Re: I am stupid

2005-04-03 Thread Aman Raheja
Hey there

It's alright - everyone starts someday.
Go on to start with the docs on mysql's website.
If there's something you don't get, come back here. This is a great list to
help newbies.

For your qns
Log in to mysql;
mysql create database db;

mysql source db.sql;

(this considers your db.sql in in the same dir)

the alternative is, on command line

$ mysql -p -uuser db  db.sql

The -p option makes you prompt for a password, so don't use it if you don't
have one yet for this user.

Also to know how only specific user may be configured to use this database,
look at GRANT in mysql docs.


Aman Raheja

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 19:20:46 +0100 (BST), Niki Lampropoulou

 I dont know how to do this very basuc, just atrated
 working with MySQL and not sure about what I am
 supposed to do.. Please help!!
 2. Create a database for the program to use in MySQL.
 3. Create the tables in the new database using db.sql
 which is in the sql directory.
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Re: MySQL database and user creation from script file

2005-01-04 Thread Aman Raheja
The -e option with mysql allows you to run queries and would allow doing 
user creation etc as well.
Aman Raheja


I have to create user and database using script file.

My requirements are given below.

1. Login as root

2. Execute the script file for database and user creation.

3. Exit

My script file should have

mysql -u root
create database mnms;
user creation command

The script file will be called in Win batch file and the same batch file
will be executed.


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Re: Database hung; please help!

2005-01-04 Thread Aman Raheja
I would suggest using Reply All.
I can not figure out anything with the information here, and I have not 
used this linux version and kernel with mysql.
Slow queries: 2 - that might mean something here - the info is at
This could have cause the server slow down.
Let us see what experts have, for comments.
Aman Raheja

E SA wrote:
The system is SuSE Enterprise 9 with kernel 

MySQL is version 4.0.21
From mysqladmin status:
Uptime: 7091  
Threads: 13  
Questions: 174188  
Slow queries: 2  
Opens: 100  
Flush tables: 1  
Open tables: 64  
Queries per second avg: 24.565 

Is there anything else that would help you?
I would like to know how to obtain any kind of info
from the database on this state...
Beforehand, thank you for your help!

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Re: MySQL Newbie: Running in UNIX

2004-12-01 Thread Aman Raheja
Restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables option
and then try
Aman Raheja
Hossain, Ashfaq (Ashfaq) wrote:
But, it confuses the unix root with the mysql root. 
I don't have the unix root previleges.  

Am I doing something wrong?
Here is the error:
unix bin/mysql -uroot   
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
password: NO)

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Re: MySQL Newbie: Running in UNIX

2004-12-01 Thread Aman Raheja
This did not mean that's how you should work. I had this suggestion to 
confirm my doubt that something in the user table of mysql is messed up

This was to allow you to setup a password for root or maybe another user 
(who can create)
and then switch back to normal mysqld startup, to enable grant privs.
Aman Raheja

Hossain, Ashfaq (Ashfaq) wrote:
Restart mysqld with the --skip-grant-tables option
Thanks.  This suggestion works.  

Does it also mean I am skipping the grant-tables?
-Original Message-
From: Aman Raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 12:57 PM
To: Hossain, Ashfaq (Ashfaq)
Subject: Re: MySQL Newbie: Running in UNIX

log in as root
 mysql -uroot
then you are the boss
Aman Raheja
Hossain, Ashfaq (Ashfaq) wrote:

I would like to try out MySQL on my UNIX account (Solaris).
I DO NOT HAVE root privilieges in UNIX.  I only have a normal user 

I have installed MySQL on my user UNIX account.
Looks like I get the Server going and can also get the status from the 

But, I get an error msg when I try to create a database.
I have attached the unix screen dump below.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
-Ashfaq Hossain
/ UNIX screen dump 
Unix System
unix  uname -a
SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-24 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
Running MySQL Processes
unix   ps -ef | grep mysql
ashfaq 22040 22015  0 11:13:23 pts/63   0:00
ysqld -
ashfaq 14026  9830  0 11:18:08 pts/63   0:00 grep mysql
ashfaq 22015  9830  0 11:13:23 pts/63   0:00 /bin/sh


Starting the Client
unix   bin/mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 4.1.7-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

Checking Status
mysql status
bin/mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.7, for sun-solaris2.9 (sparc)
Connection id:  7
Current database:
Current user:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSL:Not in use
Current pager:  stdout
Using outfile:  ''
Using delimiter:;
Server version: 4.1.7-standard
Protocol version:   10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset:latin1
Db characterset:latin1
Client characterset:latin1
Conn.  characterset:latin1
UNIX socket:/tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 8 min 0 sec
Threads: 1  Questions: 24  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 12  Flush tables: 1 
Open tables: 1  Queries per second avg: 0.050

Error Message : Please HELP!
mysql create database info ;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 



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Re: Works with MySQL Logo

2004-11-02 Thread Aman Raheja
Aman Raheja
Karam Chand wrote:
I searched but couldnt find the official
Works With MySQL logo. Can somebody point me to the
right direction.
If they can send it to me as an attachment, will be

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Error making mysql-4.1.5-gamma

2004-10-28 Thread Aman Raheja
I choosed to use mysql-4.1.5-gamma due to the UTF-8 support but failing 
to compile in on Solaris 8 (Sparc)
Earlier I got problem with not finiding gCC and I created a symbolic 
link to the gcc in the /usr/local/bin and the compilation went on fine 
till I hit the error below.

mkdir .libs
gCC -O -DDBUG_OFF -O3 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti 
-mcpu=v8 -Wa -xarch=v8plusa -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CURSES_H 
-I/export/home/e020568/mysql-4.1.5-gamma/include -DHAVE_RWLOCK_T -o 
.libs/mysql mysql.o readline.o sql_string.o completion_hash.o  
../cmd-line-utils/libedit/libedit.a -lcurses 
../libmysql/.libs/ -lposix4 -lcrypt -lgen -lsocket 
-lnsl -lm -lz
gCC: mysql.o: No such file or directory
gCC: readline.o: No such file or directory
gCC: sql_string.o: No such file or directory
gCC: completion_hash.o: No such file or directory
gCC: language arch=v8plusa not recognized
gCC: language arch=v8plusa not recognized
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `mysql'
Current working directory /export/home/user/mysql-4.1.5-gamma/client
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'
Current working directory /export/home/user/mysql-4.1.5-gamma
** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'

The .lib did get created in the 
/export/home/user/mysql-4.1.5-gamma/client but is empty.
Suggestion appreciated..
Aman RAheja

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mysql 4.1.5 source

2004-10-27 Thread Aman Raheja
Latest realease is 4.1.7 in 4.1.x but I am looking for 4.1.5 source 
Pointers will be helpful.

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Re: mysql 4.1.5 source

2004-10-27 Thread Aman Raheja
Thanks a ton !
Aman Raheja
Nate Blanchard wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Aman Raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:47 PM
To: mysql
Subject: mysql 4.1.5 source

Latest realease is 4.1.7 in 4.1.x but I am looking for 4.1.5 source 
Pointers will be helpful.


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Re: MySql basics?

2004-10-21 Thread Aman Raheja
Steve Grosz wrote:
Where would I find a good online tutorial that would step me through 
understanding setting up seperate tables, and the relationships 
between then?

Thanks so much!!
Did you try putting in google MySQL Basics
You'll get numerous results.
Here's one, a colleague of mine used .
The mysql's website has great details
Aman Raheja
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Re: How to remove an index

2004-10-18 Thread Aman Raheja
alter table tabble-name drop index index-name
For details
Aman Raheja
leegold wrote:
I want to remove the index I made below. I intend to then redo it
because I forgot to add a third field. How do I remove this index?
Alter...? Thanks.
mysql ALTER TABLE page
   -   ADD FULLTEXT (title),
   -   ADD FULLTEXT (descrip),
   -   ADD FULLTEXT (title, descrip);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

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Re: Update a portion of text in a field

2004-09-29 Thread Aman Raheja
You'll get many results if you search for mysql update replace in google.
You'd be using a combo of update-replace to do what you need.
Aman Raheja
Jacques Jocelyn wrote:
Hello mysql,
Something  I  have  been  thinking about without any clue on how I can
achieve it.
I know how to update a field with
update table X set field1='My Text' where tableid = 1
Now, say I have in a table X, the field1 with the value :
'I have been searching that functionalities for several days'
and I would like to replace 'functionalities' by 'functionality'
Would anyone knows how to replace JUST one word or a part of a text in
a field without using an external program ?
Please advise,

Best regards,
Jacques Jocelyn

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Re: Transfer data from mySql to access

2004-09-28 Thread Aman Raheja
You should rather do some scripting. It will be a very simple one - use 
perl / python or whatever suits.
If they were identical with only db or table or column names different - 
the simple work around would have been to to Find and Replace for those 
names but you also have the columns count different.
Aman Raheja

Kamal Ahmed wrote:
How do I transfer mySql Database (e.g Test Case Manager ) to MS Access (
Test Director) 
The Table names are different for the two DB's , but the content is

Let say I have a Table CASE in Test Case Manager having 10 columns , and
want to transfer indivisual columns to an access DB ( Test Director )
with Table TEST having 5 columns with different names as comapred to the
one's in Test Case Manager.

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Re: Problem with tables;

2004-09-16 Thread Aman Raheja
You need to do
desc spamdata;
NOT desc id.
Aman Raheja
Beauford wrote:
I'm trying to create a table using the commands below, and everything seems
to work and the table is there - I just can's access any of the fields. This
happens on both my Windows and Linux versions of MySQL. Any help is
appreciated. Note, I have 8 other databases that I created with no problem
about 2 months ago (on both platforms) - this is the first time I have tried
since then. Any help is appreciated
I am in the proper database when I run the commands below...
CREATE TABLE spamdata (
id  bigint(20)   NOT NULL,
dates   varchar(60)  NOT NULL,
probe   varchar(100) NOT NULL,
ip  varchar(15)  NOT NULL,
fqdnvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
reason  varchar(100) NOT NULL,
portvarchar(2)   NOT NULL,
codevarchar(10)  NOT NULL,
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) *** This tells me nothing happened...
When I run 'desc id' (or any of the others) I get the following:
mysql desc id;
ERROR 1146: Table '' doesn't exist
This shows the table is there though.
mysql show tables;
| Tables_in_spamtool |
| spamdata   |
1 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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Re: Query execution time?

2004-09-16 Thread Aman Raheja
As far as I know there isn't a way, though ideally there should be to do so.
I would also look more for the answer and ask you to post it on the PER 
DBI mailinglist.
Aman Raheja

joe mcguckin wrote:
Does the mysql server return to the client (DBI in this case) the query
execution time? If so, how do I retrieve it?

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Re: server is getting slower and slower

2004-09-13 Thread Aman Raheja
Well, it does not sound to be a problem with the MySQL server if you get 
a good response from other computers but just not the microcontroller.
As far as improving the performance of MySQL is concerned, check the 
MySQL docs and tons of info when you search google.
- Aman

Jonas Fischer wrote:
When I am connecting to mysql server with another
computer I have no problems. But connecting with a
microcontroller the mysql server is sending the
response very slow. And it is getting slower and
slower. Right now the only way I found is to enlage
the timeout of the microcontrollers so that they will
receive the response of the server. How can I make the
servers response faster?
Thank you very much

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Re: server is getting slower and slower

2004-09-13 Thread Aman Raheja
Is the MySQL server 4.1 - default installed? Did you change any 
parameters (variables) for it?
Have you checked the network performance otherwise?
I can't really think of anything that the MySQL server is causing, 
though the Linux server could be having an issue, with hardware or 
i will await more expert suggestions at this point.
Aman Raheja

Jonas Fischer wrote:
The problem is that before (like last friday) there
was no problem. The terminals (applications with
microcontrollers) were connecting rapidly to the
server. Today I checked and they will not connect
unless I increase the timeout for the response time of
the server inside the program code of the terminals.
This is why it has to do something with the server.
I'm running mysql 4.1 on a Suse linux distribution 8.2
Like I said before I had the response within seconds.
Right now the terminal is sending the data and is
waiting for a response which will take up to two
--- Aman Raheja [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: 

Well, it does not sound to be a problem with the
MySQL server if you get 
a good response from other computers but just not
the microcontroller.
As far as improving the performance of MySQL is
concerned, check the 
MySQL docs and tons of info when you search google.
- Aman

Jonas Fischer wrote:

When I am connecting to mysql server with another
computer I have no problems. But connecting with a
microcontroller the mysql server is sending the
response very slow. And it is getting slower and
slower. Right now the only way I found is to enlage
the timeout of the microcontrollers so that they


receive the response of the server. How can I make


servers response faster?
Thank you very much
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Re: using mysql in commercial software

2004-07-26 Thread Aman Raheja
If you go through the online manual of mysql, it points out that mysql
can be used under gpl (then you have to be giving away the source code
for your software with mysql) or else you have to purchase mysql
commercially. In your case you sure need to buy it.

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 08:11, Steve Richter wrote:
 ( if this is a FAQ or better asked elsewhere, can someone point me in the
 right direction? )
 In general, what are the rules for using MySql as the database in a
 commercial software package?
 I am writing faxing software in windows.  Currently it is just used by the
 client who paid me to write a custom package for their use.  But I would
 also like to market the software to the general public.
 First question has to do with using MySql in the custom fax package used by
 my client.  The client can install MySql for no charge on any or all of the
 PCs in their organization?
 My other question has to do with embedding MySql into my code when I sell it
 copy protected, closed source to any other clients that are willing to pay
 for it.  Is that permitted?  I need to make a living from my work.
 MySql looks to be exactly what I am looking for as the database in my
 windows c++ code. I hope I am able to use it!
 Steve Richter
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
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Re: nested sets

2004-07-26 Thread Aman Raheja

Though I would like to look up a way to implement what you want in
MySQL, one thing was indicative and I wanted to point out.
If, say there was a way, you could remove the c and d rights from
subsequent users by removing it from User2, I think you are talking
about some kind of history retention (or memory engine) if you want
everything should be as before when you give the rights c and d to the
User2 such that everything is as before (there is no default restoration
but as it previously was) - you need to do some programming and need to
have another table to store the history as I view it.

HTH a bit!

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 09:46, Alexander Newald wrote:
 I have a question related to nested sets:
 On my website a user should be able to create subusers and give them the
 rights to add/change/delete subsites of the users website. If I remove one
 or more rights to a user all of its subusers should have the same
 restrictions as the user. If I grant the rights to the user back all
 subusers should get their orginal rights
 - User 1  a c d
 - User 2  a c d
 -- User 4 a c
 -- User 5 a c d
 --- User 7a
 --- User 8a
 -- User 6 a c d
 - User 3  a c
 a = add, c = change, d = delete
 Now I like to give User 2 the rights for adding (a) only:
 User should see their rights as
 - User 1  a c d
 - User 2  a
 -- User 4 a c
 -- User 5 a c d
 --- User 7a
 --- User 8a
 -- User 6 a c d
 - User 3  a c
 but/and effective rights should be
 - User 1  a c d
 - User 2  a
 -- User 4 a
 -- User 5 a
 --- User 7a
 --- User 8a
 -- User 6 a
 - User 3  a c
 If I give back full rights to User 2 all should be like at the beginning
 Any help is welcome!
 Alexander Newald

Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
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Re: using mysql in commercial software

2004-07-26 Thread Aman Raheja
As I understand from the following link
You need to buy a commercial license if the software you are developing
is not to be registered under GPL.

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 09:55, Issac Goldstand wrote:
 Perhaps I misunderstood the license  but it would seem to me that for the
 original use, a commercial license is *not* needed, since anyone can
 privately use MySQL for their own private commercial use without a license
 (I think).  From what I understand the only need for a commercial license
 comes when you're selling a product to the general public which relies on
 MySQL (or redistributing MySQL, etc).
 Please correct me if I'm wrong...
 - Original Message - 
 From: Aman Raheja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Steve Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: chat. mysql. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 5:49 PM
 Subject: Re: using mysql in commercial software
  If you go through the online manual of mysql, it points out that mysql
  can be used under gpl (then you have to be giving away the source code
  for your software with mysql) or else you have to purchase mysql
  commercially. In your case you sure need to buy it.
  On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 08:11, Steve Richter wrote:
   ( if this is a FAQ or better asked elsewhere, can someone point me in
   right direction? )
   In general, what are the rules for using MySql as the database in a
   commercial software package?
   I am writing faxing software in windows.  Currently it is just used by
   client who paid me to write a custom package for their use.  But I would
   also like to market the software to the general public.
   First question has to do with using MySql in the custom fax package used
   my client.  The client can install MySql for no charge on any or all of
   PCs in their organization?
   My other question has to do with embedding MySql into my code when I
 sell it
   copy protected, closed source to any other clients that are willing to
   for it.  Is that permitted?  I need to make a living from my work.
   MySql looks to be exactly what I am looking for as the database in my
   windows c++ code. I hope I am able to use it!
   Steve Richter

Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
www.TechQuotes.comBrainbench Certified Linux (RedHat 9) Admin

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Re: Re[2]: nested sets

2004-07-26 Thread Aman Raheja
On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 10:24, DebugasRu wrote:
 Hello Aman,
 Monday, July 26, 2004, 6:03:07 PM, you wrote:
  I have a question related to nested sets:
  On my website a user should be able to create subusers and give them the
  rights to add/change/delete subsites of the users website. If I remove one
  or more rights to a user all of its subusers should have the same
  restrictions as the user. If I grant the rights to the user back all
  subusers should get their orginal rights
 AR If, say there was a way, you could remove the c and d rights from
 AR subsequent users by removing it from User2, I think you are talking
 AR about some kind of history retention (or memory engine)
 I think he was talking about user roles.
 one creates a role and then assigns that role to the users.
 When one changes the role rights then automatically users' rights
 change according to the roles they have.

He didn't mention about roles. I have a similar implementation on my
website and let me explain the point I had, and would want Alexander to
point out if this is what he wants.
Consider he assigns the following

User2  a,c,d
-User3 a,c
-User4 c,d
-User5 a,d
-User6 c,d
-User7 d

If c is dropped from User2, it should look like

User2  a,d
-User3 a
-User4 d
-User5 a,d
-User6 d
-User7 d

Now if c is added back to User2, he wants to get Scene1 again. Would
this not mean that there should be some kind of storage which as follows

User2 c
User3 c
User4 c
User5 -
User6 c
User7 -
Such that on giving c to User2 would give the permissions as above to
I say this approach because what if Scene 2 is changed as follows at
some stage

User2  a,d
-User3 a
-User5 a,d
-User6 a
-User7 d

Now if we put back c to User2 don't we want User3, User4 and User6 to
get c normally - but now we won't be back to Scene1.

I would expect Alexander's input, to check if I am pointing in the right


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Re: File size limits with mysql 4.1

2004-07-26 Thread Aman Raheja
You must be getting an error code when inserting now.
If that is related to index file size (that's what I had)
You can do ALTER TABLE tablename MAX_ROWS=big_num

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 11:48, Michael Dykman wrote:
 I am using a development build of 4.1.3 (the last 4.1.3 release I think;
 mysql-4.1.3-beta-nightly-20040628) so I suppose I have this coming, but
 here goes:
 As I am running on RH Enterprise Server 3 with a Pentium Xeon (32-bit)
 According to the documentation, for a 32 bit processor, I should be able
 to grow data files to 16G on a 32 bit system, assuming the OS supports
 it.  I am using the ext3 file system which should support at least 2TB.
 However, I had all insertions to one table grind suddenly to a halt when
 the data grew to 4294967292 bytes (2^32-2).
 Has anyone else encountered this or have any practical advice on how to
 transcend this limitation?
  - michael dykman
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
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Re: grants for non-root

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
I have MySQL 4.0.18-standard on RH 9 and it works fine


mysql grant all on *.* to 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql show grants for 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mysqladmin'@'localhost' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


I would recommend checking the user table in mysql database and see what
change your GRANT query did, if any. Let us see what it looks like, if
there is any entry for the user you are GRANTing privileges.


On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 09:50, Wolfgang Riedel wrote:
 I try to set *all* privileges to a user, which should not called 'root' 
 but should have its privileges (I'm connected as root):
 mysql grant all on *.* to 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 But now I get
 mysql show grants for 'mysqladmin'@'localhost';
 ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for user 'mysqladmin' on host 
 What does it mean? What's wrong?
 The problem occurs with MySQL-4.0.20 at Linux Fedora, it does not occur 
 with MySQL-3.23.
 Thanks for any help.
 Regards, Wolfgang
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
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Re: can not start mysql daemon

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
# perror 2
Error code   2:  No such file or directory

You sure that directory exists?

On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 15:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can not start the mysqld daemon. I had it running for a long time, but
   then had to reboot. Then I could no longer connect. 
   followed the directions on, but
   to no avail. When I run the first command there: sudo adduser -d 
 /workplace2/mysql -c MySQL account mysql
   I am informed that  this user already exists. This makes sense, but doing the
   daemon start: sudo -u mysql ./mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
   failes in the correct directory because there is no executable called 
 mysqld_safe at all.
   I tried setting up a new existense as mysql2, but to no luck. I also tried 
 starting it
   via the output that was generated when I did a mysql_install_db. It said that 
 it could
   not change directories:
 Can't change dir to '/opt/disco/third-party/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/mysql-3.23.55/var/' 
 (Errcode: 2)
 Originator:  Paul Ohlhaut
 Organization:  Seller Central
 MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
 Synopsis:can not start mysql daemon
 Release: mysql-3.23.55 (Source distribution)
 Linux Red Hat 7.2 
 System: Linux 2.4.21-2.3a #1 Fri Dec 5 04:53:08 PST 2003 
 i686 unknown
 Architecture: i686
 Some paths:  /opt/third-party/bin/perl /opt/third-party/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake 
 GCC: Reading specs from 
 gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)
 Compilation info: CC='/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/gcc'  
 CFLAGS=' -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'  
 CXX='/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/g++'  CXXFLAGS=''  
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Sep 30  2003 /lib/ -
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1283964 Dec  8  2001 /lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root 27314296 Dec  8  2001 /usr/lib/libc.a
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Dec  8  2001 /usr/lib/
 Configure command: ./configure 
 'CC=/opt/third-party/depot/Linux-2.4c2.2-i686/gcc-2.95.3/bin/gcc' 'CFLAGS= 
 -mcpu=pentiumpro -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' 
Aman Raheja   Linux+ Certified
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainbench Certified Linux (General) Admin
www.TechQuotes.comBrainbench Certified Linux (RedHat 9) Admin

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Re: Errcode: 27

2004-07-23 Thread Aman Raheja
This should be a useful thread for you

Suggests using ALTER TABLE  MAX_ROWS=a big num

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 20:20:24 +, J S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 I'm trying to run the following SQL (on 
 CREATE INDEX timeindex ON internet_usage (time);
 CREATE INDEX urlindex ON internet_usage (urlid);
 but keep running into the following error:
 Error writing file '/proxydb/mysql/tmp/STeR39Er' (Errcode: 27)
 $ perror 27
 Error code  27:  A file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit.
 The create index gets as far as actually copying the 18GB internet_usage 
 table, and then does some processing (not sure what), then falls over 
 the error 27.
 The message seems to be misleading because all the ulimit values are 
 unlimited. Also the filesystem is large-file enabled as shown below:
 $ pwd
 $ ls -l
 total 58124344
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql  0 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYD
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   1024 Jul 23 11:08 bulk_table.MYI
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8970 Jul 09 14:05 bulk_table.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql18550068032 Jul 23 10:45 
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql5150286848 Jul 23 11:08 
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql   8856 Jul 09 14:05 internet_usage.frm
 -rw-rw   1 mysqlmysql380 Jul 09 14:08 url_actions.MYD
 File system name/proxydb
   NEW mount point[/proxydb]
   SIZE of file system (in 512-byte blocks)   [131203072]
   Mount GROUP[]
   Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?  
   Mount OPTIONS  
   Start Disk Accounting?  
   Fragment Size (bytes)   4096
   Number of bytes per inode   4096
   Compression algorithm   no
   Large File Enabled  true
   Allocation Group Size (MBytes)  64
 I'm not sure what else could be wrong. I've tried creating another table 
 with the new keys and selecting * from internet_usage table but I still 
 the same error there.
 Here's some miscellaneous info which might be useful.
 mysql show indexes from internet_usage;
 | Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | 
 Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
Comment |
 | internet_usage |  1 | uid  |1 | uid | 
   |   23039 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
 1 row in set (0.07 sec)
 | Name   | Type   | Row_format | Rows  | Avg_row_length | 
 Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | 
Auto_increment | 
 Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  | 
 Create_options  | Comment |
 | bulk_table | MyISAM | Dynamic| 0 |  0 
 0 |  4294967295 | 1024 | 0 |   NULL | 
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 11:08:08 | NULL
   | |
 | internet_usage | MyISAM | Fixed  | 579689626 | 32 | 
 18550068032 |137438953471 |   5150286848 | 0 |   
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-23 10:45:04 | 2004-07-09 14:13:20 | 
 max_rows=4294967295 | |
 | url_actions| MyISAM | Dynamic|18 | 21 
   380 |  4294967295 | 3072 | 0 |   NULL | 
 2004-07-09 14:05:56 | 2004-07-09 14:08:39 | NULL

Optimize problem on BIG table

2004-07-19 Thread Aman Raheja
I have a HUGE table, with hundreds of millions of records.

mytab.MYD 78GB
mytab.MYI 16GB

I decided to get rid of some old data because I can't INSERT into this 
table anymore, since the MAX for index file is reached.

Following is what I did and what I got.

mysql DELETE FROM mytab WHERE modified  2004060100; OPTIMIZE TABLE 
Query OK, 163592026 rows affected (4 hours 5 min 48.61 sec)

mysql OPTIMIZE TABLE mytab;
| Table| Op   | Msg_type |Msg_text  |
| trlogs.mytab | optimize | error| 28 when fixing table |
| trlogs.mytab | optimize | status   | Operation failed |
2 rows in set (27 min 52.21 sec)

$ perror 28
Error code  28:  No space left on device

I agree that there is not much disk space.

THE ISSUE: I want to reclaim the disk space that should be freed because 
of the millions of records I deleted. I need disk space to reclaim disk 
space? Atleast that's what it seems to be.

I would await suggestions from experts.

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Re: MySQL port question

2004-07-19 Thread Aman Raheja
There are permissions that are set for users and have to be set for access 
over the network.

By default localhost can access it for specified users and you GRANT 
access to users, hosts, db combinations.

Check mysql's documentation, for GRANT syntax


Aman Raheja

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 14:21:04 -0400 (EDT), Yves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 I recently installed MySQL on Mandrake 10, not the
 distro version, but the standard version from
 Version 4.x.
 The install went very well, I set up Webmin and am
 able to access it from there.
 My question (finally) is about the network skip
 Is this set to not listen to network requests by
 Is there a command to enable it or a config file?
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Re: Erro:Got error 28 from table handler!

2004-07-19 Thread Aman Raheja
Use the command perror

Here's yours

$ perror 28
Error code  28:  No space left on device

So get some disk !

Aman Raheja

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:30:05 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

qual o significado da seguinte menssagem de erro do MySQL:
  Got error 28 from table handler?
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query locking up the system

2004-07-19 Thread Aman Raheja

I executed a query on my server

mysql select count(*) from mytab where change  2004070100

And another 

mysql select count(*) from mytab where change  2004070100

Would like to mention, the table is 240 million records and 78GB (MYD)

I've been waiting forever to get any output.
Moreover the server is frozen. No response to the ssh client and I am not 
even able to login the console - the server is FROZEN.

Has anyone experienced this kind of load.

The hardware is not an issue - it is a dual processor, 1GB RAM etc.


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Re: can't start server

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
did you try netstat and see if something else is using the port.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

I am sure that this problem has already been answered but some how I can't
figure it out.
When I try to start the mysqld I get the error 2002 can't start server: Bind
or TCP/IP port: Address already in use or...
I check that the damoen is not runnig (ps -ef |grep mysqld ) and shows
nothing running. But I just can start it.
Someone there can help me with easy step to fix this?



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Re: mysql_client

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
IN order to access a database say with a name data_db you have to 
grant permissions to a remote user by doing the following on the server

GRANT ALL ON data_db.* TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'password'
Few things to remember.
- Not a good idea to give access to root from remote clients
- Other information about GRANT can be obtained by searching GRANT on



Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Hi i have just installed the mysql_client
and i am trying to remotely connect to the database of
the other pc so i gave the following command
mysqlshow -h -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mysqlshow: Host 'akroneiro' is not allowed to connect
to this M
What i msut do in order to gain access to the db? Hwo
i can create users ? Is there any easy way for that?
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Re: can't start server

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
Is this a production server?
THIS IS not a good advice but If not then just step down to a lower init 
level turning off the network services and then come back into level 3/5 
whatever you are using, depending on platform.

Then try to start the server. If you would tell what platform you are 
running on and what version of mysql you are using, will help you get 
the solution faster - not the restarting the services kind :)

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Aman, thank you for your reply.

I did check the ports with netstat and it appears that no other
application is using port 3306.
I am tempting to uninstall mysql and then reinstall it again but
I do not know how to uninstall it the easy way.
Thanks again


-Original Message-
From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: can't start server
did you try netstat and see if something else is using the port.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies


I am sure that this problem has already been answered but some how I can't
figure it out.
When I try to start the mysqld I get the error 2002 can't start server:


or TCP/IP port: Address already in use or...

I check that the damoen is not runnig (ps -ef |grep mysqld ) and shows
nothing running. But I just can start it.
Someone there can help me with easy step to fix this?



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Re: can't start server

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja

I would firstly like to say that you are sending emails to me personally 
by hitting Reply - instead use Reply All next time so that others can 
view the problem too. I myself am *NOT* a guru in the field and so 
expect better advice from an expert.


Firstly - the error seems like when you are trying to connect you get 
this - have you started the server???
try with chkconfig and start if it's not ON

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start

Check and let know so we can go on.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Thank you again for your help.
I installed the 4.0 version of Mysql on a red hat 8.0 OS. 
I am trying to use the database to create a forum (with PHP) for 
It is a production server but with no critical status
I was able to start Mysql a couple months ago but somehow it went down 
and since then I am
constantly getting the error message of : error 2002: can not connect 
to server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
when I try to start it.
I am not expert but I can do some things around the server if I am 
pointed to the right direction.

Re: can't start server

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
Do try ps -ef | grep mysqld
to check the server is currently running.
If not then do
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Let know if there's an error at this point. Also show your my.cnf

Did you use rpm or source to install mysql?

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Thank you again for your help.
I installed the 4.0 version of Mysql on a red hat 8.0 OS. 
I am trying to use the database to create a forum (with PHP) for 
It is a production server but with no critical status
I was able to start Mysql a couple months ago but somehow it went down 
and since then I am
constantly getting the error message of : error 2002: can not connect 
to server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
when I try to start it.
I am not expert but I can do some things around the server if I am 
pointed to the right direction.

-Original Message-
From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: can't start server
Is this a production server?
THIS IS not a good advice but If not then just step down to a
lower init level turning off the network services and then come
back into level 3/5 whatever you are using, depending on platform.
Then try to start the server. If you would tell what platform you
are running on and what version of mysql you are using, will help
you get the solution faster - not the restarting the services kind :)
Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Aman, thank you for your reply.

I did check the ports with netstat and it appears that no other
application is using port 3306.
I am tempting to uninstall mysql and then reinstall it again but
I do not know how to uninstall it the easy way.
Thanks again


-Original Message-
From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: can't start server
did you try netstat and see if something else is using the port.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies


I am sure that this problem has already been answered but some how I can't
figure it out.
When I try to start the mysqld I get the error 2002 can't start server:


or TCP/IP port: Address already in use or...

I check that the damoen is not runnig (ps -ef |grep mysqld ) and shows
nothing running. But I just can start it.
Someone there can help me with easy step to fix this?



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Re: Need Help Upgrading From 4.x to 4.x

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
What if one is using rpm - should just use the --upgrade option
rpm -U MySQL-server-4.x
Is this ok to do?

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Mark Marshall wrote:


Hi, everyone.

I have a 4.0.4 beta install of Mysql on Red Hat 7.3.  I want to upgrade
it to 4.0.16, and keep all the data intact.  Do I just dump the
databases (just in case), stop the server, then ./configure, make, make
install over top of the old server and start it up again and see what

exactly. The dump is a good idea. Make sure that you compile with the same
options to configure as your 4.0.4 build (everything should go to the same
directory as it was before). This used to be a problem with SuSE
distributions when installing over an old prm installation, because they
used to have a different directory layout. I can't tell you how RedHat did
Thomas Spahni


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Re: can't start server

2003-11-19 Thread aman raheja
Do check the ownership on /var/lib/mysql
if not right, then
chown -R mysql /var/lib/mysql
I am getting out of ideas here. Would recommend to uninstall all the 
mysql packages - mysql-server, mysql-client and other you have installed 
and start afresh.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

Hello again

I installed mysql from rpm.
I did check the status of the server with ps -ef | grep mysqld
and indicated athat the demoen is not running.
I tried to start the server by
/etc/init.d/mysqld start and the error 2002
appeared again
In my.cnf file I have

-Original Message-
From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: can't start server
Do try ps -ef | grep mysqld
to check the server is currently running.
If not then do
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Let know if there's an error at this point. Also show your my.cnf

Did you use rpm or source to install mysql?

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies


Thank you again for your help.

I installed the 4.0 version of Mysql on a red hat 8.0 OS.
I am trying to use the database to create a forum (with PHP) for
It is a production server but with no critical status
I was able to start Mysql a couple months ago but somehow it went down
and since then I am
constantly getting the error message of : error 2002: can not connect
to server through socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
when I try to start it.
I am not expert but I can do some things around the server if I am
pointed to the right direction.


   -Original Message-
   From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:28 PM
   Subject: Re: can't start server
   Is this a production server?
   THIS IS not a good advice but If not then just step down to a
   lower init level turning off the network services and then come
   back into level 3/5 whatever you are using, depending on platform.
   Then try to start the server. If you would tell what platform you
   are running on and what version of mysql you are using, will help
   you get the solution faster - not the restarting the services kind :)
   Aman Raheja
   AGF Technologies


Aman, thank you for your reply.

I did check the ports with netstat and it appears that no other
application is using port 3306.
I am tempting to uninstall mysql and then reinstall it again but
I do not know how to uninstall it the easy way.
Thanks again


-Original Message-
From: aman raheja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: can't start server
did you try netstat and see if something else is using the port.

Aman Raheja
AGF Technologies

I am sure that this problem has already been answered but some how I


figure it out.

When I try to start the mysqld I get the error 2002 can't start server:



or TCP/IP port: Address already in use or...

I check that the damoen is not runnig (ps -ef |grep mysqld ) and shows
nothing running. But I just can start it.
Someone there can help me with easy step to fix this?


win mysql performance test

2003-03-21 Thread Aman Raheja
Hello friends
A friend of mine is running the current version of MySQL on a Win2k machine,
and using ODBC to connect his VB application. Thinks it is slow !
Is there some free tool available on the net to check the perforamnce of
MySQL on Windows platform or is there a reason why it might be slow on
Windows or with ODBC or VB.
Aman Raheja
AGF Inc.

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exhaust limit of auto_increment int on mysql

2003-02-27 Thread Aman Raheja
Hi All
Suppose I have a table in mysql with a column name ID int(5) primary key
1 What happens when the upperr limit of the integer is reached?
2 What are those limits?
I am not a hardcore database person, though do some database stuff for a
company, so accept the novice question :)
Thank you

Aman Raheja
AGF Inc.

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Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2003-02-19 Thread Aman Raheja
Hi All
I just installed a RedHat Linux 8.0 box with

Changed the password for root using mysqladmin
logged in using a mysql client (locally)
mysql GRANT ALL ON *.* TO araheja@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'amanraheja';

I DID THE SAME STEPS ON ANOTHER BOX WITH Linux Slackware box with mysql

When I try to login using a remote client in both the servers, Slackware box
allows me but RedHat BOX gives me the following error

Lost connection to MySQL server during query

I also downloaded and installed

Still the same problem.
Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance

Aman Raheja
AGF Inc.

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Re: RAND() Problems in mysql version 3.23.54 and 3.23.55 (linux)

2003-02-08 Thread Aman Raheja
I have used PERL to generate random numbers and then do a SELECT on the
auto_increment field in the mysql table, thus generating random picks from
my tables;
I'll be glad to bet informed of better ways around, though :)

Aman Raheja
AGF Inc.

- Original Message -
From: Tue Tønning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 1:38 PM
Subject: RAND() Problems in mysql version 3.23.54 and 3.23.55 (linux)


 I have discovered a strange error in the mysql versions mentioned in subj.

 A table with 10 entries ...i want to draw 3 randomly
 = select fieldName from tableName order by RAND() limit 3

 this have worked for the last year or so.but after upgrading our
 7.2 with mysql version 3.23.54 it stopped to work. It always chooses the
 same 3 entires.

 using a Seed doesnt make it perfect either (i know that the manual says
 RAND() isnt perfect - but now it doesnt work at all).

 A quick search on google says me that im not the only one having the
 problem. I can also see on some Danish messageboards that other have the
 same problems with the new version.

 So my question is .What to do ?
 I cant imagine that you have removed the functionality of RAND from mysql
 again ?
 i know its only been in there since early ~3.23

 I work professionally as a webdevolper (CEO of a firm) and we need to find
 solution to this problem badly.

 I hope you can guide me to a solution. Cause i would hate to change all
 sql calls in the projects we have coded the last 1½ year and it would
 nice to know if we would be able to use RAND() in the future.

 Ohh, yeah - we code in PHP..and i have talked today with 3 other
 webdevelopment companies that have been struggeling with the same error
 after upgrading.

 Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

 Tue Tønning
 AT-Orbital I/S
 Helsingforsgade 27, 1
 DK-8200 Aarhus N
 Phone +45 8942 5860

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changing database location

2003-01-03 Thread aman raheja
Hi All
Right now I have all my MySQL database files getting stored in
If I want to change that to another location, say, /home/mysql or something
else, how do I do it?

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comparision in the datetime field

2003-01-03 Thread aman raheja
Hi All
I have a datetime field in one of my tables in the MySQL database.
Can I do something like return all records between two certain dates, say
between Nov 02, 2002 and Nov 07, 2002.

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mysql sub query

2002-07-27 Thread Aman Raheja

Hello All

I have the following situation


1   3   10.0Y
2   2   12.0Y
3   3   32.0N
4   1   5.0 N
5   1   7.0 Y
6   2   9.0 N
7   3   17.0N
8   1   11.0N

Problem is that the sql version I am running does not support sub-queries. 
Is there another way of getting around the following situation to wirte a 
query so that

select * from tab_name where
one item from each GRP 1, 2, and 3  - whichever is highest priced (PRC) and 
has CHECK set to N.

Thanks for the help

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sql: create duplicate record

2002-07-15 Thread Aman Raheja

I want to write sql query to duplicate a row. It has a PRI key called ID.
The MySQL database looks like

345  Aman42, sb

I want to duplicate the ID=345.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.

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query for search on mysql database

2002-05-14 Thread Aman Raheja

Hi All
I am making a search program. I am looking for a query.
I want to allow the user to search Any or All.
Anyhow, suppose the database contains the following


| Rim Torus |
| Jerry Pal Deprado |
| Roan P. Classy |

If the user searches for Rim Torus, I am though.
But how to allow results if the search is Jerry Classy, saying Any should
match and have both second and third rows returned?

Help is appreciated.

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sql query alter HELP!!!

2002-04-09 Thread Aman Raheja

Hello everyone
I want to alter 50 tables, and for each the names start with the string 
Is there an SQL query, so that I can do the change in one command.
I have tried using wildcards - they don't seem to work in SQL.
Thanks in advance.

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alter table - query help

2002-04-09 Thread Aman Raheja

Hello everyone
I want to alter 50 tables, and for each the names start with the string
Is there an SQL query, so that I can do the change in one command.
I have tried using wildcards - they don't seem to work in SQL.
Thanks in advance.

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select a certain num of items in sql query

2002-03-28 Thread Aman Raheja

Suppose I want to select items 10 to 30 from a table tab, which has 36 rows.
What could be the sql query ?
Thank you.

PS: I am using cgi-perl.

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sum of a column

2002-03-27 Thread Aman Raheja

Hi all
How do I get the sum of all values in a column 'col' of a table 'tab'
I am using CGI-Perl and mysql.
Thank you.

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problem in cgi-perl using queries

2002-03-18 Thread Aman Raheja

I have a database abc with one table xyz
The html page is to sign up a new user and calls the following signup.cgi 
The new data is not getting inserted in the table when I execute it from the 
ip address - the page getting called by the form.
BUT I can INSERT data in table by giving static values in the column fields 
and executing the script in the shell.
I tried some google search - it seemed alright.
what else could possibly be wrong ?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;

print Content-type:text/html\n\n;
print EoH;

read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@fields = split(//,$buffer);

foreach $element (@fields)
($field,$data) = split(/=/,$element);
$data =~ s/\+/ /g;
$data =~ s/%([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9])/pack(C,hex($1))/eg;
$form{$field} = $data;

print brDatabasebr;
$dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:mysql:allaboutsecurity',undef,undef);
print brDatabasebr;
$sth = $dbh-prepare(INSERT INTO t_userinfo VALUES(`$form{'tusername'}`, 
`$form{'tpassword'}`, `$form{'temail'}`, `$form{'tdob'}`, 
`$form{'taddrstreet'}`, `$form{'taddrcity'}`, `$form{'taddrstate'}`, 
`$form{'taddrzipcode'}`, `$form{'taddrcountry'}`, `$form{'toccupation'}`, 
`$form{'tphhome'}`, `$form{'tphwork'}`, `CURRENT_DATE`));

print EoB;

Thank you

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installation problem

2002-03-12 Thread Aman Raheja

New to MySQL.
Have got RH Linux 7.2 on Intel-based processor
Installed MySql from a mysql-max-3.23.49a-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
Followed the documentation instructions given in Chapter 2 online at
I get the following

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
[1] 2796
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
020312 14:56:50  mysqld ended

[1]+  Donebin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#

I do not get any .err file either and the MySQL server doen't start.
Please help
Thank you

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mysqlbug - installation problem

2002-03-12 Thread Aman Raheja

New to MySQL.
Have got RH Linux 7.2 on Intel-based processor
Installed MySql from a mysql-max-3.23.49a-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
Followed the documentation instructions given in Chapter 2 online at
I get the following

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
[1] 2796
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
020312 14:56:50  mysqld ended

[1]+  Donebin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#

I do not get any .err file either and the MySQL server doen't start.
Please help
Thank you

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Re: installation problem

2002-03-12 Thread Aman Raheja

This is what's going on

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
020312 15:57:31  mysqld ended

[1]+  Done./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# more my.err
020312 15:56:40  mysqld started
020312 15:56:40  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
020312 15:56:40  Do you already have another mysqld server running on 
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?
020312 15:56:40  Aborting

020312 15:56:40  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

020312 15:56:40  mysqld ended

020312 15:57:31  mysqld started
020312 15:57:31  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
020312 15:57:31  Do you already have another mysqld server running on 
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?
020312 15:57:31  Aborting

020312 15:57:31  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

020312 15:57:31  mysqld ended

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#

Any suggestions ?
Thank you
Aman Raheja

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Re: installation problem

2002-03-12 Thread Aman Raheja

- The default socket parameter is correct
- mysqld is not running earlier
- I changed the required ownership

#ls -ld /var/lib/mysql/
drwxr-xr-x4 mysqlmysql4096 Mar 12 17:46 /var/lib/mysql/

I am still getting the same

#more my.err
020312 15:56:40  mysqld started
020312 15:56:40  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
020312 15:56:40  Do you already have another mysqld server running on 
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?
020312 15:56:40  Aborting

020312 15:56:40  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

020312 15:56:40  mysqld ended

020312 15:57:31  mysqld started
020312 15:57:31  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
020312 15:57:31  Do you already have another mysqld server running on 
socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ?
020312 15:57:31  Aborting

020312 15:57:31  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

020312 15:57:31  mysqld ended


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Re: install prob - different error

2002-03-12 Thread Aman Raheja

I re-installed MySql from RH Linux 7.2 cd and now I am getting the following

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
020312 18:29:52  mysqld ended

[1]+  Donebin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql --err-log=my.err
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#
[root@coolnis-ar mysql]# more my.err
020312 18:29:14  mysqld started
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:30M
But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware
the InnoDB startup options listed in section 2 at
020312 18:29:14  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Can't find file: 
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
020312 18:29:14  mysqld ended

020312 18:29:52  mysqld started
Cannot initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set.
If you do not want to use transactional InnoDB tables, add a line
to the [mysqld] section of init parameters in your my.cnf
or my.ini. If you want to use InnoDB tables, add for example,
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:30M
But to get good performance you should adjust for your hardware
the InnoDB startup options listed in section 2 at
020312 18:29:52  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Can't find file: 
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)
020312 18:29:52  mysqld ended

[root@coolnis-ar mysql]#

any suggestions ?
Thank you

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