Repeat records on results

2004-12-15 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I sort of know why this is happening. Just not sure
how to correct it.

My query: 

Reg.firstname,Reg.lastname, Profiles.ProfileName
FROM Profiles

INNER JOIN Reg ON (Profiles.LID = Reg.RegID)
INNER JOIN PSkicerts ON Profiles.ProfileID =
where Profiles.Status != 2

The table PSkicerts has multiple records for each
ProfileID.  When I run a results set I get back a row
of the same firstname, lastname and profilename for
each record that exists in PSkicerts under the same 

Now if I add a DISTINCT, that seems to fix it, but
this is really part of a bigger query that has more
tables similar to PSkicerts.  When I add those into
the mix, DISTINCT seems to no longer help.

Hope this makes sense. Perhaps someone knows how I can
fix it.

Thank you,

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Database values to variables

2004-12-06 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I need to convert database values into php variables.
Let me explain:


select firstbase, secondbase, thirdbase, home from
allstars where firstbase = 122;

Now I want to use all those field names as variables
with the same record information they would have if
you just ran the above statement.

$fb =  $firstbase
$sb = $secondbase
$tb = $thirdbase

I just can't figure out how to do this.  I've already
driven the people in php-db mad.  j/k 

What I need is to pull variables out for an email.
Having the damdest time doing so.


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RE: Database values to variables

2004-12-06 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jay Blanchard

 My suggestion is that you work some basic PHP/MySQL
 tutorials and use
 the PHP general list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for
 questions like
 this. Make sure you have RTFM, STFA, and STFW before
 posting, those guys
 can be merciless.
Jay, thank you and I more then appreciate the code.  I
will learn something from this.  Now 
what is STFA and STFW ? I won an acronym contest 2
years ago.  I'm going downhill.

PHP list, pt...I can handle it. 
Aren't you on the list ?


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Results question

2004-12-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I have a select, from, where, query set up.  
There are a number of inner joins in it as well.
Now what I noticed is if there are some null fields in
the records, nothing will get returned.  If I remove
those particular joins (where the NULLS are), the
record is returned.

Does this sounds like a join issue ? The tables that
are joined are interpretive tables.  Meaning I store
a 1 for Alabama in the main table.  The States table I
join has the 1 and then the associate label.


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Where overload: Is there such a thing

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm creating a search form, the query is dynamic. 
Meaning user can select 1 or all options.
All options translates to about 40 where statements,
including 1 -3 full text searches.

Is this too many where statements ? Do I need to watch
out for anything.

Looking for any advice on this issue.

Thank you 

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Question: Limit search on string

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm storing telephone number (US) in 10 digit
varchars.  If I want to do a search on just the area
code, is there a way to limit it to just the first 3
digits of the string ?

Thank you 

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Re: Question: Limit search on string

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm storing telephone number (US) in 10 digit
 varchars.  If I want to do a search on just the area
 code, is there a way to limit it to just the first 3
 digits of the string ?
 Thank you 

I'm trying something like this but still getting back
the whole string:

select Telephone from SignUp
Left (SUBSTRING(Telephone,1,3), 3) LIKE '4%'


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Re: Question: Limit search on string

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- sol beach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course you do.
 You are asking for all of  Telephone to be returned.

  I'm trying something like this but still getting
  the whole string:
  select Telephone from SignUp
  Left (SUBSTRING(Telephone,1,3), 3) LIKE '4%'

Great response sol ! Why did you send it offline ?
Wouldn't it be better to do some sit ups then take
your frustrations out on me ?


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Re: Question: Limit search on string

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Roger Baklund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's a bit unclear what you are trying to do. Are
 you trying to find all 
 numbers within a 3 digit area code, i.e. numbers
 starting with some 3 
 digits? Or are you trying to find numbers with any
 of the three first 
 digits equal to 4?
 For the first case, area code 444:
 SELECT Telephone FROM SignUp
WHERE Telephone LIKE '444%';
 ... and for the second case, finding the digit 4:
 SELECT Telephone FROM SignUp
WHERE LEFT(Telephone,3) LIKE '%4%';
Thank you Roger. It's the 2nd case.  Yes, using LEFT
worked but as you saw , I was also trying to do a
substring so the return would only have the first 3
digits (the area code).  Perhaps that needs to be a
seperate line of code.


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Re: [SOLVED]Question: Limit search on string

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Roger Baklund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, I had not included in my original post I wanted
just the area code returned.  It works -

select SUBSTRING(Telephone, 1 ,3) from SignUp
Left (Telephone, 3) LIKE '4%' ;

Thank you 

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Weird query behaviour

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein
or maybe it's me :)

Anyway here is my table

| RecordID   |   School |
| PID,AI,INT |   Varchar|
|  108   |   Columbia   |
|  108   |   Princeton  |
|  108   |   Stamford   |
|  109   |   USC|
|  109   |   NYU|
|  109   |   Columbia   |

If I do this:
  School = Columbia 
I get back RecordID's 108 and 109

But if in the where statment I add:

where School = Columbia and School = Stamford
Nothing is returned 

Am I doing something wrong.  btw I have comp indexes
on both columns.

Thank you ,

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Re: Weird query behaviour

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There is nothing weird about that behavior. You
 asked for all of the rows 
 where the School column has both of two different
 values at the same time.

I thought joins were difficult to comprehend ;)
 Try an OR instead or use the IN() operator.
 WHERE School='Columbia' OR School='Stamford'
 WHERE School IN ('Columbia', 'Stamford')
 See the difference?

Yes, now I do.

 Shawn Green

Thank you

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Re: Weird query behaviour

2004-12-01 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Roger Baklund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The WHERE clause describes EACH of the rows you get
 in the result. No 
 one row can have a value in the School column equal
 to Columbia AND 
 Stamford at the same time. You should use OR
 instead of AND.
Thank you Roger.  That is one of the best (maybe the
best) description of the where clause.  I have a far
better understanding now.


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Re: Bizarre table type switch

2004-11-29 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you probably have
 in my.cnf.
 Best regards,
 Heikki Tuuri

Heikki - Nope , doesn't seem so. My.cnf is below. 
Also, I'm guessing that if it was set to skip-innodb,
I wouldn't not have had the ability to change them
It's very puzzling.  I'm not expecting to find an
answer.  The logs were checked and nothing found to
inidicate anything.  I'm on shared host.  Supposedly
my ISP did this for me.  They are pretty reliable. 
But we are talking about 20+ tables.  

max_connections = 750
key_buffer = 136M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 72M
join_buffer_size = 1M
read_buffer_size = 1M
sort_buffer_size = 2M
table_cache = 1024
thread_cache_size = 128
wait_timeout = 5500
connect_timeout = 10
max_allowed_packet = 32M
max_connect_errors = 10
query_cache_limit = 2M
query_cache_size = 72M
query_cache_type = 1
tmp_table_size = 72M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 524288
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 72M

open_files_limit = 8192

max_allowed_packet = 32M

key_buffer = 72M 
sort_buffer = 72M
read_buffer = 24M
write_buffer = 24M


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Bizarre table type switch

2004-11-28 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm not sure what happened but when I ran some test
yesterday on a transaction it failed.  Being puzzled
I started digging around.  I have come to find out
that all the tables involved were now set to MyISAM. 
Obviously transactions wouldn't work.  
The odd thing that I'd like to figure out is how did
they get switched.  I know this is a vague and gray
question , and if there is a way to trace it I'd like
to know.
Is there anything that would cause this type of
occurance ?  Anything I can do to find out why it


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Re: Bizarre table type switch

2004-11-28 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure what happened but when I ran some test
 yesterday on a transaction it failed.  Being
 I started digging around.  I have come to find out
 that all the tables involved were now set to MyISAM.
 Obviously transactions wouldn't work.  
 The odd thing that I'd like to figure out is how did
 they get switched.  I know this is a vague and gray
 question , and if there is a way to trace it I'd
 to know.
 Is there anything that would cause this type of
 occurance ?  Anything I can do to find out why it
I forgot to mention this is 4.0.22-standard.  I have
requested my ISP check my.cnf to see if Innodb has
been skipped for support.  I am able to switch them
back though.


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DATEDIFF() question

2004-11-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Does DATEDIFF only work with actual dates input i.e

Or couldn't I do :

Select DATEDIFF (StartDate, EndDate) AS DaysBtwn from

(StateDate,EndDate are date columns from db)

I'm generating a syntax error on this above.


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Re: [SOLVED]DATEDIFF() question

2004-11-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's a space beteeen the function name and the

Yes, that and not remembering I'm still on 4.0.22 :)

Yeesh...sorry Paul.

Switched to TO_DAYS diff I guess


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Insert statement problem

2004-11-26 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm trying to build an insert query that will add a
value into a field , after the first insert query adds
the record.

Relevant table information:

| RecordID| InitOn  | LenChoice  | EndDate  |
+ [PrimID,AutoInc]| [Date]  |   [int]|  [Date]  | 

So in the first insert the RecordID, InitOn (Using
select NOW()), and LenChoice would be inserted. 
Looking something like this:

| RecordID| InitOn| LenChoice  | EndDate 
|  10043  | 11/26/2004| 7  | 

Now I try to use (and I've tried an update statement
as well:

Insert MyTable (EndDate) Values(DATE_ADD(InitOn,

Which I would hope to result in:

| RecordID| InitOn| LenChoice  | EndDate 
|  10043  | 11/26/2004| 7 

However what is returned is an error message Column
EndDate cannot be NULL.

Anyway idea what I'm doing wrong ?


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Re: [SOLVED]Insert statement problem

2004-11-26 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think you need an UPDATE statement
 LenChoice DAY) WHERE 
 RecordID = value ;
 Insert *always* creates new records if successful
 and cannot be used to 
 modify them.
 Update *always* updates recirds in position and
 cannot be used to insert 
 Replace is a hybrid whcih can do either if you set
 your indexes right.
 I think what you want is an Update, not an Insert.
Thank you Alex.  It works. !

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Messed up on auto inc

2004-11-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
While what I'm working on is only a test database, I'd
like to see what I can preserve.
I used a data dumping program to create records in my
database.  However I'm not sure how I messed up , but
here is the problem.

I have 1016 records in a particular table.  The first
column is a Primary ID Int set to auto-inc.  Now if I
dump out all he records I can see 1 through 1016. 
None others , sorted it follows through numerically.

However it seems that the records are showing up with
the Primary ID going up to 9000.  If I do a simple
select * from table where primaryID = 8585 , a record
is returned.  Yet just looking at all the records,
nothing exceeds the 1016.

Strange phenomena I guess? Not sure if it's fixable
but wanted to throw it out to the list and see at
least if I can understand it better.

Thank you,

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Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm not even sure what this would be called, but maybe
someone (or more then one) can give me some pointers
and where to learn how this is down:

Someone does a search on my system:

1- I need a way to mark (somewhere) that the record
came up in a search.  i.e. 700 records were returned
in a search, each one needs to a) be marked that it
came up in a search b) that number needs to be

2- Step further, out of those 700 records, user
chooses to view details on 30 of them - those records
now need to be marked as viewed, again ,
incrementing everytime they are viewed is needed.

Sorry,  if this is another lame question.  I am not
looking for the code, just some ideas how these things
get implemented.  Using 4.0.22

Thank you.

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RE: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jay Blanchard

 1- I need a way to mark (somewhere) that the record
 came up in a search.  i.e. 700 records were returned
 in a search, each one needs to a) be marked that it
 came up in a search b) that number needs to be
 2- Step further, out of those 700 records, user
 chooses to view details on 30 of them - those
 now need to be marked as viewed, again ,
 incrementing everytime they are viewed is needed.
 Additional tables to hold status information is in
 order. You would
 query those tables for their current counts and
 update as required.

I'm thinking this through.  In other words, when a
record is returned in a search , and insert statement
makes an entry into another table?  This will involve
scripting as well as sql statements ?


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Re: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It depends on whether you are tracking info for
 individual users 

Individual users (lucky me!)

 Now, if you want to keep separate logs for each
 user, you need to 
 create a log table. The log table would have the
 following fields:
 relatedRecordID, userID, searchCount, viewCount

I just ran a search on Log Tables.  I'm coming to the
conclusion they are just tables , myisam or innodb. 
No different , except log is how they are used ? 
Is this a correct assumption ?


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Limit error

2004-11-17 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm trying to paginate my record results.  Running
into a sql syntax error that is boggling my limited
brain cells.

The print out of my statement as it is parsed:

This is before the error occurs, the first 15 records
return fine:
WHERE VendorJobs.Industry IN ('3') AND
VendorJobs.JobTitle LIKE '%%' AND
VendorJobs.LocationCity LIKE '%%' LIMIT 0, 15

I can't get a print, well maybe I can, but this is the
error that is coming back when I hit next:
Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 15,
15' at line 6

I'll hold off on my statement for now if the error
isn't apparent.


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Re:[SOLVED] Limit error

2004-11-17 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Note to self, check variables for typos before posting
to list!

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Question on date calculation +

2004-11-17 Thread Stuart Felenstein
While I'm figuring this needs to be addressed via my
scripting language wanted to ask here.  

Customers will buy a block of time to use my service. 
Time meaning number of days.  90, 45, 60, etc.

Here are the fields relevant to this question:
PostStart [Date]
LenChoice [int]
DaysLeft  [int]

When they register , the current date is input
automagically into PostStart.  LenChoice is chosen by
the user and is the length of days they want this
block.  DaysLeft is where the calculation would be
done to hold the difference between the current date,
date posted and how many days were paid for.  This is
where I'm not entirely sure what to do.  I'm probably
inhaling gasoline or something but how would I get the
field to the numbers of DaysLeft ?

i.e. DaysLeft[today]= 3, DaysLeft[tomorrow]=2..etc

Thank you ,

p.s. I'm on 4.0.22 , so no stored procedures.  

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Re: Question on date calculation +

2004-11-17 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Bernard Clement [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You will get your answers by reading carefully the
 Date Time Functions
 in the MySQL Reference Manual.
This will tell me how to automatically update the
column in question ?  


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Query question

2004-11-16 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I have a query statement set up for record returns
based on various where statements.  The select
statement consists of a number of joins.  One of those
joins includes a field that is marked no null.
Recently I did a mass insertion into the table.  Into
this particular no null field were place 0's (zeroes).
 Now the queries are not running correctly.  I'm
wondering if it's possible that these 0's could be
effecting the query ?

Thank you,

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Re:[SOLVED] Query question

2004-11-16 Thread Stuart Felenstein
--- Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Quite possibly since 0 could also mean false
 depending on your 
 comparison operator. For instance, using a generic
 if statement, these 
 two would both evaluate to false:
 You should be very specific when checking for NULL.
 Also, you may want to look into the NULL safe
 comparison operator:
Thank you Brent.  I discovered it was the 0's.  Thank
you for the information.  I'll be doing my reading.


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RE: Conditonal where

2004-11-15 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Adams, Pat 006
 You could add a where condition that's always true
 to the main part of
 the SQL statement so that you can just tack on more
 $sql .= SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry,
 LocationState, VendorID 
   . FROM VendorJobs
   . WHERE 1 = 1 ;
 if ($s_Ind) {
   $sql .= AND VendorJobs.Industry IN ($s_Ind) ;
 if ($s_State) {
   $sql .=  AND VendorJobs.LocationState IN
See I knew I wasn't crazy as Rhino may have suggested
:).  I had a vague idea that 1=1 would have worked but
sadly I did not test it.  Anyway, I went with just a
blank array and as values are set , the where clause
grows dynamically.

Thanks for your help.


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Conditonal where

2004-11-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Question - I'm creating a dynamic query (using PHP)
but my question I think is more related to mysql
Right now I have these statements:

$sql .=  SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry,
LocationState, VendorID FROM VendorJobs;

if ($s_Ind){
$sql .=  WHERE VendorJobs.Industry IN ($s_Ind);

if ($s_State){
$sql .=  AND VendorJobs.LocationState IN ($s_State);

What I think I need is some kind of default WHERE in
the first statement.  Both Ind and State are
conditional based on whether the user input anything. 
Right now they would be forced to at least choose the
Ind.  So instead of the $s_Ind have a WHERE it
should be an AND .

??Any thoughts / ideas.

Thank you 

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Re: Conditonal where

2004-11-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No offense, Stuart, but I really can't make out what
 you are asking; the
 question is bordering on incoherent. 

Well it's probably true that I'm losing it :)

Chris though understood even through my inane

Except while the statements are correct, and no sql
errors, the results aren't coming back.


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Re: Conditonal where

2004-11-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
--- Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I tend to do in this situation is have a WHERE
 $sql .=  SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry,
 LocationState, VendorID FROM VendorJobs;
 $aWHERE = array();
 if(isset($s_Ind)) $aWHERE[] =
 VendorJobs.LocationState IN ($s_Ind)
 if(isset($s_State)) $aWHERE[] =
 VendorJobs.LocationState IN ($s_State)
 if(!empty($aWHERE)) $sql .= 'WHERE '.implode(' AND
Chris - thank you , it's working great now.  Even
though someone had suggested this on php-general it
took me till now to get it to work! 

Appreciate the help!

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SQL syntax error

2004-11-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I've had this going over on the php-general list. 
Thought I would throw it out here . Running PHP 4.0.22

Keep getting this error - 
SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry, LocationState,
VendorID FROM VendorJobsSELECT PostStart, JobTitle,
Industry, LocationState, VendorID FROM VendorJobsWHERE
VendorJobs.Industry = '2','3','4','5'Query failed: You
have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the
right syntax to use near '.Industry = '2','3','4','5''
at line 2

The first is the printout of my statement followed by
the mysql_error .
Here is my code.  This is driving me nuts.  Sorry

$sql = SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry,
LocationState, VendorID
FROM VendorJobs;
echo $sql;
//if ($Ind)
$sql .= WHERE VendorJobs.Industry = $s_Ind;

As you can see above s_ind is an array , comma
delimited.  To me this all looks fine. to the parser,
well ;)


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Re: SQL syntax error

2004-11-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jim Winstead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can't compare a column with a comma-delimited
 list of numbers like

What should the seperator be then ?

Thank you 

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Re:[SOLVED] SQL syntax error

2004-11-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
--- Jim Winstead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My point was that you can't compare a column with an
 of numbers using the '=' operator. You have to use
 the IN
 operator, as in the line of code I posted:

Thank you Jim , it's working now!


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Help! Question on backup

2004-10-30 Thread Stuart Felenstein
My database got hosed last night due to some version
Anyway an older copy was restored on the server.  I
have a more recent backup on my local machine. 
However, when I have done the data transfers I have
found that the table names were convereted to all
lower case. 
I'm assuming when I put them back on the linux machine
that is going to be a problem since all my scripts
call to the name with the lower and upper letters .
Would that be correct ?
And why do you think it converts everything to


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Re: Help! Question on backup

2004-10-30 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I apologize for the missing information.  
First the server was on 4.0.20 now on 4.0.22. Apache
1.3.x not sure of the linux
The local machine is windows xp with mysql v. 4.0.20a
I did the data transfer running Navicat, so that may
not be so clear to anyone, but the only options that
were enabled:

1-Create tables
2-Indclude all table create options
3-Create records

They were transfered directly to the server.
The tables are all fine ,outside of when they came to
the windows machine all lowercase on the table names. 
I can rename them on the windows machine using upper

I guess I'm still trying to figure out how the
database got hosed anyway (still awaiting answer from
web host).
One possible guess is that most of my tables are
Innodb. Not sure why , but perhaps its related.


--- mysq

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Help with query statement

2004-10-25 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm having a difficult time getting a query to work
I'm not sure, if this is proprietary to Dreamweaver or
not (that is what I do my application development in)

Anyway I have created a search page that is dynamic
(meaning up to the user to choose the criteria)
It all works fine provided I am only querying the main
table. Since that table is composed of some reference
integers, joins are the only way to make it effective.
ButI've tried formating as the following:
VendorJobs`, `USStates, `staTaxTerm`

INNER JOIN `StaIndTypes` ON (`VendorJobs`.`Industry` =
(`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` = `USStates`.`StateID`)
(`VendorJobs`.`TaxTerm` = `staTaxTerm`.`TaxTermID`)
I've also tried:

moving the joins into the where statement
vendorjob.industry = staindtypes.careerids 
VendorJobs.LocationState = USStates.StateID

Neither works inside the page - though the both work
as just a straight query to the database.

I'm not sure, myabe the code is broken somewhere else,
but if I just put that one table in there
select * from vendorjobs (it adds this):
SELECT * FROM VendorJobs $MM_whereConst $whereClause
order by PostStart desc

I am not sure what the $MM_whereConst or %whereClause
is , or what it should contain.  
So , after many hours of trying various things I
thought I'd throw it out here and see if anyone


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Help: Script stopped working

2004-10-21 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I had a transaction script that was working fine.
Now I think it maybe due to a duplicate key error.
At least that is the error being printed out.

Here is the table Profiles_Skicerts[innodb]:
P_ID - PK, Normal Index (int)
Skicert - PK, Normal Index (varchar)
N_Year - int, allow null
L_Used - int, allow null

Here is the printout of insert statement from echo:
INSERT INTO Profiles_Skicerts (P_ID, SkiCert, N_Year,
Lused) VALUES (14, 'one', 2,4)

INSERT INTO Profiles_Skicerts (P_ID, SkiCert, N_Year,
L_used) VALUES (14, 'two', 1,4)

INSERT INTO Profiles_Skicerts (P_ID, SkiCert, N_Year,
_used) VALUES (14, 'three', 7,6)

INSERT INTO Profiles_Skicerts (P_ID, SkilCert, N_Year,
L_used) VALUES (14, 'four', 5,4)

INSERT INTO Profiles_Skicerts (P_ID, SkilCert, N_Year,
L_used) VALUES (14, 'five', 7,5)1062 : Duplicate entry
'14-five' for key 1

THe P_ID is non auto inc and is being passed over via

I don't understand where my mistake could be.
Thank you .

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RE: Online Store

2004-10-21 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Hope this is not a bad suggestion.  I'd suggest also
looking at something like x-cart-gold.  I't s a php
/ mysql product and very robust for online ecommerce. 
If you want some ideas about what an online store
would need and should contain , you might get some
I'm not promoting the product. 

getting my flame retardent wear out;;

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I heartily agree with Jay. 
 Use paper and pencil to decide what information you
 want to maintain about 
 each of the objects (users, customers,
 administrators, credits, debits, 
 products, catalogs, descriptions, carts, cart
 contents, etc.) in your 
 system. When your paper model supports the business
 model you want to 
 have, now you are in a position where you can BEGIN
 the process of 
 database design. 
 In this case I would think that what you need to
 keep in your database 
 will be heavily driven by the needs of the website,
 the billing 
 department, the stock managers, and the sales
 managers.  Basically, you 
 need to make sure that all of the other business
 processes involved with 
 this site have identified every piece of information
 they will need from 
 you in order to do their jobs properly. Until they
 have, you will be 
 working in the dark. 
 Make sure your data consumers (all of those other
 people) sign off on 
 what they give you as being complete (I practically
 guarantee that it 
 won't be the first time around. But it's a start!).
 That way you can keep 
 your project creep to a minimum and you will most
 likely avoid a major 
 eleventh-hour rewrite because some other manager
 comes up to you and says, 
 oh, by the way, where's the XXX data for this
 purchase? and you didn't 
 have it in your model.
 Pencil and paper are your best friends.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Jay Blanchard
 01:50:18 PM:
  I am writing an online store for my company using
 MySQL, and PHP. I was
  wondering if anyone could suggest the table
 structure to include. 
  This is way too open ended for a sane answer.
 There are database
  structures for as many folks as have designed
 online stores. Have you
  done a flowchart, UML, or any other plan? This is
 the first place you
  start looking when trying to decide these things.
 If you haven't, stop
  now...get out a pencil and paper, and draw it up.
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Re: Transactions dilemma

2004-10-19 Thread Stuart Felenstein

Thank you , I wasn't sure anyone would ever respond to
this post :)

What I wound up doing is , from the application level,
running an if / else.  The if checks to see if each
$query has succeeded. If any of them failed, I do a
rollback.  If they all have succeeded, I then do a

Now I'm not totally sure how a rollback would effect
the one Myisam query. I mean it wouldn't , since
rollback is alien to myisam, so I probably need to put
a line in there to (whatever a rollback is in myisam
language) as well.

--- Egor Egorov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a slight dilemma.  I am using transactions
  insert data into multiple tables.  All but one
  is Innodb.  That one is Myisam and it's left as
  because its one text column, so I want the
 benefits of
  full text search.
  Still I need this transaction to somehow include
  Two thoughts :
  1- I created a temp innodb table and then after
  transaction move the data over to the myisam.
  2-Figure out what the text search options are in
  innodb and maybe if there is a way to improve on
  Any suggestions ?
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Re: commit or rollback?

2004-10-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm relatively new to all of this but just about
finished setting up a transaction myself.

I'm doing something like this:

this is in php:( i also have functions set up for
begin, rollback and committ.  
You should also set autocommitt to 0 .

Hope this helps!

function run_query($sql)
  $result = mysql_query($query);
return false;
return true;


$query = INSERT INTO firsttable.//first query
$res1 = run_query($query);
$query = INSERT INTO secondtable...//second query
$res2 = run_query($query);
$query = INSERT INTO thirdtable//third query
$res3 = run_query($query);

if($res1  $res2  $res3) // If all results are true
  echo your insertions were successful;
  echo mysql_errno($link). :

 Hi all,
 I'm working with tables stored by the InnoDB engine
 and would like to
 be able to commit only if there are no errors
 generated by a group of
 statements like this.
 /* -*- sql -*- */
 use db1;
 begin work;
 sql statement 1;
 sql statement 2;
 sql statement n;
 At this point I'd like to say, in sql, 
 if no errors then
 From what I read in the manual I can do one or the
 other (commit or
 rollback) but there didn't seem to be a way of
 conditionally doing one
 or the other of them.
 Thanks in advance,
  ( O-O )

 Colm G. Connolly| Tel  :
 Department of Computer Science  | Fax  :
 University College Dublin (UCD) | Web  :
 Belfield, Dublin 4  | MSN  :
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Transactions - working but unsure about steps

2004-10-16 Thread Stuart Felenstein
My statements are all working but I'm not sure if
things are set up correctly.  I say this because at
one point the first $query failed, yet the rest of
inserts wre committed.  Now I believe I need to set
autocommit to 0 , yet the query failed due to a syntax
error. Hence the rule about 0 records effected
wouldn't be the case here.

Here is what I have:

//Create these functions -
function begin()
function commit()
function rollback()

connection statement with error checking...

begin(); // transaction begins
$query = INSERT INTO firsttable.//first query
$result = mysql_query($query); // process first query
$query = INSERT INTO secondtable...//second query
$result = mysql_query($query); // process second query
$query = INSERT INTO thirdtable//third query
$result = mysql_query($query); // process third query


echo mysql_errno($link) . :  . mysql_error($link).
rollback(); // transaction rolls back

commit(); // transaction is committed
echo your insertion was successful;

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RE: Transactions - working but unsure about steps

2004-10-16 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Thank you Osvaldo, That is what I was thinking. 
Sometimes when you try to learn from example or manual
it's a bit unclear because they generally show a
simple transaction (1 insert into 1 table)

--- Osvaldo Sommer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have a problem, what if the first insert give a
 error, then you
 don't know. You have to check each statement for
 error and if no error
 if found in all the statements then issue a commit
 if not a rollback
 Osvaldo Sommer
 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Felenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:19 AM
 Subject: Transactions - working but unsure about
 My statements are all working but I'm not sure if
 things are set up correctly.  I say this because at
 one point the first $query failed, yet the rest of
 inserts wre committed.  Now I believe I need to set
 autocommit to 0 , yet the query failed due to a
 error. Hence the rule about 0 records effected
 wouldn't be the case here.
 Here is what I have:
 //Create these functions -
 function begin()
 function commit()
 function rollback()
 connection statement with error checking...
 begin(); // transaction begins
 $query = INSERT INTO firsttable.//first query
 $result = mysql_query($query); // process first
 $query = INSERT INTO secondtable...//second query
 $result = mysql_query($query); // process second
 $query = INSERT INTO thirdtable//third query
 $result = mysql_query($query); // process third
 echo mysql_errno($link) . :  . mysql_error($link).
 rollback(); // transaction rolls back
 commit(); // transaction is committed
 echo your insertion was successful;
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Transactions dilemma

2004-10-15 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I have a slight dilemma.  I am using transactions to
insert data into multiple tables.  All but one table
is Innodb.  That one is Myisam and it's left as such
because its one text column, so I want the benefits of
full text search.

Still I need this transaction to somehow include this
Two thoughts :
1- I created a temp innodb table and then after
transaction move the data over to the myisam.

2-Figure out what the text search options are in
innodb and maybe if there is a way to improve on them.

Any suggestions ?


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Transactions question

2004-10-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm in the midst of writing out some code that will
take data from a huge form and write it to the
All the tables for insertions are innodb so i'm going
(or trying too) with the one stop shop approach -

The first table I write too has as it's first column
an auto-inc int.  This recordID will serve as the
recordID for all the other tables that will need
insertions.  Meaning the same RecordID must go into
each other table.
I need to get that recordID first before continuing
along with the transaction.  But, in my understanding 
(and I could be wrong) nothing gets written until the
very end ?  So how do I get the recordID into the
other tables.

Right now - i do the insert into the first table  and
that is fine.  I imagine , haven't worked it out yet,
but following that insertion I need to do a select
statement and in the application layer assign that
number to a variable.

Anyway once again Im running my mouth , so can
someone tell me if I'm right or wrong ? and if I'm
neither how I can go about keeping the transaction as
one step.

Thank you,

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Re: Transactions question

2004-10-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Sorry I found out about Last Insert_ID right after
writing this.  I guess the correct sequence is 
check manual then post to list ?


--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm in the midst of writing out some code that will
 take data from a huge form and write it to the
 All the tables for insertions are innodb so i'm
 (or trying too) with the one stop shop approach -
 The first table I write too has as it's first column
 an auto-inc int.  This recordID will serve as the
 recordID for all the other tables that will need
 insertions.  Meaning the same RecordID must go into
 each other table.
 I need to get that recordID first before continuing
 along with the transaction.  But, in my
 (and I could be wrong) nothing gets written until
 very end ?  So how do I get the recordID into the
 other tables.
 Right now - i do the insert into the first table 
 that is fine.  I imagine , haven't worked it out
 but following that insertion I need to do a select
 statement and in the application layer assign that
 number to a variable.
 Anyway once again Im running my mouth , so can
 someone tell me if I'm right or wrong ? and if I'm
 neither how I can go about keeping the transaction
 one step.
 Thank you,
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Converting date in MySQL

2004-10-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I am taking user input via a calendar widget (guess
it's js)

Apparently, mysql does not like the format
Then again I tried it around , still no dice.
It's intended to go into a Date column.  

Is there a way I can correct it right within my query


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Re: Converting date in MySQL

2004-10-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Thanks , I know the page and have the links


--- Jeff Smelser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 14 October 2004 02:45 pm, Stuart
 Felenstein wrote:
  Apparently, mysql does not like the format
  Then again I tried it around , still no dice.
  It's intended to go into a Date column.
 All, you every need to know if right there..

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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Re: Converting date in MySQL

2004-10-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
No :),. cause it seems that those formats are for
outbound, db -.
I was looking for the other direction.

--- Jeff Smelser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 14 October 2004 03:12 pm, Stuart
 Felenstein wrote:
  Thanks , I know the page and have the links
 So you got the answer from it right?

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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Questions: Inserts in database and validation

2004-10-12 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Does application validation constitute all that is
needed for qualifying data prior to an insertion in
the database ?

Translated, If I have checked via my forms validation
things like required fields, character input,  etc,
are there still checks through MySQL before the insert
happens ?

Thank you,

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What am i up against

2004-10-11 Thread Stuart Felenstein
This maybe somewhat of a silly question.  
Scenario - I am pretty much a noob at both relational
databases and web programming.  I've built most of my
pages using a RAD tool that, for the most part, does a
decent job , if you keep it fairly simple.

One of the limitations is inserts  updates are done
on a one form on one page into one table basis. 
There is a MtM feature.

Anyway, now I'm flying solo and have created a form
that spans 5 pages and will insert into (I lost count)
I believe 3-5 tables.  
I want to make sure I make provisions for rollback. 
All but one table is innodb.  

While Im reading and digging around, wondering is this
a massive insert statement ? Would joins need to be
involved ?  I'm imagining it's more of a step by step
(1 table at a time) process. 
With rollback, if an insertion is already done into 1
table , and the insert into table 2 fails, does that
mean table 1's insertion would be deleted ?

I think that is probably enough and I apologize for
asking what are basic questions and a bit scattered at


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Re: What am i up against

2004-10-11 Thread Stuart Felenstein
See interspersed:
--- Joe Audette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you are saying the user would navigate through
 multiple pages updating a table on each page and you
 want to treat all the updates collectively as one
 transaction, that is a bad idea. 

I agree, that is what I am trying to not do.

 You want to pass
 all the data required for a single transaction in
 one request so it can be committed or rolled back as
 part of the same request.  

Exactly what I want to accomplish.

 Web pages are generally
 stateless unless you are using session state
 variables which is not a good idea in terms of
 scalability. You don't want to keep transactions
 open from page to page.

I don't understand this.  I assume you are referring
to the application session variables (and I'm using
PHP).  Yes I'm using session variables to collect the
How am I keeping transactions open ? Since I don't
want to do a transaction till the very end.  All I'm
doing is bringing the data to last stage.  After it's
all been collected. 

 If you have a transaction that updates multiple
 tables and you roll it back, it will negate all
 changes (inserts, updates, deletes) that occurred
 within the transaction.
 Hope that helps, not sure I'm understanding your

That's because my question was somewhat convoluted due
to me not completely understanding all of it myself.


 Joe Audette

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Re: Tying records together across multiple tables.

2004-10-06 Thread Stuart Felenstein

When I read your examples, it is clear as a bell. 
When I try to map it into my situation it becomes more
difficult to clarify :)
Using other job boards as examples, there are a couple
of ways to go.
Most of the bigger players offer job seekers the
ability to store 5 resumes online.  These are not just
the actual resume though and are part of a profile. 
   5 profiles can be targeting or positioning the job
seeker to 5 different types, jobs, locations.  

Method 1:
User Table: MemberID, username, password,.

Profile_Table: RecordID, MemberID, locationfield,
jobtitle field

Industry_Table: MemberID, LocationID, ProfileID

User_Profile_Table: MemberID, ProfileID, LocationID

Then I wonder about the job_titles field.
There is a current job title, a seeking job title
and an alternate job title.

Do I implement: 

Same thing with inudstries. Database designers can
work in many industries,so can other workers. Users
can choose 10 inudstries:

Is there a need to have 

All I can say is I believe this would be a better
design, but I can't get passed thinking, what for ?
Why not 



Like I say at the start here, difficult to apply to my
situation.  Maybe because it doesn't apply, but at the
same time I can't see the implications of doing it via
the last method.

So, as painful as it's been for you with me, I'll ask
if you see potential problems or what the issues could
be to point them out to me.

Thank you,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (I guess this means it's  example-counterexample

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Re: Tying records together across multiple tables.

2004-10-06 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's do this verbally and maybe the database
 structure will become 
 intuitively apparent
 You are hosting a website that supports job seekers
 (maybe more but let's 
 concentrate on just this side of it)
 Each seeker (a User) can have a profile in the
 Each profile describes who the User is (name), where
 they are (address, 
 email address) and how to contact them (main phone,
 cell phone)
 Associated with each user is a list of up to 10
 industries they have 
 belonged to.
 Associated with each user is up to 5 resumes.
 Each user can be looking for employment in any of 5
 Each user can be looking for employment in any of 5
 Each user can look for employment under up to 5
 different job titles.
 Please take the time to correct me and fill in any
 gaps. Please DO NOT 
 attempt to make any data definitions at this stage.
 I need to understand 
 what data you are going to maintain verbally before
 I can help you 
 translate it into storage requirements.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 10/06/2004 02:47:44 PM:
  When I read your examples, it is clear as a bell. 
  When I try to map it into my situation it becomes
  difficult to clarify :)
  Using other job boards as examples, there are a
  of ways to go.
  Most of the bigger players offer job seekers the
  ability to store 5 resumes online.  These are not
  the actual resume though and are part of a
 5 profiles can be targeting or positioning the
  seeker to 5 different types, jobs, locations. 
  Method 1:
  User Table: MemberID, username, password,.
  Profile_Table: RecordID, MemberID, locationfield,
  jobtitle field
  Industry_Table: MemberID, LocationID, ProfileID
  User_Profile_Table: MemberID, ProfileID,
  Then I wonder about the job_titles field.
  There is a current job title, a seeking job
  and an alternate job title.
  Do I implement: 
  Same thing with inudstries. Database designers can
  work in many industries,so can other workers.
  can choose 10 inudstries:
  Is there a need to have 
  All I can say is I believe this would be a better
  design, but I can't get passed thinking, what for
  Why not 
  Like I say at the start here, difficult to apply
 to my
  situation.  Maybe because it doesn't apply, but at
  same time I can't see the implications of doing it
  the last method.
  So, as painful as it's been for you with me, I'll
  if you see potential problems or what the issues
  be to point them out to me.
  Thank you,
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   (I guess this means it's  example-counterexample

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Re: Tying records together across multiple tables.

2004-10-06 Thread Stuart Felenstein
See interspersed.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's do this verbally and maybe the database
 structure will become 
 intuitively apparent
 You are hosting a website that supports job seekers
 (maybe more but let's 
 concentrate on just this side of it)

Yep, there is the employer side.  Hopefully I can
easily translate my knowledge base over.
 Each seeker (a User) can have a profile in the

Each user (job seeker) can have 5 profiles.  

 Each profile describes who the User is (name), where
 they are (address, 
 email address) and how to contact them (main phone,
 cell phone)

Yes and no.  Profiles maybe created to target
different types of jobs.  i.e.  I'm a salesman, I've
worked in the software industry (don't laugh), but
also in the Human Resources industry.  Profile 1
reflects that I'm interested in software, Profile 2
reflects that I want to go back to HR.  Another
exmaple, I want full time work as a salesman, but
until the right spot comes along I'll take part time
work as a consultant.  
Profile 1 reflect that I'm interested in full time
sales work. Profile 2 that I want part time
Some of the fields are optional.  Last example - I was
a research scientist at NASA, but out of work, still
interested in science, but will take anything. Profile
1 reflects Multiple Doctorates, Profile 2 shows High
School Diploma , highest level.
Now no one is forced to enter 5, it's an option.

 Associated with each user is a list of up to 10
 industries they have 
 belonged to.

Now here is where each profile has another level to
it.  I'm a C## developer, and I've worked in the
Airlines, Hospitality and Financial Industry.  Maybe
Fiancial pays best, but I'm willing to explore other
industries, or due to an employers orientation, best
to choose as many possible industries that may result
in a match.  
So there are mulitple options on certain criteria
within each profile. Industry, Location and Pay type
(tax term, i.e. contract, full time, contract too full
They may not have been associated with the industries
before or live in a particular location but they are
throwing their gloves into those areas to increase
their chance of employment.

 Associated with each user is up to 5 resumes.

Each profile has 1 resume.  5 Profiles = 5 resumes,
but each resume should be tied into the particular
profile it's part of. 

 Each user can be looking for employment in any of 5

Well 2, 5 , haven't made my mind up, but it will be

 Each user can be looking for employment in any of 5

See above and way above.  Yes, multiple industries.  

 Each user can look for employment under up to 5
 different job titles.

Slight different here.  There is a current or most
recent , a desired one, maybe the same as current.
Also an alternate.
 Please take the time to correct me and fill in any
 gaps. Please DO NOT  attempt to make any data 
 definitions at this stage.
 I need to understand 
 what data you are going to maintain verbally before
 I can help you 
 translate it into storage requirements.

Up to you, only a suggestion if you haven't seen a job
board or looked at one closer. , Monster,
CareerBuilders, all have pretty much the same
Essentially , the more a user fills in on their
profile, the more they answer, better the chances of
finding opportunities.
At the same time, the more field information avaiable
about users/job seekers, the more refined a search can
be before resumes are text searched or pulled up.
Hopefully now my original question about tying all the
responses / data from one profile together is

Let me know if this is clearer.
Thank you.

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Re: Tying records together across mulitple tables.

2004-10-05 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Great example and my apologies because as you know
we've been down this road before.  

Side note - once again I did not provide my acutal
table names , this time they haven't been created as
of yet. 

Let me skinny this down though a bit and focus on one
aspect of my design connundrum.

Remember I am designing for a job board.  Users can
choose say up to 3 locations where they would like to
look for work.  So if my thinking is correct , this is
a possible schema:

Users_table * Location_table * Users_Location_table
(the - MTM)  

Now I think the above is right, but I ask myself, what
are the real drawbacks if I do something like this:

indentifying fields .(userID's, recordID's)..

This is the point I know that is sticking me -
understanding why the first example is better then the

Thank you ,

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tables are tied together by whichever field(s) you
 use to store their 
 parent's reference. 
 For one second, imagine I am writing an inventory
 control program for 
 somebody like Wal-Mart or Target. Those businesses
 have so many locations 
 that they are divided into regions, each region will
 have multiple 
 warehouses, each region would also have multiple
 stores. Each store could 
 be within supply range of several warehouses. Each
 warehouse can supply 
 several stores.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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Tying records together across mulitple tables.

2004-10-04 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I've worked through some of this but still would like
some opinions.  Maybe it's not clear but I haven't
received any responses.  

Basically to tie the records together I will use the
recordID (auto incrementing) in every table where the
records are written. 

Then I can grab everything out of that recordID.

 I'm not sure , can't resolve in my mind if this is a
 M2M or something else.  
 I have 5 tables, users may enter multiple records in
 each table.  The only trick is (for me) is how to
 a unified record together across all of them.
 I'll try to  illustrate, and only use 2 tables to
 it brief. 
 Table1 - Bob has 3 records
 1st record - Spoken Language is Spanish
 2nd record - Spoken Language is French
 3rd record - Spoken Language is English
 Table 2 - Bob has 3 records
 1st record - I am Spanish
 2nd record - I am French
 3rd reocrd - I am English
 Okay the table strutures:
 RecordID (int, autoinc)   RecordID (int, autinc)
 MemberID (int)MemberID (int)
 Language (varchar)Nationality (varchar)
 I'm trying to say here is a record , that would form
 the result of I am Bob, I speak English, I am
 I know, this probably sounds a bit weird :)
 Best way I can come up with right now to illustrate.
 If someone was searching through records, they would
 say I found someone who is Spanish and yes, they are
 Spanish.  Not, I found someone who is Spanish and
 speak Spanish , French and English.  
 I considered (as this is part of a web site)
 generating an ID and then passing it into each table
 entry as the forms (that comprise the process) are
 submitted.  Just to clarify, 5 tables - 5 forms ,
 part of 1 web entry.
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foreign key problem

2004-10-03 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Two tables: 

Table1 [innodb]

Table2 [innodb]

I created a foreign key in Table2 for memberID to
set to no action on both delete and update.

I get this error when I try to add a record to table
2:Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails

I try and remove the foreign key and it won't let me:

1025-Error on rename of './mydatabase/table to
'./mydatabase/#sql2-695b-c4ac0'(errno: 152)

I think can probably forgoe the foreign key , but
what's with all the error messages ?

Thank you,

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Re: foreign key problem

2004-10-03 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I think I may have discovered one of my issues, is
memberID in Table2 was primary key. Should not have
been.  As far as the error messages in removing key,
I'm still unsure.

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Two tables: 
 Table1 [innodb]
 Table2 [innodb]
 I created a foreign key in Table2 for memberID to
 set to no action on both delete and update.
 I get this error when I try to add a record to table
 2:Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
 constraint fails
 I try and remove the foreign key and it won't let
 1025-Error on rename of './mydatabase/table to
 './mydatabase/#sql2-695b-c4ac0'(errno: 152)
 I think can probably forgoe the foreign key , but
 what's with all the error messages ?
 Thank you,
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Tying records together across mulitple tables.

2004-10-03 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm not sure , can't resolve in my mind if this is a
M2M or something else.  

I have 5 tables, users may enter multiple records in
each table.  The only trick is (for me) is how to tie
a unified record together across all of them.
I'll try to  illustrate, and only use 2 tables to keep
it brief. 
Table1 - Bob has 3 records
1st record - Spoken Language is Spanish
2nd record - Spoken Language is French
3rd record - Spoken Language is English

Table 2 - Bob has 3 records
1st record - I am Spanish
2nd record - I am French
3rd reocrd - I am English

Okay the table strutures:
RecordID (int, autoinc)   RecordID (int, autinc)
MemberID (int)MemberID (int)
Language (varchar)Nationality (varchar)

I'm trying to say here is a record , that would form
the result of I am Bob, I speak English, I am English

I know, this probably sounds a bit weird :)
Best way I can come up with right now to illustrate.
If someone was searching through records, they would
say I found someone who is Spanish and yes, they are
Spanish.  Not, I found someone who is Spanish and they
speak Spanish , French and English.  

I considered (as this is part of a web site)
generating an ID and then passing it into each table
entry as the forms (that comprise the process) are
submitted.  Just to clarify, 5 tables - 5 forms , all
part of 1 web entry.


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Telephone number column not working

2004-10-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I have a field telephone.
Set to type :int: 
Length: 11
It's  not working correctly, and not sure if it's my
application or something I have wrongly set up for the
We are talking about U.S. Telephone numbers here, so 7
digits (area code, exchange, unique number)

Now it seems everything works up to the storing of 6
numbers.  Once I add the 7th number, everything goes
haywire.  The number gets transformed to some totally
different number and / or 0 (zero).

Now I had set up a validation , which I think would be
correct for a U.S. number:

[0-9\+\-\/ \(\)\.]+

Yet, even if I remove that regexp and let it validate
solely on integers: -{0,1}\d+

I thought perhaps enforcing the field to unsigned
might help, but no change.

One last note, I've now added some javascript to
enforce format.  This hasn't changed anything , better
or worse.  Same behaviour.  This is solely for making
sure client enters 111-111- format.  Just wanted
to include this in my information.

Well if anyone has a clue appreicate the help.


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Re: Telephone number column not working

2004-10-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I guess that is why if I enter 703111
I get this back - 4294967295



 One issue could be that an int column unsigned can
 only hold up to
 4294967295 a ten digit number. Plus if you put it in
 a context of a
 phone number... only area codes 428 or lower will
 have ALL THE
 with part of area
 code 429
 A bigint will hold the complete range you are
 looking for However,
 I would sugest that since you mostlikely are not
 going to be doing
 mathematical operations on a phone number that you
 use a varchar or
 char field.
 Maybe someone could correct me but aren't regex for
 strings only?
 On Sat, 2 Oct 2004 04:59:45 -0700 (PDT), Stuart
  I have a field telephone.
  Set to type :int:
  Length: 11
  It's  not working correctly, and not sure if it's
  application or something I have wrongly set up for
  We are talking about U.S. Telephone numbers here,
 so 7
  digits (area code, exchange, unique number)
  Now it seems everything works up to the storing of
  numbers.  Once I add the 7th number, everything
  haywire.  The number gets transformed to some
  different number and / or 0 (zero).
  Now I had set up a validation , which I think
 would be
  correct for a U.S. number:
  [0-9\+\-\/ \(\)\.]+
  Yet, even if I remove that regexp and let it
  solely on integers: -{0,1}\d+
  I thought perhaps enforcing the field to unsigned
  might help, but no change.
  One last note, I've now added some javascript to
  enforce format.  This hasn't changed anything ,
  or worse.  Same behaviour.  This is solely for
  sure client enters 111-111- format.  Just
  to include this in my information.
  Well if anyone has a clue appreicate the help.
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Re: Telephone number column not working

2004-10-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you trying to store telephone number values with
 the intermediate dashes? Such values are not
 numbers. You'll need to store them as strings, or
 else remove the dashes.

Yes, they made all the difference.  
Set the field type to varchar, and the input type to
string.  Correct numbers including hyphens now in

Wondering about one more issue, could changing this to
input string, leave me open to some type of SQL
injection ?


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Data fields from one database to another

2004-09-28 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I want to move over 2 - 4 fields from a table in one
database , to a table in another.  The field names are
not an exact match but they function identically (i.e.
username, password)

Whatever I'm using , web development garbage program
;) won't allow me to connect to 2 different databases
so I can't do an update or insertion through that

Wondering how I script something like that, and
probably prefer a way to do it on the fly with each
new sign up , or batched on a regular basis aka, every
hour , every few hours. 

Thank you,

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RE: Data fields from one database to another

2004-09-28 Thread Stuart Felenstein
So it will let me transfar individual fields ? Most of
the clients allow for data transfer provided the
database schema is the same, and then it is the entire

--- Tim Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try using MYdbPAL - its a new free program that will
 do the job plus lots of
 other goodies.
 Tim Hayes
 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Felenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 September 2004 08:23
 Subject: Data fields from one database to another
 I want to move over 2 - 4 fields from a table in one
 database , to a table in another.  The field names
 not an exact match but they function identically
 username, password)
 Whatever I'm using , web development garbage program
 ;) won't allow me to connect to 2 different
 so I can't do an update or insertion through that
 Wondering how I script something like that, and
 probably prefer a way to do it on the fly with each
 new sign up , or batched on a regular basis aka,
 hour , every few hours.
 Thank you,
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RE: Data fields from one database to another

2004-09-28 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Been trying it out.   Seems to be very powerful! 

Thank you ,
--- Tim Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes. Absolutely. MYdbPAL has a complete
 schema-to-schema table and data
 field mapping capability that will also let you do
 things like table splits
 and joins. It also has inbuilt scripting and data
 value translation lookups.
 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Felenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 September 2004 09:57
 Subject: RE: Data fields from one database to
 So it will let me transfar individual fields ? Most
 the clients allow for data transfer provided the
 database schema is the same, and then it is the
 --- Tim Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Try using MYdbPAL - its a new free program that
  do the job plus lots of
  other goodies.
  Tim Hayes
  -Original Message-
  From: Stuart Felenstein
  Sent: 28 September 2004 08:23
  Subject: Data fields from one database to another
  I want to move over 2 - 4 fields from a table in
  database , to a table in another.  The field names
  not an exact match but they function identically
  username, password)
  Whatever I'm using , web development garbage
  ;) won't allow me to connect to 2 different
  so I can't do an update or insertion through that
  Wondering how I script something like that, and
  probably prefer a way to do it on the fly with
  new sign up , or batched on a regular basis aka,
  hour , every few hours.
  Thank you,
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Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm back, trying to figure my way through a somewhat
confusing set of conditons.
Sort of doing a sanity check here.
First explanation:
I've put together a search (the database) form that
has 6 inputs.
Just to clarify, the fields are 

The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
one they choose , there should be a records return. 
More criteria of course adds more refinement.

Right now I only have 4 of the 6 fields rigged for
action- JobTitle, Start, Industry and State.
I half see what's going on, but unclear on how to set
it all up.
So right now, since Title and Start are divided by an
OR, if I chose both, then there is not refinement, I
get records that meet both criteria , not both
criteria combined , savvy ?
Industry is sort of seperate right now, and State can
be combined with industry to refine the results to
match up all industries within whatever particular

I guess ultimately I need a very long series of OR's
and AND's but not sure if there is something neater
and then operator precedence in a series of AND's and
OR's would probably throw me.  At least I think so.

ALright, so Im sure this is one of my inance babbles
again, but if anyone can decipher my cry for
assistance, feedback, morsels of wisdom and knowledge,
I'm listening.


where JobTitle like '%{s_JobTitle}%'
PostStart = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
({s_PostStart}) day )
$VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  OR (`VendorJobs`.Industry IN
$VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  AND
(`VendorJobs`.LocationState IN (.$Projs.));

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
My brain is warped by web development in general ;)

Thanks for your response.  After I sent this , I got
an email from the PHP list, with a good chunk of code
to show how it's done. Yes, scripting is the only way
for this type of query.

Thank you for the response.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Stuart,
 Getting your brains warped by logical statements,
 If I remember correctly AND has precedence over OR. 
 That means that the 
 statement A or B and C  evaluates to A or (B and
 C)  which means that 
 the statement will be true if A is true or if both B
 and C are true.
 Because of this precedence issue, you need to use
 parentheses to specify a 
 new order of evaluation. This phrase, (A or B) AND
 C will be true only 
 if either A or B is true at the same time that C is
 also true. That is a 
 much different meaning than if the same statement
 were written without 
 Basically OR adds records to your results (less
 restrictive), AND takes 
 them away (more restrictive).
 The easiest place to deal with the widely different
 request of your users 
 is in your input processing script.  Use your
 scripting language to build 
 an appropriate query based on the options they
 provide. No single SQL 
 statement will handle BOTH every combination of user
 input AND process 
 quickly.  You should build custom WHERE clauses
 based on your user's 
 input. This is definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all
 Remember to use parentheses. When in doubt, spell it
 out. Don't make the 
 query engine read your mind. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/22/2004 09:46:46 AM:
  I'm back, trying to figure my way through a
  confusing set of conditons.
  Sort of doing a sanity check here.
  First explanation:
  I've put together a search (the database) form
  has 6 inputs.
  Just to clarify, the fields are 
  The idea is that a user can choose one , two or
  fields to put criteria into.  Regardless,
  one they choose , there should be a records
  More criteria of course adds more refinement.
  Right now I only have 4 of the 6 fields rigged for
  action- JobTitle, Start, Industry and State.
  I half see what's going on, but unclear on how to
  it all up.
  So right now, since Title and Start are divided by
  OR, if I chose both, then there is not refinement,
  get records that meet both criteria , not both
  criteria combined , savvy ?
  Industry is sort of seperate right now, and State
  be combined with industry to refine the results to
  match up all industries within whatever particular
  I guess ultimately I need a very long series of
  and AND's but not sure if there is something
  and then operator precedence in a series of AND's
  OR's would probably throw me.  At least I think
  ALright, so Im sure this is one of my inance
  again, but if anyone can decipher my cry for
  assistance, feedback, morsels of wisdom and
  I'm listening.
  where JobTitle like '%{s_JobTitle}%'
  PostStart = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
  ({s_PostStart}) day )
  $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  OR (`VendorJobs`.Industry
  $VendorJobs-ds-SQL.=  AND
  (`VendorJobs`.LocationState IN (.$Projs.));
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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
The returned values should be exact. As far as how
much data, I'm assuming your talking about amount of
records ?
Potentially eventually maybe quite a bit.
Currently mysql statement is comprised of select and
from with all the proper joins.
But Im confused, when you say below actual SQL call
here, is the referring to the SQL statement that would
look at all the imput values and process the data ?
like a series of and's or or's  ?

--- gerald_clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Depending on how exact the returned values need to
 be, and how much data 
 you have to
 sift through, you could do. ( perl example )
 $select = SELECT * from myfile where jobtitle like
 $job and  city like 
 $city and start like $start and industry like
 $industry and state like 
 $state and taxterm like $taxterm;
 do the actual SQL call here.  
 Stuart Felenstein wrote:
 I'm back, trying to figure my way through a
 confusing set of conditons.
 Sort of doing a sanity check here.
 First explanation:
 I've put together a search (the database) form that
 has 6 inputs.
 Just to clarify, the fields are 
 The idea is that a user can choose one , two or all
 fields to put criteria into.  Regardless, whichever
 one they choose , there should be a records return.
 More criteria of course adds more refinement.

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Re: Where and or ...ughhh!

2004-09-22 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Right, I thought the rules were mentioned in the first
post.  Apoplogies.  The user should be able to enter
one value or all 6 and with each additional value
added from none, the results should be more refined. 
i.e. Alabama chosen only - all jobs in Alabama come
Alabama and Financing - all financing jobs in Alabama
come back
Alabama , Financing and 5 days old, all financing jobs
in Alabama within the last 5 days come back
Alabam, Financing, 5 days old, and treasurer, all
financing jobs in Alabama, no more then 5 days old
with the job title of treasurer.

You raise a good point , that I thought about and then
cast to the side temporarily.  No I don't want all
data coming back, so probably with no values entered
at all then no records come back.

From my understanding now , to do something like this
the query needs to be created on the fly withink the
script.  So if no values exist, no array exists, on to
the next field with an OR, if values exists, take the
values input into an array , onto next field with an

I think that is it , now if I only knew how to code ;)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If your queries must match _all_ of your input
 variables, you are in the 
 situation where you only need ANDs (no ORs needed). 
 Just create one term 
 in your WHERE statement for each field they filled
 in and make sure  that 
 there is an AND between each of them in the right
 places.  This should be 
 a piece of simple string building along the same
 lines you are already 
 I think that the reason that nobody, including
 myself, can tell you how to 
 write your script is because you never told us
 _your_ rules on how each 
 field is supposed to be handled.  Build your WHERE
 clause so that it meets 
 _your_  requirements and it should work correctly. 
 Of course, no input from the user means you don't
 need a WHERE clause at 
 all. You can regurgitate your entire database. This
 may be something you 
 want to avoid by requiring at least 1 or 2 input
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/22/2004 03:11:16 PM:

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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Not sure exactly what you mean by a SQL injection
attack.  I'm thinking a string could be input as
opposed to an integer ?
The form itself constricts user to a set of choices.


--- Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think this is bad advice, even for a novice like
 Stuart, because it
 is susceptible to SQL injection attacks.  I don't
 know if PHP has
 prepared statements like Perl DBI; if not,
 $daterange should either be
 quoted or checked in PHP if it's really a number.
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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
It's all good information.  I need to be thinking security as well as generating 
proper efficient code. All is appreciated.

Harald Fuchs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In article ,

 I agree and I am sorry I forgot a very basic security practice. You must 
 always check any input from a user. Make sure that the user gives you a 
 valid number and reject the request if it is anything out of your 
 acceptable range or datatype.

Not necessarily - most of these problems can be solved by the DBMS
itself as long as you give it a chance to do so. In general DBMSs are
smart enough to figure out that  WHERE id = '123' really should be a
numeric comparison. This means that you just need to transform your
parameters to valid strings in order to be on the safe side. Simply
surrounding them by single quotes is _not_ enough - you must also
properly escape embedded single quotes. Most APIs are able to do that
for you (e.g. Perl: $dbh-quote()).

 Otherwise a bad user could compromise your 
 database or worse create havoc on your server. 


 hf0722x, what I was trying to help correct was a basic misunderstanding 
 of how to create dynamic SQL statements with PHP. Stuart is struggling to 
 understand 3 environments at once (MySQL, PHP, and Dreamweaver) and I 
 wasn't even thinking about input validation. 

I know that my remark (as opposed to yours) was not helpful regarding
Stuart's actual problems, but precisely because he is a newbie he
should not get accustomed to dangerous practices.

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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-14 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Just wanted to let you know your help was appreciated.  I'm close to getting it 
straight.  Away from my console for the day so I won't know till later.  However, 
while I did figure out the correct variable and query name, there is about 20 other 
lines of code that needed adjusting to make it work :).
The generated code can be daunting, especially when it's not commented or documented.  
Lots of activity! 
Anyway, I'm now reading up on PHP, and while I'll continue using code generators where 
it makes sense, at least I'll have a better approach when necessary for manual editing.
In regards to the other thread about checking the input, the code seems to be written 
well with lots of checks and guards for added security.

Don't do an @usrDays, just stick the number in there so that the 
statement you create looks exactly like the one you tested with.

If you get a number from a user from a form, just put that value into 
the string. For instance if the user enters 43 into a field on the first 
page, put 43 into the query. 

Let's imagine that you get the value 43 into a variable (off of the 
request) called $daterange...
and let's imagine that you build your query into a variable called $query

I think this is how you would build the correct query (my PHP is rusty):

$query = SELECT DateEntry from Entry_table WHERE DateEntry = 
DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL . $daterange. day);

See? Pretend you are a typist and BUILD the string as you want it 
executed. Then do it.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein wrote on 09/13/2004 03:35:35 PM:

 Shawn - You answered the right question. Since a SQL
 statement is closer to my grasp right now , today,
 trying that approach. 
 I think this is something close to correct, though I'm
 stuck on what to assign to @usrDays:= 
 SELECT DateEntry from Entry_Table,
 WHERE DateEntry = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
 @usrDays:= day ) 
 I'll continue to bang away , eventually I should get
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I feel you pains. I think I can speak for most of us
  to say we've been 
  there, too
  First, You want to try to keep your column values
  on the LEFT side of any 
  inequality. MySQL just goes faster that way.
  WHERE EntryDate = DATESUB(CurDate(),
  Interval 2 day )
  About using a variable for your date value, you have
  two options. First, 
  you could just modify your PHP code to stick a
  number into the correct 
  place of your SQL statement:
  $querystring = SELECT  WHERE EntryDate =
  DATESUB(CurDate(), Interval 
  . $daysdiff . day )
  Or you can create SQL statement that sets a MySQL
  variable that contains 
  the # of days you want to subtract then use that
  variable in your WHERE 
  clause. Either way you are combining the value you
  get from the user-entry 
  field and using it to create a valid SQL statement. 
  Personally, I would 
  do the first. (my logic: I don't need the variable
  except to use it in the 
  very next statement and if I have to merge values
  and text once, anyway, 
  why not just put the correct value into my original
  Please let me know if I answered the wrong question,
  Shawn Green
  Database Administrator
  Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
  Stuart Felenstein wrote on
  09/13/2004 11:54:02 AM:
   Shawn, partially discourage but mostly confused
   what I really need to do.
   Bear in mind for a moment, that I'm working in a
   somewhat untradional manner. Meaning a) very new
   database and SQL b) (and i realize this list is
   for programming languages) using a RAD that allows
   to point, click and insert , where it's magically
   transformed into code.
   So back to what I'm trying to accomplish. I want
   way for the user to be allowed to choose from what
   point in the timeline records will be returned in
   search. i.e. from 30 days or less, 15 days or
  less, 2
   days or less, etc.
   Now, if I run this query against the
   select EntryDate from EntryTable
   where Date_Sub(Curdate(), interval 2 day) =
   life is good. I get the records returned just the
   I want. They key though is the 2 (after interval)
   I want that number to be a variable. 
   That is why I created the table that has values of
   2 , 15, 30, etc). I thought if I could use those
   values, in either a case statement (probably not
   4.0.20) or an if statement , well magic would
   I hope I explained it better this time.
   Apologies for the confusion.
   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Were you able to solve you problem another way
just discouraged by my 
response? I wasn't trying to make you feel bad,
just covered so much 
ground in your original post that I really

HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I read through the parts of the manual that applied
but I might be missing something here.

I have a table where I'm trying to query the date with
a conditional statement.  As you'll see , if 3 was the
condition then the statement should result in a list
of any entries made = current date.  

It just is not working.

EntriesID (int)
EntryDte  (date)
.(irrelevant fields).

Second table (created just for query since this is
going into a web app)
CountBackID (int)
CountBack (int)
Then the records in the table are 
CountBackID = 30 , CountBack = 30
CountBackID = 21, CountBack = 21
CountBackID = 7, CountBack = 7
.(few more)...

I thought my statement should be like this: 
From Entry_Table, CountBack_Table
if CountBackID = 1
Date_Sub(Curdate(), interval 1 day) = EntryDte
elseif CountBackID = 3
Date_Sub(Curdate(), interval 3 day) = EntryDte

I'm not sure if the if CountBackID is wrong.  Can I
not use the value in the record, or perhaps I'd need
to define a user variable?

Thank you,

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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Ok, never mind .  I guess a conditional loop is not


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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Shawn, partially discourage but mostly confused about
what I really need to do.

Bear in mind for a moment, that I'm working in a
somewhat untradional manner.  Meaning a) very new to
database and SQL b) (and i realize this list is not
for programming languages) using a RAD that allows me
to point, click and insert , where it's magically
transformed into code.

So back to what I'm trying to accomplish.  I want a
way for the user to be allowed to choose from what
point in the timeline records will be returned in a
search.  i.e. from 30 days or less, 15 days or less, 2
days or less, etc.

Now, if I run this query against the

select EntryDate from EntryTable
where Date_Sub(Curdate(), interval 2 day) = EntryDate

life is good.  I get the records returned just the way
I want.  They key though is the 2 (after interval) as
I want that number to be a variable. 

That is why I created the table that has values of 1,
2 , 15, 30, etc).  I thought if I could use those
values, in either a case statement (probably not with
4.0.20) or an if statement , well magic would happen

I hope I explained it better this time.
Apologies for the confusion.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Were you able to solve you problem another way or
 just discouraged by my 
 response?  I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, you
 just covered so much 
 ground in your original post that I really couldn't
 understand your issue. 
  Please, post again but with a little more 
 We all want to help but we aren't there looking over
 your shoulder so we 
 can't see everything you see. We just need a little
 help to visualize your 
 problem, OK?
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/13/2004 11:09:59 AM:
  Ok, never mind .  I guess a conditional loop is

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Re: HelpPlease: Conditional loop confusion

2004-09-13 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Shawn - You answered the right question.  Since a SQL
statement is closer to my grasp right now , today,
trying that approach.  

I think this is something close to correct, though I'm
stuck on what to assign to @usrDays:= 

SELECT DateEntry from Entry_Table,
WHERE DateEntry = DATE_SUB(CurDate(), Interval
@usrDays:= ? day ) 

I'll continue to bang away , eventually I should get

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I feel you pains. I think I can speak for most of us
 to say we've been 
 there, too
 First,  You want to try to keep your column values
 on the LEFT side of any 
 inequality. MySQL just goes faster that way.
 WHERE EntryDate = DATESUB(CurDate(),
 Interval 2 day )
 About using a variable for your date value, you have
 two options.  First, 
 you could just modify your PHP code to stick a
 number into the correct 
 place of your SQL statement:
 $querystring = SELECT  WHERE EntryDate =
 DATESUB(CurDate(), Interval 
 . $daysdiff . day )
 Or you can create SQL statement that sets a MySQL
 variable that contains 
 the # of days you want to subtract then use that
 variable in your WHERE 
 clause. Either way you are combining the value you
 get from the user-entry 
 field and using it to create a valid SQL statement. 
 Personally, I would 
 do the first. (my logic: I don't need the variable
 except to use it in the 
 very next statement and if I have to merge values
 and text once, anyway, 
 why not just put the correct value into my original
 Please let me know if I answered the wrong question,
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/13/2004 11:54:02 AM:
  Shawn, partially discourage but mostly confused
  what I really need to do.
  Bear in mind for a moment, that I'm working in a
  somewhat untradional manner.  Meaning a) very new
  database and SQL b) (and i realize this list is
  for programming languages) using a RAD that allows
  to point, click and insert , where it's magically
  transformed into code.
  So back to what I'm trying to accomplish.  I want
  way for the user to be allowed to choose from what
  point in the timeline records will be returned in
  search.  i.e. from 30 days or less, 15 days or
 less, 2
  days or less, etc.
  Now, if I run this query against the
  select EntryDate from EntryTable
  where Date_Sub(Curdate(), interval 2 day) =
  life is good.  I get the records returned just the
  I want.  They key though is the 2 (after interval)
  I want that number to be a variable. 
  That is why I created the table that has values of
  2 , 15, 30, etc).  I thought if I could use those
  values, in either a case statement (probably not
  4.0.20) or an if statement , well magic would
  I hope I explained it better this time.
  Apologies for the confusion.
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Were you able to solve you problem another way
   just discouraged by my 
   response?  I wasn't trying to make you feel bad,
   just covered so much 
   ground in your original post that I really
   understand your issue. 
Please, post again but with a little more 
   We all want to help but we aren't there looking
   your shoulder so we 
   can't see everything you see. We just need a
   help to visualize your 
   problem, OK?
   Shawn Green
   Database Administrator
   Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
   Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
   09/13/2004 11:09:59 AM:
Ok, never mind .  I guess a conditional loop


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Dates confusion for real system

2004-09-12 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm having a hard time getting my arms around how a
system's date process should work.  Interested in
knowing how a real, online system that delivers
services or products to customers might work.  Right
now I'll just be operating in North America. 

As an example - a user does online banking.  A bill is
due on the 24th of the month. Payment received after
the 24th is marked late.  The company the bill is owed
too, their system is on the east coast, New York.  The
payee is out in Los Angeles.  The payee is making
their payment online at 11:45pm, yet in New York it's
now 2:45 on the 25th.  Ok that is the scenario.

Now, I'm thinking there are a few possibilities for
work arounds.  One would be that the date input is
done via some javascript, so the time marked on the
payment is relative to the payee's time zone.  Second,
perhaps there is some way to correlate one's location
to the time the system stamps for payment.  Perhaps,
with this method, some complex sql statement is doing
date / time calcs to properly stamp the entry.
Or, most companies use one time zone to base their
business around.
I'm sure there are varieties of methods used. 
Interested in hearing about some of them at least.

Thank you,

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Anyone familiar with dbQwiksite Pro

2004-09-10 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Wondering if there is anyone on the list who knows
this product .

Thank you,

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RE: What's Faster? MySQL Queries or PHP Loops?

2004-09-10 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I've been meaning to follow up on this post.
Can either Peter or someone expand and provide an
example of get all information in a single query...

Thank you ,

--- Peter Lovatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 What I do is to try and get all information in a
 single query and then use
 php from there on. I go as far as building arrays
 from result sets and
 manipulating the data using php.
 Can't guarantee this is best practice but I have
 built big sites with big
 visitor numbers this way and they run OK :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Brent Baisley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 08 September 2004 19:01
  Subject: Re: What's Faster? MySQL Queries or PHP
  I would try not to query MySQL on each iteration
 of the loop. While a
  dozen or so queries may not make a noticeable
 difference, hundreds or
  thousands may. It's not a scalable technique,
 whether you need to scale
  it or not. Even if it's only 100 iterations, what
 if you have 10 people
  accessing the database at once? That's now 1,000
  You should try to have MySQL organize the data for
 you. Since you are
  using Dreamweaver to generate your code, your SQL
 knowledge may not be
  up to it. But there are a number of query options.
 Perhaps if you
  posted your table structure and the result you are
 looking for, the
  list could help with a query.
  Even though everything is on one machine, you
 still needed to do lots
  memory transfer from MySQL to Apache/PHP. The
 difference may not be
  noticeable, but I would always try to design for
 scalability. MySQL is
  designed to handle data so I would let it.
  On Sep 8, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Robb Kerr wrote:
   Here's the scenario...
   First, my HTTP Server (Apache), PHP Server and
 MySQL Server are on the
   machine - an Apple Xserve.
   Second, I've got a page with a long repeat
 region reflecting a
   queried out of a MySQL table. The region also
 displays information
   from fields in a related table.
   Third, I use Dreamweaver to generate my MySQL
 recordsets and repeat
   Here's the question...
   I can either A) in the header or my page,
 generate a recordset of all
   the records in the related table and then loop
 through the recordset
   creating an array of the fields I need and then
 later pull from it in
   repeat region... or B) take the six lines of
 code Dreamweaver
   generates to
   create a recordset and move them into the repeat
 region itself. In
   words, I can create a recordset of all of the
 records in the related
   loop through it generating a PHP array and pull
 from this array later
   OR I
   can query the database every time through the
 loop while creating the
   repeat region.
   Since I haven't freed the table until the bottom
 of the page and
   because my
   MySQL Sever and PHP Server reside on the same
 machine, will I really
   a measurable difference in speed? If my MySQL
 Server were a different
   machine, I'm sure that there would be a
 noticable difference because
   all of
   the queries would be across a network (possibly
 the internet) and
   would become a factor.
   Just wondering what other people have noticed.
 BTW, I've also posted
   on the PHP board.
   Robb Kerr
   Digital IGUANA
   Helping Digital Artists Achieve their Dreams
   MySQL General Mailing List
   For list archives:
   To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Brent Baisley
  Systems Architect
  Landover Associates, Inc.
  Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology
  p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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where oh where, help!

2004-09-10 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I have this query (below) that on it's own , directly
into the database seems to return all the records just
fine.  Apparently though feeding it into a php loop,
the lack of where is causing great distress(at least
to the author)

I'm wondering where to put it though.  Before each
join ? And then what does the from imply.

Hope I make sense here, delirium is setting in.

(VendorJobs VendorJobs INNER JOIN VendorSignUp
VendorSignUp ON (VendorJobs.VendorID =
INNER JOIN StaIndTypes StaIndTypes ON
(VendorJobs.Industry = StaIndTypes.CareerIDs)) 
(VendorJobs.LocationCity = StaUSCities.CityID)) 
(VendorJobs.LocationState = USStates.StateID)) 
INNER JOIN staTaxTerm staTaxTerm ON
(VendorJobs.TaxTerm = staTaxTerm.TaxTermID)) 
INNER JOIN staTravelReq staTravelReq ON
(VendorJobs.TravelReq = staTravelReq.TravelReqID)

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Re: What's Faster? MySQL Queries or PHP Loops?

2004-09-08 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm confused about this response and am facing a
similar situation.  
First, regarding the subject, what is the difference
between a PHP or whatever loop and a SQL query.  All
the app code is doing is collecting the request and
handing it back to the database.  The DBMS still has
to retrieve the data.  

My only guess is that the DBMS has to work a bit
harder, as PHP would present the data in a cleaner /
neater / parsed form back to the DBMS.

Any of this make sense ?


--- Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would try not to query MySQL on each iteration of
 the loop. While a 
 dozen or so queries may not make a noticeable
 difference, hundreds or 
 thousands may. It's not a scalable technique,
 whether you need to scale 
 it or not. Even if it's only 100 iterations, what if
 you have 10 people 
 accessing the database at once? That's now 1,000
 You should try to have MySQL organize the data for
 you. Since you are 
 using Dreamweaver to generate your code, your SQL
 knowledge may not be 
 up to it. But there are a number of query options.
 Perhaps if you 
 posted your table structure and the result you are
 looking for, the 
 list could help with a query.
 Even though everything is on one machine, you still
 needed to do lots 
 memory transfer from MySQL to Apache/PHP. The
 difference may not be 
 noticeable, but I would always try to design for
 scalability. MySQL is 
 designed to handle data so I would let it.
 On Sep 8, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Robb Kerr wrote:
  Here's the scenario...
  First, my HTTP Server (Apache), PHP Server and
 MySQL Server are on the 
  machine - an Apple Xserve.
  Second, I've got a page with a long repeat region
 reflecting a 
  queried out of a MySQL table. The region also
 displays information 
  from fields in a related table.
  Third, I use Dreamweaver to generate my MySQL
 recordsets and repeat
  Here's the question...
  I can either A) in the header or my page, generate
 a recordset of all 
  the records in the related table and then loop
 through the recordset
  creating an array of the fields I need and then
 later pull from it in 
  repeat region... or B) take the six lines of code
  generates to
  create a recordset and move them into the repeat
 region itself. In 
  words, I can create a recordset of all of the
 records in the related 
  loop through it generating a PHP array and pull
 from this array later 
  OR I
  can query the database every time through the loop
 while creating the
  repeat region.
  Since I haven't freed the table until the bottom
 of the page and 
  because my
  MySQL Sever and PHP Server reside on the same
 machine, will I really 
  a measurable difference in speed? If my MySQL
 Server were a different
  machine, I'm sure that there would be a noticable
 difference because 
  all of
  the queries would be across a network (possibly
 the internet) and 
  would become a factor.
  Just wondering what other people have noticed.
 BTW, I've also posted 
  on the PHP board.
  Robb Kerr
  Digital IGUANA
  Helping Digital Artists Achieve their Dreams
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Brent Baisley
 Systems Architect
 Landover Associates, Inc.
 Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology
 p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: What's Faster? MySQL Queries or PHP Loops?

2004-09-08 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I never thought of the return only the querying

My predicament is I have a search form that queries a
table with about 7 joins.  It returns it via a
Dreamweaver recordset aka SQL query.  So based on what
you said below , regarding the number of users, this
is a bad way to go.  

--- Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The end result will be the same, it's just a matter
 of the structure 
 the data will have when handed to PHP for processing
 to display. It can 
 be retrieved bit by bit and broken up into multiple
 lists or joined and 
 summarized by MySQL into one list. One list will
 make the PHP loop 
 simpler, smaller and faster.
 On Sep 8, 2004, at 2:12 PM, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
  I'm confused about this response and am facing a
  similar situation.
  First, regarding the subject, what is the
  between a PHP or whatever loop and a SQL query. 
  the app code is doing is collecting the request
  handing it back to the database.  The DBMS still
  to retrieve the data.
  My only guess is that the DBMS has to work a bit
  harder, as PHP would present the data in a cleaner
  neater / parsed form back to the DBMS.
  Any of this make sense ?
  --- Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would try not to query MySQL on each iteration
  the loop. While a
  dozen or so queries may not make a noticeable
  difference, hundreds or
  thousands may. It's not a scalable technique,
  whether you need to scale
  it or not. Even if it's only 100 iterations, what
  you have 10 people
  accessing the database at once? That's now 1,000
  You should try to have MySQL organize the data
  you. Since you are
  using Dreamweaver to generate your code, your SQL
  knowledge may not be
  up to it. But there are a number of query
  Perhaps if you
  posted your table structure and the result you
  looking for, the
  list could help with a query.
  Even though everything is on one machine, you
  needed to do lots
  memory transfer from MySQL to Apache/PHP. The
  difference may not be
  noticeable, but I would always try to design for
  scalability. MySQL is
  designed to handle data so I would let it.
  On Sep 8, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Robb Kerr wrote:
  Here's the scenario...
  First, my HTTP Server (Apache), PHP Server and
  MySQL Server are on the
  machine - an Apple Xserve.
  Second, I've got a page with a long repeat
  reflecting a
  queried out of a MySQL table. The region also
  displays information
  from fields in a related table.
  Third, I use Dreamweaver to generate my MySQL
  recordsets and repeat
  Here's the question...
  I can either A) in the header or my page,
  a recordset of all
  the records in the related table and then loop
  through the recordset
  creating an array of the fields I need and then
  later pull from it in
  repeat region... or B) take the six lines of
  generates to
  create a recordset and move them into the repeat
  region itself. In
  words, I can create a recordset of all of the
  records in the related
  loop through it generating a PHP array and pull
  from this array later
  OR I
  can query the database every time through the
  while creating the
  repeat region.
  Since I haven't freed the table until the bottom
  of the page and
  because my
  MySQL Sever and PHP Server reside on the same
  machine, will I really
  a measurable difference in speed? If my MySQL
  Server were a different
  machine, I'm sure that there would be a
  difference because
  all of
  the queries would be across a network (possibly
  the internet) and
  would become a factor.
  Just wondering what other people have noticed.
  BTW, I've also posted
  on the PHP board.
  Robb Kerr
  Digital IGUANA
  Helping Digital Artists Achieve their Dreams
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Brent Baisley
  Systems Architect
  Landover Associates, Inc.
  Search  Advisory Services for Advanced
  p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Brent Baisley
 Systems Architect
 Landover Associates, Inc.
 Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology
 p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577

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Re: How to select field names?

2004-09-07 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Sorry, I'm not jumping in becasue I have an answer,
sorry Jeremy.

I posted a few days ago a question and wonder if this
thread , at least Shawn's response has any relevance
to my question.

That is! ; Is there really any difference between
using PHP to parse results back to the program or can
a SQL statement do the same job.

I'll re tell my tale of woe and how I overcame it
using , if's , ands and ors. If need be.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You're mixing apples and oranges.
 PHP has the metadata available to it in the form of
 a column name/value 
 pairs. You scan the results of a query in column
 order and get the name of 
 the column (from the recordset, not from the data)
 that has the data you 
 want, right?
 A native SQL query, as Paul said, is NOT aware of
 the column names except 
 as you declare them for use. However, you _can_
 write a query that will 
 return a value based on a series of choices. It's
 much like moving your 
 PHP column scanning loop into your SQL statement. In
 this case you are 
 nesting a set of IF statements:
 set @targetValue = 'pid to find';
 if(pid1 = @targetValue, 
 'pid1', if ( repeat for remaining columns ...)))
 FROM tablename
 WHERE ...
 I didn't type the full statement but I think you can
 see the pattern. This 
 was just my first idea. I am sure there are others
 on the list that have 
 done something like this before and can offer their
 solutions, too.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Jeremy McEntire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/07/2004 01:38:18 PM:
  I'm using modular arithmetic on a table of
 recently viewed items.  My 
user_id, pid0, pid1, pid2, pid3, pid4, inc
  user_id is the user's unique identification.
  pid* is the product's unique identification.
  inc is a number, modulo 5, corresponding to
  the last pid column updated for this user.
  So, when the user visits a page, I want to verify
 that they
  don't currently have this product in their
 recently viewed
  To do so, I'd like to know if the product id is in
 any of pid0, pid1, 
  pid3, or pid4.  To accomplish this, I could use a
 simple OR statement. 
  the information I really want is in which column
 that product id 
  Using PHP, I can simply grab the key from the
 array returned by the 
  I was hoping MySQL offered this functionality;
 evidently, it does not.

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Query Question

2004-09-05 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm hoping I can present this correctly.  I'm trying
to determine how to set up my where condition as, 1
way has already failed me.   While I continue to
figure this out (i'm a noob), I hope asking for some
advice here won't be too awful.

There is one main table where data is inserted and
that I'm querying against, but this main table is
comprised of ID's from other static tables.

VendorJobs is the main table, here is the select and
  INNER JOIN `VendorSignUp` ON
(`VendorJobs`.`VendorID` = `VendorSignUp`.`VendorID`)
  INNER JOIN `StaIndTypes` ON (`VendorJobs`.`Industry`
= `StaIndTypes`.`CareerIDs`)
(`VendorJobs`.`LocationCity` = `StaUSCities`.`CityID`)
(`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` = `USStates`.`StateID`)
(`VendorJobs`.`TaxTerm` = `staTaxTerm`.`TaxTermID`)
  INNER JOIN `staTravelReq` ON
(`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
  INNER JOIN `VendorJobDetails` ON
(`VendorJobs`.`JobID` = `VendorJobDetails`.`JobID`)


The where condition is going to have multiple AND's
(I've considered UNION but don't think they are
appropriate here)

First I should say that run as a complete dump, it
returns all the records correctly , with all the id's
translated into the correct lable.  i.e  State, CA is
stored in VendorJobs as CA, but in the return (and
this isn't the greatest example) it's California.

So now I want to add the where's but doing:
where `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = Finance is
returning an error.  I think because VendorJobs only
knows Finance by Fin.  

I think what it should be :
StaIndTypes`.`CareerCategories` = Finance 
I could be wrong, about to try it.

What's confusing me is the join, and how the join
maintains the integrity of the record.  If that makes
sense, cause what I just said, doesn't to me.  Yet,
that's the only way I could say it for now.

Alrighty, flame away

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Re: Query Question

2004-09-05 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I think I'm on the right track but still in question

After all the joins I added a and LocationState = x.
 I'm not totally sure, because I want to search for
records based on (for now)3 conditions (state, city,
Two things I should mention , the somewhat strange
notation is becaue I'm using one of dem fancy visual
query editors. Secondly, I'm using this query in a web
page that receives the codes via url / variables.
So, and I hope I don't get slammed for talking web dev
here.  But the problem is someone may choose one field
and not another , so I want a return on whether they
chose 1 or all 3 variables.  Hope that makes sense.
i.e. They choose the state, but leave the city and
industy blank.  The way it's set up now with and ...,
and ..., and  it will only return a record if I
put in all 3. If I do an OR, then a second on any
additonal OR's would get bypassed if I understand

Sorry, I might just be thinking outloud.
Please do not boot.
--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm hoping I can present this correctly.  I'm trying
 to determine how to set up my where condition as, 1
 way has already failed me.   While I continue to
 figure this out (i'm a noob), I hope asking for some
 advice here won't be too awful.
 There is one main table where data is inserted and
 that I'm querying against, but this main table is
 comprised of ID's from other static tables.
 VendorJobs is the main table, here is the select and

   INNER JOIN `VendorSignUp` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`VendorID` =
   INNER JOIN `StaIndTypes` ON
 = `StaIndTypes`.`CareerIDs`)
 (`VendorJobs`.`LocationCity` =
 (`VendorJobs`.`LocationState` =
   LEFT OUTER JOIN `staTaxTerm` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`TaxTerm` = `staTaxTerm`.`TaxTermID`)
   INNER JOIN `staTravelReq` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`TravelReq` =
   INNER JOIN `VendorJobDetails` ON
 (`VendorJobs`.`JobID` = `VendorJobDetails`.`JobID`)
 The where condition is going to have multiple
 (I've considered UNION but don't think they are
 appropriate here)
 First I should say that run as a complete dump, it
 returns all the records correctly , with all the
 translated into the correct lable.  i.e  State, CA
 stored in VendorJobs as CA, but in the return (and
 this isn't the greatest example) it's California.
 So now I want to add the where's but doing:
 where `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = Finance is
 returning an error.  I think because VendorJobs only
 knows Finance by Fin.  
 I think what it should be :
 StaIndTypes`.`CareerCategories` = Finance 
 I could be wrong, about to try it.
 What's confusing me is the join, and how the join
 maintains the integrity of the record.  If that
 sense, cause what I just said, doesn't to me.  Yet,
 that's the only way I could say it for now.
 Alrighty, flame away
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Re: Query Question

2004-09-05 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Well I feel like maybe I wasted some bandwidth here. 
I think what I'm looking for is a square peg in a
round hole.  That won't work.
More to the point :) , I do not having a problem with
the AND / OR / IN / NOT / etc.
What I think I was attempting was to come up with a
SQL statement that will work with an unknown factor.  
I'm now thinking that this isn't the path to take.
Here is where I'm at, and as this goes into web dev, I
am trying to figure out if I have any choices strictly
using SQL.
I have 3 choices (3 seperate fields to query) a user
can submit, but none are strictly required.  Chances
are only 1 will be used.  If I do a where x = 1 or y
= 2 or z = 3 then regardless of the y or z, x is
coming back.  It's not even looking at y or z.  
All AND requires all three conditions are met.  
Lastly I was interested in NOT, since by default there
is an assigned value to the non used form field. Yet,
all of my where conditions are = resset1... which is
the variable that gets passed over.  Not sure how to
say where LocationState NOT XXX and leave the
resset in place.
Sorry if this is all confusing.  I am taking my time
and wouldn't think of just throwing something up
unless it works in the 999,999,999 ways it should.  

Thank you,

--- Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Stuart Felenstein wrote:
  I'm hoping I can present this correctly.  I'm
  to determine how to set up my where condition as,
  way has already failed me.   While I continue to
  figure this out (i'm a noob), I hope asking for
  advice here won't be too awful.
  There is one main table where data is inserted and
  that I'm querying against, but this main table is
  comprised of ID's from other static tables.
  VendorJobs is the main table, here is the select
 query reformatted so I could read it

VendorJobs VJ
INNER JOIN VendorSignUp VSU ON VJ.VendorID =
INNER JOIN StaIndTypes  ON VJ.Industry =
LEFT  JOIN StaUSCities  ON VJ.LocationCity =
LEFT  JOIN USStates ON VJ.LocationState
 = USStates.StateID
LEFT  JOIN staTaxTerm   ON VJ.TaxTerm =
INNER JOIN staTravelReq ON VJ.TravelReq =
INNER JOIN VendorJobDetails ON VJ.JobID =
  The where condition is going to have multiple
  (I've considered UNION but don't think they are
  appropriate here)
 AND and UNION are opposites.  ANDs narrow your
 results, because only rows 
 which match all AND conditions are selected.  UNION,
 like OR, increases your 
 result set, because rows only have to match any one
 of the conditions.  That is,
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE a = 1 OR b = 2;
 is equivalent to
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE a = 1
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE b = 2;
 See the manual for details
  First I should say that run as a complete dump, it
  returns all the records correctly , with all the
  translated into the correct lable.  i.e  State, CA
  stored in VendorJobs as CA, but in the return (and
  this isn't the greatest example) it's California.
  So now I want to add the wheres but doing:
  where `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = Finance is
  returning an error.  I think because VendorJobs
  knows Finance by Fin.  
 `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = Finance gives you
 an *error* (as opposed 
 to no match), because you have no column named
 Finance.  You (mysql) can 
 tell Finance is the name of a column because it has
 no quotes.  Of course, 
 you meant to compare VendorJobs.CareerCategories to
 the constant string 
 'Finance', so you should use
WHERE `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = 'Finance'
 But, your condition should be
WHERE column_name = 'a value in that column' ...
 So, if the string 'Fin' is what is actually stored
 in the CareerCategories 
 column, you need
WHERE `VendorJobs`.`CareerCategories` = 'Fin' ...
  I think what it should be :
  StaIndTypes`.`CareerCategories` = Finance 
  I could be wrong, about to try it.
 OK, now I'm confused.  Which column of which table
 contains the string 
 'Finance' or 'Fin'?  Oh, is 'Fin' an ID for the row
 in StaIndTypes where the 
 full string 'Finance' resides?  If that's the case,
 since you are joining to 
 StaIndTypes, either match
 (VendorJobs.CareerCategories` = 'Fin' or 
 StaIndTypes = 'Finance') should work.
  What's confusing me is the join, and how the join

Graphics and blobs

2004-09-04 Thread Stuart Felenstein
This maybe OT but perhaps somone has a clue here.
I am storing gifs in a Blob, well tinyblob field.

I was under the assumption they could just be 
pulled out and shown on a web page similar to running
any other query.

Apparently not, someone have a hint ?


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Re: Graphics and blobs

2004-09-04 Thread Stuart Felenstein
My apologies for rushing in with a question that gave
little in the way of details.
I've straightend out the mess ;)
Just in case it's of any relevance, I've opted to
store the gifs in a file directory and use a varchar
field to  make a link to the file / directory.
All is good.
Sorry again!
--- Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 9:56 -0700 9/4/04, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
 This maybe OT but perhaps somone has a clue here.
 I am storing gifs in a Blob, well tinyblob field.
 I was under the assumption they could just be
 pulled out and shown on a web page similar to
 any other query.
 Apparently not, someone have a hint ?
 You're asking us to guess what it was that you tried
 and also
 what particular symptoms of failure you were seeing.
 My guess: Your blob values are longer than 255
 bytes, the
 maximum size of a TINYBLOB column.
 Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Innodb space - Different Question

2004-09-03 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Since the recent thread with Innodb table space, I
have had a concern for a while.

First, I use Navicat to administer mysql.  This
includes table creation.
I don't notice this using a myisam table but when I
set up an innodb I find this item:

InnoDB free: 10240 kB 

Does this mean the actual space provided for the
records it can hold ?

I was concerned, then someone (not very knowledgable)
told me not to be concerned.  I'm concerned.

Thank you,

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Consideration of query impact / bandwidth

2004-09-03 Thread Stuart Felenstein
In my web design I have a side bar to provide quick
info and links to account information.

Examples would be account basics:
Welome : Name, Company, Last Visit , ..

One idea that brings me to this question:
In the side bar I list out how many resumes member has
on file, so:
Title1 - Then I can also add an update link to the
As well a return on count() query,  number_allowed
e.g. Add (1)

At the same time I also have a main account summary
page which contains some of this plus more detailed
information then I'd consider putting inthe side bar.

So, I'm wondering how concerned I should be about
these little  queries that I'm putting in the side

Thank you,

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Before I go searching (shameless)

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I'm tring to extract all records belonging to one ID
in a table. 
BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a record
at a time.  
I am assuming I need some kind of count mechanism.

I want to see the first 3 purchases this member made.
Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I want to
break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set

Results Set1: Purchase 1
Results Set2: Purchase 2
Results Set3: Purchase 3

This is probably easy.  

Thank you,

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Re: Before I go searching (shameless)

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Wait!! Don't's that LIMIT


--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm tring to extract all records belonging to one ID
 in a table. 
 BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a
 at a time.  
 I am assuming I need some kind of count mechanism.
 I want to see the first 3 purchases this member
 Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I want to
 break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set
 Results Set1: Purchase 1
 Results Set2: Purchase 2
 Results Set3: Purchase 3
 This is probably easy.  
 Thank you,
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Re: Before I go searching (shameless)

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Well I try to avoid the manual , but refer to some
books that I've collected.  Essentially the same, but
more palatable for my tastes.  Not that I wouldnl't
check the manual.

What I needed was order by Desc limit (x, x) .  In my
case 3 queries, with (0,1)(1,1)(2,1) .
The first 3 records , 1 at a time.

--- V. M. Brasseur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the manual.  I suggest you try a search for
 LIMIT in the 
 context of a SELECT.
 However what it sounds like you really ought to do
 is give a walk 
 through the tutorial.
 If, after exploring these two links, you still have
 questions feel free 
 to post them and people will be glad to be of
 Stuart Felenstein wrote:
  I'm tring to extract all records belonging to one
  in a table. 
  BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a
  at a time.  
  I am assuming I need some kind of count mechanism.
  I want to see the first 3 purchases this member
  Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I want
  break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set
  Results Set1: Purchase 1
  Results Set2: Purchase 2
  Results Set3: Purchase 3
  This is probably easy.  
  Thank you,

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Re: After I went searching

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
The query works fine on it's own, but generates a SQL
error in my page:

FROM MemberRez
WHERE LurkID=colname (I've tried it without this line)
ORDER BY andnext asc limit 1,1

andnext is the pk auto inc.

Page error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the
right syntax to use near 'LIMIT -1' at line 1

Maybe formatting ?

--- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wait!! Don't's that LIMIT
 --- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm tring to extract all records belonging to one
  in a table. 
  BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a
  at a time.  
  I am assuming I need some kind of count mechanism.
  I want to see the first 3 purchases this member
  Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I want
  break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set
  Results Set1: Purchase 1
  Results Set2: Purchase 2
  Results Set3: Purchase 3
  This is probably easy.  
  Thank you,
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Re: After I went searching

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Yep, understand about the 0 and checked the code no
-1's.  All is weird, but here is a situation that in
the back of my mind I keep thinking maybe I need a
many to many.  The problem is I again can't quite
conceptualize it.  If I'm making a rehash again , I
really apologize.
Here is the situation:

I have a table that hold resumes , each member can
store 3 resumes.
the table: 
AndNextID - (auto inc) just really a counter and PK
MemberID - 
Resume Title - 
Resume - 

So if they hit their three a trigger which does a
count on their records by their ID returns an error
The problem I'm running into now is on updating.  I'm
really trying not to confuse app logic and mechanics
with the database. So I'll cut to the quick.

...(same fields as above)
(yadda yadda)

Member (well actually not sure what would be in here)

Shawn, if your out there - I'm not ignoring your
advice to stave off the coding for now , concentrate
on the db design. I just haven't come to grips with it
yet! LOL


Would there be a benefit in a:

--- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Formatting shouldn't be an issue if you entered the
 query exactly as you
 said you did. However, I'm a little dubious that you
 did; the error message
 seems to be saying that you have a negative sign in
 front of the first 1 in
 the Limit clause.
 Check your typing and try the query again. Also,
 remember that the row
 numbers used by the Limit clause start with 0, not
 with 1. In other words,
 you may want to try Limit 0,1, not Limit 1,1.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:18 PM
 Subject: Re: After I went searching
  The query works fine on it's own, but generates a
  error in my page:
  FROM MemberRez
  WHERE LurkID=colname (I've tried it without this
  ORDER BY andnext asc limit 1,1
  andnext is the pk auto inc.
  Page error:
  You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the
  that corresponds to your MySQL server version for
  right syntax to use near 'LIMIT -1' at line 1
  Maybe formatting ?
  --- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Wait!! Don't's that
   --- Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm tring to extract all records belonging to
in a table.
BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a
at a time.
I am assuming I need some kind of count
I want to see the first 3 purchases this
Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I
break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set
Results Set1: Purchase 1
Results Set2: Purchase 2
Results Set3: Purchase 3
This is probably easy.
Thank you,
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Re: After I went searching

2004-09-02 Thread Stuart Felenstein
K I have it set up correctly.  After I posted,
then went back and scoured through your previous
responses.  Realized, it's not a many to many.  

I honestly think if I was only doing the database,
life would be a whole lot easier :).  Sorry , that's

Thank you

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 lurk, lurk -- yep, I'm hanging around ;-)
 You don't have a many-to-many relationship between
 resumes and members. 
 It's a one-to-many (each member can have multiple
 resumes but each resume 
 belongs specifically to only 1 member)
 That's done with a single table like this (not 3
 different resume tables):
 CREATE TABLE resume (
 ID int auto_increment not null,
 member_ID int,
 ...more fields to hold the resume content
 and metadata ...
 The member_ID can appear multiple times in the
 resume table but each 
 resume is limited to only 1 member_id (one-to-many).
 Before you even allow a user to attempt an insert a
 new resume into your 
 system, check to see if they have already met their
 SELECT member_ID, count(1) as rescount
 FROM resume
 WHERE member_ID = ###  -- put a real number/string
 GROUP BY member_ID;
 And compare the results of the 'rescount' column to
 your business rule 
 (some day you may allow 6 resumes, who knows?). This
 comparison happens in 
 your application code, not the database, as you need
 to decide whether to 
 give the user the screen to enter another resume or
 to send the user a 
 screen that says So sorry but you already have your
 limit of  resumes on 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 --8 prior responses mangled for space
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 09/02/2004 01:05:31 PM:
  I have a table that hold resumes , each member can
  store 3 resumes.
  ...(same fields as above)
  (yadda yadda)
  Member (well actually not sure what would be in
  Shawn, if your out there - I'm not ignoring your
  advice to stave off the coding for now ,
  on the db design. I just haven't come to grips
 with it
  yet! LOL

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