Re: How to loop a query that is only able to handle 1 ROW at a time?

2012-08-19 Thread Rob Pollock
Hi Incarus,

You don't need a loop just a correlated subquery on the update:



mysql CREATE TABLE blah(value INTEGER, square INTEGER);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO blah(value) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM blah;
| value | square |
| 1 |   NULL |
| 2 |   NULL |
| 3 |   NULL |
| 4 |   NULL |
| 5 |   NULL |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql UPDATE blah SET square=POW(value,2);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.07 sec)
Rows matched: 5  Changed: 5  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT * FROM blah;
| value | square |
| 1 |  1 |
| 2 |  4 |
| 3 |  9 |
| 4 | 16 |
| 5 | 25 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Incarus Derp wrote:

 I have a two line query that is only able to handle 1 row per
 execution. Could any of you give me some insight on how I could loop this
 per every single row in the table? The query in question is:

 UPDATE `TB1` SET Ivet = @VAR12;

Re: 'myisam_use_mmap' unstable like hell

2011-12-14 Thread Rob Wultsch
 of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
 or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
 We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
 the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
 and this may fail.

 It is possible that mysqld could use up to
 key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 418015 K
 bytes of memory
 Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

 Thread pointer: 0x2a4bd50
 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
 where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
 terribly wrong...
 stack_bottom = 0x7f507cf70d40 thread_stack 0x4

 Trying to get some variables.
 Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
 Query (0x7f4ffc0058a0): is an invalid pointer
 Connection ID (thread ID): 460043

 The manual page at contains
 information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

 The --memlock argument, which was enabled, uses system calls that are
 unreliable and unstable on some operating systems and operating-system
 versions (notably, some versions of Linux).  This crash could be due to use
 of those buggy OS calls.  You should consider whether you really need the
 --memlock parameter and/or consult the OS distributer about mlockall
 24 08:20:18 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
 24 08:20:18 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
 24  8:20:18 [Note] Plugin 'InnoDB' is disabled.
 24  8:20:18 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
 24  8:20:18 [Note] Plugin 'BLACKHOLE' is disabled.
 24  8:20:18 [Note] Plugin 'ARCHIVE' is disabled.
 24  8:20:18 [Note] Plugin 'partition' is disabled.
 24  8:20:19 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
 24  8:20:19 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
 Version: '5.5.18-log'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306 build
 24  8:20:19 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './afi/cms1_global_cache' 
 is marked as crashed and should be
 24  8:20:19 [Warning] Checking table:   './afi/cms1_global_cache'
 24  8:20:19 [ERROR] Got an error from unknown thread,


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Rob Wultsch

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Cleaning up old files

2011-11-14 Thread Rob Tanner

In my MySQL directory, I have more than a few gig and a half sized files, 
mysql-bin.01, mysql-bin.01 and et cetera.  They date from today all the 
way back to early 2010.  I don't know exactly what those files are but I would 
like to delete as many as are no longer is use since I had a 40GB partition 
fill up over the weekend which resulted in bringing down our web server.  So 
what are those files and can I delete all but the most recent?


Rob Tanner
UNIX Services Manager
Linfield College, McMinnville Oregon

Re: Seconds Behind the master 0 but in reality it's over 10 minutes or hours..

2011-09-05 Thread Rob Wultsch

 It seems we have sort of ethernet segment saturation problem.

A possible bandaid/quick fix is turning on compression for mysql replication.

Rob Wultsch

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Using Excel to query the database

2011-08-15 Thread Rob Tanner

I have a fairly standard set of queries that I do then I save the resultset as 
a CSV and send it off to a couple dozen folks.  My understanding is that I can 
build an Excel .iqy file that can do the queries (one for each query) and that 
I need send that file but once to the users.  Does anyone have any sample Excel 
.iqy files for MySQL access that they would be willing to share (with passwords 
removed, of course)?


Rob Tanner
UNIX Services Manager
Linfield College, McMinnville Oregon

ITS will never ask you for your password.  Please don’t share yours with anyone!


Re: MySQL HA on cloud

2011-07-21 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Yogesh Kore wrote:

 I have cloud setup where MySQL servers are installed.

 Replication is applied in between mysql servers.

 Now I want to implemet HA for MySQL.
 Can any one help me how can I achieve MySQL failover?
 I looked DRBD, Linux Heartbeat, but I am not able to confirm which should I
 go for or is there anything else by which I can achieve my goal?

 Thank You.


Getting automatic failover right is near impossible and it is very
easy to destroy your data. I strongly suggest not attempting this

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Re: Facebook Trapped In MySQL a 'Fate Worse Than Death'

2011-07-19 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 According to database pioneer Michael Stonebraker, Facebook is operating a
 huge, complex MySQL implementation equivalent to 'a fate worse than death,'
 and the only way out is 'bite the bullet and rewrite everything
 .' Not that it's necessarily Facebook's fault, though. Stonebraker says the
 social network's predicament is all too common among web startups that start
 small and grow to epic proportions.

Preface: I in no way speak for my employer.

I suggest reading

Rob Wultsch

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Re: FW: [USN-1017-1] MySQL vulnerabilities

2010-11-13 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Gael wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 my point exactly. there is NONE. and if you don't patch your mysql as
 needed, then you will need a lot more help when you're hacked. ;-p

On May 21 they sent out an email about MySQL Server 5.0.91 being
released. I for one read release notes for each point release and had
a *very* busy night.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql is crashing

2010-08-13 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:
 Hi Yectli,

 I am talking about mysql server. Is it 32bit or 64bit.

 Provide some additional information. mysql configuration file, show
 variables, Error log file details etc.


 On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Yectli Huerta wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 04:33:38PM +0530, Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:
  Hi Yectli,
  In mysql configuration file (my.cnf) you have given
  key_buffer_size = 5G
  For 32bit OS it should be less than or equal to 4GB and for 64bit it can
  greater than 4GB.
  Reduce the key_buffer_size to 3GB and try.


 thanks for the tip. It is a 64 bit executable so 5gb should be OK. It is
 running on a x86_64 SLES 10.3 server.

 Then your mysql server should also be 64 bit. Please Check.


Try using the file command:
# file /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64,
version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared
libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, not stripped

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Re: mysql cluster with 3 db/data and 2 mgm nodes

2010-08-09 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Walter Heck - wrote:
 Unless you have a very good reason, you probably shouldn't go with
 cluster in the first place. If it is HA you want to have, check out
 other options like MMM for MySQL (, DRBD
 +Heartbeat and others.
 Can you tell us a bit more about your goals/desires?

 Walter Heck
 Engineer @ Open Query (

Walter is spot on and yes, 3 is not a good number for data nodes. The
only recommended (and somewhat well tested) number of replicas is 2,
so 3 would not be useful. You may want to buy another box so that do 2
replicas with 2 shards, OR just use the third node as a warm standby.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: There is something wrong with email server I think (another one)

2010-08-07 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Baron Schwartz wrote:
 I consider this a bug in the bug tracking system :-)

Severity: S4 (Feature request)

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Re: Possible tricks to ALTER on huge tables?

2010-08-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
 Driving to work today, I had an epiphany thought, but wanted to see if
 anyone could prove my theory or not.

 We currently have some tables that are approaching 1 BILLION rows (real
 Billion, with nine zeros, not that silly six zero version). Trying to do an
 ALTER on them to add a column can sometimes take hours.

 I'm wondering if we had the foresight to create the tables, and then tack
 on extra dormant columns of various common types, such as:

 future_uint int(10) unsigned null,
 future_int int(10) signed null,
 future_var varchar(255) null,

 So basically they'd be unused, then when we wanted a new column of that
 type, we would just rename the dormant one.

 I'm not sure if mySQL is smart enough to realize that if the schema
 definition for a column is identical, then it's just a simple rename, or if
 it treats any change the same and will still take hours to complete (if so,
 perhaps there's an optimization for you mysql developer team)

 Another option I considered, was is it possible to just go in with a hex
 editor and rename the field in the .frm file? Is there some kind of .frm
 editor available anywhere?

 r...@mypse:/var/lib/mysql/agis_core# hexdump -C country.frm
 1000  01 01 00 00 0a 00 00 00  02 00 01 00 00 00 01 80
 1010  02 00 00 12 00 02 00 ff  50 52 49 4d 41 52 59 ff
 1020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 13f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 06 00 49 6e
 1400  6e 6f 44 42 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 1410  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 2150  04 00 0b 69 64 5f 63 6f  75 6e 74 72 79 00 05 00
 2160  05 69 73 6f 32 00 06 00  05 69 73 6f 33 00 07 00
 2170  0d 63 6f 75 6e 74 72 79  5f 6e 61 6d 65 00 04 0b
 2180  05 05 00 02 00 00 12 00  0f 00 00 02 c0 00 00 05
 2190  05 06 06 00 04 00 00 00  80 00 00 00 fe c0 00 00
 21a0  06 05 09 09 00 0a 00 00  00 80 00 00 00 fe c0 00
 21b0  00 07 0d 42 fd 02 13 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 0f c0
 21c0  00 00 ff 69 64 5f 63 6f  75 6e 74 72 79 ff 69 73
 21d0  6f 32 ff 69 73 6f 33 ff  63 6f 75 6e 74 72 79 5f

Having significant amount of overhead for unused columns will without
doubt harm performance significantly for certain operations.

Altering .frm files should is always be tried on a non-prod box before
even considering using it on prod. There are some well known use cases
(adding enums values, enlarging varchar columns) where altering a .frm
is useful, but it should always be considered very dangerous.

You could of course consider using PostgreSQL which would only need a
very brief exclusive lock for adding a default null column...

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Re: mysql and oom-killer

2010-08-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
2010/8/5 Евгений Килимчук
 When OOM-killer kill mysqld, I had a critical corrupted tables. My database
 is a very big. I think Apache with cgi-scripts not critical process in this
 story. And sshd is a real true.

OOM is configurable via the proc filesystem via /proc/pid/oom_adj .
You can set the processes that you do not want to get killed to a
negative number, if I remember correctly, and that will help to
prevent them from being killed by OOM.

So let's say mysqld pid is 123456, you could
echo -17  /proc/123456/oom_adj
and then it would be less likely to be selected by OOM to be killed.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql and oom-killer

2010-08-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
2010/8/5 Rob Wultsch
 2010/8/5 Евгений Килимчук
 When OOM-killer kill mysqld, I had a critical corrupted tables. My database
 is a very big. I think Apache with cgi-scripts not critical process in this
 story. And sshd is a real true.

 OOM is configurable via the proc filesystem via /proc/pid/oom_adj .
 You can set the processes that you do not want to get killed to a
 negative number, if I remember correctly, and that will help to
 prevent them from being killed by OOM.

 So let's say mysqld pid is 123456, you could
 echo -17  /proc/123456/oom_adj
 and then it would be less likely to be selected by OOM to be killed.

 Rob Wultsch

And I should have stated that this in significant use by the
PostgreSQL community.

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Re: Automate Install/Configuration of MySQL on Linux

2010-07-28 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Todd E Thomas wrote:
 I'm looking for automation direction...

 I've found many packages that sit on top of MySQL. For the purposes of
 consistency I'd like to automate these installs.

 I've been able to automate the install and configuration of everything
 except the mysql part.

 I'm using CentOS 5.5. Installing/verifying is no big deal.

 It's the MySQL configuration that's holding me up.

 Basically I've created an expect script. It works 99% but it's a PITA to
 finish. Here's what I'd like to accomplish:
  *Set the default admin password
    # mysqladmin -u root password 'root-password'

  *login to mysql
    mysql mysql -u root -p

  *Drop the anonymous accounts
    mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '';

  *Sync all of the root passwords
    mysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('root-password') WHERE
 User = 'root';

  *Remove the test database:
    mysql  drop database test;

 In another script I would like to create databases for specific packages.
 Concrete5, for example needs:
 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin-password';

 If there is a better way to do this than using expect I would greatly
 appreciate any pointers in the right direction. Bash is comfortable for me
 and perl is within reach. I'm not much versed in anything else right now.

If you are serious about spending time and doing automation well then
Puppet or cfengine would be the way to go.

As for the basic tasks that you describe, have you considered
modifying the rpm/deb/whatever to distribute a data dir with whatever
you want?

In addition, do you really need expect? Could you get the same effect
with good use of the sleep command inside bash?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: migration via replication for large DB?

2010-07-25 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Geoff Galitz wrote:


 I need to migrate a master and slave to new hardware.  The DB is approx 50G 
 on disk and my time window for downtime is approximately 4 hours.

 My question is, is it advisable to do a mysqldump from the old master and 
 then load on the new master and slave, or is it faster to just set the new 
 master up as a slave, and when it catches up to the old master I flip the 
 switch?  The catch is that the new hardware is in a different datacenter.

 In other words, which is faster: dump and load or replication over the 

 Thanks for your time.

There may be significantly better options available to you.

What version are you coming from and what version are you to?

What engines do you use (Innodb, MyISAM,etc)?

Is the data directory currently mounted on a lvm volume?

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Re: MMM Mysql

2010-07-23 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Kyong Kim wrote:

 Has anyone used this in production?
 We're looking at this as part of our sharding/scale strategy and
 wanted some insight into real world experience.
 Are there alternatives out there?

Lots of people are using MMM.

Alternatives include Linux-HA (aka heartbeat) often combined with DRBD and
MySQL cluster.

For the general case MMM is probably the best option.

Rob Wultsch

Re: Myisam advantages

2010-07-19 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 10:46 PM, P.R.Karthik wrote:

  I am newbie to mysql can i know the advantages of myisam storage engine
 and some of its special features.


Special features:
1. Not atomic.
2. No consistency.
3. Horrible isolation
4. Durable on good days.

In short it can easily eat your data. If you love your data and treat
it well it will love you back. There are very few valid uses for
MyISAM (full text and spatial are not valid, use sphinx and PostGIS

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Re: How to become a DBA on MySQL

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
I very much disagree with the suggestion that any sort of training is
needed or useful.

The fastest way (IMHO) to gain the knowledge to become a solid MySQL
DBA is to answer questions on #mysql and to read planet mysql.

There are very few people than understand MySQL well. After 6 months
of trying to help people on #mysql most people will have enough
knowledge that I would suggest hiring them as either junior or full
DBA. In addition it is easy to make contacts that can become
employment opportunities.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql 5.5.3 and innodb from source.

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Andrés Tello wrote:
 Who you build mysql 5.5.3 with innodb suport?

 I made
 sh --with-plugins=all
 I see the makefile at innodb subdir being created.
 I build the system correctly but when I log in to the mysql 5 instance and
 do a

 show engines;

 I only have this:

 | Engine             | Support |
 Comment                                                   | Transactions |
 XA   | Savepoints |
 | MRG_MYISAM         | YES     | Collection of identical MyISAM
 tables                     | NO           | NO   | NO         |
 | PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES     | Performance
 Schema                                        | NO           | NO   |
 NO         |
 | CSV                | YES     | CSV storage
 engine                                        | NO           | NO   |
 NO         |
 | MEMORY             | YES     | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for
 temporary tables | NO           | NO   | NO         |
 | MyISAM             | DEFAULT | Default engine as of MySQL 3.23 with great
 performance    | NO           | NO   | NO         |

 my my.cnf...

 log_error    =/mysql5/mysql5.err
 socket     = /mysql5/mysql.sock
 port       = 3308
 pid-file   = /mysql5/
 datadir    = /mysql5/data


 binlog_cache_size=64M #tamaño de la transaccion a cachear
 bulk_insert_buffer_size=256M #cache de insert por thread
 delay_key_write=OFF #detiene la creacion de llaves? No, no nos conviene por


 innodb_data_home_dir = /mysql5/innodb
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata/innodb:2000M:autoextend
 innodb_flush_method=fdatasync #ls opciones son fdatasync (default), O_DSYNC,
 (lento?) O_DIRECT
 innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog=1 #solo usa indices


 what I'm doing wrong? Please advice.

Assuming that you actually built the innodb plugin (I have no
experience building 5.5) the you should probably look at what you need
to add to the cnf in order to use the plugin.

This is only a guess.

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Re: Why is MySQL always linked to Php?

2010-07-15 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:00 AM, alba.albetti wrote:
 Browsing the Web I've seen that usually companies look for developers working 
 on MySQL and Php. Why are the two things linked? I mean I've not found any 
 requests for just a MySQL developer or DBA (as for example it happens for 
 Oracle), but it's always requested a MySQL/Php expert.
 I ask for it 'cause I've always been a developer/DBA on RDBMS (Oracle and 
 DB2) and as I've been learning MySQL for few weeks, I'd like to know whether 
 and why it's so important to learn Php as well. It would be so difficult to 
 find a job as MySQL developer/DBA without knowing Php as well.

There are numerous good reasons why there is this correlation. I would
like to propose one that has not been mentioned. PHP is a mess. For
several years PHP put food on my table and I respect it for what it
is, but it really is a mess. Whether it is inconsistencies in function
parameters or looseness in how it deal with data that does not quite
fit, it is a mess.

I think MySQL is historically similar. Both are very weakly typed and
can produce surprises because of it. Both seem like they are designed
for quick productivity.

It seems like PostgreSQL has significant mindshare amongst Perl and C++ users...

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Re: How to become a DBA on MySQL

2010-07-13 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 6:24 AM, alba.albetti wrote:
 I'd like to know which are the main tasks for a DBA, so in addition of the 
 on-line tutorial of MySQL, is there anyone telling me whether there exists 
 some tutorial (better if in PDF) where it's possible to undestand and learn 
 all you need for managing the MySQL DB as DBA? I mean I'd like to read 
 something explaining what are datafiles, tablespaces, ... and what usually a 
 DBA is asked to do (creating databases, starting up and shutting down the 
 database, managing the database's storage structures, making database backups 
 and performing recovery, monitoring and tuning performance, ...) In other 
 words I'd like to read how to manage a DB as DBA, because I've always worked 
 only as developer and not as DBA.

It really depends on the company. Some DBA's are glorified sys admins,
some are mostly db developers and there is everything in between.

I do work that would be normal for a front end developer, I also
sometimes have to go digging into the C+ guts MySQL and I also deal
with lots non-technical issues. It really depends a lot on the

Rob Wultsch

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Re: query executes very slow in a table with 2m records

2010-07-13 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:22 AM, mos wrote:
 At 09:29 AM 7/13/2010, æ Žå¾  wrote:


 There are more than 2m records in the table -- fxrate.
 I create patitions, indexes, but it still takes me about 7 minutes to
 execute the following query
 FROM fxrate
 WHERE MONTH(quoteDate) = 6
  AND quoteHourMinSec BETWEEN 06:00:00 AND 19:00:00

 result: 647337

 How can I improve the performace?
 Thanks in advance.

 It is because you are using MONTH(quoteDate) which means it has to go
 through all the rows. You should add a compound index to

 Then Try

 select count(*) from fxrate where quotedate between '2010-06-01' and
 '2010-06-30' and quotetime between '06:00:00' and '19:00:00'

 I'm not sure why you have two columns for storing the date and time. I would
 have used one column QuoteDateTime as DateTime.
 I also don't know why you have all those partitions for a small 2m row


A compound index index will not be used after the first range
condition. I agree about using a single datatype (datetime or
timestamp) and partitioning not being a good idea for only 2M rows.

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Re: Slow disk access: 1.4m to do a select count over 23GB table.

2010-07-10 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Andrés Tello wrote:
 Hi, I'm using mysql 4.1.21, a legacy system. Next step to migrate it, but
 for now, I need the community help.

 I have a 23GB table, if I do a select count(over_an_index) from table it
 uses 1.4minutes to read. The main issue is that this table is the main table
 of a system and each query is taking too long to complete.

A table definition would be heplful here.

 How can I optimize the access of the database?

 any mysql variable I could use?
 or how can I load the index into memory? I have 32GB of ram XD plenty to
 useit into something more useful

A configuration file would be helpful here.


My  guess is that you have a innodb table and that you have
unallocated innodb buffer pool. This is nothing more than a guess

What is ram XD?
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Re: How to slim MySQL?

2010-07-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Nima wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'd like to install MySQL on an embedded system. It's a powerful x86-based
 computer with the only limitation of having a small-size flash ROM as its
 secondary storage.
 I tried installing MySQL from source which resulted in occupying 140 MB of
 disk space, while the maximum amount of flash memory I'm permitted to use is
 about 20-30 MB. So I'm wondering how to go about slimming MySQL down to the
 bare minimum. Following is the list of directories at the root of the
 installation directory:
 * bin/
 * include/
 * lib/
 * libexec/
 * mysql-test/
 * share/
 * sql-bench/

 I think removing the 'include', 'mysql-test' and 'sql-bench' directories may
 be a good start, but I'm still far away from having a tiny little mysql!

 BTW, I tried MySQL Embedded, but it seems that it doesn't meet our needs.

 Any help would be highly appreciated :)

 *-- Nima Mohammadi*

Have you considered SQLite?

You probably want to compile your own version of MySQL. You probably
want to remove debugging symbols* (which have been present since the
mid 5.0 series, iirc), and any engines/character sets/etc you don't

*Alternatively you can run the strip command.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Got error 139 from storage engine (InnoDB)

2010-07-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 8:35 PM, James Corteciano wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have received error message ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 167: Got error 139
 from storage engine when importing dump database to MySQL server. The MySQL
 server is using InnoDB. I have google it and it's something problem on
 a row-length limit in the InnoDB table.

 Any have idea how to fix this?



I can not recall having seen that error before. I did a slight amount
of googling and it sounds like it might be a innodb tuning issue.
Please post:
1. Any relevant entries in your error log file.
2. Your my.cnf.
3. You servers specs and whether the server also runs other daemons.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: How to slim MySQL?

2010-07-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Nima Mohammadi wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

 Have you considered SQLite?

 You probably want to compile your own version of MySQL. You probably
 want to remove debugging symbols* (which have been present since the
 mid 5.0 series, iirc), and any engines/character sets/etc you don't

 *Alternatively you can run the strip command.

 Rob Wultsch

 Well, I'm not in charge of deciding which RDBMS to use and the MySQL is
 needed for a program which has already been written. So it seems that we
 have no choice but to stick with MySQL.
 I guess for removing debug symbols I need to add the --without-debug
 option to the ./configure command. I think using these options would also be

   - --without-man
   - --without-docs
   - --without-ipv6
   - --disable-largefile

 I'm not sure which engine we're going to use, so I'll have to defer this to
 another time.
 Is there any other work I could do to strip MySQL?

 *-- Nima Mohammadi*

This is not a topic I have worked with previously.  I image this may
be a good topic to bring to a consulting company (specifically Percona
and Open Query might work well) if you are unable to meet your size

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Got error 139 from storage engine (InnoDB)

2010-07-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Rob Wultsch wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 8:35 PM, James Corteciano 
 Hi All,

 I have received error message ERROR 1030 (HY000) at line 167: Got error 139
 from storage engine when importing dump database to MySQL server. The MySQL
 server is using InnoDB. I have google it and it's something problem on
 a row-length limit in the InnoDB table.

 Any have idea how to fix this?



 I can not recall having seen that error before. I did a slight amount
 of googling and it sounds like it might be a innodb tuning issue.
 Please post:
 1. Any relevant entries in your error log file.
 2. Your my.cnf.
 3. You servers specs and whether the server also runs other daemons.

 Rob Wultsch

It would also be helpful for you to run the import with the verbose
flag. Then we would have a better understanding of exactly what
statement was causing the error.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Connection Diagnostic Tool

2010-07-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 3:55 PM, michel wrote:

 I have been trying to figure this one out, but I don't have the skill sets
 here so I can use some help.

 I tried ' -h' in my bash shell and I get a command not found, so I
 am still really off-the-mark. Is there a place on the net I can look up what
 it does and how to run it?


I am pretty sure Michael that meant running the command line mysql client:
mysql -uuser -ppass -h127.0.0.1 -e 'select hello world!'

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Updating 4 to 5

2010-07-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Grant Peel wrote:
 - Original Message - From: Rob Wultsch
 To: Grant Peel
 Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 3:57 AM
 Subject: Re: Updating 4 to 5

 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Grant Peel wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have serveral servers running mysql 4, and need to update to mysql 5.

 It would be good if mentioned what release of the various series you
 were using or wanting to upgrade to.

 I have version 5 setup on a new dev server and will be cloning that to
 old servers, then restoring all the data from backups (mysql databases

 By restoring from backup for mysql a sql dump, or a filesystem backup?

 Once I have restored the data from backups, I will neeed to run

 My question is, will the mysqlupgrade script update all the mysql tables,
 (grant tables etc), as well as update all the users databases, or will
 be other things that need to be done?


 It depends. The way I generally do upgrades is the following:
 1. Identify the backup point for the current server. Do a 'mysqldump
 --all-databases --complete-insert' from it using the mysqldump from
 the version of mysql I will be using after the upgrade and record the
 'show slave status' while it is running.
 2. Import the backup on to the new server after removing any commands
 that would perform ddl on the mysql schema.
 3. Setup replicaton and fail over to the new server at an opportune time.

 So, you should keep in mind a few things:
 1. Between version of MySQL the table format changes, and it is
 generally worthing while to take advantage of the changes.
 2. mysqlupgrade runs REPAIR TABLE which acts differently in different
 versions of MySQL See

 Rob Wultsch

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:


 Thanks for taking the time to reply,

 The mysql databases would be restored from a filesystem backup.

 The whole server, mysql and all, are FreeBSD 6.x

 I usually:

   Run a complete backup of all filesystems, (/,/var,/home,/user) to an NFS

   Build the new server,

   Restore all filesystems to the new disk (that is built with mysql 5),

   Run the mysql upgrade script,

   start the mysql servers, then fix any PHP issues (as php is upgraded from
 4 to 5 as well).

 Comments please,


That may be ok, it may not. Your methodology should be fine if you are
only upgrading one release:
4.1 - 5.0

But it may not be ok for other upgrades:
4.0 - 5.0 (skipping 4.1)
4.0 - 5.1 (skipping 4.1 and 5.0)
4.1 - 5.1 (skipping 5.0)

At this point MySQL 5.0 is near EOL, so it would probably be wise to
upgrade to 5.1. It is unwise to skip upgrades so if you are going from
4.1 to 5.1, so you would need to do an intermediate upgrade to 5.0 .

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Reserving threads for root user

2010-07-02 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Shawn Green (MySQL) wrote:
 On 6/30/2010 6:56 AM, Machiel Richards wrote:

 Good day all

                Sorry one more question.

                I have seen many questions about this on the web but no
 resolution yet.

                When MySQL runs out of threads, you are unable to stop /
 restart the database.

                Is there a way to reserve threads for the root user /
 database restarts?

 Yes. Don't give normal users the SUPER privilege.

 Your applications and non-administrative users should be using accounts with
 the least privileges necessary to to their jobs. That way the extra
 connection allocated to the SUPER user accounts will not be consumed with
 non-administrative activities.

 Shawn Green
 MySQL Principle Technical Support Engineer
 Oracle USA, Inc.
 Office: Blountville, TN

That is the solution. It is worth note that the facebook patch set has
a new variable reserved_super_connections which defaults to 10. It
would be very useful to have this feature in mainline MySQL.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Mysql connections not released

2010-07-02 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Machiel Richards

  Good morning all

 A few days ago i posted some questions relating to mysql
 threads running out and not being able to restart the database.

 We had the same again this morning however this time I had
 a bit of a heads up and managed to get into the database before it went down
 (so to speak).

 What I found was the following:

 · When running ‘ show processlist’, the amount of processes were
 increasing the whole time.

 · From the details, it seemed that all the connections were coming
 from the website and were trying to make connections to the database,
 however the statuses never changed from connect to anything else, and yet
 the amount of connections kept on rising.

 · From what I could gather, the incoming processes were trying to
 connect to the database but the connections could not be released causing

 I have tried to find clues in log files, etc... but nothing turned up. I
 suspected that it could perhaps be php however this could not be verified

 Can someone please provide me with some thoughts as to why this could be
 happening? I am fairly new to MySQL and not sure where else to go from here
 to find the root cause.

 Generally everything works fine, however , every now and then things
 suddenly seem to be going wrong... L

   Any help would be appreciated.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 [image: RDC_Logo]

My first guess would be a networking problem. If you run ifconfig repeatedly
do you notice the number of errors increasing? It would be good to look at
both the database server and the web server. Also, until you figure the
issue out you should be able to mitigate it by setting the connect timeout
to a more aggressive value.

Rob Wultsch

Re: Updating 4 to 5

2010-07-02 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Grant Peel wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have serveral servers running mysql 4, and need to update to mysql 5.

It would be good if mentioned what release of the various series you
were using or wanting to upgrade to.

 I have version 5 setup on a new dev server and will be cloning that to the
 old servers, then restoring all the data from backups (mysql databases

By restoring from backup for mysql a sql dump, or a filesystem backup?

 Once I have restored the data from backups, I will neeed to run

 My question is, will the mysqlupgrade script update all the mysql tables,
 (grant tables etc), as well as update all the users databases, or will there
 be other things that need to be done?


It depends. The way I generally do upgrades is the following:
1. Identify the backup point for the current server. Do a 'mysqldump
--all-databases --complete-insert' from it using the mysqldump from
the version of mysql I will be using after the upgrade and record the
'show slave status' while it is running.
2. Import the backup on to the new server after removing any commands
that would perform ddl on the mysql schema.
3. Setup replicaton and fail over to the new server at an opportune time.

So, you should keep in mind a few things:
1. Between version of MySQL the table format changes, and it is
generally worthing while to take advantage of the changes.
2. mysqlupgrade runs REPAIR TABLE which acts differently in different
versions of MySQL See

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Mysql connections not released

2010-07-02 Thread Rob Wultsch
A bad assumption I make these days is that everyone has skip resolve off. If
that is the case DNS issues will not impact you.

Do you have that setting?
Do you see errors on the interface?

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Machiel Richards wrote:


From a thread found on the net it also suggests that it might be network
 or DNS related.

 The connections building up is the following:

 *** 1346. row

  Id: 903175

User: unauthenticated user

Host: ip:51798

  db: NULL

 Command: Connect

Time: NULL

   State: login

Info: NULL

 The servers however only uses ip connections and no DNS
 related lookups.

 From what I could find on the web though it seems that
 there is one session that is unable to authenticate and the authentication
 process does not complete causing it to get “stuck”

 This then causes all other requests to wait for the
 transaction to complete.

 Everyone who replied to these threads with the same issue
 stated that when they kill that one problem connection it brings everything
 back to normal again, however the problem happens regularly and if not
 picked up immediately eventually causes an inability to access the database
 to even kill processes, etc...

 So what I know now is that the problem is caused by a
 connection / transaction not completing. However what I need to find out now
 is why and how to resolve this.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 [image: RDC_Logo]

 *From:* Rob Wultsch []
 *Sent:* 02 July 2010 9:42 AM
 *To:* Machiel Richards
 *Subject:* Re: Mysql connections not released

 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Machiel Richards

 Good morning all

 A few days ago i posted some questions relating to mysql
 threads running out and not being able to restart the database.

 We had the same again this morning however this time I had
 a bit of a heads up and managed to get into the database before it went down
 (so to speak).

 What I found was the following:

 · When running ‘ show processlist’, the amount of processes were
 increasing the whole time.

 · From the details, it seemed that all the connections were coming
 from the website and were trying to make connections to the database,
 however the statuses never changed from connect to anything else, and yet
 the amount of connections kept on rising.

 · From what I could gather, the incoming processes were trying to
 connect to the database but the connections could not be released causing

 I have tried to find clues in log files, etc... but nothing turned up. I
 suspected that it could perhaps be php however this could not be verified

 Can someone please provide me with some thoughts as to why this could be
 happening? I am fairly new to MySQL and not sure where else to go from here
 to find the root cause.

 Generally everything works fine, however , every now and then things
 suddenly seem to be going wrong... L

   Any help would be appreciated.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 *Error! Filename not specified.*

 My first guess would be a networking problem. If you run ifconfig
 repeatedly do you notice the number of errors increasing? It would be good
 to look at both the database server and the web server. Also, until you
 figure the issue out you should be able to mitigate it by setting the
 connect timeout to a more aggressive value.

 Rob Wultsch

Rob Wultsch

Re: Mysql connections not released

2010-07-02 Thread Rob Wultsch
I do not know that part of the mysql source code well, but I am very sure
you will take the dns hit even if all of your grants are ip based.

I suggest you put put that setting into your cnf and bounce the instance.

You will also never run into issues with max connect error if you set skip
name resolve.

It might be worthwhile to start watching a continuous ping from the
webserver to the db server. Are you losing any packets?

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:48 AM, Machiel Richards wrote:

  We do not use that setting at present no specifically because all
 hosts use ip’s to connect and not dns / hostnames.

 We can’t seem to find any errors thus the reason for truggling to pinpoint
 the exact cause.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 [image: RDC_Logo]

 *From:* Rob Wultsch []
 *Sent:* 02 July 2010 10:46 AM

 *To:* Machiel Richards
 *Subject:* Re: Mysql connections not released

 A bad assumption I make these days is that everyone has skip resolve off.
 If that is the case DNS issues will not impact you.

 Do you have that setting?
 Do you see errors on the interface?

 On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Machiel Richards


From a thread found on the net it also suggests that it might be network
 or DNS related.

 The connections building up is the following:

 *** 1346. row

  Id: 903175

User: unauthenticated user

Host: ip:51798

  db: NULL

 Command: Connect

Time: NULL

   State: login

Info: NULL

 The servers however only uses ip connections and no DNS
 related lookups.

 From what I could find on the web though it seems that
 there is one session that is unable to authenticate and the authentication
 process does not complete causing it to get “stuck”

 This then causes all other requests to wait for the
 transaction to complete.

 Everyone who replied to these threads with the same issue
 stated that when they kill that one problem connection it brings everything
 back to normal again, however the problem happens regularly and if not
 picked up immediately eventually causes an inability to access the database
 to even kill processes, etc...

 So what I know now is that the problem is caused by a
 connection / transaction not completing. However what I need to find out now
 is why and how to resolve this.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 [image: RDC_Logo]

 *From:* Rob Wultsch []
 *Sent:* 02 July 2010 9:42 AM
 *To:* Machiel Richards
 *Subject:* Re: Mysql connections not released

 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Machiel Richards

 Good morning all

 A few days ago i posted some questions relating to mysql
 threads running out and not being able to restart the database.

 We had the same again this morning however this time I had
 a bit of a heads up and managed to get into the database before it went down
 (so to speak).

 What I found was the following:

 · When running ‘ show processlist’, the amount of processes were
 increasing the whole time.

 · From the details, it seemed that all the connections were coming
 from the website and were trying to make connections to the database,
 however the statuses never changed from connect to anything else, and yet
 the amount of connections kept on rising.

 · From what I could gather, the incoming processes were trying to
 connect to the database but the connections could not be released causing

 I have tried to find clues in log files, etc... but nothing turned up. I
 suspected that it could perhaps be php however this could not be verified

 Can someone please provide me with some thoughts as to why this could be
 happening? I am fairly new to MySQL and not sure where else to go from here
 to find the root cause.

 Generally everything works fine, however , every now and then things
 suddenly seem to be going wrong... L

   Any help would be appreciated.

 Machiel Richards


 Relational Database Consulting

 *Error! Filename not specified.*

 My first guess would be a networking problem. If you run ifconfig
 repeatedly do you notice the number of errors increasing? It would be good
 to look at both the database server and the web server. Also, until you
 figure the issue out you should be able to mitigate it by setting the
 connect timeout to a more aggressive value.

 Rob Wultsch

 Rob Wultsch

Rob Wultsch

Re: MySQL Upgrading

2010-06-23 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Steven Staples wrote:

 I am looking at upgrading my servers Debian version from Etch to Lenny, and
 in doing that, I think it will upgrade MySQL from 5.0.32 to the lenny
 version, which is  5.0.53 (I think).

 I have also been thinking about using the 'dotdeb' packages, which will
 upgrade it even further to 5.1.47.  I have done this on a test server, and
 it all my stored procedures and stuff work fine, so now to my question.

 Will this break any replication if I don't upgrade my replication server
 that is still running 5.0.32 (until I upgrade that server as well, which
 could be a few weeks due to timing)?

It will. I suggest upgrading to at least 5.0.67 if you have no fear of
internal users, and the most recent version of 5.0 and 5.1 (I don't
recall what they are) if you have fears of malicious users.

 The other issue, is that the replication server is running multiple
 instances of the same MySQL on different ports, so that I can replicate
 multiple sources to a single server (that has attached tape drives for
 backup purposes), is it possible to run both versions of mysql (the 5.0.32
 and the 5.1.47)?    granted, this is not the debian mailing list, just
 thought I would ask that last part ;)

 Steven Staples

 MySQL General Mailing List
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Rob Wultsch

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Re: how to setup replication - MySQL 5.0.x - Migration and new databases

2010-06-08 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator wrote:

 we do have different LAMP systems and recently I started to put some
 mysql databases on one, new master server. (RedHat, Fredora, MySQL 4.x -

MySQL 4.X is EOL. I strongly suggest not using it for new projects, if
you have the option. If possible, MySQL 5.1 is recommended,

 I did this by exporting some databases with mysqldump and importing tham
 on the new server.

 Now I'd like to add a slave mysqlserver and so I started to read some
 docs from the web and manuals from addison-wesley but some questions do
 remain or occur.

 What is the best way to copy the databases from the master to the
 slave? I thought that I can shut down the master and copie the database
 directory to the slave and than go on with the config, restarting the
 servers, etc.

 Doing so, do I have to lock any InnoDB tables or anything else? (May be
 I missunderstand some docs...)

Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are doing, but shutting down
the master instance will make it inaccessible until it is restarted.

Please read
.  That document has the basics right, other than snapshoting. In
terms of getting a snapshot, if you have a innodb only instance*
(which is good idea), and can stop ddl commands, you can use mysqldump
with the master-data and single-transaction flags in order to take a
non-blocking dump suitable for replication use. For MyISAM only
instances FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK can be used. The easiest way to
make a snapshot is to shut down the master instance and make a copy of
the data files. When you restart the master make note of which binary
log file it starts to write to.

*Other than the mysql schema, of course.

 So far I only copied a few databases from the different servers to the
 new master.

 The second big question is: How to add new databases to the master
 after sucessfully running a master-slave-setup? Will the new database be
 copied/created on the slave automatically? Or do I have to create tham

New databases will be automatically created. Once you have the Master
setup with binary logging you can inspect what it will have have the
slave execute by using the mysqlbinlog command on the log files or the

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Temporary tables created on disk: 99%

2010-06-01 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:40 AM, John G. Heim wrote:
 On my db server, mysql has 2 gigabytes for temporary tables and yet its
 creating 99% of temporary tables on disk.

 According to mysqltuner, 99% of temporary tables are created on disk.

Probably blobs:
Instances of BLOB or TEXT columns in the result of a query that is
processed using a temporary table causes the server to use a table on
disk rather than in memory because the MEMORY storage engine does not
support those data types (see Section 7.5.10, “How MySQL Uses Internal
Temporary Tables”). Use of disk incurs a performance penalty, so
include BLOB or TEXT columns in the query result only if they are
really needed. For example, avoid using SELECT *, which selects all


If you can get us a query, explain, and table/index info we may be
able to help you more.

Also, you might want to consider creating a ram disk so that filesorts
that must be done on disk might be done inexpensively.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Anyone can help resolve this problem?

2010-05-30 Thread Rob Wultsch
This seems like a wordpress problem, not mysql.

On 5/30/10, Lancer wrote:
 Hi there. Sorry for my poor english.
 Iinstalled MySQL 5.5 m3 though original RPM package and I modified the MySQL
 root password. When Iinstall WordPress, I got the error message like 'Error
 establishing adatabase connection'. But when I clear MySQL root password,
 everything goes well. I don't know that why. For security, Idon't want keep
 the empty password for production service. Anyone can help me to resolve
 Btw, phpbb using mysql (not mysqli, it normal working) extension, phpbb will
 return error message like 'Access Denied for r...@localhost (using
 password:NO), why display NO and why phpbb use root to connect to database?


Rob Wultsch

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Re: source backup.sql - troubleshoot

2010-05-25 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Sydney Puente wrote:

 I have a mysqldump file created by AutoMySQLBackup.
 And it hangs when I do a
 mysql  source backup.sql
 It is 32 MB - it creates 4 tables and after creation of each table it 
 populates it.
 Actually it only creates the 1st table before hanging.

 My first thought is it would be nice to echo each of the commands it is 
 executing so I can tell whoch command it is that is the problem.
 My second thought is that there must be a quite a few troubleshooting 
 techniques i could/should use - except I dont know hwtat they are.

 All advice gratefully received!

 BTW Platform redhat 5.2,   Server version       5.0.54a-enterprise


The easiest way to see what MySQL is working on is to start up another
connections and run SHOW PROCESSLIST.  Note that the command output
will be truncated if it is long at all. If you need to see the entire

Alternatively start up the mysql client with the --verbose flag. I
don't recall in what version that became available. You will probably
flood your term if you use this option.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Security issues

2010-05-24 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Rob Wultsch []
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 11:52 AM
To: Martin Gainty
Subject: Re: Security issues

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Martin Gainty wrote:
 Good Morning Rob-

 one vulnerability (with UDFs)

 a manager considering a enterprise-wide security solution may want
 to consider Oracle Identity Manager (with Glassfish 3.2)

 Does this help?
 Martin Gainty


Thank you for the reply.

The guys across the street have a single page with cliff notes about
every vulnerability effecting every supported version*. The page I
noted was comprehensive. Martin, what you listed was a page with an
single vuln and a page which looks like a product.

 [JS] This is always a tough call for a software developer. On the one hand,
 announcing an unfixed problem alerts users; but at the same time, it also
 alerts abusers. Some companies go one way, some go the other.


 Jerry Schwartz
 Global Information Incorporated
 195 Farmington Ave.
 Farmington, CT 06032

 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

I explicitly do not want a list of unfixed problems. I want a list of
fixed issues and what versions are effected.

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Re: Security issues

2010-05-24 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
 Good Afternoon Rob-

 if you're implementing either glassfish or weblogic webserver
 your best fit solution would be Oracle Identity Manager

 there are 'other' identity solutions such as RSA which are
 1)far more complex ..
 2)virtually hackproof..
 at random intervals RSA implements an alternate encryption algorithm with an
 alternate keysize

 RSA issues smart cards which contain sufficient biometric information
 to authenticate you
 (and pass the authentication token to the OS)

 does this help?
 Martin Gainty

I am explicitly not setting up identity solutions or anything else.
All I want is a page from mysql which lists security issues.and what
versions are effected. I don't think that this is such an insane

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Security issues

2010-05-22 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Martin Gainty wrote:
 Good Morning Rob-

 one vulnerability (with UDFs)

 a manager considering a enterprise-wide security solution may want
 to consider Oracle Identity Manager (with Glassfish 3.2)

 Does this help?
 Martin Gainty


Thank you for the reply.

The guys across the street have a single page with cliff notes about
every vulnerability effecting every supported version*. The page I
noted was comprehensive. Martin, what you listed was a page with an
single vuln and a page which looks like a product.

The grass is looking pretty darn green on the other side of the street.

*And they support all the way back to 7.4, which is equivalent to 4.1
era. 2005 is not that long ago.
Rob Wultsch

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Security issues

2010-05-21 Thread Rob Wultsch
Given the rather serious recent bug fixes I have been thinking a good
bit about security. Does MySQL AB/Sun/Oracle maintain a page similar
to which lists
security issues and what releases they effected?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Where to index - over 15m records and growing

2010-05-07 Thread Rob Wultsch
Added whitespace for readabilty:
COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID) AS Count,
FlightRoutes.Dep AS Dep,
FlightRoutes.Des AS Des
FROM FlightRoutes
LEFT JOIN IVAOData ON FlightRoutes.FlightID=IVAOData.FlightID
WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00')
AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50')
GROUP BY FlightRoutes.Dep, FlightRoutes.Des
ORDER BY COUNT(FlightRoutes.FlightID)

First thing that pops to mind: Do you *really* mean left join?

Second thing:
How selective is
WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00')
AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50') 

Test by running
WHERE IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-01 00:00:00')
AND IVAOData.TrackerTime =UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-04-30 23:59:50')

If this is a large proportion of the row count then you are probably
in store for pain. It sounds like you are matching half the table. Big
(intermediate) result sets often end in pain.

Third thing:
My (rather sleepy) gut thinks your best bet is a a composite index on
the table IVAOData on the columns TrackerTime and FlightID. This will
make all access to the table in this query hit a covering index.

Fourth thing:
What do you intend to ask the database with this query. This query
smells overly broad.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql spatial functions (Was: Best index for searching on lat / long data i.e. decimal vs. float)

2010-05-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
   On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 11:12 PM, dan wrote:
   Can any one help me with understanding the mysql spatial
   only seem to find bits and pieces of how-to's etc.
   I have an existing table of lat / long data representing unique
   i.e. rectangles and I want to search the table to find the
   bounds a specific point.

Please at least considered PostGIS.

In my limited experience all the good GIS people I know use PG. Also
spatial indexes are limited to MyISAM in MySQL, which is a significant
limitation for many users.


Rob Wultsch

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Re: 4- Question

2010-05-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Junior Ortis wrote:
 Hi guys, i have a server with 20GB InnoDb on a single database and i
 use just one user for its. I use mysql 5.4

 1- If i change my SCSI 15k RPM to a SSD i will increase my performance ?

Umm, maybe. More information is required. Does the entire dataset
float in RAM? Does an IO bottleneck impact performance at all? What
sort of SSD? How many drives in either configuration?

 2- What is the fast method to a backup to this InnoDB database ?  And
 the more easy ? And how i restore its ?

20GB ain't much data. Consider mysqldump --single-tranaction
--master-data  dump.sql .  (You are storing binary logs so that
master data is useful, right?) The restore is super simple with mysql

The answer you may want is xtrabackup. If you go that route a plain
text backup is still a good idea.

 3-I need make a clean on one table, its something like:

 table 1 = 400k rows ( Index field )
 table 2 = 15kk rows ( Index field )
 table 3 = 150k rows ( Index field )
 table 4 = 15kk rows ( Index field )

 Its like: delete from table 4 where id NOT IN ( select id from table1
 ) and id NOT IN ( select id from table2 ) id NOT IN ( select id from
 table3 ) 

 Have others better methos to make its ?

Define better. NOT IN with a sub query is generally a poor performer.
In my experience removing 10k rows at a time I have found to be often

 4- InnoDB have a optimize table ? For re-index or something to make a
 better performance
I have lots of boxes and darn near never run optimize table on a
innodb table. Exceptions are made for massive bloat when file per
table is in use or statistics insanity that survives a analyze table.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: capacity planning.

2010-05-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:20 AM, raju.sakineti wrote:
 HI everyone,

             could somebody help me on how to do capacity planning for mysql
 databases. if anyone have documentation please provide me.

will get you started.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Join syntax problem

2010-04-26 Thread Rob Wultsch
I am reading this on a tiny screen but it looks like you need
whitespace before the where.

On 4/26/10, Gary wrote:
 I cant seem to get this working.

 $query=SELECT im.image_id, im.caption, im.where_taken, im.description,
 im.image_file, im.submitted,, kw.wolves, kw.wildlife, kw.american,
 kw.scenic, kw.birds,, kw.eagles, kw.hunter .
 FROM *images AS im.JOIN keywords AS kw USING (image_id) .
 WHERE ky.image_id = im.image_id;

 Gets me this error message.

 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
 your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'keywords AS kw
 USING (image_id)WHERE ky.image_id = im.image_id' at line 1

 Anyone see where I am going wrong?

 Thank you.


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Re: Slow query, unknown why

2010-04-25 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Yves Goergen wrote:

 I'm still stuck with my SQL query that is slow but really shouldn't be.

 The problem is that I cannot create a simple test case. I could only
 provide you a whole lot of pages of PHP code and SQL queries to explain
 the problem.

 I have now three versions of my query. One with a sub select, which
 takes 40 ms and works. One with a left join instead, which takes 40 ms
 and works. And one with an inner join instead, which takes 3 ms and
 doesn't work. The number of left-joined rows should be around 5, so what
 can make it take 35 ms to join those handful of rows?

 MySQL server version is 5.0.67 and 5.1.41 (just updated).

 Here's a small impression of my query:

 SELECT t.TagId, t.TagName, tk.UserId
 FROM message_revision_tag mrt
  JOIN tag t USING (TagId)
  LEFT JOIN keylist tk ON   -- Here's the left join
    (tk.KeylistId = t.ReadAccessKeylistId AND
    tk.UserId IN (22943, 10899))
 WHERE mrt.MessageId = 72 AND
  mrt.RevisionNumber = 1 AND
  t.ReadAccessKeylistId IS NOT NULL;

 This is only a sub-query of a larger search query in my PHP application.
 MySQL workbench can't show query timings so I can'T say how long this
 part of the query takes. It's probably fast, but it is applied to ~600
 other rows to determine whether they should be included in the results
 or not.

Please post create table statements, show indexes and explain for any
queries with which you want help. Please then post each of your
attempted queries coupled with a written description of what you think
you are asking the database for.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: MySQL Community Server 5.1.46 has been released

2010-04-23 Thread Rob Wultsch

     * SHOW CREATE VIEW returned invalid SQL if the definition
       contained a SELECT 'string' statement where the string was
       longer than the maximum length of a column name, due to the
       fact that this text was also used as an alias (in the AS
       Because not all names retrieved from arbitrary SELECT
       statements can be used as view column names due to length and
       format restrictions, the server now checks the conformity of
       automatically generated column names and rewrites according to
       a predefined format any names that are not acceptable as view
       column names before storing the final view definition on disk.
       In such cases, the name is now rewritten as Name_exp_pos,
       where pos is the position of the column. To avoid this
       conversion scheme, define explicit, valid names for view
       columns using the column_list clause of the CREATE VIEW
       As part of this fix, aliases are now generated only for
       top-level statements.

     * While looking for the shortest index for a covering index
       scan, the optimizer ignored that a clustered primary key read
       the entire table.

     * mysqlbinlog had a memory leak in its option-processing code.

     * The test for readline during configuration failed when trying
       to build MySQL in a directory other than the source tree root.

 MySQL RE Team

 Hery Ramilison, Karen Langford, MySQL Release Engineers
 Database Group, Oracle.

For the record I think it is really bad form that ~10 of ~50 bugs
noted are non-public. This is really annoying. Trying to make
judgments about risks of upgrading vs not upgrading with non-public
bugs is very difficult.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Loading 4.1.12 dump to 5.0.18 server

2010-04-22 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Larry Martell wrote:
 I need to load a dump from a 4.1.12 server to a 5.0.18 server. When I
 do that it fails with:

Upgrading from an early 4.1 series to an incredibly early 5.0 series
is a bad idea. Your first priority should be upgrading your
destination to something 5.0.67 (min)  or later.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: better way to backup 50 Gig db?

2010-04-20 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Gavin Towey wrote:
 More good ideas from Andrew!

 Just a note though, I noticed someone added replication to a slave as a 
 backup option.  I really discourage that.  Replication makes no guarantees 
 that the data on your slave is the same as the data on your master.  Unless 
 you're also checking consistency, a slave should be treated as a somewhat 
 unreliable copy of your data.

 Gavin Towey

I would like to second this sentiment.  Once you start looking for
data inconsistencies on slaves you will be surprised how often you
find them.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql-bin log file

2010-04-19 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Rob Wultsch wrote:

 And if your slave's IO lags badly enough this will hose you. Further

 True, but if you remove logs that haven't been transferred, yet, you lose
 your slave.

 Transfer of logs shouldn't be lagging that much, really, unless you're
 replicating over some POTS line. Don't forget that log transfer doesn't have
 to wait for processing on the slave.


Agreed. 7 days is an absurd length of time for the io thread to lag.
However, if someone has setup replication but not monitoring it, 7
days isn't that long. The behavior of mysql after a crash (that is,
breaking the io thread) makes me weary of suggesting to a
inexperienced user that they should turn on this features.

In an ideal world the user should determined how many days of backups
they need and further how much pitr. It might be very sane to say 30
days of daily backups with 7 days of pitr. One way or another this
should be a conscious decision, not a copy and paste from a mailing

Rob Wultsch

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Re: How to corrupt a database please???

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Suresh Kuna wrote:
 open the file and remove some data and close it for both data file and index
 files, So the tables will be corrupted when access.

 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Nurudin Javeri wrote:

 Hi all, I am hiring a few new junior DBA's and I want to put them thru a
 simple db repair training.  Does anyone know how I can deliberately corrupt
 a MyISAM and InnoDB database in different ways please?  So what I want to do
 is corrupt 3 MyISAM 100gb databases, 3 InnoDB 100gb databases - ALL WITH
 DIFFERENT ERROR MESSAGES and have these newbies fix them in a 2 hour period
 :-)  I have fixed oodles of db's but NEVER thought I would see the say where
 I would WANT to corrupt a db on purpose, but that day is here and am looking
 for advise please.



Umm, shouldn't you train your Junion DBA to:
1. fail off of the corrupted servers.
2. restore from backup.
3. or at least get a non-junior dba and then have them shadow?

I have a problem with the idea of repairing Innodb. Depending on
where the corruption (checksum mismatch) has occurred it can be very
difficult to get all the original data out. Don't get me wrong, there
are way to do it, but it is a nasty endeavor.
For that mater I don't trust repairing MyISAM all that much either.
I try my very best to keep MyISAM out of production.  In my opinion
MyISAM should be treated as something one step higher than the
blackhole engine. Put data in and you might be able to pull it out
later. (don't get me wrong, packed myisam has its place...)

Rob Wultsch

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Re: How to corrupt a database please???

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Jim Lyons wrote:
 You can remove the innodb logs and/or the innodb data file.  You can also
 remove some of the individual .idb files (if you're using file-per-table

He originally asked about how to provide a training excise about
repairing a db. How the hell do you repair from not having data files?
For that matter the recovery from lacking log files (and assuming a
crashed state) is imho ugly as hell.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: How to corrupt a database please???

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Andrés Tello wrote:
 What if the DBA ask for the backup?

 And those recommendations can be fixed or they have a very high chance of
 making recovery impossible?

Who is the dba going to ask for a backup? Himself? The guy that puts
backups on tape? One way or another the DBA damn well better know how
to get a backup.

Failing off of a server gets you on to a slave which should be sync'd
with the master. If you restore from backup then you can run a pitr .
In my opinion both of these options are usually superior to running
repair table on a production server. That is if you like uptime.

For the record innodb corruption is quite rare, at least in comparison
to MyISAM corruption. If I get a call at 2AM and find a server having
died  due to innodb corruption I would fail off of the server. No ifs,
no ands, not buts. I would assume:
1. Possible, perhaps even probably hardware issues if there is Innodb
2. A failover takes a set amount of time. Repairing corruptions will
usually take longer, perhaps much much longer.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Recommended swap partition size

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Eric Bergen wrote:
 Linux will normally swap out a few pages of rarely used memory so it's
 a good idea to have some swap around. 2G seems excessive though.
 Usually I prefer to have linux kill processes rather than excessively
 swapping. I've worked on machines before that have swapped so badly
 that it took minutes just to ssh to them. This is effectively a
 failure scenario that can last for a lot longer than it takes to
 restart/failover mysqld. For apache it means the clients will see
 errors until the load balancer health check drops the server out of
 rotation. The best solution in all cases is to keep an eye on swap
 in/out and memory usage so neither the crash nor the excessive
 swapping becomes a problem.

Umm, you were probably horribly over io utilized. Swapping by itself
will not kill perforance I have some boxes where mysql has leaked a
metric crap ton of memory and swapping is ok. The leaked memory is
swapped out and sits out in swap. Every now and a again I create more
swap to keep the server happy.

Swapping is often preferable to crash with unplanned downtime.

Note that innodb_flush_method can implact this...

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql-bin log file

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Angelina Paul wrote:
 How can I remove  old  mysql-bin log file in log directory? A mysql full
 backup will clear the old mysql bin log file or not?

 Arshu Paul

You probably want

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Re: InnoDB Default Storage Engine

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Angelina Paul wrote:
 I want to change the mysql default storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB.
 What are the  steps involved .Is it edit my.cnf file and add a line
 default-storage-engine=innodb and restart the mysql server?

If you do not want to change any existing tables all you need to do is
add the line to your cnf.

 How I can bring my databases with mixed storage engine down without any data 

mysqladmin shutdown

 What steps I have to take if I encounter a page corruption in innodb tables.

The right answer is restore from backup or failover to a slave. The
answer you probably want is

 why I am getting a message *Error*: *No query specified*  when I run a show 
 engines\g commands -version (5.0.45)

Exactly what are you running?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: mysql-bin log file

2010-04-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Prabhat Kumar wrote:
 You can  add a expire_logs_days Variable in my.cnf during the configuration
 of replication server.

 # expire_logs_days = 7

 It will purged binary logs older than 7 days.The old logs will be purged
 during the next bin-log swittch.

And if your slave's IO lags badly enough this will hose you. Further
it might well come in handy to an arbitrary number of bin logs for
pirt purposes.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: InnoDB - 16GB Data

2010-04-10 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Junior Ortis wrote:
 Hi Guys i have a dedicated mysql-server and neeed tips and sugestion
 to optimize its to a better performance.

 1-) Here i have results from mysqltunner

  MySQLTuner 1.0.1 - Major Hayden
    Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at
    Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering
 Please enter your MySQL administrative login: toscaoSo
 Please enter your MySQL administrative password:

  General Statistics --
 [--] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script
 [OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.4.3-beta-community
 [OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture

  Storage Engine Statistics ---
 [--] Status: -Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster
 [--] Data in MyISAM tables: 458M (Tables: 349)
 [--] Data in InnoDB tables: 15G (Tables: 73)
 [!!] Total fragmented tables: 47

  Performance Metrics -
 [--] Up for: 29d 12h 8m 1s (334M q [131.330 qps], 153K conn, TX: 194B, RX: 
 [--] Reads / Writes: 31% / 69%
 [--] Total buffers: 15.5G global + 16.2M per thread (50 max threads)
 [OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 16.3G (69% of installed RAM)
 [OK] Slow queries: 0% (386/334M)
 [OK] Highest usage of available connections: 46% (23/50)
 [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 300.0M/87.3M
 [OK] Key buffer hit rate: 100.0% (78M cached / 22K reads)
 [!!] Query cache is disabled
 [OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (0 temp sorts / 4M sorts)
 [OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 0% (548 on disk / 1M total)
 [OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99% (23 created / 153K connections)
 [OK] Table cache hit rate: 44% (467 open / 1K opened)
 [OK] Open file limit used: 1% (684/65K)
 [OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (320M immediate / 320M locks)
 [!!] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 15.5G/15.0G

  Recommendations -
 General recommendations:
    Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance
    Enable the slow query log to troubleshoot bad queries
 Variables to adjust:
    query_cache_size (= 8M)
    innodb_buffer_pool_size (= 15G)

 2-) And here is my dedicate server i have (24GB ):

  1  [
         0.0%]     Tasks: 71 total, 2 running
  2  [|||
         7.8%]     Load average: 0.11 0.18 0.19
  3  [|
         0.7%]     Uptime: 62 days, 19:24:09
  4  [|

 3-) And my.cnf

 vim .my.cnf
 #password       = [your_password]
 port            = 3306
 socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock

 # *** Application-specific options follow here ***

 # The MySQL server

 # generic configuration options
 port            = 3306
 socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
 datadir = /disk3/Datareal/oficial/mysql
 net_buffer_length       = 1024K
 join_buffer_size        = 4M
 sort_buffer_size        = 4M
 read_buffer_size        = 4M
 read_rnd_buffer_size    = 4M
 table_cache             = 1000
 max_allowed_packet      = 160M


 key_buffer              = 300M
 key_buffer_size         = 300M
 #thread_cache           = 400
 thread_stack            = 192K
 thread_cache_size       = 96
 thread_concurrency      = 8
 #thread_stack           = 128K

 default-character-set   = utf8
 innodb_buffer_pool_size= 15G
 innodb_log_file_size= 256M
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

 ~/.my.cnf 72L, 1570C

 Thanks guys for any tips/suggestion !

First, most performance comes from optimized table structures, index,
and queries. Server tuning will not get you you all that much
additions performance, if you have a semi sane configuration.  What is
your current bottleneck or performance problem?

Anyways... here are some reactions:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 ... THIS MEANS YOU CAN LOSE COMMITTED
TRANSACTIONS. Read up on this.

Any particular reason you aren't using O_DIRECT ? Read up on this.

Why do you not have skip-name-resolve on? Read up on this.

innodb_thread_concurrency... As you are running 5.4 you can probably
set this to 0. Assuming you have 4 cores or less I wouldn't worry too
much about this.

I do not see log-bin... which would indicate that you don't have
binary logging on. What is your disaster recover plan?

To create an optimal cnf would require more knowledge about your
workload and your hardware.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General

Re: upgrade from version 5.0.45

2010-04-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Walter Heck - wrote:
 Depending on the seriousness of your environment you can read the
 changelogs and upgrade if you don't see any showstoppers. I have
 hardly ever seen any problems with minor version upgrades of mysql.
 Of course what Rob says is true, and it is a good idea to test things
 out in a test environment first. But I know many environment where it
 is okay to just run the upgrade, as long as it is a minor version
 upgrade. I guess it depends on the type of production environment you
 are running in.

 be careful though!


Not everything that gets changed is in the change log. In particular
there was a memory leak that I had (...still have...) to deal with
that got fixed without any note in the change log. is your friend.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: upgrade from version 5.0.45

2010-04-04 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 6:36 AM, Marco Baiguera wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 i am quite new to mysql and i recently begin to work with a company
 who is using mysql 5.0.45 in production.
 i think this version is too old and would like to upgrade to the most
 recent 5.0.xx

 my os is CentOS release 5.3.

 is it safe to simply use yum upgrade mysql ?

 are there any important differences i should be aware of between
 5.0.45 and 5.0.77 ?
 any diffferences in password encoding etc. ?

 the db is properly backed up and replicated on two 5.0.77 slaves.

 thank you

I would not simply upgrade. I would upgrade the test environment first
and have the development team sign off that there were no bad effects
caused by the upgrade.

The first version of 5.0 that I think is particularly useable and not
buggy is 5.0.67.  I suggest that this is worth the upgrade.

In theory there are not significant differences between 5.0 versions
after GA other that bug fixes. I *do not* trust this.

Rob Wultsch

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Re: MySQLTuner

2010-04-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:47 PM, sangprabv wrote:
 I run mysqltuner this morning and I got these warning:
 [!!] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 12.0G/23.2G
 [!!] Key buffer hit rate: 76.9%
 [!!] Query cache efficiency: 0.0%
 [!!] Temporary tables created on disk: 27%
 [!!] Table cache hit rate: 5%

 And mysqltuner recommends to adjust these setting:
 key_buffer_size ( 23.2G)
 query_cache_limit ( 1M, or use smaller result sets)
  tmp_table_size ( 64M)
  max_heap_table_size ( 128M)
  table_cache ( )

 My physical RAM is only 16Gb. I am afraid it will freezed the server if I set 
 key_buffer_size ( 23.2G). Any suggestion to optimize it? Thanks for any 


I would not worry much at all about the three top lines of what you
posted. Before I became a DBA I worked as a dev on a not small website
where we used the ultra conservative default configuration. If you do
no know what you are doing you can easily cause far more harm than
good by mistuning your configuration. In fact, if you have 16GB of RAM
and have devoted 12GB to key buffer you have probably significantly
over allocated. Keep in mind that MyISAM using the OS file system
cache to cache table data.

1. Are you currently having a performance problem? If so, what queries
are slow? Posting the query + the explain would help us help you.
2. Are you using any other table types other than MyISAM? If not, why
not? MyISAM has horrible characteristics for many workloads due to a
lack of row level locks. MyISAM also can easily corrupt. Keep in mind
that this will change how a server should be tuned
3. It is probably worthwhile to try to tune table and thread cache to
sane levels.
4. Having well indexed and well written queries will probably help you
far more than any server tunning.
5. How are you going to test any changes to configuration?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Mysql Certification exams

2010-01-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 11:06 PM, machiel.richards wrote:
 I am trying to get hold of sample exams, etc... that I can
 use for preparation to the exams in order to test myself and make sure that
 I have all the knowledge I need.

I have passed all the 5.0 dev and dba exams as well as 5.1 cluster.
Buy the official guides and read them well:

That has all the information you need and practice exam questions. The
certification exams are not that hard if you work with MySQL
consistently and read through the guide.

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Re: Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-23 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Johan De Meersman vegiv...@tuxera.bewrote:

 You don't even need to stop the server afaik. As mentioned previously,
 though, works for MyISAM only.

While this is strictly true there are some big caveats (flushing tables,
etc). It is safer to shut down the database before moving files around.

Rob Wultsch

Re: Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Robinson, Eric eric.robin...@psmnv.comwrote:

   DB engines that have their own data dictionary (Innodb, etc) in
 addition to
  what is in the .frm could easily be messed up.
 Like I said, there are only MyISAM tables in the database, so would there
 be any risks associated with my simple approach?

 (Also there are no stored procedures because this is MySQL 4.1.22.)


Within your specific circumstances what you suggest should be safe.

Rob Wultsch

Re: Rename Database - Why Would This Not Work?

2009-11-21 Thread Rob Wultsch
DB engines that have their own data dictionary (Innodb, etc) in addition to
what is in the .frm could easily be messed up.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Robinson, Eric eric.robin...@psmnv.comwrote:

 I used a simple procedure to rename my MySQL 4.1.22 database, which has
 only My-ISAM tables:

 1. Stopped MySQL
 2. Renamed the database directory from olddbname to newdbname
 3. Started mysql

 At this point, I grepped for 'olddbname' and found that many of the old
 .MYI files still had references to 'olddbname'. So I...

 4. Did mysqlcheck -o newdbname

 Then all the references to 'olddbname' were removed from the index

 I then started our application and everything seems to be working fine
 using the new database name. Yet I'm still worried because when I Google
 it, I see people talking about lots of different ways to do a database
 rename, and people are making it sound like a complicated, dangerous

 Why would my simple approach not work? Should I be watching for
 potential problems down the road because I did it this way?

 Eric Robinson
 Director of Information Technology
 Physician Select Management, LLC
 775.885.2211 x 111

Rob Wultsch

Re: Optimizing my.cnf

2009-10-05 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:12 PM, sangprabv wrote:

 I have Dell PE2950iii with 16GB of RAM, and 1 Quadcore processor @2.00G.
 Installed with MySQL 5.075 on 64bit Ubuntu Jaunty. I have these
 parameters in my.cnf:

 blah blah blah...

This heavily depends on workload. Are you using innodb? etc...

Rob Wultsch

Re: Is myisam_repair_threads considered safe

2009-09-18 Thread Rob Wultsch
I decided not to use it because of bug 47444 which is a continuation of
earlier bugs...

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Eric Bergen wrote:

 It's been in mysql for at least 7 years.

 On Thursday, September 10, 2009, Rob Wultsch wrote:
  If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM  table indexes are created in
  parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting
  process. The default value is 1.
  Note :Multi-threaded repair is still beta-quality code.
  The note is present is all versions of MySQL manual:
  Can anyone comment about whether this setting is safe, and if so on
  what major versions?
  Rob Wultsch
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
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 Eric Bergen

Rob Wultsch

Is myisam_repair_threads considered safe

2009-09-10 Thread Rob Wultsch

If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM  table indexes are created in
parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting
process. The default value is 1.
Note :Multi-threaded repair is still beta-quality code.

The note is present is all versions of MySQL manual:

Can anyone comment about whether this setting is safe, and if so on
what major versions?

Rob Wultsch

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Re: Are equi-joins faster than left joins?

2009-04-04 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:41 AM, mos wrote:
 I have 3 tables that are 1:1 and will always have a row for a given
 product,_code  date. If I want to join them together, is it going to be
 faster to use an equi join or a left join, or does it matter?

IIRC:With an inner join the optimizer has more latitude to reorganize
the join order and can short circuit the process if there is not a
corresponding row.

This is completely secondary to getting the right result set for your
query. If there is the possibility of a row in the parent table not
joining and needing to be part of the result then you must use left.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Replica questions

2009-03-12 Thread Rob Wultsch
When you start up replication the data should be recorded in the in your data dir.

[r...@someserver ~]# cat /var/lib/mysqldata/

I am not familiar with any setups where the would not be
created, and I am too lazy too look for a setting that would lead to
such an silly/annoying state.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 Do I jsut need to monitor better and manually add it should the log
 and pos change?


 On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Baron Schwartz wrote:
 That's deprecated too :-)

 On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:17 PM, Cui Shijun wrote:
  #2.  try adding the information of master into my.cnf then restart the 

 MySQL General Mailing List
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Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Replica questions

2009-03-11 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Bryan Irvine wrote:

 I've got 2 questions about my newly set up master-slave replica.

 1 When I run load data from master; I get an error that I do not
 have RELOAD privileges and then it boots the slave offline.
 flush privileges;

 but it still does the same thing.

 2 Is there a way to get a slave to automatically re-connect as the
 slave without having to know the masters binlog and position?  Each
 time it reboots I have to manually add it back in with the change
 master to ... command.



#1. This feature is deprecated. We recommend not using it anymore. It
is subject to removal in a future version of MySQL.

#2. Replication info should be being recorded on the in
your data dir.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: mysqlimport remote host problem

2009-03-10 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:16 PM, René Fournier wrote:

 OK, I've managed to do the same thing with just the mysql command line

mysql -h -u root -p alba2 

 Works great. However, the sql file is normally gzipped, so Can I ungzip
 the file on the fly (and without removing the .gzip version) and pipe the
 contents as I did above? (Yes, I'm UNIX-impaired.)  Something like:

mysql -h -u root -p alba2  gzip -dc

 But so that it works...


Pipe is your friend. You probably want something like:

gzip -dc /Backup/Latest/alba2_2009-03-10_00h45m.Tuesday.sql.gz
| mysql -h -u root -p alba2

Re: WHERE vs. ON

2009-02-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:
 From: Martin Gainty []
 Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:03 PM
 To: Jerry Schwartz;
 Subject: RE: WHERE vs. ON
 ON condition uses the same columnname from both source and target tables

 whereas any column expressions can go in the WHERE clause...
 [JS] That isn't necessarily true.
 ON a.x = b.y

 Is valid.

You don't even need to reference either table in the join.

(yes, I have found the need to use that)

Join by rand!

The on clause is just something evaluated for each row that if it
returns an expression that evaluates to true will allow the row to be

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: moving from 3.23.58 to 5.0.45

2008-10-30 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 5:16 AM, Obantec Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 are there any doc's on how to migrate DB in 3.23.58 format to 5.0.45
 moving from a Fedora Core3 to Centos5.2 server.


First result.

Rob Wultsch

Re: deleted user...lost access to appointment data

2008-10-27 Thread Rob Wultsch
I sooo hear that now. That is the funniest thing I have heard this month.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Fish Kungfu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For some reason when I started reading this, I heard Humphrey Bogart's
 speaking it like the beginning of one of his dark and rainy black  white
 detective movies.  ;-)

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Dr Michael Daly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It all started when I deleted one of the users, 'michael', from within a
  database program -- lo and behold 'michael' disappeared from all groups
  along with the data. 'michael' was an admin user as was another admin
  user, but the data belonged to 'michael'
  I recreated this user but could not see the data
  So I restored the respective mysql database, named pbcs7, from a tar
  backup (I now understand this is not the best way to backup mysql), but
  the data remained elusive.
  The database program - PBCS which is an appointment system - resides in
  /home/www/public_html and the respective mysql database (MySQL Vers
  4.1.20) is in /var/lib/mysql
  What am I missing please?
  Steps for restoration of the backup (permissions were found to be
  1. the backed up 'pbcs7' database files were temporarily restored using
  the tar -zxvf command to:
  2. made copy of files in use (ie the files from which data was missing)
  to...restore2 directory
  cp -a /var/lib/mysql/pbcs7/* /var/lib/restore2/
  3. /sbin/service mysqld stop
  4. restored pbcs7 database files to the working mysql directory
  cp -a /var/lib/restore/var/lib/mysql/pbcs7/* /var/lib/mysql/pbcs7/
  5. /sbin/service mysqld start
  Any help would be great
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

Re: MySQL Sort by Array

2008-10-22 Thread Rob Wultsch

it is
and in this case the ... is the function described above.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Jim Lyons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not familiar with order by field (unless field is a UDF).  I know of
 order by binary.  Is this standard mysql syntax?

 On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Peter Brawley 

  ORDER BY id(5, 34, 9, 25)
  Can anyone tell me the proper syntax to accomplish this task?
  ORDER BY FIELD( id, 5, 34, 9, 25 )
  Keith Spiller wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  I'm trying to sort by a particular order:
  SELECT * FROM tablename
  WHERE id='5' OR id='9' OR id='25' OR id='34'
  ORDER BY id(5, 34, 9, 25)
  Can anyone tell me the proper syntax to accomplish this task?
  Thanks for your help.
  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database:
  270.8.2/1739 - Release Date: 10/22/2008 7:23 AM

 Jim Lyons
 Web developer / Database administrator

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

Re: Error Code 28

2008-10-21 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:26 AM, Heston James - Cold Beans 

 Afternoon all,

 I have a SELECT query which is returning the following error:

 (InternalError) (3, Error writing file '/tmp/MYqlGnfn' (Errcode: 28))

 After doing a little searching on google all signs seem to point to a lack
 of disk space to be able to store the query results.

 However, I have several hundred MB left on the storage device and the
 database itself, in its entirety is only around 19Mb in size so it sees
 strange to be causing that. Here is a quick output from 'fd -h' which
 displays the space on my storage device.

 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

 rootfs973M  595M  330M  65% /

 udev   10M   20K   10M   1% /dev


  973M  595M  330M  65% /


  973M  595M  330M  65% /dev/.static/dev

 tmpfs 126M 0  126M   0% /lib/init/rw

 tmpfs 126M 0  126M   0% /dev/shm

 tmpfs 8.0M 0  8.0M   0% /rw/tmp

 Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what might be causing this issue and
 anything I can do to correct this? I'd really appreciate some help. I'm
 running MySQL 5 on a Debian based system.

 If you need any more information what so ever, please let me know.

 Cheers in advance,


1. Just because your data set is small does not mean that mysql will not
create a larger temporary file to store a temporary table.
2. If I had to guess I would say some sort of quota is in effect, also
possibly for /tmp/ in particular.

Rob Wultsch

Re: mysql is dead slow

2008-10-20 Thread Rob Wultsch
1, Subqueries should be avoid when using mysql. Rewriting to be using joins
will probably solve your problem.
2. Explain is your friend.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Sangeetha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is something wrong with a sql query like this?
 (SELECT commentname, count(comments.ID) as comid, 'comments' as section
 comments where commentname IN (SELECT DISTINCT commentname from comments
 where id=35037 ORDER BY commentname)Group by commentname) UNION ALL (SELECT
 Username, count(ID), 'questions' from questions where Username IN (SELECT
 DISTINCT commentname from comments where id=35037 ORDER BY
 by Username)
 It is dead slow... almost doesnt work.. is it the query or is my DB set up
 wrong? When i had records of around 500 rows it worked fine.. now i have
 around 6 rows its dead slowPlease help me...

Rob Wultsch

Re: mysql is dead slow

2008-10-20 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Sangeetha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Gosh I wonder
  why mysql does not support SEubqueries.. It just hangs in the copying to
  table status. Atleast I know whats wrong... Thanks very much

 It supports them, but won't optimize them well until 5.2.  There's
 some good info here:

 - Perrin

I'm pretty sure 5.2 became 6.0
6.0 is two major versions out
The last major release happened 3 years ago

Rob Wultsch

Re: mysql is dead slow

2008-10-20 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 9:31 PM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Sangeetha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Gosh I wonder
  why mysql does not support SEubqueries.. It just hangs in the copying to
  table status. Atleast I know whats wrong... Thanks very much

 It supports them, but won't optimize them well until 5.2.  There's
 some good info here:

 - Perrin

 I'm pretty sure 5.2 became 6.0
 6.0 is two major versions out
 The last major release happened 3 years ago

What I should have said is:

five two is six oh
five one comes before six oh
five oh three years old

Rob Wultsch

Re: Confusion over query stratergy

2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Ian Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to work out the difference in a field between the last 2
 updates in an updates table.   I'm doing this as shown below:

-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
- ;

 | AcctInputOctets  | AcctOutputOctets | (@in :=
 AcctInputOctets) | (@out := AcctOutputOctets) |

 | 18446744073654284768 | 18446744073171813223 |
 55266848 |  537738393 |
 | 9508 |18620 |
 55257340 |  537719773 |

 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 mysql explain(query above)
 *** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: updates
 type: ref
 possible_keys: AcctUniqueID
  key: AcctUniqueID
  key_len: 34
  ref: const
 rows: 327
Extra: Using where; Using filesort
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 As can be seen, this query uses a key, and runs well.  However, I only
 require the 2nd row of that dataset.  I couldn't figure out a better
 way of doing it than this:

 mysql SELECT AcctInputOctets,  AcctOutputOctets FROM
-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
-  ) AS t1 LIMIT 1,2
- ;
 | AcctInputOctets | AcctOutputOctets |
 |9508 |18620 |
 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

 This does exactly what I want, but to me feels wrong, I think I'm
 missing a trick to doing this 'the right way'.  Also, look at how the
 query runs:

 mysql explain SELECT AcctInputOctets,  AcctOutputOctets FROM
-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
-  ) AS t1 LIMIT 1,2
- \G
 *** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: PRIMARY
table: derived2
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: NULL
  key: NULL
  key_len: NULL
  ref: NULL
 rows: 2
 *** 2. row ***
   id: 2
  select_type: DERIVED
table: updates
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: AcctUniqueID
  key: AcctUniqueID
  key_len: 34
 rows: 28717165
Extra: Using filesort
 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 Apparently, it's doing a full table scan over all 29 million records.
 Whilst this query appears to run fast still, surly it's not right that
 a full table scan is needed?



In my experience derived table performance often sucks. This does not feel
like a place where it should suck, though. My guess is that the limit is
messing with EXPLAIN's head.

I have experienced LIMIT causing EXPLAIN output to show full table scans
while the query performance did not act that way, and the servers stats did
not show it either.

How long does the second query actually take to run?

Rob Wultsch

Re: Confusion over query stratergy

2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Ian Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to work out the difference in a field between the last 2
 updates in an updates table.   I'm doing this as shown below:

-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
- ;

 | AcctInputOctets  | AcctOutputOctets | (@in :=
 AcctInputOctets) | (@out := AcctOutputOctets) |

 | 18446744073654284768 | 18446744073171813223 |
 55266848 |  537738393 |
 | 9508 |18620 |
 55257340 |  537719773 |

 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 mysql explain(query above)
 *** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: updates
 type: ref
 possible_keys: AcctUniqueID
  key: AcctUniqueID
  key_len: 34
  ref: const
 rows: 327
Extra: Using where; Using filesort
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 As can be seen, this query uses a key, and runs well.  However, I only
 require the 2nd row of that dataset.  I couldn't figure out a better
 way of doing it than this:

 mysql SELECT AcctInputOctets,  AcctOutputOctets FROM
-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
-  ) AS t1 LIMIT 1,2
- ;
 | AcctInputOctets | AcctOutputOctets |
 |9508 |18620 |
 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

 This does exactly what I want, but to me feels wrong, I think I'm
 missing a trick to doing this 'the right way'.  Also, look at how the
 query runs:

 mysql explain SELECT AcctInputOctets,  AcctOutputOctets FROM
-  (@in - AcctInputOctets) AS AcctInputOctets,
-  (@out - AcctOutputOctets) AS AcctOutputOctets,
-  (@in := AcctInputOctets),
-  (@out := AcctOutputOctets)
-FROM updates
-WHERE acctuniqueid = '4b9fe4a361344536'
-ORDER BY updates.AcctSessionTime DESC LIMIT 2
-  ) AS t1 LIMIT 1,2
- \G
 *** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: PRIMARY
table: derived2
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: NULL
  key: NULL
  key_len: NULL
  ref: NULL
 rows: 2
 *** 2. row ***
   id: 2
  select_type: DERIVED
table: updates
 type: ALL
 possible_keys: AcctUniqueID
  key: AcctUniqueID
  key_len: 34
 rows: 28717165
Extra: Using filesort
 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 Apparently, it's doing a full table scan over all 29 million records.
 Whilst this query appears to run fast still, surly it's not right that
 a full table scan is needed?



 In my experience derived table performance often sucks. This does not feel
 like a place where it should suck, though. My guess is that the limit is
 messing with EXPLAIN's head.

 I have experienced LIMIT causing EXPLAIN output to show full table scans
 while the query performance did not act that way, and the servers stats did
 not show it either.

 How long does the second query actually take to run?

*How long does the second query actually take to run compared to first?

Also, you could do this as a join, and it would probably be somewhat

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

Re: Confusion over query stratergy

2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Ian Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/10/17 Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  *How long does the second query actually take to run compared to first?

 Actually, really quickly - so quickly that I also suspected that a
 full table scan was not taking place.   I'd like to understand how the
 output of EXPLAIN can differ from the actual strategy used, why is
 there this difference (if indeed, there is)?   This question is now
 redundant, as we're approaching the problem from a different angle,
 but this will bug me if I don't get to understand it :)


flush status;
//run your query
show status like 'Handl%';

That will tell you how much work it actually did to grab the info. Remember
that EXPLAIN only shows estimates of the amount of work required to perform
a query.

My guess is that the limit confuses the optimizer and it shows a worst case
scenario (full table scan) for the query. Note that the explain is still
saying that it will us an index.

Rob Wultsch


2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Rene Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I realize that query won't work, but that's essentially want I want
 to do:

 Add four months to the current date, then return the first day of that
 month, e.g.:

floor ( 2008-10-16 + 4 months ) = 2009-02-1

 Is there a nice SQL way of achieving this?


SELECT date(now() + INTERVAL 4 MONTH - INTERVAL day(now())-1 DAY);

Rob Wultsch


2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Ian Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/10/17 Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Rene Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Okay, I realize that query won't work, but that's essentially want I
  to do:
  Add four months to the current date, then return the first day of that
  month, e.g.:
 floor ( 2008-10-16 + 4 months ) = 2009-02-1
  Is there a nice SQL way of achieving this?
  SELECT date(now() + INTERVAL 4 MONTH - INTERVAL day(now())-1 DAY);

 Be aware that only 1 suggested answer was correct :)

 mysql SELECT date( date(2008-10-31) + INTERVAL 4 MONTH - INTERVAL
 day(2008-10-31)-1 DAY) as d\G
 *** 1. row ***
 d: 2009-01-29

 mysql select cast(date_format( date(2008-10-31) + interval 4
 month,%Y-%m-01) as date) as d \G
 *** 1. row ***
 d: 2009-02-01

Good catch.

Rob Wultsch


2008-10-17 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Ian Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 2008/10/17 Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Rene Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Okay, I realize that query won't work, but that's essentially want I
  to do:
  Add four months to the current date, then return the first day of that
  month, e.g.:
 floor ( 2008-10-16 + 4 months ) = 2009-02-1
  Is there a nice SQL way of achieving this?
  SELECT date(now() + INTERVAL 4 MONTH - INTERVAL day(now())-1 DAY);

 Be aware that only 1 suggested answer was correct :)

 mysql SELECT date( date(2008-10-31) + INTERVAL 4 MONTH - INTERVAL
 day(2008-10-31)-1 DAY) as d\G
 *** 1. row ***
 d: 2009-01-29

 mysql select cast(date_format( date(2008-10-31) + interval 4
 month,%Y-%m-01) as date) as d \G
 *** 1. row ***
 d: 2009-02-01

 I should have said:

but yeah, the date_format is a heck of a lot cleaner. Learn something new

Rob Wultsch

Re: Stored proc - dynamic sql in cursor

2008-10-16 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Olaf Stein
 Hi all,

 I am running into some issues with what I am trying to do in a stored proc.
 Basically I am trying to find records related to certain individuals in
 other tables in the databases and if there are any, tell me how many.

 Instead of doing this for each of these tables individually I use a cursor:

 DECLARE tnames CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables
 where table_schema='agpv2' and table_name like 'ad%' and table_name not like
 '%headers' order by table_name desc;

 to get all the tables I need.

 Now I loop over the result set of this cursor and want to dynamically insert
 the tablename into a second cursor. From what I read (and tried) that does
 not work:

 OPEN tnames;
   FETCH tnames INTO tablename;
   IF NOT tnames_done THEN
SELECT tablename;
  DECLARE resadi INT;
  DECLARE adi CURSOR FOR select count(*) from tablename a join
 individual i on a.ident=i.ident where fid=agpfid;

  OPEN adi;
   FETCH adi INTO resadi;
  CLOSE adi;

  IF (resadi0) THEN
select resadi as adi_wps;

 The cursor does not use tablename as a variable.

 What does work is using prepared statements:

  SET @stmt_text=CONCAT(select count(*) from ,tablename, a join
 individual i on a.ident=i.ident where fid=,agpfid);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
  EXECUTE stmt;

 The problem with this is that I only want the result of the query if
 count(*)  0  as there are many tables I am looking in and most have no
 reference to individual so I do not want them in the output and this just
 executes the statement.

 Is there any way I can dynamically manipulate the string fro the cursor.
 Or, is there anyway I can catch the EXECUTE stmt output and look at it
 before outputting it?


 Here is the full proc as I would like it to work:

 CREATE PROCEDURE show_pheno(agpfid INT)
 COMMENT 'shows phenotypes for given family id'
  DECLARE tablename TEXT;
  DECLARE tnames_done INT DEFAULT 0;
  DECLARE tnames CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables
 where table_schema='agpv2' and table_name like 'ad%' and table_name not like
 '%headers' order by table_name desc;
  OPEN tnames;
   FETCH tnames INTO tablename;
   IF NOT tnames_done THEN
SELECT tablename;
  DECLARE resadi INT;
  SET @tn = tablename;
  DECLARE adi CURSOR FOR select count(*) from  a join individual i on
 a.ident=i.ident where fid=agpfid;

  OPEN adi;
   FETCH adi INTO resadi;
  CLOSE adi;

  IF (resadi0) THEN
select resadi as adi_wps;

   END IF;
   UNTIL tnames_done
  CLOSE tnames;

 END //

A couple of thoughts, and please bear in mind that you probably know
more about stored  than I do.
1. Would this be better dealt with by BASH? You could look at the
results and act accordingly much more easily with BASH/Perl/whatever.
2. Why not fetch the prepared statement into a udv?
would become
 SET @stmt_text=CONCAT(select count(*) INTO resadi from
,tablename, a join
individual i on a.ident=i.ident where fid=,agpfid);
you could then test resadi  as shown.

I hope I am not adding to the confusion,

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: How to build sub-sequence ... AUTO_INCREMENT on a sub-key starting with a specific offset?

2008-10-15 Thread Rob Wultsch
I would do a muli key PK with a after insert trigger to that would
change widget_number 1 to 1000. Just my HO...

 I would use this combo as the primary key, but I hate doing joins with
 multiple primary keys, so I'll also keep the widget_id for the purpose of
 making joins easier.

Why? Both of these fields are ints, so the key length would rather small.

 I don't think the 'MAX' is optimized, though and maybe there is a better,
 more robust way to do this which is already built into MySQL that I don't
 know about.

MAX should be fast, assuming the field is indexed.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:25 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back called
 RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement
 behave like a SELECT statement.  You can do something like this:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something')
  RETURNING any_column_you_want;

 This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something');

  SELECT any_column_you_want
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = 1;

 Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

  UPDATE mytable SET
value = 'something'
  WHERE id = 1
  RETURNING id, other_number;

 The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any
 column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the
 INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

 I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't
 always want to get the primary key returned to me.  Sometimes I want another
 column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid the
 round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

 Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the TODO
 list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put on there?

 -- Dante

 D. Dante Lorenso

You can do your insert through a stored procedure and then at the end
do a select of those values.
22.4.14:  Can MySQL 5.0 stored routines return result sets?

Stored procedures can, but stored functions cannot. If you perform an
ordinary SELECT inside a stored procedure, the result set is returned
directly to the client. You need to use the MySQL 4.1 (or above)
client-server protocol for this to work. This means that — for
instance — in PHP, you need to use the mysqli extension rather than
the old mysql extension. 

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:00 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rob Wultsch wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:25 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back
 RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement
 behave like a SELECT statement.  You can do something like this:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something')
  RETURNING any_column_you_want;

 This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something');

  SELECT any_column_you_want
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = 1;

 Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

  UPDATE mytable SET
   value = 'something'
  WHERE id = 1
  RETURNING id, other_number;

 The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any
 column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the
 INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

 I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't
 always want to get the primary key returned to me.  Sometimes I want
 column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid the
 round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

 Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the TODO
 list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put on

 -- Dante

 D. Dante Lorenso

 You can do your insert through a stored procedure and then at the end
 do a select of those values.
 22.4.14:  Can MySQL 5.0 stored routines return result sets?

 Stored procedures can, but stored functions cannot. If you perform an
 ordinary SELECT inside a stored procedure, the result set is returned
 directly to the client. You need to use the MySQL 4.1 (or above)
 client-server protocol for this to work. This means that — for
 instance — in PHP, you need to use the mysqli extension rather than
 the old mysql extension. 

 This is an interesting strategy in that all your queries would turn into
 CALL statements.

 There are several reasons why I would NOT want to turn all my queries into
 stored procedures, though.  The main problem I have is that it is difficult
 to deploy stored procedures from DEV to PROD environments and have those
 deployments synchronized with the deployment of the web code.  SQL which is
 kept with the application is easily deployed when the application is
 deployed and the same goes for version control of the SQL if you are using
 something like Subversion to maintain change history.

 So, I suppose you CAN perform an UPDATE and run a SELECT from a stored
 procedure, but this strategy is not much better than doing both calls from
 the client and still does not act like the RETURNING feature I was hoping

 -- Dante

For the record I am not a big fan of stored procedures, particularly
because the svn/cvn issues. Also debugging is a bear.

However, what I am suggesting is not to run an update and then a
SELECT ... FROM ...(unless you are using triggers, or a virtual
columns when that is merged, etc) because you will already have all
the values passed in as variables you should be able to do something
SELECT var1 AS 'colname', var2 AS 'col2';

(Note the lack of a FROM clause.)

Alternatively, you could set a user defined variable in insert
triggers and then reuse the variables later on.

Other than the above strategies I think you are probably out of luck.

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Rob Wultsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:00 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rob Wultsch wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:25 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back
 RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement
 behave like a SELECT statement.  You can do something like this:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something')
  RETURNING any_column_you_want;

 This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something');

  SELECT any_column_you_want
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = 1;

 Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

  UPDATE mytable SET
   value = 'something'
  WHERE id = 1
  RETURNING id, other_number;

 The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any
 column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the
 INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

 I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't
 always want to get the primary key returned to me.  Sometimes I want
 column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid the
 round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

 Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the TODO
 list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put on

 -- Dante

 D. Dante Lorenso

 You can do your insert through a stored procedure and then at the end
 do a select of those values.
 22.4.14:  Can MySQL 5.0 stored routines return result sets?

 Stored procedures can, but stored functions cannot. If you perform an
 ordinary SELECT inside a stored procedure, the result set is returned
 directly to the client. You need to use the MySQL 4.1 (or above)
 client-server protocol for this to work. This means that — for
 instance — in PHP, you need to use the mysqli extension rather than
 the old mysql extension. 

 This is an interesting strategy in that all your queries would turn into
 CALL statements.

 There are several reasons why I would NOT want to turn all my queries into
 stored procedures, though.  The main problem I have is that it is difficult
 to deploy stored procedures from DEV to PROD environments and have those
 deployments synchronized with the deployment of the web code.  SQL which is
 kept with the application is easily deployed when the application is
 deployed and the same goes for version control of the SQL if you are using
 something like Subversion to maintain change history.

 So, I suppose you CAN perform an UPDATE and run a SELECT from a stored
 procedure, but this strategy is not much better than doing both calls from
 the client and still does not act like the RETURNING feature I was hoping

 -- Dante

 For the record I am not a big fan of stored procedures, particularly
 because the svn/cvn issues. Also debugging is a bear.

 However, what I am suggesting is not to run an update and then a
 SELECT ... FROM ...(unless you are using triggers, or a virtual
 columns when that is merged, etc) because you will already have all
 the values passed in as variables you should be able to do something
 SELECT var1 AS 'colname', var2 AS 'col2';

 (Note the lack of a FROM clause.)

 Alternatively, you could set a user defined variable in insert
 triggers and then reuse the variables later on.

 Other than the above strategies I think you are probably out of luck.

mysql use test;
Database changed

mysql create table t1(c int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

mysql create table t2(c int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

-  set @c=NEW.c;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO t1 values(3);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)

mysql insert into t2 values(@c);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

mysql select * from t2;
| c|
|3 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Rob Wultsch
wultsch (aim)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Permissions

2008-10-14 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Grant Peel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I run a shared Apache, Perl, PHP, Mysql, on FreeBSD environment.

 Here is a question:

 IF I have a user, that has no permissions, but with a decent password, (in 
 the mysql 'Users' table),
 AND that user only has access to his/her database through the local host 
 (i.e. perl or PHP scripts),
 IS it safe to grant 'All' privs to that user in the database grants table?


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES is a bad habit.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: replication question -different db name on slave server

2008-10-13 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:43 AM, AM Corona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In mysql 4, can one replicate a database to another server but have the DB
 name on the slave server be different?

 Master :  dbname1
 Slave:  dbname1
 Slave :  dbname2 (but contains data from db2name1)

 A project manager is asking for this.. don't blame the guy asking :-)

 Martin Corona

If you don't need things to synched you could *not* run a sql thread on the
slave, and then use sed/awk/whatever to filter the relay log files and then
run the sql thread. In fact I bet there is some way for awk to sit between
the relay logs and sql threads in real time...

Rob Wultsch

Re: Copying tables between databases

2008-10-09 Thread Rob Wultsch
Assuming that both databases are on the same mysqld instance setting
triggers to keep the table up to date should do what you want...

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Eric Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got two databases Foo and Bar.  Both databases have a table called
 'zoop_t'.  Foo's is the master copy (i.e. the one that gets updated) and
 Bar needs to be updated if/when changes are made.

 Currently, I'm mysqldump'ing that table from Foo at midnight via cron and
 feeding it back into Bar via cron.

 Is there a way to set up real-time replication of that table?

Assuming that both databases are on the same mysqld instance setting
triggers to keep the table up to date should do what you want...

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Global search and replace utility

2008-10-09 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:21 PM, mike cantor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know of a utility that can go through a set of tables (or every
 table) in a MySql database and preform a global search and replace (i.e.
 replace every instance string1 in a text field with string2).  Or is
 there a super clever query that accomplishes this?

 I have seen a few Windows-based utilities that proport to do this but I am
 looking for something I can run on Linux.

 Thanks for any help you can offer!

Use the information schema to make a list of all tables and columns,
and then run updates on all of them.
Dump to a text file and run a find and replace in your editor of choice.

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Views and replication

2008-10-03 Thread Rob Wultsch
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Olaf Stein
 Hi all,

 In my master/salve setup the only database I do not replicate is mysql.
 The slave has only the users absolutely necessary to select and administer,
 that is why a lot of the users I have on the master are not there.

 When I create a view on the master the definer is set to the user I am
 logged in as. As this user does not exist on the slave the view is created
 there but I cannot select from it.

 I tried setting the definer to current_user in the hope it would mean user
 logged in in current session, not user that was logged in when creating
 the view.

 How can I get around this, I do not want to re-create all user that
 potentially could create views on the slave.




Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\robc:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql
.exe -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12
Server version: 5.0.51a-community-nt-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql grant select on test.* to bob identified by 'stuff';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql grant select,create view on test.* to joe identified by 'stuff';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql use test;
Database changed
mysql create table t(c int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.31 sec)

mysql insert into t values(1),(3);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.16 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql exit

C:\Documents and Settings\robc:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql
.exe -u joe -p
Enter password: *
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 16
Server version: 5.0.51a-community-nt-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use test;
Database changed
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| t  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql create SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW viewy AS select c+1 from t;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql exit

C:\Documents and Settings\robC:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql
.exe -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 14
Server version: 5.0.51a-community-nt-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql drop user joe;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql exit

C:\Documents and Settings\robc:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql
.exe -u bob -p
Enter password: *
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 18
Server version: 5.0.51a-community-nt-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use test;
Database changed
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| t  |
| viewy  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from viewy;
| c+1  |
|2 |
|4 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Rob Wultsch

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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