Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV format question

2005-09-13 Thread Joe Barnhart
Hi John --

May I ask which kind of TV you got?  Is it one of the new crop 1080p
DLP models from Mitsubishi or Samsung?  Just curious, as I still have a
Pioneer RPTV and it will die one day (it's only a CRT set after all).

Joe Barnhart

--- John P Poet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/12/05, Pete Stagman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All, 

  I've been using MythTV for over a year now and finally got an HDTV

  PCHDTV card coming soon. 

  My new HDTV TV has multiple inputs. HDMI, Component, S-video and
 VGA. (max
  resolution on the VGA is 1024x768, no widescreen) 

  What is going to get me the best picture? 
  VGA to Component converter? 
  DVI to HDMI cable? 
  Or is there a better way? 

  Is there a video card that has native HDMI? 


 My old TV only had component inputs at HD resolutions, so I used a
 VGA-Component converter, and it worked *very* well.
 My new TV will accept up to 1080p on the VGA input, so I just go
 direct VGA-VGA now.
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Re: [mythtv-users] New NVidia drivers, 7676.. not much changed.

2005-08-29 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do you need XvMC for on an amd64 system?  I can pretty easily
 deinterlace, and display three 1080i streams simultaneously with pure
 software decoding on my dev system.  Might be able to do four with a
 tweaking, if I cared to.  Granted, it's a dual-core 4400+, but that's
 enough to two 3500+ chips that I can't imagine 1080i not playing
 smoothly in 
 software on almost any xp 64.

Wow.  That's amazing.  How do you display three HD streams
simultaneously?  Do you have three video cards?  I'm curious -- do you
use component out, or do your HD displays have VGA input?

I'm really impressed.  When I used an Athlon XP 2800 it couldn't even
keep up with ONE stream at 1080i.  But displaying a moving image at
1920x1080i is pretty daunting.  I'm really amazed that you can display
three 1920x1080i pictures on three high-def display devices using
software decoding.

Incredible.  Literally incredible!

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Re: [mythtv-users] Recommended GUI dimensions/setup to deal with overscan @ 1920x1080i

2005-08-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Garth Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have not been able to find much documentation for resizing the
 to deal with overscan.  Has anyone had good results with that at
 1920x1080i?  I have seen one or two examples for NTSC.  I cannot see
 any checkboxes and normally cannot see parts of the bottom row of
 buttons.  I can deal with the overscan on TV/Videos, but the menu
 system is rather hard.  Appreciate any offerings.
 Pioneer Elite 610HD, via VGA
 FC3 using the atrpms
 Asus A7N8X-D for video and audio.

I have pretty much the same setup as you (PRO-510D w/VGA).  Sadly, I'm
away from home right now and I don't know how to read my setup via SSH
(since it's on the X screens used to config myth).  I can send a
message to you when I'm back in front of my system next Saturday.

It would be REALLY NICE if the person maintaining the setup screens
would accomodate the fact that all TVs overscan, making the setup next
to impossible when viewing on a TV.  (Someday I will figure out how to
create setup screens on my own and revamp them all, but I know nothing
about Qt so this will take awhile.)

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Re: [mythtv-users] Debian sarge stable

2005-08-15 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- verteiler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After setting up my linux server using Debian as opposed to Fedora
 the really incredible howto by Jarod), I have some issues concerning 
 reinstallation and mythtv-addons (i.e. MythWeb, MythVideo, etc).

I hate to mention it since you're already installed Debian, but the
fastest and easiest way to get MythTv installed on Debian is to install
KnoppMyth.  It has everything you need, preinstalled and configured to
handle 90% of the hardware out there already.  Plus, the user community
is pretty active and helpful.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Gee, I THOUGHT I was a linux fan.

2005-08-15 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Richard Bronosky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I chose KnoppMyth for
 illusion of simplicity, but was made to feel like a complete idiot. 

This is harsh.  I wouldn't criticize KnoppMyth too heavily until you've
tried installing Myth on your own using another distro.

 2.  I now have my network working.  (I know because I used a text
 browser to hit  But, I cannot get the DataDirect
 Listings button to do anything.

Logs are your friends.  Something left a message somewhere, you just
need to find it.

 3.  I did setup my PVR-500 as 2 cards, /dev/video0 tuner0 
 tuner0, and associate my Comcast Cable source to each.  But when I
 to Watch Live TV, I get a black screen.  I know I'm not locked up
 because I can Crtl+Alt+F1-F6 to get to other tty's.  But to get that
 session (tty7) back I must reboot.  What am I doing wrong here?  Is
 there a log I can check?

There is a log for mythbackend.  The mythfrontend log must be enabled
manually by starting mythfrontend from a window and giving it a debug
flag.  I suspect your problem is the database isn't initialized for
some reason.

 4. I tried watching a DVD from my NEC 16xDL-DVD-RW but the Xine
 flashes for a second and then I'm back to the MythTV GUI.  I tried
 ripping a DVD but it keeps telling me there are no jobs.  What am I
 doing wrong here?  Is there a log I can check?

You're trying to watch an encrypted DVD which Hollywood lawyers
consider illegal.  You need to install libdecss.  Check out the
Knoppmyth forum for hints -- SEARCH the forum, don't bother asking this
question, you'll just get spanked.

 Feel free to to kick, troll, and insult me, but please offer
 assistance too.

I recommend you head over to the Knoppmyth forum at and search for answers, plus ask
questions.  Regardless of your opening statement, KnoppMyth *IS* the
easiest way to get a Myth box up and running, and Cecil, Dale and the
others have worked very hard to make it that way.  (Just because it's
easiest it doesn't make it easy.)  When you come to the forum,
please respect the hard work others have done to make the process
simpler for those of us who follow.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Cornucopia of the Commons

2005-08-11 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Michael Tiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The specific case I was thinking about was what to watch on TV. TiVo
 has its 
 suggestions capability and I do miss that. But MythTV could do much
 Instead of looking at my viewing habits and trying to guess what I'd
 what if you looked at my viewing habits and then compared them with
 habits of other MythTV owners? If you were somehow able to compile
 all the 
 viewing information (in an opt-in, privacy friendly way of course),
 then you 
 could pretty easily identify patterns. So if I record Law  Order
 Numb3rs and it notices that most people who record those shows also
 The Closer then it would point that out to me.
 This could be just like the online commerce approach of people who
 this also bought

You really need to check out posts by Brad Templeton.  I think you'd
like his ideas.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Unrelenting Volume Issue

2005-08-04 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The volume out from MythTV is considerably louder then any other
 device I 
 have.  Setting the amp volume to 1 for Myth is about the same as 7 or
 for my DVD player.  This means that nudging the volume up as tad can
 the sound from inaudible to booming.  I can bring the sound level in
 with the other components using PCM, but this results in a very loud
 at anything approaching a standard volume.

I'd make a cable for the Myth box with a voltage divider built in to
reduce the signal level.  Another alternative would be to use optical
or wired SPDIF (digital) sound if your receiver supports it.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Myth Plus ?

2005-07-20 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's pretty much how it'll work once there's enough subscribers to
 pay any bounty.  As it is now, the suggestions in the forum and the
 ideas email address are being recorded an evaluated by the powers
 be for just flat outright funding (i.e. paying someone an hourly rate
 to get the job done instead of a bounty)

Thanks for reminding me of LxM Suite (  I
just subscribed and I encourage all Myth users to consider the same.

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Re: [mythtv-users] MythShyte: One unhappy customer

2005-07-19 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- antec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am atill getting prebuffer pause even though I have done everything
 recommended in the documentation pages:
 * bought and installed a geforce card
 * got xwindows working with nvidia
 * upgraded machine to a P3-1Ghz. (not a celeron!)
 * checked and reconfigured all of the TV settings under mythtv.
 Mythtv on my system was build using fc3 and atrpms. So I compiled
 Am I missing something crucial here, or is this just a case of sloppy
 code. This project has cost me time and money to get a result that is
 no better than myth-shyte. After all, why would I now go and buy a
 p4-3.3 to watch tv, when I can just plug in my P1 and do the same
 thing (without buffering naturally).
 Unless Im blind in both eyes and delusional, I think the next step is
 to return to freevo aka bugvo and give mythtv the myth-skip.

I see a big misconception here.  No one on this list considers you a
customer.  No one is trying to sell you on MythTv vs. Freevo or any
other PVR distro.

If you WANT MythTv to work, you have take a little responsibility for
learning enough to make that happen.  You did not say what card you are
using to acquire the TV program.  Are you using a PVR-type card that
does the MPEG encoding in hardware?  Or are you using a software-based
card that puts the load on your processor?  Did you get the accelerated
nvidia driver properly installed and configured?  Are there any other
reports of success or failure with your processor?

If you expect more of a works out-of-the-box experience, take a look
at KnoppMyth.  It is a distro aimed at making the setup of a Myth box
as easy as possible.  See  

But when you use the forum there, do not, I repeat, DO NOT come across
like your message here.  I can understand total frustration, having
experienced some myself.  But the attitude you express is not conducive
to getting the help you need.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Getting a Plasma, Scared of Burn-In

2005-07-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Matt Grommes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was listening to a podcast interview with the head of Panasonic's 
 flatscreen TV division and he dismissed both the concerns about
 and lifetime for plasmas. I'll have to dig up the other review I was 
 reading where they talked about burn-in as well.

Marketing people may dismiss the problem, but then again they're trying
to sell product.  I googled the manual for the Panasonic plasma TV
(model TH-42PA20U/P) and on page 29 it says:

Do not display a picture in 4:3 mode for an extended period, as this
can cause an after-image to remain on the side bars on either side of
the display field...

Translation: Yes, plasma sets DO suffer from burn-in.  This is true of
CRT based sets as well (which is the kind I have).  Be aware of it, and
take steps to prevent burn-in.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-04 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 7/2/05, Joe Barnhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Frankly, TV is a giant wasteland anyway and we'd
  all be better off if we turned it off and read a book.
 I always get a laugh when I read stuff like that on a mailing list
 a piece for software who's primary purpose is recording TV.

:-)  I'm not saying I'm GOING to read a book, mind you, just that I'd
be BETTER OFF reading it.  I always get so much more done in the summer
when the shows are in re-runs...

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RE: [mythtv-users] HD capture via Component/RGB/DVI incoming at 720i

2005-07-02 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- William [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Currently your only options for capturing hd from sat are to buy a hd
 from directv/dishnet or to spend the money to have one of the few
 boxes hacked to add firewire support. The hack info was posted to the
 list a
 couple of months ago so you should still be able to find it in the

Nope.  The hacked DirecTv HD receiver ( is NOT
supported by Myth. It does not use a standard protocol but would
require a Myth dev to customize the recording process to talk to it. 
No such customization has been done to date, to my knowledge.

 HD support in mythtv for anything other than OTA is sorely lacking
 limited. Even ota broadcast signals cannot all be captured as most
 content is encripted.

Nope.  Broadcast content (OTA -- over the AIR) is NOT encrypted. 
There are provisions to encrypt broadcast over CABLE.  The Broadcast
Flag is a bit that, when set, is supposed to tell downstream devices to
not allow the content to be saved in the open.

My personal opinion: Use Myth to snag recordings over the air.  If
satellite/cable people don't want us to have their signals, oblige them
by not signing up.  Frankly, TV is a giant wasteland anyway and we'd
all be better off if we turned it off and read a book.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Direct TV implementation?

2005-06-25 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- David George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only thing you will lose is being able to record HDTV from
 unless you have a particular HDTV receiver and get the 

Careful -- the mod is not supported by Myth and likely
never will be.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Playback vid corruption with 1080i (with pics)

2005-06-23 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Glen Dragon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still seeing the problem that I reported a week or so ago.  I
 some pictures to show the effect. Hopefully someone knows something. 
 Interestingly enough it is also causing the same effect on the OSD.
 (There is some bluring due to difficulties in taking the picture, as
 didn't have the tripod around. It really does look like that tho)

Isn't the 1920x1080i signal pushing the limits of what DVI can handle? 
I presume you have a single-channel DVI.  It almost looks to me like
the set is on the hairy edge of sync with that signal.  The 720p
signals push slightly less information, which could explain why the ABC
broadcasts work.

I don't suppose the set has a VGA input for comparison?  (Some do, like
my old-tech Pioneer RPTV with quaint CRT technology.)

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Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC works in xine, but not Myth

2005-06-06 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No you missed the fact that I don't bother to read the users list all
 that often.  You've also apparently missed the HDTV playback
 performance threads Jarod Wilson started as well.

Sorry, I'm not trying to be a putz.  I read all atsc threads
 I play everythign back on a 720p display so I use a 720p modeline. 
 Given that the scaling is all done on the video hardware it doesn't
 matter all that much what the ouput resolution is for the CPU as long
 as it can decode the various resolutions.

My experience with my 1080i modeline is that 720p material takes
measurably less CPU than 1080i material.  This is using Xv, not XvMC,
on a nVidia 5700 card.

 I do have some  stuff I know is 1080i sitting around to be watched,
 I'll try it out just to be sure once my wife is done with the TV. 
 It's possible that everything else I record in highdef is 720p but I
 doubt it.

I will watch for the conclusions of your experiments.


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Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC works in xine, but not Myth

2005-06-05 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Joe Barnhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For instance, I've had zero issues with my Celeron 2.5ghz
 I have seen your numerous posts regarding your success with a 2.5G
 Celeron.  But I have not seen many others duplicate your success.  I
 asked you a long time ago if you are playing back on a 720p or 1080i
 modeline, but I missed the reply.  

I guess I missed that reply again.

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Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC works in xine, but not Myth

2005-06-03 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If a 1800+ can play back 720p smoothly (ie, my machine) in non-Xv
 mode, why 
 would a 2000+ not be able to?

I've had problems with HDTV playback on Athlon 2500 processors, too. 
Are you playing back a 720p stream on an output device set to 720p?  

I don't understand how you're able to play HDTV on a 1800 processor.  I
have not heard of much success playing back HDTV streams with anything
short of a 3GHZ HT P4.  (I replaced my Athlon with this exact
combination and I can finally watch 1080i streams on a 1080i TV without
stuttering or playback problems.)

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Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC works in xine, but not Myth

2005-06-03 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For instance, I've had zero issues with my Celeron 2.5ghz

I have seen your numerous posts regarding your success with a 2.5G
Celeron.  But I have not seen many others duplicate your success.  I
asked you a long time ago if you are playing back on a 720p or 1080i
modeline, but I missed the reply.  

I think playing 1080i content on a 1080 device must present a higher
load because I have tried all manner of combinations, and I can't get
satisfactory results without throwing lots of horsepower at it.  XvMC
could be a solution, but I have never gotten it to work satisfactorily
on one of my systems.  I see many encouraging posts on the dev list so
I'm hopeful my luck will change soon with respect to XvMC.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: KnoppMyth R5A18

2005-05-27 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Ricardo Kleemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 How come R5A18 was announced 1 month ago, but the
 still refers to R5A15 ?

If you read the whole thread, it turns out Cecil made a typo on the
announcement of R5A18.

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Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] *Real* High-Def TV!

2005-05-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Matt Mossholder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's my understanding that this is a limitation of HDMI/DVI, not
 something that Samsung chose not to implement. It doesn't support
 bandwidth to do 1080p.

I think you are correct.  There was a good article about DVI on Tom's
Hardware some time ago.  They say that it requires a dual link card
and device to achieve very high resolutions:

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Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] *Real* High-Def TV!

2005-05-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, 1080p and (true) 1080i both have the same resolution.  The 
 difference is how often the pixels are updated.  However you want to
 it, I just want a TV with 1920x1080 pixels.

I have one of those obsolete technology CRT projectors. It does 1080i
and its picture is stunning.  My system has motivated several people
into building their own MythTv boxes.  I would also consider updating
it to a digital panel someday, either LCoS or DLP.  But for now, I have
not seen a DLP or LCD set I'd trade for.

 Do any broadcasters actually use 1080p, anyway (either 1080p30 or

I don't think so.  I don't think it is one of the specified ATSC
standard rates, is it?

I get over half my shows in 1080i here in the S.F. Bay Area.  My PBS,
CBS, and NBC affiliates broadcast in 1080i; while Fox and ABC broadcast
in 720p.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HELP! I'm about ready to give up on MythTV!!!

2005-05-19 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm just getting so *bleeping* upset with this whole thing that I'm
 about ready to give up.

Jarod is the man.  He will get you running on FCx if you read the
instructions carefully and do your due dilligence on Gossamer.

I'm more of a turn the key kinda guy, and for those like me I
recommend KnoppMyth.  It takes Debian Linux, MythTv, and all the
dependencies and combines them into one pretty easy installation. Plus,
there's a very active KnoppMyth community to help smooth out the rough
spots.  (Not to disrespect mailing lists, but there's even a
KnoppMyth FORUM! ;-)

Oh, and Jarod's right about the Athlon 1800 being underpowered to
decode HDTV.  You can receive HDTV broadcasts fine, but playing them
will take more horsepower.

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Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV 0.18.1 release -- THANK YOU

2005-05-16 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Jarod Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The MythTV 0.18.1 release is now official. Get it while its hot. 

A big THANK YOU for taking this on, Jerod.  This is a Really Good Thing
for MythTv.  Having been bitten by small bugs in previous releases, I
can say this will increase user satisfaction in Myth a LOT.  (Yeah, I
know, I can hear the chorus now... by developers, for developers but
users are people too!)

This is exactly what Cecil Watson (KnoppMyth) and other providers need
-- an increasingly stable platform on which to base their
distributions.  I know Cecil is planning to use this 18.1 release in
his next alpha.

Thanks once more!

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Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV on Debian

2005-05-16 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- vinod kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please tell me another way to install mythtv on debian, eventhough
 its tough

The BEST way to get Myth running on top of Debian is to get and install
KnoppMyth.  This distribution *IS* Myth on top of Debian, and it
already includes ALL of the packags you need, all the dependencies, and
everything else.  It's a one-CD package that is a complete Myth system.
 Download it from any computer that has fast internet.  It's about a
600M ISO file.  Often you can get CDs like this already burned from
Ebay.  People sell 'em for a couple of dollars.

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Seagate 200gig IDE, $60 -- REBATE FRAUD

2005-05-15 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Jonathan Link [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Every state attorney general's office has a consumer fraud division.
 I suggest, that if you have verifiable problems with receiving
 that you contact them.  The very next car from Seagate without a
 number, call the AG's office, give them your info, and have them jump
 through the hoops for you.  They can be very effective, and can
 actually make companies pay if they discover a pattern of behavior.

That may work too.  The simplest solution, tho, is just don't buy
products from liars and cheats.  WD and Seagate are competing with each
other to be the worst vendors on the planet.  Their products don't
matter -- its the companies tactics that stink.  I notice that Hitachi
and some others have not fallen into the rebate scams.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV to DVD w/o decode and encode

2005-05-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While it is possible, in theory, to write a re-encoder that takes
 of compression hints learned from the original encoding, that sounds
 a lot of work for a rare task just to save some CPU, and CPU is cheap
 in such instances anyway.

Thank you for the thoughtful reply, Brad.  The CPU power in this case
is not insubstantial.  It took over 7 hours of processing to transcode
the two hour movie down to a 720x480 DVD.  That was on a 3000MHz AMD-64
Windoze machine running Nero Video Express.  If I had an adequate
solution on my mythbox, i.e. one that could be used effectively with
only console I/O, I could have used my P4 HT processor for a bit
quicker transcoding.  But I doubt the difference would have even been
2:1, so it would still be horrifically slow.  (The console I/O
requirement comes from the fact that the mythbox uses the HDTV as its
primary monitor so I have to use ssh to do anything outside of Myth.)

 We're also rapidly moving to a time when we won't want traditional
 They are small and low-res, and mp2 isn't nearly as good as mp4. 
 since all of us have computers connected to our TVs, and soon more
 more people will, going to the player's restricted format becomes

I guess I just have more primitive friends!  Not one of my friends has
a myth box, nor even a computer hooked to a TV.  Some have computers at
home, but none would want to watch a show (particularly one that
emphasizes the soundtrack) on their PC.  Everybody has DVD players.  Do
I see the market changing?  Yes, but very VERY slowly.  Remember the
YEARS it has taken to get DVDs accepted to the point that VCRs are
considered obsolete.  It will be five years or longer before HD-DVD
players are commonplace.

It's a sad fact, but it's faster and easier to record things on my Tivo
and transfer to videotape than it is to make a DVD of a MythTv
broadcast.  Or I could just tape it on the obsolete VCR for even
faster access.  It's somewhat a letdown.

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Seagate 200gig IDE, $60 -- REBATE FRAUD

2005-05-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Andrew Close [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the info and the link to the rebate.  for some reason the
 link on the site didn't work for me...
 i think i'll pick one up for me, and my brother, and my parents... :)
 only one drive per household before May 17th...

Don't count on those rebates 'till you cash the checks.  The last six
rebates I was owed by Seagate and Western Digital were all denied. 
The Seagate rebates didn't even bother to list a reason. (WD had some
excuse about the receipts not being submitted, which was false.)

I just took the rejection letters back to Fry's and asked the store's
rebate helper to give the cards to the manager who oversees rebate
promotions.  My message is simple: They can keep their %##*#$ rebates
from now on.  I'm sick to death of these rebate scams and I'm
specifically NOT buying any more rebate products.  Lots of places
sell disks for lower LIST prices than Fry's and

Don't hold your breath on those checks.

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Seagate 200gig IDE, $60 -- REBATE FRAUD

2005-05-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Cory Papenfuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   A lot of places try to weasel out of paying rebates, either by 
 forgetting, or making some bogus claim about you filling something 
 improperly.  I always make a copy of all the materials I sent in in
 there a contest.  Since you mailed the submission in, it's a federal 
 offense of mail fraud if they did not pay when you honored all the
 of the rebate.  Tell that to the guy on the phone and they'll send

Their latest dodge -- the cards I received had no phone number.  They
gave me an address where I could submit the missing item(s).  Their
scam is that they will make it more difficult than it's worth to get
the rebate back.  My response is the only rational choice -- discourage
rebates by boycotting products (and retailers) which use them.

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Seagate 200gig IDE, $60 -- REBATE FRAUD

2005-05-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Jeff Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/14/05, Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 5/14/05, Dean Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yep same here on a pioneer dvd burner.
   Don't believe the hype, they're a scam.
  I've heard this a lot..  On the flip side I've done coutless
  and never had a sinlge issue.
 Same here - I bought my last seagate drive from outpost with a
 had a great experience, but your results may vary :-P

I might have said the same thing a year ago.  I buy, on average, about
$12,000 / yr. of computer stuff at Fry's.  A lot of those purchases
(used to) involve rebates.  Until this year, I had about 90+% success
rate on rebates, including 100% on WD rebates.  The last six months
have changed.  Now Seagate and WD are the among the worst offenders.

Earlier I had a conversation with a Seagate rebate rep, on one of those
occasions when I was able to get a phone number.  She told me their
standard policy was to send rejection cards to everyone and then
approve only the rebates for people who called back.  To be honest, I
doubted her story because it is just too outrageous, but it did
describe what happened to me.

It may have do to with when the rebates are submitted.  It would not
surprise me if these companies have a certain amount of money they
expect to be claimed, and that they play these games once their target
has been reached to avoid paying out more than they budgeted.  If this
is the case, early rebate claimants will have less trouble than later

Now that I don't buy rebated products, my computer buying activities no
longer feel like I'm doing my taxes.  I got sick of cutting out box
tops and making and filing copies.  The extra hassles of rebates aren't
worth the years of lifespan you're giving up (IMHO).

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Seagate 200gig IDE, $60 -- REBATE FRAUD

2005-05-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Recently I bought a series of Seagate drives, all
 different, and got most of the checks but they actually mailed a card
 saying I had done something wrong -- but not saying what the
 was -- and that I could submit again (though of course I did not
 to copy some of the things I sent so I can't really.)

Yes, this is EXACTLY what happened to my Seagate rebates recently. I
dug a little deeper and found a phone number for this rebate house.  I
called and their rep told me that, because I had called and verified
my application my rebate would be processed and my checks sent.  I
asked what the problem was, and she told me there WAS NO PROBLEM.  It
was just their policy to require confirmation of the rebate

So basically, they refuse a huge number of rebates for no reason and
then count on most of them just going away.  If this isn't consumer
fraud, I don't know what is.  Rebates are evil!

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Re: [mythtv-users] how much space does an HD recording take?

2005-05-13 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure it's the right question. The subject line asks how much space an
 *HD* recording takes...!

Not to prolong the confusion, but HD is ambiguous by itself.  It
could be interpreted as hard disk as in how much space does a hard
disk recording take?  I try to use the term ATSC or HDTV whenever I'm
referring to high def for this reason.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV to DVD w/o decode and encode

2005-05-11 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Scott Alfter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What you're asking is impossible; MPEG doesn't work that way.  The
 lossless manipulation of MPEG data that might be possible would be to
 crop the
 frame to a smaller size (you would need to crop by multiples of 16 if
 you were
 to do this) or rotate the entire frame a multiple of 90 degrees. 
 MPEG video
 gets coded in macroblocks of (typically) 16x16 pixels.  To scale the
 video, you
 would have to decode the macroblock, scale it, and create a new
 For shrinking from HDTV to DVD, each new macroblock would pull data
 several macroblocks in the original video.

Thanks for your response, Scott.  I'd really like to see a good
description of the MPEG2 format and its variations (PS, ES, TS, etc.). 
Even if the translator has to decode the macroblocks, wouldn't it
still save time if it could use the same key frames and not have to
choose the frames from scratch, like encoders normally do?

I'm not above trying to create something myself to do this task.  But
I'd need more information on the internal structure of MPEG2 files. 
I've done a couple of googles, but hard information on the MPEG2 file
structure seems to be a little scarce.  I know there are ISO standards
I can buy for some outrageous price (something like $70 ea. for nine

I just can't believe it's so difficult to get a broadcast HDTV show
onto a regular DVD.

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[mythtv-users] HDTV to DVD w/o decode and encode

2005-05-10 Thread Joe Barnhart
I'm not alone in my search for a decent tool to archive shows
originally broadcast on HDTV onto DVD media for keeping or sharing with
others.  For example, I'm not an Elvis fan, but my friend is and I want
to give her a DVD of the recent broadcast she missed.

The show is about 16G bytes in its original 1080i presentation.  There
is a simple scaling relationship between the original format (1920x1080
MPEG2-TS) and the desired format (720x480 MPEG2-PS).  Why is there no
program that takes one MPEG2 stream and scales it by a simple fraction,
without decoding and re-encoding the MPEG structure?

Assuming that the network took some care in encoding the MPEG file for
HDTV broadcast, why not keep all the same B frames, I frames, and
whatever -- and just scale everything by 3/8 horizontally and 4/9
vertically to get the required DVD resolution?

I have used currently available tools to create a DVD, but with
unacceptable difficulty and mediocre results.  The best I've found so
far is using tools under Windows to process the file -- HDTVtoMPEG2 to
strip the TS into an MPEG file and Nero Vision to transcode it to DVD
format.  Running these on the Elvis program resulted in 6 hours of
computer time and produced a DVD that has chapters every 2GB that
cause the player to stop cold.  Nero seems to do a complete
decode/re-encode which is what takes all the time.

There has to be a better way than this!  Has anyone seen a software
solution (preferably Linux based, open source) that scales MPEG data
without decoding and re-encoding?

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Re: [mythtv-users] how much space does an HD recording take?

2005-05-09 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Phil Bridges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the 7-8GB/hr estimate is the best guess- so you need ~ 80GB
 TV storage, before transcoding.

If the OP wants to store 100 hours of high-def, he needs 800G, not 80G.
 I have 750G in my box and I'm planning to go to 1000G soon.  I have a
mixture of HD shows and stored DVDs on my box.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Broadcast flag (tell me why myth users should care technically?)

2005-05-08 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Endaf Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why does the flag matter to us myth users ? (in terms of hardware

Very simply: If the Broadcast flag becomes law, all ATSC recording
devices with Linux drivers will no longer be sold.  Your hardware
selection will GO AWAY.  That's why it is important, even to Canadians.
 Yes, technically, some savvy Canadian company could start creating and
shipping Linux ATSC cards, but they could not be sold in the U.S. 
Without a major market, it would be prohibitive to develop the ICs and
card (remember, the current IC makers are U.S. based and would have to
honor the ruling.)

Of course, any ATSC recording hardware acquired NOW will never be
limited by the Broadcast flag -- they are grandfathered under the
Broadcast flag ruling.  Which is why there's been such a run on cards
in the U.S.

The Broadcast flag provision that was just struck down was a ruling
by our FCC, which is just an executive department and lacked the
authority to create new law.  The issue will now be brought to Congress
where the MPAA will have to spread large amounts of money to buy enough
access (i.e. votes) to pass their law. (I admit to being just a tiny
bit cynical when it comes to copyright issues and our legislative

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Re: [mythtv-users] 169time and new Firewire capture ability

2005-04-28 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What does the 1394 port that 169time gives you _do_ then?   If you
 use it with a TV with 1394 in or a digital tape deck with 1394 in,
 can't one just pretend to be like these to get the stream?  Or does
 check for 5C copy protection compliance or similar?

I don't own the product, but from what I gather it's output does not
implement any standard for transfer of video data.  It comes out in
some proprietary format that needs to be transformed by another box. 
He sells a PC running a special program for this purpose.  It all
struck me as rather hokey and overpriced.  I actually own one of the
Toshiba HD satellite receivers that they modify, but I can't see
throwing money away on this upgrade.

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Re: [mythtv-users] 169time and new Firewire capture ability

2005-04-28 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The question is, what other choices will be available.  Like most
 here I can't stand watching live TV, and now that I am getting used
 HDTV I find it annoying to watch analog capture SDTV too.

The pessimist in me says get used to not recording anything on cable
or satellite.  That's where it's all headed if Hollywood has their
say.  And they may have bought enough influence to make it happen.

If that does come to pass, I'm perfectly able to live without cable or
satellite TV.

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Re: [mythtv-users] 169time and new Firewire capture ability

2005-04-28 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is there _will_ be a way to record cable and satellite,
 it won't be Myth or anything else open source.   Even in the future
 you can record HD from analog inputs you will still be decoding and
 re-encoding which gives poorer picture and bigger files.  That's bad
 because it means that many people, no matter how much they might
 like the open source box, will get the locked box.

Yep... Like I said...

 On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 04:23:51PM -0700, Joe Barnhart wrote:
  If that does come to pass, I'm perfectly able to live without cable
  satellite TV.

It sucks, but what can we do?  At least I'll get more done and read
more books.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Mac Mini Frontend - HDTV Capable?

2005-04-26 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Simon Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/26/05, Matt Mousseau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Awesome. I was considering buying one JUST because I wanted to use
  iPhoto, and the fact that it can run mythfrontend is ... Well...
 It should be ok. My powerbook can play 720p with no problems. 1080i
 does give it trouble but then its downscaling to 1440x900 to show it
 on the screen so its to be expected. If you connect it to an external
 monitor its fine.

Just for the record, you are saying that your Powerbook laptop can play
HDTV streams while running MythTv's frontend?  It does not count if you
are running some other program on your Powerbook.  We're talking about
the Mac running MythTv here, not Xine or Mplayer.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Solar PC

2005-04-09 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- David Kyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anybody had any experience with this company: 

Yes, I've bought computers from Solar.  They are a
real vendor, not a flake.  Their boxes are very
economical and utilize mostly EPIA mini-ITX
motherboards.  I have used them for firewall/routers,
but I have not tried them for a frontend.  I'm into
HDTV and the EPIA is a little underpowered for viewing

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Re: [mythtv-users] High-Definition Playback performance data

2005-04-04 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We should try to build a list of all the things that
 can go wrong in
 making HD work smoothly.  There are many.
 They include:
 a) Right drivers for card with your kernel
 b) Proper AGP bus speed and AGP interface driver
 in use
 c) Proper user of openGL sync for retrace
 d) Proper settings for deinterlace and, if used,
 e) Proper sound settings and handling of 5.1
 sound and multiple streams
 f) Real time scheduling of playback thread
 g) Making sure disk or network speed is adequate
 h) Nothing else sucking up CPU on the machine
 And of course having the right cards and memory

To this list you may want to add CPU architecture.  As
much as I love my Athlons, I never got good HDTV
performance until I switched my Myth box to a P4 w/HT.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Any Pioneer PRO-510 users out there?

2005-03-23 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- john roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a buddy who is having a heck of a time
 getting a working modeline for a Pioneer Elite
 I've read that it will support 1080i and 480p
 1080i - 33.75 kHz (Hsync) : 60 Hz (Vsync)
 480p  - 31.468 kHz (Hsync): 60 Hz (Vsync)
 Anyone have a modeline they would like to share?
 The more I help people with other (and older) HDTV's
 - I love my Samsung DLP more and more.  The Samsung
 had very little issues.

I'm using that set with KnoppMyth (nVidia Xv driver)
and it works great.  It's CRT-based and does native
1080i, so don't look too far down you nose DLP-boy!

This is the modeline I use for 1080i.  I haven't
bothered with 480p.

ModeLine ATSC-1080-59.94i 74.176 1920 1960 2016 2200
1080 1082 1088 1125 Interlace

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV on svideo with nvidia?

2005-03-20 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Ian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To reply to my own post...
 Ian wrote:
  1) Unfortunately, it seems that the card/driver
 wants to only alllow 
  what it thinks are valid tv modes.  Now I don't
 know if this is a 
  hardware limitation or a driver limitation.  I'm
 hoping that it is 
  just the driver trying to protect the end-user and
 there is an 
  (undocumented?) option to turn off this
 validation.  See below for my 
  setup and log output.
 OOPS - I glossed over the driver option TVStandard
 that can be set to 
 HD modes - I'll try setting it to HD720p instead of
 NTSC-M when I get 
 home.  That is probably the culprit.

The answer is even simpler: The S-Video port can't be
used to display anything above standard TV
resolution, i.e. 480i.  To use any of the high-def
modes, you must use VGA or component video outputs. 
VGA to component adapter boxes exist to enable such
connections for TVs which do not have VGA inputs.

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Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth and filesystem types

2005-03-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So you do a manual install? (to change to XFS

No, I do the full automatic install. Then I follow the
instructions on the KnoppMythWiki for adding LVM and
make it XFS at that time.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Is mythTV ready for prime time?

2005-03-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Kevin Saenz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No my question is.
 Does KnoppMyth support dvb out of the box install?
 I have a fusion dvb card it's pretty generic and it
 works when I
 install linuxtv-dvb.

The alpha version, R5A12 probably does.  The earlier
released version R4V5 probably does not.  You may get
a more definitive answer if you change the subject
line to something that includes the works KnoppMyth
and DVB.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Broadcast problems?

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No dialog is probably a local problem, it happens
 fairly often.  This
 occurs when you have ac-3 sound and myth or your
 sound drivers are
 confused and don't merge the center channel into
 your right and left.
 (If you got no dialog and you are driving a center
 speaker, then it's their
 You need to play around with random settings in your
 alsamixer to fix this.

While no dialog may have local causes at times, it
DOES happen as a result of mistakes at the transmitter
end, too.  The last couple of episodes of CSI (LV)
have begun with no dialog for the first 3-5 minutes. 
Then someone at the station flips a switch and the
dialog magically appears.  This affects only the HDTV
transmission, the analog broadcast is unchanged.

Then there's the local PBS station, KQED.  Since I
installed 0.17 the sound for KQED has stopped
completely.  I discovered that Myth is choosing the
wrong sound channel by default, and that I can get
KQED  sound to work by pressing + on the keyboard to
choose a different sound stream.

I assume, like other 0.17 problems, this has been
fixed in CVS but will not be added to the 0.17

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Re: [mythtv-users] Broadcast problems?

2005-03-13 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder though, if during that no dialog period,
 you still get it
 from the center channel of ac-3?  I don't have my
 ac-3 hooked up yet.

I *do* have my AC-3 hooked up and that's how I watch
HDTV broadcasts.  The surround does pop on and off
(adverts aren't surround).  I'll try to notice next
week when I watch CSI.  The last two weeks it has
screwed up, so I predict it may happen again next

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Re: [mythtv-users] new nvidia driver 1.0-7167

2005-03-12 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Byron Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm hoping it fixes XvMC playback as well :) not
 expecting a miracle
 though since i'm sure the focus is on the higher end

The nVidia drivers work fine when using XvMC with
mplayer or xine.  It's only Myth that has a problem
with XvMC.  Don't expect a new version of the nVidia
driver to fix this one.

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Re: [mythtv-users] What happened at KnoppMyth forums (

2005-03-08 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- jerome lacoste [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you get
 what you deserve.


 they don't, then
 double the 'they got what they deserved'.

I find your sentiments reprehensible.

I disagree that Cecil and Dale deserved to be
hacked.  Regardless of the state of their security
patches, or the state of their backups.

I rarely -- VERY rarely -- write flame posts but
your message just sent me over the top.  I've known
Cecil only a short time but the thought that he in ANY
way deserved it doesn't sit well with me.

Applying the same reasoning: that woman who was raped
got what she deserved.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for a mainboard

2005-03-01 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Bryce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I picked up an HD-3000 and a maxtor 160 gb drive for
 dirk-cheap. Now on to
 the other parts. :)
 I perfer to stick with AMD CPUs and
 preferably an AMD64.

If you do any searches at all on Gossamer, you will
find that the Intel architecture is best suited for
decoding HD video.  Like you, I am an AMD fan for most
of my boxes, but I had to admit defeat and get an
Intel P4 with hyperthreading for my HD KnoppMyth box. 
The situation may have eased somewhat with 0.17, but
why build a system that's barely adequate to the task?

Oh, and your disk drive is way too small.  HD eats up
video at 8G/hour.  Your hard disk won't even hold a
week of programs.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV Video card recommendations?

2005-02-27 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Too bad you don't have PCI-X.  Leadtek has a
 6200TC card with HDTV 
  that's $75 at NewEgg.  And it's fan-less.   ;-)
 Looks like the card to get.  Cheaper than an audio
 auth converter!

Yeah, but no AGP version.  It really sucks that
they're changing slots on us again.  You can't
convince me that I'm wrong when I claim the industry
(Intel) changes bus architecture every few years
partly to drive product sales.

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[mythtv-users] One channel fails to record after 0.17 install

2005-02-26 Thread Joe Barnhart
I've recently installed 0.17 over my production 0.16
box.  Mostly, the installation is working properly. 
One odd behavior is that it has stopped recording the
local NBC affiliate in the Bay Area, channel 11.1
(broadcast on VHF channel 12).

When I try to record, my backend log shows this:

2005-02-26 10:26:22.347 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-02-26 10:26:22.352 adding: mythtv as a client
(events: 0)
2005-02-26 10:26:31.421 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-02-26 10:26:31.426 adding: mythtv as a client
(events: 0)
2005-02-26 10:26:39.761 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-02-26 10:26:39.765 adding: mythtv as a client
(events: 0)
2005-02-26 10:26:39.834 Reschedule requested for id
2005-02-26 10:26:39.856 Scheduled 30 items in 0.0 =
0.00 match + 0.02 place
2005-02-26 10:26:39.861 Started recording Strange
Days at Blake Holsey High on channel: 1016 on cardid:
1, sourceid 1
2005-02-26 10:26:39.865
Channel(/dev/video32)::SwitchToInput(in 0): Error -1
while setting video mode (v2), Invalid argument,
trying v4l v1
2005-02-26 10:26:39.899
Channel(/dev/video32)::SwitchToInput(in 0): Setting
video mode with v4l version 1 worked
2005-02-26 10:26:39.902
Channel(/dev/video32)::SetColourAttribute(): failed to
query controls, error: Invalid argument
2005-02-26 10:26:39.910
Channel(/dev/video32)::SetColourAttribute(): failed to
query controls, error: Invalid argument
2005-02-26 10:26:39.918
Channel(/dev/video32)::SetColourAttribute(): failed to
query controls, error: Invalid argument
2005-02-26 10:26:39.926
Channel(/dev/video32)::SetColourAttribute(): failed to
query controls, error: Invalid argument
2005-02-26 10:26:46.941 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-02-26 10:26:47.003 adding: mythtv as a client
(events: 0)
2005-02-26 10:26:47.615 Changing from None to
2005-02-26 10:26:47.887 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-02-26 10:26:47.890 adding: mythtv as a client
(events: 0)
2005-02-26 10:26:55.280 Signal level too low?
2005-02-26 10:26:55.282 Tuning Error -- aborting
2005-02-26 10:26:55.284 TVRec: Recording Prematurely

If I use dtvsignal, I can see plenty of signal

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dtvsignal /dev/dtv 12
main: argc 3 argv[1] /dev/dtv
channel 12
freq*16 = 3284
main: ioctl 1 rtn 0
main: ioctl 2 rtn 0
dtvsignal ver 0.1 - by Jack Kelliher (c) 2002
channel = 12 freq*16 = 3284
 30db   0% 25% 50% 75%
Signal: | . : . |
Signal: 076 $

I never had problems with this channel under 0.16. 
I'm not sure where to debug next.  The other channels
I've tried record perfectly.

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Re: [mythtv-users] One channel fails to record after 0.17 install

2005-02-26 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Joe Barnhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've recently installed 0.17 over my production 0.16
 box.  Mostly, the installation is working properly. 
 One odd behavior is that it has stopped recording
 local NBC affiliate in the Bay Area, channel 11.1
 (broadcast on VHF channel 12).

I've now tried two different cards, a HD-2000 and an
HD-3000.  I tried setting the channel's freqid to 12-4
(because the channel pid is 4) as well as every other
possibility from 12-1 to 12-5.  I even tried 11-1,
which would be incorrect because it is broadcast on
VHF 12.

There are no hints given in the backend log other than
signal level too low.  Yet dtvsignal shows strong
signal where the channel should be.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV ringbuffer possibly causes missed 13 minutes of West Wing?

2005-02-24 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Recording tonight's west wing, 2 stange things.
 1)  The recording was only 47 minutes long, and the
 first 13 minutes
 of the program is not there.
 2) Almost surely unrelated, the program appeared as
 an SDTV letterboxed
 program inside a pillarbox on the nbc-hd channel.  
 Seems somebody
 at the network encoded it wrong or threw the wrong
 switch?  Anybody
 else record the west wing?  Anybody else record it
 from San-Jose KNTV?

Well, neighbor, I have been unable to record KNTV
since updating to 0.17 a few days ago.  The recorting
always abourts with no signal, but only on channel
11.1 -- my other channels still record fine.  Runing
dtvsignal shows the signal is present and had fine
strength.  I have been operating under the assumption
that I have something wrong in my mythconverg
database, but the entries all look fine.  Perhaps 0.17
is not waiting as long for my HD-2000 card to
establish the signal.

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Re: [mythtv-users] PCHDTV 3000 what to buy Intel p4 3.0+ or AMD 64

2005-02-23 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Donavan Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have no problem watching HD in myth on a 1.8ghz
 AMD box.   Though
 I've not tried 1080i, I know folks who ARE watching
 1080i wihout have
 3ghz HT CPUs or 64 bit CPUs

What resolution is your output modeline?  Are you
using Xv or XvMC?

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[mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart
I've recently upgraded to 0.17 via KnoppMyth and I'm
experiencing serious issues with usability.

I understand that the decision was made to disallow
deletion of database metadata if no matching file is
found.  In two days, my myth box has collected 10 such
files, and deleting them is a REAL PAIN.

Why so many?  For some reason, I've lost the ability
to tune in some of my channels with 0.17.  I used to
get channel 11.1, which is broadcast on channel 12
with a pid of 3.  I can still tune it in using
dtvsignal, but myth can't receive it.

If I look at the channels, it shows channum 11_1 with
freqid of 12-1.  I have tried the obvious (change it
to 12-3) with no success.  Live TV still hangs the
frontend solid.  (No improvement over 0.16 there.) 
Between these issues I'm creating non-files with
abandon and silting up my database, which won't let me
delete the entries.

On a more positive note, I have been able to watch the
FOX and CBS affiliates and the picture is improved on
720p sources (on my 1080i output device).  And top
reports about 75% idle while playing HD content using
Xv (nVidia 5500 card, 3GHz P4, HT).

I sure hope a 0.17a comes along to redress this
database issue.  I understand why the change was made,
but it has left myth in an unacceptable state for HDTV

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Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Eyal Lebedinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe Barnhart wrote:
   In two days, my myth box has collected 10
  files, and deleting them is a REAL PAIN.
 I simply 'touch' the missing file and it then will
 Not a fix, but an easy workaround.

I don't agree that this is an easy workaround. 
Consider what must be done to simply touch the file...
 First I have to get the file name.  The best way to
get it is from the log for mythbackend, after I've
tried to delete the non-file.  Attempting to delete
the non-file causes my frontend to hang, forcing me to
restart gdm every time this happens.  Then I have to
SSH into the box to retrieve the file and type in a
file name with, what, 30 characters?  Get one
character out of place and go through the whole thing

Again, I understand that the developers were trying to
insure that people didn't lose metadata unnecessarily.
 But the solution that has resulted is completely
unacceptable for some of us, and the easy workaround
is anything but easy.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, quit bitching and just use cvs.

Which brings up a question.

Why even HAVE releases like 0.17 if there is no
attempt to make them stable for those who wish to
use their MythTv boxes like an appliance?  Projects
ordinarily try to make a stable release for those who
don't want to be on the bleeding edge of progress.  If
the answer is always use CVS then why is there a
release at all?

I've started to help out on KnoppMyth a little, where
Cecil and Dale are trying to get out R5.  Now a
situation like this comes along, where the release
has a snafu.  What should they do?  Use the latest CVS
for KnoppMyth on whatever day they cut their R5 image?
 How do people even know what they're getting?  Well,
it's kind of like 0.17, but it's the snapshot taken on
Feb. 21.

Stable releases are a good thing, CVS is not the
answer for everybody.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Tom E. Craddock, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Never heard of tab complete? Took me less than a
 minute to do what you 
 were talking about. You aint got a minute?

I probably don't understand how to use tab complete,
then.  I always had best results with tab complete
when the filename already exists in a directory.  In
the case of my non-files, there are no matching file
entries.  Please tell me how you use tab complete to
touch files in this situation.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All a release is is a snapshot of cvs at the time of
 the release.  Nothing 
 more.  I make no guarantees as to its stability. 

And that is a real problem for those who are trying to
extend the reach of MythTv with packaged
distributions.  KnoppMyth is the best ally you ever
had because it makes it far easier to get a Myth box
up and running.  But without SOME committment to
producing a stable release you just cut the legs out
from under it.

Of all the open-source projects I deal with, MythTv is
unique in this regard.  All other projects I use and
participate in try to come up with a stable,
relatively bug free release from time to time.  They
freeze feature sets on a date and then allow some time
for testing.  Yes, it slows down development for a few
weeks, but it results in happier users.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Kevin Kuphal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The majority of people aren't experiencing this
 issue because the delete 
 code works fine when the system actually records
 properly.  The root of 
 the problem is your system not recording properly
 and the cause of 
 *that* is more likely something outside MythTV like
 your HDTV drivers 
 rather than MythTV.

This sounds like a constructive avenue.  I wonder what
could have changed?  The dtvscan and dtvsignal
utilities work fine, so the HD-2000 specific drivers
are installed and working fine.  I get some of the
channels just like I used to with 0.16.  But NBC just
won't tune in no matter what I've tried.  

Has there been any significant change in the way Myth
maps channels from 0.16 to 0.17?  I noticed that my
old channel numbers (which I started numbering at
1000) are still reported in the error log of
mythbackend, even though there is no user interface
(neither mythweb or channel editor) which shows that
number anymore.  I know that the stations in my area
have all changed their pids to start at 3 instead of
1, yet my freqid fields all start with 1 (i.e. 12-1
for NBC, which is on pid 3).  But some stations work
fine and others don't.  Yep, I'm stumped.

 Sorry you're having trouble but you might want to
 devote more energy 
 into solving the problem of failed recordings rather
 than the delete 
 code which was improved before the release so as not
 to delete someone's 
 entire list of saved recordings which would have
 been far more 
 disasterous for a 0.17 release than any
 inconvenience you are 
 experiencing now.

As I said from the outset, I understand why it was
done.  But failed recordings are not exactly unheard
of with an HDTV setup, and I think some attention need
to be paid on cleaning up this issue for a release. 
But you can see my discussion with Isaac on the
philosophy of a release, on which we presently disagree.

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RE: [mythtv-users] How do you get SP/DIF output working on FC2 with 0.17??

2005-02-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- William [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone have any ideas on this one? I am really
  I need a bit of help. I recently upgraded to FC2
  installed the new mythtv .17 from atrpms.
 Everything is 
  working fine except for one thing. I no longer get
 any output 
  from mythtv on my sp/dif output. 

I don't know if my experience will help, but I just
got SPDIF working on my 0.17 box yesterday.  In my
case, the secret was to specify ALSA:spdif (caps
important) as the audio output device instead of
/dev/dsp.  Also, I had to DISABLE the volume control
via myth checkbox because it didn't like the
/dev/mixer device when using SPDIF.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Broadcast flag lunacy

2005-02-10 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The card vendors will no doubt build up large
 stockpiles of the cards
 before the deadline, so there will be a supply for
 individuals for a
 while, but the inability to make or import more will
 mean nobody will
 be willing to make a product based on them.

I thought the broadcast flag rule made it illegal to
SELL a card after July 5, not merely manufacture.  If
so, there would be no point in stockpiling cards --
they could not be sold.  Otherwise, what would stop
pcHDTV from buying a huge warehouse and laying in a
five-year supply??

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Re: [mythtv-users] DVI and Overscan - The Epic Battle

2005-02-10 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Nathan Howell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Mat Kyne [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-02-09 21:29]:
  I am using DVI to connect from my Nvidia GeForce
 5200 to my Sony HDTV.  Now 
  I just need to get rid of the overscan. I have
 read that there is no help 
  for overscan if you are using a DVI cable . . . 
 has this changed? 
 I just set up something very similar, and would love
 to know how to get
 rid of that overscan. Any luck? Anyone?

Overscan is a problem of the TV set, not the interface
used.  When I began using my Pioneer PRO-610HD set
(CRT based RPTV) as an HD monitor, the overscan was a
huge problem.  I couldn't even see the scoring banner
on most football games.

The solution?  I hired a technician to come to my home
and recalibrate my set.  This was much more expensive
than buying an adapter, I assure you!  But no adapter
or cable will fix the overscan problem, it is simply
the geometery of the TV set and how it is set up.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Air2PC vs. pcHDTV HD-3000? getting into HDTV.

2005-02-09 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Wendy Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Watch soon at

This page doesn't do as much as it could to simplify
the installation with KnoppMyth.  I might suggest you
base the page on R4V5 until R5 is actually out, since
the installation is about 100 times easier than with
the alpha R5 you documented.

This ease of installation was why I adopted KnoppMyth.
 Had I read the EFF cookbook page before starting,
it would have dissuaded me from MythTv before starting
the project.

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RE: [mythtv-users] Nuvexport mpeg2cut and DVB Files

2005-02-04 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Cory Papenfuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   As a more general question for anyone who has one,
 what kind of 
 stream does a pcHDTV card produce?  Since a pcHDTV
 card doesn't have PID 
 processor does it spew out a TS then?

Hi Cory -- just tell me which utility to acquire and
run and I'll send you the results.  I have gigs of
recordings from pcHDTV on my box.  I'm using 0.16 on
my production system at present.

Joe Barnhart

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[mythtv-users] Support EFF and protest NYT (was: Response to the NYT article (petition))

2005-02-01 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Chris Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How about setting up a collection to go along with
 that petition in 
  order to take out an ad in the NYT showing the
 I'd much rather see money go to the EFF than into
 the NYT's pockets.

This is the best idea I've heard.  I'm already an EFF
supporter, but I'm going to send an extra $50 to help
them fight for my fair use rights and protest the
misguided article printed by the NYT.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Hard Drive Question

2005-01-31 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Maverick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How about recommendations in the 3.5 arena, since
 2.5 seems
 cost/performance prohibitive?

Can't beat that 5-year Seagate bumper-to-bumper
warranty.  Plus the drives are relatively quiet and
they offer up to 400G capacity.  I have three 300G
drives going into my HDTV backend.

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Re: [mythtv-users] DVI, LCDs and HDCP

2005-01-29 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Dennis Oelkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So I asked a Samsung employee (they are consulting
 customers in big 
 electronic retailers),
 and he told me what I did not want to hear, that the
 panel will only 
 display something, if there
 is HDCP spoken on the DVI port. We both agreed on
 the fact that it does 
 not really make
 sense in that direction, but we has not able to help
 me otherwise.

Wow.  Thanks for alerting us to this fatal flaw of
Samsung TV sets.  They had been on my short list of
TVs to look at when I replace my Pioneer RPTV but this
drops Samsung off my approved list.

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Re: [mythtv-users] DVI, LCDs and HDCP

2005-01-28 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Dennis Oelkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The sad thing is, that the LCD expects the client
 to speak HDCP, 
 otherwise it won't display anything. Is there anyone
 who had this kind of problem, and solved it in some
 way? Are there 
 graphic adapters with a HDCP-capable DVI output?

How do you know the problem is HDCP?  Why not the much
more common problem of a bad modeline?  If your
modeline is not exactly correct, your TV won't display
anything either.  For example, make sure you are
driving it with exactly the format that it wants. Some
want 720p, others want 1080i (even if they convert to
720 native internally).

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Re: [mythtv-users] Continuation of quest - MPEG2-MPEG2 with DVB data

2005-01-25 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Cory Papenfuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm knee-deep in the quest.  I'm currently trying
 to find a sort 
 of MPEG2 stream analyzer, but with very minimal
 success.  I'm trying to 
 enlist the help of a local coding guru to maybe hack
 up some existing 
 tools into one.  Here's what I've found:
 replex: Very nice at cleaning up MPEG2 files,
 reordering frames, and 
 possibly keeping/fixing PTS issues
 GOPchop: Still a bit broke
 gopdit:  See above, but less so
 vk_tools: Moldy, old, and slightly broken, but much
 closer to an analyzer
 I'm thinking maybe something like an ethernet packet
 sniffer... look at 
 *all* parts of the MPEG stream.  It'd be good to be
 able to select by 
 PIDs, stream types, NAV packets, etc, etc... all the
 goodies that are 
 often overlooked in an MPEG2 file
 Anyone know of anything like this?  It could
 certainly help figure out 
 some of the seemingly random issues in all the
 different types of MPEG2 
 out there.
 On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Steve Christall wrote:
  Can anyone out there help me to understand the
 difference between a PVR350 
  MPEG2 recording and a Nova-T DVB MPEG2 recording?
  I am trying to get avidemux to work with the DVB
 files so I can cut out ads; 
  currently it barfs
  Auto adding:
  file 1:
 size: 1440265985
 /myth/tv/2004_20050124230500_20050124235001.nuv not
  found 1 files
  unrecognized stream
  People are talking  talking about MPEG2 TS and
  Also I see info about replex, but I haven't
 managed to work out what to do 
  with it.
  Anyone out there help?
  mythtv-users mailing list

I suggest you guys have a read of this topic:

There are some who disbelieve it works, but there are
others who claim it does.  I've not tried it myself,
but probably will soon.  HDTV streams, like DVB, are MPEG2-TS.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: xbox myth and hdtv

2005-01-25 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 25 January 2005 03:39 pm, Brad Templeton
  Myth's xvmc support still has some issues as far
 as being able to seek,
  with various other ones reported.
 Would you stop repeating this crap?  As far as I'm
 aware, it's not true.

I can state with some certainty that XvMC does not
work under Myth 0.16 with nVidia 6111 drivers.  I am
not on CVS so I can't state that XvMC doesn't work
with current code, right now.  But I have not heard of
anyone having success with HDTV streams using XvMC
under Myth.

Issues are: The display freezes when you try to skip
forward or back, it also freezes whenever the OSD goes
away. I have not heard of any checkins which address
these problems, but I may not have seen them go by.

There are also playback problems with 720p and 1080i
streams with slow motion, jerky motion or stuttering
in time, but there have been checkins to address these
issues and they may be fixed now.

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Re: [mythtv-users] XvMC Nuppel Video

2005-01-24 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Robert S. Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to learn more about the  MythTV XvMC
 What does it buy me?  Just hardware accelerated MPEG
 What if I use Nuppel video, does XvMC buy me
 anything?  Will it 
 accelerate the Nuppel rendering?
 Any help anyone can provide, I'd be interested.

Here's the place for this question:

Do a search on XvMC.  Bring popcorn and prepare to
stay awhile...

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Re: [mythtv-users] DVI to Sony HS420 series HDTV

2005-01-22 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From what I have seen, most HDTVs really only take
 1080i, they need
 an interlaced mode.
 What amazes me is that they don't just make them
 take 1080p.  I mean
 there are computer monitors that cost $200 these
 days that can do
 that, the electronics just aren't that expensive any
 more.  90%
 of them are just downscaling to 1280x720p, or even
 EDTV so it doesn't
 make that big difference to them.

Doesn't this take a dual-DVI connection for a digital
link?  I thought a single DVI topped out at 1080i/720p
and greater bandwidth required two DVI channels.

 However, unfortunately taking 720p signals, and
 converting them to 1080i
 in your PC and then having the tv convert them back
 to 1280x720 (not
 really i or p) really hurts the quality.

So does converting 720p to 1080i for display on a
native 1080i set.  The display artifacts are just
horrible when the camera pans across, say, a football
field with all those nearly-horizontal lines!

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Re: [mythtv-users] Whats the most stable system at the monent?

2005-01-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Frank smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just wondering,
 What is the most stable system at this time?
 I mean is it:
 FC1 with a pvr 250?
 Something like Suse 9.1

If ease of installation is what you're looking for,
KnoppMyth is worth a look.  It bundles Debian Linux
with all of the libs needed for Myth, plus Myth
version 0.16, all on one CD.  It has a pretty active
community and is a fairly painless way to get a Myth
box running.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Recommended Flavour

2005-01-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Rob G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok I am gonna start building my MythTV system.  I
 have a blank system
 to work with what Linux Flavour should I put on for
 the best results. 
 I have no problems with any flavour just would like
 to know what is
 the best for MythTV
 Debian (unstable)Sarge - 15CD
 Fedora Core 3 - 3 CD for all Fedora;s I believe
 Fedora Core 2
 Fedora Core 1
 Mandrake - DUnno how many disks.

Another alternative:

KnoppMyth -- one CD for Debian Linux, all libs, and
Myth 0.16

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Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving TV shows to DVD

2005-01-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- M S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi,  I know this is has been asked before, but I
 can't seem to find
 the right answer.  I want an _easy_ solution to
 backup shows to DVDs,
 but I can't seem to find it.  I've tried the
 MythBurnDVD, but it
 produces some video glitches and doesn't do AC3
 sound.  I can't get
 nuv2disc to work because I can't get the
 dependencies to work.  I have
 170GB available to save shows on, and only have 9GB
 left.  I'd really
 like to archive a majority of these to DVD.

You didn't state what your source of recordable
material.  What you start with makes a lot of
difference in which path you take.

I have had success recently in archiving shows from my
pcHDTV-2000 card onto ordinary DVDs.  To do this, the
material has to be transcoded from 1080i or 720p down
to 720x480 (the highest resolution supported by DVDs).

After searching for ways to do this directly under
Myth and Linux, the easiest way is to simply share the
/myth/tv content over the network and use NeroVision
Express (part of Nero 6) to transcode and burn the
DVD.  The time it takes is WAY too long, but at least
it understands the MPEG-TS format directly and
produces a DVD.

I'd still love to find a way to do this under Linux,
but I keep running into walls.  I don't want a GUI
program, just a button press that burns a DVD.  (I
have no window manager on my Myth box -- it is purely
a set-top box.)

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV, Myth, HD-2000, HD-3000, questions galore (and hopefully answers from the smart people... )

2005-01-18 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Julian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyway I have read that the cable companies can
 how much bandwidth you are viewing
 content without paying is risky.

I think it would be a good trick if cable companies
could detect how much bandwidth you were receiving
from their cable connection.  This sounds more like
urban myth spread by the cable monopolies.  I don't
advocate stealing anyone's signal, but if they are
shipping unencrypted QAM over your basic cable
subscription, I see no reason to avoid demodulating

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[mythtv-users] Recording HDTV shows to DVD

2005-01-17 Thread Joe Barnhart
I've spent several hours yesterday and today searching
for the how to I need -- how to record a captured
HDTV broadcast onto a DVD.  I figured this would have
been pioneered by someone, but I have yet to find the
procedure for completing this task.

Along the way I've discovered that HDTV broadcasts are
in a format called MPEG2-TS (transport stream) which
differs from other MPEG2 files.  Standard Myth tools
such as nuvexport do not handle MPEG2-TS streams.  

Another wrinkle is that HDTV broadcasts are often
1920x1080i or 1280x720p, whereas the highest
resolution allowed on a standard DVD is 720x480, so
some resizing of the video will be necessary.  Extra
credit here for making an anamorphic DVD that retains
the 16:9 format of the original broadcast.

HDTV streams carry AC3 audio, but DVDs have either AC3
or MPEG audio, so it may be necessary to create a
two-channel audio track for use on DVD-players without
builtin AC3 decoding.

I have found several Linux programs which can handle
portions of the above, but nobody has yet created a
set of instructions for how to use them to archive a
broadcast to DVD.  Did I miss the Ultimate Guide to
HDTV-DVD Recording in my search?

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Re: [mythtv-users] XFX Nvidia HDTV Output?

2005-01-17 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Colin Smillie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone had any success with the XFX Nvida HDTV
 output?  Not really
 clear to me how it works but it looks like the card
 has a connection
 for a component output cable ( in addition to 2 DVI
 outputs ). 

I was at Fry's Electronics yesterday and noticed they
have a bunch of GF 6600 GT cards for sale, all priced
about $250.  Most seem to be PCIExpress boards, but
there were a couple of AGP models too.  I was tempted
to buy one just to try, but I'm pretty sure all that
encoding, decoding, scaling, antialiasing hooey is
only for the Windoze driver.  The Linux driver they
supply is pretty darned basic and doesn't do a very
good job of scaling 720 to 1080 -- at least on my GF
5200 FX.  The ABC and FOX football games look pretty
bad because of all the jaggies on near-horizontal
lines.  OTOH the CBS broadcasts at 1080i look fantastic.

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Re: [mythtv-users] AMD or Intel?

2005-01-15 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Comments [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, do you prefer AMD 64?  Intell with
 Hyperthreading?  And what would I 
 look for as the minimum speed i would need to do

I agree with Brad Templeton.  I tried an Athlon XP
based system, since AMD is my preferred vendor.  But
it couldn't keep up with rendering 1080i output (over
VGA) to my set.

A related problem is that XvMC (hardware assisted
decoding) does not work under Myth.  It causes
numerous problems such as freezing the frontend when
you try to skip forward or back, or when the on screen
display fades out.  It is a known problem but
difficult to fix and no one is looking at it

Since the decoding must be done in software, you need
the fastest clock you can muster.  Today that means an
Intel processor.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Dual processor any help?

2005-01-15 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Cory Papenfuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   AFAIK, neither trancoding or nuvexport inherently
 benefit from 
 dual processors (not threaded). 

How about commercial flagging?  I know it won't speed
up the flagging of a single show, but couldn't Myth be
set up to flag two shows at a time?  A dual processor
machine should be able to flag two shows in the same
time as one. Nice for a backend machine.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Hardware decoding?

2005-01-12 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Comments [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 In putting together a MythTV box, I would like to
 use existing 
 components and was wondering if the processing power
 of the CPU could be 
 offset by a hardware decoder.
 I see that the PVR350 has hardware decoding but I
 was also wondering if 
 there is support for some hardware decoding that
 some graphics cards 
 have ie. Nvidia, etc.
 Any ideas/comments?  How is the support for hardware
 decoding in Myth? 
 Also, if hardware decoding is present, what are the
 minimum CPU 
 requirements for MythTV?

You need to search the mailing list archive at
 as this has been discussed very extensively.  Search
for XvMC.  Bring popcorn.

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Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV Success Stories?

2005-01-07 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Roy Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm going to be driving a 1080i native HDTV CRT with
 a VGA-Composite
 adaptor (no DVI or HDMI inputs on this model). I
 hear that an nvidia
 adapter can drive HD with less processor, but
 interlace dosn't work.

nVidia 5200 FX is your best bet.  XvMC doesn't work
correctly with myth, but Xv works pretty well.  I have
a setup exactly as you describe -- RPTV locked to
1080i over VGA -- and 1080i output looks VERY good. 
My 720p shows are sub-optimal but I think that's
because of the scaling done to convert it to 1080i on
the fly.  I have more jaggies and motion artifacts
than I should see.  But it's very smooth in both
cases.  I'm using KnoppMyth R4V5 on an Intel 530 (3
GHZ) and Intel 865PE chipset.

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Re: [mythtv-users] nVidia card choices, and processors for HDTV playback

2005-01-06 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess we need to ask, who is driving their HDTV
 with DVI at 1080i from
 an Nvidia FX 5200? 

I am.  I have a Pioneer PRO-610HD CRT based RPTV and
I'm driving it with an nVidia 5200 FX at 1080i.  The
TV only accepts this modeline on its VGA input.  CBS
and NBC broadcasts at 1080i look really good.  Smooth
motion (except for 3:2 pulldown judders).  ABC and FOX
at 720p look pretty bad.  Lots of motion and scaling
artifacts introduced by the conversion from 720p to
1080i.  Jaggies on diagonals are particularly bad.

I'm using an Intel 530 (3 GHz) processor, after
failing with Athlon XP 2500 and 2800 processors.  I
just threw money at it until it worked.

 Secondly, the theory is that before too long, MythTV
 will have nice
 support for xvmc. 

I have not heard of anyone working on this.  It's a
known problem but not an easy one.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Knoppmyth only for frontend?

2005-01-06 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Bryan Brannigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not that Knoppmyth uses an less-than-current
 version of Myth (.14
 or .15 i think) which will not talk with .16.

Wrong.  The latest KnoppMyth R4V5 includes Myth 0.16.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Hard drive installed from KnoppMyth hangs with USB keyboard

2005-01-05 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- stan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd rather not spend more money on this system right
 now if I could help

The Lite-On keyboard is only $17.  It works.  This is
the best solution.

 Can you point me to any discussions of the nature of
 this problem?

The KnoppMyth forum at 
Use the search function and you will find many threads
on the topic.  No solutions, though, other than to use
a non-USB keyboard.  For $17 is really wasn't worth
trying to craft another workaround.

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Re: [mythtv-users] bad HDTV playback with new ffmpeg

2005-01-05 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Kyle Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've only seen it so far with CBS football
 broadcasts, and nothing
 else.  Even other 1080i content (e.g., ABC football
 broadcasts) looks

Are you sure ABC broadcasts 1080i in your area?  I'm
pretty sure they broadcast MNF in 720p here in the
S.F. Bay Area.  AFAIK the 1080i stations here are CBS,
NBC, and PBS.  The 720p stations include ABC and FOX.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Hard drive installed from KnoppMyth hangs with USB keyboard

2005-01-04 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- stan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've built a backend and 2 frontends from the R%
 KnoppMyth CD.
 I've got a nice RF remote USB keyboard and mouse.
 Booted from the CD these
 work fine. However, now that I have the system
 installed on the hard disk,
 using this or any other USB keyboard/mouse causes
 the ssytem to hand during
 the boot process.
 How can I fix this?

This is a well documented problem with KnoppMyth.  The
conventional fix is to get a non-USB keyboard, such as
the excellent LiteOn keyboard you can find at NewEgg. 
I did after I encountered the same problem with
probably the exact same RF wireless keyboard/mouse. 
See this post on the KnoppMyth forum for the link to
the NewEgg keyboard.  As a side benefit, you can use
the IR receiver with a programmable remote to control
the box without LIRC hassles.

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Re: [mythtv-users] bobdeint as output filter?

2004-12-31 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Kyle Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FWIW, switching to using Bob as the deinterlacer set
 in that special
 control has also fixed the weird speed pulsing
 problem I was having
 with the new ffmpeg code.  And it looks *beautiful*.

Wait...  A little clarification here please...

Are you guys saying we need to set Bob in TWO places
to make this work?  I know about the bob setting in
the deinterlace box, but do I also name bobdeint
below in the special filters section?  Is this why
1080i and 720p playback looks so sub-optimal on my
native 1080i HDTV set?

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Re: [mythtv-users] bobdeint as output filter?

2004-12-31 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Kyle Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm confused as to why you're using a deinterlacer
 for 1080i input on
 a native 1080i set.

I'm just shotgunning anything that might make my
HDTV look more HD.  720p material in particular
looks bad on my set.  The scaling is poor and produces
stair-step artifacts that are quite distracting on
material like football games.  1080i is mostly good,
but not as good as a settop OTA receiver box.

I'm using Xv on nVidia with 6111 driver.  My modeline
is 1080i and seems to work judging by the UI (both
myth and window manager).

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Re: 1920x1080 HDTV's? (was Re: [mythtv-users] bobdeint as output filter?)

2004-12-31 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While writing the below response, I started to
 wonder if there are *any* 
 HDTV's available with 1920x1080 pixels.  More info

The old tech of CRT supports 1080i.  I have a
Pioneer PRO-610HD set (about 3 years old) and its
native format is 1080i.  Even so, I don't think you
would miss much resolution at 1280x720p on a good LCD
or DLP set. If you are set on 1920x1080i you could
wait for one of the next-generation LCOS sets that are
based on Brillian technology.  (If they survive.  But
it looks encouraging this week.)

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Re: [mythtv-users] Enlighten me about 1080 interlace

2004-12-21 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Joe Barnhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Doug Larrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When displayed in a 540p frame, bob deinterlacing
  should look identical 
  to native 1080i, at least on a CRT with relatively
 This would only be true if the frame were displaced
 one scan line to fill in the resolution instead of
 overwriting it.  From what I see, the displacement
 does not occur, which makes diagonal lines more
 than they should be.

No, wait.  I think I get it now.  The TV SET is doing
the displacement of every other 540p frame.  It
doesn't know any better, so it always shows
alternating frames, each shifted up or down.

So why does my resolution seem to suffer?  Could it be
because the top and bottom fields lose their
identity and get swapped?  Would that degrade the
picture or be harmless?

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Re: [mythtv-users] Enlighten me about 1080 interlace

2004-12-20 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Brad Templeton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Inside, the TV is just writing directly
 into its own frame buffer
 for the DLP.In theory, you could get your DVI
 stream to also just be
 fed into that frame buffer, if you did it exactly

Just to get back on track with this example.  No DLP. 
No framebuffer.  No DVI.  Just a big 'ol analog CRT
projection set that runs at 1080i native.  And it
looks like I'm losing half my picture through Myth.

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Re: [mythtv-users] DTIVO v. MythTV (Pvr-350) Quality

2004-12-17 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Drew Zerdecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I switch over from a DirecTiVo to MythTV will I
 notice a decline in 
 recording quality?  

I'm using DirecTV with my normal Tivo, which records
the analog output of the receiver.  To be honest, the
quality of most DirecTV channels is so poor that you
can't tell the difference between the receiver's
output and the recorded version -- even when recording
with pretty high compression.  DirecTV signals for
local channels is as poor as it gets, IMHO.  I'm
thoroughly disgusted with satellite and it wouldn't
take much to convince me to dump DirecTV altogether.

I'm now recording my local channels via ATSC
over-the-air (from 45 miles away) and the quality is
breathtaking.  I guess I'd miss South Park and the
crew at OCC if I dumped my satellite, tho.

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Re: [mythtv-users] DTIVO v. MythTV (Pvr-350) Quality

2004-12-17 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Preston Crow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my experience, poor cable reception of local
 channels is often
 because you are using poorly-shielded coax cables. 

I agree.  Also get rid of any press on coax
connectors in favor of threaded ones.  The press on
connectors are junk.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Very slight jitter on high power machine

2004-12-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Henk Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is probably some driver problem. Running as
 root MythTV request a couple 
 of extra things (like vsync updates). What card do
 you use, and what version 
 is the driver?

I'm using an nVidia 5200Fx card and the 6111 driver. 
Pretty boring, eh?  I've done this on one Athlon and
one P4 system so far, both on KnoppMyth R4V5 and both
have the instant hang feature with SUID root.  Maybe
I'll try Doug's suggestion and actually contribute
some information instead of wailing like a baby

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Re: [mythtv-users] Very slight jitter on high power machine

2004-12-14 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Doug Larrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You might also check that your video refresh rate is
 very close to 59.94 
 (60 * 1000/1001) Hz (for US).  If it's not, Myth
 will have to 
 periodically extend or skip a frame to keep in sync.

I'm using some of Brandon Beattie's modelines, which
work perfectly on my system.  I have a CRT based RPTV
with VGA input locked to 1080i.  I can feed it either
59.94 or 60 Hz.

 If you're not running AC3 passthrough, you can
 instead try turning on 
 use video as timebase, which will warp the audio
 instead of the video. 

No can do.  I'm a dedicated AC3 passthrough kinda guy.

 One other thing to check... are some shows 29.97 /
 59.94 Hz and some 
 shows 30/60 Hz?  

I have not seen that.  All are 59.94 that I've
noticed.  Wish it were easier to get debug information
from mythfrontend. 

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Re: [mythtv-users] Script to create symlinks from numeric to human

2004-12-10 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- Domenic Ravita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've tried to execute Dale's script but so far have
 not had success. 

Is this, by chance, the problem described in this post
on the KnoppMyth forum?

The solution described worked for me.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Script to create symlinks from numeric to human

2004-12-10 Thread Joe Barnhart

--- John Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 10 December 2004 12:55, Joe Barnhart
  --- Domenic Ravita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've tried to execute Dale's script but so far
   not had success.
  Is this, by chance, the problem described in this
  on the KnoppMyth forum?
  The solution described worked for me.
 Which one of the 6 or 8 solutions posted in that
 thread worked for you?

There is only one solution in the thread.  Read it
more carefully.  Hint: DATE_FORMAT is your friend.

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