Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and cle266

2005-10-21 Thread Cecil Watson

Alberto Alonso wrote:

Does KnoppMyth support hardware acceleration for cle266?

I seem to remember a reference to this when I was booting
once, but can't seem to find the right references now.

I have an M6000 and it just doesn't have enough juice
to be a front end without it.



Yes, since R5A12.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr


not the SATA.  I have found that I can provoke the glitches even in 
Knoppmyth, by writing the ringbuffer to a temp directory on one of the 
SATA drives instead of the IDE.


I now officially dislike SATA drives.  This was my first machine using 
them, and had all sorts of initial problems.  Now this.  Time to get a 
nice big reliable IDE drive I think.

There are known problems with certain on-board SATA controllers (Silicon Image I think) and their impact on DVB cards. 

and that's exactly what my NF7-S has  a SI 3112 from memory.  Used to 
cause disk corruption until a BIOS update.

(eg see: under the 
Restrictions section).

This caused me lots of problems when first setting up a dedicated box. From 
memory my mobo had 2 SATA controllers and switching to the non-SI controller fixed 
all the glitches.


So early SI chips interfere with DVB.  That's twice it's bitten me, 
never again...

Thanks for the verification

Anybody want to buy a few 100 GB of SATA storage (250GB WD, and 2 80GB 
Seagates)?  :-) Just joking.A new MB is almost as cheap as another 
SATA controller card (unless you buy a cheap one, and they seem to be 
early SI based often anyway).
I could use them just for offline storage as they cause no problems just 
sitting there.  It's only when you access them that they upset the DVB.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Nuvexport timing out on ffmpeg stage (can't open file)

2005-10-21 Thread Michael Jones
I'm kind of new to mythtv and multimedia on a unix box.. But not really new
to unix/linux itself...

I am currently running .18.1 on a FC3 machine.

My machine used to be able to run nuvexport without any problem (or at least
as far as I could tell)  I was getting ready to archive a bunch of stuff to
DVD and when I try to run nuvexport it fails in the ffmpeg stage.

Here's what the nuvexport screen shows..
You have chosen to export 1 episode:

  1. Battlestar Galactica:
 Scattered (7/15, 10:00 PM) 480x480 MPEG2 (4:3)
 With Adama wounded and Laura Roslin in the brig, Tigh faces his first
 of leadership.

* Separate multiple episodes with spaces

  c. Continue
  n. Choose another show
  q. Quit

Choose a function, or episode(s) to remove:  c
Where would you like to export the files to? [.]
Enable Myth cutlist? [Yes]
Enable noise reduction (slower, but better results)? [Yes]
Enable deinterlacing? [Yes]
Crop broadcast overscan (2% border)? [Yes]
Audio bitrate? [384]
Maximum video bitrate for VBR? [6000]
VBR quality/quantisation (1-31)? [5]

Now encoding:  Battlestar Galactica:  Scattered
Encode started:  Fri Oct 21 00:25:54 2005

Waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos.
Waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos.
Starting ffmpeg.
processed:  0 of 107745 frames (0.00%),   0.00 fps

It sits here for a while and then times out with a message that it cannot
open the file. Permissions don't seem to be an issue.. I've tried both
mythtv and root (they defaulted to root even though I'm running as

If I look at top while waiting.. Mythtranscode is taking about 80% CPU and
ffmpeg about 15-20%.

I haven't figured out where errors might be logged (I've looked in
var/log/messages and the mythtv error log and haven't seen any errors)

It used to work (it's been a while since I tried it, so I'm not sure what
has changed). 

Am I doing something wrong (wrong transcode settings?, not transcoding or
transcoding incorrectly (auto transcode is currently off.. But the result is
the same if it's on).

I saw a note a while back that you update to a specific version of ffmpeg
it's incompatible with a specific version of mythtranscode (or something).
How can I tell if this is the case?

Version of ffmpeg: 

ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4754

I need to figure this out.. My main drive is running out of space and I'd
like to get stuff moved/archived off to DVD.

Any help would be appreciated. What other information is required to
diagnose this?

Thanks Lots!

- Michael

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv supoprt for lcdproc/other lcds

2005-10-21 Thread Shaun Lowry
R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 14:11:40 +0100, Shaun Lowry wrote:

Does anyone know if there are any VFD bay inserts available to fit a *floppy*
bay?  I'm using an SFF box for my frontend and obviously need the full size 
for a DVD drive, so the only space left on the front panel short of mangling 
case is the floppy bay...


 Check out who make and sell various versions of the imon
 vfd. They make versions for both floppy and full size bays. Imon vfd's are
 supported by lirc. You are looking for the 'iMON INSIDE'.  
 No idea about cost or availability.

Unfortunately, the iMON INSIDE (which fits into a floppy bay) appears to only be
an IR receiver - it doesn't have the VFD display module.  Ideally, I'l like both
LCD/VFD and reveiver in one unit that fits in a 3.5 bay, but I'd be more than
happy with just the display.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] which dial-up modem?

2005-10-21 Thread Yann Lehmann

Asher Schaffer wrote:

On 10/20/05, Chris Trown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Only internal PCI modems can be winmodems, as long as it is external
you are fine.

Some USB-Modems work like internal ones (in software, unlike serial
attached modems).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Multiple frontend on one machine

2005-10-21 Thread Niels Dybdahl
I doubt many people use this, but I have aninterest on running multiple front end instances
on a single machine.Is there an easy way to do this?
I recently set up a system with both a TV and a monitor connected to
one GeForce4 MX4... board. I wanted different content on the two
displays: MythTV on the TV and normal PC desktop on the monitor. I
tried running MythTV frontend on both and that worked. Of course only
one of them would output sound.

I tried several options:
1: A xorg.conf with twinview options. One X session that would cover both screens.
2: A xorg.conf with two ScreenLayouts and then starting X on each of them.
3: A xorg.conf with one ScreenLayout but two screens. Starting X would create menu bars etc on both screens.

I managed to make 1 work, but I find an easy way to control where each
application would start, so MythFrontend started on the monitor and
Firefox on the TV. Not exactly what I wanted, especially as I could not
drag Mythfrontend to the TV

I did not manage to make 2 work.

I managed to make 3 work. Both displays are running as the same user,
as I only start X once, but for my purpose that does not matter. As
mentioned I could start two instances of MythFrontend and watch
different recordings on them. I guess I could control the first via a
LIRC device and the second via the keyboard, but I only have a keyboard
on that PC. I do not know if sound to two different outputs can be

Niels Dybdahl

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv supoprt for lcdproc/other lcds

2005-10-21 Thread Shaun Lowry
Chad Delatte wrote:
 First question before I go into my ramble.  Does
 LCDproc have a mailing list archive where I can search
 for problems and resolutions?  My display goes haywire
 in about 3 hours.  I am using version 0.5.

 Alright, now to answer questions.
 Myth should display on any device supported by
 lcdproc, if you need a list of devices I suggest going
 to lcdproc's home page.
 As far as how many lines you want, the question you
 should ask yourself is really how far away do you
 expect to be able to read the vfd.  I cannot get
 further away than ~3 feet before I have to strain to
 read the display.  If I had to do it over I would look
 for a vfd that has large charactors like on a cash
 register.  Of course finding a compatible one and
 mounting it would be difficult.  I currently have a
 ahanix case with a 2x16 vfd and even if my lcd never
 went haywire I still would be unhappy with it do to
 the limited readability.

After a bit of googling, I discovered the Crystalfontz CFA-631.  In terms of
view area size, I'm a bit restricted as I only have a floppy bay in which to
mount the display, and this one seems perfect for the job.  I agree that reading
it from a distance will probably be an issue, but it's better than no display at
all IMO.

 Maybe I will hijack this thread, can we make lcdproc
 or Myth use the 2 line display as 1 big line?

That would be perfect!  Anyone know what would be involved in doing this?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] problem nuvexport ffmpeg xvid

2005-10-21 Thread bardinov

I would like to transcode my .nuv files with XviD codec. But when I run
nuvexport, XviD is disabled. The program tells me my ffmpeg doesn't support
encoding to XviD and I have to compile it with the --enable-xvid option. But
this option seems to be inexistant. I tried different nuvexport and ffmpeg
version with the same result.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?



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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] .nuv format, mythtv, xine, mplayer, unichrome compatibility....

2005-10-21 Thread Jules Gosnell

The saga continues

The bad news - I'm still getting choppy sound on some recordings, only 
when played back on my frontend Via with XvMC enabled (I can't seem to 
disable it).

The good news - now that I have switched to TS, MPEG2 recordings that 
show this issue can be transcoded into MPEG4, without the problems of 
the PS recordings, and viewed on my Via with smooth sound :-) - whether 
this is simply because MPEG4 playing is not using XvMC, or simply does 
not go near the MPEG2 code that contains the problem is yet to be learnt 
(If I ever manage to disable XvMC for MPEG2).

So, in conclusion, we've been able to catch up on all the episodes of 
'Lost' and others that were waiting for a sound fix ...

Thanks for your help guys,


David Whyte wrote:

On 10/15/05, Jules Gosnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Apologies to Whytey for giving him the brush-off when he suggested
this as the root of the problem, and thanks to both of you for pointing
it out to me.


Hey, no problems.  I would be really happy if I was even close to
being right.  Keep us posted of course ;)


I have GMail invites, if you want one, email me direct.
mythtv-users mailing list

Open Source is a self-assembling organism. You dangle a piece of
string into a super-saturated solution and a whole operating-system
crystallises out around it.

* Jules Gosnell
* Partner
* Core Developers Network (Europe)
* Open Source Training  Support.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Xbox as FE

2005-10-21 Thread Vladan Bato

Quoting myself:

However I think that it's a problem with the particular remote (or better,
the remote dongle) that I have.

By poking in the /proc/usb/devices, I discovered that the remote is
actually seen as a gamepad and handled by the xpad driver. This also means
that lirc never sees it.

I guess I'll have to spend the €30 for a genuine Microsoft DVD kit.

Well, I spared the €30 as I managed to make it work!

So, for the record (if anybody happens to have the same problem), here's 
what I found out and what I did:

The first question was: why was the remote receiver handled by the xpad 
driver. I looked at /proc/bus/usb/devices and noticed that this device 
had a strange ID. Both Vendor and ProdID where !

I then looked at the xpad driver sources to see what it says about this 
device. And here's what I found in drivers/usb/xpad-core.c:

  { 0x, 0x, 0, Chinese-made Xbox Controller }, /* WTF are 
device IDs for? */

It appears that there are many xbox game controllers (and apparently DVD 
dongles) that have bogus IDs. The xpad driver handles them all and 
assumes they are game controllers.

The question was: If I made the xir driver (the one handling the xbox 
remote) recognize this device, would it work? Well, it did.

Before I explain what I did, let's write something for google to index 
in case someone does a search for this:

How to make cheap chinese aftermarket DVD remotes for Xbox work with 
LIRC in xebian 1.1.4:

Note: I'm writing this from memory, so it probably contains errors.

* Get the kernel sources (use apt)
* configure the sources using the config file in /boot:
  * # cd /usr/src/kernel-2.4.31-xbox
  * # cp /boot/config-2.4.31-xbox .config
  * # make oldconfig
  * # make dep
* Go to the drivers/usb directory and modify the xpad-core.c and xir.c 

  * # cd drivers/usb
  * # vi xpad-core.c
  * Comment the line mentioned above (line 95) and save the file
  * # vi xir.c
  * Add the following line after line 83 (in the xir_device array):
{ 0x, 0x, Chinese-made Xbox Controller },
   (Notice that it's not the same as above, there is one less element 
in the struct).
  * Compile the modules (I didn't know how to compile modules in a 
single directory, so I compiled them all):

  * # cd /usr/src/kernel-2.4.31-xbox
  * # make modules
  * Copy the two modules (xpad.o and xir.o) to the 
/lib/modules/2.4.31-xbox/kernel/drivers/usb/ directory, overwriting the 
old ones (make a backup first).
  * Reboot the xbox. The xir driver should now handle the remote, and 
lirc should work correctly (test it with irw).

Vladan Bato
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-10-21 Thread michel moalem

hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems allready. However before i will start takling the problems i encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr

michel moalem wrote:

hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday 
for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems 
allready. However before i will start takling the problems i 
encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there 
is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or 
another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well 
and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting 
extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my 
wife not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)

so please any advice?

Can I ask why booting fast is a requirement?  Normally, I leave my 
machine running 24 hours a day, so it can record anything anytime.  It's 
always ready to go when I need to use it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread Alex Cruz
On Friday 21 October 2005 01:49 am, ffrr wrote:

 Anybody want to buy a few 100 GB of SATA storage (250GB WD, and 2 80GB
 Seagates)?  :-) Just joking.A new MB is almost as cheap as another
 SATA controller card (unless you buy a cheap one, and they seem to be
 early SI based often anyway).
 I could use them just for offline storage as they cause no problems just
 sitting there.  It's only when you access them that they upset the DVB.

 Does it cause problems with the DVB if you use it to store and access music, 
games, images etc?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv supoprt for lcdproc/other lcds

2005-10-21 Thread Daniel Howell
Hi Shaun,

Unfortunately, the iMON INSIDE (which fits into a floppy bay) appears to
only be an IR receiver - it doesn't have the VFD display module.  Ideally,
I'l like both LCD/VFD and reveiver in one unit that fits in a 3.5 bay,
but I'd be more than happy with just the display.

CrystalFontz do a double-line, floppy-bay sized USB one, if that helps -
but there's no IR receiver on it as far as I'm aware. Comes with 4
programmable buttons, though.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr

Alex Cruz wrote:

On Friday 21 October 2005 01:49 am, ffrr wrote:

Anybody want to buy a few 100 GB of SATA storage (250GB WD, and 2 80GB
Seagates)?  :-) Just joking.A new MB is almost as cheap as another
SATA controller card (unless you buy a cheap one, and they seem to be
early SI based often anyway).
I could use them just for offline storage as they cause no problems just
sitting there.  It's only when you access them that they upset the DVB.

Does it cause problems with the DVB if you use it to store and access music, 
games, images etc?


Yes, I am pretty sure it does.  On my Mandriva setup. I moved the 
ringbuffer on the IDE drive, and watched live TV.  Still got some 
glitches when the SATA drives were accessed by other things in the system. 

That would mean it would also screw with any recordings that were 
happening, if I happened to use a SATA drive while it was recording, 
even if the recording was taking place to an IDE drive.

Probably not a good idea.  Maybe I should just sell the SATA drives on 
eBay and get SOME of my money back.  I feel a bit ripped off by this 
whole SATA deal right now :-( 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread Simpson, Richard

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ffrr

 Probably not a good idea.  Maybe I should just sell the SATA 
 drives on 
 eBay and get SOME of my money back.  I feel a bit ripped off by this 
 whole SATA deal right now :-( 

My brother has been using SATAs successfully with myth for about a year now. It 
might be worthwhile to try a new mobo first.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Fred Squires
On 10/20/05, Todd Houle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I need a little help running a reruns rule.I'd like the followingrule for recording, but I can't seem to find where/how to enter it.I'd like to record a show and keep at most 4 episodes of it.Ifthere's anymore, don't record them until I watch the old (this part
I'm doing).However, if it's not a rerun, then record it anyway -either delete and old one, or just record it in addition.Thanks- you guys are brilliant! ToddRight now there's no way to do that, other than manually doing it.
It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority and then tell the scheduler to keep at most maybe 5 episodes and record new and expire old if the new episodes priority is greater than or equal to the older episode's. Lower priority should always be deleted before higher in this case, so that way a non-rerun will be recorded over a rerun instead of an older non-rerun. 
It would work well for the shows like the simpsons, that way you could always have different repeats to watch but they would never delete the new episodes when you don't get to them for a while.-- 
I probably still have a few (well, now a whole bunch) gmail invites.Drop me a line (off list) if you'd like an account.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Aligning The Channel Name Captions in EPG - v 0.19

2005-10-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 6:40 PM +0100 10/20/05, Nick Parkinson wrote:


On the EPG browser all of the channel names are
aligned to the right of the caption boxes and slightly
overflowing.  Meanwhile the left inch of the box
appears to crop the text.

This depends upon the particular theme you are using. Changing to a 
different theme may help--or it may cause other odd effects. Also, 
altering the size of your display font in the settings may make a 
difference in terms of text getting cut off.

If you are really set on the theme you're using, you can always try 
to figure out how to edit the theme's .xml file to fix the problems 
you're noticing.

Web Administrator
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075Who left the cake out in the rain?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv supoprt for lcdproc/other lcds

2005-10-21 Thread Dan Wilga

At 10:31 AM +0100 10/21/05, Shaun Lowry wrote:

  Maybe I will hijack this thread, can we make lcdproc

 or Myth use the 2 line display as 1 big line?

That would be perfect!  Anyone know what would be involved in doing this?

I don't think there's any way to do this from the LCDproc side 
without code modifications. You might have better luck suggesting it 
to the Myth devs, since LCD output is being worked on very actively 
right now. The new Myth LCD daemon (in SVN) is very slick!

Web Administrator
Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075Who left the cake out in the rain?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] IR blaster fails sometimes?

2005-10-21 Thread Mark J. Small

Hi everybody,

I've got a recurring issue that is starting to really annoy me.  On many 
weeknights I record two consecutive programs on the same channel.  The first 
recording stops at at 00:35, and the second record starts at the same time.  

Quite often, the second recording gets tuned to the wrong channel.  Last 
night, I got half an hour of Leno instead of Ghost in the Shell.  My ir 
blaster tuned my DCT2000 to channel 6 instead of channel 26.  The 2 got lost 
somewhere along the way.  

When I look in my syslog, I can see the lirc events for each digit.

The 2 gets sent at 00:35:05 
The 6 gets sent at 00:35:08
The OK gets sent at 00:35:09 (tell dct2000 to really change the channel -- 
auto tune is off)
The EXIT gets sent at 00:35:10 (kill dct2000 osd)

I think that the 3 second lag between the 2 and the 6 is causing my problem.  
By the time the 6 comes along, the 2 has been ignored.

On successful channel changes, the digits get sent every second.  (I pause 0.7 
seconds between sends.)

I'm guessing that at the time of the failed channel change, the machine is 
heavily loaded.  But why would it happen for at 00:35 every night, thus 
killing the channel change for some of my favourite shows?

I checked, and there are no cron jobs running at 00:35 to slow things down.  
My cron.hourly is at 17 minutes past, my cron.daily is at 12:25 (noonish), 
and my cron.weekly and cron.monthly are between 4:00 and 6:00.

I looked through lots of logs, and I noticed that at 00:35:03, in 
mythtvbackend.log, there is a reschedule requested for id 0  This finishes 
at 00:35:08.  Is this what is slowing my machine down so much?

What can I do about it?

Faster CPU? More RAM? nice the channel change script?

My backend is a Duron 800 with 256MB RAM and 3 PVR 250s.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 09:30:33AM -0400, Fred Squires wrote:
 It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority and then
 tell the scheduler to keep at most maybe 5 episodes and record new and
 expire old if the new episodes priority is greater than or equal to the
 older episode's. Lower priority should always be deleted before higher in
 this case, so that way a non-rerun will be recorded over a rerun instead of
 an older non-rerun.
 It would work well for the shows like the simpsons, that way you could
 always have different repeats to watch but they would never delete the new
 episodes when you don't get to them for a while.

Agreed.  Or maybe the simplest way to handle this would be to add
support for having two separate recording schedules for the same
show (one with high priority and no autoexpire for new episodes and
another with lower priority and autoexpire for reruns)?  That would
count the number of episodes separately for new and rerun, but I
personally don't see that as an issue.

Something else that could help here would be additional autoexpire
methods.  AFAICT, oldest first is the only option present (in
0.18.1).  Adding lowest priority first and reruns first (ideally
with by date/by priority suboptions under the rerun setting)
would definitely make it more flexible for handling Simpsons, etc.

What I would *really* like to see is something comparable to Tivo's
suggestions feature (it autorecords shows similar to things you've
said you like when there's extra space available and those recordings
are the first to go when more space is needed), but I would expect
that to be a fairly major addition, while multiple schedules per show
or more autoexpire options would be much simpler to add.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Phill Edwards
  I am a beginner in DVB-T, and I would like to buy a DVB-T PCI Card to set up 
 a MythTV in my Linux PC.
 I have tried to search the archive and google for a week, but I still cannot 
 come to a final decision about it.
  I would like to ask what kind of DVB-T PCI Card is suitable for the Linux 
 kernel 2.6.13, as I found some of the articles about DVB-T Card mentioned 
 that Not every card that's supported under Windows works under Linux. Is 
 the list mentioned in; be suitable for linux 
 use? And be able to be well supported by DVBAPI?
  On the other hand, I would like to ask what aspect should I put my focus on 
 in choosing those card? I do not want to buy a wrong card as they are not 
 cheap :P

I have 2 V-Stream Xtreme DTcards that work a treat.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) Kaffeine (NOW) is KnoppMyth

2005-10-21 Thread Phill Edwards
 want to just taking the plunge. My next step is to find a nicer looking case
 and to get a quieter fan for the CPU. It's amazing how noisey those damn
 little fans are :-)

Zalman are great fans - extremely quiet.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Troubleshooting prebuffer pauses

2005-10-21 Thread Asher Schaffer
I know this topic has been brought up many a time.  I'm trying to
troubleshoot my prebuffer pauses and I'd appreciate it if anyone can
offer some ideas as for what to test out.

My backend is a 3Ghz Xeon w/ 3 SATA HDs in RAID5 1GB RAM 1 PVR250, 1
PVR500 connected to a gigabit lan switch

The frontend is an EPIA M10k, xorg is running at 1280x720 (native
resolution of the lcd), but I have myth outputting video at 800x600.
When I tried using 1280x720 I would get prebuffer every few seconds
for the first 2 minutes or so, and then they would go away.  Running
at 800x600 I get them in small batches maybe 2 or 3 times during a 30
minute show.

XvMC appears to be running fine, I'm running the latest unichrome
drivers.  I don't think it is a network problem, the backend is doing
other things, but I don't think it should have a problem feeding out
just 1 stream.  I don't see any network errors under ifconfig on
either the frontend or the backend.

I'm leaning towards a problem on the frontend, but what problem, I
really don't know.

Here are links to 2 logs with -v playback, one is the problem when
running at 1280x720, the other at 800x600.

In the 800x600 I play some video, rewind and then play some more.  In
both logs you can see at the beginning of the stream there are a lot
of pauses, but it clears up (faster at 800x600 then at 1280), but they
do come up after that as well.  Neither log is very long, just a
little bit of video, the logs grow very big quickly (10MB for the
30minute show).  If a longer log would help, let me know.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-10-21 Thread Mercury Morris
On 10/21/05, michel moalem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday
for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems
allready. However before i will start takling the problems i
encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there
is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or
another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well
and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting
extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife
not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?
Others have suggested that you leave your system on all the time, and
that's what I did as soon as I got the system up and running in daily

But it didn't take long to find that the noise of the computer bothered
me when I read the paper, listened to the radio, and stuff like
that. So, I installed nvram-wakeup. Once you have your
MythTV system running more or less like the VCRs do (come on when it's
time to record, record, then shut off), it's quite easy to specify how
long in advance you want the machine to power on.

I have mine set to three (3) minutes, but it could be set to anything (I think).
So, if you know that you want to use your MythTV system around say, 5pm,
you could set the various parameters and have the system power/boot up
well in advance. When you sat down at 5pm, the machine would be
up and running, waiting for whatever pleasure you have in mind.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Linux suspend mode WAS: (no subject)

2005-10-21 Thread Richard Bronosky

Mercury Morris wrote:

  On 10/21/05, michel moalem [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday
for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems
allready. However before i will start takling the problems i
encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there
is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or
another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well
and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting
extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife
not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?

Others have suggested that you leave your system on all the time, and
that's what I did as soon as I got the system up and running in daily
But it didn't take long to find that the noise of the computer bothered
me when I read the paper, listened to the radio, and stuff like
that. So, I installed nvram-wakeup. Once you have your
MythTV system running more or less like the VCRs do (come on when it's
time to record, record, then shut off), it's quite easy to specify how
long in advance you want the machine to power on.
I have mine set to three (3) minutes, but it could be set to anything
(I think).
So, if you know that you want to use your MythTV system around say, 5pm,
you could set the various parameters and have the system power/boot up
well in advance. When you sat down at 5pm, the machine would be
up and running, waiting for whatever pleasure you have in mind.

mythtv-users mailing list

 Is there not a suspend mode that Linux can take
advantage of? I know that my Apple PowerBook wakes from a sleep and is
COMPLETELY ready (not that Windows' "show you the desktop, but have the
hard disk grinding away in the background" mode) to use in 3 seconds
when I open the lid.
 Or... Can you not cache all of the processing that takes place
during a boot, write it to the disk, and recover it on reboot. You
would need a key sequence to override the "boot from cache" process for
when you recompile a kernel, or change hardware. It seems to me that
someone would have already built a tool for this already.


	Thank you for your time,
	--== R i c h a r d   B r o n o s k y ==--

Nearly all viruses and spyware are designed to use Microsoft internet products.  Protect yourself by avoiding Internet Explorer  Outlook/Outlook Express.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] transcoded recordings gets zoomed when played back

2005-10-21 Thread Bjarne Wichmann Petersen

When I play back a transcoded recording (mpeg4), it sort of gets zoomed. 
10-20% of the picture is outside the viewable screen. Untranscoded recordings 
plays just fine, and if I play the transcoded recording directly from mplayer 
there are no issues either.

I'm using the TV-Out on my pvr 350 with ivtv 0.4.0-driver.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-10-21 Thread David Peeters

If noise is the problem, go to they have lots of information on quieting a loud case.
On 10/21/05, Mercury Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/21/05, michel moalem [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi there alli'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems allready. However before i will start takling the problems i encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?cheersmichel Others have suggested that you leave your system on all the time, and that's what I did as soon as I got the system up and running in daily recording.
But it didn't take long to find that the noise of the computer bothered me when I read the paper, listened to the radio, and stuff like that. So, I installed nvram-wakeup. Once you have your MythTV system running more or less like the VCRs do (come on when it's time to record, record, then shut off), it's quite easy to specify how long in advance you want the machine to power on.
I have mine set to three (3) minutes, but it could be set to anything (I think).So, if you know that you want to use your MythTV system around say, 5pm,you could set the various parameters and have the system power/boot up well in advance. When you sat down at 5pm, the machine would be up and running, waiting for whatever pleasure you have in mind.
-- MM___mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Peter Darley


I guess I'll reply to my own message...

On the ivtv-devel list I find:
With Hans Verkuil's help, which was VERY much appreciated, my  
problem turned
out to be that I was using the tuner that came with the linux  
kernel itself
rather than the one that came with ivtv-0.3.9.  Looks likely I was  
doing the
same with tveeprom as well.  Once I switched, I was able to get  
both tuners
working correctly and successfully captured mpeg using the cat /dev/ 


Which seems like it could easily be my problem as well.  So, I'm  
wondering if anyone out there can give me a pointer on how to prevent  
the card from being controlled by the kernal modules, and get the  
correct modules from ivtv to load instead.  Will I have to re-compile  
the kernel to do this?

My kernel version is the latest FC3 kernel: Linux version  
2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version  
3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Wed Sep 14 04:24:31 EDT 2005

Thanks for any pointers!
Peter Darley

On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:59 PM, Peter Darley wrote:

Well, I've put my card into a windows machine and it doesn't  
appear to be broken.  BeyondTV can use both tuners.
I'll check out the ivtv list.  If you make any progress, can  
you let this list know?

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users- 

Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:38 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

I have the same problem, and a lengthy thread over in the ivtv- 
devel archive.  No solution yet.  I've  tried just about everything.

On 10/20/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: Folks,

I've just installed a PVR-500, and I'm having a problem.  I  
can use video1,
but I get only static on video0.  It seems like the problem is that  
it's not
actually able to change channel; I think it's tuning channel 1  
which I don't
get, since the static looks just like a tv that doesn't have an  
antenna or

cable hooked up.  It's possible that the problem is not that it's not
changing channel, so I don't want to rule anything out.

When I try to use ivtv-tune, I get:
# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video0 -c60
/dev/video0: 439.250 MHz

# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video1 -c60
/dev/video1: 439.250 MHz  (Signal Detected)

Which seems to be saying that the channel change on video0  
didn't succeed,

while the change on video1 did.

I'm hoping that there's someone else out there who has had  
similar problems
and can give me a pointer.  I'm also not rulling out that it's just  

Peter Darley

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Michael T. Dean

Fred Squires wrote:

On 10/20/05, *Todd Houle* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need a little help running a reruns rule.  I'd like the following
rule for recording, but I can't seem to find where/how to enter it.

I'd like to record a show and keep at most 4 episodes of it.  If
there's anymore, don't record them until I watch the old (this part
I'm doing).  However, if it's not a rerun, then record it anyway -
either delete and old one, or just record it in addition.

Right now there's no way to do that, other than manually doing it.
It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority

In SVN, you could create a custom record rule for new episodes only and 
assign a priority for that.  Then, create a rule for old episodes.  Or, 
assuming you do this after creating the custom record rule for new 
episodes, just create a rule for record all.  If you use the same rule 
type (i.e. this channel or all channels) for both, the all episodes rule 
must be created after the new episodes rule so it can match first.  If 
you make a more specific rule for the new episodes (i.e. use this 
channel for new episodes and any channel for all episodes), it doesn't 
matter what order they're created in.

Then, assign priorities to the rules as desired.

I hope I got this all right, but I'm sure Bruce Markey will chime in 
with corrections to any misinformation here...  He's the man with the 
answers for recording rules--especially custom recording.  ;)

and then tell the scheduler to keep at most maybe 5 episodes and 
record new and expire old if the new episodes priority is greater than 
or equal to the older episode's.  Lower priority should always be 
deleted before higher in this case, so that way a non-rerun will be 
recorded over a rerun instead of an older non-rerun.

OK.  I don't know much about how auto-expire works, but I think you can 
specify an auto-expire priority (or, perhaps it uses recording rule 
priority to determine auto-expire priority, or maybe both approaches are 

However, I know if you have two rules--a new episodes rule and an 
anything else rule--you can specify that new episodes should not be 
auto-expired and reruns can be.  You can also specify a max episodes for 
the all episodes rule.

It would work well for the shows like the simpsons, that way you could 
always have different repeats to watch but they would never delete the 
new episodes when you don't get to them for a while.

Feel free to report back your experiences.  ;)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Michael T. Dean

Dave Sherohman wrote:

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 09:30:33AM -0400, Fred Squires wrote:

It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority and then
tell the scheduler to keep at most maybe 5 episodes and record new and
expire old if the new episodes priority is greater than or equal to the
older episode's. Lower priority should always be deleted before higher in
this case, so that way a non-rerun will be recorded over a rerun instead of
an older non-rerun.
It would work well for the shows like the simpsons, that way you could
always have different repeats to watch but they would never delete the new
episodes when you don't get to them for a while.

Agreed.  Or maybe the simplest way to handle this would be to add
support for having two separate recording schedules for the same
show (one with high priority and no autoexpire for new episodes and
another with lower priority and autoexpire for reruns)?  That would
count the number of episodes separately for new and rerun, but I
personally don't see that as an issue.

Pretty sure that has always been possible.  See my other post in this 

Something else that could help here would be additional autoexpire
methods.  AFAICT, oldest first is the only option present (in
0.18.1).  Adding lowest priority first and reruns first (ideally
with by date/by priority suboptions under the rerun setting)
would definitely make it more flexible for handling Simpsons, etc.

I think SVN has lowest priority first.  The reruns first--actually 
keying off original airdate--would be a nice addition.

What I would *really* like to see is something comparable to Tivo's
suggestions feature (it autorecords shows similar to things you've
said you like when there's extra space available and those recordings
are the first to go when more space is needed), but I would expect
that to be a fairly major addition, while multiple schedules per show
or more autoexpire options would be much simpler to add.

TVWish and other plugins give you this.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Michael T. Dean

Michael T. Dean wrote:

Fred Squires wrote:

On 10/20/05, *Todd Houle* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need a little help running a reruns rule.  I'd like the following
rule for recording, but I can't seem to find where/how to enter it.

I'd like to record a show and keep at most 4 episodes of it.  If
there's anymore, don't record them until I watch the old (this part
I'm doing).  However, if it's not a rerun, then record it anyway -
either delete and old one, or just record it in addition.

Right now there's no way to do that, other than manually doing it.
It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority

In SVN, you could create a custom record rule for new episodes only 
and assign a priority for that.

OK.  Now I'm thinking that it will work in 0.18, too.  The docs describe 
custom record rules, so it seems to be in the main version:

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:05:31AM -0400, Michael T. Dean wrote:
 Dave Sherohman wrote:
 What I would *really* like to see is something comparable to Tivo's
 suggestions feature (it autorecords shows similar to things you've
 said you like when there's extra space available and those recordings
 are the first to go when more space is needed), but I would expect
 that to be a fairly major addition, while multiple schedules per show
 or more autoexpire options would be much simpler to add.
 TVWish and other plugins give you this.

Really?  Thanks!  I've been told by two other mythtv users that
nothing like that existed, so I didn't bother checking for myself.
Guess that gets put on my list for after I finish getting MythWeb/
Video/Gallery/Weather up and running...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OpenGL ATI Radeon MythMusic MythGallery Problem

2005-10-21 Thread Michael T. Dean

Sammo wrote:

Has anybody managed to get (1) MythMusic gears visualization; (2)
MythGallery opengl transitions; and (3) MythTV opengl vsync working
with an ATI Radeon video card?

I have an ATI Radeon 9550 using the latest ATI Proprietary Driver
8.18.6 for XFree86 4.3. I have the fglrx kernel module compiled and
loaded successfully. Watching TV looks great (albeit without opengl
vsync), even 1080i HDTV from DVB-T source. Tested fgl_glxgears,
glslideshow (xscreensaver) and tuxracer, which all work nice and
smooth, which should mean opengl is set up properly on my system.

I have compiled mythtv and mythplugins from svn with opengl support.

(1) MythMusic crashes whenever it tries to use gears visualization.

(2) MythGallery says Sorry: OpenGL support not available when it
tries to use a gl transition.

(3) MythTV opengl vsync doesn't seem to be working. mythfrontend -v
playback -l log.txt produces the following:

2005-10-21 11:33:49.447 DRMVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work,
unimplemented in this driver?
2005-10-21 11:33:49.989 OpenGLVideoSync: GLX extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_EXT_import_context
2005-10-21 11:33:49.989 OpenGLVideoSync: GLX Video Sync extension not present.
2005-10-21 11:33:50.012 Using audio as timebase
2005-10-21 11:33:50.012 Video timing method: RTC

Anybody care to comment?

Does glxgears run for you?  What's the reported fps (in both the default 
window size and full screen)?  And, what's your screen resolution?

I've only used NVIDIA cards, but figuring out whether OpenGL works on 
your system is definitely the first step before figuring out why Myth 
won't use it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Ben Edwards
On 10/21/05, Phill Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am a beginner in DVB-T, and I would like to buy a DVB-T PCI Card to set up a MythTV in my Linux PC. I have tried to search the archive and google for a week, but I still cannot come to a final decision about it.
would like to ask what kind of DVB-T PCI Card is suitable for the Linux
kernel 2.6.13, as I found some of the articles about DVB-T Card
mentioned that Not every card that's supported under Windows works
under Linux. Is the list mentioned in be suitable for linux use? And be able to be well supported by DVBAPI?On
the other hand, I would like to ask what aspect should I put my focus
on in choosing those card? I do not want to buy a wrong card as they
are not cheap :P
Nova-T seems as well suported as any and is fairly cheap.

I have 2 V-Stream Xtreme DTcards that work a treat.___
mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.org
-- Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, EnglandWARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of using the veneer of objectivityIf you have a problem emailing me use address this email is sent from may be defunct)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how do I assign XMLTVIDs (was mythfilldatabase problem)

2005-10-21 Thread Ben Edwards
On 10/20/05, Nick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 20/10/05, Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ime using the uk_rt grabber.I have got the channels listed in mythtv-setup but they are all listed twice.There is hovever no listing data.Below is
 what I get when I run mythfilldatabase followed by a section oof the mythbackend output that seems relevent (run with -varbose all).Any ideas?Do you have XMLTVIDs associated with all the channels you want
listings for, and do you have appropriate *.xmltv files for your videosources in your ~/.mythtv/ directory?
I've got the .xmltv file but dont know anything about assigning
XMLTVIDs. Did not c anything in the manual. Could someone
plaease point me to instuctions on how to do this.

Nick___mythtv-users mailing list
-- Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, EnglandWARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of using the veneer of objectivityIf you have a problem emailing me use address this email is sent from may be defunct)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Paul Wheeler
I have a couple of avermedia dvb 771's that work out of the box in
2.6.13 (with the right dvb options turned on in the kernel ;-)). I
found them fairly cheap and work well.

I had a pinnacle card that had problems with it and the mt352 driver so i would stay away from them.

PaulOn 10/21/05, Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 10/21/05, Phill Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am a beginner in DVB-T, and I would like to buy a DVB-T PCI Card to set up a MythTV in my Linux PC. I have tried to search the archive and google for a week, but I still cannot come to a final decision about it.
would like to ask what kind of DVB-T PCI Card is suitable for the Linux
kernel 2.6.13, as I found some of the articles about DVB-T Card
mentioned that Not every card that's supported under Windows works
under Linux. Is the list mentioned in be suitable for linux use? And be able to be well supported by DVBAPI?
the other hand, I would like to ask what aspect should I put my focus
on in choosing those card? I do not want to buy a wrong card as they
are not cheap :P
Nova-T seems as well suported as any and is fairly cheap.

I have 2 V-Stream Xtreme DTcards that work a treat.___
mythtv-users mailing
-- Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, EnglandWARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of using the veneer of objectivity
If you have a problem emailing me use address this email is sent from may be defunct)

___mythtv-users mailing
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Justin Hornsby
Well, I've got three Leadtek LR6650 DVB-T tuner cards I picked up on Ebay for 
silly money.  All of them work superbly, and I can even loop one aerial 
connection between them (they have loop-through aerial connections).  The first 
cost me £30, the second cost me £25..  the last one was bought for the princely 
sum of £16 delivered!

They're definitely worth tracking down IMHO.  Okay so they don't have analogue 
video inputs or remote controls, but I don't need them.

Just my 2p woth ;-)

This e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses and Content and cleared 
by NetIQ MailMarshal
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] problem nuvexport ffmpeg xvid

2005-10-21 Thread Cecil Watson



I would like to transcode my .nuv files with XviD codec. But when I run
nuvexport, XviD is disabled. The program tells me my ffmpeg doesn't support
encoding to XviD and I have to compile it with the --enable-xvid option. But
this option seems to be inexistant. I tried different nuvexport and ffmpeg
version with the same result.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Have you tried nuvexport --transcode?




mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread James Grant
Hey does anyone use the debian packages from:   ?

The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the 'plugins' are 
out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the dependencies are broken for 
them :(

eg) its looking for  libqt3c102-mt  instead of libqt3-mt
mythmusic has other dependency issues as well, like, its looking for libflac6 
when it should be looking for libflac7 

anyone know anything about this? 


James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how do I assign XMLTVIDs (was mythfilldatabase problem)

2005-10-21 Thread Neale Swinnerton
 Do you have XMLTVIDs associated with all the channels you want
 listings for, and do you have appropriate *.xmltv files for your video
 sources in your ~/.mythtv/ directory?

 I've got the .xmltv file but dont know anything about assigning XMLTVIDs.
 Did not c anything in the manual. Could someone plaease point me to
 instuctions on how to do this.

1. Delete all your channels
2. run a full scan, [ this will re-create the channels ]

then log on to the database and execute the SQL below (adjust the bbc and
itv ids if you're not in London)

that'll get you most of the way (you'll have to create the logos of
course. You can download the animated gifs from the frontpage of and split them up using the GIMP.

Your goal is that this:

select count(*) from channel where xmltvid is null or xmltvid = ''

returns 0

If you have an id in your whatever.xmltv file that's not in the DB
you'll get a new channel created when you run mythfilldatabase, so make
sure that the .xmltv file and the database are 'in sync'

update channel set visible=0;

update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv1.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='ITV1';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv3.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='ITV3';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv2.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='ITV2';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_channelfour.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Channel 4';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_e4.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='E4';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_.gif', xmltvid='' ,
visible=1 where  callsign='705';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itvnews.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='ITV News';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc1.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC ONE';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc2.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC TWO';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc3.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC THREE';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbcnew24.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC NEWS 24';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbci.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBCi';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_cbbc.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='CBBC Channel';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_parliament.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC PARLMNT';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc4.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='BBC FOUR';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_cbeebies.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='CBeebies';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_community.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Community';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_thehits.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='The HITS';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_tmf.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='TMF';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_ukbrightideas.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='UKTV Br''tIdeas';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_ftn.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='f tn';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_idealworld.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Ideal World';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Men  Motors';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_five.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='five';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_qvc.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='QVC';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_abc1.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='abc1';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bidtv.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='bid tv';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_pricedroptv.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='price-drop tv';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_skynews.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Sky News';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_skysportsnews.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 where  callsign='Sky 

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:16:18PM -0400, James Grant wrote:
 Hey does anyone use the debian packages from:   ?
 The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the 'plugins' are 
 out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the dependencies are broken for 
 them :(
 eg) its looking for  libqt3c102-mt  instead of libqt3-mt
 mythmusic has other dependency issues as well, like, its looking for libflac6 
 when it should be looking for libflac7 
 anyone know anything about this? 

That's odd...  I got my mythtv debs from dijkstra, but apt-cache said
there weren't any plugins available, so I just downloaded the tarball
from and that worked fine[1] for me, although I did have to
manually apt-get install apache, PHP, etc., of course.

[1]  Well, mostly fine...  See my next post for info about the big
problem I hit, but it doesn't look to be anything related to Debian
or dependencies.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Danesh

I had the same problem and fixing it took
- downloading the patch from the following thread,
- applying it to ivtv source, and
- recompiling ivtv and then rebooting.;#24322

Ofcourse, remember to do the above everytime you recompile your kernel.


On 10/21/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I guess I'll reply to my own message...

  On the ivtv-devel list I find:
  With Hans Verkuil's help, which was VERY much appreciated, my
  problem turned
  out to be that I was using the tuner that came with the linux
  kernel itself
  rather than the one that came with ivtv-0.3.9.  Looks likely I was
  doing the
  same with tveeprom as well.  Once I switched, I was able to get
  both tuners
  working correctly and successfully captured mpeg using the cat /dev/

  Which seems like it could easily be my problem as well.  So, I'm
 wondering if anyone out there can give me a pointer on how to prevent
 the card from being controlled by the kernal modules, and get the
 correct modules from ivtv to load instead.  Will I have to re-compile
 the kernel to do this?

  My kernel version is the latest FC3 kernel: Linux version
 2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Wed Sep 14 04:24:31 EDT 2005

 Thanks for any pointers!
 Peter Darley

 On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:59 PM, Peter Darley wrote:

  Well, I've put my card into a windows machine and it doesn't
  appear to be broken.  BeyondTV can use both tuners.
  I'll check out the ivtv list.  If you make any progress, can
  you let this list know?
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Larry K
  Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:38 PM
  To: Discussion about mythtv
  Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works
  I have the same problem, and a lengthy thread over in the ivtv-
  devel archive.  No solution yet.  I've  tried just about everything.
  On 10/20/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: Folks,
  I've just installed a PVR-500, and I'm having a problem.  I
  can use video1,
  but I get only static on video0.  It seems like the problem is that
  it's not
  actually able to change channel; I think it's tuning channel 1
  which I don't
  get, since the static looks just like a tv that doesn't have an
  antenna or
  cable hooked up.  It's possible that the problem is not that it's not
  changing channel, so I don't want to rule anything out.
  When I try to use ivtv-tune, I get:
  # ivtv-tune -d/dev/video0 -c60
  /dev/video0: 439.250 MHz
  # ivtv-tune -d/dev/video1 -c60
  /dev/video1: 439.250 MHz  (Signal Detected)
  Which seems to be saying that the channel change on video0
  didn't succeed,
  while the change on video1 did.
  I'm hoping that there's someone else out there who has had
  similar problems
  and can give me a pointer.  I'm also not rulling out that it's just
  Peter Darley
  mythtv-users mailing list
  mythtv-users mailing list

 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread James Grant
Cool I guess I'll give the tarball a try later i hate mixing debs and 
tarballs on the same system. maybe ill try to build new debs from the 
tarballs :)

I'm still waiting for my PVR-350 to be delivered (damn canada post taking 
their time), so I've got lots of time to 'play' before i can actually start 
watching / recording anything.

If anyone (in canada) is interested, has the 350 on sale for 


On Friday 21 October 2005 12:27 pm, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:16:18PM -0400, James Grant wrote:
  Hey does anyone use the debian packages from:   ?
  The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the 'plugins'
  are out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the dependencies are
  broken for them :(
  eg) its looking for  libqt3c102-mt  instead of libqt3-mt
  mythmusic has other dependency issues as well, like, its looking for
  libflac6 when it should be looking for libflac7
  anyone know anything about this?

 That's odd...  I got my mythtv debs from dijkstra, but apt-cache said
 there weren't any plugins available, so I just downloaded the tarball
 from and that worked fine[1] for me, although I did have to
 manually apt-get install apache, PHP, etc., of course.

 [1]  Well, mostly fine...  See my next post for info about the big
 problem I hit, but it doesn't look to be anything related to Debian
 or dependencies.

James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.

James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Plugin conflict? (segfault)

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
OK, so now that I've got mythweb vs. mythbrowser straightened out and
have mythweb up and running, I've gone on to setting up myth(gallery|
video|weather).  I initially had some problems with stuff not being found
which turned out to be because I mixed the mythtv debs (which installed
under /usr/lib) with the plugin tarball from (which installs
under /usr/local/lib)...  Copied the themes and plugins directories over
to /usr/local and it all came up fine... at first.

I decided to configure mythweather first, since that looked to be
the simplest and would let me verify that things were indeed working.
But when I got to setting my location, I saw that list of letters and
immediately pressed M to jump to M in the list, forgetting that
mythtv tends to not like you using any keys that aren't on a typical
remote control...  It immediately segfaulted and died.

On attempting to restart mythfrontend, the background flashed up on the
screen momentarily before it segfaulted and died again.

With a bit of experimentation, I determined that I could get mythfrontend
to start up by removing mythvideo and mythgallery from the plugins
directory, leaving only mythweather there.  This allowed me to go back
into the mythweather setup and set my location properly (albeit only
after much up-and-down-arrowing through insanely long lists of cities).
The issue created by my errant M persists, however, and attempting to
load mythvideo or mythgallery still gives me an immediate segfault when
I try to start mythfrontend.

The immediate question, then, is what's going on here?  Where do I need
to go and what do I need to reset to clear out whatever that M did so
that I can load the other plugins without crashing?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how do I assign XMLTVIDs (was mythfilldatabase problem)

2005-10-21 Thread Ben Edwards
On 10/21/05, Neale Swinnerton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you have XMLTVIDs associated with all the channels you want listings for, and do you have appropriate *.xmltv files for your video sources in your ~/.mythtv/ directory?
 I've got the .xmltv file but dont know anything about assigning XMLTVIDs. Did not c anything in the manual. Could someone plaease point me to instuctions on how to do this.1. Delete all your channels
2. run a full scan, [ this will re-create the channels ]
Is this a DVB scan? Also don't I have to enter the first channel manualy?

then log on to the database and execute the SQL below (adjust the bbc anditv ids if you're not in London)
that'll get you most of the way (you'll have to create the logos ofcourse. You can download the animated gifs from the frontpage and split them up using the GIMP.
Your goal is that this:select count(*) from channel where xmltvid is null or xmltvid = ''returns 0If you have an id in your whatever.xmltv file that's not in the DByou'll get a new channel created when you run mythfilldatabase, so make
sure that the .xmltv file and the database are 'in sync'update channel set visible=0;update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv1.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='ITV1';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv3.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='ITV3';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itv2.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='ITV2';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_channelfour.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='Channel 4';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_e4.gif',xmltvid='
' , visible=1 wherecallsign='E4';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_.gif', xmltvid='' ,visible=1 wherecallsign='705';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_itvnews.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='ITV News';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc1.gif',xmltvid='
' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC ONE';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc2.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC TWO';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc3.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC THREE';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbcnew24.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC NEWS 24';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbci.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBCi';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_cbbc.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='CBBC Channel';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_parliament.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC PARLMNT';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bbc4.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='BBC FOUR';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_cbeebies.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='CBeebies';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_community.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='Community';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_thehits.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='The HITS';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_tmf.gif',xmltvid='
' , visible=1 wherecallsign='TMF';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_ukbrightideas.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='UKTV Br''tIdeas';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_ftn.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='f tn';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_idealworld.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='Ideal World';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_.gif',xmltvid='
' , visible=1 wherecallsign='Men  Motors';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_five.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='five';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_qvc.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='QVC';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_abc1.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='abc1';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_bidtv.gif',xmltvid='
' , visible=1 wherecallsign='bid tv';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_pricedroptv.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='price-drop tv';
update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_skynews.gif',xmltvid='' , visible=1 wherecallsign='Sky News';update channel set icon='/usr/share/mythtv/logos/logo_skysportsnews.gif',
xmltvid='' , visible=1 

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread Rodney D. Myers
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 12:41:38 -0400
James Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cool I guess I'll give the tarball a try later i hate mixing debs
 and tarballs on the same system. maybe ill try to build new debs
 from the tarballs :)
 I'm still waiting for my PVR-350 to be delivered (damn canada post
 taking their time), so I've got lots of time to 'play' before i can
 actually start watching / recording anything.
 If anyone (in canada) is interested, has the 350 on
 sale for $189.99CAD
 On Friday 21 October 2005 12:27 pm, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:16:18PM -0400, James Grant wrote:
   Hey does anyone use the debian packages from:   ?
   The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the
   'plugins' are out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the
   dependencies are broken for them :(
   eg) its looking for  libqt3c102-mt  instead of libqt3-mt
   mythmusic has other dependency issues as well, like, its looking
   for libflac6 when it should be looking for libflac7
   anyone know anything about this?
  That's odd...  I got my mythtv debs from dijkstra, but apt-cache
  said there weren't any plugins available, so I just downloaded the
  tarball from and that worked fine[1] for me, although I
  did have to manually apt-get install apache, PHP, etc., of course.
  [1]  Well, mostly fine...  See my next post for info about the big
  problem I hit, but it doesn't look to be anything related to Debian
  or dependencies.

If you are running debian, or any distro, look at a program called
checkinstall. It wan take a tar ball, and create deb's for your system.
The you can easily remove them later.

Rodney D. Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Registered Linux User #96112
18002350  mailman452  mailman42_5

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin - 1759

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread James Grant
On Friday 21 October 2005 12:55 pm, Rodney D. Myers wrote:

 If you are running debian, or any distro, look at a program called
 checkinstall. It wan take a tar ball, and create deb's for your system.
 The you can easily remove them later.

lappy:/home/james# apt-cache search checkinstall



James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.

James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Peter Darley


Thanks for responding to this!

Forgive my ignorance, but it looks like you're saying that if I  
recomplie ivtv, I won't need to recompile the kernel?  Or is this a  
way to get ivtv compiled into the kernel correctly?  I've never  
compiled a kernel, so I'm hoping that I won't have to... :)

Thanks again,
Peter Darley
On Oct 21, 2005, at 9:31 AM, Danesh wrote:


I had the same problem and fixing it took
- downloading the patch from the following thread,
- applying it to ivtv source, and
- recompiling ivtv and then rebooting. 

Ofcourse, remember to do the above everytime you recompile your  


On 10/21/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I guess I'll reply to my own message...

 On the ivtv-devel list I find:

With Hans Verkuil's help, which was VERY much appreciated, my
problem turned
out to be that I was using the tuner that came with the linux
kernel itself
rather than the one that came with ivtv-0.3.9.  Looks likely I was
doing the
same with tveeprom as well.  Once I switched, I was able to get
both tuners
working correctly and successfully captured mpeg using the cat /dev/

 Which seems like it could easily be my problem as well.  So, I'm
wondering if anyone out there can give me a pointer on how to prevent
the card from being controlled by the kernal modules, and get the
correct modules from ivtv to load instead.  Will I have to re-compile
the kernel to do this?

 My kernel version is the latest FC3 kernel: Linux version
2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Wed Sep 14 04:24:31 EDT 2005

Thanks for any pointers!
Peter Darley

On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:59 PM, Peter Darley wrote:

Well, I've put my card into a windows machine and it doesn't
appear to be broken.  BeyondTV can use both tuners.
I'll check out the ivtv list.  If you make any progress, can
you let this list know?
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:38 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

I have the same problem, and a lengthy thread over in the ivtv-
devel archive.  No solution yet.  I've  tried just about everything.

On 10/20/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  

I've just installed a PVR-500, and I'm having a problem.  I
can use video1,
but I get only static on video0.  It seems like the problem is that
it's not
actually able to change channel; I think it's tuning channel 1
which I don't
get, since the static looks just like a tv that doesn't have an
antenna or
cable hooked up.  It's possible that the problem is not that it's  

changing channel, so I don't want to rule anything out.

When I try to use ivtv-tune, I get:
# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video0 -c60
/dev/video0: 439.250 MHz

# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video1 -c60
/dev/video1: 439.250 MHz  (Signal Detected)

Which seems to be saying that the channel change on video0
didn't succeed,
while the change on video1 did.

I'm hoping that there's someone else out there who has had
similar problems
and can give me a pointer.  I'm also not rulling out that it's just

Peter Darley

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OpenGL ATI Radeon MythMusic MythGallery Problem

2005-10-21 Thread Tim Fenn
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:36:36AM +1000, Sammo wrote:
 Has anybody managed to get (1) MythMusic gears visualization; (2)
 MythGallery opengl transitions; and (3) MythTV opengl vsync working
 with an ATI Radeon video card?
 I have an ATI Radeon 9550 using the latest ATI Proprietary Driver
 8.18.6 for XFree86 4.3. I have the fglrx kernel module compiled and
 loaded successfully. Watching TV looks great (albeit without opengl
 vsync), even 1080i HDTV from DVB-T source. Tested fgl_glxgears,
 glslideshow (xscreensaver) and tuxracer, which all work nice and
 smooth, which should mean opengl is set up properly on my system.

IIRC, the ATI fglrx drivers don't let you use XV and OpenGL overlays
during the same X session.  So it will depend on the

Option VideoOverlay   on
Option OpenGLOverlay  off

options in your xorg.conf file, which are mutually exclusive.  So you
can have 2D acceleration or 3D acceleration, but not both.  See:

I'm not so sure on any of this now, primarily because ATI provided
rotten support (both in terms of the drivers and when I'd try to
contact them directly), so I don't use the ATI card in my linux box
any longer.


Morals?  I eat communism and $h!t America, brother.  --Seanbaby
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Xbox as FE

2005-10-21 Thread Robert Anderson

On 10/21/05, Vladan Bato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting myself: However I think that it's a problem with the particular remote (or better, the remote dongle) that I have.
 By poking in the /proc/usb/devices, I discovered that the remote is actually seen as a gamepad and handled by the xpad driver. This also means that lirc never sees it. I guess I'll have to spend the €30 for a genuine Microsoft DVD kit.
Well, I spared the €30 as I managed to make it work!So, for the record (if anybody happens to have the same problem), here'swhat I found out and what I did:The first question was: why was the remote receiver handled by the xpad
driver. I looked at /proc/bus/usb/devices and noticed that this devicehad a strange ID. Both Vendor and ProdID where !I then looked at the xpad driver sources to see what it says about thisdevice. And here's what I found in drivers/usb/xpad-
core.c:{ 0x, 0x, 0, Chinese-made Xbox Controller }, /* WTF aredevice IDs for? */It appears that there are many xbox game controllers (and apparently DVDdongles) that have bogus IDs. The xpad driver handles them all and
assumes they are game controllers.The question was: If I made the xir driver (the one handling the xboxremote) recognize this device, would it work? Well, it did.Before I explain what I did, let's write something for google to index
in case someone does a search for this:How to make cheap chinese aftermarket DVD remotes for Xbox work withLIRC in xebian 1.1.4:Note: I'm writing this from memory, so it probably contains errors.
* Get the kernel sources (use apt)* configure the sources using the config file in /boot:* # cd /usr/src/kernel-2.4.31-xbox* # cp /boot/config-2.4.31-xbox .config* # make oldconfig* # make dep
* Go to the drivers/usb directory and modify the xpad-core.c and xir.cfiles:* # cd drivers/usb* # vi xpad-core.c* Comment the line mentioned above (line 95) and save the file* # vi xir.c
* Add the following line after line 83 (in the xir_device array):{ 0x, 0x, Chinese-made Xbox Controller }, (Notice that it's not the same as above, there is one less elementin the struct).
* Compile the modules (I didn't know how to compile modules in asingle directory, so I compiled them all):* # cd /usr/src/kernel-2.4.31-xbox* # make modules* Copy the two modules (xpad.o and xir.o
) to the/lib/modules/2.4.31-xbox/kernel/drivers/usb/ directory, overwriting theold ones (make a backup first).* Reboot the xbox. The xir driver should now handle the remote, andlirc should work correctly (test it with irw).
--Vladan Bato[EMAIL PROTECTED]___mythtv-users mailing the genuine Micro$oft remote work after these changes are made? If you think so, send me the updated 
xir.o and xpad.o files and I will include them in the dist. Even if they don't work with the MS remote, I could include them in the dist so that users who need them could easily install them and use an aftermarket remote.
-- Rob Anderson[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread shadestalker
On 10/21/05, James Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Friday 21 October 2005 12:55 pm, Rodney D. Myers wrote: If you are running debian, or any distro, look at a program called checkinstall. It wan take a tar ball, and create deb's for your system.
 The you can easily remove them later.lappy:/home/james# apt-cache search checkinstalllappy:/home/james#

Are you running debian?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread James Grant
Hehe yes - I did that check on my laptop, which is running testing, not the 
mythtv box which is on unstable ... aparently there's only stable and 
unstable versions of checkinstall, and not testing :) hehe

Thanks ill give it a try later on.


On Friday 21 October 2005 1:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/21/05, James Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 21 October 2005 12:55 pm, Rodney D. Myers wrote:
   If you are running debian, or any distro, look at a program called
   checkinstall. It wan take a tar ball, and create deb's for your system.
   The you can easily remove them later.
  lappy:/home/james# apt-cache search checkinstall

 Are you running debian?

James Grant
Lightbox Technologies Inc.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] full scan does not ask me for a starting transport (dvb-t)

2005-10-21 Thread Ben Edwards
Full scan does not seem to do anything. The progress bar goes from
0-100% over about a minute but no channels seem to be found/added. It
did not ask fr a starting transport/frequency. I am using a
nova-t card and kaffeine works find.

Any ideas?
Ben-- Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, EnglandWARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of using the veneer of objectivityIf you have a problem emailing me use address this email is sent from may be defunct)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OpenGL ATI Radeon MythMusic MythGallery Problem

2005-10-21 Thread Lee Koloszyc

IIRC, the ATI fglrx drivers don't let you use XV and OpenGL overlays
during the same X session.  So it will depend on the

   Option VideoOverlay   on
   Option OpenGLOverlay  off

options in your xorg.conf file, which are mutually exclusive.  So you
can have 2D acceleration or 3D acceleration, but not both.  See:

I'm not so sure on any of this now, primarily because ATI provided
rotten support (both in terms of the drivers and when I'd try to
contact them directly), so I don't use the ATI card in my linux box
any longer.



I think this is incorrect though I am not sure.  The OpenGL Overlay  is 
not 3d acceleration, but the ability to accelerate 2d video by placing 
it as an openGL texture.  I have both OpenGL and XV working on my 
machine and get nearly 3000 frames in GLXGears with my Radeon 9200.  It 
does play all the visuilizations without any problems on my machine. If 
he could post his Xorg.0.log and Xorg.conf it may be eaiser to determine 
the problem.  I wonder if he has opengl set to ATI?  In gentoo you can 
run opengl-update ati or eselect opengl set ati, not sure about other 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythmusic plays one song then stops

2005-10-21 Thread Dirk Beer
On 10/20/05, Sammo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, the fact that the problem happens with xmms as well probably
 means it's not a mythmusic problem. Maybe make your m3u playlist
That's a good idea, thanks. Now it seems like it happens with locally
stored music as well, so maybe there is something wrong with my
music/playlist files.

 I may be completely off, but I had a problem with mythmusic crashing
 before. It was actually caused by one of the vizualizations. Try
 turning off all visualizations and trying again.
tried that with no luck.

Thanks Sammo. I didn't figure out that xmms had the same problem until
yesterday, and the mythtv-users list seemed like the most likely place
to get help in any case, since I have no idea where else to ask.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread match
On 21 Oct 2005 at 8:29, Simpson, Richard wrote:

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ffrr
  Probably not a good idea.  Maybe I should just sell the SATA 
  drives on 
  eBay and get SOME of my money back.  I feel a bit ripped off by this 
  whole SATA deal right now :-( 
 My brother has been using SATAs successfully with myth for about a year now. 
 It might be worthwhile to try a new mobo first.

Or maybe upgrade the bios. I was just looking at the ASUS site. 
Several of the bios updates for the board I'm using relate to the SATA 
chip. I'll bet the picture is similar at Abit

BTW, I don't have any trouble running a terrabyte of SATA drives...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread Blastzone
For what it's worth, I had a hell of a time with SATA  PATA drives
in my ASUS Pundit-R. (250GB Maxtor midline SATA  NEC DVD-RW
or ASUS DVD-RW drives)

DMA acceleration would not work on either PATA DVD drive, some FC3
kernels would segfault on startup, Knoppix or Gentoo LiveCDs would not
boot, and other problems.

I dropped to a 160GB Seagate PATA drive, and aside from it filling up
rather quickly, all the problems went away. That won't solve your
problems, but 2 trips to ASUS RMA and 4 months didn't fix mine either...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and cle266

2005-10-21 Thread Alberto Alonso
I seem to be using it wrong then (R5A16). When I boot from the
cd and select watch TV the video plays and pauses continually.
I thought that it didn't have hardware acceleration. I
assume that the cle266 detection is automatic and I don't
have to use a particular switch, right?

I was trying to get the ssh going so that I could troubleshoot
from a different box. The ssh host keys don't get created
automatically, should I just go ahead and create the host keys
manually?. This brings me to the question, which parts of the
file system will be writable?



On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 23:08 -0700, Cecil Watson wrote:
 Alberto Alonso wrote:
  Does KnoppMyth support hardware acceleration for cle266?
  I seem to remember a reference to this when I was booting
  once, but can't seem to find the right references now.
  I have an M6000 and it just doesn't have enough juice
  to be a front end without it.
 Yes, since R5A12.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Pugh
Hello all,

I am running my Myth system with a PVR-250 for
capture, and a PVR-350 for capture and playback
through the 350's framebuffer.

Things are gorgeous, and I am thrilled to report that
since upgrading ivtv to 0.4.0 I have yet to see a hard
freeze during playback (previously, I would have to
hard reset once per viewing evening because the
framebuffer froze up solid, even though the OSD
display showed life).

However, I am still experiencing a solid framebuffer
freezeup when, after watching a show, I choose either
of the two delete options available to me.  The
machine itself is still running, and mythbackend
continues to record, but the frontend locks up.

A search of the archives turned up some old (2003)
posts which leaned toward ivtv as the issue - however,
I've not had any reply from that list so I am begging
your indulgence.

If any kind souls can offer guidance or suggestions, I
would be most appreciative.  The output is beautiful,
so the sooner I can rock-solidify it, the quicker I
can bask in the exceptionally high WAF that the system
deserves ;-)

Thoughts?  Recommendations?  Good curry recipes?


Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and cle266

2005-10-21 Thread Kim Wall

Alberto Alonso wrote:

I seem to be using it wrong then (R5A16). When I boot from the
cd and select watch TV the video plays and pauses continually.

I believe Knoppmyth uses i586 mythtv binaries by default, and presumably 
when run from CD.  I've noticed this makes all the difference in 
sub-1GHz Duron and Celeron systems.

Not sure how you could persuade it to switch to i686 when running a live 
CD frontend, but dpkg -i filename on the files in 
/usr/src/mythtv/i686/ works on an installed system.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Danesh

Yes.. The problem is with the kernel tveeprom being used instead of
ivtv's version. So quite simply...

- If you recompile your kernel, the tveeprom (ivtv version) will be
overwritten with the kernel version and hence you will need to
recompile ivtv AFTER recompiling your kernel.
- If you dont recompile your kernel and simply install ivtv. You
shouldn't have a problem.

Things should work, but just incase they don't patch the source and
try again. The patch fixes radio on the PVR500


On 10/21/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for responding to this!

  Forgive my ignorance, but it looks like you're saying that if I
 recomplie ivtv, I won't need to recompile the kernel?  Or is this a
 way to get ivtv compiled into the kernel correctly?  I've never
 compiled a kernel, so I'm hoping that I won't have to... :)

 Thanks again,
 Peter Darley
 On Oct 21, 2005, at 9:31 AM, Danesh wrote:

  I had the same problem and fixing it took
  - downloading the patch from the following thread,
  - applying it to ivtv source, and
  - recompiling ivtv and then rebooting.
  Ofcourse, remember to do the above everytime you recompile your
  On 10/21/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I guess I'll reply to my own message...
   On the ivtv-devel list I find:
  With Hans Verkuil's help, which was VERY much appreciated, my
  problem turned
  out to be that I was using the tuner that came with the linux
  kernel itself
  rather than the one that came with ivtv-0.3.9.  Looks likely I was
  doing the
  same with tveeprom as well.  Once I switched, I was able to get
  both tuners
  working correctly and successfully captured mpeg using the cat /dev/
   Which seems like it could easily be my problem as well.  So, I'm
  wondering if anyone out there can give me a pointer on how to prevent
  the card from being controlled by the kernal modules, and get the
  correct modules from ivtv to load instead.  Will I have to re-compile
  the kernel to do this?
   My kernel version is the latest FC3 kernel: Linux version
  2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
  3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Wed Sep 14 04:24:31 EDT 2005
  Thanks for any pointers!
  Peter Darley
  On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:59 PM, Peter Darley wrote:
  Well, I've put my card into a windows machine and it doesn't
  appear to be broken.  BeyondTV can use both tuners.
  I'll check out the ivtv list.  If you make any progress, can
  you let this list know?
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Larry K
  Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:38 PM
  To: Discussion about mythtv
  Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works
  I have the same problem, and a lengthy thread over in the ivtv-
  devel archive.  No solution yet.  I've  tried just about everything.
  On 10/20/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  I've just installed a PVR-500, and I'm having a problem.  I
  can use video1,
  but I get only static on video0.  It seems like the problem is that
  it's not
  actually able to change channel; I think it's tuning channel 1
  which I don't
  get, since the static looks just like a tv that doesn't have an
  antenna or
  cable hooked up.  It's possible that the problem is not that it's
  changing channel, so I don't want to rule anything out.
  When I try to use ivtv-tune, I get:
  # ivtv-tune -d/dev/video0 -c60
  /dev/video0: 439.250 MHz
  # ivtv-tune -d/dev/video1 -c60
  /dev/video1: 439.250 MHz  (Signal Detected)
  Which seems to be saying that the channel change on video0
  didn't succeed,
  while the change on video1 did.
  I'm hoping that there's someone else out there who has had
  similar problems
  and can give me a pointer.  I'm also not rulling out that it's just
  Peter Darley
  mythtv-users mailing list
  mythtv-users mailing list
  mythtv-users mailing list
  mythtv-users mailing list


Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Bruce Markey

Michael T. Dean wrote:

Fred Squires wrote:

On 10/20/05, *Todd Houle* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need a little help running a reruns rule.  I'd like the following
rule for recording, but I can't seem to find where/how to enter it.

I'd like to record a show and keep at most 4 episodes of it.  If
there's anymore, don't record them until I watch the old (this part
I'm doing).  However, if it's not a rerun, then record it anyway -
either delete and old one, or just record it in addition.

Right now there's no way to do that, other than manually doing it.
It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority

In SVN, you could create a custom record rule for new episodes only and 
assign a priority for that.  Then, create a rule for old episodes.  Or, 
assuming you do this after creating the custom record rule for new 
episodes, just create a rule for record all.  If you use the same rule 
type (i.e. this channel or all channels) for both, the all episodes rule 
must be created after the new episodes rule so it can match first.  If 
you make a more specific rule for the new episodes (i.e. use this 
channel for new episodes and any channel for all episodes), it doesn't 
matter what order they're created in.

Outstanding. Your ability to absorb information then present in an
easy to digest manner is always impressive. I really hope you spend
some time at some point going over the HOWTO to clarify things you
commonly respond to so that you can reply with links to the docs.
But that's another matter.

Then, assign priorities to the rules as desired.

I hope I got this all right, but I'm sure Bruce Markey will chime in 
with corrections to any misinformation here...  He's the man with the 
answers for recording rules--especially custom recording.  ;)

You rang? I started a reply to this last night but got mired in the
details of making sure the power search for new rules had precedence
and the issue of total episodes for two rules.

Todd, What Mike said. Here are the gory details.

I'll guess we're talking about The Simpsons. If not, it's a typical
example for the situation described. There are new episodes Sunday
evening on FOX and years of reruns on the same or different channels
throughout the week. You want a limited number of reruns but still
record new episodes. You may even want a different priority or profile
for the new ones.

This can be done with two different rule. One that applies to new
episodes only and one that will match any other showing. As Mike
mentioned, the rule for new episodes has to match only the new
episodes and take precedence over the other rule. I'll use the
output of mythbackend  -v schedule to illustrate. Because of
the World Series, there isn't a new Simpsons this week so I faked
one in my test DB program table.

First, if I set a simple All rule. It matches three episodes:

--- print list start ---
Title - SubtitleChan ChID Day Start  End   S C I  T N Pri
The Simpsons - Diatribe of a Mad H   14 1014  21 18:30-19:00  1 1 1  A 1   0
The Simpsons - Margical History To   14 1014  21 19:30-20:00  1 1 1  A 1   0
The Simpsons - Brand New Bart5 1005  23 20:00-20:30  1 1 1  A 1   0

The Type is A and they are all scheduled to record on card 1.
If I set Record new episodes only, it will mark the reruns as

The Simpsons - Diatribe of a Mad H   14 1014  21 18:30-19:00  1 0 0  A r   0
The Simpsons - Margical History To   14 1014  21 19:30-20:00  1 0 0  A r   0
The Simpsons - Brand New Bart5 1005  23 20:00-20:30  1 1 1  A 1   0

This rule still controls all three episodes but we want a different
rule for the reruns so we need a rule that will only match the new
episodes. To do this, I remove this rule, go to Custom Record and
create this rule:

program.title = 'The Simpsons'
AND program.previouslyshown = 0

from Match an exact title and New episodes only. See: . I click
Record to set a new rule with no episode limit but I bump up the
priority a bit to make sure I get these new episodes.

The Simpsons - Brand New Bart5 1005  23 20:00-20:30  1 1 1  A 1   2

This rule only matched the new episode and set the priority to 2.
Next I find one of the old episodes. There is no existing rule
so I can create a new one. I choose All but this time I lower the
priority by 1, set Keep at most 4 episodes and Don't record if
this would exceed the max episodes then Save.

The Simpsons - Diatribe of a Mad H   14 1014  21 18:30-19:00  1 1 1  A 1  -1
The Simpsons - Margical History To   14 1014  21 19:30-20:00  1 1 1  A 1  -1
The Simpsons - Brand New Bart5 1005  23 20:00-20:30  1 1 1  A 1   2

The reruns have -1 priority and only a max of 4 recorded by this
rule will be kept. New episodes will get +2 and an unlimited number
recordings. You could have 4 reruns and 2 new for a total of 6 but
presumably you'll watch the new ones as 

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:16:03AM -0700, Steve Pugh wrote:
 However, I am still experiencing a solid framebuffer
 freezeup when, after watching a show, I choose either
 of the two delete options available to me.  The
 machine itself is still running, and mythbackend
 continues to record, but the frontend locks up.

Are you sure it's framebuffer that's freezing?  I have experienced an
occasional issue where deleting programs will cause mythfrontend to
become nonresponsive; I have a full keyboard hooked up to my myth box
and was able to alt-tab back to the shell I started mythfrontend from
and kill it with ctrl-c.  Alternately, waiting a couple minutes would
cause it to time out and resume functioning, although without
deleting the recording.  When this has happened, mythfrontend has
appeared to continue to function normally afterwards with the
exception that deleting programs would continue to hang in the same
fashion until I restarted mythbackend, leading me to suspect some
sort of connection issue somewhere.

I never figured out an exact cause, so I can't say how to fix it
(although I haven't seen this happen for a while now), but I figured
I'd throw my experiences out there to see whether my problem and
yours were the same one.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Peter Darley

First, sorry for spamming the list with all this stuff.  I feel  
like I'm getting a handle on things, but it's slow and plodding.

When I go to get the source for 0.3.9 from svn as per the  
thread, I get a message saying it's not available:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ivtv]# svn co 
tags/0.3.9 ivtv

svn: URL '' doesn't exist

I did get the source for 0.4.0, and it looks like the patch is  
already in there.  I also have itvt v0.4.0 from yum on the system,  
and I'm still getting the same problems.  When I do dmesg | grep  
tuner I get:

ivtv0: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=(tuner unset), addr=60]
tuner 1-0060: chip found @ 0xc0 (ivtv i2c driver #0)
tveeprom: tuner = Philips FQ1236A MK4 (idx = 92, type = 57)
tveeprom: tuner fmt = NTSC(M) (eeprom = 0x08, v4l2 = 0x1000)
tuner 1-0060: type set to 57 (Philips FQ1236A MK4)
ivtv1: i2c attach to card #1 ok [client=(tuner unset), addr=61]
tuner 2-0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (ivtv i2c driver #1)
tveeprom: tuner = Philips FQ1236A MK4 (idx = 92, type = 57)
tveeprom: tuner fmt = NTSC(M) (eeprom = 0x08, v4l2 = 0x1000)
tuner 2-0061: type set to 57 (Philips FQ1236A MK4)

The first tuner is getting ivtv i2c driver #0 at addr=60, and  
the second is gettin ivtv i2c driver #1 at addr=61, which seems to  
match the problem as layed out in the thread on ivtv-devel.

So, my current question is: is there any way to override the  
kernel module with an external one, so the kerenel module doesn't  
load, or am I to the point where my only hope is to re-compile the  
kernel with the new module, or without any ivtv module and then load  
the package one?

Peter Darley

On Oct 21, 2005, at 9:31 AM, Danesh wrote:


I had the same problem and fixing it took
- downloading the patch from the following thread,
- applying it to ivtv source, and
- recompiling ivtv and then rebooting. 

Ofcourse, remember to do the above everytime you recompile your  


On 10/21/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I guess I'll reply to my own message...

 On the ivtv-devel list I find:

With Hans Verkuil's help, which was VERY much appreciated, my
problem turned
out to be that I was using the tuner that came with the linux
kernel itself
rather than the one that came with ivtv-0.3.9.  Looks likely I was
doing the
same with tveeprom as well.  Once I switched, I was able to get
both tuners
working correctly and successfully captured mpeg using the cat /dev/

 Which seems like it could easily be my problem as well.  So, I'm
wondering if anyone out there can give me a pointer on how to prevent
the card from being controlled by the kernal modules, and get the
correct modules from ivtv to load instead.  Will I have to re-compile
the kernel to do this?

 My kernel version is the latest FC3 kernel: Linux version
2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)) #1 Wed Sep 14 04:24:31 EDT 2005

Thanks for any pointers!
Peter Darley

On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:59 PM, Peter Darley wrote:

Well, I've put my card into a windows machine and it doesn't
appear to be broken.  BeyondTV can use both tuners.
I'll check out the ivtv list.  If you make any progress, can
you let this list know?
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:38 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

I have the same problem, and a lengthy thread over in the ivtv-
devel archive.  No solution yet.  I've  tried just about everything.

On 10/20/05, Peter Darley [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  

I've just installed a PVR-500, and I'm having a problem.  I
can use video1,
but I get only static on video0.  It seems like the problem is that
it's not
actually able to change channel; I think it's tuning channel 1
which I don't
get, since the static looks just like a tv that doesn't have an
antenna or
cable hooked up.  It's possible that the problem is not that it's  

changing channel, so I don't want to rule anything out.

When I try to use ivtv-tune, I get:
# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video0 -c60
/dev/video0: 439.250 MHz

# ivtv-tune -d/dev/video1 -c60
/dev/video1: 439.250 MHz  (Signal Detected)

Which seems to be saying that the channel change on video0
didn't succeed,
while the change on video1 did.

I'm hoping that there's someone else out there who has had
similar problems
and can give me a pointer.  I'm also not rulling out that it's just

Peter Darley

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Lonnie Borntreger
On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 11:35 -0700, Peter Darley wrote:
  So, my current question is: is there any way to override the  
 kernel module with an external one, so the kerenel module doesn't  
 load, or am I to the point where my only hope is to re-compile the  
 kernel with the new module, or without any ivtv module and then load  
 the package one?

I renamed the conflicting kernel modules, ran depmod -a, and then it
only sees the ivtv ones.

Lonnie Borntreger

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Backend loses the database

2005-10-21 Thread Mickey Chandler
I've had a peculiar problem pop up lately.  About once a day, my 
recorded programs listing goes away and starts reading No recorded 
programs available.  Restarting the back end gets the listing back.

The only error I'm seeing in the log is this:

2005-10-21 11:00:00.082 DB Error (KickDatabase):
Query was:
Driver error was [2/2006]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
MySQL server has gone away

Of course, the MySQL server hasn't gone away since restarting the 
backend (not the MySQL server) re-establishes that connection.

Any ideas?

Mickey Chandler
Chief Operating Whizard
Whizardries, Inc.:
Our new site: 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Pugh

--- Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:16:03AM -0700, Steve Pugh
  However, I am still experiencing a solid
  freezeup when, after watching a show, I choose
  of the two delete options available to me.  The
  machine itself is still running, and mythbackend
  continues to record, but the frontend locks up.
 Are you sure it's framebuffer that's freezing?  I
 have experienced an
 occasional issue where deleting programs will cause
 mythfrontend to
 become nonresponsive

Hi Dave, I am absolutely not certain that it's the
framebuffer; I may well have (wrongly) assumed that it
was due to the similarity to my other freeze.  I've
also not let it sit that long to see if it times out,
mostly because the steam coming out of my ears would
build up too quickly  ;-)

Hopefully I can let it sit and do some more testing
this weekend.  Thank you for your input, it is

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Derek Battams

Quoting Bruce Markey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Note: the rule for new episodes has to take precedence. The more
specific type wins (Single beats Channel beats All) but in this
case they are both All. Therefore the rule for new episodes needs
to be created first to win the tie breaker for older rule. See: the last
item under Scheduling decisions.

More for my own knowledge and understanding, but doesn't the assigned 
priority (-1 for syndication and +2 for new episodes) ensure that these 
rules will never tie?  Therefore, it doesn't really matter which order 
you add them, even though doing it this way certainly won't hurt.

 - Derek
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Backend loses the database

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Pugh
--- Mickey Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've had a peculiar problem pop up lately.  About
 once a day, my 
 recorded programs listing goes away and starts
 reading No recorded 
 programs available.  Restarting the back end gets
 the listing back.
 The only error I'm seeing in the log is this:
 2005-10-21 11:00:00.082 DB Error (KickDatabase):
 Query was:
 Driver error was [2/2006]:
 QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
 Database error was:
 MySQL server has gone away
 Of course, the MySQL server hasn't gone away since
 restarting the 
 backend (not the MySQL server) re-establishes that
 Any ideas?
 Mickey Chandler
 Chief Operating Whizard
 Whizardries, Inc.:
 Our new site: 
 mythtv-users mailing list

Hi Mickey,

I've had the same thing happen (I'd say twice in the
last couple of weeks) but *ONLY* in Mythweb.  My Myth
interface hasn't exhibited this yet - that'd be a
pretty unnerving thing to experience.

I didn't notice any errors in the backend log, but
there's every possibility that I just missed it in a
fit of newbieism.


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-21 Thread Mercury Morris
On 10/21/05, Steve Pugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello all,I am running my Myth system with a PVR-250 forcapture, and a PVR-350 for capture and playbackthrough the 350's framebuffer.Things are gorgeous, and I am thrilled to report thatsince upgrading ivtv to 
0.4.0 I have yet to see a hardfreeze during playback (previously, I would have tohard reset once per viewing evening because theframebuffer froze up solid, even though the OSDdisplay showed life).
However, I am still experiencing a solid framebufferfreezeup when, after watching a show, I choose eitherof the two delete options available to me.Themachine itself is still running, and mythbackend
continues to record, but the frontend locks up.A search of the archives turned up some old (2003)posts which leaned toward ivtv as the issue - however,I've not had any reply from that list so I am begging
your indulgence.If any kind souls can offer guidance or suggestions, Iwould be most appreciative.The output is beautiful,so the sooner I can rock-solidify it, the quicker Ican bask in the exceptionally high WAF that the system
deserves ;-)Thoughts?Recommendations?Good curry recipes?Deleting
a recording while recording is underway, or while some other I/O is
active, MAY result in the system hanging. The system may recover
in a few seconds, or it may seem to be permanently hung. You can
search the archives for the terms IOBOUND and/or discontinuity and
read about more difficulties when a recording is deleted.

Some may claim that using a particular filesystem can avoid the IOBOUND
condition, but the filesystem might have some other risks associated
with it.
I use ext3 filesystem because it is reliable and stable, but if I
forget to manually delete old Letterman, Leno, etc., shows, then I get
corrupted recordings. The backendlog shows IOBOUND messages that
correspond exactly with the times of the corruption.

I would like to (someday) ask for MythTV to provide support for
scheduling UN-recording of programs. Instead of
AutoExpire happening immediately within two minutes of the start of
recording a program, the delete would be deferred until the time when
the backend determines that it is idle. At that time, the backend
has nothing to do, and usually shuts down the system just after
scheduling the system to power-on in time for the next recording.

Besides scheduling the next power-on, the backend could check if there
had been any UN-recordings requested, delete those recordings, and
then shut down.

You might want to check the backendlog on your system for any IOBOUND
messages that correspond to the times when your system hung.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and cle266

2005-10-21 Thread John P. Mitchell

 Alberto Alonso wrote:
 I seem to be using it wrong then (R5A16). When I boot from the
 cd and select watch TV the video plays and pauses continually.

   You might be able to check which libraries the mythfrontend binary is
linked against with 'ldd `which mythfrontend`'. If the binary is linked
to viaXvMC or libddmpeg it would appear to support the CLE266.

 I believe Knoppmyth uses i586 mythtv binaries by default, and presumably
 when run from CD.  I've noticed this makes all the difference in
 sub-1GHz Duron and Celeron systems.

   If this is a VIA C3 processor attached to a CLE266 chipset, then I
believe that i586 binaries are the correct version to use. I understand
that certain features present in an i686 class processor are not
present in the C3 and i686 binaries may not run correctly on a C3.

 Not sure how you could persuade it to switch to i686 when running a live
 CD frontend, but dpkg -i filename on the files in
 /usr/src/mythtv/i686/ works on an installed system.

 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 Only one tuner works

2005-10-21 Thread Peter Darley


Again, please pardon my ignorance. :)

I thought that the kernel was monolithic and the modules were  
all compiled into one kernel binary?  If so, what should I be renaming?

When I do a locate ivtv, I get several sets of things that don't  
look like source or docs, any of which I could potentially rename:

I get /sys/module/ivtv/ with a bunch of files and directories  
under it.

I get /usr/lib/ivtv/ which is certainly not a  

I get /lib/modules/ which has ivtv-fw-enc.bin and some  
other .bin files in it.

I get /lib/modules/2.6.12-1.1378_FC3/updates/drivers/media/ 
video/ with ivtv.ko and other ivtv related .ko files.  Would these be  
the kernel modules that I would rename?  I don't seem to have any  
other ivtv.ko files anywhere else on the system.

Thanks for your patience,
Peter Darley

On Oct 21, 2005, at 11:44 AM, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:

On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 11:35 -0700, Peter Darley wrote:

 So, my current question is: is there any way to override the
kernel module with an external one, so the kerenel module doesn't
load, or am I to the point where my only hope is to re-compile the
kernel with the new module, or without any ivtv module and then load
the package one?

I renamed the conflicting kernel modules, ran depmod -a, and then it
only sees the ivtv ones.

Lonnie Borntreger

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cannot scan with PVR500 in setup and ::data:: Column 3 out of range: error

2005-10-21 Thread R. Geoffrey Newbury
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:16:41 -0600, Robert Johnston wrote:

On 20/10/05, Simpson, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The PVR-500 *is* a v4l capture card. For card type, IIRC you select 
 PVR-250/350. AFAIK, the myth scanning feature only works for DVB cards. When 
 you download your zap2it channel lineup in the Capture Card section of 
 mythtv-setup, it should populate the channel table (I don't recall offhand 
 what column 3 should be). You can get into the mysql database with mysql -u 
 mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg. Hope that helps.

No, the PVR-500 *IS NOT* a V4L card, it is an IVTV card.

However, you are correct that Channel Scanning is for DVB/ATSC only,
and not for Analogue tuning methods (Which should be getting their
frequency data from Zap2It/XMLTV)

This still leaves unanswered what you are supposed to use for a

None of the choices are particularly clear. I am presently trying using
'Mpeg capture card (Matrox G200..' etc. And that does not seem to work.

I now have the pcHDTV card installed and I have copied the kernel tveeprom
module into the 'updates' stream, replacing tveeprom-ivtv.

Dmesg seems to happy, except for the fact that the default frequency for
one of the radio tuners is set to 0.00...
ivtv-detect against the i2c bus seems ok...although it reports the PVR 500
units as MPEG against /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 and YUV against
/dev/video32 and /dev/video33, BUT it reports the pcHDTV as YUV against

Mythtv-setup seems to be happy with all of this, EXCEPT I still cannot
scan even if I use the Broadcast listing. Broadcast is coupled to the
pcHDTV card against /dev/video32 in prior pages of setup.

AND, if I so much as move the cursor selection into the Channel page
(without changing anything), the mythtv-setup starts throwing the
continuing error: 
QMYSQLReport::data: column 3 is out of range

Up to that point, mythbackend seems quite happy, and if I exit
mythtv-setup are setting the input connections, I can run mythfilldatabase
without problem... but merely touching the Channel screen causes an error.

I still cannot scan in the Channel screen even when I have selected the

Using mythfrontend to watch live TV times out trying to get signalVery
discouraged at this state of affairs, as I know that the hardware does

Next step will have to be a compile and install of mythtv...this setup was
a 'yum' job and I now doubt that the configure is quite right.


R. Geoffrey Newbury  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Barrister and Solicitor Telephone: 905-271-9600 

Mississauga,Ontario, Canada  Facsimile:   905-271-1638

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Can anyone recomend a firewire card?

2005-10-21 Thread David Peeters
I just received a DCT 6200 box from my cable company and I would like to use a firewire connection to change the channel (not record from). I've been looking around and the only information I've managed to find on what brand of fire wire card to use was in Jarod's guide. 
He said both his Western Digital and Sound blaster Audigy firewire cards worked well. Problem being that I can't find Western Digital's firewire card anywhere, and I don't want to buy an audigy just for the firewire support. 
Can anyone give me a specific brand name of a PCI-firewire card that worked for them without much trouble? (I'm running KnoppMyth if that is any help)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Bruce Markey

Derek Battams wrote:

Quoting Bruce Markey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Note: the rule for new episodes has to take precedence. The more
specific type wins (Single beats Channel beats All) but in this
case they are both All. Therefore the rule for new episodes needs
to be created first to win the tie breaker for older rule. See: the last
item under Scheduling decisions.

More for my own knowledge and understanding, but doesn't the assigned 
priority (-1 for syndication and +2 for new episodes) ensure that these 
rules will never tie?  Therefore, it doesn't really matter which order 
you add them, even though doing it this way certainly won't hurt.

There are two different issues. There is the normal question of
which of two different titles has higher priority and thus which
title gets recorded. However, in this case we have two rules that
match the same showing of the same title. Here the question is
which rule controls that showing.

For instance, say you have an All rule for a favorite show with +6.
Due to circumstance you want it to record on card 2 tonight and can
do so by lowering the priority to -2 so you add an override. If
the controlling rule was chosen by priority, the override would lose.
An override applies to a single showing of a program that is also
controlled by a recurring rule. The override must always win precedence
in order to work. The same would be true if you set a kWeekslotRecord
rule for one showing where you knew the time was always off by a few
minutes and a kChannelRecord for all other showings. The weekslot
rule needs to control that specific day and time over the more general
rule regardless of any of the recording parameters.

In the code, this decision is made by RecTypePriority().

--  bjm

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and cle266

2005-10-21 Thread Kim Wall

John P. Mitchell wrote:

   If this is a VIA C3 processor attached to a CLE266 chipset, then I
believe that i586 binaries are the correct version to use. I understand
that certain features present in an i686 class processor are not
present in the C3 and i686 binaries may not run correctly on a C3.

Right.  I don't know anything about the C3, but thought it was worth 
mentioning, as I'd spent a long time banging my head against the 
performance problems on perfectly capable hardware with Knoppmyth.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread match
On 21 Oct 2005 at 14:03, Blastzone wrote:

 For what it's worth, I had a hell of a time with SATA  PATA drives in my 
 ASUS Pundit-R. 
 (250GB Maxtor midline SATA  NEC DVD-RW or ASUS DVD-RW drives)
 DMA acceleration would not work on either PATA DVD drive, some FC3 kernels 
 would segfault 
 on startup, Knoppix or Gentoo LiveCDs would not boot, and other problems.
 I dropped to a 160GB Seagate PATA drive, and aside from it filling up rather 
 quickly, all the 
 problems went away. That won't solve your problems, but 2 trips to ASUS RMA 
 and 4 months 
 didn't fix mine either...

Isn't it interesting that we see similar hardware that works for one guy, but 
not the next...

The only dificulty I saw was during the Fedora install. It wouldn't let me 
assign a /music 
partition. I circumvented the problem by creating an LVM volume... go figure...

Just to clarify, I have:

ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe motherboard (SIL SATA chip, dunno the version)
Athlon 3200+
512M RAM
PATA DVD drive (dunno the brand or model, but it wasn't particularly expenive)
200GB PATA Seagate (I think... could be a Maxtor, I don't remember)
2-400 GB SATA Seagates
nVidia FX 5200

Running FC4 via Jarod's guide. The system is on the PATA drive, as is a 90GB 
partition. The last third of the PATA and both SATA's make an LVM volume of 
865GB for a /video partition formatted XFS.

No problems so far... runs great. Been online for about a month continuously as 
combined FE/BE... I don't use the HD-3000 right now.

About 300GB recorded so far... when do you guys find time to watch all the 
stuff you 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Christian Schuglitsch
Maybe I'm wrong but I think that I've read that the Avermedia card needs 
a firmware-file to be uploaded by hotplug.  I wanted to have a card that 
worx with OSS software only.



Am 21.10.2005 17:53 schrieb Paul Wheeler:

I have a couple of avermedia dvb 771's that work out of the box in 
2.6.13 (with the right dvb options turned on in the kernel ;-)). I 
found them fairly cheap and work well.

I had a pinnacle card that had problems with it and the mt352 driver 
so i would stay away from them.


On 10/21/05, *Ben Edwards* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/21/05, *Phill Edwards* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a beginner in DVB-T, and I would like to buy a DVB-T

PCI Card to set up a MythTV in my Linux PC.

I have tried to search the archive and google for a week, but

I still cannot come to a final decision about it.

 I would like to ask what kind of DVB-T PCI Card is suitable

for the Linux kernel 2.6.13, as I found some of the articles
about DVB-T Card mentioned that Not every card that's
supported under Windows works under Linux. Is the list
mentioned in; be
suitable for linux use? And be able to be well supported by

 On the other hand, I would like to ask what aspect should I

put my focus on in choosing those card? I do not want to buy a
wrong card as they are not cheap :P

Nova-T seems as well suported as any and is fairly cheap.


I have 2 V-Stream Xtreme DTcards that work a treat.
mythtv-users mailing list

Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, England

WARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me
of using the veneer of objectivity
If you have a problem emailing me use
(email address this email is sent from may be defunct)
mythtv-users mailing list

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Scientific Atlanta channel change over firewire ?

2005-10-21 Thread Chad Delatte
Hey guys,
It looks like the guys at the green button figured out
how to do channel change over firewire for SCientific
Atlanta.  Here is the link:
Hope this helps some Myth users

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:30:13PM -0700, Bruce Markey wrote:
 Derek Battams wrote:
 Quoting Bruce Markey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Note: the rule for new episodes has to take precedence. The more
 specific type wins (Single beats Channel beats All) but in this
 case they are both All. Therefore the rule for new episodes needs
 to be created first to win the tie breaker for older rule. See: the last
 item under Scheduling decisions.
 More for my own knowledge and understanding, but doesn't the assigned 
 priority (-1 for syndication and +2 for new episodes) ensure that these 
 rules will never tie?  Therefore, it doesn't really matter which order 
 you add them, even though doing it this way certainly won't hurt.
 There are two different issues. There is the normal question of
 which of two different titles has higher priority and thus which
 title gets recorded. However, in this case we have two rules that
 match the same showing of the same title. Here the question is
 which rule controls that showing.
 For instance, say you have an All rule for a favorite show with +6.
 Due to circumstance you want it to record on card 2 tonight and can
 do so by lowering the priority to -2 so you add an override. If
 the controlling rule was chosen by priority, the override would lose.
 An override applies to a single showing of a program that is also
 controlled by a recurring rule. The override must always win precedence
 in order to work. The same would be true if you set a kWeekslotRecord
 rule for one showing where you knew the time was always off by a few
 minutes and a kChannelRecord for all other showings. The weekslot
 rule needs to control that specific day and time over the more general
 rule regardless of any of the recording parameters.
 In the code, this decision is made by RecTypePriority().

Great examples for why a more specific rule should always win over a
less specific rule, but, when both are equally-specific, it would
seem reasonable to go to priority as the next determinant rather than
when the rule was created, if for no other reason than because, if
you want to be sure which one takes precedence, priority is visible
in the interface and 'date rule created' is not.  (Not to mention
that, if the wrong one has precedence, it's easier to change its
priority than it is to delete and recreate rules so that they're in
the right order.  And it would be more consistent to boot. (Priority
controls precedence of rules between different shows but not the same
show?  Huh?)  Priority is better from a standpoint of clarity as
well, since anyone can see that higher-priority beats lower-priority,
but if you just say it's decided on date, then it's unclear whether
newer or older should win - and some of us would expect newer to win,
for much the same reason as we would expect overrides to win over the
general rule.)

*phew*  OK, I think I'm out of reasons why I think it should go to
priority after specificity instead of to rule age.  So why was it set
up to go by age instead?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Cannot scan with PVR500 in setup and :: data:: Column 3 out of range: error

2005-10-21 Thread Simpson, Richard

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of R. 
 Geoffrey Newbury
 This still leaves unanswered what you are supposed to use for a
 None of the choices are particularly clear. I am presently 
 trying using
 'Mpeg capture card (Matrox G200..' etc. And that does not 
 seem to work.

Should be the one with (PVR-250/350) in the description

 I now have the pcHDTV card installed and I have copied the 
 kernel tveeprom
 module into the 'updates' stream, replacing tveeprom-ivtv.
 Dmesg seems to happy, except for the fact that the default 
 frequency for
 one of the radio tuners is set to 0.00...
 ivtv-detect against the i2c bus seems ok...although it 
 reports the PVR 500
 units as MPEG against /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 and YUV against
 /dev/video32 and /dev/video33, BUT it reports the pcHDTV as 
 YUV against

If you are using a 2.6.12 or later kernel, you should use the dvb drivers for 
the pcHDTV card. This will create a device node at /dev/dvb/adapter0. Where is 
/dev/video2 linked to?

A good howto for setting up the HD3000 with dvb drivers is here:

In the MythTV capture card setup, the HD2000/3000 is identified as an ATSC card.

 Mythtv-setup seems to be happy with all of this, EXCEPT I still cannot
 scan even if I use the Broadcast listing. Broadcast is coupled to the
 pcHDTV card against /dev/video32 in prior pages of setup.

If it doesn't recognize the pcHDTV as a DVB device, then the scan won't work.

 AND, if I so much as move the cursor selection into the Channel page
 (without changing anything), the mythtv-setup starts throwing the
 continuing error: 
 QMYSQLReport::data: column 3 is out of range

This should not be happening. If you cannot manually troubleshoot the database 
via mysql, it may be simpler to delete the database (or empty the tables) and 
populate it again through mythtv-setup.

 Up to that point, mythbackend seems quite happy, and if I exit
 mythtv-setup are setting the input connections, I can run 
 without problem... but merely touching the Channel screen 
 causes an error.
 I still cannot scan in the Channel screen even when I have 
 selected the
 Using mythfrontend to watch live TV times out trying to get 
 discouraged at this state of affairs, as I know that the hardware does
 Next step will have to be a compile and install of 
 mythtv...this setup was
 a 'yum' job and I now doubt that the configure is quite right.

I also had to setup two capture cards, and found it's easier to concentrate on 
getting one working at a time. Delete the other one completely from myth and 
remove it's kernel drivers. Best way to troubleshoot is to change one thing at 
a time. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] transcoded recordings gets zoomed when played back

2005-10-21 Thread Sasha Z
Have you tried changing the aspect ratio via the playback OSD?

On 10/21/05, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I play back a transcoded recording (mpeg4), it sort of gets zoomed.
 10-20% of the picture is outside the viewable screen. Untranscoded recordings
 plays just fine, and if I play the transcoded recording directly from mplayer
 there are no issues either.

 I'm using the TV-Out on my pvr 350 with ivtv 0.4.0-driver.

 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Serial control of DirecTV of H10 (Solved)

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Adeff
On Thursday 20 October 2005 22:46, Dave wrote:
 Well, after some fiddling with the satcontrol code (svn trunk), I've
 gotten channel change working on the DirecTV H10 HD sat receiver.
  I'm going to clean up my changes and post some diffs.


are you able to then record the HD feeds with Myth?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: apt-get upgrade = borked mythtv

2005-10-21 Thread Tom Hines
On 10/15/05, Tom Hines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello.  I did an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade today and now my
 system is borked.  I can't play any video files -- no recordings or

Well, I thought I had it figured out.  I see that the new xorg-x11
that got installed has new support for ivtv and xvmc.  I read
somewhere that it requires the latest kernel, which also has new
support for ivtv, but which I hadn't updated.  So I was hoping that a
new kernel would do the trick, but all I succeeded in doing was
breaking my remote control, even with a new matching lirc-kmdl
(kmdl=kernel module).

What I don't understand is whether I still need the ivtv-kmdl now that
the new kernel has this built in.  I'm thinking no, but then why would
it exist?  Anybody?

Via Epia M10K
Haupauge PVR-250
Fedora Core 3
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cannot scan with PVR500 in setup and ::data:: Column 3 out of range: error

2005-10-21 Thread Michael T. Dean

R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:16:41 -0600, Robert Johnston wrote:

On 20/10/05, Simpson, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The PVR-500 *is* a v4l capture card. For card type, IIRC you select PVR-250/350.


This still leaves unanswered what you are supposed to use for a

You sure about that?  ;)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can anyone recomend a firewire card?

2005-10-21 Thread Jon Kunze
I bought a Western Digital Firewire card on Ebay for $0.99 plus
shipping, and it works fine. Last I saw (a few months ago) there were
plenty of them for sale.On 10/21/05, David Peeters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just received a DCT 6200 box from my cable
company and I would like to use a firewire connection to change the
channel (not record from). I've been looking around and the
only information I've managed to find on what brand of fire wire card
to use was in Jarod's guide. He said both his Western Digital and Sound blaster Audigy firewire cards worked well. Problem
being that I can't find Western Digital's firewire card anywhere, and I
don't want to buy an audigy just for the firewire support. Can anyone give me a specific brand name of a PCI-firewire
card that worked for them without much trouble? (I'm running
KnoppMyth if that is any help)


___mythtv-users mailing
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcode to DVD-compatible MPEG-2 without quality loss?

2005-10-21 Thread Mike Frisch
I am using nuvexport (using ffmpeg) but the picture quality is taking a
huge hit.

My half hour TV show is a 1.??GB .nuv file but transcoded to MPEG-2 DVD is
around 400MB and it shows it.

What's the trick?

Much appreciated.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Transcode to DVD-compatible MPEG-2 without quality loss?

2005-10-21 Thread Ramon Redondo
 I am using nuvexport (using ffmpeg) but the picture quality is taking a
 huge hit.

 My half hour TV show is a 1.??GB .nuv file but transcoded to MPEG-2 DVD is
 around 400MB and it shows it.

 What's the trick?

 Much appreciated.

It would help if you mentioned what you use for capture... is it a
hardware MPEG encoder (i.e. PVR-150) or is it just a frame grabber?

I believe that there is a losslesss was to convert the output of the
hardware encoders to DVD, assuming you started with the correct
resolution etc.

If you are using a frame grabber, I could pass on the 'formula' I use
with NUVEXPORT which does a decent job at maintaining quality.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choosing a Suitable DVB-T PCI Card

2005-10-21 Thread Lee
I'll second that, I have a pair of Avermedia 771's as well, they worked 
(after activating DVB) without any hassle using KnoppMyth R5A15...

I don't remember seeing any firmware mentioned anywhere...


Maybe I'm wrong but I think that I've read that the Avermedia card 
needs a firmware-file to be uploaded by hotplug.  I wanted to have a 
card that worx with OSS software only.



Am 21.10.2005 17:53 schrieb Paul Wheeler:

I have a couple of avermedia dvb 771's that work out of the box in 
2.6.13 (with the right dvb options turned on in the kernel ;-)). I 
found them fairly cheap and work well.

I had a pinnacle card that had problems with it and the mt352 driver 
so i would stay away from them.


On 10/21/05, *Ben Edwards* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/21/05, *Phill Edwards* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a beginner in DVB-T, and I would like to buy a DVB-T

PCI Card to set up a MythTV in my Linux PC.

I have tried to search the archive and google for a week, but

I still cannot come to a final decision about it.

 I would like to ask what kind of DVB-T PCI Card is suitable

for the Linux kernel 2.6.13, as I found some of the articles
about DVB-T Card mentioned that Not every card that's
supported under Windows works under Linux. Is the list
mentioned in; be
suitable for linux use? And be able to be well supported by

 On the other hand, I would like to ask what aspect should I

put my focus on in choosing those card? I do not want to buy a
wrong card as they are not cheap :P

Nova-T seems as well suported as any and is fairly cheap.


I have 2 V-Stream Xtreme DTcards that work a treat.
mythtv-users mailing list

-- Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, England

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] which dial-up modem?

2005-10-21 Thread Scott Alfter
Hash: SHA1

Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 11:17:34PM -0400, Aaron Aguilar wrote:
   Anyone  have a suggestion on a dial up modem for me to buy?  I think I
   am  gonna  go  external  and  it  looks like the cheapest I can get is
   around $30.
 *Are* there any external modems around anymore besides the USRs?  :-)

A couple of years ago, I bought a LAN modem (dialup router, really) for my
parents.  It's an external box with a handful of idiot lights, a phone
jack...and a couple of network jacks to connect to your computers (or a LAN).
Given how much of a pain in the *ss getting dial-up connections to work on
Linux can be (especially compared to setting up a LAN connection), this could
be the way to go.

(What I bought was the Actiontec Dual PC Modem:

I paid $70 for it at Fry's.  Froogle lists prices down to about $55 for it.)

 / v \ Scott Alfter
 \_^_/ rm -rf /bin/ladenWhat's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] which dial-up modem?

2005-10-21 Thread Scott Alfter
Hash: SHA1

Asher Schaffer wrote:
 On 10/20/05, Chris Trown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There used to be a time(LONG time ago when I was taking care of
dialup modem banks) that I pushed modems with Lucent chipsets.  These
days, however, it just does'nt matter.  So long as it's not a winmodem
 Only internal PCI modems can be winmodems, as long as it is external
 you are fine.

There were ISA winmodems back in the day.  There are external modems that plug
into a USB port (instead of RS-232) that are winmodems.  There are PC
Card/CardBus winmodems.  Conversely, there are controller-based PCI modems
that'll work just fine with Linux.

Your generalization falls a bit short.

 / v \ Scott Alfter
 \_^_/ rm -rf /bin/ladenWhat's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] transcoded recordings gets zoomed when played back

2005-10-21 Thread Bjarne Wichmann Petersen
On Friday 21 October 2005 22:03, Sasha Z wrote:
 Have you tried changing the aspect ratio via the playback OSD?

By OSD you mean the menu I get when I press O? Yes, I've tried changing the 
aspect-ratio. The only thing that changes are the size/placement of the menu. 
The picture is unchanged.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] which dial-up modem?

2005-10-21 Thread Steve Adeff
On Friday 21 October 2005 17:27, Scott Alfter wrote:
 Asher Schaffer wrote:
  On 10/20/05, Chris Trown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   There used to be a time(LONG time ago when I was taking care of
 dialup modem banks) that I pushed modems with Lucent chipsets.  These
 days, however, it just does'nt matter.  So long as it's not a winmodem
  Only internal PCI modems can be winmodems, as long as it is external
  you are fine.

 There were ISA winmodems back in the day.  There are external modems that
 plug into a USB port (instead of RS-232) that are winmodems.  There are PC
 Card/CardBus winmodems.  Conversely, there are controller-based PCI modems
 that'll work just fine with Linux.

 Your generalization falls a bit short.

  / v \ Scott Alfter
  \_^_/ rm -rf /bin/ladenWhat's the most annoying thing on

I have a USRobotics Courier 56K external modem that I believe is in my parents 
garage. It's prbly the best analog phone line modem ever made. I used to 
routinely transfer at rates far above 56K even when people were saying it was 
impossible to even connect at 56K (as did a few of my friends who also had 
this modem), and this is using the correct bit/byte/Kb math conversions.

anyway, email me off-list if you want it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how do I assign XMLTVIDs (was mythfilldatabase problem)

2005-10-21 Thread Neale Swinnerton

Ben Edwards wrote:

Is this a DVB scan?  Also don't I have to enter the first channel manualy?

yes, I'd assumed you were using a DVB-T card, but I see you never said 
that. :-) If you are using some other type of card you'll have to create 
 the channels yourself.

You don't have to enter the first channel manually for a DVB-T scan (I 
certainly don't), why do you think that?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr

Simpson, Richard wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ffrr


Probably not a good idea.  Maybe I should just sell the SATA 
drives on 
eBay and get SOME of my money back.  I feel a bit ripped off by this 
whole SATA deal right now :-( 

My brother has been using SATAs successfully with myth for about a year now. It 
might be worthwhile to try a new mobo first.


Trouble is, a new mobo is about the same price as a big IDE drive, and 
much harder to fit.  Plus, unless I want to buy a new CPU (I have an 2.2 
AMD Sempron, most MBs for it will be older design, and may have the same 
SATA problems.

An IDE drive is likely to be an easier and cheaper solution.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread Nate Carlson

On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, James Grant wrote:
The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the 
'plugins' are out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the 
dependencies are broken for them :(

eg) its looking for libqt3c102-mt instead of libqt3-mt mythmusic has 
other dependency issues as well, like, its looking for libflac6 when it 
should be looking for libflac7

anyone know anything about this?

Yeah; looks like the plugins haven't been updated for current unstable.. I 
just grabbed the source and rebuild; worked great.

| nate carlson | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | |
|   depriving some poor village of its idiot since 1981|

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr



Or maybe upgrade the bios. I was just looking at the ASUS site. 
Several of the bios updates for the board I'm using relate to the SATA 
chip. I'll bet the picture is similar at Abit

Did that just recently to fix the problem of disk corruption.  So I'm 
running the latest BIOS.  Actually, I'll bet the timing parameter that 
they extended to fix the corruption, is what has caused my DVB 
problems.  I am fairly sure the glitches weren't there when I first put 
the system together (or if they were, they were mowhere near as bad)

BTW, I don't have any trouble running a terrabyte of SATA drives...


No, it's apparently the early SI SATA chips.  I'm hearing bad reports 
about them from everywhere now :-(

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread ffrr


On 21 Oct 2005 at 14:03, Blastzone wrote:

About 300GB recorded so far... when do you guys find time to watch all the stuff you 



I don't.  I adopt the philosophy that I need a disk full of stuff that 
interests me.  When I have the leisure time to watch some TV, I am 
assured then, of having a nice selection to chose from. 

Most of it, I am happy to let expire if I don't watch it, and a very 
select few programs, I will mark to not expire.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv supoprt for lcdproc/other lcds

2005-10-21 Thread Darius Hardy

Dan Wilga wrote:

At 10:31 AM +0100 10/21/05, Shaun Lowry wrote:

  Maybe I will hijack this thread, can we make lcdproc

 or Myth use the 2 line display as 1 big line?

That would be perfect!  Anyone know what would be involved in doing this?

I don't think there's any way to do this from the LCDproc side without 
code modifications. You might have better luck suggesting it to the Myth 
devs, since LCD output is being worked on very actively right now. The 
new Myth LCD daemon (in SVN) is very slick!

It'd have to be done via an LCDproc driver. Most of the displays are 
character-based and can only handle a few custom characters, the most 
popular ones using the HD44780 chip which doesn't have a very good 
larger font (it uses the second line to show the descenders of g,q  p 
properly). If you've got a display that can handle double-size 
characters then you just need the LCDproc driver to set it that way. 
There's no native way for an LCDproc server to that (from what I remember.)

She who travels light, forgot something.
mythtv-users mailing list

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