cases?

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RE: ERD, Scripts, and Reverse Engineering

2002-10-21 Thread Arthur Fuller
I work with DeZign as well and chose it for basically the same reason as
you. I particularly love the fact that it supports domains. I have been
communicating with the author and encouraging him to add specific InnoDB
table types.

I also suggested another feature to him that he really liked; we just have
to come up with the right name for it. It's like a Domain except that it
contains multiple columns, each defined like a Domain; for the moment I call
it a meta-domain. For example, a meta-domain called CreditCardInfo would
contain columns for CardNumber, CardHolder, ExpiryDate, DVV number and so
on. Then you could add these columns to a table simply by adding the
CreditCardInfo meta-domain to a table. Rick is considering it for inclusion
in his next release.

One other product I use is called dbScripter, from
It generates create and drop scripts as well as populate scripts for Oracle,
Access and MySQL databases, using syntax profiles. I wrote a profile for
MySQL that will be included in the next release. It costs around $95 US. An
important feature that competitors do not have is the ability to create
index scripts.


-Original Message-
From: Andy Blackshaw [mailto:support;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: ERD, Scripts, and Reverse Engineering

I did the same seach and evaluation a couple of weeks back. Ended up
buying Dezign for Databases, partly on cost (compared to Case Studio
which seems the most comprehensive product), but also because the
evaluation version allowed enough tables/releationships to do a
realistic eval + good documentation. Reverse engineering is possible if
you buy the additional Importerscripts, or ImporterMysql, and you can
define your own logical types (called domains) or additional Mysql
types if the set is not complete. As far as I can see there is no way
to define the table type, but the rest is covered. So far I'm finding
it stable and very easy to work with.


On 20 Oct 2002 at 19:07, Randy Garland wrote:

 Hello, all:

 I'm looking for a well-designed Windows-based database design tool that:

 1) (Most importantly) Supports MySQL 4.x:
  a) supports all of its datatypes, including MEDIUMINT, ENUM, BLOB,
 b)  lets the user decide between table types (ISAM v. InnoDB v BDB)
 2)  Creates ERDs (Entity Relationship Diagrams) with standard 'crow's
 3)  From the ERDs, generates 'load' and 'drop' sql scripts
 4)  Can reverse engineer an existing MySQL database, creating an ERD from
 the database
 5) Is, preferably, free or cheap

 I've looked and looked.  I'm currently evaluating three products:
 1) Dezign for Databases (out of the Netherlands)
 2) CASE Studio version 2.10.1, by CHARONWARE (
 3) Database Design Studio, by chillisource (

 All of them are commercial, and I have reservations about each one.  None
 MySQL-specific (they cover many db's), and as such, don't really make it
 easy for the user to easily define MySQL-specific data types.  Also, only
 CASE includes Reverse Engineering.  CASE is big bucks ($325), and the
 are in the $100 range.

 I just don't want to have to create my ERDs in Visio, document the details
 in Excel, manually create scripts, and then have to update all three when
 the db needs change.

 Is there one, good, unified tool for MySQL that can help?

 Thanks in advance,
 Randy Garland

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RE: how do you define a relationship?

2002-10-21 Thread Arthur Fuller
Unfortunately that oversimplifies the situation. A least a few movies have
more than one director. AI, for example: first half by Kubrick, second
(lousy) half by Speilberg. Another example is The Twilight Zone, which had
four directors.

This calls for a junction table between Movies and Directors, called
MovieDirectors and having MovieID and DirectorID.

Perhaps this isn't refined enough either. Consider Clint Eastwood, who
stars, directs and produces. Woody Allen, who does all that and also writes.

A fuller (heh heh) resolution of the problem might look like this:

Create a new table called Roles, which contains rows for Actor, Director,
Producer, D.O.P. and whatever else is of interest.

Combine the existing Directors and Actors tables into a single table called

Create a junction table called TalentRoles, with FKs referencing Talent and
Roles. Clint would have rows for Writer, Director and Actor.

Now create a table called MovieRoles with foreign keys into TalentRoles and
Movies. Then you add as many people to a movie as you want, nw whatever
roles are legitimate for those people. I.e. you couldn't add Clint as a

Arthur Fuller

-Original Message-
From: bwarehouse [mailto:bwarehouse;]
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 5:38 PM
To: Randy Hammons; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: how do you define a relationship?

You are on the right track..  but kill your relationships as you have them
currently defined...  think of it this way...  (one to many)..   you have
movies and you have directors..   it should be one director to many movies
seeing that a movie normally only has one director..   so   take you primary
key from directors and place that foreign key in the movies table. Remember:
one director has many movies, not one movie has many directors..


Make a field in your movies table exactly the same as the primary key in the
directors table, but don't autonumber it if that is what is in the primary
key of the directors table, just make it the same type( ie. Number, text,
date, etc).  and make sure it has the exact same specs as the directors
primary key field except the autonumber type; and make sure the perimeter is
allow duplicate key is set to yes, if you index the field in the movies
table), but you don't have to index the foreign key in the movie table if
the primary key of the directors table is already indexed.  Just make the
foreign key, allow duplicates 'YES' in the movie table..

Hope this helps..

-Original Message-
From: Randy Hammons [mailto:rathlon1;]
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: how do you define a relationship?

 I think I've firmed my theoritical understanding of relationships enough
to be dangerous.  Now for the logical parthow do you actually define a
relationship in mysql?  For instance...

 table movies
 columns (movie id(pk) , movie title , year filmed)

 table directors
 columns (director id(pk), movie id(fk), total movies)

 Here I have a primary key in each table which I have defined in my table
structure.  I also have a foreign key in the directors table, but where did
I define that to the database?  Is this a sort of relationship?  Like a one
to many?  I've noticed in some reading that certain keys are refered to by
their respective names ( column - whatever ) and the relatioship column is
defined as ( column - relwhatever ), is this the proper way to define a
relationship?  Is the primary/foreignkey,  relationship concept something
that is used by the database to replicate data or are they design tools used
to develope an independent, non repetitive data structure?  Someone please
help...I'm so confused.  Thanks so much

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RE: Suggestions for breaking large table into smaller?

2002-10-18 Thread Arthur Fuller
If your contacts are all North American, and this is a typical query, you
may well profit significantly from normalizing the address data. To do so,
create a Cities table and a States table (perhaps call it Regions if you
need to account for CDN provinces). The Cities table would look like:

CityID int auto-increment primary key
CityName char(30) or whatever
RegionID int (references Regions)

The Regions table would look like:

RegionID int auto-increment primary key
RegionName char(30) or whatever
CountryID   int (references Countries if you need it)

CountryID int auto-increment primary key
CountryName char(30)

Now you can move all the city, state and country info out of your contacts
table, leaving only the CityID behind. Index the column.

In this scheme your query would do a simple join and find the 'NJ' rows much
more quickly.


-Original Message-
From: James Taylor [mailto:jtx;]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: Suggestions for breaking large table into smaller?

Curious if this is normal behaviour, or if my table is just not put together
very well.  I have a table consisting of approximately 4.5 million contacts,
listed by company name/city/state/zip - The system this is running on is a
PowerEdge 1400sc, 1ghz p3, 1 gig ram, 18gb scsi drive.  These are the
results of the following query:

SELECT COUNT(*) from usa_phone_list where state = 'NJ';
| COUNT(*) |
|   157104 |
1 row in set (29.62 sec)

That seems like an awfully long time to me...  When doing an explain on that
query, the
'type' is coming back as index, and 'rows' is reporting 4886146.. Gr.

Currently, I'm using 1 large table to store basically everything.  I'm
trying to figure out whether I should use some sort of normalization, and
also I was thinking of basically creating 50 different tables, one for each
state...  Is there any downside to having that many tables, or is it
unnecessary and should a table with millions of entries be able to run this
query just as fast as one with a couple hundred thousand. Has anyone done
anything like this before, and if so... What turned out to be the best route
to take?  I've never worked on a database this large before, and am not a
professional DBA in the least.  Just looking for some suggestions here on
how to handle this.  Thanks for all your help.

James Taylor

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Re: Normalization sql

2002-10-16 Thread Arthur Fuller

Ooops! You just threw a new wrench into the works! A video may have
multiple titles. In this case you must distinguish the original from its
presumably foreign-translations (or whatever). In other words, you might
store the master as La Cage aux Folles and the English subtitled version
as something else, which implies another 1:M table, residing above Titles in
the hierarchy. For simplicity let's call it Videos, and then rename Titles
to VideoTitles, giving it a foreign key referencing Videos. Thus in the
Videos table we have entry 12345, La Cage Aux Folles and in the
VideoTitles table we have an entry The Cage of Fools or whatever, with an
FK referencing 12345.

A title search would then require interrogation of two tables, which in
itself isn't terrible since one could UNION the titles from both tables, but
possibly this is not the best model. Perhaps the Videos table should contain
no Title info, and all that data should be exported to the Titles table. I'd
have to give that some thought before deciding.

 How do I create a junction table?  Example, between Genres and Titles, how
 do I add the to PK fields to TitleGenres?  Do I just create the
 table and add the TitleID  GenreID field and does the database know they
 are linked?

The database knows nothing except what is permitted. (Hope Dostoevsky didn't
design the database:-)

You front end application should anticipate this and present pretty controls
for the user. The table TitleGenres implies a reference to both Titles and
Genres, so each of these could be presented as a dropdown list, or in a web
app you could pass in the PK from the Titles table and have your insert code
write the received parameter into the table. (By sticking to Titles rather
than shifting the relationship to Videos, you could account for the strange
belief in France that Jerry Lewis is funny :-)

Creating a junction table is simple. Just add the columns you need and
declare them as foreign keys, specifying their reference-tables (InnoDB). If
you're using MyISAM tables the responsibility falls entirely on your front

You may want to modify the Stars table to reference Videos rather than
Titles, since the stars remain the same even if you translate the film into
Russian or Swahili.


- Original Message -
From: John Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Normalization sql

 Studios (StudioName, StudioID)
 Genres (GenreName, GenreID)
 Titles (VideoTitle, Details, StudioID, GenreID, BitRateID, TitleID)
 Actors (F_Name, L_Name, ActorID)
 Stars (TitleID, ActorID)
 TitleGenres (TitleID, GenreID)

 So, if I just use theses tables I will be OK if the video has multiple
 titles, multiple actors,  multiple genres?

 How do I create a junction table?  Example, between Genres and Titles, how
 do I add the to PK fields to TitleGenres?  Do I just create the
 table and add the TitleID  GenreID field and does the database know they
 are linked?

 Thank you.

 At 09:50 AM 10/14/2002 -0400, Arthur Fuller wrote:
 You're starting off ok, just missing the links between the tables. I
 suggest for simplicity though that you change the names of your PKs to
 reflect their table, i.e. Title (VideoTitle, Details, TitleID). Otherwise
 once you do multi-table queries joins you will have to specify the table
 names every time.
 A studio makes zero or more titles (videos).
 A film belongs to zero or more genres (your answer may be that a film
 belongs to precisely one genre)
 A title stars one or more actors (you may plan on storing only one, but
 will you decide in a case such as Eight Women?) I would say you need a
 junction table between Titles and Actors so you can handle multiple
 I'm not sure what BitRate means but I guess it is an attribute of the
 Studios (StudioName, StudioID)
 Genres (GenreName, GenreID)
 Titles (VideoTitle, Details, StudioID, GenreID, BitRateID, TitleID)
 Actors (F_Name, L_Name, ActorID)
 Stars (TitleID, ActorID)
 If you decide that a Title can belong to more than one Genre, then you
 a junction table there too:
 TitleGenres (TitleID, GenreID)
 This change would involve removing the GenreID from the Titles table.
 This design lets you easily find all the titles made by a studio, all the
 titles featuring a given actor (even if she is the co-star rather than
 star), all the titles in a genre and even compound queries such as all
 MGM thrillers featuring actor XYZ.
 - Original Message -
 From: John Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:49 AM
 Subject: Normalization sql
   I've read a bunch about normalization in MySQL and still can't do it
   well.  What I want to normalize is videos (Title, Studios, Actors,
   These are the tables and fields I think it needs.  Is this
   normalized?  Thank

Re: Why must I quote fields now?

2002-10-14 Thread Arthur Fuller

It's always a bad idea to name your columns using keywords.

- Original Message -
From: olinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 5:42 AM
Subject: Why must I quote fields now?

 Hi all,

 I have just added a field (order) to a table with
 about 12,000 records.

 Now I cannot select or insert unless I quote the field
 names in the query

 i.e. This returns - you have an error near 'order ...'

 FROM articles WHERE id = 23692

 but this works fine.

 FROM `articles` WHERE `id` = 23692

 I have no idea why, has the table been corrupted?

 I'm running MySQL 3.23.48


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Re: Type

2002-10-14 Thread Arthur Fuller

The MyISAM table type should be fine for what you are doing, and is faster
than the InnoDB type. Basically, you only need transactions in situations
where a) money is involved or b) you will be updating multiple tables and
all updates must be guaranteed successful, or none.


- Original Message -
From: John Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: Type

 1) Is there a de facto type that is used?  All I will be doing is creating
 a database for use on the web for dynamic webpages.  Basically doing
 searches to the back-end MySQL database.  I figure I don't need to use
 transactional type since I will not be adding any information via a
 front-end.  I will probably load a file whenever I need to add more
 data.  Am I correct?  Or is it always best to use a transactional
 type?  And which transactional type is better/reliable/robust to use?

 2) If later on I change my mind and create a webpage as the front-end and
 start inputing data this way will I need a transactional type?

 Thank you.

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Re: Normalization sql

2002-10-14 Thread Arthur Fuller

You're starting off ok, just missing the links between the tables. I would
suggest for simplicity though that you change the names of your PKs to
reflect their table, i.e. Title (VideoTitle, Details, TitleID). Otherwise
once you do multi-table queries joins you will have to specify the table
names every time.

A studio makes zero or more titles (videos).
A film belongs to zero or more genres (your answer may be that a film
belongs to precisely one genre)
A title stars one or more actors (you may plan on storing only one, but how
will you decide in a case such as Eight Women?) I would say you need a
junction table between Titles and Actors so you can handle multiple stars.
I'm not sure what BitRate means but I guess it is an attribute of the Title.

Studios (StudioName, StudioID)
Genres (GenreName, GenreID)
Titles (VideoTitle, Details, StudioID, GenreID, BitRateID, TitleID)
Actors (F_Name, L_Name, ActorID)
Stars (TitleID, ActorID)

If you decide that a Title can belong to more than one Genre, then you need
a junction table there too:

TitleGenres (TitleID, GenreID)

This change would involve removing the GenreID from the Titles table.

This design lets you easily find all the titles made by a studio, all the
titles featuring a given actor (even if she is the co-star rather than the
star), all the titles in a genre and even compound queries such as all the
MGM thrillers featuring actor XYZ.


- Original Message -
From: John Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 8:49 AM
Subject: Normalization sql

 I've read a bunch about normalization in MySQL and still can't do it very
 well.  What I want to normalize is videos (Title, Studios, Actors, Genre,

 These are the tables and fields I think it needs.  Is this
 normalized?  Thank you.
 Table (Fields)
 Title (VideoTitle, details, id)
 Studio (Name, id)
 Actors (F_Name, L_Name, id)
 Genre (Name, id)
 Bitrate (rate, id)

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Linux GUIDs

2002-10-04 Thread Arthur Fuller

Does MySQL support GUIDs? Is there any code around that is equivalent to the
built-in M$-SQL function NewID(), which returns a GUID?


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Re: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

2002-10-03 Thread Arthur Fuller

Once you understand the logic of joins the rest is pretty straightforward,
since in terms of execution the sequence in which you do the joins is
irrelevant. (Performance is another issue, quickly resolved by specifying
the smallest tables first.)

Supposing that you have tables Products, Suppliers and Categories, which
Products having foreign keys referencing Suppliers and Categories...

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, SupplierName, CategoryID,
FROM Products INNER JOIN Suppliers ON Products.SupplierID =
INNER JOIN Categories ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID;

You can just keep building up such a query according to the number of tables
you need to drag into the operation. Given the above query, you may well
want to change the order of table references, but that doesn't intrude upon
the logic and unless you have a very large number of rows in one or more
tables, the performance difference will barely be noticeable.

There are several GUI tools that let you perform multi-table selects using
drag-and-drop techniques (c.f. DBTools, IMO one of the finest, with the
added benefit that it remembers relatinships that you declare within it).
Then you can inspect the code it writes and tweak it to suit using EXPLAIN.


- Original Message -
From: damovand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 12:31 PM
Subject: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

 Is there a document that compiles examples on different ways of joining
 two or more tables?  I found a few on but they do not cover joining more
 than two tables.

 Thanks for any suggestions.

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Re: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

2002-10-03 Thread Arthur Fuller

Yes there are. First do as you have written, although your syntax is a bit
wrong but the email compiler forgives such stuff :-)

 SELECT table1.bunch, table2.of, table3.stuff FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.some_id
INNER JOIN table3 ON table3.some_id
 WHERE table1.some_id = table2.some_id AND table1.some_id = table3.some_id;

should have been:

 SELECT table1.bunch, table2.of, table3.stuff FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.some_id = table1.FK
INNER JOIN table3 ON table3.some_id = table1.FK
 WHERE table1.some_id = table2.some_id AND table1.some_id = table3.some_id;

IMO you confuse the logic if you combine joins with wheres. You make it very
hard to understand what's occurring and even harder to debug it.

Store all your join logic in the join clauses, then reserve the where for
precisely what you mean. For example:

SELECT Table1.Stuff
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.FK = Table2.PK
INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table2.FK = Table3.PK
WHERE Table1.PK = myVar

In this sort of construction, the logic is far more apparent than in a
construction which blurs the joins and wheres. Just my $.02.


- Original Message -
From: Josh Trutwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

  Is there a document that compiles examples on different ways of joining
  two or more tables?  I found a few on but they do not cover joining more
   than two tables.
  Thanks for any suggestions.

 I wish there were more examples as well!

 I use this for multi-table joins:

 SELECT table1.bunch, table2.of, table3.stuff FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table2.some_id
INNER JOIN table3 ON table3.some_id
 WHERE table1.some_id = table2.some_id AND table1.some_id = table3.some_id;

 Not sure if this the best way or not, but it works...

 Anyone with more experience care to contribute?  Are there optimum ways to
 join multiple tables?


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Re: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

2002-10-03 Thread Arthur Fuller

Send me create-table scripts and population scripts and I'll do this for
you. But on rereading your message I'm guessing that your normalization is
wrong. You have more than one multi-valued dependency. Your example
description is either wrong or insufficient.

T1 (presumably the parent of all parents) has a PK of let's say A.
T2 has an FK into T1 := A.
T3 should not have any trace of A or B or C, all of which are derivable. I
hope this won't strike you as pedantic, but you get into severe problems
when you store multiple multi-valued keys in any given table. This is the
difference between 3NF and 4NF+BCNF. Jargon aside, suppose the following:

T1 = Customers, with columns CityID, RegionID and CountryID

Should you choose this model, you either:

a) force the front end to intelligently preclude absurd options; or
b) face the prospect of such entries as Toronto, New York, Japan.

IMO this is obviously incorrect. The most you need to store is the least you
need to store. Instead of this method, consider a cascading alternative:

-= Regions
-= Counties

All you need to store in this model is the CityID, since this is enough to
distinguish Springfield, Ohio from Springield, Nebraska. a) you don't need
to carry the cascading FKs and b) they are counterproductive even should you
choose to carry them, for they either permit nonsense or you force the front
end to carry mucho additional logic that is not properly part of the front
end. Instead consider intelligent multi-table queries that retrieve for
example Vancouver, BC, Canada and Vancouver, WA, USA. This makes your
front end smarter and your back end more resilient.

Examples of this are abundant. A front end that permits you to transfer
employee 123 from department 234 to department 234 are IMO bad, beneath
consideration of serious programming. We have to be a lot smarter than that.
Given a screen that allows employee-transfer, the least it could do is
preclude transfer to the same department!

Lest I sound like some proselitizer, I only do so because I have made this
mistake a dozen times and paid the price. At this late stage in the game, I
now fully appreciate the virtues of BCNF+4NF and hope never to make this
mistakes again. Normalize to the max and you're guaranteed to be correct.
Codd is no fool. He is a genious and the more you read him the more sense he
makes. I wish I were an order of magnitude close to his perceptions. I look
back on my errors and realize I should have read him more closely, and
obeyed his edicts even if I couldn't comprehend them at the time!

- Original Message -
From: damovand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Is there Examples and Documents on joining tables?

 Hi Arthur,

 Thanks for your answer and your example. Your example is very good but I
 can't map to what I'm trying to do.  As you suggested I have to
 understand how inner join is implemented in MySQL. The query that I'm
 working on selects fields from three tables, in this way,
 Table_1 has columns A,B,C supplies fields ( A,B, C)
 Table_2 has columns A,T,U supplies fields (T,U)
 Table_3 has columns A,B,C,X,Y,Z supplies fields (X,Y,Z)

 Table_1 and table_2 have a strange relationship with each other, one row
 in table_3 could match with a number of rows in table_1 if table_1.A =
 table_3.A and table_1.B=table_3.B and (table_1.C=table_3.C or table_3.C
 = *).  That's what I can't get to work.

 I worked on this on MSSQL and wrote a query that does the above but I
 cannot find the equivalent query for it in MySQL.

 For I've split the query in two parts and put the results back together
 in my application.  But I would look at DBTools and see if I can learn
 something from it.

 Thanks again for you advice.


  Once you understand the logic of joins the rest is pretty
  since in terms of execution the sequence in which you do the joins is
  irrelevant. (Performance is another issue, quickly resolved by
  the smallest tables first.)
  Supposing that you have tables Products, Suppliers and Categories, which
  Products having foreign keys referencing Suppliers and Categories...
  SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, SupplierName, CategoryID,
  FROM Products INNER JOIN Suppliers ON Products.SupplierID =
  INNER JOIN Categories ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID;
  You can just keep building up such a query according to the number of
  you need to drag into the operation. Given the above query, you may well
  want to change the order of table references, but that doesn't intrude
  the logic and unless you have a very large number of rows in one or more
  tables, the performance difference will barely be noticeable.
  There are several GUI tools that let you perform multi-table selects
  drag-and-drop techniques (c.f. 

Re: MySQL as a desktop DB

2002-09-29 Thread Arthur Fuller

I don't think Access is crap at all. In fact I think it's a) the best RAD
front end going for SQL Server and perhaps for MySQL too. I use Access 2000
and 2002 + MyODBC to create front ends to MySQL databases and the
combination works great. In less than one morning I successfully ported the
Northwind sample application to MyOBC+MySQL. I had to fix a couple of
queries that wouldn't translate, but other than that it worked like a charm.
And one of the best reasons to go with such a combination is that Access can
save named queries, which can then be combined. For example:

SELECT products.ProductID, products.ProductName, products.UnitPrice,
FROM products
ORDER BY products.ProductName;

SELECT suppliers.SupplierID, suppliers.CompanyName
FROM suppliers
ORDER BY suppliers.CompanyName;

SELECT qryProductsList.ProductName, qryProductsList.UnitPrice,
FROM qrySuppliersList INNER JOIN qryProductsList ON
qrySuppliersList.SupplierID = qryProductsList.SupplierID;

MySQL by itself doesn't provide this kind of capability. I find it
enormously valuable.

Just my $.02.


- Original Message -
From: David Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL as a desktop DB


  Obviously MySQL would have advantages if I intended to use it as a
  database with concurrent users. But is it faster than Access in the
  single-user environment, when dealing with large databases?

 MySQL in a single user environment is a pain in the arse because of its
 lack of an Access Like front end that is actually useful and featureful
 (Access is crap, but it's a better database frontend than currently

 (mysql, query)

 I reniad lin ne mor, nuithannen
   In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen
 I lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen
   (Soundtrack LOTR - and it's not LATIN)

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Re: Copying a Table

2002-09-28 Thread Arthur Fuller

To where? Another table? More information is required.

- Original Message -
From: Shaun Bramley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 1:18 PM
Subject: Copying a Table

 Hello all,

 I have yet to find this bit of information within the documentation.  Is
 possible to copy the contents of a table?  If so how?

 mysql, query

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RE: Basic SQL join question

2002-09-24 Thread Arthur Fuller

FROM Projects
INNER JOIN KeywordLink ON Projects.Id = KeywordLink.Pid
INNER JOIN Keywords KeywordLink.Kid = Keywords.Id
WHERE Keyword LIKE '%historical%' AND
Keyword like '%scenic%';

1. Note the single quotes.
2. You can place the join logic in the WHERE clause but I prefer the clarity
obtained by keeping it in JOIN clauses and using the WHERE only to contain
the include if logic.


-Original Message-
From: Adam Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: Basic SQL join question

Okay, I've thought about this every way I can conceive of, but I
cannot figure out the sql query logic involved in joining three
tables together.  Here is what I am trying to do:

I have three tables:


keywords has these fields:

keywordlink has these fields:

projects has a lot of fields, but it's primary key is ID

What keywords holds is the keywords used in the various different
tables in the database.  keywordlink associates a project with
several keywords:

example keywords:

id | keyword
1  | landscape
2  | historical
3  | scenic

example keywordlink:

id | pid | kid
1  | 1   | 2
2  | 1   | 3
3  | 2   | 1
4  | 2   | 3

example projects:

id | name
1  | example
2  | extra

Now, what I am trying to do is basically search the keywords database
for keyword names, and then return a list of project names that are
associated with those keywords.  If the keywords were stored in the
projects database, this is basically what I would want it to do
(assume all the keywords are stored in a field called keywords in
the projects table):

SELECT * FROM projects where keywords like %historical% and
keywords like %scenic%;

This would return to me the projects that have historical and scenic
in the keywords field.  Now, how do I do this same operation with it
broken out like I have above.

The reason I am not storing the keywords in the projects table is
that it would be quite a chore in changing the keywords in the system
if I did that (modify one keyword, modify all the projects, etc).

Anyone have any words of advice for me?


Adam Randall

Macintosh users are a special case. They care passionately about the
Mac OS and would rewire their own bodies to run on Mac OS X if such a
thing were possible. -- Peter H. Lewis

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Re: Basic SQL join question

2002-09-24 Thread Arthur Fuller

Oops! Quite right -- ON is necessary after the word JOIN. That was written
in the email compiler :-) Sorry I should have proofread it before hitting


- Original Message -
From: Josh Trutwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 12:46 PM
Subject: RE: Basic SQL join question

  FROM Projects
  INNER JOIN KeywordLink ON Projects.Id = KeywordLink.Pid
  INNER JOIN Keywords KeywordLink.Kid = Keywords.Id
  WHERE Keyword LIKE '%historical%' AND
  Keyword like '%scenic%';

 Out of curiousity, does the order matter?

 I have a JOIN with about 6 tables, some are very small, some are quite
 large.  I know with LEFT JOIN if I switched the order of the tables
 around, the queries could speed up or slow down dramatically.  Is the same
 true with INNER JOIN?

 Still trying to completely grasp JOINs, getting closer though...

 Also, shouldn't the second INNER JOIN have an ON keyword?


  1. Note the single quotes.
  2. You can place the join logic in the WHERE clause but I prefer the
  clarity obtained by keeping it in JOIN clauses and using the WHERE only
  to contain the include if logic.
  -Original Message-
  From: Adam Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 5:18 AM
  Subject: Basic SQL join question
  Okay, I've thought about this every way I can conceive of, but I
  cannot figure out the sql query logic involved in joining three
  tables together.  Here is what I am trying to do:
  I have three tables:
  keywords has these fields:
  keywordlink has these fields:
  projects has a lot of fields, but it's primary key is ID
  What keywords holds is the keywords used in the various different
  tables in the database.  keywordlink associates a project with
  several keywords:
  example keywords:
  id | keyword
  1  | landscape
  2  | historical
  3  | scenic
  example keywordlink:
  id | pid | kid
  1  | 1   | 2
  2  | 1   | 3
  3  | 2   | 1
  4  | 2   | 3
  example projects:
  id | name
  1  | example
  2  | extra
  Now, what I am trying to do is basically search the keywords database
  for keyword names, and then return a list of project names that are
  associated with those keywords.  If the keywords were stored in the
  projects database, this is basically what I would want it to do
  (assume all the keywords are stored in a field called keywords in the
  projects table):
  SELECT * FROM projects where keywords like %historical% and
  keywords like %scenic%;
  This would return to me the projects that have historical and scenic in
  the keywords field.  Now, how do I do this same operation with it broken
  out like I have above.
  The reason I am not storing the keywords in the projects table is
  that it would be quite a chore in changing the keywords in the system if
  I did that (modify one keyword, modify all the projects, etc).
  Anyone have any words of advice for me?

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Re: MySQL Gui Install and Setup for Win2K

2002-09-22 Thread Arthur Fuller

We were told by David Axmark of MySQL AB to stop using MySQLGui and switch
to MyCC. MySQLGUI is apparently dead.

- Original Message -
From: David Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: MySQL Gui Install and Setup for Win2K

 Can some one point me in the direction of some good install and setup Doc
 for MySQL GUI.  Im running the GUI on Win2K, but my DB server is RH7.2 w/
 stock Mysql(not sure version number).  Also is the FLTK absolutely
 to run the GUI on Win2K?  Any other hints or insights is greatly



 David Kramer
 Software Developer
 Direct: 415.369.4856
 Cell: 650.302.7889

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Re: Thanks to MySql and it's Developers

2002-09-18 Thread Arthur Fuller

I can only think that's because you haven't used a Windows system. My
principal client's Windows system has been up for over a year. Win2K Server.
I brought the server down a couple of times to update table structures etc.,
but the OS has never failed us. Not once.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: Thanks to MySql and it's Developers

 To MySql AB and it's developers,

 I am from Sunway College in Malaysia, and we implemented MySql about a
 and a half ago. It was a shift from Access. Since then we have never
 back. MySql runs our intranet (4-5000 hits per day), our website
 hits per day), our hostel booking and reservations system, HRMS systems
 a host of others. Today we reached 100days uptime, thanks to your

 Uptime: 8693908  Threads: 18  Questions: 102664100  Slow queries: 543
 Opens: 110507  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 64 Queries per second avg:

 OS: Redhat Linux 7.3 (Couldn't imagine 100 days on a windblows system)
 MySql: 3.23.49a-log

 Thanks guys!

 Web Developer
 Sunway College

 - Original Message -
 From: Miguel Angel Solórzano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:07 AM
 Subject: Re: mysql-max-4.0.3beta on win98. mysqld-max.exe just hangs!

 At 21:56 15/9/2002 +0300, Heikki Tuuri wrote:


 The problem here seem to me that the InnoDB keys set are under the
 Winmysqladmin section instead of [mysqld]!.

 - Original Message -
 Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
 Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 3:33 PM
 Subject: mysql-max-4.0.3beta on win98. mysqld-max.exe just hangs!
   I want to use InnoDB but on my win98 using binary mysql-max-4.0.3beta
   mysqld-max.exe just hangs. no output. I have read the entire Manual
   install  InnoDB table type instructions. set up my.ini as follows..
   #---start of my.ini

   #---end on my.ini
   I have also tried with [mysqld]  starting from the command promt. no
   but mysqld.exe as well as mysqld-opt.exe both work fine. Except that i
   any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
 it would help if some Windows 98 user who has this problem would compile
 MySQL from source using the Microsoft Visual C++. It is relatively easy.
 main thing is to got to the subdir
 and copy the files there to the parent directory \mysql\strings.
 Use the Developer Studio or whatever it is called nowadays and open the
 workspace mysql.dsw in the \mysql directory. Then build all. You will get
 dfifferent mysqld.exe's to \mysql\client_release and \mysql\client_debug.
 Run mysqld-max.exe inside the Dev Studio debugger and look where it
 A MySQL AB employee reported that SHOW INNODB STATUS crashed in 3.23.52
 Win 98 + Netware. When we find out what is the problem there, that might
 help other Win 98 users.
 I have the impression that Microsoft never got 95/98/ME very stable.
 NT/2000/XP is recommended. NT and XP are rock-solid in my own experience.
 Best regards,
 Heikki Tuuri
 Innobase Oy
 InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign key support for
 See, download MySQL-Max from
 sql query
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 __  ___ ___   __
/  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Miguel Angel Solórzano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, Fulltime Developer
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   São Paulo - Brazil

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Re: Re: MS Access and mySQL]

2002-08-28 Thread Arthur Fuller

You didn't mention whether they are planning on keeping the NT box, but I
assume that they are, and that what you want to do is leave the Access app
working, but point it to the Linux-MySQL QUBE. I have been there and done
that (well, except for the QUBE part -- I run Mandrake 8 on an old P-233.

I second the choice of DB Tools. There are other tools with import wizards
but this one works very well. The only problem is that neither DB Tools nor
any other similar tool that I came across is capable of importing the index
information. All you get is the data. In one of my apps there are 400+
tables, and it's a considerable pain to have to manually create the indexes.
However, there is a Windows-based shareware tool called dbScripter (from DKG
Advanced Solutions). It only costs something like $50 US for the full
version. I may have the price wrong since I bought it a couple of years ago
(and have received two or three free updates since). dbScripter doesn't do
direct imports. As the name implies, it generates scripts which you can run
to achieve the same end. It breaks down a job into 3 possible scripts:
structure, data and indexes. It works with profiles so that you can direct
it to change a currency or yes/no column to the appropriate MySQL data type.
It took me about 10 minutes to create a profile for MySQL. I generated the
script to create all the indexes for me and then ran it in MySQL, no

I have several applications that I ported from Access MDBs to MySQL, and I
continue to use Access with them, thanks to MyODBC. I simply set up a DSN on
my Windows box that points to the Linux box and the rest was a piece of
cake. I dispute Nicholas's contention that a lot of Access queries will not
work in MySQL. Technically, he is correct: if you try to run a query that
says SELECT TOP 10 * FROM mytable, that of course won't work in MySQL; nor
will Access's crosstab queries. However, if you leave them in Access and
execute them against a MySQL database, almost all of them continue to work.
There is an added advantage to this route, as well. Leaving them in Access
preserves their existence as objects with names, meaning that you can create
a couple of queries and use them in subsequent queries. This is a very
powerful feature of Access, and there is no reason to abandon it when you
move the data to MySQL -- unless of course you are also abandoning Access.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

  Original Message 
 From: Nicholas Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: MS Access and mySQL

 I have been there done that with old access data, but no forms. Your
 plans should be focused around what you know and what your systems are
 tied to. Since its an NT box you could go with pretty much any language
 ie java/vb/c++. VB would be the obvious choice for ease of transfering
 the Access VBA forms to straight VB. The only thing you have to be
 careful is the access querys. A lot of them will not work on MySQL and
 the funny thing is a lot of them will not work on M$'s on SQL server :)
 go figure.
 As far as the data goes the easist thing I found to transfer it into
 mysql is a program called dbtools. You can find it at: It's fairly easy to use and has a great
 import wizard.
 If you have an specific questions let me know and I'll try my best to
 answer them.

 MySQL Newsgroup ( wrote:

 Subject: MS Access and mySQL
 From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Jonathan=20Coleman?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a situation where a church I am doing some volunteer work for
 has a MS Access (office 97) database running on NT.  They are (woohoo)
 upgrading to a QUBE (linux box) for a server which has mySQL installed
 (and I can upgrade it etc..)
 My job therefore is to
 a) port MS Access data and queries to mySQL database
 b) use the MS Access forms to access the data and queries through ODBC.
 Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction, either to
 where the searchable discussion archives are, OR even better, someone
 who has gone through this before?
 Jon - Yahoo! Digital How To
 - Get the best out of your PC!
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Re: MS Access and mySQL

2002-08-28 Thread Arthur Fuller

That has not been my experience, in fact my experience has been completely
the opposite. As my first test case I ported the Northwind sample database
to MySQL. I had to make a few changes here and there, most notably to some
queries, but also including (and I forgot to mention this in my previous
reply on this subject) adding a column of type TimeStamp to every table in
the database. This is necessary so that you can read auto-increment values.

Next, I took my current app, with about 94 tables, and ported it. The
production app is in MS SQL 2000, but I wanted to port it because I wanted a
proof-of-concept to show management. The absence of sprocs was a big problem
(come on, 4.1 :-) but I worked around it. No one but me and a few testers is
using this version. The production app remains in MS SQL.

Finally, I took my killer-database, whose tables number 400+. Fortunately,
with dbScripter in hand I didn't have to create say 1000 indexes by hand! It
ported well and my Access front end talks blissfully to it. The MySQL part
resides on a P233 running Mandrake, set up for InnoDB. This may simply be
high praise for MyODBC, but my Access app has no difficulty at all talking
to the database.


- Original Message -
To: Arthur Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: [Fwd: RE: MS Access and mySQL]

 wodya think?

  Original Message 
 From: Nicholas Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: MS Access and mySQL

 I would strongly urg you not to use Access as the front end. The biggest
 problem is that the Jet Engine/Access backend is pretty much completly
 different then MySQL and you will run into problems with table structure
 and the like. Also, using access as the front end has been extremly slow
 when ever I tried it.
 You will however need to download the MyODBC driver if you wish to access
 MySQL through VB.


  Hash: SHA1
  If you are going to be completely converting the Access db to MySQL,
  and just using Access as the frontend, you will need to download
  You can download either the stable or development release. There is
  also a FAQ that will answer your questions there about how to setup
  almost exactly what you are referring to.
  This FAQ is for the development release (3.51.03) but can also be
  used for the stable release (2.50.xx). I recently had to do the same
  thing with a Paradox database for a client, and have had relatively
  few issues following the documentation. After downloading and
  installing MyODBC you will be able to export the database directly to
  your Linux MySQL, however you will lose your table structures for the
  most part and will have to do some ALTER TABLE statements to put your
  keys back and the majority of your fields set to their proper type.
  Bryant Hester
  Juxtapose, inc.
  - -Original Message-
  From: Jonathan Coleman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 12:40 AM
  Subject: MS Access and mySQL
  I have a situation where a church I am doing some volunteer work for
  has a MS Access (office 97) database running on NT.  They are
  (woohoo) upgrading to a QUBE (linux box) for a server which has mySQL
  installed (and I can upgrade it etc..)
  My job therefore is to
  a) port MS Access data and queries to mySQL database
  b) use the MS Access forms to access the data and queries through
  Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction, either to
  where the searchable discussion archives are, OR even better, someone
  who has gone through this before?
  Jon - Yahoo! Digital How To
  - - Get the best out of your PC!
  - -
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Re: Php query from sql

2002-08-12 Thread Arthur Fuller

In the simplest case, LanguageSkill and City are columns in the Persons
table. (That's the wrong way to do, IMO, but it is the simplest case.)
Suppose Language Skill is an integer column and City a char(50).

So your query becomes:

FROM Persons
WHERE LanguageSkill = 5
AND City = 'London';

The more complicated answer presupposes that you have normalized the tables

Persons - fairly obvious, PK is PersonID, with a CityID integer column
referencing the table Cities
Languages - PK is LanguageID integer, languagename char(30)
PersonLanguages - n rows for every person who speaks a language. FKs
PersonID and LanguageID, with a tinyint or ENUM column for SkillLevel.
Cities - PK is CityID

Now you need to join the four tables to get your answer:

FROM Persons
INNER JOIN PersonLanguages ON Persons.PersonID = PersonLanguages.PersonID
INNER JOIN Languages on PersonLanguages.LanguageID = Languages.LanguageID
INNER JOIN Cities ON Persons.CityID = Cities.CityID
WHERE Languages.Language = 'English'
AND PersonLanguages.SkillLevel = 5
AND Cities.CityName = 'London';

I find that a good way to build such queries for PHP is first get everything
right in myCC or MySQL-Front etc., and then to paste the query into the php
script. After that, it's simple to massage it into an appropriate statement.
If you begin with a standard php template, most of the work is already done
for you.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: Php query from sql

 Hello everybody,

 I'm quite new with all this php mysql cooperation thing but somehow I
 already managed to set up mysql database and I'm able to also make
 query's based on any keyword...
 Now I wonder how to add to this basic query also option to select some
 concrete data.

 For example in the database I have section Languages, where people can
 choose is their English laguage skill 'poor', 'good', 'very good'. Now I
 would like to add to the general query additional field where it could
 be possible to select only data of persons with very good English
 language skills. For example I would like to be displayed only persons
 who are living in London (this will be keyword) and are speaking English
 very well...

 Please can anyone help me?

 Best regards,

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Re: ORDER BY RAND() not working

2002-07-12 Thread Arthur Fuller

I don't have your exact setup installed so cannot verify this, but how about
rewriting your statement a little? I just tried this in mysql and it works
fine, so it may from php. Let me know :-)

Change the query to:

SELECT *, Rand() as MyOrder
FROM products
WHERE sale_price IS NOT NULL


- Original Message -
From: Jamie Tibbetts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: ORDER BY RAND() not working

  $id = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM products WHERE sale_price IS NOT NULL
  BY RAND() LIMIT 3,$link) or die(mysql_error());

 PHP code:
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM products WHERE sale_price IS NOT NULL
 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 3) or die(mysql_error());

 The error message is as follows:

 You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'RAND() LIMIT 3' at line 1


 Jamie Tibbetts.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Epigroove .

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Size of BLOB and TEXT columns

2002-06-06 Thread Arthur Fuller

In SQL DDL, what are the maximum sizes of the various BLOB and TEXT column
types? TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB and LONGBLOB and the corresponding TEXT
types? I've searched the
manual but couldn't find these specs. At what point should I choose BLOB
over TINYBLOB, and so on?


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Maximum JOINED tables

2002-06-05 Thread Arthur Fuller

I have searched the manual without success. I want to know the maximum
number of tables MySQL permits to be JOINed in a single SELECT statement.


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Re: Get the next AUTO INCREMENT value for a column

2002-05-05 Thread Arthur Fuller

IMO the desire to know this answer suggests that something is wrong with the
design. Again IMO, a PK must be absolutely meaningless. Any attempt to
impost meaning on it is by definition wrong.

By my lights, the only PK you want to know is the one just added. That's
enough information to let you start adding rows to child tables. And that
value you can easily obtain.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Get the next AUTO INCREMENT value for a column

 At 12:29 -0400 5/4/02, Harrison C. Fisk wrote:
 Actually I think the  SHOW TABLE STATUS like 'TABLENAME' command can show
 you the next auto_increment value.

 There is no guarantee that this value will actually be used for the
 next AUTO_INCREMENT value.  Suppose another client issues the following

 ALTER TABLE tbl_name AUTO_INCREMENT = 123456;

 If you were relying on what SHOW TABLE STATUS said, you'd be hosed. :-)

 Although I can say I wouldn't really ever use it except for personal use,
 not in an actual application.
 - Original Message -
 From: Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 12:16 PM
 Subject: Re: Get the next AUTO INCREMENT value for a column
   At 9:01 -0700 5/4/02, Son Nguyen wrote:
  CREATE table test1 (ID int NOT NULL AUTO INCREMENT, name text,
   text, Primary Key (ID));
  INSERT into test1 (name, value) values (test1, value1);
  INSERT into test1 (name, value) values (test2, value2);
  DELETE from test1 where ID=2;
  How can obtain the CURRENT value of next ID AUTO INCREMENT value
   (which is 3 right now)
Son Nguyen
   mysql, query
   You can't.  AUTO_INCREMENT values are not available until you generate

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Re: Migration from windows to linux

2002-05-03 Thread Arthur Fuller

I use a shareware tool called dbScripter (, which is very
cheap to license. It lets you generate scripts that will create table
structures, indexes and table-loads. It comes with syntax profiles for SQL
Server, Oracle and Access, and you can also create your own profiles. I
created one for MySQL and can move data quite easily. I just generate the
scripts in Windows against whichever back end, then run them in Linux. It's
quite simple. I have licensed it for so long that I forget whether the free
download is crippled in any way. It might just have a time limit.

If that's all you have to do, I would suggest dbScripter. But is it really
all you have to do? Somehow I suspect that this is only the beginning. Do
you then have to connect existing Windows apps to the Linux back end?


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:00 AM
Subject: Migration from windows to linux

 Hello list,

 I`m a newbie to mysql and linux and have at the moment a necessity
 concerning to both that I`m not able to handle due to my lack of
 knowledge in these fields. The fact is that I need to migrate a mysql
 database and its tables from windows to linux and haven`t found anything
 in the web that could give me a hint so could someone tell me something
 about how to migrate a database from one platform to another? I really
 would appreciate the help!

 Looking forward at least one answer ;-) , thanks a lot in advance.


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Re: dummy queries + csv dump

2002-04-26 Thread Arthur Fuller

Maybe it would be enough if you created a little syntax window on your GUI
and an Execute button beside it, so you could see what was going to be sent
to the engine before clicking Execute.

Just a thought,

- Original Message -
From: Petre Agenbag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:43 AM
Subject: dummy queries + csv dump

 I would like to know if it is possible to run a dummy qury on a table,
 check for the number of possibly affected rows, and then, according to
 specific conditions, execute the query for real.
 The reason why I ask this is as follow ( in case you can't do it, but
 you have another suggestion);
 I wrote a little generic table edit/view/browse utility in PHP and today
 something horrible happened, when I changed an entry in a row, the
 entire table was updated with that data, as if I had run an update set
 x=y , yet, I assure you, I did have a where id=$id caluse in the sql.
 That's why I would like to first run a dummy ( specially for update or
 delete sql's ) and only if the affected rows are 1, should it execute
 the query.

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Re: I thought MySQL Supported Relationships

2002-04-23 Thread Arthur Fuller

Perhaps I fail to catch the humour in your response, or the flavour of this
newsgroup, but I find your answer in no way helpful, and beyond that quite
insulting to Access.

1. I have developed applications in Access comprising over 1000 tables, some
of which contain millions of rows, with numerous complex relationships and
C++ components that interfaced to instruments such as scales, scanners, etc.
I am not the only one to push Access that far.

2. To answer Andrew's question, the answer is No. MySQL does not support
defined relationships. The InnoDB extension provides this support.

3. Unfortunately, as of this writing neither MySQL nor InnoDB supports
defined queries (Oracle and SQL Server call them Views). Allegedly, MySQL
4.1 will support stored procedures (and I for one hope that views make it
into the build).


- Original Message -
From: Jonathan Hilgeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Andrew Kuebler' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: I thought MySQL Supported Relationships

 Actually, no. The addiction to MySQL has caused many relationship
 There's probably even a database with that information out there
 Probably a MySQL database, too. Meanwhile Access supports relationships
 because it blows so hard that people can't wait to get away from it and
 to their families.

 - Jonathan

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Kuebler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 11:35 AM
 Subject: I thought MySQL Supported Relationships

 Hello Everyone.

 I'm still fairly a newbie to MySQL, but I could have sworn I read
 somewhere that MySQL supported relationships just like Access. I've
 searched the entire manual, and cannot find anything on the subject.
 Does MySQL support relationships, and if so does anyone know where I can
 find any info on the topic? Thanks!


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Re: [MANY to MANY] relationship with MySQL ???

2002-04-17 Thread Arthur Fuller

This is the classic case for a junction table (aka bridge table, associative
table). It sits between Artists and Songs; let's call it PlaysOn.

ArtistID: autoincrement
ArtistName: varchar
DOB: date

SongID: autoincrement
SongName: varchar
Duration: in seconds, say

SongID: FK into Songs
ArtistID: FK into Artists

Given this structure you can:
a) add any number of players to a song;
b) select any song and all its players;
c) select any player and all the songs she played on;
d) select a song title and see all the versions you have;
e) add another layer atop this called Recordings without disturbing anything
beneath (now the same song by the same artist(s) can appear on multiple

You could add a ComposerID (FK into Artists) to the Songs table, but that
corners you because what do you do about Lennon  McCartney, Rogers 
Hammerstein and so on? To go to that level of detail you need another bridge
table, SongComposers:

SongComposerID: autoincrement
SongID: FK into Songs
ArtistID: FK into Artists

With this table, you could add to the list of selects with a union that
grabs any song Artist 123 either played on or helped compose.


- Original Message -
From: Robbie Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: [MANY to MANY] relationship with MySQL ???

 Hello all,

 [~~I guess I could do something like MySQLselect FROM Songs where
 artists contains $currentArtist~~]

 I have a sampling section on a site that I am working on and am trying to
 find out how to display a table of the artists featured in that song. The
 sample section works as follows:

 Go to the samples page and choose an album to sample.
 Returns the list of song names that result from the album you chose
 click on one of the song names to open a new window with the shockwave
 that streams the song.

 The client has asked me to add the (one or many) artists featured in that
 song in the window that loads up. I am not sure how to set this up. It
 be a many to many relationship I think...

 Artists Table (one given artist could be featured on many different
 Songs Table (one given song could have many featured artists) [many]

 My first thout of how to set this up is to just enter comma delimited data
 into a field in the song database called, artists. But when I query it I
 don't know how I could make that work. I guess I could do something like
 MySQLselect FROM Songs where artists contains $currentArtist  Would
 that work? Is there a such thing as contains. (kinda new to SQL).

 Thanks for your help,


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